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1183 Pfaff Manual

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This instruction manual applies to machines

from the following serial numbers onwards:
# 6 500 122

296-12-19 201/002
Betriebsanleitung engl. 01.12
This Instruction Manual is valid for all models and subclasses listed in the
chapter "Specifications".

The adjustment manual for the machines can be downloaded free of

charge from the internet address
As an alternative to the internet download the adjustment manual can also be
ordered in book form under part no. 296-12-19 202/002.

The reprinting, copying or translation of PFAFF Instruction Manuals, whether in whole or

in part, is only permitted with our previous authorization and with written reference to the

PFAFF Industriesysteme
und Maschinen AG

Hans-Geiger-Str. 12 - IG Nord
D-67661 Kaiserslautern

Contents ..................................................................................Page
1 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.01 Directives ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.02 General notes on safety ......................................................................................................... 5
1.03 Safety symbols ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.04 Important points for the user ................................................................................................. 6
1.05 Operating and specialist personnel ........................................................................................ 7
1.05.01 Operating personnel .............................................................................................................. 7
1.05.02 Specialist personnel ............................................................................................................... 7
1.06 Danger warnings .................................................................................................................... 8

2 Proper use............................................................................................................................. 9

3 Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.01 PFAFF 1181, PFAFF 1183 ..................................................................................................... 10
3.02 Versions and subclasses ...................................................................................................... 11

4 Disposal of Machine .......................................................................................................... 12

5 Transportation, packing and storage ................................................................................ 13

5.01 Transportation to customer‘s premises ............................................................................... 13
5.02 Transportation inside the customer‘s premises ................................................................... 13
5.03 Disposal of packing materials .............................................................................................. 13
5.04 Storage ................................................................................................................................ 13

6 Explanation of symbols ..................................................................................................... 14

7 Controls .............................................................................................................................. 15
7.01 On/off switch ....................................................................................................................... 15
7.02 Keys on the machine head (only for machines with -911/..) ................................................. 15
7.03 Pedal .................................................................................................................................... 16
7.04 Lever for lifting the presser foot........................................................................................... 16
7.05 Feed regulator disk / Reverse feed lever .............................................................................. 17
7.06 Knee lever ............................................................................................................................ 17
7.07 Edge trimmer -731/01 .......................................................................................................... 18
7.08 Control panel ........................................................................................................................ 18

8 Installation and commissioning ....................................................................................... 19

8.01 Installation............................................................................................................................ 19
8.01.01 Adjusting the table-top height .............................................................................................. 19
8.01.02 Adjusting the V-belt tension ................................................................................................. 20
8.01.03 Mounting the upper V-belt guard ......................................................................................... 20
8.01.04 Mounting the lower V-belt guard .......................................................................................... 21
8.01.05 Mounting the spool holder .................................................................................................. 21
8.02 Connecting the plug-in connections and earth cables ......................................................... 22
8.03 Commissioning the machine .............................................................................................. 23


Contents ..................................................................................Page
8.04 Switching the machine on/off .............................................................................................. 23
8.05 Basic position of the machine drive unit ............................................................................. 24
8.05.01 On machines with EcoDrive and control unit P40 ED ......................................................... 24
8.05.02 On machines with PicoDrive and control unit P40 PD2 ....................................................... 24
8.05.03 On machines with control unit MD-4-95-220-CE ................................................................. 25
8.06 Start inhibitor ....................................................................................................................... 26
8.06.01 Mounting the start inhibitor ................................................................................................. 26
8.06.02 Checking the start inhibitor function .................................................................................... 26

9 Preparation ........................................................................................................................ 27
9.01 Inserting the needle ............................................................................................................. 27
9.02 Winding the bobbin thread, adjusting the thread tension .................................................... 28
9.03 Removing / Inserting the bobbin case ................................................................................. 29
9.04 Inserting the bobbin case / Adjusting the bobbin thread tension ......................................... 29
9.05 Threading the needle thread / Adjusting the needle thread tension .................................... 30

10 Care and maintenance ....................................................................................................... 31

10.01 Servicing and maintenance intervals ................................................................................... 31
10.02 Cleaning the machine .......................................................................................................... 31
10.03 Topping up the oil tank ......................................................................................................... 32
10.04 Oiling the edge trimmer -731/01 .......................................................................................... 32
10.05 Parameter settings ............................................................................................................... 33
10.05.01 Parameter list for control unit P40 ED and P40 PD2 ............................................................ 33
10.05.02 Parameter list for control unit MD-4-95-220-CE ................................................................... 34

11 Table top cutout ................................................................................................................. 35

12 Block diagram .................................................................................................................... 36

12.01 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit P40 ED .......................................................... 36
12.02 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit P40 PD2 ........................................................ 37
12.03 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit MD-4-95-220-CE ........................................... 38

13 Wearing parts ..................................................................................................................... 39


1 Safety
1.01 Directives
The machine has been constructed in accordance with the requirements listed in the
EC Declaration of Conformity and the Declaration of Incorporation.
In addition to this Instruction Manual, also observe all generally accepted, statutory and
other regulations and legal requirements and all valid environmental protection regulations!
The regionally valid regulations of the social insurance society for occupational accidents or
other supervisory organizations are to be strictly adhered to!

1.02 General notes on safety

● This machine may only be operated by adequately trained operators and only after having
completely read and understood the Instruction Manual!

● All Notes on Safety and Instruction Manuals of the motor manufacturer are to be read be-
fore operating the machine!

● The danger and safety instructions on the machine itself are to be followed!

● This machine may only be used for the purpose for which it is intended and may not be
operated without its safety devices. All safety regulations relevant to its operation are to
be adhered to.

● When exchanging sewing tools (e.g. needle, roller presser, needle plate and bobbin),
when threading the machine, when leaving the machine unattended and during mainte-
nance work, the machine is to be separated from the power supply by switching off the
On/Off switch or by removing the plug from the mains!

● Everyday maintenance work is only to be carried out by appropriately trained personnel!

● Repairs and special maintenance work may only be carried out by qualified service staff
or appropriately trained personnel!

● Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by appropriately trained personnel!

● Work is not permitted on parts and equipment which are connected to the power supply!
The only exceptions to this rule are found in the regulations EN 50110.

● Modifications and alterations to the machine may only be carried out under observance
of all the relevant safety regulations!

● Only spare parts which have been approved by us are to be used for repairs! We express-
ly point out that any replacement parts or accessories which are not supplied by us have
not been tested and approved by us. The installation and/or use of any such products can
lead to negative changes in the structural characteristics of the machine. We are not liable
for any damage which may be caused by non-original parts.


1.03 Safety symbols

Points to be observed..

Danger of injury for operating and specialist personnel!

Do not operate without finger guard and safety devices.
Before threading, changing bobbin and needle, cleaning
etc. switch off main switch.

1.04 Important points for the user

● This Instruction Manual is an integral part of the machine and must be available to the
operating personnel at all times.

● The Instruction Manual must be read before operating the machine for the first time.

● The operating and specialist personnel is to be instructed as to the safety equipment of

the machine and regarding safe work methods.

● It is the duty of the user to only operate the machine in perfect running order.

● It is the obligation of the user to ensure that none of the safety mechanisms are removed
or deactivated.

● It is the obligation of the user to ensure that only authorized persons operate and work
on the machine.

Further information can be obtained from your PFAFF agent.


1.05 Operating and specialist personnel

1.05.01 Operating personnel
Operating personnel are persons responsible for the equipping, operating and cleaning of
the machine as well as for taking care of problems arising in the sewing area.

The operating personnel is required to observe the following points and must:

● always observe the Notes on Safety in the Instruction Manual!

● never use any working methods which could adversely affect the safety of the machine!

● not wear loose-fitting clothing or jewelery such as chains or rings!

● also ensure that only authorized persons have access to the potentially dangerous area
around the machine!

● always immediately report to the person responsible any changes in the machine which
may limit its safety!

1.05.02 Specialist personnel

Specialist personnel are persons with a specialist education in the fields of electrics, electro-
nics and mechanics. They are responsible for the lubrication, maintenance, repair and adjust-
ment of the machine.

The specialist personnel is obliged to observe the following points and must:

● always observe the Notes on Safety in the Instruction Manual!

● switch off the On/Off switch before carrying out adjustments or repairs, and ensure that
it cannot be switched on again unintentionally!

● wait until the luminous diode on the control box is no longer blinking or on before begin-
ning adjustment or repair work.

● never work on parts which are still connected to the power supply! Exceptions are explai-
ned in the regulations EN 50110.

● replace the protective coverings and close the electrical control box afer all repairs or
maintenance work!


1.06 Danger warnings

A working area of 1 m must be kept free both in front of and behind the machi-
ne, so that easy access is possible at all times.

Never put your hands or fingers in the sewing area during sewing!
Danger of injury by the needle!

While setting or adjusting the machine do not leave any objects on the table nor
in the needle plate area! Objects may be trapped or flung out of the machine!


3 5

Fig. 1 - 01

Do not run the machine without take-up lever guard 1!

Danger of injury by moving take-up lever!

Do not run the machine without finger guard 2!

Danger of injury by up and down movement of needle!

Do not operate machines with integrated motor without start inhibitor 3!

Danger of injury if the machine is started accidentally!

If an external motor is used, do not operate the machine without the belt
guards 4 and 5!
Danger of injury by the drive belt!

Proper use

2 Proper use

The PFAFF 1181 is an single-needle ultra-high-speed seamer with compound feed

The PFAFF 1183 is an single-needle ultra-high-speed seamer with drop feed

These machines are used in the industry for sewing lockstitch seams.

Any and all uses of this machine which have not been approved of by the
manufacturer are considered to be inappropriate! The manufacturer cannot be
held liable for any damage caused by the inappropriate use of the machine!
The appropriate use of the machine includes the observance of all operational,
adjustment, maintenance and repair measures required by the manufacturer!

3 Specifications V
3.01 PFAFF 1181, PFAFF 1183
Stitch type: ..........................................................................................................301 (lockstitch)
Needle system: ................................................................... 134 or 134 KK on subclass -731/01

Needle size in 1/100 mm:

Version A: ........................................................................................................................ 60 - 70
Version B: ...................................................................................................................... 80 - 100
Version CN: .................................................................................................................. 110 - 120

Effective balance wheel diameter: ..................................................................................65 mm

Fabric clearance: ........................................................................................................9 - 13 mm
Clear workspace width: ................................................................................................260 mm
Clear workspace height: ...............................................................................................125 mm

Bed-plate dimensions: ........................................................................................ 476 x 177 mm

Sewing head dimensions:

Length: ............................................................................................................. approx. 550 mm
Width: .............................................................................................................. approx. 180 mm
Height (above table): ........................................................................................approx. 300 mm

Max. stitch length:

Version A: .......................................................................................................................3,0 mm
Version B: .......................................................................................................................4.5 mm
Version CN: ....................................................................................................................6.0 mm

Max. speed PFAFF 1181/ 1183

Version A and B:.......................................................................................................5500 spm ◆
Subclass -731/01: .....................................................................................................4500 spm ◆
Subclass -8/44: .........................................................................................................3000 spm ◆
Version CN: ..............................................................................................................3800 spm ◆

Needle bar stroke:................................................................................................. 30 or 36 mm

Motor data: ................................................................................. see motor specification plate

Noise data:
Emission sound level at workplace at a speed of 4400 spm: ....................... LpA = 80.0 dB(A) ■
(Noise measurement in accordance with DIN 45 635-48-B-1, ISO 11204, ISO 3744, ISO 4871

Subject to technical alterations

3,800 s.p.m. with 36 mm needle bar stroke

KpA = 2,5 dB


3.02 Versions and subclasses

Version A: ...........................................................................................for sewing light materials

Version B: .................................................................................... for sewing medium materials
Version CN: ....................................................................... for sewing medium-heavy materials

Work aids:
Subclass -731/01 .................................................................................................. edge trimmer
Subclass -900/24................................................................................................ thread trimmer
Subclass -909/14 .................................................................................................Thread trapper
Subclass -910/06 ............................................................................................ automatic foot lift
Subclass -911/37 ................................................................ automatic back-tacking mechanism

Disposal of Machine

4 Disposal of Machine
● Proper disposal of the machine is the responsibility of the customer.

● The materials used for the machine are steel, aluminium, brass and various plastic
materials. The electrical equipment comprises plastic materials and copper.

● The machine is to be disposed of according to the locally valid pollution control regula-ti-
ons; if necessary, a specialist ist to be commissioned.

Care must be taken that parts soiled with lubricants are disposed of separately
according to the locally valid pollution control regulations!

Transportation, packing and storage

5 Transportation, packing and storage

5.01 Transportation to customer‘s premises
The machines are delivered completely packed.

5.02 Transportation inside the customer‘s premises

The manufacturer cannot be made liable for transportation inside the customer‘s premises
nor to other operating locations. It must be ensured that the machines are only transported
in an upright position.

5.03 Disposal of packing materials

The packing materials of this machine comprise paper, cardboard and VCE fibre. Proper dis-
posal of the packing material is the responsibility of the customer.

5.04 Storage
If the machine is not in use, it can be stored as it is for a period of up to six months, but It
should be protected against dust and moisture.
If the machine is stored for longer periods, the individual parts, especially the surfaces of
moving parts, must be protected against corrosion, e.g. by a film of oil.

Explanation of symbols

6 Explanation of symbols
In this instruction manual, work to be carried out or important information is accentuated by
symbols. These symbols have the following meanings:

Note, information

Cleaning, care


Maintenance, repairs, adjustment, service work

(only to be carried out by technical staff)


7 Controls
7.01 On/off switch
● The power supply to the machine is swit-
ched on or off by turning switch 1.

The illustrated on/off switch is

fitted to machines with Eco-
or PicoDrive motors. If other
1 motors are used, a different
switch may be fitted.

Fig. 7 - 01

7.02 Keys on the machine head (only for machines with -911/..)
● As long as key 1 is pressed during sew-
ing, the machine sews in reverse.
● Keys 2 can be used for parameter set-
tings (see motor instruction manual).

Fig. 7 - 02


7.03 Pedal
● With the on/off switch on
0 = Machine stop
0 +1
+1 = Sew

- 1 = Raise presser foot (for

machines with -910/06)

- 2 = Trim thread (for machines

with -900/24)

-1 -2

Fig. 7 - 03

7.04 Lever for lifting the presser foot

● The presser foot is raised by turning
lever 1.

Fig. 7 - 04


7.05 Feed regulator disk / Reverse feed lever

● The stitch length can be set by simulta-
neously applying pressure to disk 1 and
turning it to the desired setting.
● For reverse sewing press lever 2.

Fig. 7 - 05

7.06 Knee lever

● By pressing the knee lever 1 in the
direction of the arrow, the presser foot is

Fig. 7 - 06


7.07 Edge trimmer -731/01

Do not touch the running mo-

tor! Danger of injury!

● By pressing or raising key 1, the edge

trimmer is switched on or off.

Fig. 7 - 07

7.08 Control panel

The description can be found in the separate instruction manual for the motor.

Installation and commissioning

8 Installation and commissioning

The machine must only be mounted and commissioned by qualified personnel!
All relevant safety regulations are to be observed!
If the machine is delivered without a table, it must be ensured that the frame
and the table top which you intend to use can hold the weight of the machine
and the motor. It must be ensured that the supporting structure is sufficiently
sturdy, including during all sewing operations.

8.01 Installation
The site where the machine is installed must be provided with suitable connections for the
electric current, see Chapter 3 Specifications.
It must also be ensured that the standing surface of the machine site is firm and horizontal,
and that sufficient lighting is provided.

The method of packaging used requires that the table top be lowered for trans-
port. The following is a description of how to adjust the height of the table top.

8.01.01 Adjusting the table-top height

1 1

Fig. 8 - 01

● Loosen screws 1 and 2 and set the desired table-top height

● Tighten screws 1 well.
● Adjust the position of the pedal so that you can operate it comfortably and tighten screw 2.

Installation and commissioning

8.01.02 Adjusting the V-belt tension

This step is eliminated for integrated sewing motors.

● Loosen nuts 1.
● Tighten the V-belt with belt take-up
hanger 2.
● Tighten nuts 1.

IA PFAFF motor is shown in

Fig. 8-02. If another motor is
used, carry out this step accor-
ding to the instructions in the
motor instruction manual.

Fig. 8 - 02

8.01.03 Mounting the upper V-belt guard

This step is eliminated for integrated sewing motors.

● Break out the belt guard case 1 at the

points marked by the arrows.
● Fasten belt guard 2 in holes 3.
● Attach belt guard 4 to the machine case
with screws 5.


Fig. 8 - 03

Installation and commissioning

8.01.04 Mounting the lower V-belt guard

This step is eliminated for integrated sewing motors.

● Align belt-guard 1 in such a way that both

the motor pulley and the V-belt run freely.
● Tighten screws 2.

A PFAFFmotor is shown in
Fig. 8-04. If another motor is
used, carry out this step accor-
ding to the instructions in the
motor instruction manual.

1 2
Fig. 8 - 04

8.01.05 Mounting the spool holder

● Mount the spool holder as shown in
Fig. 8-05.
● Insert the spool holder into the hole in
the table top and fasten it with the nuts

Fig. 8 - 05

Installation and commissioning

8.02 Connecting the plug-in connections and earth cables

Fig. 8 - 06

● Connect all plug connections as described in the operations manual of the drive
● The following ground cables must be attached in order to discharge static electricity.
● Attach ground cables for machine, main switch, control unit and motor to ground point 1.

Installation and commissioning

8.03 Commissioning the machine

● Check the machine, especially the electri-
cal leads, for any damage.
1 ● Remove pin 1 of the oil reservoir 2
2 (Fig. 8 - 07).

The pin serves only to protect

the machine from damage
during transport and must not
be used when sewing.

● Clean the machine thoroughly and oil it

(see chapter 10 Care and maintenance).
● Have skilled personnel check if the ma-
chine can be operated with the available
mains voltage

Fig. 8 - 07

Do not operate the machine if there is any discrepancy.

The machine may only be connected to an earthed socket!

Have home position of the machine drive verifi ed by certifi ed technicians

before fi rst commissioning! Have settings carried out my technicians where
required (see chapter 8.05)

8.04 Switching the machine on/off

● Switch the machine on (see Chapter 7.01, On/off switch).

Installation and commissioning

8.05 Basic position of the machine drive unit

8.05.01 On machines with EcoDrive and control unit P40 ED

● Switch on the machine.

● Press the TE/speed key twice to select the input mode.
● Select parameter "798" by pressing the corresponding +/- key, and select service level
C, see Chapter Selecting the user level in the instruction manual for the control panel.
● By pressing the corresponding +/- key select the parameter "799" (Selecting the machine
● Check whether value "1" is set, and correct it if necessary.

If the parameter has to be altered, operate the TE/Speed key and then switch
off the machine and switch it on again. Then select service level C again as de-
scribed above.

● By pressing the corresponding +/- key, select parameter "800" (selecting the sewing
● By pressing the corresponding +/- key, select the value for the parameter at "0".
● By pressing the corresponding +/- key, select parameter "700".
● Sew a stitch by operating the pedal.
● Turn the balance wheel in the sewing direction until the descending needle is level with
the top edge of the needle plate.
● Then check the parameter values listed in the parameter list (see Chapter
10.04 Parameter Settings) and adjust them if necessary.
● Conclude the adjustment of the sewing motor by pressing the TE/Speed key.

8.05.02 On machines with PicoDrive and control unit P40 PD2

● Switch on the machine.

● Call up the parameter input by pressing the "scroll" key.
● To switch the function keys to input (LED in the TE key lights up), press the TE key.
● By pressing the corresponding +/- keys, select parameter "798" and service level C,
see Chapter Selecting the User Level in the separate Control Panel Instruction Manual.
● Select parameter "799" by pressing the corresponding +/- keys.
● Check whether the value is set at "2" and alter if necessary.
● Switch the machine off and then on again.
● Select parameter "800" by pressing the corresponding +/- keys.
● Check whether the value is set at "0" (balance wheel turns towards the operator) and alter
if necessary.
● Select parameter "802" by pressing the corresponding +/- keys.
● Check whether the value is set at "0" (= no reduction ratio) and alter if necessary.

Installation and commissioning

● .By pressing the corresponding +/- key, select parameter "700"

● Sew a stitch by operating the pedal.
● Turn the balance wheel in the sewing direction until the descending needle is level with
the top edge of the needle plate.
● Conclude the adjustment of the sewing motor by pressing the "scroll" key

8.05.03 On machines with control unit MD-4-95-220-CE

P ● Press and hold button and switch on machine.

● Parameter 47 is displayed.

S ● Call up input level.

● Set Code " 62" from the machine manufacturer.

S ● Confirm entry and switch off machine.

● Press and hold button and switch on machine.

● Parameter 208 is displayed.

A B ● Call up parameter 236.

S ● Confirm entry.
● Set value from the machine typ (0 = PFAFF 1183, 1 = PFAFF 1181).
S ● Confirm entry and switch off machine.

● Press and hold button and switch on machine.

● Parameter 176 is displayed.

A B D C ● Call up parameter 192.

● Press button D+ to turn function "on".

● Call up parameter 181.

S ● Call up input level.

● Sew a stitch with the pedal function.

● Turn the handwheel in rotational direction until the needle point (approaching from above)
is on the upper edge of the needle plate.
● Confirm entry.

● Call up parameter 192.

● Press button D+ to turn function "off".

S ● Press button "S" to exit input.

Installation and commissioning

8.06 Start inhibitor

8.06.01 Mounting the start inhibitor

● Set the machine into the table top.
● After loosening screws 2, set switch 1 so
2 that it is activated when the sewing head
is in an upright position.
● In this position tighten screws 2.

Fig. 8 - 07

8.06.02 Checking the start inhibitor function

● Switch the machine on at the main switch and tilt back the sewing head.
● The error message "Er 0 16" (on MD-4-95-220-CE) or "Error 9 (on Eco- or PicoDrive) must
appear on the control panel.
● If the message does not appear, check the setting of safety switch 2.
● After the sewing head has been returned to the upright position, the machine is ready
for operation again.


9 Preparation
All regulations and instructions in this Instruction Manual are to be observed!
Special attention is to be paid to the safety regulations!

All preparation work is only to be carried out by appropriately trained personnel.

Before all preparation work, the machine is to be separated from the electricity
supply by removing the plug from the mains or switching off the On/Off switch!

9.01 Inserting the needle

Switch off the machine!
Danger of injury due to uninten-
tional starting of the machine!

Only use needles from the sys-

1 tem intended for the machine,
see Chapter 3 Specifications.

2 ● Raise needle bar.

● Loosen screw 1 and insert needle 3 until
you feel it stop.
● The long needle groove must be aligned
in the direction of the machine head.
● Tighten screw 1.

Fig. 9 - 01


9.02 Winding the bobbin thread, adjusting the thread tension

+ -

5 1

3 2

Fig. 9 - 02

● Place an empty bobbin 1 onto bobbin shaft 2.

● Thread the bobbin in accordance with Fig. 9-02 and wind it anti-clockwise around bobbin
1 a few times.
● Switch on the bobbin winder while at the same time pressing bobbin winder spindle 2
and lever 3.

The bobbin fills up during sewing.

If the machine is only being used to wind the bobbin (without sewing), a bobbin
case must be inserted in the hook! (Danger of damage to the hook).

● The tension of the thread on bobbin 1 can be adjusted with knurled screw 4.
● The bobbin winder stops automatically when bobbin 1 is full.
● Remove the filled bobbin 1 and cut the thread on knife 5.

If the thread is wound unevenly, loosen nut 6 and turn thread guide 7 accordin-
gly. Retighten nut 6 after the adjustment.


9.03 Removing / Inserting the bobbin case

Switch off the machine!
Danger of injury due to uninten-
tional starting of the machine!
1 Removing the bobbin case:
2 ● Tilt back the machine.
● Raise latch 1 and remove bobbin case 2.

Inserting the bobbin case:

● Press bobbin case 2 until you feel it snap
into the bobbin case base.

Return the machine to its up-

right position using both hands!
Danger of injury by crushing
between the machine and the
Fig. 9 - 03 table top!

9.04 Inserting the bobbin case / Adjusting the bobbin thread tension
● Insert the bobbin into the bobbin case.
● Pass the thread through the slot under
the spring according to Fig. 9-04.
● Pass the thread through the notch.
5 cm

● Adjust the thread tension by turning

screw 1.

When the thread is pulled, the

bobbin must rotate in the direc-
tion of the arrow.

Fig. 9 - 04


9.05 Threading the needle thread / Adjusting the needle thread tension


Fig. 9 - 05

Switch off the machine!

Danger of injury due to unintentional starting of the machine!

● Thread the machine as shown in Fig. 9-05.

● On machines with subclass -909/14 also guide the thread through thread trapper 2.
● Adjust the needle thread tension by turning disk 1.

Care and maintenance

10 Care and maintenance

10.01 Servicing and maintenance intervals

Clean ................................................................. daily, more often if in continuous operation

Check oil level ..........................................................................................................monthly

Oil the trimmer -731/01 ........................once a week, more often if in continuous operation

These maintenance intervals are calculated for the average running time of a
single shift operation. If the machine is operated more than this, shorter inter-
vals are recommended.

10.02 Cleaning the machine

The cleaning cycle required for the machine depends on following factors:
● Single or several shift operation
● Amount of dust resulting from the workpiece
It is therefore only possible to stipulate the best possible cleaning instructions for each indi-
vidual case.

For all cleaning work the machine must be disconnected from the mains
by switching off the on/off switch or by removing the mains plug!
Danger of injury if the machine suddenly starts up .

To avoid breakdowns, the following cleaning

work is recommended for single shift ope-
● Swing out the cover plate and tilt back
the sewing head.
● Clean the hook and hook compartment
daily, more often if in continuous opera-

Return the machine to its up-

right position using both hands!
Danger of injury by crushing
between the edge of the
machine and the table top!

Fig. 10 - 01

Care and maintenance

10.03 Topping up the oil tank

The oil reservoir must always
1 have oil in it.

● Whenever it is necessary to refill the re-

servoir, tilt back the machine and let it
rest on the sewing head support.
● Fill oil through hole 1 into the reservoir 2
up to the level of the front edge (see ar-

Use both hands to set the sew-

ing head upright!
Danger of crushing between the
sewing head and the table top!

Only use oil with a mean vis-
cosity of 22.0 mm2/s at 40°C
Fig. 10- 02 and a density of 0.865 g/cm3 at

We recommend PFAFF sewing machine oil, part no. 280-1-120 144.

10.04 Oiling the edge trimmer -731/01

● Once a week pour oil on oil sponge 1
through hole 2.
● Lubricate the guides 3 and 4 once a

2 Only use oil with a mean vis-

cosity of 22.0 mm2/s at 40°C
1 and a density of 0.865 g/cm3 at

We recommend
PFAFF sewing machine oil,
4 part no. 280-1-120 144.

Fig. 10 - 03

Care and maintenance

10.05 Parameter settings

Parameter settings are described in the separate operations manual for

the drive, and may only be changed by qualifi ed technicians!

10.05.01 Parameter list for control unit P40 ED and P40 PD2

Set value P40 PD2

Set value P40 ED
Setting range

User lever

1 105 Speed for start backtackl B, C 300 - 2000 1200 1200

110 Speed for end backtack B, C 300 - 2000 1200 1200
6 606 Speed min B, C 30 - 300 180 180
607 Speed max. B, C 300 - 6000 ▲ ▲

6 609 Cutting speed 1 B, C 60 - 300 180 180

660 Bobbin thread control A, B, 0-2 0 -
0 = off, 1 = thread monitor, C
2 = reverse counter
668 Thread wiper/thread blower B, C 0-1 0 -
1 = on; 0 = off
7 700 Needle position 0 B, C 0 -255 * *
(needle reference position
702 Needle position 1 (needle lowered) B, C 0 - 255 90 90
703 Needle position 2 (take-up lever raised) B, C 0 - 255 236 236
705 Needle position 5 (end cutting signal 1) B, C 0 - 255 200 200
706 Needle position 5 (start cutting signal 2) B, C 0 - 255 136 136
707 Needle position 9 (start thread tension B, C 0 - 255 164 164
release/start thread catcher)
760 Multiplier for the fixed value (200) A,B,
0 - 250 5 -
stitch count C
797 Hardwaretest (OFF / ON ), B, C OFF OFF
799 Selected machine class C 1-3 1 2
8 800 Rotating direction of the motor C 0-1 0 0
802 Main drive reduction ratio C 0-1 - 0
0 = 1:1, 1 = variable

See Chapter 3 Specifications
Adjustment see Chapter 8.05 Basic position of the machine drive unit.

Care and maintenance

Set value P40 PD2

Set value P40 ED
Setting range

User lever

9 985 Switch on angle for thread trapper B, C 0 -255 67 67

986 Switch off angle for thread trapper B, C 0 -255 206 206
989 Thread trapper at beginning of seam B, C 0-2 0 0
1 = yes, 0 = no

10.05.02 Parameter list for control unit MD-4-95-220-CE

Setting range

Set value
1 Speed max. 50 - 9999 ▲

4 Speed for start backtackl 50 - 8000 1500

5 Speed for end backtack 50 - 8000 1500
40 Thread wiper ON - OFF ON
46 Rotating direction of the motor CW - CCW CW
47 Selected machine class 0 - 101 62
61 Cutting speed 1 50 - 500 220
81 Needle position 6 (start cutting signal 2) 0 - 360° 40°
84 Needle position 5 (end cutting signal 1) 0 - 360° 90°
85 Needle position 9 (start thread tension
0 - 360° 120°
release/start thread catcher)
87 Tension release after thread lever position at t.d.c. 0 - 1500ms 20ms
179 Needle position 2 (take-up lever raised) 0 - 359° 83°
181 Needle position 1 - needle lowered (192 = off) 0 - 255 250
210 Switch on angle for thread trapper 0 - 359° 20°
211 Switch off angle for thread trapper 0 - 359° 90°
236 Machine version
0 - 20 0
0 = 1183; 1 = 1181

Further parameters see manual of the respective drive

Table top cutout

11 Table top cutout


12 Block diagram
12.01 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit P40 ED


LS -910

-900 -911

incremental transducer



X3 X5 X2 X4 X4

Control unit P40 ED

LS = Light barrier
FK = Thread trapper
power switch
FSL = Thread tension release
-910 = Automatic presser foot lift
-900 = Thread trimmer
-911 = Backtacking device
Stopp = Start inhibitor Mains plug

Block diagram

12.02 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit P40 PD2


LS -910

-900 -911

incremental transducer



X3 X5 X2 X4 X4

Control unit P40 PD2

LS = Light barrier power switch

FK = Thread trapper
FSL = Thread tension release
-910 = Automatic presser foot lift
-900 = Thread trimmer
-911 = Backtacking device
Stopp = Start inhibitor Mains plug

Block diagram

12.03 Block diagram PFAFF 1180 with control unit MD-4-95-220-CE

C - 200






-900 -911

incremental transducer


Control unit MD-4-95-220-CE

FK = Thread trapper
FSL = Thread tension release
power switch
-910 = Automatic presser foot lift
-900 = Thread trimmer
-911 = Backtacking device
Stopp = Start inhibitor
Mains plug

Wearing parts

13 Wearing parts
This is a list of the most important wearing parts.
A detailed parts list for the complete machine is included with the accessories.
In case of loss, the parts list can be downloaded from the internet address As an alternative to
the internet download the parts lists can also be ordered in book form under
part no. 296-12-19 201.

91-264 154-25 (2x) Subclass -731/..

91-701 179-15 (2x)

11-330 958-15

11-108 174-25 11-330 085-15 System 134

System 134 - 35 (-731/..)

PFAFF 1181; 1183 A + B PFAFF 1181; 1183 C

91-262 250-91 91-264 383-91

91-262 376-91

99-137 190-05 (3x) 99-137 187-15 (2x)

99-137 188-15

99-137 186-05 99-137 415-05 (4x)

91-262 377-91 91-262 377-91

99-137 192-05 99-137 192-05

99-137 194-05 99-137 194-05

99-137 191-05 99-137 191-05

99-137 193-05 99-137 193-05

91-262 437-05 91-262 437-05

Wearing parts
PFAFF 1181-G; 1183-G

91-265 262-91

91-265 270-91

11-174 912-15 (2x)

91-174 507-05

91-140 945-05
91-175 785-05

91-265 227-05 (3x)

91-265 227-05 (3x)

91-174 703-91

91-174 956-45

91-174 955-91

91-175 690-05
91-019 929-05
91-000 250-15
91-000 390-05

91-002 134-05
91-174 480-05

Subclass -731/..

Subclass Trimming margin Partnumber

-731/01-8/11 A 5,0 mm 91-069 595-04/002
-731/01-8/11 B 3,5 mm 91-169 395-04/002
-731/01-8/11 B 4,0 - 7,0 mm 91-069 595-04/002

Subclass -900/24

11-108 087-15 91-264 240-05

91-264 235-15

91-264 338-91

11-108 084-15 (2x)

91-108 222-15

Wearing parts

99-137 151-45

91-171 049-05

91-171 042-05
95-774 464-25
91-700 996-15

© PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen AG 2009, PFAFF is the exclusive trademark of VSM Group AB.PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen AG is an authorized licensee of the PFAFF trademark.

PFAFF Industriesysteme
und Maschinen AG
Hans-Geiger-Str. 12 - IG Nord
D-67661 Kaiserslautern

Telefon: +49 - 6301 3205 - 0

Telefax: +49 - 6301 3205 - 1386

Gedruckt in der BRD / Printed in Germany / Imprimé en la R.F.A. / Impreso en la R.F.A

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