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RPSC Mech Exam Paper 2014 PDF

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MSL -rols Was A gga yfiter / QUESTION BOOKLET + ae/coae: 27 (NMI 145273 SRT Automobile & Mechanical Engineering ; PAPER-3 ght 4 weit at er / Number of Questions in Booklet : 150 ‘fica A gest a eet / ‘Number of Pages in Bookdet : 64 fava / Subject : 7 Ls i} ie f i tall wae ahd aN AR et ert er L rads 6 ae sfewst corre Rear et aff a aa ea hs oe TA gd te Fee eA Te S 3m, Swe Sh at aT BET ts Pon a arc cre Fee afta age 8 eT OT Tel os eae = a ac aes 1 Pt el 5 eel A wh Smt area sr aw HE UH TT & % wt = ‘eae & a aaa, athe co ae Te 4 HHA HEEE ELTLenE dese eco Kae oe SSNS TNT Veet 1 To transmit maximum power by a belt drive, it is necessary that : % centrifugal tension in the belt: ‘What is the correct option for the blank space ? Maximum tension in the belt =.. Mil @ 2 1 @ 3 O35, Ue Ua art are sitter afta wits wet ty we arawaw & fis: x wee ama aaa | feat eat & fire ad Poet at 7 @t @ 2 ® 3 ® 5 2 The relation between the pitch ‘p' and pitch circle diameter 'D' of chain is given by : @ p=ban( 2) ® p=Din{ =") ® p=Dsin( 2") ® p-psn(22") Where ' 7 is the number of teeth. an at fa pod fre ga one 'D a mer wee een ae w peran() gy p=pan( 2) @ p=Dsin (=) (@) p=Dsin =) wel 7 ciel Ht Gent 1 27Al 3 [Contd oO e) @ ey) Which relation is incorrect for module of gear 'm' ? ma iteh Circle diameter n= Stool itch "Number of teeth @ © m= 1 _# *Diametral Pitch @) = Girailar pitch frre % seq ot & fre aera we Ta B? _ faa . pate fee Ra een Qo m=. 1 m= x aaa Pe © °° Faata 4 Which one of the following option is correct to describe the speed ratio of a simple gear train ? Qa 8) = N,= T= t= MLA Moh ™ % QO m7 a i @ Revolutions per minute of driving gear Revolutions per minute of driven gear ‘Number of teeth on driving gear ‘Number of teeth on driven gear wae wee Pree 24 wr Aa eat tq Pre A a atrer Raed wh B? o @) Mla Mb N % @ meh ME Mf Ny Vi @ wer: = My T= he 2A ware Prat & am afer frre afra Proe & em wie fre aera Prag uy didf Bt dear anton Prag ae ciat at cer 4 [ Contd... 5 When there is a reduction in the amplitude of vibrations over every oycle of vibration, then the body is said to have : (1) Free vibrations @) Forced vibrations 3) Damped vibrations (4) Torsional vibrations we arr & ora Fade art we HY eet el at, aa hos & set at wel ait t : . @ yr aT Q wa eR G) aati wer @) ts oer . 6 Two shafts A and B are made of same material. The shaft A is solid and its diameter is D. The shaft B is hollow with outer diameter D and inner D diameter 7: Hf the maximum torque transmitted by shaft A is‘, what will be the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft B ? als @ 3 ® L 16 @ Br @ gr tame 4 a Baar ert & Pier B1 eee A ata F ud gue TTD & |e hast & Peer ree ar Dots amet 2 1 a ee A art wife afin te 7 a, at sme B ara othe aiftieas ds aa Bit? Q @ el als 8, 16 , @) te @) ie 27.4] 8 . [ Contd... Shock absorber in vehicles is used for : * (1) absorbing the shock energy (2) dissipating the shock energy @) increasing the shock energy (@) producing the shock energy aed 4 sie geatde or gate feet sua t : (ae auf Boreas we fire Q) ates wat at frat & fae GQ) ae wal at ag & far 4 we oat at ort ae & far Spring Index of a coil spring is : (1) Ratio of coil diameter to wire diameter (2) Ratio of wire diameter to coif diameter @) Value of stiffness (4) Value of quality of spring ‘ew gre fin ar fein quis () psd ere wd aR one a ay Q) Tae a gett ae or aT G) SsIrt GAN (4) fein at quer ot ae Which one of the following option is based on ‘Pascal's Law’ ? (1) Hydraulic braking system @) Carburettor (3) Fluid flywheel (4) Engine Lubrication System Prt # @ arm fewer Teme & fro’ wy mats t 2 (1) edt Ber sen @ ager @) wha waite @ SF ae wont 27_A) 6 [ Contd... 10 1 Bemoulli’s theorem: is based on the law of conservation of Q) Energy @) Mass @) Momentum 4) Work woith fer ‘eat Fae ge ameter t 1 Q) wf ‘ Q) srt @ we @ ae Ina centrifugal pump, (= discharge, H = head, N = speed. Then the specific speed will be : NVH HAN o or @ ov NvHP!4 No @ “s— @ “ep We amis wr at Pret — Oa =H, ut = N'%, ot gaat ffi on art: 1 NV HAN o Gr @ Ga NvHe4 NO eG ® *e 27 Al 7 [Contd..; 32 Ina double-acting reciprocating pump, there are (Sas suction valve and one delivery valve @) Two suction valves and two delivery valves @) One suction valve and two delivery valves (4) Two suction valves and one delivery valve ue fefea vert wy Fea: ()* Ge gam area a uw verh area . Q) a gem at a at vert aT G) we we aes a a vert oer @ Fg art a oe vert rer 13 For any reversible process, the change in entropy of the system and its surroundings is : (1) Negative 2) Zero @) Positive (4) Infinite fee wR wore FH cin cer gets after at eet F vPtachs ater F : Q) ROUTE Q GC) TRS 4) wr 14 The value of Universal Gas constant is : (1) 8.314 ki/kg mole °K 2) 8.314 Toule/kg mole °K G) 0.8314 ki/kg mole °K i (4) 83.14 Joillerkg mole °K ad ty Rens at: Q) 8.314 festa ster fer Q) 8.314 aaa ate coferT G) 9.8314 Reet Reat ata ofa A) 83.14 ape Het fear 27AY 8 . {Conid... 15 The first type of perpetual motion machine is the one, which : (1) Works without any extemal energy @) Does not work without extemal energy @) Can completely convert the heat given into work (4) Can not completely convert the heat given into work err ware Bt mace watt, ae ust & at : 1) Ret Peet ater Gal & anf at & 2) fen Peet ater Gat & ard adi oat & G) ser a ag wen st pt wT a ard F aftakha ae wat & @) sar at ag Ger at ph at a ard 4 oftafta wet ae went 16 The second law of thermodynamics defines : @) Enthalpy @) Entropy @G) Heat (4) Work eormbial a fiste fram afenitr aren & Q) wre @) esti @) wT od 17 A Camot cycle consists of 1) Two constant volume processes and two isothermal processes @) Two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processes @) Two isothermal processes and two constant pressure processes @) Two constant volume processes and two constant pressure processes We orig am an dare : GQ) & fae ora wea gen at eared wet a @) & ararh wai cer a water want 3 G) & wrarh wed cer a fax aa wari @ a Ree ort weit cen a Re ae wee a 27A} : 9 . { Contd... 1B 19 20 Airis compressed by a double-stage compressor (with complete intecooling), irom‘ ‘var pressive, 27°C temperature to 36 bar.pressure. What should. be the interstage pressure for the minimum work of the compessor ? Q) 18 bar @) 185 bar @) 6 bar @ 9 bar w fie ag wits am ep st & ae), | bar aa, 27°C aT @, Wy St 36 bar wa ae wise fen oom t1 aha & GT at ¥q weed aa a art an aa ate? () 38 bar @ 185 bar @) 6 bar @) 9 bar ‘The comfort conditions in air-conditioning are () °C DBT and 0% RH (2) 22°C DBT and 50% RH @) 30°C DBT and 80% RH (40°C DBT and 90% RH wenger ¥ gate ormneng diet € : Q) OC ye wa aT a 0% Uta oat Q 22°C yes wa wT us 50% ala andar G) 30°C gee wa aM Ud 80% Ute sTteT 4) 40°C ge aa aT Tt 90% ata amtaT ‘One Ton of Reftigeration’ is approximately equal to GL kw @) 25 kW GB) 3.5 kw @ skw ahr a we aT wT aagea date: a) i kw 2) 25 kW @ 3.5-kw @) SkW 271A} 10 [ Contd... a In which of the following type of erigine, the inlet and exhaust valves are fitted, in the cylinder head ? (1) F-head (2) Vhead @) L-head @) Thead fer HA fw ware & go wher & Pros ave ah we ak ae fee far an #7 . ici QBs @) Late & GB) Lsif @ Tair Which one of the following statements is false ? (@)__ Intwo stroke engine, the working cycle is completed in one revolution of crank. 2 Thermal efficiency of two stroke engine is’ less than four stroke engine, G) There are ports in two stroke engines, ~ @ ‘Thermal efficiency of diesel engine is less than petrol engine: Pet & & Seer oe sat wad 8? Q) frets gor or eelet ae Ba ue war F pt darts @ fete tor at ada cea egate Gr a aT att @). fete gr Ya GE) AE Gy Sere gor A anita: eae Sater gor A we eet 271A] ui : [ Contd... at 23 In a four stfokt engine, the speed of the engine is N rp.m. The ‘speed + of the cam Shiai, will be: . a a rpm, @ Nrpm @) 2Necpm. @ 4Nrpm. we age tor 4 gr St aft N aw pit fre $1 dr ame at aR eh: QM Bae aft fe Q) Num wit Pre G) 2N ww sft fire 4) 4N am of Pre 24 Select the correct option after considering the following statements : 1 — Fly wheel of four-stroke engine is lighter as compared to that of two-stroke engine of the same power. II — Fly wheel of multi-cylinder engine is heavier as, compared to that of single-cylinder engine of the same power. The options are as follows : (1) FTrue, 1-False (2) 1 and I~ Both True @) [and H- Both False (4) I-- False, I -Truc fr wert we frame we et fared at gf: 1 — wae afta & fkowte tae at geen Wagga got an ven Sat cre tat Bh Tr am aker & caa-feaese dort A geet F aE_AeerST GF wm werd tat arét chat Br famer Penge % : () Lae, 1-3 Q Iwo- tw @) Le - eet or @) T+ om, W- we 271A} 2 [ Contd... 25 Which one of the following is not a function of piston rings ? oO To work as sliding” seal" betweei piston. and cylinder (2) To control the lubrication between the piston and cylinder walls @) To assist the cooling of piston (4) To assist the cooling ‘of cylinder liner Fra 8.8 ahve ord res fot ar wet 8 7 . Q) Preto Reet & da us aftete de a art aon @) fret a Reese a det & ver Gear at Pie wor @ fer & staat ¥ wer wer @) Retest age & att Y eee eT 26 Select the correct option for functions af the deflector on piston of two stroke engines : I — To deflect the fresh charge towards top at the time of entrance. i I — To force out the burnt gases towards exhaust port. I - To increase the strength of piston top. The options are as follows : Q) Land 1 @ Wand I @) Land IT @ L Wand feste Yori & fen we at fadue & anit tg ad Ree gh: To - 3a wre at waa & era art at ait Raft eon Ho - wel gf tet at ter an & oh caer) Mm — fret & wat wer at amet ern Prat Penge & : @ 1m @. Uw mt @ Tem @ Lago 27 ay 3 [Coned.. * 27 28 ‘Which one of the following governing method is used in petrol (2) Hit and Miss governing (2) Qualitative governing @) Quantitative governing (4) Combination governing ae wrt A fer A a shed ates Afr weiter A omit 2? Qu a awe afePriar QQ) Tene aftiPriaer @) are afer @) daa afePrre ‘Valve-overlapping happens = (1) Completely before T:D.C. @) Completely after T.D.C. G) Partially before T.D.C. and partially after T.D.C. (4) Completely before BD.C. area-aiftrenfrat aia tm & = Q) wie Adi. 3 of Q) pla Ast. & wer G) sige: AA. A a ote: Ata. & wey @ we tah. & By applying choke in a petrol engine, the engine gets : Q) Very lean mixture @) Lean mixture G) Rich mixture (4) Extra spark energy Ada gr F de wr ve, gor a Pras: Q) aera ar Par 2) ater Breer @) war Prem 4) atiter ws wat 27,Al 14 [ Contd... 30 3n 32 ‘The water pump generally employed for cooling of engine of a vehicle is ; (1) Gear type @) Vane type @) Centrifugal type @) Reciprocating type ares & sore ater & ferq wera: we ara aA ata wer he B: Q) Pete wer @ er . @) amet war 4) wermeh ver Jn motor-cycles fitted with four-stroke engines, mechanism is used to operate the valves, (1) Chain drive 2) Gear drive G) Belt drive 4) Push rod RGSS ETT ant ster weft F aest weet Fy, Tart we wat fear oat &1 @ & ae @ Pree aret @ wu @ ya we Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (@) Crank gear — Cam gear -» Tappet —» Push Rod -» Rocker Arm @ Crank gear —+ Cam gear -» Push Rod -> Tappet > Rocker Arm @) Cam gear -> Crank gear > Push Rod — Tappet > Rocker Arm @) Crank gear + Cam gear > Push Rod > Rocker Arm — Tappet fer 3 & ad on ata 8? () fe Pre 5 he Pere 5 tte 5 ge de eer ont 2) ae fer oH flax > ys tis Be tae ot @) te frre 5 Be free ye tis 4 Be 5 aia ont @ Bw fee tm fee 5 yn de 5 ter owl 5 Be IAI 15 [ Contd... - 33. In individual pump fuel injection system of diesel engine, wha is the fanction of fuel feed pump ? (1) To supply correct quantity of diesel to the injector (2) To produce high pressure for the injection of diesel @) To supply diesel from tank to injection pump @) To supply diesel to the injector at correct time dee Se 8 yas wor der ert wan A gad ve we er T+ ort tar t? Q) Serr SH ae an at omnaiia ae agar Q) Sat arty tg ser aa wa SET G) Serer at dat Fo ered wer ae war @ saa at at aw oda we arn 34 Aluminium cylinder block engines require (1) Cast Iron Liners @) Aluminium Liners @) Brass Liners (4) Liners not required wefan fiavse aie gorit F arawaa tit F : Q) seat ae oR at 2) waiter wed a @ tea wert a @ ward at orate Te at 35 Firing order of six oylinder in-line engine is : Q@) 1-6-3-5-2-4 @ 1-4-3-2-6-5 @) 1-3-6-2-4-5 @ 1-5-3-6-2-4 we feerst usta dt oI cea Q@) 1-6-3-5-2-4 @ 1-4-3-2-6-5 @) 1-3-6-2-4-5 @ 1-5-3-6-2-4 27 A] 16 [ Contd... 36 37 "The thermostat valve of engine cooling system of vehicle ’ Select the correct option for the blank space above : (Q)_ remains closed while starting the engine from cold condition @_ opens as soon as the engine is started from cold condition (@)_ opens as soon as the engine is started and then closed after (@) remains closed when the engine is not running and always cemains ‘open when the engine is running “aret BH fort heart wR wr are ae v awded fat eat tg att Rees gia : @) we omen & gor aa we are de wa F Q) we aren & sr og wet & Ga ame G) SF aq oa & ga wm 3, fet ge a ae det Ot @ Sr ae ar wy az Galt sik HR Ue THA BT Ge ETE What is the advantage of using ‘Pressure Cap! on the radiator ? @) Evaporation of cootant is increased by its use. @) It prevents formation of vacuum in the system. @). By using this, atmospheric pressure is always maintained in the system. @) Boiling point temperature of the coolant is decreased by its use. Yaar aati Se wT oe ar aT aT B? @) we wit & ates wr ahem amt Q) wood F Pais Goa ay a ted e @) we war 3 wont % we ages ae a wa Ft @ sew So stews a aetig ae oe a aT} | 27A Ww [ Contd... 38 39 40 Radictor tubes are generally made of CG) Steet (2) Cast-iron @) Plastic (4) Brass We ater ware: wh att: Q) war Q) Beet ate @) aes . @) tet Generally which one of the following lubrication system is used in a car engine? (1) Petroit @) Splash @) Pressure (4) Dry sump we we ox gor F fr a a ahd Get woe vga att 7 Gy) tater 2) Barer G) a CG) Us wT ‘Thermodynamic processes in diesel cycle are : (1) Two isentropic, one constant volume, one constant pressure (2) Two isentropic and two isothermal 3) Two isentropic and two constant volume @) Two isentropic and two constant pressure See as Y wont war dae: @) @ ow eat, ww fee omer, we Rex ae @ aw wt a a wat @ te wt eo Rr oe @ dm wid a Rx ae 27A} 18 [Contd... 41° Which onc of the following has zero cetane number ? (1) —methylnaphthatene (2) n-heptane @) Tetra ethyl lead (4) Triemethy! butane fra 3 a Paar aa sie spa er B 7 Q) a —fremgertaereter Q@ tery G) 2a vam ae 4) xg-Prengr apa 42 What is the advantage of using high octane number fuel in petrol car ? (1) Less detonation tendency (2) Less harmful emissions (3) Low fuel consumption (4) Less wear and tear of engine ada on a we alte cig ad far Soe Ba? Q) wr aftrestet ware Q) eT aPere sett O win a @ for Ot ow Ree «eR 43 Cetane number is measure of : (2) Auto-ignition temperature (2) Viscosity of fuel @) Calorific value of fuel (4) Ignition quality of fuel ‘der sie amet: . Q Sweet mam 2) fet A a wT @ mMstehaira @ od ww pa 7 44 Octane number of iso-octane is : Q) 92.30 @) 100 @) 0 : 4) 96 arg-aieet a ofiats oie F Q) 92.30 © @ 100 Bo A) 96 27_Al : 19 (Contd... 45 Which one of the following is not part of MPEI petol engite ? ” (1) Feet injector 2) Carburettor @) MAP sensor (@) Electronic Control Unit Pree YY are MPFL Ate Sor aT aT wee 7? () der amais "mater G) MAP wad @ Beate Prise gg 46 In MPF system, the fuel is injected into the : (1) Carburetor (2) Intake manifold @) Cylinder (4) Before air cleaner ‘MPFL wont %, gent recat Peer ara & : wget ¥ @ wie Fees F @) Rete ¥ © 3g tie oe 47 Pressure in the fuel rail of CRDI diesel engine is approximately equal to: (1) 10 MPa (@) 25 MPa @) 100 MPa @) 1000 MPa cRDL fet dom at gem We A aa wr dat & @) 10 20 Tres Q) 25 an WeET @) 100 rm Teme @) 1000 Bat ume 27_A} . 20 (Contd... 48- In 4 spark ignition engine, the inorese of compresion rato will (A) “increase knocking tendency @) reduce knocking tendency @) no effect on knocking @) reduce pre-ignition effect we wd waet got A, antsy orga worl a: CQ) smestet waft abit QQ) sree waft oF ett @) aver we ae wa sé eho @ eae we ey eh 49 For a given engine setting and fuel, what is meant by Highest Useful Compression Ratio ? Q) The critical compression ratio, above which knock occurs. (@) The critical compression ratio, at which the efficiency of the engine is highest. G)_ The highest compression ratio, at which the engine develops maximum power. (4) The highest compression ratio at which maximum heat is obtained by combustion of the fuel, fedt Pitan fr wir ud ger tg ver ort weiter aqua a an aed & ? Q) Fe wife wher agua fre our ameter der Br Q) Fe wife wher agua fra oe gar St eee after eet aT 6) woman wie aque fa w ee afte oft ca wen a @) 36 ores eater orga re ae fet cer @ afeeae er eT at th 27.4] . 21. [ Contd... 50 51 The correct sequence of combustion stages in C.I. Engine is : (3) Ignition delay period — Controlled combustion + Uncontrolled combustion -+ After buming @) Ignition delay period - After buming —» Controlled combustion > Uncontrolled combustion 3) Ignition delay period - Uncontrolled combustion —»" After burning > Controlled combustion (4) Ignition delay period -5 Uncontrolled combustion -» Controlled combustion — After burning CL dm 4% wer cot a wht mat: @ wert fer = fife wr > afte wr > wa cet Q) wert fee | we aT Pri at > afriiet a @ wart fea = afriike wt wa ae Prife ar @) weer fee > afeiia a = Prifo aI WI aT _ Duting the combustion process in compression-ignition engines, increasing, which of the following parameter would increase the delay period ? (Compression ratio 2) Intake temperature @) Intake pressure @) Injection advance engle waht wert Gort A ce wie & dhs Per AS fee wee wt aay & fire a ato 7 @) wast agar Q) waa amr @ waa ae @) aa ee aT 27AY- 2 : [ Contd... 52 By which one of the following action, diesel knock can not be Prevented 7 @) by keeping the compression ratio high j 2) by increasing the intake air pressure @) by decreasing the temperature of the combustion chamber 4) by increasing the injection pressure of diesel fret #-& fom fee art Saw oreer at at er ot weet? , Q) afte wetst agua wa ae Q) waa ay aa aI at GB) et Sa GT WH Ul ST i @ See or order ae aa aT 53° In case of petrol engine, at starting : (Q) Weak ful-air ratio is needed. @) Rich fuel-air ratio is needed. @) Chemically correct fuel-sir ratio is, needed. @ Any furel-air ratio will do. Yaa fer & fee, qaona & ara : @) ae ge-ag age Bt snagaeren ett #1 Q) war faray agg a omeeenar tt & G) Torte we a grag equa. A omar tet $1 @ aE ht hemag aqua etm ‘ 2AI 23 [ Contd... 54 Which one of the following reason is not the reason of pre-igttion in Somk Ignition engines ? (1) Exhaust valve too hot (2) Carbon deposition in combustion chamber @) Spark plug too hot * Low compression ratio . fe 7 a eee arent a we Sr 7 wows a aor web? (afer Praver atet @) wa wa 8 ort oem aT G) after eR wer @ Fer etter ager 55 For same coripression ratio : @) Otto cycle is less efficient than diesel cycle. @) Otto cycle is more efficient than diesel cycle. @G) Otto and diesel cycle are equally efficient. (4) Efficiency depends upon working substance. win wit aqua & fre : @) aie oe cat Soe ae a ga A wr at 21 Q) aa am A aaa See ae at gen ¥ afte ait &1 @) wet we ut Shaw we a ca acer tht @! ©) tear onfart weef a Port edt tr 2A} 24 [ Contd... 56 The components of secondary ignition circuit of battery ignition system are’: (1) Battery, contact breaker, distributor (2) Contact breaker, condenser, distributor (3) Secondary winding, contact breaker, condenser (4) Secondary winding, distributor, spark plug at waar da % fatow wat vine & aaa B: Q) fet, wer Prete, Rees 2) war Pde, weufts, Pierce @) Athos great, we Redes, deft (2) Reta gue, Reeves, ed err 57 The components of primary ignition circuit of battery ignition system are : (1) Contact breaker, Condenser, Distributor cap @) Contact breaker, Ignition coil, Spark plug 3) Contact breaker, Ignition switch, Condenser @) Contact breaker, Ignition switch, Rotor et sear is wate wear oforr & oes FS (1) wes Brdes, dats, re ee Q) wre fades, wart gsc, ers wT @) wre frees, wee fra, dar 4). wre fetes, wart faa, der 27-Al 25° . + [ Contd... 58 Consider the following statements : © Heat dissipation path of hard spark plug is longer as compared to that of soft spark plug. Hard spark plug is used in cold operating conditions {U) Sof spark plug is used in high speed engines Which of the above statements are, correct ? @) @ and G) @) (i) and (I) 8) @ ad GD @ ©, @) and (0) fet wert we Pra atte: Q sek ad wt at oon aq at yy eh wt at gan F we am %1 QD wae ers oer a) share after aieateel A watt Per ana &1 GD 3g wh wr at gee oe & sori A weit fear aT 1 one 4 & ahah dt wer att & ? ® OF@ @ ma ay 8 Od) @® © @ 4 ap 59 The primary winding of ignition coil consist of : () few tums of thin wire 2) many tums of thin wire @G) few tums of thick wire (4) many turns of thick wire wrawat guect & wee afer Fatt: GQ) we a & ge qa QO we a & ag a Gaya @ Ae ae & go wyatt 4) AE ae aga BATE 27.A} 26 : [Contd 60 a Mow many power kes per second sll ake pace ina fourstoke Petrol engine rotating at 3000 rp.m-,?. @) 1500 @) 2 @) 50 @ 100 3000 rpm. we ypiaeiter We ag: whe Aghet dort Aw deous Prey afer wie at? (1500 Q) 25 @) *50 100 . The basic requirement of a good combustion chamber is : () No turbulence @) Low compression ratio @) High power output and high thermal efficiency @ Low volumetric efficiency : we ord eq wa Wt AST oravaea t : ag Rete et @ =A wher oy G) ver afte fein uF seq ante ae @ et areas erat ‘Which one of the following statement is the most appropriate in reference to the "Surface - Volume Ratio" of S.1. Engine combustion chambers ? @) It should be small . (2) It should be large . @) It should be small in the End gas region and large in rest of the region @) It should be large in the End gas region and small in rest of the region, SL dm ter salt & “aae-oreras agen’ & def ¥ fat @ eee we eer wat afte wget e 2 Q) ae ae tr at Q) ae afte eer aT @) ae ais fea te aa A om an aaa F airs eer aU @ Fe otter fit ta aa FY oft ae de as A ay cer ae! QAY >. cn 27 [ Contd... 63 Consider the following statements regarding the C.I. engine combustion chambers : (Q Only partial combustion of fuel takes place in pre-combustion chambers. (@) In swirl-combustion chasnber, swirl is generated by directing the flow of air during it's entry to the cylinder. (HD Ih swirl-combustion chamber, the swirl is proportional to the engine speed. . Select the correct option for True statements from the above : Q) Oand 2) @) and (I) @) @ and I) @) ©, (D and CN) CL gat eer at & wee A Prt wert we Pare aif =: oO q-aet wa 8 fer or baa ites cea A tat Hh ) Uiac eer ou F fades A war ora og H yaw al Hehe at fac wet feat ara 1 Gy giec at wa FT fae, Gar ae & TAT star Hh utter 4 & wer weit by at Rewer gird © 0) OF@M @ ow oD @® Ora @ ©, dd a 64 In open-comibustion chamber of a diesel engine : (1) Fuel injected into a separate turbulence chamber. (2) Fuel injected in cavity provided at the top of piston (3) Partial combustion of fuel before main combustion chamber. (4) Combustion of fuel takes place outside the cylinder. Sea or S gm ae wa A: (we aa ger wa ¥ fer omiaite ow FH Q) fret etd wow A oe aediia oat G) yor wer wa To gd fer wr ify wer tot tH (4) der ae feeeee Bae Beat Hr 27 Al 28 { Contd... 65 67 27AL 29 { Contd... . Most suitable combustion chamber type for multi fuel capability is : @) Open combustion chamber (2) Bath tub type combustion chamber @) M-combustion chamber @ Pre-combustion chamber WE ger are & fee walle wage cer Ga wT WERE: - C) Gar wer wa Q) aetza Tet a wT ae @) Mae wa @ yar wa ‘The parameter to be kept constant during Morse test is @) Load on the engine (2) Speed of the engine () Brake power of the engine @) Temperature of exhaust gases até oder & dem Ree wer a ae wad & : @ eT a @ oF a ue @) BF 4H ae aT @) Pere taf or aa ‘What is varied to keep the arm horizontal, after initial adjustment, while measuring the brake power of engine by Proney Brake, dynamometer ? (2) Weights hanged on the arm @) Position of weight hanged on the arm G) Speed of the engine (4) Quantity of fuel supplied to the engine WHY de afernita ara dart at ate aa ona oat ara, writhe wie S wer, gu at aia wat & faq er uRatia fear on & 7 Q) Ba We Rea AE ATT QT weg wy a at hale @) SF a a | 4) $F Byer a ag fr Ht aor o For which of the following engines a Proney brake dynamometer is generally used to measure the brake power? (1) Low speed engine @) High power engine (3) High speed engine (4) Wankle rotary engine fra dort 9 @ fret ae afr a & fee wea: wh ae aferaits watt fer wat & ? GQ) Pet at QO) ve aft dor . @ sa ae sor & sea git go if Pm = mean effective pressure L = Length of stroke N = Engine speed (revolutions per second) A = Bore area The indicated power of four stroke engine will be : (1) pyle ® patra N GB) 2pyLAN O Pgba > cafe Py = area wat ae L= ae # wad N = Sot ore (am sft dae) A= ar asm apes dm at qf ata at : (1) P_lAN @ psa @) 2p_leAN @ pata 227A] 30 [ Contd... 70 If the bore diameter, stroke length and compression ratio of a single cylinder engine are 7 cm, 8 om and & respectively, what will -be it's clearance volume ? (1) 308 om? _ Q 385 cm @) 44 cm (4) 50.2 cm? aR ue uaa Rewer ft ar ae omy, ele wart wt wer agit ore: 7 &h, 8 wh a 8 a, at eer cae om eT eT? (308 a Ah. 2) 385 a at G) 444 ot @) 50.2 wr ai 71 Following data of a four cylinder petrol engine are given : Brake. Power =. 40 kW, Fuel consumption = 0.2 kg/min Calorific value of fuel = 46000 ki/kg, Heat in cooling water + 1600 ki/min What will be the combined heat losses in exhaust gases; radiation etc.°? (1) 5200 kyfmin @Q) 5680 ks/min @) $040 ki/min @) 3600 ki/min We Un fier Azle gor} Pret ies Ra aq B= Be after = 40 Prete tea ava = 0.2 Peayfine Sm er eite at = 46000 Parag attra oer ¥ Gen = 1600 feeder Prenfter tet, fete ont 4 daar we & wen ah en ehh. 7 (1) _ 5200 fareitapg rte 2) 5680 Partogatre G) 5040 friars. @) 3600 Resiiagr frre QA): : at [ Contd... 72 Which one of the following is the correct sequence for the airstandard “eilicienciés ‘of different gas power cycles at a definite compression ratio? Motto > Netieset > Nduat QD Nowto > Aduat > Nadiesed GB) Naieset > Notto > Naat 4) Nawat > Notte > Nadiesel ue Pikes wher sana we fatter te afer wat ot Gee cers tg fra Fa att wa aie 7? Nei > Matas > Nie Q) Aster > Nea > Nate 8) Teton > Matta > Na @) Nas > Nata > Neva 73 Select the correct option for increasing order of the following efficiencies of an engine : @® Brake thermal efficiency (Air standard efficiency (WD Indicated thermal ficiency The options are as follows : Q) ©, @, aD 2 0 a0,@M B) @, a,O @® a, 0,@ rem Yor at Pet cemtait & asd gy wm tq wet from gfe : © 36 aie . Prat A Re a gar @ Ree wa 27A} 37 [ Contd... 84 In which of the following vehicle, transfer-case is a must ? 4x2 2) 4x4 @) 6x2 . (a) 6x4 Prt 4 a fee aed a giawtae tar afar & ? a) 4x2 @ 4x4 @G) 6x2 Gy 6x4 85 Which type of rear axle is used in heavy vehicles ? (1) Semi - floating @) Three quarter - floating @G) Fully - floating (4) Open axle ant oeit % fee vert at feat qe wet fear ora 7 ® wé- or © as dag - wer @) wi - wert @ a wT 86 "Tata Nano" car is a: (1) Front engine Front wheel drive @) Front engine Rear wheel drive @) Rear engine Rear wheel drive (4) Rear engine Front wheel drive ae av wee: Q) am drt om ear erert om Sr we oie a G) wee gor wea vita erry @) we Sr am vita ort 270A} 38 [ Contd... 87 "When a vehicle is negotiating a turn, inside the differential (with wo Planet-gears), —____" Select the correct option for the blank space above | (2) the relative motion of the two Sun-gears is zero i @) Sun-gears and Crown-whee! move in the directions opposite to each other @) the relative motion of Planet-gears and Sun-gears is zeto ~~ (4) both the Planet-gears move in the directions opposite to each other Core et et is re ais azar a fr (2 He free aa) % ee rier fer ert yg wl fee ge: GQ) eet wefert a ate aft gear ent & Q) weiner a area we gat & finda fee A af aa it @) We Ped a afte at arte aft ger ah t @) ei wef ae eat & fete fee A a wea = ‘What is the main advaitage of inverted tooth chain ? (1) Noise less. running 2) Low production cost | @) More strength (4) Lubrication not required i we de act am ger am amt ? C1) efter arene @ FA set ae ! @) afte wet @ Ser ayes ae ‘Two shafts A and B are made of same material. Diameter of shaft B is half the diameter of shaft A. Torsional strength of shaft A, as compared to shaft B, will be (1) 2 times @) 4 times G) 1/8 times (4) 8 times Soame Aa Bam ward @ Pita 81 mee B aT ome ame A one or omen ti ame Ba gem 4, ae Aw ds wef eh: @ 2a @) 4 aH @) 18 oT @ 8 on ZAI : 39 {Contd... 90 on 92 Which one of the following is an intensive property of a thermodynamic systein ? - . (1) Volume. (2) Mass @) Energy (4) Specific volume fea 4 2 ae ww come da or aar-Prta yorel & ? ara Q) Re @) wt @) fafa are The vehicle ride will be comfortable, if 2) Sprung weight is kept minimum 2) Unsprung weight is kept minimum GB) Gross vehicle weight is kept minimum 4) Unspring weight is kept maximum rer oat amemaras eri, ale: Qt ae ar tat aE @ sre A FATT Ter AIT @) Wm cet A BAT WH TT 4) sri a aftesr Tar ATE With which type of suspension system, the space available in engine compartment is maximum ? (1) Double wishbone type (2) Mc Pherson's strut type (3) Rigid axle type (4) Vertical guide type fea wert A eer cod & wa gat we Y omer wr afar wart 2 Q) Set Rar vere @ ta wt Ge wae G) ae WRAw Wa @) sere TES ET 2Al 40 { Contd... 93 Which ‘one of the following clutch is generally used in motor-cycles ? (1) . Single dise dry'type Q) Multi dise dry type G) Single disc wet type 4) Multi disc wet type acanfiat Foo: fet ¥ & wire are wget tie ? Q) wa wat ye wer Q) wwaadt ye wee G) Gea sect ont are O aad af yer 94 Out of the following, which action takes place in the clutch, when the clutch pedal is depressed ? (1) Pressure plate comes to rest (@) Clutch plate moves towards the fly-wheel (8) Pressure plate moves away from the fly-wheel (4) Clutch plate slows down to the speed of the fly-wheel wa are ter can om & dt aaa F fr ¥ 8 ahh fen ake at 2 Q@ we te a wiht Q) wa ae wad dia ot i frat t @) wa te wad die a a feus ont & @ are we wae Str A a ae oe a oh & 95 Included angle is equal to : @) Camber + Caster (2) Camber + Steering axis inclination @G) Caster + Steering axis inclination (4) Camber + Caster + Steering axis inclination attafert air aerate B : Q@, ear + er Q we + Sal oe gar G). dee + Stat aa yorT 4) Sar + See + Saft oe yar, 227A} at (Contd... 96 98 Steering mechanism of cars should be : (i) Reversible © @) Semi - reversible B) 100% irreversible (4) Directionally unstable art a wafer dara eet fey = Q). sedi Q) at-atratia @) 100% srsfrertta @) Reames wr & atere If the intersection point of included angle is located above the road surfece, the tendency of the front’ wheels will be to : (1) toe-in @) toc-out G) move straight (4) become unstable aft ataftia air ar uftede fig use was & wet fle e, at art obat at var et : . GQ) to tt Q aanse a g) wa a @ afer a ‘Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched ? (2) Cluteh - Diaphragm spring (2) Steering gear box - Rack and pinion G) Transmission gear box - Bevel gears (4) Differential - Hypoid gear fer gat Ya ater war eye ware @ Pt wi foe wa B ? () wre — sre fer Q) Staftr free aie - te a RPT G) wee frre aiae - dae Prat 4) RR — seuigs Prax 27.A) 42 [ Contd... 99 100 Consider the following statements : @ Double de-clutching is necessary while changing gears in synchromesh gear box. QD) All the gears in constant - mesh gear box are of spur type. {1 Masdrmum wear and tear takes place in siding mesh gear bos. “Select the correct option for the False statements from the above : @ Oad @) @ and @) @ and de) @® ©, @) and Pret wert we Pree ate: © fitter Pree slew ¥ fore weed wea sae Geanftin onayae #1 @ fer — am Prac dias ¥ wh fre ax ver F HAF (Oy Wed an Pree aes F eye wad aifs BA 4 areher # a areca wert by rower afte : ® on@ ® ow@ ® ona ® © @.8 OM Which one of the following component is not mounted on the ‘Back-plate! ? Q) Brake shoes @) Wheel cylinder @) Adjuster Master cylinder Pere 8 wea oaae Gea ow at wu oe 2 @) te ee @) aia Rese 6) wine | (4). Ree Rade 272A] 43 [ Contd... 101 Which one of the following is not a part of the ‘unloader valve’ used in air brakes? : ) Brake valve @) Unioader plunger @) Non-return valve (4) Govemor valve Pra WS sive seme ag det Ho uged aA are ‘oreiex ane’ ae wm wa & 2 Q) we aT * Q) srciter wat . @) aa Ret ane @ wk at 102 What is the main function of ‘Anti Braking system’ ? (1) To reduce the braking efficiency (2) To bring the wheels to rest as soon as brakes are applied (8) To prevent the wheels from skidding when the brakes are applied (4) To reduce the wear of the brake friction lining eh Aer voy a ger art eM e 7? (@) aft ea A vert Q) a wie & ga wa a fee eee Fo ar G) ae wr we ofa at fret & car @ ae ar aett A fea at ae wor 103 Number of positive plates in a cell of Lead-Acid battery is (1) One more than the number of negative plates tl (2) One less than the number of negative plates G) Two more than the number of negative plates (4) Two less than the number of negative plates terarn at & ww da 4 one aa A den ad : Q Free set a dene ws atta Q) wee wal at den a uF oA G) mes sel Ah den a a als @ anes wai A den a a a 27. Al 44 [ Conte... ‘104 The battery test which is similar to the sifuation produced by the Starting motor is + (1) Specific gravity test @) Open voltage test @) High discharge test (4) Cadmium test wees tet & war wReat aeeT wet anh aed via bs () fine ar fa @ @A deem aie G) ver fret sia @) aster sta 105 How many diodes in all are used in the alternator used in vehicles ? a) 2 @ 4 @) 6 @ 8 ast Yo wgaa et ant omeriex Fo get feat erie wale fed ond F7 a 2 @Q 4 @) 6 @ 8 106 Why Relay’ is fitted in horn circuit 7 (1) To increase the sound intensity of hom 2) To protect the hom button 8) To reduce the voltage in the circuit (4) To blow the hom intermittently et attra 4 fe ai amet ort 2 The. () orart at tern age & fie Q wt wrt & aa. & fag @) aiwe # area were fe Owe we at dt a & Re 271A} 45 [Contd.:. 407 A bus can not move | because two gears engaged simultaneously in the ‘egnsmission gear box. Most probably, the fault is in : (3) Gear selector mechanism (2) Gear Interlocking mechasism Q) Synchronizer (4) Reverse gear We we % oto fae cian A we ae A fee Cie A oH aT we aa om wadt 1 waite due ae €. aaa F : @) Pee er darth F Q) Pay wader dora F G) Rarer ¥ 4) Red Pa 7 108 For regulation, an alternator have : (1) Current regulator and voltage regulator both (2) A current regulator and a cut-out relay @) A voltage regulator and a cut-out relay (4) A voltage regulator only We oeciet FX Prem tg See: Q@) art Frere eit fet fare ef Q) ww ae fare six ww we-ame fer G) we fra frame cit UH wean fea 4) tae ue fea frome 109 When removing the battery fiom a negative earth retum system vehicle, disconnect : (1) grounded terminal cable first @) positive terminal cable first @) both terminal cables together (4) ignition coil terminal cable first we ame yada vont ad aor Fe ww ach wad ang, feelfirr we : () yaa efter a wee O) eres ze are Wet @) at dina ae oe ¥ 4) wa gent ot zie at wee 27_Al : 46. [ Conta... 110 Match List - A with List - B and select the correct option ; List -.A (Electrical Device) List-- B (Electrical-Symbol) (@) Bulb ®) _Z (8) Large eapacor © & : © Fuse e® OW : - @ ~ Earthing Ss >- Options are as follows : G) @1%, OB), ©), @-P) 2 @Q, O+S), OR), @-0) GB) @R) OHP), CHO, @)-S) @ @OQ, 0)-P), ©-®), @-(S) qh ~ Aa ght — Be ae feet Ae wi al Reet ge : Wh — A (gH aa) Wi — B (RgA wie) @ w ® a Frere af @ & © ® OF © ‘ge i — fewer Progr & : CQ) @-Q, 0)-®B), ©-(8), @+P) @ @-Q, (+S), C-R), -P) 8) @-®B), OP), ©, @-(S) @ @-O, ()-P), (PR), 8) 27 AY a7 : [ Contd... IIL Odemeter is an instrument which measures : Q) Fuel consumption (2) Pressure ‘of lubricating oil @) Speed of the vehicle (4) Distance travelled by the veticle aietier we oreet t, wT ame: Q to Q) Bee aa a ae @) wet a art @) wet ara wa at ue gt 4k2 ‘The type of reflector used for automobile head lamp is : (1) Spherical (2) Parabolic @) Hyperbolic @) Plain / flat ining te wer & fire fowtaet / vais a vert den & : Od @) Taare @) seftracreire: @) RI | RTT 413. Hand brakes in cars are usually : (1) Mechanical brakes @) Air brakes G) Hydraulic brakes (4) Vacuum brakes ort ¥ tee daa amen: dat B= (1) ifr Se @ wy ae G) waa far @) Prafa daa 27 A 48 Contd... 114 The rear suspension system of.a tractor is : @) Leaf spring type” @) Coil spring type @) Independent type (4) Not provided (No suspension system is used) we tact St fret wet wore st Fe Q) ate fein war Q) Figa fort ware G) Ria were ats Preert were watt aa ait 11S The electrolyte used in Lead-Acid battery is (2) Sulphuric acid and tead Q) Distilled water and lead @) Sulphuric acid and distilled water 4) Only distilled water ‘tharonet fet Fo ugar stators da & () tiem er ana atte det @) wea wa ott det @) ee wt ort att orefiat a @) aaa orefir or 1X6 “Brake bleeding process removes ______ from the hydraulic braking system". Correct option for the blank space above is : (1) Excess pressure @) Air G) Excess fluid 4) Vacuum “Se Sifts wm, mitt ae wre HB a ere Br” auedad Pear wart ty ae Prova b.: (1). - eft are @ 7a GB) af za (4). Prafe 2TA] : . 49 [ Contd... 47 The mort populér steering gear box for cars today, is: : (Q) Worm and Nut type ‘@ Cam and Lever type @) Worm and Wheel type (4)_-Rack and "Pinion type ane ort 4 walftes waft waft fax alee ts Q) ef we ae ware @ ee ate war G) wt ut da ware @) te wi Rite ware 118 Consider the following statements : @® As compared to manual steering, the steering effort applied by the ‘driver, is more in power steering. () As compared to manual steering, the steering gear ratio is more in power steering, Select the correct option for the above statements’: () @ and (UD) both are true (2) and (H) both are false G) @) is tue, (B) is false @) © is false, (I) is true Prat wert we frame attire : ©. age Safer at gen 4, aia dae Yo ae arr wT TT ‘eft oma aftes ett FI CO) tego Seat aft geen A, ar eae weer Pere og aie BaF outed wert tg adh ford gfe: Q) © wD a wet @ © @ at amet GB) © wrt, MD aaa & 4) weer %, (wat 27AL« 50 [ Contd... . We 120 12. A centrifugal pump will start delivering water only when the pressure rise in the impeller is equal to or greater than.the (1) Kinetic head (@) Manometric head @) Static head (4) Velocity head Se abt wr Saw ae A Mt we wer wy Sea F, we hes Waa ge coat a afte a: ) wast it & @ aaiate ht a G) tie st st ® ais During throttling process : (1) Pressure does not change (2) Enthalpy does not change (3) Internal energy does not change (4) Entropy does not change ateRit wa & a = Q) we afar ae eat @ wart afetia a sett G) state eat vftaRia a ai @) watt oRaftr et eet Which one of the following statement is a False statement ? (Q) Wheel track can not be changed by using a reversible wheel. (2) In spoked wheels, the spokes bear all type of loads in tension only. (3) Tubeless tyres can not be used on spoked wheels. (4) In zero-set wheel, the middle plane of rim is co-planer with the mounting face of the brake drum. fer 3 ao arm we wat oma ? Q). sRredt vite ar witr ot attt-ga at oRafie ae feet on wat @) tirtyete ont oat 2 cravat oh wer a ae dan are 4 acm waht F1 G) dercifete art vita oe eqa ete cree or weet eT Roe oT aT @) yeede oe 7 fer or ger aa, de en dere eee B wot dat &1 2A} st - [ Contd... 122 123 124 ‘What is adjusted while doing the wheel alignment of Maruti 800 car ? (1) Camber @) Caster @) Toein @) Steering axis inclination raft — 800 are wr oftar ater wed arr ae weft fleet ore & ? ) ar Q) Bex @ aa a)" Beater ovat wre ‘What is represented by the number 80 in "155/80-R-14" 2 (Percentage ratio of tyre section height and width @) Percentage ratio of tyre section width and height @) Outer diameter of tyre (in centimeter) 4) Percentage ratio of rim width and tyre section width "155/80-R-24" % ten 80% arr an Pretia fra wae 7? GQ) aac afte a deg wi ches ar wer agar Q) car ude at ding ad Gad a whe ea G) aa w wer are erie Fi) @ fa at deg ud ca vitae at deg ar vitae ogqua A tyre is designated as "9,00-20-12 PR". The rim diameter will be ) 9 inch @) 12 inch @) 20 inch 38 inch We ear "9.00-20-12 PR" weatra &1 fa ane eri: Q) 9 aa Q Wee @® we @) 38 2Ay 22 [ Contd... 125 What is the correct sequence of different steps of cold tyre retreading ? 126 (1) Buffing > Inspection of casing > Tread mounting —> Thermal curing @ Buffing -> Tread mounting — Thermal curing —» Inspection of casing ) Inspection of casing — Buffing -> Tread mounting -> Thermal curing (4) Inspection of casing > Tread mounting —> Butfing — Thermal curing ate cee FRR & BAe awit or ad wr we 7? @) att = Shir a aie | 3s eT — am sree Q) ae > 3s art > am ora > Shin a ate @) aft at aie S afer | 26 wr S an we @) afin dt aie 5 te worn | aft am ora ‘The purpose of tyre rotation in vehicles, is : () Better ride (2) Avoid ply separation G) Equalize wear (4) Direction stability aed § cei & eM aeat a ote & GQ) ares wart Q) we yaar det G) wert Prag @) Reem ene 2TAY. . 53 { Contd... 127 Consider the following statements regarding radial ply tyres as comyared to cross ply fyres + © Comering force as well as self rightning torque are higher for radial ply tyres. 1) While taking turns, a radial tyre has more tendency to lift of the road ftom one side. GI) We get uncomfortable ride at low speeds with radial ply tyres. Select the correct option for the above statements : Q) @ and (i) are true @) @) and (1) are tue @G) @ and (UD are true @) ©, @ and (UD) are true wie we ard wt gem F Yat wg ae & wear Fer ery we Prax airy : o Yew eal cei) fen eet eat ae: Rew de et of ' @ Ae aed we, Yaa aed ced A usw wT ww aie a BST at agit afte eet &1 GD *aa wet cet 3 aa aft a ef agree wart Pett tr andar wet tg adh Rraer ghrt : ) OF @ wt @ MF ay wet G) © & aM wt @ 0 © ea wi 128 Consider the following statements : () An over inflated tyre wears the most at the centre part of the tread. An under inflated tyre wear the most near the edges of the tread. Select the correct option for the above statements : @) © Tre, (0) False @) (© False, (I) True 3) @ and (I) both True (4) (@ and () both False Pet geri a Pare aifirg : © ow afte age am trey, be er a a oiftee fereat t1 (Dw wH ayeTe aM cee, 2s} Pod } wa wifes Aree F1 aude wer} bg wth Pree gfe : GQ) © ae, dD sat QQ © ae, () we @) OW @ Hw 4 © F © at oa 27Al 4 { Contd... 129 75°C=........9F, the cortéct option for the blank space is : @ B6 @ 1926 G) 714 @) 167.0 75°C=........°F, fat SIM ty we Raw t= a) 73.6 @) 192.6 @) 774 “@ 1610 130 Which one of the following equation is correct 7 : (1) Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure @) Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric: pressure @) Atmospheric pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure (4) Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure fr # ae shat ater att ? @) wrt aq = Prete ae + ages ae @) Prte aa = wat aa + aeaita aa @) wgreta aa = frete ae + anit ae @) Praia ae = wart ae. agers ae 131 "________ is fitted on the rear end of crank shaft." The correct option for the blank space is : (1) Craik Gear (2). Pulley for water pump @) Vibration damper (4) Fly wheel “tea ame % fest Rt T__fire 1” fr eo tg ae Rewer # : () ae, free @ wa wr & for at @) SHR ors @ wae aw 2A} mo . 55 . [ Contd... 132 The capacity of battery used in vehicles, is usually expressed in () Woits (2) Amperes G) Ampere - Hour (4) Watts aed FY vat OF awh set at ane A eras: aaa aT ts Q) ae ¥ @ wher F® @) whee ¥ @ we 133 For a good quality lubricant, consider the following statements : ° © Change in viscosity should be minimum with the change in temperature. G) Specific heat should be low. i) Flash point should be high. The True statements from the above are : @) @ and @) @_{) and (I) @) Mand GD @) ©, @) and (ED we oe yan & ees Fy, Per wel ae Pare aire : © am 4 Rade & ae are Y aaa oats ear ates @ Pie sen ar ah atc GQ) aie afte er afta ouder ¥ a wer our B: ® or@M @® ww ap ® Ow aD 4 ©, @ wt aD 134 The Airstandard efficiency of Otto cycle is given by : 1 o Vor @ 7? 1 ou ~ @® Vor at ae a ay-ame aaa eet & : 1 1 oF @ oa q=14+— nei- ® o ar ® or 2A) 56 . [ Contd... 135 136 137 In pressure lubrication system of an engine, the maximum oil pressure is controlled by : (Olt pump ©) Oi pressure gauge @) Oil pressure relief valve. (4) Oil filter we Het St ae cet wot A ater da ae Preifa dar & : Q) aw am @ a wt at a G) aa-ae fee aa are 4) ae feet a In vehicles, the prime exhaust pollutants other than hydro-carbon, are : (1) CO and CO, @) CO, and NO, @) CO, and H,O @ CO and NOx aed ¥ cegi-arkt & after ona gor Pron vert are & @ co w CO, @) CO, TNO, @G) CO, WHO @) CO wt NOx If 1,,= Brake thermal efficiency ‘y= Indicated thermal efficiency and T,,"° Mechanical efficiency which one of the following is correct relation ? GET XT, 2) Ty = Ty Nyy @ wean, My = M1 Me ae n= de ania ce y= Wea alr waa ud 1, = aie aT a, a ft a a ana up ade att? MWB, 2) y= *Ny, QD WN, My = / My 27A} . ‘57 { Contd... 138 Hydraulic Brahma's Press is based on : () Beroulli's Theorem ©) Continuity equation 3) Pascal's law (4) Darey law we water wen te orate & = : @) zee & arr we @) ater when a G) Wet & free ae 4) sri freer a 139 The range of compression ratio for petrol engine is : (). 12-20 @ 610 @) 20-25 @) 35 Yaa tar] fare wher agua st wae eh t= a) 12-20 Q) 6-10 @) 20-25 4) 35 140. Ina four stroke engine, for how much angular displacement of crank shaft, the exhaust valve actually remains open ? (1) 180° @) More than 180° @) Less than 180° (4) 360° we agate gor 9 Para ana, oe me} Peat alte fren ws ara ¥ go ware 7 Q) 180° (2) 180° & aafrae G) 130° 8 ae (4) 360° 227A} 58 [ Contd... 144 142 In which chapter of Motor Vehicle Act-1988, the section related to necessity of wearing protection head gear while ‘driving motor oycle, is referred ? (1) Chapter 2 (2) Chapter 3 @) Chapter 4 (4) Chapter 8 ex arefet went GAT Beas Se yew A anagsea we aT aT wate ther am sifu, 1988 & fre arene ¥ fear we 8? Q) sey 2 Q) war 3 @) wer 4 @ were 8 ‘As per the Motor Vehicle Act-1988, for how long time period, the certificate of registration of a motor vehicle. remains legally valid from the date of issue? () 10 years @) 15 years G) 20 years 4) 25 years whet am affirm, 1988 & ayere Peet set art ar tahoe WHET, arth BY St andr & Peat wana aw Paftet went ? Q) 10 a Q 15s a @) 2at @ 25 ad Out of the following, what is necessary for the road worthiness of a vehicle ? {D Registration of the vehicle Appropriate road signs on the road () Effective braking system of the vehicle Which one of the follawing is correct option for the above question ? @) @ and @) @® and aD @) @ and My @) ©, @ and aI we wet Hart organ tg fra A a en onagas F 7 O wet a iter Q) we Ww sg Tea fre GD) set at ward afer wont sudan ait bg Por td wba Rees ath #7 ®) Onw@ ® Oa a 8) © ay ® © @ @ a 27-Ay 59 5 1Contd.. 144 145 ‘The road sign’ showing the width limit of vehicle is a : (1) Mandatory sign « @) Warning sign @) Informatory sign (4) Line marking on road wer &t therf der cxf? aren ase Pre tw: () stare fee @ ere ere G) genes fire @ wea 1 YeieT What is not included in daily pre-driving inspection of a. car 7 (1) Checking the lubricant level in engine (2) Checking the coolant level @) Checking the brake fluid Level (4) Checking the lubricant level in differential aw on at aiafer aang sia Year what we 2 Q@ a 4 See a wt aie Q) Meee or ae sien Q) te ma a RR oa @ fifa F res a ee ote In Motor Vehicle Act-1988, "registration of motor vehicles” is in which chapter ? (1) Chapter 1 (2) Chapter 2 (3) Chapter 3 (4), Chapter 4 vier art aot then” Het ar after, 1988 & sa oes HE? @) oer 1 Q) raw 2 @) wena 3 ()* oar 4 27_A] 60 [ Contd... 147 The fifth chapter of Motor Vehicle Act - 1988 is : Q @ @) @ Tex art offen, 1988 a1 vied? rene % . Construction, equipment and maintenance of motor vehicles Control of transport vehicles Registration of motor vehicles Offences, penalties and procedures Q) Fee art oder, wre ws sgerr @ @) @ Reet ari at friar Wet anit ar set errs, afta der afee 148 A Camot engine working between 367°C and 47°C temperatures, produces 150 kJ of work. What will be the heat added during the process ? @ ®) 150 ky @ Im 300 ky @® 3200 We arte gor, ot fe 367°C Us 47°C aT & mA GEE BAT F, 150 kT ort wet oem ter & dem fous Gen am ert ? @ @ 150 kg @ Inw 300 KI @) 3200 149 The processes used for air-conditioning in summer (hot and humid condition), are : ~ Q@) GB) well (oor oa ont omen) Hanger Fy wee aA oI aT Rafat B: Q) ant wd onferr Q) aI Bi ariact @) ater ot antec @). tet wa arrtiret 27_A] 61 [Conta... Heating and humidification (2) Heating and dehumidification Cooling and humidification (4) Cooling and dehumidification 150 If a closely coiled helical spring of mean diameter D, is subjected to an axial load, 1, what will be the deflection of the spring ? AWD 3WD oF © 5 AWD n 4 Sn ® Ga © Ca Where = = diameter of the spring wire n= number of active tums of the spring G = modulus of rigidity of the spring material. ey ane D & um aq greta fein ae ale eee wre W wT aT, a fain ar fede am tem? AyD sD © Te @ Te AWD n SWDAn o oe ® Gai wet: d= fen & a a ae n= Bin a afer gsi at den G = fir & weet mt yen Ais 27_A] oe { Conti... SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 72] 314 & fat we 27 A] 63 [ Contd... 2G c TINTING TNA TN NN NT & SPACE. a 64 27.A]

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