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Geothermal Development Roadmap For The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Geothermal develoPmeNt roadmaP for the KiNGdom of saudi araBia

Basheer Hashem, King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, Saudi Arabia
Sustainable development is defined as development that energy options, the use of geothermal power is influenced
meets the needs of the present without compromising the by a set of factors that could affect its potential or
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. exploitation. Political, financial, social, and educational
Despite the availability of some potentially resources- aspects of geothermal project development must be
rich geothermal locations, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established to allow the effective deployment of these
has not undertaken any serious geothermal projects. With projects.
the growing demand on power, the kingdom has initiated
a renewable energy program aimed towards reducing
dependency on fossil fuel to build the country’s future.
Providing a holistic roadmap that identifies critical
elements for the effective utilization of geothermal
potential in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an essential
step towards a healthy and sustained energy development

Much of today’s energy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
is derived from finite fossil fuel sources. Dependency on
Figure 1. Map of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
fossil fuel for future economic growth is not a sustainable
Economic growth in the Kingdom will lead to a rapid
increase in energy demand over the coming decades.
Sustainable development must at minimum meet the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
Current oil prices allow the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
to actively develop resource rich geothermal locations to
offer substantial advantages as they are a clean, stable and
indigenous supply of energy.
To achieve this, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has
created King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable
Energy (K.A.CARE) tasked with the development of Figure 2. Properties of known thermal springs in KSA.
renewable resources and enabling renewable development.
table 1. Geothermal properties of ksA.
GeothermAl resource
Sedimentary Rift Escarpment Location
Saudi Arabia is among the most geothermally active Infill (Harrat)
countries in the Middle East as preliminary estimates
indicate potential for several thousand MW, electric and Heat Source Regional heat Rift gradient with Basaltic volcanic
thermal, of clean, sustainable and affordable energy Still, gradient heat upflow magma
the geothermal resources remain untapped . A recent chambers
report on geothermal energy shows that Saudi Arabia is Temperature Low enthalpy Medium enthalpy High enthalpy
rich in terms of various geological features, with hot (<140˚C) (<180˚C) (>180˚C)
springs discovered in the southern part of the country as
well as geological reconnaissance of a large volcanic are Water High Medium (high Low (fissure-
in the Western Region (Figure 2). These areas show Availability (sedimentary vertical dependent)
geothermal activity which takes the form of shallow water reservoirs) permeability)
wells with elevated temperatures, fumaroles and hot Locations Eastern Region, Jizan (Ain Al Harrats east of
springs with visible steam columns. Red Sea Coast Wagrah), the escarpment
Due to the fact that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a
major oil producing nation, renewable energy potentials
have not yet received adequate attention. Like all types of
current & projected power requIrements for the utIlIZAtIon
demAnd of GeothermAl resources In sAudI
In 2011, the peak demand leveled at 45 GW. It is projected ArAbIA
that the demand will reach 121GW in 2032. The residential political
sector demanded 23.4GW and 16.9GW were used for air
The development of geothermal resource requires
compliance with relevant National and International laws and
regulations to ensure sustainability.
The political will to explore, then exploit, all the potential
geothermal resources in the country is a crucial step in
realizing a true geothermal development.
Policies need to be developed as they are closely linked to the
regulations, incentives and initiatives. These would include
but are not limited to:
• A geothermal kWh FIT structure should be supported.
• Local demand and risk factors to be assessed.
• Fiscal incentives are to be set.
• Public finance structures to be enabled.
• Government subsidies and guarantees should be
Figure 3. Total energy demand for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. provided to cover commercial upfront exploration
costs, including initial drilling costs.
Providing economic structures to enable geothermal
development is essential, due to the high upfront costs
associated with geothermal development.
Introducing financial incentives such as capital-investment
subsidies or rebates is essential.
An economic framework would include incentives for:
• Avoided fuel, capital, and financing costs associated
with oil fired power plant
• Providing Feed in Tariff that support kWh production
Figure 4. KSA Peak Demand Forcast. costs.
• Providing financing schemes that enables geothermal
electrIcAl GenerAtIon development.
Currently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is dependent on • Carbon credit.
fossil fuel to generate electricity. More than 270 million
• Introducing financial incentives such as capital-
barrels of oil per year are burned in oil fired power plants. By
investment subsidies or rebates.
2020, about 430 million barrels of oil will be burned to
generate electricity; and by 2030, this number will be about social
850 million barrels. To educate the general public about geothermal
development and the benefits it holds to the local economy is
important. Furthermore, the society must be educated about
what risks are claimed including the release of toxic gases
during the drilling, and volcanic hazards and hydrothermal
The social involvement must address fears regarding the
misconception of volcanic and geothermal resources’
possible threat to nearby populations and the claims that
these developments have a health impact on workers who
might be exposed to gases or acid particle emissions.
Figure 5. Forecast for amount of barrels of oil used for power Educational programs must be created and launched
production. nationwide before engagement in active projects to gain
public acceptance and support to these projects. One such


way could be through establishing competitions and awards conclusIon
for innovative efforts in the field of geothermal projects. With the presence of some potential resource rich
And finally, the society must recognize that geothermal geothermal locations in Saudi Arabia, geothermal energy
projects provide jobs and infrastructure creation while becomes a realistic and a highly promising source of
maintaining a clean energy to the community with low renewable energy. The Kingdom stands to benefit from a
environmental impact. holistic roadmap that will identify the required critical
elements for the effective utilization of geothermal energy to
educational be developed and implemented by K.A.CARE.
To support the geothermal development initiative, By successfully implementing geothermal energy
educational programs aimed towards capacity building development programs, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be
should include the establishment of a renewable energy in a position to supply the GCC with cheap renewable energy,
degree program in Saudi universities and incorporating providing thousands of MW of base-load power, and replace
renewable energy courses into the Saudi formal education thousands more MW through direct industrial applications.
system with emphasis on geothermal development. Saudi Arabia can reduce its emissions and help achieve
Also, Stakeholder engagement and education is important sustainability for the present and for future generations.
to gain alliance and to focus efforts, holding geothermal
workshops and various activities to educate and involve all references
types of stakeholders is essential. Aaheim HA, Bundschuh J. “The value of geothermal energy
for developing countries”. Chandrasekharam D, Bundschuh J,
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potentIAl uses of GeothermAl
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with temperatures over 110°C
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gAbsorption chillers (80°C -130°C) (proven cooling D, Bundschuh J, editors.
method) Geothermal energy resources for developing countries. Lisse:
gAdsorption chillers (70°C and 95°C) (smaller and Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers; 2002. IPCC Report Chapter 4-
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