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Individual Differences in Foreign Language Learning

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1. Aptitude
— most aptitude tests predict success in L2 academic classrooms
—aptitude breaks down into different factors such as memory and
grammatical sensitivity

Language aptitude has a long history in language teaching. The most significant development
was (and is) the development of the Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT), (Carroll and
Sapon 1959). This device has theoretical and practical importance. Theoretically, it represents
Carroll's views of four aptitude components. These are phonemic coding ability, the capacity to
code sounds so that they can be retained for more than a few seconds; grammatical sensitivity,
the capacity to identify the functions that words fulfill in sentences; inductive language
learning ability, the capacity to take a corpus of material in a target language and make
generalizations from that material; and associative memory, a capacity to form links between
native and foreign language words. Practically, the MLAT represents a method of assessing
foreign language aptitude, although it is now hardly used. (Other aptitude batteries, e.g. PLAB,
DLAB, and CANAL-F also exist) Since the development of the MLAT, most aptitude research has
focused on specific aptitude components, with particular attention having been paid to
memory, both long term and working. Other research has explored the role aptitude plays in
formal and informal learning contexts, and in matching (and mismatching) students with
appropriate methodologies. Most recently, there have been elaborations of the connections
between aptitude and second language acquisition.

2. Cognitive style: a person's typical ways of thinking, seen as a continuum

between field-dependent (FD) cognitive style in which thinking relates to
context and field-independent (FI) style in which it is independent of

Cognitive and Learning Styles concern the ways learners prefer to acquire and represent
language. Such styles contrast with aptitude, in that aptitude is seen as more of an invariant
attribute, whereas styles imply scope for malleability. There is also the possibility that different
styles may contrast with one another, but each style may have its own advantages. The major
style difference which has influenced the language learning field is the field independent vs.
field dependent contrast. The former style implies people who are analytic, breaking down
(learning) problems into component parts. Field dependents are holistic in comparison, and
treat a learning problem as a "gestalt". Such people are also supposed to be more person-
oriented and warm. This opposition has influenced a number of studies in language learning.
Research suggests that only the field independent style correlates (moderately) with language
learning success. Possibly there is a need to broaden the concept to go beyond simply style of
cognitive processing, and also incorporate broader learning orientations. But the area is one of
promise, rather than realized achievement.

3. Extrovert and introvert: people’s personalities vary between those who

relate to objects outside themselves (extroverts) and those who relate to
the contents of their own minds (introverts)
4. Intelligence: links between intelligence and aptitude in classrooms

Learning Strategies research is at something of a crossroads (again). Early work suggested that
learners use strategies extensively, and held out the promise that identifying the strategies
used by good language learners would enable them to be taught to less successful learners, and
more successful learning would result. This early promise was not fulfilled, and major research
effort was devoted to establishing taxonomies of strategies, rather than to studies examini ng
the impact of training. The taxonomy approach did not lead to significant progress. The key
issue with strategies seems to be the operation of metacognitive strategies - what distinguishes
good learners is their capacity to use appropriate strategies and to select the most effective
strategy for a particular learning problem. Most recently of all, the second language field has
come to recognize that the broader psychological literature has moved on from a concern with
learning strategies, and now prefers to use the term "self-regulation". It remains to be seen
what impact this switch of emphasis will have on the second language field.

5. Sex differences: Male and female have different takes on learning a new
language, i.e. carefulness, politeness etc.
6. Level of first language (L1) influence
7. Motivation and L2 learning

—both integrative and instrumental motivations may lead to success, but

lack of either causes problems
—motivation in this sense has great inertia
—short-term motivation towards the day-to-day activities in the classroom
and general motivations for classroom learning are also important

Motivation has been the other major area for research into individual differences. The most
influential approach has been that due to Robert Gardner. Originally, Gardner distinguished
between two motivational orientations, integrative and instrumental. The former concerns
learners who want to learn a language to "enter" the community of its speakers, while the
latter regards language as a potential tool which may simply be useful. Gardner has researched
this orientation distinction extensively, and developed complex s ocial psychological models to
account for data, in a wide range of situations, as well as an assessment procedure. The
approach has received some criticism, but has nonetheless dominated the field until recently.
In the last decade or so, there have been some major challenges to the Gardner model,
suggesting it is not sufficiently dynamic and rooted in classroom situations.

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