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Blood Lesson Planning and Assessment

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Lesson Title: Blood

Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th

Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 1


Lesson and Assessment Plan Context
This is a human anatomy and physiology lesson that will focus on student

comprehension of the composition and function of blood, hemostasis, and

blood groups. This lesson will be taught to 11th and 12th grade high school

students in a biology classroom. The lesson is designed to increase student

reading comprehension, written and verbal communication and

Overview understanding and usage of system modeling of the blood. The lesson will

open with direct instruction, followed by a blood typing lab and ending with

writing activities on hemostasis. Assessment will happen during all segments

of the lesson through group discussion, questions during lab and instruction

and written responses from the writing exercises.

Throughout the course of the semester I have developed a growing

understanding of the student’s backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses in

regards to the classroom curriculum and assignments. The classroom is a

mixture 11th and 12th grade levels and the class has a total of 11 students.
The students are of a predominately Black or biracial origin. The students
Culture, and
have prior knowledge of the skeletal and nervous system. They also have
been building their conceptual knowledge of the connections between bodies

systems and how they are controlled by homeostatic balances and can

become imbalanced. Through conversations and previous activities the

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 2

students have expressed interest in learning about the structure and function

of the bodies system as it can be applied to hands on activities, labs and

common ailments and diseases within their personal lives and community.

The students have a need for improvement in reading comprehension and

retention. The school like the classroom has a majority black population and

a ratio of 1 teacher to every 10 students. The community is very involved in

afterschool programs and events planned by the school. There are many

parent volunteers and graduates from the school that participate, implement

and organize college clubs, speaking engagements, and concerts.

This lesson was developed for these particular students to help develop their

understanding of the blood as a life sustaining fluid. Learning about how

bloods creation, composition, and classification, will help the students when

they move on to the next unit where they will learn about the cardiovascular

Rationale system. This lesson is important to the lives of the students because a deeper

understanding and comprehension about how the human body functions and

is regulated will help them in their future careers and life. Many of the

students in the class have an interest in going into the medical profession after

they graduate.

Lesson and Assessment Plan Learning Objectives

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 3

Describe the composition and function of blood

Describe the blood clotting process and what factors inhibit or enhance this
Purpose of the
Lesson: Central

Describe the ABO and Rh blood groups

Students will be able to explain the role that white blood cells play in relation

to the bodies immunity

Students will be able to explain major phases of hemostasis


Students will be able to explain how human blood is classified and its


SAP1. Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their

GSE - Georgia
physiological functions.
Standards of
b. Investigate the interdependence of the various body systems to each other
and to the body as a whole.
Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 4

c. Explain the role of homeostasis and its mechanisms as these relate to the

body as a whole and predict the consequences of the failure to maintain


e. Describe how structure and function are related in terms of cell and tissue


I will use informal formative assessment of the students during direct

instruction, and the blood typing lab based on their responses to questions

Formal and that I pose.


Assessment I will use formal formative assessment of the students answers to the their

hemostasis stoppage of bleeding, lab questions, and we could do that


The students will work in two groups to complete the blood typing tasks at

the two modules set up on the laboratory tables and at their desks individually

for the writing activities around the classroom. To ensure that students

Facilitation & understand instruction I will explain the assignments and provide printed

Safety instructions. I will also walk around the classroom during tasks and

assignments to ensure that the students are engaged and provide varying

levels of guidance based on student performance and need. This will also

allow me to respond swiftly to interruptions or questions.

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 5

All of the supplies needed for the lesson will be provided by me the

instructor. To transition from one section of the lesson to another I will close

each section with a small recap and tie into the next section.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary as it relates

to the standards by completing a writing activity, short article on the history

Language of blood typing and blood typing activity. The students will be completing a

Function research worksheet based about the connection between the stages of

hemostasis and the current and historical methods of stopping bleeding.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the context-specific

vocabulary words through usage during the verbal and written prompts:









Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 6



Syntax- Students will be tasked to use the vocabulary to in a answering the

lab questions and writing prompts based on the data collected and observed

Syntax or during the blood typing lab, and hemostasis writing activity. Student

Discourse knowledge of this vocabulary will be supported throughout the lesson by

providing opportunities for the students to answer and ask questions during

instruction using the vocabulary in their reading, notes, and text.

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 7


Day 1: Wednesday, November 29, 2017

To capture student interest, students have been given a video prior to

Introduction instruction the introduces them the role that blood plays in HIV/AIDS

(Number of Students will then be given an opportunity to examine in class the role that

minutes) they think blood donations played in spreading HIV. What do we know now

that we did not know then as a science community?

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks that Support Diverse Student Needs

After returning from lunch students will be given direct instruction via slides

and models on blood and its characteristics. During instruction students will

take notes and field questions :

Why would the temperature of our blood be higher than our body


Why would leukocytes look different the erythrocytes in a blood smear

Why would basophils and eosinophils be the found in smaller quantities in
(Number of
the blood compared to other leukocytes
Why would it be important to know the lifespan of a red blood cell? What

features of a red blood cell make this pertinent information?

Students will then be given a few more minutes to finish up any last notes.

The blood typing activity will be given to students in the form on scientific


Students will be broken into groups for the blood typing activity.
Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 8

Students will be give the Lab packet

I will lead both groups through a reading of the prompt and instructions for

the blood typing activity as a group.

Student will complete the blood typing activity. Sharing resources as needed

The group will discuss the data/results and answer the questions based on the

results/data that they collected and any prior knowledge.

Each student will be given a packet to read for homework on the history of

Closure blood typing. They will use this information to fine tune the answers to their

(Number of lab questions with the vocabulary and gained knowledge. Each student will

minutes) discuss changes in their level of comprehension and what techniques can be

employed in should they repeat this lab.

Differentiation, In this class I have no students with student-specific instructional support.

Modification(s), However students in this class struggle with reading for comprehension so

and the reading was modified to fit the reading level of the students without

Accommodation(s) compromising the information.

ABO/Rh Simulated Blood Typing—Student Laboratory Kit

Blood PowerPoint
(n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 9


Day 2: Thursday, November,30, 2017

A review of the blood typing activity. Students will share the data and results
by creating a table on the promethean board. I will give the students the
(Number of
answers to the blood typing lab. We will discuss reasons why their results
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks that Support Diverse Student Needs

might differ or are similar.

After students return from lunch. I will launch a discussion on the difference

between A, B, AB, and O blood types. I will pose scenarios and questions

that will lead to the topic of universal donor and receivers and how they


I will wrap up the activity by asking the students if they know what their

Body blood type is and if they do not, ask them why they think that it is important

(Number of to know.

minutes) The students will then be given the hemostasis package, where the stages of

hemostasis has been broken down into easily digestible stages for them to

read through. We will read through the packet as a class first then the students

will work individually.

The students will answer questions pertaining to hemostasis. After 20

minutes we will discuss their answers as a class.

Lesson Title: Blood
Grade and Subject: 11th and 12th
Week of: November, 27
Sharday Weaver
Page 10

The second page in the packet takes hemostasis further by introducing current

and past methods to stop bleeding. The students will do research using their

Chromebook and other resources to decipher these methods and decide

where in the stages of hemostasis these methods would be most effective.

Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding by completing their

Closure work from all the activities of today and yesterday. The students can share

(Number of and discuss any lingering questions. The students will be given an exit ticket

minutes) question about why they think blood is called fluid tissue as preparation for

the next unit, the heart.

In this class I have no students with student-specific instructional support.

However students in this class struggle with use of the vocabulary. The
writing activity and hemostasis breakdown provides another written resource
for the students to see the language in use. The writing activity can be done
in groups, pairs or individually.

Hemostasis Packet
Blood Typing Packet

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