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Inglés 3º ESO

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1. ___________________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?

2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What ___________________ (the children / do)?

3. Julie ___________________ (learn) to drive for six years!

4. Amanda ___________________ (already / have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.

5. How much coffee ___________________ (she / drink) this morning?

6. Simon ___________________ (write) three books.

7. I ___________________ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!

8. It ___________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.

9. I ___________________ (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.

10. She ___________________ (forget) how to get to my house.

11. I ___________________ (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.

12. She ___________________ (make) three cakes. They look delicious!

13. David feels great these days. He ___________________ (get) up early lately.

14. We ___________________ (always / hate) rush hour traffic.

15. Recently, I ___________________ (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.

16. We ___________________ (write) this book for months and months.

17. I ___________________ (always / love) chocolate.

18. I ___________________ (want) to go back to university for a long time.

19. What’s that delicious smell? ___________________ (you / cook)?

20. I ___________________ (watch) seven films this week!


1. We ate cherries from the tree that my grandfather ..................... (plant) many years before.

2. When we arrived, the show ......................... (start/already) .

3. We went to a place where I ........................(be/never) before.

4. The teacher wanted to know if we ............................ (read) the book.

5. Yesterday I met a friend that I .........................(see/not) for ages.

6. (your husband/make/dinner) ......................... when you got home?

7. (Lisa/finish/her homework) ..........................when she went out with her friends?

8. (you/have/breakfast) ............................... when you started to work?

9. (What/he/do) ............................. that made you so upset with him the other day?
10. (she/move/to London/already) ............................. when she met her boyfriend?


1. Mary ___________________ (give) me Tony's address before she left.

2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film ___________________ (already, start).

3. Before we reached the station we saw that we ___________________ (lose) our way.

4. All the tickets ___________________ (be) sold before the concert began.

5. They took a shower after they ___________________ (finish) the game.

6. I asked Mr Green how many books he ___________________ (read)

7. Mum asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.

8. Bob was sorry that he ___________________ (told) me the story.

9. Alan watched TV after he ___________________ (have) lunch.

10. The sun ___________________ (shine) yesterday after it ___________________ (be) cold
for many weeks.

11. Uncle David ___________________ (go) to the doctor after he ___________________ (be)
ill for a month.

12. Before the police ___________________ (catch) the thief, he ___________________

(steal) two more watches.

13. Mum once ___________________ (paint) a picture although she ___________________

(never, learn) it.

14. I ___________________ (not tell) my teacher that my mum ___________________ (help)

me with my homework.

15. I ___________________ (be) very angry when I ___________________ (see) that my

brother ___________________ (eat) my apple.

16. The bike ___________________ (be) much more expensive than he

___________________ (think) at first.

17. Dad ___________________ (drive) me home after I ___________________ (fall) into the

18. Marion ___________________ (ask) me what ___________________ (happen) to me last


19. We ___________________ (eat) two Big Macs before we ___________________ (go)


20. Paul ___________________ (not say) that he ___________________ (take) Albert's watch

1. In 150 years, men ______________ (likely /be) bald.
2. When I’ve saved some money, I ___________________ (buy) a new ipad.
3. Everybody expects the owners ___________________ (sign) the agreement with Bill Gate’s
4. Be careful. Geminis _____________________ (have) money problems this week.
5. Let’s have a snack. Dinner _______________ (not be) ready for another hour.
6. What? OK, I __________________ (fix) it in a minute.
7. I’ll clean the house before mum __________________ (come).
8. The water is already very hot. It _________________ (boil) in a minute.
9. If you believe that you will pass the test, you ____________________ (get) it.
10.I _________________________ (go trekking) in Mexico next month.
11.In a hundred years, the ice caps _________________ (melt) unless we stop the global
12.Move, bloke! That cyclist ______________________ (crash into) you!
13.The train from Bolton ___________________ (arrive) at 8:15 at Victoria Station. I always
take it on Saturdays to go to the city center.
14.Uncle David __________________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my cousin in a few weeks.
15.What shoes ________________________ (you / wear) for our hike –trainers or hiking
16.I ______________________ (go fishing) with some friends early next Sunday. I hope it
______________ (not be) too boring!
17.I _____________ (tidy) this mess, mum. I promise.
18.______________________ (he / test) his eyes at 5?

1. I work ten hours a day.

If I (have) _________________________ more free time, I (practise) _________________

some sport.

2. Jane’s always late for school.

If she (be) ___________________ punctual, the teacher (not punish) __________________

her almost every day.

3. She’ll probably go to the Old Students’ Party.

If she (go) _________________________, she (meet) _________________________ her old
school mates.
4. You should carry an umbrella.

You (get) _________________________ wet if you (not carry) _____________________ one.

5. Did you say Susan is moving to Australia?

She (miss) _________________________ her London friends if she (leave) _______________

6. We didn’t pay the phone bill.

If we (pay) ___________________ it, they (not cut) _________________________ the line off.
7. Their dog died.

The dog (not die) ___________________ if they (take) ______________________ it to the vet.

8. You’re eating too much.

You (have) _____________________ an indigestion if you (eat) _________________ like that.

9. He always stays at home.

If he (go) _________________________ out more often, he (have) _______________ a better

social life.

10. She’s saving money.

If she (save) ___________________ enough, she (buy) ______________________ a new car.

11. If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not pass) the


12. If the students __________________ (not be) late for the exam, they
__________________ (pass).

13. If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we __________________ (go) to the

14. If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she __________________ (email)

15. If she __________________ (not go) to the meeting, I __________________ (not go)

16. If the baby __________________ (sleep) better last night, I __________________ (not be)
so tired.

17. If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I

__________________ (not be) happy.

18. If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she __________________ (travel) more.
19. If the children __________________ (not eat) soon, they __________________ (be)
20. If I __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I __________________ (be) tired in the
Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T, MIGHT,

1. Rose and Ted _________________ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !

2. You _________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.

3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She _________________ be at her dance
4. Jerry _________________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.

5. You _________________ be 18 to see that film.

6. You _________________ hear this story. It’s very funny.

7. Dad _________________ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.

8. You don’t have to shout. I _________________ hear you very well.

9. It _________________ be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.

10. You look pretty tired. I think you _________________ go to bed early tonight.

11. Let me look. I _________________ be able to help you.

12. “Children, you _________________ cross the street if the lights are red !”

13. You _________________ sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.

14. I’m sorry but I _________________ give you a lift because my car is broken.

15. I _________________ stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.

16. You really _________________ go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.

17. You _________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.

18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She _________________ be at her sister’s .

19. You have passed all your tests. You _________________ be very pleased with yourself.

20. You _________________ smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the

1. “He works in a bank”

She said ___________________________________________________________

2. “We went out last night”

She told me ________________________________________________________

3. “I’m coming!”

She said ___________________________________________________________

6. “I didn’t go to the party”

She told me ________________________________________________________

7. “Lucy’ll come later”

She said ___________________________________________________________

8. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”

She told me ________________________________________________________

9. “I can help you tomorrow”

She said ___________________________________________________________

10. “I don’t like chocolate”

She told me ________________________________________________________

11. “I won’t see you tomorrow”

She said ___________________________________________________________

12. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”

She said ___________________________________________________________

13. “I visited my parents at the weekend”

She told me ________________________________________________________

14. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”

She said ___________________________________________________________

15. “I’ll do the washing-up later”

She told me ________________________________________________________

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice:

1. I clean my room every day.


2. Tom bought a nice present yesterday.


3. Ann will sing a beautiful song.


4. Ben repaired my computer yesterday.


5. My sister is making a tasty cake now.


6. We have bought tickets to the concert.


7. Helen teaches French at school.

8. They grow strawberries every year.


9. Tim sent an SMS to his friend.


10. She has written a test today.


11. They visited that museum yesterday.


12. I am watching a football match now.


13. Pam has found the keys in the table.


14. Mona is washing the clothes now.


15. You have made a lot of mistakes.


16. Bill will bring sandwiches.


17. They attend lectures every day.


18. We are meeting the relatives now.



1. Super Hero Phillip has decided _____________ (take) a trip to Mars.

2. He has almost finished ___________________(pack) his suitcases.

3. He needs __________________(remember) to take everything important.

4. Our other Super Hero Tanya is busy ___________ (prepare) for the adventure.

5. She has admitted __________(be) a little scared of space travel.

6. But she wants _____________(accompany) Phillip on their exciting voyage.

7. Tanya hopes _____________(photograph) the stars and the planets.

8. Phillip would like __________(travel) to the edge of the solar system.

9.Tayna knows how __________ (pilot) a rocket ship and so does Phillip.

10.They have managed ___________ (gather) all their supplies in one week.

11. The trip is expected ___________(last) for two or three years.

12. Tanya has spent a lot of time __________(learn) about the solar system.

13. Phillip confesses __________(be) a little bit frightened about their trip.

14. But Tanya seems ________ (be) very brave and refuses __________ think about the
dangers that lie ahead.

15. Their spaceship must avoid __________ (hit) asteroids and UFOs.

16. Their parents asked them if they had forgotten _________ (buy) enough dried food and e-
books to take with them.

17. Tanya feels that she will enjoy __________ (explore) the solar system.

18. Phillip promises ___________ (help Tanya pilot their rocket ship.

19. We will learn how __________ (survive) in outer space.

20. We like ___________(explore) new planets and ________(see) new things.

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