Asme Sec V A-2-2004 PDF
Asme Sec V A-2-2004 PDF
Asme Sec V A-2-2004 PDF
T-210 SCOPE a degree that the resulting radiographic image due to any
surface irregularities cannot mask or be confused with
The radiographic method described in this Article for
the image of any discontinuity.
examination of materials including castings and welds
shall be used together with Article 1, General Require- T-222.2 Welds. The weld ripples or weld surface
ments. Definitions of terms used in this Article are in irregularities on both the inside (where accessible) and
Mandatory Appendix V of this Article. outside shall be removed by any suitable process to such
Certain product-specific, technique-specific, and appli- a degree that the resulting radiographic image due to any
cation-specific requirements are also given in other Man- surface irregularities cannot mask or be confused with
datory Appendices of this Article, as listed in the table the image of any discontinuity.
of contents. These additional requirements shall also be The finished surface of all butt-welded joints may be
complied with when an Appendix is applicable to the flush with the base material or may have reasonably uni-
radiographic or radioscopic examination being con- form crowns, with reinforcement not to exceed that speci-
ducted. fied in the referencing Code Section.
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T-230 2004 SECTION V T-233.1
TABLE T-233.1
IQI 1T Hole 2T Hole 4T Hole
IQI Thickness, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter,
Designation in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)
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T-233.2 Alternative IQI Design. IQIs designed and (a) A national standard step tablet or a step wedge
manufactured in accordance with other national or inter- calibration film, traceable to a national standard step tablet
national standards may be used provided the requirements and having at least 5 steps with neutral densities from at
of either (a) or (b) below, and the material requirements least 1.0 through 4.0, shall be used. The step wedge
of T-276.1 are met. calibration film shall have been verified within the last
(a) Hole Type IQIs. The calculated Equivalent IQI year by comparison with a national standard step tablet
Sensitivity (EPS), per SE-1025, Appendix X1, is equal unless, prior to first use, it was maintained in the original
to or better than the required standard hole type IQI. light-tight and waterproof sealed package as supplied by
(b) Wire Type IQIs. The alternative wire IQI essential the manufacturer. Step wedge calibration films may be
wire diameter is equal to or less than the required standard used without verification for one year upon opening, pro-
IQI essential wire. vided it is within the manufacturer’s stated shelf life.
(b) The densitometer manufacturer’s step-by-step
T-234 Facilities for Viewing of Radiographs instructions for the operation of the densitometer shall
be followed.
Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background
(c) The density steps closest to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0
lighting of an intensity that will not cause troublesome
on the national standard step tablet or step wedge calibra-
reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiograph. Equip-
tion film shall be read.
ment used to view radiographs for interpretation shall
provide a variable light source sufficient for the essential (d) The densitometer is acceptable if the density read-
IQI hole or designated wire to be visible for the specified ings do not vary by more than ± 0.05 density units from
density range. The viewing conditions shall be such that the actual density stated on the national standard step
light from around the outer edge of the radiograph or tablet or step wedge calibration film.
coming through low-density portions of the radiograph T-262.2 Step Wedge Comparison Films. Step wedge
does not interfere with interpretation. comparison films shall be verified prior to first use, unless
performed by the manufacturer, as follows:
T-260 CALIBRATION (a) The density of the steps on a step wedge compari-
son film shall be verified by a calibrated densitometer.
T-261 Source Size
(b) The step wedge comparison film is acceptable if
T-261.1 Verification of Source Size. The equipment
the density readings do not vary by more than ± 0.1
manufacturer’s or supplier’s publications, such as techni-
density units from the density stated on the step wedge
cal manuals, decay curves, or written statements docu-
comparison film.
menting the actual or maximum source size or focal spot,
shall be acceptable as source size verification. T-262.3 Periodic Verification 04
T-261.2 Determination of Source Size. When manu- (a) Densitometers. Periodic cablibration verification
facturer’s or supplier’s publications are not available, checks shall be performed as described in T-262.1 at the
source size may be determined as follows: beginning of each shift, after 8 hr of continuous use, or
(a) X-Ray Machines. For X-ray machines operating at after change of apertures, whichever comes first.
500 kV and less, the focal spot size may be determined (b) Step Wedge Comparison Films. Verification
by the pinhole method,1 or in accordance with SE-1165, checks shall be performed annually per T-262.2.
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots T-262.4 Documentation
of Industrial X-Ray Tubes by Pinhole Imaging. (a) Densitometers. Densitometer calibrations required
(b) Iridium-192 Sources. For Iridium-192, the source by T-262.1 shall be documented, but the actual readings
size may be determined in accordance with SE-1114, for each step do not have to be recorded. Periodic densi-
Standard Test Method for Determining the Focal Size of tometer verification checks required by T-262.3(a) do not
Iridium-192 Industrial Radiographic Sources. have to be documented.
(b) Step Wedge Calibration Films. Step wedge calibra-
T-262 Densitometer and Step Wedge tion film verifications required by T-262.1(a) shall be
Comparison Film documented, but the actual readings for each step do not
04 T-262.1 Densitometers. Densitometers shall be cali- have to be recorded.
brated at least every 90 days during use as follows: (c) Step Wedge Comparison Films. Step wedge com-
1 parison film verifications required by T-262.2 and
Nondestructive Testing Handbook, Volume I, First Edition, pp.
14.32–14.33, “Measuring Focal-Spot Size.” Also, pp. 20–21 of Radiog- T-262.3(b) shall be documented, but the actual readings
raphy in Modern Industry, Fourth Edition. for each step do not have to be recorded.
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T-270 2004 SECTION V T-275
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Source side
Film side Source side
unacceptable acceptable
Film side
Film side Source side unacceptable
unacceptable acceptable
Flat component or longitudinal seam Curved components with radiation source to Curved components with convex surface
[See T-275.1(a)(1)] film distance less than radius of component towards radiation source
[See sketch (e) for alternate] [See T-275.1(a)(2)] [See T-275.1(a)(3)]
(a) (b) (c)
Either side
location marker
is acceptable
x Mf x
Source side
unacceptable Film side
Source side marker alternate
Flat component or logitudinal seam
Curved components with radiation source to x = (t / D) (Mf / 2) Curved components with radiation source
film distance greater than radius of curvature x = additional required coverage at center curvature
[See T-275.1(b)(1)] beyond film side location marker [See T-275.1(c)]
(d) t = component thickness (f)
Mf = film side location marker interval
part, not on the exposure holder /cassette. Their locations T-276 IQI Selection
shall be permanently marked on the surface of the part T-276.1 Material. IQIs shall be selected from either
being radiographed when permitted, or on a map, in a the same alloy material group or grade as identified in
manner permitting the area of interest on a radiograph to SE-1025, or SE-747, as applicable, or from an alloy mate-
be accurately traceable to its location on the part, for the rial group or grade with less radiation absorption than
required retention period of the radiograph. Evidence the material being radiographed.
shall also be provided on the radiograph that the required
T-276.2 Size. The designated hole IQI or essential
coverage of the region being examined has been obtained.
wire shall be as specified in Table T-276. A thinner or
Location markers shall be placed as follows.
thicker hole-type IQI may be substituted for any section
T-275.1 Single-Wall Viewing thickness listed in Table T-276, provided an equivalent
(a) Source-Side Markers. Location markers shall be IQI sensitivity is maintained. See T-283.2.
placed on the source side when radiographing the fol- (a) Welds With Reinforcements. The thickness on
lowing: which the IQI is based is the nominal single-wall thick-
ness plus the estimated weld reinforcement not to exceed
(1) flat components or longitudinal joints in cylin-
the maximum permitted by the referencing Code Section.
drical or conical components;
Backing rings or strips shall not be considered as part of
(2) curved or spherical components whose concave the thickness in IQI selection. The actual measurement
side is toward the source and when the “source-to-mate- of the weld reinforcement is not required.
rial” distance is less than the inside radius of the com- (b) Welds Without Reinforcements. The thickness on
ponent; which the IQI is based is the nominal single-wall thick-
(3) curved or spherical components whose convex ness. Backing rings or strips shall not be considered as
side is toward the source. part of the weld thickness in IQI selection.
(b) Film-Side Markers
T-276.3 Welds Joining Dissimilar Materials or
(1) Location markers shall be placed on the film
Welds With Dissimilar Filler Metal. When the weld
side when radiographing either curved or spherical com-
metal is of an alloy group or grade that has a radiation
ponents whose concave side is toward the source and attenuation that differs from the base material, the IQI
when the “source-to-material” distance is greater than the material selection shall be based on the weld metal and
inside radius. be in accordance with T-276.1. When the density limits of
(2) As an alternative to source-side placement in T-282.2 cannot be met with one IQI, and the exceptional
T-275.1(a)(1), location markers may be placed on the density area(s) is at the interface of the weld metal and
film side when the radiograph shows coverage beyond the base metal, the material selection for the additional
the location markers to the extent demonstrated by Fig. IQIs shall be based on the base material and be in accor-
T-275, sketch (e), and when this alternate is documented dance with T-276.1.
in accordance with T-291.
(c) Either Side Markers. Location markers may be
T-277 Use of IQIs to Monitor Radiographic
placed on either the source side or film side when radio-
graphing either curved or spherical components whose
T-277.1 Placement of IQIs
concave side is toward the source and the “source-to-
material” distance equals the inside radius of the com- (a) Source-Side IQI(s). The IQI(s) shall be placed on
the source side of the part being examined, except for
the condition described in T-277.1(b).
T-275.2 Double-Wall Viewing. For double-wall When, due to part or weld configuration or size, it is
viewing, at least one location marker shall be placed not practical to place the IQI(s) on the part or weld, the
adjacent to the weld (or on the material in the area of IQI(s) may be placed on a separate block. Separate blocks
interest) for each radiograph. shall be made of the same or radiographically similar
materials (as defined in SE-1025) and may be used to
T-275.3 Mapping the Placement of Location Mark- facilitate IQI positioning. There is no restriction on the
ers. When inaccessibility or other limitations prevent the separate block thickness, provided the IQI /area-of-inter-
placement of markers as stipulated in T-275.1 and est density tolerance requirements of T-282.2 are met.
T-275.2, a dimensioned map of the actual marker place- (1) The IQI on the source side of the separate block
ment shall accompany the radiographs to show that full shall be placed no closer to the film than the source side
coverage has been obtained. of the part being radiographed.
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Nominal Single-Wall Source Side Film Side
Material Thickness Range
Hole-Type Wire-Type Hole-Type Wire-Type
in. mm Designation Essential Wire Designation Essential Wire
(2) The separate block shall be placed as close as (a) Multiple IQIs. If the requirements of T-282 are met
possible to the part being radiographed. by using more than one IQI, one shall be representative of
(3) When hole-type IQIs are used, the block dimen- the lightest area of interest and the other the darkest area
sions shall exceed the IQI dimensions such that the outline of interest; the intervening densities on the radiograph
of at least three sides of the IQI image shall be visible shall be considered as having acceptable density.
on the radiograph. (b) Special Cases3
(b) Film-Side IQI(s). Where inaccessibility prevents (1) For cylindrical components where the source is
hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side, the IQI(s) placed on the axis of the component for a single exposure,
shall be placed on the film side in contact with the part at least three IQIs, spaced approximately 120 deg. apart,
being examined. A lead letter “F” shall be placed adjacent are required under the following conditions:
to or on the IQI(s), but shall not mask the essential hole (a) When the complete circumference is radio-
where hole IQIs are used. graphed using one or more film holders, or;
(c) IQI Placement for Welds — Hole IQIs. The IQI(s) (b) When a section or sections of the circumfer-
may be placed adjacent to or on the weld. The identifica- ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost
tion number(s) and, when used, the lead letter “F,” shall sections span 240 or more deg., is radiographed using
not be in the area of interest, except when geometric one or more film holders. Additional film locations may
configuration makes it impractical. be required to obtain necessary IQI spacing.
(d) IQI Placement for Welds — Wire IQIs. The IQI(s) (2) For cylindrical components where the source is
shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the placed on the axis of the component for a single exposure,
wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. The at least three IQIs, with one placed at each end of the
identification numbers and, when used, the lead letter span of the circumference radiographed and one in the
“F,” shall not be in the area of interest, except when approximate center of the span, are required under the
geometric configuration makes it impractical. following conditions:
(e) IQI Placement for Materials Other Than Welds. (a) When a section of the circumference, the
The IQI(s) with the IQI identification number(s), and, length of which is greater than 120 deg. and less than
when used, the lead letter “F,” may be placed in the area 240 deg., is radiographed using just one film holder, or;
of interest.
(b) When a section or sections of the circumfer-
04 T-277.2 Number of IQIs. When one or more film ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost
holders are used for an exposure, at least one IQI image
shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined in (b)
below. Refer to Nonmandatory Appendix D for additional guidance.
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T-277.2 2004 SECTION V T-282.2
sections span less than 240 deg., is radiographed using T-277.3 Shims Under Hole IQIs. For welds, a shim
more than one film holder. of material radiographically similar to the weld metal
(3) In (1) and (2) above, where sections of longitudi- shall be placed between the part and the IQI, if needed,
nal welds adjoining the circumferential weld are radio- so that the radiographic density throughout the area of
graphed simultaneously with the circumferential weld, interest is no more than minus 15% from (lighter than)
an additional IQI shall be placed on each longitudinal the radiographic density through the IQI.
weld at the end of the section most remote from the The shim dimensions shall exceed the IQI dimensions
junction with the circumferential weld being radio- such that the outline of at least three sides of the IQI
graphed. image shall be visible in the radiograph.
(4) For spherical components where the source is
placed at the center of the component for a single expo-
sure, at least three IQIs, spaced approximately 120 deg.
apart, are required under the following conditions: T-281 Quality of Radiographs
(a) When a complete circumference is radio- All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemi-
graphed using one or more film holders, or; cal, or other blemishes to the extent that they do not mask
(b) When a section or sections of a circumfer- and are not confused with the image of any discontinuity
ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost in the area of interest of the object being radiographed.
sections span 240 or more deg., is radiographed using Such blemishes include, but are not limited to:
one or more film holders. Additional film locations may (a) fogging;
be required to obtain necessary IQI spacing. (b) processing defects such as streaks, watermarks, or
(5) For spherical components where the source is chemical stains;
placed at the center of the component for a single expo- (c) scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static
sure, at least three IQIs, with one placed at each end of marks, smudges, or tears;
the radiographed span of the circumference radiographed (d) false indications due to defective screens.
and one in the approximate center of the span, are required
under the following conditions: T-282 Radiographic Density
(a) When a section of a circumference, the length
T-282.1 Density Limitations. The transmitted film
of which is greater than 120 deg. and less than 240 deg., density through the radiographic image of the body of
is radiographed using just one film holder, or; the appropriate hole IQI or adjacent to the designated
(b) When a section or sections of a circumfer- wire of a wire IQI and the area of interest shall be 1.8
ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost minimum for single film viewing for radiographs made
sections span less than 240 deg. is radiographed using with an X-ray source and 2.0 minimum for radiographs
more than one film holder. made with a gamma ray source. For composite viewing
(6) In (4) and (5) above, where other welds are of multiple film exposures, each film of the composite
radiographed simultaneously with the circumferential set shall have a minimum density of 1.3. The maximum
weld, one additional IQI shall be placed on each other density shall be 4.0 for either single or composite viewing.
weld. A tolerance of 0.05 in density is allowed for variations
(7) For segments of a flat or curved (i.e., ellipsoidal, between densitometer readings.
torispherical, toriconical, elliptical, etc.) component T-282.2 Density Variation
where the source is placed perpendicular to the center of (a) General. If the density of the radiograph anywhere
a length of weld for a single exposure when using more through the area of interest varies by more than minus
than three film holders, at least three IQIs, one placed 15% or plus 30% from the density through the body of
at each end of the radiographed span and one in the the hole IQI or adjacent to the designated wire of a wire
approximate center of the span, are required. IQI, within the minimum /maximum allowable density
(8) When an array of components in a circle is ranges specified in T-282.1, then an additional IQI shall be
radiographed, at least one IQI shall show on each compo- used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph
nent image. retaken. When calculating the allowable variation in den-
(9) In order to maintain the continuity of records sity, the calculation may be rounded to the nearest 0.1
involving subsequent exposures, all radiographs exhib- within the range specified in T-282.1.
iting IQIs that qualify the techniques permitted in accor- (b) With Shims. When shims are used with hole-type
dance with (1) through (7) above shall be retained. IQIs, the plus 30% density restriction of (a) above may
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T-292 2004 SECTION V T-292
(a) a listing of each radiograph location (d) identification (name) of the Manufacturer’s repre-
(b) the information required in T-291, by inclusion or sentative who performed the final acceptance of the radio-
by reference graphs
(c) evaluation and disposition of the material(s) or (e) date of Manufacturer’s evaluation
weld(s) examined
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I-223 Backscatter Detection Symbol Location unsharpness for in-motion radiography shall be deter-
mined in accordance with T-274.1.
(a) For longitudinal welds the lead symbol “B” shall
be attached to the back of each film cassette or at approxi- I-274.2 In-Motion Unsharpness. In-motion
mately equal intervals not exceeding 36 in. (914 mm) unsharpness of the radiograph shall be determined in
apart, whichever is smaller. accordance with:
(b) For circumferential welds, the lead symbol “B” wd
UM p
shall be attached to the back of the film cassette in each D
quadrant or spaced no greater than 36 in. (914 mm),
whichever is smaller. where
UM p in-motion unsharpness
w p beam width at the source side of the weld mea-
I-260 CALIBRATION sured in the direction of motion determined as
I-263 Beam Width specified in I-263
d p distance from source side of the weld being
The beam width shall be controlled by a metal dia- radiographed to the film
phragm such as lead. The diaphragm for the energy D p distance from source of radiation to weld being
selected shall be at least 10 half value layers thick. radiographed
The beam width as shown in Fig. I-263 shall be deter-
mined in accordance with: NOTE: Use consistent units.
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I-277 2004 SECTION V I-279
I-277 Placement and Number of IQIs on the weld seam in each quadrant or spaced no greater
(a) For longitudinal welds, hole IQIs shall be placed than 36 in. (914 mm) apart, whichever is smaller. Wire
adjacent to and on each side of the weld seam, or on the IQIs, when used, shall be placed on the weld seam so
weld seam at the beginning and end of the weld seam, that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length
and thereafter at approximately equal intervals not of the weld and spaced as indicated above for hole IQIs.
exceeding 36 in. (914 mm) or for each film cassette. Wire
IQIs, when used, shall be placed on the weld seam so I-279 Repaired Area
that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length
of the weld and spaced as indicated above for hole IQIs. When radiography of a repaired area is required, the
(b) For circumferential welds, hole IQIs shall be length of the film used shall be at least equal to the length
placed adjacent to and on each side of the weld seam or of the original location marker interval.
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II-263 2004 SECTION V II-292
scheduled intervals to minimize the probability of time- the components specified in II-278. (See SE-1255, 6.1.)
dependent performance variations. System performance When using wire IQIs, the radioscopic examination
tests require the use of the calibration block, line pair system may exhibit asymmetrical sensitivity, therefore,
test pattern, and the step wedge. the wire diameter axis shall be oriented along the axis
System performance measurement techniques shall be of the least sensitivity of the system.
standardized so that they may be readily duplicated at
the specified intervals.
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III-263 2004 SECTION V III-292
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APPENDIX IV — INTERPRETATION, the unprocessed original full image and the digitally pro-
EVALUATION, AND DISPOSITION cessed image, shall be recorded and stored on video tape,
OF RADIOGRAPHIC AND magnetic tape, or optical disk.
RESULTS PRODUCED BY THE IV-221 Procedure Requirements
AND DISPLAY PROCESS A written procedure is required and shall contain, as a
minimum, the following system performance parameters:
IV-210 SCOPE (a) image digitizing parameters — modulation transfer
The digital image examination test results produced in function (MTF), line pair resolution, contrast sensitivity,
accordance with Article 2, Mandatory Appendix II, and dynamic range, and pixel size;
Article 2, Mandatory Appendix III, may be interpreted (b) image display parameters — monitor size includ-
and evaluated for final disposition in accordance with the ing display pixel size, luminosity, format, contrast, and
additional provisions to Article 2 as indicated herein. magnification;
The digital information is obtained in series with radi- (c) signal processing parameters — including density
ography and in parallel with radioscopy. This data collec- shift, contrast stretch, log transform, and any other tech-
tion process also provides for interpretation, evaluation, niques that do not mathematically alter the original digital
and disposition of the examination test results. data, e.g., linear and area measurement, pixel sizing, and
value determination;
(d) storage — identification, data compression, and
media (including precautions to be taken to avoid data
IV-220 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS loss). The non-erasable optical media should be used
The digital image shall be interpreted while displayed for archival applications. This is frequently called the
on a cathode ray tube (soft display). The interpretation WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology. When stor-
may include density and contrast adjustment, quantifica- age is accomplished on magnetic or erasable optical
tion, and pixel measurement, including digital or optical media, then procedures must be included that show
density values and linear or area measurement. trackable safeguards to prevent data tampering and guar-
The interpretation of a digitized image is dependent antee data integrity.
upon the same subjective evaluation by a trained inter-
preter as the interpretation of a radiographic or radio-
scopic image. Some of the significant parameters IV-222 Original Image Artifacts
considered during interpretation include: area of interest, Any artifacts that are identified shall be noted or anno-
image quality, IQI image, magnification, density, con- tated on the digital image.
trast, discontinuity shape (rounded, linear, irregular), and
artifact identification.
The digital image interpretation of the radiographic and
radioscopic examination test results shall be performed in IV-230 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS
accordance with the modified provisions to Article 2 as IV-231 Digital Image Examination Record
indicated herein.
After the interpretation has been completed, the inter- The digital image examination data shall be recorded
pretation data and the digital image, which shall include and stored on video tape, magnetic disk, or optical disk.
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IV-234 2004 SECTION V IV-292
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APPENDIX V — GLOSSARY OF calibrated line pair test pattern — see optical line pair
EXAMINATION calibrated step wedge film — a radiograph with discrete
density steps, which is traceable to a national standard
cathode ray tube (soft display) — a device that pro-
This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purpose of duces an image by exciting a fluorescent substance with
establishing standard terms and definitions of terms relat- a magnetically guided beam
ing to radiographic examination. data compression — a reduction in the size of a digital
data set to a smaller data set
density shift — a function that raises or lowers all
V-220 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS density /greyscale values equally such that contrast is
(a) The Standard Terminology for Nondestructive maintained within the data set
Examinations (ASTM E 1316 has been adopted by the designated wire — the specific wire that must be dis-
Committee as SE-1316. cernible in the radiographic image of a wire-type image
(b) SE-1316 Section 7 provides the definitions of terms quality indicator
listed in V-230(a). diaphragm — an aperture (opening) in a radiation
(c) For general terms, such as Indication, Flaw, Dis- opaque material that limits the usable beam size of a
continuity, Evaluation, etc., refer to Article 1, Mandatory radiation source
Appendix I. display pixel size — the length and width dimensions
(d) Paragraph V-230(b) provides a list of terms and of the smallest element of a displayed image
definitions that are Code specific. Paragraph V-230(c) display system — a system that can display an array
provides a list of terms and definitions that are specific of pixels on a screen (CRT)
to Section V, Article 2, Appendix VI. dynamic range — the range of operation of a device
between its upper and lower limit; this range can be
given as a ratio (e.g., 100:1) of the maximum signal level
V-230 REQUIREMENTS capability to its noise level, the number of measurable
(a) The following SE-1316 terms are used in conjunc- steps between the upper and lower limits, the number of
tion with this Article: analog image, back scattered radia- bits needed to record this number of measurable steps,
tion, cassette, composite viewing, contrast sensitivity, or the maximum and minimum measurable values
contrast stretch, densitometer, density (film), digital, digi- equivalent IQI sensitivity — that thickness of hole-
tal image, digitize, digital image acquisition system, eras- type IQI, expressed as a percentage of the part thickness,
able optical medium, focal spot, fog, geometric in which 2T hole would be visible under the same radio-
unsharpness, intensifying screen, IQI sensitivity, line pair graphic conditions
per millimeter, line pair test pattern, location marker, essential hole — the specific hole that must be discern-
luminosity, magnetic storage medium, optical density, ible in the radiographic image of a hole-type IQI
pixel, pixel size, radiograph, screen, source, step wedge, image processing system — a system that uses mathe-
system-induced artifacts, transmission densitometer, and matical algorithms to manipulate digital image data
transmitted film density. image quality indicator
(b) The following Code terms are used in conjunction hole type — a rectangular plaque, made of material
with this Article. radiographically similar to that of the object being radio-
annotate — to provide an explanatory note on the graphed, with small diameter holes (1T, 2T, and 4T) used
digital image to check the image quality of the radiograph
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V-230 2004 SECTION V V-230
wire type — a set of small diameter wires, made of shim — a material, radiographically similar to the
material radiographically similar to that of the object object being radiographed, that is placed between a hole-
being radiographed, used to check the image quality of type IQI and the object in order to reduce the radiographic
the radiograph density through the image of the hole- type IQI
image storage system — a system that can store digital source side — that surface of the area of interest being
image data for future use radiographed for evaluation nearest the source of radi-
IQI — image quality indicator ation
line pair resolution — the number of line pairs per step wedge calibration film — a processed film with
unit distance that are detectable in an image discrete density steps that have been verified by compari-
log transform — a function that applies a logarithmic son with a national standard step tablet
mapping to all density /greyscale values in an image; this step wedge comparison film — a processed film with
operation is often performed when the resulting distribu- discrete density steps that have been verified by use of
tion is normal, or if the resulting relationship with another a calibrated densitometer, which is used to determine if
variable is linear production radiographs meet density limits
modulation transfer function (MTF) — a measure of WORM (write once read many) — a term relating to
spatial resolution as a function of contrast; a plot of these a type of digital storage media where the data can be
variables (spatial resolution and contrast) yields a curve stored only once but accessed (nondestructively) many
representing the frequency response of the system times
national standard step tablet — an x-ray film with (c) The following Code terms are used in conjunction
discrete density steps produced and certified by a nation- with Article 2, Appendix VI:
ally recognized standardizing body contrast sensitivity — the size of the smallest detectable
nonerasable optical media (optical disk) — a storage change in optical density
media that prevents the erasure or alteration of digital dynamic range — the extent of measurable optical
data after it is stored density obtained in a single scan
optical density step wedge — a radiographic image of a image — the digital representation of a target on the
mechanical step wedge with precise thickness increments reference film used to evaluate both the digitization and
and may be used to correlate optical film density to the display aspects of a film digitization system
thickness of material, also known as a step tablet reference film — a single industrial radiographic film
penetrameter — no longer used in Article 2; see image that encompasses the targets necessary for the evaluation
quality indicator and quantification of the performance characteristics of
quantification — the act of determining or expressing a film digitization system
a quantity (i.e., giving a numerical value to a measurement spatial linearity — the accuracy to which a digitization
of something) system reproduces the physical dimensions of informa-
radiographic examination — a nondestructive method tion on the original film [both in the horizontal (along a
for detecting discontinuities in materials and components single scan line) and vertical (from one scan line to
using penetrating radiation to produce an image on a another) directions]
recording medium spatial resolution — the size of the smallest detectable
sensitivity — the smallest discernible detail and /or element of the digitized image
contrast change (e.g., IQI hole or wire) in a radiographic target — a physical pattern on a reference film used
image to evaluate the performance of a film digitization system
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APPENDIX VI — DIGITAL IMAGE (e) image display pixel size as defined by the vertical/
ACQUISITION, DISPLAY, horizontal resolution limits of the monitor;
INTERPRETATION, AND STORAGE (f) luminance of the video display; and
OF RADIOGRAPHS FOR NUCLEAR (g) data storage medium.
VI-222.2 Digitizing Technique
(a) digitizer spot size (in microns) to be used (see
Digital imaging process and technology provide the VI-232);
ability to digitize and store the detailed information con- (b) loss-less data compression technique, if used;
tained in the radiograph (analog image), thus eliminating (c) method of image capture verification;
the need to maintain and store radiographs for permanent
(d) image processing operations;
(e) time period for system verification (see VI-264);
(f) spatial resolution used (see VI-241);
VI-220 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (g) contrast sensitivity (density range obtained) (see
VI-221 Supplemental Requirements VI-242);
VI-221.1 Additional Information. Article 2, Manda- (h) dynamic range used (see VI-243); and
tory Appendices III and IV, contain additional informa- (i) spatial linearity of the system (see VI-244).
tion that shall be used to supplement the requirements of
this Appendix. These supplemental requirements shall be
documented in the written procedure required by this
VI-223 Personnel Requirements
VI-221.2 Reference Film. Supplement A contains Personnel shall be qualified as follows:
requirements for the manufacture of the reference film. (a) Level II and Level III Personnel. Level II and Level
III personnel shall be qualified in the radiographic method
VI-222 Written Procedure as required by Article 1. In addition, the employer’s writ-
ten practice shall describe the specific training and practi-
A written procedure is required. The written procedure cal experience of Level II and Level III personnel
shall be the responsibility of the owner of the radiographs involved in the application of the digital imaging process
and shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the and the interpretation of results and acceptance of system
Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI). When other performance. Training and experience shall be docu-
enforcement or regulatory agencies are involved, the mented in the individual’s certification records.
agency approval is required by formal agreement. The (b) As a minimum, Level II and III individuals shall
written procedure shall include, as a minimum, the fol- have 40 hours of training and 1 month of practical experi-
lowing essential variables: ence in the digital imaging process technique.
VI-222.1 Digitizing System Description (c) Other Personnel. Personnel with limited qualifica-
(a) manufacturer and model no. of digitizing system; tions performing operations other than those required for
(b) physical size of the usable area of the image the Level II or Level III shall be qualified in accordance
monitor; with Article 1. Each individual shall have specified train-
(c) film size capacity of the scanning device; ing and practical experience in the operations to be per-
(d) spot size(s) of the film scanning system; formed.
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VI-230 2004 SECTION V VI-261
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VI-292 2004 SECTION V VI-A-240
storage media is required if the radiographs are to be mm. The spatial resolution targets shall be located in
destroyed. each corner of the needed film sizes.
VI-A-232.2 Parallel Line Pair Targets. Parallel line
pairs shall consist of parallel line pairs in at least the
ARTICLE 2 vertical direction on the reference film. It shall have a
MANDATORY APPENDIX VI — maximum resolution of at least 20 lp/mm and a minimum
SUPPLEMENT A resolution of no less than 0.5 lp/mm. It shall have distinct
resolutions of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 20
VI-A-210 SCOPE lp/ mm and have the corresponding reference marks. It
The reference film described in this supplement pro- shall be located near the middle of the reference film.
vides a set of targets suitable for evaluating and quantify-
ing the performance characteristics of a radiographic VI-A-233 Constrast Sensitivity Targets
digitizing system. The reference film is suitable for evalu-
ating both the radiographic film digitization process and Contrast sensitivity targets shall consist of approxi-
the electronic image reconstruction process. mately 0.4 in. by 0.4 in. (10 mm by 10 mm) blocks
The reference film shall be used to conduct perform- centered in 1.6 in. by 1.6 in. (40 mm by 40 mm) blocks
ance demonstrations and evaluations of the digitizing of a slightly lower density. Two series of these step blocks
system to verify the operating characteristics before radio- shall be used with an optical density of approximately
graphs are digitized. The reference film provides for the 2.0 on a background of approximately 1.95, an optical
evaluation of spatial resolution, contrast sensitivity, density change of 0.05. The second block series will have
dynamic range, and spatial linearity. an optical density of approximately 3.5 on a background
of approximately 3.4, an optical density change of 0.10.
The relative density change is more important than the
VI-A-220 GENERAL absolute density. These images shall be located near the
edges and the center of the film so as to test the contrast
VI-A-221 Reference Film sensitivity throughout the scan path.
The reference film shall be specified in VI-A-230 and
VI-A-240. VI-A-234 Dynamic Range Targets
Stepped density targets shall consist of a series of 0.4
VI-A-230 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS in. by 0.4 in. (10 mm by 10 mm) steps aligned in a row
with densities ranging from 0.5 to 4.5 with no greater
VI-A-231 Reference Targets
than 0.5 optical density steps. At four places on the density
The illustration of the reference film and its targets is strip (at approximately 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 optical densi-
as shown in Fig. VI-A-1. ties), there shall be optical density changes of 0.02 which
shall also be used to test the contrast sensitivity. These
stepped density targets shall be located near the edges of
VI-A-232 Spatial Resolution Targets
the film and near the center so as to test the dynamic
The reference film shall contain spatial resolution tar- range throughout the scan path.
gets as follows:
VI-A-232.1 Converging Line Pair Targets. Con- VI-A-235 Spatial Linearity Targets
verging line pairs shall consist of 3 identical groups of
Measurement scale targets shall be located in the hori-
no less than 6 converging line pairs (6 light lines and 6
zontal and vertical dimensions. The measurement scale
dark lines). The targets shall have a maximum resolution
targets shall be in English and/or metric divisions.
of no less than 20 line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm) and
a minimum resolution of no greater than 1 lp/mm. The
3 line pair groups shall be oriented in the vertical, hori-
zontal, and the last group shall be 45 deg. from the previ-
ous two groups. The maximum resolution shall be Manufacturing specifications shall be minimum
oriented toward the corners of the film. Reference marks requirements necessary for producing the reference film.
shall be provided to indicate spatial resolution at levels The reference film shall have a unique identification
of no less than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 20 lp/ which appears as an image when digitized.
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VI-A-241 2004 SECTION V VI-A-245
VI-A-241 Material (a) The tolerance for the optical density changes stated
The reference film shall be a fine grain, industrial type in VI-A-233 and VI-A-234 shall be ±0.005.
film. The film used will be of high quality so the required (b) The measured densities shall be within ±0.15 of
specifications in VI-A-230 are met. the values stated in VI-A-233 and VI-A-234. The actual
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APPENDIX VII — RADIOGRAPHIC (a) Casting Areas Prior to Finish Machining. The IQI
EXAMINATION OF METALLIC shall be based on a thickness that does not exceed the
CASTINGS finished thickness by more than 20% or 1⁄4 in. (6 mm),
whichever is greater. In no case shall an IQI size be
VII-210 SCOPE based on a thickness greater than the thickness being
Metallic castings, due to their inherent complex con- radiographed.
figurations, present examination conditions that are (b) Casting Areas That Will Remain in the As-Cast
unique to this product form. Condition. The IQI shall be based on the thickness being
Radiographic examination may be performed on cast- radiographed.
ings when the modified provisions to Article 2, as indi-
cated herein, are satisfied.
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The sketches in this Appendix illustrate techniques
used in the radiographic examination of pipe or tube
Other techniques may be used.
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Film Source
Wall Side
T-271.1 T-277.1(a)
T-276 Either
Single- and Side
Wall Table T-275.3
Source T-275.1(c)
Exposure Arrangement — A
Single- Source
Wall Side
T-271.1 T-277.1(a)
T-276 Film
and Side
Any Single-
Table T-275.1
T-276 (b)(1)
Exposure Arrangement — B T-277.1(b)
Single- T-277.1(a)
T-271.1 T-276 Source
Film and Side
Any Single-
Wall Table T-275.1
T-276 (a)(3)
Exposure Arrangement — C T-277.1(b)
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location Source
Double- Side T-
Wall: T- 277.1(a)
271.2(a) at
T-276 Film
Least 3
Single- and Side
Any Exposures
Wall Table T- T-275.1
120 deg. to
276 (b)(1)
Each Other
for Complete
Coverage Film Side
Film T-277.1(b)
Exposure arrangement — D
location Source
Double- Side T-
Wall: T- 277.1(a)
271.2(a) at
T-276 Film
least 3 Expo-
Single- and Side T-
Any sures 120
Wall Table T- 275.1
deg. to Each
276 (b)(1)
Other for
Coverage Film Side
Exposure arrangement — E
(Ellipse): T-276
1 at Least 2 Source Either
3 ⁄2 in. (88 mm) Read Off- and
Exposures at Side T- Side T-
or Less set Source Table T-
90 deg. to 277.1(a) 275.2
Side and 276
Each Other
Film Side
for Complete
Exposure arrangement — F
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Wall: T- Double-
271.2(b)(2) Wall: Read
at Least 3 Super- T-276
Source Either
31⁄2 in. (88 mm) Exposures at imposed and
Side T- Side T-
or Less 60 deg. or Source Table T-
277.1(a) 275.2
120 deg. to Side and 276
Each Other Film Side
for Complete Images
Exposure arrangement — G
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--``,``,``,,,```,,,,,````,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2004 SECTION V
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,,,````,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ARTICLE 2 — NONMANDATORY APPENDICES
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