Sps. Yap vs. Sps. Dy, Et Al.
Sps. Yap vs. Sps. Dy, Et Al.
Sps. Yap vs. Sps. Dy, Et Al.
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DRBI) to secure a P105,000 loan. Later, they obtained and 6 was issuedin favor of the Yaps.Before the expiration of
asecond loan for P28,000 and also executed a Real Estate the redemption period, the Dys and Maxinos attempted to
Mortgage over Lots 3 and 846 in favor of the redeem Lots 1, 3 and 6 forP40,000 but DRBI and Yaps
samebank.Subsequently, the Tirambulos sold all the mortgaged refused, contending that the redemption should be for the
properties to Sps. Dy and Sps. Maxinos without theconsent of DRBI. full amount of thewinning bid of P216,040.93 plus interest
Upon default of the Tirambulos to pay their loans to DRBI, for all the foreclosed properties. Thus, the Dys and the
the latter extrajudicially foreclosedthe first mortgage and Maxinos went to
sold Lots 1,4,5,6 and 8 at public auction, wherein the DRBI the office of the sheriff and paid P50,625.29 (40,000
was proclaimed the highestbidder and bought said lots for
principal + 10,625.29 interests and sheriff’s commission) to
P216,040.93. The
effect the redemption. A Certificate of Redemption was
Certificate of Sale issued for Lots 1 and 6 only stating that
states that Lot 3 is notincluded in the foreclosure proceedings.
“ Atty. Diputado (Clerk of Court and Provincial Sheriff) duly
the sale is subject to therights of redemption of the notifiedthe Yaps of the said redemption and the non-
mortgagor(s) or any other persons authorized by law to do inclusion of Lot 3 among the foreclosed properties.
so, within a period of one (1) year from registration hereof However, in aletter to Atty. Diputado from the Yaps, they
.” refused to take delivery of the redemption price arguing
thatone of the characteristics of a mortgage is its
However, the Certificate of Sale was not registered indivisibility and that one cannot redeem only some of
untilalmost a year later, or on June 24, 1983.Days after the thelots foreclosed because all the parcels were sold for a
registration, the DRBI sold Lots 1, single price at the auction sale.