A cast iron is an alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon, in which the
amount of carbon is usually more than 1.7 percent and less than 4.5
percent. The overall weldability of cast iron is low and depends on the material
Ductile and malleable irons have good weldability while grey cast iron and
The most widely used type of cast iron is known as gray iron.
There are also alloy cast irons which contain small amounts of
specific properties.
form. This provides a cast iron with higher hardness, which is used for
abrasion resistance.
Malleable cast iron is made by giving white cast iron a special
its ductility.
Nodular iron and ductile cast iron are made by the addition of
state or will give the free carbon a spherical or nodular shape, rather
than the normal flake shape in gray cast iron. This structure provides a
is its lack of ductility. If cast irons are loaded beyond their yield
points, they break rather than deform to any significant extent. Weld
MMA, flux cored arc, MIG, TIG and gas welding processes are
high-quality welds, but cast iron and steel electrodes can also
Chapter -2
2. Weldability by Metal Type
Figure - 2.1
These types of metal are widely used in: agricultural equipment onmachine
tools as bases, brackets, and covers for pipe fittings cast iron pipe automobile
engine blocks, heads, manifolds water preps repair defects in order to upgrade
or salvage a casting before service It is rarely used in structural work except for
Where the graphite exists as branched interconnected flakes; this type of iron is
relatively cheap and has poor mechanical properties. Grey irons are usually
Gray cast iron has low ductility and therefore will not expand or
this procedure, the heat of welding is confined to a small area, and the
ductile iron, and nodular iron, can be successfully welded. For best
Where the graphite exists as graphite in a spheroidal form and the mechanical
properties approach those of steel. Nodular irons are generally easier to weld
than grey irons, but still require special consumables and procedures.
Malleable CI
Malleable irons have two main forms: blackheart malleable, which has similar
weldability to nodular cast iron, and whiteheart malleable, which is readily
A hard, brittle iron containing no free graphite. White irons are generally
considered unweldable.
Where the graphite may exist in either flake or nodular form, resulting in good
corrosion and heat resistance. Many grades of austenitic irons can be welded
Where the graphite exists mainly as flakes and the material has good corrosion
resistance. This alloy can be welded with special consumables and procedures.
Chapter -3
3. Tips for Repairing a Crack in Cast Iron
Most problems have to do with the high carbon content. This results in cracking
Stick welding can be used to repair castings with several types of welds that are
machine friendly:
HTS-528 Brazing Rod (strongest brazing rod made for joining cast iron, with
Nickel is a non-ferrous alloy that does not absorb any carbon making it a good
Pre-heat any casting to avoid cracking. Control the pre-heating with a temple
stick. When it melts it means that you can weld into the casting. Preheating a
casting before weld repair can be very useful in controlling the cooling rate after
different thicknesses of material respond differently to the heat from the weld
Clean any joints that will be repaired or welded including grease and dirt. Use
If after the repair porosity is a problem, grind the area back to the sound metal
For repairs where there are casting imperfections, such as blow holes or cracks,
gouging with a covered electrode or air-carbon arc, a heat affected zone will
form around the gouged area. The casting should be preheated to 300°C before
gouging to reduce the risk of cracking in this region. The groove should also be
lightly ground to remove hardened material before depositing the repair, since
graphite in this region may dissolve during gouging, increasing its sensitivity to
the ends of the crack should be blunted by drilling before gouging, to prevent
further propagation during the preparation for repair. The true ends of the crack,
which may be very fine, should be located by dye penetrant or magnetic particle
In video DC positive is used. Use the appropriate safety gear and eliminate
fume exposure.
Benefits as a welding metal:
-Damping capacity
-Thermal conductivity
- Strength
Figure: 3.2 Modifications to Joint Design that Reduce Risk of Cracking
Chapter -4
weld. This means removing paint, grease, oil, and other foreign material
from the weld zone. It is desirable to heat the weld area for a short
time to remove entrapped gas from the weld zone of the base metal. The
skin or high silicon surface should also be removed adjacent to the weld
area on both the face and root side. The edges of a joint should be
chipped out or ground to form a 60° angle or bevel. Where grooves are
should extend approximately 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) from the bottom of the
crack. A small hole should be drilled at each end of the crack to keep
metal. Preheating will reduce the thermal gradient between the weld and
to the welding process, the filler metal type, the mass, and the
complexity of the casting. Preheating can be done by any of the normal
preheated, and in some cases, temporary furnaces are built around the
part rather than taking the part to a furnace. In this way, the parts
improve the ductility of the material and will spread shrinkage stresses
welding speed.
heat-affected zone in the cast iron adjacent to the weld. The post
casting with insulating materials to keep the air or breezes from it.
Cast iron can be welded with a coated steel electrode, but this
electrode, the contraction of the steel weld metal, the carbon picked up
from the cast iron by the weld metal, and the hardness of the weld
than cast iron when ceded from a molten to a solid state. When a steel
electrode is used, this uneven shrinkage will cause strains at the joint
joint, the cast iron may crack just back of the line of fusion unless
beads, 0.75 to 1.0 in. long (19.0 to 25.4 mm). These are made
To avoid hard spots, the arc should be struck in the V, and not on the
surface of the base metal. Each short length of weld metal applied to
the joint should be lightly peened while hot with a small ball peen
hammer, and allowed to cool before additional weld metal is applied. The
peening action forges the metal and relieves the cooling strains.
polarity. Weaving of the electrode should be held to a minimum. Each
is added.
the welded joint is required. Stainless steel electrodes are used when
machining of the weld is not required. The procedure for making welds
with these electrodes is the same as that outlined for welding with mild
between the filler and base metals. Great care must be taken to avoid
welding cast iron. There are four types of filler metals that may be
electrodes; covered nickel base alloy electrodes; and mild steel covered
electrodes. There are reasons for using each of the different specific
color match of the deposit, the strength of the deposit, and the
When arc welding with the cast iron electrodes (ECI), preheat to
between 250 and 800°F (121 and 425°C), depending on the size and
complexity of the casting and the need to machine the deposit and
peening will help reduce stresses and will minimize distortion. Slow
excellent color match cm gray iron. The strength of the weld will equal
the strength of the base metal. There are two types of copper-base
electrodes: the copper tin alloy and the copper aluminum types. The
copper zinc alloys cannot be used for arc welding electrodes because of
the low boiling temperature of zinc. Zinc will volatilize in the arc and
should be used. The arc should be directed against the deposited metal
or puddle to avoid penetration and mixing the base metal with the weld
There are three types of nickel electrodes used for welding cast
should be removed between passes. The nickel and nickel iron deposits
are extremely ductile and will not become brittle with the carbon
reducing penetration into the cast iron base metal. The technique
mentioned above, playing the arc on the puddle rather than on the base
post heating will improve machinability of the heat-affected zone. The
electrodes can be used in the same manner as the nickel or nickel iron
electrode with about the same technique and results. The deposits of
Mild steel electrodes are not recommended for welding cast iron
machine. Additionally, the mild steel deposit will have a reduced level
electrode should be used only for small repairs and should not be used
welds using a wandering sequence should be used, and the weld should be
Iron castings may be welded with a carbon arc, a cast iron rod, and a
cast iron welding flux. The joint should be preheated by moving the
after welding. The molten puddle of metal can be worked with the carbon
surface. Welds made with the carbon arc cool more slowly and are not as
hard as those made with the metal arc and a cast iron electrode. The
The oxyfuel gas process is often used for welding cast iron. Most of the
reducing. Flux should be used. Two types of filler metals are available:
the cast iron rods and the copper zinc rods. Welds made with the proper
cast iron electrode will be as strong as the base metal. Good color
post heat. The copper zinc rods produce braze welds. There are two
deposited bronze has relatively high ductility but will not provide a
color match.
Brazing is used for joining cast iron to cast iron and steels. In
these cases, the joint design must be selected for brazing so that
carbon arc, the twin carbon arc, the gas tungsten arc, and the plasma
arc can all be used as sources of heat. Two brazing filler metal alloys
are normally used; both are copper zinc alloys. Braze welding can also
be used to join cast iron. In braze welding, the filler metal is not
(454°C) should be used. Braze welding will not provide a color match.
and the gas metal arc welding processes. High temperature preheating is
not usually required for braze welding unless the part is extremely
the cast iron. The heat of the arc is sufficient to bring the surface
metal alloy will make a bond to the cast iron. Since there is little or
base metal is not appreciably hardened. The weld and adjacent area are
engine blocks and heads. It can only be used when the absence of color
The gas metal arc welding process can be used for making welds
In all cases, small diameter electrode wire should be used at low current. With
the nickel base filler metal and the Copper base filler metal, the
This process has recently been used for welding cast irons. The more
gas, but when lower mechanical properties are not objectionable, it can
the cast iron base metal. Post heating is normally not required. A color
Other welding processes can be used for cast iron. Thermit welding has
been used for repairing certain types of cast iron machine tool parts.
Soldering can be used for joining cast iron, and is sometimes used for
Welding Techniques
are drilled and tapped at an angle on each side of the groove, and studs
are screwed into these holes for a distance equal to the diameter of
the studs, with the upper ends projecting approximately 1/4 in. (6.4 mm)
above the cast iron surface. The studs should be seal welded in place
by one or two beads around each stud, and then tied together by weld
metal beads. Welds should be made in short lengths, and each length
peened while hot to prevent high stresses or cracking upon cooling. Each
additional metal is deposited. If the studding method cannot be applied,
round-nosed tool to form a U groove into which the weld metal should be
It is preferred that a full penetration weld is used over one where there is partial
penetration. Welds that have varying thickness can result in uneven contraction
thickness can be beneficial. Another tip is to use a backing fillet weld to support
stressed areas.
Gouging or grinding grooves into the surface area of a prepared weld groove,
followed by using a weld bead to fill the grooves, before filling the whole joint
cracking risks by deflecting the crack path. Beads that are in contact with the
casting are deposited first, when the stress heat affected zone and fusion line are
at a low.
deformable weld bead, putting it into a state of compressive stress, the tensile
stresses caused be thermal contraction can be opposed, thus reducing the risk of
The process requires a ductile weld metal. Nickel fillers are used, particularly
when working with gray cast iron. Peening is performed at higher temperatures
Welding fumes Welding fumes, or smoke consists of a mixture of gases and dust par -
ticles. The composition of the fumes depends on: 1. The filler material and method of
welding. 2. The base material. Different welding methods and dif - ferent metals,
means that the fumes given off may contain numerous com - ponents which can be
dangerous if inhaled. The best protection is the use of a smoke extraction unit. When
cor - rectly positioned, this unit will protect the welder against fume inhalation and
also prevent the smoke spreading in the surrounding area and contami - nating the area
for others. If it is not possible to use a smoke extraction unit, the welder can mini -
mize the risk of fume inhalation by positioning himself so that the smoke rises some
distance from his nose and mouth or by using a welding face shield with fresh air
supply. For on board use a self contained unit with filter is a safe and flexible solution.
Electric arc welding with coated elec - trodes, may comprise several different
components depending on the type of electrode. The composition of the smoke will
therefore vary depending on the type of electrode. Electrodes are divided into smoke
classes 1 to 7, which indicates the degree of smoke pollution. See the Coated
4.12 RISKS
The fumes given off when welding unalloyed or low-alloyed steel which has not been
surface treated, are not considered to be particularly danger - ous as long as inhalation
of these fumes is kept at a reasonable level. When the base metal has been sur - face-
treated, the smoke may contain substances which could constitute a health risk.
containing zinc, gives off fumes which contain zinc oxide. Inhalation of these fumes
can result in zinc poisoning with very unpleas - ant effects. It should be avoided by the
use of a good extraction unit, or the use of a face shield with fresh air connection.
cadmium-plated material can produce fumes which contain cad - mium oxide.
Lung damage can result from the inhalation of this substance. When welding or
cutting old steel plating, remember that the surface coating may contain lead or
mercury. Fumes from these substances can result in serious health damage if inhaled.
When welding or cutting any type of material that has been plated or surface coated,
Welding of stainless or acid-resist - ant steel produces smoke containing nickel and
chrome. Copper alloys (tin bronze, leaded gun metal, leaded tin bronze and brass)
contains items such as tin, zinc, lead, etc. Welding temper - ature tends to vaporise
these items. Inhaling these substances canseri - ously affect the respiratory system.
When weIding these types of steel or materials plated or coated with sub - stances
extractor unit is used. If this is not possible, the welder must be equipped with, and
must use a face shield with fresh air connection. Welding, cutting and brazing with a
gas torch can produce smoke which may contain several toxic substances. Of the gases
given off, it is primarily the nitrous gases (NO2 + NO) that are a health hazard. The
The use of large size torches in confined spaces can quickly produce dangerous
irritation of the muceous membrane in eyes, nose or throat. Proper ventilation must be
arranged, and when working in confined spaces, the welder must not leave the torch
alight when he is not actually using it. Carbon monoxide may be given off due to
incomplete combustion of the gases or if the material being welded or cut is plastic
risk, can be formed in confined spaces, tanks, pipes etc. Inhalation of large quantities
of carbon monoxide can lead to suffocation. This section points out some of the more
usual risks connected with welding smoke. There are special books on the subject, and
welding smoke is also undergoing continuous research. The result of this research
work may bring new important factors to light and all those involved in welding
should keep themselves informed of the development in this area, so precautions can
Chapter -5
some arc welding processes, most specifically shielded metal arc welding (also
known as stick welding), submerged arc welding, and flux-cored arc welding.
Slag is formed when flux, the solid shielding material used in the welding
process, melts in or on top of the weld zone. Slag is the solidified remaining
welding processes to shield the weld from atmospheric gases. When the
heat of the weld zone reaches the flux, the flux melts and outgasses. The
gases produced push the atmospheric gas back, preventing oxidation (and
The melted flux covers the molten metal in the weld zone. Flux materials
are chosen so that the density of the melted flux / slag is lower than that of
the metal being welded, so that the flux floats to the top of the weld puddle
Flux materials may also contribute to metal behavior in the molten metal,
cooling rate.
metal, if it did not float to the top of the molten metal for some reason.
These are called inclusions and are a form of welding defect. Inclusions
contained within the metal, in that case they can only be detected on X-rays
This device find in.
It is used almost in all types of industries (Large, Small & medium scale
This device is suitable to hold flat type plate. (maximum length 1.5 feet)
The linkage mechanism replaces the servo DC motith encoder and de-coder
arrangemenorswt used in the automatic machines to carry out the same indexing
activity. This makes a considerable saving in budget for machine. A wire brush
will work on surfaces that aren’t flat and can be best when you have to clean
areas of intricate metal work. This is because a wire brush can be forced into
nooks and crannies that a needle gun wouldn’t be able reach. The size of the
wheel also makes it more flexible for small areas. Depending on what you’re
brush works fairly quickly. This machine requires less space, hence most
results. It requires less skilled persons and provides more safety to human than
chipping hammer.
Journal Papers:
and Tankins, Welding journal, 42 (7), July 1963, Research Suppl., pp. 289-s
to 297-s.
Sept 2010