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Academic Vocabulary List 1

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75 specific specific (adj) specifically (adv) specification (n) specificity (n) specific (n)

Academic Vocabulary List

unspecific (adj)
76 need need (v) need (n) needless (adj) needed (adj) needlessly (adv) unneeded
(adj) needful (adj)
77 reduce reduce (v) reduction (n) reduced (adj) reductionism (n) reducible (adj) Word families 1—100
reducing (adj)
78 base base (v) base (n) baseless (adj) base (adj) basing (adj) basing (n) The most frequent families are listed first and the most frequent members of each family are
79 region region (n) regional (adj) regionally (adv) regionalism (n) regionalist (adj) listed first. Key: adj = adjective, adv = adverb, n = noun, prep = preposition, v = verb
regional (n) Fin regionalist (n)
80 current current (adj) currently (adv) current (n) 1 study study (n) study (v) studied (adj) studiously (adv) studious (adj) studying (n)
81 image image (n) imagery (n) imaging (n) image (v) imaged (adj) imaging (adj) 2 develop development (n) develop (v) developing (adj) developmental (adj)
82 strategy strategy (n) strategic (adj) strategically (adv) strategist (n) Fin developed (adj) developer (n) developmentally (adv) underdeveloped (adj)
83 exist exist (v) existing (adj) existence (n) non-existent (adj) existent (adj) undeveloped (adj) underdevelopment (n) redevelopment (n) redevelop (v)
84 population population (n) populate (v) populated (adj) unpopulated (adj) developing (n)
85 international international (adj) internationally (adv) internationalism (n) 3 group group (n) grouping (n) subgroup (n) group (v) intergroup (adj) regroup (v)
internationalization (n) internationalist (n) internationalize (v) international grouped (adj) regrouping (n)
(n) internationalist (adj) 4 system system (n) systematic (adj) systematically (adv) subsystem (n) unsystematic
86 project project (n) project (v) projection (n) projected (adj) projecting (adj) (adj)
projective (adj) projectionist (n) 5 relate relationship (n) relate (v) relation (n) related (adj) relational (adj) unrelated
87 standard standard (n) standard (adj) standardized (adj) standardize (v) (adj) interrelated (adj) interrelationship (n) relatedness (n) interrelation (n)
standardization (n) substandard (adj) unstandardized (adj) 6 research research (n) researcher (n) research (v)
88 subject subject (n) subject to (prep) subject (v) subject (adj) 7 social social (adj) socially (adv) antisocial (adj)
89 period period (n) periodic (adj) periodically (adv) periodical (n) periodicity (n) 8 result result (n) result (v) resulting (adj) resultant (adj)
90 type type (n) type (v) subtype (n) 9 use use (v) use (n) user (n) useful (adj) used (adj) usefulness (n) useless (adj)
91 describe describe (v) described (adj) indescribable (adj) describer (n) indescribably usable (adj) misuse (n) reuse (v) unused (adj) reuse (n) usefully (adv)
(adv) reusable (adj) misuse (v) usability (n) unusable (adj) useable (adj)
92 condition condition (n) conditioning (n) condition (v) conditional (adj) unconditional uselessness (n) misused (adj) uselessly (adv)
(adj) conditioner (n) conditioned (adj) unconditionally (adv) conditional (n) 10 provide provide (v) provider (n) provided (conjunction) providing (conjunction)
conditionally (adv) unconditioned (adj) 11 however however (adv)
93 improve improve (v) improvement (n) improved (adj) improving (adj) unimproved 12 increase increase (v) increase (n) increased (adj) increasingly (adv) increasing (adj)
(adj) 13 experience experience (n) experience (v) experienced (adj) experiential (adj)
94 material material (n) materialism (n) material (adj) materially (adv) materialistic inexperienced (adj) inexperience (n)
(adj) materiality (n) materialist (n) materialist (adj) 14 level level (n) level (adj) level (v) high-level (adj) levelling (n) levelling (adj)
95 note note (v) note (n) notably (adv) notable (adj) noted (adj) notable (n) leveller (n) levelled (adj) levelly (adv)
96 define define (v) definition (n) redefine (v) defining (adj) defined (adj) redefinition 15 process process (n) process (v) processing (n) processor (n) processed (adj)
(n) undefined (adj) definitional (adj) definable (adj) predefined (adj) unprocessed (adj) reprocess (v)
redefined (adj) indefinable (adj) undefinable (adj) redefining (n) 16 culture culture (n) cultural (adj) culturally (adv) cross-cultural (adj) subculture (n)
97 establish establish (v) establishment (n) established (adj) reestablishment (n) intercultural (adj) cultured (adj) subcultural (adj) uncultured (adj)
establishing (n) 17 history history (n) historical (adj) historian (n) historically (adv) historic (adj)
98 produce produce (v) producer (n) produce (n) producing (adj) produced (adj) prehistory (n) historicity (n) historicism (n)
99 response response (n) in response to (prep) responsive (adj) responsiveness (n) 18 active activity (n) active (adj) activist (n) actively (adv) activism (n) inactive (adj)
unresponsive (adj) responsively (adv) inactivity (n) active (n)
100 likely likely (adj) likely (adv) unlikely (adj) likelihood (n) 19 support support (n) support (v) supporter (n) supportive (adj) supporting (adj)
supported (adj) unsupported (adj)

20 individual individual (n) individual (adj) individually (adv) individualism (n) 47 low low (adj) low (adv) low (n) lowly (adj) low (v)
individualized (adj) individuality (n) individualistic (adj) individualize (v) 48 measure measure (n) measure (v) measurement (n) measurable (adj) measured (adj)
individualist (n) individualist (adj) measuring (adj) immeasurably (adv) immeasurable (adj) measurably (adv)
21 inform information (n) inform (v) informed (adj) informant (n) informational (adj) unmeasured (adj) measuring (n)
info (n) misinformation (n) uninformed (adj) informer (n) informing (n) 49 both both (determiner) both (adv)
misinform (v) misinformed (adj) 50 design design (n) design (v) designer (n) designed (adj) designing (n)
22 important important (adj) importantly (adv) unimportant (adj) 51 society society (n) societal (adj)
23 include include (v) including (prep) included (adj) 52 role role (n)
24 form form (n) form (v) formless (adj) unformed (adj) preformed (adj) formed (adj) 53 difference difference (n)
forming (n) preform (v) formlessness (n) 54 tradition traditional (adj) tradition (n) traditionally (adv) non-traditional (adj)
25 require require (v) requirement (n) required (adj) traditionalist (n) traditionalist (adj) traditionalism (n)
26 control control (n) control (v) controller (n) controlled (adj) uncontrolled (adj) 55 organize organization (n) organize (v) organizational (adj) organized (adj) organizer
controlling (adj) uncontrollable (adj) controllable (adj) uncontrollably (adv) (n) reorganization (n) reorganize (v) organizing (adj) organizing (n)
27 product product (n) production (n) productivity (n) productive (adj) by-product (n) organizationally (adv) unorganized (adj) reorganized (adj)
counterproductive (adj) unproductive (adj) productively (adv) 56 practice practice (n) practise (v) practising (adj) practised (adj) practising (n)
28 change change (n) change (v) changing (adj) unchanged (adj) changed (adj) 57 report report (v) report (n) reporter (n) reporting (n) reported (adj) reportedly
unchanging (adj) changeable (adj) changer (n) changing (n) unchangeable (adv) self-reported (adj) unreported (adj) reporting (adj)
(adj) 58 thus thus (adv)
29 model model (n) model (v) modelling (n) modeller (n) modelled (adj) model (adj) 59 interest interest (n) interesting (adj) interested (adj) interestingly (adv) self-interest
30 significant significant (adj) significantly (adv) insignificant (adj) insignificantly (adv) (n) interest (v) uninterested (adj) uninteresting (adj)
31 data data (n) datum (n) 60 associate associate (v) association (n) associate (n) associate (adj) associated (adj)
32 nature nature (n) natural (adj) naturally (adv) naturalist (n) naturalistic (adj) associative (adj)
unnatural (adj) naturalism (n) naturalness (n) natural (adv) unnaturally (adv) 61 technology technology (n) technological (adj) tech (n) high-tech (adj) technologically
natural (n) naturalistically (adv) (adv) technologist (n)
33 effect effect (n) effect (v) 62 term term (n) in terms of (prep) long-term (adj) short-term (adj) term (v)
34 present present (v) present (adj) presentation (n) present (n) present (adv) midterm (n)
presenter (n) presented (adj) presentational (adj) presentable (adj) 63 identify identify (v) identity (n) identification (n) identifiable (adj) identified (adj)
35 value value (n) valuable (adj) value (v) valuation (n) Fin invaluable (adj) valued unidentified (adj) identifier (n) identifying (adj) unidentifiable (adj)
(adj) valuables (n) revaluation (n) valueless (adj) revalue (v) valuing (n) 64 indicate indicate (v) indicator (n) indication (n) indicative (adj) indicated (adj)
36 analyse analysis (n) analyse (v) analysed (adj) 65 similar similar (adj) similarly (adv) similarity (n) dissimilar (adj) dissimilarity (n)
37 economy economic (adj) economy (n) economics (n) economist (n) economically 66 discuss discussion (n) discuss (v) discussed (adj) undiscussed (adj)
(adv) economical (adj) economize (v) uneconomic (adj) uneconomical (adj) 67 rate rate (n) rating (n) rate (v) rater (n) rated (adj)
38 general general (adj) generally (adv) general (adv) general (n) generalization (n) 68 figure figure (n) fig (n) figure (v) figural (adj) figuration (n) figuring (n)
generalize (v) generalized (adj) generality (n) generalist (n) generalizing (adj) 69 focus focus (v) focus (n) focused (adj) unfocused (adj) focusing (adj) focusing (n)
39 table table (n) table (v) tablecloth (n) focussed (adj) unfocussed (adj)
40 policy policy (n) policy-making (n) 70 factor factor (n) factor (v) factoring (n)
41 university university (n) 71 structure structure (n) structural (adj) structured (adj) structure (v) restructuring (n)
42 perform performance (n) perform (v) performer (n) performing (n) restructure (v) structurally (adv) structuring (n) unstructured (adj)
43 human human (adj) human (n) humanity (n) humanist (n) humanist (adj) humanism structuralist (adj) structuralism (n) restructured (adj)
(n) humanistic (adj) inhuman (adj) humanly (adv) humanness (n) inhumanity 72 apply apply (v) application (n) applied (adj) reapplication (n)
(n) 73 compare compare (v) comparison (n) comparable (adj) comparability (n) comparably
44 particular particularly (adv) particular (adj) particular (adv) particularity (n) particulars (adv) incomparable (adj) incomparably (adv)
(n) particularism (n) particularistic (adj) particularize (v) particularized (adj) 74 observe observe (v) observation (n) observer (n) observatory (n) observed (adj)
45 suggest suggest (v) suggestion (n) suggestive (adj) suggested (adj) suggestively (adv) observational (adj) observable (adj) observant (adj) unobserved (adj)
suggestiveness (n) suggestible (adj) unobservable (adj) unobservant (adj)
46 science science (n) scientist (n) scientific (adj) scientifically (adv) unscientific (adj)

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