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Planning The Search Process - EDS

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Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine (CEEBM) Unit

RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo – Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia

 Why do we need to search?

 Formulating the clinical question (PICO)
 Sources to search
 Pyramid of evidence
1. Why do we
Several methode to find information

 Ask Expert
 Call a friend
 Read the text book
 Read the news paper
 Read the online news
 ........................
 ........................
 ........................
Finding information about..........

 EBM Searching workshop


Clinical Best Available

Patients value
Expertise Evidence

Finding clinical information?

Patient with

Apply the Formulate

evidence clinical questions

Critical Search the

appraisal evidence
 Keeping up-to-date with current best evidence for
the care of our patients
 Resources for finding evidence are rapidly evolving
2. Formulating
the clinical
Importance of a well-defined review

 Essential first step for your review

 Guides many aspects of your methods
 eligibility criteria  Which Studies are included in the review and which
are excluded
 search strategy
 data collection and analysis  Which outcomes do you want to
measure, are there specific issues that want to explore, What
information do you need tofind in the included study?
 Think some details at the beginning of the process  Plan your
 Clear Idea of the scope of your review  avoid bias, reduce the
risk of making decisions
Background Questions

 These questions are general in  Examples

nature and provide  What is the pathology
foundational information on a of rhinosinusitis
single concept.
 What drugs are used to
 Background questions cover: treat asthma
 Terminology  What education resources
 General Pathology exist for patients
with gestational diabetes?
 Patient Education Resources  How
 General Drug Information is rhinosinusitis diagnosed?
 Examination/Assessment
Foreground Questions

 These questions bring together multiple concepts related to a

specific clinical situation or research topic.
 Discover cause and effect relationships by comparing two or
more individuals or groups based on differing outcomes
associated with exposures or interventions.
 Detailed information
 Diagnosis
 Therapy
 Prognosis
 Patient focus
 Age group
 Stage of the disease
 Certain risk factors
 Evidence-based process
 Examples:
 In adults with chronic rhinosinusitis, does ultrasound therapy (as an
adjuvant or single therapy) would reduce the symptoms and
recurrence? (Therapy)

 In adults with chronic rhinosinusitis, does CT scan Sinus Paranasal

compare to nasoendoscopy would increase the accuracy of
diagnosis rhinosinusitis?(Diagnosis)

 In adults with chronic rhinosinusitis , does various clinical factors like

allergy and asma would increase reccurency? (Prognosis)
Formulating Foreground Questions
Eligibility criteria

 Eligibility criteria are the essential components determine

whether a study is included and discussed in the review, or
whether it is excluded
 Based on:
• some or all of your PICO components

• definition of eligible study designs


 What are the most important characteristics that describe the

people you are interested in?
 two aspects to consider
• health condition
 diagnosed how, by whom?

• population and setting

 any limits should have a clear rationale
• alternative is to include and explore in subgroup analysis

 give as much detail as possible

 formulation
 dose, intensity
 delivery
 timing, frequency, duration
 equipment
 personnel (qualifications, training)
 location, context
 alone or in combination with other intervention(s)
 any limits should have a clear rationale
 alternative is to include and explore in subgroup analysis

 based on the objective of your review

• define specific active comparisons in as much detail as the intervention
• be clear what you mean by ‘no intervention’
 e.g. no intervention, placebo, usual care, etc.

• can remain open to any comparisons found, but be explicit


 Systematic Reviews may even focus on single outcome

 e.g the impact of statins on stroke, vitamin D on nonvertebral fractures
 Guidelines may require consideration of all outcomes that are
important to patients, resources paid, or public health

 rarely part of the eligibility criteria

 excluding studies on the basis of outcomes reported may
introduce bias
• outcomes may be selectively reported by trial authors
• additional information may be available
 may be appropriate if outcomes are important to the definition of
your question
• e.g. prevention vs treatment, interventions used for more than one
What are the main concepts in your question?

To undestand the relationship laryngopharingeal reflux with rhinosinusitis

in asthma patients

How the topic mightbe

rephrases as an article tittle?
 (Populasi OR sinonim1 OR sinonim2.......)AND
 (Intervensi OR sinonim1 OR sinonim2.......)AND
 (Comparator OR sinonim1 OR sinonim2.......)AND
 (Outcome sinonim1 OR sinonim2.......)
In adults with chronic rhinosinusitis, does ultrasound therapy (as an
adjuvant or single therapy) would reduce the symptoms and

Eligibility Criteria
 Population:
 We included patients of any age (children and adults) with Chronic
Rhinosinusitis (CRS) as defined in either:
 the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012: or
 the Rhinosinusitis Task Force Report (RTFR 1996) and its revision by the Sinus and Allergy
Health Partnership Task Force (including the members of RTFR 1996 from the American
Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery or
 sinusitis symptoms with/without endoscopic evidence and/or radiological evidence of
sinusitis for 12 weeks or more; or
 no complete resolution of rhinosinusitis symptoms after 12 weeks or more (e.g. no
treatment, failed medical therapy)

 We excluded patients in whom ultrasound is contraindicated, e.g. patients

with a pacemaker, cancer, pregnancy or impaired vascular circulation

 Types of interventions
 Intervention
 The intervention is ultrasound given as a treatment for CRS, either
continuous or pulsed, at any intensity or frequency and for any number
of sessions or duration.

 Types of Comparison
 The comparisons were sham ultrasound therapy, no treatment or other

 Types of outcome measures

 1.Resolution of symptoms or reduction in overall symptom severity. Reduction
in symptom severity may be measured using visual analogue scales or a
validated symptom scale, e.g. Sinonasal Outcome Test/SNOT-20
 2. Reduction in overall symptom duration.
 3. Recurrency of symptoms, defined as new episodes of rhinosinusitis or the
proportion of patients with recurrent rhinosinusitis after four weeks from the
start of therapeutic ultrasound.
 4. Adverse effects of treatment.
PICO define keywords

Patient / Population / Intervention / Comparison Outcome

Problem Exposure

Rhinosinusitis Ultrasound - -
Sinusitis Ultrasound therapy
Chronic rhinosinusitis Ultrasonic
Ultrasonic therapy

Patient / Intervention / Comparison Outcome

Population / Exposure

Patients with Risk of sudden

osteoporosis deafness

hearing loss

hearing loss

Hearing loss

Patient / Intervention / Comparison Outcome

Population / Exposure

Hypertension Cocoa Reduce

Blood pressure Chocolate N/A Reducing
Flavanoid* Reduction
3. Sources to
Where to find the evidence

 Through internet:
 Database
 Elektronik book
 Harrison’s (

 Journal
 World Association of Medical Editors (
 NEJM, Lancet, BMJ, Pediatrics, Pediatrics Infectious Disease

 Website
 Other sources
Useful resources: Free

2. NICE Evidence Search
3. Epistemenikos
4. SUMSearch2
5. PubMed Clinical Queries
6. Google
7. GoogleScholar
Useful resources: Subscription-based

1. Cochrane Library

2. Point of care information tools
 Best Practice, Clinical Evidence, DynaMed, UpToDate…
3. Bibliographic databases
 CINAHL, Embase, Medline, PsycINFO, Scopus…
4. Electronic text-books
4. Pyramid of
4. Pyramid of evidence

 Systems
 Integrating information from the lower levels of the hiearchy
with individual patient records

 systems represent the ideal source of evidence for clinical


 Summaries
 Summaries are regularly updated clinical guidelines or
textbooks that integrate evidence-based information about
specific clinical problems.

 Synopses of syntheses
 summarize the information found in systematic reviews. By
drawing conclusions from evidence at lower levels of the
pyramid, these synopses often provide sufficient information to
support clinical action.

 Syntheses
 Commonly referred to as a systematic review, a synthesis is a
comprehensive summary of all the evidence surrounding a
specific research question.

 Synopses of Single Studies

 summarize evidence from high-quality studies

 Single Studies
 Studies represent unique research conducted to answer
specific clincial questions.

 Integrating information from the lower levels of the hierarchy

with individual patient records, systems represent the ideal
source of evidence for clinical decision-making.
 The ideal
 A perfect evidence-based clinical information system would
integrate and concisely summarize all relevant and important
research evidence about s clinical problem and would
automatically link, through an electronic medical record, a specific
patients circumstances to the relevant information.

Summaries of evidence for individual clinical problem.

Its review of evidence adhere high scientific standard and its post newly
published evidence in an update table for each topic

 Clinical Practice Guidelines  Evidence-Based Texts

 DynaMed Plus
 National Guideline Clearinghouse (Free)
 CPG Infobase  UpToDate

Canadian Medical Association  Best Practice

 NICE Clinical Guidelines
 First Consult (Through Clinical Key)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence, UK
 Evidence-Based Guidelines (Programs in Evidence-Based
Cancer Care Ontario
 Best Practice Guidelines
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO)
Synopses of syntheses

 NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)

 Cochrane Summaries

 OrthoEvidence

 (Free)

 Evidence-Based Abstract Journals

 Evidence-Based Medicine

 ACP Journal Club

 Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology

 Evidence-Based Mental Health

 Cancer Treatment Reviews

 Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health

 Evidence-Based Nursing

 Commonly referred to as a systematic review, a synthesis is a

comprehensive summary of all the evidence surrounding a
specific research question.
 Cochrane Library
 Cochrane Neonatal.
 National Institute of Child & Human Development

 EPC Evidence Reports

 Evidence-Based Practice Centers

 The Canadian Cochrane Centre / Centre de Cochrane Canadien

 The Cochrane Collaboration
Synopses of Single Studies

 Synopses of single studies summarize evidence from high-quality studies.

 The following evidence-based abstract journals are the best place to
find this type of information
 Evidence-Based Medicine.
 ACP Journal Club
 OrthoEvidence
 Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology
 Evidence-Based Mental Health
 Cancer Treatment Reviews
 Formerly Evidence-Based Oncology

 Evidence-Based Nursing
 Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health
Single Studies

 Studies represent unique research conducted to answer specific

clinical questions.
 Article Databases
 OVID Databases
 Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, AMED
 PubMed
 ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health
 Health Services Research (HSR)
Thank you

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