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Megger MIT510 User Guide

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5kV Digital Insulation Tester


Safety Warning must be observed during use.

■ The circuit under test must be switched off, de-energised, isolated and checked to be safe before insulation test connections are made. Make sure the
circuit is not re-energised whilst the instrument is connected.
■ Circuit connections must not be touched during an insulation test.
■ After completing a test, capacitive circuits must be completely discharged before disconnecting the test leads. Capacitive charges can be lethal.
■ Tested items should be firmly shorted out with a shorting link, after discharge, until required for use. This is to guard against any stored dielectric
absorption charge subsequently being released thereby raising the voltage to potentially dangerous levels.
■ The voltage indicator and automatic discharge features should be regarded as additional safety features and not a substitute for normal safe working
■ It is rare, but in certain circumstances, breakdown of the circuit under test may cause the instrument to terminate the test in an uncontrolled manner,
possibly causing a loss of display while the circuit remains energised. In this event, the unit must be turned off and the circuit discharged manually.
■ Test leads, including crocodile clips, must be in good order, clean and with no broken or cracked insulation.
■ The instrument should not be used if any part of it is damaged.
■ Water on the surface of the instrument may lead to erroneous results. It is recommended that the instrument is not used in wet weather conditions.
■ This instrument is not intrinsically safe and must not be used in hazardous atmospheres.


Disconnect the instrument and wipe it with a clean cloth slightly damped with soapy water or Isopropyl alcohol (IPA).


Safety warnings 2 Symbols used on the instrument are:

Cleaning 2
Introduction 4 F Caution: risk of electric shock
Power lead and charging
Instrument controls and indicators
G Caution: refer to accompanying notes
Power On/Off button 6 t Equipment protected throughout by Double
Test voltage ▲ and ▼ buttons 6 Insulation (Class II)
Test start/stop button
Ω/I button
c Equipment complies with current EU directives.
B button 6 Terms used in this manual
High voltage warning LED 6 The word must is used to indicate that the instructions following should
Line input present LED 7 be followed under all circumstances. Failure to follow these instructions
Test terminals 7 could result in damage to the instrument and / or a hazard to the operator.
Guard terminal 7
The word should is used to indicate that the instructions indicate best
Factory programming socket 7
Battery bar graph 8
Voltage at terminals 8
Timer indicator 8
Digital display 8
Analogue display 8
Capacitance display 9
Time constant 9
Measurements above 100 GΩ 9
Circuit block diagram 10
Specification 10
Accessories 12
Repair and Warranty 13


The MIT510 is a compact microprocessor controlled high voltage d.c. If the power lead supplied is not suitable for your type of mains outlet, do
insulation tester, powered by internal rechargeable battery or mains not use an adaptor. Always use a power lead fitted with the correct plug.
supply. A comprehensive LCD display shows resistance, current,
NB: A plug severed from the power lead is a hazard if plugged into a live
capacitance, voltage and timer measurements digitally, with resistance
socket. Severed plugs must be destroyed immediately.
being shown in analogue as well.
The instrument is fitted with a two-pin IEC60320 power inlet. Most power
Features include:
leads are made with three-core cable so the ground connection will not
■ Resistance or current measurement- front panel selectable be used.
■ Resistance measurement range - 10 kΩ to 15 TΩ Power lead cable colour coding:
■ Front panel selectable test voltages - 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, 5000 V
International USA
■ Incremental timer (minutes & seconds) – measures during test
Earth/Ground Yellow/Green Green
■ Load capacitance measurement – displayed at end of a test
■ LCD backlight – front panel selectable Neutral Blue White
■ Battery level/charging indicator Live (Line) Brown Black
■ Mains (line) input presence LED If using a fused plug ensure it is fitted with a 3 Amp fuse.
■ High voltage warning flashing LED shows when greater than 50 V
The instrument can be powered from 95 - 240 V rms, ±10% 50/60Hz.
present on test leads
With power connected the battery will charge as long as a test is not in
■ High voltage warning LCD "flash" shows when greater than 50 V progress. The Power On/Off button has a green LED which illuminates
present on test leads when mains power is present.
■ 8 hours continuous testing on full charge.
For best battery lifetime, charge the battery after each use. A completely
exhausted battery will take 14 hours to recharge.


Voltage at terminals Timer

Battery level
Warning display
voltage at
voltage at
Time constant Capacitance display

1. Check connections to load - see SAFETY WARNINGS

2. To turn on, press Power On/Off button and release after display 8. To stop the test press TEST button.
responds. The instrument first will perform a self-check during which
9. Timer will stop.
Ini is displayed. After Ini disappears the instrument is ready for use.
3. Check voltage at terminals display to be sure the load is safe to 10. Analogue display shows insulation resistance.
energise. 11. Digital display shows resistance or current selected by pressing Ω/I
4. Set test voltage required with V▲ and V▼ buttons. button.
5. To start a test, press TEST button and release after red LED shows. If 12. Load capacitance will be calculated and displayed after the end of
external voltage at terminals <50 V, testing starts. the test.
6. TEST button red LED and display warning symbols will flash during a 13. Time-constant will be displayed after the end of the test.
test to show high voltage present at terminals.
7. Timer will count up from zero during test.

Power On/Off button Test start / stop button
The instrument will only turn on if this button is pressed, held and then A test will only start if this button is pressed, held and then released as
released when the display responds. The instrument will not turn on if the soon as the red high voltage warning indicator LED lights. The LCD and
button is released before the display responds, or if the button is held red LED high voltage warning indicators flash when the test starts.
down for too long. This is a safety feature to prevent the instrument being
inadvertently turned on. A test will not start if the button is released before the red LED shows, or
pressed continuously for longer than 5 seconds. This is a safety feature to
The instrument is turned off either by pressing the button again, or if the prevent a test being started inadvertently.
instrument is running on the battery, by timing out after 10 minutes of
inactivity. The presence of a voltage greater than 50 V on the test leads is indicated
with flashing high voltage warning indicators. Testing is disabled if the
Upon switching the instrument on the display will first show ‘Ini’ while it external voltage exceeds 50 V.
undergoes a self-checking routine. When Ini disappears, the instrument is
ready for use. Testing will stop if the test start / stop button is pressed again.

Test voltage ▲ and ▼ buttons When a test has finished, the instrument will discharge the load, which
Using these buttons one of five test voltages can be selected: 250 V, 500 V, may take some time. The operator must always check the load has been
1 kV, 2.5 kV, and 5 kV. The selected voltage is shown on the display. discharged before touching the test leads.

If there is an external voltage greater than 50 V on the test leads, the high Ω/I button
voltage warning indicators are flashed, and the display shows this voltage Pressing this button toggles the digital display between the insulation
instead. The instrument will not perform a test if this voltage is greater resistance and current.
than 50 V.
B button
During a test the display shows the actual voltage on the test leads. If the Pressing this button toggles the display backlight on and off.
test voltage is changed during a test, the new test voltage will be displayed
briefly. High voltage warning LED
When the test has stopped, the display continues to show the voltage This is a red LED next to the TEST button on the front panel. The LED
present on the test leads. Pressing either test voltage ▲ or ▼ button will flashes when the voltage on the test inputs exceeds 50 V.
then display the test voltage immediately before the end of the test.

Line input present LED
This is a green LED next to the power On/Off button on the front panel. It
is illuminated whenever the mains power is connected.

Test terminals
There are three test terminals marked +, - and G. These terminals are
designed to accept only the test leads supplied. Shutters across the
terminals prevent accidental ingress of dirt and other objects. Test lead
plugs interlock with the shutters and are released by rotating the test lead
plug a quarter turn. The guard terminal is at the same potential as the negative terminal. Since
the leakage resistance is effectively in parallel with the resistance to be
The Guard terminal is explained below and is only used in cases where measured, the use of the guard causes the current flowing through surface
surface leakage currents need to be eliminated. Most measurements use leakage to be diverted from the measuring circuit. The instrument
just the + and – terminals. The instrument’s internal voltage generator therefore reads the leakage of the insulator, ignoring leakage across its
drives the + terminal with respect to the – terminal, current being surface. The display will show ‘FUS’ if the internal guard terminal fuse is
measured in the – terminal. found to have blown. The instrument must be switched off to clear the
message before further testing is permitted. The fuse should be replaced
Guard terminal by an authorised repairer. The instrument may be used in the mean time if
For basic insulation tests and where there is little possibility of surface the guard terminal not used. Refer to notes regarding measurements
leakage affecting the measurement, it is unnecessary to use the guard above 100 GΩ on page 9.
terminal i.e. if the insulator is clean and there are unlikely to be any adverse
current paths. However in cable testing for example, there may be surface Factory programming socket
leakage paths across the insulation between the bare cable and the external This is a 9 pin socket under the hinged cover and is not for customer use.
sheathing due to the presence of moisture or dirt. Where it is required to
remove the effect of this leakage, particularly at high testing voltages, a
bare wire may be bound tightly around the insulation and connected via
the third test lead to the guard terminal ‘G’.

Battery bar graph instrument will not perform a test. The high voltage warning indicators
This is a battery symbol on the LCD display comprising 4 pairs of flash, and the beeper sounds, to warn of the hazard until the external
segments. The battery is monitored continuously when the instrument is voltage becomes less than 50 V.
turned on. The charge remaining in the battery is shown in the table
below. When testing, the voltage displayed is the voltage present at the test
terminals of the instrument. If the test voltage is changed, by pressing
Fully charged battery either of the test voltage ▲ and ▼ buttons during a test, the new test
voltage is displayed momentarily.

50% charged battery After testing, the voltage displayed is the voltage present on the terminals.
To see what the voltage was immediately prior to the end on the test,
press either test voltage ▲ or ▼ buttons.
Tests cannot be started, and the battery may fail
at any time. Timer indicator
The timer shows minutes and seconds. At the start of a test the timer will
start from zero and at the end of a test it will stop. The duration of the last
Symbol flashes when there is not enough charge test remains on the display until another test is started.
for a test. The instrument then turns itself off
Digital Display
The digital display shows the resistance or current being measured during
a test. The Ω/ I button toggles between the two. After a test the display
When mains power is present the indicator shows the battery is being shows the last measurement made until the timer or voltage test settings
charged by animating the segments of the bar graph. are changed or the test start/stop button is pressed.

Voltage at terminals Analogue display

The test voltage will default to that selected in the previous test. If the This simulates an analogue meter movement to give the user a better
instrument has been switched off since the previous test, the test voltage "feel" for how a measurement is progressing. The analogue display shows
defaults to 250 V. resistance only.

If there is an external voltage greater than 50 V present, this will be

displayed regardless of changes made to the test voltage. In this case the

Capacitance display If the guard lead is connected to ground, then since the negative terminal
At the end of a test the capacitance of the circuit under test is calculated is at the same voltage as the guard terminal, the leakage into the negative
and displayed. After a test the display shows the last measurement made terminal will be considerably reduced. This will improve accuracy because
until the V▲, V▼, or TEST buttons are pressed. the current flowing into the negative terminal is measured by the
instrument and used to calculate resistance. This technique is only
Time constant: permissible if the item under test is isolated from ground. “Isolated” in
At the end of a test the time constant of the circuit under test is calculated this context means insulated by a resistance of at least 5 MΩ for the
and displayed. After a test the display shows the last measurement made positive terminal, or at least 10 kΩ for the negative terminal.
until the V▲, V▼, or TEST buttons are pressed.
Conversely, if the positive terminal is grounded, then the negative terminal
will be at a voltage equal to the test voltage relative to ground, which will
Measurements above 100 GΩ
result in an increase in leakage current, and worsening of measurement
Measurements up to 100 GΩ can be made without any special precautions,
assuming that the test leads are reasonably clean and dry. The guard lead
can be used to remove the effects of surface leakage if necessary. When
+ Test V 0V
measuring resistances above 100 GΩ, the test leads should not be allowed
to touch each other, or any other object since this will introduce leakage + -
paths. Sharp points at the test lead connections should also be avoided Guard
since this will encourage corona discharge.
The output is isolated, and so will float relative to ground such that the
positive terminal is at plus half of the test voltage, and the negative terminal
is at minus half of the test voltage with respect to ground. Leakages When making measurements above 100 GΩ therefore, the user should
therefore occur between the positive terminal and ground, between the ground the Guard Lead where possible, otherwise parallel leakage paths
negative terminal and ground, and directly between the positive and may occur.
negative terminals. These leakages have a significant effect and can occur
Alternatively, screened leads are available as an optional accessory from
through the air itself.
Megger. The lead to the negative terminal is fully screened. The screen is
+ Test V - Test V plugged into the Guard terminal, diverting any stray leakage currents. This
2 2 considerably improves measurements made with a floating output, where
+ -
the leads might touch each other or anything other than the test piece.



Circuit block diagram Voltage input range

R1 R2 85-265 V rms, 50/60Hz, 60 VA
Battery life
100 MΩ 6 hours continuous testing at 5 kV

- High C1 Test voltages

voltage Volts
+ source Discharge 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, 5000 V
Ref resistance
Current Accuracy (23°C, 5 kV)
Limit G ±5% @ 1 TΩ
Voltage ±20% @ 10 TΩ
control Fuse
- 2% error guarding 500 kΩ leakage with 100 MΩ load
Display range
under Digital display (3 digits) 10 kΩ to 15 TΩ
test Analogue display 100 kΩ to 1 TΩ

For 5 kV instruments C1 = 47 nF, R1 = 50 kΩ, R2 = 40 kΩ Short circuit/charge current

3 mA @ 5 kV
For 10 kV instruments C1 = 15 nF, R1 = 156 kΩ, R2 = 110 kΩ
Capacitor charge time
<3 seconds per µF at 3mA to 5 kV

Capacitor discharge time

<120 ms per µF to discharge from 5000 V to 50 V

Capacitance measurement (500 V minimum test voltage)

10 nF to 50 µF (dependent on test voltage)

Capacitance measurement accuracy (23°C)

±5% ±5 nF

Voltage output accuracy (0°C to 30°C) Humidity
+4%, -0% ±10 V of nominal test voltage at 1 GΩ load 90% RH non-condensing at 40°C

Current measurement range Dimensions

0.01 nA to 5 mA 305 x 194 x 360 (mm) (12 x 7.6 x 14.2 inches)

Current measurement accuracy (23°C) Weight

±5% ±0.2 nA at all voltages 6.75 kg (15lb) approx

Interference rejection
1 mA rms per 250 V test voltage up to a maximum of 2 mA

Timer range
Counts up to 99 minutes from start of test

Test regimes
Auto IR
Lead set
Three flexible silicon insulated leads with compact clamp.

Meets the requirements of EN61010-1:2001 CAT III 300V

Meets the requirements of EN61326-1:1998 for use in heavy industrial

Operating temperature
-10°C to 50°C

Storage temperature
-25°C to 65°C

Ingress protection (lid closed)



Order Code
Included Accessories
3 m lead set 8101-181

User guide on CD-ROM 6172-929

Optional Accessories

3 m lead set with straight jaw clamps 6220-797

15 m lead set 8101-183

3 m screened lead set (5 kV) 6220-835

15 m screened lead set (5 kV) 6311-080

3 m lead set 10 kV large insulated clips 6220-811

3 m lead set 6 kV medium insulated clips 6220-820

3 m lead set 1 kV insulated clips 6220-822


The instrument contains static sensitive devices, and care must be taken in Returning your product to Megger - UK and USA service
handling the printed circuit board. If an instrument’s protection has been centres
impaired it should not be used, but sent for repair by suitably trained and 1. When an instrument requires recalibration, or in the event of a repair
qualified personnel. The protection is likely to be impaired if for example, it being necessary, a Returns Authorisation (RA) number must first be
shows visible damage, fails to perform the intended measurements, has obtained from one of the addresses shown above. You will be asked to
been subjected to prolonged storage under unfavourable conditions, or has provide the following information to enable the Service Department to
been subjected to severe transport stresses. prepare in advance for receipt of your instrument, and to provide the
best possible service to you.
■ Serial number, to be found on the underside of the case or on
Note: Any unauthorized prior repair or adjustment will automatically the calibration certificate.
invalidate the Warranty. ■ Reason for return, e.g. calibration required, or repair.

CALIBRATION, REPAIR AND SPARE PARTS ■ Details of the fault if the instrument is to be repaired.
For service requirements for Megger Instruments contact: 2. Make a note of the RA number. A returns label can be emailed or faxed to
you if you wish.
Megger Limited or Megger
Archcliffe Road Valley Forge Corporate Centre 3. Pack the instrument carefully to prevent damage in transit.
Dover 2621 Van Buren Avenue 4. Ensure the returns label is attached, or that the RA number is clearly
Kent CT17 9EN Norristown PA 19403 marked on the outside of the package and on any correspondence,
England. U.S.A. before sending the instrument, freight paid, to Megger. Copies of the
original purchase invoice and packing note should be sent simultaneously
Tel: +44 (0) 1304 502 243 Tel: +1 610 676 8579
by airmail to expedite clearance through customs. In the case of
Fax: +44 (0) 1304 207 342 Fax: +1 610 676 8625 instruments requiring repair outside the warranty period, an immediate
Megger operate fully traceable calibration and repair facilities, ensuring your quotation can be provided when obtaining the RA number.
instrument continues to provide the high standard of performance and 5. You may track the progress of your return on line at
workmanship you expect. These facilities are complemented by a worldwide
network of approved repair and calibration companies to offer excellent in-
Approved Service Centres
service care for your Megger products.
A list of Approved Service Centres may be obtained from the UK address
above, or from Megger’s website at


Megger Limited Megger Megger Megger Pty Limited Megger Limited

Archcliffe Road, Dover 4271 Bronze Way, Dallas, Z.A. Du Buisson de la Couldre Unit 26 9 Hudson Avenue 110 Milner Avenue Unit 1
Kent CT17 9EN England Texas 75237-1019 USA 23 rue Eugène Henaff Castle Hill Scarborough Ontario M1S 3R2
T +44 (0)1 304 502101 T +1 800 723 2861 (USA ONLY) 78190 TRAPPES France Sydney NSW 2125 Australia Canada
F +44 (0)1 304 207342 T +1 214 333 3201 T +33 (0)1 T +61 (0)2 9659 2005 T +1 416 298 9688 (Canada only)
E F +1 214 331 7399 F +33 (0)1 F +61 (0)2 9659 2201 T +1 416 298 6770
E E E F +1 416 298 0848

Megger products are distributed in 146 countries worldwide.

This instrument is manufactured in the United Kingdom.

The company reserves the right to change the specification or design without prior notice.

Megger is a registered trademark

Part No. MIT510_UG_en_V04 0806

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