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Katie's Oceanic Benthic Brochure

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Food Web:   
Where is the Marine  

Benthic Zone?
Commonly called "the seafloor", the
Marine Benthic Zone lies at the very
bottom of the ocean, thousands of
meters below sea level. It contains
multiple levels that vary in qualities. This
biome spreads all across the world and  
is in every ocean.
The Marine 
Benthic Zone: A 
Symbiosis:  Perfect Escape 
- Mutualism: Female angler fish are 
forty times larger than male. The  From Reality 
males attach onto the females and   
receive a lifetime of nutrients in 
exchange for sperm.  
By Katie Quigley 
- Mutualism/Predation: Luminescent   

The general environment of the Benthic bacteria enter an angler fish’s 

appendage and receive nutrients in 
Zone includes frigid temperatures, exchange for attracting angler fish 
extreme high pressure, and a lack of prey. 
sunlight and oxygen. Seasonal changes
do not truly affect this zone. These
More Fun Facts! 
- The term benthos is a Greek derivation of
factors become more prominent as one the noun βένθος which means 'depth of
travels further into the ocean. It is the the sea'.
perfect place to escape from the - Many animals live beneath the water and
spend their time only resting and feeding.
struggles of daily life. This oasis is the
definition of peace and serenity. Here    
you can be at one with yourself.  

What are the varying What Animals live in the  What plants live in the 
temperatures and depths Marine Benthic Zone?  Marine Benthic Zone? 
Various different animals call the Marine  Plants in the Marine Benthic Zone 
in this zone? include, water lilies, cattails, giant 
Benthic Zone their home. Crabs, sea stars,  kelp, bladderwrack, irish moss, and 
The subdivisions of the Marine Benthic
sea cucumbers, clams, flounder, and  mangroves.
Zone include the following:
catfish are all interesting benthic animals.   - Water lilies have bowl-shaped
- Estuarine: 0-200 meters bsl, 35 flowers and broad, flat leaves that
- Starfish are incredible animals because 
degrees Fahrenheit. they have adapted to their dangerous,  float. This allows the lilies to collect
- Bathyal: 200 to 2000 meters bsl, predator filled environment by being able  the maximum amount of sunlight,
41 degrees Fahrenheit. which does not penetrate very
to regenerate amputated limbs. 
deeply below the water's surface.
- Abyssal: 2000 to 6000 meters  
bsl, 37 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Hadal: over 6000 meters bsl, 34
to 37 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fun Facts!
- The main source of nutrients in the
benthic zone is dead organisms and
other biomass from the upper layers
sinking to the bottom. This looks like
- Many organisms adapted to - Sea cucumbers have also adapted to their 
- Some mangroves have adapted to
deep-water pressure cannot survive predator rich environment by being able  remove salt from brackish
in the upper parts of the water to shed their internal organs. This  estuarine waters through
column. The pressure difference can confuses their attackers.  ultra-filtration in their roots.
be very significant    
Works Cited

“List of Plants and Animals of the Benthic Zone.” ​ScienceStruck​, ScienceStruck,

Lee, LaKeisha. “Ecosystems: Marine Benthic Zone.” ​​, 3 Apr. 2013,

Benthic Zone (Habitat)​,

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