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Questions & Answers On Useful Theorems in Circuit Analysis

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Network Theory Questions and

Answers for Freshers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Questions and Answers for

Freshers focuses on “Star-Delta Transformation”.

1. If a resistor Rx is connected between nodes X and Y, Ry

between X and Y, Rz between Y and Z to form a delta
connection, then after transformation to star, the resistor at
node X is?
a) RxRy/( Rx+Ry+Rz)
b) RxRz/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
c) RzRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
d) (Rx+Ry)/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
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Answer: a
Explanation: After transformation to star, the resistor at
node X is RxRy/( Rx+Ry+Rz) and this resistance lies
between Rx, Ry in star connection.

2. In the question above the resistance at node Y is?

a) RzRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
b) RzRx/(Rx+Ry+Rz)

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c) RxRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
d) (Rz+Ry)/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
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Answer: b
Explanation: After transformation to star, the resistor at
node Y is RzRx/(Rx+Ry+Rz) and this resistance lies
between Rx, Rz in star connection.

3. In the question above, the resistance at node Z is?

a) RyRx/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
b) RyRx/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
c) RzRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
d) (Rz+Rx)/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
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Answer: c
Explanation: After transformation to star, the resistor at
node Y is RzRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz) and this resistance lies
between Rz, Ry in star connection.

4. If the resistors of star connected system are R1, R2, R3

then the resistance between 1 and 2 in delta connected
system will be?
a) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R3
b) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R1
c) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R2
d) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/(R1+R2)
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Answer: a
Explanation: After transformation to delta, the resistance
between 1 and 2 in delta connected system will be (R1R2+

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R2R3+ R3R1)/R3 and this resistance lies between R1, R2 in

delta connection.

5. If the resistors of star connected system are R1, R2, R3

then the resistance between 2 and 3 in delta connected
system will be?
a) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R3
b) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R2
c) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R1
d) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/(R3+R2)
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Answer: c
Explanation: After transformation to delta, the resistance
between 2 and 3 in delta connected system will be (R1R2+
R2R3+ R3R1)/R1 and this resistance lies between R3, R2 in
delta connection.

6. If the resistors of star connected system are R1, R2, R3

then the resistance between 3 and 1 in delta connected
system will be?
a) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R1
b) ( R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R3
c) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R2
d) (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/(R3+R1)
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Answer: c
Explanation: After transformation to delta, the resistance
between 2 and 3 in delta connected system will be (R1R2+
R2R3+ R3R1)/R2 and this resistance lies between R1, R3 in
delta connection.

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7. Find the equivalent resistance at node A in the delta

connected circuit shown in the figure below.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: Performing delta to star transformation we
obtain the equivalent resistance at node A is

8. Find the equivalent resistance at node C in the delta

connected circuit shown in the figure in the question 7.
a) 3.66
b) 4.66
c) 5.66
d) 6.66
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Answer: b
Explanation: Performing delta to star transformation we
obtain the equivalent resistance at node A is

9. Find the equivalent resistance between node 1 and node

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3 in the star connected circuit shown below.

a) 30
b) 31
c) 32
d) 33
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equivalent resistance between node 1 and
node 3 in the star connected circuit is

10. Find the equivalent resistance between node 1 and

node 2 in the star connected circuit shown in the question
a) 2
b) 29
c) 30
d) 31
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equivalent resistance between node 1 and
node 3 in the star connected circuit is

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Network Theory.

To practice all areas of Network Theory for Freshers, here

is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Superposition Theorem - Network Theory Quest... about:reader?url=

Superposition Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Superposition Theorem”.

1. In Superposition theorem, while considering a source, all

other voltage sources are?
a) open circuited
b) short circuited
c) change its position
d) removed from the circuit
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Answer: b
Explanation: In Superposition theorem, while considering a
source, all other voltage sources are short circuited. This
theorem is valid for linear systems.

2. In Superposition theorem, while considering a source, all

other current sources are?
a) short circuited
b) change its position
c) open circuited

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d) removed from the circuit

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Answer: c
Explanation: In Superposition theorem, while considering a
source, all other current sources are open circuited.
Superposition theorem is not valid for power responses. It is
applicable only for computing voltage and current

3. In the circuit shown, find the current through 4Ω resistor

using Superposition theorem.

a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
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Answer: b Explanation: Considering the voltage source

20V, 5A current source is open circuited.

Now current through 3Ω resistor is

20/(5+4)=2.22A. Now considering the current source 5A,
20V voltage source is short circuited.

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No current through 3Ω resistor is

5× 5/(4+5)=2.78A. Now finally the current through 3Ω
resistor is 2.22 + 2.78 = 5A.
4. Consider the circuit shown below. Find the voltage
across 2Ω resistor due to the 10V voltage source using
Superposition theorem.

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: b Explanation: Short circuiting 20V source, open

circuiting 2A source,

Voltage at node A is (V-10)/10+V

/20+V/7=0 => V=3.41V. => The voltage across 2Ω resistor
is V/(7 )×2=0.97V≅1V.
5. Find the voltage across 2Ω resistor due to 20V source in

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the figure shown above.

a) -2.92
b) 2.92
c) 1.92
d) -1.92
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Answer: a Explanation: Short circuiting 10V source, open

circuiting 2A source,

The voltage at node A is (V-20)/7+V

/20+V/10=0 => V = 9.76V. Now the voltage across 2Ω
resistor is (V-20)/7×2=-2.92V.
6. Find the voltage across 2Ω resistor due to 2A source in
the figure shown above.
a) -1
b) 1
c) 1.46
d) -1.46
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Answer: d Explanation: Short circuiting both 10V, 20V


The current through 2Ω resistor

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is 2× 5/(5+8.67)=0.73A. The voltage across 2Ω resistor is

-0.73×2 = -1.46V.
7. In the figure shown above find the voltage across 2Ω
resistor due to all source using Superposition theorem.
a) 3.41
b) -3.41
c) 3.14
d) -3.14
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Answer: b
Explanation: The algebraic sum of all the voltages obtained
by considering individual sources is the voltage across 2Ω
resistor. V = 0.97-2.92-1.46 = -3.41V.

8. Find the voltage across 2Ω resistor due to 20V source in

the circuit shown below .

a) 1
b) 1.5
c) 2
d) 2.5
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Answer: b Explanation: The voltage at node A in the figure

is (V-20)/20+(V-10)/10+V/2=0 => V=3.07V. Now short
circuiting 10V source,

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(V-20)/20+V/2+V/10=0 => V=1.5V.

9. Find the voltage across 2Ω resistor due to 20V source in
the circuit shown above.
a) 0.5
b) 0
c) 1
d) 1.5
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Answer: d Explanation: The voltage at node A is (V-20)/20+

(V-10)/10+V/2=0 => V=3.07V. Now short circuiting 20V

(V-10)/10+V/20+V/2=0 =>
10. Find the voltage across 2Ω resistor in the circuit shown
above using Superposition theorem.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: c
Explanation: The voltage across 2Ωv resistor is the

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algebraic sum of the voltages obtained by considering

individual sources. V = 1.5+1.5 = 3V.

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Thevenin’s Theorem - Network Theory Question... about:reader?url=

Thevenin’s Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Thevenin’s Theorem”.

1. Consider the circuit shown below. Find the equivalent

Thevenin’s voltage between nodes A and B.

a) 8
b) 8.5
c) 9
d) 9.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The thevenin’s voltage is equal to the open
circuit voltage across the terminals AB that is across 12Ω
resistor. Vth = 10×12/14 = 8.57V.

2. In the circuit shown above in question 1 find the

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thevenin’s resistance between terminals A and B.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 1.7
d) 2.7
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Answer: c
Explanation: The resistance into the open circuit terminals
is equal to the thevenin’s resistance => Rth = (12×2)/14 =

3. In the figure shown above in question 1 find the current

flowing through 24Ω resistor.
a) 0.33
b) 0.66
c) 0
d) 0.99
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Answer: a Explanation: The equivalent thevenin’s model of

the circuit shown is

4. Determine the equivalent thevenin’s voltage between
terminals A and B in the circuit shown below.

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a) 0.333
b) 3.33
c) 33.3
d) 333
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Answer: c
Explanation: Let us find the voltage drop across terminals A
and B. 50-25=10I+5I => I=1.67A. Voltage drop across 10Ω
resistor = 10×1.67=16.7V. So, Vth=VAB=50-

5. Find the equivalent thevenin’s resistance between

terminals A and B in the circuit shown above in question 4.
a) 333
b) 33.3
c) 3.33
d) 0.333
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Answer: c
Explanation: To find Rth, two voltage sources are removed
and replaced with short circuit. The resistance at terminals
AB then is the parallel combination of the 10Ω resistor and
5Ω resistor => Rth=(10×5)/15=3.33Ω.

6. Determine the equivalent thevenin’s voltage between

terminals A and B in the circuit shown below.

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a) 5
b) 15
c) 25
d) 35
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Answer: c
Explanation: Current through 3Ω resistor is 0A. The current
through 6Ω resistor = (50-10)/(10+6)=2.5A. The voltage
drop across 6Ω resistor = 25×6=15V. So the voltage across
terminals A and B = 0+15+10 = 25V.

7. Find the equivalent thevenin’s resistance between

terminals A and B in the circuit shown above in question 6.
a) 6
b) 6.25
c) 6.5
d) 6.75
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Answer: d
Explanation: To find Rth, two voltage sources are removed
and replaced with short circuit =>

8. Determine the equivalent thevenin’s voltage between

terminals ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the circuit shown below.

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a) 0.7
b) 1.7
c) 2.7
d) 3.7
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Answer: c
Explanation: The voltage at terminal a is
Va=(100×6)/16=37.5V, The voltage at terminal b is
Vb=(100×8)/23=34.7V. So the voltage across the terminals
ab is Vab=Va-Vb=37.5-34.7=2.7V.

9. Find the equivalent thevenin’s resistance between

terminals A and B in the circuit shown above in question 8.
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
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Answer: d
Explanation: To find Rth, two voltage sources are removed
and replaced with short circuit => Rab=(6×10)/(6+10)+

10. Find the current through 5Ω resistor in the circuit shown

above in question 8.
A) 0.1
b) 0.2
c) 0.3
d) 0.4
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Answer: b Explanation: The Equivalent Thevenin’s circuit

for the circuit shown above is

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Norton's Theorem - Network Theory Questions ... about:reader?url=

Norton's Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Norton’s Theorem”.

1. Find the current flowing between terminals A and B of the

circuit shown below.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: The magnitude of the current in the Norton’s
equivalent circuit is equal to the current passing through the
short circuited terminals that is I=20/5=4A.

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2. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals A and

B of the circuit shown below.
a) 0.33
b) 3.33
c) 33.3
d) 333
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Answer: b
Explanation: Norton’s resistance is equal to the parallel
combination of both the 5Ω and 10Ω resistors that is R =
(5×10)/15 = 3.33Ω.

3. Find the current through 6Ω resistor in the circuit shown

a) 1
b) 1.43
c) 2
d) 2.43
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Answer: b
Explanation: The current passing through the 6Ω resistor
and the voltage across it due to Norton’s equivalent circuit
is I = 4×3.33/(6+3.33) = 1.43A.

4. Find the voltage drop across 6Ω resistor in the circuit

shown above.
a) 6.58
b) 7.58
c) 8.58
d) 9.58

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Answer: c
Explanation: The voltage across the 6Ω resistor is V =
1.43×6 = 8.58V. So the current and voltage have same
values both in the original circuit and Norton’s equivalent

5. Find the current flowing between terminals A and B.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: Short circuiting terminals A and B, 20-10(I1)=0,
I1=2A. 10-5(I2), I2=2A. Current flowing through terminals A
and B= 2+2 = 4A.

6. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals A and

a) 3
b) 3.03
c) 3.33
d) 3.63
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Answer: c

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Explanation: The resistance at terminals AB is the parallel

combination of the 10Ω resistor and the 5Ω resistor => R =
((10×5))/(10+5) = 3.33Ω.

7. Find the current flowing between terminals A and B

obtained in the equivalent Nortan’s circuit.
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11
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Answer: d
Explanation: To solve for Norton’s current we have to find
the current passing through the terminals A and B. Short
circuiting the terminals a and b, I=100/((6×10)/(6+10)+
(15×8)/(15+8))=11.16 ≅ 11A.

8. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals A and

B obtained in the equivalent Nortan’s circuit.
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11
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Answer: b
Explanation: The resistance at terminals AB is the parallel
combination of the 10Ω resistor and the 6Ω resistor and
parallel combination of the 15Ω resistor and the 8Ω resistor
=> R=(10×6)/(10+6)+(15×8)/(15+8)=8.96≅9Ω.

9. Find the current through 5Ω resistor in the circuit shown

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a) 7
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10
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Answer: a
Explanation: To solve for Norton’s current we have to find
the current passing through the terminals A and B. Short
circuiting the terminals a and b I=11.16×8.96/(5+8.96) =

10. Find the voltage drop across 5Ω resistor in the circuit

shown above.
a) 33
b) 34
c) 35
d) 36
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage drop across 5Ω resistor in the
circuit is the product of current and resistance => V =
5×7.16 = 35.8 ≅ 36V.

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Reciprocity Theorem - Network Theory Questio... about:reader?url=

Reciprocity Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reciprocity Theorem”.

1. To check for the Reciprocity Theorem we consider

______ of response to excitation.
a) ratio
b) addition
c) product
d) subtraction
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the Reciprocity Theorem to satisfy the ratio
of response to the excitation of the circuit should be equal
to the ratio of response to excitation after the source is

2. For the Reciprocity Theorem to satisfy the ratio of

response to excitation before and after the source is
replaced should be?
a) different

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b) same
c) before source is replaced is greater than after the source
is replaced
d) before source is replaced is less than after the source is
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Answer: b
Explanation: For the Reciprocity Theorem to satisfy the ratio
of response to excitation before and after the source is
replaced should be same and if that condition satisfies the
reciprocity theorem is valid for the given circuit.

3. The circuit which satisfies Reciprocity Theorem is called?

a) Short circuit
b) Open circuit
c) Linear circuit
d) Non-linear circuit
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Answer: c
Explanation: The circuit which satisfies Reciprocity
Theorem is called linear circuit. A linear circuit is an
electronic circuit in which, for a sinusoidal input voltage of
frequency f, any steady-state output of the circuit (the
current through any component, or the voltage between any
two points) is also sinusoidal with frequency f.

4. Find the current through the 2Ω(c-d) resistor in the circuit

shown below.

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a) 0.143
b) 1.43
c) 14.3
d) 143
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total resistance in the circuit= 2+[3||(2+2│├|2)
]=3.5Ω. The current drawn by the circuit (It)=20/3.5=5.71Ω.
The current drawn by 2Ω resistor = 1.43A.

5. The current drawn by 2Ω resistor (a-b) after the source is

replaced in the question 4?
a) 143
b) 14.3
c) 1.43
d) 0.143
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Answer: c Explanation: The circuit after the source is

replaced is

Total resistance = 3.23Ω.

The current drawn by the circuit (It)=20/3.23=6.19A. The

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current in branch a-b is 1.43A.

6. The circuit in the question 4 satisfies Reciprocity
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ratio of response to excitation before the
source is replaced is equal to 0.0715. And the ratio of
response to excitation before the source is replaced is
equal to 0.0715. So, the circuit satisfies the Reciprocity

7. Find the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit shown


a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: The 6Ω resistor is parallel to 3Ω resistor and
the resultant is in series with 2Ω resistor. Total current from
source = 12/(2+(6│|3) )=3A. Current through 3Ω resistor=3×

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8. Find the current through 2Ω resistor after source is

replaced in the question 7.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
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Answer: c Explanation: The circuit after source is replaced


Total current from the source

(It)=12/(3+(6│|2) )=2.67A. Current through 2Ω
resistor=2.67× 6/(6+2)=2A.
9. The circuit shown in the question 7 satisfies the
reciprocity theorem.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio of response to excitation before the
source is replaced is equal to 0.167. And the ratio of
response to excitation before the source is replaced is
equal to 0.167. So, the circuit satisfies the Reciprocity

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10. While considering Reciprocity theorem, we consider

ratio of response to excitation as ratio of?
a) voltage to voltage
b) current to current
c) voltage to current
d) None of the above
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Answer: c
Explanation: While considering Reciprocity theorem, we
consider ratio of response to excitation as ratio of voltage to
current or current to voltage.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Network Theory.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Network Theory Interview Questions and Answe... about:reader?url=

Network Theory Interview

Questions and Answers for
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Interview Questions and

Answers for freshers focuses on “Compensation Theorem”.

1. Reciprocity Theorem is applied for _____ networks.

a) Linear
b) Bilateral
c) Linear bilateral
d) Lumped
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Answer: c
Explanation: Reciprocity Theorem is applied for linear
bilateral networks, not for linear or for linear bilateral or for
lumped networks.

2. Reciprocity Theorem is used to find the change in

_______ when the resistance is changed in the circuit.
a) Voltage
b) Voltage or current
c) Current

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d) Power
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reciprocity Theorem is used to find the
change in voltage or current when the resistance is
changed in the circuit. If reciprocity theorem is satisfied the
ratio of response to excitation is same for the two

3. Find the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit shown


a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total resistance in the circuit = 2+[3||(2+2||2)]
= 3.5Ω. The total current drawn by the circuit =10/(4+6||3) =
1.67A. Current through 3Ω resistor = 1.11A ≅1A.

4. Determine the current flowing in the ammeter having 1Ω

internal resistance connected in series with the 3Ω resistor
shown in the circuit shown in the question 3.
a) 0.91
b) 0.92

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c) 0.93
d) 0.94
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Answer: c Explanation: Current through 3Ω resistor =

1.11A. So voltage drop across 1Ω resistor = 1.11×1 =
1.11V. Now the circuit can be modified as

Now current through 3Ω resistor =

0.17A. This current is opposite to the current calculated
before. So ammeter reading = (1.11-0.17) = 0.94A.
5. Find the current through 6Ω resistor in the circuit shown

a) 0.33
b) 0.44
c) 0.55
d) 0.66
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total resistance in the circuit = 4+6||3Ω. The
total current drawn by the circuit =10/(4+6||3)=1.67A.
Current through 6Ω resistor = 0.55A.

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6. Determine the current flowing in the ammeter having 1Ω

internal resistance connected in series with the 6Ω resistor
shown in the circuit shown in the question 5.
a) 0.4
b) 0.45
c) 0.9
d) 0.95
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Answer: b Explanation: Current through 3Ω resistor =

0.55A. So voltage drop across 1Ω resistor = 0.55×1 =
0.55V. Now the circuit can be modified as

Now current through 6Ω resistor =

0.094A. This current is opposite to the current calculated
before. So ammeter reading = (0.55-0.0.94) = 0.45A.
7. Find the current through 6Ω resistor in the circuit shown

a) 0.11
b) 0.22
c) 0.33
d) 0.44

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Answer: c
Explanation: Total current in the circuit = 10/(4+3||2||6)=2A.
Current through 6Ω resistor= 2×(3||2)/(6+3||2)=0.33A.

8. Determine the current flowing in the ammeter having 1Ω

internal resistance in series with the 6Ω resistor shown in
the circuit shown in the question 7.
a) 0.1
b) 0.2
c) 0.3
d) 0.4
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Answer: c Explanation:

New total current =

0.33/(7+4||2||3)=0.04A. Now reading of ammeter=
0.33-0.04=0.29A ≅0.3A.
9. Find the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit shown

a) 0.45

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b) 0.56
c) 0.67
d) 0.78
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total current = 10 / (4 + (6||2||3) = 2A. Current
through 3Ω resistor= 2 x (6||2) / (3 + (6||2)) =0.67A.

10. Determine the current flowing in the ammeter having 1Ω

internal resistance in series with the 3Ω resistor shown in
the circuit shown in the question 9.
a) 0.6
b) 0.7
c) 0.8
d) 0.9
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Answer: a Explanation: The current flowing in the ammeter

having 1Ω internal resistance in series with the 3Ω resistor
shown in the circuit is 0.6 A.

Current through 3Ω resistor =

0.67 / (7 + (4||6||2)) = 0.08A. Ammeter reading = 0.67 –
0.08 = 0.59 ≅0.6A.
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Maximum Power Transfer Theorem - Network ... about:reader?url=

Maximum Power Transfer

Theorem - Network Theory
Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Maximum Power Transfer

1. The maximum power is delivered from a source to its

load when the load resistance is ______ the source
a) greater than
b) less than
c) equal to
d) less than or equal to
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Answer: c
Explanation: The maximum power is delivered from a
source to its load when the load resistance is equal to the
source resistance. The maximum power transfer theorem
can be applied to both dc and ac circuits.

2. If source impedance is complex, then maximum power

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transfer occurs when the load impedance is _______ the

source impedance.
a) equal to
b) negative of
c) complex conjugate of
d) negative of complex conjugate of
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Answer: c
Explanation: The maximum power transfer theorem can be
applied to complex impedance circuits. If source impedance
is complex, the maximum power transfer occurs when the
load impedance is complex conjugate of the source

3. If the source impedance is complex, then the condition

for maximum power transfer is?
a) ZL = ZS
b) ZL = ZS*
c) ZL = -ZS
d) ZL = -ZS*
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Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum power is transferred when the
load resistance is equal to the source resistance. The
condition for maximum power transfer is ZL = ZS*.

4. If ZL = ZS*, then?
a) RL = 1
b) RL = 0
c) RL = -RS

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d) RL = RS
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Answer: d
Explanation: If ZL = ZS*, then RL = RS. This means that the
maximum power transfer occurs when the load impedance
is equal to the complex conjugate of source impedance ZS.

5. For ZL = ZS*, the relation between XL and XS is?

a) XL = XS
b) XL = 0
c) XL = 1
d) XL = -XS
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Answer: d
Explanation: For ZL = ZS*, the relation between XL and XS
is XL = -XS. Maximum power transfer is not always
desirable since the transfer occurs at a 50 percent

6. In the circuit shown below, find the value of load

impedance for which source delivers maximum power.

a) 15-j20
b) 15+j20
c) 20-j15

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d) 20+j15
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Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum power transfer occurs when the
load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of
source impedance ZS. ZL = ZS* = (15-j20) Ω.

7. The load current in the circuit shown in the question 6 is?

a) 1.66∠90⁰
b) 1.66∠0⁰
c) 2.66∠0⁰
d) 2.66∠90⁰
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Answer: b
Explanation: The load current is the ratio of voltage to the
impedance. So the load current is I=(50∠0o)/(15+j20+15-
j20) =1.66∠0o A.

8. The maximum power delivered by the source in the

circuit shown in the question 6 is?
a) 39.33
b) 40.33
c) 41.33
d) 42.33
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Answer: c
Explanation: The term power is defined as the product of
the square of current and the impedance. So the maximum
power delivered by the source in the circuit is P = I2RxZ =
1.662×15 = 41.33W.

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9. For the circuit shown, the resistance R is variable from

2Ω to 50Ω. What value of RS results in maximum power
transfer across terminals ‘ab’.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: As RL is fixed, the maximum power transfer
theorem does not apply. Maximum current flows in the
circuit when RS is minimum. So RS = 2Ω.

10. Find the maximum power delivered by the source in the

circuit shown in the question 9.
a) 96.6
b) 97.6
c) 98.6
d) 99.6
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Answer: c
Explanation: ZT = RS – j5+ RL = 2-j5+20 = 22.56∠-12.8⁰Ω.
I=VS/ZT = -50∠0⁰/22.56∠-12.8⁰ = 2.22∠-12.8⁰A. P = I2R=

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Tellegen's Theorem - Network Theory Questions... about:reader?url=

Tellegen's Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Tellegen’s theorem”.

1. The dual pair of current is?

a) voltage
b) current source
c) capacitance
d) conductance
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an electrical circuit itself there are pairs of
terms which can be interchanged to get new circuits. The
dual pair of current is voltage. And the dual pair of voltage
is current.

2. The dual pair of capacitance is?

a) capacitance
b) resistance
c) current source
d) inductance

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Answer: d
Explanation: The dual pair of inductance is capacitance.
And the dual pair of capacitance is inductance.In an
electrical circuit itself there are pairs of terms which can be
interchanged to get new circuits.

3. The dual pair of resistance is?

a) inductance
b) capacitance
c) conductance
d) current
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Answer: c
Explanation: The dual pair of resistance is conductance.
And the dual pair of conductance is resistance.

4. The dual pair of voltage source is?

a) voltage
b) current source
c) current
d) resistance
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Answer: b
Explanation: The dual pair of voltage source is current
source. And the dual pair of current source is voltage

5. The dual pair of KCL is?

a) KVL

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b) current
c) voltage
d) current source
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an electrical circuit itself there are pairs of
terms which can be interchanged to get new circuits. The
dual pair of KCL is KVL. And the dual pair of KVL is KCL.

6. Tellegen’s Theorem is valid for _____ network?

a) linear or non-linear
b) passive or active
c) time variant or time invariant
d) all the above
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Answer: d
Explanation: Tellegen’s Theorem is valid for any lumped
network. So, Tellegan’s theorem is valid for linear or non-
linear networks, passive or active networks and time variant
or time invariant networks.

7. For Tellegan’s Theorem to satisfy, the algebraic sum of

the power delivered by the source is _____ than power
absorbed by all elements.
a) greater
b) less
c) equal
d) greater than or equal
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Answer: c

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Explanation: For Tellegan’s Theorem to satisfy, algebraic

sum of the power delivered by the source equal to power
absorbed by all elements. All branch currents and voltages
in that network must satisfy Kirchhoff’s laws.

8. Consider the circuit shown below. Find whether the

circuit satisfies Tellegan’s theorem.

a) satisfies
b) does not satisfy
c) satisfies partially
d) satisfies only for some elements
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Answer: a Explanation: i1=i2=2A, i3=2A. V1=-2V, V2=-8V,

V3=10V. Algebraic sum =

9. The circuit shown below satisfies Tellegen’s theorem.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a Explanation: i1=i2=4A, i3=4A. V1=-20V, V2=0V,

V3=20V. Algebraic sum =

10. If two networks have same graph with different type of
elements between corresponding nodes, then?

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Answer: a Explanation: If two networks have same graph

with different type of elements between corresponding
nodes, then
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5 of 5 3/16/18, 4:47 PM
Millman's Theorem - Network Theory Questions... about:reader?url=

Millman's Theorem - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Millman’s Theorem”.

1. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n voltage

sources with n internal resistances respectively, are in
parallel, then these sources are replaced by?
a) single current source I’ in series with R’
b) single voltage source V’ in series with R’
c) single current source I’ in parallel to R’
d) single voltage source V’ in parallel to R’
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Answer: b
Explanation: Millman’s Theorem states that if there are
voltage sources V1, V2,…… Vn with internal resistances
R1, R2,…..Rn, respectively, are in parallel, then these
sources are replaced by single voltage source V’ in series
with R’.

2. In the question above, the value of equivalent voltage

source is?

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a) V‘=(V1G1+V2G2+⋯.+VnGn)
b) V‘=((V1G1+V2G2+⋯.+VnGn))/((1/G1+1/G2+⋯1/Gn))
c) V‘=((V1G1+V2G2+⋯.+VnGn))/(G1+G2+⋯Gn)
d) V‘=((V1/G1+V2/G2+⋯.+Vn/Gn))/( G1+G2+⋯Gn)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The value of equivalent voltage source is V‘=

3. In the question above the value of equivalent resistance

a) R’= G1+G2+⋯Gn
b) R’=1/G1+1/G2+⋯1/Gn
c) R’=1/((G1+G2+⋯Gn) )
d) R’=1/(1/G1+1/G2+⋯1/Gn)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Let the equivalent resistance is R’. The value
of equivalent resistance is R’=1/((G1+G2+⋯Gn) ).

4. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n current

sources with n internal conductances respectively, are in
series, then these sources are replaced by?
a) single voltage source V’ in parallel with G’
b) single current source I’ in series with G’
c) single current source I’ in parallel with G’
d) single voltage source V’ in series with G’
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Answer: c
Explanation: Millman’s Theorem states that if there are

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current sources I1,I2,…… In with internal conductances

G1,G2,…..Gn, respectively, are in series, then these
sources are replaced by single current source I’ in parallel
with G’.

5. In the question above, the value of equivalent current

source is?
a) I‘=((I1R1+I2R2+⋯.+InRn))/(R1+R2+⋯Rn)
b) I’= I1R1+I2R2+⋯.+InRn
c) I’=((I1/R1+I2/R2+⋯.+In/Rn))/( R1+R2+⋯Rn)
d) I’=I1/R1+I2/R2+⋯.+In/Rn
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of equivalent current source is

6. In the question above, the value of equivalent

conductance is?
a) G’= R1+R2+⋯Rn
b) G’=1/(1/R1+1/R2+⋯1/Rn)
c) G’=1/((R1+R2+⋯Rn) )
d) G’=1/R1+1/R2+⋯1/Rn
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Answer: c
Explanation: Let the equivalent conductance is G’. The
value of equivalent conductance is G’=1/((R1+R2+⋯Rn) ).

7. Calculate the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit

shown below.

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a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: c
Explanation: Applying Nodal analysis the voltage V is given
by (10-V)/2+(20-V)/5=V/3. V=8.7V. Now the current through
3Ω resistor in the circuit is I = V/3 = 8.7/3 = 2.9A ≅ 3A.

8. Find the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit shown

above using Millman’s Theorem.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
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Answer: b
Explanation: V‘=((V1G1+V2G2))/(G1+G2)=(10(1/2)+20(1
/5))/(1/2+1/5)=12.86V. R’=1/((G1+G2) )=1/(1/2+1/5)=1.43Ω.
Current through 3Ω resistor=I=12.86/(3+1.43)=2.9A≅3A.

9. Consider the circuit shown below. Find the current

through 4Ω resistor.

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a) 2
b) 1.5
c) 1
d) 0.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: Applying Nodal analysis the voltage V is given
by (5-V)/1+(10-V)/3=V/4. V=6V. The current through 4Ω
resistor I = V/4 = 6/4 = 1.5A.

10. In the circuit shown in the question 9 find the current

through 4Ω resistor using Millman’s Theorem.
a) 0.5
b) 1
c) 1.5
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: V‘=((V1G1+V2G2))/(G1+G2)=(5(1/1)+10(1
/3))/(1/1+1/3)=6.25V. R’=1/((G1+G2) )=1/(1/1+1/3)=0.75Ω.

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