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Flip Problem Set

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The document covers various rigid body dynamics problems involving concepts like moments of inertia, forces, and accelerations.

The problems cover topics like moments of inertia of different objects, forces and reactions on objects, and accelerations of objects.

Examples of moments of inertia problems include determining the moment of inertia of a cylinder, plate, or assembly of rods about different axes.

Flip Problem Set: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 4. The pendulum in Fig.

is suspended from the pin at 0

Topic: Kinetics of Rigid Bodies and consists of two thin rods, each having a weight of
Deadline: April 5, 2018 10 lb. Determine the moment of inertia of the
Subject Instructor: Engr. Arlene C. Patricio pendulum about an axis passing through (a) point 0,
and (b) the mass center G of the pendulum.
1. Determine the moment of inertia of the cylinder
shown in Fig. about the z axis. The density of the
material, p, is constant.

2. If the density of the material is 5 slug/ft3, determine

the moment of inertia of the solid in about the y axis. 5. The car shown in Fig. has a mass of 2 Mg and a center
of mass at G. Determine the acceleration if the rear
"driving" wheels are always slipping, whereas the
front wheels are free to rotate. Neglect the mass of
the wheels. The coefficient of kinetic friction between
the wheels and the road is µk = 0.25.

6. The motorcycle shown in Fig. has a mass of 125 kg and

3. If the plate shown in Fig. has a density of 8000 kg/m3
a center of mass at G1, while the rider has a mass of
and a thickness of 10 mm, determine its moment of
75 kg and a center of mass at G2. Determine the
inertia about an axis directed perpendicular to the
minimum coefficient of static friction between the
page and passing through point O.
wheels and the pavement in order for the rider to do
a "wheely," i.e., lift the front wheel off the ground as
shown in the photo. What acceleration is necessary to
do this? Neglect the mass of the wheels and assume
that the front wheel is free to roll.
7. A uniform 50-kg crate rests on a horizontal surface for 10. At the instant shown in Fig, the 20-kg slender rod has
which the coefficient of kinetic friction is µk = 0.2. an angular velocity of w = S rad/s. Determine the
Determine the acceleration if a force of P = 600 N is angular acceleration and the horizontal and vertical
applied to the crate as shown in Fig. components of reaction of the pin on the rod at this

11. The drum shown in Fig. has a mass of 60 kg and a

radius of gyration ko = 0.25 m. A cord of negligible
8. The 100-kg beam BD shown in Fig. is supported by mass is wrapped around the periphery of the drum
two rods having negligible mass. Determine the force and attached to a block having a mass of 20 kg. If the
developed in each rod if at the instant e = 30°, W = 6 block is released, determine the drum's angular
rad/s. acceleration.

12. The slender rod shown in Fig. has a mass m and length
l and is released from rest when e = 0°. Determine the
9. The unbalanced SO-lb flywheel shown in Fig. has a
horizontal and vertical components of force which the
radius of gyration of kG = 0.6 ft about an axis passing
pin at A exerts on the rod at the instant e = 90°.
through its mass center G. If it is released from rest,
determine the horizontal and vertical components of
reaction at the pin O.
13. Determine the angular acceleration of the spool in 16. The uniform 50-kg bar in Fig. is held in the equilibrium
Fig. The spool has a mass of 8 kg and a radius of position by cords AC and BD. Determine the tension
gyration of kc = 0.35 m. The cords of negligible mass in BD and the angular acceleration of the bar
are wrapped around its inner hub and outer rim. immediately after AC is cut.

17. Determine the moment of inertia of the assembly

about an axis that is perpendicular to the page and
passes through the center of mass G. The material has
a specific weight of y = 90 Ib/ft3.

14. The 50-lb wheel shown in Fig. has a radius of gyration

kG = 0.70 ft. If a 35-lb· ft couple moment is applied to
the wheel, determine the acceleration of its mass
center G. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction
between the wheel and the plane at A are µs = 0.3 and
µk = 0.25, respectively.

18. The pendulum consists of the 3-kg slender rod and

the 5-kg thin plate. Determine the location y of the
center of mass G of the pendulum; then calculate the
moment of inertia of the pendulum about an axis
perpendicular to the page and passing through G.

15. The uniform slender pole shown in Fig. has a mass of

100 kg. If the coefficients of static and kinetic friction
between the end of the pole and the surface are µs =
0.3 and µk = 0.25, respectively, determine the pole's
angular acceleration at the instant the 400-N
horizontal force is applied. The pole is originally at
19. Each of the three slender rods has a mass m. 22. Determine the maximum acceleration of the truck
Determine the moment of inertia of the assembly without causing the assembly to move relative to the
about an axis that is perpendicular to the page and truck. Also what is the corresponding normal reaction
passes through the center point O. on legs A and B? The 100-kg table has a mass center
at G and the coefficient of static friction between the
legs of the table and the bed of the truck is µs = 0.2.

20. Determine the moment of inertia of the overhung 23. At the instant shown both rods of negligible mass
crank about the x axis. The material is steel for which swing with a counterclockwise angular velocity of w =
the density is p = 7.85 Mg/m3. 5 rad/s, while the 50-kg bar is subjected to the 100-N
horizontal force. Determine the tension developed in
the rods and the angular acceleration of the rods at
this instant.

21. The cart and its load have a total mass of 100 kg. 24. At the instant shown, link CD rotates with an angular
Determine the acceleration of the cart and the normal velocity of w = 6 rad/s. If it is subjected to a couple
reactions on the pair of wheels at A and B. Neglect the moment M = 450 N . m, determine the force
mass of the wheels. developed in link AB, the horizontal and vertical
component of reaction on pin D, and the angular
acceleration of link CD at this instant. The block has
a mass of 50 kg and center of mass at G. Neglect the
mass of links AB and CD.

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