Art of BE
Art of BE
Art of BE
Ivica Zdrilić *
Želimir Dulčić **
Croatian companies need a new approach that will provide them with sufficient
competitive strength, based on business excellence. Focusing only on financial
indicators and measures is insufficient. Therefore new concepts should be
introduced, especially by large companies that are traditionally inert and exposed
to global competition, and situated in the countries with ongoing transition, such
as Croatia. Today 75% of the source of value within a company cannot be
measured by means of the standard accounting techniques anymore, and in the
21st century it is impossible to rely exclusively on measuring financial parameters.
According to the authors, in addition to financial measuring, a way should be
found to measure non-financial parameters within a company. The paper is
therefore aimed at exploring the influence of business excellence and its values on
business in the Croatian business practice. The authors carried out a research on
106 large Croatian enterprises with more than 250 employees, exploring the
connection between the values of business excellence and company performance,
Results show a positive correlation between applying the principles of business
excellence and successful company performance in practice.
The prevailing belief in the Croatian business practice is that the change in
organisational structure itself will be sufficient for all other necessary changes,
* Ivica Zdrilić, PhD, University of Zadar, Department of Economics, Splitska 1, 23000 Zadar,
Hrvatska, Phone +385 23 400 410, E-mail:
** Želimir Dulčić, PhD, Faculty of Economics, University in Split, Cvite Fiskovića 5, 21000 Split,
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
which should then occur spontaneously. This attitude, however, cannot meet the
challenges of a 21st century business.
Generally speaking, excellence means that what we are doing well today
should be done even better and more wisely tomorrow, especially compared to
competition, to fully satisfy all interest groups. For an organisation, excellence
should mean clear dedication of leaders and managers to continuous
improvement of all key processes, creativity and innovation, work conditions,
team work, motivation level and general organisational culture (Oslić, 2008, p.
162). At the employee level, excellence starts with their commitment to achieve
results without re-work, readiness to take on responsibility, continuous learning,
improvement and simplicity in everything they do.
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
These models rely on the TQM theory to a great extent, but they differ in
scope and approach. Some of them are more process-oriented, whereas others
are result-oriented. Further, some of them require “third-party” assessment,
whereas others imply self-assessment. In addition, the first three models are also
bestowed as awards. Great focus on MBNQA and EFQM and the comparison
between the two has led to more than 60 countries worldwide developing their
own awards for quality, mostly based on the principles of these two awards. All
national awards spread the messages about TQM and quality principles and
practice around the world.
The data used in the model were obtained from the sources, as shown by
Figure 2.
Source: Authors.
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
However, it should be taken into account that the research was completed
in 2012, when the authors had financial and other data on large companies for
the year 2011, and basic data on the population of large companies used were
data of the Croatian Chamber of Economy for the year 2011.
2 Namely, the logic of achieving competitive advantage in the business of financial institutions is
considered to be sufficiently specific, so that non-critical implementation of accepted
methodology could lead to (potentially) wrong conclusions.
3 Utility companies (that is, companies in charge of maintaining city areas, water, electricity and
gas supply, public transport in the city and similar activities) are excluded from the population as
these are organisations with a specific objective – to meet the needs of the community, and not to
maximize profit or other type of economic benefits.
4 Owing to this, the research group includes, in addition to large companies with over 250
employees, medium-sized companies with more than 250 employees (companies do not comply
with one of the remaining two criteria for determining the company size), that could potentially
become large in the year of the research, from the statistical point of view.
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
based on the data from the Croatian Chamber of Economy, from the records of
the court registry 5, or alternatively from professional magazines.
3.2. Questionnaire
The key instrument for data collection was a questionnaire that was sent to
general managers and chairmen of the Board of Directors of all companies in
the population.
The survey was conducted through email and the Internet. For this purpose
the infrastructure of SRCE (University Computing Centre of the University of
Zagreb) was used. SRCE offers a service based on the open source tool
LimeSurvey 6 used for designing questionnaires.
The questionnaire, using the Internet infrastructure, was limited to only one
response that could be sent from a single email address, which had to be entered
in the system. Participants were sent a unique token through email by means of
which they could access the questionnaire. 7 This served as a protection against
multiple responses from a single email address and prevented artificial creation
6 More information at
7 (accessed on June 6, 2012).
The service is available at the address Further instructions for use are
available at the address
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
The collected data were analysed by using the Microsoft Excel 2010
software and statistical analysis software SPSS for Windows (v.18), where
certain (available) financial data were added for the researched companies and
research results were further processed. Different approaches to analysis of the
collected data were used, which are common when applying statistical scientific
method. These include:
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
8A Likert scale was used with five degrees of freedom. The ratings are given descriptively on the
scale from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest): 1- Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Partially
Agree; 4 – Agree; 5 – Strongly Agree.
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
According to average ratings (Table 1), they are mostly focused on results
and value creation (3.92), future (3.87), customers (3.82) and social
responsibility (3.82), whereas they fall behind in management by fact (3.24),
visionary leadership (3.39) and innovation (3.45).
Partner and
results and
Focus on
by fact
N Valid 106 106 106 106 106 106
Mean 3.63 3.45 3.39 3.24 3.82 3.92
Median 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00
.908 .917 .952 .962 .892 .847
Variance .825 .841 .906 .925 .796 .718
Perce 25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
ntiles 50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00
75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.25
and personal
Focus on the
Systems of
The research results, presented in Table 2, show that there is a small, but
statistically significant negative correlation among three of the four observed
variables (protection level of the information system, information system
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Share of
Spearman's rho Collection
cost in total
We have an excellent Correlation Coefficient -.242* -.120
information system Sig. (2-tailed) .013 .219
Our information system is Correlation Coefficient -.250** -.077
well-protected Sig. (2-tailed) .010 .431
We monitor business Correlation Coefficient -.213* -.262**
processes easily through the Sig. (2-tailed)
.028 .007
information system
Our system provides Correlation Coefficient -.151 -.159
information on competition Sig. (2-tailed) .122 .103
9 Many authors give different intervals with values for determining the correlation strength. They
differ both in values and in the number of intervals. For the purpose of this paper the following
way of determining the size of correlation coefficient can be accepted (Pallant, 2009, p. 135):
• 0.10 < |r| < 0.29 = small,
• 0.30 < |r| < 0.50 = medium,
• 0.50 < |r| < 1.00 = large.
The above values are applied regardless of the positive or negative sign in front of the coefficient.
The sign only shows the direction of correlation, not its strength. For example, coefficients 0.5
and -0.5 are equally strong. The only difference is in their direction.
It is important to note that upper intervals are intended for rough interpretation only, as statistical
significance of the correlation coefficient depends on particular properties of the observed
variables and is determined by means of additional statistical methods (Papić, 2005, p. 134).
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Table 3. Correlation of using scientific methods when adopting company strategy and
company performance
Total revenue
Current ratio
Number of
NWC per
Cost per
Spearman's rho
...a Corr.
,242* ,252** -,305** ,241* ,310** ,226* ,291**
scientific Coeff.
method Sig. (2-
,012 ,009 ,001 ,013 ,001 ,020 ,002
is used tailed)
Table 5 shows the results of the influence of ISO 9001 certificate and the
total number of certificates owned by a company on company performance.
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Spearman's rho TQM BPR BSC EFQM
Total Correlation
.023 .215* .280** .178 .167
revenue Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .816 .027 .004 .068 .086
EBITDA Correlation
.035 .242* .320** .181 .167
Sig. (2-tailed) .725 .013 .001 .063 .086
EBIT Correlation
.003 .162 .311** .188 .167
Sig. (2-tailed) .976 .097 .001 .054 .086
EBT Correlation
-.013 .128 .252** .195* .167
Sig. (2-tailed) .899 .190 .009 .045 .086
Financial Correlation
.015 .173 .201* .229* .085
leverage Coefficient
index Sig. (2-tailed) .880 .077 .039 .018 .385
Payments Correlation
-.234* -.150 .048 -.077 -.088
Sig. (2-tailed) .016 .125 .624 .431 .371
Number of Correlation
.291** .239* .296** .156 .164
employees Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .002 .014 .002 .110 .092
Cost per Correlation
-.053 .152 .231* .198* .129
employee Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .589 .119 .017 .042 .187
NWC per Correlation
.101 .001 .193* .192* .030
employee Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .303 .995 .047 .049 .758
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
The obtained results show (Table 7) that employers benefit from investing
in employees in form of additional education. Companies investing in additional
education of their employees achieve greater overall revenue in an absolute
amount. At the same time EBIT is growing as well as the revenue per employee
(higher productivity of employees).
Total Cost per
Spearman's rho EBIT per
revenue employee
Additional Correlation
.246* .200* .194* .341**
studying Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .011 .040 .047 .000
Learning Correlation
.209* .142 .224* .456**
foreign Coefficient
languages Sig. (2-tailed) .032 .146 .021 .000
Conferences Correlation
.205* .187 .269** .359**
and meetings Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .035 .055 .005 .000
Professional Correlation
.182 .140 .228* .297**
seminars Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .062 .152 .019 .002
The research results show that companies applying the core values of
business excellence in their operation achieve better business results. The
research carried out in the Croatian business environment showed some
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
The limitation of the research is that it was conducted within one year, and,
although it provided valuable insights, it could not provide answers regarding
the trends of research variables over a longer time period. A several years
period would be an interesting timeframe, and this remains a task for future
Management, Vol. 21, 2016, 1, pp. 145-162
I. Zdrilić, Ž. Dulčić: Business excellence as a success factor for the performance…
Hrvatske tvrtke trebaju novi pristup, koji će im pružiti konkurentsku snagu, a koji je
zasnovan na poslovnoj izvrnosti. Stoga je nužno uvođenje novih koncepata u poslovni
svijet, posebno u velike tvrtke koje su tradicionalno inertne i izložene globalnoj
konkrurenciji, a nalaze se u tranzicijskim zemljama poput Hrvatske. Danas 75% izvora
vrijednosti u tvrtci više nije moguće izmjeriti standardiziranim računovodstvenim
tehnikama, pa se u 21. stoljeću više nije moguće pouzdati isključivo u financijske
pokazatelje poslovanja. Autori ističu kako je, uz financijsko mjerenje, potrebno pronaći
način za mjerenje nefinancijskih parametara unutar tvrtke. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti
utjecaj poslovne izvrsnosti i važnosti iste u poslovnoj izvedbi za poslovne rezultate
tvrtki u hrvatskoj poslovnoj praksi. Autori su proveli istraživanje 106 velikih hrvatskih
poduzeća s više od 250 zaposlenih, istražujući povezanost između vrijednosti poslovne
izvrsnosti i poslovnih rezultata. Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između primjene
principa poslovne izvrsnosti i poslovnih rezultata.