Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The Philippines, as one of the countries in Asia and of the world as a whole,
needs to have peace and order. However, because of different cultural influences,
societal problems and decay of moral standards, people forget and dismiss the
importance of peace and order in the country. It is observed that many people are
This condition has greatly affected the progress of the country and other
innocent people. To control this malignant condition and to stop the people from
continuously doing crimes and other illegal acts, the jail was established by the
The jail is an integral part of the criminal justice system although it might
of the interest and concern with justice punishment and rehabilitation expressed by
society and the local community. Crime rates arise gradually and progressively
with the altering range of minor citizen and higher age level from the highly
urbanized area down to remote ones. Crime is committed at any rate but being a
prisoner does not mean that a person’s worlds stop upon his commission to the
formulate policies and guidelines in the administration of all district, city, and
municipal jails nationwide, implement strong security measures for the control of
inmates, provide for the basic needs of inmates, conduct activities for the
development of inmates, improve jail facilities, and promote the general welfare
most serious issue facing criminal justice officials. Factors contributing to jail
litigation, communities opting to spend resources on projects other than new jail
construction or jail expansion, and limited ability to track jail population flows.
(NICIC, 2001), the key to preventing overcrowding and managing jail populations
information that already exist in jail information systems. The key is to then share
the results with justice officials so they can better understand and manage the size
However, the mere fact that the number of detainees increases cannot be
healthy environment that creates diseases among those people in the cell.
include: the stench, overcrowding, toilets that ran like rivers through the cells,
and call on the government to do the same. Due to this undeniable situation, the
students under the Criminology program deemed it necessary to reach out to the
people they would serve when they become law enforcers in the future.
Philippines police, "The situation is not ideal. The jail management needs another
35,000 guards and support staff." This is to say that they admit they really cannot
handle the growing number of prisoners in the country. In line with it is that a
should be treated, including bedding and food, and states: "It is not desirable to
inmates were released through various applicable laws and modes of release.
the province from increase in crime rates and to maintain peace and order and set
the people free from fear and worries due to criminalities happening in the
Batangas Provincial Jail in Cuta, Batangas City. The jail aims to enhance public
because the condition of Batangas Provincial Jail and other penitentiaries in the
country are one of the major concerns in their field. With the existing studies
need to extend their help to the management of the jail for the prisoner’s benefit.
Provincial Jail.
The provincial jail is one of the five (5) pillars of the justice system.
.Batangas Provincial Jail is directly under the office of the Provincial Government.
Even if it is under the office of the Provincial Government, all the rules and
regulation pertaining to the operation are based on the standard procedure of the
Justice) are responsible for the Batangas Provincial Jail, this study would make
them aware of the condition of the jail. This knowledge can be applied through the
years of service in the government. Specifically, this study intended to benefit the
warden and his staff, for this will serve as a catalyst to have full awareness on the
Jail and they can use the study to improve the management of the jail so that the
prisoners can have a better environment in the jail since it should be a place for
renewal and change. It is a concept that should be inculcated in every law maker in
City can determine the needs of the detainees. Meanwhile, with the increased
awareness of the personnel, they can appropriately respond to the needs of the
detainees, provide necessary services and give the detainees a worthwhile and
The NGOs and other religious groups whose intention is to help the
prisoners in the jail can gain benefit from the study. They can use the findings of
this study as bases of giving help and religious assistance to the detainees.
topic because they wanted to learn about the basic operations of jail management,
specifically, the condition of the Batangas Provincial Jail and state of inmates. On
a more practical level, they wanted to extend their help to the provincial jail
The future researchers can use this study as sample research and use as
This study was limited to the condition of the Batangas Provincial Jail.