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Impacts of Acidification

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Jeanie T. Orate

A Review of Related Literature

Submitted to Dr. Venus Leopardas

Mindanao State University at Naawan

9023, Naawan Misamis Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

The Course

Oceanography (MB 102)

May 2017

Ocean acidification is an increasing problem many people do not know about. It is not
as popular as climate change since it had caught the attention of the scientific community later
than climate change and even global warming did. Nevertheless, ocean acidification is an issue
one should not overlook. The following review of articles provides the more reasons why
humanity should be afraid of it and do something to mitigate it.

Anthropogenic actions has been one of the culprit behind ocean acidification.
According to Siegenthaler and Sarmiento (1993) the oceans serve as a natural carbon sink and
so far have absorbed approximately half of all anthropogenically produced CO2. And a study
by Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow (2001) concluded that when carbon dioxide enters the ocean it
reacts with seawater and alters the chemical properties of the sea itself. This process have
resulted into the lowering pH value of seawater by producing hydrogen ions as supported by
Caldeira and Wickett (2003). Also Caldeira and Wickett stated that currently, seawater pH
ranges between 7.8 and 8.2 and is already on average 0.1 pH unit lower than it was prior to the
industrial revolution.

This phenomenon of lowering pH level poses a threat to a lot of marine organisms

especially to calcifying organisms. A meta-analysis conducted by Kroeker, Kordas and Crim
(2010) revealed negative yet variable effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms. The
results revealed significant negative effects on survival, growth, calcification and reproduction,
suggesting ocean acidification conditions will have negative consequence for many marine
organisms by the end of this century. The results also revealed that calcification was the most
sensitive process which means that calcifying organisms are more susceptible to ocean

Ocean acidification don’t just reduced calcification, but also alters the community
structure. A study conducted by Porzio, Buia and Hall-spencer (2011) resulted that, macroalgal
habitats are altered significantly as pH drops. The results of this study indicated that calcitic
species were significantly reduced in cover and species richness whereas a few non-calcified
species became dominant. The authors concluded that the shift in the algal community structure
might also affect other marine organisms and the environment as a whole. Furthermore the
authors suggested that other studies should be done to investigate whether the observed
response of macroalgal communities can be replicated in different seasons and from a range of
geographical regions for incorporation into global modelling studies to predict to investigate
effects of CO2emissions on Earth's ecosystems.

The conclusion that ocean acidification reduces calcification rates though had been
surprisingly shaken by a prior study. Amphiura filiformisis, a key species in many seafloor
was studied by Wood, Spicer and Widdicombe (2008) to investigate the effect of CO2-induced
acidification on the ability of this calcifying organism to regenerate calcium carbonate
structures (arms). Surprisingly, the results of the study were not inclined with the idea of
reduced calcification. Calcification rates for species put on acidic water were higher than those
put in normal condition, so with the case of their metabolism. However the researcher have
found out that muscle wastage occurred at lowered pH. With the help of a study by Candia,
Galassi, Bonasoro, Patruno and Thorndyke (2001) the researchers reached to a conclusion arms
can be regenerated under hypercapnic conditions but their functions are more likely being
compromised compared to arms regenerated under normal condition. This study proves that
some species will certainly attempt to cope with the changes in the pH level of seawater though
it appears that physiological responses to combat the effects of ocean acidification may
themselves reduce survival and fitness as much as acidification itself and thus will also affect
other animals relying on them. Another study by Ries, Cohen and McCorkle (2009) supports
the conclusion that some species will attempt to cope with the effects of altered sea pH levels
on their study on different marine calcifiers such as temperate corals, pencil urchins, hard
clams, conchs, serpulid worms, periwinkles, bay scallops, oysters, whelks and soft clams. The
results of their study suggested that response of calcifying marine organisms to elevated
atmospheric pCO2 will be variable and complex. However, the authors do not know what could
be the impact of the changes in calcification to the survival, reproductive success and overall
ecosystem health of an organism. In contrast to their results, Wood, Spicer and Widdicombe
suggested that one of the cost to an organisms battle with the effects of ocean acidification is
the reduce survival and fitness.

The continuous rise of anthropogenic CO2 emissions will make the ocean more acidic.
Knowledge about the effects of ocean acidification to the marine ecosystem as a whole is still
lacking and even the synergistic effects of ocean acidification and climate change and the other
factors. Without enough information, actions and laws to mitigate it will not be effective.
Therefore further research should be done to fill the gap of information. Since ocean
acidification is a global threat, global response is needed. Everyone should take action because
the unknown future effects of ocean acidification certainly excludes no one.


Caldeira, K. & Wickett, M. E. (2003). Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH. Nature, 425, 365.
(Doi: 10.1038/425365a)

Candia Carnevali, M. D., Galassi, S., Bonasoro, F., Patruno, M. & Thorndyke, M. C. (2001).
Regenerative response and endocrine disrupters in crinoid echinoderms: arm regeneration in
Antedon mediterranea after experimental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls. J. Exp.
Biol.204, 835–842

Kroeker, K. J., Kordas, R. L, Crim, R. N. & Singh, G. G. (2010). Meta-analysis reveals negative
yet variable effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms. ECOLOGY LETTERS, 13:

Porzio, L., & Hall-spencer, J. M. (2011). Effects of ocean acidification on macroalgal

communities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 400, 278–287.

Ries, J. B., Cohen, A. L. & McCorkle, D. C. (2009).Marine calcifiers exhibit mixed responses
to CO2-induced ocean acidification. THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 37, 1057–

Siegenthaler, U. & Sarmiento, J. L. (1993). Atmospheric carbon dioxide and the ocean.
Nature, 365,119-125. (Doi: 10.1038/365119a0)

Wood, H. L., Spicer, J. I., & Widdicombe, S. (2008). Ocean acidification may increase
calcification rates, but at a cost. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B, 275, 1767–

Zeebe, R. E. & Wolf-Gladrow, D. (2001). CO2 in seawater: equilibrium, kinetics, isotopes.

Oceanography series, vol. 65, pp. 1–346.

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