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in the BALTICS
“The risk of serious military escalation between NATO and Russia is higher than ever
before since the end of the Cold War. In a time marked by the erosion of trust and in-
creasing tensions between Moscow and the West, Ulrich Kühn’s report offers sensible,
well-measured and timely recommendations that can help to avoid both contributing to a
dangerous arms race and underestimating the threat emanating from Russia. His call for a
comprehensive NATO strategy that includes deterrence and assurance, but also resilience
and risk-reduction measures should be mandatory reading for policymakers worried
about our sleepwalking into a serious confrontation over the Baltics.”

—Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference and

Senior Professor for Security Policy and Diplomatic Practice at the Hertie School of
Governance in Berlin

“The Baltic states are now on the front line of the developing tension between NATO and
the Russian Federation. In this disturbing study, Ulrich Kühn demonstrates how Russian
actions directed against these states that fall short of armed force might nonetheless
escalate into dangerous situations involving force. He urges prudent measures to identify
and reduce these risks.”

—Sir Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies at King’s College London
in the BALTICS

Ulrich Kühn
© 2018 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved.

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are
the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR................................................................................................................ vii


LIST OF ACRONYMS.....................................................................................................................xi

SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 7

RUSSIAN INTERESTS AND STRATEGY...................................................................................13

CONSEQUENCES FOR NATO....................................................................................................23

THREE ESCALATION SCENARIOS............................................................................................41

NATO’S OPTIONS.........................................................................................................................55

FORMING A COMPREHENSIVE NATO STRATEGY............................................................67


CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE...............................................88


ULRICH KÜHN is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
and a senior research associate at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
(VCDNP)/James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, based in Vienna, Austria.
Previously, he was a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow with Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program,
and a fellow with the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of
Hamburg (IFSH). He holds a PhD (summa cum laude) in political sciences from Hamburg
University, an MA in Peace Research and Security Policy from Hamburg University, and a
Magister Artium in medieval and newer history as well as German literature from the
Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn. His current research focuses on NATO-
Russian relations, transatlantic security, nuclear and conventional deterrence and arms
control, and the proceedings of the OSCE.

Kühn worked for the German Federal Foreign Office and was awarded United Nations Fellow
on Disarmament in 2011. He is the founder and a permanent member of the trilateral Deep
Cuts Commission and an alumnus of the ZEIT Foundation Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius.

His articles and commentary have appeared in Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Washington Quarterly, and War on the Rocks.


THE AUTHOR wishes to thank James Acton in the first place for his always insightful
comments and continuous efforts to improve the quality of this report. In no order of the
significance of their contributions, this report also benefited from the help of William
Alberque, Samuel Brase, Samuel Charap, Toby Dalton, Ryan DeVries, Dave Johnson,
Martin Zapfe, the anonymous Baltic and Polish officials and experts who were interviewed,
and Carnegie’s whole Nuclear Policy Program team. This research was conducted at the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC, between September
2016 and September 2017.

Carnegie gratefully acknowledges the support of the Stanton Foundation that made the
writing of this report possible.


A2/AD Anti-access/area denial

BALTOPS Baltic Operations

CFE Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

CSBMS Confidence- and security-building measures

DMA Agreement on the Prevention of Dangerous Military Activities

EFP Enhanced Forward Presence

ENRF Enhanced NATO Response Force

EU European Union

INCSEA Agreement on the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas

INF TREATY Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

NAC North Atlantic Council

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NEW START New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

NFIU NATO force integration units

NGW New-generation warfare

NPR U.S. Nuclear Posture Review

OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

SACEUR NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe

VJTF NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force



AMID THE ROLLOUT of the February 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, security ana-
lysts have understandably focused much attention on its implications for the U.S. nuclear
arsenal, intra-alliance ties with key North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) partners,
and Washington’s icy relations with Moscow. But nuclear deterrence only partially ad-
dresses NATO members’ shared concerns about Russian behavior, especially in light of
Moscow’s growing propensity to undermine the alliance with nonkinetic operations and
other tactics that nuclear warheads cannot easily deter.

The risk of escalation sparking a wider conflict—deliberately, inadvertently, or acciden-

tally—between Russia and NATO is dangerously high. This is particularly the case in
the Baltics, a region that would be difficult for NATO to defend because the military
balance there very much favors Russia; moreover, Moscow could instigate unrest among
the Russian minorities living there. To mitigate these risks and remain united, NATO
members must complement deterrence with resilience and risk-reduction measures bet-
ter tailored to addressing Russian behavior below the threshold of outright conventional
and nuclear conflict.

To keep the West out of the non-NATO former Soviet republics, Moscow has developed
new-generation warfare, a coercive strategy that combines traditional conventional and
nuclear military capabilities with nonkinetic operations such as cyberattacks, propaganda,
and disinformation.

NATO members have different views of Russia’s intentions toward the alliance and how
to respond. In the wake of the Ukraine crisis, some allies fear that Moscow could use mili-
tary force against NATO, particularly the Baltic states. They urge the alliance to do more,
militarily, to deter Russia and to reassure its easternmost members. They fear that NATO’s
current response—including, most importantly, the deployment of a trip wire force of four
multinational battalions, the Enhanced Forward Presence (EFP), to the three Baltic states
and Poland—might not be enough to deter deliberate Russian escalation. Others are rather
skeptical that Moscow presents an immediate military threat and caution against unneces-
sarily raising tensions further. Instead of deploying additional forces, they want NATO to
focus on increasing the resilience of member states against Russian nonkinetic operations
and to engage in a serious security dialogue with Russia, reducing the risks of inadvertent
and accidental escalation.

Both approaches could create the risk of miscalculation and, perhaps, escalation. If NATO
underestimates the threat Russia poses, the alliance may give Moscow reason to test its re-
solve—perhaps even by using military force. Conversely, if NATO overestimates the threat
emanating from Russia, its well-intentioned defensive measures may lead to a security di-
lemma that precipitates an arms race and ultimately undermines alliance unity.


The challenge Russia poses, combined with NATO’s responses to date, creates a series of
potential escalation pathways, which need allies’ urgent attention.

The Pitfalls of NATO’s Trip Wire Approach

The alliance’s need to reinforce troops in a crisis and the positioning of some of its
forces in the region could spark inadvertent or deliberate escalation.

•• Were Russia to threaten military escalation in a crisis, NATO would feel significant pres-
sure to reinforce forward-deployed troops as a defensive precaution. However, if NATO
failed to clearly and persuasively communicate to Russia its defensive intent, Moscow
might misread the deployment as the opening of a NATO offensive, perhaps responding
by escalating to (what the Kremlin would see as) the preventive use of military force.


•• As soon as NATO was to send in reinforcements (or even, perhaps, when Moscow was
to judge the alliance was about to do so), Russia might try to use its anti-access/area
denial (A2/AD) capabilities around the Baltic Sea to cut off sea and air routes. NATO
might, therefore, believe it has little choice other than to attack Russian A2/AD capa-
bilities early in a conflict, effectively escalating conflict into Russian territory.

•• Even more concerning, were Russia to use force against the alliance by taking a small
portion of land in, for instance, eastern Latvia, EFP forces, which are based far from
the Russian border, might arrive too late to engage in combat (especially given that
NATO’s decisionmaking process could be quite slow). Consequently, Russia might
hope to get away with a military fait accompli.

•• NATO’s combined conventional military power and any subsequent efforts to retake
the Baltics through massive force deployments, once initiated, would put the onus on
Moscow. Out of fear of losing a conventional conflict with NATO, Russia might esca-
late further, perhaps even to nuclear use.

Ambiguous Nuclear Doctrines

Ambiguities in NATO’s and Russia’s nuclear policies create the potential for deliberate

•• NATO allies have disagreed about the politics of nuclear sharing, the idea of having non-
nuclear NATO members take part in nuclear planning and some members providing
national aircraft to deliver U.S. nuclear weapons in the event of their use. In addition,
allies disagree about the appropriate readiness levels for those dual-capable aircraft in
Europe and about whether NATO exercises should involve nuclear elements. This some-
what ambiguous stance toward nuclear deterrence might lead Russia (perhaps wrongly)
to doubt NATO’s resolve in a crisis, increasing the risk of escalation.

•• Conversely, NATO might not view Russian nuclear threats as credible, especially early
in a crisis when they might appear to be disproportionate. In this case, NATO misread-
ing Russian resolve might cause escalation.

Nonkinetic Operations
Moscow’s efforts to influence Russian minorities in the three Baltic states could lead
to a crisis in which neither NATO nor Russia would be able to manage subsequent

•• For many years, Russia has staged a subversive disinformation campaign in the Baltics,
aimed at influencing Russian minorities. If protests by these minorities were to oc-
cur—whether deliberately fomented by Moscow or not—NATO and Russia might


find it difficult to deescalate the initial stages of a crisis and instead might get drawn
into an action-reaction cycle, even though neither side would want it to spiral out of

•• In such a scenario, given the possibility of Russia’s building up forces in proximity to

Baltic borders, it is not clear what role NATO forces, particularly the EFP, could or
should play. NATO would have to balance the risks of escalating early against waiting
too long, and the alliance might find it challenging to identify when a crisis would war-
rant a military response and what that response might be.

Dangerous Military Incidents

Russia’s continued military brinkmanship (by its aircraft, in particular) coupled with
inadequate crisis communication tools could trigger accidental escalation.

•• An accidental military incident—such as a Russian fighter jet accidentally crashing into

a U.S. destroyer in the Baltic Sea—could escalate rapidly. European NATO members
might prefer to deal with such an incident as an alliance, whereas Washington would
probably prefer not to. As a result, NATO might not only be weakened by infighting
but the U.S.-Russian action-reaction cycle might unfold more rapidly than multilateral
efforts to clarify what occurred and to deescalate the crisis. In addition, existing crisis
communication channels with Russia might not be used to prevent escalation in the
wake of such an accident.


To maintain alliance unity and counter Russia’s strategy of new-generation warfare, NATO
must develop a comprehensive strategy consisting of deterrence and assurance, resilience,
and risk-reduction measures.

Deterrence and Assurance

•• To ensure the trip wire is pulled in a conflict, NATO should ask Washington to deploy
a U.S. Army battalion, split equally among the three EFP deployments in the Baltic
states and tasked with continuously patrolling and monitoring borders with Russia.
Yet, to maintain alliance unity, NATO should avoid additional large-scale force deploy-
ments to the Baltics.

•• NATO must clarify the roles of the EFP and reinforcement forces in the event of ex-
ternally instigated domestic unrest in the Baltics or if NATO forces are deliberately
targeted by protesters.


•• Allies should streamline NATO’s internal decisionmaking process, perhaps by clarify-
ing internally what military or political events would trigger reinforcement, so that the
alliance can respond swiftly should a crisis occur.

•• The alliance must make sure that it can move forces if reinforcement becomes necessary.
It should consider enhancing the defenses of its vital logistics and transportation nodes
in Western Europe and adapting its logistics in Eastern Europe.

•• To bolster deterrence and assurance, NATO heads of state and government should
convey clearer public and private messages of political resolve, while avoiding changes
to NATO’s current nuclear posture.

•• If diplomatic efforts to resolve the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

crisis fail, then, to preserve alliance unity, NATO members should consider military
countermeasures consistent with the treaty. Until then, all diplomatic means of resolv-
ing the standoff must be explored.

•• NATO must encourage civilian resilience measures to deny Russia the ability to escalate
through nonkinetic operations, perhaps by making resilience-building expenditures
count toward NATO members’ 2 percent goal for defense spending.

•• Allies must counter Russian propaganda and disinformation targeted at Russian mi-
norities in the Baltic states. The alliance should consider a joint NATO/EU fund for
financing Russian-language media outlets, journalists, and social media accounts.

•• NATO members should closely monitor the state of integration and representation of
the Russian minorities in the Baltic states, perhaps through a reporting mechanism.

Risk Reduction
•• NATO must continue to engage Russia to seek to prevent incidents and reestablish
crisis communication channels. Allies should encourage Poland and the Baltic states to
conclude individual incident prevention mechanisms with Moscow.

•• Member states should start internal preparations for confidence-building and security-
building measures and an arms control process with Russia, seeking transparency as
well as reciprocal reductions and/or limitations on heavy conventional equipment in
the wider Baltics region.

•• If Russia initially refuses to cooperate on arms control, allies could explore the pos-
sibility of threatening additional NATO force deployments unless Moscow engages on
conventional arms control and the INF Treaty.



RUSSIA’S ANNEXATION of Crimea in 2014 and its subsequent involvement in the

war in eastern Ukraine have caused deep concern in the capitals of North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) members. In the 2016 Warsaw Summit Communiqué, NATO la-
beled Russia a “challenge [to] the Alliance” and “a source of regional instability.”1 These
concerns reflect the reality that a war between Russia and NATO, although unlikely, is
not unthinkable anymore. The risks of
tensions escalating in general or in a crisis
are particularly high in the wider Baltic re- Russia’s annexation of Crimea
gion, which includes the three Baltic states in 2014 and its subsequent
(Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), Poland, involvement in the war in
parts of western Russia, and the adjacent
waters of the Baltic Sea.2
eastern Ukraine have caused
deep concern in NATO capitals.
An underlying challenge is that Russian
interests and strategy toward the region
are ambiguous and leave much room for speculation and misinterpretation. Specifically,
NATO allies cannot be sure what Moscow’s intentions toward the Baltics and the alliance
are. Does it aim to merely intimidate these countries by various threats? Or does Russia plan
to invade? Particularly prevalent in the Baltic states and Poland—all of which have borders
with Russia—these concerns have prompted NATO to reassure its easternmost members
with a number of limited defensive measures, most prominently by agreeing to deploy four

multinational battalions to the three Baltic states and Poland to deter eventual Russian ag-
gression.3 Meanwhile, Moscow strongly denies any malign intentions toward NATO, and
instead points to the alliance as a threat to its own national security.4

As a consequence of these ambiguities, it is possible that NATO may be overestimating the

threat emanating from Russia, and the alliance could end up precipitating exactly the kind
of security threat that it seeks to avoid. For example, the well-intentioned defensive measures
for the Baltic states and Poland that allies agreed to implement at the Warsaw Summit could
reinforce legitimate as well as imagined Russian security concerns. Moscow has already de-
nounced NATO’s actions as aggressive and announced retaliatory steps.5 Some NATO mem-
bers have warned the alliance of doing too much and assert that enhanced defensive measures
might only further deteriorate the security situation in the region by raising tensions with
Russia.6 As a consequence, both sides may enter a security dilemma that could raise tensions
and make conflict more likely, if this is not already happening.

Conversely, it is also possible that NATO may be underestimating the Russian military
threat. Russia’s strategy of conflict, as stipulated in its doctrine of new-generation warfare,7
appears to be comprehensive, involving everything from propaganda to potential nuclear
use. Failing to identify a sound response that addresses the threat in its totality could be
dangerous. For example, NATO’s defensive measures, by being too limited, could lead
Moscow to deliberately test allies’ resolve, perhaps even by military means.

Some NATO members argue that the alliance is still not doing enough to credibly deter
Russia.8 The geography and the military balance in the region present real challenges to
NATO in defending Baltic allies. Russia has a much larger force presence than NATO
in the region and, by using land routes, can quickly reinforce equipment and personnel.
NATO, by contrast, would have to fly or ship in reinforcements—a much slower process.
Additionally, Moscow continues to hold large-scale military exercises based on aggressive
scenarios against neighboring states such as Poland, close to NATO’s borders. The latest
one—Zapad 2017—peaked in September
2017. Such exercises, some of Russia’s
Some NATO members neighbors fear, could be used as a cover for
argue that the alliance is a limited military attack against them.9
still not doing enough to The conventional challenge in Europe is
credibly deter Russia. compounded by Russia’s increasingly ag-
gressive behavior in the nuclear realm. On
various occasions since 2014, the United
States has publicly accused Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
(INF) Treaty by developing and, more recently, deploying a ground-launched cruise missile
(although Washington has not indicated whether it believes these missiles are designed to
accommodate nuclear or nonnuclear warheads or both).10 Furthermore, Russia frequently


issues blunt nuclear threats toward NATO allies. For example, in March 2015, the Russian
ambassador to Denmark said that if Danish warships contributed radar capacity to NATO’s
missile defense system, “Danish warships will be targets for Russian nuclear missiles.”11

All these developments create political (as well as military) problems for NATO. They lead
to pressure on NATO to review its own deterrence and defense posture, including its nucle-
ar component, and, perhaps, to formulate more muscular responses. But such a debate—al-
ready tentatively taking place at NATO Headquarters—risks eroding unity among NATO
allies, which have a wide range of different preferences in the nuclear realm. This erosion
of unity could undermine deterrence. A military alliance at odds over its own deterrence
and defense posture could be perceived as weak by Russia, making it a potential target for
military blackmail and coercion.

Preserving NATO’s unity is, therefore, a key task for the alliance, even more so since Russia’s
doctrine of new-generation warfare is challenging NATO militarily and politically in many
other respects. All three Baltic states, for instance, are subject to relentless Russian attacks
through propaganda, disinformation, and outright hate speech that have become more
virulent since 2014.12 These states are home to significant ethnic Russian minorities that
receive Russian state-sponsored media almost exclusively. This propaganda deepens exist-
ing divides, which date back to the Soviet
occupation, between the different popula-
tions groups in the Baltics.13 Perhaps Russia Preserving NATO’s unity is a
does not seek to stoke protests or outright key task for the alliance, even
unrest among minority groups. But even
if it does not, Moscow’s negative influence
more so since Russia’s doctrine
nonetheless increases the risk of a domestic of new-generation warfare is
crisis in one of the three states, in the wake challenging NATO militarily and
of which there could be growing domestic politically in many other respects.
pressure on the Kremlin for Russia to come
to the aid of Russians living abroad.

Even if Moscow is not planning for deliberate aggression against NATO, accidental escala-
tion is another potential risk. Russia has stepped up military brinkmanship vis-à-vis NATO
member states since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.14 In 2016 alone, Russian military
aircraft violated Estonian airspace five times and often came extremely close to allied air-
craft.15 These actions could result in an accident, potentially killing NATO and Russian
service personnel. In the wake of such an accident, tensions could rapidly mount, especially
given domestic pressure to retaliate. NATO and Russia might find themselves unable to
control the subsequent escalation.

So far, NATO has responded with an incremental approach, focused on collective defense,
crisis management, and cooperative security. At its 2014 summit in Wales, NATO empha-


sized the assurance of allies, particularly those in the Baltic region, who felt most vulnera-
ble.16 By the 2016 Warsaw Summit, the emphasis had shifted to deterrence and defense, as
allies set out NATO’s primary responsibility as being “to protect and defend our territory
and our populations against attack.”17 By agreeing to deploy multinational forces from
sixteen member states to the region, allies aimed to increase the credibility of NATO’s de-
terrence and defense posture against Russia by trying to convince Moscow that an attack
on one would be an attack on all. The Warsaw Summit Communiqué also highlighted a
possible cooperative way forward by underscoring political dialogue with Moscow aimed at
avoiding misunderstanding, miscalculation, and unintended escalation by means of trans-
parency and predictability.

Indeed, NATO’s deterrence and defense approach still contains loopholes that must be
closed. But deterrence alone is ill-equipped to manage the nonkinetic or accidental escala-
tion risks that Russia’s doctrine of new-generation warfare pose. NATO needs a compre-
hensive, threefold strategy that addresses these risks and takes into account the views of
allies in the wider Baltic region.18 As NATO seeks to formulate an effective response to
Russia’s policies and actions, the alliance is facing three major tasks: (1) how to calibrate its
deterrence measures to prevent deliberate Russian escalation and to assure its easternmost
members; (2) how to maintain alliance unity in light of the differing threat perceptions—
particularly toward Russia—and defense priorities of the members states; and (3) how to
prevent possible inadvertent or accidental escalation with Russia. If left unattended, these
challenges will further increase the already high risk of escalation in the Baltic region. The
focus should be on what NATO can do now to reduce the risk of escalation in the future,
rather than on the separate (albeit important) question of how NATO should try to manage
escalation should a crisis occur.

To this end, NATO should close dangerous loopholes in its current deterrence and
assurance approach, so as to deter Russian aggression against NATO and prevent Moscow
from using deliberate escalation to coerce the alliance. The alliance should also double
down on efforts to enhance resilience—that is, increasing the ability of member states to
absorb shocks, such as sudden electricity outages or large-scale cyberattacks on corporate
networks. NATO must make its societies—in particular its easternmost allies and Russian
minorities living there—more immune to Russian destabilization efforts. Finally, by engag-
ing Moscow in talks on risk-reduction measures, NATO should seek to diminish the po-
tential for accidental escalation, especially given the spike in dangerous military encounters.
Over the longer term, it is also possible that consultations with Russia could lead to more
far-reaching arms control talks about conventional forces in the region.19

Finding the right balance between deterrence and assurance, resilience, and risk reduction
will be no easy feat, but could pay dividends if done well. NATO will probably have to make
trade-offs. For instance, further emphasizing military responses—perhaps by additional
force deployments—could help to solidify assurance of the Baltic states and Poland. At the


same time, it might risk alliance unity and could spark, instead of prevent, escalating general
tensions with Russia since Moscow might interpret these defensive measures as offensive in
nature. Prioritizing risk-reduction measures, meanwhile, could temporarily halt the risk of
inadvertent or accidental escalation but might come at the expense of undermining deter-
rence and assurance. There may also be synergies in addition to the trade-offs. For instance,
NATO could couple the real prospect of additional permanent force deployments with an
offer of dialogue to Russia. The aim could be to craft a reciprocal arms control arrangement
for the region that makes additional force deployments redundant.



RUSSIA SEES ITSELF as a status quo power and views NATO, and the United States
above all, as a challenger to the status quo.20 For Moscow, preserving the status quo means
retaining and exerting its influence in the former Soviet republics other than the three Baltic
states.21 The more Moscow sees a real prospect of former Soviet republics like Ukraine,
Georgia, Belarus, or Moldova drifting westward, the harder it seeks to crackdown on those
states and the more determined it becomes in its efforts to weaken, divide, and keep the
West busy.

These efforts reflect security concerns and a common history as well as close economic,
cultural, religious, and societal ties.22 No less important, Moscow’s desire for regional pre-
ponderance helps fulfill a national narrative of Russia’s return as a great power.23 Another
crucial reason lies in Russian historical experiences of being attacked by continental powers,
including Germany and France. These experiences make it seem prudent for Russia to have
some degree of influence over its western periphery.24 Last but not least, Moscow sees itself
as a security patron of Russian citizens, “wherever they may be,” in the words of former
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, including those in the former Soviet republics.25

It is no exaggeration to assert that losing the ability to influence the former Soviet republics
would be seen throughout Russia as no less than a humiliating national catastrophe. Any
serious attempt by other powers to pry the former Soviet republics away from Moscow, or
to even encourage their independence, has, therefore, met with strong Russian resistance.

Toward that end, the eastward enlargements of NATO and the European Union (EU),
which are often seen by Russia’s leadership as equally concerning,26 are perceived as both
harbingers that Russia may one day lose her sphere of influence and as a potential military
security threat. Seen from Moscow, NATO has dangerously been moving ever closer to
Russia’s sphere of influence, step by step.27

This struggle is all the harder to sustain because, as Russia’s leadership is all too aware, the
United States and the West in general have greater economic and military resources at their
disposal and provide a more attractive model to the former Soviet republics, particularly in
the economic realm.28


To further its interests, Russia’s leadership has developed a strategy toward the former Soviet
republics that aims, to adapt the words of former NATO secretary general Lord Hastings
Ismay, to keep Western institutions out, the Russians in, and the former Soviet republics
down.29 This strategy clashes with the interests of powerful NATO members, most promi-
nently with those of the United States, which seeks to encourage the national sovereignty
and territorial integrity of states on NATO’s periphery.

Russia’s approach to the former Soviet republics and its relationship with NATO should
not be conflated. Yet, they interact with one another. While Russia keeps the former Soviet
republics from drifting westward, at the same time, it is doing everything it can below the
level of open military hostilities to prevent NATO from even thinking about offering mem-
bership to those countries.

In doing so, Russia has three advantages vis-à-vis NATO. First, because of its authoritarian
rule, Russia’s leadership faces much less domestic pressure to justify its strategy. As a result,
internal decisionmaking on issues such as the use of military force or military procurement is
much swifter and less publicly controversial than in most NATO states. Second, Russia has
no real allies but rather client states with limited room for independent political maneuver.
NATO, by contrast, has to take into ac-
count the diverse views of its member states,
To further its interests, which, again, slows down decisionmaking.
Russia’s leadership has Third, open liberal societies, including most
developed a strategy toward NATO states, are inherently more suscep-
tible to influence campaigns than semi-
the former Soviet republics closed, authoritarian systems.
to keep Western institutions
NATO’s weaknesses have been recognized
out, the Russians in, and the in Moscow, and the Kremlin tries to exploit
former Soviet republics down. them to its advantage. According to the
chief of the General Staff of the Armed


Forces of Russia, Valery Gerasimov, “no matter what forces the enemy has, no matter how
well-developed his forces and means of armed conflict may be, forms and methods for over-
coming them can be found. He will always have vulnerabilities and that means that adequate
means of opposing him exist.”30

Nevertheless, Russia has to take into ac-

count NATO’s combined economic and
NATO’s weaknesses have been
military strength. In these realms, Russia
has a stark comparative disadvantage and recognized in Moscow, and the
Moscow has, so far, shied away from using Kremlin tries to exploit them
military force against the alliance. Instead, to its advantage.
by constantly engaging NATO member
states through intimidation, threats, or
propaganda, Moscow has tried to split the
alliance and to deter NATO from extending its influence into the post-Soviet space. As a
result, allies are now forced to focus primarily on their own security vis-à-vis Russia.

The situation in the post-Soviet space with its economically vulnerable and often demo-
cratically dysfunctional states is somewhat reversed. Against those states, Russia’s relative
economic and military dominance allows it to exert economic pressure or, if necessary, to
employ military force. By actively creating, manipulating, or prolonging secessionist con-
flicts in Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, or Moldova, Moscow prevents those states from fully
joining NATO and the EU at some point in the future.

Western analysts often refer to the model of hybrid warfare to describe Russian tactics.31
This description is not correct and might even be misleading.32 Hybrid warfare originally
referred, in Western theoretical analyses, to a tactical approach by inferior insurgents in the
Middle East to try to not lose a conflict against a superior opponent (such as Hezbollah’s
struggle against Israel).

Moscow’s approach of new-generation warfare (NGW), as it is called in Russia, differs sig-

nificantly from hybrid warfare. NGW is a distinct and genuinely indigenous Russian inno-
vation aimed at winning the conflict with NATO by coercing the alliance—largely through
all measures short of open warfare—into giving up on the post-Soviet space and, perhaps,
finally forswearing further enlargement. As part of this strategy, Russia seeks to avoid a direct
military conflict with NATO for as long as possible.33 If Russia were to attack the Baltic states
militarily, that would be going significantly further than its current strategy envisions. But
even then, Russia would presumably seek to paralyze NATO’s decisionmaking to the point
where it would not respond with as much force as is possible under the collective defense
assistance clause, contained in Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty.34


Gerasimov asserts that, in the twenty-first century, “the role of nonmilitary means of achiev-
ing political and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, they have exceeded the
power of force of weapons in their effectiveness.”35 The Russian Military Doctrine of 2014
lists some of those means: “Integrated use of military force, political, economic, informa-
tional and other non-military measures, implemented with the extensive use of the protest
potential of the population, and special operations forces.”36

Moscow attributes the initial development of these tactics and operations almost exclusively
to the West and sees the events of the Arab Spring as a prime example of a Western strategy
that begins with stirring political unrest, is followed by foreign military support of insur-
gents, and—finally—ends with intervention. However, Russian actions in Ukraine and
elsewhere provide strong evidence that Moscow emulated these tactics and developed this
integrated NGW doctrine with the post-Soviet space and, to a much lesser degree, NATO
member states in mind.

A significant feature of NGW is the ab-

Western analysts often refer to sence of any delineation between the civil-
ian and military realms. Russia’s actions in
the model of hybrid warfare to Ukraine serve as a good example.37 Against
describe Russian tactics. This the background of nationwide protests in
description is not correct and Ukraine and a general sense of chaos and
might even be misleading. disorganization in early 2014, Russia first
launched a major military exercise in its
Western Military District. Blurring the
lines between the military and civilian
realms, Moscow then deployed disguised military elite units to Crimea and armed local
pro-Russian civilian groups. In parallel, its civilian media outlets staged a twenty-four/seven
disinformation campaign aimed at frustrating the new leadership in Kyiv, unsettling and
de-motivating Ukrainian forces in Crimea, and unleashing a wave of Russian nationalistic
pride at home. The following months saw repeated Russian-originating cyberattacks on
civilian Ukrainian targets (and vice versa), such as Ukraine’s educational sector,38 as well as
nuclear threats against NATO from the highest echelons of the Kremlin. These tactics al-
lowed Russia to re-take Crimea and, at the same time, prevent a unified military response
from Ukraine, while weakening the pro-Western forces in Kyiv.39

Although NGW employs a holistic approach, it is nevertheless possible to distinguish be-

tween three separate but interrelated aspects of this concept of warfare.

•• NONKINETIC TOOLS: As part of its NGW concept, Moscow employs various nonmili-
tary means, including standard diplomacy; economic pressure; financial and/or rhetorical
support of political groups or parties that are friendly to Russia and hostile to the EU and
NATO; propaganda and disinformation campaigns; overt criminal activities by paid mer-


cenaries or mafia-style groups; and covert intelligence and cyber operations. Importantly,
at times, the whole state apparatus—as well as nonstate actors, such as private hacker
groups—are operationally involved or tolerated, depending on the goal and the target.
Moscow’s aim is to manipulate the enemy’s strategic choices by constantly targeting a
foe’s perceptions in order to impose Russia’s own will. In the case of Crimea, this ap-
proach meant coercing Kyiv into accepting the loss of the peninsula instead of staging
military countermeasures. To achieve such strategic goals, the tool of informational
superiority in particular, especially in terms of the content being broadcasted, is key.40


both classical and nontraditional military activities. The former category encompasses
procurement; research and development; modernization; exercises, including snap and
large-scale exercises; brinkmanship; covert operations; and open attack. Nontraditional
activities comprise financial and military support of militias or mercenaries, and the em-
ployment of Russian soldiers without national insignia (the so-called little green men).
While such military activities are important, Russian proponents of NGW place much
less emphasis on them relative to nonkinetic tools. Israeli scholar Dmitry Adamsky
refers to a four-to-one ratio of nonkinetic and military activities in Russian operations
such as the annexation of Crimea.41 Thus, NGW, as Adamsky puts it, “presumes the use
of force, but it is, primarily, a strategy of influence, not of brute force.”42 In fact, Russia
hopes that the concept’s nonkinetic aspect will allow it to achieve significant military
gains, such as the seizing of territory, with maximal military pressure and minimal or
no fatalities. The occupation of Crimea is an ideal example of this approach and may
not be repeatable under different conditions.

•• NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Finally, in the nuclear realm, NGW comprises a nuclear

force posture that maintains numerical parity with the United States in deployed
long-range (strategic) nuclear weapons (with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers);
superiority vis-à-vis NATO’s Eastern European member states in short-range (tacti-
cal) nuclear weapons (with a range of less than 500 kilometers); the alleged intro-
duction of ground-based intermediate-range weapons (with a range between 500
and 5,500 kilometers) in violation of the INF Treaty; a nuclear doctrine with poten-
tially offensive intentions; rhetorical nuclear threats; and acts of nuclear signaling.
Many Western officials and experts believe that these actions serve the purpose of low-
ering the nuclear threshold, that is to say making nuclear weapons more usable earlier
on in a potential conflict with NATO.43 But that is impossible to conclude from open
sources, and it is therefore far from clear that lowering the nuclear threshold is really the
calculus in Moscow. In fact, Russia might primarily aim to introduce unpredictability
and ambiguity—that is, to make NATO think that Moscow has lowered the nuclear
threshold and consequently proceed with even more caution when dealing with Russia


and the post-Soviet space. Either way, what can be said with some certainty is that the
nuclear realm is central to the Russian strategy. It warrants a more detailed discussion.


The threat of nuclear escalation is essential to Russia’s doctrine of NGW.44 Coupled with
Russia’s overall geopolitical goals, it contributes heavily to Moscow’s strategy of keep-
ing Western institutions such as NATO out of the post-Soviet space and making NATO
members worry that their own security is in peril. Three elements form that threat: (1) an
ambiguous nuclear doctrine; (2) nontransparency and noncompliance with arms control
agreements; and (3) continued nuclear threats and acts of signaling.

AN AMBIGUOUS NUCLEAR DOCTRINE: At first glance, Russia’s nuclear doctrine appears

to be unambiguous, based on publicly available documents. Accordingly, its 2014 military
doctrine speaks of “the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and
other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event
of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the
very existence of the state is in jeopardy” (italicized by the author).45

Western analysts have struggled to specify how exactly Russia would employ its nuclear
arms. Some experts continue to focus on the concept of escalate-to-deescalate.46 Generally
speaking, under this doctrine, Russia—facing NATO’s conventionally stronger, combined
forces (or perhaps those of China)—would employ nuclear weapons first, in a limited fash-
ion, perhaps on its geographical periphery. The purpose would be to convince a hypotheti-
cal attacker that further nuclear escalation
would be imminent if that attacker were to
Western analysts have choose not to back down. At the end of the
struggled to specify how 1990s, when the Russian military was in
exactly Russia would employ aplayed moribund state, some Russian strategists
with exactly that idea.47
its nuclear arms.
Despite its recent military modernization,
Russia is still facing two conventionally su-
perior powers along its borders—NATO and China—and Moscow continues to maintain
up to an estimated 2,000 tactical nuclear arms (an unclear number of which is expected to
be stored in depots west of the Ural Mountains).48 These facts lend certain credence to the
assumption that Russia relies on this doctrine to this day.49 Further evidence comes from
Russia’s use, in exercises, of a simulated strike with a single nuclear weapon at the end of
a conventional conflict. Interestingly, in many such exercises, the strike is conducted with
a strategic nuclear weapon—that is, with a missile that could reach the United States.50
This fact has led some experts to question certain aspects or even the very existence of the
escalate-to-deescalate doctrine.51 After all, in the event of a war between Russia and NATO,


would Moscow not first use relatively short-range tactical nuclear weapons in the Eastern
European theater before attacking the U.S. homeland?

In fact, Russian exercises do not preclude the possibility that Moscow plans for limited
regional escalation using tactical nuclear weapons. Rather, the exercises suggest that Russia
is also prepared to escalate in a limited fashion at the strategic level. Western analysts even
assume that Russian escalation to the nuclear level in general could happen rather quickly
in a conflict with NATO.52

The key question is what political and military purposes Russia intends for the escalate-to-
deescalate doctrine to serve, if the doctrine does in fact exist. There are two possible inter-
pretations, neither of which is conclusive given the lack of clear evidence. The more benign
interpretation sees Russia—after being attacked first—escalating an unfavorable conven-
tional battle to the nuclear level in order to, in effect, deescalate the overall standoff. Russia’s
inherently defensive goals in this scenario would be to deter further aggression or terminate
the conflict with an acceptable outcome. The more malign view assumes that Russia would
seize territory through conventional means and threaten, simultaneously or afterward, to
escalate to the nuclear level in the event of a counterattack. Here, the inherently offensive
goal would be to terminate such a conflict before Russia’s opponent(s) could regain ground.
In both scenarios, escalation to nuclear use would presumably only make sense against
adversaries that Moscow believes it could deter from responding in kind with nuclear weap-
ons. Some Russian analysts strongly deny either of these interpretations and instead argue
that no Russian concept of intra-war deterrence has ever made it to the operational military
levels. They claim that, especially if Russia were attacked by the United States and NATO,
the Russian military would probably be quick to escalate to all-out nuclear war.53

In fact, it is not impossible that all of these interpretations contain some grain of truth. As
Russian expert A. Pechatnov has put it, “at the present time the Russian Federation uses a
concept based on the ideas of Mutual Assured Destruction and limited nuclear war” (itali-
cized by the author).54 In spite of all this speculation, Moscow has not responded by clarify-
ing whether the escalate-to-deescalate doctrine exists and, if it does, what purpose it serves.


One reason so little is known about Russia’s nuclear doctrine is that Moscow has, for many
years, rebuffed initiatives by the United States and its allies designed to increase transpar-
ency regarding Russia’s tactical arsenal or to include those weapons in arms control talks.55
Transparency about the numbers, locations, and state of readiness of tactical nuclear weap-
ons, arms control proponents have long argued, would increase confidence about Russian
intentions and introduce a significant level of predictability.56 Instead, Moscow demands
the removal of some 200 U.S. tactical nuclear weapons deployed in Europe as a prerequisite
to discussions about tactical nuclear weapons, ignoring the huge disparity between its own
and the U.S. tactical nuclear arsenals.57


More recently, the United States has accused Russia of violating the INF Treaty by hav-
ing developed, tested, and deployed a ground-launched cruise missile (the SSC-8) with a
range prohibited by the treaty.58 General Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, explained to the House of Representatives in March 2017 that “we believe that the
Russians have deployed a land-based cruise missile that violates the spirit and intent of the
Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty.”59 Moscow denies any such transgression and has ac-
cused the United States of multiple failures to comply with the INF Treaty.60

Following the INF’s entry into force in

One reason so little is 1988, the Soviet Union and the United
known about Russia’s nuclear States dismantled all their medium- and
intermediate-range weapons that targeted
doctrine is that Moscow has, for all of Europe, including western parts of
many years, rebuffed initiatives the Soviet Union. If, today, Moscow were
by the United States and its to re-introduce these weapons west of the
allies designed to increase country, they would give Russia’s military
leaders the means to hold at risk addition-
transparency. al European targets not already targeted by
Russian tactical nuclear weapons. As such,
these weapons would be entirely consis-
tent with the doctrine of escalate-to-deescalate, whether its purpose is defensive or offen-
sive. If they were dual-capable, they would also give the Russian military additional means
for conventional escalation.

Nevertheless, from a military point of view, the utility of the SSC-8 for Russia is somewhat
questionable. Russia can already target all of Europe with its sea- and air-launched dual-ca-
pable missiles.61 Perhaps, Russian military leaders do not trust those delivery platforms in a
second-strike scenario and believe that they would lose them early on in a war with NATO.
Another possibility is that the SSC-8 is intended to put pressure on NATO members to
formulate a political and military response, thereby exposing alliance members’ divergent
views on nuclear weapons. Intentionally or inadvertently, the INF crisis risks further dam-
aging what remains of the U.S.-Russian nuclear arms control process, most notably the
New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) limiting strategic arms, which is set
to expire in 2021.62

Taken together, Russian nontransparency and noncompliance with nuclear arms control
agreements helps Moscow acquire prohibited capabilities and obscure its capabilities at the
same time. It thus contributes to the ambiguities Western experts encounter in analyzing
Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

crisis, Russian actors have repeatedly issued nuclear threats, often targeted against NATO


members. At the height of the Crimea crisis, the head of the Russian state news agency
reminded his audience that “Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically ca-
pable of turning the United States into radioactive ash.”63 Only a few months later, Russian
President Vladimir Putin declared: “Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing
a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading
nuclear powers. . . . Russia’s partners . . . should understand it’s best not to mess with us.”64 In
addition to these general threats, Moscow has issued very specific nuclear threats. Following
the test deployment of 330 U.S. Marines to NATO member Norway, the deputy chairman
of Russia’s defense and security committee asked: “How should we react to this? We have
never before had Norway on the list of targets for our strategic weapons.”65

Russia frequently has augmented such threats with acts of nuclear signaling—meaning non-
routine and perhaps offensive military actions that involve nuclear forces. In recent years,
for example, Russia has regularly sent nuclear-capable long-range bombers close to NATO
territory, although always strictly within international airspace. Russian nuclear signaling
often occurs in conjunction with important political events, such as Russia’s occupation of
Crimea, NATO’s 2017 defense ministers meeting in Brussels, or even on July 4, the United
States’ Independence Day.66 This timing indicates that the relevant actions are not simply
practice maneuvers but are intended to convey a threat.


Russian nuclear threats serve three purposes. First, Moscow wants to send the message that
whatever NATO does, the alliance has to take into account that Russia is nuclear-armed
and ready to use its weapons. This message is inherently ambiguous in that it could bolster
both defensive and offensive operations. Second, Moscow correctly assumes Western pub-
lics are paying some attention to the simmering conflict with Russia and wants to cause
widespread fear of nuclear war among
NATO populations.67 Its goal is to prompt
citizens to question and oppose the ap- Moscow wants to send the
proaches of leaders who support policies
inimical to Russian interests. Third, and
message that whatever NATO
perhaps most importantly, Russia wants to does, the alliance has to take
unsettle NATO leaders, make them worry into account that Russia is
that the alliance is ill-prepared for possible nuclear-armed and ready to
nuclear escalation, and, therefore, get them
to focus their military and political energy use its weapons.
on how to respond in the event of a crisis.

In doing so, Moscow’s ultimate goal is to expose the various contradictory views on nu-
clear deterrence within the alliance and undermine its unity. Indeed, this purpose, and the
aforementioned second one, illustrate that Russia’s nuclear doctrine contains a subversive
element aimed at undermining Western institutions. Taken together, the different missions


that Russia assigns to nuclear weapons—deterrence for defensive and, perhaps, offensive
purposes, and political subversion—allow Moscow to threaten nuclear escalation in various
scenarios. A famous Cold War metaphor likens escalation to climbing a ladder.68 The upper
rungs of this ladder involve the actual use of nuclear weapons. Immediately below them is
large-scale conventional warfare, which would, in the case of a Russia-NATO conflict, be
shaped by the awareness that escalation to nuclear use is all too possible.

The threat of nuclear escalation is central to Moscow’s NGW doctrine precisely because
Russia constantly employs this tool not only at the high end of the proverbial ladder of nu-
clear escalation, but also on the ladder’s lower rungs and in the background of conflict. For
instance, if Russia wanted to initiate low-level violence against NATO—by, for example,
sending disguised special forces across the border of a Baltic state—the supporting threat of
nuclear escalation could be a potential enabler, intended to deter NATO from responding
strongly. In such a scenario, NATO would have to contemplate the possibility of Moscow
escalating to nuclear use. Whether NATO would perceive such a threat as credible is an
open question, but it might affect and perhaps slow down NATO’s response.69 Apart from
being employed to support specific operations, Russian nuclear threats also have served as
a kind of constant background noise to intimidate and distract NATO for at least the last
few years. In this way, such threats are intended to help enable any possible low-level action
that Russia might want to initiate.



SINCE THE END of the Cold War, NATO has taken a threefold approach of collective
defense, enlargement, and cooperative security to respond to the dramatic changes Europe
has undergone since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. How to prioritize these different ele-
ments has been and still is disputed among the alliance’s twenty-nine members, all of which
have their own, sometimes divergent, interests. At the heart of the alliance, however, lies the
collective defense commitment to assist each other in the event of an armed attack.

For the past twenty years, as NATO has mostly pursued an open door policy toward Central
and Eastern Europe, the alliance has grown by integrating former members of the Warsaw
Pact, nonmembers who were previously friendly with the Soviet Union, and three former
Soviet republics (the three Baltic states). The principles underlying enlargement are that
new member states must choose freely to join NATO, that they fulfill a number of political
and military criteria (such as having settled any ethnic or external territorial disputes, as well
as being able to contribute militarily and financially to collective defense), and that their
accession strengthens the alliance.70 In addition, NATO has fostered close cooperative ties
with all other former Soviet republics and continues to champion their political indepen-
dence. At the same time, NATO has engaged Russia to try to alleviate Moscow’s concerns
about NATO enlargement and to pursue cooperation in areas of common security interest,
such as mutual military risk reduction and counterterrorism. NATO insists that it does not
seek conflict with Russia.71

NATO members have sometimes disagreed about which elements of this approach to pri-
oritize; at times, fractures between different national positions have become very visible.
For example, at NATO’s 2008 Bucharest Summit, the United States and some other allies
pushed for Georgia and Ukraine to become members, directly challenging a core Russian
interest. But France and Germany blocked this proposed accession, partly because they
were concerned about Russia’s likely negative reaction and partly because they questioned
the fitness of these states to join NATO and their potential to strengthen the alliance.72

Russia’s occupation of Crimea and subsequent deterioration in relations with NATO has
again pushed the task of collective defense to the fore.73 At its 2016 Warsaw Summit, NATO
allies underscored that Moscow is now considered to be a “challenge [to] the Alliance” and
“a source of regional instability.”74 To meet this challenge, NATO agreed first and foremost
to assure its easternmost allies and to enhance its means of deterring and defending against
Russia. But allies also recognized the need to increase the resilience of all members and to
seek dialogue with Russia.

For NATO, the Russian challenge presents multiple uncertainties, which exacerbate the
potential for disagreement. For starters, NATO members have different views of Moscow’s
intentions in the post-Soviet space and toward the alliance. Some officials from certain
members—including the three Baltic states, Poland, and the United States—have repeat-
edly claimed that the Kremlin is “revanchist,” in the sense that it purportedly wants to
redraw the map of Europe.75 They argue that Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine, and in
Georgia back in 2008, demonstrate Moscow’s willingness to use force in the former Soviet
republics. They fear that Moscow could even use military force against the alliance, particu-
larly the Baltic states. At a minimum, they see Russia as a challenger of the status quo—a
view diametrically opposed to Moscow’s
view of itself.
For NATO, the Russian
In addition, the states that see Russia as
challenge presents multiple
revanchist are mindful of Russian domes-
uncertainties, which tic politics and how these forces interact
exacerbate the potential with the tensions with NATO. According
for disagreement. to a popular—and probably correct—
theory, Putin, confronted with an ailing
Russian economy, to some extent may
need the friction with NATO, and particularly with Washington, to hold on to power.76
According to this theory, Putin’s efforts to foster nationalistic support to divert attention
from Russia’s deep-seated domestic problems could even force him to militarily test the
alliance one day.


Other NATO members—such as France, Germany, and Italy—seem rather skeptical that
Moscow presents an immediate military threat to NATO and question the plausibility
of Russia waging war against the world’s most powerful military alliance.77 Some former
officials and analysts from these countries agree with the Kremlin’s view that NATO has
moved too far east and understand how Russia could perceive NATO enlargement as
a threat.78

This general disagreement about current

and projected Russian intentions and in- If NATO underestimates
terests is important because it exacerbates
the potential for escalation for two quite
the threat from Russia, that
different reasons. First, if NATO underes- may give Moscow reason to
timates the threat from Russia, that may test the alliance’s resolve—
give Moscow reason to test the alliance’s maybe even with military force
resolve—maybe even by escalating to
the use of military force against NATO’s
against NATO’s weakest link,
weakest link, the Baltic states. In this case, the Baltic states.
an incorrect threat assessment by NATO
could invite Moscow to deliberately esca-
late the already simmering general tensions with NATO and go a significant step further,
perhaps by invading one of the Baltic states. Second, and conversely, if NATO overes-
timates the threat from Russia, its well-intentioned defensive measures may reinforce
legitimate, as well as imagined, Russian security concerns. In this case, misreading the
threat could lead NATO to create additional pressure on Moscow to up the ante, which
could lead to both arms races and increased tensions—making escalation more likely.
These two potential risks—of NATO doing too little and doing too much—create very
specific escalation risks in the Baltic region, in both the conventional and nuclear realms.


The regional imbalance between NATO’s and Russia’s conventional forces, NATO’s own
deterrence loopholes, and the geography of the Baltics all make both deliberate and inad-
vertent escalation possible. Although NATO as a whole has much greater conventional
military capabilities than Russia, Moscow enjoys a significant margin of conventional supe-
riority in the wider Baltic region (see map). Russia has been heavily funding and modern-
izing its aging armed forces over the last decade, making them a credible force again. In
addition, Moscow continues to expand its arsenal of long-range cruise missiles and other
precision-guided munitions.

To be fair, Russian modernization efforts continue to experience serious setbacks, as a re-

sult of widespread corruption and mismanagement, for instance. The Kremlin’s goal of
equipping 70 percent of its forces with the latest military equipment by 2020 is generally


Northern Fleet

New Fronts NORWAY

NATO's Eastern Borders
directly connected to Russia by land
not directly connected to Russia by land

NATO members former Soviet republics

before 1989
Russian military
former Eastern Bloc states, district headquarters Yekaterinburg
joined after 1989
Russian fleet RUSSIA
former nonaligned countries headquarters

countries where NATO troops Sites where new Russian St. Petersburg
have recently been stationed divisions are stationed
Number of troops Combat tanks Warplanes
830 ,000 3,000 1,900
Russian exclave of BELARUS
Main line of defense former
for NATO during the East Germany POLAND
Cold War

CZECH REP. Eastern Ukraine
Occupied by Rostov
SLOVAKIA pro-Russian
FRANCE MOLDOVA separatists South Ossetia
since 2014 Military conflict between Russia
HUNGARY and Georgia in August 2008
CROATIA Annexed by Russia GEORGIA
ITALY Black in March 2014
NATO Member States


Number of troops Combat tanks Warplanes

, , , ,
American share of total: , , , ,

Source: DER SPIEGEL 21/2017.

considered largely aspirational.79 Nevertheless, Western analysts assume that in case of an

open military attack on one or more of the Baltic states, Russian forces would most like-
ly overrun Baltic defenses within only a few days, presenting NATO with a military fait

Recognizing these weaknesses, the NATO allies agreed at the 2016 Warsaw Summit to
deploy four multinational battalions—a so-called Enhanced Forward Presence (EFP)—to
the three Baltic states and Poland. NATO also agreed to increase the intensity and scope
of its exercises in the region to deter Russian aggression and assure its eastern members.
Separately, the United States has sent additional forces and military equipment under a U.S.
national program known as the European Deterrence Initiative. (See Box 1 for a description
of the forces deployed under the EFP and the European Deterrence Initiative.)


BOX 1: NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence and the U.S. European
Deterrence Initiative

NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence (EFP) consists of four battalion-sized battlegroups

(totaling about 4,500 personnel) deployed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. Each
battalion is led by a framework nation—the United Kingdom in Estonia, Canada in Latvia,
Germany in Lithuania, and the United States in Poland. These framework nations contribute
the majority of forces to each battalion. In addition to the framework nations, twelve other
NATO allies participate in the EFP. NATO is also establishing eight small headquarters—the
so-called NATO force integration units (NFIUs). One NFIU is located in each country in the
region; these units are designed to serve as reinforcement hubs and to link NATO forces
to their national hosts. The four EFP battlegroups are assigned to NATO’s Supreme Allied
Commander Europe (SACEUR), but effectively have three lines of command: (1) NATO’s
command structure; (2) national lines of command from contributing nations; and (3) the
command line from the respective host nation. The EFP’s contributing nations and the four
host states are in the process of determining common rules of engagement, specific to the
regional deployments.81

In the event of a conflict, NATO’s Graduated Response Plan (known as Eagle Defender) would
come into play; this plan contains its own detailed rules of engagement. In any case, even
in the event of a conflict, SACEUR can only move forces in a very limited fashion—and not
beyond borders without a North Atlantic Council executive directive. Under the European
Deterrence Initiative, the United States deployed a range of forces including an armored
brigade combat team (of about 3,500 personnel) that continuously rotates through NATO’s
easternmost member states. This deployment also includes a combat aviation brigade (of
about 2,200 personnel), headquartered in Germany; a combat sustainment support battalion
(of about 750 personnel), based in Poland with a logistics hub in Romania; and a support
team in Lithuania. These steps have increased the overall number of U.S. combat brigades in
Europe to three, while also pre-positioning stocks of military equipment for a fourth brigade.

NATO force deployments to Eastern Europe—the EFP in particular—are intended to in-

crease pressure on NATO members to respond more forcefully in the event of combat.
The logic behind this strategy is that involving NATO forces from a variety of nations in a
conflict against Russia—and hence giving them a direct stake in the outcome—would help
minimize pressure within the alliance to simply cede to Russia any territory it may take,
thus strengthening deterrence and preventing deliberate Russian escalation.

However, the benefits of this multinational approach might be significantly overstated. As

some Western analysts have pointed out, a limited, targeted Russian attack could implicate


only a small subset of the nations that contribute to the EFP.82 If Russia were to solely at-
tack, say, Latvia (which has about 5,300 active national personnel), its forces would face
about 1,100 additional soldiers from Albania, Canada, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain—
but Russia would not face British, French, German, or U.S. forces.83 In fact, given that the
EFP base in Latvia is located in Ādaži, more than 200 kilometers from the Latvian-Russian
border, even the Latvian EFP battlegroup would not necessarily be involved in the initial
stages of combat if Russia were to attack and rapidly seize only a small part of eastern
Latvia. Moreover, Russia has repeatedly shown that it can muster a force of up to 100,000
personnel in its Western Military District on relatively short notice.84 The small EFP force
that would line up against them would essentially constitute a trip wire that could neither
halt nor push back a serious Russian intervention. The main purpose of the EFP personnel
would be to ensure that as many NATO allies as possible would be involved in combat, or
to put it more bluntly, would die.85

The grim logic of this arrangement is that once the trip wire is pulled, NATO would be
forced to retake the Baltic states if it were to not accept (temporary) defeat at Russia’s
hands. In the event of a crisis or combat, the EFP could, according to current plans, receive
two waves of reinforcements. The first to arrive would be NATO’s Very High Readiness
Joint Task Force (VJTF)—also known as the Spearhead Force—which consists of, at most,
13,000 personnel. The Spearhead is the most rapidly deployable part of the Enhanced
NATO Response Force (eNRF) the rest of which would follow later. At most, the complete
eNRF consists of 40,000 personnel (including the Spearhead).86

Assembling, moving, and deploying those forces would take time. NATO estimates that it
would take less than seven days to deploy the Spearhead.87 Little is known publicly about
the readiness of the rest of the eNRF.88 Some experts believe that “between 30 and 45 days”
would be needed “from notice to movement”—a timeline that does not include actual
deployment.89 How long it would take European allies to muster additional credible forces
for a potential third wave, given the atrophied state of some European allies’ forces, is even
less clear.90 One study concluded that even British, French, or German forces would have a
hard time providing a combat-ready heavy brigade at short notice.91

Of course, in the event of a crisis, it would be possible for individual NATO states, most
notably the United States, to bypass NATO’s political command structure and intervene
independently ahead of a NATO decision.92 However, doing so would come at the political
price of rendering NATO’s collective decisionmaking in the North Atlantic Council (NAC)
obsolete. Moreover, given the current U.S. administration’s ambiguous commitment to
Article V, Washington’s willingness to intervene independently is questionable. In any case,
all military crisis planning ultimately depends on NATO allies politically agreeing to use
force to counter a potential Russian attack. While the decision to enter war with Russia
would certainly not be an easy one, it would require a unanimous vote by the twenty-nine
members of the NAC.93


NATO’s long reaction times create another problem—the risk of inadvertent escalation. In
the event that Russia threatened a conventional attack, NATO decisionmakers would be
under potentially enormous pressure to ready the Spearhead and perhaps also the eNRF as
early as possible to prevent deliberate escalation. But Moscow could misinterpret these ac-
tions as an imminent threat, leading Russia to rapidly escalate in response.94 NATO could
try to communicate the purposes behind its actions to Russia, but doing so persuasively
could be difficult.

To make matters worse, the geography of the

Baltics would not be conducive to NATO The current configuration has
operations. Russia enjoys considerable stra-
tegic depth in its vast Western Military
loopholes that might provide
District and has a well-integrated railroad Russia with the opportunity
system to reinforce troops quickly in the for a military fait accompli,
event of a conflict. By contrast, NATO allies effectively taking a small part
would have to fly or ship in reinforcements
of personnel and military equipment—a
of Latvia. This increases the
much slower process.95 NATO has decided risk of deliberate escalation.
against pre-positioning equipment in the
Baltic states; much U.S. equipment is, for
example, based 1,500 kilometers away in Germany. Reinforcing by land would entail mul-
tiple challenges, ranging from NATO’s atrophied logistics or missing railway links in Eastern
Europe to Russia’s abilities to hold NATO’s transportation nodes at risk.

Particularly the latter represents a serious problem for NATO. The flow of NATO’s rein-
forcements—by air, sea, and land routes—could be disrupted by Russia’s substantial mod-
ern anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) capabilities, which are centered in the Kaliningrad
exclave and around Saint Petersburg. These capabilities include conventional and dual-
capable guided missiles, anti-ship weapons, air defense systems, and several layers of mod-
ern radar.96 If accusations that Russia has violated the INF Treaty are correct, then Moscow
might well also possess dual-capable intermediate-range missiles that could be used to target
key transport nodes and pre-positioned equipment deep in Western Europe.

Taken together, the current EFP configuration has loopholes that might provide Russia with
the opportunity for a military fait accompli, effectively taking a small part of Latvia. This
increases the risk of deliberate escalation. Without the EFP directly involved in early combat,
NATO members might find it hard to agree on immediate military counteractions. If Russia
were to only threaten a conventional attack, the risk of inadvertent escalation might increase
once NATO decides to deploy additional forces to the Baltics. Russia might simply misread
NATO’s defensive move as offensive. Last but not least, in any crisis or open conflict with
Russia, NATO would face serious but not insurmountable obstacles reinforcing its troops.



Some Western analysts have criticized NATO’s deterrence and assurance measures for not
doing enough to meaningfully mitigate the risk of deliberate Russian escalation. They wor-
ry that NATO’s current policy may still leave Moscow tempted to test the alliance with
its superior conventional forces unless NATO follows up with a strategy for overcoming
Russian A2/AD capabilities and enabling swift reinforcement.97 Others have argued for the
additional deployment of large-scale, mainly U.S. troops to the region to help bypass the
reinforcement problem.98 According to war games conducted by the RAND Corporation,
NATO would probably need seven heavily armed brigades (of about 35,000 personnel)
permanently deployed in the region to prevent a Russian fait accompli and an additional
nine to fourteen maneuver brigades (of up to about 70,000 personnel) as reinforcements to
drive Russian forces back.99

Officials from the region have echoed some of these concerns. Baltic officials, in particular,
argue in private conversations for additional deployments—particularly of U.S. forces—to
their countries, though on a much more limited scale than proposed in the RAND study.
They express an expectation that current deterrence and assurance measures are only the
starting point for a larger effort aimed at modernizing and streamlining NATO’s overall
command structure, and they maintain that the next steps must include efforts to perma-
nently secure reinforcement routes, to have reinforcement personnel ready at all times, and
to provide indigenous Baltic forces with advanced equipment, such as air defense systems,
needed to win time in any war with Russia.100

These views are at odds with those of other NATO allies who have warned the alliance
of unnecessarily increasing tensions with Russia by going beyond current deployments.
Germany and France, in particular, seem to believe that the EFP is sufficient and that fur-
ther military deployments are not an urgent matter.101 Conscious of cost considerations,
they point to allies’ combined military and economic superiority and see the Russian con-
ventional edge in the Baltics as only one side of the equation. After all, on the other hand,
NATO states currently have 3.2 million personnel in their collective militaries, compared
to 830,000 active Russian servicemen; moreover, the United States maintains, by far, the
world’s largest and most powerful armed forces. In the words of the former head of Poland’s
National Security Bureau, Army General Stanisław Koziej, “NATO is the most powerful
military alliance in the world and has the largest military potential at its disposal, the deter-
rence power of which discourages any potential adversary from confrontation.”102 The allies
that take this position receive support from NATO’s Southern European members, who
would instead like to see greater attention focused on North Africa and the Middle East to
counter threats such as mass migration and international terrorism.103

Further arguments against a more muscular NATO policy in Eastern Europe include rec-
ognition of Russia’s legitimate interest in securing Kaliningrad (which might be hard for


Moscow to defend in a war with NATO104) and NATO’s ability to hold Russian A2/AD as-
sets at risk, using assets that include dozens of advanced stealthy air-launched cruise missiles
recently acquired by Poland.105 According to the U.S. chief of naval operations, Admiral
John Richardson, “The reality is that we can fight from within these defended [A2/AD]
areas and if needed, we will.”106

Proponents of a more cautious approach

worry that NATO and Russia are entering Proponents of a more cautious
a self-reinforcing cycle of mutual insecuri- approach worry that NATO
ty, with each side (mis)interpreting the ac-
tions of the other as potentially offensive in and Russia are entering a
nature. They argue that the instability of an self-reinforcing cycle of
uncontrolled arms race, driven by a desire mutual insecurity.
for more security, further increases general
tensions with Russia and could ultimately
lead to escalation.107 Germany, in particular, has spearheaded calls for NATO-Russian talks
on confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) and arms control, building on
NATO’s consensus decision at the 2014 Wales Summit to renew dialogue with Russia over
the long term.108 Berlin argues that NATO should not forget that goal. Germany sees arms
control measures for the wider Baltic region—such as mutual force limitations in the region
and more transparency regarding large as well as snap Russian exercises—as useful tools for
enhancing crisis stability and avoiding a renewed arms race.109

While recognizing Moscow’s aggressive policies over the last few years, proponents of arms
control want to see an ongoing NATO commitment to hold on to the last remaining ves-
tiges of the cooperative security regime with Russia. They fear that going beyond NATO’s
current deterrence and assurance measures in the Baltic states and Poland could overload
the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997, in which NATO pledged not to permanently
station additional “substantial combat forces” on the territories of those states.110 NATO
reiterated this pledge at the Warsaw Summit.111

For the time being, NATO seems focused on maintaining the delicate balance of assuring its
easternmost allies, considering calls for caution, and signaling resolve as well as non-offensive
intentions to Russia. The size of the EFP, in particular, is a concession to NATO’s more cau-
tious allies to maintain alliance unity and to signal restraint toward Russia. At the same time,
as a result of this concession, NATO has accepted the military and political hardship that
would come with retaking the Baltics in the event of a potential Russian attack.

This consensus is, however, not necessarily set in stone. Any significant and permanent
buildup of Russian forces close to Baltic territories, which has not occurred so far, or an-
other Russian intervention in the post-Soviet space—in Belarus, for example—would
strengthen arguments in favor of more NATO boots on the ground. Meanwhile, the longer


that the status quo and its multiple escalation risks persists without further Russian military
aggression, the stronger the voices within the alliance will grow to add a significant détente
component to NATO’s current approach.


Beyond the aforementioned risks of conventional escalation, additional escalation pathways
extend to the nuclear realm of the NATO-Russia relationship. In its official documents,
NATO is upfront and states that the alliance reserves the right to use nuclear weapons. At
the same time, it concedes that “the circumstances in which any use of nuclear weapons
might have to be contemplated are extremely remote.”112 However, that does not necessarily
imply that the alliance would be unwilling to use nuclear weapons in the event of a crisis.

But words are only one part of the equation. The other is that NATO has put much less
emphasis on its nuclear deterrent in Europe since the end of the Cold War. The alliance has
forward-deployed an estimated 150 U.S. B-61 gravity bombs in Belgium, Germany, Italy,
the Netherlands, and Turkey.113 The gravity bombs deployed in Turkey are not operational
as long as nuclear-capable aircraft are not stationed at the İncirlik Air Base. As noted be-
fore, Russia has an estimated 2,000 tactical nuclear arms, many of which are assumed to
be stored in depots in the western (European) part of the country, and Moscow regularly
conducts exercises to simulate the transition from conventional to nuclear warfare. That
said, even though Russia now relies heavily on the threat of nuclear use, and even though
NATO has reduced its reliance on nuclear arms, the alliance still threatens nuclear use to
try and deter a Russian attack against the Baltics.114

There are, nonetheless, a range of views within NATO on its nuclear posture. To begin
with, nuclear weapons are generally very unpopular in all of the five NATO states that host
U.S. B-61 bombs; politicians in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands have regularly re-
sponded to this domestic sentiment by seeking to remove these U.S. weapons.115 Moreover,
some alliance members do not see an immediate need to take steps to bolster NATO’s
nuclear posture in the wake of Russia’s an-
nexation of Crimea. As a result, in recent
In fact, like Russia’s nuclear years, member states have shied away from
doctrine, NATO’s current an open debate about NATO’s nuclear de-
terrent, and NATO’s nuclear policy has
nuclear policy contains quite not been updated.
an element of ambiguity as
In fact, like Russia’s nuclear doctrine,
well. Would NATO be ready
NATO’s current nuclear policy contains
to use nuclear weapons in quite an element of ambiguity as well.
a conflict with Russia? Would NATO be ready to use nuclear
weapons in a conflict with Russia? The


answer is far from obvious given the contradictions between the alliance’s official declara-
tory policy and members’ divergent views on nuclear arms. The resulting inadvertent am-
biguity could in fact prevent escalation, for Russia might shy away from testing NATO’s
nuclear resolve. On the other hand, this ambiguity could also invite deliberate nuclear
escalation if Russia misreads it.


The intra-alliance debate over nuclear weapons is similar to the one over conventional
forces. Critics who worry that NATO is doing too little perceive Russia as having more,
and more readily available, capabilities, as well as, perhaps, greater resolve to escalate to
nuclear use. They worry that NATO’s resolve to use nuclear weapons is undermined by
powerful domestic opposition to nuclear arms in key member states and by the fact that
NATO’s combined conventional forces are still superior to Russia’s (which is to say there
might be no actual need for NATO to use its nuclear weapons).116 Some allies also criticize
NATO for not making meaningful attempts to explain to their publics why nuclear arms
continue to matter.117 The result of this lack of public discussion, they claim, is that NATO’s
forward-deployed nuclear weapons are typically kept in such a way that they are weeks
away from being ready to use.118 As a result, critics charge NATO with being unprepared
for nuclear use.

Other points of criticism abound as well. For instance, NATO exercises do not practice the
transition from conventional to nuclear warfare, as Russian exercises do. Another issue is that
a minority of experts also views NATO’s numerical nuclear inferiority in Europe as prob-
lematic and is concerned that the existing imbalance will be further tipped in Russia’s favor if
Moscow really is producing and deploying weapons in violation of the INF Treaty.119 Polish
experts, in particular, have expressed additional concerns about the possibility of Russia
secretly moving nuclear warheads for short-range missiles into Kaliningrad.120 Especially in
light of Moscow’s alleged doctrine of escalate-to-deescalate, these critics believe that NATO
would be left without an appropriate response if Russia were to escalate to nuclear use or
even if it just threatened nuclear use following an attack on NATO territory.121 As a result,
they worry that NATO’s nuclear deterrent might not be sufficiently credible to prevent
deliberate Russian escalation.

Against this backdrop, the new 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) argues that to
“credibly deter Russian nuclear or non-nuclear strategic attacks . . . the President must have
a range of limited and graduated options, including a variety of delivery systems and explo-
sive yields.”122 Such capabilities, the drafters of the NPR argue, would “pose insurmountable
difficulties to any Russian strategy of aggression against the United States, its allies, or part-
ners and ensure the credible prospect of unacceptably dire costs to the Russian leadership
if it were to choose aggression.”123 In concrete terms, the NPR recommends new sea-based
nuclear options, including low-yield nuclear warheads, designed to introduce additional


tailored nuclear responses. Those proposals are most likely welcome in Eastern Europe, and
particularly in Poland, where some analysts and officials have debated the option of making
Polish F-16 fighter jets nuclear-capable to support NATO’s nuclear missions.124

Those who oppose efforts to strengthen NATO’s nuclear profile make a strong case that
doing so would risk serious disunity because of the strong public opposition to nuclear
weapons in many European NATO states. In response to the criticism that NATO lacks
the capabilities necessary for deterrence, they point out that NATO is already tailoring its
deterrent capability. In particular, the U.S. B-61s have a so-called dial-a-yield functionality
that reportedly permits them to produce a yield as low as 0.3 kilotons or as high as 170

Moreover, prior to the new NPR, Washington was already in the process of enhancing
NATO’s nuclear deterrence capabilities. Starting in 2022, Washington will field a modern-
ized version of the B-61 with improved accuracy and (again) adjustable yields.126 In addi-
tion, the new U.S. administration is proceeding with plans to acquire between 1,000 and
1,100 new air-launched nuclear-armed cruise missiles that, in the event of a crisis, could be
deployed to Europe along with the necessary U.S. aircraft.127 Washington has also begun to
reinsert a nuclear presence into some NATO exercises since the annexation of Crimea—in-
cluding two exercises in the Baltic region—with the participation of nuclear-capable U.S.
B-52 bombers.128

Moreover, critics underline the grave dan-

Those who oppose efforts to gers that a U.S. doctrine based on limited
strengthen NATO’s nuclear nuclear use might pose to the general sta-
bility promised by nuclear deterrence.129
profile claim doing so would risk They argue that the introduction of smaller
disunity because of the public yield warheads might cause Russia to con-
opposition to nuclear weapons clude that the United States is enhanc-
ing its ability to conduct a disarming first
in many European NATO states. strike against Russia with minimal civilian
casualties.130 Referring to Russia’s alleged
doctrine of escalate-to-deescalate, then
U.S. deputy defense secretary Robert Work and Admiral James Winnefeld stated in 2015:
“Anyone who thinks they can control escalation through the use of nuclear weapons is
literally playing with fire. Escalation is escalation, and nuclear use would be the ultimate
escalation.”131 If Work’s and Winnefeld’s assumption is true, and if it applies to the United
States and NATO as well, changing NATO’s nuclear posture to include further options
for managing nuclear escalation might well outweigh the perceived benefits. Finally, pro-
ponents of a more cautious nuclear approach want to prevent allies from unnecessarily
entering a new nuclear arms race with Russia, which could raise tensions and, hence, risk
escalation and the unity of the alliance.


For the time being, NATO’s nuclear policy continues to follow this more cautious ap-
proach. But the NPR’s recommendation of introducing additional low-yield nuclear op-
tions to the U.S. arsenal might well trigger a debate among allies about possible adjustments
of NATO’s nuclear doctrine. Current events, particularly the ongoing crisis over the INF
Treaty, could lend additional credence to those urging NATO to take a fresh look at its ap-
proach to nuclear deterrence.


Moscow’s NGW strategy also forces NATO to look beyond, or more precisely, below, the nu-
clear and conventional rungs of the escalation ladder to the problems caused by Russia’s non-
kinetic operations. Deterrence and assurance are not necessarily an effective remedy against
these operations as many of them take place in the civilian realm and cannot be countered
by classical military means. It is, therefore, necessary for NATO to embrace a holistic strategy
that doubles down on resilience measures, aimed at mitigating nonkinetic escalation risks.
Moscow’s nonkinetic operations against NATO member states have essentially two goals: (1)
avoiding a large-scale military conflict with the alliance while, at the same time, (2) gradually
undermining member states’ internal cohesion by puzzling and exhausting them, the ultimate
aim being to coerce allies into accepting unfavorable political outcomes, such as giving up on
promoting the independence of the other former Soviet republics.

The diverse range of Russia’s nonkinetic toolbox makes it challenging for NATO states to
identify one single action, such as Russian sponsorship of anti-government groups, as suf-
ficiently serious to demand a strong response and, then, for member states to decide what
that strong response should be. Nevertheless, this form of low-level attacks in nonmilitary
domains and by non-attributable or low-visibility actions can further exacerbate general
tensions between NATO and Russia and could potentially create the conditions for a crisis.
This problem is particularly apparent in the three Baltic states.

Moscow’s disruptive propaganda and disinformation campaigns targeting the three Baltic
states have been in operation for more than a decade.132 All three of these states are home
to ethnic Russian minorities, which constituted 25 percent of Estonia’s population, 26.9
percent of Latvia’s, and about 5.8 percent of Lithuania’s in 2011 respectively.133 Most of
these groups are fairly well integrated, and problems generally do not arise in daily life. But
they continue to value their Russian roots, language, and family or business ties. Moreover,
their relationship to the Baltic majorities is often fraught because of mutual historical griev-
ances about the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states and the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Almost all of these Baltic Russian minorities receive their daily information entirely through
Russian state-sponsored media, which incorrectly describes the three countries as “failing
states” with huge economic and political problems that are unfit to serve as proper homes
for the Russians living there, not least because their Baltic majorities purportedly have stark
anti-Russian feelings.134


Since 2014, these efforts to negatively manipulate Russian minorities in the Baltics, which
sometimes border on outright hate speech, have accelerated. With the arrival of the first
units of the EFP, Russian propaganda increased. For example, in February 2017, a source,
believed to be Russian, reported the alleged rape of a Lithuanian teenager by a group of
German soldiers.135 Even though the Lithuanian authorities quickly rebutted this untrue
story, potential mistrust between the Baltic populations and the multinational NATO
forces might undermine the former’s general acceptance of the latter and thus impede their
defensive value for the Baltic states.

The danger of nonkinetic Russian operations in the information space stems from their de-
liberate as well as inadvertent effects and the difficulty of defending against them. The delib-
erate effect is to prevent reconciliation efforts between the many ethnic groups populating
the Baltic states and to present authorities with manifold internal problems, such as fighting
a constant uphill battle against hardening mutual prejudices. But the inadvertent effects
could go much further, since the constant seeping of propaganda and disinformation into
the collective consciousness of Russian minorities could at some point lead to a domestic
crisis, perhaps sparked by a totally mundane event, such as local rivalries between different
groups of youth turning into violent protests. In the wake of such an incident, the Kremlin
could face mounting domestic pressure to intervene if Russian minorities were involved.

Baltic officials and experts have a range of

The danger of nonkinetic Russian views about the likelihood of such a sce-
nario. The majority describe Russia’s lever-
operations in the information age as rather limited, particularly in com-
space stems from their parison to how much it held over Georgia
deliberate as well as inadvertent and Ukraine prior to its interventions in
those countries. There are experts, howev-
effects and the difficulty of er, who warn against underestimating the
defending against them. Kremlin’s destabilization efforts because
the consequences of these efforts being suc-
cessful could be quite dire.136 Either way,
Russia’s employment of nonkinetic operations, even though deliberately aimed at avoiding
large-scale escalation, could inadvertently lead to that exact outcome.

The big challenge for NATO is that deterring these operations with classical military means
is almost impossible, particularly since Russia relies on a wide range of nonkinetic opera-
tions across multiple nonmilitary domains—such as cyberattacks, criminal activities like
fostering corruption, and intelligence operations aimed at probing border security mea-
sures.137 Responding with conventional—let alone nuclear—deterrence threats is not cred-
ible because such traditional military defense measures are highly disproportionate. A re-
lated risk is that because Russian nonkinetic operations can fly under the radar, NATO
members might pay too much attention to nuclear or conventional escalation scenarios and
fail to give adequate attention to Russian nonkinetic operations.


One of NATO’s responses so far has been to focus on strengthening the resilience of its
members to nonkinetic operations. Resilience aims to lessen the impact of a future shock
by preparing states to manage a crisis such as a sudden, sustained nationwide electricity
outage.138 Societies can prepare for large-scale evacuations by regularly practicing this con-
tingency and by storing supplies in case an emergency occurs. In concrete terms, Lithuania
has started to raise public awareness about the possibility that Russia may stage a military
attack and has widely disseminated small handbooks to its people on how to act in such an

Like deterrence, resilience is preventive, but the latter operates without making a threat.
In the words of Patrick Turner, NATO’s assistant secretary general for operations, “we can
only confront today’s security challenges effectively if we strengthen our civil preparedness
alongside our military preparedness.”140 But although NATO’s resilience efforts include
securing critical civilian infrastructure, such as electrical grids and power stations, against
cyberattacks or sabotage as well as defending against cyber intrusions that might hurt local
economies, the alliance’s primary concern still centers around preventing the disruption of
military deployments to ensure effective deterrence and defense.141

What remains open to debate is how to tailor resilience measures in the Baltics to reduce
the vulnerability of Russian minorities against Russian propaganda and disinformation. So
far, allies have viewed resilience as a primarily national responsibility that NATO can sup-
port by, for instance, cooperating with the European Union.142 Some allies are concerned
that concentrating too much on resilience might run the risk of losing sight of NATO’s
traditional core missions of deterrence and defense.143 A report authorized by the Latvian
National Defense Academy exemplifies such sentiment, concluding that “Russia’s influence
in Latvia is limited.”144 Some experts, meanwhile, view Russian nonkinetic operations as
a mere repetition of “Soviet-style” propaganda that has already been shown to fail.145 Still
others argue that in an increasingly interconnected world, it would be extremely difficult
to comprehensively defend against the NGW’s inherently boundless approach, and so they
advocate good governance and appropriate minority rights.146

All in all, even though NATO’s approach to resilience is much less controversial within the
alliance than its deterrence and assurance policies, the alliance shies away from playing a
larger role in seeking to foster civilian resilience in the three Baltic states, including efforts to
address the potential vulnerability of the Russian minorities there. To be clear, the alliance
could be tested in the future. For example, EFP forces could become a high-priority target
of Russian nonkinetic operations, such as protests in front of military barracks, sabotage, or
terrorist activities. Such operations could be aimed at undermining public acceptance of the
EFP, both in the countries that provide the forces and in their host countries.147

Having said that, so far none of the allies in the Baltics have experienced any concerted or
sustained large-scale, nonkinetic, Russian attack across multiple domains that could seri-
ously test the effectiveness of existing national resilience measures. In the absence of such


a reality check, NATO allies face the challenge of identifying all the domains that could
lend themselves to escalatory Russian actions so as to keep up with Moscow’s creativity in
conducting nonkinetic operations, while avoiding the over-securitization of almost all parts
of everyday life.


Russia has stepped up military brinkmanship vis-à-vis NATO members and other non-
member states in Europe since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Brinkmanship, as a
tactic aimed at intimidating the opponent, entails the risk of accidental escalation, if (for
instance) adversarial forces operate in close proximity. Like Russia’s nonkinetic operations,
the risk of accidental escalation cannot be addressed by deterrence. Instead, managing ac-
cidental escalation requires NATO allies to more actively pursue good communications and
risk-reduction measures.

In the past few years, Moscow has repeatedly violated the national airspaces of countries
in Northern Europe, such as the Baltic states, as well as those of non-NATO members
like Finland and Sweden.148 In response, national or NATO aircraft usually approach the
offending Russian jets and drive or escort them back. The immediate tactical aim of the
Russian pilots conducting such maneuvers is to test the readiness of national air defenses.
Close military encounters involving Russian forces also happen in international airspace
and over international waters. In these environments as well, Russian pilots have exhibited
risky behavior, by getting very close to surveillance planes or ships, for instance. Especially
early on in the Ukraine crisis, there were even cases in which civilian aircraft were en-
dangered.149 Ultimately, the strategic goal behind these dangerous tactics is to intimidate
Russia’s neighbors and remind them that Moscow is a capable military power.

Quite often, these tactics create the risk

Like Russia’s nonkinetic of accidental escalation. For example, a
Russian fighter aircraft deliberately came
operations, the risk of extremely close to a U.S. destroyer over the
accidental escalation cannot Baltic Sea in 2016.150 Even though Russia
be addressed by deterrence. maintains a highly professional air force,
a technical glitch or human error in such
situations could lead to an unintended ac-
cident causing the deaths of multiple NATO military personnel. Hasty overreactions can
lead to fatalities as well. In 2015, the Turkish military shot down a Russian jet after issuing
multiple warnings for Russian aircraft not to continue violating Turkish national airspace.
In the wake of that incident, tensions between Moscow and Ankara ran high, as each side
accused the other of misbehavior.151 The larger risk behind such dangerous maneuvers and
incidents is that they could happen in an already tense political environment. Akin to the
proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, an accidental military incident with fatalities


could lead to domestic calls for retaliation that could, in turn, spark a larger military crisis
that neither side might be able to contain.

Preventing accidental escalation calls, first and foremost, for responsible behavior. But ab-
sent the political willingness to show such behavior, improved communication can help.
Before an accidental crisis, good communication can help prevent one from occurring in
the first place. During an accidental crisis, reliable communication channels can help the
parties involved deescalate the situation and perhaps contain the immediate political fall-
out. In addition, commonly agreed-upon rules of the road, such as a mutual expectation to
switch on aircraft transponders at all times, perhaps embodied in bilateral and multilateral
CSBMs, could help mitigate the risks of accidental escalation.

NATO allies have sought to pursue talks with Russia on risk-reduction measures and gen-
eral responsible airmanship, but these efforts have stalled as the two sides have not been able
to agree on the best way forward.152 NATO has suggested that Russia first change its behav-
ior, after which the two sides could institute a political process for updating risk-reduction
procedures under Chapter III of the Vienna Document, an agreement on CSBMs under
the auspices of the multinational Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE). Because NATO suspended practical cooperation with Russia in 2014 in reaction
to the annexation of Crimea, alliance members would prefer the OSCE as a forum, so as to
avoid a dedicated military-to-military dialogue with Moscow. Contrary to this preference,
Moscow has started to demand direct and exclusive consultations with NATO. Further
complicating matters, the Ukraine crisis has interrupted continuous NATO-Russian mili-
tary-to-military channels of communication at the working level.

Some experts have suggested dusting off,

inter alia, two bilateral U.S.-Soviet agree- Even though the number of
ments from the Cold War: the Agreement
on the Prevention of Incidents On and
incidents has gone down in recent
Over the High Seas (INCSEA) and the months, NATO is aware that
Agreement on the Prevention of Dangerous current conditions still create the
Military Activities (DMA). Both agree- risk of accidental escalation.
ments were designed to regulate military
forces operating in close proximity so as to
reduce the risk of accidents and miscalculations by, for instance, avoiding mock attacks sim-
ulating the use of weapons against aircraft or ships.153 These agreements also contain impor-
tant military-to-military communications channels, such as annual review meetings, joint
military commissions, and the continuous maintenance of open communications channels
based on agreed-upon call signs and radio frequencies.154 While the DMA is largely unde-
rused—the U.S.-Russian consultation commission has met only twice since the agreement
was concluded in 1989—U.S.-Russian INCSEA meetings are taking place.155 In addition,
eleven other NATO members have INCSEA-like arrangements with Russia in place. The

problem is that in the wider Baltic region, neither Poland nor the three Baltic states have
INCSEA arrangements with Russia.156

Even though the number of incidents has gone down in recent months, NATO is aware
that current conditions still create the risk of accidental escalation. Officially, risk-reduction
efforts are considered a priority for NATO—under the headline of general engagement with
Russia—as stated in the 2016 Warsaw Summit declaration.157 However, there seems to be
disagreement within the alliance about the terms of engagement with Moscow and the na-
ture of potential deliverables. These disagreements and a general lack of Russian cooperation
create the risk of putting off efforts to address the problem of accidental escalation.

IF NATO WANTS to comprehensively address the risks of escalation, including deliberate

Russian escalation, the alliance needs to understand the potential consequences and pos-
sible shortcomings of its policies in the realms of deterrence and assurance, resilience, and
risk reduction. Assessing NATO’s current capacity to prevent escalation in a number of dif-
ferent potential contingencies is an important way to gauge the alliance’s level of prepared-
ness to manage the escalatory pitfalls in the alliance’s relationship with Moscow.

To this end, below are three possible escalation scenarios that can help analysts better un-
derstand the potential implications of NATO’s current policies as well as what NATO could
do today to make future escalation less likely. All three scenarios involve nuclear threats
(though two of them stop short of actual Russian nuclear-weapons use). The value of this
scenario-based approach is that it can highlight escalation risks that are not obvious or that
Western analysts have not yet discussed in detail. For example, this approach highlights
the escalation risks linked to NATO’s current deterrence policy, which might necessitate
the quick reinforcement of NATO personnel in the Baltics in the event of a crisis. If such a
move were not properly communicated to Moscow, Russia could inadvertently misinterpret
NATO’s actions as the start of a military offensive and consequently choose to escalate the
crisis militarily.

Accordingly, the aim is not to describe each and every escalatory step in great detail but to
provide enough information to identify lessons that are more generally applicable. Clearly,

many other escalation scenarios, besides those described here, can be imagined, and ana-
lyzing them could well lead to other important insights. Indeed, one complication of the
real world not considered here is the possibility of multiple escalation pathways occurring
simultaneously. By side-stepping this possibility, this analysis tends to understate the escala-
tion risks and the challenges the alliance would face in seeking to manage them.


The first scenario starts with a Russian land grab in the Baltics. To be very clear, this is
an extreme scenario; an overwhelming majority of Western experts, including NATO staff,
consider it to be a “remote” possibility.158 Nevertheless, there are good reasons to consider
this extreme set of circumstances. First, it is a high-risk scenario, based on low probability
but with high potential consequences. Second, many allies are worried about it. And third,
this scenario might look less unlikely after the Russian use of force in Georgia and Ukraine.

STAGE ONE: The year 2018 sees the return of large-scale protests to major Russian cit-
ies. Suddenly, Vladimir Putin’s hold on power no longer seems a given. Only two weeks
after the first protests, the Russian General Staff announces a large military exercise in
Russia’s Western Military District, close to the border of Latvia.

IMPLICATIONS: This combination of events would put NATO on notice about the inter-
nal developments in Russia and the announced military exercise, and these events would
raise serious concerns that Russia’s leadership might be planning to create an international
crisis to divert attention from a domestic crisis.

At the same time, however, strong voices within NATO would almost certainly caution
against overreacting to these events. They could argue that if NATO were to react militar-
ily—by, for example, deciding to send temporary reinforcements, even perhaps only one
additional battalion—to alleviate the concerns of Baltic nations, doing so would risk giving
the Kremlin reason to up the ante. Indeed, deploying EFP forces in the region to the border
area or even just raising their state of alert might be perceived by Russia as an aggressive
move. Given these trade-offs, it is quite likely that NATO would react in a rather reserved
way, which would give Russia an important advantage in terms of mobilizing its forces.

STAGE TWO: Sudden protests by the Russian minority community in Latvia’s east-
ernmost Latgale region spiral out of control with several fatalities. While NATO ambas-
sadors are gathering for an emergency meeting, Putin warns NATO “not to interfere in
the internal affairs of Latvia” and assures his domestic audience that “Russia will not idly
stand by as Russians are being slaughtered abroad.”


IMPLICATIONS: For the alliance, the sudden occurrence of serious protests in Latvia—
whether or not instigated by Moscow—in conjunction with a domestic crisis in Russia and
an arms buildup close to Latvia would immediately raise the severity of the crisis. The pos-
sibility of Russia escalating the conflict with NATO, which might have seemed rather low
at Stage One, would suddenly become more realistic. (Indeed, similar Russian statements
about the security of Russians living abroad were made ahead of Moscow’s interventions in
Georgia and Ukraine.159)

That said, there would nonetheless still

For the alliance, sudden
be a real possibility that allies would hold
divergent interpretations of these events, protests in Latvia—in
and it is unclear whether the EFP would conjunction with a domestic
be ordered to immediately leave its base crisis in Russia and an arms
near Riga, at least to patrol the border with
buildup close to Latvia—
Russia.160 Even though NATO insists that
the EFP has no role to play in a domestic would immediately raise
unrest scenario, some allies might ques- the severity of the crisis.
tion that logic, given that events may be
instigated by Russia as it looked to invade.
Debates at NATO Headquarters on these issues could get acrimonious. Some allies would
probably worry that such actions as well as NATO preparations to send additional forces to
the region could be escalatory. The alliance could well look, and perhaps be, divided. Again,
NATO might still wait to avoid giving Russia any pretext to intervene.

STAGE THREE: Russian forces cross the border into Latvia and occupy the Latgale
region. President Putin makes a press announcement that “Russia’s humanitarian in-
tervention stops here and now.” NATO defense ministers meet and issue an ultimatum,
demanding full Russian withdrawal.

IMPLICATIONS: At this point, debates within NATO about the severity of the Russian
threat would be overtaken by events. NATO would be presented with a military fait ac-
compli. While this situation already would be very challenging to handle, it might be fur-
ther complicated if Russian forces met only minimal resistance from Latvian forces and
perhaps none at all from the EFP. (Given the distance between their base in Riga and the
Latgale region, there would be a serious risk that they would not arrive quickly enough to
resist Russian forces.) In this case, regional EFP commanders—who, in the case of Latvia,
come from six different contributing nations—might be confronted with a choice between
engaging immediately in a futile fight that they would be certain to lose or holding back
to await further instructions from NATO Headquarters. Worse still, some commanders
might even receive orders from their own national commands, bypassing the NATO chain
of command and possibly complicating a collective response.


One potential outcome would be paralysis. Conversely, there would also be a real possibil-
ity that an EFP commander—having received divergent orders from NATO, the host na-
tion (Latvia), and national lines of command—might decide to engage in combat before
NATO’s political leaders have decided to invoke Article V.

Regardless of exactly how the fight was playing out in the theater, the NAC would, at this
stage, have to determine whether or not to invoke Article V and whether or not to go to war
with Russia in an environment where the scope of the Russian campaign would still look
rather limited (as no allied forces from France, Germany, the United Kingdom, or the United
States would be involved yet). Even if Article V were triggered, certain allies might still ad-
vocate for a diplomatic solution. A possible compromise might see allies starting immediate
preparations for military reinforcement in parallel with heightened crisis diplomacy.

STAGE FOUR: NATO is ready to deploy the Spearhead Force from Ramstein, Germany,
and starts preparations for assembling the rest of the eNRF. Simultaneously, the United
States starts flying in additional personnel and equipment to Western Europe and
Poland. Putin claims that “NATO is provoking an unnecessary war.” In many European
capitals tens of thousands take to the streets, urging Russia and NATO to “end the
mutual violence.”

IMPLICATIONS: NATO, having started its military preparations, would face another tough
choice. While the Spearhead would be ready in less than a week, assembling the rest of the
eNRF would take longer (in all likelihood, a couple of weeks). A decision would have to
be made whether to deploy the Spearhead right away, and risk losing it almost immediately
in the theater, or to wait for assembling the full manpower of the eNRF. If NATO were to
wait, the louder the voices of opposition to any military response could grow. Indeed, large-
scale protests in Western Europe, perhaps fueled by subversive Russian propaganda, would
very likely further affect and complicate NATO’s political decisionmaking.161

In this situation, some allies might opt out of a military response, while others—the United
Kingdom and the United States, most likely—could bypass NATO’s slow mobilization
process and move forward with their own deployment plans. This contingency—in which
some allies hesitate to engage and others push forward—could effectively paralyze the alli-
ance as a collective decisionmaking entity.

In any case, NATO might well have to deal, at some point, with further Russian efforts
to escalate the conflict by targeting critical NATO transportation nodes with precision-
guided conventional strikes so as to prevent or at least complicate NATO preparations for
retaliation.162 From a Russian perspective, waiting for NATO to muster a force of perhaps
100,000 personnel—which is what would be required to be credible enough to fight a
regional war with Russia with the aim of retaking and securing the Baltics or perhaps even
extending combat operations into Russian territory—would hardly be an option.163


But even if Russia were to shy away from
further escalation (it might, for example, In any case, NATO might
decide against striking Western Europe be- well have to deal, at some
cause of the risk that doing so would unify
the alliance), NATO’s next move—laying point, with further Russian
the groundwork for force deployment to efforts to escalate the conflict
the Baltics—would almost necessarily in- by targeting critical NATO
volve escalating the conflict horizontally
transportation nodes.
into Russian territory. Because NATO has
decided against pre-positioning heavy mil-
itary equipment in the Baltics, allies would
have to fly in personnel and equipment with large transportation aircraft, which would be
easy targets for Russian air defense systems around the Baltic Rim. If NATO wanted to
avoid losing much of its first reinforcement wave before it actually reached the ground, it
would have to target Russian anti-access and area denial installations, effectively extending
combat operations into Russian territory.

STAGE FIVE: NATO receives intelligence reports that Russia is readying some of its
tactical nuclear weapons stored in western Russia. Putin warns that “the two sides are
on the brink of a nuclear armageddon.”

IMPLICATIONS: Assuming that NATO had decided on a concrete deployment plan by this
point, NATO leaders would have to decide whether to move forward given the possibility
of Russia escalating to actual nuclear use. That decision would almost certainly cause serious
frictions within the alliance and could further delay a military response. If NATO leaders
weathered those quarrels and pressed on, NATO might then immediately be confronted
with a second serious dilemma, stemming from NATO’s long-standing internal disputes
about its nuclear deterrent.

Over the years, Russia might have arrived at the conclusion that NATO would not use
nuclear weapons—even in response to Russian nuclear use—in a limited regional sce-
nario. As a result, Moscow might feel tempted to escalate to nuclear use in the hope of
stopping NATO in its tracks before it could deploy forces. In this case, all of NATO’s pos-
sible nuclear countermeasures—rhetorical nuclear threats; so-called slow nuclear signals in
the form of readying NATO’s forward-deployed nuclear forces (which would take a few
weeks); or so-called fast signals, such as U.S. B-52 deployments to Western Europe (which
could be executed within hours)—could be misperceived in Moscow as mere bluffs. The
interplay between Russia doubting NATO’s resolve and NATO having difficulties mak-
ing its nuclear threats credible would create a number of pathways for escalation through


One possibility would be NATO proceeding with its deployment preparations absent
its own distinct response to Russia’s nuclear threats. In this event, Russia might escalate
to nuclear use out of concern that a regional conventional war with NATO could result
in a Russian defeat, and perhaps the loss of Kaliningrad or even other Russian territory.
According to two Russian military experts, “Strategic deterrence with conventional weap-
ons of a potential aggressor state (or coalition of states) from undertaking a large-scale or
regional war is unlikely. It is possible only by the threat of preventive nuclear actions.”164

STAGE SIX: U.S. satellites detect a small-yield nuclear explosion over a remote area in
the North Sea.

IMPLICATIONS: At this point, NATO would face the dire situation of Russia having esca-
lated to actual nuclear use in the form of a single demonstration strike over international
waters. The Russian strike would most likely not eradicate the dilemmas NATO would
be facing already at Stage Five, when Russia was only threatening nuclear use, but instead
make those dilemmas more pressing. In concrete terms, NATO members would now have
to decide whether to move forward with the alliance’s deployment plans, stop in its tracks
(obviously intimidated by Russian nuclear use), or perhaps respond with nuclear use. The
latter option—nuclear use by the allies—in particular would most likely be highly contested
within NATO. Given that the Russian demonstration strike would not have been directed
against NATO territory, the risk of further nuclear escalation if NATO were to reciprocate,
rapidly mounting domestic pressures in Western Europe to “avoid a nuclear holocaust,” and
NATO’s (though comparably slow) ability to muster a significant conventional force, the
alliance’s members might decide against nuclear use. At the same time, that might only help
to reinforce the Russian (mis)perception that NATO really tends to shy away from nuclear
use in a crisis. NATO would therefore be hard-pressed to show serious nuclear signals below
the level of actual use, such as U.S. B-52 deployments to Western Europe.

In turn, Russia, having just escalated to nuclear use, would face a no less dire situation,
given that Moscow might feel that it had played its final card in an escalatory game aimed
at preventing NATO from deploying forces to the Baltics. If NATO were to continue
with its mobilization and deployment plans, Russia would have little choice other than to
escalate the conflict further into NATO territory—perhaps by aiming conventional strikes
at NATO’s western transportation nodes or perhaps by conducting additional nuclear
strikes—or back down. Either way, Moscow would have to fear that its escalation strategy
would solidify NATO’s assertiveness rather than undermine its cohesion.

Key Takeaways
•• It is not clear what role NATO forces, particularly the EFP, could or should play in an
internal crisis scenario in one of the Baltic states coupled with a Russian buildup in very
close proximity to Baltic borders.


•• There is a real, if remote, possibility that Russia could stage a military fait accompli
aimed at taking only a small portion of land in eastern Latvia without pulling the trip
wire, that is, without the EFP getting engaged in combat.

•• NATO’s political decisionmaking process regarding additional conventional force de-

ployments to the Baltics in a crisis might be considerably hampered by diverging opin-
ions about Moscow’s potential reactions. Domestic protests in Western Europe could
further increase the pressure on certain allies not to “overly provoke” Russia.

•• NATO’s process of preparing for a military response would be very slow because rela-
tively few NATO forces are rapidly deployable. This would give Russia additional time
and opportunities to affect NATO decisionmaking in its favor. Moreover, deploying
only a few forces, such as the Spearhead Force, would be very undesirable because of
the risk that they would be destroyed rather quickly in combat.

•• NATO’s ambiguous stance toward its own nuclear deterrent might lead Moscow to
doubt NATO’s resolve, opening up potential pathways to escalation by misperception.

•• The necessity of retaking the Baltics through massive force deployments, once initiated
by NATO, would put the onus on Russia to escalate further, perhaps even to nuclear use.


The second scenario focuses on a domestic crisis in Latvia that spirals out of control to
the point that Russian leaders feel compelled by domestic pressure to threaten to inter-
vene. The Kremlin has to react on an ad hoc basis to a foreign policy crisis involving ethnic
Russians in one of its neighboring states—as it did prior to its interventions in Georgia and
Ukraine. Having said that, in this scenario, Russia has already escalated general tensions
with its neighbor Latvia over a long period of time through very low-level, nonkinetic op-
erations, including ongoing propaganda efforts.

STAGE ONE: On May 9, commemorations of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi
Germany lead to isolated ethnic clashes in Riga, resulting in two fatalities. Fueled by
social media rumors, crowds of angry ethnic Russians take to the streets the next day.

IMPLICATIONS: Given the attention that NATO policymakers are already paying to
Russia’s influence campaign toward and potential manipulation of the Russian minorities
in the Baltics,165 this scenario would ring alarm bells in Brussels. While there is not much
NATO leaders could do at that stage, they might urge Latvian authorities, in bilateral com-
munications, to diffuse tensions and keep a lower profile to avoid further escalating the
protests. At the same time, NATO as well as Latvian authorities might have difficulties as-
sessing whether Moscow was behind the protests or whether they were really spontaneous.


If NATO wrongly thought that Russia were behind the protests, there would be a greater
risk of escalation.

STAGE TWO: The protests grow in the following days. While there is no official re-
action from the highest echelons of the Kremlin, Russian ultra-nationalist groups start
their own protests in Moscow, demanding that Putin “come to the help of our brothers
and sisters.”

IMPLICATIONS: For NATO, the surge in protests coupled with the clamor in Russia
would increase the urgency of the situation. On the one hand, the mere existence of con-
tinued protests would underscore the risk that the Latvian authorities might lose control
of the situation. Some NATO members might argue for deploying the EFP battlegroup
to “show presence” at the Latvian-Russian border. Latvian authorities might order exactly
that but could face resistance from EFP commanders who may receive contradictory na-
tional orders.

On the other hand, NATO might well struggle to interpret the mixed signals from Moscow
and debate whether Moscow was creating the pretext for a crisis with NATO or whether
the Kremlin was in danger of losing control of the situation.166 In the latter case, NATO
would probably be well advised to offer Moscow some sort of off-ramp to defuse tensions.
Some allies might therefore urge NATO to pursue immediate backchannel diplomacy with
Moscow, while others might instead argue for lower-level military preparations than EFP

STAGE THREE: NATO deploys the EFP battlegroup to patrol Latvia’s border with
Russia. The following day, the Russian military starts large-scale military readiness drills
in the Western Military District.

IMPLICATIONS: NATO’s deployment of military forces would be far from the protesters
and with a clear defensive aim. However, Russia’s readiness drills could cause some head-
aches at NATO Headquarters. Some allies might interpret the Russian move as a mere
reaction to NATO’s response, providing another argument for trying to deescalate tensions
and avoid any further NATO military action. By contrast, other allies might read Moscow’s
actions as part of a larger Russian plan to intimidate NATO or perhaps prepare to inter-
vene. Assuming the second reading of events were to prevail within NATO, allies would
presumably decide to start preparations for assembling and deploying the Spearhead Force.
But doing so without simultaneously readying the additional forces of the eNRF would cre-
ate the risk of losing the Spearhead if Russia were to really attack Latvia. At the same time,
readying all forces of the eNRF could be misinterpreted in Moscow as preparations for an
offensive against Russia.


STAGE FOUR: While NATO is in the middle of preparing to deploy the Spearhead, the
Russian military starts mustering roughly 40,000 personnel close to the Latvian border.
Vladimir Putin, who has publicly maintained a low profile so far, declares to the press
that “any NATO attempt to send forces to Latvia would be seen by Russia as an act of
hostility that would have severe consequences.”

IMPLICATIONS: NATO, confronted again with a Russian decision to up the ante and
still in the dark about Russian intentions, would face a tough choice. Declining to send
the Spearhead might deescalate the situation, but Russia might instead interpret that as
a sign of weakness that would perhaps invite Russian escalation. By contrast, sending the
Spearhead could underscore NATO’s resolve—perhaps deescalating the standoff—but do-
ing so could also increase the pressure on Russia to escalate before NATO reinforcements
arrived. Indeed, if NATO members were to decide to deploy the Spearhead, they would
also have to make an almost immediate decision about preparing the rest of the eNRF for
deployment, given its low level of readiness.

STAGE FIVE: NATO issues a statement that “the deployment of the Spearhead will
continue without delay.” Only a few hours later, the Russian Ministry of Defense an-
nounces a nationwide emergency drill of its nuclear forces.

IMPLICATIONS: This strong Russian nuclear signal could create different escalation path-
ways, depending on NATO’s reaction. If Moscow’s signal was intended to prevent allied
reinforcement out of fear that NATO was staging a larger campaign against Russia, NATO’s
decision to halt deployment of the Spearhead could well deescalate tensions. Conversely,
if Moscow’s signal was intended to prevent allied reinforcement as a test of allies’ resolve,
NATO’s compliance could trigger a Russian military intervention. But whatever Russia’s
real intentions, if it were to fail to achieve its goal of deterring NATO from deploying the
Spearhead, Moscow might feel compelled to raise the stakes further.

One important aspect of this scenario is the possibility that NATO might interpret the
Russian signal as not credible, given that NATO would not yet have sent reinforcements
to the Baltics, let alone inflicted military fatalities on Russia. But that interpretation might
well be incorrect; the early use of a serious nuclear threat would be perfectly consistent with
the Russian strategy of conflict.167

In any case, a possible NATO response-in-kind to Russia’s nuclear threat might be drills
with U.S. and British (and perhaps French) nuclear forces. However, and given domes-
tic public pressure, that would be a decision fraught with political disagreements within
NATO about how and under what circumstances to flex alliance members’ nuclear muscle.
A slower response, perhaps intended to break the rapid escalation cycle, could be to start
raising the alert levels of NATO’s forward-deployed nuclear forces.


Key Takeaways
•• NATO and Russia might find it difficult to deescalate a crisis during its initial stages
and instead get drawn into a vicious action-reaction cycle, even though neither deliber-
ately initiated the crisis nor wanted it to spiral out of control. Critically, each side might
incorrectly think the other was seeking a crisis.

•• NATO might find it challenging to identify when a crisis needs a military response and
what response that might be—that is to say, not starting to escalate too early or waiting
too long.

•• NATO’s reliance on reinforcement in the event of a crisis would create incentives for
deliberate Russian escalation early in a crisis designed to gain an advantage before the
Spearhead arrived. This also would create room for misperceptions—such as Russian
fears that NATO would stage a major campaign against Russia—once NATO actually
considered deployments and started preparations to assemble all forces of the eNRF.

•• NATO might not assess early Russian nuclear threats as credible, given their apparently
disproportionate nature; misreading Russian resolve in this way would perhaps create
the possibility for escalation.


The third scenario involves an accident in international waters, after which tensions
between the United States and Russia spiral out of control, making crisis diplomacy
very difficult.168 As in the second scenario, Russia is forced to react to an ad hoc crisis that
it nevertheless helped create—this time by continued acts of military brinkmanship. In
this scenario, however, it can be assumed that Moscow did not anticipate its actions would
result in a major crisis.

To be sure, during and after the Cold War, incidents like the 2015 downing of a Russian
fighter jet by Turkey (a NATO member) were successfully managed even though they took
place amid heightened tensions. It would be unwarranted, however, to conclude that acci-
dental escalation is impossible, particularly in light of the high number of incidents taking
place over the Baltic region.

STAGE ONE: A Russian fighter jet accidentally crashes into a U.S. guided-missile de-
stroyer operating in the Baltic Sea, killing forty-two crew members. The Kremlin claims
that the Russian jet crashed because it was shot down by the U.S. vessel. An emergency
meeting of the NATO-Russia Council cannot take place since Russia refuses to partici-
pate. Bilateral crisis communication channels between Russia and the United States
(such as the U.S.-Russia hotline) remain silent.


IMPLICATIONS: From the outset, there might be divergent interpretations of such an in-
cident—not only between NATO and Russia, but within NATO as well. Determining
whether it were an accident, whether the Russian plane were on a pre-planned intercept
course or whether the U.S. Navy fired first might be impossible, at least for a couple of days,
if not weeks.

Especially if general tensions between Washington and Moscow were already high prior to
the incident, the U.S. administration would immediately come under enormous domes-
tic pressure “to do something,” even though clarifying events might take time. Domestic
pressure could, therefore, clash with the necessity of having enough time to properly ex-
amine events. While NATO allies in Brussels might unsuccessfully seek direct talks with
the Russian personnel at NATO Headquarters to ease tensions and shed light on the event,
Washington would probably decide to go it alone already by that point.

STAGE TWO: The U.S. president accuses Russia of “belligerent behavior” and an-
nounces efforts “to deny Moscow any further misconduct in the Baltic Sea.” That night,
two additional U.S. destroyers and an aircraft carrier are dispatched to the Baltic Sea.

IMPLICATIONS: U.S. decisionmakers would be unlikely to want to wait for the uncertain
and probably slow process of forming a NATO position and acting collectively. For its al-
lies, Washington’s unilateral decision to increase its naval footprint in the Baltic Sea would
create a twofold problem. On the one hand, not having been consulted by Washington
would damage their political credibility in the eyes of Russia and undermine their efforts to
establish a communication channel with Moscow. On the other hand, not supporting the
U.S. move would risk further undermining alliance unity.

STAGE THREE: The Kremlin announces that it would view the U.S. vessels’ presence
as “an open provocation that cannot go unanswered.” The next day Russia mobilizes its
conventional forces in the Western Military District.

IMPLICATIONS: For NATO, the spat between Washington and some of its allies might
make it much more difficult to reach consensus about Russia’s intentions. Some allies might
argue behind closed doors that the Russian reaction was somewhat understandable, given
that the U.S. naval deployments would carry significant fire power that Russia must con-
sider, and given that Washington would not have told even its closest allies how long it in-
tended to keep the vessels in the Baltic Sea. Others might argue that Moscow was using the
crisis as a pretext to create exactly the kind of military fait accompli that NATO planners
had long warned about. Whatever the outcome of this debate, given the heightened ten-
sions between Russia and the United States, the lack of a NATO reaction to Russia’s move
might be as risky as preparations to send in the Spearhead Force.


STAGE FOUR: NATO decides to assemble the Spearhead Force. The Russian ambas-
sador to NATO tells the press that “Russia can fight a war with NATO at any level—in-
cluding at the strategic level.” That night, Russia sends an unusually high number of
nuclear-capable bombers on patrol over the Baltic Sea toward the Atlantic.

IMPLICATIONS: Allies would now face a difficult choice. Akin to the two scenarios above,
the Russian nuclear threats would again raise tensions. This time, however, the Russian
nuclear signals might drive an even bigger wedge between allies. Not only might allies reach
different conclusions about the severity of the Russian nuclear threat, but the specific men-
tion of the “strategic level” could cause certain allies to publicly question the U.S. decision
to send in its navy. Other allies might argue that their response was exactly what Russia
sought—splitting the alliance to render it politically obsolete.

STAGE FIVE: The U.S. naval convoy is now only one day away from entering the
Skagerrak, the strait between Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that separates the North
Sea from the Baltic Sea. The Russian General Staff issues a “final warning” urging
Washington “to turn back or incur massive costs.” Washington sends a number of long-
range bombers to the United Kingdom.

IMPLICATIONS: Assuming that these events were to take place against rapidly mounting
protests in Western Europe, it is not far-fetched to assume that some allies would now
publicly blame both Russia and the United States for “unnecessarily racing toward a war,”
while others might accuse those allies of “stabbing NATO in the back.” The problem for
Washington and Moscow at this point would be the potentially extreme political difficul-
ties of agreeing and implementing some kind of face-saving solution to deescalate the crisis.
And even if both sides were able to agree on a solution, NATO would be left with significant
political damage due to its inability to remain united in its response to the initial incident.

Key Takeaways
•• European NATO members might prefer to deal with such a military incident as an alli-
ance, whereas Washington would probably prefer not to. As a result, NATO might end
up severely weakened by a lot of infighting.

•• Domestic politics might play a big role in tackling an accidental crisis, and diverging
domestic preferences (pressure in the United States to escalate versus peace protests in
Western Europe) might greatly complicate a unified NATO response.


•• The existing crisis communication channels between NATO and Russia might not be
used to prevent escalation in the wake of an accident.

•• Escalation might unfold more rapidly than efforts to clarify what occurred and to de-
escalate the crisis.



BECAUSE DELIBERATE, inadvertent, or accidental escalation—or a murky combina-

tion thereof—could occur under current conditions, it is necessary to examine the specific
options at NATO’s disposal for better addressing these escalation risks. The three means
NATO is pursuing, to varying extents, to deal with the Russian challenge—(1) deterrence
and assurance; (2) resilience; and (3) risk reduction—all have their pros and cons. There
are trade-offs and potential synergies between the discrete objectives of calibrating deter-
rence, maintaining alliance unity, and preventing inadvertent or accidental escalation with


NATO has two basic military approaches at its disposal for mitigating the risk of deliber-
ate Russian escalation: (1) deterrence by denial—that is, deterring Russia by generating a
military posture capable of credibly preventing Russia from achieving its goals militarily;
and (2) improving the alliance’s current trip wire approach—that is, more convincingly
demonstrating to Russia that even though NATO forces in the region are comparably weak,
the costs of aggression would still outweigh the benefits. Both options would create political
trade-offs to varying degrees.

Deterrence by Denial
If NATO wants to deny Russia the ability to successfully attack one or more Baltic states,
it has little choice but to deploy forces on a much larger scale than it currently does. Such
forces could be deployed gradually to avoid giving Russia a casus belli and to make such de-
ployments more palatable to skeptical NATO members. The 2017 RAND study proposed
deployments of around 35,000 personnel, with an additional reinforcement capability of
up to about 70,000 personnel;169 this would certainly prevent a Russian military fait ac-
compli and force Moscow to fight a bloody and drawn-out conventional war, should it at-
tack. These deployments would also, perhaps, eliminate most of the difficulties—and some
of the resulting escalation pathways—that
stem from the alliance’s current need to re-
If NATO wants to deny Russia inforce troops rapidly and on a large scale
the ability to successfully attack in a crisis. In addition, these troop deploy-
ments would raise the costs to Moscow of
one or more Baltic states, it has deliberately forcing a military crisis with
little choice but to deploy forces NATO.
on a much larger scale than it
While such measures might mitigate the
currently does. short-term risk of deliberate Russian esca-
lation, they would create a number of se-
vere political trade-offs. First, a deterrence-
by-denial approach would risk overstretching the delicate political consensus among NATO
members about conventional deterrence and assurance. A number of member states, per-
haps led by Germany and France, would not support such a policy and would seek to
block it. Even more importantly, perhaps, not even the Baltic states are supportive of such
a maximalist approach. While many Baltic officials and experts would like to see greater
U.S. military engagement in the region, some of them are highly skeptical of the assump-
tions underlying the RAND war games and think that they are too pessimistic about Baltic
defenses. While they would like to see a strong, unified allied response to the growing threat
from Russia, they also recognize the need to avoid unnecessarily escalating general tensions
with Russia.170 Also, against the background of often contentious debates within NATO
about financial and military burden sharing, it would not be clear at all who would provide
the necessary funds and forces for such a large military footprint. Neither the United States
nor most other allies currently seem to be both willing and capable.

Second, instead of preventing deliberate Russian escalation this deterrence-by-denial ap-

proach could, in fact, reinforce Russian perceptions of insecurity. Russia would be loath to
accept a NATO force that size so close to its borders. Moscow might seek to prevent NATO
force deployments through various means, including, not inconceivably, by considering the
preventive use of force (that is, Russia might wage a war because it could only see its posi-
tion deteriorating in the future). This risk might become more acute in the early stages of a


crisis when Russia could misinterpret the large-scale movement of sizable forces, such as the
70,000 personnel reinforcement the RAND study suggested, as NATO preparations for a
preemptive attack on Russia. Third, large-scale conventional deployments could help fur-
ther solidify Russian reliance on its nuclear deterrent and could even serve to lower Russia’s
threshold for nuclear use, making the early employment of nuclear weapons more likely.

There is, however, also a potentially positive synergetic effect here. If large-scale NATO de-
ployments precluded a deliberate Russian conventional military attack, there would be no
reason for Moscow to employ escalate-to-deescalate in an offensive fashion.

Improving the Trip Wire

NATO could also seek to improve its existing trip wire approach in the conventional realm
and eliminate some of the ambiguities inherent to the alliance’s nuclear deterrence ap-
proach. Different options are available. First, if NATO wants to increase its capability to
impose costs on Moscow, while at the same time avoid escalating general tensions with
Russia and maintaining alliance unity, it could add additional personnel and equipment sig-
nificantly below the level of seven permanently deployed heavily armed brigades. Whether
NATO could reach consensus on deploying, for instance, two additional brigades is nev-
ertheless not sure at all. Moscow, meanwhile, would probably view this as an invitation
to reciprocate—something it has not done
so far in response to EFP deployments.
Furthermore, it is more than question- NATO could improve its
able from a military point of view whether
two additional brigades would be able to existing trip wire approach
hold off a Russian attack long enough for in the conventional realm
NATO to send in reinforcements. That and eliminate some of the
said, even two additional brigades would
ambiguities inherent to its
raise the military costs Russia would face
for invading a NATO member, thereby nuclear deterrence approach.
threatening pain that Moscow might hope
to avoid.

Second, a more modest approach would be for NATO to address some of its existing mili-
tary shortcomings—by increasing the chance that the trip wire were triggered and would
result in a timely political decision by NATO to respond—with the goal of strengthening
the credibility of NATO’s deterrence approach and thus preventing deliberate Russian es-
calation. For instance, if NATO wants to make sure that the EFP is involved in combat as
early as possible in the event of a Russian attack, it could rethink the geographical location
of EFP bases or add an additional small element of forward-deployed forces that would
continuously patrol and monitor the borders with Russia. That way, NATO would limit
Russia’s ability to send small disguised units over the border. NATO could also consider


asking Washington to add some U.S. forces to the three Baltic states to address any concern
that some of the EFP’s contributing nations might lack resolve in the event of a Russian
attack. In doing so, NATO would strengthen assurance by heeding calls by the Baltics for
U.S. boots on the ground.

Another necessary adjustment, if not already under way, would be to forge a clear political
understanding within NATO of its role pertaining to possible domestic protests that Russia
may foment in the three Baltic states. In a similar vein, NATO should seek to avoid any
overlapping or even conflicting chains of command for the EFP and consider the additional
option of devising harmonized rules of engagement before its Graduated Response Plan
comes into play.

Beyond the EFP, NATO should seek greater clarity internally about what military or per-
haps even political events would trigger deployment of the Spearhead Force and the eNRF.
This process should result in streamlined political and military decisionmaking in the event
of a crisis. NATO has already started to rehearse its crisis decisionmaking,171 but that is not
the same as streamlining necessary processes. Perhaps allies should determine, in advance,
which general contingencies will trigger reinforcement so that, in times of crisis, the North
Atlantic Council can act swiftly.

Furthermore, NATO needs to enhance its capabilities to reinforce forward-deployed forces

given its atrophied logistics capabilities in Europe as well as Russia’s A2/AD capabilities.
NATO has already begun to review and revise its logistics approach so as to move forces
faster in the event of a crisis.172 But allies should also discuss strengthening air defenses
aimed at protecting NATO’s vital transportation and logistics nodes in Western Europe as
well as strengthening Baltic airspace.

None of those options would be entirely uncontroversial within the alliance. They would,
however, almost certainly be much less contentious than adopting a deterrence-by-denial
approach and would help strengthen assurance of the alliance’s eastern members. It is also
less likely that Russia would (mis)perceive such measures as escalatory.

Alliance unity will be much harder to maintain when it comes to NATO’s nuclear de-
terrent, given the aforementioned ambiguities in NATO’s current approach for political
reasons. One way to convince Russia of NATO’s resolve and readiness would be, perhaps,
to tighten the link between NATO’s conventional and nuclear forces by integrating both
elements in exercises—as NATO did during the Cold War. Another option would be to
increase the readiness levels of nuclear forces in Europe (none of which could currently be
made ready for use in less than a few weeks). An even more provocative step would be for
NATO to extend its sharing arrangements to select eastern members, such as Poland, by
allowing them to certify national aircraft for nuclear weapon delivery, and/or by deploying
B-61 gravity bombs to their territories.


None of these nuclear measures would have any realistic chance of being adopted by NATO
at the moment. Opposition by countries including Germany, France, and others to such
far-reaching measures would simply be too strong. Pushing back against them would risk
alliance unity. Moreover, some of those measures could help to increase—instead of de-
crease—the risk of escalation if, for instance, Russia were to fly attacks against newly certi-
fied dual-capable aircraft deployed close to Russian territory in the early stages of a war.
Extending sharing arrangements to eastern members could also lead Russia to reciprocate,
perhaps by producing and deploying new tactical nuclear weapons. These actions could
spark a new nuclear arms race in Europe, which would contribute to increased general ten-
sions and make inadvertent escalation more likely.

Given these risks, NATO alternatively could seek to enhance the overall security of its
members in other ways, while hoping to avoid a costly and potentially destabilizing nuclear
arms race with Russia and without undermining alliance unity in the traditionally contro-
versial field of nuclear deterrence and assurance.173 This alternative option would involve
relying more heavily on U.S. bombers for signaling and exercises. Indeed, NATO allies
are already moving in this direction. In conjunction with NATO’s 2017 Baltic Operations
(BALTOPS) and Saber Strike exercises, for example, the U.S. Air Force sent B-52 and
B-2 nuclear-capable bombers to the United Kingdom.174 While increased reliance on U.S.
bombers allows NATO to avoid the toxic debate about its forward-deployed nuclear deter-
rent, this choice comes with the downside of increasing the risk of inadvertent escalation.
In the event of a nuclear crisis with Russia, Moscow could misread bomber deployments
as preparations for a strategic strike against Russian territory and, in response, opt for early
nuclear use. NATO could therefore consider communicating alert levels to Russia in the
event of a (nuclear) crisis.

Given these trade-offs, the alliance could further strengthen the credibility of its nuclear de-
terrent posture—not by adding (new) capabilities or missions—but by conveying a clearer
message of political resolve. This approach would require an inclusive political process,
backed by all allies. Public as well as private messages from individual NATO heads of state
and government should convey the unified message to the Kremlin that NATO is willing
to defend its members with all means necessary. High-level political and military leaders
from NATO members should also appear regularly in the Baltic states to publicly stress that
NATO is able to inflict unacceptable damage on any opponent in the event of an attack on
one of its members.

As for NATO’s response to alleged Russian INF Treaty violations, the alliance could opt
to deploy its own ground-launched, medium- or intermediate-range cruise missiles if
Washington were willing to produce and provide them and if European allies agreed to host
them. In so doing, NATO could impose significant costs on Moscow, which despite its ef-
forts to enhance its precision-strike capabilities, seemed mindful, at least in the past, of the
likely economic and security consequences of a new arms race.175


This policy would, however, mean abrogating the INF Treaty. Given the strong opposition
to doing so in most of Western Europe, there would be immense political costs and risks
of undermining NATO unity. Allies could therefore explore alternative options compliant
with the INF Treaty, such as limited forward deployments of conventional cruise missiles
on U.S. bombers and ships in Western Europe, as well as enhanced cruise missile defenses
at NATO’s vital transportation nodes. In parallel, NATO and non-NATO members should
increase diplomatic pressure on Moscow.176 In doing so, allies should seek to bring addi-
tional countries from Asia, also directly affected by Moscow’s alleged violations, to voice
their discomfort vis-à-vis the Kremlin.

Unlike the threats Russia poses in the military realm, Moscow’s intimidating NATO al-
lies through nonkinetic operations across various civilian domains cannot be countered by
traditional military means. Instead of deterrence and defense, civilian resilience measures
are better tools for dealing with most of Russia’s NGW tactics. In particular, increasing the
resilience of ethnic Russians in the Baltic states to Russian propaganda should become a
key feature of NATO policy. The example of Ukraine, though very different compared to
the three Baltic states, shows that existing ethnopolitical tensions can serve as a gateway for
Russian intervention.

In Ukraine, Russia exploited existing eth-

Increasing the resilience of nopolitical problems as a pretext to resort
ethnic Russians in the Baltic to the use of force. Its methods should lead
to two important realizations: the Kremlin
states to Russian propaganda cares about its image on the global scene,
should become a key feature of and it is mindful that any narrative justi-
NATO policy. fying intervention should receive broad
domestic support in Russia. 177
Both real-
izations have implications for managing
deliberate as well as inadvertent escalation pathways. Prior to an act of aggression against
NATO, Moscow would have to create a pretext of a magnitude that would justify war with
the world’s most powerful military alliance. While that seems unlikely, one cannot exclude
the possibility that unrest in the Baltics involving minority ethnic groups could lead to
inadvertent escalation if domestic pressure mounts in Moscow. For NATO, there are not
many military options for mitigating these escalation risks. Deterrence is only applicable in
so far as Russia decides to react to a domestic crisis in the Baltics—deliberately instigated or
randomly occurring—with military pressure or the use of force.

A more effective approach would be to reduce the initial risk of domestic unrest as much as
possible. Resilience measures could be an important way to help make minorities more im-
mune to nonkinetic Russian operations, such as propaganda and disinformation. However,


NATO’s current efforts to strengthen resilience focus on preventing disruption to mili-
tary deployments to ensure effective deterrence and defense.178 Beyond the military realm,
NATO treats resilience as one facet of its efforts, not a core task.

But NATO has several options as its disposal to broaden its resilience portfolio. To begin
with, NATO could provide technical assistance funds to the Baltic states to help them build
Russian-language media outlets from the ground up. This assistance should cover capacity
building, program development, public relations, and branding. To be comprehensive, these
efforts should include traditional media outlets—such as newspapers, television, and radio—
as well as social media and internet resources. The aim would be to provide a counternarrative
to Russian propaganda and help audiences distinguish between facts and fake news.

While such efforts to build resilience would be much cheaper than most military options,
any positive effects would only be seen in the coming decades. At the same time, allies might
struggle to reach a consensus on whether NATO, a military alliance, is really the right orga-
nization for a soft power approach, not least because such efforts would run the risk of be-
ing seen as NATO-sponsored propaganda. Since NATO already cooperates with the EU on
resilience,179 Brussels would, perhaps, be better placed to lead such efforts.

The contentious debate about NATO

members’ goal to spend 2 percent of their The contentious debate about
GDP on defense may unleash positive syn-
NATO members’ goal to spend 2
ergies. Certain allies, including Germany,
argue that nonmilitary measures such as percent of their GDP on defense
post-conflict reconstruction, conflict pre- may unleash positive synergies.
vention, development aid, and the integra-
tion of refugees contribute to allied secu-
rity and that NATO should count spending on them toward the 2 percent target.180 Even
though NATO’s secretary general has rebuked German calls,181 allies could make a virtue
out of necessity by encouraging Germany and others to finance and organize independent
Russian-language media outlets and recognizing that such resilience efforts count toward
the target.182

Another option for NATO could be to closely monitor the state of integration, rights, and
treatment of Russian minorities in the Baltics, and to intervene, perhaps through a special
civilian monitoring and advisory mission, in cases of concern. Such a watchdog institu-
tion could help signal to Russia that NATO is taking the issue seriously. NATO does not
currently play a role on minority rights within member states and is wary about infringing
on members’ sovereignty. It could, therefore, be quite difficult to reach a consensus about
allowing NATO to intervene directly in the domestic policies of its member states. Allies
with a poor track record in terms of democratic institutions and the rule of law, including
Turkey or Hungary (and, to a lesser extent, Poland), might even view this as a dangerous


legal precedent. In addition, institutionalized monitoring might inadvertently come across
as exactly the kind of stigmatization of the Baltic countries that Russia wishes to generate.

But NATO is an alliance of shared values, and the integration and fair treatment of Russian
minorities in the Baltic states is too important a matter to leave unattended. If allies found
NATO monitoring to be unacceptable, they could opt for self-reporting. Obviously, self-
reporting by the Baltic states would have its weaknesses, but such an approach could be
accompanied by behind-the-scenes pressure from other allies to ensure reports were mean-
ingful. Another option would be to task the OSCE, which is also concerned with human
rights, with an enhanced monitoring role. The problem there, however, is that Russia has a
veto in that organization.

Increasing the resilience of NATO members against Russian meddling should not stop with
the Baltic states. As Russian attempts to interfere in the elections of France, the Netherlands,
and the United States have all shown, strengthening the cyber defenses of governmental
agencies as well as political parties is a first necessary step to prevent the deliberate leaking
of confidential information. NATO should make national resilience measures in the cyber
realm count toward the alliance’s 2 percent defense spending target.

Furthermore, allies need to make their pub-

Allies need to make their publics lics aware that they are being influenced by
aware that they are being Moscow, either directly or through proxies.
Since a growing number of citizens treat
influenced by Moscow, either their own governmental institutions with
directly or through proxies. skepticism, national governments should
cooperate, by sharing information about
Russian interference, with independent
civil society groups that are often seen as more credible. This approach carries the risk
of looking like collusion, but it is a risk worth taking. One of the downsides of NATO
focusing so heavily on Russia over the last few years, though entirely warranted, is a ten-
dency to portray the Kremlin as an undefeatable “superman,” which it clearly is not. Allies
could therefore send a more determined public message to their own populations that what
Moscow is doing is neither new nor significant enough to bring down Western democracy
and the rule of law.

One final area where NATO could enhance the resilience of its own populations pertains to
public acceptance of deterrence in general and nuclear deterrence specifically. While polls
show that approval rates for NATO are on the rise on both sides of the Atlantic,183 parts of
Western European societies remain quite skeptical of NATO’s deterrence and defense poli-
cies vis-à-vis Russia.184 Open disagreement with official policies is one of the most precious
achievements of democratic societies. But it bears the risk of being exploited as envisaged
in the Russian NGW playbook. NATO allies could do a better job at explaining to their


publics NATO’s deterrence and defense policies, and in particular why NATO remains a
nuclear alliance and what that actually means.

Neither deterrence and assurance nor enhanced resilience is applicable to preventing ac-
cidental escalation. For this task, NATO’s goal of achieving security cooperatively with
Moscow comes into play. Jointly reducing various risks that stem from limited transparency
and potential military incidents calls for agreed-upon rules and good communications in
crisis situations. Beyond such immediate risk-reduction measures, more ambitious CSBMs
and arms control measures would be more challenging to attain. Some, such as modern-
izing the OSCE’s Vienna Document, might be achievable even in the current environment.
Others—such as limitations on conventional weaponry—would be tougher sells. Much
will depend on NATO’s ability to reach a robust consensus on these matters.

In parallel to implementing agreed-upon measures to strengthen deterrence and assurance,

NATO should continue to engage Moscow on enhancing communication in the event of
an accidental crisis. Together, these two efforts could prepare the groundwork for NATO
to present concrete CSBMs and conventional arms control arrangements to Moscow. The
upside of this approach would be to reconcile the positions of alliance members that are
skeptical of a stronger military response to Russia with those skeptical of more cooperation.

There are three chief ways NATO could seek to reduce the most pressing risks of acci-
dental escalation. First, NATO should aim to re-establish military-to-military crisis com-
munications channels with the Russian General Staff at the working level. NATO holds
some sporadic meetings of the NATO-Russia Council, which is a useful tool for general
political dialogue, but might not be sufficient in the event of a crisis because the council
does not provide the necessary military-to-military communications channels. Second, ini-
tial talks about avoiding accidental escalation should aim at commonly agreed-upon and
adhered-to rules for preventing accidents in the busy civilian and military airspace over the
Baltic Sea. More ambitiously, Washington
and Moscow should make continuous
use of the readily available bilateral U.S.- There are three chief ways
Russian Agreement on the Prevention of NATO could seek to reduce
Dangerous Military Activities. In addition,
NATO should encourage Poland and the the most pressing risks of
three Baltic states to seek to conclude in- accidental escalation.
dividual agreements with Russia similar
to the Agreement on the Prevention of
Incidents On and Over the High Seas. Third, reconvening NATO-Russian talks about
military strategy and nuclear doctrine, which had been ongoing prior to Russia’s annexation
of Crimea, could help dispel misperceptions and thus avoid inadvertent escalation. Such


discussions would be particularly important since the strategic nuclear dialogue between
Washington and Moscow effectively petered out after the New START entered into force
in 2011 (though efforts to revive the dialogue are under way). NATO could use such talks
to emphasize its resolve and address Russia’s supposed nonlinear approach to the threat or
use of nuclear weapons.

Those short-term options are unlikely to spark much contention within NATO because
they would not undermine deterrence, assurance, or alliance unity. However, implementing
them in the current political environment would be difficult because Russia reaps benefits
from appearing unpredictable. Going beyond these initial measures to address the risk of
accidental escalation and engaging Russia on more far-reaching CSBMs and arms control
measures would be even more difficult.

On this front, NATO should start to put more intellectual effort into identifying what spe-
cific measures would increase allies’ security. First, allies’ concerns about large-scale Russian
exercises close to NATO territory highlight a lack of transparency and predictability that
could be mitigated by mutually agreed-upon CSBMs, such as an updated version of the
OSCE’s Vienna Document addressing snap exercises, as well as large ones broken down into
multiple components. Second, mitigating the risks that stem from the numerical imbalance
in regional conventional forces should be possible if the two sides can devise limitations on
heavy conventional weaponry. The worst-case scenario for NATO would be a Russian at-
tack against one of the alliance’s militarily weak eastern members. For such an attack to be
successful, Russia would have to use its tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft, and helicopters.
Enabling technologies such as cruise missiles, command and control assets, and air defense
systems­are crucial for such operations, but they cannot seize and hold enemy territory. This
reality points to the continued utility of an arms control arrangement limiting states’ ability
to move boots on the ground.

As the Cold War ended, NATO and the Warsaw Pact agreed to the Treaty on Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), which reduced and limited five specified types of conven-
tional military land and air equipment in designated geographical zones. In 2007, Moscow
suspended the CFE Treaty in reaction to NATO making the ratification of an Adapted CFE
Treaty conditional on Russia’s withdrawing remaining weapons and personnel from seces-
sionist regions in Georgia and Moldova.185 Even though the treaty is de facto still in place,
without Russia’s participation it has lost much of its utility. Still, particularly in today’s tense
environment, a CFE-type arrangement could increase security on NATO’s eastern flank.
Since many of the current military tensions emanate from the Baltic Sea, perhaps a naval
arms control component could be added, though addressing rapid naval military move-
ments could prove difficult.

NATO should be mindful, too, of the critics of a conventional arms control approach.
Critics from the Baltics, in particular, voice concerns that regional limitations on conven-
tional forces, even if reciprocal, would solidify the notion of an alliance with different zones


of security, thus undermining assurance and unity.186 While this perception certainly has
its merits, NATO allies should convince the Baltic states that more security can be built
around increased deterrence and assurance, ideally coupled with reciprocal arms control

Perhaps the greatest obstacle would be

overcoming Russian reluctance to engage
on conventional limitations, given that Perhaps the greatest obstacle
the regional balance of power is still in its
favor and that Moscow has not complet-
would be overcoming Russian
ed its conventional force modernization reluctance to engage on
program. Moreover, regional limitations conventional limitations, given
would entail geographical limits in Russia’s that the regional balance of
Western Military District in particular.
Russia generally has had problems accept-
power is still in its favor.
ing such limits, even under the terms of
the original CFE Treaty. That said, over
the long run, the cause is not hopeless. Russia’s regional military superiority and NATO’s
military superiority across Europe as a whole could allow for some kind of mutually benefi-
cial deal. If that were impossible to achieve, NATO could still use the threat of additional
deployments as leverage for pressing Moscow on arms control. As a matter of fact, the
Kremlin would be loath to accept additional permanent NATO deployments to the Baltic
states and Poland, should the allies, at some point, agree on the necessity of such a step.

Back in the late 1970s, NATO used a similar strategy to respond to the Soviet missile build-
up. While threatening to reciprocate Soviet actions with its own missile buildup, NATO
made a concrete offer of dialogue and arms control. A few years later, and after NATO had
put its threat to the test, Moscow finally came to the table. The resulting U.S.-Soviet INF
Treaty eliminated all those intermediate-range missiles that NATO and the Soviets found
most threatening. In a similar fashion, any potential additional NATO force deployments
to the Baltics should include an offer of dialogue to Moscow with the aim of forging a new
regional and reciprocal conventional arms control mechanism. Such a mechanism, if suc-
cessfully concluded and implemented, could make additional deployments redundant.

Finally, allies could try to use the ongoing INF crisis in a similar way. If Russia does not
return to compliance with the INF Treaty, U.S. military deployments become increasingly
likely within the next few years.187 Washington and its allies could use the pending threat
of these deployments as an opening bid for broader talks with Russia about European
security and arms control. If arms control talks were to result in a satisfactory outcome,
NATO could renounce its arms buildup. To be successful, such an approach would have to
be carefully timed, have broad support within the alliance, and be carefully communicated
to Russia.


The new U.S. NPR tries to establish such a link when arguing that pursuing a new U.S.
sea-based nuclear cruise missile “will provide a needed non-strategic regional presence, an
assured response capability, and an INF-Treaty compliant response to Russia’s continuing
Treaty violation.”188 The NPR states further that “if Russia returns to compliance with its
arms control obligations, reduces its non-strategic nuclear arsenal, and corrects its other de-
stabilizing behaviors, the United States may reconsider the pursuit of a SLCM [submarine-
launched cruise missile.”189 Unfortunately, this approach is not very promising because the
linkage established by the NPR is too broad and goes well beyond the issue of the alleged
Russian INF Treaty violation. In particular, the NPR does not definitively promise to cease
the SLCM program if Russia complies with U.S. demands.



WITH ITS DECISIONS from the Wales and Warsaw summits, NATO has made some
progress on addressing the risks of escalation, partially as a result of allies’ ability to success-
fully integrate and balance the divergent views of more cautious and more hawkish mem-
bers. Nonetheless, NATO has more homework to do. The risk of deliberate, inadvertent, or
accidental escalation is still high in the Baltic region.

Russia’s strategy of new-generation warfare makes it necessary for NATO to develop a com-
prehensive strategy. That means going beyond nuclear and conventional deterrence and as-
surance. If NATO wants to address the risks that stem from Russia’s nonkinetic operations
and from accidental escalation, its strategy has to thoroughly integrate and enhance the
elements of resilience and risk reduction.

NATO should not respond with steps that could exacerbate escalation risks, such as station-
ing additional large-scale conventional forces in Eastern Europe or adding new nuclear ca-
pabilities or missions, which both would risk alliance unity (although such restraint should
be contingent on Russian behavior).

One unpleasant reality is that a comprehensive strategy requires prioritizing certain goals
at the expense of others. The following recommendations constitute a starting point for
articulating a viable way to balance these goals, which are sometimes in tension.

•• Improve NATO’s trip wire approach but avoid additional large-scale deployments.
It is possible, if unlikely, that a limited Russian land grab in the Baltics might not activate
NATO’s trip wire conventional forces (the EFP). In particular, the EFP might arrive too
late to prevent a fait accompli. It is also possible that the first EFP forces to the scene
might not include personnel from any of NATO’s most significant military powers.
To correct these problems, NATO could ask Washington to consider deploying an ad-
ditional small-scale rotational U.S. Army battalion (of about 1,000 personnel), split
equally among the three Baltic EFP deployments. Equipped with observation drones,
U.S. forces could continuously patrol and monitor the borders with Russia. NATO
should also make sure that the EFP does not suffer from competing chains of command
before and during a crisis by, for instance, harmonizing the relevant rules of engagement
before NATO’s Graduated Response Plan comes into play. Deploying additional large-
scale contingents of NATO forces to the region would not be politically feasible for
the alliance. Moreover, such deployments might increase the risk of deliberate Russian
escalation if Moscow misinterpreted NATO’s moves as offensive.

•• Clarify the roles of the EFP and reinforcement forces in the event of externally in-
stigated domestic unrest in the Baltics. In general, NATO forces have no role in the
internal security of its member states. However, if Moscow instigated domestic unrest
involving Russian minorities in the Baltics, the role of the EFP and perhaps NATO’s
reinforcement forces is much less clear and should be clarified. NATO should also con-
sider how to react if forces were to be deliberately targeted by protesters.

•• Streamline NATO’s internal decisionmaking process so the alliance can respond

swiftly in the event of a crisis. In the event of a crisis, and particularly when reinforce-
ment becomes necessary, NATO’s political decisionmaking process might be painstak-
ingly slow given the need for consensus among all twenty-nine members of the North
Atlantic Council. This could potentially increase the risk that Russia might hope to get
away with a military fait accompli. NATO should clarify internally what military or
perhaps even political events would trigger reinforcement.

•• Ensure that NATO is able to move forces if reinforcement becomes a necessity.

Because of its A2/AD capabilities, Russia could severely complicate NATO’s abilities
to reinforce its position, again increasing the risk of a fait accompli. Allies should think
about enhancing defensive measures, such as additional air defense systems aimed at
protecting NATO’s vital logistics and transportation nodes in Western Europe and de-
fending vulnerable Baltic airspace. NATO should also continue to push for streamlin-
ing and adapting its logistics approach in Eastern Europe.


•• Convey political resolve more clearly, but avoid changes to NATO’s current nuclear
posture. Nuclear policies are highly contested within the alliance. NATO should thus
avoid controversial changes to its nuclear posture that might undermine unity. Instead,
NATO should focus on conveying a clear political message of resolve. NATO heads of
state and government should publicly as well as privately convey the unified message to
the Kremlin that the alliance is willing to defend its member states with all means nec-
essary. This message should be augmented by regular, high-level, public appearances of
individual NATO members’ political and military officials in the Baltic states, stressing
that NATO is capable of inflicting unacceptable damage on any opponent in case of an
attack on one of its members. The United States should continue its current practice of
sending limited numbers of bombers to European exercises. In addition, NATO should
communicate alert levels to Russia in the event of a (nuclear) crisis. Finally, individual
member states should do a better job explaining to their domestic audiences why NATO
remains a nuclear alliance and why that is important.

•• Increase the pressure on Russia on INF but avoid a tit-for-tat response. Russia’s
alleged INF Treaty violations represent a serious problem for the United States and
particularly for its European NATO allies. However, if Washington responds by try-
ing to deploy its own ground-launched cruise missiles, which would mean abrogating
the treaty, this decision would meet strong opposition in most of Western Europe and
carry enormous risk of undermining NATO. Instead, allies should explore alternative
options, such as limited forward deployment of conventional cruise missiles on U.S.
bombers and ships in Western Europe, supported by the deployment of cruise missile
defenses at NATO’s vital logistics and transportation nodes. In parallel, all allies should
engage Moscow head-on for a diplomatic solution. More broadly, allies should seek to
increase the diplomatic pressure by making states in Asia voice their growing discom-
fort over Russia’s alleged violation.

•• Deny Russia the ability to escalate through nonkinetic means. Russia’s ability to es-
calate tensions with NATO through nonkinetic operations (propaganda, cyberattacks,
or criminal operations) cannot be countered with military means. NATO must, there-
fore, increase efforts to support its members and work closely with the EU to build up
civilian resilience—that is, societies’ ability to deal with and absorb shocks. One way to
further incentivize allies’ national efforts to improve resilience could be to make these
expenditures as well as resilience assistance to NATO’s eastern members count toward
NATO’s 2 percent goal for defense spending. Allies should continue to educate their
publics about Russian efforts to meddle with their domestic politics. In so doing, allies
should avoid the mistake of portraying the Kremlin as some kind of “superman” that
could bring down Western societies.


•• Counter Russian propaganda and disinformation on NATO’s eastern flank. Russia
is currently the dominant source of Russian-speaking news and entertainment in the
three Baltic states. Its propaganda and disinformation is a particular problem, in part
because it hinders reconciliation efforts between the Baltic majorities and the Russian
minorities and could stimulate unrest. In response, allies should consider a joint NATO/
EU fund for financing capacity-building efforts for Russian-speaking journalists, script-
writers, and social media entrepreneurs, and for supporting technical and financial as-
sistance to Russian-language broadcast stations, programs, and social media platforms.
Allies should also increase their individual contributions to such efforts, ensuring local
buy-in from the Baltics’ Russian-speaking minorities.

•• Keep a close watch on the state of integration and representation of the Russian
minorities in the Baltic states. The better these minorities are integrated, the less le-
verage the Kremlin has to influence their perceptions. NATO should therefore support
integration efforts and encourage regular self-reporting by the Baltic states about mi-
norities’ state of integration and representation. While NATO is wary about infringing
on members’ national sovereignty, the alliance is built on shared values, and the integra-
tion and representation of those Russian minorities is too important to be ignored. If
allies found such a reporting mechanism to be too politically controversial, they could
increase cooperation with the EU and encourage it to report regularly about the situa-
tion on the ground.


•• Continue talks with Moscow on incident prevention and crisis communications.
The risk of an accidental crisis in the wider Baltic region continues to be high. In ad-
dition, following the Ukraine crisis, communication channels between NATO and
Russia are still not functioning as effectively as before. An accidental crisis might,
therefore, quickly spiral out of control, against either sides’ wishes. NATO must con-
tinue to engage Russia to reduce these immediate risks. At a minimum, talks should
focus on commonly agreed-upon and adhered-to rules for the busy civilian and mili-
tary airspace over the Baltic Sea. Washington and Russia should start making continu-
ous use of the bilateral Agreement on the Prevention of Dangerous Military Activities.
In addition, NATO should encourage Poland and the three Baltic states to seek to
conclude individual INCSEA-like agreements with Russia. Beyond that, NATO must
re-establish continuous military-to-military crisis communication channels with the
Russian General Staff at the working level and augment them with regular seminars
on military doctrine. Particularly in the event of NATO reinforcements becoming
necessary during a crisis, NATO must have a way of clearly communicating the pur-
pose of its actions to the Kremlin to avoid misperceptions and, perhaps, inadvertent


•• Start preparations for a conventional CSBM and arms control process with Russia.
To maintain alliance unity and stabilize the strained relationship with Russia, NATO—
at an appropriate time during the next few years—should present Moscow with con-
crete elements of an approach involving conventional confidence- and security-building
measures and arms control that goes beyond immediate risk reduction. Preparations for
doing so can and should commence now. Allies should, for example, increase efforts to
negotiate with Moscow an updated version of the OSCE’s Vienna Document, allowing
for more military transparency and addressing snap exercises as well as large exercises
broken down into multiple components. Since NATO’s militaries are concerned about
the possibility that Russia may attack one of its eastern members, the alliance should
seek reciprocal reductions and/or limitations on heavy conventional equipment in the
wider Baltic region. In doing so, allies must take into account the security concerns of
NATO’s easternmost members and strive for a unified position on CSBMs and arms

•• Explore potentially beneficial synergies between additional NATO deployments

and arms control. Allies could explore whether Russia’s regional military superiority in
the wider Baltic area and NATO’s global military dominance perhaps allow for some
kind of mutually beneficial arms control deal. If that is impossible and if addition-
al conventional NATO deployments to the region are deemed necessary in the years
ahead, NATO could use the threat of additional deployments as leverage for pressing
Moscow on conventional arms control. Similarly, Washington and its allies could use
the pending threat of a military response to Russia’s alleged INF violation as leverage
to induce Moscow to participate in broader talks about European security and arms
control. If such talks were to result in a satisfactory outcome, NATO could renounce
its arms buildup. Such an approach, not without political risk, would have to be very
carefully timed and communicated, both within the alliance and to Russia.



1. NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué,” press release, Warsaw, Poland, July 8–9, 2016,
2. This report does not directly consider the security of neighboring non-NATO members—
namely, Belarus, Finland, and Sweden.
3. For instance, the Polish Strategic Defense Review, initiated in 2016, concludes that “the scale
of threats resulting from the Russian aggressive policy had not been adequately assessed in the
past.” Poland was thus, according to the authors, facing “the necessity of adequately preparing
Poland to defend its own territory.” Polish Ministry of National Defense, The Concept of Defense
of the Republic of Poland (Warsaw: Ministry of National Defense, 2017), 6, http://www.mon
4. According to a speech by Vladimir Putin: “Russia has no intention of attacking anyone. This
is all quite absurd. . . . It is unthinkable, foolish and completely unrealistic. Europe alone has
300 million people. All of the NATO members together with the USA have a total population
of 600 million, probably. But Russia has only 146 million. It is simply absurd to even conceive
such thoughts.” Kremlin, “Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club,” October 27,
5. Rishi Iyengar, “Russia Announces New Military Divisions to Counter NATO Deployments in
Eastern Europe,” Time, May 4, 2016,
6. For a good overview of the different arguments within NATO, see Jens Ringsmose and Sten
Rynning, “Now for the Hard Part: NATO’s Strategic Adaptation to Russia,” Survival 59, no. 3
(June-July 2017): 129–146.

7. New-generation warfare (NGW) is basically a boundless military strategy that includes
and targets all military and civilian realms with the goal of coercing the opponent into
accepting changes to the status quo (see chapter 2). When referring to NGW, it is probably
more appropriate to speak of a “corpus of ideas” than of a full-fledged military doctrine. See
Dmitry Adamsky, Cross-Domain Coercion: The Current Russian Art of Strategy (Paris: French
Institute of International Relations, 2015), 22,
files/pp54adamsky.pdf. Other Western scholars use the term Gerasimov Doctrine—a reference
to the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia, Valery Gerasimov. See Mark
Galeotti, “The ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’ and Russian Non-Linear War,” Moscow’s Shadows (blog),
July 6, 2014,
and-russian-non-linear-war/. Again, others have referred to a strategy of “full-spectrum
conflict.” See Oscar Jonsson and Robert Seely, “Russian Full-Spectrum Conflict: An Appraisal
After Ukraine,” Journal of Slavic Military Studies 28, no. 1 (2015): 1–22. Still others describe it
as “strategic deterrence.” See Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, “Russian Strategic Deterrence,” Survival
58, no. 4 (August-September 2016): 7–26; Dave Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach
to Conflict (Paris: Foundation for Strategic Research, 2016), https://www.frstrategie
.org/web/documents/publications/recherches-et-documents/2016/201606.pdf. The term
strategic deterrence should not be confused with the more narrow strategic nuclear deterrence
relationship between Russia and the United States.
8. Andrius Sytas, “Baltics Need Anti-Aircraft Protection Against Russia, Lithuania Says,” Reuters,
July 20, 2017,
9. See Michael R. Gordon and Eric Schmitt, “Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise
Fears of Aggression,” New York Times, July 31, 2017,
10. See the testimony of General Paul Selva, as quoted in a New York Times article. Michael R.
Gordon, “Russia Has Deployed Missile Barred by Treaty, U.S. General Tells Congress,” New
York Times, March 8, 2017,
missile-treaty.html. For a good backgrounder on the INF Treaty, see Amy F. Woolf, Russian
Compliance With the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty: Background and Issues
for Congress (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2017),
11. “Russia Threatens to Aim Nuclear Missiles at Denmark Ships if It Joins NATO Shield,”
Reuters, March 22, 2015,
12. See Ieva Bērziņa (ed.), The Possibility of Societal Destabilization in Latvia: Potential National
Security Threats (Riga: National Defense Academy of Latvia, 2016),
13. For a good overview of the state of inclusion and potential vulnerabilities of Russian minorities
in Latvia, see Žaneta Ozoliņa (ed.), Societal Security. Inclusion-Exclusion Dilemma: A Portrait of
the Russian-Speaking Community in Latvia (Riga: Zinātne Publishers, 2016), http://www
14. European Leadership Network, List of Close Military Encounters Between Russia and the West,
March 2014 – March 2015 (London: European Leadership Network, 2015), http://www


15. See Michael Birnbaum, “Russian Warplanes Keep Buzzing the Baltics. Here’s How NATO
Scrambles,” Washington Post, November 6, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost
16. NATO, “Wales Summit Declaration,” Newport, Wales, September 5, 2014, http://www.nato
.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_112964.htm. See paragraphs 3, 7, and 52, in particular.
17. See NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué,” paragraph 6.
18. For this report, the author conducted twenty-six in-person interviews with officials and
nongovernment experts in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland in April 2017.
19. Kingston Reif, “Europeans Seek Conventional Arms Talks,” Arms Control Today 47, no. 1
(January-February 2017): 45.
20. See Kremlin, “Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club,” October 24, 2014,
21. The former Soviet republics include now-independent Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. For historical reasons, the three Baltic states have always been a special
case, and one can argue that Russia accepts, to some degree, that they are not a direct part of
Moscow’s sphere of influence. For a description of Russia’s interests in the post-Soviet space, see
Samuel Charap and Timothy J. Colton, Everyone Loses: The Ukraine Crisis and the Ruinous Contest
for Post-Soviet Eurasia (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2016).
22. When asked about the concept of zones of influence and Russia’s special interest therein,
then-president Dmitry Medvedev responded, “It means one simple but very important thing:
our neighbors are without any doubt states that are traditionally close to us and they represent
the traditional sphere of interests of the Russian Federation. And the Russian Federation is
for them exactly the same sort of traditional sphere of interest. We are so close to each other
that it is impossible to come between us: it is impossible to say that Russia would like things
a certain way, and our neighbors another. It is not even a matter of belonging to this or that
organization, this or that bloc, but rather the common history and genetic connectedness of
our economies and the very close kinship of our souls. Therefore, of course, our neighbors and
good relations with them are our number one priority.” Kremlin, “Transcript of the Meeting
With the Participants in the International Club Valdai,” September 12, 2008, http://en.kremlin
23. A November 2016 poll by the independent Russian Levada Center reported that 64 percent of
Russians responded affirmatively to the following question: “Do you think that Russia today is
a great power?” In 2011, three years before the Ukraine intervention, only 47 percent responded
positively to that question. Levada Center, “Russia as a Great Power,” January 9, 2017, http://
24. John J. Mearsheimer, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault. The Liberal Delusions
That Provoked Putin,” Foreign Affairs 93, no. 5 (September-October 2014): 77–89, http://
25. According to Medvedev, when he outlined his principles of Russian foreign policy: “protecting
the lives and dignity of our citizens, wherever they may be, is an unquestionable priority for
our country. Our foreign policy decisions will be based on this need. We will also protect the
interests of our business community abroad. It should be clear to all that we will respond to
any aggressive acts committed against us.” “Interview Given by Dmitry Medvedev to Television
Channels Channel One, Rossia, NTV,” Kremlin, August 31, 2008,


26. While Russian criticism of NATO tends to focus on hard security issues, Moscow has
criticized the EU particularly for its alleged policy of democracy promotion. See Sergei Lavrov,
“Democracy, International Governance, and the Future World Order,” Russia in Global Affairs,
February 9, 2005,
27. Back in 1997, then Russian president Boris Yeltsin warned that “the eastward expansion of
NATO is a mistake and a serious one at that.” See Thomas W. Lippman, “Clinton, Yeltsin
Agree on Arms Cuts and NATO,” Washington Post, March 22, 1997, http://www At the Munich Security
Conference in 2007, Vladimir Putin stressed, “I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does
not have any relation with the modernization of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in
Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual
trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended?” See “Putin’s
Prepared Remarks at 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy,” February 12, 2007, http://
28. See Kremlin, “Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club,” October 27, 2016.
29. The original phrase by Lord Ismay referred to the purpose of NATO: “to keep the Soviet
Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” NATO, “NATO Leaders: Lord Ismay,”
30. Valery Gerasimov, “The Value of Science in Prediction,” Military-Industrial Kurier, translated
by Mark Galleoti, February 27, 2013,
31. See Andrew Radin, Hybrid Warfare in the Baltics: Threats and Potential Responses (Santa
Monica: RAND Corporation, 2017).
32. Adamsky, Cross-Domain Coercion, 21–30. Jānis Bērziņš, “Russian New Generation Warfare Is
Not Hybrid Warfare,” in The War in Ukraine: Lessons for Europe, eds. Artis Pabriks and Andis
Kudors (Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2015), 40–51.
33. Some authors refer to “cross-domain coercion,” whereas others describe Russian strategy as
“coercive gradualism.” See Adamsky, Cross-Domain Coercion and William G. Pierce, Douglas
G. Douds, and Michael A. Marra, “Understanding Coercive Gradualism,” Parameters 45, no. 3
(2015): 51–61.
34. Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states: “The Parties agree that an armed attack against
one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them
all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise
of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of
the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually
and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of
armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.” NATO, “The
North Atlantic Treaty,” Washington, DC, April 4, 1949,
official_texts_17120.htm; also Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach to Conflict.
35. Gerasimov, “The Value of Science in Prediction.”
36. Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, “The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation,” December 25, 2014, http://rusemb
37. For a good overview of Russia’s actions in Ukraine in early 2014, see Lawrence Freedman,
“Ukraine and the Art of Limited War,” Survival 56, no. 6 (2014): 7–38.


38. Ben Farmer, “Ukraine Cyber War Escalates Alongside Violence,” Telegraph, May 28, 2014,
39. For an exemplary account, see Jonsson and Seely, Russian Full-Spectrum Conflict.
40. This form of psychological coercion is often described under the old Soviet term of reflexive
control, meaning “a sustained campaign that feeds an opponent select information so that
the opponent makes the decisions that one wants him/her to.” See Annie Kowalewski,
“Disinformation and Reflexive Control: The New Cold War,” Georgetown Security
Studies Review, February 1, 2017,
disinformation-and-reflexive-control-the-new-cold-war/. Adamsky, Cross-Domain Coercion, 24.
41. Adamsky, Cross-Domain Coercion, 23.
42. Ibid, 30.
43. For a critical view, see Kristin ven Bruusgaard, “The Myth of Russia’s Lowered Nuclear
Threshold,” War on the Rocks, September 22, 2017,
44. Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach to Conflict.
45. Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, “The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.”
46. For one of the first discussions of the concept in Western literature, see Nikolai N. Sokov,
“Why Russia Calls a Limited Nuclear Strike ‘De-Escalation,’” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
March 13, 2014,
For a more recent discussion, see Anya Loukianova Fink, “The Evolving Russian Concept of
Strategic Deterrence: Risks and Responses,” Arms Control Today, July 10, 2017, https://www
47. Loukianova Fink, “The Evolving Russian Concept of Strategic Deterrence.”
48. Andrei Zagorski, Russia’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Posture, Politics and Arms Control
(Hamburg: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg,
49. More broadly speaking, any time a conventionally weaker power uses nuclear weapons to deter
a stronger adversary, it almost necessarily has that doctrine. One example is NATO during the
Cold War in Europe. Another one is Pakistan’s weaker conventional forces vis-à-vis India. See
George Perkovich and Toby Dalton, Not War, Not Peace? (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2016). In the case of Israel, the quality of its conventional forces somewhat compensated for its
disadvantage in quantity vis-à-vis the Arab states during the war in 1967. Nevertheless, Israel
relied on a nuclear deescalation strategy, see William J. Broad and David E. Sanger, “‘Last
Secret’ of 1967 War: Israel’s Doomsday Plan for Nuclear Display,” New York Times, June 3,
50. See, for example, the 2016 Kavkaz (meaning ‘West’ in Russian) exercise. Roger McDermott,
“Moscow Tests Network-Centric Military Capability in Kavkaz 2016,” Jamestown Foundation
Eurasia Daily Monitor 13, no. 151 (September 20, 2016),


51. See Olga Oliker, Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine. What We Know, What We Don’t, and What That
Means (Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2016), https://csis-prod
.pdf; Dmitry Adamsky, “If War Comes Tomorrow: Russian Thinking About ‘Regional Nuclear
Deterrence,’” Journal of Slavic Military Studies 27, no. 1 (2014): 163–188.
52. Łukasz Kulesa and Thomas Frear, NATO’s Evolving Modern Deterrence Posture: Challenges
and Risks (London: ELN, 2017), 9,
53. Alexei Arbatov, “Understanding the US-Russia Nuclear Schism,” Survival 59, no. 2 (April-
May 2017), 50–51; Robert Legvold, “The Challenges of the New Nuclear Age in the 21st
Century World (Dis)Order,” in The Multipolar Nuclear World: Challenges and Opportunities
(Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center, forthcoming). For the exact opposite view, see Yury E.
Fedorov, “Russia’s Nuclear Policy,” [Japanese] National Institute for Defense Studies Twelfth
Symposium “Major Powers’ Nuclear Policies and International Order in the 21st Century,”
November 18, 2009,
54. Yu. A. Pechatnov, “Analiz Otechestvennykh i Zarubezhnykh Podkhodov k Formirovaniyu
Kontseptsii I Mekhanizma Sderzhivaniya ot Razvyazyvaniya Voennoi Agressii,” [Analysis
of Domestic and Foreign Approaches to the Formation of the Concept and the Mechanism
of Deterrence from Unleashing Military Aggression] Vooruzhenie i Ekonomika [Armament
and Economics] 3, no. 11, (2010), 11–17. Quoted from Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s
Approach to Conflict, 68.
55. This largely holds true, with the exception of the voluntary, bilateral U.S.-Russian Presidential
Nuclear Initiatives of the early 1990s.
56. Jacek Durkalec and Andrei Zagorski, Options for Transparency and Confidence-Building
Measures Related to Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Cost-Benefit Matrix (Warsaw:
Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2014),
57. Ibid, 7–8.
58. Michael R. Gordon, “Russia Deploys Missile, Violating Treaty and Challenging Trump,” New
York Times, February 14, 2017,
59. Gordon, “Russia Has Deployed Missile Barred by Treaty.”
60. See Woolf, Russian Compliance With the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
61. Ulrich Kühn and Anna Péczeli, “Russia, NATO, and the INF Treaty,” Strategic Studies
Quarterly 11, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 66–99,
62. The argument that is often brought forward by proponents of bilateral U.S.-Russian arms
control is that without verifiable resolution of the INF crisis, an extension of New START
or even a follow-on treaty would have no chance of ratification in the U.S. Senate. Greg
Thielmann, “Can the INF Treaty Survive? Russia’s New Missile Presents a Major Test for Arms
Control,” Arms Control Today, 47, no. 3 (April 2017): 6–13,
63. Lidia Kelly, “Russia Can Turn US to Radioactive Ash - Kremlin-Backed Journalist,”
Reuters, March 16, 2014,


64. Alexei Anishchuk, “UPDATE 1-Don’t Mess With Nuclear Russia, Putin Says,” Reuters, August
29, 2014,
65. Matt Payton, “Norway Is Now a Nuclear Target Over US Marines Posted There, Senior
Russian Politician Warns,” Independent, November 1, 2016,
66. Andrew Buncombe, “US Scrambles Fighter Jets to Intercept Russian Bombers Close to
American Coastline on Fourth of July,” Independent, July 7, 2015, http://www.independent
67. This is particularly prevalent, for instance, in the German yellow press. See “Russen übten den
Atom-Krieg!” [Russians Exercised Nuclear War!] BILD Zeitung, April 3, 2014, http://www
68. Herman Kahn, On Escalation: Metaphors and Scenarios (New Brunswick: Transaction
Publishers, 2010), 39 (for illustration of the forty-four rungs).
69. Latest research, based on statistical analysis of coercive nuclear threats, indeed comes to the
conclusion that these threats seldom work. See Todd S. Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann,
Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
70. See NATO, “Study on NATO Enlargement,” September 3, 1995,
71. In the words of then secretary of state Hillary Clinton: “NATO must and will remain open to
any country that aspires to become a member and can meet the requirements of membership.
But we do not seek to create divisions between neighbors and partners. Russia’s confidence
in its security enhances our own.” Hillary Clinton, “Remarks on the Future of European
Security,” U.S. Department of State, L’Ecole Militaire, Paris, France, January 29, 2010,
72. Adam Taylor, “That Time Ukraine Tried to Join NATO — and NATO Said No,” Washington
Post, September 4, 2014,
73. Previously, some allies had argued that NATO should focus on out-of-area stabilization
operations, particularly in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
74. NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué.”
75. See Michael Weiss, “The President Who Dared to Call Putin’s Russia What It Is: A Terrorist
State,” Daily Beast, March 18, 2016,
media/the-president-who-dared-to-call-putins-russia-what-it-is-a-terrorist-state/24879; Lisa
Ferdinando, “Work Hails U.S-Norway Ties, Expresses Concern About ‘Revanchist’ Russia,”
DoD News, May 19, 2016,
us-norway-ties-expresses-concern-about-revanchist-russia/; Matthew Day, “Poland to Increase
the Size of Army by 50 Per Cent to ‘Guarantee the Integrity,’” Telegraph, November 26, 2015,
76. Eugene Rumer, Richard Sokolsky, Paul Stronski, and Andrew S. Weiss, Illusions Vs Reality:
Twenty-Five Years of U.S. Policy Toward Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia (Washington, DC:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2017),


77. Without publicly stating it, some of those states’ officials seem to see some, though not all
of the alliance’s easternmost members’ concerns as overblown, partly driven by domestic
considerations or primarily as understandable historical reflexes to the experience of Soviet
78. As for Germany, see Matthew Karnitschnig, “NATO’s Germany Problem,” Politico, August 17,
79. Elbridge Colby, Russia’s Evolving Nuclear Doctrine and Its Implications (Paris: Foundation
for Strategic Research, 2016), 5,
80. Several war games conducted by the RAND Corporation in 2016 supported that assumption.
See David A. Shlapak and Michael W. Johnson, Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern
Flank: Wargaming the Defense of the Baltics (RAND Corporation, 2016), https://www.rand
Several analysts have subsequently criticized the RAND study for basing its conclusion on
unrealistic assumptions such as overly short mobilization times for the Russian military.
See Michael Kofmann, “Fixing NATO Deterrence in the East or: How I Learned to Stop
Worrying and Love NATO’s Crushing Defeat by Russia,” War on the Rocks, May 12, 2016,
stop-worrying-and-love-natos-crushing-defeat-by-russia/. Interviews the author conducted with
Baltic and NATO officials revealed skepticism toward the conclusions of the RAND study.
81. In the case of the German forces in Lithuania, the standard is technically a code of conduct,
not rules of engagement.
82. See Martin Zapfe, “Deterrence From the Ground Up: Understanding NATO’s Enhanced
Forward Presence,” Survival 59, no. 3 (June-July 2017): 147–160.
83. France declined to become a framework nation, citing strained resources. See Martin Zapfe,
“Threatened From Within? NATO, Trump and Institutional Adaptation,” in Strategic Trends
2017: Key Developments in Global Affairs ed. Oliver Thränert and Martin Zapfe (Zurich: ETH
Zurich Center for Security Studies, 2017), 78,
84. Ian J. Brzezinski and Nicholas Varangis, “The NATO-Russia Exercise Gap,” Atlantic Council,
February 23, 2015,
85. This phrase has been borrowed from Thomas Schelling, who described the purpose of U.S. and
allied forces in West Berlin during the Cold War as a “garrison in Berlin . . . as fine a collection
of soldiers as has ever been assembled, but excruciatingly small. What can 7,000 American
troops do, or 12,000 Allied troops? Bluntly, they can die. They can die heroically, dramatically,
and in a manner that guarantees that the action cannot stop there.” Thomas C. Schelling, Arms
and Influence (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008), 47.
86. Ringsmose and Rynning, “Now for the Hard Part,” 133.
87. NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, “NATO Response Force / Very High
Readiness Joint Task Force,” January 2016,
88. NATO, “NATO Response Force (NRF) Fact Sheet,” 2017,
89. Zapfe, “Deterrence From the Ground Up,” 153.


90. One example is the German Bundeswehr. According to its General Inspector’s annual readiness
assessment of major weapons systems, 30 to 70 percent of those systems, depending on the
armed services branch, are temporarily or indefinitely broken. Kai Biermann and Julian
Stahnke, “Kaputte Truppe,” [Broken Forces] ZEIT Online, April 20, 2017,
91. Michael Shurkin, The Abilities of the British, French, and German Armies to Generate and Sustain
Armored Brigades in the Baltics (Washington, DC: RAND Corporation, 2017), https://www
This is one of the reasons allies pledged in 2014 to increase their defense spending to reverse the
trends of under-equipment and inoperability.
92. Jüri Luik and Henrik Praks, Boosting the Deterrent Effect of Allied Enhanced Forward Presence
(Tallinn: International Center for Defense and Security, 2017), 12,
93. Zapfe, “Deterrence From the Ground Up,” 153.
94. Kulesa and Frear, NATO’s Evolving Modern Deterrence Posture, 9.
95. This is due to a lack of interconnected railroads between NATO member states in the region.
However, plans are under way to connect the three Baltic states and Poland through a common
rail link—called Rail Baltica—to be completed by 2030.
96. On the impact of Russian A2/AD deployments, see Alexander Lanoszka and Michael A.
Hunzeker, “Confronting the Anti-Access/Area Denial and Precision Strike Challenge in the
Baltic Region,” RUSI Journal 161, no. 5 (2016): 12–18.
97. See Fabrice Pothier, “An Area-Access Strategy for NATO,” Survival 59, no. 3 (June-July 2017):
73–80; Ringsmose and Rynning, “Now for the Hard Part.”
98. According to remarks by Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense
for Ukraine and Russia under former president Barack Obama before the U.S. Congress
in May 2017: “Having armor especially on the eastern flank of the Baltic states would be a
large deterrent for Russia, especially manned by Americans as opposed to the multinational
brigades.” Tara Copp, “More US Forces Needed in Europe to Deter Russia, Experts Say,” Stars
and Stripes, May 17, 2017,
deter-russia-experts-say-1.468865#.WScAm2dG6fH. See also David Shlapak, Deterring Russian
Aggression in the Baltic States: What It Takes to Win, Hearings Before the House Armed Services
Committee, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, 115th Cong. (2017) (testimony of
David Shlapak, on March 1, 2017)
99. Shlapak, Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic States.
100. According to interviews the author conducted with officials from Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland
in April 2017.
101. See Ringsmose and Rynning, “Now for the Hard Part.”
102. Elisabeth Braw, “Behind Putin’s Nuclear Threats,” Politico, August 18, 2015, http://www
103. Ringsmose and Rynnin, “Now for the Hard Part.”
104. Pothier, “An Area-Access Strategy for NATO,” 75.
105. For a good mission description of the JASSM-ER cruise missile ordered by Poland, see
Hans Kristensen “Forget LRSO; JASSM-ER Can Do the Job,” FAS Strategic Security blog,
December 16, 2015,


106. The full quote of John Richardson reads as follows: “A2AD is inherently oriented to the
defense. It can contribute to a mindset that starts with how to operate from beyond the red arcs
– an ‘outside-in’ approach. The reality is that we can fight from within these defended areas and
if needed, we will. Inside-out, as well as outside-in, from above and from below – we will fight
from every direction.” John Richardson, “Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson:
Deconstructing A2AD,” National Interest, October 3, 2016,
107. Particularly Germany’s position as described in Karnitschnig, “NATO’s Germany Problem.”
108. The so-called Steinmeier Initiative, named after former German foreign minister Frank-Walter
109. Wolfgang Richter, Sub-regional Arms Control for the Baltics: What Is Desirable? What Is Feasible?
(Hamburg: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg,
110. NATO, “Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security Between NATO and
the Russian Federation,” Paris, France, May 27, 1997.
111. NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué,” paragraph nine.
112. NATO, “Deterrence and Defense Posture Review,” May 20, 2012,
113. Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, “United States Nuclear Forces, 2017,” Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists 73, no. 1 (2017): 48–57.
114. NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué.”
115. See “New German Government to Seek Removal of US Nuclear Weapons,” Deutsche Welle,
October 25, 2009,
116. Braw, “Behind Putin’s Nuclear Threats.”
117. This view was expressed by Polish officials and defense experts in interviews with the author.
118. According to NATO, its dual-capable aircraft “are available for nuclear roles at various levels
of readiness—the highest level of readiness is measured in weeks.” NATO, “NATO’s Nuclear
Deterrence Policy and Forces,” December 3, 2015,
119. Kroenig, “Facing Reality.”
120. One Polish expert described this possibility as “crossing a red line” in an interview with the
author. On February 5, 2018, Vladimir Shamanov, the head of the Russian lower house’s
defense committee, confirmed that Russia had deployed Iskander ballistic missile systems to
the Kaliningrad region. Russia has not issued a statement pertaining to the possible deployment
of nuclear warheads to the region. “Russia Can Deploy Iskander Missiles in Kaliningrad
Without Informing NATO – MP,” Sputnik, February 15, 2018,
121. Colby, Russia’s Evolving Nuclear Doctrine and Its Implications.
122. Department of Defense, Nuclear Posture Review 2018 (Washington, DC: Department of
Defense, 2018), 30,
123. Department of Defense, Nuclear Posture Review 2018, 31.
124. Interviews by the author with Polish officials and defense experts.


125. Hans M. Kristensen, “B61-12: The New Guided Standoff Nuclear Bomb,” Presentation to
Side Event The Future of the B61: Perspectives From the United States and Europe, Third
Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, United Nations,
New York, May 2, 2014,”
126. Ibid.
127. Steven Pifer, “Cancel the Long-Range Standoff Missile,” Brookings Institution, June 28, 2017,
128. Braw, “Behind Putin’s Nuclear Threats.”
129. Dianne Feinstein, “There’s No Such Thing as ‘Limited’ Nuclear War,” Washington Post, March
3, 2017,
130. Under the Obama administration, the United States reserved the right to employ nuclear
weapons “to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.”
Department of Defense, Nuclear Posture Review Report 2010 (Washington, DC: Department
of Defense, 2010),
Nuclear_Posture_Review_Report.pdf. The new 2018 NPR goes further, stating that
“The United States would only consider the employment of nuclear weapons in extreme
circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies, and partners. Extreme
circumstances could include significant non-nuclear strategic attacks. Significant non-nuclear
strategic attacks include, but are not limited to, attacks on the U.S., allied, or partner civilian
population or infrastructure, and attacks on U.S. or allied nuclear forces, their command
and control, or warning and attack assessment capabilities.” Department of Defense, Nuclear
Posture Review 2018, 21.
131. Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century, 114th Cong. (2015) (Statement of Robert Work
Deputy Secretary of Defense and Admiral James Winnefeld Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff before the House Committee on Armed Services June 25, 2015),
132. See Ozoliņa, Societal Security.
133. Statistical Office of Estonia, Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, and Statistics Lithuania, 2011
Population and Housing Censuses in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2015,
134. See Bērziņa, “The Possibility of Societal Destabilization in Latvia,” 7.
135. Teri Schultz, “Why the ‘Fake Rape’ Story Against German NATO Forces Fell Flat in
Lithuania,” Deutsche Welle, February 23, 2017,
136. Interviews by the author with Latvian and Lithuanian security officials and experts.
137. See the case of the Estonian intelligence official who was seized and dragged onto Russian
territory by Russian intelligence in 2014. Julian Borger, “Estonia Says Official Seized by Russia
Was Lured Into FSB Trap,” Guardian, September 8, 2014,


138. For more general definitions of the concept of resilience, see Philippe Bourbeau, “Resilience
and International Politics: Premises, Debates, Agenda,” International Studies Review 17, no. 1
(2015): 374–395; Jon Coaffee, “Constructing Resilience Through Security and Surveillance:
The Politics, Practices and Tensions of Security-Driven Resilience,” Security Dialogue 46,
no. 1 (2015): 86–105; Daphna Canetti et al., “What Does National Resilience Mean in a
Democracy? Evidence From the United States and Israel,” Armed Forces & Society 40, no.
3 (2014): 504–520. For possible applicability in the current European security context, see
Claudia Major and Christian Mölling, A Hybrid Security Policy for Europe. Resilience, Deterrence
and Defense as Leitmotifs (Berlin: German Institute for International and Security Affairs,
139. Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense, Prepare to Survive Emergencies and War: A Cheerful
Take on Serious Recommendations (Vilnius: Ministry of National Defense, 2015),
140. NATO, “Allies Take Further Steps to Enhance Resilience,” March 28, 2017, http://www.nato
141. Jamie Shea, “Resilience: A Core Element of Collective Defense,” NATO Review, 2016, https://;
NATO, “Commitment to Enhance Resilience,” Warsaw, Poland, July 8, 2016, http://www
142. Ibid.
143. See the Estonian position described in Nadia Schadlow, “The Problem With Hybrid Warfare,”
War on the Rocks, April 2, 2015,
144. Bērziņa, “The Possibility of Societal Destabilization in Latvia,” 7.
145. See Bettina Renz and Hanna Smith, Russia and Hybrid Warfare – Going Beyond the Label
(Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2016),
146. Heidi Reisinger and Alexander Golts, Russia’s Hybrid Warfare – Waging War Below the Radar of
Traditional Collective Defense (Rome: NATO Defense College, 2014), https://www.files.ethz
147. Martin Zapfe, ‘Hybrid’ Threats and NATO’s Forward Presence (Zurich: ETH Zurich Center for
Security Studies, 2016),
148. Thomas Frear, Łukasz Kulesa, and Ian Kearns, Dangerous Brinkmanship: Close Military
Encounters Between Russia and the West in 2014 (London: European Leadership Network,
149. Ibid.
150. Julian Borger, “Russian Attack Jets Buzz US Warship in Riskiest Encounter for Years,” The
Guardian, April 13, 2016,
151. “Turkey’s Downing of Russian Warplane – What We Know,” BBC, December 1, 2015, http://


152. Julian E. Barnes, “NATO Approves Talks With Russia on Baltic Air Security,” Wall Street
Journal, December 19, 2016,
on-baltic-air-security-1482172348. In response to the Russian proposal to hold talks on air
safety, NATO invited representatives of the former Baltic Sea Project Team (BSPT) and the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to brief the NATO-Russia Council. See
NATO, “NATO-Russia Relations: The Facts,” June 15, 2017,
153. See John H. McNeill, “Military-to-Military Arrangements for the Prevention of U.S.-
Russian Conflict,” International Law Studies 68 (1994): 575–581; Deep Cuts Commission,
Strengthening Stability in Turbulent Times (Hamburg, Moscow, Washington: Institute for Peace
Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, 2015),
PDF/Second_Report_of_the_Deep_Cuts_Commission_English.pdf; Deep Cuts Commission,
Back From the Brink: Toward Restraint and Dialogue Between Russia and the West (Hamburg,
Moscow, Washington: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of
Hamburg, 2016),
154. See McNeill, “Military-to-Military Arrangements for the Prevention of U.S.-Russian Conflict,”
155. Łukasz Kulesa, Thomas Frear, and Denitsa Raynova, Managing Hazardous Incidents in the
Euro-Atlantic Area: A New Plan of Action (London: European Leadership Network, 2016),
156. Ibid.
157. See NATO, “Warsaw Summit Communiqué.”
158. See, for instance, the full statement of Fabrice Pothier, former head of policy planning in the
office of the NATO secretary general. Pothier, “An Area-Access Strategy for NATO,” 76.
159. Similar statements by Russian officials about the protection of Russians abroad, however,
not directed at NATO, have been made in the past in conjunction with the Russian military
interventions in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. See Jim Nichol, Russia-Georgia Conflict
in August 2008: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests (Washington, DC: Congressional
Research Service, 2009),; William W. Burke-White,
“Crimea and the International Legal Order,” Survival 56, no. 4 (2014): 65–80.
160. At the time of writing, little was publicly known about the process and scope of devising rules
of engagement for the four EfP battlegroups.
161. Such a reaction is not far-fetched, given that polls have shown that, particularly in Western
European NATO states, enthusiasm for defending eastern allies against a Russian attack is
quite low. Katie Simmons, Bruce Stokes, and Jacob Poushter, NATO Publics Blame Russia
for Ukrainian Crisis, but Reluctant to Provide Military Aid (Washington, DC: Pew Research
Center, 2015),
162. NATO’s ability to protect its vital transportation nodes against Russian precision strikes, that is
by point defense systems, is rather limited in Europe.
163. Shlapak, Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic States.


164. V. I. Polegaev and V. V. Alferov, “O Neyadernom Sderzhivanii, Ego Roli I Meste v Sisteme
Strategicheskogo Sderzhivaniya,” [On Non-Nuclear Deterrence, Its Roles and Space in the
Strategic Deterrence System] Voennaya Mysl’ [Military Thought], no. 7 (July 2015): 9, quoted in
Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach to Conflict, 42.
165. “Latvia’s Victory Day Shows Security Tensions,” Al Jazeera, May 14, 2014, http://
166. Russian ultranationalists have received support from the Kremlin in recent years, but they have
also been subject to legal pressure as the Kremlin tries to hold on to its monopoly on Russian
nationalism. See Mansur Mirovalev, “Behind Russia’s Ultra-Nationalist Crackdown,” Al
Jazeera, September 23, 2015,
167. According to a report published by the European Leadership Network and reflecting, inter alia,
views of senior NATO officials, “traditional linear concepts of gradual escalation (including
from conventional to nuclear) and the escalation ladder may be ill-suited to describe Russia’s
approach to a potential conflict in Europe, in which a threat of nuclear use might be issued
at an early stage.” Kulesa and Frear, NATO’s Evolving Modern Deterrence Posture, 9. See also
Johnson, Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach to Conflict, 68. Such an approach would also
be in line with Putin’s personal thoughts on impressing an opponent through swiftness and
decisiveness. Recalling his childhood memories, Putin in an early interview explained how
he got impressed and overwhelmed as a boy by a rat and how that taught him a lesson about
resolve under the condition of being cornered. “There, on that stair landing, I got a quick
and lasting lesson in the meaning of the word cornered. There were hordes of rats in the front
entryway. My friends and I used to chase them around with sticks. Once I spotted a huge rat
and pursued it down the hall until I drove it into a corner. It had nowhere to run. Suddenly it
lashed around and threw itself at me. I was surprised and frightened. Now the rat was chasing
me. It jumped across the landing and down the stairs.” First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-
Portrait by Russia’s President (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2000), 10.
168. I recent years, Russian fighter jets coming extremely close to U.S. war ships on several occasions
in both the Baltic and Black Seas. Borger, “Russian Attack Jets Buzz US Warship in Riskiest
Encounter for Years.”
169. Shlapak, Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic States.
170. Interviews conducted by the author with Baltic officials and experts.
171. NATO, “The Secretary General’s Annual Report 2016,” 35,
172. NATO, “Logistics,” June 21, 2017,
173. In interviews with the author, experts and officials from Latvia and Lithuania did not express a
desire for a stronger nuclear response by NATO. However, all expressed concern with regard to
the alleged Russian INF violations.
174. Oriana Pawlyk, “US Sends All 3 Bombers to Europe for the First Time,” Business Insider,
June 9, 2017,


175. According to President Putin in 2006, “We must take into account the plans and development
vectors of other countries’ armed forces, and we must keep ourselves informed on promising
developments, but we should not go after quantity and simply throw our money to the wind.
Our responses must be based on intellectual superiority. They will be asymmetrical, not
as costly, but they will unquestionably make our nuclear triad more reliable and effective.”
Kremlin, “Annual Address to the Federal Assembly,” May 10, 2006,
176. Consequences and Context for Russia’s Violations of the INF Treaty, 115th Cong. (2017)
(prepared statement by Jon Wolfsthal before the House Committee on Armed Services
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and the Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on
Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, March 30, 2017),
177. Kadri Liik, “What Does Russia Want?” European Council on Foreign Relations, May 26,
178. See NATO, “Allies Take Further Steps to Enhance Resilience,” March 28, 2017, http://www
179. See NATO, “Joint Declaration by the President of the European Council, the President of the
European Commission, and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,”
July 8, 2016,
180. “Development Aid Cannot Be Part of Defense Spending: NATO’s Stoltenberg,” Reuters,
March 31, 2017,
181. Ibid.
182. Germany is already cooperating with media partners in the Baltic states. “Working Together
for Security – Foreign Minister Gabriel Visits the Baltic States,” German Federal Foreign
Office, March 2, 2017,
183. Bruce Stokes, “NATO’s Image Improves on Both Sides of Atlantic,” Pew Research Center,
May 23, 2017,
184. Michael Birnbaum, “Survey: Western Europe Wary of Supporting Russia’s NATO Neighbors,”
Washington Post, June 10, 2015,
185. Ulrich Kühn, “Conventional Arms Control 2.0,” Journal of Slavic Military Studies 26, no. 2
(2013): 189–202.
186. Interviews by the author with officials and experts from Latvia and Lithuania.
187. Wolfsthal, “After Deployment: What?”
188. Department of Defense, Nuclear Posture Review 2018, 55.
189. Ibid.



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