Marine Superstructure
Marine Superstructure
Marine Superstructure
Cover Elevation above MHW Wave action Requirement
>12’ Follow SDG
Rare Ternary Blend with 50% Slag and 20% fly ash. Rebar ASTM A 1055.
8’ to 12’
Periodic Ternary Blend with silica fume and 20% fly ash. Rebar ASTM A 1055.
Ternary blend with 50% slag, 10% fly ash, and super fine fly ash or Metakaolin, or silica fume. Black
4’ to 8’
Stainless steel rebar like 304, 316LN, 2205 or better (not for Pre-stressed steels). Ternary blend with
50% slag and 20% fly ash.
Stainless steel rebar with > 3% molybdenum like 316LN, 2205 or better (not for pre-stressed steels).
0’ to 4’ Routine
Fly ash or slag per 346. ternary blend with 50% slag and 20% fly ash.
Rare 50% Slag or 20% fly ash per 346. Rebar ASTM A 1055.
8’ to 12’
Periodic Ternary Blend with 50% Slag and 20% fly ash. Rebar ASTM A 1055.
2.5 to 3.5"
Rare Ternary blend with 50% slag and 20% fly ash. Rebar ASTM A 1055.
4’ to 8’
Stainless steel 304, 316LN, 2205 or better (not for pre-stressed steels). Fly ash or slag per 346.
ternary blend at the designers option.
Stainless steel with > 3% molybdenum like 316LN, 2205 or better (not for Pre-stressed steels). Fly ash
0’ to 4’ Routine
or slag per 346. ternary blend at the designers option.
>3.5" All All Fly ash or slag as per 346, ternary blend at the designers option
Notes: Version: 5/10/2013
Lowest point of member defines the mix design and steel to use. Combination of metals is allowed, i.e. stainless on the outside, carbon steel on the inside.
No combination of concrete mixes in an individual member. Better steel or mix design can be substituted.
Wave action examples:
Rare: A member in a structure located in a canal that while it does see the tides, the waves are not large enough to periodically wet the
Periodic: if the member is located in a structure directly exposed to the ocean or bay waves, it will see large enough waves periodically due to
annual storms
Routine: Due to the low elevation, the member sees waves all the time regardless of structure location
Performance Based Concrete Mix Design for 75 year Service Life of Superstructure
Members in Marine Environment SplashgZone g
1. Time to Corrosion Initiation (Ti) - Time for chlorides to diffuse through the concrete until they accumulate in
sufficient amounts to start corrosion. The amount of chlorides is defined as the chloride threshold (Clth). The
simplest way to calculate Ti is to use Fisk's second law of diffusion. Ti for this calculations needs to be 65 years.
The solution to Fisk's second law is given below.
2. Propagation time (Tp) - Time for enough oxides to accumulate until enough pressure builds up inside the
concrete that a crack is generated. Tp can be assigned a length of 10 years for conservative purposes, unless
x is location within the concrete. In this case the amount of concrete cover.
Ct is chloride concentration at depth x. In this case the chloride threshold. Assume 1.2Lbs/Yd3 if unknown.
Cs is chloride concentration at surface. Assume 40 Lbs/Yd3 if unknown.
Ti is time to initiation. In this case time to initiation would be 65 years
D is diffusion coefficient of the concrete