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The Effects of Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Reading-Style Grouping On EFL Students' Non-Preferred Reading Style and Reading Comprehension

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The Effects of Homog

omogeneous versus Heterogeneous Reading-
Grouping on EFL Students’
Students’ Non-
referred Reading Style
Style and
Reading Comprehension

Abdel Salam Abdel Khalek El-Koumy

Professor of Curriculum
Curriculum and Instruction of
English as a Foreign Language at
Suez Canal University, Egypt

January 2009
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of homogeneous
versus heterogeneous reading-style grouping on EFL students’ non-
preferred reading style and reading comprehension. The study used a
pretest-posttest experimental design. The original subjects of the study (N=86)
were Egyptian English major senior students during the 2005/2006 academic
year. At the beginning of this academic year, the Analytic/Global Reading
Styles Inventory (AGRSI) was administered to these subjects to measure each
student’s analytic and global reading styles. Based on their scores on the
inventory, strongly analytic and strongly global subjects (N= 62) were
randomly assigned to homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Afterwards,
both groups were tested to measure each student’s reading comprehension
before treatment using the Reading Comprehension Test developed by the
researcher. Each group was then randomly assigned to pairs. During
treatment, the members of each pair alternatively exhibited their reading
behaviors by thinking aloud while reading and sharing answers to post-
passage questions after reading. The study lasted for 28 weeks, one ninety-
minute session per week. After treatment, the AGRSI and the Reading
Comprehension Test were readministered to both groups to measure each
student’s non-preferred reading style and reading comprehension. The
differences in the pre-to-posttest improvement between the two groups were
then analyzed for significance using ANCOVA. The results indicated that
the heterogeneous group students demonstrated significantly greater pre-to-
posttest improvement in both their non-preferred reading style and reading
comprehension than the homogeneous group students [f (1, 59)=60.33, p <
0.001; f (1, 59)= 43.18, p < 0.001, respectively]. Based on these findings, the
researcher concludes that the non-preferred reading style can be developed
when students learn with and from others with different reading styles and
that reading comprehension is neither a bottom-up nor a top-down process
but an interaction between the two. Therefore, it demands the development
and integration of both the left and right hemisphere functions of the brain.
The study concludes with suggestions for further research.


Group work has been and continues to be used for teaching reading

comprehension because of its multiple advantages. These advantages include

activating and extending prior knowledge (Moore, 1995; Uttero, 1988),

developing thinking skills (Brown and Palincsar, 1989; Goldenberg, 1992;

Stevens, Slavin and Franish, 1989), improving attitudes towards reading

(Madden, 1988), increasing self-esteem (Foot and Howe, 1998; Jacob, 1999;

Johnson and Johnson, 1989; Rapp, 1991), and helping teachers to manage

large classes and to exercise more control in them (Bassano and Christison,

1988; El-Samaty 2000; Emmer, Evertson and Worsham, 2000; Greenwood,

Carta and Hall, 1988; Touba, 1999). Despite these considerable advantages,

it is common to hear many Egyptian EFL teachers say that they used group

work, but it did not work with their classes. Support for this statement

comes from many ELT practitioners around the world (e.g., Alexander,

Rose and Woodhead, 1992; Jacobs, 1988; Wheeler, 1994). Such practitioners

assert that simply placing students in groups does not ensure that they will

cooperate in constructive and effective ways. Jacobs (1988), for example,

notes that groups do not necessary equal co-operation. Many educational

researchers (e.g., Carrier and Sales, 1987; Klein, Erchul and Pridemore,

1994; Milleret, 1992; Wong Fillmore, 1985) have also found that group work

is not invariably successful. In this respect, Slavin (1990b) states:

"Traditional group work, in which students are encouraged to work

together but are given little structure and few incentives to do so, has been

repeatedly found to have small or nonexistent effects on student learning"

(pp. 30-31). Similarly, reflecting on group work research in the UK, Bennett

and Dunne (1991) report that merely having pupils learn in groups does not

automatically promote their performance. Referring to other researchers’

studies on group work, they (Bennett and Dunne) further state:

Research on ... groups has shown that in reality these [groups that

consist of four to six children] are no more than collections of

children who sit together but work on individual tasks. In other

words, pupils work in groups but not as groups. Not surprisingly,

levels of cooperation are low, as are the frequencies of explanation

and knowledge sharing (Bennett, Desforges, Cockburn &

Wilkinson, 1984; Galton, Simon & Croll, 1980). (1991, p. 104)

In their discussion of the possible reasons that explain why some groups do

not function effectively, many educators (e.g., Cooper, Marquis and Edward,

1986; Salomon and Globerson, 1989; Slavin, 1983) state that a group's

failure to optimally achieve its leaning potential may be due to social loafing,

free-riding, and diffusion of responsibility. In the same vein, many social

psychologists (e.g., Fandt, Cady and Sparks, 1993; Kerr, 1983; Kerr and

Bruun, 1983; Nagasundaram and Dennis, 1993; O'Connor, Gruenfeld and

McGrath, 1993; Reid and Hammersley, 2000) assert that group work can

cause many problems to group members. For example, O'Connor,

Gruenfeld and McGrath (1993) state:

Group members get jealous of or bored with one another, they feel

insulted or wronged by other members, they disagree on task

solutions or approaches to problems, they discover serious

differences among themselves in values and attitudes, and so on. (p.


In order for group work to be effective, many educators (e.g., Bennett, 1998;

Bennett and Cass, 1988; Jacobs and Hall, 1994; Wiener, 1986) argue that

teachers should pay careful attention to the size and composition of the

learning groups. With respect to group size, there has been a remarkable

agreement that small groups have advantages over large groups. According

to Johnson, Johnson, Holubec and Roy (1984) small groups take less time to

get organized. It's also very difficult to drop out of a small group (Kohn,

1987; Vermette, 1998). Also, learning in small groups, as Hertz-Lazarowitz,

Sharan and Steinberg (1980) state, "provides for the acquisition of social

skills needed for sustaining cooperative interaction" (p. 105). In contrast,

large groups, as Dansereau (1987) states, "are more likely to result in the

formation of coalitions and passivity on the part of some students" (p. 618).

Pennington, Gillen and Hill (1999) and Watkins (2004) assert that as group

size increases individual motivation to participate decreases and free-riding

increases. Moreover, in an experimental study, Bada and Okan (2000) have

found that Turkish students, in the ELT Department of the Faculty of

Education at Çukurova University, do not like working in large groups.

They conclude from their study that "students feel more comfortable,

productive and relaxed by working ... in pairs, where their voices would be

heard, and views listened to and valued" (p. 4).

With regard to group composition, there has been considerable discussion

surrounding the question of what constitutes a successful group. Some

educators (e.g., Chorzempa and Graham, 2006; Mathes and Fuchs, 1994;

Topping, 1998) suggest that students should be grouped by their ability

levels. However, this type of grouping, as McGreal (1989) states, can cause

problems when inferior students find out who they are. Abadzi (1984),

Feeney (1992), George (1993), Hoffer (1992), Slavin (1988) and Wheelock

(1992) assert that ability grouping hurts lower ranking students and

damages their self-esteem. Oakes (1985, 1986) also contends that students in

the lower track are usually seen by others as dumb and see themselves in this

way. Fiedler, Lange and Winebrenner (1993) and Mathison, Freeman and

Wilcox (2004) add that students in the higher track develop an elitist attitude

which is detrimental to the social climate of the classroom. Furthermore,

many research studies do not support the use of ability grouping to improve

academic achievement (e.g., Gamoran, 1987; Slavin 1987, 1988). For reviews

of research in this area, see Barr (1995), Kulik and Kulik (1982), Lindle

(1994) and Slavin (1990a). In view of the disadvantages of ability grouping,

several educational experts such as Braddock and Slavin (1993) argue that

this type grouping in not the way to go and it should go away.

Due to ability-grouping failure, many educators (e.g., Ben-Ari, 1997; Driver,

2003; Martin and Paredes, 2004; Riding and Sadler-Smith, 1997; Sadler-

Smith, 1998; Sudzina, 1993; Volkema and Gorman, 1998) suggest assigning

students to groups according to their cognitive/learning styles, as an

alternative to ability grouping, to make group work effective and successful.

As Sudzina (1993) puts it: “Rather than ability grouping, it appears that

grouping students for reading based on their reading styles would enhance

reading” (p. 19). However, some of these educators call for grouping

students of the same style while others call for grouping students of different

styles. Each type of grouping, as its supporters claim, has several advantages

over the other. Surprisingly, in the vast literature on the teaching of reading

comprehension in the contexts of both mother tongue and foreign language

classrooms, no studies have sought to determine which one of these style

grouping better affects students’ non-preferred reading style or reading

comprehension. Therefore, this study focuses on the effects of reading-style

homogeneity versus heterogeneity within-class groups on EFL students’

non-preferred reading style and reading comprehension at the university

level. The significance of this study lies in the fact that its results could help

Egyptian EFL instructors to manage the large classes they face everyday. It

is also hoped that the results of the study could help learners to improve

their reading comprehension which is considered the biggest requirement

for their success in FL learning.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the present study is organized around the

brain lateralization theory and Bandura’s social-cognitive theory. Both

theories are discussed below.

The brain lateralization theory – developed by the Nobel prize winner Roger

Sperry and his colleagues – contends that as the human brain matures

certain functions become lateralized to the left hemisphere and certain other

functions become lateralized to the right hemisphere and each hemisphere

becomes specialized to perform its functions almost independently of the

other. The left hemisphere, in general terms, becomes specialized in logical,

analytic and objective functions whereas the right hemisphere becomes

specialized in intuitive, synthetic and subjective functions. This

hemisphericity – specialization of hemispheres – is based on the way in

which information is processed by each hemisphere. Each hemisphere, as

Sperry (1974) states, has its own “private sensations, perceptions, thoughts,

and ideas all of which are cut off from the corresponding experiences in the

opposite hemisphere” (p. 7). The left hemisphere tends to process

information in a linear, sequential and logical manner dealing with details

and features while the right hemisphere tends to process information in a

holistic way dealing with colors and shapes. More specifically, the

predominantly left-brain learner processes parts of information (such as

letters, morphemes, words, phrases, grammatical cues and discourse

markers) to understand a whole text. The predominantly right-brain

learner, in contrast, processes the whole text before the examination of

parts is complete and even when some parts are missing or vague.

The brain lateralization theory also proposes that the degree of lateral

specialization varies among individuals due to inherited genetic factors. And

as a result, people differ in their cognitive/learning styles which are typically

seen as innate, hard-wired preferences; and therefore, resistant to training

and change over time.

In line with the foregoing assumptions, supporters of the brain lateralization

theory (e.g., Ausburn and Ausburn, 1978; Felder and Henriques, 1995;

Leonard and Straus, 1997; Oxford, 1989; Oxford, Ehrman and Lavine,

1991; Peacock, 2001; Reid, 1987, Riding, 1991, 1994, 1997; Riding and

Cheema, 1991; Riding, Glass and Douglas, 1993; Riding and Rayner, 1998;

Smith, 2004; Witkin, 1973) argue for matching each student’s preferred

style with educational interventions that best suit this style to activate and

maximize his/her learning potentials even if these interventions conflict with

what is effective in class. These supporters add that through matching

teaching/curricular style with each student’s preferred style, learning takes

place with greater ease, maximum energy flow and fruitful results. As

Butler (1988) puts it:

A student who learns in his/her naturally dominant style is more

likely to earn high grades, which can result in an “I’m Okay”

feeling. Matching can aid students to validate themselves by

allowing them to discover, accept, or utilize their naturally

dominant abilities, creating an “I’m special, too” feeling. And,

matching style can promote mental health by helping students to

learn with the least stress, to get maximum results from the time

invested, and to enjoy a sense of control over their own learning

processes. (p. 125)

Along the same line of thought, supporters of the brain lateralization theory

cite many disadvantages of mismatching teaching/curricular style with each

student’s preferred style. Felder and Henriques (1995), with reference to

other supporters, put these disadvantages as follows:

Serious mismatches may occur between the learning styles of

students in a class and the teaching style of the instructor (Felder &

Silverman 1988; Lawrence 1993; Oxford et al. 1991; Schmeck

1988), with unfortunate potential consequences. The students tend

to be bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get

discouraged about the course, and may conclude that they are no

good at the subject of the course and give up (Felder & Silverman

1988; Godleski 1984; Oxford et al. 1991; Smith & Renzulli 1984).

(p. 21)

Despite the fact that the brain lateralization theory is mainly based on

studies on split-brain patients, it has gained popularity among educators all

over the world. This popularity may be due to the fact that this theory

provides a rational basis for individualized instruction; and thus, fits well

with the individualization movement which was launched in the USA in the

early seventies. But Lefton and Brannon (2003), with reference to Doty

(2000), caution that the popularity of this theory is due to its

oversimplification and overgeneralization. They state:

There is no doubt that both human beings and other animals

exhibit lateralization and specificity of functions. Unfortunately,

the popular press and TV newscasters oversimplify the specificity

of functions and, in some cases, overgeneralize their significance to

account for school problems, marital problems, artistic abilities,

and even baseball batting averages. One example in the popular

misconception of hemispheric specialization is that the right

hemisphere is “creative.” This belief is an overgeneralization from

the right hemisphere’s abilities in spatial visualization and

drawing. The right hemisphere is better at drawing, but not

necessarily more creative than the left; it depends on the task. For

example, the right hemisphere is not capable of creative writing,

and both hemispheres must work together to produce poetry–the

left hemisphere must find the words and the right hemisphere must

construct the meter. Typically, the two hemispheres work together

in everyday tasks; for example, the left side of the brain may

recognize a stimulus, but the right side is necessary to put that

recognition into context (Doty, 2000). (p. 63)

The social-cognitive theory: In his social-cognitive theory, Bandura (1986,

1991, 1997, 1999, 2001) points out that observed behavior, personal factors

(such as cognitive styles) and environmental factors (such as peers) play a

constant role in the development and modification of behavior, which in

turn creates changes in environmental and personal factors. This principle is

termed triadic reciprocal determinism. For Bandura, this term means that

the foregoing three elements interact with and influence one another.

According to him, learning takes place from observing others and imitating

their behaviors and observational learning affects the development of

people’s thoughts, cognitions and beliefs, which in turn influence their overt


Along with observational learning, Bandura places special emphasis on the

roles of self-evaluation and self-efficacy as mechanisms of behavior. In his

view, the performance of an observed behavior is strongly affected by the

consequences that happen or might happen to the model or to the observer.

He believes that people may observe a variety of behaviors but actively

decide whether or not to perform them on the basis of evaluation of the

consequences of these behaviors. Therefore, the actual performance of

behavior depends on the person’s estimation that the imitation of this

behavior will lead to the desired outcomes. In this sense, most of people’s

behavior, according to Bandura, is motivated and regulated by self-

evaluative reactions to their own actions. Bandura also argues that self-

efficacy determines the types of behavior people will engage in, how much

effort they will expend on activities, how long they will persist on challenging

tasks, the amount of risk they will take and the types of strategies they will

use to achieve success. He further argues that the acquisition of high or low

efficacy expectations depends on performance accomplishments, vicarious

experiences, verbal persuasion and states of emotional arousal and that

increases in perceived self-efficacy are associated directly with improvement

in actual cognitive and behavior skills.

In summary, both the brain lateralization theory and the social-cognitive

theory take contradictory positions with regard to cognitive/learning styles

and their relationship to the environment. The brain lateralization theory

argues that these styles, as much as other personal characteristics, are

inherited; and therefore, resistant to change over time. It further argues that

the environment can play only a supportive role in the scope of these

genetically coded styles. In view of this, the adherents of this theory suggest

matching the learning environment to each student’s dominant style. They

also suggest assigning students to homogeneous cognitive/learning style

groups to allow them to learn easily and efficiently without cognitive

conflicts. They further claim that differences in cognitive style between

individuals in a group cause problems of communication and understanding,

which in turn produce difficulties for collaboration and cohesion. As Witkin

(1973) states:

[P]ersons of the same style use similar modes of communication

and that this, in turn, facilitates understanding …with positive

consequences for their ability to get along with each other. …It

seems that persons of the same cognitive style ''emit'' similar signs.

To the extent that this puts them on the same ''wave length,'' it is

reasonable that they should do better with each other. It seems

equally reasonable that communication should be less effective

between persons of contrasting cognitive style, making for greater

difficulty in getting along. (p. 39-41)

The social-cognitive theory, in contrast, takes the position that

cognitive/learning styles, as other personal factors, can be reshaped and

remolded as a result of the mutual influence among personal factors,

observed behavior and the social environment. This mutual influence makes

it possible to change cognitive/learning styles over time although they have

an innate component. In view of this, the adherents of this theory (e.g., Ben-

Ari, 1997; Driver, 2003; Romero-Simpson, 1995; Vengopal and Mridula,

2007; Volkema and Gorman, 1998) argue that heterogeneous

cognitive/learning style grouping can be effective for developing and

modifying students’ non-preferred style as well as their learning

performances because group members with diverse cognitive/learning styles

display new behaviors to each other, which can subsequently lead to change

in their personal traits, abilities, and beliefs. They further argue that if socio-

cognitive conflicts arise among heterogeneous group members, they can be

diminished through interaction, which in turn leads to the development of

their learning styles as well as their achievement performances.

Research Related to the Study

This section overviews two areas of research related to the present study.

These two areas are: (1) stability/instability of cognitive/learning styles, and

(2) matching/mismatching teaching strategy/style with cognitive/learning

style. In the first area, some studies indicate that cognitive/learning styles are

stable across situations and/or cultures over time (e.g., Brody, 1972; Clapp,

1993; Claxton and Ralston, 1978; Cornett, 1983; Diamond, 1977; Honey and

Mumford, 2000; Kirton, 1998; Kolb, 1976; Kubes, 1998; Murdock, Isaksen

and Lauer, 1993; Oreg, 2003; Oreg et al. 2008; Sadler-Smith, Spicer and

Tsang, 2000; Swailes and Senior, 1999; Tullett, 1995, 1997; Veres, Sims and

Locklear, 1991), whereas other studies indicate that such styles are malleable

and changeable in response to environmental conditions (e.g., Butler and

Pinto-Zipp, 2005; Jangaiah, 1998; Messick, 1984; Pask, 1976; Pinto, Geiger

and Boyle, 1994; Price, 1980; Reynolds and Torrance, 1978; Streufert and

Nogami, 1989; Tucker, 2007; Volet, Renshaw and Tietzel, 1994). In the

second area, some studies show that learners perform better when they are

taught in their preferred style (e.g., Barber, Carbo and Thomasson, 1998;

Brooks, 1991; Ford, 1995; Lenehan, Dunn, Ingham, Murray and Signer,

1994; Miller, 1998; Skipper, 1997; Spires, 1983), whereas other studies show

that learners perform better when the instructor’s teaching strategy/style

mismatch their preferred cognitive/learning style. (e.g., Kowoser and

Berman, 1996; O’Brien and Thompson, 1994; Rush and Moore, 1991;

Vaughan and Baker, 2001). For reviews of research in this second area, see

Doyle and Rutherford (1984), Hayes and Allinson (1996), Nicholls (2002),

Pithers (2002) and Robotham (2000).

It appears then that the findings of the previous research in the two areas

related to the present study are contradictory. These confusing findings

might be attributable to the differences in the conditions under which these

studies were conducted such as the length, material, source, field, type and

place of instruction. These contradictory findings might also arise from the

non-control of the extraneous factors such as gender, age, socioeconomic

status and grade level, which could affect the dependent variable(s) in these

studies. It also appears from the previous research that no studies have

investigated the effects of homogeneous versus heterogeneous cognitive style

grouping within-class on students’ non-preferred reading style and reading

comprehension. In sum, the inconclusive findings from the research

literature, together with the paucity of studies that incorporate the

lateralization theory and the social cognitive theory into group work in the

area of reading, warrant this study.

Hypotheses of the Study

This study aimed at testing the following null hypotheses at the 0.05 alpha


1. There is no statistically significant difference in the posttest-adjusted

mean scores of students’ non-preferred reading style between the

homogeneous reading-style group and the heterogeneous reading-style


2. There is no statistically significant difference in the posttest-adjusted

mean scores of students’ reading comprehension between the

homogeneous reading-style group and the heterogeneous reading-style


Operational Definition of Terms

The terms below, wherever seen in this study, have these definitions:

The term 'homogeneous reading-style grouping' refers to a way of grouping

in which students of the same reading style are assigned to pair groups

(analytic with analytic and global with global) within the same class.

The term 'heterogeneous reading-style grouping' refers to a way of grouping

in which analytic and global students are mixed together in pairs (one from

each) within the same class.

The term 'preferred reading style' refers to the strongly favored way of

processing (perceiving, interpreting and retaining) text information. In the

present study, this strongly favored way is designated by scores above 75 out

of a possible 100 on one of the two sections of the Analytic/Global Reading

Styles Inventory.

The term 'non-preferred reading style' refers to the slightly favored way of

processing (perceiving, interpreting and retaining) text information. In the

present study, this slightly favored way is designated by scores below 50 out

of a possible 100 on one of the two sections of the Analytic/Global Reading

Styles Inventory.

The term 'dual reading style' refers to the way of processing (perceiving,

interpreting and retaining) text information both analytically and globally.

In the present study, this dual way is designated by scores above 75 out of a

possible 100 on the two sections of the Analytic/Global Reading Styles


The term 'reading comprehension' refers to both referential and inferential

comprehension of text information, as measured by the Reading

Comprehension Test developed by the researcher.



The original subjects for the study were 86 English major senior students in

Suez Faculty of Education at Suez Canal University during the 2005/2006

academic year. All of them were Arabic native speakers and predominantly

female with only four male students. All had a mean age of 21 years, plus or

minus 0.5 months and were nearly of the same socioeconomic status with

respect to their parents’ monthly income. Of these original subjects and

based upon the Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory scores, 24 students

were eliminated from the study because seven of them had strong preference

for both analytic and global styles and seventeen were found to be

moderately analytic and/or moderately global learners. The researcher

chose only strong analytic and strong global subjects to participate in the

study. Each of these participants scored above 75 on one of the two sections

of the inventory and below 50 on the other. These selected subjects (N=62)

were randomly assigned to a homogeneous or heterogeneous group. In the

two groups, subjects were further assigned to pairs, ensuring that the groups

were balanced for sex to eliminate the possible confounding effects of

gender. Table 1 below shows the composition of each group.

Table 1

Distribution of Participants by Reading

Style to Groups and Pairs
Group Style(s) of Pairs No. of Pairs No. of


Homogeneous Analytic/Analytic 8 32

Global/Global 8

Heterogeneous Analytic/Global 15 30


To achieve the aims of the study the researcher developed an

Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory and a Reading Comprehension

Test as indicated below.

The Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory

The researcher developed an Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory (see

Appendix) based on the characteristics of the analytic and global learners

agreed upon in most of the cognitive style literature. However, this inventory

differs from the existing ones in that the existing inventories regard analytic

and global styles as a single dimension or two points at the end of a

continuum, whereas this inventory regards them as two dimensions to allow

the researcher to eliminate dual cognitive style (bicognitive) learners, if any

exist, before the start of the experiment and to measure improvement in the

non-preferred style with the end of the study. This contention is supported

by the researchers who found that a significant number of the subjects in

their pilot studies was predominantly stronger in two styles. Gaden (1992),

for example, found that 56% of 147 physical therapy students in four

programs revealed a 'dual' learning style. Coker (2000), for another

example, found that 58% of the athletic students in her study were

bicognitive style learners.

The purpose of the inventory is to identify students with strong analytic and

those with strong global reading styles before the beginning of the study and

to measure their non-preferred reading style before and after the

experiment. The inventory consists of 40 Likert-scale items which are

categorized into two sections (20 items for each). The first section measures

the analytic reading style and the second measures the global one. Both

sections give information about what students like to do before, during, and

after reading. This type of thinking may go against some personality

theorists, but it agrees with many educators’ and psychologists’ point of view

that cognitive processes occur at the pre-, while-, and post-reading stages

(Birnbaum, 1986; Brunk-Chavez, Shaffer, Varela, Storey-Gore and

Meeuwsen, 2008; Janus and Bever, 1985) and that these processes are

reflections and indicators of cognitive styles (Chinien and Boutin, 1993;

Garity, 1995; Gul, 1987; Kerka, 1986; Kogan, 1971; McKay, Fischler and

Dunn, 2003; Messick, 1976, 1987, 1994), which in turn characterize actual

behavior (Chakraborty, Hu and Cui, 2008; Gray, 1976; Kirton, 1976;

Witkin, Moore, Goodenough and Cox, 1977).

The inventory is based on a scale ranging from 1 to 5, with the score of 1

indicating 'least preferred' and 5 indicating 'most preferred'. In each

section, the total score ranges from 20 to 100, with scores above 75 indicating

'strong preference,' scores from 50 to 75 indicating 'moderate preference,'

and scores below 50 indicating 'slight preference.'

To establish the validity of the inventory, two pilot studies were conducted.

In the first study, the researcher asked ten English major senior students to

read this inventory and to underline the difficult words and items they did

not understand immediately. After that, the researcher changed the difficult

words and items they underlined and made sure that the new words and

items could be understood quickly by the ten participants. In the second

pilot study, the inventory was given to a jury of four university professors

(two from the Department of Psychology and the other two from the

Department of Curricula and Instruction) to evaluate each item in terms of

its construct. They all indicated that each item in the inventory measures

what it is supposed to measure.

To estimate the internal consistency reliability of the inventory, the

researcher administered it to 40 English major senior students who were not

part of the study and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated for

each section. These coefficients were found to be 0.78 for the first section and

0. 83 for the second section, which indicated that the items in each section

were highly consistent.

The Reading Comprehension Test

Four previously-unseen reading passages with twenty questions (5 for each)

were used as the pre-posttest to measure each student’s reading

comprehension before and after the experiment. The questions called for

both analytic and global thinking. Ten of them were analytic and the other

ten were global. To establish its validity, the Reading Comprehension Test

was administered to four university professors (two from the Department of

English and the other two from the Department of Curricula and

Instruction) to give their opinions of its level, timing, instructions and layout.

They indicated that the level and the timing were appropriate, the

instructions were understandable, and the layout was neat. To ensure its

reliability, the test was administered to a sample of 40 English major senior

students out of the participants of the study, and was readministered ten

days later to the same sample to assess its stability over time. The Pearson

correlation coefficient between scores on the two occasions was found to be

0.85 (p < 0.01, two tails), which indicates a good level of reliability.

Materials for the Study

The materials for the study were twenty eight reading passages. These

passages were adapted from various sources, including books, magazines

and newspapers. All these passages had not been read by the subjects prior

to the onset of the study. Each passage consisted of two long paragraphs

followed by six questions. These questions focused on either analytic or

global reading skills for the homogeneous group, depending on matching the

preferred style of each subgroup, and on both analytic and global reading

skills (3 for each) for the heterogeneous group.

In order to establish the validity of these materials they were given to two

university professors from the Department of English to provide their

opinions about the level of the reading passages and the skills measured by

the questions after each passage. The researcher took their opinions into his

consideration and modified the reading passages as well as the questions


Variables of the Study

The independent variable in the study was within-class reading style

grouping with two levels (homogeneous and heterogeneous). In the

homogeneous grouping condition, students were randomly placed into pairs

of the same reading style (either global or analytic), whereas in the

heterogeneous grouping condition, students were placed into pairs by

randomly selecting one student from each of the two reading styles (analytic

and global). In both conditions, the members of each pair alternatively

exhibited their reading behaviors by thinking aloud while reading and

sharing answers to post-passage questions after reading. In each session

members of each pair alternatively read the first paragraph of the passage

and thought aloud while reading. One pair member then served as a recaller

of the information without looking at the passage and the other member

served as a listener and detected errors and omissions in his/her partner’s

recall. After that, both members read the second paragraph of the passage

and switched roles. Finally, each member independently answered the six

questions after the passage and shared answers with the other member.

Meanwhile, the teacher (researcher) served as a consultant for all pairs in

each group. He also moved from pair to pair to ensure that students did not

work with members of other pairs or engage in off-task talk.

The dependent variables in the study were: (1) students’ non-preferred

reading style, as measured by the Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory,

and their (2) reading comprehension, as measured by the reading

comprehension pre-posttest. To eliminate the effects of extraneous variables

on these dependent variables, gender and socioeconomic status of students

were controlled in both groups of the study. Both groups were also

monitored by the same teacher (researcher) during two different, yet similar

morning sessions. Moreover, the researcher used the statistical analysis of

covariance to control for the initial differences between the two groups in the

non-preferred reading style and reading comprehension scores.

For data analysis with SPSS, the dependent variable was the scores on the

posttest, the fixed factor was the homogeneous and heterogeneous groups

and the covariate was the scores on the pretest.

Procedures of the Study

At the beginning of the academic year 2005/2006, the Analytic/Global Reading

Styles Inventory (AGRSI) was administered to the original subjects of the

study to measure each student’s analytic and global reading styles,

Afterwards, based on the classification scheme of the inventory on the one

hand and the difference between the analytic and global scores of each student

on the other hand, the researcher selected only strongly analytic and strongly

global subjects, who were not dual reading style (bicognitive) learners, to

participate in the study. Thereafter, these selected subjects (N=62) were

randomly assigned to homogeneous (analytic/analytic and global/global) or

heterogeneous (analytic/global) group. Within each group, students were

then randomly placed into pairs. Following this, the Reading

Comprehension Test was administered to both groups to measure each

student’s reading comprehension before conducting the experiment. After

that, the participants were instructed on how to read collaboratively in pairs

and how to think aloud while reading, depending on the preferred reading

style of each group/subgroup. Each pair then worked together for 28 weeks,

one session per week. Each session lasted for ninety minutes. At the end of

the study, the AGRSI and the Reading Comprehension Test were again given

to both groups to measure each student’s non-preferred reading style and

reading comprehension. Finally, the differences in the posttest-adjusted

mean scores between the two groups were analyzed for significance using


Design of the Study

The design of this study was a pretest-posttest experimental one. In this

design, the researcher randomly assigned strongly analytic and strongly

global subjects to homogeneous or heterogeneous group. He then measured

each student’s non-preferred reading style and reading comprehension using

the AGRSI and the Reading Comprehension Test. After treatment, the same

tests were readministered to both groups to measure each student’s non-

preferred reading style and reading comprehension. This design is

displayed in Table 2 below.

Table 2

Design of the Study

Homogeneous Group 01 02 X1 01 02

Heterogeneous Group 01 02 X2 01 02


01= Analytic Global Reading Styles Test

01= Reading Comprehension Test

X1= Reading in homogeneous pairs

X2= Reading in heterogeneous pairs

Data Analysis

Data analysis was carried out to determine whether there was a statistically

significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups in each of

the two dependent variables after the effect of the covariate was removed.

Before the comparison of the adjusted mean scores of the two groups,

assumptions of homogeneous regression coefficients and linearity of Y on X

were examined and found to be appropriately met. Furthermore, along with

ANCOVA analysis, the researcher made sure that the Levene's test of

homogeneity of variance is significant at the 0.05 level or greater for both

the non-preferred reading style and reading comprehension [f (1, 60)=55.391,

p < 0.001; f (1, 60)= 9.978, p=0.002, respectively].

Findings and Discussion

(1) ANCOVA Results for the First Hypothesis

The posttest-adjusted mean scores of students’ non-preferred reading style

were 27.66 with a standard deviation of 7.25 for the homogeneous group

and 39.87 with a standard deviation of 11.56 for the heterogeneous group.

To examine the difference between these adjusted means, an analysis of

covariance was employed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure

of SPSS. The results of this ANCOVA are reported in Table 3 below.

Table 3
Results of ANCOVA for the Non-Preferred Reading Style Scores
with Partial Eta Squared and Observed Power

Dependent Variable: Posttest

Source Type III df Mean F Partial Observed

Sum of Square Eta Power
Squares Squared
Corrected 5417.863 2 2708.931 66.667 0.000 0.693 1.000
Intercept 69.694 1 69.694 1.715 0.195 0.028 0.252
Pretest 3109.306 1 3109.306 76.521 0.000 0.565 1.000
Group 2451.434 1 2451.434 60.330 0.000 0.506 1.000
Error 2397.379 59 40.634
Total 77663.000 62
Corrected 7815.242 61
a. Computed using alpha = 0.05
b. R Squared = 0.693 (Adjusted R Squared =0.683)
c. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances: f (1, 60)=55.391, p < 0.001

As indicated in Table 3, a statistically significant difference in the adjusted

mean scores of students’ non-preferred reading style, as measured by the

AGRSI, was found between the homogeneous group and the heterogeneous

group in favor of the latter group [f (1, 59)= 60.33, p < 0.001, with large

effect size (partial Eta-squared=0.506)]. Therefore, the first null hypothesis

was rejected. This finding could be attributable to seven reasons. The first

reason is that the lifelong ability of the normal human brain to reorganize

itself and to learn new functions coupled with the heterogeneous social

environment, which exhibited the behavior of these functions, could have

enabled both analytic and global students who worked together in this

environment to reorganize their own brains forming new connections with

the non-dominant hemisphere, which could in turn make it work efficiently.

In line with this explanation stands the fact that the human brain’s structure

and functions are subject to change throughout a person’s lifetime because

of the plasticity of the brain (Doidge, 2007). This plasticity provides the basis

for learning a wide range of new functions and new styles even through

adolescence. Support for this fact comes Lefton and Brannon (2003) in the

following way:

Culture and environment affect behavior, and individuals are

capable of change throughout their lives. Over time individuals

develop new, different connections among brain cells that did not

exist at birth. Furthermore, connections that existed at birth and in

childhood may have disappeared. Basically, adult brains are not

only capable of reorganizing themselves, but do so throughout a

person’s lifetime. Our brains are constantly being organized and

reorganized forming new and useful connections. (p. 45)

Further support for the same fact comes from research on brain plasticity,

as summarized by Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart and Roy (2006) in the


The brain continues to mature even through adolescence, showing

evidence of ever more efficient neural communication in its major

fiber tracts (Gotay et al. 2004; Paus et al., 1999; Thompson et al.,

2000). …Throughout the life span, the brain retains its plasticity,

rewiring itself to form new connections and to eliminate

connections, too (Hua & Smith, 2004). Our genes apparently

determine the basic patterns of growth and major lines of

connections –the “highways” of the brain and its general

architecture. … But the details of the connections depend on

experience, including the amount of complexity and stimulation in

the environment. …In any event this line of research highlights the

interaction of environmental and genetic factors. …Within

constraints set by genetics, interactions with the world mold the

brain itself (e.g., Chang & Merzenich, 2003). (pp. 89-90)

A second reason, closely related to that just given, for the better

improvement of the heterogeneous group students’ non-preferred reading

style is that the novelty and richness of the social cognitive environment, in

which both analytic and global students worked together throughout the

experiment, could have led to the generation of new neurons and new

synapses, that allowed for fresh neural and synaptic connections in their

brains and acted to develop the non-dominant hemisphere functions,

thereby enabling students to develop style flex-abilities and to use both sides

of the brain efficiently. In support of this reason, neuroscience research

affirms that the elaboration and reorganization of the brain are predisposed

to occur when organisms are placed in superenriched environments (e.g.,

Elkind, 1999; Kempermann, Gast and Gage, 2002). It also affirms that the

formation of new neurons and new synapses occurs in the adult human

brain in response to new experiences (e.g., Steindler and Pincus, 2002).

A third reason for the greater improvement of the heterogeneous group

students’ non-preferred reading style is that the observation and imitation of

the non-preferred reading style behavior in the heterogeneous group could

have stimulated students’ corpus callosums more fully to form extra-

extensive connections between the left and right hemispheres, which could in

turn activate the brain as a whole and achieve whole brain functioning,

thereby enhancing the non-dominant hemisphere functions and developing

the underdeveloped reading style. In support of this reason, subordinate

data analyses of the pretest and posttest scores for analytic and global

subjects in the heterogeneous group, using the paired samples t-test, show

that analytic subjects became significantly more global than previously and

global subjects became significantly more analytic than previously (t=9.48,

df=14, p < 0.001; t=7.66, df=14, p < 0.001, respectively), whereas neither

analytic nor global subjects in the homogeneous group significantly

improved their non-preferred reading style (t = -1.00, df=15, p=NS; t = 0.00,

df=15, p=NS, respectively).

A fourth reason is that the observation and imitation of the behavior that

requires the non-dominant hemisphere activity in the heterogeneous group

might have led to stimulating the resting neurons in this hemisphere over

and over again, causing them to branch out and become faster and easily

accessible, thereby improving the functions of this hemisphere and making

them easier and preferable to read with. A fifth reason is that both analytic

and global students in the heterogeneous group might have realized the

usefulness of the non-dominant style for reading comprehension. Thereby,

they deliberately chose to exercise and apply it, which could in turn result

in its development and in the extension of its use to an ever-widening range

of reading activities.

A sixth reason is that the frequent observation of the non-preferred reading

style behavior in the heterogeneous group might have awakened students’

unconscious minds, which could in turn lead them to control the non-

dominant hemisphere functions, consider the alternative reading style

according to the requirements of the task and to invest extra conscious effort

in improving their underdeveloped reading style while continuing to use

their developed one. A final reason is that students in the heterogeneous

group were more likely to observe and imitate each other’s behavior because

they had different but complementary styles. This could subsequently raise

their feeling of efficacy and motivate them to employ the non-dominant

hemisphere and to fortify its functioning. On the opposite side, students in

the homogeneous group did not have the opportunity to watch or imitate

new reading behaviors, thereby remaining stable in their stylistic comfort

zone, which in turn fostered their stereotypical reading style. In line with

this explanation, Hayes and Allinson (1998) note that homogeneous grouping

leads to the formation of a shared mental model that fosters stereotypical

thinking. Confirming this, Leonard and Sensiper (1998) state: “If all

individuals in the group approach a task with highly overlapping

experiential backgrounds, they may be subject to ‘groupthink,’ i.e., a

comfortable common viewpoint leading to closed mindedness and pressures

toward uniformity” ( p. 118).

(2) ANCOVA Results for the Second Hypothesis

The posttest-adjusted mean scores of students’ reading comprehension were

10.44 with a standard deviation of 2.9 for the homogeneous group and 13.50

with a standard deviation of 2.0 for the heterogeneous group. To examine

the difference between these adjusted means, an analysis of covariance was

employed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SPSS. The

results of this ANCOVA are reported in Table 4 below.

Table 4

Results of ANCOVA for Reading Comprehension Scores

with Partial Eta Squared and Observed Power
Dependent Variable: Posttest
Source Type III df Mean F Sig. Partial Observed
Sum of Square Eta Power
Squares Squared
Corrected 331.885 2 165.943 46.910 0.000 0.614 1.000
Intercept 20.409 1 20.409 5.769 0.019 0.089 0.656
Pretest 186.664 1 186.664 52.767 0.000 0.472 1.000
Group 152.762 1 152.762 43.184 0.000 0.423 1.000
Error 208.711 59 3.537
Total 9349.000 62
Corrected 540.597 61
a. Computed using alpha = 0.05
b. R Squared = 0.614 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.601)
c. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances: f (1, 60)= 9.978, p=0.002

As indicated in Table 4, a statistically significant difference in the adjusted

mean scores of students’ reading comprehension, as measured by the

reading comprehension pre-posttest, was found between the homogeneous

group and the heterogeneous group in favor of the latter group [f (1, 59)=

43.184, p < 0.001, with large effect size (partial Eta-squared=0.423)].

Therefore, the second null hypothesis was rejected. This finding could be

attributable to three reasons. The first reason is that the flexible use of

reading styles and the utilization of both the left and right hemispheres of

the brain by the heterogeneous group students throughout the experiment

might have enabled them to process different sorts of information and to use

both the bottom-up and top-down processes simultaneously and

alternatively, which could in turn enrich their experiences and result in

developing their reading comprehension. In line with this explanation,

research indicates a high degree of interdependence between comprehension

and decoding abilities (e.g., Baumann and Kameenui, 1991; Beck, Prefetti

and McKeown, 1982; Daneman, 1988; Golinkoff and Rosinski, 1976; Gough,

1984; Stanovich, 1986; Tunmer and Hoover, 1992; Tunmer, Nesdale and

Wright, 1987; Vellutino and Scanlon, 1991). A second reason for the better

improvement of the heterogeneous group students’ reading comprehension

is that their self-efficacy might have been enhanced because the analytic

student and the global student had much to learn from each other and each

turned to the other for assistance and guidance, leading to higher

expectations of efficacy, which could in turn motivate them to learn new

reading behaviors and improve their reading comprehension. In line with

this reason, Lehman (2007) notes that grouping can result in higher

performance if students strengths are complementary. In a complementary

vein, Hayes and Allinson (1997) contend that exposing learners to activities

that mismatch their preferred learning style will develop the learning

competencies necessary to cope with different and complex learning

situations. A third reason for the higher gain achieved by the heterogeneous

group students on the reading comprehension pre-posttest is that the

interaction between analytic and global students might have developed their

higher-level thinking skills, which could positively affect their reading

comprehension. In support of this, Doise and Hanselman (1991) have found

“sociocognitive conflict” to be “a very efficient way of generating cognitive

progress” (p. 119). O'Connor, Gruenfeld and McGrath (1993) have also

found that high levels of group conflict yield better task performance than

does low conflict. On the opposite side, the homogeneous group students

were unlikely to gain or exchange experiences that could enhance their sense

of efficacy or improve their reading comprehension. Moreover, their over-

reliance on only one reading style might have limited their cognitive

processes and narrowed their thinking, which could in turn hinder much

improvement of their reading comprehension. Along with this explanation,

Urquhart and Weir (1998) state:

Over-reliance on either top-down or bottom-up processing to the

neglect of the other may hamper readers; efficient and effective

second language reading requires both top-down or bottom-up

strategies in different combinations for different purposes (Carrell,

1988: 240-1; Rumelhart, 1977, 1980). For example, it would be

mistaken only to rely on word by word bottom up processing in a

skimming exercise designed to extract quickly the gist from a text.

However, some careful processing of textual clues to overall

meaning might be necessary once these are located through more

expeditious strategies. (p. 188)

In support of the same reason, subordinate data analyses of the pretest and

posttest scores for analytic and global subjects, using the paired samples t-

test, show that both analytic and global subjects in the heterogeneous group

significantly improved their reading comprehension (t=11.25, df=14, p <

0.001; t=9.53, df=14, p < 0.001, respectively). This indicates that both

analytic and global students benefited from heterogeneous grouping.

Overall, this study indicates that cognitive/learning styles are a key factor in

the success of within-class group work. It shows that heterogeneous reading-

style grouping is more effective in developing EFL students’ non-preferred

reading style and reading comprehension than homogeneous reading-style

grouping. These results suggest that the non-preferred reading style can be

developed through observation and imitation when students learn with and

from others with different reading styles. In support of this conclusion, in

her review of the main trends in cognitive style research, Kozhevnikov

(2007) reports the following:

[S]tudies also made it clear that cognitive styles are not simply

inborn structures, dependent only on an individual’s internal

characteristics, but rather, are interactive constructs that develop

in response to social, educational, professional and other

environmental requirements. (p. 476)

In light of the foregoing, one of the goals of reading comprehension

instruction should be developing students’ non-preferred reading style

without neglecting their preferred one or forcing students to rely completely

on their non-preferred style. This enables them to balance both sides of the

brain and achieve whole brain functioning. It also enables them to gain new

skills, which in turn improve their non-preferred reading style and reading

comprehension. In line with this, following a review of the literature on

cognitive learning styles, Pithers (2002) reports the following:

Teachers and their students need to be taught to adopt a flexible

approach to cognitive style attitudes, thinking and behaviour. All

individuals in education and training need to be able to develop

self-awareness about themselves in terms of any preferred cognitive

style characteristics…, but then be able to select the information

processing approach…which best suits the new problem or

situation. (p. 129)

Claxton and Murrell (1988) have made a similar observation in the following


Matching is particularly appropriate in working with poorly

prepared students and with new college students, as the most

attrition occurs in those situations. Some studies show that

identifying a student's style and then providing instruction

consistent with that style contribute to more effective learning. In

other instances, some mismatching may be appropriate so that

students' experiences help them to learn in new ways and to bring

into play ways of thinking and aspects of the self not previously

developed. Any mismatching, however, should be done with

sensitivity and consideration for students, because the experience of

discontinuity can be very threatening, particularly when students

are weak in these areas. (p. 2)

The results of the study also suggest that both bottom-up and top-down

processes are important for reading comprehension. One of them could not

compensate for the shortcomings of the other. Without bottom-up

processing, the reader may be fooled or misled by his/her own experiences,

and without top-down processing the reader cannot understand the text as a

whole. In other words, reading comprehension is jointly achieved by both

what is in the text and what is happening in the reader’s mind. In support of

this conclusion, Aslanian (1985) concludes from her study: “If readers rely

too heavily on their knowledge and ignore the limitations imposed by the

text, or vice versa, then they will not be able to comprehend the intended

meaning of the writer” (p. 20). The same conclusion is also supported by

Mynatt and Doherty (2002) in the following way:

One of the most powerful impulses that accompany the human

need to understand is the impulse to analyze, to break what one is

trying to understand into its parts. But analysis is only one part of

the story. Synthesis is equally important. We must also know how

the parts go together before we understand the whole. (p. 98)

In short, the findings of this study cast doubt on the stability of reading

styles and show that group work is more effective in corporation with the

social cognitive theory than with the lateralization theory.

Limitations of the Study

The generalizability of the findings of this study is limited to the size of its

participants. It is also limited to analytic and global reading styles and the

inventory used for measuring these styles. The researcher investigated only

these two styles because they are most important to reading comprehension

and encompass most of the other learning styles, a belief shared by Oxford

and Anderson (1995) Oxford, Ehrman and Lavine (1991) and Schmeck

(1988). The generalizability of the findings of this study is also limited to pair

work within homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to give members of

each pair an equal opportunity to observe and imitate each other’s reading


Recommendations of the Study

Based on the findings of this study and within its limitations, the researcher

offers the following recommendations:

(1) Reading teachers should stop passing on bits and pieces of information to

their students and engage them, instead, in learning through interaction

with each other. They should also take heterogeneous grouping into

their own considerations in the process of forming groups to maximize

the benefits of group work. The implementation of this recommendation

requires fixed classroom furniture to be removed and replaced with

easily movable tables and chairs that offer possibilities for classroom

arrangements and group work. It also requires teachers to have

frequent knowledge about their students’ cognitive/learning styles to

assign them to heterogeneous groups in which members can observe

and imitate the behaviors of their non-preferred style in a challenging

and non-threatening atmosphere without suppressing the preferred one.

(2) Reading teachers should provide students with tasks that cater to both

analytic and global reading styles because both styles are just like

vitamins A and B. One of them cannot make up for the other’s

deficiency. Each has its own functions which cannot be carried out by

the other and students inevitably encounter tasks that require the use of

both styles. Therefore, teachers should regard them as complementary

cognitive elements that can be used simultaneously and alternatively to

achieve comprehension. They should also model the cognitive processes

of both styles to their students, by thinking aloud while reading to them,

to show them how these processes operate interactively.

(3) Reading teachers should help students develop a strong sense of self-

efficacy by giving them the opportunity to assess their own reading

styles and to participate more fully in the process of improving their

non-preferred style and reading comprehension.

(4) Students need to reflect not only on what they read, but also on how they

read. In so doing, they take a reflective approach to reading which can

enable them to revise and modify their own reading styles and to

monitor their reading comprehension.

(5) Students need to be aware of their own preferred and non-preferred

reading styles as well as the effects of these styles on comprehension to

practice improving their own non-preferred style willingly without

neglecting the preferred one.

Suggestions for Further Research

Further research with larger sample sizes is needed to investigate the effect

of within-class ability grouping versus cognitive/learning style grouping on

students’ reading comprehension. It is also important to investigate the

effects of homogeneous versus heterogeneous cognitive/learning style

grouping on students’ self-efficacy and attitudes towards group mates and

reading. In addition, further research studies need to investigate the effects

of cognitive versus sociological style grouping on students’ reading

comprehension. Finally, further research should focus on what reading texts

mean to students who belong to different cognitive/learning style groups and

how these groups develop interpretations of texts.

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Analytic/Global Reading Styles Inventory (AGRSI)


The purpose of this inventory is to measure your analytic and global reading styles. It

consists of 40 Likert-scale items. These items are categorized into two sections (20 for

each). The first section aims to measure your analytic reading style whereas the second

aims to measure your global reading style. The score for each item ranges from 1 to 5,

where 1 stands for “Never or almost never true of me,” 2 for “Usually not true of me,” 3

for “Somewhat true of me,” 4 for “Usually true of me,” and 5 for “Always or almost

always true of me.”

It is important to know that there are no right or wrong responses to all items on the

inventory. A response is only right if it reflects your preference as accurately as possible.

Please read each item carefully. On the attached answering sheet, record the

corresponding score for each item. Each item takes one minute to complete.

Your honest responses will be appreciated.

Yours truly,

Abdel Salam El-Koumy

If you are sure that you know what to do, begin. If you have any questions, ask for

assistance before starting.

Section A

Before reading,

(1) I tend to read the title out loud to myself.

(2) I tend to analyze the wording of the title.

(3) I tend to translate the title word by word to my mother tongue.

(4) I tend to look at the length of the text to estimate the time I will take to finish reading


(5) I tend to look at the outer text organization structure.

While reading,

(6) I tend to sound out words.

(7) I tend to read word by word.

(8) I tend to get the meaning of each word.

(9) I prefer to analyze unfamiliar words into roots, prefixes and suffixes to determine

their meanings.

(10) I prefer to use the dictionary when the structure of the word does not provide the


(11) I prefer to dissect sentences into parts to understand their meanings.


(12) I tend to pay attention to linking words to understand the meaning of sentences.

(13) I tend to concentrate on details.

(14) I tend to concentrate when the material is factual.

(15) I tend to focus on the logical sequence of information in the text.

After reading,

(16) I tend to retain key words in my memory.

(17) I prefer to answer multiple choice questions to consolidate the information I have


(18) I tend to retain facts in my memory.

(19) I tend to recite text information aloud to myself to fix it in my memory.

(20) I like to discuss the author’s line of reasoning with others to confirm my


Section B

Before reading,

(1) I tend to visualize the title in my mind.

(2) I tend to relate the title to my prior knowledge.

(3) I tend to predict what the content will be in reaction to the title.

(4) I tend to look over the pictures and diagrams in the text.


(5) I prefer to get the gist of the text.

While reading,

(6) I tend to relate new information to visual concepts in my memory.

(7) I tend to receive more than one word at a time.

(8) I tend to look for ideas implicitly stated in the text.

(9) I prefer to guess word meanings from the context.

(10) I tend to draw meanings from pictures and other visuals in the text.

(11) I tend to create mental images of the events and ideas I encounter in the text.

(12) I tend to focus on the overall meaning of the text.

(13) I tend to highlight important ideas with colors.

(14) I tend to concentrate when the material is fictitious.

(15) I tend to anticipate what will come next.

After reading,

(16) I tend to retain the key ideas I highlighted while reading.

(17) I prefer to respond to open-ended questions to consolidate information learned from

the text.

(18) I tend to retain the ideas and events I visualized while reading.

(19) I tend to graphically reorganize the relationship among ideas to fix them in my


(20) I tend to think of the possible consequences of what I have read.

Inventory Answering Sheet

Name:--------------------------------------. Date:-----------------.


Record the score that represents your response to each item (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) in each of the

blanks below. Add up the individual scores of each section and put the total on the line

marked TOTAL.

Section A Section B

No. Score No. Score

1 ---------- 1 ----------

2 ---------- 2 ----------

3 ---------- 3 ----------

4 ---------- 4 ----------

5 ---------- 5 ----------

6 ---------- 6 ----------

7 ---------- 7 ----------

8 ---------- 8 ----------

9 ---------- 9 ----------

10 ---------- 10 ----------

11 ---------- 11 ----------

12 ---------- 12 ----------

13 ---------- 13 ----------

14 ---------- 14 ----------

15 ---------- 15 ----------

16 ---------- 16 ----------

17 ---------- 17 ----------

18 ---------- 18 ----------

19 ---------- 19 ----------

20 ---------- 20 ----------

TOTAL ---------- TOTAL ----------


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