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Agrani Bank HRM

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The theoretical knowledge and practical training is not the same theme. The theoretical knowledge is
fulfilled when it can be used in the practical field. The goal of internship is to apply one’s theoretical
knowledge in practical fields. Thus internship is a pragmatic application of knowledge and achieving
practical experience by engaging oneself in different and distinct sectors of work. That is why the
internship program is also included in the curriculum of MBA in BRAC University, which is undertaken in
different organization of the country. I have also completed my internship program at the Agrani Bank
Limited, Kamlapur branch, Motijheel, Dhaka. There I practically gain knowledge of this institution and I
discussed with the different Officers about my internship. They help me to know about human resource
planning and practice. Concept of internship: Internship is a process to achieve practical knowledge
about some theoretical lesson. Actually internship means having a practical knowledge from a real field
of work. The part “Internship” indicates practical training in any real field where theoretical knowledge
is practically applied. Internship help to become aware of how practical practice deviates from
theoretical principles. Thus internship program expands both the theoretical and the practical
knowledge of the participants. Objectives Of The Study: As a partial fulfillment of the Master’s of
Business Administration internship is a requirement at the end of the completion of all the credit
courses. The main purpose is to be familiar with the real world situation and practical experience in a
business firm. Commercial bank, especially Private Bank is one of the important business sectors in
Bangladesh. Agrani Bank Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in the govt. sector, which is focused on
the established and emerging markets of Bangladesh. The purpose of this study is to earn a real life
practical experience on Banking System • To achieve the difference between theoretical and practical
knowledge to have an exposure on the human resource function of Agrani Bank Ltd • To determine the
steps involved with HRM • To determine the roles of HRM • To identify the type of system is in HRM. •
To forecast the effectiveness of HRM. .

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Methodology of The study:

Sources of data The study is based on primary and secondary sources of data. Data have been collected
from office records, discussions with employees and from different paper circulars and annual report of
Agrani Bank Ltd. For the report preparation, concepts and techniques are gathered from bank manuals
and relevant books. Primary data I gathered primary data from the customers and some employees . I
provided questionnaire to those customers and employees who were interested in participating in the
survey. Secondary data Annual reports of Agrani Bank, online articles /website of Agrani bank ltd.
Research Design My research is a Descriptive research. I have selected this topic and at first make an
exploratory research. I just collected data and made the report. Survey method I collect a detailed
questionnaire for my survey. I have collected the data both from secondary source and primary source
Scope of the Report This report shows details about Agrani Bank Ltd and its Human resourse
management. This study also identify customer acceptance level in banking considering key dimensions
such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles.
Limitations of the Study:

Secrecy or confidentiality is a crucial matter in this organization. As an intern it was not possible
to reach those secret topics. Not able to collect information from all the Employee & clients. Limited
service hour. It was difficult to find out the gap between rules and regulations and real life practice. So,
I went under a huge stress to find out those matters. Banking employees are very busy. Sometimes it
seems hard to get their attention Lack of published relevant documents Lack of website information
to reach on any nice ending. Facing hassle also to make communication with employees of the


History of Agrani Bank Ltd. • Agrani Bank Limited Type- Public Limited Company . • Industry- Banking
Financial services • Founded -March 26, 1972. • Headquarters- Dilkusha . • Commercial area- Dhaka,
Bangladesh . • Area served -Bangladesh . • Key –people-Chairman • Products Finance and insurance
Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking, Investment Management • Net income Tk
264.6 crore (US$ 38.35 million) • Employees -13,269 • Website

Agrani Bank is a state-owned commercial bank of Bangladesh established in 1972 .Its headquarter is
situated at Motijheel in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It started functioning as nationalized
commercial bank taking over assets and liabilities of the erstwhile Habib Bank ltd and commerce Bank
ltd. functioning in the East Pakistan. It has been privatized on15th November 2007 and emerged as
Agrani Bank Limited (ABL) taking over assets, liability and goodwill of Agrani Bank. The authorized capital
of the Bank is Tk. 800 crore.Agrani Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 867 outlets
strategically located in almost all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange
Houses and hundreds of overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on May
17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of the Agrani
Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after the emergence of
Bangladesh as an independent state. Agrani Bank Limited started functioning as a going concern basis
through a Vendors Agreement signed between the ministry of finance, Government of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh on behalf of the former Agrani Bank and the Board of Directors of Agrani Bank
Limited on November 15, 2007with retrospective effect from01 July, 2007. Principal Activities: The
Principal Activities of the bank is:

a) To facilitate and handle all kinds of commercial banking services to its Customers authorized by
Bangladesh Bank. b) To perform Government Treasury functions and also act as an agent of
Bangladesh Bank.

c) The export and import trade of Bangladesh with other countries under various agreements.

d) International Banking.


To become the best leading state owned commercial bank of Bangladesh operating at international level
of efficiency, quality, sound management customer service and strong liquidity.

To operate ethically and fairly within the stringent framework set our regulators and to assimilate ideas
and lessons from best practices to improve our business policies and procedures to the benefit of our
customer and employees.

Motto To adopt and adapt to modern approaches to stand supreme in the banking arena of
Bangladesh with global presence.

Strategic Objective of Agrani Bank:

Winning at least 6.50 percent share of deposits and 5.50 percent share of loans and advance of
Bangladesh market. Gaining competitive advantage by lowering overall cost compared to that of
competitors. Overtaking competitors by proving quality customer service. Achieving technological
leadership among the peer group. Strengthening the Bank’s brand recognition. Contributing towards
the economic well-being of the country by focusing particularly on SME and agricultural Sectors.
Strengthening research capability for innovative products. Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality
products that support divergent needs of people aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the
stakeholders and contributing towards socio-economic development of the country.

Management of Agrani Bank:

Management hierarchy of Agrani Bank is given blow:

Agrani Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 13(thirteen) members headed by a
chairman. The Bank is headed by the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer; Managing Director is
assisted by Deputy Managing Directors and General Managers. The bank has 11 Circle offices, 34
Divisions in head office, 62 zonal offices and 905 branches including 27 corporate and 40 AD( authorized
dealer) branches. Organ gram

Corporatization has necessitated the bank to restructure its Organ gram in force. As such existing
positions, portfolios and functional jurisdictions of GMs, DGMs and heads of zones will be reframed or
re-designated. In order to run the gamut of the bank’s activities mire efficiently and effectively, some
divisions under head office will be merged together and some new ones will also be established.
Proposed Organ gram For Agrani Bank Limited The organization have carried their business by using 7
Circle offices, 30 Divisions in head office, 52 zonal offices and 867 branches including 10 corporate and
40 AD (authorized dealer) branches. From the propose Organ gram I have omitted the divisional practice
organ gram for head office. In the organ gram the Head office works for basically works for planning
through strategic view and making decision to match with mission, vision, motto and credo. For other
offices to gather information and analyzing those according to various factor such as; demography,
gender etc. toward subordinate offices. It can create better practice a participative management. From
Head offices planning the other offices follow that and try implement in the rural area.

Human Resource Management:

Human resource management involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect or
influence the people, or human resources, who work for the organization. In recent years, increased
attention has been devoted to how organizations manage Human Resources. This increased attention
comes from the realization that an organization’s employees enable an organization to achieve its goals
and the management of these human resources is critical to an organization’s success. 3.1 Functions of
HRM: Planning for Organization, Jobs and People Strategic Human Resources Human Resources
Planning Job Analysis Acquiring Human Resources EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Recruiting
Selection Building performance Human Resources Development Human Resources Approaches to
improving Competitiveness Rewarding employees Performance Appraisal Compensation and Benefits
Maintaining Human Resources Safety and Health Labor Relation Employment Transitions Managing
Multinational HRM 3.2 Importance of HRM: Today, professionals in the human resources area are
important elements in the success of any organization. There jobs require a new level of sophistication
that is unprecedented in human resources management. Not surprisingly, their status in the
organization has also been elevated. Even the name has changed. Although the terms personal and
human resources management are frequently used interchangeably, it is important to note that the two
connote quite different aspects. Once a single individual heading the personal function, today the
human resource department head may be a vice president sitting on executive boards, and participating
in the development of the overall organizational strategy.


Human Resource Management refers to the practices and policies one need to carry out the people or
personnel aspects of one’s management job. These include:

Conducting job analysis (determining the nature of each employee’s job)

Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidate.

Selecting job candidates

Orienting and training new employees

Managing wages and salaries (determining how to compensate employees)

Providing incentives and benefits

Appraising performance

Communicating (interviewing, counseling, disciplining)

Training and development

Building employee commitment.

Human Resource Management and Development

We treat our human resource as an instrument for development. Our workforce is the prime factor of
our success. Following Corporatisation , the Bank’s key strategy is to set a new standard towards the full
range of exploration and development of our human resources, in 2007 , we concentrated more on
quality, efficiency, creativity and professionalism in our human resources . The promotion criteria were
revised in 2007 and as many as 1248 employees from different grades were promoted. Of them, 34
became DGMs, 77 AGMs, 163 SPOs and the remaining 974 in other grades.

4.1 Human Resource Planning:

Have collected Human resource planning is concerned with the flow of people into, through, and out of
an organization. HR planning involves anticipating the need for labor and the supply of labor and then
planning the programs necessary to ensure that the organization will have the right mix of employees
and skills when and where they are needed.

4.2 Manpower planning and Career Development

Headcount at the end of 2007 was 11345, comprising 6358 officers and 4987 staff members.
Rationalization of manpower continues as part of the employee productivity enhancement
programmed. Under the World Bank Enterprise Growth and Bank Modernization Project, immediate
appointments of consultants with the rank and status of General Manager for credit, Audit, Information
Technology and Accounting are now under active consideration.123 security guards from 4 companies
were appointed to Head Office and different zones. The policy of out-sourcing for non-core activities will
continue in 2008 as and when required. Major changes have been made in the criteria for promotion,
especially for promotion to the rank of Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager.
Although recognition of seniority continued an increased weight age was given to proven
professionalism and the candidate’s future potential.

4.3 Human Resource Demand:

Once HR planners have collected information from both internal and external sources, they forecast the
demand for labor. How many and what type of people will be needed to carry out the organization’s
plans in the future? These forecasts are grounded in information about the past and present and in
assumptions about the future. Different methods of forecasting the demand for labor require different
assumptions. Some of the more common assumptions are that past trends and relationships among
variables will hold up in the future; that the productivity ratio is constant (or follows a known pattern) as
the number of units produced increases; and that the business plans of the organization, sales forecasts,
and so on are reasonably descriptive of what will actually happen. In a highly volatile business, these
assumptions may not be valid. It is always wish to explicitly list one’s assumptions in forecasting and to
put on more faith in the forecast than in the assumption on which it was based.

Demand forecasting:

Demand forecasting method can be divided into two categories. They are Judgmental and
Mathematical. In practice, most organizations use some combination of the two methods. In our
country most of the financial institutions use the judgmental method.

Judgmental Methods:

Judgmental methods make use of knowledgeable people to forecast the future. Judgmental methods do
consider quantitative data but also allow for intuition and expertise to be factored in. these methods
may be used by small organization or by those new to HR forecasting that do not yet have the database
or expertise to use some of the more complex mathematical models. Judgmental methods also may be
preferred when an organization or environment is in a state of transition or turmoil; at such times, past
trends and correlations cannot be used to make accurate predictions about the future.

Supply of labor:
Once the demand for labor is predicted, it is necessary to forecast the supply of labor that the
organization will already have available to meet the demand. It is basically of two types:

1. Internal supply of labor

2. External supply of labor

Gap Analysis:

In an organization there might be two type of gap exists:

1. Shortage:

When demand is more and supply of human resource is less in a particular area this called shortage.

2. Surplus:

When supply is more and demand of human resource is less in a particular area this called surplus.

Job Analysis:

The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who
should be hired for it. The process of job analysis is of two types:

A. Job Description

B. Job Specification

Job Description:

A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions, and supervisory
responsibilities- one product of a job analysis. B. Job Specification: A list of a job’s “human
requirement”, that is, requisite education, skills, personality, and so on – another product of a job

Job Analysis:

The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who
should be hired for it. The process of job analysis is of two types:

A. Job Description

B. Job Specification

A. Job Description:

A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions, and supervisory
responsibilities- one product of a job analysis.

B. Job Specification:

A list of a job’s “human requirement”, that is, requisite education, skills, personality, and so on –
another product of a job analysis.

4.5 Organizational Practices:

Organizational Practices is not properly followed by Agrani Bank Limited. Job description and
specification exists in the organization but in the case of demand and supply of their human resource in
different department and branches they usually not assess the demand and supply gap properly, as a
result employee surplus and shortage have been found in their several department and branches as
well. In this case what they did, if there is shortage of employee they have tried to find out the area and
then search employees from other areas and by giving proper training they sent them and if there is any
surplus employees exists the branch manager or divisional head usually not informed Human Resource

4.6 Recruitment:

When a vacancy occurs and the recruiters receive authorization to fill it, the next step is a careful
examination of the job and an enumeration of the skills, abilities, and experience needed to perform the
job successfully.

Recruitment process:

In the recruitment process there are couple of steps are to be followed: 1. Written test: The
recruitment test is combined of both elaborative and MC.Q. type. Usually Agrani Bank Ltd assigned this
to some organization. The particular organization does all the thing. In the written test a person has to
obtain a certain marks to pass the exam. 2. VIVA: The candidate after qualifying written test has to face
VIVA test. VIVA usually taken by the top management of the bank. Only short listed candidate are
selected finally for the job.

The Recruitment Process of the Organization:


Vacant or new position occur

Perform job analysis and plan recruiting effort

Generate applicant pool via internal or external recruitment methods

Evaluate applicants via selection process

Impress applicants

Make offer

Method of recruitment:

There are two method of recruitment:

1. Internal recruitment
2. External recruitment

Internal recruitment:

Most companies fill vacancies internally whenever possible. A number of internal recruitment
methods are use for different level of jobs. Lower-level jobs such as manual and clerical jobs are
often called nonexempt jobs because their incumbents are not exempt from the minimum wage
and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. These people typically are paid an hourly
wage. In contrast, higher-level administrative, managerial, and professional employees are paid on
a salary basis and are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair standard Labor Act.

External recruitment:

In addition to looking internally for candidates, it is customary for organizations to open up recruiting
efforts to the external community. Through the recruiting process, the hiring manager should stay in
close touch with the recruiter. The hiring manager should examine resumes or application that have
passed initial screening by the recruiter and should also review some of the application that the
recruiter rejected during the first steps. Such involvement on the part of the hiring manager allows
feedback as to whether or not the recruiter’s decisions are consistent with the hiring manager’s
preferences. External recruitment methods are often grouped into two classes: 1. Informal and 2.

Informal Method:

Informal recruiting methods tap a narrower labor market than formal method. Informal method
includes rehiring former employees or former cooperative education students, hiring people referred by
present employees, and hiring from among those who have applied without being solicited (such
applicants are called walk-ins or gate hires). Employee’s referral, also known as word-of-mouth
advertising, is quick, effective, and usually inexpensive. Because employees who refer their friends and
acquaintance as candidates have their own credibility on the line, they tend to refer people who are well
qualified and well motivated and then to mentor these individuals once they are hired.

Formal Methods:

Formal method of external recruiting entail searching the labor market for candidates who have no
previous connection to the firm. These methods traditionally have included newspaper advertising, use
of employment agencies and executive search firms, and campus recruiting. Posting jobs ads on the
Internet, either on the company’s own site or a commercial job board, has also become extremely
popular in the last few years.

Historically, newspaper advertising has been the most commonly used method of recruiting.Formal
method includes:

Recruitment Advertising

Internet Recruiting

Employment Agencies

Public Job Service Agencies

Private, For-profit Agencies


Additional Recruiting Methods

Campus Recruiting

Executive Search Firms etc


Selection the right employees are important for an organization. First own performance always depends
in part on subordinates. Employees with the right skills and attributes will do a better job for the
company. Employees without these skills wont perform effectively and as a result the firm will suffer.

Process of selection:

Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and
concluding with the final employment decision. The selection process typically consists of eight steps:

1. Initial screening interview

2. Completing the application form

3. Employment test

4. Comprehensive interview

5. Background investigation

6. A Conditional job offer

7. Medical or physical examination

8. The permanent job offer.

Initial Screening:

As a culmination of our recruiting efforts, organization should be prepared to initiate a preliminary

review of potential acceptable candidates. This initial screening is, in effect, a two steps procedure: (1)
the screening of inquiries and (2) the provision of screening interviews.

Completion of the Application Form:

Once the in initial screening has been complicated, applicants are asked to complicate the organization’s
application form. The amount of information required may be only the applicant’s name, address,
telephone number and other information.

Employment tests:

Organization historically relied to a considerable extent on intelligence, aptitude, ability and interest
tests to provide major input to the selection process.

The comprehensive interview:

The applicant may be interviewed by HRM interviewers, senior manager within the organization, a
potential supervisor, potential colleagues or some or all of these.
Background investigation:

The next steps in the process are to undertake a background investigation of those applicants who
appear to offer potential as employees. This can include contacting former employers to confirm the
candidate’s work record and to obtain their appraisal of his or her performance, contacting other job-
related and personal references, verifying the educational accomplishments shown on the application,
checking credit reference and criminal records, and even using third party investigation, to do the
background check.

Method of selection:

There are two statistical methods of selection- correlation and regression. Correlation is use to assess
the strength and direction of a relationship between variables, whereas regression makes use of the
relationship to predict scores on one variable from scores on one or more other variables.

Physical/ Medical Examination:

Physical exams can only be used as a selection device to screen out those individuals who are unable to
physically comply with the requirements of a job.

4.11 Conditional job offer:

If a job applicant “passed” each steps of the selection process so far, it is typically customary for a
conditional job offer to be made. Conditional job offers usually are made by an HRM representative. In
essence, what the conditional job offer implies is that if everything checks out “okay- passing a certain
medical, physical or substance abuse test” the conditional nature of the job offer will be removed and
the offer will be permanent.

Job offer:

Those individual who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered to be eligible to
receive the employment offer.

Organizational practice:

Agrani Bank Ltd recruit employees both formal and informal ways. Formal recruitment usually dose
through newspaper advertisement, where entry-level employees has been recruited. In the
advertisement, criteria are mentioned specially for recruitment. But sometimes they also recruited
experienced people in med level and top level. Informal method is also true for this bank. In this case
they consider the educational level for entry level i.e. cash officers, junior officers etc. They also recruit
mid-level people those who are experienced and good track record. Top level people recruitment also
been done on contract basis.


The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. Training refers
to the methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs.
Training might thus mean showing a machinist how to operate his or her new machine, a new
salesperson how to sell his or her firm’s product, or a new supervisor how to interview and appraise
employees. Training basically provide to the entry-level employees.
On the job training:

It means learning by doing. It means employees training completed while he works. It is basically a
practical oriented training program.

Off the job training:

It means training provided to the employees out of the office in a training institute for a particular
period of time i.e. for 15 to 20 days. During this time the employee does not have to go to office.


Development basically provide to the management level. Management development is any attempt to
improve managerial performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. The
ultimate aim of such development programs is, of course, to enhance the future performance of the
organization itself. For this reason, the general management development process consists:

(1) Assessing the company’s needs (for instance, to fill future executive openings, or to boost

(2) Appraising the managers’ performance, and then

(3) Developing the managers (and future managers) themselves

Development and Training

Training is a proven instrument for Human Resource Development, in this age of accelerated
technological improvements, training plays a key role in developing knowledge and skills and change of
attitude. Agrani Bank Training Institute (ABTI) was established on the 24th December 1976. ABTI is
entrusted with the responsibility of formulating and designing course curricula, reading materials,
course contents for imparting training (both theoretical and practical ) to the officers/staff members.
ABTI imparts training on different banking issues for the purpose of enhancing professional and
administrative efficiency of all officers and managers. ABTI also conducts workshops, seminars,
conferences, symposia, etc. on important issues for top executives. To cope with the changes and
introduction of new tools and techniques for implementation of guidelines of Government and
regulatory bodies and also for the purpose of implementation of various reform programs, ABTI stresses
on actual need based training. Agrani Bank training institute has already covered a total number of
46880 officers and staffs under different banner of training through 1460 courses/workshop from its
inception. In 2007, ABTI maintained its momentum in the training arena covering a total of 2069 officers
and staff through 67 courses/ workshops. In 2007, ABTI undertook comprehensive training programs.
The following courses/workshops are worth mentioning: Documentary Credit, Branch Management,
Banking Foundation Course, Human Relations and Communication Development, Basic Accounting and
Agrani Bank Accounting Procedures, Audit, Inspection and Implementation, Money Laundering
Prevention, Credit Risk Grading, Internal Control and Compliance, UCPDC-600, Foreign Remittance
Management, Management of nonperforming Loan and techniques of profitability, Accounts Manual
and Chart of Accounts, New Capital Accord (BASEL-ll). Communicative English in Banks, Human
Resource Management, Management Development Programme , Procedure of Suit Filing and
Techniques of Suit Settlement, Maintaining Records of Fixed Assets , Government Receipt System and
Reporting Process, Computer : PC –MS Office, Computer : Application and Operation of Branch Banking
Software, Computer: Its use in Agrani Bank, Branch Banking Software : Bexi Bank-4000 etc. Apart from
the training courses being offered by the ABTI,298 executives/officers were nominated for undergoing
various training courses at BIBM, BPATC, BBTA, ICCB, ICICI, BAFEDA, Academy for planning and
Development, etc. In 2007, on invitation from many foreign organizations, 19 executives/officers were
sent abroad to attend various training courses, workshops, seminars, conferences and symposia to
acquire updated knowledge and techniques of banking.

Method of Training and Development:

There are some training and development methods which is given as under:

Training Development 1. On the job Training 2. Apprenticeship Training 3. Informal Learning 4. Job
Instruction Training 5. Lecture 6. Program Learning 7. Vestibule or Simulate Training 8. Computer Base
Training 9. Training Via CD- ROM and the internet 1. Managerial on- the- job Training 2. Job Rotation 3.
Role Playing 4. Behavior Modeling 5. In House Development Center

Organizational practice:

Skilled human resource is nucleolus of any service-oriented organization. By keeping this in med- level
they give priority in human resource development. For human resource development and making them
updated Agrani Bank Ltd. provide training to its employees throughout the year in its well-decorated
training institute situated on the Noia Polton. The institute has own trainer and also bring specialist as a
guest speaker for provide training. Besides employees are also being sent to BIBM for better training.

4.18 Performance appraisal:

Performance appraisal is defined as evaluating an employee’s current or past performance relative to

his or her performance standard. The appraisal process therefore involves:

1. Setting work standard

2. Assessing the employee’s actual performance relative to these standard and

3. Providing feedback to the employee with the aim of motivating the person to eliminate performance
deficiencies or to continue to perform above per.

4.18 Why performance appraisal:

There are four reasons for appraise performance.

1. Appraisals provide information upon which promotion and salary decisions can be made.

2. Provide opportunity for supervisor and subordinate to review the subordinate’s work- related

3. Appraisal is part of the firm’s career planning process, because it provides an opportunity to review
the person’s career plans in light of his or her exhibited strengths and weakness.

4. Finally it helps the Manager or the supervisor to better manage and improve organization’s
Steps in Appraising Performance:

The performance appraising process contains three steps:

1. Define the job:

It means making sure that supervisor and subordinate agree on his or her duties and job standard.

2. Appraise performance:

Appraising performance means comparing subordinate’s actual performance to the standards that have
been set; this usually involves some type of rating form.

3. Provide feedback:

Performance appraisal usually requires on e or more feedback sessions. Here the subordinate’s
performance and progress are discussed and plans are made for any development that is required.

4.20 Appraisal Methods:

The appraisal itself is generally conducted using a predetermine and formal method like one or more of
those described in this section.

1. Graphic Rating Scale:

A scale that lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each. The employee is then rated
by identifying the scale that best describes his or her level of performance for each trait.

2. Alternation Ranking Method:

Ranking employees from best to worst on a particular trait, choosing highest, then lowest, until all
are ranked.

3. Paired Comparison Method:

Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and
indicating which is the better employee of the pair.

4. Forced Distribution Method:

Similar to grading on a curve; predetermined percentages of rates are placed in various

performance categories.

5. Critical Incident Method:

Keeping a record of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employee’s work related

behavior and reviewing it with the employee at predetermined times.

6. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS):

An appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits of narrative critical incidents and
quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor
7. Management by Objectives (MBO):

Involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the
progress made.

4.21 Organizational practice:

Agrani Bank Limited partially follow Graphic Rating Scale method. Here each individual have
different format for appraising. Almost Junior to Senior employees have similar format to fill in but
there is some exception for the senior level. The format is designed in the way like Fist page has to
be filled up by the employees by himself but they have to signed in all the pages. There is point
system for appraising employees. For example, if the employees have Banking Diploma they get
additional point and the M.B.A degree holders get more marks than the Graduate and Masters pass
holders. There is also provision for marks for the employees those who can bring more deposit or
bring good customer. By considering all these, Divisional Head put marks and evaluate each
employee. After that the appraisal form will send to Human Resource Department. Usually HRD
receives this form from allover the country. After received completely all the forms they make it
ready for the final evaluation for the top management. Usually there exists evaluation team where
they finally select the deserving candidates. After that a list has been sent to the Board for the final
approval. Motivational activities.

4.22 Compensation:

Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employee and arising from
their employment, and it has two main components. There are direct financial payments in the form
of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonus and there are indirect payment in the form of
financial benefits like employer- paid insurance and vacations.

Pattern of compensation

Financial Non Financial • Basic Salary • Bonus • Wages • Incentive • Commission

• Housing facilities • Transportation • Medical • Education facilities for children • Vacation •


4.23 Reward:

Reward basically provided to the employees of the organization for their good performance. It is of
two types (1) Intrinsic and (2) Extrinsic.

(1) Intrinsic Reward:

It is the personal satisfactions one gets from the job itself. These are self-initiated rewards, such as
having pride in one’s work.

(2) Extrinsic Reward:

It includes money, promotions and benefit. Their common thread is that they are external to the
job and come from outside source, mainly management.

4.24 Reward Plans:

Short term Financial:

Best performer of the branch/bank can be rewarded quarterly/six monthly/yearly to create a

challenge among the members. Air tickets for couples or family or fixed cash/gifts can be paid.


Certificates/medals to be given to the outstanding performers. Photo can be published in the

newspaper or special reward can be given from the Management/Board. Special greetings can be
given to the employees on the occasion of their marriage ceremony/ birthday etc. Reward for the
family members: Children securing good result/achievement financial reward (prize bond/ cash) or
non-financial rewards (watch/ornaments etc.) can be given to them.

Long term 01. House building loan: persons having served for a specific period and the repayment
for a longer period;

02. Furniture loan: From the level of AO to Chief Officer;

03. Educational loan: for acquiring professional education;

04. Marriage loan: Once having a reasonable amount with less interest rate;

05. Motor cycle/car loan: for permanent employees have served for a specific period;

06. Retention of Car: The retention of car for the Executive under a suitable plan and this will reduce
the running cost of the cars;

07. Medical Facilities: For the family;

08. Attractive super annulations fund (to be revised from time to time considering inflation)

09. Provident Fund: in conformity with the other private sector banks

10. Gratuity: in conformity with the other private sector banks

4.25 Benefits:

Benefits include mandatory protection programs, pay for time not worked, optional protection
programs, private retirement plans and a wide variety of other services. Employee Benefits

0.1 Short term benefits Salaries, wages, bonuses, allowances, paid annual leave, medical leave and
non monetary benefits are recognized as an expense in the year in which the services are rendered
by the employees of the company.

0.2 Defined contribution plan As required by Bangladesh’s law, the company has to make
contributions to the General Provident Fund (“GPF”). Such contributions are recognized as an
expense in the income statement in the year to which they relate. Once the contributions have been
paid, the company has no future obligations.

0.3 Termination benefits Employee termination benefits are recognized only either after an
agreement is in place with the appropriate employee representatives specifying the terms of
redundancy or after individual employees have been advised of the specific terms.
Pattern of Reward and Benefit

Reward Benefit • Increment (Double/ Triple) • Cash Benefit • Promotion • Best performance

• Provident fund • Group Insurance • Profit bonus •

4.28 Organizational Practice:

Agrani Bank Limited usually provides more or less the above compensation, reward and benefits.
They provided financial compensation like Basic salary, Bonus, Wages, Incentives and Non-financial
like Housing, Medical, Transportation, Insurance.

4.29 Employee Relation:

Employee relation means managing the relationship between Managers and Workers. Firms in
which only some of the employees are unionized may have both employee relations and labor
relation functions for dealing with the two types of employees. Employee Relations of ABL Like
before, the Staff Welfare Fund, which is run by the bank’s employees out of their regular
contribution, continued to stand by its members for their well-being. A Board of Trustees is run by
the bank to provide staff members a sum of money as admissible under the rules on his/her
termination or retirement from the bank services or to his/her nominee or legal representative in
case of death. To this end, two funds – Agrani Bank Limited Employees Provident Fund and Agrani
Bank Limited Super Annuation Fund, are maintained. During 2007, a sum of Tk. 2.56 million was
doted out to the employees concerned and their spouses for health care. The fund also provided Tk.
1.66 million by way of scholarship to 377 children of the employees for outstanding performance in
S.S.C. and H.S.C. examinations. The bank encourages its employees to shake off monotony by
engaging them in recreational activities in the form of sports and culture. Its soccer and cricket
teams, qualified in the First Division and the premier Division League, have regularly been
participating in various tournaments. The bank also patronizes sports and cultural activities
throughout the country.

4.30 Reasons for employee relation:

Employee relation in an organization is necessary for the welfare of the organization. If the
relationship is well then organization is benefited. It also helps the Management to take decisions
effectively by taking advice from the employees. It also includes research and meetings with top
Management to develop a position on pay and other expensive benefits.


In this modern area of globalization and privatization, the national commercial organizations are still
playing an important role in the development of economic condition of Bangladesh. Though
Bangladesh needs huge industrialization to develop its weak economic condition and acute
unemployment problem, for industrialization it needs infrastructure, communication facility,
available energy, government policy, and effective manpower etc. So all these things need capital
and Agrani bank is the name, which comes first for this assistance from Bangladesh government. As
Bangladesh is one of the developing countries in the South East Asia with a challenging economic
condition and unemployment problem. So huge capital investment is badly needed to enrich the
economical scenario as well as employment opportunities. Agrani Bank Ltd is playing a vital role by
investing huge amount in industrialization in our country. For proper utilization of human resource,
the bank should overcome its limitation and follow the recommendation mentioned earlier. Agrani
Bank Limited one of the largest bank in the country having enough outlets all over the country as
well as overseas arrangement out of the country is progressing slowly than the third or second-
generation banks. They also could not retain their employees only because of their some lack of
concentration in some areas. It should be kept in mind that efficient employees of an organization is
the assets of that organization and that is why it should be taken up carefully. If they can meet up
their shortage they will do much better in the banking sector in Bangladesh.

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