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100more Things Every Designer Needs To Know

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The book provides practical advice and insights from research in psychology and neuroscience to help designers create more intuitive and engaging work.

Some of the topics covered include how people process information, how design influences behavior and decision making, visual perception and design, and the impact of stories and emotions.

The author, Susan Weinschenk, has a Ph.D. in psychology and over 30 years of experience as a behavioral scientist. She applies research on brain science to understand human behavior and consults with various companies.

THE BRAIN LADY IS BACK with 100 more must-read insights into what motivates people’s

behavior and how you can use that knowledge to improve your design work. Thousands of
designers, marketers, and product managers have already come to rely on the original 100 Things
Every Designer Needs to Know About People as a go-to guide on how to use the latest findings

100   THINGS
in psychology and neuroscience to create better websites, applications, products, and brands.
Research hasn’t stopped since the book was written, and new design challenges have emerged.
100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People continues the journey into human

psychology, neuroscience, and brain research to provide you with bite-sized, practical advice

you can use to create intuitive and engaging work that resonates with how people really behave.





of your websites, applications, designs, and products
by finding the answers to questions like these:

• How do you grab and hold a viewer’s attention

in a video ad?
• How much text on a screen do people actually read? SUSAN M. WEINSCHENK

• What one simple thing can you do to enhance

the believability of your content?
has a Ph.D. in psychology
and over 30 years of
experience as a behavioral
• When is it better NOT to give your audience choices? scientist. She is a consultant

• Why does laughing enhance learning for kids? to Fortune 1000 companies,
start-ups, government
• Do certain fonts help people learn information better? agencies, and non-profits.

• Where is the worst spot on a smartphone screen to place

frequently used controls?
Her clients call her “The Brain
Lady” because she applies
research on brain science

• What’s the best way for people to process big data? to predict, understand,
and explain what motivates
people and how they behave.
These are just a few of the questions that Susan explores in

this deep-dive exploration of what makes people tick.

US $29.99  CAN $36.99

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-419603-9
ISBN-10: 0-13-419603-1
LEVEL  Beginning / Intermediate 5 2 9 9 9
@newriders AUTHOR PHOTOGRAPH  Katie Ricard 9 780134 196039
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100 Things V
Every Designer Needs to Know About People

Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.

100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People
Susan M. Weinschenk, Ph.D.

New Riders

Find us on the Web at

New Riders is an imprint of Peachpit, a division of Pearson Education.
To report errors, please send a note to

Copyright © 2016 by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.

Acquisitions Editor: Nikki Echler McDonald

Production Editors: Tracey Croom and Maureen Forys
Development Editor: Jeff Riley
Copy Editor: Gretchen Dykstra
Technical Editor: Tara Long
Proofreader: Patricia Pane
Compositor: Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Indexer: Jack Lewis
Cover Design: Mimi Heft
Interior Design: Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

Notice of Rights
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic,
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The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis without warranty. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit shall have any liability to any person or entity
with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions con-
tained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trade-
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other affiliation with this book.

ISBN 13: 978-0134-19603-9

ISBN 10: 0-134-19603-1


Printed and bound in the United States of America


Many thanks to all the readers of the original 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know
About People. Your enthusiasm, comments, and ideas gave me the inspiration to come
up with 100 More!

This book is dedicated to my friends and family, who were
patient with me and helped me with lots of other tasks so I
could concentrate on the writing of this book.
About the Author

Susan Weinschenk has a Ph.D. in psychology and more than thirty years of experience
as a behavioral scientist. She is a consultant to Fortune 1000 companies, start-ups,
government agencies, and nonprofits. Her clients call her “The Brain Lady,” because
she applies research on brain science to predict, understand, and explain what moti-
vates people and how they behave.
C o ntent s

The Designer As Behavioral Scientist xi

How People See

1 People prefer curved shapes 2

2 People prefer symmetry 6

3 Some people have an extra color cone 11

4 Peripheral vision determines where central vision

should look 14

5 Peripheral vision sees danger and processes

emotions faster 17

6 Peripheral vision is like a low-resolution image 19

7 Emotion vs. gaze direction: Emotion wins 24

8 Direct gaze can backfire 28

9 People decide about a design in a split second 30

How People Think and Remember

10 People use two kinds of thinking 34

11 Some memories change easily 38

12 Repetition strengthens some memories 41

13 Music evokes memories and moods 44

How People Decide

14 People make decisions with System 1 (truthiness) thinking 48

15 People choose what’s brightest 52

16 When faced with a complex decision,
people follow their feelings 54

17 The pupils dilate during a difficult decision 61

18 Confidence triggers decisions 63

19 The surprising effects of stress on decision making 66

20 People make decisions at certain calendar events 70

21 People make decisions based on specific memories 72

22 Brain activity predicts decisions before they’re

consciously made 74

How People Read and Interpret Information

23 If text is hard to read, the material is easier to learn 78

24 Nouns spur action more than verbs spur action 82

25 Homophones can prime behavior 86

26 People read only 60 percent of an online article 90

27 Reading online may not be reading 92

28 The multisensory experience of physical books

is important to reading 95

29 People are ready to move on from “old” media 99

How People are Influenced by Stories

30 The brain is more active with stories 106

31 Dramatic arc stories change brain chemicals 108

32 Stories focus attention 112

33 People’s self-stories affect their behavior 114

34 Small steps can change self-stories 116

35 A public commitment leads to stronger self-stories 119

36 Change the story and you will change the behavior 121

vi Contents
How People Relate to Other People and to Technology

37 Emotions are contagious 126

38 People don’t like video ads 128

39 Joy and surprise grab and hold attention in video ads 129

40 Surprise, but not shock, encourages sharing 131

41 Oxytocin is the bonding chemical 133

42 When people feel connected, they work harder 136

43 Devices with alerts lower cognitive performance 138

44 Cell phones nearby negatively affect person-to-person

communication 140

45 People trust machines that have some human-like

characteristics 142

46 People can feel empathy for machines 146

How Creativity Influences Design

47 Everyone can be creative 150

48 Creativity starts with the executive attention network 153

49 To be creative, engage the brain’s default network 155

50 Induce an “aha” moment 157

51 Daydreaming encourages creativity 159

52 Sleeping encourages creativity 161

53 Noise and music increase creativity 163

54 People are more creative within some constraints 165

55 The right kind of collaboration increases creativity 167

56 Being a perfectionist can ruin creative work 169

Contents vii
How People’s Bodies affect Design

57 People think and feel with their bodies 172

58 People naturally gesture 175

59 People have physical limitations of movement 177

60 Thumbs can reach only so far 179

61 Distance from the screen is critical 182

How People Shop and Buy

62 People don’t separate shopping online from shopping

in a store 188

63 People spend less when they use cash 190

64 People commit to purchases because of cognitive

dissonance 192

65 Cognitive dissonance makes people buy 194

66 People are affected by arbitrary numbers 196

67 Online shopping increases anticipation 198

How Generations, Geography, and Gender Influence Design

68 Everyone uses smartphones for news and important

life events 204

69 Generational differences in smartphone use depend

on the activity 205

70 If the task takes less than 5 minutes, people will use

their smartphones 207

71 Not everyone with a cell phone has a smartphone 208

72 In many countries, women lack online access 209

73 Gamers are all ages and all genders 210

viii Contents
74 What people find visually appealing depends on age,
gender, and geography 211

75 People want fewer choices as they get older 214

76 The mental model of “online” and “offline” is different

for different generations 215

77 Over half of the people over age 65 in the US use

the Internet 216

78 People over 40 have presbyopia 218

79 The color blue fades with age 219

80 Nearly 100 million people over age 65 have hearing

problems 220

81 Motor skills don’t decline until the mid-60s 221

82 Older people may not have answers to those security

questions 222

83 As people age, they become less confident about their

own memories 224

84 Generation Z will account for 40 percent of all

consumers in 2020 226

85 More than one-third of one-year-olds can use a

touch screen 227

86 When toddlers laugh, they learn more 228

How People Interact with InterFaceS and Devices

87 People want to skim and scan videos 230

88 People interact with carousels 232

89 People scroll 234

90 People can’t even talk to the car while driving 235

91 People don’t always engage more when you’ve used

“gamification” 237

Contents ix
92 Games can improve perceptual learning 239

93 People need fewer choices 241

94 People want devices to monitor their health 243

95 People will increasingly have devices implanted to

monitor and intervene in their health 245

96 People can control technology with their brains 247

97 People will adapt to multi-modal interfaces 249

98 People will embrace mixed reality 251

99 Over 645 million people have visual or auditory

impairments 253

100 People process sensory data unconsciously 254

REFerences 257

Index 267

x Contents
T h e D e s i g ne r
A s Be h a v i o r a l
S c i ent i s t

You wake up in the morning and while you sip your coffee, you slip on your headset. A
few gestures with your hand and fingers and you are skimming the news and your cal-
endar on the screen that has appeared in front of you. As you walk to the train to go to
work, you run your hand down your arm to call someone at your office.
When you get to work you might spend some time in the immersive room. Data
appears on a screen, you hear sounds, and feel pulses through the vibrating floor, or a
vest you have put on over your clothes. Your unconscious processes these sensory data
so that you can make decisions. That’s not so far in the future. That’s what is about to
become mainstream in the next 1–2 years.
This is a great time for designers—there are so many things that can, and need, to be
designed! We still need software and websites and mobile apps, and now we also need
to design how people will use technology that lives in clothing, headsets, and robots.
Technology is growing and changing, and what we know about people has also
exploded. When I wrote the first 100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About
­People, it was 2011. I had summed up the essential information on what designers need
to know about people in those 100 things. If you had asked me then if I thought there
were another 100 things people need to know, I would have probably laughed and said,
of course not!
But a lot has happened in the last four years. Our understanding of the brain and the
body has exploded almost as fast as the technology has exploded. Now we know that:

●● How we read online is different than how we read text on a page.

●● We are not born with brains that know how to read—our brains repurpose
other areas of the brain to learn how to read.
●● Our unconscious processes big data better than our conscious mind does,
and we can actually use something called sensory addition to feed data to the

●● Our peripheral vision decides where our central vision should look.

The Designer As Behavioral Scientist xi

●● Older people aren’t slow to learn and use technology because they can’t
remember, but more because they aren’t confident about their memories.

●● People who are blind can see by hooking up a camera to their tongues.

And, well, 94 other amazing things.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I’ve enjoyed researching and writing it. I can’t
wait to see what we all design in the next few years. And I hope that this book will help
you design so that your creations fit the way people learn, work, think, and play.

Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.

Edgar, Wisconsin, USA
July 16, 2015

xii The Designer As Behavioral Scientist

4 Peripheral vision determines
where central vision
should look

It’s 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday and you’re at home in front of your laptop, browsing the
Internet. You open your favorite news site and scan the headlines. You click on a story
and read for a bit, then go back to the main page and scan some more. You choose
another story, look at the picture, and read some more—just normal scanning and read-
ing online behavior, right?
What you may not realize as you do this is that your two types of vision, central and
peripheral, are multitasking.

But isn’t multitasking a myth?

If you’ve read any of my other books or blog posts, you know that I’m fond of saying
that multitasking doesn’t exist; most of the time what people think of as multitasking is
actually fast “task switching.” People switch really quickly from one thing to another,
from one focus to another. This quick task switching takes a toll on attention and mental
But central and peripheral vision multitasking is different. People really are capable
of multitasking when it comes to vision.

A quick definition of central and peripheral vision

The fovea is a small depression at the back of the retina that affords very clear, detailed
vision. Foveal vision, or central vision, covers only a very small area—about the size of
two thumbnails—but it takes up half of the processing in the brain’s visual cortex.
The rest of the visual field is peripheral vision. Peripheral vision takes in a much
broader and larger view. The visual cortex can process both central and peripheral vision
at the same time.

Eyes take lots of visual samples at the same time

People take in visual information in little bites. This is called visual sampling. Central
and peripheral vision are working at the same time. When you’re scanning that page
online and a headline grabs your attention, you move your head and your gaze so that

14 How People See

the headline is in view of your fovea—your central vision. But how do your head and eye
know to look at that exact spot?

Peripheral vision calls the shots

Casimir Ludwig, J. Rhys Davies, and Miguel Eckstein’s research (2014) showed that it
is peripheral vision—what it sees, and how that information is processed in the brain—
that tells the central vision where to focus next. This is a largely unconscious process.
People are consciously aware of their central vision and what it’s processing, but they’re
likely not consciously aware of what’s in their peripheral vision, or that their peripheral
vision is calling the shots for where to look next.

Two visions are better than one

You would think that all this multitasking would slow down visual processing, but Lud-
wig’s research shows that central and peripheral vision are processed independently to
a large extent, and, therefore, both can be done quickly.

Don’t base every design decision on

eye-tracking studies
Most eye-tracking research measures only central vision; it doesn’t address what’s
going on in peripheral vision. Yet there’s a tendency to make design decisions based on
eye-tracking results (“No one looked at this picture, therefore it’s not effective and we
should remove it.”). Now that you know that peripheral vision is calling the shots, you
can avoid making decisions based solely on eye-tracking data.

Pay attention to peripheral vision

Since peripheral vision directs where central vision should go, it’s important to pay
attention to what people will see in their peripheral vision when they focus on certain
parts of a page with their central vision. Peripheral vision isn’t just dead space to be
left blank. As a designer, you need to design flexibly to allow for different monitor sizes
and devices (large screen, laptop, tablet, smartphone). There’s a tendency to use only
the middle part of the screen and leave the edges blank. This might be easiest for cre-
ating one screen that translates to multiple devices, but it means that you’re leaving
peripheral vision with nothing to look at. Figure 4.1 shows a website for a restaurant that
makes full use of peripheral vision to grab attention and help people know what the site
is about.


Figure 4.1  A website that makes full use of peripheral vision.

☑☑ Don’t base design decisions solely on eye-tracking studies.

☑☑ Don’t leave peripheral areas blank. Instead, include information that helps people
decide where to look (with central vision) next.

16 How People See

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In de x
A Augmented reality
devices, 251–252
Aaker, Jennifer, 131
virtual reality compared with, 177–178
Abrams, Daniel, 44
Autobiographical memories, changeable nature
Accessibility, devices for the impaired, 253
of, 38
music moving people to act, 44
nouns vs. verbs in stimulating, 82–85 B
role of gaze direction in getting person to act, 25 Baby boomers, smartphone task duration and, 207.
triggering mechanisms in brain, 65 see also Generational differences
Ads Balachander, Neeraja, 4
joy and surprise as attention grabbers in, Bar, Moshe, 2–3, 4, 8
129–130 Barona, Christopher, 3
overcoming people’s dislike of, 128 Bayle, Dimitri, 17
Age. see Generational differences Behavior
Alerts, device alerts lowering cognitive changing behavior by changing the story,
performance, 138–139 121–123
Allport, Floyd, 136 impact of self-stories on personal behavior,
Alter, Adam, 70 114–115
Amazon one-click purchasing, 190 Behavior scientists, designers as, xiii–xiv
Anchoring Berger, Jonah, 131
avoid anchoring effect of brainstorming, 168 Bionic implants, 245
on numbers, 196 Body
Andics, Attila, 100 gestures for device manipulation, 175
Anthropomorphism impact on design, 171
confiding in anthropomorphic robots, 146 importance of distance from screen, 182–185
trust and, 142–143 natural vs. forced gestures, 176
Anticipation, increased by online shopping, 198–202 physical limitations of movement, 177–178
Anticipatory design (Shapiro), 241–242 thinking and feeling with, 172–174
Antico, Concetta, 12 thumb and hand limitations, 179–181
Asymmetry, when to use, 9–10 Body posture, neurochemicals and, 127
Attention Bonding, role of neurochemical (oxytocin) in,
executive attention network, 153–154 133–135
focused by stories, 112 Books, importance of multisensory experience of
joy and surprise as attention grabbers in ads, physical books, 95–98
129–130 Brain, 92
Attention minutes, as advertising metric, 90 brain activity predicting decisions, 74–76
Audiences, tailoring design by, 31 chemistry of dramatic arc stories, 108–109
Audio creation of new neuron structures in adults,
combining with video, 101 239–240
for effective online communication, 99–100 curves stimulating, 4–5
hearing issues in those over 65 and, 220 fusiform facial area (FFA) of, 99
Audio books, increasing creativity, 163 mechanisms triggering actions, 65
Auditory cues, conditioned responses to, 138 myth regarding hemispheres and functions,
Auditory devices 151–152
devices for the impaired, 253 neuroplasticity of, 92, 94
sensory substitution and sensory addition, stories increasing activity of, 106–107
254–255 Brain implants, for technology control, 247–248

Index 267
Brain networks Choice
creative process using all three networks benefits of offering fewer, 241–242
together, 157–158 elderly prefer fewer, 214
default network, 155–156 endogenous (internal) and exogenous
executive attention network, 153–154 (external) influences, 52–53
overview of, 153 information vs. feelings, 58–59
salience network, 157 satisfaction with and confidence in, 56–57
BrainPort device, for visually impaired, 253 Chuong, Amy, 40
Brainstorming, right approach to, 167–168 Clicks, vs. reading, 90
Brainwriting, avoid anchoring effect of Climax stage, in dramatic story arc, 109
brainstorming, 168 Cognitive dissonance (Festinger)
Brand creating or highlighting a problem, 194–195
dislike of logos in ads, 128 post-purchase, 192–193
shopping by brand rather than by store type, pre-purchase, 194
188 Cognitive performance
“Brand pulsing,” 128 catching a fly ball, 172–173
Breaks, taking a break as aid to creative process, distraction of device alerts lowering, 138–139
156 strategy games increasing cognitive
Bressler, Steven, 153 flexibility, 240
Brightness, preference impacting decision making, Collaboration
52–53 increases creativity, 167–168
Brown, Brené, 169 perfectionists fearing, 169
Bryan, Christopher, 84 Color, foregrounds and backgrounds and, 81
Buckner, Randy, 155 Color vision
blue color vision declining with age, 219
C color blindness, 11–12
people with extra color cone, 11–13
Calendar events, impact on decision making, 70–71
Campbell, Joseph, 110
importance of quick commitment in decision
Carney, Dana R., 101
making, 59–60
Carousels, pros/cons, 232–233
public commitment increasing strength of self-
Carr, Priyanda, 137
stories, 119–120
Cash, payment transparency and, 190–191
Cell phones. see also Smartphones
media options for effective online
demographics of use of, 208–209
communication, 99–100
device alerts lowering cognitive performance,
proximity of cell phones negatively affecting
interpersonal communication, 140–141
proximity negatively affecting interpersonal
Community, need to belong and, 237
communication, 140–141
Conditioned responses
Central vision
distracting nature of alerts, 138
definition of, 14
proximity of cell phones negatively affecting
designing for both vision states, 22–23
interpersonal communication, 140–141
eye-tracking research not measuring, 15
Cones, of eye, 11
guideline for designing for screen size, 23
peripheral vision compared with, 19–21
decision making and, 63–65
peripheral vision determining focus of, 15
satisfaction with decisions and, 56–57
Certainty (confidence), relationship to evidence and
Connectedness, feeling connected leads to harder
elapsed time, 63–64
work, 136–137
Chang, Remco, 31
Conor, Ed, 4
Checks, payment transparency impacting
Constraints, creativity and, 165–166
spending, 190
Contagious (Berger), 131
Chen, Frances, 28
Cooperation, synchronous behavior and, 134

268 Index
Corpus callosum, connecting hemispheres of memories impacting, 72–73
brain, 151 preference for brightness, 52–53
Correll, Jon, 25 satisfaction with choice and confidence,
Creativity 56–57
collaboration increasing, 167–168 speeding up, 64
constraints enhancing, 165–166 stress impacting, 66–69
daydreaming encouraging, 159–160 system 1 thinking impacting, 48–51
definition of, 150 visual design decisions made in split second,
engaging the default network, 155–156 30–32
executive attention network as starting point, Deep reading (Wolf), 93–94
153–154 Default network, role in creativity, 155–156
inducing aha moments, 157–158 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
influence on design, 149 (DARPA), 247–248
myths regarding, 151–152 Deliberation
noise and music increasing, 163–164 decision making impacted by time spent, 57–58
perfectionism ruining, 169–170 logic vs. feelings in decision making, 54–56
sleeping encouraging, 161–162 preference of elderly for intuition, 60
Credit cards, payment transparency impacting Demographics
spending, 190 blue color vision declining with age, 219
Cuddy, Amy J. C., 101, 126 cellphone uses, 208–209
Curved shapes elderly difficulty in choosing security question
balance not impacting preference for, 3–4 when setting up accounts, 222–223
brain stimulated by, 4–5 elderly less confident in own memories,
visual preference for, 2–3 224–225
Cwir, David, 136 elderly prefer fewer choices, 214
gamers cut across all ages and genders, 210
D generation Z accounting for 40% of all
consumers by 2020, 226
Dal, Hengchen, 70
generational differences in mental model of
online and offline, 215
peripheral vision processing faster than
generational differences in smartphone use,
central vision, 17–18
peripheral vision seeing danger and
hearing issues in those over 65, 220
processing emotions, 17–18
Internet use in US by people over 65, 216–217
Darling, Kate, 146
motor skill issues beginning in mid-60s, 221
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
online access lacking for women, 209
Agency), 247–248
overview of, 203
Davies, J. Rhys, 15
presbyopia in people over 40, 218
Davis, Derick, 87–88
smartphone uses, 204
Daydreaming, encourages creativity, 159–160
toddlers learning more when laughing, 228
De Gee, Jan Willem, 61
touch screen use by 1-year-olds, 227
de Vries, H. L., 11
visual appeal depends on age, gender, and
Decision making
geography, 211–213
brain activity predicting decisions, 74–76
Denouement stage, in dramatic story arc, 109
calendar events impacting, 70–71
choices regarding information vs. feelings,
alerts lowering cognitive performance, 138–139
brain implants for technology control, 247–248
common mistakes, 59–60
gestures for manipulating, 175
confidence and, 63–65
health monitoring, 243–244
deliberation time impacting, 57–58
implanted health-related devices, 245–246
dilation of pupils reflecting difficult decisions,
interaction with, 229
interfaces built into clothing, 249–250
logic vs. feelings in, 54–56
mixed-reality, 251–252

Index 269
placing controls to take into account body, Epley, Nicholas, 142
180–181 E-readers, compared with multisensory experience
sensory substitution and sensory addition, of physical books, 95–98
254–256 Ericsson, Kirk, 43
visual or auditory, 253 Esseily, Rana, 228
Diemand-Yauman, Connor, 78–80 Ethics, of priming with homophones, 88–89
Dilation of pupils, during difficult decisions, 61–62 Evidence (information), relationship of certainty to,
Direct gaze, when to use/when not to use, 28–29 63–64
Disfluency effect, making difficult material easier to Excitement, online shopping and, 198–202
learn, 78–81 Executive attention network, in creative process,
Distraction, vs. deliberation in decision making, 58 153–154
Dogs, similar voice-processing to humans, 100 Exemplar theory, impact of memory on decision
Don’t Make Me Think (Krug), 35 making, 72–73
Dopamine, anticipation and, 198–201 Exercise, physical exercise improving memory, 43
The Dragonfly Effect (Aaker), 131 Exogenous (external) influences, on choice, 52–53
Dramatic arc stories, brain chemistry of, 108–109 eXperience Induction Machine (XIM), 255
Exposition stage, in dramatic story arc, 109
E Extroverts, in sharing subgroup, 131
Eye-tracking research, measures only central
Eagleman, David, 254–255
vision, 15
Eckstein, Miguel, 15
Egocentrics, in sharing subgroup, 131
Elderly. see Generational differences F
Ellenbogen, Jeffrey, 161 Faces, attractiveness of symmetrical, 6–8
Embodied cognition Facts, memorizing, 41
catching a fly ball example, 172–173 Failure, fear of failure impacting creativity, 169–170
natural vs. forced gestures, 176 Falling action stage, in dramatic story arc, 109
robotic proof, 173 Farsightedness, onset of presbyopia in people over
role of gestures in thinking, 175 40, 218
Emotions Fear
attention cycle in stories and, 112 fear of failure impacting creativity, 169–170
choices regarding information vs. feelings, peripheral vision processing, 17–18
58–59 Feedback, decision making and, 64–65
contagious nature of, 101, 126–127 Feeling, with body, 172–174
impact of stories on brain chemistry, 108 Feelings. see Emotions
joy and surprise as attention grabbers in ads, Festinger, Leon, 192, 194
129–130 FFA (Fusiform facial area), of brain interpreting
logic vs. feelings in decision making, 54–56 faces, 99
music evoking memories and moods, 44–45 Fingers, physical limitations of, 179–181
peripheral vision processing, 17–18 First impressions, making decisions regarding
role in getting person to act, 25–27 visual design, 30–32
role of neurochemical (oxytocin) in bonding, FitBark, health monitoring device, 243
133–135 Fluency, disfluency compared with, 78
stories stimulating release of neurochemicals, Focus, creativity and, 153
106 Fonts
strong emotions make strong memories, 39 choices regarding, 80–81
surprise but not shock encouraging sharing, comparing fluency and disfluency, 79–80
131–132 Fowler, James, 126
Empathy Freeman, Jonathan, 255
ability of humans to feel empathy with Frenda, Steven, 49
machines, 146–147 Fresh Start effect, calendar events impacting
attention cycle in stories and, 112 decision making, 70
Endogenous (internal) influences, on choice, 52–53 Freytag, Gustav, 108

270 Index
Fuller, Buckminister, 241 H
Fusiform facial area (FFA), of brain interpreting
Haidt, Jonathan, 134
faces, 99
Halle, Tony, 88–89
Hand, physical limitations of, 179–181
G Happiness, synchronous behavior supporting, 134
Gajos, Krzysztof, 213 Harrison, Lane, 30, 31
Galfano, Giovanni, 24 Hasher, Lynn, 48
Gamers, cut across all ages and genders, 210 Heafner, Joy, 142
Games, improving perceptual learning, 239–240 Health
“Gamification,” of website interfaces, 237–238 devices for monitoring, 243–244
Gangestad, Steven, 6 implanted devices, 245–246
Gaulin, John, 167 Hearing
Gaze auditory devices, 253–255
influences on gaze direction, 24–27 conditioned responses to auditory cues, 138
uses of direct gaze, 28–29 issues in those over 65, 220
Gen Xers, smartphone task duration and, 207. see Heart rates, group activities syncing, 134
also Generational differences Heath, Chip, 134
Gender The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 110
gamers cut across all ages and genders, 210 Hero’s story, 110
impact of stress on decision making, 67–68 Herr, Paul, 87–88
Internet use in US, 216–217 Hershfield, Hal, 70
online access for women, 209 HoloLens, 251
visual appeal depends on age, gender, and Homophones, priming with, 86–89
geography, 211–213 Hoober, Steven, 179
Generation Z, accounting for 40% of all consumers Horizontal scrolling, avoiding, 234
by 2020, 226 How to Get People to Do Stuff (Weinschenk), 85
Generational differences Hurst, William, 39
blue color vision declining with age, 219
elderly have difficulty in choosing security I
question when setting up accounts,
Image balance, importance of, 3–4
Income, demographics of smartphone use, 204
elderly less confident of own memories,
Infographics, testing visual appeal, 31
elderly prefer fewer choices, 214
breaking into small chunks and giving
gamers cut across all ages and genders, 210
feedback, 64–65
generation Z accounting for 40% of all
choices regarding information vs. feelings,
consumers by 2020, 226
hearing issues in those over 65, 220
combining photo with increases trustability,
Internet use in US by people over 65, 216–217
mental model of online and offline, 215
consolidating during sleep, 161–162
motor skill issues beginning in mid-60s, 221
logic vs. feelings in decision making, 54–56
onset of presbyopia in people over 40, 218
reading. see Reading and interpreting
smartphone use, 205–208
toddlers learning more when laughing, 228
Instant gratification, in anticipation/gratification
touch screen use, 227
continuum, 201
visual appeal and, 211–213
Interactions, human. see Social interaction
Geography, demographics of visual appeal, 211–213
built into clothing, 249–250
for device manipulation, 175
carousels, 232–233
natural vs. forced, 176
“gamification” of, 237–238
Glass, Brian, 239
interaction with, 229
Gu, Yangjie, 174
multi-modal, 249–250

Index 271
scrolling use in interface design, 234 Mack, Michael, 72
talking to vehicle voice systems, 235–236 Mangen, Anne, 96
video interface for skimming and scanning, “Map puzzle” study, of cooperation, 137
230–231 Margulis, Elizabeth, 44
Internet, use in US by people over 65, 216–217. see Mather, Mara, 66
also Online McMillan, Rebecca, 159
Intimidation, direct gaze and, 28 Mediated reality devices, 251–252
Intuition Medical devices
preference of elderly for intuition over health monitoring, 243–244
deliberation, 60 implanted devices, 245–246
system 1 thinking and, 48 Memory
Isaksen, Scott, 167 elderly confidence in, 224–225
elderly difficulty in choosing security question
J when setting up accounts, 222–223
erasability of, 39–40
Jabr, Ferris, 96
how people think and remember, 33
Jeffries, Adrianne, 90
impact on decision making, 72–73
Jordan, Gabriele, 12
music evoking, 44–45
Joy, as attention grabber in ads, 129–130
repetition strengthening, 41–43
June, health monitoring device, 243
strong emotions make strong memories, 39
types that change easily, 38–39
K Men. see also Gender
Kabali, Hilda, 227 demographics of visual appeal, 213
Kahneman, Daniel, 35, 78, 196 gamers cut across all ages and genders, 210
Kearney, A. T., 188 Internet use in US, 216–217
Kinematic information, 173 Menon, Vinod, 153
Klanl, Roozbeh, 63 Mikels, Joseph, 54, 60
Kramer, Adam, 127 Milestone years, 70
Krug, Steve, 35 Milkman, Katherine, 70
Kvrivishvili, Michael, 21 Milosavljevic, Milica, 52
Mimicry, emotions and, 126
L Mixed-reality devices, 251–252
Mollon, John, 12
“Large-scale brain networks” (Menon and
Monitoring function, of salience network, 157
Bressler), 153
Moods, music evoking, 44–45
Leder, Helmut, 4
The Moral Molecule (Zak), 133
Lethal, health monitoring device, 243
Mori, Masahiro, 143
Levitin, Daniel, 164
Motivators, intrinsic and extrinsic, 237
Lighthall, Nichole, 66
Motor area, of brain, 65
Logic, vs. feelings in decision making, 54–56
Motor movements, decision making and, 74
Motor skills
dislike of logos in ads, 128
duration/changeability of, 41–43
use of curves in, 4
issues beginning in mid-60s, 221
Looser, Christine, 144
Movement, physical limitations of, 177–178
Lucas, George, 110
Mozart effect, debunking, 163
Ludwig, Casimir, 15
Multi-modal interfaces, 249–250
Multitasking, with central and peripheral vision,
M 14–15
Machines Muscle memory, duration/changeability of, 41–43
ability of humans to feel empathy with, Music
146–147 evoking memories and moods, 44–45
trust given to machines with human-like increases creativity, 163–164
characteristics, 142–145 MyTenslo, health monitoring device, 243

272 Index
N definition of, 14
designing for both vision states, 22–23
Nakamura, Kimihiro, 92
designing for screen size and, 23
Neta, Maital, 2–3
focus of central vision and, 15
Neural implants, for technology control, 247–248
seeing danger and processing emotions, 17–18
similar to low-resolution image, 19–22
body postures effecting, 126
websites making use of, 16
role of oxytocin in bonding, 133–135
Personality, decision making and, 63
stories stimulating release of, 106
Personalization, anticipatory design going beyond,
creation of new neuron structures in adults,
Photos, combining with information increases
trustability, 49–51
declines with age, 224–225
Plots, commonly used in stories, 110–111
of human brain, 92
Posture, neurochemicals and, 127
NeuroSky headsets, 247
Presbyopia, onset in people over 40, 218
Newman, Erin, 50
Priming, with homophones, 86–89
Noise, increases creativity, 163–164
Productivity, daydreaming and, 159
Nordgren, Loran, 168
Project Jacquard, 249
Prototype theory, impact of memory on decision
nouns vs. verbs impact on voting, 84–85
making, 72–73
nouns vs. verbs in stimulating action, 82–84
Proust and Squid: The Story and Science of the
Numbers, impact on people, 196–197
Reading Brain (Wolf), 92
Przybylski, Andrew, 140
O Pupil dilation, during difficult decisions, 61–62
Offline, mental model of online and offline differs by
generation, 215 Q
Omnichannel retailers, 188–189
Quiet, not necessarily good for creative process, 163
One-click purchasing (Amazon), payment
transparency and, 190
Online R
data regarding reading online articles, 90–91 Ratcliffe, Victoria, 100
mental model of online and offline differs by Reading and interpreting information
generation, 215 alternatives to “old media,” 99–103
people not separating store shopping from changing nature of, 94
online shopping, 188 data regarding reading online articles, 90–91
shopping online increasing anticipation, difluency effect making difficult material easier
198–202 to learn, 78–81
women lacking online access in many multisensory experience of physical books,
countries, 209 95–98
Order effects, in numbers, 196–197 neuroplasticity and, 92
The Organized Mind (Levitin), 164 nouns vs. verbs in stimulating action, 82–85
Oxytocin, as bonding chemical, 133–135 priming with homophones, 86–89
skimming and scanning vs. reading, 92–94
P Reben, Alexander, 146
Reber, Rolf, 81
Pavlov, Ivan, 138
Reby, David, 100
Payment transparency, impacting spending,
Reed, Andrew, 214
Reimer, Bryan, 235
Peatt, Kyle, 232–233
Reinecke, Katharina, 30, 31, 213
Perceptual learning, games improving, 239–240
Perfectionism, ruining creativity, 169–170
influence on trustworthiness of information,
Peripheral vision
central vision compared with, 19–21
strengthening memory, 41–43

Index 273
Retailers. see Shopping Sensory substitution (Eagleman), 254–256
Reviews Shapes, visual preferences and, 3–4
cognitive dissonance and, 192 Shapiro, Aaron, 241
public commitment increasing strength of self- Sharing, surprise but not shock encouraging,
stories, 119–120 131–132
Rewards, as extrinsic motivation, 237–238 Shepherd, Kathrine, 8
Rigby, Darrell, 188 Shipping, free overnight shipping balanced with
Rils, Jason, 70 controlling timing of delivery, 201
Rising action stage, in dramatic story arc, 109 Shopping
Risk, gender differences regarding, 67–68 committing to purchases based on cognitive
Robotics dissonance, 192–193
confiding in anthropomorphic robots, 146 impact of numbers on people, 196–197
proof of embodied cognition, 173 omnichannel retailers, 188–189
trust given to machines with human-like online shopping increasing anticipation,
characteristics, 142–145 198–202
uncanny valley, 143–144 overview of, 187
Rosenholtz, Ruth, 19 people not separating store shopping from
Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid, 146 online shopping, 188
Runyon, Erik, 232 role of cognitive dissonance in purchasing,
S spending less when using cash, 190–191
Silva, Paul, 3
Salience network, monitoring function of, 157
Singer, Jerome, 159
Sapolsky, Robert, 198
Skimming, vs. reading, 92–94
Satisfaction, with decisions, 56–57
Skimming video, 230–231
Sawyer, Keith, 165
Skulpt Aim health monitoring device, 243, 101–102
Sleeping, encourages creativity, 161–162
Scanning, vs. reading, 92–94
Smart contact lenses, 243
Scanning video, 230–231
Smartphones. see also Cell phones
Schwartz, Josh, 90
cell phone use and, 208
Schwarz, Norbert, 81
demographics of use of, 204
proximity negatively affecting interpersonal
compared with paper or physical books for
communication, 140–141
reading, 97
talking to vehicle voice systems, 235–236
guideline for screen size, 23
thumb and hand limitations, 179–180
importance of distance from, 182–185
Social facilitation effect, 136
touch screen use by 1-year-olds, 227
Social interaction
Scroll depth, analyzing for advertising, 90
ability of humans to feel empathy with
Scrolling, use in interface design, 234
machines, 146–147
Security questions, elderly have difficulty in
contagious nature of emotions, 126–127
choosing, 222–223
designing for, 125
Self stories
distraction of device alerts lowering cognitive
impact on personal behavior, 114–115
performance, 138–139
public commitment increasing strength of,
feeling connected leads to harder work,
small step approach to changing self stories,
joy and surprise as attention grabbers in ads,
Semantic memory, of facts, 41
overcoming people’s dislike of ads, 128
Senses, multisensory experience of physical
proximity of cell phones negatively affecting
books, 95–98
interpersonal communication, 140–141
Sensory addition, 254–256
role of neurochemical (oxytocin) in bonding,
Sensory memory, duration/changeability of, 41–43
Sensory room (Freeman and Verschure), 255

274 Index
surprise but not shock encouraging sharing, System 1 thinking
131–132 comparing with System 2 thinking, 35
trust given to machines with human-like decision making imacted by, 48–51
characteristics, 142–145 System 2 thinking
Social media comparing with System 1 thinking, 35
emotional contagion via, 127 disfluency and, 78–79
extroverts and egocentric sharing via, 131 Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging
Soon, Chun Siong, 74 Therapies (SUB-NETS), DARPA, 247–248
Speech recognition, use in vehicle voice
systems, 235 T
Speed reading, subvocalization and, 87
Tactile experience, multisensory experience of
Spoken word, in effective communication, 99–100
physical books, 95–98
Stickgold, Robert, 161
Technology control, brain implants for, 247–248
Stores, people not separating store shopping from
Testimonials, public commitment increasing
online shopping, 188. see also Shopping
strength of self-stories, 119–120
Tetrachromacy, people with extra color cone, 11–12
attention focused by, 112
Text, combining photo with increases trustability,
brain chemistry of dramatic arc stories,
changing behavior by changing the story,
with body, 172–174
how people think and remember, 33
common stories and plots, 110–111
music evoking memory and moods, 44–45
designer use of storyboards, 113
repetition strengthening memories, 41–43
impact of self-stories on personal behavior,
two types of, 34–37
types of memories that change easily, 38–40
importance of, 105
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 35, 78, 196
motivational value of, 237
Thornton, Bill, 138
public commitment increasing strength of self-
Thumb, physical limitations of, 179–181
stories, 119–120
Tinio, Pablo, 4
small step approach to changing self stories,
Toddlers, learning more when laughing, 228
Touron, Dayna, 224–225
why brain more active with, 106–107
“Transportation,” identifying with character in a
Storyboards, designer use of, 113
story, 112
“Story-editing” (Wilson), 121
Stress, impact on decision making, 66–69
combining photo with information increases
SUB-NETS (Systems-Based Neurotechnology for
trustability, 49–51
Emerging Therapies), DARPA, 247–248
given to machines with human-like
Subscriptions, payment transparency and, 190
characteristics, 142–145
Subvocalization, during reading, 87
trusting you gut, 48–49
Sullivan, Brian, 169
Truthiness, 48–49
Tversky, Amos, 196
as attention grabber in ads, 129–130
but not shock encouraging sharing, 131–132
The Surprising New Science of Psychological U
Change (Wilson), 121 Uncanny valley (Mori), in anthropomorphism, 143–144
Symmetry Unconsious processing, decision making and, 75
attractiveness of faces and, 6–8
comparing men and women’s preferences, 8 V
uses of asymmetry, 9–10
Vehicle voice systems, talking to, 235–236
why people prefer, 9
Synchronous behavior
nouns vs. verbs impact on voting, 84–85
cooperation and, 134
nouns vs. verbs in stimulating action, 82–84
designing for, 135

Index 275
Verschure, Paul, 255 Voice systems, use in vehicles, 235–236
Vertical scrolling, use in interface design, 234 Voting, study regarding impact of noun vs. verb use
Vickhoff, Björn, 45, 134 on, 84–85
combining with audio, 101 W
for effective online communication, 99–100
Walton, Gregory, 82–84, 136, 137
impact of stories on brain chemistry, 108
Waytz, Adam, 142
interface for skimming and scanning, 230–231
Wearables, health monitoring devices, 243–244
video games improving perceptual learning,
carousel use on, 232–233
Video digest interface, 230–231
factors in visual appeal, 30
Virtual reality
gamification to make more engaging, 237
augmented reality compared with, 177–178
scrolling use in interface design, 234
interacting with mixed reality, 251–252
Weinstein, Netta, 140
Vision issues
Wilson, Matthew, 161
blue color vision declining with age, 219
Wilson, Timothy, 121
onset of presbyopia in people over 40, 218
Wiltermuth, Scott, 134
Visual appeal, demographics of, 211–213
Wolf, Maryanne, 92–94
Visual cues, conditioned responses to, 138
Women. see also Gender
Visual data, how people see
gamers cut across all ages and genders, 210
designing for both vision states, 22–23
Internet use in US, 216–217
influences on gaze direction, 24–27
online access lacking in many countries, 209
overview of, 1
visual appeal depends on age, gender, and
people with extra color cone, 11–13
geography, 213
peripheral vision determining focus of central
Work, feeling connected leads to harder work,
vision, 14–16
peripheral vision seeing danger and
Wroblewski, Luke, 182
processing emotions, 17–18
peripheral vision similar to low-resolution
image, 19–22 X
preference for curved shapes, 2–5 XIM (eXperience Induction Machine), 255
preference for symmetry, 6–10
split second decisons regarding, 30–32 Y
uses of direct gaze, 28–29
Yap, Andy J., 101
Visual devices
for the impaired, 253
sensory substitution and sensory addition, Z
254–255 Zak, Paul, 108, 133
Visual saliency, preference for brightness, 52 Zig Zag: The Surprising Path To Greater Creativity
Visual sampling, 14 (Sawyer), 165

276 Index

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