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Polyguard 600 Coatings

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600 Series Coating Systems

Cold Applied Pipeline Coating for Hand Application

laminated protective coatings. The primary corrosion
coating material is a rubberized bitumen coating, bonded
to a white polyethylene film. For products that conform
easily, Polyguard coatings have exceptional adhesion
and mechanical strength. The coatings are supplied in
rolls for easy application on all sizes of pipe.
POLYGUARD 600 LIQUID ADHESIVE is a fast drying,
rubber based materials in a solvent solution. It is
available in solvent systems that will conform to most
local VOC requirements.
hand application for coating and wrapping of station
piping, field joints, repairs on mill coated pipe, gas distri- 600 Series Coating applied on a rehabilitation project.
bution, and for reconditioning of older lines.

! Excellent cathodic disbondment resistance.
! Uniform factory controlled thickness.
! Damaged coating areas can be repaired quickly and easily.
! Excellent resistance to water or vapor transmission.
! Resistant to deterioration from acids and alkalis encountered in normal soil.
! Excellent ability at the lap to resist infiltration of moisture.
! Elastomeric properties to accommodate normal expansion and contraction of the substrate.
! Easy to apply.
! Excellent peel adhesion.


Nominal Coating Thickness ASTM D 1000 35 mils (.89 mm) 50 mils (1.27mm)
Nominal Film Thickness ASTM D 1000 10 mils (.25mm) 10 mils (.25mm)
Tensile Strength ASTM D 882-B 22.5 lb./in/width (4.0 kg./cm.width) 22.5 lb./in/width (4.0 kg./cm.width)
Elongation at Break ASTM D 882-B 400% 400%
Dielectric Strength ASTM D 149 >12 KV >12 KV
Low Temperature Flex at 0EF. (-17.8EC) ASTM D 146 No Cracking No Cracking
Adhesion to Primed Steel ASTM D 1000 17.0 lb./in. width (3.0 kg./cm. width) 17.0 lb./in.width (3.0 kg./cm. width)
Adhesion to Overlap ASTM D 1000 14.0 lb./in. width (2.4 kg./cm. width) 14.0 lb./in. width (2.4 kg./cm. width)
Cathodic Disbondment ASTM G 8 < 5.0 mm avg. < 5.0 mm avg.
2 2 2 2
Water Vapor Transmission Rate ASTM E 96 .032 grains/hr/ft (.036 g/h-m ) .032 grains/hr/ft (.036 g/h-m )
Water Absorption ASTM D 570 <.1% <.1%
Temperature Ranges: ! At Application 25EF. to 110EF (-4E to 43E C)
! In Service -25EF. to 130EF (-32E to 54E C)

This Information is based on our best knowledge, but

POLYGUARD cannot guarantee the results to be obtained.
Polyguard has been ISO 9000 certified
since 1996. Current certifications are:

POLYGUARD PRODUCTS, INC • ENNIS, TEXAS 75120-0755 - American Natl. Standards Institute
- Dutch Council for Certification

PH: 214-515-5000 • 800-541-4994 • FAX: 972-875-9425

- Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat

Web Site:


Handling Materials: Polyguard coatings and liquid adhesives should be hauled and stored in such a manner as to prevent injury to the packages.
All packages and rolls should be stored in a dry place, kept from contact with earth and protected from weather. It is recommended that the tape and
liquid adhesive be transported in warmed vehicles and stored in heated buildings during cold weather. Although the coating can be utilized at lower
temperatures, to maximize the quality application characteristics of the coating system, coating and liquid adhesives should be maintained at a tem-
perature of 45EF (7EC) or higher at times of application.

Surface Preparation: The pipe shall be cleaned of all paint, oil and grease, mill scale, loose rust, welding residue, knurls, frost, dust, moisture,
weeds, and other foreign matter. Where feasible and practical, the surface can be blast cleaned to a NACE No. 3 finish. Where mill coated pipe is
involved, the liquid adhesive and coating should be applied to the girth weld, starting on top of the mill coating, at least 1" back from the edges of the
mill coating.
Liquid Adhesive Application: Polyguard liquid adhesive should be applied at an average rate of 400 sq. ft. per gallon (10m /liter). Stir liquid
adhesive before using. Apply with brush or roller to clean and dry pipe surface. DO NOT THIN POLYGUARD LIQUID ADHESIVE. In cold weather,
store inside prior to use.

Wrapping: Polyguard coating systems can be applied by spiral wrapping. The release sheet is to be removed immediately prior to the application.
The bitumen surface of the coating shall be applied to the dry liquid adhesive. In spiral wrapping, a minimum of 1" (25.44 mm) lap shall be maintained.
In areas designated by the owner as critical, overlap may be increased to 50%. Critical areas are determined by pipe diameter, weight of the pipe,
type of backfill soil and the severity of soil stress conditions.

Where larger diameter pipe is involved or where soil stress conditions exist, it is advisable to over wrap the applied coating systems with Polyguard
SP6 Outerwrap or other suitable outerwrap material.

Polyguard 600 Series Coatings should be applied with enough tension to eliminate any air pockets and also to conform to the weld bead area and

Coating Repairs: The pipe and mill coating surface shall be clean and dry. Remove all loose or damaged coating around the holiday with a draw
knife or other sharp hand tool. Feather edge the mill coating. Prime the pipe and adjacent coating area 2" wider than the repair coating. Either
cigarette wrap or spiral wrap the repair coating to cover the entire holiday area, plus at least 2" of mill coating on either side of the damage area.
Small pinholes may be patched by a single cigarette wrap over the coated pipe surface. The end laps should be at least 4". A postage stamp patch
may be substituted for the complete cigarette wrap around the pipe when dry sandy or loam soil is used as backfill material. Patches are not
recommended when backfill consists of large wet or dry dirt clods that could dislodge the patch from the pipe surface as the backfill settles.

Lowering-in: The pipe should be inspected immediately before lowering in. Polyguard 600 Series Coating Systems shall be holiday detected with an
adjustable electronic detector at a maximum voltage in accord with the following formula:
V = /T x 1250, where V = Voltage, and T = Coating thickness, in mils

Excess voltage will break down the dielectric strength of the coating. Care should be taken to use the minimum voltage setting to locate defects in the
coating system. Follow instructions of holiday equipment manufacturer.

Backfilling: Take care in backfilling to avoid sharp rocks or other material in backfill that would damage and penetrate the coating. In areas of rough
backfill, suitable rock shielding shall be provided to protect the coating from backfill damage.


The liquid adhesive is an industrial coating and would be harmful or fatal if swallowed. It is marked as red label from the standpoint of flash point.
Prohibit flames, sparks, welding and smoking during application. Solvents could be irritating to the eyes. In case of contact with eyes, flush with water
and contact physician.

Avoid prolonged contact with skin and breathing of vapor or spray mist from liquid adhesive. In confined areas, use adequate forced ventilation, fresh
air masks, explosion proof equipment, and clean clothing.

This material is sold by Polyguard Products, Inc. only for the purposes described in this literature. Any other use of the products is the responsibility of
the purchaser and Polyguard Products does not warrant nor will be responsible for any misuse of these products. Polyguard Products will replace
material not meeting our published specifications within one year from date of sale.


All Polyguard Products Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and precautionary labels should be read and understood by all user supervisory
personnel and employees before using. Purchaser is responsible for complying with all applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations covering
use, health, safety, and disposal of the product.


None required.

Technical Service:

Polyguard Products Inc.

Ennis, Texas 75120-0755
PH: 214.515.5000
FAX: 972.875.9425
x.xl.pipeline.600 Series Data R. 1-10-08

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