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Report 2 Electrolysis

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The key takeaways are that electrolysis is the process where an electric current is used to separate compounds into their component ions and electroplating is used to demonstrate this process by depositing copper onto an electrode. Faraday's law is also discussed.

Electrolysis is the process where an electric current is used to separate compounds into their component ions by oxidation and reduction reactions at the electrodes of an electrolytic cell.

The purpose of the experiment on electro deposition of copper was to demonstrate the process of electroplating copper by electrolyzing a copper(II) solution. It also aimed to calculate the amount of copper gained and lost on the electrodes using Faraday's law.


Exp.3 Electrolysis
Exp.4: Electro deposition of copper through the
electrolysis of Copper(II) solution

By: Omar Samir



The aim of the Electrolysis experiment is to demonstrate the mechanism of the

Electrolytic cell and the process of Electrolysis, this aim is approached by using the

Hoffmann Voltammeter device and brine (sodium chloride) solution included and to

observe the changes happen in the solution, relating these observations with the

chemical reactions happen due to the electrical current. As for the experiment of

Electro deposition, it aims to demonstrate the process of Electro deposition of Copper

approached by the Electrolysis of Copper(II). Furthermore, this experiments shows

how to calculate the Copper lose and gain on the Anode and Cathode electrodes by

applying a specific amount of current during the process. By using Faraday's law it

will be possible to deduce the amount of weight gained and lost.

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................2
Introduction .............................................................................................................4
A.Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride solution........... ..........................................................4
B.Electro deposition of copper through the electrolysis of Copper(II) solution...................8
B.Faraday's Second Law of Electrolysis........ .............................................................. 12
Experimental Method and Procedure ........................................................................ 14
Experimental results ................................................................................................ 15
Discussion .............................................................................................................. 17
Sources of error ...................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 19


The part or branch in chemistry that deals with the relationship between electricity

and chemical reactions is called Electrochemistry. It deals with the chemical changes

happens on the passage of electricity and the study of electrical properties of

electrolytes. Electrochemical cells are the device that works by converting electrical

energy into chemical energy or vice versa. According to the activity takes place in the

devices, they are divided into two categories which are: Electrolyte cells and Galvanic

cells. (D.Ebbing, 2008) In our case the electrolytic cells will be taken in consideration

for this experiment. Electrolytic cells are the devices that aims to occur chemical

changes in the existence/ passage of electrical energy.

A. Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride solution

Electrolysis is the process in which separating the elements and compounds bonded to

each by the passage of electrical current through them. The salt is an ionic compound

which is dissolved with a suitable solvent, like water as the its own ions are avilable

in the liquid. An electrical current is utilized between two inert electrodes (Graphite)

sunken into the liquid. The cathode is the (-ve) charged electrode and the anode is the

(+ve) charged electrode. As each electrode attracts the ions of the opposite charge,

(+ve) charged ions (cations) heads to the cathode while the (-ve) charged ions

(anions) heads to the anode. The electrical power supply aims to produce energy to

separate the ions and makes them assemble at the particular electrode. At the

investigation, the ions release or absorbs the electrons that result the formation of

gathering the desired compounds and elements.

The above apparatus is called Hofmann Voltammeter which was used in the lab to

perform the electrolysis process, by using tubes like burettes and Graphite electrodes.

The device is filled with aqueous NaCl (brine solution) which is the electrolyte, to

allow the gas produced during the process, both taps at the top are opened. As for the

Electrolytes, depending on the extent of dissociation, electrolytes are categorized into

two types:

 Strong Electrolytes: these electrolytes are almost dissociated in their own

aqueous solutions and their values of conductance are very high. For example

NaCl, KCL, NaOH, KOH, HCL and HNO3. (Ramesh, 2013)

 Weak Electrolytes: these type of electrolytes that does not approach a

complete dissociation in their own aqueous solution, even in their diluted

solutions and the conductance values are very low. There is an equilibrium

state between the ions and their undissociated molecules that exists in the

solution of the weak electrolytes. For example NH4OH, CH3COOH and


The NaCl electrolyte solution supply a high concentration of (sodium) ions Na+ and

also chloride ions (Cl– ) to hold the current during the process. Firstly, there are only

marks of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH–) from the self ionization of

H2O. The sodium chloride solution is conservatively concentrated NaCl solution with

(Graphite) gives an equal volumes of (H) gas (hydrogen ions H+ discharged at the

negative cathode) and (Cl) gas (chloride ions Cl– discharged at the positive anode)

with NaOH kept in solution. This process (electrolysis) will only occurs when

electrical current passes through the NaCl solution.

The electrolysis of sodium chloride half-equations is divided into two parts, one in

the negative part of the process and the other at the positive part. (Vairam, 2013)

1. The (-ve) cathode reaction

The negative (–ve) cathode electrode attract the (Na+) from the solution and (H+ )

ions from H2O. Only the ions of hydrogen are discharged at the cathode. As the

reactivity of the metal increases, the readily of ions is decreased on the surface of the

electrode. The ions of hydrogen are reduced by the electron (e–) gain to be able to

form hydrogen molecules at the (-ve) electrode which attract positive ions (as

discussed before).

2H+(aq) + 2e– H2(g)

2H2O(l) + 2e– ==> H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)

OR 2H3O+(aq) + 2e– ==> H2(g) + 2H2O(l)

As long as the sodium ions are important, there isn't any significant change happens to

them. However, if sodium was released , a reaction between sodium and water would

happen to result hydrogen, as like as the product resulted from the reduction of the

hydrogen ion.

2. The (+) anode reaction

for the electrolysis process of NaCl solution, The (+) anode attracts the (-) hydroxide

(OH– ) ions from H2O and chloride (Cl– ) ions from NaCl. Just only the (Cl) ion is

discharged in perceivable quantities, it is preferred to be oxidized to chlorine.

Ions of chloride are oxidized by the electron loss to outcome chlorine molecules at

the (+) electrode which attracts (-ve) ions (as discussed before). (Vairam, 2013)

The oxidation electrode reaction:

2Cl–(aq) – 2e– Cl2(g)

OR 2Cl– Cl2(g) + 2e–

Where the negative ions are oxidized by the electron loss.

B. Electro deposition of copper through the electrolysis of

Copper(II) solution

The process of electroplating is commonly carried out to be able to improve

the appearance/corrosion resistance of the metal's surface, by electrodepositing a very

thin layer of metal ion surrounding it. The metal important concept is to be coated, is

done by the cathode electrode in an electrolytic cell. (J, 2007) The cell which used in

the electroplating includes an electrolyte of aqueous solution that has a rationally high

concentration of an ion of its own metal in order to be electroplated on its surface.

The cell anode electrode is generally a piece of metal to be plated from solution; this

gives the chance to the anode reaction of metal dissolution to substitute the metal ion

lost from the solution by the decomposition of the cathode electrode.

The electrodes product from the electrolysis process of copper sulfate with inert

Graphite electrodes, There are half-equations for the electrolysis of (Copper(II)

Sulfate) solution (electrolyte).

1. The negative cathode reaction with graphite electrodes.

The (-) cathode electrode entice (Cu2+)ions from the copper sulfate (electrolyte), and

H+ ions from H2O. Only the (Cu) ion is discharged, being deduced to copper metal.

As the metal is less reactive, the more readily its own ion is reduced on the surface of

the electrode. The copper deposits forms as the (+) copper ions are enticed to the

(-)(cathode) electrode.

Cu2+(aq) + 2e– ==> Cu(s)

Positive ions reduced by the electron gain. The effects of hydrogen ions aren't

discharged, that explain why there isn't any gas gathered above the (-) electrode.

The (+) anode electrode reaction with the copper electrode. It is the (Cu) anode that

makes the critical difference than electrolyzing the copper sulfate solution

(electrolyte) with an inert Graphite electrode. The (-) sulphate ions (SO42- ) from

copper sulfate or from the traces of hydroxide ions OH– from H2O are gathered to the

(+) electrode. But the sulfate ion and the hydroxide ions are very stable as nothing

changes to them, because the copper anode is more preferred to be oxidized to

discharge the (Cu2+ ) copper ions. An oxidation of the electrode reaction at the (+)

anode electrode. (L.Masterton, 2012)

(+) Cu(s) – 2e– ==> Cu2+(aq)

Faraday's law of Electrolysis

Whenever the electrolyte such as metal sulfate is diluted in H2O, its molecules divided

into (+ve) and (-ve) ions. The (+ve) ions or metals ions heads to the electrodes

connected with (-ve) side of the battery, where these (+ve) ions takes electrons from

it, in order to be pure metal atom and get settle on the electrode. Whilst (-ve) ions or

moves toward the electrode connected with (+ve) terminal of the battery as these (-)

ions withdraws their extra electrons to be SO4 radical. (Ramesh, 2013) Since (SO4 )

cannot exist in electrically neutral state, they will attack metallic (+ve) electrode to

result a formation of metallic sulfate which will experience dissolve in the H2O. The

Faraday’s laws of electrolysis includes two laws and these are;

A. Faradays First Law of Electrolysis

From the previous explanation, it is obvious that the movement of the current through

the battery circuit completely depends on how many electrons are transferred from (-

ve) electrode or the cathode electrode to (+ve) metallic ions or cations. If the cations

contains valency of two such as (Cu++ ) then for each cation, there should be 2

electrons allocated from cathode to cation. Its known that every electron has (-ve)
− 19
electrical charge having value of (− 1.602 X 10 ) Coulombs and say it is (- e). So

for configuration of every (Cu) atom on the cathode electrode, there would be (- 2.e)

charge transfers from the cathode to cation. As for (t) time there would be total (n)

which is number of copper atoms settle on the cathode, so the total charge which is

transferred would be (- 2.n.e) Coulombs. Mass (m) of the deposited copper is clearley

a function of the number of atoms settled. Consequently, it can be predicted that the

(m) mass of the settled (Cu) has a relation of directly proportional to the quantity of

electrical charge that moves through the electrolyte. According to the previous, mass

of the deposited (Cu) m ∝ Q quantity of electrical charge passes through the

electrolyte. Faraday's First Law of Electrolysis claims that , Referring to this law, the

chemical deposition because of the flow of current through an electrolyte is directly

proportional to the quantity of electricity (coulombs) passes through it. i.e. mass of

chemical deposition.

B. Faraday's Second Law of Electrolysis

Until now, it was discussed that the mass (m) of the chemical deposited resulted from

the electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of electricity that moves through the

electrolyte. The mass (m) of the chemical set because of electrolysis isn't only

proportional to the quantity of electricity moves through the electrolyte, its also count

on several other factor. Each substance will have its atomic weight. So for same(n)

number of atoms, unlike substances will have different (m) mass. Moreover, the

number of atoms set on the electrodes also count on their value of valency. If valency

is higher, so for same amount of electricity, number of deposited atoms will decrease

whereas if valency is lower, then for same quantity of electricity, more number of

atoms to be set. So, for the same quantity of electricity or charge moves through

unlike electrolytes, the mass (m) of settled chemicals is directly proportional to the

atomic weight and inversely proportional relation to its valency. Faraday's second law

claims that, when the same quantity of electricity passes through varies electrolytes,

the mass (m) of the substances deposited are proportional to their particular chemical

equivalent or equivalent weight. The equivalent weight/ chemical equivalent of a

substance can be deduced by Faraday’s laws and it is stated as the weight of that sub

tenancy which combine with or displace unit weight of H2. The chemical equivalent

of H2 is, thus, unity. As valency of the substance is equal to the number (n) of

H2atoms, which it can substitute or with which it can merge, the chemical equivalent

of a substance, subsequently may be stated as the ratio of its atomic weight to its

valency. (Ramesh, 2013)

Experimental Method and Procedure

You are provided with 1M NaCl solution, a U-shaped tube, two graphite electrodes, a
power supply, an ammeter, and a universal indicator
1- Add the salt solution in the U-tube.

2- Connect the circuit as an electrolysis circuit, turn it on.

3- Once the ammeter shows reading you will notice that bubbles commenced to form
at one of the electrodes, then after some time they will begin to form at the other.

4- Around one of the electrodes the color of the indicator will change into deep blue,
while at the other one the color of the indicator will be bleached.

5- Record all of your observations in the following table, completing it with the
necessary equations.

Experimental results

A. For Electrolysis

During the experiment of electrolysis, on switching the curcit on, there were changes
in color and bubbles formation was observed, these observations conclude and
demonstrates information and reasons. The table below includes the observations and
reasons supported with equation:

The electrode Color change Bubble formation Reason supported

with equation

Anode The color changes The bubbles 2Cl– Cl2(g) + 2e–

from blue to fade formed in this part Ions of chloride are
oxidized by the
green and then to after it was formed electron loss to
colorless at the cathode part, outcome chlorine
molecules at the (+)
Light bubbles was electrode which
attracts (-ve) ions
2H+(aq) + 2e–
Cathode The color changes There was bubble
from blue to dark formation observed H2(g)
blue firstly in this part
of the device, the the ions of
hydrogen are
bubbles formed reduced by the
was vigorous. electron (e–) gain to
be able to form
molecules at the (-
ve) electrode which
attract positive ions

B. For Electro deposition of copper

In order to be able to calculate the thickness (x) of the plate, there are several

equations must be taken in consideration:


W =I * t * e/ F

W = ρ * A* x

 W= Weight of the plate (gm)

 Q = charge (Coulomb)
 I = Current (Ampere) = 1.75 A
 t = Time (s) = 5min= 300s
 e = Mwt / No. of electrons involved = 63.5/2 = 31.75
 F = Faradays constant ( 96485 C/mol)
 A = Surface area (cm2) = 3*3.5 = 10.5 cm2
 ρ = Density of Copper = 8.96gm/cm3
 x = thickness of plate (cm)

Wtheo. = 1.75*5*60*63.5/ 2* 96485 = 0.173 gm

0.173= 8.96 * 10.5 * x x = 1.84*10-3 cm

Wexp.= Wafter - Wbefore = 19.058 - 19.2016 = 0.1436 gm

Error percentage:( | Wtheo - Wexp | / Wtheo ) *100

Error = (0.173 -0.1436/0.173) *100 = 16.99 %


A. For Electrolysis

To sum it up all, this experiment is carried up to perform the process of Electrolysis of

the brine solution (sodium chloride), there were changes observed in the experiment

which was deduced previously in the Experimental results. The reason behind

showing bubbles at the Cathode part is because the ions of hydrogen are reduced by

the electron (e–) gain to be able to form hydrogen molecules at the (-ve) electrode

which attract positive ions. As for the other part, Ions of chloride are oxidized by the

electron loss to outcome chlorine molecules at the (+) electrode which attracts (-ve)


B. For Electro deposition of Copper

To conclude it all without any exaggerations, this experiment object to present the

process of electroplating of Copper electrode. As discussed in the introduction

previously, the movements of ions between the anode and the cathode electrodes.

Moreover, Faraday's law of claims that the mass of the copper produced at an

electrode during the process is directly proportional to the number of moles (n) of

electrons the quantity of electricity allocated at that electrode, which was proofed by

the experimental calculations. Also, the number of Faradays of the electric charge

needed to discharge 1 mole of copper at the electrode is equivalent to the number of

excess primary charges on that ion. Both hypothesis are Oftenly considered as

different laws, but still support each other to demonstrate the correct process of the

copper plating electrolysis.

Sources of error

1. The devices used to take readings such as voltmeter are more likely needed to

be calibrated, sometimes readings taken makes no sense to the experiment as

its not calibrated accurately.

2. The apparatus/ device used in the experiment like the Hoffman Voltammeter

could be unclean and not washed well, which leads to create an error.

3. There is a human error expected to occur, as in the electro deposition

experiment one of the students used stop watch to obtain the time (t) taken,

this incident will mostly have error on estimating the accurate value of time.

4. The copper plates used for the Electro deposition experiment could be rusty

due to storing them for a long period. Consequently, this surely will show a

massive error percentage.

5. In the laboratory, a commonly mistakes run across for example pereparing the

concentration of the solution with wrong values, which does not match the

experimental numbers.

6. The instruments used in the electrolysis experiment wasnt prepared well, there

was leakage of the solution from the bottom.

7. There are devices such as the device used to balance the plate could be out to

date and need to be replaced with brand new devices, to avoid error in the

experimental results.


D.Ebbing, D. (2008). General Chemistry . Boston : Charels Hartford.

J, M. (2007, March). Retrieved 2016, from Chem Wiki:

L.Masterton, W. (2012). Chemistry Principles and Reactions. United States : Cengage

Learning .

Ramesh, D. S. (2013). Engineering Chemistry. New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Vairam, D. S. (2013). Engineering Chemistry. New Delhi : John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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