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Munzert Criminal Misuse of Microwave Weapons

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Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen
High Power Microwave (HPM) systems are among the most mature
non-lethal weapons. They can be used effectively against electronic
devices (anti-electronics) and/or persons (anti-personnel weapon).
Microwave weapons (Directed energy weapons/Radio frequency
weapons) damage or destroy computers, disable the electronics of
cars, ignite airbags, and take down airplanes. They have strong
effects and can be used for military and police as well as terrorist
and criminal activities.

Microwave devices are easily to obtain and can be built by terrorists

or criminals with basic knowledge in electronics. To quote Jim
Lewis, director of technology at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington DC.: "It is unfortunately true
that people anywhere around the globe get access to technology
almost as advanced as the Department of Defense [has it]."

Not only the good guys can apply non-lethal weapons: "...there is
mounting evidence that home-brew HPM weapons are being used
to attack people...The latest research and finding on this horrific
trend in Europe is quite frightening" (News from Infowar, Volume I
Number 6, August 28, 2002).

Through the illegal usage of innovative high-tech weapons, people

are not "shot", rather their living quarters are bathed in (high
frequency) electromagnetic waves. A hightech-gang in Germany is
using and testing HPM-weapons that supply continous or pulsed
waves over long periods of time. They have magnetrons,
microwave-generators, amplifiers and integrated systems. The
(pulsed) waves of two or more transmitters interfere in the target
zone and strengthen their effects. There are also parabolic
antennas modified to transmitters. Besides this, intelligent
(adaptive) antenna systems (numerous small transmitters
connected, instead of few large ones; for example hidden in parked
cars/vans or buildings around the target/person(s) are used. In
addition they apply through wall imaging methods. - The effects of
the HPM-beam on the victims include headache, irregular
heartbeat, painful testis, burned skin, eye damage and cancer.

It would be an error to think that non-lethal weapons are not

available for law-breakers. "Unless we are aware of the possibilities,
and acknowledge
them, there is no way we can begin to defend ourselves" (News
from Infowar) - It is better to inform and to tackle than to wait and

Targeting the Human with Directed Energy

Dr. Reinhard Munzert 6. Sept. 2002

New arms threaten and destroy lives in strange ways. Directed

energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century.
They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons
can be aimed at computers, electronical devices and persons. They
have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for
military and terrorist activities. These weapons are also part of
crimes (in Europe) that almost nobody knows except the victims
and the offenders. Until now they make the perfect crime possible.
No doubt, these weapons have a terrible future.

Key Points
• Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
• DEW and Crime
• Perfect Crime?
• DEW and Terrorism

Topic 1
• Manipulated Microwave Oven
• Magnetrons and Generators
• Intelligent Antenna Systems

Topic 2
• Anti-Electronics Weapon
• Anti-Personnel Weapon
• Psychological Effects

Topic 3
• DEW and Crime
• License to Kill
• Perfect Crime
• Mental Strength & Fighting Back

Topic 4
• DEW as Terrorist Weapon
• Unseen Terror Attack
• Prevention and Protection

• New Threats and Dangers
• Crime and Terrorism
• Recognizing and Knowing
• Prevention and Elimination
• Future Weapon! -Terrible Future?


New Technology in Crime

Activities and Sources

There is a new, effective weapon for criminals and terrorists. Law-

breakers often misuse modern technology. Through the illegal
usage of innovative high-tech weapons, people are not "shot",
rather their living quarters are bathed in (high frequency)
electromagnetic waves for a length of time.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are mostly intended for military

purposes (U.S. Air Force, Russian and Chinese armies). High-tech
company Raytheon states about DEW: "We believe they are a
critical element of how ultimately wars will be fought. HPM (High
power microwaves) is the most mature right now" (in Fulghum &
Wall 2002).

The renowned German newspaper "DIE WELT" acknowledges

microwave weapons as arms of the 21st century. In another
German newspaper,

Süddeutsche Zeitung, a weapons expert has recommended the

police to procure microwave (MW) weapons for police use.
Considering what certain criminals know about MW weapons, they
have a significant advantage over the police until now. This puts
the victims in extreme danger.

A primitive variation of a MW weapon would look like this: A

microwave oven from the kitchen with the protective shielding
removed from the door and replaced by a metal funnel. And then
the waves can get through walls (Pictures 1, 2, 3).

The effects of the MW beam on the victims include extreme

weariness, headache, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, painful testis,
damaged nervous system and internal organs, burned skin and eye
damage. Later effects include blindness, heart attack, stroke and
cancer. In the last months by some victims, cancerous tumors have
been diagnosed.

In addition to that, victims (through intrigue and defamation) are

seen as psychotic and dangerous; thus, they are completely
helpless. At the same time, the new weapons (for certain
contractors) are tested under ordinary circumstances and
constantly improved.

HPM crimes are a new kind of crime with some very new
characteristics. The International Union of Radio Science
emphasizes in a resolution of 1999 on Criminal Activities using
Electromagnetic Tools: "The fact that criminal activities using
electromagnetic tools can be undertaken covertly and anonymously
and that physical boundaries such as fences and walls can be
penetraded by electromagnetic fields."

Expert Pevler stresses: "The development of high-power microwave

(HPM) weaponry, and its proliferation into subversive organizations,
offers the means to commit the 'perfect crime'. HPM attacks
typically leave no residual evidence and their effects can range
from nuisance to catastrophic" (1997).

The HPM-weapons that the high-tech gang uses supply continous or

pulsed waves over long periods of time - especially in the night -
from cars or vans or buildings around the target/person(s). They
use magnetrons, microwave-generators, amplifiers, integrated
systems. In addition they apply through wall imaging methods.
There are already over 40 known victims in Germany, some of
them even have been attacked while in hospital. But the police
doesn't understand these new weapons.

Besides this the criminals use tactics of information warfare: Know

all about the victims, let them know nothing about you, information
dominance, disrupt the communication systems of the victims.

The criminal network has at its deposal plentiful first class technical
know-how and high quality equipment. That assures high efficiency
and precision strikes and enables to operate from cars or vans. The
MW generators/transmitters can be camouflaged in an attaché case
or hidden in a small suitcase.

Only through cooperative work between electronic specialists and

physicists have we been able to shine a revealing light on this
special high-tech criminal activity. For experts: The (pulsed) waves
of two or more transmitters [MW generators] interfere in the target
zone, and through that, strengthen their effects. There are also
parabolic antennas modified to transmitters. Besides this, intelligent
(adaptive) antenna systems (numerous small transmitters
connected, instead of few large ones; for example hidden in parked
cars) will be used. Sometimes frequency hopping is employed.
These methods work over several hundred feet, if everything is well

We could find out where (electronic) components for highly potent

MW weapons or whole systems (pictures 4, 5, 6) can be bought

The criminals follow a double strategy: One way the victims are
weakened, injured, tortured and intimidated. On the other side, the
victims experience extreme, unbelievable things; almost no one can
believe their reports. Most interpret the information from the
victims as chimerical thinking. Some experts who work for the
German Army or Nato know very well about MW weapons, but
secrecy keeps them from talking too much about in public.

In several German cities there are complaints of serious physical

injury. One attorney represents the interests of many victims.
About 40 victims have built a community of interests. We are aware
of many cases with amazing similarities that have been reported in
the last few months. We have names and addresses of many
victims and the cirumstances of the cases. We also have the names
and addresses of some perpetrators.

In some cases, the lifestyles of the criminals are well known to us.
Similar to terrorists, many pretend good citizenship or student
lifestyles to cover their crimes. Conventional criminal activities, (i.e.
burglary) are undertaken by normal gangsters or former members
of the Stasi (which was the secret service of former GDR). In this
network, they have division of labor and a support structure that
includes foreigners as well.

Terrorists could use MW as anti-electronics weapons too. With HP

microwaves, they can attack the electronics of computers, cars,
airplanes and so on successfully [see the other papers of the
Workshop W8]. They can use microwave weapons (radio frequency
weapons) to damage electronic systems in an unseen attack with
all those bad consequencies.

Additional points to be covered in the workshop: Detection of

microwaves and protection against attacks.

All that has nothing to do with MW beam fright, but is criminal

high-tech forced on the people. It is frightening that these weapons
are being increasingly used by criminals and terrorists.

Fulghum, D. A. (1999): Microwave Weapons Await a Future War.

Aviation Week, 6/7/1999, p. 30.

Fulghum, D. A. (2002): Directed Energy Weapons To Arm Unmanned

Craft. Aviation Week, 2/25/2002.

Fulghum, D. A. & Wall. R. (2002): Farnborough 2002: Raytheon Links

Future To Network Prowess. Aviation Week, 7/19/2002.

Hecht, J. (2001): The Heat is on (Microwave beam weapon tested).

NewScientist, 10/27/2001, p. 26.

International Union of Radio Science (1999): Resolution on Criminal

Activities using Electromagnetic Tools. General Assembly, Toronto

Laukenmann, J. (2001): "Hände hoch - oder es klebt!" Süddeutsche

Zeitung, 9/25/2001.

Lövstrand, K. G. & Bäckström M. (2001): Intense Radio Frequency

(RF) as a Tool for Graded Action. In: Non-Lethal Weapons. Hrsg.:
Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie.

Magdeburger Volksstimme (1999): Missbrauch elektromagnetischer

Wellen durch Terroristen möglich. 10/8/1999.

Munzert, R. (2001/2002): Neue Technologie im Verbrechen -

Mikrowellen-Waffen. Informationstexte an das Bayerische
Landeskriminalamt, Bundeskriminalamt und andere Sicherheitsorgane.
April 2001-march 2002, not published.

Nitsch, J. (1998): Gefahren erkennen. Wirkung von

Hochleistungsmikrowellen. In: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
(EMV - ESD), Jahrgang 9, Ausgabe 3/98, p. 23- 26.

Nöldechen, A. & Dorra, B. (2001): "Europäer diskutieren über

Mikrowellen und Laserstrahlen als moderne Waffensysteme". Serie:
Waffen des 21. Jahrhunderts, 3. Teil. DIE WELT, 9/25/2001, p. 31.

Pevler, A.E. (1997), Security Implications of High-Power Microwave


Schimmelpfennig, U. (1999): Strahlenkanonen für jedermann - Kein

Schutz gegen Erpressung und Terror? Tv-Beitrag in Kontraste SFB/
ARD, 11/18/1999.

Schwartau, W. (1996), Information Warfare, Second Edition, Thunder's

Mouth Press.

Scott, W. B. (1999): ‚Beam` Weapons Edging Into Arsenal. Aviation

Week, 7/5/1999, p. 53.

United States Air Force (1998): High Power Microwaves. Factsheet.

United States Air Force (2001): High Power Microwave Division.


Wall, R. (2000): Directed-Energy Threat Inches Forward. Aviation

Week, 10/30/2000, S. 70.

Wilbers, A.T.M. et al. (2001): Susceptibility of COTS PC to microwave

illumination. In: Non-Lethal Weapons. Hrsg.: Fraunhofer Institut
Chemische Technologie.

Winkenbach, J. (2002): Mikrowelle als Nahkampfwaffe. Welt am

Sonntag, Nr.1.1/6/2002, S. 12.

July, 2002 Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen E-mail:


Picture 1: Manipulated Mircowave Oven

Picture 2: Microwaves going through walls

Picture 3: Book that describes the manipulation of a microwave

oven to a ray weapon

Picture 4: Magnetron

Picture 5: Magnetron

Picture 6: Generator

Picture 7: Active Denial Technology

Picture 8: Neuronal Networks in the Brain

Terrorists and Synthetic Lightning
How Should We Decide What Hypothetical Threats to Worry About?
Concerns about how terrorists might attack in the future are central
to the design of security efforts to protect both individual targets
and the nation overall. In thinking about emerging threats, security
planners are confronted by a panoply of possible future scenarios
coming from sources ranging from the terrorists themselves to red-
team brainstorming efforts to explore ways adversaries might
attack in the future. This paper explores an approach to assessing
emerging and/or novel threats and deciding whether -- or how
much -- they should concern security planners by asking two
(1) Are some of the novel threats "niche threats" that should be
addressed within existing security efforts?
(2) Which of the remaining threats are attackers most likely to
execute successfully and should therefore be of greater concern for
security planners?
If threats can reasonably be considered niche threats, they can be prudently addressed
in the context of existing security activities. If threats are unusual enough, suggest
significant new vulnerabilities, or their probability or consequences means they
cannot be considered lesser included cases within other threats, prioritizing them
based on their ease of execution provides a guide for which threats merit the greatest
concern and most security attention. This preserves the opportunity to learn from new
threats yet prevents security planners from being pulled in many directions
simultaneously by attempting to respond to every threat at once.
Source: RAND Summary (PDF; 100 KB) Full Document (PDF; 600
KB) PDF 31 Pages
The Variety of Emerging Threats Challenging Security
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, focused national attention on how
terrorist operations could take advantage of previously unrecognized vulnerabilities
in security or defensive measures, there has been significant focus in security analysis
and planning on identifying and seeking to close other potential vulnerabilities. One
part of this vulnerability-driven approach has been an effort to identify potential new
attack modes or terrorist scenarios.
The nation's terrorist adversaries have been remarkably helpful and
forthcoming in the search for these potential emerging threats.
Enabled by the World Wide Web and the desire of a broader
community of people --particularly among individuals sympathetic
to al-Qaeda and jihadist-inspired terrorism --to feel like they are
participants in a larger terrorist struggle, vast numbers of
hypothetical terrorist plots flow through Internet chat rooms and
message boards.
Examples include speculation about what infrastructures might be
vulnerable to what kinds of attack, how various esoteric chemicals
might be used to injure or kill, and even how electrical generators
might be used to create lightning to use as a weapon. Emphasizing
that even jihadist sympathizers explicitly engage in threat
brainstorming, a 2009 contribution to an Internet posting board
specifically asked its members to offer up potential scenarios for al-
Qaeda targeting of U.S. corporations ("Jihadists Offer Hypothetical
Scenarios, Targets for Attack," 2009).
Whether the authors of the threats are truly putting them forward
for consideration as actual attacks, are trying to mislead, or are
simply engaging in the terrorist equivalent of creative writing is not
clear, but the potential for such scenarios to result in scattering the
nation's resources and scrambling security plans is real whatever
their intent or motivation.
The open nature of this discourse has made it easy for us to see,
and this pool of many possible attacks is supplemented by
information gathered by intelligence agencies through other means.
Though many (or most) of the operations detected during such
activities are, in the words of John Pistole, Deputy Director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, more "aspirational than
operational" ("Alberto Gonzales Holds a News Conference on the
Miami Terrorist Cell Arrests," 2006), if nothing else, they provide a
constant stream of novel potential attacks to challenge security
planners. Reports of possible attack scenarios also sometimes
appear in the press when they become of sufficient concern that
collected information is shared outside intelligence and security
organizations. Over the last few years, examples of such threats
have included concern
about specific ways terrorists might conceal explosives, the use of remote-control
toys in attack scenarios on airplanes (Transportation Security Administration, 2007),
and heightened concern about attacks on specific targets as a result of intelligence
Beyond the myriad of threats --many fanciful, some more practical
--that terrorists produce on their own, security planners' concern
about the possibilities of unidentified, lurking vulnerabilities has led
to a number of efforts to dream up new ways terrorists might
These efforts often seek to identify novel or emerging threats by
cross-pollinating the creativity of terrorism analysts with ideas from
technology experts, novelists, and other creative personalities.
They have included government efforts such as the Department of
Homeland Security Information Analysis and Infrastructure
Protection Division's Analytic Red Cell program (Mintz, 2004) or the
Defense Threat Reduction Agency's Thwarting an Evil Genius
research effort (Advanced Systems and Concepts Office, undated),
threat brainstorming within larger study or planning efforts,
interactions between Hollywood writers and creative talent and
security analysts or planners to jointly dream up new types of
attacks (Calvo, 2002), the work of individual analysts or
researchers examining single threats of potential concern (e.g.,
Baird, 2006; Deshpande, 2009; Bunker, 2008; Lockwood, 2008;
see also discussion in McGill, 2008), and even unsolicited
contributions by groups such as science fiction authors voluntarily
acting as outside sources of creativity (Hall, 2007; Magnuson,
2008; Barrie, 2008).
The fruits of these brainstorming activities are frequently not
disclosed outside of government out of concern of giving "bad guys
good ideas." However, examples from some are available publicly.
Scenarios examined in the Department of Homeland Security's red
cell program reportedly included whether terrorists could take
advantage of a hurricane in staging an attack and specific ways
high-profile events might be targeted (Mintz, 2004). The science
fiction writers group put forward that they thought there is "a
strong possibility that Al Qaeda or someone else will set off five to
ten nukes simultaneously around the country" (Andrews, 2007).
Other analyses have looked at whether specific weapon systems
could be used to attack particular targets of concern, such as the
use of high-tech mortars in assassination operations (Bonomo et
al., 2007) or bringing heat-seeking missiles to bear on high-
temperature components of electric power grids (Committee on
Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism, 2002, p. 181).
Individual analysts have contributed scenarios ranging from the
idea that "a small terrorist cell could very easily develop an insect-
based weapon"5 for transmitting disease to the use of laser
weapons (Bunker, 2008; Elias, 2005) to "pyro-terrorism" --the use
of large fires to cause terror (Baird, 2006; Deshpande, 2009).
These sorts of efforts to inject imagination into security planning
are reinforced each time a successful, apparently unforeseen attack
occurs; where the occurance of the attack leads to the conclusion
that past efforts to foresee new risks have involved insufficient --or
the wrong kinds of --creativity.
Prioritizing Emerging Threat Scenarios
But what about attack scenarios that can't be treated as niches of more general
threats? Terrorists using lasers as weapons (Bunker, 2008) or building devices to
produce synthetic lightning are unusual enough scenarios that they are difficult
to treat as lesser included cases of other, more-common threats. But just because
a threat is new does not mean security planners must worry about it. Given finite
resources, security planners need approaches to help decide how much they should
consider even genuinely novel threats and of those, which they should tackle first and
how much should be spent doing so.
This problem is further complicated by the need to compare threats
that are very different to make decisions regarding the allocation of
limited security dollars. It is not easy to compare threats as diverse
as laser attacks and synthetic lighting, [15 - SITE Intelligence Group
translation of jihadist internet posting on the al Ekhlaas forum, "Suggestion to ISI
for Using Electricity as a Weapon," translation dated June 13, 2008.] much less
compare them to more pedestrian terrorist tactics such as bombings or armed attack.
This difficulty in comparing threats can be a further pressure toward putting security
measures in place for each of them individually, thereby sidestepping the need to
compare them. But security planning undertaken in this manner can quickly get
expensive. Common denominators are needed to make it possible to weigh different
threat scenarios and make judgments about which merit customized security
measures, which should be addressed by general measures like response and
recovery, and which can most likely be ignored.
So how might security planners compare such disparate threats?
One obvious element is some estimate of potential consequences of
an attack, where higher potential consequences --many casualties
or a high degree of damage --would make an emerging threat of
greater concern.
But focusing on consequences alone provides only a partial picture,
ignoring the other two components of risk --threat and vulnerability
--that drive the likelihood of a terrorist attempting an attack via
that mode and whether the potential targets would be damaged
should such an attack be staged. However, for most emerging or
hypothetical threats, a rigorous risk assessment is impossible
because, almost by definition, planners cannot know the probability
that such attacks will be attempted or what targets (vulnerable or
not) they might be carried out against. To sidestep this problem,
we use an approach that compares different terrorist operations by
ranking them based on the estimated likelihood terrorist attackers
will be able to carry them out successfully. This process includes
asking questions about how easy or hard it would be for attackers
to execute a specific attack scenario given its requirements and
characteristics (an aspect of threat) and the potential effects of
security measures on their likelihood of success (an aspect of
vulnerability). To do so, we drill down into the details of each
emerging threat scenario to uncover the practical elements of what
would actually be involved in stagingan attack using a novel
weapon or tactic.
At a detailed level, some attack modes are simply more likely to
encounter problems than others. For example, terrorists relying on
improvised weapons (e.g., homemade mortars) would --in general
--be more likely to encounter problems than groups using proven
commercial weapons (e.g., mortars produced by an arms
manufacturer). Similarly, very complicated operations (e.g., attacks
dependant upon multiple events occurring in tight succession)
would be more likely to break down than more-simple attack plans.
Sometimes terrorists can hedge against these risks; sometimes they cannot. In our
work, we identified six general characteristics that affected the likelihood of a
terrorist operation running into problems or failing entirely.
Continue reading RAND: Emerging Threats and Security Planning:
How Should We Decide What Hypothetical Threats to Worry About?
PDF 31 Pages
See also: Wicked: Energy Beams
Microwave Missiles: High-Energy Weapons in the Air Force
June 2009
The High Power Microwave Technologies Branch of the Air Force Research
Laboratory is looking for an innovative approach for non-lethal weapons technology
that targets enemies' electronic systems. Here are projects looking to turn microwaves
into technology-disabling weapons.
New research into high-power microwaves could make them a
crucial tool of electronic warfare. The U.S. Air Force's newest
directed-energy weapon program, the Counter-Electronics High-
Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP), would
create a weapon that fires powerful bursts of HPM, frying the
electronics of multiple targets without harming people or other
infrastructure. CHAMP's microwaves could be delivered from pods
on airplanes,
unmanned aerial vehicles or even retrievable cruise missiles programmed to safely
land near their points of origin, says Doug Beason, a member of the Air Force's
Science Advisory Board who has worked on directed-energy weapons. "You want to
fly close to the target. You do not want to hit the target kinetically," Beason says.
Hurdles to a usable system include miniaturizing the antennas and the power supply.
According to Air Force documents, the winner of the $40 million CHAMP contract,
expected to be chosen this year, would have five years to demonstrate a working
+ High-Energy Research and Applications Program: The Air Force
last year began the $75 million HERA program to research aerial
and ground-based HPM weapons. Researchers will focus on zappers
that can generate peak power in the multi-gigawatt range and
devices emitting on narrow- and wide-band microwave loads.
+ Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar: AESA radars are made
to scan the horizon for threats. However, if radio energy is
concentrated on one spot, the radar can scramble the electronics of
targets. U.S. warplanes currently carry the AESA radar, but officials
do not speak publicly about their electronic warfare capabilities.
+ Active Denial System: The ADS system, mounted on a Humvee,
focuses a high-power, 95-GHz microwave beam at a target using a
planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates up to 0.5
mm into human skin, producing an intolerable heating sensation
but, designers say, no permanent damage. The Navy is looking into
a similar system for ships.
from a comment: Microwave Missiles: High-Energy Weapons in the Air Force
Open Letter to the American People We are citizens of Germany and want to inform
you that new possibilities of terror may arise from Germany. We don't want that once
more there could be terror in the U. S. or other countries coming from persons or
weapons from Germany! The USA could be attacked with microwave weapons
(directed energy weapons / radio frequency weapons) that are already used by
perpetrators, and organized crime in Germany. Microwave weapons and e-bombs are
a real threat to people and critical infrastructures like computer networks, power
grids, literally anything that works with electronics or computers. They can take
down airplanes. The German police and law enforcement don't do anything to stop
the misuse and testing of these weapons by criminals. For more information see
Best wishes from Germany Dr. Reinhard Munzert, contact: Diplom-Engineer Rudi Zotzmann, Diplom-
Engineer Henriette Zotzmann and more than 200 other German
TERRORISTS Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen
High Power Microwave (HPM) systems are among the most mature non-lethal
weapons. They can be used effectively against electronic devices (anti-electronics)
and/or persons (anti-
personnel weapon). Microwave weapons (Directed energy weapons/Radio frequency
weapons) damage or destroy computers, disable the electronics of cars, ignite airbags,
and take down airplanes. They have strong effects and can be used for military and
police as well as terrorist and criminal activities.
Microwave devices are easily to obtain and can be built by terrorists
or criminals with basic knowledge in electronics. To quote Jim
Lewis, director of technology at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington DC.: "It is unfortunately true
that people anywhere around the globe get access to technology
almost as advanced as the Department of Defense [has it]."
Not only the good guys can apply non-lethal weapons: "…there is
mounting evidence that home-brew HPM weapons are being used
to attack people…The latest research and finding on this horrific
trend in Europe is quite frightening" (News from Infowar, Volume I
Number 6, August 28, 2002).
Through the illegal usage of innovative high-tech weapons, people
are not "shot", rather their living quarters are bathed in (high
frequency) electromagnetic waves. A hightech-gang in Germany is
using and testing HPM-weapons that supply continous or pulsed
waves over long periods of time. They have magnetrons,
microwave-generators, amplifiers and integrated systems. The
(pulsed) waves of two or more transmitters interfere in the target
zone and strengthen their effects. There are also parabolic
antennas modified to transmitters. Besides this, intelligent
(adaptive) antenna systems (numerous small transmitters
connected, instead of few large ones; for example hidden in parked
cars/vans or buildings around the target/person(s) are used. In
addition they apply through wall imaging methods. - The effects of
the HPM-beam on the victims include headache, irregular
heartbeat, painful testis, burned skin, eye damage and cancer.
It would be an error to think that non-lethal weapons are not
available for law-breakers. "Unless we are aware of the possibilities,
and acknowledge them, there is no way we can begin to defend
ourselves" (News from Infowar) - It is better to inform and to
tackle than to wait and ignore.
read more about this topic
E-Bombs And Terrorists: September 2001 Cover Story
In the blink of an eye, electromagnetic bombs could throw
civilization back 200 years. And terrorists can build them for $400.
The next Pearl Harbor will not announce itself with a searing flash
of nuclear light or with the plaintive wails of those dying of Ebola or
its genetically engineered twin. You will hear a sharp crack in the
distance. By the time you mistakenly identify this sound as an
innocent clap of thunder, the civilized world will have become
unhinged. Fluorescent lights and television sets will glow eerily
bright, despite being turned off. The aroma of ozone mixed with
plastic will seep from outlet covers as electric wires arc and telephone lines melt.
Your Palm Pilot and MP3 player will feel warm to the touch, their batteries
overloaded. Your computer, and every bit of data on it, will be toast. And then you
will notice that the world sounds different too. The background music of civilization,
the whirl of internal-combustion engines, will have stopped. Save a few diesels,
engines will never start again. You, however, will remain unharmed, as you find
yourself thrust backward 200 years, to a time when electricity meant a lightning bolt
fracturing the night sky. This is not a hypothetical, son-of-Y2K scenario. It is a
realistic assessment of the damage the Pentagon believes could be inflicted by a new
generation of weapons -E-bombs.
The first major test of an American electromagnetic bomb is
scheduled for next year. Ultimately, the Army hopes to use E-bomb
technology to explode artillery shells in midflight. The Navy wants
to use the E-bomb's high-power microwave pulses to neutralize
antiship missiles. And, the Air Force plans to equip its bombers,
strike fighters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles with E-
bomb capabilities. When fielded, these will be among the most
technologically sophisticated weapons the U.S. military
establishment has ever built.
There is, however, another part to the E-bomb story, one that
military planners are reluctant to discuss. While American versions
of these weapons are based on advanced technologies, terrorists
could use a less expensive, low-tech approach to create the same
destructive power. "Any nation with even a 1940s technology base
could make them," says Carlo Kopp, an Australian-based expert on
high-tech warfare. "The threat of E-bomb proliferation is very real."
POPULAR MECHANICS estimates a basic weapon could be built for
An Old Idea Made New The theory behind the E-bomb was proposed in 1925 by
physicist Arthur H. Compton -not to build weapons, but to study atoms. Compton
demonstrated that firing a stream of highly energetic photons into atoms that have a
low atomic number causes them to eject a stream of electrons. Physics students know
this phenomenon as the Compton Effect. It became a key tool in unlocking the secrets
of the atom.
Ironically, this nuclear research led to an unexpected
demonstration of the power of the Compton Effect, and spawned a
new type of weapon. In 1958, nuclear weapons designers ignited
hydrogen bombs high over the Pacific Ocean. The detonations
created bursts of gamma rays that, upon striking the oxygen and
nitrogen in the atmosphere, released a tsunami of electrons that
spread for hundreds of miles. Street lights were blown out in Hawaii
and radio navigation was disrupted for 18 hours, as far away as
Australia. The United States set out to learn how to "harden"
electronics against this electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and develop
EMP weapons.
America has remained at the forefront of EMP weapons
development. Although much of this work is classified, it's believed
that current efforts are based on using high-temperature
superconductors to create intense magnetic fields. What worries
terrorism experts is an idea the United States studied but discarded
-the Flux Compression Generator (FCG).
A Poor Man's E-Bomb An FCG is an astoundingly simple weapon. It consists of an
explosives-packed tube placed inside a slightly larger copper coil, as shown below.
The instant before the chemical explosive is detonated, the coil is energized by a bank
of capacitors, creating a magnetic field. The explosive charge detonates from the rear
forward. As the tube flares outward it touches the edge of the coil,
thereby creating a moving short circuit. "The propagating short has the effect of
compressing the magnetic field while reducing the inductance of the stator [coil],"
says Kopp. "The result is that FCGs will produce a ramping current pulse, which
breaks before the final disintegration of the device. Published results suggest ramp
times of tens of hundreds of microseconds and peak currents of tens of millions of
amps." The pulse that emerges makes a lightning bolt seem like a flashbulb by
An Air Force spokesman, who describes this effect as similar to a
lightning strike, points out that electronics systems can be
protected by placing them in metal enclosures called Faraday Cages
that divert any impinging electromagnetic energy directly to the
ground. Foreign military analysts say this reassuring explanation is
The India Connection The Indian military has studied FCG devices in detail
because it fears that Pakistan, with which it has ongoing conflicts, might use E-bombs
against the city of Bangalore, a sort of Indian Silicon Valley. An Indian Institute for
Defense Studies and Analysis study of E-bombs points to two problems that have
been largely overlooked by the West. The first is that very-high-frequency pulses, in
the microwave range, can worm their way around vents in Faraday Cages. The
second concern is known as the "late-time EMP effect," and may be the most
worrisome aspect of FCG devices. It occurs in the 15 minutes after detonation.
During this period, the EMP that surged through electrical systems creates localized
magnetic fields. When these magnetic fields collapse, they cause electric surges to
travel through the power and telecommunication infrastructure. This string-of-
firecrackers effect means that terrorists would not have to drop their homemade E-
bombs directly on the targets they wish to destroy. Heavily guarded sites, such as
telephone switching centers and electronic funds-transfer exchanges, could be
attacked through their electric and telecommunication connections.
Knock out electric power, computers and telecommunication and
you've destroyed the foundation of modern society. In the age of
Third World-sponsored terrorism, the E-bomb is the great equalizer.
[image] In the 1980s, the Air Force tested E-bombs that used
cruise-missile delivery systems.
[image] To ignite an E-bomb, a starter current energizes the stator
coil, creating a magnetic field. The explosion (A) expands the tube,
short-circuiting the coil and compressing the magnetic field forward
(B). The pulse is emitted (C) at high frequencies that defeat
protective devices like Faraday Cages.

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