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The Ultimate Guide to
Anti-Aging and Happiness

Howard Murad, MD
3 Steps to Looking,
Living, and Feeling Better
Copyright © 2015 by Howard Murad, MD.
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Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Murad, Howard (Professor of dermatology)
Conquering cultural stress : the ultimate anti-aging
secret : 3 steps to looking, living, and feeling better
/ Howard Murad, MD. -- First edition.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-939642059 (cloth)
ISBN 978-1-939642066 (ebook)
1. Aging--Prevention. 2. Aging--Psychological
aspects. 3. Health. I. Title.
RA776.75.M87 2015 613
First Edition
19 18 17 16 15   10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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P art I

Returning to Your
Youth Is the Path
to Health and
Conquering Cultural Stress

M y mission is to teach people how to achieve whole-body well-

ness, effortless weight management, and freedom from stress
by returning the body’s cells to more youthful qualities. And my
approach is unlike those of other doctors and lifestyle experts who
focus solely on diet and fitness. You’re not about to read about good
versus bad carbs, or why you should start measuring your blood sugar
and take up running. I’m going to show you a revolutionary way to
understand health and aging, as well as how to maximize your well-
being. I’ll reveal that by getting in touch with the unencumbered,
free-spirited child you once were—whose potential was unlimited—
and maintaining high levels of cellular hydration that you also had as
a youth, you can age in a healthy fashion that allows you to look and
feel as vibrant, happy, and young as possible. As you’re about to find
out, wellness, joyfulness, cellular water, and aging share a unique
synergy that informs how we should live to become the best that we
can be.

C hapter 1

How the Toddler in You

Can Save Your Life

Eighty percent of health resides in the brain.

T ake a moment to think about what it must have been like to be a

two-year-old, because you probably don’t remember those days
from your own life. But you can certainly conjure something up just
by looking at a toddler today or perhaps recalling the memory of your
own child. Toddlers reflect the essence of youth. They are daring, cre-
ative, and inquisitive. They don’t doubt or worry. “Stress” is not a
word in their vocabulary. And before they were talkative little crea-
tures, they fell down thousands of times, skinned their knees over and
over again, and met more failures in their day than any adult could
handle. Trial and error is their game. It’s how they master scooting,
crawling, then walking, and later running. And they are spontaneous
in all that they do—no sense of meticulous planning for the future
or aggrieved reminiscing about the past. They pretty much live in
the now and are chiefly concerned only about themselves. They take
things as they come and try something new every day. Their emo-
tions are real and expressed. Whether they are screaming mad with
frustration or laughing so hard that their belly aches, two-year-olds

Conquering Cultural Stress

don’t hide anything. They don’t know how to—yet.

Then, by around the age of three they’ve learned to say no and to
assert their wants, and they begin to fear failure. No longer are they
trying to just learn from an innate sense of self and instinct. And no
longer are they happy with the imperfections of their first two years.
Now they want to achieve successes quickly, experience instant grati-
fication, please their peers and parents, meet expectations, and rely
less on intuition or more on the wisdom—and approval—of oth-
ers. They start to be competitive and perfectionistic, and they are
excellent self-critics, even if they don’t know what that means. They
also are acutely aware of their shortcomings and flaws. The words “I
can’t” begin to emerge. While they may have once possessed a pri-
mal attraction to some activity or form of learning, such as enjoying
music, playing sports, watching nature, or playing with their hands
in a bowl of wet paint, now they are more calculating and restrictive
with their pursuits. It’s as if they’ve lost touch with an innate spark
that reflects “reckless abandon,” for now they are more likely to reject
their inner wisdom and instead listen to others—parents, teachers,
peers. They are, in a lot of ways, adults at this juncture and highly
vulnerable to the surrounding environment and culture. Much far-
ther down this road, they may end up choosing careers that promise
money but not happiness because they don’t tap into their inner-
most unique spirit and reason for being on earth. Or they may find
themselves in unhappy relationships because they don’t know how
to be their authentic selves and find someone who can help them do
Now think about your own life for a moment. Are you not spon-
taneous and carefree, not one who tries new endeavors frequently?
Do you find yourself calculating your risks before you leap forward
in an unfamiliar adventure? Do you worry about the future and
harbor regrets from the past? Do you avoid your gut instinct some-
times and follow someone else’s lead or advice? Do you feel down,

How the Toddler in You Can Save Your Life

moody, and depressed sometimes? Even though you stay tuned

in to everything thanks to computers and smart phones, do you
often feel isolated and disconnected from people? Do you ever hide
your emotions? Do the high expectations you place on yourself as
well as those coming from others and the need to stay consistent
with them all wear you down? Do you fear that you’ll fail or that
you’re just not good enough? Do you compare yourself to others
and criticize yourself in any way (looks, weight, accomplishments,
income level)? Are you easily frustrated? Would you consider your-
self stressed out more than you’d like? Would you call life complex,
hard, and overwhelming? Are you living an inauthentic life and
missing out on nourishing relationships that can help you manifest
your authentic self?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone. And
you’re indeed like millions of adults today who walk around wish-
ing they had the secret to a peaceful, healthful existence despite the
demands and rigors of modern life. I’m here to share that secret,
which has everything to do with gleaning the wisdom of a two-year-
old. Put simply, if you can return to the vibrant mentality of a tod-
dler, you can actually build youth back into your cells and function
optimally physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in any other way
possible. You can also become your truest self. Let me explain.

» A Doctor’s Greatest Discovery: What More Than

Thirty Years Treating Skin Has Taught Me
At this point you’re probably wondering how someone who has
made a name for himself in the skincare industry could possibly
write a book about overall health and wellness (let alone the foun-
tain of youth). You’d be surprised by what my experience has taught
me over the years. The years I spent treating skin were my training
grounds for establishing an inclusive approach to health that goes far
beyond the surface of the body. And my whole mission—and medical

Conquering Cultural Stress

practice—has shifted dramatically since I discovered what I think is

today’s most pervasive accelerator of aging: cultural stress.
Just what is cultural stress? Cultural stress is proving to be
the sneakiest silent killer of all. And it has nothing to do with the
everyday stress that acts as background noise in your life or even
the acute stress you experience when you’re trying to meet a dead-
line or avoid an accident. Cultural stress is much more insidious. It’s
what you experience when you’re merging onto a congested highway
with thoughts of being late again and not having time to check your
e-mail before 9 o’clock or respond to the twenty messages marked
high-priority from yesterday. (And despite your hyperconnections to
others through modern technology, a part of you feels lonely and
isolated.) Cultural stress is not the "survival" response that is caused
by actual danger. Cultural stress is wearing and tearing us down daily
in ways we never thought possible—so much so that I’ve launched
international studies to explore its impact, as well as offered grants
to researchers who investigate cultural stress.
Cultural stress enters our lives sooner than we think. As soon as
society began to affect you, around the age of three, and you became
cognizant—however subconsciously—of your world, you began to
age. This phenomenon is the core subject of this book, which may
be the most important one I write in my long career. It has taken me
nearly forty years to arrive at this simple conclusion that is finally
backed by solid science. Most people wrongly assume that I address
just skin issues. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Today, most
of my work entails teaching people how to change their attitudes
about themselves first and foremost and build youth from the inside
out via a set of practical strategies that can combat cultural stress
and simultaneously encourage their cells to behave younger from
the inside out—from all the way down in their DNA to the skin that
glows on the outside. And this is what I’m going to show you how to
do in this book, too.

How the Toddler in You Can Save Your Life

Although I have devoted my life to making beautiful, healthy skin

attainable for everyone and have always rooted my practice in the idea
that skincare can lead the way to overall health, skin is a microcosm
of the entire body—it reflects what is going on inside. People who
come to me experience an evaluation of their health that is unlike
any they get in a doctor’s office today. Are they happy? Do they have
unresolved problems in their lives? Is their stress taking a hidden toll
and triggering the physical aging and health challenges that they now
have and are prepared to address? Do they feel like they are living
truly authentic lives attuned to who they want to be or become?
Case in point: I once had a patient who was very successful in his
professional life. He came to me for an evaluation in the hopes I could
make him look younger than his fifty-odd years. He seemed to be
happy, and he ranked everything an 8 or 9 out of a perfect 10 when I
asked him questions about the quality of his life. When I asked him
to pick out a mantra among several that I gave him to consider for
himself, he chose “Become yourself.” This was somewhat surprising
to me because I thought he was already “himself” and happy with
who he’d become. But then he began talking about the pressures he
faced to keep his success going and said that he no longer felt like he
was the person he wanted to be. He felt like he lived his life for oth-
ers and was always at the mercy of other people’s needs and expec-
tations rather than his own. At that moment, I knew exactly what
was causing all the accelerated aging that was so apparent on his face
and that he was so concerned about. When I performed a more in-
depth examination of his physical health with the help of standard
lab reports, he showed further signs of advanced aging at a cellular
level that were well beyond his chronological age.
The manner in which I treat all my patients typically leads to clues
I can use to help them acknowledge their own emotional challenges
that get in the way of their experience of true health—and looking
as youthful as possible. Obviously, I’m not talking about people who

Conquering Cultural Stress

have severe clinical depression and who would do well with tradi-
tional medicine to treat their illness. I’m referring to the millions of
us who walk around dreaming of a better, more fulfilling life where
we radiate health from a deeply rooted sense of contentment and
peaceful well-being. In fact, when I ask people what the one thing
is that will make them happy, they rarely mention money, a better
career, or a facelift. Instead, they refer to the holy grail: being 100
percent comfortable and confident with who they are. Isn’t that the
ultimate goal? I know that for myself, my job today as a doctor who
helps people identify with themselves in ways that support health
and maximize their potential is what’s been my own “becoming.”
I’ve become the real me after years of developing my practice, estab-
lishing an inclusive health center, and learning from patients and
research alike about the true path to wellness.
I treat an enormous array of people, from those who seem to
have no reason to complain about feeling and looking older than the
calendar says to individuals struggling with persistent conditions
that call for constant attention. We all know that chronic illnesses
besiege millions today and dominate our health challenges, including
insomnia, obesity, chronic pain, arthritis, anxiety disorders, depres-
sion, headaches, chronic fatigue, panic anxiety, allergies, irritable
bowel and other gastrointestinal problems, and skin disorders such
as acne and eczema. Although rarely do patients come to me to treat
a chronic condition unrelated to skin, the vast majority of them expe-
rience relief from their maladies once they go through my program.
It can work in brilliant synch with any other form of treatment with
another doctor, including the use of prescriptions. So yes, my prac-
tice may be different from that of other doctors, but one thing we
increasingly all witness is the growing number of patients suffering
from chronic conditions that are often reflected in their skin and that
demand to be taken into consideration when we drum up a solution.

How the Toddler in You Can Save Your Life

» How Skincare Clued Me into the Ultimate

Healthcare Secret
About twenty years ago I increasingly realized that I could no lon-
ger serve my patients by just playing the role of a traditional derma-
tologist—diagnosing skin conditions and treating them accordingly.
After all, it’s pointless to neglect the 80 percent of skin that topical
products cannot reach. It’s also futile to spot-treat our exterior as if
it’s not attached to the rest of the body and mind. Treating the skin
alone as an isolated component of the body is like using a small brush
to touch up the outdoor paint on a house rocked off its foundation
and about to crumble under years of neglect and disrepair. So I began
to develop another approach, one that could address both the inside
and outside to improve the health and appearance of my patients by
strengthening each cell in the body and helping patients gain control
of the cultural stress in their lives. This new way of looking at treat-
ment earned me recognition as the “Father of Internal Skincare.” It
also opened the door for me to discover the Water Principle, one of
the founding principles upon which my philosophy is based and that
you’ll read about shortly.
In 2007 I opened my new Inclusive Health Center in Los Angeles,
a diagnostic and medical spa completely based on an integrative
approach that incorporates healing and medical philosophies from
all over the world—Western and Eastern practices, nutrition coun-
seling and therapeutic bodywork from leading experts, and com-
prehensive analysis of every aspect of a person’s health: physical,
psychological, spiritual, and cultural. I could not have predicted the
feedback I got from people about their fantastic life changes just a
few months after the opening of my new facility. You’ll read about
some of them in this book.
Admittedly, this isn’t the first time I’ve written about my discov-
eries. But it’s the first time I’ve had the advantage of hindsight for
long enough to really make bold and declaratory statements about

Conquering Cultural Stress

the secrets to aging gracefully and feeling as young as possible each

and every year. Since the publication of my last book in 2010, I’ve
noticed a surprising pattern in what predicts those who succeed and
those who fail in their attempts to achieve better health. The single
most powerful factor in my patients’ lives is not the daily skincare
regimen they keep nor their attention to diet and exercise; it’s their
ability to manage cultural stress. When I went back to the scientific
data I’d collected over the course of more than ten years of scientific
research and from more than four thousand patients following my
prescriptions, the results were shouting out to me loud and clear:
overcoming cultural stress could be the most essential and effective
strategy to sustaining positive changes in well-being, especially with
regard to weight loss and overall happiness. The people who shed the
most weight, boosted their metabolism and increased their muscle
mass the most, improved their looks and skin health, and reported
feeling younger and gaining higher self-esteem all had one thing in
common: lower levels of cultural stress.1

»  Controlling Your Genetic Destiny

Over the past couple of years, I even went so far as to put my theory
to the test, conducting a pilot genetic study with people who were
clearly living under the weight of a lot of cultural stress.2 Lo and
behold, my study found that once they gained control of this stress
using the same strategies outlined in this book, they experienced a
significant decrease in their cultural stress at the genetic level, as mea-
sured by changes in the expression of certain genes associated with
aging and longevity. That’s right: they were able to decrease their
body’s negative response to cultural stress and enjoy numerous ben-
efits, including turning back the clock on their innate biology and
So if you're frustrated or unhappy with how you feel and look,
whatever your personal health challenges or conditions, then you’ve

How the Toddler in You Can Save Your Life

come to the right place. Chances are, you picked this book up for a
reason. Maybe it’s the chronic exhaustion, the lack of a healthy glow,
the thinning hair and brittle nails, the extra ten or fifteen pounds you
didn’t have a year ago, the “older” person looking back at you in the
mirror, a recent diagnosis at your doctor’s office that scares you, or
simply the fear of getting sick and watching your life hit an abysmal
ditch. Or perhaps you’re among those lucky few who are in excellent
health now but you want to do more and learn a fresh approach to
preserving your longevity. I’m going to present a revolutionary way
to think about taking care of yourself, and you’ll soon agree that your
frustrations with aging have nothing to do with wrinkles. They go
much deeper than that. My hope is that you’ll finish this book with a
whole different perspective on yourself and your approach to health.
It never ceases to amaze me how my patients have watched
their medical problems diminish or in some cases, completely van-
ish. Among the hundreds of thankful letters that I receive routinely
from people who’ve taken my ideas to heart, a singular thought is
spoken many different ways: “I feel amazing—better than I’ve ever
felt in my life.” Patients share not only how their skin problems have
cleared up since they started following my program but how their
health—both physical and mental—is changing significantly for the
better. Significantly. Medical problems are lessening that had not
responded to other treatments by other physicians. Excess weight
is melting away. Patients report sleeping better, growing stronger
hair and nails, and feeling energy they haven’t felt in years. Just as I
had personally observed changes in my own body while following my
own advice, my patients are confirming what I’ve known for years.
Indeed, their bodies are acting younger, and so will yours.
When you begin to take care of yourself, you do a lot more than
regain your health and beauty. You build confidence. Self-care helps
you take control of your life when it seems off balance. Then you find
it transfers to other parts of your life as well. Every person who walks

Conquering Cultural Stress

through the doors at my Inclusive Health Center soon realizes this

once he or she commences a personalized program. But I know that
not everyone can visit my center and participate in all that it has
to offer. For this very reason I bring you this book. Just as I do for
people at the Inclusive Health Center, I will show you how to take
years off your body’s age—no matter what your chronological age is.
And it will make everyone (including yourself) notice.

C hapter 2

The Mystery of Happiness

and the Wonder of Water

Water loss is the final common pathway to all aging and disease.

A s you can imagine, I’d been living by my principles about health

and wellness for decades by the time I reached my seventies.
These included practicing the fundamentals of diet and exercise, tak-
ing care of my skin, and supporting my emotional self. My principles
kept me healthy and happy for the most part, and I knew they worked
because I’d taught them to an untold number of people through my
work as a professor, lecturer, formulator of products, and clinical
doctor. And these individuals were also taking my ideas seriously
and reaping the rewards in their well-being. But then something
happened: just a few years ago I had an experience that profoundly
changed the heart and soul of my principles. It dramatically shifted
the way I look at life, interact with others, and approach the entire
practice of medicine. And it helped me see everything more clearly
and tap a hidden personal potential that I had hardly known existed.
During the fall of 2006 I began to have serious trouble with my
eyes. I was on a trip to Hong Kong when I noticed that my vision had
suddenly gotten blurry. So I called my wife, Loralee, and asked her

Conquering Cultural Stress

to make me an appointment with an eye doctor. The diagnosis was a

detached retina, which required corrective surgery. After the opera-
tion, I was forced to keep my head down with my chin on my chest
for nearly a month while the retina healed. This was painful, and, of
course, it forced me to sharply limit my activities. But I had to do it. It
was either that or risk losing the vision in the affected eye altogether.
An experience like that would be difficult for anyone, but it was
especially hard on me. I’ve always been a very energetic and active
man, so the lack of mobility—not being able to work, exercise,
take my long hikes, and follow my usual routine—was, to say the
least, challenging. Somehow I had to find an interesting way to fill
the hours. It turned out my recuperation became an opportunity to
discover a hidden talent. Loralee suggested I use some of the time
for art. The previous year, during a stay in Ojai, California, I’d taken
an art class for enjoyment. I had never thought of myself as the art
type or as someone whose creative instincts leaned in that direction,
but we took the class together. It was a very basic lesson and lasted
only about an hour. The teacher introduced us to a few materials and
techniques and then left us on our own. At the end of the hour I
had completed eleven pieces. The teacher glanced at them and said,
“I don’t recommend you take any formal art classes because they will
spoil you. Your style is unique and lessons will ruin it.” Clearly, she
wanted me to have fun and find time to experiment with art on a
regular basis.
Flash-forward about a year. Here I was, cooped up at home with
a bad eye and a set of art supplies that I had purchased long ago.
They’d never been used. So I fished out the supplies from a closet, sat
down at my desk, and started to paint. And paint some more. And
some more. The dozens of pieces that I’ve since created now adorn
my office and have been showcased at several institutions, including
the University of Southern California. They are constant reminders
of this other talent I have that had gone unnoticed for most of my

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

life. They also remind me to stop my typical routine and play with
my creativity—just like a kid—once in a while, to color beyond the
lines we draw in our adult lives. I sometimes wonder, what else will
I discover about myself? Out of a painful and frustrating experience
with my eye came this wonderful revelation about myself. And I also
started to see the world differently, both literally and metaphorically.
It was as if I was now seeing in Technicolor, whereas everything was
just black-and-white before.
I’ve always said the best is yet to come, and I firmly believe in
that statement. Not just for me but for everyone who puts a posi-
tive effort and attitude forward and reveres one of my most impor-
tant tenets: be imperfect; live longer. And become free to be yourself.
This may be the ultimate path to health and happiness. Put another
way, being an emotional youthful person who embraces the power
of imperfection and who being that genuine and capable person you
really are is the key. It’s also the secret to conquering cultural stress.
I’m not equating emotional youthfulness with emotional imma-
turity. Much to the contrary, I’m referring to the person who is eter-
nally playful, spontaneous, eager to learn something new, unafraid
to take risks, unencumbered by fears of failure, and joyful in the com-
pany of others. Think about all that you had to learn on your own
when you were just figuring out how to crawl, sit up straight, walk,
and eventually talk. You went through copious rounds of trial and
error. You failed oh-so-many times. And along the way you probably
laughed and cried so hard out of sheer bliss or frustration that your
belly hurt. When’s the last time you had that experience? Those are
emotions we all have, but as adults we’ve learned to hold them in.
And as adults, we fall into the perpetual trap of judging ourselves,
being overly critical of ourselves, trying to be perfect, and living very
controlled lives. We rarely give ourselves permission to say no (like
a toddler being defiant!) and instead take on too much in our daily

Conquering Cultural Stress

Is it any wonder we have record rates of depression and chronic

illness today? While on the surface there may not seem to be a link
between happiness and certain diseases, such as heart disease, obe-
sity, diabetes, and dementia, I think attitude paves our path in all
health-related areas. Science is finally revealing just how strong this
connection is: over the past decade numerous studies have proven
the correlation between a positive outlook and staying healthier as
one ages. In one of the most recent longitudinal studies, published in
the Canadian Medical Association Journal in early 2014, researchers
highlighted the detrimental physical effects of negative emotions on
the body when they analyzed data on more than three thousand men
and women aged sixty and older.1 About 21 percent were deemed to
have a high level of enjoyment of life, 56 percent a medium level, and
23 percent a low level of enjoyment. Over the course of eight years,
study participants experienced increas-
Don’t focus on the ing problems with day-to-day tasks as
minutia in life. When their mobility declined. About 4 percent
you come to a wall in the of those most upbeat about life devel-
road, life is telling you to oped two or more new functional impair-
make a turn. Go for it. ments compared with 17 percent of
those who enjoyed life the least. During
this time, people who were assessed as enjoying life at a medium or
low level were about 80 percent more likely than their happier coun-
terparts to have developed mobility and functional problems.
Even when it comes to stress, which is inevitable and virtually
impossible to eradicate, how we deal with and approach that stress
is what makes the difference. It’s much easier, and more effective, to
change your attitude about stress than to change stress’s existence.
And this has everything to do with our happiness.

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

»  The Mystery of Happiness

What makes people happy? It has been said that an innate feature
of the human psyche is to constantly seek self-improvement. Some
believe that perhaps one derives happiness within this pursuit. As
humans, we are hard-wired to attain happiness and universally yearn
to feel it. Because of this, it is logical to conclude that when happi-
ness cannot be achieved, we mourn; we become unhappy. Aristotle
believed that happiness is a destination that can be discerned only at
the end of life. In his Nichomachean Ethics, he explained that happi-
ness is a measure of virtue, which is realized through the practice of
doing ethical, moral works and of amassing “goods” such as health,
friendship, and wisdom. Aristotle was also a proponent of achiev-
ing a virtuous life through making good decisions and keeping the
future in mind. As such, he would not be a fan of today’s culture of
instant gratification, which he’d view as behavior that’s a hindrance
to happiness.
Whether you agree or not with Aristotle, the fact remains that
happiness is a subjective topic. If it is a destination, then most of
us are still trying to find it. However elusive happiness is, countless
researchers have attempted to define it, calculate it, describe steps
for attaining it, and explain it. Because happiness lacks a universal
definition, it’s difficult to study. This is perhaps because happiness
touches on every aspect of humankind such as our global culture,
economics, environment, and relations, as well as other transcen-
dent categories like religion and spirituality. At the individual level,
this is also why my multidisciplinary approach to health, which you’ll
learn about in the next chapter, works.
No doubt happiness is ingrained in the human mind, so much
so that whole societies were (and are) built simply to create more
for its people. Our forefathers, for instance, wrote in the Declaration
of Independence that the pursuit of happiness is a right—one that
is bestowed simply because a person has life. And because of this

Conquering Cultural Stress

definition, some feel that it requires little self-involvement, that it

should just come—and possibly for some, it does. However, for most,
work is involved and this work probably includes the removal of bar-
riers that prevent the flow of happiness externally, internally, and
emotionally. My approach takes this into account and can be effec-
tively used to remove obstacles that would limit the achievement of
happiness and actually encourage the appropriate brain chemistry to
promote it.
Happiness can mean something different to different people and
cultures around the world. Americans tend to associate happiness
with achievements (even though we’d be better off taking pleasure in
every minor success, however small or trivial). On the other hand,
the Japanese believe happiness is the ability to experience social har-
mony. The Germans believe happiness is
Happiness does not the ability to make good choices. For the
require luxury. Happiness people of India, happiness is peace and is
means finding beauty defined through family relationships.
every day.
While some scholars assert that happi-
ness is a measure of income—$75,000
per year, per household in the United States—others have gone so
far as to suggest that happiness can be measured through a country’s
gross domestic product (GDP), though sometimes wealthy nations
rank the least happiest as we’ll see shortly.2 Clearly, higher income
does not necessarily mean higher well-being, especially once the
$75,000 threshold is surpassed.
In contrast to the belief that GDP is an indicator of happiness,
French president Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2009, proposed that his country
and others replace the GDP figure with the idea of a gross domestic
happiness (GDH) measure—a socioeconomic development metric
that accounts for factors such as healthcare availability, leisure time,
subjective happiness, and sustainability. Following France’s lead,
Britain began compiling, in May 2011, a national happiness index,

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

a move that many psychotherapists have lauded as mentally more

healthy. Interestingly, the original idea of GDH came from Bhutan
in 1972 from then king Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who based his
concept on Buddhist principles. It’s difficult to be specific on what
exactly the GDH metric examines. It has been said to analyze seven
areas of wellness including categories such as economic, environ-
mental, physical, mental, workplace, social, and political wellness,
but there remains no exact measure.
In another attempt to find the happiest places on earth, the
Gallup Organization ranked a list of 148 countries and areas that
were examined in 2011. The results are based on five questions that
have to do with whether one experienced a lot of enjoyment the day
before the survey and whether he or she felt respected, well-rested,
laughed and smiled a lot, and did or learned something interesting.
The following list shows where the most positive people reside in the
world. We didn’t make the top twenty (we’re number thirty-three,
and there were several ties). Note, too that residents of Panama,
which ranks 90th in the world with respect to GDP per capita, are
among the most likely to report positive emotions. People who live in
Singapore, however, are the least likely to report positive emotions—
and Singapore ranks fifth in the world in terms of GDP per capita.3
1. Panama
1. Paraguay
3. El Salvador
3. Venezuela
5. Trinidad and Tobago
5. Thailand
7. Guatemala
7. Philippines
9. Ecuador
9. Costa Rica
11. Canada

Conquering Cultural Stress

11. Columbia
11. Malaysia
11. Netherlands
11. Ireland
16. Denmark
16. Kuwait
16. Oman
16. Indonesia
16. Honduras
I’m not surprised that most Americans don’t claim to be the hap-
piness people on the planet. I witness the unhappiness daily in my
work with patients. It’s achingly palpable. And it stems from all kinds
of issues—work stress, family strife, illness, divorce, death of a loved
one, loneliness, and, of course, cultural stress, a real phenomenon
we’ll explore in chapter 3.
I should point out, however, that other methods of evaluating
happiness across various cultures and countries have arrived at bet-
ter results for us Americans. In 2014, the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its latest “Better
Life Index,” which ranks countries according to eleven criteria it con-
siders essential for a happy life. These include data on health, educa-
tion, income, and environment. The survey also takes into consider-
ation people’s responses about their priorities in life and evaluates
their “sense of happiness.” Here are the top ten countries:4
1. Australia
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Denmark
5. Canada
6. Switzerland
7. U.S.
8. Finland

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

9. Netherlands
10. New Zealand
We as humans are by nature compassionate beings capable of
manipulating the way we interact with our environment and how we
perceive our experiences. As such, we work hard, attempt to deflect
conflict, seek to maintain stability, and perhaps spend most of our
time chasing desires, whether external, internal, or emotional. There
is something to be said for those who “learn” to be happy or who
work through processes to cognitively create their happiness. But
whether happiness is a biologically controlled function, a learned
state of mind, or a cognitive process remains the subject of count-
less studies, with pharmaceutical companies leading the way on the
biological studies.

The Happiness Test

Which of the following makes people happier?
• Making more money.
• Finding a soul mate.
• Losing ten pounds.
• Moving into a new house.
• Achieving success.
• Having better genes; happiness is genetic, just like the color of
one’s eyes and hair.
Answer: None of the above is true. New science proves that happiness is
a process—not a goal. And it’s not necessarily about having fun either.
As I clearly stated in The Water Secret based on research, happiness is
about 50 percent genetic, 40 percent intentional, and 10 percent circum-
stantial.5 That 40 percent category—the intentional one—is the most
important. Circumstances can change, or you can become accustomed
to them (e.g., a new car, a bigger house, a promotion) such that they no
longer make you happy. On the other hand, when you are engaged in a
life purpose that has meaning to you, which can be anything from rear-
ing children to doctoring the elderly in underserved areas, happiness
finds you in the way you live and look at the world. In other words, hap-
piness is more a choice than an outcome or destination. It’s an action,
not a result.

Conquering Cultural Stress

The reality is that happiness is probably a combination of all three

elements—biological, learned, and cognitive—and this is what my
approach to wellness honors. How much is biological, learned, or
cognitive is unknown, but when people use my three-step program,
this is irrelevant. And I think we can all agree that regardless of how
each one of us defines happiness, it’s a state of mind and its destina-
tion is the brain.

» Turning Back the Clock through the Water

While studying happiness from a purely scientific perspective may
be hard, it’s not as challenging to study aging. And everyone has
an opinion in this realm. Years ago, I myself started looking for the
most comprehensive approach to understanding health, aging, and
happiness. Theories about chronic inflammation and free-radical
damage, among countless others, weren’t enough for me. (The last
time I checked, I found more than three hundred ideas on the causes
of aging.) In 2009, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was
awarded to three Americans whose experiments were pivotal in our
understanding of telomeres, the protective coverings on the ends of
chromosomes that impact cell division. The amount of the substance
in the body that builds telomeres, called telomerase, ultimately influ-
ences cell death and, in the larger scheme of life, aging.
But none of these theories paint the whole picture for me, as they
are like plot twists in the mystery book of life. Certainly these bio-
logical events and substances play a proven role, but I sense that they
do so within a much larger and universal context.
So with every idea that emerged on aging, at the back of my mind
continued to sound the famous words from the Nobel Laureate in
Medicine Albert Szent-Györgyi von Nagyrapolt: “Discovery is see-
ing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody else has
thought.” And even though I’ve led plenty of pioneering studies about

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

the importance of controlling inflammatory pathways and nourish-

ing the body with good ingredients, I’ve always felt something was
missing. I equate the situation to a house with a caved-in roof after a
light rain: it does no good to replace the roof if you don’t take care of
what really brought it down in the first place, such as termites that
weakened the structure before the storm hit. In the body, if you’re
not addressing root causes of disorders and disease, or the triggers of
inflammation, you’re not going to support the body's inherent heal-
ing powers to maintain a strong and robust body.
By the time I started painting and embracing the gifts of imper-
fection, I had already built my health center. Adding the importance
of emotional youthfulness was the finishing touch on my whole phi-
losophy. It further allowed me to understand the aging process and
teach what I believe has become my most important contribution
to science: the Water Principle. Let me briefly take you back to the
events that led up to my theory, for my discovery didn’t happen in
a lab or other traditional medical setting. As with many scientific
breakthroughs, it evolved slowly over time as I tried to understand
my patients and gather evidence from them. It’s amazing what you
can learn from patients when you delve into their habits and per-
sonal “secrets” to staying young, especially when you witness tens of
thousands pass through your office from all walks of life. Some seem
to defy their age as if by magic while others show clear signs of hav-
ing jumped too far ahead into the future before their time. Genetics
and luck aside (“luck” meaning avoiding diseases like cancer or other
serious illnesses of unknown origin), I saw clear patterns among
those who were aging exceptionally well and those who looked des-
perate for a reboot.
One patient in particular has always stood out in my mind. When
Ted walked into my office more than a decade ago, he was in supreme
health for a man of his eighty-eight years. He never got sick. He hiked
every day, stayed active in community events and organizations, had

Conquering Cultural Stress

a positive outlook on life even though he’d lost his wife a few years
previously, and enjoyed a healthy diet that included eggs every other
day. Ted may have had a good set of genes, but I knew that his chosen
lifestyle dictated how well he lived more than anything else. He was
just one of thousands who offered me insights into aging well, and
I took his wisdom to heart. After all, I myself was looking for the
recipe to feeling and looking as vibrant as possible. Patients like Ted
helped me see where I could make improvements and then share that
knowledge with others.
One feature that emerged from my gleanings was the fact that my
healthiest patients shared the ability to hold water without the clas-
sic “water retention” in the wrong areas. In other words, they were
well hydrated (and looked it) yet were
not bloated and did not have to lug
Life can be described as a
process during which the around bottles of water all day. My
highly hydrated state of own experience as an avid hiker who
fertilized oocytes, embryos, continually felt dehydrated on strenu-
newborns, toddlers, and so ous climbs inspired me to think in a
on, is transformed into a new way about how to encourage my
gradually more and more
cells to hold more water. I theorized
dehydrated one.
that the water conserving strength of
the cell’s membrane—its ability to
keep water inside the cell (hence, cellular water)—was the fundamen-
tal marker of health and youthful vitality. The diets of my healthiest
patients like Ted were rife with the very nutrients that make up cel-
lular membranes, the outer yet permeable boundary of a cell that
envelops its interior and allows certain molecules to enter or exit the
Eager to translate this theory into practice, I used my background
as a pharmacist and a physician to attack the problem of cellular
water loss. I naturally became the first case study as I experimented
on myself by taking various nutrients in the hopes of creating an

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

ideal environment for maintaining the building blocks of healthy

cells. This included supplementing my diet with antioxidant miner-
als, vitamins, and plant-based compounds; adding anti-­inflammatory
agents to the mix to prevent free radicals from forming in the first
place; and finally throwing in some omega fats to draw more water
to the cells. (And, like Ted, I started to eat eggs every other day.) My
weekly hikes afforded me the perfect testing grounds.
Flash-forward several years. By the mid-1990s, I was convinced
enough of my theory from my own experience to share it with a few
hundred patients whose health needed a boost. Not to my surprise, I
found that those who took advantage of my internal care program felt
better, slept better, and had a remarkable reduction in the severity of
common skin disorders such as dryness, acne, and cellulite. I also
found that their skin had an apparent increase in structural strength
and resilience that made it appear firmer, plumper, brighter—more
like young skin. And I knew, as every dermatologist knows, that the
outer appearance reflected what was going on inside.
With the help of new technologies that were emerging to mea-
sure cellular integrity and patients’ bodily ratio of water outside
their cells versus inside their cells, I further validated my theory. The
people who had robust cellular water content were overall healthier.
And I noted clear parallels between aspects of the individuals’ lives
that contributed to health or, conversely, ill health, and their cellular
water. Someone who was sick or unhappy didn’t show a lot of cel-
lular water. On the other hand, people with outward signs of health
and well-being and who maintained healthy lifestyle habits scored
high in the cellular water department. They were also the happiest,
despite difficult life circumstances.
By the year 2000, I’d hired a research staff and put my theory
through more rigorous testing both in the lab and in a clinical setting.
I also put patients through my three-part program to see if I could
change their cellular water for the better and improve their health.

Conquering Cultural Stress

Lo and behold, thousands of people did indeed transform their lives

in uniquely individual ways just by following my simple protocol.
Take Monica, a thirty-eight-year-old type 2 diabetic who came to me
with a persistent case of acne. After a month following my program
alongside a specific treatment for her acne, her blood sugar stabi-
lized and her acne cleared. Or consider Stewart, a fifty-seven-year-
old man suffering with depression largely due to the ongoing pain
of rheumatoid arthritis. He adopted my strategies and three months
later found that his arthritis pain was considerably reduced and his
depression was lifting. And I’ll never forget Jessica, a twenty-nine-
year-old woman already burned out from her job as vice president
of publicity for a large corporation. She looked ten years older and
was already complaining of advanced aging. Ten weeks later, after
following my program, she felt like she had reclaimed her life. (And
she looked younger than twenty-nine, believe it or not.)

So I knew that my program was working, but then in 2012 I upped

the ante on my investigations further by conducting a genetic study.6
This really put my program to the test. Although it was a very small
study, involving six women, the results spoke volumes. It compared
blood and skin biopsies collected at the start of the program and
after twelve weeks and again at twenty-four weeks. We examined
changes in certain genes known to be big players in aging, such as
those responsible for DNA repair, the birth of new cells, metabolism,
fat burning, and immunity. And what we found surprised even me:

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

the simple lifestyle modifications I had these women make led to sig-
nificant changes at the molecular level, which resulted in their bodies
acting and behaving much younger than their chronological age. We
were also able to confirm what I’d long thought to be true: health
could be measured by how strongly the cells were holding water. The
results indicated that the women’s genes were expressing themselves
in positive ways thanks to well-hydrated cells. In other words, they
were less susceptible to disease.
Moreover, these women, who ranged in age from forty-six to
fifty-three, were uniquely vulnerable to depression at the start of
the program. In fact, on average they had a 33 percent lifetime risk
of suffering from depression based on certain laboratory measure-
ments. (In the general population, one’s average risk is about 16 per-
cent.) But after just twelve weeks, they had reduced their levels of
risk by nearly 20 percent.
While you might think these lifestyle modifications were all about
diet and exercise (e.g., chewing on raw kale and using a treadmill),
that’s far from the case. At the core of the program was what I’ve been
talking about since the beginning of the book: tapping the power of
imperfection and gaining control of the cultural stress in their lives.
This, it turns out, has a huge say in your body’s ability to turn back its
clock and turn on its youth genes. These women harnessed the power
of maximizing the 40 percent of happiness that’s under one’s con-
trol and reaped big rewards that could be clinically measured. And
contrary to what you might think, they didn’t do it just by switch-
ing up their diets and taking daily walks. By the time I was treating
this group of women and taking them through my program, I knew
that among the most powerful things I could do for them at the start
was share my words of inspiration. Over recent years, I’ve amassed
a library of insights that I use with patients, finding that they help
encourage people to make the initial shift in attitude that can then
open the door to a new, better life. The results I was getting from

Conquering Cultural Stress

these insights alone were helping me make the ultimate connection

between my theory of aging and the impact of emotional health on
maintaining robust, hydrated cells. In addition to sprinkling my
insights throughout the book, I have listed them in appendix A and
invite you to read through them to find ones that resonate with you.
Read them aloud to yourself and really think about them. In general,
these insights encourage you to think the way you thought as a tod-
dler and to become your authentic self.

Your Wellspring
Despite what your high school biology text taught you, you are not 75
to 80 percent water. You once were—long ago when you were a bab-
bling baby fresh from your mother’s watery womb. But now you’re
closer to 50 percent water. What happened? Well, you’ve aged, and
since your early years, internal and external factors have damaged
your cells and weakened their ability to retain water. This explains
the signs of aging that probably emerged in your late twenties or (if
you were lucky) early thirties: your skin began to become drier, fine
lines and wrinkles appeared, your sleep patterns changed, your flex-
ibility took a hit, your digestion slowed, and your energy wavered.
You started to complain about more aches and pains, need more
caffeine to get through your day, and have a tougher time keeping
excess weight off. No, this didn’t happen overnight, although it may
have seemed that way one random day when you “suddenly” noted all
these changes in a mirror, on a scale, or in your doctor’s office.
What’s been going on has been a slow, inevitable decline in your
cells’ capacity to hold water for good use. If you drank a gallon of water
a day and I called you dehydrated, would you believe me? Probably
not. But it’s true: unless your cells can retain the water they require
to support cellular functions, then drinking all the water in the world
won’t make much of a difference (and you’ll need to keep drinking).
Every part of the body, from your brain to the tendons and ligaments

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

in your feet, needs water to function properly. Without enough water

in their cells, organs cannot perform their normal operations or com-
municate with each other.
Which brings me to another fact that goes against the grain of
conventional wisdom: not all water is created equal. As you’ve prob-
ably figured out by now, your body contains two types of water: well-
ness water inside your cells and wastewater floating in between your
cells, the kind that will age you and make you feel fat and sluggish.
Puffy eyes, swollen ankles, and a bloated stomach, for example, are
all examples of extracellular waste fluid and signs that the body isn’t
handling water efficiently. Cell damage can occur anywhere, includ-
ing in the blood vessels, heart, skin, liver, and muscles. Picture a
blood vessel that’s as strong and sturdy as a brand-new hose. Now
picture that same hose riddled with microscopic holes, leaking water.
That water escapes and becomes waste.
Wellness water, on the other hand, sustains cellular activities and
thus life; this is what allows you to remain healthy, trim, and beauti-
ful. The caveat, of course, is to keep water where it’s supposed to be if
cells are somehow compromised and porous as an outcome of aging.
First, you have to sew up the cracks, and then you have to ensure
you’re getting high-quality water, which you won’t necessarily find
in a bottle or faucet. You’ll shortly come to understand what I mean,
as I take you through my “Pitcher of Health” and train you to choose
foods and beverages that optimize your hydration.
When patients ask me to explain how such a focus on water could
be so critical, I offer another perspective: you’ve gone from being a
glass nearly full with water when you were born to a glass that’s half
empty. And a glass that’s half empty can’t handle the rigors of daily
life as well, from those pesky free radicals that swarm in response
to certain lifestyle habits and exposure to UV rays and pollution to
chronic inflammation or any other factor that accelerates the aging
process. I often find myself fielding questions about inflammation,

Conquering Cultural Stress

a concept that has been running rampant in scientific circles lately.

Billions of dollars and the most brilliant minds in the world have
been unraveling the mystery of how inflammation causes your body
to self-destruct. But this has caused much confusion among the pub-
lic, who now seem to think it’s a disease itself.
Inflammation is routinely advertised as something bad for you.
The truth is, inflammation is a warning sign that the body is try-
ing to heal itself. It’s key to survival. And it’s far from a disease.
Inflammation, in fact, is a symptom—a sign of something else going
on in the body that ushers in the inflammatory response for help.
Think of it as our body warring against harmful agents, an indication
that the body is in the process of repairing itself. You would die with-
out an inflammatory response. It’s critical to the immune system. It
tells us our immune system is working. If we never had inflamma-
tion, no action would occur in the dynamic cellular immune system
network to offer assistance within the body. When we know this, it
becomes clear that inflammation in a healthy body, when it’s not an
overreaction, chronic, or irreparable, really results in increased gen-
eral health because of the repair process that’s happening at the cel-
lular level.
Here’s a prime example to explain: when you cut your finger, the
inflammation process begins, ultimately to spur the healing. Once
the skin is healed, the inflammation goes away. In the case of more
serious forms of inflammation, such as heart disease, the same holds
true. If you were to take care of the underlying cause of the heart
disease—chronic high blood pressure and plaque formation on the
arterial walls, for example—then the inflammation would go away
and so would the disease. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to
“treat” inflammation. You have to treat the causes of inflammation.
But treating all the causes of aging is a mighty tall order. What if you
could address what happens as a result of the aging process and then
essentially reverse-engineer the treatment? That’s what the Water

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

Principle does. Because the Water Principle offers a unifying theory

that helps us make sense of the aging process, it tells us how to slow
it down—and in some cases reverse it—from a singular focal point.
What’s more, it reveres the body as a whole. We all have multiple
issues to deal with when it comes to health, which is why an inclusive
approach is ideal.
Regardless of what causes aging or disease, the final common
pathway is the reduction of water in our tissues. Yes, we can say life
is simply a slow process of continual dehydration. We wilt and wither
over time, just like that plant you forgot to water until it was too late.
Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, thought of the human
body in terms of four main climate-like categories more than twenty-
three centuries ago: humid, dry, warm, and cold. He said when we
are young, we are humid and warm, and when we age, these two fac-
tors no longer prevail—the body moves into the dry and cold catego-
ries, which eventually dominate. As our cells lose their integrity, we
become more vulnerable to all the aspects of aging, such as oxidative
stress (free radicals), inflammation, psychological and cultural stress,
and disease. It’s a vicious cycle: our cells and connective tissues hold
less and less water as we age, and we age as a result of that inability
to hold on to water.
One of the easiest ways to remember the power of the Water
Principle is to think of driving a car across the country. You’ll encoun-
ter some tough terrain along the way, including dirt roads, bumps,
and steep inclines. If your tires get little holes in them, they will hold
less air and the engine will have to work harder to go the distance. The
car will become fuel inefficient as it chugs along, demanding more
work from other parts of the car to keep going. Eventually that extra-
hard work begins to exhaust your transmission and the car begins to
slowly fall apart. A good set of tires can make all the difference. And
so can a good set of body cells. Everything about you will benefit.

Conquering Cultural Stress

Weight Loss, Not Water Retention

One question I often get soon after explaining the Water Principle is
whether or not people who follow it gain weight due to water reten-
tion. True?
Not so fast. In fact, the opposite is true: people who live by the
Water Principle lose weight as their bodies become more efficient.
You will weigh more if the water is in the wrong place—like puffy
eyes or swollen ankles. Water in your cells not only allows you to
function at a higher level but also increases your basal metabolism
rate so you burn even more calories at rest to lose more unhealthy
weight. Here’s another way to look at it: as your cells become more
hydrated, they function optimally and utilize more energy. In all my
studies of people following the Water Principle, the one common
thread among patients is a heightened metabolism and a reduction
in body fat.

Integrative, Preventive, or Inclusive Health

It’s amazing to me how many resources we have at our fingertips
these days and yet we continue to battle chronic diseases. We have
the wonder of powerful new drugs on the market, access to the best
medicine that money can buy, spa-like retreats sprinkled throughout
the country, and the knowledge to tell the difference between what’s
good and not so good for us. Yet we aren’t all functioning at our best
and feeling and looking the best we can be. We’re still not 100 per-
cent healthy. Why is this happening?
“Integrative medicine” and “preventive medicine” have become
buzzwords in the last decade. We seem to think that these practices
help solve our health problems, but they, in fact, perpetuate another
problem: focusing on a single condition or disease. Take, for example,
heart disease, which is the leading killer in America. If you are a heart
patient, chances are you’ll be taking medications prescribed by a tra-
ditional doctor. You’ll be told to watch your diet and avoid unhealthy

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

fats that can clog your arteries. You may even be recommended to an
acupuncturist known for heart-healthy treatments.
That’s all fine and good, but it still puts the focus on a single organ,
your heart. What about your stress level and emotional health that’s
contributing to high blood pressure? What if you’ve got an undiag-
nosed problem festering in your lungs or brain that’s exacerbating
your heart condition? This is akin to not seeing the forest for the trees.
What I love about the Water Principle is that it not only regards
the health of the whole individual but does so by considering every
single cell in the body. When every cell functions at its highest level,
the body’s environment is optimized for the health of every organ
and system—not just one. So let’s take, for example, the theory about
telomeres again for a moment. Like plastic tips on the ends of shoe-
laces, telomeres sheathe the ends of chromosomes to keep them from
“fraying” and losing their genetic content. Without telomeres, the
chromosomes and the genes they hold would come apart. Telomeres
are necessary for cells to divide and are involved in directing the num-
ber of divisions. In essence, telomeres have a say in cell life (or death)
and how well we age. So how can you protect your telomeres?
Well, think about it. Telomeres are part of a cell. To protect our
telomeres, we have to protect our cells. We have to preserve nor-
mal cellular functioning. And that is exactly the goal of the Water
Principle. Another way to think about it is to see the Water Principle
as the means by which we gain control of our cellular health. It sup-
ports optimal functioning of all cellular roles, from maintaining telo-
meres and encouraging cell division to reducing dangerous inflamma-
tion and removing waste products and pathogens. It acknowledges
and values both the forest and the trees, so to speak.
Hence, “inclusive health” relates to the whole body and all its
trillions of cells. Wouldn’t you rather address every single cell in
your body than treat just a cluster in your heart or liver or brain?
Everything in your body is connected. Though it’s become customary

Conquering Cultural Stress

to see your heart, for example, as operating separately from your

brain, both are inextricably linked. So are your toes and eyes, and
your kidneys and ears. It’s time for a new—inclusive—perspective. If
you can begin to view your health in an inclusive manner, then you’ve
already taken a huge leap. Now you just have to follow through and
learn how to take care of yourself inclusively.
Most people falsely accept signs of aging such as weight gain,
fatigue, and familial patterns of disease as inevitable. The truth:
Upwards of 80 percent of longevity is attributed to lifestyle—not
your encoded DNA. I see this fact played out every day in my practice
and have done so for the past thirty years. Even when it comes to
the risk of getting cancer, lifestyle plays a much bigger role. The vast
majority of women (70 to 80 percent) who are diagnosed with breast
cancer, for example, do not have a family history of the disease.
As soon as we’re born, aging begins. With every birthday, new
symptoms emerge—a new face line here, a stiffer joint there. And
when we aren’t careful, this inevitable decline accelerates. The door
to illness and disease widens. None of
By the time you reach fifty, us can escape aging. It’s a certainty
your lifestyle determines that Benjamin Franklin neglected to
80 percent of your aging add to his short list alongside death
process. The difference
and taxes. The anti-aging market has
between a sixty-year-old who
fueled the skincare and spa industries
looks forty-something and
a forty-year-old who looks for decades as aging individuals con-
sixty is maintenance. But it’s tinue to seek new roads to youth. And
never too late to turn back it’s not just youth in looks but more
the clock physically and from importantly youth in how they feel.
a cellular standpoint. No one likes to feel lousy even if all
looks relatively good on the outside.
If you don’t have your health, nothing else—not even a youthful
appearance—really matters.
In the 1980s, when I introduced alpha hydroxy acids to the

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

professional skincare industry, women flocked to their estheticians

to exfoliate away their top wrinkly layers. As years passed, we found
better vehicles for our ingredients. At my company, we discovered
the power of stable vitamin C used in an anhydrous silicone formula
and other topical antioxidants, and we started to see remarkable
improvements in skin. But there were limitations on how much skin
could improve. Regardless of what we did on the outside to main-
tain the results, and no matter how much sun protection was used,
we continued to see the gradual changes from aging creep in. It was
clear that skin aging involves more than just external influences, so
research would have to go beyond skin’s outermost layers. These were
still the days when estheticians, doctors, and lifestyle practitioners
followed their own divergent paths without considering the value of
sharing knowledge or collaborating.
As I noted earlier, my own search for new approaches to help my
patients led me to create an interdisciplinary approach to skincare. I
had to look beneath the surface of the skin and examine the relation-
ship of the internal aspects of the body—unfolding the mechanisms
of inflammation, disease, and hormones—to the health of the skin.
My research confirmed what I knew instinctively: making changes
in internal health and emotional composition, in addition to thera-
peutic skin treatments, produced profound results in not just skin
health, but total health. Moreover, my continuing work with the
Water Principle showed me, through direct clinical examination, that
the key to longevity, youth, and health is found at the cellular level.
In my quest to find the next “it” ingredient or method that would
take us to new levels of rejuvenation, I was faced with the grim reality
that there really is no way to stop aging. In fact, if you were to ask dif-
ferent scientists what it means to “age,” you’ll get different answers.
We don’t even have a clear definition of what that verb means. The
only thing that stops aging assuredly is death. Aging has perplexed
humans for millennia, and scientists have explored cellular aging ad

Conquering Cultural Stress

nauseam. In the process, researchers have presented more than three

hundred theories on the causes of aging. It’s difficult to say which
theory is correct and which is not, as the answer may stem from a
combination of theories—and new theories will no doubt continue
to emerge. Free radicals and inflammation, for example, tell only part
of the story.
All these theories on aging aside, on closer inspection, a distinct
and undeniable pattern emerges. It seems the largest clue to solving
the mystery of aging starts small, at the cellular level, and simply with
life’s most natural and valuable element, water, as the key. When our
cells are not fully hydrated, they cannot function at optimal levels,
and this leads to aging. When cells deteriorate, disorders, diseases,
and death occur. Studies show that the elderly, especially if diseased,
have low levels of water inside their cells. My own studies of people
at both ends of the spectrum—those in poor health and those in
supreme health—also show distinct differences in their cellular water
content. Hence, the net effect of aging is cellular water loss—which,
as you know by now, is the foundation of the Water Principle.

»  The Science of Aging

Think of your body as composed of two components: cells and con-
nective tissue. Both harbor and use water to sustain life, so in a sense
you can think of your body as made up of cells, connective tissue, and
water. That’s it.
Cells make up your muscles and organs, including your skin.
Though skin cells are not the same as, say, heart cells, their basic
traits are the same. All cells have a protective membrane composed of
fats (lipids) and lecithin, a natural antioxidant and emollient found
in all living organisms that’s essential to cell membranes. Within the
cell membrane is a substance called cytoplasm, and within the cyto-
plasm is the cell’s nucleus. The nucleus is the control center of the
cell, and damage to a cell’s outer membrane is as lethal to the cell as

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

direct damage to its nucleus. Both the cytoplasm and the nucleus are
predominantly made up of water. Your heart, brain, bones, and outer
skin layer are all made up of cells.
Connective tissue is the fibrous material that binds your muscles
and organs in place and connects one organ to another. This tissue
has very few cells and contains what’s called the body’s matrix, which
is a semisolid matter made of materials such as hyaluronic acid, a
water-loving substance that can actually attract up to one thousand
times its weight in water. Collagen and elastin, two structural pro-
teins you’ll learn more about later in this chapter, keep the connec-
tive tissue firm and hold its shape. You get the tools you need to
manufacture collagen and elastin from the amino acids in the foods
you eat. Blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and your internal
layers of skin are all connective tissue.
As we age, our cells and connective tissue break down. They lose the
ability to attract and hold on to all the water they need to function at
their best, like they do in a baby’s new body. The water that seeps out
wanders aimlessly through the
spaces between cells and connec- What happens when you age?
tive tissue. This, as you know by • Wrinkles
now, is what I call wastewater. • Sun damage
• Less hair in some places,
Not only is wastewater use-
more in others
less, but it can cause problems. • Poor memory
It can build up in inconvenient • Lack of sleep
ways, leaving you with puffy • Lack of energy
• Poor digestion
ankles or eyelids. Your body can • Reduced circulation
be full of this wastewater and • More stress
still be dehydrated because the • Chronic disease
• And more
water can’t reach the cells and
connective tissues where it’s
needed most and where it keeps your heart, lung, brain, liver, and
skin healthy and vital. Can anything be done about this wastewater?

Conquering Cultural Stress

Absolutely. First, it helps to understand what factors in to this water

loss and then take steps to reduce that buildup of wastewater by
repairing your cell membranes and strengthening the structure of
the connective tissue.
Only one word describes what happens over time—“aging”—but
this process actually has different reasons and triggers. Let's take a
look at the three main types of aging. This will help you to completely
grasp how to take control of the process.

Intrinsic Aging: A Fact of Life

Indeed, part of aging is just that—aging. It’s simply a natural process
that happens no matter what you do to halt it. It’s what would occur
had you never been in the sun, swallowed toxins, taken a stressful
exam, smoked a cigarette, partied past
Don’t deal with what your bedtime, breathed metropolitan air,
you could have done. and so on. It’s what would occur despite
Deal with what you are living in a bubble and getting Botox till
going to do. your face is stone cold. Genetics play a key
role in intrinsic aging. If your parents aged
well, odds are, you will too. In the body, intrinsic aging results in a
loss of collagen and elastin and a reduction of water in the cells.

Environmental Aging: Inevitable but Controllable

Extrinsic aging is also known as “environmental aging,” a term I intro-
duced back in 1993. Extrinsic or environmental aging is exactly what
it sounds like: aging from the combination of injury to your outsides
and compromised cellular functions on your insides. Luckily, this is
the type of aging that we can control to some degree. Factors such
as excessive sun exposure, pollution, smoking, stress, poor diet, and
intake of drugs or alcohol contribute to this type of aging.
The classic signs of environmental aging are usually written all
over a person’s skin in the form of redness, dryness, thinner skin,

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

sagging and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation (e.g., “age spots”).

You probably can’t see the water loss in the cells, but it’s there. The
good news is, the effects of environmental aging can be minimized
through both preventive actions and treatment.

Hormonal Aging: Another Fact of Life

Hormonal aging has gained tremendous attention in recent years
and has no doubt spurred much conversation, especially in women’s
circles. Hormonal aging occurs as levels of estrogen decline, which
starts happening long before menopause. In fact, by the time a
woman reaches her twenties, she will have begun to age and her skin
will probably show it. The reasons why this happens vary and include
many factors such as stress and lifestyle.
Hormonal aging in men, called andropause, can also occur as lev-
els of testosterone decline. It is less talked about in general but the
effects in men are also widely visible when you consider the hallmark
signs: sagging breasts (which is pronounced if they are overweight),
excessive hair growth in atypical spots such as the ears and eyebrows,
and thinning hair on top of the head.
Just as testosterone is present in both men and women, so is
estrogen. In men, estrogen is made in small amounts as a by-­product
of the testosterone conversion process. This estrogen helps sup-
port bones, a healthy libido and heart, and brain function. As with
women, age can precipitate an imbalance of men’s natural hormones.
Too much estrogen, for example, can reduce the levels of testoster-
one and trigger a loss of muscle tone and sexual function. It can also
cause fatigue and increased body fat.
Although the eventual dryness and inelasticity of skin that come
with age are inevitable facts of life, the aging process is a cumula-
tive one that occurs at varying rates from individual to individual.
Hormonal aging does not turn on like a light switch; rather, it’s like a
dimmer that slowly brightens as one’s chronological age progresses,

Conquering Cultural Stress

and the speed at which it brightens is different from person to per-

son. Most women are all too familiar with the ravages of low estrogen
levels: weakening of the collagen and elastin fibers makes them look
old as their skin becomes thinner and more fragile. Adding insult to
injury, facial hair and breakouts increase, and water content in their
cells decreases. In short, they don’t look like a glowy youth anymore,
and nothing is more frustrating than the combination of dry skin
and acne.
So why does this loss of estrogen lead to so many skin-damaging
effects? Estrogen is your skin’s best friend. It helps prevent aging in
three big ways: it prevents a decrease in skin collagen in postmeno-
pausal women; it increases the skin’s collagen content, which main-
tains skin thickness; and it helps skin maintain moisture by pro-
moting the production of certain substances in the skin that boost
Because everything in the body is connected, shifts in hormones
through the years can have profound effects on the body. Hormones
are simply chemical messengers that travel in the body’s blood ves-
sels to target areas where they have an intended effect. The chemical
messages, which are tiny in volume, have many large and important
jobs such as regulating metabolism, mood, growth and development,
and tissue function. The body’s hormonal system includes the sex
glands (testes in men, ovaries in women), the kidneys, the pancreas,
the hypothalamus and the pituitary, pineal, parathyroid, thyroid, and
adrenal glands. In addition to estrogen, the most familiar hormones
include progesterone, cortisol, adrenaline, and androgens like testos-
terone. Every organ has certain hormones, and many hormones have
multiple functions that overlap. When all hormones are balanced,
the body works as it should, organs function properly, tissues are
supple and resilient, and skin is youthful. Conversely, the smallest
variation in hormone levels can cause great, catastrophic effects all
over the body and on the skin.

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

While the study of menopause-related skin issues began in the

mid-1990s, well before then I noted many hormonal skin patterns
that exist in women. As I began to isolate certain factors and sift
through my data, I was startled to find some direct correlations
between hormones and skin conditions. While the term “meno-
pausal skin” became quite popular as some of my contemporaries
believed that menopause marked the beginning of skin issues due to
hormone decline and imbalance, I knew this to be false based on my
patients and hands-on experience.
The truth is, as we age, so do our organs and glands. In women,
estrogen and progesterone production declines. And as I just stated,
hormonal aging does not just happen once a woman reaches meno-
pause. The true beginning of hormonal aging occurs decades before
menopause sets in and continues to occur well after menopause.
Unlike environmental aging, for which we know clear and wise
lifestyle strategies to prevent and reduce it, hormonal aging is most
troublesome to treat effectively. It requires an inclusive approach
and a great understanding of the body’s systems and complex inter-
actions. That said, I won’t ask you to learn all those systems and sym-
phonic interactions. By following the three-step program outlined in
part 2, you’ll be putting into practice the very methods to heal and
control hormonal aging. This is incredibly important because one of
the chief side effects of hormonal aging is a decline in cellular immu-
nity. As dried-out, aging cells lose their ability to renew themselves
and operate properly, their functionality slows down—similar to a
used piece of equipment that doesn’t work like new. For this reason,
women approaching menopause or beyond it become more suscep-
tible to cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypothyroidism, polycystic
ovarian syndrome, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, obe-
sity, insulin resistance, and more. They become vulnerable to a bevy
of health challenges.

Conquering Cultural Stress

Die Late, Not Old

All humans experience a combination of the three types of aging to
certain degrees. Despite the fact that hormonal aging is the most
troublesome to address effectively, fundamentally it and the other
two types of aging can be addressed with one simple element—water.
What I love about the Water Principle is that it offers a unifying
theory that helps us make sense of the aging process. It tells us how
to slow that process down—and in some cases reverse it—from a
singular focal point. If water is addressed at the cellular level, then all
skin and body issues can be managed more completely.
Why is this so revolutionary? Because for the past century we’ve
been focused on disease treatment and studying diseases on a case-
by-case basis. Only recently has science turned to slowing the bio-
logical processes of aging as a way to prevent and fight a multitude
of diseases. Some still think of cancer, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis,
osteoarthritis, immune dysfunction, and skin aging as unrelated. But
that insular way of thinking is beginning to change. Until recently, in
fact, the notion of reversing human aging was a mere fantasy, absent
any scientific support. In the last few years, scientists have gained
tremendous grounds on demystifying the aging process and how to
manipulate it—forward or backward.
In 2008, for instance, a group of aging experts from both the
United States and United Kingdom reported in the prestigious
British Medical Journal that slowing aging is the best way to combat
diseases in the twenty-first century.7 In other words, the traditional
medical approach of attacking individual diseases—cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and so on—
will soon become less effective if we don’t determine how all these
diseases either interact or share common mechanisms with aging.
It’s true that middle-aged and older people are most often impacted
by simultaneous but independent health problems, a condition tech-
nically known as comorbidity. I’ll see a sixty-five-year-old man with

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis, gastric reflux,

and a history of depression. The number of medications he’s taking is
mind-boggling. Or picture an elderly woman suffering from at least
ten different ailments and juggling an expensive, confusing cocktail
of medications every day. What’s more, she’s been prescribed other
medications, but they cause intolerable side effects, and the more
drugs she takes, the greater the risk of dangerous drug interactions.
Her predicament is not an unusual one.
Two-thirds of people over age sixty-five and almost three-­
quarters of people over eighty have multiple chronic health condi-
tions, and the majority of Medicare spending goes to people who
have five or more chronic diseases.8 As a group, these patients fare
poorly by any measure. They stay in hospitals longer, experience
more serious health complications that could have been prevented,
and die younger than patients with less complex medical profiles.
Sadly, they are often not treated as whole human beings. Medicine
attempts to spot-treat each complicated medical problem to no avail
because medicine cannot yet see the forest for the trees.
The authors of the study published in the British Medical Journal
point out that a cure for any of the major fatal diseases would have
only a marginal impact on life expectancy and the length of a healthy
life. For example, if we cured cancer or heart disease today, what would
that mean for the general population’s life expectancy tomorrow? Not
much because something else would take people down. You may be
able to save yourself from a heart attack or colon cancer, but you won’t
escape another age-related ailment like kidney disease or a stroke.9
I agree with the authors of this study that the potential benefits
of slowing aging processes have been underrecognized by most of
the scientific community. It’s time for an attack on aging itself. To
that end, I hope that the Water Principle becomes a much-embraced
strategy in that arsenal. It offers a new paradigm of health promotion
and disease prevention that could result in longer, more satisfying

Conquering Cultural Stress

lives. Because it doesn’t focus on just a single disease or condition, it

stands to have a much greater impact on the health and wellness of
people who take its tenets to heart.
While it’s common knowledge that with aging comes disease, few
people stop to think about what happens when you reduce aging: you
reduce disease. Not only do you reduce the risk factors for disease,
but you can even reduce the likelihood that a certain disease will
have a maximal effect on you. In other words, when you equip your
body with what it needs to function optimally at the cellular level,
you effectively shield yourself from age-related diseases, forcing your
body to live younger for as long as it can.

»  The Three Fountains of Youth

Keeping your vital waters in your cells is the whole point of the Water
Principle, but as I’ve said, this has very little to do with the water you
drink. True hydration can originate from unlikely sources. Think of a
time when you splurged on a facial or got a massage. Chances are you
looked and felt better afterward. Have you ever noticed that after
a great night’s sleep or just a catnap in the afternoon, you looked
fresher in the mirror? How about the last time you went on vaca-
tion and came back looking younger and feeling more energetic? This
brings me to my three fountains of youth, which reflect the three
areas on which to focus that embody the Water Principle. Each of
these will be addressed in the three-step program outlined in part 2.

Fountain of Youth I: How You Think and Take Care of Your

Reducing the negative effects of emotions and stress on the body
is key to optimal health. This, of course, includes abandoning the
strife for perfection. Patients may come to me with specific derma-
tological problems to solve, but I can’t help them effectively with-
out addressing their psychological and social balance in tandem with

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

their skincare. Science is just beginning to uncover the relationship

between our physical and psychological health for it’s finally well
documented that moods and a condition as serious as depression
can increase one’s risk for stroke.10 And of all the “prescriptions” I
give patients to help them to look and feel better, the hardest one for
them to take is to give themselves permission to live a more imper-
fect, playful life in the pursuit of happiness and total well-being. In
the next chapter, we’ll explore the concept of cultural stress, which,
as I’ve already I pointed out, is the most pervasive, harmful type of
stress around these days.
The Greek philosopher Plato once described necessity as the
mother of invention. Through the years, I’ve witnessed confirma-
tion of this ancient wisdom in the countless scientific discoveries
that began with doctors searching for new and more effective ways
to meet the needs of their patients. These findings have shaped, and
continue to shape, treatment options and educate professionals in
every field of medicine and therapeutic care.
Despite the fact that aging is part of the life cycle, as is the con-
tinual decline in function of all your body’s systems, we are not on a
path of decay and deterioration from the day we are born. Much to
the contrary, the body is a remarkable machine—continually repair-
ing itself, replacing lost cells and damaged proteins, making new
mitochondria and new molecules, and fixing DNA. Every day your
body gives birth to new cells and tissue—out of necessity. Ultimately
every cell in your body turns over, from skin cells to heart, lung, and
liver cells. Different cells turn over at different times, some faster
than others. Imagine the work involved behind those scenes and
the compromises that must occur when the body lacks the right raw
materials needed for it to function at its optimal level. As the body
ages, it requires an increased quantity of these raw materials, and the
better you are at supplying them, the more successful you will be at
slowing down your aging process.

Conquering Cultural Stress

Fountain of Youth II: What You Put in and on Your Body

It’s no surprise that proper nutrition is one of the keys to good
health, but what’s not commonly understood is that you can maxi-
mize your body’s capacity to heal itself and support production of
robust, healthy, hydrated cells through the foods you put in your
mouth. Providing your body with the right raw materials allows it
to maintain a healthy water balance, stimulate new cell growth, and
repair vital structures. In addition to providing nutrition, we support
our skin’s health; skin, after all, is your largest organ and the first line
of defense against assault from pathogens, UV radiation, chemicals,
and physical impact. Because it’s a visible organ, it’s usually the first
place we find signs of aging.
Although we tend to think of the skin as a separate organ, not
related to anything else, it’s connected to every system in the body—
from your cardiovascular and digestive systems to your immune,
muscular, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic, nervous, urinary, and
skeletal systems. All must work in synergy for total body health. Both
heart and skin, for example, rely on blood veins. This helps explain
why when you get angry, your heart beats faster and your face red-
dens. This interconnectedness between the skin and internal body is
largely forgotten by people who see the skin as a separate entity. It’s
a two-way street. When we damage the skin, we damage our insides.
Similarly, what we experience inside our bodies could have manifes-
tations on the outside. As a dermatologist, I came to understand this
whole-body connectivity early on, leading me to seek more and more
solutions to external skin problems by turning inward and including
systemic factors in skin health.
Looking at skin provides a window into cellular and connective
tissue health throughout your body. The cyclical process of cellular
turnover—the complex phenomenon of tissue growth, repair, and
breakdown—says a lot about how we age. When we think of aging
on the outside, we are really talking about how fast our collagen

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

and elastin—which keep our external skin springy, resilient, and

vibrant—deteriorate over time. Once damaged, these fibers lose
water and become dry and brittle, leading to wrinkles and sagging.
Water, in fact, is lost from every component of the skin, which
explains the difference between a twenty-something’s dewy com-
plexion and your grandmother’s.
Every system in the body is carefully engineered to operate at a
certain balance point for optimal performance. The process through
which this balance is maintained is called homeostasis. When any-
thing goes awry, the body automatically goes to work to correct it and
bring it back to this balance point. This is why you sweat when your
body temperature rises. The sweating cools you off, keeping your body
temperature at an ideal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If tissue is damaged
or injured, your body will innately know that something is out of
alignment and attempt to rebuild it from its components. It’s adept at
rebuilding tissue as long as it has the parts available. Unfortunately,
that is not always the case, ultimately resulting in preventable disease
and premature aging as damage builds up and goes unrepaired.
You also need to provide amino acids, the building blocks for col-
lagen and elastin, which help keep your blood vessels firm and hold
their shape. Briefly, the breakdown of collagen and elastin is respon-
sible for the primary differences in appearance between an old face
and a young face. But internally, the aging of the blood vessels and
heart, sometimes called arterial aging, can be deadly. It’s responsible
for so many age-related diseases that either reduce one’s quality of
life or just cut life short: strokes, heart attacks, memory loss, and a
loss of blood and nutrients to critical organs.
Your body requires nutrients to rehydrate its blood vessels and
to attract wasted water back to them. My program focuses on giving
you what you need for every system in your body to function opti-
mally—from the cellular level up.
Despite what you might think, there are lots of ways to treat the

Conquering Cultural Stress

Your skin, which accounts for 12 to 16 percent of your body’s weight, is

not just your largest organ but also the most interconnected. Poets call
the eyes the windows to the soul, and perhaps they should call the skin
the mirror of your heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Classic examples of
this connection are the yellow tinge the skin takes on when the liver is in
trouble, the red face that can indicate heart trouble, and the edema that
indicates kidney trouble.

skin that will reverse visible signs of aging and help prevent further
decline. These include appropriate topical skincare regimens that you
can follow at home, or with the help of an esthetician at a spa, and
cosmetic medical services—all of which I’ll cover in chapter 5.
Fundamentally, we now know that the key to healthy skin is
found at the cellular level and that a youthful outer layer relies on
optimizing the condition of your outermost cells, which are con-
stantly under siege by the environment. Healthy skin cells that can
function properly and replicate predictably will preserve your health,
hold healthy water in, and ultimately slow down the natural aging
process. People often forget that skin cells need the same constant
supply of water, oxygen, vitamins, and nutrients as every organ and
tissue in the body does. Skin also contains connective tissues that
thirst for attention, just like the connective tissues found in blood
vessels, nerves, joints, tendons, and ligaments.

Fountain of Youth III: The Magic of Movement

The benefits of exercise are well documented, but if I were to ask
you what some of those benefits are, chances are you’d list items like
lower heart rate, stronger cardiovascular system, higher lung capac-
ity, weight management, and so on. Indeed, the advantages of being
fit are plentiful, but here’s one no one mentions or even considers:
lower levels of cultural stress and, at the cellular level, better hydra-
tion. That’s right: in the lab we find that people who maintain a regu-
lar physical exercise program—even just a simple, minimal routine a

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

few times a week—have a higher cellular water content. They are able
to stay hydrated much more easily than a sedentary person. Why?
Muscle—not fat—is the ultimate compartment for cellular water.
It holds much more water than fat does, which also explains why
bioelectrical pulses sent through a body to measure its composition
move quickly through people who carry more muscle than fat. Those
pulses speed through water and trip on fat. How fast those pulses
move determines your fat-to-muscle ratio.
The lesson: the more muscle you have, the better your chance of
supporting cellular water. Exercise ultimately fosters hydration; the
fitter you are, the less water you need to drink. (By the way, this has
nothing to do with “bulking up.” When you build lean muscle, you
melt away fat and uncover a toned, healthy, and hydrated body. No
wonder people glow after exercise!) Being physically active will also
spill into other aspects of your life that honor the Water Principle.
As you shape up, you’ll reach for healthier foods and generally feel
motivated to pay greater attention to your lifestyle habits. You’ll also
be able to combat cultural stress.
Although the power of exercise in reducing stress in general is
well known, here’s something you might not have known: exercise
makes your blood circulate more quickly, transporting the stress hor-
mone (and fat-friendly) cortisol to your kidneys and flushing it out
of your system. Cortisol encourages your body to store fat—espe-
cially dangerous belly fat—which releases fatty acids into your blood,
raising cholesterol and insulin levels and paving the way for heart
disease and diabetes. This is why several studies have shown that
regular exercise can dramatically help control blood sugar and reduce
the risk for metabolic disorders like insulin resistance and type 2
diabetes. One study found walking briskly for a half hour every day
reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 30 percent.11
The physical benefits of exercise are no doubt a powerful force
against the ravages of aging. And on the flip side of the coin,

Conquering Cultural Stress

sedentariness is a destructive force. But if you were to ask me about

the biggest common denominator of all when it comes to living a
vibrant, long life, one that connects all the information I’ve given you
so far, it’s this: combatting cultural stress. I’ve already mentioned
and briefly defined this term, but let’s get up close and personal with
the concept now that you’ve gained a broad understanding of my
healthcare approach and underlying philosophy. It turns out that
combatting cultural stress through the lens of the Water Principle is
the ultimate key to reversing aging—and looking and feeling great.

»  What’s Your Living Age?

I covered a lot of territory in this chapter, and you may be wondering
how it all fits together. I started by talking broadly about happiness
and how, as we get older, we tend to lose that joyful inner zest like
that of a child. It becomes harder to keep a positive attitude given
life’s trials and our exceedingly high expectations of ourselves. The
irony is that as we expect more and more from ourselves and strive
to be perfect, we simultaneously fail to put ourselves first and really
take care of our bodies from the inside out. Stress becomes more of
a challenge to manage, and it shows up in clinical conditions rang-
ing from general anxiety disorders to severe depression. And the
more stress you suffer, the unhappier you feel and the faster you age.
This can be seen generally in one’s overall outer appearance as well
as deeply inside via molecular and cellular signs that the body isn’t
working at optimal capacity—it’s not, as it were, keeping its youth
and “happy genes” turned on.
Then I went on to explain my Water Principle, which is the idea
that aging is directly correlated with the loss of cellular water as your
cells become unable to hold vital water to perform optimally and to
sustain life. When we are young, we naturally have more water in
our cells; as we age we have less. Similarly, when we are happy we
have more water in our cells; when we are sad we have less. Note the

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

relationship: cellular hydration is the key to health, happiness, and

In my clinical work and laboratory studies, I’ve found a parallel
relationship between people’s general contentment and their cellu-
lar water content. Happy people have increased cellular water and
look and feel much younger than their chronological age (as much as
ten years younger). They also are a lot more adept at handling stress,
even when it’s constant and severe at times. Conversely, those who
show signs of advanced aging usually report being dissatisfied with
life, unfulfilled, and unhappy. They let every little stress get to them,
and they typically experience much more cultural stress than the
average person. And when you quantify their cellular water content,
they are indeed “dehydrated.” Their cells are not retaining water, and
therefore are not performing optimally. (Think about it: when you’re
under acute stress, one of the body’s first reactions is to make you
sweat; hence the “sweaty palms” saying. Imagine a similar process
going on at the cellular level. Granted, cells don’t sweat, but when
under stress they can most definitely lose the precious water that
holds the nutrients they need to thrive.)
There’s a reason why happiness can make your skin glow; the con-
nection between our psychological well-being and physical health is
powerful. Picture an ebullient, carefree child (who obviously doesn’t
have a cell phone or an e-mail account yet). She’s young, happy, and
hydrated. Now picture the opposite, an old, grumpy woman who has
no passion for living. She’s no doubt lost cellular water through the
normal process of aging, but her water loss will be significantly greater
than a peer who kept her inner toddler alive and well throughout life.

People who “age well” don’t look their age because they don’t act
their age.

At least twice a week I hear adults in my medical practice complain

that their lives are in a rut—that they feel stuck and have lost the

Conquering Cultural Stress

drive and fun factor that they once had in their youth. Every day is
the same, and even though they may be very active with social media
or busy themselves with a lot of work, at the same time they feel iso-
lated and lonely. It’s as if their lives have lost meaning. Nothing gets
them excited anymore, and their despair and apathy are practically
palpable. Little do they know, however, that a solution exists that has
nothing to do with pharmaceutical drugs and everything to do with
reigniting the playfulness, creativity, and novelty-seeking behavior
of a child. And when they make that change, it’s as if magic happens.
Something literally gets turned on inside as they go from lifeless to
lively. From hopelessness to happiness. From aging fast and losing
cellular water to aging gracefully and using cellular water to promote
health. All of this, in turn, feeds a beautiful cycle of wellness. It is
what I call my Circle of Life.

When new patients go through my program at my health center,

I have them first complete an assessment to determine their Living

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

Age. It’s a way of measuring how their current lifestyle is affecting

how well they are aging. This is an excellent exercise to do, and below
you’ll find the same twenty questions my personal patients answer.
Answer them all truthfully and score yourself.
This is unlike other health tests you may have taken in the past
because it won’t ask you about your cholesterol level or number on
the scale, so don’t panic. Be honest with yourself as you answer these
questions; don’t try to cheat by giving a “right” answer that you think
will boost your score. (i.e., lower your age). There’s no one here but
you and these responses. The more truthfully you answer these,
the better your capacity to transform yourself starting today. Once
you’ve added up the values for all twenty questions, you then add
that to your chronological age. So, if the sum of your answers totals
-5 and you’re forty years old, then your Living Age would be thirty-
five years old. Conversely, if your responses amount to +7, then your
Living Age would be 47.

A Younger You Assessment

What’s Your Living Age?
Use this assessment to determine how you current lifestyle is affect-
ing how well you are aging.
1. When I tell people my real age, they are
A. amazed—since I look younger
B. not surprised—since I look as old as I am
C. trying not to admit I look older than I really am
2. People would describe me as
A. rigid and set in my ways
B. someone who sets reasonable boundaries
C. a pushover
3. I use sunscreen
A. rarely—since my skin doesn’t burn

Conquering Cultural Stress

B. when I plan to be in the sun

C. every day
4. I have _____ close friends (or family members if you have
a close relationship)
A. 0–2
B. 3–4
C. 5+
5. Of those friends, I see _____ on a regular basis
A. none of them
B. 1–2 of them
C. all of them
6. I think of manicures, pedicures, and massages as
A. a necessity
B. a luxury
C. something I wish I had time for
7. The most important person in the world is
A. a family member or other loved one
b. me
C. I can’t decide
8. I splurge on tasty treats
A. never
B. about 20 percent of the time
C. pretty much whenever I get the chance
9. I exercise
A. rarely—if at all
B. 3–4 times per week; I do something I enjoy like bike
riding, gardening, golfing, of dancing
C. 5 or more times each week
10. The last time I did something fun and spontaneous was
A. yesterday

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

B. earlier this year

C. I don’t remember
11. I spend ________ of my time in the sun each week
A. more than 40 percent
B. 30–40 percent
C. 20 percent or less
12. When thinking about the next chapter in my life, I am
A. excited and looking forward to whatever life brings
B. terrified—because I worry about the future
C. I don’t really think about it or care
13. My daily skin treatment consists of
A. a cleanser, a moisturizer, treatments, and sunscreen
B. usually just a cleanser and a moisturizer
C. I don’t have a daily skin treatment
14. I check my e-mail
A. every time it dings
B. every couple of hours
C. only during working hours
15. I eat _____ servings of fruits and vegetables each day
A. 4 or more
B. 2–3
C. 0
16. The nutritional supplements I take include
A. a multivitamin or other supplement
B. a multivitamin plus additional supplements
C. I don’t take any supplements
17. I eat red meat
A. very rarely, when I’m craving it
B. never
C. pretty much every day

Conquering Cultural Stress

18. I experience stress

A. chronically—it’s never-ending
B. more times than I’d like to admit
C. only occasionally
19. When I feel stressed, I
A. react with anger
B. retreat within myself
C. take a deep breath and take it all in
20. I make time for a hobby or do something I love
A. every day
B. once a week
C. I don’t know
Your Living Age tells you whether the way you live and the choices
you make are adding years to or subtracting years from your real age.
Scoring: In the table below, circle your answer for each question
and write the value on the line. Add up the twenty values to calculate
your Living Age.
1. A=-1, B=0, C=+1 _________
2. A=0, B=-1, C=+1 _________
3. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
4. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
5. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
6. A=-1, B=+1, C=0 _________
7. A=0, B=-1, C=+1 _________
8. A=0, B=-1, C=+1 _________
9. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
10. A=-1, B=0, C=+1 _________
11. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
12. A=-1, B=+1 C=0 _________
13. A=-1, B=0, C=+1 _________
14. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________

The Mystery of Happiness and the Wonder of Water

15. A=-1, B=0, C=+1 _________

16. A=0, B=-1, C=+1 _________
17. A=0, B=-1, C=+1 _________
18. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
19. A=+1, B=0, C=-1 _________
20. A=-1, B=0, C=+1 _________
YOUR LIVING AGE: _________

»  Turning on Your Happy Genes

You can’t change the fact that you will age, but by striving to main-
tain a happy, youthful attitude and youthful levels of cellular hydra-
tion, you can actually enjoy the aging process. This theory explains
the disparity in apparent age between two people of the same age.
The closer a person mirrors the fully hydrated state and happy care-
free attitude of a toddler, the younger he or she will look and feel—
and truly embracing the inclusive health lifestyle puts you back in
touch with the toddler in you. Indeed, you can flip the switch on
those happy genes—the genes that relate with increased longevity
and psychological well-being. And the key, as you’re about to find
out, is to conquer cultural stress.


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