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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000

2 Hilti PROFIS PS 1000


1 General 4
1.1 Installation
................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Short
Description 11
1.3 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4 Menu
Bar 16
1.5 Tab
Bar 17

2 Settings 17

3 Project Management 18
3.1 Organize
Scans in Projects 18
Project List
......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Scan List ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Scans 24
3.2 Selecting/Configuring
a Connected Device 25
3.3 Transferring
Projects or Scans 27
Using the .........................................................................................................................................................
Buttons 27
Using Drag&Drop
......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Using the .........................................................................................................................................................
Clipboard 30
3.4 Importing
Projects/Scans 30
Using Drag&Drop
......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Using the .........................................................................................................................................................
Clipboard 31
Working w.........................................................................................................................................................
ith Several Archives 32

4 Scan Analysis 33
4.1 Info
Section 33
4.2 Function
Buttons 34
4.3 Function
button "Param." 35
Section "Depth
Scaling" 36
Depth Calibration
......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Section "Param
." 41
Technical Explanations
for the Object Depth Determination 47
Section "Overlay"
......................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.4 Function
Button "Display" 51
Section "Display"
......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Section "Crosshair
/ Cross Section" 51
4.5 Function
Button "Config." 53
Section "Activate/Deactivate"
......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Section "Colors"
......................................................................................................................................................... 55
4.6 Function
Button "Extras" 56
Section "Report"
......................................................................................................................................................... 56

Contents 3

Section "Preview
Im age" 57
4.7 Function
Button "Drill-holes" 59
4.8 Function
Button "Annotation" 60
4.9 Main
Content 62
of the Visualization and Shortcuts 62
Im agescan .........................................................................................................................................................
2D 63
Selecting Cross
Section Images 63
Unscanned Areas 64
Im agescan .........................................................................................................................................................
3D 65
3D Stereoscopic
View 65
Selecting and..................................................................................................................................................
Modifying 3D Cross Section Images 66
Recording 66
2D Visualization
of a Quickscan Recording 66
3D Visualization
of a Quickscan Recording 70
Com m ent.........................................................................................................................................................
Line 72
4.10 Instructions
for Data Analysis 72
Starting the
PC Softw are Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 72
Dow nloading
a Scan Recording 73
Analysis and
Visualization of Scan Data 75
Optional: Analysis
of Raw Data 82
Generating .........................................................................................................................................................
a Report 83

5 Data Transfer 84
5.1 From
PSA 100 Monitor to PC 84
5.2 From
PSA 97 USB Data Module or PSA 95 Memory Card 85

6 SW-Update 86

7 Troubleshooting 89

Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

1 General

1.1 Installation
The PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 will be delivered on CD-ROM.

To install the software proceed as follows:

1. Insert the CD in the CD drive. The AutoRun function will automatically start up the
Installation program. Alternatively, you may also start the Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Setup
Wizard with a double click.

2. Select in the dialog box that will open the language to use during the Installation (the
System will automatically propose the language used by the operating system).

3. Click “Next” to confirm the start of the Setup Wizard. At any time, it is possible to cancel
the installation by clicking “Cancel” (also in the next steps).

4 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

4. Select the “Destination location” or confirm the folder proposed by the Installation program.

Content 5
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

5. Select the “Start Menu Folder” or confirm the folder proposed by the Installation program.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

6. If you like to create a desktop icon that gives you quick access to the PC software Hilti
PROFIS PS 1000 click the checkbox “Create a desktop icon”.
Here you can also indicate whether this Desktop icon and the demo scans are to be
available to all users or only the current user.

Content 7
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

7. Now, all necessary settings that can be checked before starting the installation are set. If
you want to change any settings click “Back” to return to this Setup step and change the
entry there.
If all settings are correct, click “Install” to continue with the installation.

8 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

8. During Installation, you will be kept informed about the status of the installation process.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

9. With the Installation completed successfully, the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 can
be launched immediately by selecting the checkbox “Launch Hilti PROFIS PS 1000”.
Click “Finish” to exit Setup.

10 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

1.2 Short Description

Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 lets you
transfer and organize data on your PC
analyze scans in detail
generate reports.

The software is structured to support the usual methods and proceedings at the best in order
to ensure an efficient scanning operation. The main window opens after launching the
program and confirmation of the disclaimer:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

The Project Management section opens directly after the start-up of the program. In this
section, data from different sources (PSA 100 Monitor, etc.) may be transferred to your
computer, archive folders defined as well as scans and projects managed (see chapter 3,
Project Management).

In the next step, scans may be opened for further processing (e.g. by double clicking the
scan). Thus, the Analysis section opens:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

In the Analysis section, the scan is visualized, calculation and visualization settings may be
adjusted as necessary and annotations for documentary purposes may be added (see
chapter 4, Scan Analysis).

In the last step, reports ready to print may be generated, e.g. by using the File menu Print
report… (see chapter 4.6.1, Section “Report” ):

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

1.3 Overview

1 - Menu Bar Contains the general functionalities of the program, see

chapter 1.4, Menu Bar.
2 - Tab Bar Subdivides the two main parts “Project Management” and
“Analysis”. The tab “Analysis” will appear once a scan has been
opened, see chapter 1.5, Tab Bar.
3 - Info Section Contains the coordinates when scan data is displayed, see
chapter 4.1, Info Section.
4 - Function buttons Choose how the data is displayed (2D/3D) and switch between
the different analysis sections, see chapter 4.2, Function buttons.
5 - Analysis Section Contains the range of available parameters in the respective
analysis sections.
6 - Main Content Contains the most important data of a scan image, i.e. the
displayed illustration shows the 2D view of an Imagescan.
7 - Comment Line To add a comment, see chapter 4.9.5, Comment Line .

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

1.4 Menu Bar

The Menu Bar shows the general functionalities of the program as well as some context
sensitive functions:

File Function Description Shortcut

Open Scan Opens a dialog box for opening a scan. Ctrl+O
Save Scan Saves open scan including all settings. Ctrl+S
Revert Changes Cancels in one step all changes made to the open scan
since the last saving.
Execute Script Executes script for automation of several processes. Ctrl+E
Print Report Generates a report ready to print. Ctrl+P
Exit Exits Hilti PROFIS PS 1000. Alt+F4

Edit Function Description Shortcut

Cut Cuts an object (will be saved in the clipboard) to be Ctrl+X
pasted at a different location.
Copy Copies selected object in the clipboard. Ctrl+C
Paste Pastes the object available in the clipboard at selected Ctrl+V
Delete Deletes selected object after having prompted the user Del
for confirmation.

Display Function Description Shortcut

Show large preview Changes the size of preview images of scans in the
images scan list from small to large and vice versa.
2D Displays a 2D view of the scan. Ctrl+2
3D Displays a 3D view of the scan. Ctrl+3
Take Screenshot Creates a screenshot of the current visualization of the Ctrl+T
scan and saves it in the clipboard.
Options Opens a dialog box for selecting unit system and
language, see chapter 2, Settings.

"?"-Function Description Shortcut

Help Contents Opens the Operation Manual with Table of Contents. F1
Information... Provides the opportunity to check for and download
updates of Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 and the two devices
PSA 100 Monitor and X-Scan PS 1000. Contains
additional information such as copyright, disclaimer).

16 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 General

1.5 Tab Bar

The Tab bar below the menu bar lets you switch between the Project Management and Analysis

Project Management
In the Project Management section, data is imported, exported, documented, archived and
selected for processing, visualization and interpretation tasks. A preview image will roughly
show the graphic content of a selected scan. Thus, you can quickly recognize which dataset
is shown. Additionally, information about the scan such as its location, the date or the specific
project is displayed.

In the Analysis section, data is visualized, processed, interpreted and documented.

2 Settings
To access the settings, select View Options in the Menu bar.
Here you can select the language and units system to be used and make proxy server

Any change of the language setting requires a restart of the program whereas the unit system

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Settings

settings are immediately effective.

Activate the proxy server if your computer does not have a direct connection to the Internet.
An Internet connection is needed in order to access the Hilti PROFIS Update Server (see
Section 6).

Please contact your Internet service provider for information about the proxy server settings.

3 Project Management
The Project Management window lets you:
organize scans in projects
process project info
transfer scans and projects from the PSA 100 Monitor, PSA 95 Memory Card or PSA 97
USB Stick
rename scans and edit scan commentary
prepare a PSA 95 Memory Card to be used in X-Scan PS 1000
create archive directories
open scans for processing

3.1 Organize Scans in Projects

3.1.1 Project List

In the upper part of the Project Management window (2), the project list of the current Archive
(1) is displayed with additional information. The meaning of the last three columns is: number
of Imagescans (# IS), number of Quickscans (# QS) and total number of scans (# Total).
Click one of the column headings and the table will be sorted by this column; by clicking the
column heading again, the sort sequence will be changed again. To access general project
editing functions, open the pop-up menu by clicking with the right mouse button on the
applicable project in the project list.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

The Project Info (3) of the selected project is displayed between the Project List (2) and the
Scan List (4). The scan list contains all scans belonging to the selected project. You can
change the space distribution between project list and scan list by moving the bar (5) to the
top or the bottom.

A single click on an item in the list will highlight the project name which may thus be edited:

A double click on an item in the list will take you to the window for editing the project info of an
existing project:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

To create a new project, select "New" from the pop-up menu.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

Thus the Project Info window described above will open containing a default value for the
project name and blanks for the remaining zones. Complete these zones and click the OK
button in order to create the project.

To delete a project (including all scans contained in it), first select this project from the project
list and then press "Del" or select the function “Delete” in the Edit menu or the context menu.
The project and the scans contained in it will only be deleted after you have been prompted
for confirmation:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

3.1.2 Scan List

There are two possibilities to display scan lists. First, a list view of scans with additional

Or activate the setting “Show large preview images” in the View menu to set a second
display mode of the scan list:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

In both cases, the scan name can be directly edited. To do so, you will need to click the scan
name of a selected scan once:

If you move the mouse cursor over a preview image, short information about the scan will be

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

In the scan list, select "Edit Comment..." from the pop-up menu (right mouse click) to add a
comment to the scan and play the audio comment:

To open a scan for further analysis purposes, double-click an item in the scan list.

3.1.3 Moving/Copying Scans

To move a scan to another project, drag the scan in the scan list to the selected project by
using the mouse. Keep the mouse button pressed as long as the cursor is placed over the
project to which you want to move the scan:

If you keep the Ctrl button pressed during the described operation, the scan will be copied
instead of being moved. In this case, a small “+”-symbol will appear in the mouse cursor:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

The clipboard is another option for copying or moving scans. Thus, a scan is temporarily
stored in the clipboard to be pasted later in any other project.
For the selected scan, use the “Copy” function button (“Cut” for moving the scan) either in the
Edit menu or in the context menu (right mouse button) or by pressing the button combination
Ctrl+C (Ctrl+X for moving):

Then select the destination project from the project list and use the “Paste” function button
either in the edit menu or in the context menu (right mouse button) or by pressing the button
combination Ctrl+V.

3.2 Selecting/Configuring a Connected Device

When a device (PSA 100 Monitor, PSA 97 USB flash drive) is connected to the computer's
USB interface, an additional column will appear on the left side of the window. In this column,
all projects (top) and scans (bottom) that are stored on the device will be displayed:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

If more than one device is simultaneously connected to the computer, the device to be
displayed can be selected from the Drop-Down-Box top left:

To create projects on a PSA 97 Data Stick or a PSA 95 Memory Card, this device must
necessarily present a special data structure. Select the function “Prepare/Setup new device”
in the Drop-Down-Box to create a new data structure.
Select the device to prepare in the dialog box that opens and click OK to confirm

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

3.3 Transferring Projects or Scans

3.3.1 Using the Buttons

Using the buttons (1) and (2) in the middle of the screen, projects (1) and scans (2) can be
transferred from the device to the archive folder and vice versa. The data saved on the
device will be preserved.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

To transfer a project, including the scans contained in it, from the device to the archive folder,
select a project from the project list of the device and click the “>” button between the project
lists (copy single project). If a project having an identical name already exists in the archive
folder, the scans of the project saved on the device will be copied to the correspondent
project in the archive (scans that are already saved in the destination project will be
preserved). If scans with an identical name already exist in the project in the archive you will
be notified accordingly and given the choice of overwriting the scans or cancelling the

If all projects are to be transferred from the device to the archive folder, click the “>>” button
between the project lists. Depending on the number of scans saved on the device, the
copying operation will take some time.

To transfer one or all projects from the archive folder back to the device, use the “<” or “<<”
buttons between the project lists.

To transfer a single scan from the device to the archive folder, first select a project on the
device as well as a project in the archive folder, then select a scan from the scan list of the

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

device and click the “>” button between the scan lists (copy single scan). If a scan with an
identical name already exists in the selected project in the archive you will be notified
accordingly and given the choice of overwriting the scan or cancelling the operation.

If all scans of a project are to be transferred from the device to the project in the archive
folder, first select a project and then click the “>>” button between the scan lists.

To transfer one or all scans of a project in the archive folder to another project saved on the
device, use the “<” or “<<” button between the scan lists.

3.3.2 Using Drag&Drop

To transfer a project from the device to the archive folder, drag this project from the project
list on the device in the project list in the archive folder by using the mouse (also possible the
other way round).

To transfer one single scan using Drag&Drop, select a scan from the scan list on the device
and use the mouse to drag it in the scan list in the archive folder. The scan may also be
directly transferred to another project by dragging the scan in the project list in the archive

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

3.3.3 Using the Clipboard

The clipboard provides another opportunity for copying or moving projects/scans. Here, a
project/scan is temporarily saved in the clipboard to be pasted later at a different place. For
the selected object (project/scan), use the “Copy” function button either in the Edit menu or in
the context menu (right mouse button) or by pressing the button combination Ctrl+C.
Then select the destination project from the project list and click “Paste” either in the Edit
menu or in the context menu (right mouse button) or by pressing the button combination

3.4 Importing Projects/Scans

Projects or scans can be copied or moved from the Project Management module of the Hilti
PROFIS PS 1000 application to any desired folder or drive of the PC. To do this, use only
the methods described below from within Hilti PROFIS PS 1000. Do not use the Windows
Explorer to move scan files. This will result in the files being write-protected.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

3.4.1 Using Drag&Drop

To copy/move a project or a scan from the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 to a PC drive,
click and drag the project/scan from one of the project or scan lists to e.g. Windows Explorer.

If, during the Drag&Drop operation, objects are moved between different drives, these
objects will be copied, i.e. the object existing at the source location will not be deleted while a
copy of the file will be created at the target location. If however objects are transferred within
the same drive, these objects will be moved, i.e. with the Drag&Drop operation completed,
this object will no longer exist at the source location.

During the dragging of an object, you can define what to do with this object: while the object
is dragged, press also the “Shift” button to move an object, or Ctrl to copy it.

3.4.2 Using the Clipboard

Projects/scans can also be moved between the PC Software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 and e.g.
Windows Explorer.

Select a project or a scan in the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 and use the “Copy” or
“Cut” function button in the Edit menu or in the context menu and press the button
combination Ctrl+C (copy) or Ctrl+X (cut). Paste the object from the clipboard at the
destination location by using the Clipboard functions of e.g. Windows Explorer.

In the same way projects/scans may be imported from Windows Explorer to PC software Hilti

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

3.4.3 Working with Several Archives

An archive is defined as location on the hard drive or a network drive where the PC software
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 saves projects and scans in a special data structure. While it is
possible to select different archives, only the projects and scans of a single archive may be
displayed and processed simultaneously.

For most cases, it will suffice to work with the predefined archive. You will only need this
function if you want to place your projects in several storage locations.

If archive folders have already been defined, you can select the current archive from the
Drop-Down-Box top right:

Click the “Search folder” button to create a new archive or to activate an archive that does not
show up in the list:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Project Management

Select a directory and click OK to confirm.

4 Scan Analysis
The Scan Analysis window lets you:
visualize scans in 2D and 3D
adjust the calculation of data
adjust the view
add “Annotations” to scans
define drill-hole markers
generate reports

4.1 Info Section

The Info Section (no. (3) in the Overview ) shows the x- and y-coordinates, the depth and layer
thickness in the selected Unit System

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

In the position specification, the slice depth will be symbolized through an arrow pointing
downwards ( ) while the slice thickness width is represented by an equals sign (=).

This symbol indicates the origin of the coordinate system; it is part of the grid.

In 3D, this symbol indicates the starting point of a scan.

While the parameter “Concrete” is changed in the Analysis section “Param.”, the resulting
indication of depth at the current position of the crosshair is shown in red in the Info section

4.2 Function Buttons

The function buttons will guide you through the different process steps required for obtaining
a correct and convincing analysis of the scan data. As determining optimal settings for
displaying or processing the data frequently is an iterative procedure (see chapter 4.10,
Instructions for Data Analysis), the process chain steps may directly be selected. Clicking one
of the function buttons will take you directly to the correspondent Analysis section, the clicked
function button being shown in red.

Use this function button for switching between the visualization modes
(2D/3D) and for indicating the view which is currently activated. In our
example, the 2D display is activated. Another option for changing the
visualization modes is to use either shortcuts (Ctrl+2 for 2D, Ctrl+3 for 3D)
or the “2D” or “3D” functions in the View menu.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

The 3D display enables in addition a real 3D visualization including a deep

effect, using the shortcut Alt+3 that may then be examined wearing red/blue
glasses (Hint: turn and zoom the scan data for better viewing the effect).
This function button lets you set the most important settings for the
processing of data, i.e. the numeric preparation of data. Each change
made to this menu has great influence on the quality and accuracy of the
data. Changing one of these settings automatically triggers a reprocessing
of the whole dataset, thus showing immediately the impact of the changed
setting on the visualization of the measuring data, see chapter 4.3, Function
button “Param.” .

This function button lets you select the settings which affect the visualization
of data but not the processing, see chapter 4.4, Function button “Display” .

Choose this function button to set the visibility and coloration of various
elements, see chapter 4.5, Function button “Config.” .

Choose this function button to generate a report or a preview image of a

scan, see chapter 4.6, Function button “Extras” .

Choose this function button to place up to 8 drill-hole markers in the 2D

display of a scan, see chapter 4.7, Function button “Drill-holes” .

Choose this function button to place up to 8 locally fixed annotations in a

scan image, see chapter 4.8, Function button “Annotation” .

4.3 Function button "Param."

In this section, you can define the most important settings used in the processing of data, i.e.
the numeric preparation of data. Each change made to this menu has great influence on the
quality and accuracy of data. As soon as one of these settings is changed, reprocessing of
the whole dataset is necessary, thus showing immediately the impact of the changed setting
on the visualization of the measuring data.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.3.1 Section "Depth Scaling"

The X-Scan PS 1000 defines the depth of objects

on the basis of the travel time of radar waves.
Thus, the displayed object depth is resulting from
the propagation speed of the radar waves within
the concrete and the condition of the concrete

"Lock Depth"
Clicking the option “Lock Depth” will fix all the parameters affecting the depth scaling (see
chapter 4.3.2, Depth Scaling).
The parameter “Concrete” adjusts the depth scaling. The material being scanned and its
condition affect the depth indications for the object located. In order to obtain a correct
indication of depth, the parameter “Concrete” must correspond to the physical
characteristics of the material scanned. The numerical value given here refers to the
characteristic known as “permittivity” in the field of physics (see chapter 4.10, Instructions for
Data Analysis). If the set value is incorrect, a minor deviation from the true value will lead to
the display of an incorrect object depth while in case of a major deviation from the true
value, only incorrect objects or no objects at all will be displayed.
"Focus Offset"
The parameter “Focus Offset” lets you virtually shift the surface in order to improve the
focusing of the data. We recommend only using this parameter if the default setting (“Focus
Offset” value=1) does not provide a reasonable visualization of the data. In case of very
heterogeneous materials or surfaces, “Focus Offset” may contribute to improve the data

Typical value for from to

Concrete 5.0 8.0
Concrete wet 6.0 12.0
Concrete dense 6.0 9.0
Granite 5.0 8.0
Limestone 7.0 9.0
Sandstone 6.0
Asphalt 3.0 5.0

A suitable parameter for the parameter “concrete” can be found by proceeding as follows:

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

1. Choose the setting according to the table above. As a guide, the drier the concrete, the
lower the value for the parameter “concrete” should be.
2. The appearance of certain artefacts in the cross-sectional view may indicate that the
setting is incorrect.

Value for the parameter “Concrete” too high

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Value for the parameter “Concrete” too low

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Value for the parameter “Concrete” correct

3. Taking the known depth of an object as a reference (see chapter 4.3.2, Depth Calibration).
4. Taking the known thickness of a slab as a reference: In a “raw” cross section image, the
back surface of a slab is typically shown as an even line.
Provided the wall thickness is known, the parameter “Concrete” can be adjusted until the
line described above coincide with the actual slab thickness.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.3.2 Depth Calibration

As mentioned before, the depth scaling may be calibrated on the basis of the known depth of
an object. Proceed as follows:

1. Position the cross hairs at the mid point of the object of known depth in the cross-sectional
view. The mid point of the view of the object represents the upper surface of the real
object. The current depth value will be indicated in the Info section as black number.
2. Adjust the parameter “Concrete” using the cursor until the depth value shown in
red (1) in the Info section corresponds to the actual depth value.

In the cross section, position the crosshair at the new mid point of the object with known

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

depth. Check the depth value that now might show the correct depth.
3. Clicking the option “Lock Depth” will fix all parameters which have an influence on the
depth scaling. A depth marker will additionally appear at the crosshair position in the top
view as well as in the cross section image.

4.3.3 Section "Param."

The section “Param.” lets you define all basic settings of the process chain.
Changing a value in “Param.” will automatically start a reprocessing of the dataset.

"Filter Type"
To gain a clear view of objects in the near range, the data from consistent slices is filtered,
thus masking reflections of the surface, slices and a possibly existing back surface of a
slab. There is a choice of three options:
"Median": The standard option as it statistically represents the most robust method and
will in most cases ensure a satisfying visualization of the data. For each depth, the
median value of the data will be subtracted.
"Selective": To calculate the data from consistent slices, this filter will identify areas in
the material scanned where no objects are located. In some configurations, e.g. in case
of very narrow and compact grids this filter type will provide better results as the filter type
"High-pass": This filter type will locally calculate the data from consistent slices for a
limited length of the recording. It is recommended choosing this option with long
Quickscan recordings (QSR) where the material scanned varies over the scan length.
"Depth Range"
The “Depth range” parameter provides a choice of two settings, depending on the position
of the object:
"Standard": Provides a good balance between clarity of the objects and a minimum of
"Deep": Makes objects at greater depth more easily visible but also increases the
interference seen in the image.

Background information: in a signal processing chain, this parameter corresponds to the

choice of two different depth-dependent gain profiles (Gain). The setting “Deep” seeks to
visualize as much objects as possible. It is recommended choosing this option if you want
to visualize e.g. plastic pipes located next to steel reinforcement bars or objects located at
great depths in an extremely dampening material.
"Focus Type"
Two different calculation modes are available to focus the data and to gain a realistic and

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

improved view of this data:

"Fast": When choosing this focus type, focusing of the data will be accelerated. Provided
the value “Concrete” is correct, the generated image will be very well focused. This option
is only limited by the fact that it requires a homogenous material to be successful. It is
recommended for use in standard cases.
"Advanced": When this mode is selected, the data will be focused more smoothly than
with using the focus type “Fast”.

Background: radar waves penetrating the ground are emitted in a wide angle of
approximately ±45°. This means that an antenna does not only capture the object located
directly below the antenna but also objects located left and right to it. Due to this property of
the antenna, the typical hyperbolas occur in the raw data. The position of an object is
represented through the apex of a scattering hyperbola. Like converging lens for
converging the light, an algorithm is used for synthetically focusing these hyperbolas. This
method provides a more realistic and well-improved view of the data in the material. In
case of the focus type “Fast”, the algorithm used belongs to the Stolt migration whereas the
focus type “Extended” is an algorithm of the Kirchhoff migration.
The parameter “Data” lets you select the data to display in the cross section image. You
can choose between “Standard”, “Focused”, “Gained”, “Filtered” and “Raw”.
"1 Standard": This view shows the data as focused reflection intensities. Such a reflex
appears at the location of an object. The more an object is reflective, the higher is the
shown intensity. With objects whose diameter is rather small compared to the wave
length of the radar waves, particularly objects such as reinforcement bars or other long-
shaped objects (e.g. cables or pipes), this method will provide a more realistic
visualization in two or three dimensions. The center of a reflection described above
generally defines the object depth (see chapter, Technical Explanations for the
Object Depth Determination). The display mode “1 Standard” is the last step of the whole
process chain after focusing of the data and it represents the envelope of the focused

42 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

"2 Focused": When “Focus” is selected, all data originating from one object is brought
together. This approach is called synthetic focusing or migration. A scattering hyperbola
seen in the raw data or the gained data is brought together to one single point. Thereby,
objects close to each other can be better distinguished and objects at greater depths
more easily recognized as the focusing centers the energy of the reflection on one point.
Analysis of the sequence of amplitudes lets you distinguish between plastic pipes and
reinforcement bars.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

"3 Gained": The setting “3 Gained” compensates the dampening effect of the material.
The more the wave penetrates the ground the more it is dampened. This is the reason
why objects at a great depth provide much weaker reflections then objects close to the
surface. To gain a realistic view, it is necessary to compensate this difference in
reflection amplitudes. There is a choice of two algorithms which can be set by using the
parameter “Depth Range”.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

"4 Filtered": When “4 Filtered” is selected, the raw data is displayed after a filter that
subtracts the data from consistent slices has been used. This approach filters most of the
reflections from the surface, the reflections from a consistent slice or the reflections from
a back surface. Thus, smaller objects to detect can be made visible. To filter the data
from consistent slices, different calculation modes can be used, see “Filter type”.

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"5 Raw": When looking for special patterns such as in layers, it can be of advantage to
use the “Raw” setting. These are the actual raw data recorded by means of X-Scan
PS 1000.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Use the mouse pointer in the 2D display or the function Visualization Thickness to select
the slice thickness of the depth section that will then be displayed in the screen as a top
view. The setting "Z-Summation" lets you determine if the median or maximum value above
this slice thickness will be displayed as a top view. Selecting the option “Median value” will
generate a smoother view of the 2D top view than the option “Max”. Explanations for the Object Depth Determination

Determination of object depth for various object classes on the basis of the
processed scan data and multiple reflections

The mid point of a reflection in a processed cross section image generally shows the
depth of the (top edge) of an object, not its mid point. Object depth is the distance from the
surface of the material scanned to the top edge of the object located.
The scattering hyperbolas themselves show up in the “raw”, “filtered” and “gained” cross

Content 47
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

section images. Due to the finite bandwidth of the radar system, the hyperbolas are often
wider than the actual object. The apex of the hyperbola shows the location of the object in
the scanning direction. The depth of the object at this point is indicated approximately by
the mid point of the hyperbola, not by the top edge of the hyperbola.
A metal object (steel reinforcing bar, object C, and steel plate, object D, as shown in the
following illustration) is not transparent to radar waves. The mid point of a reflection always
indicates the depth of an object. The underside of an object of this kind cannot be detected.
An empty plastic pipe or conduit with a diameter of >50 mm (2 in) (object A) is partially
transparent to radar waves. A reflection is caused at its top surface and at its bottom
If the diameter of a plastic pipe or conduit is <50 mm (2 in), the reflections from the top and
bottom surfaces are superimposed. The reflections then cannot be isolated. In this case,
the mid point of the reflection in the processed cross section image is positioned slightly
below the top surface of the pipe.
Multiple reflections are normally observed when wide, strongly reflective objects (e.g.
metal plates) are scanned. These reflections are a result of the radar waves bouncing back
and forward between the concrete surface or the antenna and the object. The interval
between these multiple reflections is a multiple of the distance between the object and the
surface (antenna). As a result of this characteristic, multiple reflections can be identified as
such, and not as real objects (ghost objects).
After processing, the reflections from the edges of a plate are normally stronger than
those from its center. This is due to the strong scattering hyperbola at an edge, which
becomes focused at this point.

A: Empty waste water pipe 70 mm (2¾ in) diameter

B: Empty plastic pipe 25 mm (1 in) diameter
C: Steel reinforcing bar 12 mm (# 4) diameter
D: Metal plate 170 mm (6¾ in) of width

Processed cross section with various objects at a depth of 70 mm (2¾ in)

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Crosse section after application of depth-dependent gain showing various objects at a depth
of 70 mm (2¾ in)

1) Multiple reflections
2) Mid point of reflection from upper surface of the object
3) Mid point of reflection from bottom surface of the object

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4.3.4 Section "Overlay"

The concrete material to analyze may be covered by

another slice which strongly distinguishes from the
material scanned, e.g. an insulation slice or a wooden
board used as overlay during measurement. In order
to focus the data correctly, this slice must also be
considered (entered). Use the following parameters:

Scanning w ith a X-Scan PS 1000 on concrete

(2) w ith an overlay (1) of thickness (3)

To activate the “Overlay” function make sure that the checkbox is activated.
N.B.: If using an overlay, you can generally obtain better results if you use the focus type
The “Thickness” value indicates the actual overlay thickness in [mm] (*). The display of the
overlay thickness in the visualization is not to scale.
The “Concrete” value indicates the relative permittivity of the overlay. Typical values of the
parameter “Concrete” for the overlay are listed in the table below.

(*) NB: From a certain slice thickness depending on the value for “Concrete” of the material
scanned and the overlay, focusing of the data through an overlay will no more provide reliable
results, thus limiting the detection depth. In such a case, the general specifications are no
longer valid.

Typical value for the from to

parameter “Concrete”
Styrofoam 1
Wood dry 2 4
Wood wet 3 5
Plexiglas (PMMA) 2.4

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.4 Function Button "Display"

Settings made by means of this function button will have an influence on the visualization but
not on the processing of data.

4.4.1 Section "Display"

"Color Scheme"
The “Color Scheme” parameter lets you select a color scheme. There is a choice of nine
color schemes. These allow you to change the appearance of the display or to adjust it to
the prevailing lighting conditions, but have no other significance.
Set a value between 1 and 100% to reduce or increase the contrast of the displayed image
“3D Display Threshold”
The 3D view shows objects in the scanned material as isosurface. If the “3D Display
Threshold” value is reduced, objects that provide only a very weak reflection, will also be
displayed. In 2D, “3D Display Threshold” corresponds to the parameter “Contrast”.
"3D Transparency"
The 3D view also provides an image of cross sections. The “3D Transparency” setting lets
you to vary the transparency of cross sections to make objects located behind another
object visible.
"3D View"
The “3D View” defines the viewing angle from which to watch the data in 3D. It is possible
to change the viewing angle at will by using the mouse to turn the 3D visualization. In
addition, a presetting has been defined for every spatial direction.
“Object Smoothing”
If objects are aligned along one scan direction (x or y) and if these are longish objects,
activate the checkbox for smoothing the objects.

It is not recommended to activate this filter if the objects are inclined relatively to the
coordinate axes and if the objects’ shape is very irregular.

4.4.2 Section "Crosshair / Cross Section"

The section “Crosshair / Cross Section” defines the depth sections to display additionally in
the visualization image.

There are different possibilities to change the position of the crosshair as well as the slice
thickness in the 2D view or the cross sections in the 3D view (if shown):

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1. Click the mouse in the 2D visualization. To change the lower limitation of the slice
thickness, click in the cross section while pressing the ALT button.
2. Drag the cursors “x”, “y”, “z” or “Thickness” using the mouse.
3. Click one of the boxes next to the cursors and change the values using either the and
buttons on your keyboard or the scroll wheel of the mouse or by directly entering the
numerical value.

To show or hide the cross sections in the 3D view, click the corresponding checkboxes in the
section “3D Cross Sections”.

For illustration purposes, you’ll find below a few examples how to work with cross sections.

2D visualization of the low er steel reinforcing layer 3D visualization of the cross section (low er steel
reinforcing layer) in the z-direction

3D visualization of the cross section in the y-direction 3D visualization of the cross section in the x-direction

52 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

3D visualization of the gained raw data as cross section 3D visualization of the x and y-cross sections
im age in the y-direction. The color for the scan data is
set to "grey".

4.5 Function Button "Config."

4.5.1 Section "Activate/Deactivate"

“Scan data” Use the checkboxes x and y to select the scan direction to display. Hiding
the data of a scan direction may be helpful if objects laying in this
direction have no significance. Thus, objects in the other direction will be
displayed more clearly.
“3D bounding The “3D bounding box” indicates the maximum scan range of an
box” Imagescan. It is possible to hide the bounding box in x- or y- direction by
deactivating the checkbox. Changing the coloration of the “3D bounding
box” is possible using the parameter “Colors”.
“Grid” Use the checkbox “Grid” to activate/deactivate the display of the scan
grid. Changing the coloration of the grid is possible using the parameter
“Starting point” Use the checkbox “Starting point” to activate/deactivate the display of the
starting point symbol (colored cone). Changing the coloration of the
starting point is possible using the parameter “Colors”.
"Drill-hole Use the checkbox “Drill-hole markers” to activate/deactivate the display
marker" of the drill-hole markers defined before. Changing the coloration of the
“Drill-hole markers” is possible using the parameter “Colors”.
"Annotations" Use the checkbox “Annotations” to activate/deactivate the display of the
“Annotations” edited before. Changing the coloration of the “Annotations”
is possible using the parameter “Colors”.

Examples of the visualization of scan data in each direction in 2D and 3D

Content 53
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2D visualization of scan data in the x-direction 2D visualization of scan data in the y-direction

3D visualization of scan data in the x-direction 3D visualization of scan data in the y-direction

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4.5.2 Section "Colors"

Colors of objects, lines and markers can be

set using the “Colors” function. A mouse click
in the color field will open a “Color” dialog box
where you can choose the color scheme you
like to use.
Click the "Standard Colors" button to reset all
colors to the original values.

There is a choice of basic colors, user-defined

colors and a continued color scheme.
Additionally, colors may also be indicated as
RGB values. Enter the numerical value for the
shade, saturation and brightness of colors.

“Scan data” For the 3D view, select a color for objects located in x- and y-direction.
“3D bounding For the 3D view, select a color for “3D bounding boxes” in x- and y-
box” direction.
“Grid” This color scheme defines the color of the Grid.
“Starting point” This color scheme defines the color of the Starting point.

Content 55
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

"Crosshair" This color scheme defines the color of the crosshair.

"Unscanned area This color scheme defines the color of the areas of an Imagescan
" recording that have not been scanned.
"Depth marker" This color scheme defines the color of Depth markers.
“Drill-hole marker” This color scheme defines the color of Drill-hole markers.
“Annotations” This color scheme defines the color of Annotations.
"Background" For the screen background two colors are available: black and white.

4.6 Function Button "Extras"

The “Extras” function button lets you generate reports or create a preview image of the scan
to be added to the scan list in the project.

4.6.1 Section "Report"

"Generate This function lets you generate a report of the scan data that is ready to print or
" can be saved as a file by using a PDF printer driver.

Example of a report:

56 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.6.2 Section "Preview Image"

In order recognize scan files fast and visually, the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000
enables you to generate a preview image of a visualization selected by the user. This view
will be saved in the scan file and will then be displayed in the scan list of Project Management
. It is at any time possible to replace the preview image by a newer one.

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"Place" This function creates a preview image of the data from the currently open
2D or 3D view.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.7 Function Button "Drill-holes"

Use the “Drill-holes” function button to place drill-hole markers in a 2D view.

Nr. Symbol Description

1 Add drill-hole marker

2 Delete drill-hole marker

3 Add all drill-hole markers

4 Label drill-hole marker

Content 59
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Nr. Symbol Description

5 y [mm] Y-position of drill-hole marker relative to grid’s origin
6 x [mm] X-position of drill-hole marker relative to grid’s origin

1) Place the crosshair to the desired position (x, y).

2) Place a drill-hole marker at this location by using the buttons (1). An item will be generated

in the list (5)(6) and in the 2D view, the drill-hole marker will be indicated by a symbol .
3) Double-clicking on the list entry will open a window where annotations relating to this drill-
hole marker can be created.

4.8 Function Button "Annotation"

An annotation is a locally fixed note , which you can place in the 2D visualization by
using the function button “Annotations”.

60 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Nr. Symbol Description

1 Add annotation

2 Delete annotation

3 Delete all “Annotations”

4 Label annotation

5 y [mm] Y-position of the annotation relative to grid’s origin

6 x [mm] X-position of the annotation relative to grid’s origin

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4.9 Main Content

The Main Content is the graphic window for the visualization of the scan data.

4.9.1 Manipulation of the Visualization and Shortcuts

The PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 features a powerful graphic renderer to enable an
optimal visualization of the scan data. Some of the functionalities are identical for Imagescan
and Quickscan recordings. These are outlined below:

Action Shortcut Description

Move Shift + left The visualization image can be moved beyond the screen
mouse button by holding and moving it with the cursor while
simultaneously holding down the left mouse button and the
“Shift” button. This function may be of advantage if a certain
section of the data is to be displayed enlarged (zoom). To
return to the original view, use the right mouse button or the
scroll wheel to zoom out the section. In a 3D display, preset
views may be selected using the “Display” “3D View”
functionality, which also centers the image.
Rotate Ctrl + left The visualization image can be rotated around the center of
mouse button the image surface by holding and turning it with the cursor
while simultaneously holding down the “Ctrl” button.
Zoom Scroll wheel or To enlarge the display, turn the scroll wheel forward or, in
right mouse the main content, move the mouse forwards while holding
button + mouse down the right mouse button. To minimize the display, turn
up/down the scroll wheel backwards or, in the main content, move
the mouse downwards while holding down the right mouse

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.9.2 Imagescan 2D
A 2D visualization of the scan data is composed of a top view and a cross section in the x-
and the y-direction each on the lower side and the right side. Selecting Cross Section Images

Top View
In a top view, only those objects which are located within the set slice thickness are
visualized. Objects located outside this range are not displayed in the top view. The
advantage is that a selective analysis of certain areas in the depth of the scanned material
can be carried out.

The slice thickness is defined by means of the crosshair inside the two cross section images

By left-clicking the mouse in one of the two cross-sectional views, the depth of the slice

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thickness will be set. The lower limitation of the of the slice thickness (in the visualization a
dotted-dashed line) can be set by clicking in one of the two cross section images and
simultaneously holding down the “Alt” button.

Alternatively, you can set the of the slice thickness using the parameter “Thickness” in the
“Display” function in the section “Crosshair / Cross Section”.

Cross-Sectional Views
Cross section images serve for analyzing objects located at different depths. The cross
section image below the top view shows the section at the current y-position of the crosshair.
The cross section to the right of the top view shows the section at the current x-position of the

Set the crosshair’s x- and y-position by left-clicking the mouse in the top view. Hold down the
mouse button and move the mouse for browsing the different cross sections quickly.
Alternatively, you can set the position of the crosshair using the function button “Display” in
the “Crosshair / Cross Section Image” section. Displaying Unscanned Areas

Areas that are not taken into account in an Imagescan recording, will be shown through a
continuous line which ends with an end mark on the upper side of the grid. In these areas, no
information about the objects located in the material can be provided. Even if only one
direction is scanned (e.g. only the x-direction) objects located along this axis (again the x-
axis) cannot be indicated as only objects located transverse to the scan direction may be

2D display of unscanned areas 3D display of unscanned areas

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.9.3 Imagescan 3D
A 3D visualization of the scan data is composed of a perspective view of the processed
scan data where cross sections can be shown in x- and y-direction as well as in the depth.
Use “Param.” “Data” to choose the data type of the cross sections. Thus, it is e.g. possible
to display the raw data (“5 raw”) as cross section and the processed data ("1 standard")
simultaneously in 3D.

3D visualization (isosurface) of the processed data in the 3D visualization (isosurface) of the processed data w ith
view “3D View " "Top”. depth section of raw data in x-direction. 3D Stereoscopic View

To intensify the 3D deep effect, the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 lets you display a
stereoscopic view after a color filter procedure has been applied. Pressing the button
combination Alt+3 shows or hides the stereoscopic view. If the user uses red/blue glasses,
his brain will produce a 3D visualization with deep. Use the function buttons “Turn” and
“Zoom” to visualize this effect best as possible.

Content 65
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis Selecting and Modifying 3D Cross Section Images

Unlike in 2D, only the “Display” “3D cross section” function
can be used for selecting cross sections. Use the checkboxes
to activate/deactivate the display of the cross sections. To
change their position, use the cursors or numerical input boxes
in the “Crosshair / Cross Section” section. The slice thickness
can be modified using the parameter “Thickness”.

4.9.4 Quickscan Recording

Visualization of scan data of a Quickscan recording differs from a Imagescan recording as
the data is displayed in only one direction, i.e. the scan direction, and scans may be up to
10 m (32.8 ft) long. Thus, a Quickscan recording will not show any cross sections transverse
to the scan direction. Displaying the 10 m (32.8 ft) scan data requires a special manipulation
during visualization. In the following chapter, these special steps will be separately described 2D Visualization of a Quickscan Recording

When recording a Quickscan image, the scan direction will be defined before recording
starts. There is a choice of four scan directions which describe the orientation of the scan
and facilitate allocation of the data to the measured object.
Scan direction Description Symbol
"from left to right" From the viewing position of the observer, the
Quickscan image has been recorded from left to
right. The length scale runs from left to right in
ascending order.
"from right to left" From the viewing position of the observer, the
Quickscan image has been recorded from right to
left. The length scale runs from right to left in
negative direction (ascending negative
"from top to bottom" From the viewing position of the observer, the
Quickscan image has been recorded from top to
bottom. The length scale runs from left to right in
ascending order from top to bottom.

66 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Scan direction Description Symbol

"from bottom to top" From the viewing position of the observer, the
Quickscan image has been recorded from bottom
to top. The length scale runs from left to right in
negative direction (ascending negative

Below, you’ll find an example of each of these four scan options.

Scan direction: “from left to right”

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Scan direction: "from right to left"

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Scan direction: "from top to bottom "

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Scan direction: "from bottom to top" 3D Visualization of a Quickscan Recording

The 3D visualization of a Quickscan recording represents the total length of data. For
efficiently processing a certain part within the display of the total length, manipulation of the
3D graphical image by means of shortcuts will be indispensable. The following manipulations
are particularly useful:

Action Shortcut Description

Move Shift + left The visualization image can be moved beyond the screen
mouse button by holding and moving it with the cursor while
simultaneously holding down the left mouse button and the
“Shift” button. This function may be of advantage if a certain

70 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Action Shortcut Description

part of the data is to be displayed enlarged (zoom).
Rotate Ctrl + left The visualization image may be rotated around the center
mouse button of the display surface by holding and turning with the cursor
while holding down the “Ctrl” button simultaneously.
Zoom Scroll wheel or To enlarge the visualization, turn the scroll wheel forwards
right mouse or, in the main content, move the mouse forwards while
button + mouse holding down the right mouse button. To minimize the
up/down display, turn the scroll wheel backwards or, in the main
content, move the mouse downwards while holding down
the right mouse button.

3D view of a Quickscan recording w ith a m axim um Detail view at the -6.0 m (-19.7 ft) position.
length of 10 m (32.8 ft). Sim ultaneously placing the m ouse pointer in the m ain
content and holding dow n the “Shift” button w ill m ove
the displayed area.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Detail view at the -9.5 m (-31.2 ft) position. Detail view at the -10.0 m (-32.8 m ) position.
Sim ultaneously placing the m ouse pointer in the m ain Sim ultaneously placing the m ouse pointer in the m ain
content and holding dow n the “Shift” button w ill m ove content and holding dow n the “Ctrl” button w ill turn the
the displayed area. displayed area around the center of the m ain content.

4.9.5 Comment Line

The Comment Line at the lower edge of the screen lets you enter comments and play the
audio comment which has been recorded using the PSA 100 Monitor.

4.10 Instructions for Data Analysis

The following instructions will take you stepwise through the example of a data analysis of an
Imagescan recording.

4.10.1 Starting the PC Software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000

Step Instructions Screenshot

1 Start the PC software Hilti PROFIS
PS 1000 by double-clicking the left
mouse button on the desktop icon.
Alternatively, use “Programs”
HILTI PROFIS PS 1000 in the
Windows Start Menu to start the

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.10.2 Downloading a Scan Recording

Step Instructions
2 When the program has been started, the tab “Project Management” is
immediately open:

Double-click to open a scan in the scan list. The program will automatically
download the dataset, process the data and then switch to the “Analysis” tab in
order to visualize the data.
3 If you want to open a scan from another archive directory, drive or folder, use the
menu bar under “File” “Open Scan File” and select the respective file using
the File Browser.

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Step Instructions

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions

4.10.3 Analysis and Visualization of Scan Data

If the visualization does not provide a satisfying result, proceed as follows:
Step Instructions Screenshot
4 Set the visualization mode to 2D.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

5 In the “Analysis” section “Param.”
“Depth Scaling” set the parameter
“Concrete” to a value between 6 and
8. The “Focus Offset” value must be 1.

6 In “Param.” “Data Processing” use

the following standard settings:

7 In the section “Display” set the “Color

scheme” to “Blue” and adjust the
parameter “Contrast” to a value which
enables a clearer visualization of the

76 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

8 In “Config.” “Activate/Deactivate”
check if both scan directions as well
as the grid are activated for an
Imagescan recording.

9 Examine the two-dimensional top

view in the main content. Hold down
the left mouse button and move, on
the lower cross section in x-direction,
the cursor up and down to see objects
in the slices of material scanned.
Alternatively, use the parameter
“Display” “Cross sections” “z” to
change the depth values by means of
the cursor or by entering a numerical
value. For the parameter “Thickness”,
adjust the slice thickness by means of
the cursor to better distinguish
individual positions of objects.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

10 After optimizing scan data

visualization and completing scan
analysis, you may, if necessary, add
drill-hole markers or “Annotations” to
positions in the image and comment
the scan.

11 Then switch to the 3D visualization by

clicking the “2D/3D” function button.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

12 Placing the mouse pointer in the main content lets you change the orientation of
the 3D visualization by holding down the left mouse button and pushing the it
elsewhere. To enlarge or downsize the visualization use the scroll wheel of the
mouse or move the mouse up and down while holding down the right mouse

13 The “3D Display Threshold” is set by the graphic renderer. To obtain an optimal
view, you may possibly have to change this threshold again. Use the parameter
“Display” “3D Display Threshold” to move the cursor to the left or the right. Set
the threshold value to the recommended value of 40 to 50%. Depending on the
scan data, you can also use “Object Smoothing” to improve the image and to
display the objects even more clearly as longish objects. Only objects whose
echo signals are stronger than the "3D Display Threshold" will be displayed.
Increasing the threshold will reduce the number of objects displayed. By
reducing the threshold, objects reflecting weaker echo signals will also be

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Step Instructions Screenshot

3D visualization of scan data w ith high “3D Display Threshold” value. Objects w ith a w eaker echo w ill
be hidden.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

3D visualization of scan data w ith low “3D Display Threshold” value. Objects w hose echo is w eaker
w ill also be show n.

14 Optionally, you can insert a cross

section in x-direction by activating the
checkbox “x” in “Display” “3D-
Cross section”.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

4.10.4 Optional: Analysis of Raw Data

Step Instructions Screenshot

15 Switch to the function “Param.” and
change the “Param.” “Data” value
to “5 Raw”.

16 Return to “Display” “Data

Processing” and select for “Color
Scheme” the value “Grey”.

17 Change the “Contrast” value until the raw data is clearly visible. You can change
the position of the depth section in x-direction by modifying the y-position of the
depth section in x-direction by means of the cursor “x”.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

4.10.5 Generating a Report

Step Instructions Screenshot

18 Then generate a report by clicking
“Generate…” in “Extras” ”Report”
. Depending on whether the 2D or 3D
view is currently activated on your
screen, this image will be visualized
in the report.

19 The report will show up in a separate window and is ready to print or can be
saved as PDF file.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Scan Analysis

Step Instructions Screenshot

5 Data Transfer

5.1 From PSA 100 Monitor to PC

You can connect the PSA 100 monitor to the PC using the PSA 92 USB data cable. Thus
you can transfer project and scan data to the PC and then analyze and archive this data by
means of the PC software Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 included in the delivery.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Data Transfer

While connected to a PC, any activity of the PSA 100 monitor is blocked.

5.2 From PSA 97 USB Data Module or PSA 95 Memory Card

Using the PSA 97 USB data module you can connect the PSA 95 memory card to your PC
and then analyze and archive the data on your PC using the PC software Hilti PROFIS
PS 1000 included in the delivery.

Content 85
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Data Transfer

6 SW-Update
To obtain the latest version of the software use either the update functionality of PC software
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 or download from the Internet:
To show the update functionality, use the parameter “? Information...” in the Menu bar

86 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 SW-Update

Click the "Check for update now" button to find out whether an update for Hilti PROFIS
PS 1000 is available. If your PC is unable to connect to the Hilti PROFIS Update Server, it
may be necessary to make adjustments to the proxy server settings (see Section 2). If a new
version is available, you will receive a message and can then download and install the
update in one step.

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 SW-Update

For that purpose, execute the functionality “Download and install updates…” and follow the

To update the PSA 100 monitor and X-Scan PS 1000, first check for updates by using the
functionality “Check for updates now…” in the tab “Update PS 1000 / PSA 100“.

88 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 SW-Update

Then download the new software package to the hard drive of your PC by using “Download
update…” and save the software package on the PSA 97 USB data module by using
“Prepare USB Stick for Update...”.
Connect the prepared PSA 97 USB data module to the device’s interface while it is switched
off. Then switch on the device and follow the instructions.

7 Troubleshooting
Fault Possible cause Remedy
Objects are Value for “Concrete” Adjust the value “Concrete” until you obtain an
displayed at an incorrect optimal focusing of the data and the depth is

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Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Troubleshooting

Fault Possible cause Remedy

incorrect depth correctly indicated (see chapter 4.3.1, Section
"Depth Scaling").
Heterogeneous If the material scanned is layered or very
material scanned heterogeneous, a single value for “Concrete” will
not suffice to describe it correctly (the “Concrete”
value varies locally). In case of layered materials,
you may try approximating the real material on
the basis of a two-layer model using the option
“Overlay” of the "Param." function. If the lateral
variations of the material are too strong, we
recommend to realize several individual
Quickscan recordings and to process the data
on the basis of the adjusted “Concrete” value.
An overlay is used While an overlay has been used, it has not been
indicated during the scan data processing
(option “Overlay” in the “Param.” function.
Too many Incorrect value for Adjust the value “Concrete” until you obtain an
objects are “Concrete” optimal focusing of the data and the depth is
displayed (ghost correctly indicated (see chapter 4.3.1, Section
objects, “Depth Scaling”).
“3D Display Adjust the value for “3D Display
Threshold” in the 3D Threshold” (Function button “Display”).
display too low
Depth range “Deep” When “Deep” in 4.3, Function button “Param.”
“Depth Range” is selected, the data will be
massively amplified. Thus, minor irregularities or
border areas are possibly made extremely
visible and displayed as real objects.
Number of Incorrect value for Adjust the value for “Concrete” until you obtain an
displayed “Concrete" optimal focusing of the data and the depth is
objects too low correctly indicated (see chapter 4.3.1, Section
(underdetection) “Depth Scaling”).
“3D Display Adjust the value for "3D Display
Threshold” in 3D Threshold" (Function button “Display”).
display too high
Depth range Try the setting “Deep” in “Param.” “Depth
“Standard” Range”. Thus, the data from the depth will be
massively amplified and objects reflecting weak
echo signals are more likely to be displayed.
From a certain Extremely absorbing Conductive materials dampen radar waves thus

90 Content
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Troubleshooting

Fault Possible cause Remedy

depth, objects material limiting severely the penetration depth of the
are no more waves. Among these materials are e.g. asphalt
displayed and concrete which are moist or contain slag or
conductive fiber components. In this case, it may
not be possible to reach the specified
penetration depth. So, even if Hilti PROFIS
PS 1000 does not display any objects, this does
mean at all that no objects are located in the
material scanned but that these objects cannot
be detected by means of X-Scan PS 1000.
Hint: if possible, scan both sides of the material
to possibly detect objects from the back surface.
Conductive films Conductive films are used in structures as vapor
barriers or reflectors. These films reflect the
penetrating radar waves and prevent detection
behind this film. In the raw data or a Quickscan
view, this film appears as strong and continuous
Interspaces between If interspaces between the objects are too small,
objects too small any objects located below these objects are not
visible (blocked view).
The back Filter type Unlike the process chain of X-Scan PS 1000
surface or slices Quickscan, the process chain of Hilti PROFIS
in the ground are PS 1000 is designed to hide constant reflexes of
not displayed the surface of layered structures or the back
surface. The advantage is that smaller objects
can be more easily visualized. Nevertheless, the
disadvantage is that, with completion of the data
processing, these constant reflexes will no longer
be visible in the displayed data. To view it,
please select the value “Raw” in “Param.” for the
displayed data.
Irregular display Filter type In Quickscan recordings of great lengths, the
of Quickscan material scanned will probably vary. In this case
recordings of use the filter type “High-pass”.
great length
Only objects in x- Configuration In "Config." "Activate/Deactivate" you can use
or-y-direction the checkboxes to select the scan direction to
are displayed display. Please check these settings. It might be
that only one of the scan directions is activated.
From scan to Placing of X-Scan The precision of object localization for an

Content 91
Hilti PROFIS PS 1000 Troubleshooting

Fault Possible cause Remedy

scan, objects PS 1000 to the edge Imagescan recording depends on the precision
are more and of the grid or with which the X-Scan PS 1000 is set to the grid
more misaligned pressing the start or the time at which the start button is pressed. If
(offset) button recording an Imagescan, place X-Scan PS 1000
exactly to the edge of the grid. Press the start
button and wait until a beep will sound. Only then
start recording scan image.
Uneven or abrading Uneven or heavily polluted surfaces might be the
material reason for the travel sensors of X-Scan PS 1000
not being able to measure the distance actually
covered. In this case, we recommend using an
Ghost objects in Edges and angles, Edges, angles and material transitions cause
the border area transitions between reflections which are visualized as objects. The
different materials PC software is designed to detect object in
homogenous objects. If not possible, use the
value “Deep” in “Param.” “Depth Range”
which tries to minimize these transitions.
Nothing to see in Zoom and move It may happen that the 2D/ 3D data visualization
the main content in the main content is moved out of the visible
area or that this area has been downsized by
zooming it so that it is hardly visible. In the 3D
view, click “Display” “3D View” and select
“Diagonal front/left”. The visualization will be
reset to the visible area and a reasonable zoom
The archive Invalid directory If you transfer the data manually or by using the
folder in the structure PSA 95 memory card to your PC, make sure to
Project copy first a folder called "\Projects" as well as the
Management data folder containing the projects in the
section does not mentioned directory. For archiving the data, Hilti
show any PROFIS PS 1000 requires to create the
projects following directory structure: ...
The Project Generating a preview In this case, the dataset has never before been
Management image processed or a preview image has never before
does not show been generated. Open the dataset, process the
graphic preview data using the appropriate parameters and
images generate a preview image using “Extras”
“Preview image”.

92 Content

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