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Davao New Town Development Corporation

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 Subject of controversy: 2 parcels of land (4.9964 ha and 2.4474 ha) in Catalunan

Pequeño, Davao City originally registered in the name of Atty. Eugenio Mendiola
 5 Feb 1998 – Respondents Spouses Saliga and Spouses Ehara filed before
the Office of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (PARAD) in Davao City a
complaint for injunction, cancellation of titles and damages against Davao New
Town Dev Corp
 13 Feb 1998 – They amended their complaint claiming that they and their parents,
from whom they took over the cultivation of the landholding, had been tenants of
the property as early as 1965. That they and Eugenio (Deceased) executed a five
year lease contract claiming that the instrument was actually a device Eugenio used
to evade the land reform law.
 Respondents also argued that pursuant to PD 27, they as tenants, were deemed
owners of the property beginning 21 Oct 1972, the act’s effectivity date thus the
subsequent transfer of the Property to Davao New Town was not valid
 Respondents also claimed that Davao New Town could not have been a buyer in
good faith because it did not verify whether the property was tenanted or not
tenanted prior to its purchase. They likewise submitted tax declarations evidencing
that the property was agricultural as of 1985

 DAVAO NEW TOWN alleged that it purchased the property in good faith from
Paz Flores and Elizbeth Nepumuceno in 1995. That the alleged tenancy
relationship between the respodents and Eugenio had already expired when the
lease contract expired on 1986.

 DAVAO NEW TOWN also claimed that prior to the sale, the Zoning
Administratior confirmed that the property was classified as agricultural. And that
the property had already been classified to be within an “urban/urbanizing zone”
in the “1979-2000 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Davao City” that was duly
adopted by the City Council of Davao and approved by HLURB.


o Davao New Town was ordered to pay the spouses Saliga sum of 20,000 and
Ehara 15,000 as disturbance compensation and to allocate to each of the
respondent spouses a 150 square meter homelot.
o PARAD acknowledged that the respondents were tenants of the property, it
nevertheless ruled that the property had already been reclassified from
agricultural to non-agri uses prior to 15 June 1988, the date when RA 6657
CARL took effect. Thus, since RA 6657 covers only agri lands, the property
fell outside its coverage.
 Pending resolution of the appeal before the DARAB, DNTDC filed
before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities(MTCC) of Davao City a
complaint for unlawful detainer against Demetrio Ehara, Jr., Reynaldo
Saliga and Liza Saliga, the children of respondent spouses Ehara and
spouses Saliga. DNTDC claimed that it owned the 2.5574-hectare portion of the
property which the respondents children had been occupying by its mere tolerance.
Despite its repeated demands, the respondents children refused to vacate and
continued to illegally occupy it.
 In their answer, the respondents children raised the issue of lack of
jurisdiction, arguing that the case involved an agrarian dispute. They
contended that the law considers them immediate members of the farm
household, to whom R.A. No. 3844 and R.A. No. 6657 extend tenurial security.
Thus, they claimed that they, as tenants, were entitled to continue occupying the
disputed portion.
 On December 20, 2000, the MTCC rendered its decision granting the
DNTDCs complaint and ordering the respondents children to vacate
the 2.5574-hectare portion of the property. The MTCC ruled that the
respondents children were not tenants of the property because they
failed to prove that their stay on the premises was by virtue of a tenancy
agreement and because they had been occupying portions different from their
parents landholding. The MTCC also ruled that the 2.5574- hectare portion
was no longer agricultural and was thus removed from the coverage of
R.A. No. 6657.
 The respondent children filed before the RTC a petition for
Prohibition against DNTDC to enjoin the execution of the MTCC
decision. They repeated the defenses and allegations in their pleading before the
 On November 29, 2001, the respondents children and DNTDC entered into
a compromise agreement. The respondents children undertook to
voluntarily and peacefully vacate the 2.5574 -hectare portion of the
property and to remove and demolish their respective houses built on
its premises, while DNTDC agreed to give each of them the amount of
₱20,000.00 as financial assistance The RTC approved the compromise
agreement in its December 7, 2001 decision.
 In its decision of January 12, 2001, the DARAB reversed and set aside the
PARADs ruling. The DARAB ordered DNTDC and all persons acting in
its behalf to respect and maintain the respondents in the peaceful
possession and cultivation of the property, and the Municipal Agrarian
Reform Officer (MARO) to enjoin the DNTDC from disturbing and/or
molesting the respondents in their peaceful possession and cultivation
of it.
 As the PARAD did, the DARAB declared that a tenancy relationship
existed between Eugenio and the respondents, which was not extinguished
by the expiration of the five-year term stated in their lease contracts.
Thus, when DNTDC purchased the property, it had been subrogated to the rights
and obligations of the previous landowner pursuant to the provisions of R.A. No.
 Unlike the PARAD, however, the DARAB was not convinced that the
property had already been reclassified to non-agricultural uses so as to
remove it from the coverage of R.A. No. 6657. With Administrative Order
No. 5, series of 1994 as basis, the DARAB held that the alleged reclassification of
the property did not and could not have divested the respondents of their rights as
deemed owners under P.D. No. 27. The DARAB also pointed out that while Davao
City Ordinance No. 363, series of 1982 (adopting the Comprehensive Development
Plan of Davao City), reclassified the property to be within the
urban/urbanizing zone, the DNTDC did not submit the required
certifications from the HLURB, adopting the zoning ordinance, and
from the DAR, approving the conversion to make the reclassification
 When the DARAB denied the DNTDCs motion for reconsideration in its
August 28, 2003 resolution,the DNTDC elevated the case to the CA via
a petition for review.
 In its March 28, 2006 decision, the CA affirmed the DARAB decision. The CA
similarly declared that the tenancy relationship established between the
respondents and Eugenio was not extinguished by the expiration of the five-year
term of their lease contracts or by the subsequent transfer of the property to
DNTDC. The CA noted that both the DARAB and the PARAD arrived at the same
findings and that the DNTDC impliedly admitted in its pleadings the existence of
the tenancy relationship.
 The CA was also convinced that the property was still agricultural and
was, therefore, covered by R.A. No. 6657. While the CA conceded that the
conversion of the use of lands that had been reclassified as residential, commercial
or industrial, prior to the effectivity of R.A. No. 6657, no longer requires the DARs
approval, the CA pointed out that the landowner must first comply with
certain pre-conditions for exemption and/or conversion. Among other
requirements, the landowner must secure an exemption clearance from the DAR.
This exemption clearance shall be issued after the landowner files the
certifications issued by the deputized zoning administrator, stating
that the land had been reclassified, and by the HLURB, stating that it
had approved the pertinent zoning ordinance, with both the
reclassification and the approval carried out prior to June 15, 1988.
 In this case, the CA held that DNTDC failed to secure and present any
exemption clearance. The CA also pointed out that: (1) Davao City Ordinance
No. 363, series of 1982, adopting the Comprehensive Development Plan of Davao
City did not substantially show that it had reclassified the property from
agricultural to non-agricultural uses; (2) DNTDC failed to submit during the
proceedings before the PARAD and the DARAB the HLURB certification allegedly
approving Davao City Ordinance No. 363, series of 1982; (3) while DNTDC
attached to its motion for reconsideration of the DARABs decision a certification
from the HLURB stating that by resolution (Resolution No. R-39 -4) dated July 31,
1980, it approved the Comprehensive Development Plan, yet at the time of the
alleged HLURB approval, the pertinent zoning ordinance - Davao City Ordinance
No. 363, series of 1982 - adopting such plan had not yet been enacted; and (4) the
HLURB certification that DNTDC presented referred to a parcel of land subject of
another case.
 DNTDC filed the present petition after the CA denied its motion for
reconsideration in the CAs September 5, 2006 resolution. Hence, the present


 Whether or not the property had been reclassified from agricultural to non-
agricultural uses prior to June 15, 1988 so as to remove it from the coverage of R.A.
No. 6657
 Whether or not an agricultural leasehold or tenancy relationship exists between
DNTDC and the respondents
 Whether or not the compromise agreement signed by the respondents’ children in
the RTC case binds the respondents



The property had been reclassified to non-agricultural uses and was,

therefore, already outside the coverage of the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law (CARL) after it took effect on July 15, 1988.

Also, there is the power of the local government units to reclassify lands from
agricultural to non-agricultural uses; the DAR approval is not required.

Indubitably, the City Council of Davao City has the authority to adopt zoning resolutions
and ordinances. Under Section 3 of R.A. No. 2264 (the then governing Local
Government Code), municipal and/or city officials are specifically
empowered to adopt zoning and subdivision ordinances or regulations in
consultation with the National Planning Commission.



In Solmayor v. Arroyo, the Court outlined the essential requisites of a tenancy

relationship, all of which must concur for the relationship to exist, namely:

1. The parties are the landowner and the tenant;

2. The subject is agricultural land;
3. There is consent;
4. The purpose is agricultural production;
5. There is personal cultivation; and
6. There is sharing of harvests.

The absence of any of these requisites does not make an occupant a cultivator,
or a planter, a de jure tenant. Consequently, a person who is not a de jure tenant is
not entitled to security of tenure nor covered by the land reform program of the
government under any existing tenancy laws.

In this case, we hold that no tenancy relationship exists between DNTDC, as the
owner of the property, and the respondents, as the purported tenants; the
second essential requisite as outlined above the subject is agricultural land
is lacking. To recall, the property had already been reclassified as non-agricultural land.
Accordingly, the respondents are not de jure tenants and are, therefore, not entitled to
the benefits granted to agricultural lessees under the provisions of P.D. No. 27, in relation
to R.A. No. 6657.

Whether the leasehold relationship between the respondents and Eugenio had been
established by virtue of the provisions of R.A. No. 3844 or of the five-year lease contract
executed in 1981, this leasehold relationship had been terminated with the
reclassification of the property as non- agricultural land in 1982. The
expiration the five-year lease contract in 1986 could not have done more than simply
finally terminate any leasehold relationship that may have prevailed under the terms of
that contract. Consequently, when the DNTDC purchased the property in 1995,
there was no longer any tenancy relationship that could have subrogated the
DNTDC to the rights and obligations of the previous owner. We, therefore,
disagree with the findings of the CA, as it affirmed the DARAB that a tenancy relationship
exists between DNTDC and the respondents.


Respondent’s argument that the compromise agreement of Demetrio Ehara Jr and Liza
entered into with DNTDC on Nov 29, 2001 and approved by RTC on Dec 7, 2001 does not
and cannot bind then as they are different from the former is valid.

As the respondents have well pointed out and contrary to DNTDCs position, this
similarity in their last names or familial relationship cannot automatically
bind the respondents to any undertaking that their children in the RTC case
had agreed to. This is because DNTDC has not shown that the respondents had
expressly or impliedly acquiesced to their children's undertaking; that the respondents
had authorized the latter to bind them in the compromise agreement; or that the
respondents' cause of action in the instant case arose from or depended on those of their
children in the cases before the MTCC and the RTC. Moreover, the respondents'
children and DNTDC executed the compromise agreement in the RTC case
with the view of settling the controversy concerning only the issue of physical
possession over the disputed 2.5574-hectare portion subject of the ejectment
case before the MTCC.
The issues involved in the cases before the MTCC and the RTC are different
from the issues involved in the present case. In the ejectment case before the
MTCC, the sole issue was possession de Jure, while in the prohibition case before the
RTC, the issue was the propriety of the execution of the decision of the MTCC in the
ejectment case. In contrast, the issues in the present controversy that originated
from the PARAD boil down to the respondents' averred rights, as tenants of
the property.

Therefore, whatever decision that the MTCC in the ejectment case arrived at,
which was limited to possession de Jure of the disputed 2.5574-hectare
portion of the property, could not have affected any right that the
respondents may have had, as tenants, over the property. Consequently, any
agreement that the respondents' children had entered into in the RTC case
could not have bound the respondents in the present controversy as the
respondents' claim over the property and their alleged right to continue in
its possession clearly go beyond mere possession de Jure, whether of the
2.5574-hectare portion of the property that was subject of the ejectment case
before the MTCC or of the entire property in the present case.

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