The symmetric impulse response having even number of samples cannot be used to design,
(a) Low pass filter (b) High pass filter (c) Band pass filter (d) Band stop filter
(c) anti symmetrically on a circle in s-plane (d) anti symmetrically on a ellipse in s-plane
(a) left half of s-plane (b) Origin (c) Infinity (d) Right half of s-plane
7. To eliminate multiple images at the output, during interpolation by I, the output is filtered to have
a bandwidth of____________
𝝅 𝐼 𝜋
(a) πI (b) 𝑰
(c) 𝜋 (d) 𝐼2
8. Which of the following are true with respect to quantization of filter coefficients-----------
(a) Shift in location of poles and zeros (b) Deviation of impulse response
(b) The truncation error of a negative number in one’s compliment form is always positive
(c) The truncation error of a negative number in sign magnitude form is always negative
(d) The truncation error of a negative number in two’s compliment form is always negative
10. Which of the following is false with respect to limit cycle in a recursive system?
(b) During limit cycle, the output is finite or oscillates between finite values
(c) Limit cycle exist even if the input is very much larger than the dead band
(d) During limit cycle, the output is finite even if the input is zero.
frequency f is _____ ( c )
𝐹 Fs 𝐹 2𝐹
a) f= 2Fs b) f= F c) f=Fs d) Fs
14. In N-point DFT of L-point sequence, the value of N to avoid aliasing in frequency
Spectrum is________ ( c )
a)N≠L b) N≤L c) N≥L d) N=L
19.) The Direct form realization of IIR system with M zeros and N poles involves
_______Multiplications. (b)