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Gender Sensitivity

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Sex, is defined by the gonads either phenotypically or genotypically. It is

generally assigned at birth by external genital appearance. Gender on the other hand is

identified by one’s own identification as male, female or intersex. Gender may also be

based on legal status, social interactions, public persona, experiences. In short, sex is

biologically determined, whereas gender is culturally determined.

Gender sensitivity is the awareness and insight into the state of the other sex,

with reference to historical roots of sexist stereotyping, discrimination and violence.

Another definition would be the awareness and acceptance of the roles and duties of

each, as expected from them and from the people that they work with. It acknowledges

the different roles & responsibilities of women and men in the community and the

relationships between them. Men and women are different, therefore their experiences,

needs, issues and priorities are different. Strategies are also different to achieve

equitable outcomes for women and men.

Gender sensitivity is also an integral part of decision making in industrialized

countries where there is a growing number of female headed households, especially in

the urban setting. In less developed countries, these issues are aggravated by cheap,

gender insensitive alternatives which cause stress and discomfort especially among

females whose needs greatly differ from men. However, Gender Sensitivity is not about

pitting women against men. An education that is gender sensitive benefits members of
both sexes. Sexism creates bias and promotes an unjust society. It exists both among

men and among women. It does not respect individuals according to their aspirations,

potentials or abilities.

Global development aims to improve the life of every person, regardless of

ability, age, sexual orientation, gender, race, class or ethnicity. The researcher intended

to raise awareness of men and women’s development in response to gender issues,

and consequently, proposed that the relationships inside the classroom be examined to

advance understanding of teachers in teaching elementary levels hence to increase

gender sensitivity in the 6th Grade of Julugan Elementary School.

Statement of the Problem

This study entitled, A Basis to Increase Gender Sensitivity of Grade VI Students in

Julugan Elementary School aims to identify the basis of increasing gender sensitivity of

grade Vi students. More specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of teh respodnents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Section

2. What are the basis to increase gender sensitivity in terms of:

2.1. Gender Sensitivity should be increased because of the basic human right of any

person to be given full and due respect.

2.2. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to eradicate sexual/gender


2.3. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to completely restructure the norm that

“Men are of higher rank as compared to women”

2.4. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to adapt to the modern principle of

equality and fairness with no regards to gender/sexual preference.

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Limitation
1. What is the
demographic profile of teh
respodnents in terms of:
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3. Section PROCESS
2. What are the basis to
increase gender sensitivity in
terms of:
2.1. Gender Sensitivity
should be increased because of
the basic human right of any
person to be given full and due SURVEY METHOD
2.2. Gender Sensitivity
should be increased to eradicate
sexual/gender discrimination
2.3. Gender Sensitivity
should be increased to
completely restructure the norm
that “Men are of higher rank as
compared to women”
2.4. Gender Sensitivity
should be increased to adapt to
the modern principle of equality
and fairness with no regards to
gender/sexual preference.

Figure 1.1 IPO Model

The figure shows the paradigm of the study. It will involve Grade 6 Students from

Julugan Elementary School who will undergo survey method for data collection

procedure in order to obtain a basis to increase gender sensitivity at the said level of the

same school.
Theoretical Framework

The study is grounded on the provisions of the existing laws in the Philippines that

supports promotion and increase in gender sensitivity. These laws are as follows:

Section 3 of Republic Act 9710 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women (MCW)

provides that “All individuals are equal as human beings by virtue of the inherent dignity

of each human person. No one should therefore suffer discrimination on the basis of

ethnicity, gender, age, language, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, political or

other opinion, national, social or geographical origin, disability, property, birth, or other

status as established by human rights standards.

The Philippine Constitution provides that “The State values the dignity of every person

and guarantees full respect for human rights” (Article II, Section 11). It also guarantees

every person the right to life, security of person and privacy, right to be free from torture,

arbitrary arrest and detention, the right to be free from discrimination and the right to

freedom of expression, and the right to organize associations (Article III, Section 1, 2, 4,

8, 12).

Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 29-2010 prohibits discrimination

against LGBT people applying for civil service examinations. In addition, the CSC’s

Revised Policies on Merit and Promotion plan include a provision that inhibits

discrimination in the selection of employees based on various criteria including gender.

Recently, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) issued a

Memorandum respecting the right of persons of diverse SOGI to wear uniform of their

preferred sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Philippine Constitution has enumerated the basis for promoting gender sensitivity

and equality and shall be considered also as the basis for increasing gender sensitivity

in the classroom for the purposes of this study.

1. Gender Sensitivity should be increased because of the basic human right of any

person to be given full and due respect.

2. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to eradicate sexual/gender discrimination

3. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to completely restructure the norm that

“Men are of higher rank as compared to women”

4. Gender Sensitivity should be increased to adapt to the modern principle of

equality and fairness with no regards to gender/sexual preference.

Scope and delimitation

This study is mainly focused in gathering data regarding the attitude of Grade VI

pupilsabout gender sensitivity and its impact on the learning environment and creating

aharmonious relationship. Its major respondents are the ____-#__Grade VI pupils from

Julugan Elementary School for Sy 2017-2018. It will be using survey method as form of

data collection.
Significance of the Study

This study is conveyed to be significant to the following proponents:

Teachers- They will have a basis on how to properly handle the class when it comes to

oral discussions about gender sensitivity.

Students- they will be able to identify their attitude towards gender sensitivity and

conceptualize how it helps them gain self-awareness.

Parents- They will be knowledgeable on how to assist the teachers in educating their

children about becoming gender sensitive.

Definition of Terms

Gender Sensitivity- refers to the aim of understanding and taking account of the societal

and cultural factors involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination in the most

diverse spheres of public and private life. It focuses mainly on instances of structural

disadvantage in the positions and roles of women.

Equality- the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

Philippine Constitution- (Filipino: Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas) is the constitution or

supreme law of the Republic of the Philippines. Its final draft was completed by the

Constitutional Commission on October 12, 1986 and was ratified by a nationwide

plebiscite on February 2, 1987.

Magna Carta for Women- is comprehensive women's human rights law that seeks to

eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and

promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sector.

Basis - the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process; the

justification for or reasoning behind something.



Foreign Literature

The purpose of the literature review is to provide the foundation for this study and to

demonstrate why this study is needed.

Gender issues tend to include topics of gender socialization, gender roles, “gender in

relation to a patriarchal system” (Comstock et al., 2003, p. 63), and how the system

affects men and women differently. Gender socialization and identity development

encourage adaptation of varying characteristics in females and males. Women and men

possess different physical characteristics and different levels of hormones, progress

through varying life events, and their development is shaped in distinct ways. Jean

Baker Miller (2006) stated: “women have different organizing principles around which

their psyches are structured. One of these principles is that they exist to serve other

people’s needs” (Miller, 1976, p. 61). In traditional Eurocentric society in the United

States, most women learn by instruction and observation that their primary role is

caregiver, mother or nurturer to children, partner and friend (Chodorow, 2004; Kaufman,

1999). Relationships are central to women’s lives and they are expected to be “keepers

of connection” (Jordan, Banks, & Walker, 2003, as cited in Comstock, 2005, p. 116).

Literature on women’s identity development has suggested that women build a sense of

identity based on the relationships in their lives (Gilligan, 1993; Miller, 1976). Because

of the significance of relationships in women’s lives, their self-esteem may also be

based on these relationships (Schaef, 1985). A woman may build a sense of self by
reflecting on how she is valued in relationships, whereas men may tend to build sense

of self separate from others (Abrams, 2003; Gilligan, 1993; Kaufman, 1999). Unlike

women who are encouraged to seek connection with others, socialization in Eurocentric

culture encourages boys at a young age to separate from caregivers, particularly their

mothers, and enhance selfsufficiency (Pollack, 2003). As boys grow, they receive

societal messages reinforced by parents, family, peers, and the public to value male

independence, physical prowess, suppression of emotions, and career and financial

success (Connell & Messerschmidt, 2005; Shepard, 2005). As a result of the emphasis

placed on separation and strength, men tend to become disconnected from their own

emotions, may have difficulty both recognizing and verbalizing their feelings, and thus,

struggle to form deep intimate relationships with others (Shepard, 2005). Therefore,

gender socialization appears to influence the relational characteristics in men and

women differently.

The relational model of gender awareness development (Comstock et al., 2003) was

developed using concepts from relational cultural theory (RCT). Instead of viewing

human development with a goal of separation or individuation, RCT supports that

growth occurs through connections with others (Liang, Tracy, Taylor, Williams, Jordan,

& Miller, 2002). Relational-cultural theory emerged from feminist writings that proposed

women experience the world differently than men (Gilligan, 1993; Jordan, 2000; Miller,

1976). Relational cultural theorists identified several primary characteristics involved in

their concept of growth-fostering relationships: mutual engagement (as defined by

perceived mutual involvement, commitment, and attunement to the relationship),

authenticity (the process of acquiring knowledge of self and the other and feeling free to
be genuine in the context of the relationship), empowerment/zest (the experience of

feeling personally strengthened, encouraged, and inspired to take action), and the

ability to deal with difference or conflict (the process of expressing, working through,

and accepting differences in background, perspective, and feeling. (Liang et al., 2002,

p. 26). Over ten years ago, Counselor Education and Supervision featured an issue

edited by Patricia Stevens-Smith (1995) that included articles related to gender issues

in counselor training programs. Although the lack of attention to gender topics was

recognized, “it lacked a description of student development in response to gender

issues” (Comstock, Duffey, & St. George, 2003, p. 62). As a result, Comstock, Duffey,

and St. George (2003) created a relational model of gender awareness development for

understanding the trainee reactions to learning about gender topics. The present study

is guided by the research on the relational model of gender awareness (Comstock et al.,

2003) and follows the researchers’ recommendation for future research to examine the

relational qualities of counselor trainees inside the classroom when presented with

gender topics. Hence, this study utilizes theoretical concepts from the relational model

of gender awareness development and relational cultural theory. Because this study

investigates gender topics, the next section will provide a brief introduction into some

gender issues faced by women and men in the United States. Both women’s and men’s

development will be presented to offer insight into gender identity development. Gender

identity development suggests differences in how men and women form and maintain

relationships. Before addressing counseling training and gender issues, an overview of

counselor development will be presented. Finally, concepts from relational cultural

theory and the relational model of gender awareness development will be provided.
Experiences of Women and Men Men and women have different levels of hormones

and physical characteristics, varying life experiences, and they face different

sociocultural influences on their development. This section is presented to highlight

some of men and women’s gender issues in Eurocentric society in the United States.

Because the current study utilizes the framework of relational cultural theory, it must be

noted that women and men’s identity must be viewed in a relational context (Jordan,

2003). Identity is conceptualized from a holistic perspective that takes into account race,

ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, and social class (Arredondo, 1999;

Constantine, 2002; Sue, 2001). Thus, men and women have multiple group identities

which mediate their life experiences (Abrams, 2003). As Sue (2001) pointed out: “race,

ethnicity, and culture are powerful variables in influencing how people think, make

decisions, behave, and define events. . . .”(p. 795). Consequently, the current study

acknowledges the intersection of these powerful group identities and does not intend to

suggest that men and women are monolithic groups.

In U.S. culture, men are often viewed as more individualistic in nature than women

(Comstock, 2005; Shepard, 2005). Instead of a focus on self, many women are

considered to value relationships as the most important elements in their lives (Gilligan,

1993). Hence, there may be differences in the way the two sexes experience life. For

example, when most men respond to stress, they exhibit “fight or flight” behaviors,

whereas women frequently “tend and befriend” (Greenberg, 2008).

In addition, women generally have different mental health concerns than men.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

(2008), women are almost twice as likely to experience depression or anxiety as men
and they are also nine times as likely to develop an eating disorder. Women may be

more susceptible to development of affective mental health concerns and at risk for

experiencing psychological stress (Myers, Sweeney, & Witmer, 2000;, 2008). Considering the influence and context of male dominated

cultures, women often internalize a feeling of devaluation and deficiency which makes

women more vulnerable to severe self-consciousness, shame, and self-blame

(Comstock, 2005). In addition, women exhibit more behaviors of self-harm, such as

unhealthy dieting or self-mutilation (McAllister, 2003). Although statistics are presented

for several common diagnoses for women, White Kress, Eriksen, Rayle, and Ford

(2005) called attention to the lack of cultural sensitivity in diagnosis practices. Typically,

a mental health diagnosis focuses on an individual and makes comparisons based on

what is socially determined as normal. Researchers stated: “Such social problems as

racism, discrimination, patriarchy, homophobia, and poverty currently affect all human

experience, yet these can become lost in the DSM’s focus on disorders being rooted in

the individual” (White Kress et al., 2005, p. 98). Therefore, depression or anxiety in

women must be assessed with caution due to these macro-level influences on health. In

addition, because women’s roles typically include prioritizing others needs, many

women may consider their own needs as inferior and consequently, their needs are not

fulfilled (Eriksen & Kress, 2008). Feeling pressure to meet society’s expectation of roles

can contribute to stress or depression.

Foreign Studies

Eriksen and Kress (2008) proposed that men have also been harmed by sex bias in

diagnosis. Men are socialized to externalize problems, which often produces aggressive

behaviors or acting out as boys. Socialization cultivates characteristics in boys and may

result in a diagnosis related to hyperactivity or learning disability, for example. Eriksen

and Kress (2008) suggested that men are more often recognized for exhibiting

compulsive behaviors, substance abuse, aggression, or sexual disorders, and formal

diagnoses do not take into account the societal influences encouraging development of

related behaviors. Because women and men have different life experiences, the current

study focuses on the role of gender in counselor trainees’ development. The study will

also explore the relational qualities of men and women counselor trainees. Before

addressing topics of counseling, the following sections will explore women’s

development and men’s development. Women’s Development Gender identity

development involves a process of internalizing societal expectations of what is defined

as male or female (DeMarco, Miller, Patsdaughter, & Chisholm, 1998). Humans receive

messages both implicitly and explicitly of proper behaviors and thoughts for our

respective genders (Mowder, 1999; White & Gardner, 2009). From birth, humans

receive these messages and are expected to adhere to the social norms (Sanchez &

Crocker, 2005). Women learn how to fulfill the designated female roles in a culture and

men are taught how to fulfill male roles in a culture (Miller, 1976; Mowder, 1999). For

example, traditional Eurocentric women fulfill roles of mother, wife, and friend

(Chodorow, 2004; Kaufman, 1999).

A primary feature of being a woman is described: “relationship, affiliation, and

‘befriending’ are central to women’s lives, so much so that women have been socially

designated as ‘keepers of connection’” (Comstock, 2005, p. 116). Socialization of

women in the United States encourages the development of strong interpersonal skills,

nurturing behaviors, and care for others (Gilligan, 1993; Kaufman, 1999). Jean Baker

Miller, a renowned feminist who wrote Toward a New Psychology of Women (1976),

believed these characteristics provide women with the ability to easily recognize others’

needs. Miller (1976) offered a self-in-relation theory of women’s development that

women formulate sense of self in the context of relationships. Traditional Western

theories of human development concentrated on an individual achieving autonomy and

independence through maturation, but these theories did not account for the way

women experience the world. Because women are socialized to be more relational than

men, women may be seen as needy or dependent (Jordan, 2000; Miller, 1876). Instead

of focusing on individuation as a goal in human development, Jean Baker Miller (1976)

drew attention to women’s relational capacities that cultivate growth through

connections with others. Relationships are perceived to be vital to the lives of women

and essential in identity development (Gilligan, 1993; Miller, 1976). Women may often

find support in relationships and they may also base selfesteem on some significant

relationships in their lives (Schaef, 1985). Because women may place so much

importance on relationships, they may cultivate a sense of self and evaluate themselves

based on their connections to others (Miller, 1976). Moreover, a sense of self-worth may

be tied to external approval from others (Comstock, 2005). It

may be difficult for a woman to build a strong positive sense of self without considering

how she is valued in relationships. Carol Gilligan (1993), a significant contributor to

feminism, postulated a theory of moral development for women because she believed

traditional models of moral development did not incorporate the experiences of women

(Broderick & Blewitt, 2006). Gilligan proposed that women approach moral reasoning

differently than men, believing women adhere to an ethic of care. Gilligan’s theory is

comprised of three stages: (a) Level I Preconventional Morality in which women

approach reasoning with concern for self survival, (b) Level II Conventional Morality in

which women approach reasoning with primary concern for others, responsibility to

others, and self-sacrifice, and (c) Level III

Postconventional Morality in which women approach reasoning with balance of care for

self and others (Crawford & Unger, 2004; Gilligan, 1993). At the final level of

development, women possess “internalized ethical principles that value relationships”

(Crawford & Unger, 2004, p. 129) and consider self and others as interdependent.

Therefore, women’s identity development includes a changing self-concept that

necessitates finding a balance between affiliation and autonomy (Smith Harvey, 1999).

Another leading contributor to women’s identity development theory was Ruthellen

Josselson (1987, as cited in Enns, 1991) who proposed that females develop along a

separation-individuation continuum. Women may define themselves by individual values

or their definition of self may be highly influenced by the relationships in their lives.

Josselson believed there are four statuses assumed by women: (a) identity diffusion is a

period of feeling lost with a lack of commitment or attachment to relationships, (b)

identity foreclosure is a period of strong commitment to others, a lack of self-exploration,

and an acceptance of traditional social values, (c) identity moratorium is a period of

searching for self and questioning commitment to relationships, and (d) identity

achievement which is a period of feeling a solid sense of self and a balance of

separation in relationships (Enns, 1991). This theory supports Gilligan’s (1993) claim

that women’s identity development involves a changing self-concept related to

attachment and independence (Smith Harvey, 1999). As presented above, several

theoretical models have been created to understand the process of gender identity

development. Another model, the feminist identity development model (Bargad & Hyde,

1991; Downing & Roush, 1985) describes the process of women examining their

thoughts and feelings about gender roles as they become aware of discrimination based

on gender. Feminist identity development pertains to women’s attitudes toward gender

roles in the following stages: Passive Acceptance, Revelation, Embeddedness-

Emanation, Synthesis, and Active Commitment (Bargad & Hyde, 1991).

In a study of 244 women, women with a more advanced feminist identity reported

greater psychological well-being than women with a less developed feminist identity

(Saunders & Kashubeck-West, 2006). The researchers suggested that women with

more advanced feminist identities may feel more empowered to make desirable choices

in their lives and they may feel a greater sense of unity with women which contribute to

positive mental health. Given these findings, there are implications for how awareness

of gender issues may affect relational qualities, such as sense of empowerment and

engagement with others. Although some women may feel internal solidarity and

comfort with their identity as women, some women may be more influenced by external

forces. Because they have a tendency to define and evaluate themselves based on
their relationships, women may aim to enhance or maintain connectedness with others

to preserve positive female identity (Schaef, 1985). In order to maintain relationships,

females tend to hide their true feelings to avoid conflict. Jean Baker Miller (1976) stated:

“women have been so encouraged to concentrate on the emotions and reactions of

others that they have been diverted from examining and expressing their own emotions”

(p. 39). Women may not give voice to their true feelings and this process is referred to

as “silencing the self” (Comstock, 2005; Jack & Dill, 1992). DeMarco, Miller,

Patsdaughter and Chisholm (1998) describe silencing the self as “(a) socialization

process unique to women, (b) a conscious effort to preserve cohesion within

relationships, (c) a coping strategy in the context of gender-based power struggles, or

all three” (p. 540). Women may inhibit expression of genuine thoughts or feelings to

keep relationships, and in this action, they also tend to put others’ needs before their

own. Comstock, Duffey, and St. George (2003) stated that the silencing phenomenon

exists within the classroom and is particularly relevant when examining the sensitive

topic of gender issues. Therefore, the present study intends to investigate the influence

of exposure to gender issues on the relationship dynamics in the counseling classroom.

Some themes from women’s development from the context of European American

society have been presented. However, the current study aims to incorporate the

“variability and diversity of human experience” (Barrett et al., 2005, p. 28). The

experiences of women vary across ethnicity, culture, social class, and sexual

orientation, for example. Thus, women (and men) have complex identities which must

be understood in the rich context of their lives. Identity is comprised of individual

personality characteristics, as well as, a sense of self defined by relational contexts

(e.g., family, friends, and other group belongingness) (Barrett et al., 2005). This study

intends to investigate identity with respect to the diversity of men and women’s lives,

and will incorporate gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and relationships with

others (in the context of counseling training classroom). The following section will

provide a brief overview of men’s development. Men’s Development Just as

socialization influences the development of women, men are also encouraged to

cultivate characteristics considered masculine in Eurocentric culture. These traditional

characteristics typically include men of European American descent, at least middle

socioeconomic class, and heterosexual men (McCarthy & Holliday, 2004). Unlike

women who are socialized to be nurturing and to seek connection with others, men are

influenced to become independent, successful, strong, and to not show emotional

weakness (Scott & Robinson, 2001).

At a young age, boys begin to separate from their mothers or caregivers, shedding

these attachments, and engage in a process of disconnection (Shepard, 2005). After

studying male children and adolescents, William Pollack (1998) refined David and

Brannon’s “Boy Code” (1976) which outlined four essential behaviors for males.

Pollack’s (1998) adaptation includes rules for both boys and men: (a) The Sturdy Oak

which indicates boys and men must be stoic and not reveal physical or emotional pain;

(b) Give’em Hell indicates boys and men ought to exhibit boldness, courage, and

attraction to violence; (c) The Big Wheel refers to boys and men striving for success,

and dominance and power over others; and (d) No Sissy Stuff restricts boys and men

from expressing feelings. Therefore, boys are expected be tough, competitive,

successful, and autonomous. As a sharp contrast to the development of women who

strive to nurture connections with others, men are socialized to be independent and to

suppress the feelings that draw them to seek others. Societal forces, in addition to

parents and peers, pressure the separation of a young boy. It has been theorized that

this loss of attachment, particularly to the child’s mother, generates a sense of

abandonment in the child and will affect relationships for the rest of a boy’s life (Pollack,

2003). Males may fear intimacy and forming other attachments due to the memory of

abandonment (Pollack, 2003). In addition, boys must learn to suppress vulnerable

feelings, however, are permitted to express anger as it fits in the Boy Code (Shepard,

2005). Because males are not encouraged to identify or express feelings, they grow

disconnected from feelings and thus, often have difficulty empathizing with others, even

recognizing their own feelings and disclosing feelings as an adult (Chu, Porche, &

Tolman, 2005; Shepard, 2005). Unfortunately, stereotypes perpetuate the narrow range

of emotions permitted for men, such as those related to sports or sex (Coy,

KovacksLong, 2005). Therefore, many men lack role models or ways of understanding

the true feelings inside. Shepard (2005) elaborates on male development and various

types of disconnection experienced by men: a) disconnection from vulnerable feelings

like sadness and fear, which are normal and appropriate parts of life; b) disconnection

from nurturing, soothing, and caregiving, capacities; c) disconnection from the

vocabulary of emotions, which many men have never adequately learned; d)

disconnection from one’s children, despite desires for close relationships; e)

disconnection from capacities for intimacy, and concomitantly, disconnection from those

whom men love. (p. 135) Thus, socialization does not promote relational closeness in
men, but in essence, devalues the formation of intimate or empathetic relationships.

Unlike women who are considered “keepers of connection”, men experience multiple

types of disconnection from themselves and from others (Shepard, 2005). If males

stray from the Boy Code, they tend to experience shame which is a primary source of

men’s mental health issues (Pollack, 2003). Men are socialized to wear a mask of

bravado, and if they internally experience disappointment or pain, these feelings are

often emoted in the form of anger or rage; anger has been considered a cover for other

emotions (Pollack, 2003; Shepard, 2005). Men are more likely than women to commit

acts of violence and it has been theorized that violence is a way for men to gain respect

if they are feeling shamed or angry (Shepard, 2005). As boys grow into adulthood, they

may yearn for connectedness with a partner and with children. For example, some men

may feel challenged by the desire to nurture or connect with their children, yet not know

how. Furthermore, many men are encouraged to strive for independence and success

in a career (Wester & Vogel, 2002). Men may have difficulty merging the realms in

which they seek to thrive and therefore, the relationships or human connections in their

lives may fall secondary (Shepard, 2005). The concept of hegemonic masculinity is

commonly referred to when studying men’s issues. Hegemonic masculinity is an

idealized image of masculinity including selfsufficiency, physical strength,

aggressiveness, and motivation for success, which is not necessarily achieved by all

men, but considered desirable in traditional Eurocentric society (Connell &

Messerschmidt, 2005). Connell and Messerschmidt (2005) state: “It embodied the

currently most honored way of being a man, it required all other men to position

themselves in relation to it, and it ideologically legitimated the global subordination of

women to men” (p. 832). Men inherit power through culture, institutions, or obtain power

by force if necessary (Connell & Messerschmidt, 2005). Chu, Porche, and Tolman

(2005) created an Adolescent Masculinity Ideology in Relationships Scale (AMIRS)

which measured adolescent boys’ attitudes about perceived proper male behaviors in

the context of relationships in efforts to understand how boys internalize hegemonic

masculinity. Researchers administered the AMIRS to 246 7th, 8th, and high school

students and found that the adolescent boys who supported hegemonic masculinity also

reported more conventional attitudes about men’s expected roles, women’s expected

roles, and greater incidents of acting-out or aggressive behaviors. Surprisingly, the

researchers found hegemonic masculinity to have an inverse relationship with self-

esteem in the context of relationships. They suggested that hegemonic masculinity

devalues qualities, such as mutuality and authenticity in relationships which likely lowers

boys’ self-esteem in the relationship realm. These findings direct attention to the need to

enhance understanding of the relational capacities of men.

Local Literature

When addressing men’s development, literature on identity as it relates to both gender

and race must be incorporated. Rosario (2001) presented a Key model which is a

theoretical model exploring both race and gender attitudes of white men in regards to

manhood. The key model describes types to portray a set of attitudes, and suggests

that men do not necessarily move linearly through the phases with experience, but may

move in multiple directions. The first type is Type 1: The Noncontact Type which

describes men who have little knowledge or recognition of the existence of other races

or racism. The noncontact male tends to hold traditional gender roles, he wants to
maintain status quo (neglecting efforts to combat discrimination), he aims to achieve

power, and he supports superiority of white males with little awareness of discrimination

affecting minority groups.

Type II is The Claustrophobic Type who may feel that persons from minority groups and

women are moving in on the white man’s success, taking away some of prior privileges

held by the white male (Rosario, 2001). A male in this phase wants to secure power for

other white males and prevent members of other minority groups from accessing the

power. Type III is a Conscious Identity Type characterized by dissonance between

traditional attitudes about gender and race and a new experience that has sparked

questioning of prior attitudes. A male in this phase re-examines his entitlement to power

and privilege (Bisaldo, 2001). Type III is an Empirical Type who begins to acknowledge

that discrimination against minority groups is a reality, and he explores his role in

perpetuating sexism and racism. A man in this phase is aware of his unearned privilege,

and he examines how his privilege has oppressed others. Type IV is an Optimal Type

who is more aware of oppression, does not feel the pressure to vie for power, and

attempts to live harmoniously with others instead of engaging in further oppression. The

Key Model (Bisaldo, 2001) is valuable to this study because it describes a process that

some men experience as they become aware of the meaning behind their gender and

ethnicity, how white men’s existence affects others, and how they gain awareness of

oppression experienced by others.. In addition, because men are generally discouraged

from revealing vulnerable feelings, this raises questions as to how men experience

selfexploration and the sharing of feelings during counseling training as they respond to

topics of gender.
Although masculinity has primarily been presented in reference to Eurocentric, middle

class men, characteristics of masculinity vary across culture, religion, ethnicity,

socioeconomic class, and sexual orientation, among other variables (Antonio, 2004).

For example, some sexual minority individuals have reported feeling pain associated

with identity development due to “awareness of negative consequences of not fulfilling

familial or societal expectations; and hiding of the parts of themselves that others may

perceive as gay and therefore see as unacceptable” (Beato, p. 36). Thus, many gay

men face discrimination and they experience identity development in significantly

different ways than heterosexual men.

Local Studies

There is a study that does not intend to suggest a homogeneous male identity.

Instead, it hopes to shed light on other influences on men (and women’s identity), such

as ethnicity and sexual orientation. Because culturally diverse men and women may

face oppression, marginalization, and social injustices that affect their life experiences,

identity development cannot be generalized to all people (Nazareno, 2004). To prevent

oversimplification of men and women’s identity development, it must be noted that

identity development is complex and inextricable from such social and cultural

influences. Eurocentric concepts from men and women’s development have been

presented to raise awareness of some issues related to gender socialization and

identity development in the Philippines. The researchers found the stages of

development to be similar for men and women, but found the stages to be experienced

in qualitatively different ways. The relational model of gender awareness development

suggests that development should be understood in the context of relationships

(Pescasio., 2003). This concept is reminiscent of general women’s identity development

in which sense of self is formulated in the context of relationships (The following

paragraphs describe stages in the relational model of gender awareness development

for women counselor trainees: (a) Exposure, (b) Dissonance, (c) Identification, (d)

Catharsis, (e) Denial, (f) Rejection, (g) Connection, and (h) Integration (Comstock et al.,

2003). Relational Model of Gender Awareness Development: Women

The first stage is Exposure when women begin learning about gender issues in

counselor training courses. The relational model presumes women have not reflected

on sex role stereotypes in depth and have only given minimal thought to the divisions of

power in the patriarchal structure of U.S. society. The second stage is Dissonance when

trainee beliefs are questioned after being presented with consciousness-raising material

about gender issues. Women trainees begin to reflect on personal experiences of

oppression. This stage is accompanied by feelings of confusion, anxiety, fear and

anger. At this point in development, women may progress in two directions:

Identification or Denial. In Identification, women examine cultural influences on gender

stereotypes and they explore their roles in perpetuating sex role stereotypes. As a

result, women may experience guilt or shame. After becoming aware of responsibility in

maintaining the stereotypes, women may also become aware of the negative effects of

stereotypes, such as lack of privilege. Through this exploration, women may

acknowledge the disparities in power, but feel motivated to find healthy solutions for the

problems. After Identification, they may release some negative feelings and experience

Catharsis of anger. If women do not progress in Identification, they may experience

Denial in which they may ignore, disregard, or reject the importance of gender issues. In
addition, women counselor trainees may acknowledge, but not feel comfortable with a

new level of awareness and resist the opportunity to explore gender issues further. As a

result, the women hold on to traditional stereotypes of men and women which may lead

to foreclosure. It is likely that these women will continue to perpetuate stereotypes and

stay in subordinate status. Women that progress in Identification to Catharsis will then

move to a stage of Connection. This stage involves healing from the complex feelings

aroused by consciousness-raising and involves supporting others in their gender

awareness development. Furthermore, Connection involves validation of self and

feeling valued. Connection is representative of movement toward empowerment.

Integration is the final stage which involves piecing what has been learned into self-

concept. Integration is an ongoing process that requires incorporating many facets of

self, such as ethnic identity or spiritual identity. With heightened awareness of gender

issues, women counselor trainees in this stage likely feel empowered to change the

status quo. Some women may become activists for social change and others may

reflect on how the new perspectives will affect the relationships in their lives, such as

with clients or family. Relational Model of Gender Awareness Development: Men Similar

to the women’s model of development, Exposure is the first stage in which men are

presented with gender issues. This stage presumes men have not explored or reflected

on privilege or sex role stereotypes in depth or how these factors influence their life and

relationships. Following Exposure, men tend to progress to the stage of Dissonance.

This stage describes the discomfort men tend to feel as they reflect on issues of gender.

Men may feel vulnerable as they gain heightened awareness of socialization influences.

They may feel guilt or shame as they learn that being male gives them privilege over
others, and that they have participated in gender-based oppression knowingly or

unknowingly. Men may feel angry as a result of feeling blamed for unearned privilege,

or angry as a result of discovering how socialization has pressured men to be tough,

individualistic, and to suppress vulnerable emotions. Comstock, Duffey, and St. George

(2003) emphasized that this model focuses on the development of Eurocentric men,

and cannot be generalized to men or women of all cultures. The stage of Dissonance is

particularly difficult because it encourages men to be open, expressive, and sensitive,

which are discouraged in Eurocentric society. Men may progress in two directions after

the period of Dissonance. In Identification, men work to understand their masculinity,

what it means to be male and how male stereotypes maintain power in society. Men

enhance understanding of how sex role stereotypes have affected them on an individual

level and examine the influences on connections with others. Because this process

involves complicated emotions of shame, guilt, anger, vulnerability, men may

disconnect as a natural or socialized tendency to avoid these feelings. Ideally, men are

able to accept the intense emotions and move into a stage of Catharsis. Catharsis is

characterized by sense of freedom to explore vulnerabilities and begin to connect with

others in new ways. Although men may feel disappointed as they learn the meaning

and power of sex role stereotypes, they may still progress to Catharsis. However, men

may not feel ready, willing, or committed to exploration of the influences of gender. Men

may disconnect from the process, and refuse to authentically reflect on gender issues

which is characteristic of the stage of Denial. Denial for some men, they have future

opportunities to break the barrier and advance to Connection. If men are able to

progress through Catharsis, they enter a period of Connection which embodies mutual
healing: “men continue to struggle with issues regarding masculinity and internal

boundaries related to the expression of empathy, tenderness, and vulnerability, all of

which facilitate connection with others” (Comstock et al., 2003, p. 73). This stage

involves renewing connections with others in the classroom, professionally with clients,

and with personal relationships, such as family. The final stage of men’s development

is Integration which involves incorporating what has been learned into their lives. Men

may have realized that the inherent power and control gained from being a male has

interfered with their relationships by encouraging individuation, mistrust, or superficiality

with others. At this stage, men may desire to make changes in the way they relate with


The relational model of gender awareness development provides a framework for

understanding the complex processes involved with learning about gender issues. The

model attends to “issues such as gender, power, diversity, and most important,

relational development” (Santiago., 2003, p. 63). Furthermore, the model recognizes

that although gender is a source of diversity, other social and cultural influences

contribute to human experience. Although being a man or a woman may determine

different worldviews or life experiences, “some group identities may be more salient

than others” (Leonzo, 2001, p. 794). For example, belonging to various reference

groups, such as differentiated by ethnicity, religion, age, socioeconomic status, or

sexual orientation can result in marginalization and lack of power (Constantino, 2002).

This study intends to investigate not only the influences of gender on trainee

development, but also any influences of ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation.
Summary From the literature on women’s development, relationships are presented as

central to women’s lives.

Role and Status of the Filipina:

In 1990’s women in more than just a portion of professions, however mainly comprising

of domestic service (91%), professional and technical positions (59.4%) and sales

(57%).Also, in 1990’s women represented 64% of college graduates but held only 159

of 982 (16%) of career top executive positions at the civil service and only 15% in the

private sector.

Gender discrimination:

Sexual differences are biological differences and gender differences are socially or

culturally constructed. Sexism meant prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of sex,

especially against women. Attitude or mindset which “justifies” main control over

women, headship for the man and subordination for women & such attitude often

justifies discrimination and violence against women.

Restricts perception of dignity and worth of women, denies their contribution to society,

and makes their rights and opportunities conditional, resulting in their vulnerability

In the workplace, denial of employments to women due to women’s reproductive role or

rigidity in attitude, which hinders the reproductive role of women. E.g. non-flexible work

hours and timings, non-availability of day care services, lack of maternity leave.

Society Preference for Boys

The female sex has traditionally been percieved as inferior to men. In several areas of

the world, new boys are a cause of celebration but girls are considered as a financial

burden. Women have the traditional role as mothers and housekeepers, helpers,

onlookers, care providers and carriers… While Men are depicted as decision-makers,

businessmen and doctors.



Research Design

The researcher, for the purposes of the study conducted a qualitative research. The

qualitative research approach is most appropriate when conducting descriptive and

exploratory study in order to quantify data that seem immeasurable, such as feelings,

beliefs, and thoughts. Qualitative research is defined by (2003) as “a subjective

approach which includes examining and reflecting on perceptions in order to gain an

understanding of social and human activities”. The emphasis is on describing rather

than on judging. This study employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find

and build theories that would explain the relationship of one variable with another

variable through qualitative elements. These qualitative elements do not have standard

measures, rather they are behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of

qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of

individual events and giving voice to particular groups.

Research Instrument

The researcher used survey method as research instrument. Survey Method is defined

as a method of questioning individuals on a topic or topics and then describing their

responses” (Jackson, 2011, p.17).

Respondents of the Study

The target respondents of the study are the ______________

Total enumeration or universal sampling was used in this study. This means that all

________________were involved and included in the study. Table 1 presents the

respondents of the study.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Maragondon Elementary
Four Percent

Section A

Section B

Section C


Data Gathering Procedure

In order for the researcher to get the much-needed data, she first drafted a survey form

which covers all the questions identified in the Statement of the Problem. After the final

draft of the form has been aprpoved, she requested permission from the ________that

she will conduct a research and perform survey to___________. After permission as

been granted, she scheduled a date to conduct the survey.

Afterwards, she distributed the survey forms to the students and to the adviser. The

data were collated and tabulated that appropriate statistical treatment be applied.
Statistical Treatment

For preliminary statistical treatment, the researcher used weighted mean. This was

used to measure the respondents’ assessment. It was computed by multiplying the

value in the groups by appropriate weight factors and the products were summed up

and divided by the total number of respondents. This was used to answer the four

specific problems of this study.

The formula for weighted mean is shown below:

X = F(1)+ F(2)+ F(3)+ F(4)+ F(5)


X= Weighted Mean

F= Weight of each item

N= the total number of respondents

The data were interpreted using the Five-Point Likert Scale as the criteria. It served as

the basis for the interpretation of the data. The concept boundary of role was used as

well as the options, to wit:

Scale Ratings Description Interpretation

When the item described by the

5 4.50-5.00 Very helpful
statement is true

When the item described by the

4 3.50-4.49 Agree
statement is frequently true.

When the item described by the

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral
statement is neutral.

When the item described by the

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree
statement is not true all the time.

Strongly When the item described by the

1 1.0-1.49
Disagree statement rarely true.

Table 3.1 Five Point Likert Scale

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