Moksha Sings and Houses
Moksha Sings and Houses
Moksha Sings and Houses
lets take the MOKSHA rasis namely Kataka, Vrischika and Meena..(4,8 and 12).. Moksha means getting Libarated
or disconnected.These houses represents as a group in many aspects of life.
Now the position of the these house lords and planets in those houses decide your thoughts.
= you can see in the 4 (kataka) the 8 lord(mars) is Neecha and the 12 lord( jup) is Uchha.
= you can see in 8 (vrischika) the 4 lord(moon) is Neecha.
= you can see in 12 house(meena).no connection of 8 or 12.
my note: very confusing? thats jyotish !!! happy thoughts for the day.
//// you can see in the 4 (kataka) the 8 lord(mars) is Neecha and the 12 lord( jup) is
Uchha. ////