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Smart Cities - Citizens

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Study Background .................................................................................2
Smart Cities will Deliver 15 Working Days ..........................................3
Why do We Need Smart Cities?............................................................4
How do These Factors Affect Me Today?............................................5
Global City Performance 2017 ..............................................................6
Mobility ...................................................................................................7
Case Study: San Francisco...................................................................7
Case Study: Seoul .................................................................................7
Public Safety ..........................................................................................7
Case Study: New York City ...................................................................7
Productivity ............................................................................................7
Case Study: London ..............................................................................7
Appendix: Study Methodology .............................................................7

What is a Smart City?

“A Smart City is an urban ecosystem that places

emphasis on the use of digital technology, shared
knowledge and cohesive processes to underpin
citizen benefits in vectors such as mobility, public
safety, health and productivity.”

Study Background they might deliver positive citizen outcomes in terms of time and
quality of life. These indices are:
Many smart city studies have been conducted with the aim of projecting
technology spend, or service revenue for businesses. However, Juniper Mobility: urban transport systems, including public and private
Research and Intel believe that these studies do not sufficiently account transport. Also includes non-motorised transport solutions.
for the most important part of the city itself: its citizens.
Healthcare: healthcare service delivery for citizens, including
As such, Juniper has conducted a study of smart cities across the globe access to services and performance.
with the aim of uncovering the measurable time rewards to citizens:
Public safety: city safety as measured by crime levels, mortality
Time: how can smart cities’ technology and strategies be used to and law enforcement services’ efforts to combat these
‘give back’ time to citizens? Free time is a scarce commodity in the challenges.
modern world and has a powerful impact on an individual’s ability to
Productivity: city policies and technologies in use aimed at
reduce stress, maintain happiness and health.
promoting citizen productivity, democratisation of services and
Juniper examined cities in terms of their progress, and future wealth distribution.
potential, across 4 key indices, with the goal of evaluating how

Smart Cities will Deliver 15 Working Days

Smart Cities Will Deliver…
“If cities across the globe today were to universally adopt, and deploy, smart city technology and services, what would the benefits be for citizens?”

Time Given Back

Smart cities have the potential to ‘give back’ each city dweller 3 working weeks’ worth of time every year.

How will This Time be Created? Benefits to Smart City Inhabitants


Meanwhile, many cities suffer from a large inequality gap; the favelas of
Why do We Need Smart Cities? Rio de Janeiro provide a notable example of vast differences in quality of
life across cities.

The Emergence of ‘Megacities’ & Overcrowding Smart cities are those that recognise these challenges and adopt their
planning and strategy to address them. This requires smart policies to
The 20th and 21st century haven given birth to some 37 ensure wealth is not distributed unevenly, alongside technology as an
‘megacities’ (cities with populations greater than 10 million individuals), enabler.
including Tokyo, Mexico City, New York City and Rio de Janeiro.

In each of these cities, the density of the population in relation to available

resources, infrastructure and services has given rise to complaints about Congestion & Air Pollution
overcrowding, while demand for affordable housing, proper sanitation,
The motor vehicle, often presented as a symbol of personal
food supply and healthcare services are all put under pressure as a result
freedom, is commonly anything but, inside city limits. High
of mass migration to large cities.
volumes of vehicle ownership, coupled with 20th century urban planning
Cities are thus being forced to consider how to alleviate these modelled around the automobile, have created massive pressure on the
pressures; technology, analytics and modern urban policies are road infrastructure. Consequently, long traffic jams are a frequent
emerging as ‘smart solutions’ to deliver sustainable, efficient bug-bear for citizens, elevating stress levels. Additionally, the slow
environments for citizens. movement of traffic increases the volume of microscopic particulate matter
affecting the health of drivers, as well as those on the streets. Traffic, and
air pollution, are serious issues facing cities today.

Quality of Life Addressing urban mobility is one of the key aims of smart cities, not least
because of the substantial benefits realised in reducing congestion.
One of the main drivers for urban migration has been the
Intelligent traffic systems are key here, alongside smart investment and a
promise of a higher quality of life, driven by increased personal wealth and
policy to reduce motor vehicle use.
a greater number of life-opportunities. As a result, cities are under
pressure to present themselves as more favourable places to live and
work, competing to attract the best talent and investment.

How do These Factors Affect Me Today? Even an annual figure as ‘low’ as 2% means that most individuals are
likely to suffer violent crime at some point during their lives.
It is difficult to understand the need for smart cities when presented with
abstracts that cannot easily be associated with the global population. As Violent crime resulting in personal injury can often mean time lost in
such, we have contextualised today’s need for smart cities into a number hospital or rehabilitative care. Additionally, there are psychological
of problem statements. consequences to consider; anxiety and stress can be damaging to an
individual’s well-being. Indeed, a 2015 study by the Office for National
“Heavy Congestion in Cities can Result In Drivers Statistics found that 20% more non-victims of violent crime reported
Spending More than 70 hours per Year in feeling that their life was worthwhile in comparison to those that had
Gridlock” been victims.

In many cities, the average peak-time vehicle speed is a crawling 4mph “Hospital Overcrowding in Cities can Result in
(6kmh); Patients Waiting Longer Than 4 Hours for a Bed”
The stress of the morning commute has been shown to be hazardous to Many cities across the globe report very high hospital bed occupancy
citizens’ health; a study by the British Cardiac Patients Association in rates (over 85%). This can result in exorbitant wait times for in-patients,
2004 found that emergency call-outs for life-threatening heart attacks resulting in time wasted and additional stress for both patients and
and strokes peak between 8am and 11am; caregivers. In a healthcare scenario, this exacerbates the likelihood of
mistakes being made.
WHO estimates that 3 million deaths every year are attributable to small
particulate matter pollution, a large portion of which is generated by Furthermore, studies have indicated that overcrowding in hospitals can
vehicle emissions. High levels of congestions result in higher levels of increase the risk of patients contracting an infection during their stay; in
harmful pollutants in the air. some cases this risk is increased by over 10%. This means that patients
in hospital for non-life-threatening conditions may be exposed to
“Cities Suffering from High Rates of Violent
environments that could prove fatal for them.
Crime are Statistically Likely to Impact the
Majority of the Population”

As a result of high levels of inequality, a large population mass and

opportunity for organised crime operation, cities are often relatively
dangerous places to live.

Global smart cities: who are the leading performers today?

The study has ranked the top 20 global smart cities according to their performance and project deployments
across the 4 indices studied, alongside their published strategies and key goals for future city development.

The Top 20 Global City Performance by Index, 2017

Analysis of cities’ performance in each index revealed some notable
Mobility Health Safety Productivity results.
1 Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore
Mobility winners:
2 San Francisco Seoul New York London
3 London London Chicago Chicago Singapore, San Francisco and London were found to be
4 New York Tokyo Seoul San Francisco world-leading cities in addressing urban transportation
5 Barcelona Berlin Dubai Berlin challenges. Singapore, for example, has applied smart, connected traffic
6 Berlin New York Tokyo New York solutions, in conjunction with very strong policy curtailing car ownership in
7 Chicago San Francisco London Barcelona an effort to reduce the number of vehicles on its roads. This level of policy
8 Portland Melbourne San Francisco Melbourne enforcement is not possible in San Francisco or London; consequently,
9 Tokyo Barcelona Rio de Janeiro Seoul these cities have applied their own traffic calming technology solutions
10 Melbourne Chicago Nice Dubai alongside long-term visions for transformative transportation paradigms in
11 San Diego Portland San Diego San Diego the form of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and AVs (Autonomous Vehicles).
12 Seoul Dubai Melbourne Nice
13 Nice Nice Bhubaneswar Portland Mobility Trailers:
14 Dubai San Diego Barcelona Tokyo
Trailing cities in this index include Yinchuan, Hangzhou and
15 Mexico City Wuxi Berlin Wuxi
Bhubaneswar. The study found that, in spite of notable
16 Wuxi Mexico City Portland Mexico City
roll-outs such as Yinchuan’s ‘pay-by-face’ public bus service, overall
17 Rio de Janeiro Yinchuan Mexico City Rio de Janeiro
efforts to reduce congestion levels are at an early stage relative to the
18 Yinchuan Hangzhou Wuxi Yinchuan
leading cities. For instance, public transport availability and uptake as a
19 Hangzhou Rio de Janeiro Yinchuan Hangzhou
whole was found to be low, while key future urban transport innovations,
20 Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Hangzhou Bhubaneswar
such as shared transport solutions and AVs, were not found to form part of
the cities’ long term vision.
Source: Juniper Research

Healthcare winners: Safety Winners:

The leading cities in this index were found to be Singapore, Singapore, New York and Chicago ranked highly in this
Seoul and London. Both Singapore and Seoul were notable index. In the case of New York, the city has worked hard over the last 25
in terms of their focus on addressing healthcare service provision for years to address what was an epidemic of violent crime. This was
elderly citizens through a range of technologies, including digital service kickstarted by a data-driven approach and has since developed into one
platforms as well as remote monitoring devices. If one considers the fact where predictive modelling is a key asset both for law enforcement as well
that, on average, the number of annual visits to a physician increases as the fire department; a strategy replicated by Chicago. Singapore
substantially as one ages, it is clear that these strategies form a crucial meanwhile, has trialled smart video surveillance to detect criminal activity.
part of ensuring that the overall healthcare system is not overburdened; in
turn, improving overall healthcare outcomes. Meanwhile, London has Safety Trailers:
applied a broad strategy that combines innovation (such as bicycle share
Wuxi, Yinchuan and Hangzhou were noted to have deployed
schemes), telehealth and a strategy to reduce healthcare inequality in the
smart initiatives (smart video surveillance forms part of
Yinchuan and Hangzhou’s public safety initiative for example), but have
Healthcare Trailers: not yet reached a level of integration between emergency services to
achieve the optimum response; an important factor in reducing response
Hangzhou, Rio de Janeiro and Bhubaneswar were found to times and positive outcomes. Meanwhile, these cities have either not
have continued challenges that could be addressed through clearly outlined, or have a limited strategy to deal with major safety issues
technology and smarter policy. Rio and Bhubaneswar continue to have such as road traffic incidents and threats posed by cybercrime. This latter
relatively low levels of hospital bed availability, which could be addressed point is particularly pertinent to Chinese cities, owing to the country’s high
through better preventative healthcare measures; first by improving level of smart grid investment and consequent connection of critical
citizens’ level of access to digital services as well as wider roll-outs of infrastructure to the Internet.
telehealth and local connected clinics. Meanwhile, all 3 cities suffer from
very poor air quality levels, with proven negative impacts on citizens’ Productivity Winners:
The ability to not only encourage digital innovation to
address city challenges, but also the ability for citizens to
access digital services and city information was judged by Juniper to be
critical in improving citizens’ productivity. In that regard Singapore, London
and Chicago were found to be leaders, each with large open data stores

alongside strategies to encourage private innovation either through

Smart City Index: Study Conclusions
funding, specialised test-bed environments (London and Singapore) or
through city-wide initiatives to provide citizens with a variety of data
(Chicago’s Array of Things project). The Top 20 Smart Cities Globally, Consolidated Performance 2017
Productivity Trailers: Overall City Region
1 Singapore Asia Pacific
Yinchuan, Hangzhou and Bhubaneswar remain as cities that
2 London West Europe
have yet to address wider productivity challenges. None of
3 New York North America
these cities has, as yet, encouraged development of
4 San Francisco North America
solutions from a bottom-up level, with most innovation driven from the
5 Chicago North America
top-down. As such, citizens have been, in part, excluded from the process.
6 Seoul Asia Pacific
Meanwhile, the study found that these cities must yet address inequalities
7 Berlin West Europe
present in digital services access.
8 Tokyo Far East & China
9 Barcelona West Europe
10 Melbourne Asia Pacific
11 Dubai Middle East & Africa
12 Portland North America
13 Nice West Europe
14 San Diego North America
15 Rio de Janeiro Latin America
16 Mexico City Latin America
17 Wuxi Far East & China
18 Yinchuan Far East & China
19 Bhubaneswar Indian Subcontinent
20 Hangzhou Far East & China

Source: Juniper Research


Juniper’s study uncovered several highlights that it felt are worth noting. On a macro level, the study found that North American and West
These include factors that allow a city to execute its vision, or simply key European cities are typically more advanced in terms of transparency as
projects and strategies that Juniper felt were innovative and could serve as well as their openness in adopting processes that rely on inter-city best
a blueprint for other cities to emulate. practices and learnings. This means that information regarding smart city
projects and cities’ overall vision is far more readily available; meanwhile,
Singapore's 'One Nation' Initiative and its position as a city-state makes it these cities actively seek expertise from a wide range of actors, including
unique in its ability to execute its smart city vision. Its transformation, over third party entities and citizens themselves. Cities in Far East & China on
the remarkably short time after its split from Malaysia, to the world's the other hand, are more opaque in terms of their approach. Additionally,
leading smart city, provides an example from which other cities can learn. these cities have to contend with a lower proportion of citizens who are
connected and able to benefit from smart city services. This means that
The positioning of the 5 US cities provides an interesting contrast. Overall,
the impact of roll-outs is not yet as significant as in other regions; indeed,
New York, San Francisco and Chicago were found to have a broader,
for many cities in the Indian Subcontinent as well as the Far East & China,
more in-depth smart city vision and are further along in terms of execution.
emphasis is placed first on connecting citizens with a view to rolling out
It is likely that pressures created by their standing as population-dense
wider smart city solutions at a later point.
metro areas, alongside inherent talent in IT services, has spurred their
smart city journey earlier. Meanwhile, cities such as San Diego and
Portland can be considered as close to the ‘tipping point’ where smart city
solutions are sought after. This means that the bulk of projects have
initially been geared to solving key pressing issues, such as urban
mobility. Focus on developing innovation, such as through the release of
open data for example, has received less attention.

The study found that cities in Asia and the Indian Subcontinent are able to
rapidly execute their vision, particularly smaller cities. This is due to strong
national support for smart cities in the face of tremendous urban
population growth. These regions are often able to find a more cohesive
vision for the development of their smart cities on account of a more
top-down approach to the market. Juniper anticipates that a similar ranking
in future would skew more in favour of these regions.

A Smart City Future

“Imagine a world where all cities are smart and able to thrive as part of a cohesive effort
between municipalities, businesses and citizens.
Many cities are now becoming smarter, adopting strategies to address a growing need to
improve their ‘liveability’. Here, we look at leading cities in this regard, exploring how
efforts to improve mobility, public safety, public healthcare and productivity are being
confronted as they transition to a smarter, more connected environment.”

Mobility: Congestion, and delays moving from A to B, cost time, money and can make for a stressful experience.
Study Hypothesis: Smart cities will benefit citizens in terms of time, money and improve their quality of life.

Imagine a world where smart cities give back:

City open data can be harnessed to enable both city agencies and third
parties to develop innovation around that data. In the case of mobility,
daily commute times can be reduced by up to 15% by highlighting
Juniper has found that smart mobility projects have the potential to ‘give optimum routes for any given time of day, while suggesting the most
back’ 59.5 hours per year per citizen; these are broken down as follows: efficient transport mode.

ITS (Intelligent Traffic Systems) technology can be used to dynamically Cashless payments are likely to impact some 360 billion journeys per year.
adjust traffic light phasing, with the aim of minimising red light delays and On average, passengers will save 25 seconds every time they make a
smoothing overall traffic flow. Meanwhile, parking space availability can be payment.
used to inform drivers where the nearest available space is, minimising the
time spent ‘cruising’ for spaces.

Juniper has calculated the time benefit based on a long-term outlook of an

average commute round-trip of 74 minutes. Meanwhile, ITS are expected Initiatives such as AVs, MaaS and policies that succeed in moving modal
to have a 10% positive benefit over the baseline. In both instances, the share away from public transport, will create safer roads. The net result will
figures used are the result of anticipated population rises leading to be increased life expectancy, translating to nearly 8 hours per year for
greater pressure on infrastructure. citizens.

Case Study: San Francisco

Case Study – San Francisco
much-needed competition for traditional taxi Meanwhile, the ability to drive safely in close
services, but the number of vehicles on the road, proximity will maximise the road space and in
MaaS, AVs are crucial to reducing
alongside uncertain regulation, have created a turn reduce congestion.
vehicle ownership & congestion
separate set of issues.
Vehicles’ communication with city infrastructure
The city has thus set out a vision for a will ensure that software analytics running in the
The USA’s ‘love affair’ with the automobile has,
technology platform supporting an integrated background can determine optimal traffic light
in cities such as San Francisco, led to chronic
service, allowing citizens to choose from a range phasing according to real-time conditions.
congestion. According to TomTom’s annual
of modal options. The primary elements of this
congestion index, San Francisco drivers waste Expected Outcomes
vision are:
150 hours every year in congestion.
The city’s vision is that every citizen will be able
Transportation as a Platform: establishment of
The city has recognised this as a key issue and to select their journey across the city,
a city framework for an integrated service
developed a comprehensive strategy in an on-demand, within 2 minutes. Journey time
across multiple providers;
attempt to address the situation. Indeed, in 2016 across the city should take no longer than 20
it received some $11 million in funding, some of Transport as a Service: development of a minutes. This would shave a third off of the
which has been earmarked to intelligently phase consumer solution to handle pricing, routing, current average San Francisco one-way
traffic lights to prioritise public transport. The booking and payment through a single commute time.
following highlights 2 key elements of the city’s platform.
future mobility strategy. Other benefits as a result of lower congestion,
Shared AVs (Autonomous Vehicles) lower transit overcrowding and deployment of
Integrated & Shared Mobility shared AVs include improved air quality, lower
AVs deployed as shared, on-demand service travel costs and reduced traffic fatalities.
With 540 vehicles per 1,000 capita, the city notes vehicles will reduce the need for car ownership,
that too many citizens are using their own where services are deployed as multi-occupancy
vehicles to travel across the city. Meanwhile, rides, with vehicle passengers determined by
on-demand rideshare companies have created similar origin, route or destination.

Healthcare: inefficient healthcare systems mean services are complex to navigate and can sometimes result in poor
outcomes for patients.
Study Hypothesis: Smart cities will improve patient access and result in better quality healthcare delivery.

Imagine a world where smart cities give back:

AI (artificial intelligence) will be used as a key element in future chatbots

and services access, enabling them to be used as preliminary diagnosis
tools for triage, or to generate appointments. Alone, chatbots can save
an average of 15 minutes per contact over traditional mechanisms.

The study found that digital health services can play a big role in
creating efficiencies, with benefits felt at both the citizen level as well as
on the caregiving side; these are indicated below.
The average citizen visits the doctor 5 times a year; more when they are
elderly or suffer from a chronic condition. Apps that analyse data
received from ‘quantified self’ devices, as well as remote physician
appointments by video link, can serve to reduce, or even eliminate,
The research found that in instances where telemedicine services had physical visits to the physician.
been deployed, overall patient hospital re-admission rates were reduced
by between 20% and 40%. The net effect of a global roll-out would be to
dramatically reduce the number of instances where wait times for
hospital beds exceed 4 hours.
Individuals suffering from chronic conditions will often have to visit their
physician multiple times per year; even now, over one-third of the world’s
population is in need of long-term healthcare management. In this case,
remote monitoring devices can help reduce the need for physical
diagnoses, while helping to better manage long-term conditions.

Case Study: London

Case Study – Seoul
expanded; local community centres now act as Strong Healthcare Delivery
Focus on elderly care, digital services
remote clinics where elderly patients are able to
delivery and leveraging emerging Despite the current national legislative landscape
use these monitoring devices, thus saving time
platforms key to Seoul’s vision meaning that emerging healthcare technologies,
and unnecessary one-to-one physician visits.
such as telehealth, are in their infancy, Seoul
Under the same strategy, future deployments will has positioned itself to ensure that healthcare
Seoul is, along with other major cities in
involve distribution of sensors to detect when delivery is as strong as it can be under current
developed regions, faced with the challenge of
Ljkjjkjkjkjkjkjkl; m elderly citizens are in distress, or have suffered a conditions. Hospital bed availability, for example,
an ageing population, which in turn is beginning
fall, whereby caregivers can be dispatched to is very high, while urban planning since 2010
to put pressure on healthcare services.
their location quickly. has been focused on increasing physical activity
Meanwhile, citizen physical activity levels have
levels through the provision of urban green way
been steadily decreasing since 2005, which in Sharing Economy routes as part of the Healthy Living
turn has led to increasing risk of health related
Environments project.
issues as a result of obesity. As part of Seoul’s ‘sharing city’ initiative which
has promoted sharing economy technologies Meanwhile, the city has ensured that technology
and services since 2013, the city has set out a will both directly and indirectly influence citizens’
Seoul’s plan for healthcare delivery is formulated program aimed at reducing elderly isolation from health in a positive manner. City-wide Wi-Fi is
under the ‘U-Health’ (Ubiquitous Health) the community. The Ministry of Health and available free to citizens which, coupled with a
strategy. Initially, this has involved transforming Welfare reported in 2015 that close to 1.4 million strategy for digital delivery of public services, will
the manner by which citizens, in particular elderly citizens were living alone in the city; as ensure that healthcare services can be accessed
elderly citizens, are able to access healthcare. such, Seoul has aimed to reduce this figure by anywhere. Meanwhile, the strong focus on
As part of this project, healthcare monitoring encouraging home-sharing platforms to match electric vehicle charging infrastructure, including
devices were initially sent out to a select number elderly citizens with young room seekers. a sub-surface charging project for electric public
of citizens’ homes, allowing caregivers to transport vehicles in motion, will ensure that air
remotely monitor key indicators, such as blood pollutants are lowered as electric vehicle take-up
pressure. More recently, this model has been increases.

Public Safety: high levels of crime can negatively impact citizens’ happiness, or worse, if those crimes are violent.
Public Safety Emergency services often struggle to reach victims in clogged city streets.

Study Hypothesis: Smart cities will reduce violent crime and reduce emergency service response delays.

Imagine a world where smart cities give back: tool for CCTV surveillance analysis; detection of unusual activity in
real-time can serve to reduce response times to crime. Machine learning
can also be used to predict where fires or flooding might happen.

Meanwhile, the study found that where cities integrated their emergency
services with the municipal traffic control system, the prioritisation of
Juniper estimates that improvements in public safety; in particular emergency services vehicles and re-routing of civilian traffic could reduce
emergency response, can have substantial time-benefits for citizens. In arrival times by nearly 50%.
addition to this, the study found that the intangible benefits of smart cities
would result in 4 million citizens leading happier lives every year. This
would, for example, be achieved via an assumed 10% reduction in violent
crime, as well as a 15% improvement in emergency response times; with
both benefits serving to reduce the impact of stressful life events. A In medical terms, the ‘golden hour’ refers to the period of time after a
breakdown of the benefits are outlined below. life-threatening incident where treatment is most likely to save lives. Note
that this ‘hour’ is not always an hour, depending on the severity of the
circumstances; nonetheless, in all instances, the side-effect of faster
emergency response times is an increase in average life expectancy. This
effect has a global impact, in the context of violent crime, road traffic
incidents and chronic conditions such as heart disease.
Machine learning can be leveraged to generate predictions around where
crime is likely to occur on any given day. This allows law enforcement to The research found that in critical situations, every minute without CPR or
target patrols in such areas, helping reduce crime more efficiently. The defibrillation reduces survival chances by 10%; therefore, the study’s
study estimated that such software could lead to the prevention of 3 million modest 15% improvement in response times highlights that fact that every
violent crimes. In addition to this, machine learning can be deployed as a minute counts.

Case Study: Nice

Case Study – New York City
More recently, the city conducted a 2 year trial of safety. In this context, the city aims not only to
Data, predictive modelling and HunchLab, a predictive crime software solution. reduce the number of road traffic incidents and
inter-agency co-ordination helps New Where previously the city’s ‘stop and frisk’ violent crime, but also the manner in which these
York improve public safety standards programme served a statistically effective, albeit are treated. For instance, emergency response
highly controversial, method of reducing crime teams are well-integrated, allowing disparate
Once known as the ‘murder capital’ of the USA, rates in the city, the new software uses data and agencies to function more efficiently, while a
New York has made substantial inroads in statistical modelling, including historical crime disaster response strategy has been established
addressing improved public safety standards data, terrain modelling as well as time and to better co-ordinate emergency response with
over the past 20 years. In fact, the city now ranks weather information to correlate where crimes the public in the event of a major incident. This
as the safest of all of the major cities in the happen with specific types of locations. latter development is key, considering that the
country. city has been subject to the second highest
These types of approaches do not stop at law number of terrorism-related events of the cities
Data-driven Approaches enforcement. With capacity to inspect only evaluated in the study.
one-third of the city’s buildings annually, the
New York was the pioneer of statistical policing, NYC fire department required an innovative
beginning with the deployment of CompStat in approach to reducing building fire damage. Here,
1994. This programme was relatively simple in it compiled a list of 60 factors influencing building
nature (mapping and logging crimes according to fire risks. These factors, alongside historical data
time series and location data), but allowed the and predictive modelling, have allowed the
police force to identify key crime hot-spots and department to target areas most likely to require
devise strategies aimed at increasing public building safety inspection.
safety in each area. CompStat’s legacy has
since formed the foundation for modern policing Cross-departmental Vision
across the globe.
New York’s smart city strategy applies a
multi-pronged approach for improving public

Productivity: high levels of inequality in cities often restrict opportunities to wealthier citizens. Additionally, the
Productivity complex labyrinth of city regulations and red tape present laborious, costly challenges for entrepreneurs.

Study Hypothesis: Smart cities will democratise citizen opportunities and improve regulatory regulation.

Imagine a world where smart cities give back:

mechanisms to share information. Some UK NHS Trusts, for example,
must print and fax their patients’ electronic health records owing to a
failure to establish interoperable systems.

The study found that substantial time-savings could be achieved, if

information was stored using interoperable software systems and
aggregated using APIs or similar mechanisms. It found, for example,
Juniper’s study found that numerous services in the average city are ripe that Rio’s 45 days could be reduced to a single day if this kind of
for disruption in terms of how they are organised and delivered. This is approach were applied.
particularly the case where data is used to create more efficicent
services; these range from complex issues surrounding the
establishment of businesses in the city, to simple services, such as retail

The study has also focused on cashless payments on transport systems.

Here, additional time-savings were considered in the retail environment
across the city. Juniper found that, on average, citizens have the potential
to save 15 seconds per transaction using cashless mechanisms, with the
City departments have historically operated in silos from one another.
assumption that, under some circumstances, the transaction value of
The concept of ongoing shared information used as a means to create
items purchased would not realise the full time saving benefits of a
efficiency has been rarely implemented until recently. The result of this
contactless payment.
has been that, for example, the complex rules and permits required to
start a business can use up a substantial amount of time. Citizens of
Rio de Janeiro, for example, must wait on average for 45 days before
their new business can begin operations. Meanwhile, cities still hold
much of their data using paper copies, or still rely on antiquated

Case Study: New York City

Case Study – London
software integration for advanced service access. This concept was later extended to
Digital democratisation and open data scheduling according to real-time conditions. citizens themselves, with London following on
foundation helps London increase from New York’s successful Link NYC
citizens’ productivity Encouraging Talent programme in converting payphone boxes into
city Wi-Fi hotspots. The LinkUK project aims to
Meanwhile, the city has positioned itself as a hub
London has long been considered a capital for convert 1,000 payphone boxes, with the service
for fostering digital talent and innovative
innovation, with several schemes in place aimed funded by advertising displayed on kiosks’
services. London is rated as one of the top cities
at improving citizens’ productivity. screens.
in terms of ‘ease of doing business’; ie, the red
Open Data Pioneer tape to overcome and timespan required to Digital Skills from the Ground Up
establish and operate a new business.
London was one of the first cities in the world to Additionally, initiatives such as Tech City UK London has recognised that the economy is
recognise the potential of open data, launching have provided funding for emerging digital increasingly driven by digital technology. As
the London Data Store in 2010. This data companies; this, in combination with a high level such, the city’s Smart London plan declared that
repository, which includes information from of conferences and smart city hackathons has extra funding would be channelled into the
various public agencies, led to the creation of the increased the overall level of engagement educational system to increase uptake of
Citymapper app, allowing citizens to plan their between citizens and business to address computer science courses. Additionally, the
journey across the city according to real-time city-specific challenges. Greater London Authority conducted an
traffic and transport information. More recently, assessment of the impact of digital exclusion
Citymapper has analysed available data to Connecting Business & Citizens (lack of access to digital services) in 2015,
identify public transport routes that are either alongside a set of measures to reduce exclusion.
Recognising that access to digital services is key
inefficient, or lacking in service availability. This In turn, this has resulted in schemes to increase
to driving productivity, the Super-connected
resulted in the launch of the Citymapper digital literacy as well as reducing barriers for
Cities scheme was launched in 2012 in the UK.
smartbus service, a pilot route offering citizens a getting citizens online.
The scheme, of which London was a part,
real-time view of the buses’ position alongside
encouraged SMEs to apply for vouchers to help
pay for installation of high-speed broadband

Study Appendix
Appendix: Study Methodology
Methodology: How did we get the numbers?

Data Collection
The first stage of this study involved the assessment of cities across the globe, in terms of their vision, strategy and deployments. Given the wide range of cities
analysed, this is used as a basis for further projections in terms of the potential of smart cities, in response to the question: “If cities across the globe today
were to universally adopt, and deploy, smart city strategies, technology and services, what would they mean for citizens?”

Initial Indicators

Thus the initial phase of the study revolved around data collection, where critical ‘top level’ information was sought, for each respective city in the study. These
‘initial indicator’ datapoints serve as overarching datapoints used across the analysis of each respective index.

Datapoint Source Purpose – What does this indicate?

Smart City Vision Municipal authority publications Depth & overall strategy, KPIs & success measures
Horizontal Platform Deployment Municipal publications, press releases Inter-agency integration potential
Open/Proprietary Technology Vendor & city case studies Future-proof/effectiveness
Open Data Open data depositories Open data breadth & potential
Communications Technology City, regional or national data City/citizen preparedness for smart city services
Life Expectancy City, regional or national data Life expectancy improvement potential
GVA (Gross Value Added) - $ City/regional publications Quality of life indicator, economic improvement potential
Population City/census information City size

Index-Specific Indicators

The next phase was to examine each index individually across each city. Readers will note that several indicators overlap across indices, as Juniper believes
that these are important to more than one index.


Datapoint Source Purpose – What does this indicate?

Average Vehicle Speed City publications, press releases, third party sources Peak time congestion & time-benefit potential indicator
Private Vehicles per Capita City publications, press releases, third party sources Congestion driver
Cycle Scheme Roll-Out Vendor existence & city announcements Congestion reduction & health improvement driver
Mobility-as-a-Service Vendor existence & city strategic vision publications Congestion reduction driver
Congestion Charge City publications Air quality improvement & congestion reduction driver
Road Accident Injuries per Capita Transport statistics releases Public health reduction driver
Air Quality WHO Public health reduction driver
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Cross-network charging station maps Next-gen transport preparedness
Public Transport Journeys per Capita Transport statistics releases Network performance, availability & uptake
e/mPayment Infrastructure Transport service provider websites Transport payment convenience, time-benefit indicator
Autonomous Vehicle Testing Press releases/city strategic vision Next-gen transport preparedness
Smart Transport Initiatives, of which: City strategic vision, vendor case studies, press
- Smart traffic light phasing Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Smart parking Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Open data for transport Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Strategy to reduce motor vehicle use Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Strategy to increase public transport use Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Citizen information dissemination solutions Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Interagency collaboration strategy Congestion reduction driver & time-benefit indicator
- Road safety strategy Healthcare improvement indicator


Datapoint Source Purpose – What does this indicate?

Hospital Beds per Capita City, regional or national healthcare statistics Bed availability & time-benefit indicator
Hospital Bed Occupancy Rate City, regional or national healthcare statistics Bed availability & time-benefit indicator
Congestion Charge City publications Air quality improvement & congestion reduction driver
Cycle Scheme Roll-Out Vendor existence & city announcements Congestion reduction & health improvement driver
Public Transport Journeys per Capita Transport statistics releases Network performance, availability & uptake
Road Accident Injuries per Capita Transport statistics releases Public health reduction driver
Violent Crime Rate Law enforcement statistics Public health & safety reduction driver
Police Force Size Law enforcement statistics Public health & safety improvement driver
Higher Education Third party indices & statistical releases Public health & safety improvement driver
City Terrorist Attacks since 2013, Domestic & Foreign Initiated Global Terrorism Database Public health & safety reduction driver
Public Safety Index Numbeo General safety & health indicator
Air Quality WHO Public health reduction driver
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Cross-network charging maps Public health improvement driver
Autonomous Vehicle Testing Press releases/city strategic vision Public health improvement driver
Smart Healthcare Initiatives, of which: City strategic vision, vendor case studies, press
- Telehealth/Remote healthcare services Healthcare service improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Digital health portals Healthcare service improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Chatbot services Healthcare service improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Digital healthcare for elderly strategy Healthcare service improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Transparent healthcare KPIs Healthcare improvement indicator
- Active lifestyle strategy Healthcare improvement indicator
- Road safety strategy Healthcare improvement indicator

Public Safety

Datapoint Source Purpose – What does this indicate?

Smart Street Lighting Utilities, municipal energy departments Public safety improvement indicator
Intelligent Video Surveillance Press releases, law enforcement case studies Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
Congestion Charge City publications Public safety/road traffic safety improvement indicator
Cycle Scheme Roll-Out Vendor existence & city announcements Public safety reduction indicator
Emergency services response co-ordination City publications Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
Violent Crime Rate Law enforcement statistics Public health & safety reduction driver
Police Force Size Law enforcement statistics Public health & safety improvement driver
Predictive Crime Software Press releases, law enforcement case studies Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
Fire/Flood Prediction Software Press releases, vendor case studies Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
Higher Education Third party indices & statistical releases Public health & safety improvement driver
City Terrorist Attacks since 2013, Domestic & Foreign Initiated Global Terrorism Database Public health & safety reduction driver
Public Safety Index Numbeo General safety & health indicator
Smart Public Safety Initiatives, of which: City strategic vision, vendor case studies, press
- Emergency services integration Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Road safety strategy Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Disaster plan Public safety improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Crime reduction strategy Public safety improvement indicator
- Cybersecurity strategy Public safety improvement indicator


Datapoint Source Purpose – What does this indicate?

Project Funding Sources City publications, press releases Service expansion & productivity improvement indicator
Public-Private Partnership Incentives City/national publications Service expansion & productivity improvement indicator
Talent Acquisition Incentives City/national publications Service expansion & productivity improvement indicator
Ease of Doing Business World Bank Time-benefit potential
Digital Education Policies City/national publications Productivity improvement indicator
City Governance Municipal websites Regulatory complexity, time-benefit indicator
City Chief Technology Office/Equivalent Municipal websites Service expansion & productivity improvement indicator
Smart City Conference Hosting Press/event releases Engagement & productivity improvement indicator
Smart City Hackathons Press/event releases Engagement & productivity improvement indicator
Smart Productivity Initiatives, of which: City strategic vision, vendor case studies, press
- Digital services access Productivity improvement & time-benefit indicator
- Smart education projects Productivity improvement indicator
- Cybersecurity & privacy strategy Service uptake & productivity improvement indicator
- Equality strategy Productivity improvement indicator
- Retail & city services cashless payments Productivity improvement & time-benefit indicator

Scenario Modelling were not adjusted according to regional or national differences for the
purposes of making projections.
Following data collection, scenarios were modelled across each index to
examine potential citizen benefits. These benefits are examined in terms Global Smart City Index
Following data collection:
Historical roll-outs smart initiatives (as per those indicated as
‘time-benefit’ metrics) in the data; Raw scores were first ranked according top-performing (20) to
lowest-performing city (1).
Projected impacts of smart initiatives.
Weights were assigned to each ranked variable under the index to arrive
The benefits, as measured in terms of their impact across the cities at a score.
analysed for this study, are translated using weighted averages to a
per capita metric. The global city population is then used to make a This methodology was also used to calculate a score in terms of the
projection for the overall potential of smart cities. cities’ overall smart city vision, using the ‘initial indicators’ data.

Assumptions in the Model The scores were added together to form the final score per index and
The projections are based upon smart city service take-up being at, or
close to, 100%. This take-up is reduced where, for example, a service
might only impact the adult population.

Barriers to roll-outs, in terms of scaling, financing and so on, are not

accounted for in this study.

Where city-specific data was not available, regional or national data was
used, with assumptions related to the city in question used to calculate a
city-specific datapoint.

Assumptions were made with regard to data such as annual intra-city

trips, shopping excursions and annual trips to the physician; these data

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