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CMX Puesta en Marcha y Trouble Shooting

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Directional Controls

CMX System Start–Up &

Trouble Shooting Guide


Released 12/92 592

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Support Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Start-up Procedure and Check List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Trouble Shooting Hydraulic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Quick Reference Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chart 1 – Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chart 2 – Metering/Feathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chart 3 – Function Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chart 4 – System Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


A.Typical CMX Hydraulic Valve Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

B.Typical CMX Electrohydraulic Valve Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
C.Typical CMX Installation Drawing (Shows name and location of all ports) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

E Eaton Hydraulics, Incorporated, 2000

All Rights Reserved

One of the significant strengths of CMX series valves is the

flexibility of their design and performance through the simple
interchange of non–select fit parts. This permits the easy
and rapid change out of meter–in and/or meter–out elements
to tailor the performance characteristics of the valve to
precisely match the application requirements of any specific
vehicle/machine hydraulic systems. This is particularly
advantageous during prototype vehicle/machine start–ups
where, on numerous occasions, the CMX has successfully
demonstrated its ability to reduce start–up times from 6 to 18
months down to 1 or 2 weeks. This provides your customers
with the opportunity for significant savings, not only in time,
but in engineering costs and making manpower available for
new projects. Another strength of the CMX valve is that it is a
valve subsystem that performs a number of precision control
functions and not a single function valve. This affords your
customers opportunities for additional cost savings through
the elimination of hose, fittings and installation time to
connect a series of single function valves into an equivalent
valve subsystem. As the market continues to understand
and appreciate these benefits our field population is growing.

With this growth there has been the natural increase in

requirements for assistance in system start up. Due to the
compound nature of the CMX valve this has generated
several problems where this was either a first time installation
or there was limited background and experience in the
application and use of CMX valves. To minimize future
problems of this nature we have drawn upon our experiences
and knowledge gained in both The Americas and European
markets to prepare this Start–up And Trouble Shooting
Guide. We believe this will not only assist first time users,
but also those who are applying CMX valves in new
application areas.

Support Equipment

Minimum Recommended Support Measuring Equipment That Would Be

Equipment For System Start–up & Helpful In Addition To The Above
Trouble Shooting Minimum Recommended Equipment:
As a minimum, the following items should be available for • Transient pressure transducer
vehicle/machine hydraulic system start–up and for any
possible trouble shooting:
• Full 4 – 6 channel portable recorder, DC operated,
• Pressure gages: 2 – High pressure gages
minimum 100 Hz and at least 300 Hz response
0–5000 psi (0–350 bar) In addition, for those instances where this is the initial start up
3 – Low pressure gages of a newly designed system, advantage should be taken of
0–600 psi (0–45 bar) the “user friendly” flexibility and versatility of the CMX valve.
There are no select fit parts used in the CMX series valves.
• Digital Multi–meter suitable to read voltage, current and This permits easy and rapid change out, as may be required,
frequency. Should be similar to Fluke Model 87 or of meter–in and meter–out elements in order to fine tune the
equivalent. Our field experience indicates Model 87 is CMX valve to the system during the prototype start up phase.
used extensively throughout the industry. Note: Electrical Changes to different flow or pressure control meter–in
measurements should include the solenoid coil as the spools, pressure feedback options, meter–in cracking
load. pressure, meter–out function including gain and ∆P can be
made in a matter of minutes. To take advantage of this, we
• Hand pump suitable for 100–500 psi (7–35 bar) suggest an assortment of both meter–in and meter–out
elements be available as part of any system start up support

For prototype applications using HRC controls, it is

suggested adjustable HRC spring capsule stops be used.
These will permit maximizing flow and determining the
required spring capsule range for production units.

Start-Up Procedure & Check List

The following steps have been designed as a guide in 10 During Step 9, repeat Step 8.
starting up hydraulic systems in which one or more banks of
CMX valves are used. It is to be used as a step by step 11 Bring the engine up to half throttle and the oil
sequential check list to ensure trouble free operation of the temperature to 120°F (50°C).
hydraulic system prior to shipment.
12 Operate all functions to get any remaining air out of the
1 Ensure all lines, fittings and the reservoir have been system. It may take several cycles to remove all of the
properly cleaned prior to their installation on the air. During this step care must be taken to ensure these
vehicle/machine. Reference Service Drawings operations are performed at a “no load” condition. As
I– 1221–S and I–3998–S. required, bleed any remaining air out of the system by
cracking a fitting at the highest point in the vehicle.
2 Ensure the cases of all piston pumps and motors are
filled with oil. 13 Recheck reservoir level and oil condition to ensure there
is no evidence of air or other undesirable characteristics.
3 Install pressure gages at critical test points. Normally 5
gages – 2 high pressure (0 to 5000 psi/0 to 350 bar) and 14 Bring the engine up to full throttle and the oil temperature
3 low pressure (0 to 600 psi/0 to 45 bar) – are the to anticipated operating temperature to ensure proper
minimum number required to enable satisfactory functioning of the load sensing signals at system
measurement of the various pressure line, pilot line, load operating conditions. Note, it may be difficult to bring the
sensing line and drain line pressure levels during system unloaded system up to this temperature as it is a load
operation. sensing system. However, our experience has proven
that it is important to bring the start up system operating
4 Fill and check the reservoir to ensure proper oil level and temperature as close as possible to normal operating
that there are no visible leaks or sources of unwanted air temperature to ensure proper functioning of the load
entry. sensing function.

5 Start engine/motor and bring up to idle speed. 15 Continue operation of all functions while observing for
smoothness of operation, jerky motions, noise and any
6 Flush the system. This can be done by short circuiting other undesirable characteristics that will need to be
one high flow demand actuator with a filter containing addressed.
“V03” filter media to meet the cleanliness level of
15/13/11 for CMX systems. Refer to Publication 561 for 16 Continue operation of all functions to check functioning
guidelines on establishing cleanliness levels and filtration of pump controls.
recommendations. Operate that function for a minimum
of 20–30 minutes to ensure a minimum of 10 passes of 17 Shut down the engine/motor.
total system oil volume through the filter. Remove the
flushing filter and allow the system to warm up to 18 Change all filter elements and install new elements with
approximately 120°F (50°C). a minimum media rating of “V03”.

7 Extend all cylinders, one at a time, bleeding air as 19 Restart the engine and let the oil circulate through the
required. system at engine idle speed.

8 During Step 7, recheck reservoir level to ensure it is at 20 Shut down the engine and take an oil sample to ensure
the proper level; observe the oil condition to ensure their proper cleanliness level based on the highest system
is no sign of air or other undesirable characteristics; and, operating pressure level and the recommended
to ensure there are no signs of vortexing in the reservoir. cleanliness level of 15/13/11 for CMX systems.
Reference Publication 561 for background on
9 Retract all cylinders, one at a time. establishing cleanliness levels and filtration
recommendations. See Publications 562, 559 and 559A
for guidance in taking oil samples and obtaining a written
analysis of the oil sample.

Trouble Shooting Hydraulic Systems

Systems Containing One Or More CMX

Valve Banks
The following charts are arranged by major categories of
difficulties which may be encountered with the CMX valve
and/or the hydraulic load sensing system. The charts
indicate by type of difficulty, the general symptom and actions
to eliminate the problem. The information contained in these
charts is based upon actual field experiences and the
solutions that have been successfully used to identify and
resolve system operating problems. A summary of these
charts is contained in the Quick Reference Guide shown on
the following page.

It should be remembered that pressure and flow rate are

factors which are usually dependent upon each other.
Adequate measuring equipment and a thorough
understanding of the operation of the complete hydraulic
system are required to quickly and effectively diagnose
improper operation.

Where more than one solution is shown for a particular

problem, these are listed in the suggested sequence for

Quick Reference Guide


1 – INSTABILITY Lurching, hammering, chattering, 1.1 Low frequency hunting 1.1.1 thru 1.1.3
low frequency hunting, vibration,
1.2 Chattering when lowering load against 1.2.1 thru 1.2.3
external counterbalance valve
1.3 Instability with solenoid coil buzzing 1.3.1
1.4 Engine pulsing at corner horsepower 1.4.1
1.5 Excessive acceleration 1.5.1
1.6 Load interference 1.6.1

1.7 Cavitation 1.7.1

1.8 Aeration 1.8.1
2 – POOR Poor control, harsh acceleration/ 2.1 Poor control while lowering loads 2.1.1 thru 2.1.2
METERING deceleration and jerky starting
2.2 Poor controllability in general 2.2.1 thru 2.2.7

2.3 Harsh acceleration 2.3.1 thru 2.3.3

2.4 Jerky start 2.4.1 thru 2.4.4

3 – FUNCTION Uncommanded movement, no 3.1 Uncommanded movement 3.1.1 thru 3.1.4

MOVEMENT movement, load interference, load
drift, instability due to load 3.2 Pump at pressure limiting setting 3.2.1 thru 3.2.3
interference, poor overrunning load and no movement
velocity control and poor low or high 3.3 No pressure is generated 3.3.1 thru 3.3.7
actuator velocity control
3.4 Function speeds up when function 3.4.1 thru 3.4.5
demanding higher pressure is used

3.5 Function slows down when function 3.5.1 thru 3.5.4

demanding lower pressure is used

3.6 Poor response when 2nd or 3.6.1

3rd function actuated

3.7 Load drift 3.7.1 thru 3.7.4

3.8 System instability while 3.8.1
accelerating high inertia load

3.9 Poor overrunning load velocity 3.9.1 thru 3.9.5


3.10 Actuator velocity too high or 3.10.1 thru 3.10.11

too low
4 – SYSTEM System runs hot, exhibits symptoms 4.1 System running hot 4.1.1 thru 4.1.7
PROBLEMS of cavitation, is noisy or exhibits
4.2 Pump is noisy 4.2.1 thru 4.2.4
4.3 Actuator deceleration noise and/or 4.3.1 thru 4.3.5
spongy stop of the cylinder

4.4 Aeration noise 4.4.1

4.5 Solenoid humming or buzzing 4.5.1
4.6 System response is sluggish 4.6.1 thru 4.6.6

Chart 1 – Instability

General Symptoms: 1.2 Problem:

Lurching, hammering, chattering, low frequency hunting, Low or high frequency chattering when lowering a load
vibration, etc. against an external counterbalance valve.
1.1 Problem: Solutions:
Low frequency (3–6 Hz) hunting of a function. Probable 1. Ensure counterbalance valve is properly adjusted.
cause is interactions in the load sense line between the pump 2. Try a lower counterbalance ratio ie: 3:1 vs 4:1. Note:
and CMX valve. This can be verified by the This will impact system gain and creates power loss.
following means:
3. Replace meter–in spool with a meter–in spool having
• Bottom out the unstable function. the pressure control feature for lowering against the
counterbalance valve and the flow control feature for
• Operate another function that is working properly and lift/velocity control.
bring the pump up to its pressure limiting setting.
1.3 Problem:
• Operate the function that had been hunting. If it
Instability accompanied by buzzing in the solenoid coils.
stabilizes, then the problem is load sensing related. If
not, then the problem relates to something else. Solution:
Solutions to load sense line related problems: Check PWM signal to ensure it is 100 Hz minimum.
1. Install a 0.030 inch (0.75 mm) size orifice in the load Note, this may be somewhat controller dependent as the
sense line between the CMX valve and the pump, DMX controller developed in Scandinavia for use with
located as close to the valve as possible, and as far CMX valves gives best results with an 85 Hz PWM
as possible from the pump. Dependent upon line size signal in some systems. Our experience in North
and length, a 0.020 inch (0.50 mm) size orifice may America with both the widely used OEM and PQ
be required; and, if so, adequate filtration protection is controllers indicates 100 Hz minimum is required.
required. Aeroquip sells separate fittings that 1.4 Problem:
incorporate either size orifice.
Engine pulsing at its corner horsepower point (high load
2. If the problem is not fully resolved, then increase the demand condition).
volume of oil in the load sense line. The easiest way
to do this is by changing the line size from 3/8 inch to Solution:
3/4 inch. Note: As a general rule of thumb, there Adjust throttle/governor control.
should be a minimum of 16 feet of 3/8 inch rubber 1.5 Problem:
hose (never use hard tubing) in the load sense line.
Excessive acceleration (typically in swing circuit) and the
3. If the low frequency hunting problem is resolved, but function overruns available oil flow.
the response is still not satisfactory , then a check
valve (spring range 3–15 psi 0.2 - 1.0 bar) should be Solution:
installed around the 0.030 orifice which is located as Change meter–in spool from flow control function to
close as possible to the valve. This condition is more pressure control function.
likely to occur in cold weather than in warm weather 1.6 Problem:
conditions. This check valve should be installed to
permit free flow from the valve to the pump. Refer to Instability due to load interference.
the diagram shown below:
See load interference in Chart 3 – Function Movement.
1.7 Problem:
Instability due to cavitation.
See cavitation in Chart 4 – System Problems.
1.8 Problem:
Instability due to aeration.
See aeration in Chart 4 – System Problems.

Chart 2 – Poor Metering/Feathering

General symptoms: 2.3 Problem:

Poor control, harsh acceleration/deceleration and jerky Harsh acceleration.
2.1 Problem: 1. If the valve has a flow control spool, change to a
Poor control while lowering loads. pressure control spool.

Solutions: 2. If the valve already has a pressure control spool,

increase size of pressure feedback pin in the pressure
1. Change to a meter–out element with a higher ∆P if control meter–in element. When increasing feedback
the higher delta pressure can be accepted. For a pin size, attention should be given to the impact on
CMX100 series valve this could be a change from an the slope of the pressure vs flow curve and the
“03” to a “14” meter–out element; and, for a CMX160 increased command pressure required to maintain the
valve, a change from either an “04” or “07” element to previous flow/pressure relationship. At low loads
a “14”. actuator speed may be too high and a restrictor may
2. Change to a lower HRC or ERC gain. be required in the actuator port.
2.2 Problem: 3. If using an ERC control, adjust the gain for a longer
Poor controllability in general.
2.4 Problem:
Jerky start.
1. Check tank line of HRC unit to ensure there are no
return line surges. Solutions:
2. Check external drain on CMX tank side to ensure 1. Check to see if pilot pressure threshold is set too high
there are no return line surges. (cracking pressure on HRC / threshold current on
ERC). If so, reduce initial pilot pressure point. If pilot
3. Check to ensure the CMX drain line is a separate line
pressure setting is correct, then check the actuator for
to tank and is not plumbed into another return or drain
cavitation, particularly if the cylinder is oriented with
the rod end down and lowering a load.
4. If using a pressure control meter–in element, check to
2. If using a flow control meter–in spool, consider
ensure the pressure feedback pin moves freely.
changing to a pressure control meter–in element.
5. Check to ensure operator is not inadvertently
3. Check for mechanical backlash causing the jerky
introducing the condition due to machine vibration.
movement. If this is the cause, adjustments must be
This can happen when the operators seat starts to
made to tighten up the machine.
rock and his hand is not stable. This can be
confirmed by taking and holding the operators hand 4. Check to ensure the operator is not inadvertently
steady and observing if controllability is improved. introducing the jerky movement.
6. Check HRC or ERC deadband. Adjust spring capsule
rating or threshold current as may be required.
Ensure the spring settings or threshold current are
providing the correct command signals and load
phasing requirements. Refer to the CMX Marketing
Kit for additional information on this aspect.
7. If this condition occurs when operating at maximum
flow, check to ensure that maximum required flow for
the function is achieved just before the end of the
lever stroke in order to obtain maximum resolution.

Chart 3 – Function Movement

General symptoms: 3.3 Problem:

Uncommanded movement, no movement, load interference, No pressure is generated (no reaction at either the pump or
load drift, instability due to load interference, poor valve).
overrunning load velocity control and poor low or high
actuator velocity control.
1. Check the pilot pressure to ensure it is correct.
3.1 Problem:
2. Check the load sense line to ensure there are no
Movement of any uncommanded function. problems.
Solutions: 3. Check to ensure the load sense orifice is not plugged.
1. Check to ensure there is no pressure build–up in the 4. If using an ERC, ensure the command current signal
meter–in chamber. If this is the case, use of a vented is correct.
meter–in spool will drain the chamber and prevent
5. Check to see there are no open or improperly seated
pressure build–up.
load sense check valves. Refer to Solution 2,
2. Check to ensure all load sense check valves are Problem 3.1 above.
properly seating. This is done by plugging the 0.020
6. If an external load sense stabilizing orifice is used,
inch (0.50 mm) load sensing bleed orifice in the end
check to ensure it is not plugged.
cover and using a hand pump to pressurize the load
sense chamber. Depending upon the capability of the 7. Check to ensure the meter–out poppet in the driving
hand pump, pressurization should be at least 100 psi actuator port is closed.
(7 bar); and preferably 500 psi (35 bar). There should 3.4 Problem:
be no problem maintaining this pressurization for a
minimum of 2 seconds. This will permit identifying if Function speeds up when function demanding higher
one or more of the load sense check valves is not pressure is used.
properly seating. Solutions:
3. Check to ensure there are no high pressure transients 1. Change meter–in spool from a flow control spool to a
in the tank line. If any are identified, then ensure the pressure control spool.
external CMX drain is used in order to prevent
2. If a pressure control spool is already being used, then
function interaction. Refer to page 48 of Bulletin 536
go to a larger feedback pin. Note: going to a larger
(CMX Applications Guide).
size pin will reduce the available port pressure for the
4. For installations using HRC controls, ensure the HRC function. If the pilot pressure has to be increased to
drain line pressure can not go higher than the CMX maintain the port pressure, speed may become too
pilot drain line pressure. If this should be the case, high at low loads, and a restrictor may be required in
then both meter–out elements will be open. This the actuator port.
condition is corrected by reducing the back pressure
3. If the largest feedback pin is already being used, then
which is accomplished by plumbing the HRC tank
install a flow limiting orifice in the cylinder line. See
return line directly to the reservoir; ie: do not tie into
note above.
any other return lines.
3.2 Problem: 4. Increase the load sense P above 300 psi (20 bar) in
order to shift valve operation to a flatter portion of the
Pump goes to pressure limiting setting and there is no pressure compensation curve, particularly if the
movement. problem is at low flows. Reference Pages 14, 15 and
16 of the CMX Applications Guide.
1. Check to ensure that neither of the meter–out poppets 5. If none of the above solve the problem, then modify
are sticking or not opening. the circuit to redistribute or separate the functions
being affected when operated simultaneously.
2. If movement is in one direction only, check the pilot
command signal.
3. Ensure the external drain line is connected directly to

3.5 Problem: 3.8 Problem:
Function slows down when function demanding lower System instability while accelerating a high inertia load such
pressure is used. as a swing function.
Solutions: Solution:
1. Modify circuit to redistribute valve functions to This condition can occur when the load overruns the flow
eliminate the interference when these functions are available from the meter–in flow control spool. It is
operated simultaneously. resolved by changing to a pressure control spool.
2. If possible, change from the existing pump to either a 3.9 Problem:
larger pump or to a multiple pump system. Poor overrunning load velocity control.
3. Modify circuit to incorporate an anti–saturation device.
If the system is already using electrical actuation, this
can easily be accommodated in the controller. If the 1. Ensure the correct meter–out element is being used
system is using hydraulic actuation, and, it is not and/or is not sticking.
feasible to change to electrical actuation, then change 2. If the valve is hydraulically controlled, ensure the pilot
the meter–in spool to a pressure control meter–in pressure is at the correct setting. Or...if the valve is
spool. electrically controlled, ensure the threshold current
4. If the above does not resolve the problem, then a signal is correct.
hydrostat (compensator element) will be required to 3. Change to a lower gain meter–out poppet if the
limit flow in the cylinder line. resulting increased pressure drop can be accepted.
3.6 Problem: 4. If this occurs in a high flow condition, check to ensure
Poor response when 2nd or 3rd function is actuated. that maximum required flow is achieved just before
the end of the lever stroke in order to obtain maximum
Solution: resolution.
This indicates insufficient pilot flow. The problem is 5. Consider use of a counterbalance valve at the
resolved by either going to a larger pilot pump or by actuator.
using an accumulator in the pilot flow circuit. A general
rule of thumb, there should be a minimum of 4 gpm (15 3.10 Problem:
lpm) pilot flow, depending upon the number of functions. Actuator velocity is either too high or too low.
3.7 Problem: Solutions:
Load drift. 1. Confirm that the pilot command signal and meter–in
Solutions: spring are properly matched.
1. Reconfirm port relief is set at the correct pressure 2. Check engine speed.
setting. The maximum load pressure should not 3. Check pump output flow.
exceed 80% of port relief valve setting.
4. Confirm the valve has received the proper command
2. Check to ensure meter–out element has not stuck in signal.
the open position.
5. Confirm the meter–in spool is correct.
3. Check to ensure the load drop check valve is properly
6. Confirm the meter–in spring has the correct setting.
7. Confirm the meter–out element gain is correct.
4. Check to ensure the HRC drain pressure is not higher
than the required CMX pilot drain line pressure. If this 8. Confirm the pressure drop across the meter–out
is the situation, then the valve will effectively be in the element does not exceed rated conditions.
float position and will not hold the load. This condition 9. Confirm the port relief valve setting is correct.
is corrected by reducing the back pressure which is
accomplished by plumbing the HRC tank return line 10.Confirm that the load sense bleed orifice is not too
directly to the reservoir. large compared to the load sensing dampening orifice
and thus prevents the true load pressure from being
fed back to the pump.
11.Confirm the lines are not undersized and causing low
velocity at the actuator.This can occur with long line runs.

Chart 4 – System Problems

General symptoms: 3. Check to ensure oil is available from the tank line
when the actuator is cavitating. If the tank line
System runs hot, exhibits symptoms of cavitation, is noisy or
pressure is below the setting of the back pressure
exhibits general sluggishness.
valve oil will be missing in the tank line. This can be
4.1 Problem: corrected by installing a pressure reducing valve from
the pump outlet line to the tank line before the back
System is running hot. pressure valve. The pressure setting of the pressure
Solutions: reducing valve should be just below cracking
1. Check system relief valve and port relief valves to pressure. This will then add flow from the pump outlet
ensure they are a minimum of 300 psi (20 bar) higher to the tank line whenever tank line pressure is below
than pump compensator or pump pressure limiter the setting of the back pressure valve.
setting. 4. Confirm reservoir oil level is not low.
2. Check to ensure there are no obvious leakage points. 5. Review the reservoir design to ensure there are no
3. Check individual components for excessive internal restrictions to good oil circulation.
leakage. Replace as necessary. 4.4 Problem:
4. Confirm the pump load sense P is correct. This Aeration noise.
should be done at 40% or greater displacement.
5. Check to confirm the reservoir oil level is not low. Entrapped air may remain in the system. It will be
6. Confirm the hydraulic system cooler is adequately necessary to bleed the system to purge this air. Refer to
sized, or not bypassed. “Start–up Procedure” steps 4 thru 15 for guidance.
7. Ensure the system oil does not have excessive 4.5 Problem:
entrained air. Solenoid humming or buzzing.
4.2 Problem:
Pump is noisy. Check to ensure the Pulse Width Modulation frequency
Solutions: is 100 Hz minimum. Note, if you are using the DMX
controller developed in Scandinavia for use with CMX
1. Check pump inlet lines and connections for signs of
valves, in some systems the best results are obtained
air entry and eliminate any areas of air entry.
with an 85 Hz PWM signal.
2. Check pump inlet lines to assure proper flow
4.6 Problem:
conditions to avoid cavitation.
System response is sluggish.
3. Check to confirm the reservoir oil lever is not low.
4. Review reservoir design to insure proper pump inlet Solutions:
conditions exist. 1. Check vehicle start–up procedure to ensure hydraulic
4.3 Problem: system is properly warmed up prior to hydraulic
system operation.
Actuator deceleration noise and/or spongy stop of the
2. Check load sensing line to ensure it is not too small.
As a minimum, line size should be 3/8 inch rubber
Solutions: hose.
1. Increase setting of back pressure relief in the tank 3. Check to confirm the load sense dampening orifice is
line. While the setting required will vary from not blocked or restricted.
application/installation to application/installation, a
4. Check to confirm the piston pump(s) are not operating
general rule of thumb is that the setting should be at
outside of their viscosity range.
least 65 psi (4.5 bar).
5. Confirm that the load sense bleed orifice is not too
2. In the majority of cases increasing the back pressure
large compared to the load sensing dampening orifice
setting will not be sufficient to prevent cylinder
and thus prevents the true load pressure from being
cavitation and action will be required to install an
fed back to the pump.
anti–cavitation module on the CMX valve.
6. Check to confirm there is no entrapped air. If there is,
bleed the system as required, reference “Start–up
Procedure” steps 4 through 15 for guidance.

Typical CMX Electrohydraulic Valve Section

Actuator Port Return Port

Meter-out A"
Poppet Actuator Port Load Drop
B" Check

Pilot Relief

Reducing A"
Valve Spool Solenoid

Solenoid Pilot Supply
Load Sensing Valve Inlet Gasket
Check Valves Meter-in Port
Spool Meter-in


Typical CMX Hydraulic Valve Section

Actuator Port A" Return Port

Actuator Port B"

Load Drop
Load Pilot
Sensing Relief

Port C2"

Pilot Meter-in
Pressure Vent Valve Gasket
Meter-in Chambers
Port C1" Inlet Port


C1 C2


CMX Port Locations

Cylinder port “B”

(1.0625–12 UN–2B
Straight Thd – SAE Type)

Cylinder port “A”

(1.0625–12 UN–2B
Straight Thd – SAE Type)

Auxiliary pilot
port “K”
Load sensing port drain port
(.5625–18 (.5625–18 UN
Outlet port (1.3125–12 UN–2B UNF–2B –2B
Straight thd–
Straight Thd – SAE Type) Straight thd Straight Thd – SAE Type)
SAE type)
SAE type
port “EP”
Straight thd
SAE type)

Auxiliary pilot Optional load

Inlet port pressure port sensing from
(1.0625–12 UN–2B (.5625–18 UNF–2B other valves
Straight Thd – SAE Type) Straight Thread – (.5625–18 UN–2B
SAE Type) Straight Thd –
SAE Type)


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