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Virtues of Salat

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Virtues of

Revised translation of
the Urdu book Faza'il-e-Namaaz

Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi

translated by
Abdul Rashid Arshad
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Page No.
Hadith I Salaat is a pillar of Islam . . . . . . . . 11 2,
xr l
Hadith I1 Salaat wipes out the sins. . . . . . . . 12 -33
Hadith I11 Salaat causes forgiveness of sins 13

Hadith IV Salaat washes away the sins. . . . . 15-16

Hadith V Salaat helps in adversities ... ... 17

Hadith V1 Salaat is expiation for the sins . . . 21

Hadith VII Salaat causes early entry into
Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Hadith VIII Salaat is a redeemer . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Hadith IX ~ l l ' a h ' covenant

s with persons
particular about Salaat . . . . . . . 24

Hadith X Value of two rak'aats of Salaat . . . 25

Arbaoon - Forty short Hadiths on the vir-

tues of Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hadith I Salaat is a partition between '

Islam and Kufr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hadith I1 Discarding Salaat is leaving
Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hadith I11 Allah has no obligation to
person discarding Salaat . .
4 Virtues of Salaat 25 j CONTENTS 5

Hadith IV Tremendous loss on missing a CHAPTER 11.-WARNING AND REPROACH ON

single Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DISCARDING OF JAMAAT
Hadith V Discard of Salaat is a major sin. .. 37
Page No.
Hadith I Salaat without Jamaat is not
Hadith VI Fate of the person neglecting accepted ...................
Salaat ...................... 38 64
Hadith I1 To miss Jamaat does not become
Hadith VII Horrible consequences of neg- a Muslim ...................
lecting Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 65

Hadith I11 The Prophet's displeasure on

Hadith VIII One Haqb in Hell for each discarding of Jamaat .........
missed Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Hadith IV Salaat without Jamaat an easy
Hadith IX No portion in Islam for person prey for Satan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
neglecting Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 66
Hadith V Ibn Abbas's verdict on discard-
ing of Jarnaat ................ 67
Hadith VI Person missing Jamaat shall be
PART 11.-IMPORTANCE OF JAMAAT unable to prostrate on seeing
Allah's Glory ............... 68
Page No.
Hadith I Salaat with Jamaat is 27 times AND DEVOTION IN SALAAT
superior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Hadith I1 Salaat with Jamaat is 25 times CHAPTER I.--QUOTATIONS*FROM THE

superior .................... ' 54 HOLY QUR'AN Page No.

Hadith I11 Vigilance of the Sahabah over Quotation I It is the Devotion that reaches
Jamaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Allah ...................... 70

Hadith IV Deliverance from Hell and Free- Quotation I1 Woe unto those who are heed-
dom from Nifaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 less of Salaat ................ 71

Hadith V Reward on going to the musjid Quotation III A Munafiq performs his Salaat
even if Jamaat is missed . . . . . . 59 languidly ................... 71

Hadith VI The bigger the Jamaat the more Quotation IV Awful Doom of those mining
the reward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 their Salaat .................. 71

Hadith VII Perfect light on the Day of Quotation V Worship of an idler is not ae-
Judgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ceptable .................... 72
6 Virtues of Salaat
Page No. Page No.
Story IX A - surgical
- operation during
Quotation VI Success on being humble in Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
I Story X Abu Amir's story about a slave

Quotation VII Salaat is not hard for the woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

humble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Story XI Story of Umar bin Abdul Aziz . . . 82
Quotation VIII Allah's praise for those who es- Story XI1 Muhammad bin Munkadir's
tablish Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Quotation IX Reward for those spending the Story XI11 Thabit Banani's Salaat . . . . . . . . . 83
night in Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Pursuits of a few pious Persons . . 84
Quotation X Reward for those who forsake
their bed to cry unto Allah . . . . 74 CHAPTER 111.--QUOTATIONS FROM AHAADITH

Quotation XI Allah's praise for vigil . . . . . . . . . . 75 Hadith I Reward proportional to Sincer-

ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Quotation XI1 Distinction of paying adoration
at night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Hadith I1 Reward of good Salaat . . . . . . . . . . 86
Quotation XI11 Reward for constancy in Salaat : . Hadith I11 Benefit of Nafl Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . 88
CHAPTER 11.-STORIES FROM THE LIVES Hadith IV Salaat, the first thing to be reck-
oned for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Story I Sheikh Abdul Wahid's vision . . . 78
Hadith V The worst thief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Story I1 Sheikh Mazhar Sa'adi's vision . . 78
Hadith VI Keeping the body at rest in
Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Story I11 Abu Bakr Dharir's story about a
young slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Hadith VII Salaat preserves from lewdness
and iniquity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Story IV A Sheikh's dream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Hadi t h VIII Qunoot in Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Story V Sheikh 'Ata's story about a slave F
girl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Requisites of good Salaat sug-
gested by the Sufis . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Story VI Sirri Saqati's account of his
slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Significance of wording of
Salaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Story VII Sirri Saqati's story about a pious Salaat of a few Sahabah, Tabi-
woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
'een and Sufis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Story VIII Sheikh Abu 'Abdullah Jala's An Important Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
story about a porter . . . . . . . . . . 80
L >
The present-day Muslims, in respect of their behaviour
towards Salaat, can be divided into three groups. A large
number among them is totally unmindful of Salaat. Quite a
few observe their Salaat, but are not particular about
Jamaat. Then there are those who are regular in their Salaat
(with Jamaat), but their Salaat is devoid of the care and
thoroughness which it demands. I have divided the book
into three parts to suit the requirements of each group. In


each part, the illustrious Ahaadith of the Holy Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) are quoted with their simple
translation. The translation is idiomatic and not literal. Ex-
planatory notes have been added wherever necessary. The
AUTHOR'S FOREWORD names of the books of Hadith from which the quotatims
are taken have also been mentioned for reference.

"We glorify Allah and ask blessings on and salute His

noble Prbphet, his companions and those who follow
him in upholding the cause of the right religion." I
The indifference of Muslims towards practising Islam
these days is too well known. So much so that even Salaat,
which is the most important pillar of Islam (after Imaan)
and the first and the foremost thing to be reckoned on the i

Day of Judgement, is being badly neglected. Although every

call to 'Islam', nowadays, seems to be only a cry in the wil-
derness, yet experience shows that efforts in this direction
are not altogether fruitless. The glorious words of the Holy
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) are sure to benefit i
those with a receptive and submissive frame of mind. With I

this idea in view and to comply with the long-standing re- i


quest of some of my dear friends, I have taken upon myself II

to write this booklet, which is the second of the series on

'Tabligh', the first one being "Virtues of Tabligh."

And my success can only come from Allah! And in

Him I trust and unto Him I turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (XI:88)

There are two Chapters in this The first one is or1 '1111-
portance of salaat, and the second of 'Warning and Re- Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Kadhiyallaho anho) nar-
proach' for those who neglect or discard salaat. rates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
"Islan~is founded on five pillars: bearing witness that
there is no god but Allah, and Muhanlmad (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) is His servant and apostle: estahlishmerlt
of salaat: paying of Zakaat; pertorrnance of Hajj: axri fastirig
in Kamadhaan."
The Prophe! (Sallallaho alaihe u~asallam)has com-
pared Islam to a canopy resting on five supports. The Kali-
mah is the central support and the other four pillars of
Islam are. so to say, the remaining four supports. one at
each corner of the canopy. Without the central support, the
canopy cannot possibly stand. and if any one of the corner
supports is missing a collapse will result in the defective
corner. Now, let us judge for ourselves how far we have
kept up the canopv of Islam. Is there really any pillar that
is being held in its proper place?
L The five pillars of Islam mentioned in this Hadith sig-
nifv the most essential duties of a Muslim. Although a
hluslim cannot do without any one of them, vet salaat in
Isldrn ctccupies a position next onlv to Ilnaan. Hadhrat Ab-
dullah bin Mas'ood (Kadhi~allaho anho) savs:
"Once, I inquired of tht: tioly Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam), which act (of man) was the dearest to
Allah. The Prophet replied, 'saiaat'. I then inquired which
act came next (in order of merit) and the Prophet replied,
12 Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 13

'Kindness to parents'. I again asked what was next and he

answered 'Jihaad'."
Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) has quoted this
Hadith in support of the belief that salaat is the most inl-
portant religious duty after Imaan. This is further corrobo-
rated by a hadith, in which the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) is reported to have said:

"Salaat is the best of all that has been ordained by


Hadhrat Abu Uthman (Radhiyallaho anho) says: "I was

once sitting under a tree with Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhiyal-
!ah0 anho). He caught hold of a dry branch of the tree and
shook it till all its leaves fell off. He then said to me, " 0 ,
Abu Uthman! (Radhiyallaho anho) Will you not ask me
"Hadhrat Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that why I am doing this?" "Do tell me," I entreated. He said,
once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) came "The Apostle of Allah had done exactly like this before me,
out of his house. It was autumn and the leaves were falling while I was with him under a tree. He caught a dry branch
off the trees. He caught hold of a branch of a tree and its of it and shook it, till all its leaves fell off". At this he said:
leaves began to drop in large number. At this he remarked, ' 0 , Salmaan! (Radhiyallaho anho) will you not ask me why
'0,Abu Zar! (Radhiyallaho anho) when a Muslim offers his I am doing this?' I replied: 'Do tell me why you are doing
salaat to please Allah, his sins are shed awav from him just this?' He remarked: "Verily when a Muslim takes wudhu
as these leaves are falling off this tree." properly and then observes his salaat five times a day, his
In autumn, usually, the leaves of the trees fall in large sins fall off just as these leaves have fallen off. He then re-
numbers, so much so that on some trees not a single leaf is cited the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:
left behind. The same is the effect of salaat performed with
sincerity and devotion. All the sins of the person offering
salaat are wiped off. It should, however, be remembered
that according to the verdict of the theologians, it is only
the saghaa'ir (minor sins) that are forgiven by the perform-
ance of salaat and other services. The kabaa'ir (major sins) "Establish salaat at the two ends of the day, and at the
are r,ot pardoned without repentance. We should, there- approaches of the night. Verily, good deeds annul ill
fore, in addition to saying salaat, be particular about doing deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful. (XI: 114)"
taubah (repentance) and istighfaar (seeking forgiveness). The behaviour of Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhiyallaho
AHah may, however, pardon, by His bountiful Grace, even anho) in the above hadith displays the profound love
the kabaa'ir of any person because of his salaat. which the Sahabah had for the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
14 Virtues of Salaat
Part I (a)-Importance of Saiaat 15
wasallam). They would often cherish the sweet memories
of the time when the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) "Allah and his angels love the person doing miswaak."
was living among them. They would, while quoting him,
enact exactly what they had seen him doing at a particular "It strengthens the gums and improves eye-sight."
"It is a purge against bile and phlegm."
It is really very difficult to cover all the traditions of
the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), which deal To crown all, "It is a sunnah i.e. the practice of our be-
with the importance of salaat and which declare forgive- loved Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)."
ness for those who guard it. As had already been said As many as seventy virtues of the n~iswaakhave been
before, the theologians restrict this declaration of forgive- enumerated by the theologians. It is said that a person in
ness to saghaa'ir (minor sins) only, but in the text of the the habit of miswaak dies with the Kalimah on his lips.
hadith there is no such restriction. My learned father gave The rewards of taking wudhu properly are very many. It is
me two reasons for this. Firstly, it does not really become a mentioned in ahaadith that the parts of body washed in
Muslim to commit any of the kabaa'ir (major sins). If per- wudhu shall glitter on the Day of Judgement and, by this
chance any such sins are committed by him, he cannot rest (distinction), the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) will
in peace (due to inherent fear of Allah in him) until he at once recognise his followers.
washes them with his tears of repentance in crying before
Allah. Secondly, the person who performs his salaat with Hadith.-IV(a)
sincerity and thoroughness is very likely to do istighfaar
quite a number of times daily. Look for instance at the clos-
ing prayer of salaat itself, viz:

" 0 , My Lord! I have wronged my soul a great wrong,

and none forgiveth sins save Thou alone. Then forgive "Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates
me and have mercy on me. Verily, Thou art the For- that once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
giving, the Merciful." asked his companions, 'Do you believe that dirt can
remain on a person bathing five times a day in a brook
In the above hadith, mention is made of wudhu to be running in front of his door?' 'No', replied the compan-
done properlv. We should, therefore, be sure of the regu- ions, 'No dirt can remain on his body.' The Prophet
lations about wudhu and try to observe all of these. For (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) remarked: 'So, exactly
example. take the case of miswaak. It is sunnat of wudhu, similar is the effect of salaat offered five times a day.
but is very often neglected. It is said in a hadith that the With the Grace of Allah. it washes away all the sins'."
salaat offered after doing ~nisivaakis seventy times superior
to the salaat ~ ~ i t h o umiswaak.
t In another hadith, use of Hadith.-IV(b)
misuraak has been enjoined verv stronglv, and the follo~v-
irig benefits are attributed to it:-
"It cleanses and sweetens the mouth and checks its
bad smell."
"It is a cause of Allah's pleasure and a blow to the
Ilevil." "Hadhrat Jaabir (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he
heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying:
Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat

"The likeness of five times daily salaat is as the like-

ness of a deep brook running in front of the door of a
person who bathes therein five times a day."
Running water is generally free from dirt, and the
deeper it runs the cleaner and purer it is. A bath in such
water surely removes dirt from the body and makes it I
clean. Salaat offered with due regard for its essentials like- "Hadhrat Huzaifah (Radhiyallaho anho) says that,
wise cleanses the soul of all sins. There are several ahaa- wvenever the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
dith of the same meaning, though with slight variations in h ppened to face any difficulty, he would at once
expression, narrate& by different companions of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed
r sort to salaat." vr B
P d
Khudri (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he heard the Salaat is a great blessing of Allah. To resort to salaat at
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying: the time of worry is to hasten towards His mercy, and
when Allah's mercy comes to rescue, there can remain no
'Each of the five salaats expiates the sins committed trace of any worry. There are many traditions concerning
since the salaat preceding it. To explain. let us take the this practice of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
case of a person working in a factory. His job is such lam). Similar was the practice of his companions, who fol-
that his body gets covered with dust. But there are five lowed him in the minutest detail. Hadhrat Abu Darda
streams of running water in between the factory and (Radhiyallaho anho) says: "Whenever a strong wind blew,
his house and, on his return from the job, he takes a the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) would immedi-
bath in each stream. The effect of five times daily ately enter the musjid and would not leave until the wind
salaat is quite similar. Any sins of omission and com- had subsided. Similarly, at the time of a solar or lunar
mission between two salaats are forgiven on account of eclipse, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) would at
'istighfaar and taubah in each salaat.'
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) through such
once start offering salaat. Hadhrat Suhaib (Radhiyallaho
anho) was informed by the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
parables, aims at impressing that salaat has the wonderful sallam) that all the previous Apostles of Allah (peace be
power of removing the sins. If we fail to avail of Allah's upon them) also used to resort to salaat in all adversities.
mercy, surely we ourselves are the losers. Hadhrat Ibno Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) was once on
To err is human. We are likely to commit innumerable journey. On his way he got the news of the death of his
acts of displeasing Allah and deserve thereby. His wrath I son. He got down from his camel and offered two rakaat of
and punishment, but look how relenting our dear Allah is! salaat, praying in Tashahhud for a long time. He then re-
He has most graciously shown us the way to earn His cited 'Innaa liliaahi wa innaallaihi raaji-oon' and said, "I
mercy and forgiveness. It is a great pity if we do not avail of have done what Allah has ordered us to do in His Holy
this great favour. Our Allah is always eager to show us His Book i.e.:
mercy on very small grounds. It is said in a hadith, that if a
person goes to bed with the intention of getting up for Ta- !p\j +I*\,
hajjud and perchance does not wake up, he receives the
full reward for Tahajjud, although he has been enjoying his "Seek Allah's help with patience and salaat" (11: 45).
sleep at the time of Tahajjud. How boundless is the grace of
Allah and what a tremendous loss and deprivation if we do Another similar story is narrated about him. He was on
not receive blessings from such a Giver. a journey when he received the news about the death of his
brother Quthum. He descended from his camel by the road-
side, and performed two rakaats of salaat and kept praying
in Tashahhud for a long time. After finishing his salaat, he
18 Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 19

rode his camel reciting the following verse of the Holy "And enjoin salaat upon thy people and be thyself
Qur'an: constant therein. We ask not of thee to provide suste-
nance. We provide it for thee. And the Hereafter is for
the righteousness." (XX: 132).
It is said in a hadith that when somebody is confronted
with a need, whether pertaining to this life or the Hereafter,
"Seek Allah's help with patience and salaat, and truly or whether it concerns Allah or a mortal, he should per-
it is indeed hard except to the humble minded." form a perfect wudhu, offer salaat of two rakaats, glorify
(11: 45). Allah, then ask blessing for the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
There is yet another story about him. On hearing of the wasallam), and then pray as under: 0,
", m
death of a wife of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam), he fell down prostrate. When somebody asked him
the reason he said, "Our dear Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) had enjoined on us to prostrate (in salaat) when-
ever a calamity were to befall us. What calamity can be
greater than the death of the Ummul-Mo'mineen?"
When Hadhrat Ubaada (Radhiyallaho anho) was about
to breathe his last, he said to the people around him, "I
prohibit one and all from crying over me. When my soul "There is no god save Allah-the Clement-the Bouqti-
departs, I ask every one to perform wudhu, observing all its ful. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the tremendous
essentials, and to go to the musjid and pray for my forgive- throne. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask
ness, because our Gracious Allah has enjoined on us to Thee all that leadeth to Thy Mercy and deserveth Thy
"Seek help with patience and salaat." After that, lay me forgiveness. I ask Thee abundance in all that is good
down in the pit of my grave." and refuge from all that is evil. Leave me no sin but
Hadhrat Nadhr (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates, "Once it Thou pardonest it, and n o distress but Thou removest
became very dark during the day in Madina. I hurriedly it, and no need but Thou fulfillest it. 0, most Merciful
went to Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) to know if he of those who show mercy!"
had ever experienced similar conditions during the life- Wahb bin Munabbih writes: "Have your needs fulfilled
time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He by Allah through salaat. In the good old time, if a calamity
said to me. "M'aathallaah! During those blessed days, befell the people, they would hurry towards salaat." It is
whenever the wind blew strong, we would hurry to the said that in Koofah there was a porter who was well known
musjid lest it should be the approach of the Last Day." for his honesty. People trusted him with their valuables
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Salaam (Radhiyallaho anho) and money, which he carried from one place to another.
narrates that whenever the members of the Prophet's family Once he wps on his usual errand when a person-met him
were hardpressed in any way, the Prophet (Sallallaho on the wayland asked him about his destination. When the
alaihe wasallam) would enjoin upon then1 to say salaat, porter gave him the required information, k s a i d , "I am
and would recite the following verse of the Holy Qur'an: also bound for the same destination. If I could walk, I
would have accompanied you on foot. Will you kindly give
me a lift on your mule for one dinaar?" The porter agreed
and allowed him to share the mule with him. They came to
a crossing on the way. The person said, 'Now, which road
will you take?' 'The main road, of course,' replied the
porter. The person said, 'No, brother. We should go by the
20 Virtues of Salaat 26 Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 21

other road which is a shortcut and there is plenty of grass life and provides us with tranquility and eace of mind.
enroute to feed the animal.' The porter said, 'I have never
been on this path.' The person remarked, 'But I have travel-
Ibn Seereen writes: "If I be allowed to c oose between
Paradise and salaat of two rakaats, I would prefer salaat.
led by this route quite often'. The porter believed him and The reason is quite clear. Paradise is for my own pleasure
put the animal on that path. After some distance, the path while salaat is for the pleasure of my dear Lord." The Holy
ended in a terrifying forest where a large number of dead Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said: "Enviable is
bodies were lying about. All of a sudden the person the lot of that Muslim who is with least encumbrance,
jumped down from the mule and took out his knife with whose main fortune is salaat, who remains content with
the intention of slaying the porter. 'Hold your hand', humble provision throughout his life, who worshi s his
shouted the porter, 'Take the animal and its load, but do
not kill me'. The person refused to listen to his entreaty
Lord in a dutiful manner, who lives a nameless li e and
who dies an early death, with very little to bequeath and
and swore that he would first kill the porter and then take very few to mourn him." In another hadith, the Holy
possession of the animal and the goads. Seeing that his en- Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to have
treaties fell on deaf ears and that his cruel heart would not said: 'Offer your salaat at your homes quite frequently, so
melt, the porter said to him, 'All right if you must kill me, that these may be blessed with Allah's Grace and Mercy."
then permit to say my salaat of only two rakaats.' The
person agreed and remarked, 'You can please yourself. All
the dead you see over here made the same request, but
their salaat was of no avail to them.' The porter started the
salaat, but could not recollect any soorah to connect with
the Fatihah, in spite of his best efforts. Meanwhile the
person grew impatient and pressed him hard to hurry up
with the salaat. All of a sudden the following verse flashed
to his mind:

'Is it not He Who answereth the wronged one when he

crieth unto Him, and removeth the evil. . . (XXVII-62). "Abu Muslim narrates: I went to see Abu Umaamah
The porter was reciting the verse and the tears welled (Radhiyallaho anho) while he was in the musjid. I
up in his eyes, when a horseman suddenly appeared on the asked him if he had really heard the Holy Prophet (Sal-
scene. He was wearing a glittering helmet and held a spear lallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "When a person per-
in his hand. He pierced the body of the pitiless rogue with forms wudhu with right performance and then says his
his spear and killed him there and then. A flame of fire I fardh salaat, Allah forgives him all the sins committed
rose from the spot where the dead body fell. The porter fell that day by his feet in going towards evil, by his hands
down prostrate and thanked Allah. After finishing his in doing evil, by his ears in listening to evil, by his
salaat, he ran towards the horseman and requested him to eyes in looking at evil and by his heart in thinking of
disclose his identity. He replied, 'I am a slave to Him who evil.' He replied, 'By Allah, I have heard these words
answereth the wronged one. You are now safe and can go from the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
wherever you like.' Saying this, the horseman rode away again and again."
and disappeared. " Many of the companions have narrated this Hadith
Indeed salaat is a tremendous asset. Besides pleasing with slight variations. Those endowed with the power of
Allah it often gets us deliverence from the calamities of this Kashf can even witness the sins being shed. It is said of
Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 23
22 Virtues of Salaat
saying, "The comfort of my eyes is in salaat." This is an ex-
Imam Abu Haneefa (Rahmatullah alaih) that he could tell pression of his profound love for salaat. As such, what else
from the water falling down from the limbs of the person can be more valuable than salaat?
performing wudhu as to which sins had been washed off
therewith. In a narration by Hadhrat Uthman (Radhiyallaho Hadith.VII1
anho), the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is re-
ported to have warned against being wrong-headed in com-
mitting sins in the hope of getting them redeemed through
salaat. We have, really, no ground to behave as such on
this account. After all, what is the quality of the salaat that
we offer? If Allah merely absolves us of our obligation it is
His very special favour and grace. Again it is the height of
ingratitude to disobey Allah just because He is Clement,
Merciful and Forgiving.

Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that

he heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
saying: "At the approach of the hour of a salaat, an
Angel is deputed to proclaim, 'Arise, 0 Children of
Aadam! and extinguish the fire that you have (by com-
mitting sins) kindled to burn yourselves. So, the
people rise up, perform wudhu and offer their Zuhr
prayer. This causes forgiveness of their sins committed
since day-break. The same is repeated at Asr, Maghrib
and Ishaa. After Ishaa people go to bed, but there are
some who busy themselves in good, while some others
in evil deeds.
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates, Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhiyallaho anho) says, "After
"Two persons of one clan came to Prophet (Sallallaho Ishaa the people get divided into three groups. There are
alaihe wasallam) and embraced Islam at one and the some for whom the night is a source of blessing and gain.
same time. One of these was martyred in a battle and They are those who spend it in the worship of Allah, while
the other died a year later, Hadhrat Talha bin Ubaidul- other people are asleep. For them the night brings great
lah (Radhiyallaho anho) says that he saw in his dream reward from their Lord. There are others who turn their
that the person who had died later was admitted into night into a burden and curse for themselves, for they in-
Paradise before the martyr. This surprised him. I do dulge in various dark deeds in the dead of night. To them
not recollect whether it was he or somebody else who the night brings woe and misery. There is the third group
narrated this dream. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe of people who go to bed immediately after Ishaa; they
wasallam) thereupon remarked: "Has not the person neither gain nor lose."
dying later fasted for one additional month of Rama- Hadith.1X
dhaan, and has he not offered six thousand or odd ra-
kaats of salaat more during the year he lived after the djG 5, JG
martyr?" I j&; j G JG A,&j gj$ hij &i2
Really, we do not know how valuable salaat is! The 3. ai
O , ,J+
.. A@, +,& &i 3 b$, J&,
+* >f!

Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was often heard

24 Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 25

Ibn Salmaan says that he heard one of the companions

of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) nar-
rating, "When we had won the battle of Khaibar, we
Hadbrat Abu Qataadah bin Rab'iyy (Radhiyallaho began to buy and sell among ourselves the booty that
anho) says, "He heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe had fallen to our lot. One of us went to Holy Prophet
wasallam) saying, Allah has said, "0, Muhammad! I (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and said, '0, Apostle of
have ordained five times daily salaat for thy followers. Allah, no one else has earned so much profit as I have
I have made a covenant with myself that whosoever is obtained in today's trade.' 'How much did you earn?
regular in performing his salaat at its fixed hour, he asked the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He re-
shall be admitted into the Paradise. Those of thy fol- plied, 'I kept on selling and buying till I earned a net
lowers who do not guard their salaat, are not included profit of three hundred 'Ooqiyyah' of silver.' The
in this covenant." Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "Shall I
In another hadith, it is said that Allah has ordained inform you of something better than that?" He ex-
five times salaat and whosoever is mindful of his salaat, by claimed, 'Do tell me, 0,Prophet of Allah!' The Prophet
doing wudhu properly and by praying at fixed hours with (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) remarked 'Two rakaats
sincerity and devotion, is assured by Allah of his entry into nafl after (fardh) salaat."
Paradise; and whosoever does not guard his salaat, there is Three hundred Ooqiyyahs of silver come to about three
no such guarantee for him; he may-or may not be forgiven. thousand rupees. According to the Prophet (Sallallaho
salaat has indeed a tremendous value. It affords us an op- alaihe wasallam), the perishable gain of this world stands
portunity to 'receive Allah's guarantee for Paradise. When no comparison with the everlasting gain of the Hereafter.
an honourable person of some financial standing or having Our life will be pleasant and worth living if we develop our
executive power gives us a guarantee or stands surety for 'Imaan' to an extent where two rakaats of salaat, in our
meeting any of our requirements of this world, we feel sight, are more valuable than all the riches of this world.
quite satisfied and happy and we consider it our duty to salaat is really a great treasure and that is why the Prophet
remain obliged and devoted to him. Here Allah the Abso- (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has called it 'the comfort of
lute Sovereign of both the worlds, is giving the guarantee his eyes' and had been enjoining its observance right up to
and is standing surety for the real success after death in his last breath. Umme Salamah (Radhiyallaho anha) nar-
return for five times daily salaat, which does not involve rates that the last words of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
much effort on our part. If even then we do not avail of the wasallam), which he could hardly utter, were about guard-
opportunity, we shall have none to blame, but ourselves for ing the salaat and kindness towards the slaves. There is a
the dreadful doom that awaits us. similar hadith narrated by Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho)
as well.
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once deputed
in Jihaad a Jamaat towards Najd. They returned victorious
very soon with a handsome booty. When the Prophet (Sal-
lallaho alaihe wasallam) saw the people envying them and
wondering at their quick and lucrative return, he said to
them, "Shall I inform you of a group of people who earn
much more in a much shorter time? They are those who
26 Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 27

perform their Fajr with Jamaat and keep sitting after prayer people frequenting the musjid are spared and
till a little while after sunrise and then offer two rakaats of saved. "
salaat." According to Shaqeeq Balkhi, a very famous 12. "If some major sins of a Muslim land him in Hell,
Shaikh, five things could be acquired through five chan- the fire would not burn those parts of his body
nels; an increase in provisions through 'Chaasht' a light in which have touched the ground while he was in
the grave through Tahajjud, a very satisfactory answer to sajdah during his salaat."
Munkar and Nakeer through the recitation of the Qur'an; an
easy crossing of Siraat through fasting and alms, and room 13. "Fire has been forbidden to touch those parts of
under the shade of Allah's Throne on the Day of Judgement the body which touch the ground while perform-
through seclusion (i.e. Zikr). ing the sajdah." %
0 4

There are so many sayings of the Holy Prophet (Sallal-

laho alaihe wasallam) enjoining salaat and explaining its
14. "Of all the practices, salaat made at fixed hours is
most loved by Allah." 85
L V ~
virtues that it is very difficult to cover all of them in this 15. "Allah likes most the posture of a person when he
small book. A few quotations are, however, reproduced is in sajdah, pressing his forehead on the ground
below as a benediction: in humility."
1. "Salaat was the first and the foremost thing or- 16. "A person in sajdah is nearest unto Allah."
dained by Allah, and it shall be the first and the
foremost thing to be reckoned for on the Day of 17. "Sa1aa.t is a key to Paradise."
Judgement." 18. "When a person stands in salaat the gates of Par-
2. "Fear Allah in the matter of salaat! Fear Allah in adise are let open and all the veils between him
the matter of salaat! Fear Allah in the matter of and Allah are lifted (provided that he spoils not
salaat!. his salaat by coughing etc)."
3. "SalCat intervenes between man and Shirk." 19. "A person in salaat (so to say) knocks at the door
of the sovereign Lord, and the door is always
4. "Salaat is the mark of Islam. A person who says opened for him who knocks."
his salaat at the fixed hours with sincerity and de-
votion, observing all its regulations including the 20. "The position of salaat in Islam is as the position
Mustahabbaat, is surely a Mo'min." of the head in a body."
5. "Of all things that have been ordained by Allah, 21. "Salaat is the light of the heart. Let those who
Imaan and salaat are the most valued. If there were wish enlighten their hearts (through salaat)".
any otber thing better than salaat, then Allah 22. "If a person wishes to have his sins forgiven by
would have ordained it for His Angels, some of Allah, he should perform the wudhu properly,
whom are always in ruku and others in sajdah." offer with devotion two or four rak'aats of fardh or
nafl and then pray to Allah. Allah will forgive
6. "Salaat is the pillar of Islam." him."
7. "Salaat abases the Devil." 23. "Any strip of earth, on which Allah is remem-
8. "Salaat is the light of a Mo'min." bered in salaat, takes pride over the rest of the
9. "Salaat is the best Jihaad."
24. "Allah accepts the prayer of a person who prays to
10. "Allah keeps relenting towards a person so long as Him after performing two rakaats of salaat. Allah
he is engaged in salaat." grants him what he prays for, sometimes immedi-
11. "When a calamity befalls us from the heaven, ately and sometimes (in his own interest) later."
Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 29

25. "A person who performs two rakaats of salaat in doubt the dignity of a Mo'min is in Tahajjud and
seclusion, where nobody except Allah and His his honour is in contentment and restraint."
Angels see him, receives a writ of deliverance 38. "Two rakaats in the late hours of the night are more
from the fire of hell." valuable than all the riches of this world. But for
26. "Grant of one prayer (wish) becomes due to a fear of hardship to my followers, I would have
person from Allah after each fardh salaat per- made these obligatory."
formed by him." 39. "Keep offering Tahajjud, for it is the path of the
27. "Fire of Hell is forbidden and the Paradise be- righteous and the means of approach to Allah. Ta-
comes due to a person who performs his wudhu hajjud keeps one away from sins, causes forgive- (r
properly and says his salaat conscientiously, ness of sins and improves the health of the body." 0%
according to its regulations." 3 B
40. "Allah says, '0, son of Aadam! Do not be weak in g3
28. "The Devil remains scared of a Muslim so long as offering four rakaats in the early part of the day, 5
he is particular about his salaat, but no sooner for I shall suffice thee in thy jobs in the rest of it."
does he neglect it than the Devil gets a hold upon
him and aspires for success in seducing him." Books of hadith are full of discourses on the virtues of
salaat, enjoining its observance on all Muslims. The forty
29. "Salaat at its early hours is the most excellent short hadiths given above can be memorised and thus the
practice." reward of knowing ahaadith in that number can be earned.
30. "Salaat is the offering of the pious." In fact, salaat is really a big boon, but this is realised only
by those who have enjoyed its taste. That is why lile
31. "Salaat at its early hours is a practice most liked Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) used to call it the
by Allah." comfort of his eyes and used to spend the major part of the
32. "At dawn, some people go to the musjid and some
night standing before Allah. For the very same reason, our
to the market. Those going to the musjid are the dear Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) even on his
flag-bearers of Imaan and those leaving for the death-bed charged us and enjoined on us to be particular
market are the flag-bearers of the Devil." about salaat. It has been reported in many ahaadith that the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) would often say,
33. "The four rakaats before Zuhr have the same "Fear Allah concerning salaat." Abdullah bin Mas'ood,
reward as the four rakaats of Tahajjud." (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he heard the Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "Of all the practices,
34. "The four rakaats before Zuhr are counted equal salaat is the dearest to me."
(in reward) to the four rakaats of Tahajjud."
One of the Sahabah narrates, "One night I happened to
35. "Mercy of Allah turns towards a person standing go to the musjid. I found the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
in salaat." sallam) in salaat. I felt an ardent desire to join him. I made

36. "Salaat at the dead of night is most valued, but

my intention and stood behind him; he was reciting 'Baqa-
there are very few who do it." rah' at that time. I thought that he would finish the qiraat
and go for ruku at the end of the hundredth verse, but he
37. "Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) came to me and said, did not do so. Then I thought he would perhaps go to ruku
0, Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)! how- after finishing two hundred verses, but he did not stop
ever long thou livest thou shalt die one day, and even there. I was sure then that he would finish qiyaam
whoever, thou may love thou shalt depart from with the end of the soorah. When the soorah ended he
him one day. Surely, thou shalt receive the recom- hymned, 'Allahumma Lakalhamd' (Allah! Thine is all
pense of whatever (good or evil) thou dost. No Glory) a number of times and then started 'Aal Imraan'. On
30 Virtues of Salaat Part I (a)-Importance of Salaat 31
finishing that soorah he again hymned 'Allahumma Lakal- devote the whole day to Tableegh, Ta'leem and other ser-
hamd' three times and started 'al-Maa'idah'. He went into vices in the path of Allah. Maulana Abdul Waahid Lahori
ruku only after finishing that soorah. In ruku and sajdah (peace be upon him) was a famous saint who lived about
he recited tasbeeh and some other prayers, which I could
not catch. In the second, rakaat he started 'al-An'aam' after two centuries ago. He sighed and wept when he learnt that
'Fatihah'. I could not continue with him any longer and there was no salaat in Paradise-being the place for recom-
broke away helplessly." What the Prophet (Sallallaho pense and not of labour. He remarked, "How shall we
alaihe wasallam) recited in one fakaat comes to about one enjoy the Paradise without salaat!" Such people are really
sixth of the whole Qur'an. Besides, the Prophet (Sallallaho the salt of this Earth. May Allah give us their strength of
alaihe wasallam) must be reciting at ease with proper Taj- Imaan and love for His worship! Aameen.
weed; we can well imagine how long the rakaat would Before I finish this chapter, let me reproduce the fol-

have been. It was on this account that his feet would often Y,
get swollen. But no amount of strain and inconvenience in
lowing lovely Hadith from Munabbihaat by Ibn Hajar,
"Once when the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was
salaat is in the way of one whose heart is imbued with its sitting among his companions, he remarked, "Three things $*
sweetness. of this world are very dear to me: Perfume, Women and sa-
Abu Ishaaq Subaihi is a famous muhaddith. He died a laat-the comfort of my eyes." "Quite true" rejoined Abu
centenarian. He would often exclaim in his old age, "Alas! Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho), "And I cherish three things: a
This infirmity and old age have deprived me of the delight look at thy face, spending of my wealth on thee and that
of long salaat. I am now only able to recite 'Baqarah' and my daughter is thy wife, 0 Prophet of Allah!" "Quite true",
'Aal-Imraan' in my salaat of two rakaats." These two soo- said Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho), "And the three I
rahs comprise about one eighth of the whole Qur'an. love most are; enforcing that which is right, forbidding evil
Muhammad bin Sammaak, the famous Soofi, writes, and wearing old clothes." "Quite true", said Hadhrat
"My neighbour at Koofah had a son. The boy fasted during Uthman (Radhiyallaho anho), "And the three I love most
the day and kept praying and hymning during the night. are: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and reciting the
This constant strain emaciated him so much that his body Qur'an." "Quite true", said Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho
was reduced to a skeleton. His father requested me to ad- anho). "And I love the three things most: serving a guest,
monish him. Once I was sitting at my door when the boy fasting on a very hot day and smiting the enemy with my
passed by. He greeted me with 'Assalaamu alaikum' and sat sword." At this, Jibra-eel (Alayhis salaam) appeared on the
down. I had hardly said anything when he interrupted scene and said to the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam),
saying, 'Dear Uncle! Maybe you intend to admonish me to "Allah has sent me to tell you what I would love if I be one
reduce my pursuits. Listen to my story first. I had a few of the mortals." "Yes, do tell us, Jibra-eel", said the
friends in the locality. We decided among ourselves to vie Prophet. jibra-eel then replied, "If I had been like you, I
with one another in worship and adoration of Allah. They would have loved three things: guiding the people gone
all applied themselves so hard that they were soon sent for astray, loving those who worship in poverty and helping
by Allah. They embraced death delightedly and peacefully. the poor family men. And as for Allah, He loves three
Now I am the only one left behind. What will they think of I
characteristics of His slaves: striving in His Path, crying at
me when they know of my lagging behind? Dear Uncle! My the time of repentance, and steadfastness in want and
friends really strived very hard and achieved their goal,' He hunger."
then began to relate the pursuits and accomplishments of
his departed friends, which astonished all the listeners. Hafiz Ibn Qayyim writes: 'Salaat ensures daily bread,
After this he left me. I heard a few days later that the boy promotes health, drives out diseases, strengthens the heart,
too had died (May Allah bless him)." brings light and beauty on the face, pleases the soul, re-
Even in these days there are persons who remain en- freshes the body, cures indolence, relieves the mind, feeds
gaged in salaat for the major portion of the night and the soul, illumines the heart and guarantees Allah's favour.
It grants protection against Allah's Doom. It keeps the Devil
32 Virtues of Salaat

away and brings us nearer to Allah. In short, salaat is a

guarantee for all that is desirable and a protection against
all that is undesirable for both body and soul, equally in
this world and in the Hereafter."
The books on hadith mention very severe punishment
for those who neglect salaat. From many traditions on the
s,ubject, only a few are reproduced in this chapter.
Although a single warning from the most truthful Prophet E,
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was enough, yet we find that,
out of love and mercy for his followers, he has cautioned
them again and again and in various manners lest they
should neglect salaat and suffer the consequences. In spite
of all this, alas! we are unmindful of salaat, and still we
have the audacity to consider ourselves devotees of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and champions of

Hadhrat Jaabir bin Abdullah (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-

rates that he heard the Prophet of Allah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) saying:
1. "To discard salaat is to be linked with Kufr."
2. "To discard salaat is to be linked with Kufr and
3. "Discarding of salaat is the only partition between
Imaan and Kufr."
There are a number of ahaadith on the subject. On one
occasion, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is
reported to have said: "Hurry up with your salaat when it
34 Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat 35

is cloudy (lest you should err and miss the correct time), Allah, though you may be cut into pieces or burnt alive or
for to discard salaat is to become a kaafir." What a stern crucified; do not discard salaat intentionally, as Allah is
warning against even missing the correct time of salaat, as free from any obligation to a person who knowingly neg-
(according to this quotation) to miss the correct time of lects salaat; and do not take wine, for that is the key to all
salaat is to discard it. Although, according to the interpreta- vices."
tion of the Ulama, the verdict of kufr is given against a
person only when he rejects (and not simply neglects)
salaat, yet the words of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) occurring in these ahaadith should be very weighty
for those who have any regard for him. It may, however, be
noted that some of the very important companions of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) like Umar, Abduilah
bin Mas'ood, Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyallaho anhum),
etc. and eminent jurists like Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ishaaq bin
Raahwayh, Ibn Mubaarak, (Rahmatullah alaihim). etc. are
definitely of the opinion that verdict of kufr can be given
against the person who intentionally discards his salaat.
May Allah save us!

Hadhrat Mu'aaz bin Jabal (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-

rates: "The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) en-
joined upon me ten things, viz, 'Do not ascribe
anything as partner unto Allah, though you may be
slain or burnt alive; do not disobey your parents.
though you may have to part with your wife or your
entire wealth; do not neglect fardh salaat, intention-
ally, for Allah is free from obligation to a person who
neglects fardh salaat intentionally; do not take wine,
for it is an evil habit; that is the root of every uice; do
Hadhrat IJbaadah bin Saamit (Radhiyallaho anho) nar- not commit disobedience of Allah, for that brings the
rates. 'My. dear friend the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wrath of Allah. Do not turn your back to the enemy in
wasallam) while enjoining upon me seven good prac- battle, though all your comrades may have fallen. Do
tices said, "Do not ascribe anything as partner to Allah, not fly from the locality where an epidemic has broken
though you may be cut into pieces or burnt alive or out. Do spend on your family members according to
crucified; do not forego salaat intentionally, lest you your capacity; let your rod be hanging on them, as a
should get out of the fold of Islam; do not perpetrate warning and to chastise against neglect of their duties
disobedience of Allah, lest you deserve His wrath; and towards Allah."
do not take to drinking, for that is the mother of all According to this hadith, we should not spare the roci
evils'." in checking the children from becoming reckless ih doing
In another hadith, Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anything they like. Sometimes it is necessary to use the
anho) says, "My dear Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) rod. It is a pity that out of love we do not use the rod in the
warned me saying, 'Do not ascribe anything as partner unto beginning and, when the children get spoilt, we cry and
36 Virtues of Salaat Part I (bj-Warning on Discard of Salaat 37

complain about them. To spare the rod and to spoil the we have been cautioned again and again by the Prophet
child is no kindness at all. Who would like to save a child (Sallalaho alaihe wasallam) and we do believe that he was
from a surgical operation under advice from a doctor for really the true Messenger of Allah, yet we heed not the
the simple reason that it would cause pain to him? The caution and go on missing salaat one after the other.
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to have
said very often: "Enjoin salaat on your child when he is Hadith V
seven years old, and beat him if he neglects it after he
reaches ten." Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho
anho) says, "Guard the salaat of your children and incul-
cate good habits in them". Luqmaan t$e wise used to say,
"The use of the rod on a child is as indispensable as is -
water for the fields." The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he heard Icg
lam) is reported to have said, "A person while admonish- the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "A 8
ing his children earns more reward from Allah than when person who combines two salaats without any strong
he is spending about seven pounds of grain in His path." In excuse reaches one of the doors of kabaa'ir (major
another hadith the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) sins)."
has said, "May Allah bless a person who keeps a lash hang-
ing in his house for the admonition of his house-folk." On Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyellahd anho) reports that the
another occasion he said, "No father can bestow anything Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said, "Do not
better on his children than to teach them good manners." delay in three things: salaat when its time has set in, burial
when the bier is ready and marriage of a solitary woman
when her match is found." Many persons who consider
themselves as practical Muslims perform a number of their
salaats in combination on returning home, on the very
feeble excuses of travel, trade or occupation. To put salaat
off till after its set time without a strong excuse (illness,
etc) is a major sin. Although it is not so disastrous as neg-
lecting salaat, yet it is quite serious.
Hadhrat Naufil bin Mu'aawiyah (Radhiyallaho anho) Hadith VI
narrates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) saying, "A person who has missed one
salaat is like one who has lost all his family and
Salaat is missed usually when either a person is in the
company of his family members or is in pursuit of money.
According to this hadith, the ultimate loss sustained in
missing a salaat is in no way less than the loss of the whole
family and property. In other words, if we miss a salaat we
should be as much grieved as when we lose all of our folk Abdullah bin Amr (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that
and entire belongings. If we are cautioned by some reliable once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) while
person about the presence of gangsters on a certain road, talking about salaat said: "For its votary, salaat "shall on
where people are robbed and killed during the night, we the Day of Judgement, be a light for him, an argument
need a lion's heart to ignore the caution and travel on that in his favour, and a means of his deliverance. Whereas
road even during the day time. Strange enough to note that there will be no light, no defence and no deliverance
Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat 39

from doom for him who does not guard his salaat, and have the slightest doubt about his own death; but where do
he shall meet the fate of Pharoah, Haamaan and Ubbay we stand? Although we believe in him as the greatest
bin Khalaf." Prophet of Allah, consider his words to be most genuine
and boast of our love for him, yet how far do we act upon
Everybody knows that Pharoah-the big disbeliever-- his advice and how much do we fear the punishments
had been so arrogant that he proclaimed himself 'Lord the about which he has warned us! It is for each one of us to
Highest' and made his people worship him. Haamaan was ponder over and answer.
his Chief Minister and accomplice. Ubbay bin Khalaf was Ibn Hajar, while quoting this hadith, has also men-
the most active and severest enemy of Islam among the dis- tioned Qaaroon with Pharaoh and others. He writes: "Shar-
believers of Mecaa. Before the Hijrah, he used to announce ing the fate of these people on the Day of Judgement is due
to the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) most insolently, to the fact that it is often the pursuits specific to these
"I have reared a horse, which I feed very well; I will slay guilty persons which cause neglect of salaat. If, therefore, a
you one day riding on its back." Once the Prophet (Sallal- person neglects salaat due to a craving for wealth, he will
laho alaihe wasallam) replied to him, "Inshaa-allaah! you meet the fate of Qaaroon; if due to love for power,.then that
shall meet your end at my hands." In the battle of Uhud, he of Pharaoh; if due to a yearning for attachment to a ruler,
ran about in the field in search of the Prophet (Sallallaho then that of Haamaan; and if due to occupation in trade
alaihe wasallam) saying, "If Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe then that of Ubbay Bin Khalaf." Meeting the same fate as
wasallam) is not slain today, then I stand no chance of sur- theirs, explains fully the severest tortures in store for those
viving." He at last found the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- who neglect salaat. Although the disbelievers shall have to
sallam) and advanced to attack him. The Companions suffer their doom forever, while the believers will be re-
decided to finish him before he reached the Prophet, but leased after their period of punishment is over and will ul-
the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) stopped them. timately be allowed to enter Paradise, yet this period of
When he came near, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- punishment, who knows, may last for thousands of years.
lam) took a spear from one of the companions and struck
him with it, causing a little scratch on his neck. He stag- Hadith VII
gered and fell down from his horse and then fled towards
his camp crying, "By Allah, Mtlkammad (SaHallaho alaihe
wasalhm) has killed me!" His people tried to cansole him
and told him that it was only a bruise and there was noth-
ing to worry h u t , but he would say, "Muhammad (~allal-
laho alaihe wasellam) had once announced to me in Mecca
that he would kill me. By Allah, had he only spat at me, I
would be no more." It is said that he cried like a bull. Abu
Sufyan, who was very active on that day, put him to shame
for crying in that manner over a slight wound, but he said,
"Do you know who has inflicted this injury upon me? It
was none other than Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam). By Laat and Uzza! if my agony be distributed over all
the people of Hijaaz, none of them would survive. Since
the time he had declared that he would kill me, I was sure
that I would meet my death at his hands. If he only spat at
me after that declaration, I would be no more." So he died
on his way hack, at a day's journey from Mecca.
Look! a disbeliever like Ubbay bin Khalaf is so sure
about the truth of the Prophet's words that he does not
40 Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat 41

for neglecting Maghrib and till dawn for neglecting Ishaa.

The serpent will keep on thrashing him thus till the Last
Day. Each blow pushes him to a depth of seventy arm's
length. The punishments will last till the Day of Judge-
Those after resurrection are: His reckoning will be a
hard one; Allah will be angry with him; and he will be
thrown into the Fire. According to one report, he will have
following three lines inscribed on his forehead:
'0you who neglected Allah's duty'
'0you who has deserved Allah's wrath.'
'Now despair of Allah's mercy, as you neglected our
duty to Allah.'
Eminent theologians like Ibn Hajr, Abu Laith Samar-
qandi (Rahmatullah alaihim), and others, have mentioned
this hadith in their books. Although I have not been able to
trace the text in original books on hadith, yet other hadiths,
some of which have already been mentioned and some are
to follow, corroborate its meaning. Neglect of salaat, as has
been stated above, leads one to kufr; hence no punishment
It is said in a hadith that, Allah bestows five favours on is too severe for this offence. But it should be borne in
a person who is mindful of his salaat, viz: His daily bread mind that even after the declaration of a person as being
is made easy for him; he is saved from the punishments in guilty, Allah is free to pardon him as and when he pleases.
the grave; he shall receive his record in his right hand on He says in His Holy Book:
the Day of Judgement; he shall cross the Siraat with the
speed of lightning and he shall enter Paradise without reck-
oning. As for him who neglects his salaat, he shall meet
five types of punishments in this world, three at the time of "Lo! Allah pardoneth not that partners should be as-
death, three in the grave and three after resurrection. cribed unto Him. Allah pardoneth all (save that) whom
Those in this world are: he is not blessed in life; he is He will. (IV: 116)"
deprived of the light with which the faces of the righteous
are endowed; he receives no rewards for his good practices; If then it pleases Allah to pardon anybody neglecting
his prayers are not answered; and he has no share in the salaat, it will be most fortunate; but who can be sure of this
prayers of the pious. Those at the time of death are: he dies fortune?
disgracefully; he dies hungry; he dies in thirst; which the It is also stated in hadith that there will be three courts
water in the oceans of the world cannot quench. to be held by Allah on the Day of Judgement. The first will
Those in the grave are: He is so squeezed there that the judge between kufr and islaam and there will be no pardon.
ribs of one side penetrate into the ribs of the other side; fire The second will be to judge the duties and conduct of one
is burnt inside for him and he is rolled on cinders day and towards another. All aggrieved shall be compensated there;
night; a serpent with fiery eyes and iron nails equal in compensation will either be realised from the aggressor or
length to a day's journey is let loose on him and shouts paid by Allah Himself, if He pleases to pardon anybody.
with a thundering voice, 'My Lord has charged me with The third will deal with duties towards Allah. Here the
thrashing you till sunrise for neglecting Fajr, till Asr for doors of Allah's mercy will be thrown wide-open and He
neglecting Zuhur, till sunset for neglecting Asr, till Ishaa shall pardon anybody He wills. In the light of all that has
42 Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat 43

been said above, it must be clearly understood that we de- his time in the mosque. Allah shall keep him in comfort
serve the punishments that have been laid down for our and shall make him cross the Siraat with great ease. Surely
commission of sins, but the All-embracing mercy of Allah Allah is pleased with such a person."
overrides everything and knows no,bounds. I
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho anho)
It was a habit with the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- narrates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
sallam) to enquire from the companions, just after Fajr, if
anybody had seen any dream. He would then interpret the I lam) saying: "The masaajid are the Houses of Allah, and
people coming therein are His visitors. When everybody
dream as related to him. One day, after enquiring from
others as usual, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
1 treats his visitors kindly, why should Allah not be kind to
His guests?"
himself narrated a long dream in which two men came and Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-
took him with them. Besides others he reported certain rates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
events which he happened to see in his dream. He said: "I saying: "Allah loves the person who is attached to the
noticed the head of a person being crushed with a heavy musjid."
stone. It was struck with such force that, after crushing the Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates
head, the stone rolled down over a long distance. The head that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
would assume its normal shape by the time the stone was saying, "When a dead person is laid in the grave, even
brought back for repeating the process. This continued in- before the people present at his burial clear off, Munkar
cessantly. On inquiring from one of my companions, I was I and Nakeer visit him. Then, if the person is a Mo'min, his
told that the person first learnt the Qur'an, but failed to good practices encircle him; salaat comes close to his head,
practise upon it and also used to go to sleep without offer-
ing the fardh salaat." There is another similar narration, in
which the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported
1 Zakaat to his right. Fast to his left, and the remaining good
deeds towards his feet, so that none can approach him.
Even the angels do the necessary questioning while stand-
to have seen (in his dream) a group of people being treated ing at a distance."
likewise. Jiba-eel (Alayhis salaam) informed him on his One of the companions reports that, when the inmates
query that thpse were the persons who used to neglect their I of the Prophet's house were hard-pressed in any way, he
salaat. I would enjoin salaat on them and recite the following verse:
Mujahid (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "Allah blesses the
people who guard their salaat, just as he blessed Hadhrat
Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) and his descendants."
Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he
heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "If a "And enjoin salaat upon thy people and be constant
person dies with sincere Imaan, observing the command- therein. We ask not of thee a provision, We provide for
ments of Allah, performing salaat, and paying Zakaat, thee. And the Hereafter is for the righteousness."
when he dies Allah is pleased with him." (XX: 132).
Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) also narrates that
he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, Asma (Radhiyallaho anha) narrates that she heard the
"Allah says, 'I hold back retribution, deserved by a locality, Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "All the
when I see therein some people who frequently visit the people will be gathered together on the Day of Judgement
musjid, love one another for My sake, and pray for forgive- and they will all hear the voice of the announcing angel.
ness in the hours of darkness." He will say, 'where are those who glorified Allah in ease
Hadhmt Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) wrote to and adversity?' A group will rise up and enter Paradise
Hadhrat Salmaan: "Spend most of your time in the musiid. without reckoning. It will then be announced, 'where are
I have heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) those who forsook their beds and spent their nights in
saying, "The musjid is the abode of the pious. Allah has worship?' Another group will rise up and enter Paradise
taken upon Himself to bless the person who spends most of without reckoning. The angel will again announce, 'where
44 Virtues of Salaat i 45
I Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat

are those whom trade and business did not distract from re- placed His gracious hand on my bosom. I felt its solacing
membrance of Allah?" Yet another group will rise u p and coolness right through my heart, and the entire universe
enter Paradise.' In another hadith, the same account is was revealed to me. I said. 'They are arguing about the
given, with the addition that in the beginning the angel things which exalt, the things which atone for the sins, the
will say. "All those gathered here will see today who are rewards for the paces taken while going for salaat (with
the honoured people", and with the modification that the Ja~naat), the virtues of performing wudhu properly when it
angel at the time of third announcement will say, 'Where was very cold, and the blessings that a person deserves
are those whom their engagement i n trade and business did when after performing one salaat he keeps on sitting in
not distract from salaat and remembrance of Allah?" musjid till the next salaat.' A person particular of these
Sheik Nasr Samarqandi (Rahmatullah alaih), after shall live a blessed life and shall die an enviable death."
quoting this Hadith writes, "When all the three groups will The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported
have entered Paradise without reckoning, a monster with a (in many ahaadith) to have said, "Allah says, '0, Son of
long neck. shining eyes and most eloquent tongue will rise Aadam! Say four rakaats of salaat in the early part of the
up from Hell and say. 'I have been deputed on all who are day. I shall help thee in accomplishing all thy jobs during
proud and ill-tempered.' It will then pick up all such per- the rest of the day."
sons from the crowd, as a fowl picks u p grain and then it , It is said in a hadith: "Salaat is the cause of Allah's
will fling them into the Hell. It will rise up again saying, l
pleasure, is loved by the Angels, is a tradition of the Proph-
'This time i have been deputed on all who maligned Allah ets, gives enlightenment about Allah, causes the prayers to
and His Apostle' (Sallallaho alaihe wassallam).' It will then be granted, blesses the daily bread, is the root of Imaan, re-
pick up all such persons and throw them into the Hell; it freshes the body, is a weapon against the enemy, shall in-
will appear for the third time and will, in a similar manner, tercede for its adherent, is a light in the darkness and a
take away all those who made images and pictures. The companion in the loneliness of the grave, is a reply to the
reckoning will then commence after these three groups questioning of Angels, is a shade against the Sun on the
have been eliminated." Day of Judgement, is a protection against the fire of Hell, is
It is said that during the early times people could see a weight for the scales of good deeds, is a means of swift
Satan. A person approached him saying how could he be crossing over the Siraat arid is a key to Paradise."
like him. Satan told him that had he never received such a Hadhrat Uthmarl (Radhiyallaho anho) is reported to
request before and asked hin? what had prornpted him to have said. "Allah bestows nine fdvours on a person who
ask for it. The person told him that he wished it from his guards his salaat and is particular in performing it at its ap-
heart. Satan told him to neglect his salaat and to swear very pointed hours: viz; He is loved by Allah, he enjoys good
frequently, not caring whether he was doir~git truthfully. health, is constantly under the protection of angels, his
The person told Satan that he would swear by Allah never home is blessed, the light of righteousrless shines on his
to give up salaat and swear falsely. Satan told him that face, his heart is made soft, he shall cross the Siraat with
never before he had been tricked by a human being to seek the speed of lightning, he is saved from Hell, and his neigh-
his advice. He was determined never to do so in future. bours in Paradise are those about whom Allah has said.
Xadhrat Ubayv (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he
heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying,
"Give glad tidings to the Muslims that they shall be hon-
oured and exalted, and their religion shall prevail, but
there is no portion in the Hereafter for those who exploit 'There shall be no fear come upon them, neither shall
Islam for wordlv gains." they grieve (11: 36).
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "Salaat
have said, "I saw Allah in His best form. He said to me, '0 is the Pillar of Islam and it has ten virtues, viz: It is a charm
'Muhammad! what are the Highest Chiefs (Angels) arguing of the face, a light of the heart, health and refreshment for
about'?' I said, 'I have no knowledge about that.' Allah the bodv, a companv in the grave, a means for the descent
46 Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)- Warning on Discard of Salaat 47

of Allah's Mercy, a key to the Heaven, a weight of the Hadith VIII

scales (of good deeds) a means of winning Allah's pleasure,
a price of Paradise and a protection against the fire of Hell.
A person who is particular of salaat, in fact, establishes
deen and one who neglects it demolishes (so to say, the
structure of) deen."
According to one hadith, there is healing in salaat.
Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saw Hadhrat
Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) lying on his stomach. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to
He said to him, ".Are you suffering from stomach pain?" He have said, "A person neglecting his salaat (even
replied in the affirmative. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe though he makes it up later) shall remain in Hell for a 2*
wasallam) said, "Then get up and busy yourself in salaat, period of one Haqb. A Haqb is equal to eighty years of 3
for that will heal you." three hundred and sixty days each, and a day in the gz
Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), in his Hereafter shall equal one thousand years of this T
dream, saw Paradise and heard the footsteps of Hadhrat world."
Bilaal (Radhiyallaho anha) there. Next morning he said to Abul Laith Samarqandi (Rahmatullah alaih) is respon-
Bilaal: What deed of yours helped you to follow me even to sible for the lladith i n which the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
Paradise?" He replied: "When my wudhu breaks even at wasallam) is reported to have said, "The name of a person
night, I take a fresh wudhu and say as many 'rakaats' of who neglects even a single fardh salaat intentionally is
nafl salaat as I can." written on the gate of the Hell, which he must enter."
Safeeri (Rahmatullah alaih) writes: "The Angels ad- Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that .once
dress a person who misses Fajr as '0 you wrongdoer', and the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "Pray, 0
one who neglects Zuhr as '0 you loser', and one who ig- Allah! cause not any one of us to be a wretched destitute.'?
nores Asr as '0 you transgressor', and one who omits He then said: "Do you know who is a wretched destitute?"
Maghrib as '0 you kaafir', and one who does not say Ishaa At the'request of the companions, he explained to them
as '0 you violator of Allah's commandments." saying, "A wretched destitute is he who neglects his salaat.
Alama Sha'raani (Rahmatullah alaih) writes: "It should In Islaam there is nothing for him." In another hadith it is
be clearly understood that a calamity is drawn off from a said, "Allah will not care a bit for the person who has been
locality the people of which are particular about salaat, neglecting salaat intentionally, and for him shall be an
whereas a locality the people of which neglect salaat is fre- awful doom."
quently visited by calamities. Earthquakes, thunderbolts It is reported in a hadith that ten persons will be
and sinking of houses are not unexpected where people are specially tormented, and one of them will be the person
not particular about salaat. Simply guarding one's own who neglects his salaat. It is said that his hands will be tied
salaat is not enough, because when a calamity strikes, it while the angels shall smite him on his face and back. Par-
does not befall the wrongdoers alone. It affects everybody adise will tell him, 'In me there is no room for you,' and
in that locality. Once the Sahabah asked the Prophet (Sal- Hell will sav to him, 'Come to me. You are for me and I am
lallaho alaihe wasallam): "Can we perish while there are for you.' It is also reported that there is a valley in Hell
pious people among us?" the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe named Lamlam. This vallev is infested with serpents as fat
wasallam) replied, "Yes, if vice becomes predominant." It as the neck of a camel and as long as one month's journey.
is therefore necessary that other people should also be en- A person neglecting salaat shall be tormented in this
joined to stick to Allah's commandments and refrain from valley. 111 another hadith, i t is reported that there is a vale
wrongdoing. in the Hell. which is krlown as the Pit of Grief; it is infested
with scorpions of the size of a mule. This place is also
meant for tormenting the people who neglect salaat. Of
course, there is nothing to worry if the most merciful Allah
48 Virtues of Salaat Part I (b)-Warning on Discard of Salaat 49

pardons the sins. But are we really prepared to ask for His the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, 'A person
pardon? who does not say his salaat shall stand before Allah while
Ibn Hajar writes, "A woman died. Her brother was pres- Allah shall be angry with him." The companions of the
ent at her burial. By chance his purse fell into the grave Prophet would rather like to go blind than to forego salaat
and was buried with the dead body. The brother realized (though permissible under such circumstances) even for a
this after he had returned home and was very sorry for the few days. When on his last day Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyal-
loss. He decided to dig up the grave secretly and take out laho anho) was stabbed by a Majoos, he often remained un-
the purse. When he dug it up, he saw that the pit was in conscious and eventually died due to excessive bleeding.
flames. He returned home, stricken with grief, and related While on his death-bed, he was made conscious of the ap-
the story to his mother, and inquired if she knew why it proaching salaat hours and he performed salaat in that very
was so. The mother informed him that his sister used to condition, and would remark: "There is no lot in Islaam for 2
delay in salaat and offered it after its fixed hours. May a person who does not say his salaat." These days it is con-
Allah save us from these habits! sidered unkind and improper to induce the patient or even
allow him to say his salaat. What a world of difference is
Hadith IX there between the view-points and approach of the Mus-
lims of these two ages!
Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho. anho) once requested the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to give him a servant.
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said "Here are
three slaves; take any one you like." Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyal-
laho anho) said, "You may kindly choose one for me." The
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) pointed towards a cer-
tain man and said, "Take this one; he is particular about
his salaat. But you are not to beat him. We are forbidden to
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates beat one who says salaat." We, on the other hand, mock at
that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) our servant and consider him a liability if he goes for
saying: "There is no place in Islaam for a person who salaat.
does .not say his salaat, and there is no salaat without Sufyaan 'rhauri (Rahmatullah alaih), the famous Soofi
wudhu." Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiyallaho once fell into a state of ecstasy. He remained in his house
anho) also heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- for seven days without sleep, food and drink. When his
lam) saying. "There is no Islaam in a person when Shaikh was informed of his condition, he inquired if Su-
there is no salaat by him. The position of salaat in fyaan was observing the hours of his salaat. He was told
Islaam is as the position of the head in a body." that his salaat was quite regular and safe. At this, the
Shaikh remarked, "Glory be to Allah, Who has not allowed
Let those who do not offer salaat, and not onlv call the Devil to have an upper hand on him! "
themselves Muslims, but also boast of their being cham-
pions of the Muslim cause, ponder over these words of the
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). They dream of
reviving the past glory of Islaam. but would not care to
know how rigidly the people responsible for that glory
stuck to the practices of Islaam.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhivallaho anho) suf-
fered from cataract of the eve. People told him that the dis-
ease could be treated, but he would have to miss his salaat
for a few days. He said: "This is not possible; I have heard
Part I1 (a)-Rewards of Jamaat 51
in His word; and who realize the value of the blessings and
reward in the Hereafter. It is in respect of such people that
Allah says:
"Men, whom neither merchandise nor sale beguileth
As has already been said in tne foreword, there are many then from remembrance of Allah and constancy in
who say their salaat regularly but are not very particular salaat." (XXIV;37).
about Jamaat. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is
as emphatic in enjoining Jamaat as he is particular about
salaat. This part also consists of two chapters. The first
It is said of Saalim Haddaad (Rahmatullah alaih] (a
trader and a great Soofi) that on hearing Azaan he would
deals with the rewards of Jamaat and the second with the
turn pale and grow restless. He would stand up immedi-
ately, leaving his shop open and recite these couplets:- .Ez
consequences of its neglect.
1. "When Thy summoner stands up to summon,
CHAPTER I quickly I stand up.
To respond to (the summons of) The Mighty Lord
REWARDS OF JAMAAT Who hath no peer."
2. "I reply to the summons with complete submis-
Hadith I sion and cheer, 'Here am I, 0 Bountiful One."
3. "My face grows pale with awe and fear, and occu-
pation in Thee distracts me from all other occupa-
4. "I swear by Thee, naught is dear to me save Thy
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiyallaho anha) nar- remembrance.
rates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- Nothing is more ravishing for me than Thy sweet
sallam) saying: "A salaat with Jamaat is twenty-seven name. "
times superior to salaat performed individually."
5. "0,will th'ere be a time for us to be together?
When we offer our salaat for getting reward from A lover is happy only when he is with his love."
Allah, then why should it not be done in the musjid, where
the reward earned is twenty-seven times more. Nobody 6. "He whose eyes have seen the light of Thy Beauty
will be so unwise as to forego a profit twenty-seven times Can never be solaced. He must die yearning for
greater with simply a little extra labour. But we are so in- Thee."
different about the profits promised for our religious prac- It is said in a hadith: "People frequenting the musjid
tices! This can be due to nothing but our disregard for deen are its pegs (dwellers). Angels are their companioris and
and the rewards of it. It is a pity that we apply ourselves so visit them when they are sick and help them when they are
hard to acquiring the trifling gains in this material world; at their jobs."
but are so unmindful of the gains in the Hereafter, which
yield twenty-seven times more with a little extra effort. We Hadith I1
often argue that for going to the musjid for Jamaat we have
to close the shop and will thus lose business. These pre-
texts and others of the kind cannot stand in the way of
those who have perfect faith in the Greatness of Allah, and
52 Virtues of Salaat Part 11 (a)-Rewards of Jamaat 53
Some others have brought forward a still finer explana-
tion. They say that the reward for salaat with Jamaat men-
tioned in this Hadith is not merely 25 times but a doubling
(2 raised to the power) twenty-five times, which comes to
33,554,432times. This is something not beyond the bounti-
ful Mercy of Allah. When neglect of one salaat can cause
punishment in Hell for one Huqb (as we have seen in the
last chapter), so much reward for one salaat with Jamaat is
"Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates quite conceivable.
that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has also ex-
saying, "Salaat with Jamaat is twenty-five times plained to us how the reward goes on increasing in the case
superior to salaat which is said in a house or in a shop. of a person who, after~erformingwudhu, leaves his house
It is so because when a person performs wudhu in with the sole intention of joining Jamaat for salaat in the
right earnest and walks on to the musjid, with the sole musjid. Each step he takes, brings one reward as well as
intention of performing salaat, each step he takes, adds washes away one sin. Banu Salama, a clan in Madina, had
one blessing to his account and wipes out one sin their houses at some distance. They intended to shift close
therefrom. Again, if he keeps sitting in the musjid to the musjid. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
(with wudhu of course) after the salaat is over, the however, advised them saying: "Stay where you are. Every
angels keep on seeking Allah's blessing and forgive- step you take when coming to musjid is written in your
ness for him. And as long as he keeps sitting in the account." It is said in a hadith: "The likeness of a person
musjid waiting for salaat, he goes on earning rewards performing wudhu at home and then leaving for musjid is
as if he is busy in salaat." as the likeness of of a person who, after dressing in the
ihraam (Hajj apparel) at his house, leaves for Hajj".
In Hadith No. I, the superiority of salaat with Jamaat Further, in the same hadith, the Prophet (Sallallaho
over that offered individually is described as being twenty- alaihe wasallam) points to another act of great value; i.e., as
seven times more, while this hadith mentions only twenty- long as one remains sitting in musjid after the salaat is
five times. Various theologians have discussed at length over, the angels pray for him asking for forgiveness and
this seeming inconsistency. The following are some of the mercy. The angels are the innocent and holy creation of
1. "This variation from twenty-five to twenty-seven
1 Allah. So, the effectiveness of their prayers is self-evident.
Muhammad bin Samaak (Rahmatullah alaih) is a
is due to variation of ikhlaas (sincerity) in differ- famous theologian and Sheikh. He died at the age of one
ent individuals." I
hundred and three. He used to perform two hundred
rakaats of nafl salaat daily. He writes: "For forty years, I
2. "In Sirri (quiet) salaat (i.e., Zuhr and Asr), it is never _missed the first takbeer of salaat with Jamaat, except
twenty-five times, while in Jahri (loud) salaat (i.e., once when my mother had died." The same Shaikh writes:
Fajr, Maghrib and Ishaa), it is twenty-seven 1 "Once I missed the Jamaat. As I knew that salaat with
times." Jamaat was twenty-five times superior, I repeated this
3. "In Fajr and Ishaa, when it is somewhat incon- salaat (individually) twenty-five times to make up the loss.
venient to go out due to cold and darkness, it is I heard in my dream some one saying to me, 'Muhammad!
twenty-seven times, but in other salaats it is You have repeated your salaat 25 times (in the hope of
twenty-five times." making good the loss), but what about the 'Aameen' by the
Angels?" It is reported in many ahaadith that when the
4. "In the beginning it was twenty-five times, but Imaam says 'Aameen' after Fatihah, the Angels also say
subsequently Allah (by special favour on the fol- Aameen and all the past sins of a person whose Ameen
lowers of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) coincides with that of the Angels are forgiven. This is
raised the reward to twenty-seven times."
54 Virtues of Salaat Part II (a)-Rewards of Jarnaat 55

carding the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe

possible only in a salaat with Jamaat, hence Maulana wasallam) and no sooner you desert his Sunnah than
Abdul Hayy quoting this story about the Shaikh writes: you go astray. When a person performs wudhu cor-
"Even if a person goes on repeating his salaat (individ- rectly and then leaves for the musjid, at each step that
ually) a thousand times, he cannot get the collective bless- he takes, he gets one blessing and has one sin wiped
ing of a salaat with Jamaat." This is obvious. He not only out. During the lifetime of the Prophet (Sallallaho
loses 'Aameen' with the Angels, but also the blessings of alaihe wasallam) no one would miss Jamaat except an
the congregation and the prayers of the Angels after salaat, open munaafiq or a real invalid. Even the munaafiq
with many other spiritual benefits. This should also be dared not miss the Jamaat and a sick person who could
borne in mind that the prayers of Angels can be deserved be taken to the musjid with the help of two men would
only when the salaat is a proper one. If the salaat qf a be helped to join Jamaat." 0 ,
person is not, as it should be (according to hadith) it is C
o a
flung back like a dirty rag at his face, then how can the This shows the extreme vigilance of the Sahabah over 3
Angels pray for him? their salaat with Jamaat. Even a sick person was brought to S
the musjid somehow or other, even though it needed two
Hadith 111 men to help him. This concern was quite natural when
they found the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) him-
self so very particular about it. It is said that when the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was on his deathbed,
and he would frequently faint, he succeeded in making
wudhu after several attempts and, though he could hardly
stand, went to the musjid with the help of Hadhrat Abbas
(Radhiyallaho anho) and another companion. Hadhrat Abu
Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) led the salaat at his instance, and
he himself joined the Jamaat."
Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that
the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said to him,
"Worship your Lord as if you see Him before you, count
yourself among the dead, beware of the curse of the
wronged ones and, even if you could crawl to the musjid,
do not miss Ishaa and Fajr with Jamaat."
It is said in another hadith, "Ishaa and Fajr are very
heavy on those who are munaafiq. If they knew the reward
of the Jamaat, they would go to the musjid and join the
Jamaat even if they had to crawl."

Hadith IV
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Masood (Radhiyallaho anho)
says: "If one wishes to meet Allah on the Day of Judge-
ment as a Muslim, he must say his salaat at a place
where Azaan is called out, viz., a musjid, as Allah has
prescribed through His Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) such practices which are nothing but guid-
ance through and through: and salaat (with Jamaat) is Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates
one of them. If you start saying your salaat at your that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
houses ( and so is doing), then vou will be dis-
Virtues of Salaat Part II (a)-Rewards of Jamaat 57

saying, "A person who in all sincerity is constant in Hadith VI

his salaat with Jamaat for forty days, without missing
the first takbeer, recieves two awards: one for deliv-
erance from Hell and the ~ t h e rfor freedom from
If a person is regular in his salaat (with sincerity) for
forty days and joins the Jamaat from the very start (i.e.,
when the Imaam calls out his first takbeer), then he shan
neither be a munaafiq nor shall he go to Hell. A munaafiq
is a person who feigns being a Muslim, but there is kufr in Hadhrat Qubaath bin Ashyam Allaithi (Radhiyallaho %*
his heart., Genesis of man (according to hadith) takes place anho) narrates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe 4
in periods of forty days. This seems to be the significance wasallam) saying, "Two persons performing salaat together -g3
of forty days in this hadith, and so the Soofis attach import- with one as Imaam are liked by Allah more than four per- +
ance to this period (called Chillah in Urdu) for purposes of sons saying salaat individually. Similarly four persons per-
spiritual discipline. forming salaat with Jamaat are liked by Allah more than
Lucky indeed are the persons who do not miss their eight persons saying it individually. Similarly again, eight
first takbeer for years together. persons performing salaat with Jamaat are liked by Allah
more than one hundred persons saying it individually."
Hadith V In another hadith it is said, "A big Jamaat is more pre-
fered by Allah than a small Jamaat." Some people think
that there is no harm in having a small Jamaat of their own
at their houses or at their business premises. This is not
correct, as in the first place they are deprived of the reward
of saying salaat in the musjid and secondly, they lose the
blessing of salaat with a big Jamaat. The bigger the congre-
gation, the more pleasing it is to Allah. When our sole dim
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates is to achieve the pleasure of Allah, why should we not
that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) adopt a manner more pleasing to Him. It is reported in a
saying, "A person who performs wudhu scrupulously, hadith that Allah is pleased to see three things, namely, a
and then goes to the musjid and finds that Jamaat is row of worshippers offering salaat with Jamaat, a persor,
over, receives a reword equal to that of Jamaat. This busy in salaat at the time of Tahajjud at the dead of night,
would not diminish anything from the reward of those and a person fighting in the way of Allah."
who have actually performed their salaat with Jamaat."
This is indeed Allah's great favour and beneficence Hadith VII
that the mere effort and a slight exertion is enough to en-
title us to a reward of Jamaat, though actually we fail to
join it. Who is the loser then if we ourselves get left, and
miss the bounties of the most Bountiful?
This hadith also shows that we-should not postpone
going to the musjid in apprehension of the Jamaat being Hadhrat Sahl bin Sa'd (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates
over. Even if we find on reaching the musjid that Jamaat is that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
over, we will still get the reward thereof. If, however, we saying, "Give glad tidings to those who go to the
are certain that the Jamaat is already over, then there is of musjid frequently during hours of darkness, for they
course no idea in going to the musjid for Jamaat. will have perfect light on the Day of Judgement."
58 Virtues of Salaat Part II (a)-Rewards of Jamaat 59

The value of going to .the musjid in the darkness of people would fight with one another if they come
night shall be realised on the dreadful Day of Judgement, to know their rewards. These are: To call out the
when everybody shall be in a very miserable plight. A Azaan; to go to the musjid for Zuhr in the scorch-
person subjecting himself to inconvenience in the hours of ing heat of the sun; and to be in the first line while
darkness in this world shall be more than compensated in in salaat with Jamaat."
the next, as he shall carry with him a light more glorious 4. "Seven persons shall be accommodated under the
than that of the sun. In a hadith it is reported that such per- shade of Allah's mercy on the Day of Judgement,
sons shall occupy the pulpits of light, with no worry at all, when everybody will be most bewildered under
while others will be in utter bewilderment. In another
hadith it is said, "Allah will say on the Day of Judgement,
Where are My neighbours?" The Angels wi!l inquire, "Who
the inconceivably intense heat of the sun. One of
them will be the person whose heart remains -
are Thy neighbours, 0 Allah?'. Allah will reply, 'Those
attached to the musjid. He is anxious to return to
the musjid if he leaves it on any account. Another
3:h m
who used to frequent the mosques." hadith narrates that Allah loves those who love 5
In a hadith it is said, "Of all the places on this Earth, the musjid."
the mosques are the dearest to Allah, and the markets are
the most offensive to Hirn." Each article of faith in Islam is a source of innumerable
In another hadith, the 'masaajid' are called "The gar- blessings and rewards from Allah, and carries boundless
dens of Paradise." benefits showered on those who adhere to it. Besides, no
Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates, commandment of Allah is without a deep significance. It is
"The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said, 'Bear often difficult to understand the full benefits of Allah's
testimony to the Imaan of the person frequenting the commandments, as no one can encompass His Knowledge
musjid, and then he recited the following verse of the and Wisdom. Some of the sages of Islam have tried to
Qur'an' explain the importance of salaat with Jamaat, but their
explanations vary with the extent of their understanding
and their power to probe into Divine secrets. Our respected
Shaikh, Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (may Allah illumine his
"He only shall tend Allah's musjid who believes in grave), in his famous Book 'Hujjatullahil Balighah'
Allah and the L,ast Day." (IV: 18)." writes:-
"To save the people from the fatal effects that their
The following are a few more ahaadith about the vir- own customs and rituals can bring them, there is nothing
tues of salaat with Jamaat:- more useful than to make one of the religious services so
1. "Making wudhu when inconvenient, walking to- common a custom and so public a ritual that it may be per-
wards 'the musjid and sitting there (after one formed openly before everybody by any person, whether he
salaat), waiting for the next salaat, wipe out the be learned or illiterate. The town-folk and the countrymen
sins." should both be equally anxious to observe it. It should
become a subject of rivalry and pride among all of them,
2. "The farther a person lives from the 'musjid' the and ~t should be so universally practised that it becomes
greater the hlessing he receives." This is so be- part and parcel of their social set-up, so much so, that life
cause a person coming from a distance shall have without it may be worthless for them. If this is achieved, it
to walk more and, as already mentioned, every will help in establishing the worship and obedience of
step will fetch him a blessing. For this very reason Allah and will form a very useful substitute for those
some companions have been reported to be taking rituals and customs which could cause them serious harm.
short steps in going to the musjid in order to earn Since salaat is the only religious observance that surpasses
more blessings. all others in importance and universality, both in reason
3. "There are three things in this world for which and authority, it becomes therefore absolutely necessary to
60 Virtues of Salaat

get it established universally by propagating it and by

arranging special congregations, where it can be performed
with absolute unity of form and purpose."
"Further, in every community or religious society. CHAPTER I1
There are a few who have the capacity to lead, while the
rest simply follow. There are some others who can be cor- REPROACH ON GIVING UP JAMAAT
rected with a little counsel or reproach. Then there is a
third grade of people who are very weak in faith and, if Just as Allah has promised rewards and blessings for
they are not made to worship in public, they are prone to adhering to His commandments, so has He warned us of
discard it altogether. It is therefore in the best interests of the woeful consequences and punishments for their neg-
the Islamic society that all its members perform the lect. We are in bondage to Allah and as such it is obligatory
worship collectively and in congregation, so that the delin- on us to obey Him. No compensation or reward is due to us
quents may be distinguished from the observers and the for our obedience to Him. If He gives a reward, it is surely a
shirkers from the adherents. This will also cause the people matter of His extreme favour on us. Similarly no punish-
with less knowledge to follow the Ulama, and make the ig- ments can be too much for us if we disobey Him-our Lord,
norant to learn from the learned the specific requirements for their can be no greater crime for a bondsman than to
of worship. The worshipper will distinguish right from disobey his Master. Hence no warning or premonition was
wrong and genuine from counterfeit, so that the right and required to be imparted. Yet Allah and His Holy Prophet
the genuine may prevail and the wrong and the counterfeit (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) have so very kindly cautioned
may be suppressed." us in various ways, warned us frequently of the conse-
"Besides, these congregations of people loving Allah, quences and explained to us again and again, just to save
seeking His Mercy, constantly fearing Him and having their us from disaster. If even then, we don't take a lesson, who
hearts and souls turned to Him alone, have the wonderful collld there be to save us from the inevitable consequences?
effect of causing His blessings and Mercy to descend from
Heaven. Hadith I
"Moreover, the Muslim community has been raised so
that the word of Allah be held supreme and Islamic Order
be paramount over all others. This object cannot be
achieved unless all Muslims, big and small, the elite and
the common, the town folk and the countrymen, perform
alike the most sublime service and the most sacred ritual of
Islam (i.e., salaat) by assembling together in one place. It is
for this reason that the Sharee-at (Islamic Law) lays such
special stress on Friday congregation and on salaat with Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates, "I
jamaat, by explaining the blessings that accrue therefrom heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying,
and punishments awarded for neglect 1 lereof. For the open "If a person in spite of hearing the azaan does not go to
and conspicuous observance of this im?ortant service, two the musjid (and he prefers to say his salaat at home)
types of assemblies are required: one f r ~ people
r of a clan or without a strong excuse, then his salaat is not ac-
a particular locality and the other for the people of the cepted. When the Companions inquired as to what
whole town. Since the assembly or" the former at any hour could be a strong excuse, he replied, "Illness or fear."
is convenient and that of the latte, comparatively difficult, It may perhaps appear from this Hadith that the salaat
so for the former, the gathering for salaat (with jamaat) five performed at home (after hearing the Azaan) is no salaat at
times daily, has been laid down and in the case of the latter all; the Hanafiyyah do not hold this view. According to
gathering, the weekly Friday salaat has been devised and them, though the reward and blessings promised for fardh
ordained." salaat will not be awarded, yet the person saying the salaat
62 Virtues of Salaat Part I1 (b)-Reproach on Discard of Jamaat 63

at his place does absolve himself of the obligation. But in night, and sleep overpowered him at the time of Fajr." At
the opinion of some of the companions and their success- this, Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) remarked "I
ors, salaat with jamaat (after hearing the Azaan) is fardh would prefer my Fajr with jamaat to my offering nafl salaat
and its discard is haraam. According to many other theo- all night long."
logians, such a person is not even absolved of the obliga-
tion in respect of salaat of that hour. Anyhow, he is surely
committing the sin of discarding jamaat. In another hadith
narrated by Hadhrat Ibn Abbas, it is stated that such a
person is guilty of disobedience of Allah and his Apostle
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyal-
laho anho) also says, "No good is done by, nor any good is
done to, the person who does not join jamaat after hearing
the Azaan. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) ."
- -a

says, "It is more appropriate to pour molten-lead into the Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates
ears of a person who does not go to join jamaat." that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
saying, "I wish I could ask the boys to collect a huge
quantity of firewood for me, and then I would go
around and set fire to the dwellings of those who say
their salaat at their own houses without any excuse."
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), who was
most kind and merciful towards his followers and was
greatly pained to see them even in a little trouble, gets of-
Hadhrat Mu'aaz bin Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates fended so much that he is ready to set fire to the houses of
that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) those who are content with saying salaat at their houses.
saying, "A person who does not go for salaat after hear-
ing the Azaan is committing a great wrong and is doing
an act of kufr and nifaaq."
According to this hadith, not to join jamaat after hear-
ing the Azaan is not becoming of a Muslim and is the prac-
tice of a kaafir or a munaafiq. What a strong reproof!
In another hadith, it is said, "Not to join jamaat after
hearing the Azaan is sufficient to render a person most un-
fortunate and most wretched."
Hadhrat Sulaimaan bin Abi Hathmah (Radhiyallaho Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that
anho) is one of the eminent people of the early days of he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
Islam. He was born during the lifetime of the Prophet (Sal- saying, "If there are (even) three persons in a village or
lallaho alaihe wasallam), but was too young then to have in a desert, and they do not say their salaat with
had the honour of listening to any hadith from him. During jamaat, then Satan gets hold of them. Remember that
the Caliphate of Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyaliaho anho) he was jamaat for salaat is very necessary for you. Surely a
made in charge of the market. One day Hadhrat Umar (Rad- wolf devours a lonely sheep, and Satan is the wolf for
hiyallaho anha) found him missing in Fajr salaat. Hadhrat men."
Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) went to his house and inquired This shows that people busy in farming etc. should ar-
from his mother why Sulaimaan was not present in Fajr. range to say their salaat with jamaat if they are three or
She replied, "He kept saying nafl salaat throughout the more in number. Even if they are two, it is better to have
64 Virtues of Salaat Part II (b)-Reproach on Discard of Jarnaat 65

jamaat. The farmers in our country are generally negligent band; and a person who hears the Azaan but does not go to
of salaat and consider their occupation a sufficient excuse the musjid for salaat with Jamaat.
for their neglect, and even those who are considered pious
prefer to perform their salaat individually. If the farmers
working in the nearby fields get together at a place and per-
form prayers in jamaat, they can have quite a big gathering
and thereby receive the wonderful blessings of Allah. Not-
withstanding the sun, rain, heat and cold, they keep busy
for a trifling worldly gain, but lose tremendous amount of
Allah's reward by losing salaat. On the other hand, they
can earn a reward fifty times more (as conveyed in another
hadith) by offering their salaat with jamaat in the fields.
It is stated in a hadith, "When a shepherd calls out the
Azaan at the foot of a hill (or in the fields) and starts his
salaat, Allah is greatly pleased with him and says proudly
to the Angels, 'Behold My slave! He has called out the
Azaan and is offering his salaat. All this he does out of fear
for Me. I therefore grant him forgiveness and declare his Ka'b Ahbaar says, "By Him who revealed the Torah to
admittance into Paradise." Moosa, the Injeel to Eesa, the Psalms to Dawood (Alay-
himus salaam), and the Qur'an on Muhammad (Sallal-
laho alaihe wasallam), the following verses were
revealed in respect of saying fardh salaat in those
places (mosques) where the Azaan is said: "On the day
when the glory of Saaq is revealed and they are or-
dered to prostrate themselves, but are not able, with
eyes downcast, abasement stupifying them. And they
Somebody asked Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho), had been summoned to prostrate themselves when
"What about a person who keeps fast all day and offers they were quite hale and healthy." (LXVIII:42 and 43).
nafl salaat all night, but does not go to the musjid for The glory of Saaq is a particular type of glory to be dis-
jamaat and Jumu'ah?" "He is doomed to Hell", replied played on the Day of Judgement. All Muslims will fall
Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho). prostrate on seeing this glory, but there will be some whose
Such a person, being a Muslim, may ultimately get backs will turn stiff and they will be unable to prostrate
freedom from Hell, but who knows after how long. The ig- themselves. As to who these unlucky persons would be,
norant among the Soofis and Shaikhs are very particular different interpretations have been given by different com-
about Zikr and nafl salaat and consider this an act of emi- mentators. According to this hadith, which is also corrobo-
nence in piety, while they are not particular about salaat rated by another narrated by Hadhrat Ibn Abbas
with jamaat. It must be clearly borne in mind for all times (Radhiyallaho anho), those shall be the persons who were
that n o person can achieve religious eminence except called for salaat with jamaat, but did not go for it.
through complete adherence to the practices of the beloved A few other interpretations of the same are given
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). below:-
It is stated in a hadith that Allah curses three persons: 1. Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-
An Imaam who insists on leading the people of a place in rates on the authority of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
salaat, although they do not like him on some reasonable wasallam) that these shall be the persons who used to
account, a woman who is under the displeasure of her hus- offer their salaat to be seen by other men.
66 Virtues of Sajaat

2. These shall be infidels who did not say salaat at all.

3. These shall be the munaafiqeen. (Allah knows best and
His knowledge is most perfect). PART 111
What a terrible thing to be so abased and disgraced on
the Day of Judgement that, while all Muslims shall fall IMPORTANCE OF SINCERITY AND DEVOTION IN
prostrate at seeing Allah's glory, those who neglected salaat SALAAT
with jamaat shall be singled out by their inability to do so.
Besides these, many other warnings have been given There are many persons who offer their salaat and
against the neglect of jamaat. But as a matter of fact, none is quite a lot of them are particular about jamaat as well, but
necessary for a good Muslim to whom the word of Allah they say it so imperfectly that, instead of earning blessings
and His Apostle (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is all import- and reward for them, it is rejected forthwith. This, how-
ant. And for one who has no regard for their word, all such ever, is not so bad as to discard salaat altogether, which as
warnings are meaningless. But a time will come when we have already learnt, is very serious. Although we are
every soul shall be called to account, and punished for its deprived of the rewards by saying a defective salaat, which
misdeeds, and then no amount of penitence shall be of any is not accepted, yet we are saved from the insolence of neg-
avail. lecting and disobeying Allah's commandments. However,
when we spend our time, leave our work and undergo in-
convenience, then why should we not see that we get the
best return for our time and labour by saying our salaat as
best as we can?
This third part is divided into three chapters. In the
first chapter, a few quotations from the Holy Qur'an about
the people who are condemned for their bad salaat and
those who are praised for their good salaat, are given. In the
second Chapter, stories about the salaat of a few lovers of
Allah are collected. The third chapter consists of the say-
ings of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) on this


"Their flesh and their blood reach not Allah, but devo-
tion from you reacheth to Him." (XXII:37)
Although this particular verse refers to the animal sac-
rifice, yet in principle it equally applies to all other rituals.
It is sincerity and devotion in a service by which its accept-
ance would be judged by Allah. Hadhrat Mu'aaz (Radhiyal-
68 Virtues of Salaat
29 i Part 111 (a)-Quotations from the Qur'an

In the dictionary 'Ghayy,' is explained as deception,


laho anho) says, "When the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe

wasallam) deputed me to Yemen, I requested him to give which points towards the awful doom and ruin in the here-
me some parting advice. He replied, 'Be sincere in all your after. According to many commentators, Ghayy is a pit in
services, as sincerity will magnify the value of an action, Hell full of blood and pus. The persons who had ruined
however insignificant it may be." their salaat shall be thrown into this pit.
Hadhrat Thaubaan (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that
he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, I Quotation- V
"Blessed be the sincere ones, for they are the lamps of
guidance. They cause the worst evils to be driven off
through their sincerity." It is said in another hadith, "It it
through the presence of the weak and due to their salaat
and their sincerity that Allah's help comes to all the "And naught preventeth that their (the hypocrites)
people.' contributions should be accepted from them, save that
they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Apostle, and
Quotation- I1 they come not to worship, save as idlers, and pay3not
(their contribution) save reluctantly." (IV: 54)
Note: The quotations I to V above relate to those who ruin
salaat. On the other hand, the following speak of
"Woe unto worshippers who are heedless of their
salaat, who want but to be seen at salaat." (CVII:4-6) i those whom Allah praises for their good salaat.
"To be heedless" has been given the following differ-
ent interpretations:
1. To be so careless as to miss the correct time of salaat.
2. To be inattentive in salaat. I
3. To forget the number of rakaats. 1

"Successful indeed are the believers who are humble

"When they (the hypocrites) stand up for salaat, they
perform it without earnestness and want but to be seen
(IV: 142)
I in their salaat. And who shun vain conversation. And
who are payers of the Zakaat. And who abstain from
sex, save from their wives or the slaves that their right
by men and are mindful of Allah but little."
hand possess, for then they are not blameworthy but
who craveth beyond that, such are transgressors-And
who faithfully observe their pledges and their cove-
nants. And who pav heed to their salaat. These are the
heirs who will inherit Firdaus (Paradise). There they
will abide." (XXIII: 1 to 11)
"Now there hath succeeded them (Prophets) a later
generation who have ruined salaat and have followed The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "Fir-
lusts. So they will meet Ghayy." (XIX:59) daus is the apex and the best portion of Paradise, where-
Part 111 (a)-Quotations from the Qur'an 71
70 Virtues of Salaat

from all its rivers originate. Allah's throne will be placed

there. When you pray for Paradise, always pray for Fir-

"The (faithful) slaves of Rahmaan (the Beneficent) are

they who walk upon the earth modestly and when the
foolish ever address them, they answer: Peace; and
who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and
I standing." (XXV: 63 - 64) 3
"And truly it (salaat) is hard save for the humble- After describing a few more qualities of His faithful 2
minded; who know that they have to meet their Lord, slaves, Allah says in the same context: 5
and that unto Him they are returning." (11:45-46)

Quotation- VIII

"They will be awarded the high place for as much as

they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with
welcome and the word of peace. Abiding there for
ever. Happy is it as abode and station." (XXV: 75-76)

"In houses which Allah hath allowed to be exalted,

and His name shall be remembered therein, do offer
praise to Him at morning and evening, men whom
neither merchandise nor sale beguileth from remem-
berance of Allah and establishment of salaat and "The believers in our revelations are those who forsake
paying Zakaat, who fear that Day when the hearts and their beds, to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope, and
the eyeballs will be overturned so that Allah may spend of what We have bestowed on them. No soul
reward them for the best of what they did and increase knoweth what is kept hid for them of joy, as a reward
reward for them out of His bounty. Allah giveth bles- for what they used to do." (XXXII: 16- 17)
sings without measure to whom He will."
(XXIV: 36 to 38)
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) says
"Establishment of salaat means performance of ruku and
sajdah properly and constant concentration in salaat with
complete humility and submission." Hadhrat Qataadah
(Radhiyallaho anho) says: "Wherever the words 'Establish-
ment of salaat' occur in Qur'ar,, they mean to guard its "I,o! those who keep from evil will dwell amid gardens
hours, to perform wudhu in the right manner and to ob- and water-springs, taking to that which their Lord
serve ruku and saidah properlv."
Virtues of Salaat Part 111 [a)-Quotations from the Qur'an 73

giveth them; for Lo! aforetime they were doers of good. "And those who guard their salaat. These will dwell in
Thev used to s l e e ~but. little in the night. And ere the gardens, honoured." (LXX:34-35).
dcining of ezch diy, would seek forgiveness." Besides the quotations given above, there are many
(LI: 15-18) verses of the Holy Qur'an enjoining salaat and exalting and
extolling those who say their salaat properly. Salaat is
Quotation- XI1 indeed a great boon. That is why Muhammad (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) has called it 'the comfort of my eyes', and
Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) prayed to Allah,

"Is he who worships devotedly in the hours of the "My Lord! make me to establish Salaat, and some of
night, prostrate or standing, afraid of the Hereafter and my posterity (also);our Lord! and accept the prayer."
hoping for the mercy of his Lord (to be counted equal (XIV:40)
with a disbeliever)? Say (unto them, 0 Muhammad)
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam): "Can those who know be Here the eminent Prophet of Allah, whom Allah has
equal with those who know not? But only men of called 'Khaleel', is asking Allah to make him say his salaat
understanding will pay heed." (XXXIX:9) properly and regularly. The Glorious Allah Himself is or-
dering His beloved Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)

"And enjoin salaat upon the people and be constant

And angels would be entering through every door pro- therein. We ask not of thee a provision. We provide for
claiming: "Peace be upon you, as a reward for your II thee. And the Hereafter is for righteousness."
perseverance on religious practices." Thus how splen-
did would be their end! (XIII: 22-23). (XX: 132).
It is said in a hadith that whenever the housefolk of the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) were hard-pressed in
any way, he enjoined salaat on them and used to recite this
~ verse. All the Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them) are
reported to have engaged themselves in salaat whenever
"Lo! man was created very impatient. Fretful when I
they had any difficulty. But, alas! we are so unmindful and
evil befalleth him. And niggardly when good befalleth indifferent about salaat that, in spite of all that we proclaim
him, save the worshippers who are constant at their about Islaam and Islamic practices, we pay no attention to
salaat ." (LXX: 19-23) it. But on the contrary, if anybody stands up to invite us

After giving some more qualities of these blessed

I1 and to draw our attention towards it, we cut jokes and
sneer at him and oppose him, thereby harming none else
people, Allah says in the same context, I but ourselves.
Even those who offer the salaat, often perform it in
such a way that it will not be wrong to call it a mockery of
salaat, as it lacks the proper observation of its requisites
74 Virtues of Salaat

and also the devotion and submission obligatory therein.

The practical example of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam), as also the practices of his illustrious i
companions, should be the guiding factor in our lives. I
have collected the stories about the salaat of the compan- A FEW STORIES FROM THE LIVES OF THE PIOUS
ions in a separate book, named "Stories of Sahabah," and I
need not repeat them here. However, I am giving stories
from the lives of a few pious persons in the following
pages. The practices and the sayings of the Holy Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) about this subject would Shaikh Abdul Waahid (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "One

appear in Chapter 111. g

day I was so much overpowered by sleep that I went to bed 24
before finishing my Zikr for the night. I saw in my dream a
most beautiful girl dressed in green silk. All parts of her 3*
body and even her shoes were engaged in Zikr. She said to
me 'Aspire to possess me; I love you." And then she recited
a few couplets depicting the eagerness of a lover. When I
woke up from the dream, I vowed not to sleep any more
during the night. It is reported that for full forty years he
never slept at night, and said Ishaa and Fajr salaats with
the same wudhu.
Story- I1
Shaikh Mazhar Sa'di (Rahmatullah alaih), the famous
I pious man, kept weeping for sixty years in love and eager-
ness for Allah. One night he saw in a dream a few damsels
by the side of pearl trees with gold branches, on the bank of
the brook brimming with fluid musk, pure and fragrant.
The girls were hymning the glory of Allah. He asked their
identity. In reply they recited two couplets, which meant,
"We have been created by the Sustainer of mankind and
Lord of Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) for those
people who keep standing before Allah all night long and
hymning in supplication to Him."
Story -111
Abu Bakr Dharir (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "There
lived a young slave with me. He fasted all day and stood in
Tahajjud all night long. One day he came to me and re-
lated: "Last night against my usual practice I went to sleep.
1 saw in my dream that the wail of the Mihraab was
cracked, and from the crevice ap:3eared a few damsels. One
of them was very ugly. I asked one of the pretty damsels
76 Virtues of Salaat Part I11 (b)-Stories of the Pious 77

who they were. She replied that they were my previous She served me for some time, but I was in the dark about
nights and that the ugly one was this night." her state of affairs. She had a corner in the house reserved
for her salaat. After finishing her job, she would .go there
and offer her salaat. One night, I noticed her performing
An eminent Shaikh says: "One night I was in a deep salaat and then supplicating before Allah. While making
sleep and could not get up for Tahajjud. I saw in my dream her supplication, she said, 'By the love Thou hast for me,
a girl of such beauty as I had never seen in my life. She was do such and such a thing for me.' I shouted out to her, '0
emitting such fragrance as I had never smelt before. She woman, say by the love that I have for Thee.' She retorted,
handed over to me a piece of paper on which were written 'My Master, if He had not loved me, He would not have
three couplets, which meant, 'You were so enamoured of
deep sleep that you have become unmindful of the high r
made me stand for salaat and deprive you thereof.' Next
morning I sent for her and said to her, 'You are a misfit in 0 -
balconies of Paradise, where you have to abide for ever
with no fear of death. Wake up! It is better to recite the
your present job. You are exclusively meant for Allah's ser-
vice. I then gave her some gifts and set her free." b'm 14
Qur'an in Tahajjud than to sleep." since then, wherever I
feel sleepy, these couplets come to my mind and the sleep I
goes away."
Sirri Saqti (Rahmatullah alaih) writes about another
woman: "When she stood up for Tahajjud she would say,
'0 Allah! Satan is but Thy creation. Thou hast full power
Ataa (Rahmatullah alaih) writes, "I went to the market. over him. He sees me and I cannot see him. Thou see-est
A person had a slave girl to sell, who was said to be mad; I him and hast control over all his actions, while he has no
purchased her for seven dinaars and brought her to my control over Thee. 0, Allah! repel the evil that he wishes to
house. After a portion of the night had passed, I noticed do me. Requit the wrong he may do to deceive me. I seek
that she got up, performed wudhu and started her salaat. In Thy refuge from his evil designs and with Thy help I cast
her salaat she wept so much that I thought she would die him away.' Thereafter she would cry bitterly. And as a
of excessive crying. After finishing the salaat, she began to result thereof she lost the sight of one eye. People admon-
supplicate before Allah saying, '0my Lord! By the love ished her to stop excessive weeping, lest she should lose
Thou bearest for me, show mercy on me.' I interrupted by her other eye as well. She replied, "If it is destined to be an
telling her that she should rather say, 'By the love that I eye of Paradise, Allah will grant me better than this; but if
have for Thee . . ." She got irritated at this suggestion and it be that of Hell, then the sooner it is lost the better."
said, 'By Allah Himself! Had He not loved me, I would not
be standing here before Him while you are in your bed.'
Then she fell prostrate and recited a few couplets purport-
ing, 'I am growing more and more restless. How can one Shaikh Abu Abdullah Jilaa says: "One day my mother
rest whose peace of mind is taken away by love, eagerness asked my father to fetch some fish from the market. My
and constant anxiety? 0, Allah! Show mercy and give some father left for the market and I also accompanied him. The
glad tidings.' Then she prayed in a lou l voice thus, ' 0 fish was bought and we needed a porter to carry it for us.
Allah! So far the matter between me and Thee has been a We engaged a boy who was standing there and who had of-
secret. Now people have come to know of it. 0, Allah! Call fered to do the job for us. He put the load on his head and
me back.' After saying this, she cried c l ~ u dand died on the followed us. While we were on our way, we happened to
spot." hear the Azaan. The boy abruptly spoke, 'Allah's sum-
moner has summoned me; I have to take my wudhu too. I
story-VI shall now carry the fish after salaat. If you like you may
A similar thing happened with Sirri (Rahmatuliah wait, otherwise here it is." Saying this he put the load
alaih). He writes: "I bought a slave woman to attend on me. down and left for the musjid. My father thought when the
78 Virtues of Salaat Part I11 (b)-Stories of the Pious 79

poor boy could place his trust in Allah so much, we must her room and started her salaat. She was reciting Soorah
as well do so in a greater degree. He, therefore, left the fish Ibrahim and when she reached the 16th verse of the Soorah
there and took me to the musjid. When we three returned (viz.,
after saying salaat, we found the fish lying in the same
place as we had left it. The boy then carried it to our house.
My father related the strange story to my mother who in-
sisted that the boy should be invited to eat some fish with 'Hell is before him and he is made to drink boiling fetid
us, When the invitation was extended to him, he said, water', which described the doom of a disbeliever, she re-
'Excuse me I am fasting.' My father then requested him to peated it again and again, and then gave out a cry and fell
have iftaar at our place. To this he said, 'It is not possible dead." h
for me to return once I am gone. Just possibly, I may stay in 0 ,

a musjid close to your place; if so, then I shall join you in

your dinner.' Saying this he went to the musjid and re-
turned after Maghrib. When the dinner was over, I showed Everybody knows Umar bin Abdul Aziz (Rahrnatullah
him the room where he could rest in privacy. Now, there alaih). After the four Khulafaa-ur Raashideen he is the most
lived a crippled woman in our neighbourhood. We were eminent Khalifah. His wife says, "There may be other
surprised to see her walking quite hale and hearty. When people more particular about wudhu and salaat; but I have
we enquired from her how she got cured, she said, 'I never seen anybody fearing Allah more than my husband.
prayed to Allah to heal me for the sake of the blessings that After his daily Ishaa, he would sit at a place reserved for
your guest carries. No sooner I prayed than I was healed.' his salaat and raise his hands in supplication and keep
When we went to find the boy in the room where we had crying before Allah till sleep overpowered him. Whenever
left him, the door was shut and the boy was nowhere to be he woke during the night, he would again start praying and
seen." crying before Allah."
It is said that since his becoming Khalifah he never
story -1X shared the bed with his wife. His wife was the daughter of
the great King Abdul Malik. Her father had given her much
It is said of a pious man that once he had a sore on his jewellery in dowry, which included a marvellous diamond.
foot. According to the opinion of the surgeons, if his foot He said to his wife, "Either part with all your jewellery for
was not amputated, the sore might prove fatal. His mother the sake of Allah, so that I may deposit it in the Baitul
proposed that the operation should be done while he was Maal or be separated from me. I would not like to live in a
absorbed in his salaat. This was done, and no pain was felt house where there is so much wealth." His wife replied, "I
by him. can .part with a thousand times more wealth, but I cannot
leave you." She then deposited everything she had in the
Baitul Maal. After the death of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, when
Yazeed son of Abdul Malik succeeded him as Khalifa, he
Abu 'Aamir (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "I saw a slave said to his sister, "If you like you may have your jewellery
woman on sale for a very small sum. She was very ema- back from the Baitul Maal. She replied, "How can the
ciated and her hair was dirty. I took pity on her and pur- wealth I discarded during my husband's lifetime, satisfy
chased her. I said to her, 'Come, woman, let us go and me after his death."
make purchases for Ramadhaan.' She remarked, 'Alhamdu- Umar bin Abdul Aziz was on his death-bed when he
lillah, all the months are alike for me.' She fasted on all inquired from the persons round him about the cause of his
days and stood in salaat for all nights. When Eid drew near, disease. Someone said, "People think it is the effect of
I said to her, 'Woman! You will go with me tomorrow to black magic." He said, "No, it is not magic." He then sent
make purchases for Eid. She remarked, 'My master! You for a particular slave of his and said to him, "What made
are too much absorbed in this world.' She then went into you poison me?" He replied, "One hundred dinaara and a
80 Virtues of Salaat Part I11 (b)-Stories of the Pious 81

promise of liberty." Umar bin Abdul Aziz (Rahmatullah his salaat. I said to a person standing by my side, 'Look
alaih) took those dinaars from the slave and deposited what is that.' He advised me to keep quiet. After the burial,
them in the Baitul Maal, and advised him to run away to we went to his daughter and inquired from her, 'What was
some distant place where he could not be seized. the special practice sf your father?' She wanted to know
Just before his death, Muslimah (Rahmatullah alaih) what made us put that question. We related to her the inci-
came to him and said, "Nobody has ever treated his chil- dent at the grave. She said, "He has been constant in Tahaj-
dren as you are doing. None of your thirteen sons has any- jud for fifty years and prayed every morning before Allah to
thing to live on." He sat up in his bed and said, 'I have not allow him to offer salaat in the grave if that privilege could
held back from my sons what they were entitled to. I have, be granted to anybody."
of course, refused them what was actually due to others. If Before finishing this chapter, I give below the pursuits
my sons are righteous, then Allah will surely be their (as regards salaat) of some of our eminent Muslim ances-
guardian as He has said in His Book: He is the guardian of tors:
the righteous (VII:196)', but if they are wrong-doers, then 1. Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (Rahmatullah alaih) is
why should I care for them?" the famous Imaam of one, of the four schools of
Muslim jurisprudence. Besides being engaged in
Story -XI1 his usual work, he used to offer daily three hun-
Muhammad bin Mu.nkadir (Rahmatullah alaih) was a dred rakaats of nafl salaat. After he was lashed by
Hafiz of Hadith. One night, he wept excessively in his Ta- the king for refusal to submit to the royal edict, he
hajjud. When someone inquired about it, he said, "During became very weak and reduced his routine nafl
Qiraat, I came across the following words of the Qur'an: salaat to one hundred and fifty rakaats. We should
not forget that he was eighty at that time.
2. Imaam Shaafi'ee (Rahmatullah alaih) another emi-
nent Imaam of Muslim jurisprudence, used to
"And the evils that they earned will confront them; finish reciting the Qur'an sixty times in his salaat
and they will be surrounded by what they used to scoff during Ramadhaan. A person narrates, "I re-
at." (XXXIX:48) mained with Imaam Shaafi'ee for several days and
He was very anxious and worried at the time of his found him sleeping only for a while at night."
death, and said that these same words of the Qur'an were 3. Imaam Abu Haneefa (Rahmatullah alaih) is famous
looming before him. for his vigil. It is said that for thirty, forty or fifty
years (according to the information of different
Story -XI11 narrators) he offered his Fajr prayer with the
Thaabit Banaani (Rahmatullah alaih) is another Hafiz wudhu for Ishaa. He would go to sleep only for a
of Hadith. He used to cry a great deal while supplicating few minutes in the afternoon saying, "It is sunnat
before Allah. Someone warned him that he would lose his to sleep in the afternoon."
eyesight if he did not stop weeping like that. He replied to 4. It is said about Sa'eed bin Musayyab (Rahmatullah
him, "What use sre these eyes if these do not weep before alaih) that for fifty years he offered his Fajr salaat
Allah." with the wudhu performed at Ishaa.
He used to ask in his prayer, "0,Allah! Permit ms to Imaam Ghazzali (Rahmatullah alaih) on the auth-
offer my salaat in my grave, if ever you grant this privilege ority of Abu Taalib Makki reported the same prac-
to any of Thy slaves!" Abu Sanaan (Rahmatullah alaih) nar- tice by no less than forty Taabi'ees, some of whom
rates, "By Allah! I was among those present at the burial of had been doing it for forty years continuously.
Thaabit Banaani. Just after he had been placed in his grave,
one of the bricks from the side fell off. I peeped into the pit 5. Muhammad bin Nasr (Rahmatullah alaih) is a
to find to my great amazement, that Thaabit was offering famous Muhaddith. His devotion to salaat had no
Virtues of Salaat

parallel. Once while in salaat, he was stung on his

forehead by a wasp and though blood came out,
neither did he stir nor did he allow it to disturb
his devotion in salaat. It is said that in salaat, he
stood motionless like a stick planted in the QUOTATIONS FROM HADITH
6. It is reported about Baqi bin Mukhallid (Rahmatul-
lah alaih) that he used to recite the complete
Qur'an every night in thirteen rakaats of Tahajjud
and Witr.
7. Hannaad (Rahmatullah alaih) is a Muhaddith. One
of his pupils narrates, "Hannaad used to weep
very much. One day after he had finished our
lesson in the morning, he continued to offer nafl
salaat till midday. He went to his place for a short Hadhrat Ammar bin Yaasir (Radhiyallaho anho) nar-
interval and then returned for his Zuhr. He again rates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
engaged himself in nafl salaat till Asr. Between sallam) saying: "When a person finishes his salaat, he
Asr and Maghrib, he recited the Qur'an. I left him gets one tenth, one ninth, one eighth, one seventh, one
after Maghrib. I said to one of his neighbours, 'Our sixth, one fifth, one fourth, one third or one half of the
Shaikh prays so much. It is really wonderful.' He maximum reward (according to the quality of salaat
said, "He had been doing this for the last seventy performed by him)."
years. You will wonder still more if you see his
prayers during the night." This shows that the reward is given in proportion to
the sincerity and devotion with which salaat is performed.
8 . Masrooq (Rahmatullah alaih) is another Muhad- So much so, that some get only one tenth of the total
dith. His wife narrates, "He used to offer such long reward. There are others who get a reward ranging from
rakaats that his legs would get swollen and I sat one tenth to one half of the maximum. It is also correct to
behind weeping in pity for him." say that there are some who receive the reward in full and
9. Abu Itaab Sulami (Rahmatullah alaih) is reported there are others who get no reward at all.
to have been fasting during the day and weeping It is stated in a hadith that Allah has a standard for
during the night for full forty years. fardh salaat. An account is kept of the measure by which a
salaat falls short of that standard.
10. It is said about .a Sayyid that continuously for It is said in the hadith that devotion in salaat .will be
twelve days he has been offering his salaat with the first thing to be taken away from the world. A time will
the same wudhu. For fifteen years, his back had come when not a single person in the whole congregation
not touched the bed. He would also gc without will offer his salaat with proper devotion.
food for days together.
Eesides the above, there are numerous records of the
pious pursuits of the heroes of Islamic History. It is diffi-
cult to cover all of them in this book. All that has been said
here is sufficient to serve as examples. May Allah, thrpugh
His Grace, grant me and the readers of this book the
sirength to follow in the footsteps of these blessed people!
84 Virtues of Salaat
I Part I11 (c)-Qun tations from Ahadith 85
she heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying.
"Allah has decided to save (from punishment of the Here-
after) a person coming before Him who has been offering
salaat five times daily at its fixed hours, with due sincerity
and devotion and with proper wudhu. As regards a person
who does not so come before Allah, there is no guarantee
for him. He may be forgiven by Allah's special Grace or
Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he taken to task.
heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) came to
saying, "When a person offers his salaat at its fixed his companions and said, "Do you know what Allah has
hours with proper wudhu, with humility and submis- said?" The companions replied, "Allah and His Apostle
sion and with qiyaam, ruku and sajdah done satisfac- know best." He repeated the question twice and the com-
torily, then such a salaat rises up in a bright and panions made the same reply each time. Then he said,
beautiful form and blesses the person in words: 'May "Allah says, 'By my Greatness and My Glory. I must bring
Allah guard you as you have guarded me.' On the other into Paradise the person offering salaat five times daily at
hand, if a person is not punctual with his salaat nor its fixed hours. As regards the person who does not ensure
does he perform wudhu, qiyaam, ruku and sajdah his salaat, I may forgive him by My mercy or take him to
properly, then salaat rises up in an ugly and dark task.' "
shape and curses the person saying, "May Allah ruin
you as you have ruined me!" Then it is flung back like
a dirty rag at the face of the person."
Lucky are those whose salaat is so perfect in all re-
spects that this most important worship of Allah would
pray for them. But what to say about the salaat which most
of the people are wont? They go into sajdah direct from
ruku, and they hardly lift their head from the first sajdah
when they go for the second like a crow pecking at some-
thing. The curse that such a person deserves is mentioned
in this hadith. When the salaat is cursing us then what else Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates,
can check our downfall? This is why the condition of the "We heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
Muslims is deteriorating day by day in every nook and saying, 'The first among the doings of a person to be
corner of the world. reckoned for on the Day of Judgement shall be his
The same description is given in another hadith, with salaat. A person will succeed and attain his goal if his
the addition that a salaat offered by a person with sincerity salaat is accepted, and he will fail and lose badly if it
and devotion rises up highly illuminated, the gates of is rejected. If any deficiency is found in his fardh
Heaven are let open for its reception, and then it intercedes salaat, Allah will say (to the Angels): "Look for any
(before Allah) for His devotee. nafl salaat in his account". Then the deficiency in his
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said, fardh salaat will be made good by nafl salaat. The rest
"The likeness of a person not bowing fully in ruku is that of the religious practices (viz. Fast, Zakaat etc.) will
of a pregnant woman aborting just before delivery." then be reckoned for in the same manner."
In a hadith, it is stated, "There are many fasting per-
sons who get nothing out of their fast except hunger and This hadith shows that we should have adequate nafl
thirst, and there are many worshippers who keep a vigil salaat to our credit to make up any deficiency in our fardh
but get nothing from their vigil except sleeplessness. salaat. It is a habit with many people to say. "It is enough
Hadhrat Aa'ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) narrates that to observe only the fardh salaat. nafl salaat is meant for the
86 Virtues of Salaat Part 111 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 87
eminent. No doubt it is enough to offer fardh salaat prop- is scared of a Muslim so long as he is mindful of his salaat;
erly, but is it so easy to observe it to the proper standard? but no sooner he neglects the salaat than Satan descends on
Most probably, there will always be some deficiency in one him and becomes hopeful of leading him astray, and then
respect or the other, and there is no way out to make up he can easily be lured to commit more serious wrongs and
that deficiency except through nafl salaat. major sins. This is exactly what is meant by Almighty
There is another hadith which deals with this point Allah when He says,
more elaborately. It declares, "Salaat is the foremost duty
enjoined by Allah and the first thing to be presented before
Allah, and the first thing to be reckoned for on the Day of
Judgement. If the fardh salaat is found wanting in quality, "Lo! salaat preserveth from lewdness and inequity"
then its deficiency will be made good through nafl salaat.
The fasts of Ramadhaan will be the next to be reckoned for
(XXIX:45) :3

and any deficiency therein will be made good through nafl

Fasts. Then Zakaat shall be reckoned for in a similar
manner. If after adding nafl the good deeds are found
heavier in the scales, the person concerned shall be sent to
Paradise, otherwise he shall meet his doom in Hell." Such
was the practice of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
lam) that when anybody embraced Islaam at his hand, the
first thing he taught him was salaat.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abu Qataadah (Radhiyallaho
anho) narrates, "The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam) once said, 'The worst thief is one who steals
from his salaat.' The companions inquired, 'How can
one steal from his salaat? 0, Prophet of Allah!' He re-
plied, 'When one does not do his ruku and sajdah
There are many other Ahaadith conveying the same
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Qurt (Radhiyallaho anho) nar- meaning. Stealing is a very disgraceful act and a thief is de-
rates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- spised by everybody. What about a person who is declared,
sallam) saying "Salaat will be the first thing to be 'the worst thief', by no less a person than the Prophet him-
reckoned for on the Day of Judgement. If this is found self?
satisfactory, then the rest of the deeds will also come Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radiyallaho anho) narrates, "Once
out as such. If this is not so, then the remaining deeds the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) looked up towards
are sure to be found wanting. the sky and said, 'The knowledge of Deen is soon to be
taken away from this world.' Ziyaad (Radhiyallaho anho),
Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) during his cali- who was also present there inquired, 'How can the knowl-
phate had issued a proclamation to all the officers under edge of Deen be taken way, 0 , Prophet of Allah (Sallallaho
him saying, "I regard salaat as the most important duty. A alaihe wasallam), when we are teaching the Qur'an to our
p e r a n who ensures salaat is likely to observe other injuc- children and this process will continue in our posterity?'
tions of Islam as well; but if he discards salaat, he will The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to him,
more easily damage the rest of Islaam." 'Ziyaad! I always took you to be an intelligent person.
The above saying of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- Don't you see that the Jews and the Christians are also
sallam) and the proclamation of Hazrat Umar (Radhiyal- teaching their Bibles to their children? Has this prevented
laho anho) are also corroborated by. another hadith, "Satan
88 Virtues of Sdaat Part 111 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 89

their deterioration?" One of Hadhrat Abu Darda's (Rad- gJ,

eu>,!'&,& d,$&,h&
. ;d 3$,&jGq
. ..*
hiyallaho anho) pupils says."After hearing this hadith from s . I , . .

Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anha), I went to Hadhrat w j

! y'i" Lj?b y 6Ljl +I *#I
Ubaadah (Radhiyallaho anho) and related the hadith to
him." He said, "Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) is quite Hadhrat Umme Roomaan (wife of Abu Bakr) (Radhiyal-
right. May I tell you the first thing that will be taken away laho anha) narrates, "Once I was offering my salaat,
from this world? It is devotion in salaat. You will see that when I unknowingly started leaning sometimes to one
not a single person in the full congregation is saying his side and sometimes to the other. Hadhrat Abu Bakr
salaat with devotion." Hadhrat Huzaifah (Radhiyallaho (Radhiyallaho anho) saw me doing this and repri-
anho), the confidante of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa- manded me so harshly that I was about to abandon my
sallam), was also heard saying, "Devotion in salaat shall be salaat with fear. He told me later that he had heard the
the first thing to disappear." Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "When a
It is said in a hadith, "Allah does not pay any attention person stands for salaat, he should keep his body at
to that salaat with which ruku and sajdah are not per- rest and he should not behave like the Jews, since to
formed properly." remain motionless is one of the complements of
Another hadith says, "A person has been offering salaat."
salaat for sixty years, but in fact not a single salaat of his is Keeping the body at rest during salaat is enjoined in
accepted by Allah. This is because he has been careless many ahaadith. In the beginning, it was a habit with the
about his ruku in some salaats and about his sajdah in Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) that he kept looking
others." towards the heaven in expectation of Hadhrat Jibra-eel
A great stress is laid on the proper performance of (Alayhis salaam) to bring him some revelation, so much so
salaat in the famous Epistles of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi that his eyes would sometimes rise up unconsciously even
(Rahmatullah alaih). His discourses on the subject cover a during salaat. When the first two verses of Soorah XXIII
good portion of the Epistles. In one of them he writes, "It is (viz.,
necessary adong other things that we should be particular
about keeping the fingers of our hands together while in
sajdah and separated while in ruku. These regulations are
not without a purpose." He further writes, "To keep our
glance at the place of sajdah while standing, on our feet (Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in
while in ruku, on our nose while in sajdah, and on our their salaat) were revealed, he began to keep his gaze down
hands while in Qa'dah, goes a long way in keeping the de- while in salaat. It is also said about the companions that in
sired concentration in salaat." When such ordinary regu- the beginning they would sometime cast their glances here
lations, which are only mustahab, increase the value of our and there during their salaat but, after these verses were re-
salaat, you can well imagine how much benefit we shall vealed, they gave up this practice. Explaining these verses,
derive if we be particular of other regulations, which are Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) says,
either sunnat or otherwise more important. I "When the Sahabah stood for salaat they never looked this
side or that side. They remained attentive in salaat with
their eyes fixed at the place of sajdah, totally absorbed in
Allah, their Lord. Someone inquired from Hadhrat Ali
(Radhiyallaho anho), 'What is devotion?' He replied, 'Con-
centration in salaat is included in devotion."
Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) says, "Humble'
(mentioned in the above verses) are those who fear Allah
and remain motionless in salaat."
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates, "Once
90 Virtues of S d a a t Part IIi (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 91

the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, 'Seek refuge

in Allah from sanctimonious devotion.' We inquired, 'What
is sanctimonious devotion, 0 Prophet of Allah! (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam). He replied, 'To feign concentration, with 'Lo! Salaat restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.
nifaaq lurking in the heart." (XXIX:45)
Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) relates a simi-
lar hadith in which the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- He replied, "Salaat is no salaat if it does not preserve
lam) is reported to have said, "Hypocritical devotion is that one from lewdness and iniquity."
in which a person outwardly pretends concentration, while
his heart is devoid of that." No doubt, salaat is a very valuable service and when
Hadhrat Qataadah (Radhiyallaho anho) says, "For de- offered properly, results in preservation from all undesir-
votion in salaat, the heart should be full of Allah's fear, and ables. If this result is not achieved, then there is something
the gaze should be kept down." lacking in the proper performance of salaat. There are
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once saw a many other ahaadith conveying this meaning. Hadhrat Ibn
person fondling his beard while in salaat. He remarked, "If Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) says, "Salaat has the power to
his heart were blessed with devotion, then his entire body check the inclination to sins."
would be at rest." Hadhrat Abul Aaliyah (Radhiyallaho anho) explaining
Hadhrat Aa'ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) once inquired the same verse of the Qur'an writes: "There are three essen-
from the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as to what tials of salaat: Sincerity, Fear of Allah, and His remem-
his opinion was about the practice of looking around while brance. Salaat is no salaat if these three are missing.
in salaat. He said, "It is a damage to salaat caused by Sincerity heralds virtuous deeds, fear of Allah expels vices,
Satan." and His remembrance is the Qur'an, which in itself is a
Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, guidance towards good and guard against evil."
"People in the habit of looking up while in salaat must give Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaho anho) reports that
u p that habit, lest their gaze may become fixed and not the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) once said, "Salaat
return to them." that does not prevent from lewdness and iniquity instead
It has been said by many of the companions and their of bringing close to Allah, takes away from Him."
successors that devotion means tranquillity in salaat. The Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported (by many he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying,
narrators) to have said, "Offer each salaat (with) such (de- "A person who does not follow up his salaat, has actually
votion) as if it were the last salaat of your life." offered no salaat. To follow up the salaat is to shun lewd-
ness and iniquity."
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates,
'A person came to the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
and reported about a certain man, who was in the habit of
i offering salaat for the whole night and then committing a
larceny before daybreak. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
I sallam) remarked, "His salaat will very soon wean him off
that sin.' This shows that the evil habits can be got rid of by
adhering to salaat with due sincerity. It is a difficult and
lengthy affair to redeem each and every bad habit. On the
Hadhrat Imraan bin Husain (Radhiyallaho anho) nar- contrary, it is easier and quicker to start offering salaat with
rates, Someone inquired of the Prophet (Sallallaho proper care when through the blessings that follow it, bad
alaihe wasallam) about the meaning of the verse in ' habits are sure to disappear one by one." May Allah grant
Qur'an: me strength to say my salaat properly!
92 Virtues of Salaat Part I11 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 93
that his attitude might be due to Allah's displeasure for me.
All sorts of anxious thoughts began to enter my mind. One
J moment, I would think the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wa-
sallam) was angry with me and then some other saddening
I explanation would occur to me. When the Prophet (Sallal-
laho alaihe wasallam) finished his salaat, he said, "Allah
amends His commandments as He pleases. He has now for-
bidden any talking during salaat." He then recited the
I verse, 'And stand up with Qunoot to Allah' (11: 238) and
said, salaat is now meant exclusively to hymn the glory,
I praise and sanctity of Allah." 0 ,
Hadhrat Mu'aawiyah bin Hakam Salami (Radhiyallaho
anho) says, "When I visited Madinah to embrace Islaam, I
$4 c~
was taught many things. One of those was that I should say T
Hadhrat Jabir (Radhiyallaho anha) narrates that he 'Yarhamukallaah' when anybody sneezed and exlaimed
heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying, 'Alhamdulillaah'. As I was new in Islaam, I did not know
"The best salaat is one with prolonged rakaats." Muja- that this was not to be done during salaat. Once we were all
hid while explaning the verse standing in salaat when somebody sneezed. I immediately
shouted, 'Yarhamukallaah'. Everybody began to stare at me.
As I did not know then that we were not to talk in salaat, I
protested saying, 'Why are you all casting these angry
looks?' They hushed me up with a gesture, but I could not
"And stand u p with Qunoot to Allah (ii-238)" says understand their behaviour, although I decided to be quiet.
Qunoot comprises all such things as proper bowing, When salaat was over, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal-
devotion, long rakaat, keeping the eyes down, lowering I
I lam) called me. Neither did he beat or rebuke me, nor was
of shoulders in submission and fear of Allah. When- he harsh to me. He simply said, 'It is not permitted to talk
ever a companion of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho in salaat. Salaat is the occasion for praising the glory and
alaihe wasallam) stood for salaat, he would not look magificence of Allah and reciting the Qur'an.' By Allah, I
here and there or level the pebbles at the place of 1
I have never met, before or after, a teacher as affectionate as
sajdah (while prostrating) or engage himself in any the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)."
absurd act, or think of any worldly thing (except unin- Another interpretation is given by Hadhrat Ibn Abbas
tentionally), all for fear of Allah." (Radhiyallaho anho) in which he says that Qunoot means
Many interpretations have been given to the word devotion. The words of Mujahid given above are based on

Qunoot, which occurs in the Qur'an in the verse mentioned this interpretation. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyal-
in this hadith. According to one of the interpretations, laho anho) says, "In the beginning, the Prophet (Sallallaho
Qunoot means silence. In the beginning of Islam, it was r' alaihe wasallam) used to tie himself up with a string while
permissible to talk or to return greetings during salaat, but in Tahajjud, so that he might prevent sleep over-powering
when this verse was revealed, talking during salaat was ab- him. It was for this that the following verse was revealed in
solutely forbidden. Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood' (Radhiyallaho the Qur'an:
anho) says, "In the beginning whenever I visited the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), I would greet him
with 'Assalamu alaikum' and he would reply with 'Wa
alaikumus salaam' even if he were engaged in salaat. Once "We have not revealed unto thee (Muhammad) (Sallal-
I visited him while he was in salaat and greeted him as laho alaihe wasallam) this Qur'an that Thou should be
usual, but he did not reply. I grew very anxious, fearing distressed." (XX: 2)
94 Virtues of Salaat Part I11 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 95
It is reported in many ahaadith that the Prophet's (Sal- There are some who shall remain in ruku and some in
lallah alaihi wasallam) feet would get swollen on account sajdah t i l l eternity. Allah has combined all these postures
of standing for long hours during Tahajjud. Out of mere of the Angels in our salaat, so that we may get our shares
kindness and affection for his followers, he, however, ad- from each type of their worship. Recitation of the Qur'an in
vised them to be moderate in their worship, lest any ex- salaat is an addition over and above their worship. While
cessiveness should lead to deflection. That is why we find salaat is the sum total of all the postures in the Angels'
him forbidding a woman from tying herself up for avoiding methods of worship, it gives out its best when it is offered
sleep during salaat. by a person possessing angelic habits. That is why the
We should remember that a salaat with long rakaat is Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "For (a good)
surely better and more valuable, provided the endurance salaat, keep your back and stomach light." The back of a
limits are not exceeded. After all, there is some meaning in person is said to be light when he has very few worldly en-
the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) offering such cumbrances, and his stomach is light when he eats moder-
lengthy salaat that would give him swollen feet. When the ately to avoid indolence and laziness, which is a sure
companions requested him to reduce his toil in worship, as outcome of gluttony.
he had been assured of forgiveness in Soorah Fath:


[That Allah may forgive thee of thy sins that which is SOOFIA
past and that which is to come (XLVIII:Z), he used to say,
"Why should I not, then, be a grateful slave of Allah?" The Soofia write: "There are twelve thousand virtues
It is stated in a hadith that when, the Prophet (Sallal- in salaat. which can be achieved through twelve points. If a
laho alaihe wasallam) offered his salaat, his bosom would person is to acquire full benefit from salaat, then, he must
give a constant groaning sound, which resembled that of a take care of these points. Sincerity is of course essential at
grinding mill. In another hadith, this sound is likened to every step. These points are as follows:
that of a boiling kettle. Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) 1. Knowledge: An action performed without knowl-
narrates, "On the eve of Badr, I noticed that the Prophet edge is far inferior to the one done with full knowledge
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) stood under a tree, busy in about it. We should therefore know:
salaat and crying before Allah all night long till daybreak."
It is said in a number of ahaadith, "Allah is very much (a) Which of the Islamic Practices are fardh and
pleased with certain persons one of them is he who for- which are sunnat.
sakes his bed shared with his dear and lovely wife and en- (b) What is fardh and what is sun& in wudhu and
gages himself in Tahajjud on a winter night. Allah is very salaat.
much pleased with him, takes pride in him, and in spite of (c) How does Satan cause obstruction in the proper
being All-knowing inquires from the angels, 'What made observance of salaat.
this slave of mine forsake his bed and stand up like this?' 2. Wudhu: We must try to:
The Angels reply, 'The hope of winning Thy Bounty and
Grace, and the fear of Thy displeasure.' At this Allah says, (a) Clean our heart of jealously and malice, just as we
'Listen, I bestow upon him what he hopes for and grant wash the other parts of our body.
him refuge from what he is afraid of." (b) Keep ourselves clean of sins.
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "None (c) Be neither wasteful nor abstemious in the use of
receives a better reward from Allah more than he who is water.
blessed to offer two 'rakaats of salaat." 3. Dress: It should be:
It has often been mentioned in the Qur'an and ahaa-
dith that the Angels are perpetually engaged in worship. (a) Got through honest living.
(b) Clean.
Virtues of Salaat Part 1II (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 97

(c) According to the Sunnat, e.g. the ankles should 10. Ruku: The essentials of Ruku are:
not be covered. (a) To keep the back quite straight i.e. the whole body
(d) Simple, and should not display vanity and pride. above the legs should be in one straight line.
4. Time: We should be: (b) To hold the knees firmly with fingers spread apart.
(c) To recite Tasbeeh with humility and devotion.
(a) Able to tell correct time at any moment.
(b) Always watchful about Azaan. 11.Sajdah: The essentials of Sajdah are:
(c) Particular about the time of salaat, lest we should (a) To place the hands flat and close to the ears.
be too late for it. (b) To keep elbows raised above the g ~ o u n d .
5. Qiblah: There are three things to be ensured in ( c ) To recite Tasbeeh with devotion.
facing Qiblah: 12. Qa'dah: The essentials of Qa'dah are:
(a) We must face Qiblah physically. (a) To sit up on the left foot, keeping the right one
(b) Have the heart in union with Allah, for He is the erect.
Qiblah of the heart. (b) To recite Tashahhud with devotion, keeping the
(c) Be as attentive as a slave is before his master. meaning in mind, for it contains greetings for the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and prayer
6. Intention: For this we need to be particular about for the Muslim brethren.
three things: (c) To consider the concluding Salaam a definite
(a) We must be definite as to what salaat we are offer- greeting to the Angels as well as the people on the
ing. right and on the left.
(b) Remain constantly conscious of our presence As has been said already, sincerity is the essence of all
before Allah, Who se6s us. these points, which requires us:
(c) Have perfect faith that Allah know all that is in
our hearts. 1. To offer salaat with the sole purpose of pleasing
7. Takbeer Tahreemah: The essentials of 'Takbeer Tah- 2. To understand that it is only through the grace and
reemah' are: favour of Allah that we are able to offer salaat.
(a) TO pronounce the words correctly. 3. To hope for the reward promised by Allah.
(b) To raise both hands right up to the ears. This sig-
nifies that we have severed our connection with SIGNIFICANCE OF WORDING OF SALAAT
all, except Allah. Salaat is really a very blessed and auspicious observ-
( c ) To feel the greatness of Allah in our heart when ance. Every word uttered in it is imbued with Allah's great-
we say Allaho Akbar. ness and sanctity. Thanaa, the opening prayer of salaat,
contains extremely virtuous and devotional meaning viz:
8. Qiyaam: While in Qiyaam we should:
( I ) Subhaanakallaahumma: 0 , Allah! I praise Thy Sanc-
(a) Keep our gaze at the place of sajdah. tity. Thou art free from all
(b) Feel in our heart that we are standing before Allah. blemishes. Thou art above
(c) Not think of anything else. anything that is not the best.
9. Qiraat: The essentials of Qiraat are: (2) Wa biharndika: I praise Thy Glory. All vir-
(a) To recite the Qur'an with Taj-weed. tues and beauties are admit-
(b) 7'9 ponder on the meanings of what we recite. tedly for Thee and befit
(c) To bind ourselves to what we recite. Thee.
98 Virtues of Salaat Part 111 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 99

(3) Wa tabaarakasmuka: Thy name is blessed: and in is time to stand before the most Majestic and Irresistable
fact so blessed that blesses Sovereign." On reaching the gate of the musjid he would
everything over which it is say,
"0 Allah! Thy slave is at Thy door, 0, the most Benefi-
( 4 ) IYa ta'ualaa jadduka: Thy eminence is most cent! Here is a sinner before Thee: Thou hast enjoined
exalted. Thy magnificence is upon the good amongst us to overlook the faults of the
most sublime. bad. 0 Allah, Thou art Good and I am bad So for the
(5) Wa Jaa iluaha ghairuk: There is no god save Thee. sake of all that is most beautiful in Thee, overlook all
None has ever been and that is ugly in me. 0 , The most Bountiful." (I
none shall ever be fit to be 0.4

worshipped save Thee. He would then enter the musjid. 80

Similary in ruku we recite "Subhaana rabbiyal azeem." Zainul Aabideen (Rahmatullah alaih) used to offer one :j
which means: thousand rakaats of nafl salaat daily. He never missed his
Tahajjud, whether in journey or at home. His face grew
"My Magnificent and Almighty Allah is free from all pale when he performed his wudhu and he would tremble
blemishes. I express my humbleiiess and weakness when he stood in salaat. Somebody asked him the reason
before His Greatness by bowing my head before Him for that. He said, "Don't you know before Whom I am going
(for the bowing of head is the symbol of humbleness to stand?" Once when he was engaged in salaat, a fire
and submission, just as a stiff neck is the sign of broke out in his house. He continued his salaat most
haughtiness and pride). I submit before all Thy com- calmly. When asked about it, he remarked, "The fire of the
mandments and I take upon me Thy service. I am at hereafter kept me unmindful of the fire of this world." He
Thy command. Thou art really very Great and I submit once said, "The pride of a proud person surprises me. The
before Thy greatness." day before, he was a drop of a dirty fluid and tomorrow he
Similary in sajdah we express our submission before will be carrion, and still he is proud." He used to say, "It is
Allah the Highest, and declare Him above all defects. Our strange that people do so much for the world, which is
head, which is considered as the most superb part of our transitory, and do nothing for the hereafter, where they are
body along with our eyes, ears, nose and tongue, is placed to live for ever." He used to help the poor in the darkness
on- ground before Him in the hope that He would show of night, so that they should not even know who helped
mercy and bestow His blessings on us. Standing with our them. It came to light only after his death that no less than
hands folded before Him this was the first expression of one hundred families were being supported by him.
our humbleness and submission. This was further aug- It is said about Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) that
mented by the bending of our head in ruku and it reached the colour of his face would change and he would tremble
its climax when we placed our head on the ground before at the approach of the hour of salaat. On being asked by
Him. In fact the whole salaat is an indication of humble- someone he said, "This is the time for discharging the trust
ness and submission, and therefore a means of advance- which the Heaven and the Earth and even the mountains
ment and success in the world and in the hereafter. May were afraid to bear. I do not know if I shall be able to dis-
Allah through His Kindness arouse me and all the Muslims charge it. "
to offer such a salaat. It is said of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbas (Radhiyallaho
anho) that, when he h e a ~ dthe Azaan, he wept so much that
SALAAT OF FEW SAHAABAH, TAABI'EES AND SOOFIA his shawl would get wet with his tears, his veins would
swell and his eyes would become red. Somebody said to
It is said about Hadhrat Hasan (Radhiyallaho anho) him, "We do not see anything in the Azaan that should
that whenever he performed wudhu, his face grew pale. make you so nervous." He replied, "If people understood
When someone inquired from him its cause, he replied. "It what the mu'azzin announced t o them, they would give up
100 Virtues of Salaat Part III (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 101

sleep and forsake their comforts." He then explained to the last twenty years, I have never been out of the musjid at
him the warning conveyed by each word of the Azaan. the time of the Azaan."
A person narrates, "I happened to offer my Asr prayer Muhammad bin Waasi' (Radmatullah alaih) says, "I
with Zunnoon Misri (Rahmatullah alaih). When he uttered love three things in this life; a friend who could warn me
'Allah' (in takbeer), he was so much struck with awe on ac- on my slips, bread sufficient to keep me alive, and salaat
count of Allah's Majesty, as though his soul had departed, (with jamaat) such that Allah may condone its defects and
and when he uttered 'Akbar' I felt my heart would burst give me reward for anything good in it.
with fear of Allah. Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarraah (Radhiyallaho anho)
Uwais Qarni (Rahmatullah alaih), a famous saint and was once leading the salaat. When the salaat was over, he
the most exalted of all the Taabi'ees, would spend his said to the people, "Satan made a dangerous attack on me
whole night sometimes in ruku and sometimes in sajdah. while I was leading the salaat. He made me think that as I
Asaam (Rahmatullah alaih) once inquired from Haatim was leading salaat, I am the best of all of you. I shall never
Zaahid Balkhi (Rahmatullah alaih) how he offered his lead the salaat again."
salaat. He replied: Maimoon bin Mahraan (Rahmatullah alaih) once
reached the musjid when the jamaat was over. He recited
"When the hour for salaat draws near, I perform my 'Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji-oon' and said, ''The
wudhu thoroughly and go to the place of salaat. When reward of this saiaat with jamaat was dearer to me than
I stand for salaat, I visualise the Ka'bah in front of me, sovereignty over Iraq."
the Siraat under my feet, Paradise on my right, Hell on It is said of the Companions that they would mourn for
my left and the Angel of death over my head; and I three days if they happened to miss the first takbeer and for
think that this is my last salaat, so I may have no op- seven days if they missed jamaat.
portunity to say another; Allah alone knows what goes Bakr bin Abdullah once said, "You can speak to your
on in my heart at that time. Then I say 'Allaho Akbar' Lord and Master any time you like." "How?" inquired
with full humility and recite the Holy Qur'an, ponder- somebody. He replied, "Perform your wudhu properly and
ing over its meaning. I do my ruku and sajdah with full stand up for salaat."
humbleness and submission, and finish my salaat Aa'ishah (Radhiyallaho anha) says, "The Holy Prophet
quite calmly, hoping that Allah will accept it through (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) would be among us (family
His mercy, and fearing that it may be rejected if it is members) talking and listening, but on approach of salaat
judged on its merits." hour, he would all of a sudden behave as if he had never
Asaam (Rahmatullah alaih) asked him, "Since when known us and would be completely absorbed in Allah. .
have you been offering such salaat?" Haatim (Rahmatullah It is said of Sa'eed Tannookhi (Rahmatullah alaih) that,
as long as he remained in salaat, tears would flow from his
alaih) replied, "I have been doing it for the last thirty eyes incessantly.
years." Asaam (Rahmatullah alaihi wept and said, "I have Somebody asked Khalaf bin Ayyoob (Rahmatullah
never been so fortunate as to offer a single salaat of this alaih), "Do not the flies annoy you in your salaat?" His
kind." answer was: "Even the bad characters in society patiently
It is said that Haatim (Rahmatullah alaih) once missed bear the lashes of the police to boast of their endurance
his salaat with jamaat and felt for it too much. A couple of afterwards. Why should I be disturbed by mere flies, while
persons came to condole with him on this loss. He started standing in the presence of my Creator?"
weeping and then said, "If I had lost one of my sons, half It is said in 'Bahjatun nufoos' that one of the Sahabah
the population of Balkh town would have come to me for was once offering Tahajjud when a thief came and took
condolence, but on the loss of my jamaat you are the only away his horse. He noticed it, but he did not break his
people condoling with me. It is only because people regard salaat. Somebody asked him, "Why did 'you not break
the afflictions in the Hereafter as lighter than the affliction silaat and catch the thief?" He replied, "I was engaged in
of this world." something far r o r e valuable than the horse."
Sa'eed bin Musayyab (Rahmatullah alaih) says, "For
102 Virtues of Salaat Part 111 (c)-Quotations from Ahadith 103

It is said about Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) that whenever It is said about another Shaikh that he would go to bed
and try to sleep. But when he failed in his attempt, he
an arrow got stuck into his body (in a battle), this was would rise up and engage himself in salaat and would say,
drawn out during his salaat. Once he got an arrow stuck "0 Allah! Thou knowest very well that it is the fear of the
into his thigh. This could not be extracted, in spite of sev- Fire of Hell that has caused my sleep to disappear.''
eral efforts, due to severe pain felt by him. When he was There are so many stories about the pious people
busy in his nafl salaat and prostrate in sajdah, the people spending their nights praying in eagerness and love for
drew out the arrow with force. When he finished his salaat, Allah that these cannot possibly be covered in one book.
he asked the people who had collected around him, "Have We have in fact lost the taste for the pleasures of such pur-
you gathered to take out the arrow?" When they told him
that it was already taken out, he informed them that he had
no feelin of pain during the extraction.
~usfim bin Yasaar (Rahmatullah alaih), when he stood
suits so much that we have begun to doubt the veracity of
such facts. But these have been related so frequently and
continuously that if we doubt them we can as well doubt
history, for frequency and continuity in narration about an
3 -
up for salaat, said to his family members, "You may keep em
event vouch safe its correctness without dispute. 5
on talking; I shall not be aware of what you talk." Again we see with our own eyes people spending the
It is said of Aamir bin Abdullah (Rahmatullah alaih) whole night (sometimes even standing) for witnessing a
that he would not even hear the beating of a drum while in show in a cinema or a theatre. They neither get tired nor
salaat, nor to speak of the talk of people around him. A does sleep overpower them. When such impious deeds, if
person asked him, "Are you conscious of anything while in indulged in, have such an attraction, then what makes us
salaat?" He replied, "Yes, I am conscious of the fact that I doubt that the spiritual pursuits can be so attractive and
have to stand one day before Allah, whence I shall either tasteful, while persons partaking in them are spedally en-
be sent to Paradise or Hell." The person said, "No, I do not dowed with additional strength and endurance by Allah?
mean that. Do you come to know of anything we talk The only reason for our doubt is our ignorance, which is
around you?" He replied, "It is better that spears pass like that of an immature child about the experiences of pu-
through my body rather than I grow conscious of your con- berty. May Allah enable us to attain the heights where we
versation while I am in salaat." He used to say, "My con- may be able to taste the pleasures of His worship.
viction in the things of the Hereafter is so perfect that it is
impossible for it to improve, even if I happen to see those AN IMPORTANT NOTE
things with my physical eves."
A pious man was asked, "Do you ever think of this According to the Soofia, salaat is in fact a supplication
world while you are in salaat?" He replied, "I never think to and speech with Allah, and therefore needs thorough
of this world, either in salaat or out of it." Another such concentration, In case of other observances, we need not be
man was asked, "Do you think of anything while in so attentive. For example, the essence of Zakaat is to spend
salaat?" He replied, "Is there anything more attractive than money for the pleasure of Allah. Spending, in itself is so
salaat itself to ihink of?" hard on a person that even if he does it inattentively he
--- 'Bahiatun Nufoos' it is written about a Shaikh that he
would feel the pinch of it. Similarly, fasting reciuires giving
had eith& been offering fardh or nafl salaat or been ab- up eating and drinking and sexual satisfaction. All these re-
sorbed in Zikr without break, right from Zuhr to Fajr of the strictions are realjy very hard, even if not observed by
next day. After Fajr, while continuing Z i h , he was over- proper attention and devotion. On the other hand, Zikr and
owe red bv slumber, when immediately he recited Istigh- recitation of the Qur'an are the chief constituents of Salaat.
!aar and the following prayer: If these are not done intelligently and attentively, they can
make neither supplication nor speech. They are just like
the ravings of a person in high fever. which do not require
any conscious effort nor carry any meaning for the listener.
"I seek refuge in Allah from the eye that does not get It is therefore necessary that we should be completely at-
satiated with sleep."
104 Virtues of Salaat

tentive when in salaat, otherwise our salaat will be like the

talk of a person in his sleep, which carries no meaning for
the listeners, nor any benefit accrues from it. In the same
way, Allah pays no heed to a salaat that is offered inattenti-
vely and without concentration. But even if our salaat is
not up to the mark, as compared with that of the eminent
people in the past, we should not give up the practice. It is
absolutely incorrect to think that there is no use offering a
salaat unless it is perfect. To offer an imperfect salaat is far
better than to give it up completely, as this shall result in
punishments of a very drastic nature in the Hereafter. A
school of Ulama have declared that person to be a kaafir
who intentionally discards salaat (as discussed in full in
Chapter I).
It is therefore imperative on all of us to make sincere
and genuine efforts to do justice to our salaat and pray to
Allah to grant us the ability to offer salaat similar to that of
the eminent people in the past, so that we may have at least
one salaat of that nature to our credit for presentation
before Allah.
In the end, it may be pointed out that the Muhaddi-
theen are rather liberal in accepting the authenticity of the
ahaadith relating to the rewards of different religious ob-
servances. Ad for the stories about saints and pious people,
these are a part of ordinary history and therefore on a dif-
ferent footing.
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