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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Danchao Zhang Date: May 2, 2018

Grade Level: 3rd/4th Subject/ Topic: Preparation for the puppet show
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 2hrs
Main Focus: Explaining the plan of the puppet show and drawing outlines of puppets
Brief Context: The first lesson of preparation for the puppet show
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: having learned the previous three lessons.
Objectives: [Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.]
1. Students will be able to start thinking about and preparing for the show with the plan in mind.
2. Students will be able to draw the outlines of puppets.
3. Students will start to get familiar with the story script and be able to read it.
Assessment: [Formative and Summative]
Students’ drawing; students’ action towards preparing for the puppet show; students’ reading.
Worldview Integration: It’s a bible lesson.
Instructional Resources: 11 copies of puppet show script, 11 rubric copies, 8 thick construction papers, masking tape,
two projectors

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Expression Multiple Means of Engagement
Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting interest

Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort &
Making their own shadow puppet
Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self-Regulation
Writing on the board Rubric of the show for each group


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: [Relationship & community building. Note any specific ways in which you plan to build or
strengthen relationships and community – student-student & teacher - student.]
CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: [Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self-regulation, etc.]
Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: sing a tune. Call 123
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: call their names, stand nearby them

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: [Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the learning.]
Sitting by their tables.


Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to engage your students into the content.]
1. Tell students our plan for the puppet show (writing it on the white board) and ask for volunteers to do that.
a. 1个主持人
b. 1个人最后结束祷告
c. 4个组分别表演一部分,需要4个读的人
d. 5个人分享感动
2. Separate students into groups as below. Tell students that their group is in charge of making these puppets and will
be assessed by the quality of those puppets. Give students sheets of script and let them find their part.
a. 彭毅祥、高兴磊、白昱晨: 1-5段, 木偶:亚哈王、树、云
b. 陆善伟、郭凯巍、杜爱德:6-9段。木偶:巴力、以利亚、小溪、乌鸦
c. 屈子轩、何伟明:10-12段。 木偶:山、巴力先知、巴力祭坛、石头
d. 刘佳明、范凯洁、邓纯美:13-18段。木偶:以利亚的祭坛、火、以色列人
3. Show students rubric and explain.
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times. Think about what your students are doing!]
1. Explain about how to make puppets: using projectors, size, different parts, tissue paper, stick (explain later).
2. At two projector stations, do the following. Project puppets on the transparency onto the wall with adjusted sizes.
Tape construction paper on the wall. Students take turns to come up and draw the outlines of puppets. The others
practice reading the text.

Additional work: pulling out one or two students while they are doing other things to finish drawing the outlines of
Closure: [What will you SAY to emphasize the most important aspect of your lesson?]
Distribute to each group their puppets to cut for tomorrow.


[Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.]
spend a lot of time preparing for this lesson.

Reflection: I got two projectors to allow students to draw the outlines of puppets. But because there are around 14
puppets to draw and I need to adjust size for each one, it’s impossible to get them all done in one class. I have to pull out
one or two students while they are doing some other things. It is a technical problem of how to make it faster and more
effective. Since I could only have two students drawing the lines at a time during the class, I asked Mr. Chen to help
them practice their reading. (If he is not there, I could record my reading of the story beforehand and ask students to
pause the recording and repeat after me after every sentence.) If the previous technical problem could be solved, the
class time could be used more effectively once they are done practicing reading. For future change, I came up with two
possible solutions: using the document camera while adjusting the size of the puppets; scanning the master paper onto
computer and projecting it on the screen while adjusting the size of puppets.

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