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Functional Milks and Dairy Beverages

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The article discusses the growth of the functional foods market, with a focus on dairy-based functional beverages. Rising healthcare costs and interest in proactive health management are driving consumers to seek healthier food and beverage options.

Rising medical costs are forcing people to find cheaper ways to protect their health. Consumers also want to take a more proactive role in managing their health without relying on pharmaceuticals. Ageing populations and increased evidence of the health benefits of certain foods have also contributed to the growth of the functional foods market.

The article divides dairy products into three categories - basic milk products like yogurt and cheese, added-value products enriched with certain nutrients, and functional dairy foods which have additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition.

doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0307.2009.00547.

A RT I C L E Functional milks and dairy beverages
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 14280, Golkoy,
Bolu and 2Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Harran University, 63040, Sanliurfa, Turkey

During the last decade, consumers’ approach to healthy foods has changed dramatically, and today
enhancing the health span of consumers through consumption of healthy food is more important than
simply enhancing their life span. Rising medical costs are the prime factor forcing people to find cheaper
and effective means of protecting their health. This fact has led to an increase in consumers’ interest in
functional foods. Dairy products occupy a significant space in the functional foods market and dairy-
based functional beverages are a growing segment of this sector. This article reviews recent scientific,
technological and commercial developments in the functional dairy-based beverage sector.
Keywords Functional dairy beverages, Milk, Whey beverages, Probiotics.

manufacturers and retailers are more innovative

than ever before. As a result of the fast develop-
Functional foods are those foods or food compo- ment of the food and drink industry and technol-
nents that are scientifically recognized as having ogy, the variety of products presented to the
physiological benefits beyond those of basic nutri- markets has been increased dramatically. In addi-
tion (Gibson and Williams 2000). Functional foods tion, there have been improvements in ingredient
are also called nutraceuticals and can include foods technology, the spread of international tastes, and a
that are genetically modified. The global functional drive to create and sell foods and drinks that offer
foods market continues to be a dynamic and grow- consumers nutritional benefits. The functional food
ing segment of the food industry. Growing con- market had a combined value of $16 billion in the
sumer interest in the role of nutrition for health and world in 2005 (Leatherhead Food International
well-being is a primary driver behind the success 2006). Among functional foods, dairy-based func-
of the functional food market. Another is consum- tional foods account for nearly 43% of the market,
ers’ increasing desire to take a more proactive role which is almost entirely made up of fermented
in optimising personal health and wellbeing, with- dairy products. According to Saxelin et al. (2003)
out relying on pharmaceuticals. In North America, dairy products can be divided into three groups:
up to 93% of consumers believe certain foods have 1 Basic milk products: This category includes clas-
health benefits that may reduce the risk of disease sical dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, but-
(Champagne and Mollgaard 2008). Today, con- ter, ice cream, etc.
sumers are looking for ways to promote their own 2 Added-value products: This category includes
health, to enhance their ‘health span’, not just their low-lactose or lactose-free products, hypoaller-
life span. In recent years, rising medical costs have genic formulae with hydrolysed protein for
forced people to find cheaper and effective means milk-hypersensitive infants, enriched milk with
of protecting their health, and, therefore, interest in Ca, vitamins, etc. These products are widely
functional food products has increased. With the consumed by specific consumer groups, and are
help of popular media, consumers are now more usually not included in the functional food cate-
aware of links between health and nutrition. Addi- gory. Today, inclusion of regular milks enriched
tionally, ageing populations in Western society and with minerals and vitamins in the functional
increased scientific evidence for the efficacy of foods category is being discussed.
functional foods are among the factors that have 3 Functional dairy foods: The products of this
triggered the rapid development of functional food group demonstrate health benefits beyond their
markets. A successful food industry depends not basic nutritional value. These products are enri-
*Author for only on confidence that the product is safe, but also ched with functional food components originat-
correspondence. E-mail:
on the ability to innovate and to meet and satisfy ing from dairy and nondairy sources.
consumer requirements (Richardson 1996). In the Probiotics are the main bioactive components of
 2009 Society of past two decades, many examples testify to innova- fermented functional dairy foods and numerous
Dairy Technology tion in the food and drink industry, and arguably, economic indicators show that probiotic-enriched

Vol 63 International Journal of Dairy Technology 1

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products are still in the forefront of innovation in

the functional food sector (Champagne 2009).
Recent statistical data indicate that the share of pro-
biotic products in the functional food market is Probiotic dairy beverages
continuously increasing. According to Heller A probiotic is defined as a ‘living organism which
(2008) there were 523 new stock keeping units when administered in certain numbers exerts health
globally in 2007 in the probiotic foods and bever- benefits in the host’ (FAO 2001). Owing to this
age sector. Similarly, the probiotic yogurt market in property, incorporation of probiotic micro-organ-
Latin America expanded 32% per annum between isms in dairy foods has increased rapidly during
2005 and 2007 (Crowley 2008). It is estimated that the last two decades. Consumption of probiotic
the annual sales growth rate of probiotic drinks and bacteria via food products is an ideal way to re-
yogurt would be 5% between 2006 and 2011 establish the balance of intestinal microbiota (Hat-
(Anonymous 2007). The sales growth rate of fresh tingh and Viljoen 2001). Scientific evidence has
probiotic dairy products in the USA in 2004 was demonstrated a number of benefits in the ingestion
much higher than cheese (9–10% vs 2%) (Fletcher of probiotics. These include alleviation of lactose-
2006). The European probiotic food and beverage intolerance symptoms, lowering cholesterol, curing
market is estimated to reach $163 million by 2013 antibotic-associated diarrhoea, prevention of intes-
(Champagne 2009). tinal tract infections, prevention of colon cancer,
Dairy products (beverages and nondrinkable control of rotavirus, prevention of ulcers related to
products) containing Omega-3, phytosterols, isof- Helicobacter pylori, improvement of immune sys-
lavins, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), minerals, tem, irritable bowel syndrome and antihypertensive
and vitamins also have a prominent role in the effects (Reid et al. 2003; O’May and Macfarlane
development of functional foods. Today, a number 2005). The health benefits of probiotics have been
of dairy-based beverages are marketed all over the reviewed in detail elsewhere (Lee et al. 1999;
world. The dairy-based beverages market is still a Sanders and Huis in’t Veld 1999; de Roos and
niche market compared with the sales of yogurt Katan 2000; Prado et al. 2008).
and plain milk, and dairy beverages containing Dairy products have a distinct role in delivering
probiotics and ⁄ or prebiotics dominate the func- probiotic bacteria to the human gut, as these prod-
tional dairy beverages market. Apart from milk- ucts provide probiotic bacteria with a suitable envi-
based beverages, whey- or soya-based functional ronment in which their growth and viability are
beverages are also gaining popularity. Fermented promoted (Hattingh and Viljoen 2001; Ross et al.
beverages constitute an important part of the 2002; Saarela 2009). During the last two decades,
human diet because fermentation is one of the far more attention has been paid to fermented dairy
cheapest ways of preserving the food, improving products containing probiotic bacteria originating
its nutritional value, and enhancing its sensory from the human intestine (Lee et al. 1999). The
properties (Gagada et al. 1999). Functional dairy viability of probiotic bacteria in fermented dairy
beverages can be categorized into two basic products (Dave and Shah 1997; Hussein and
groups: (i) fortified dairy beverages (including pro- Kebary 1999; Adhikari et al. 2000; Sun and Grif-
biotics, prebiotics ⁄ fibres, polyphenols, peptides, fiths 2000; Özer et al. 2005) , the physical, chemi-
sterol ⁄ stanols, minerals, vitamins and fish oil), and cal and organoleptic properties of such products
(ii) whey-based beverages (both fruit juice-type (Rybka and Kailasapathy 1996; Prabhar and Shan-
and dairy-type) (see Figure 1). kar 1997; Davidson et al. 2000) and the probiotic

Fish Oil Vitamins

Whey origin Minerals
Fortified Polyphenols


High energy
sport drinks ?

MFGM products?
Thirst quenching ?
Fruit juice-type* Dairy-type*

Figure 1 Category of functional dairy beverages. *including probiotic whey-based beverages, ? A common agreement on the
classificiation of these products is yet to be made. MFGM, milk fat globule membrane.

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effect (Fooks et al. 1999; Sanders and Klaenham- dairy beverages available in the market are shown.
mer 2001) have been well-documented. Among the probiotic bacteria used in the manufac-
In order to produce therapeutic benefits, a sug- ture of dairy beverages, Lactobacillus rhamnosus
gested range for the minimum level for probiotic GG (LGG, a trademark of Valio Ltd, Finland) is
bacteria in probiotic milk is from 106 to 107 col- the most widely used. Lactobacillus rhamnosus
ony-forming units (cfu) ⁄ mL (IDF 1992). Several GG is acid- and bile-stable, has a great avidity for
factors have been reported to affect the viability of human intestinal mucosal cells, and produces lactic
probiotic cultures in fermented milks. Acidity, pH, acid. Owing to its acid and bile resistance, this pro-
dissolved oxygen content, redox potential and biotic lactobacillus is very suitable for industrial
hydrogen peroxide have been identified as having applications. Today, more than 30 dairy products
an effect during the manufacture and storage of fer- containing LGG are marketed commercially
mented milks (Lankaputhra and Shah 1996). Dis- around the globe. Gefilus, for example, was
solved oxygen and acidity were demonstrated to be developed by Valio Ltd (Finland) and contains
the key factors for bifidobacteria (Dave and Shah large amounts of Lb. rhamnosus GG. The Gefilus
1997). During cold storage of fermented bio-prod- product range includes yogurt, milk, buttermilk
ucts, the number of viable probiotic cells often and drinks. AKTfit, Biola, BioAktiv, YOMO,
drops far below the minimum therapeutic level LGG+, Yoplait360, Kaiku Actif are among the
(Rybka 1994). Reducing the dissolved oxygen other commercial dairy-based functional beverages
level, using ruptured or microencapsulated cells, containing Lb. rhamnosus GG. Macedo et al.
and adding prebiotics are the most effective means (1998) described a dairy-based probiotic beverage
of keeping the numbers of probiotic bacteria high fermented by a mixed culture of Lactobacillus
enough for therapeutic effects (Özer et al. 2005). casei Shirota and Bifidobacterium adolescentis.
Electrochemical reduction of milk, de-aeration or The product contains 35% buffalo cheese whey,
the addition of reducing agents such as cystein 30% soy milk and 35% cow’s milk. Although there
enhanced the survival of oxygen-sensitive bifido- are many probiotic dairy beverages available in the
bacteria in fermented milks (Bolduc et al. 2006). It market, their technology of production is fairly
is well known that probiotic bacteria (mainly Lac- similar. Manufacturing technologies of widely-
tobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains) grow known probiotic fermented dairy beverages are dis-
weakly in milk due to their fairly low proteolytic cussed elsewhere in detail (Gurakan et al. 2009).
activity and inability to utilize lactose (Saarela A summary of manufacturing practices of some
2009). These bacteria also need certain compounds probiotic dairy drinks is presented in Table 2.
for their growth which are missing in milk (Kaila-
sapathy and Rybka 1997; Gomes and Malcata Nonprobiotic dairy beverages with added
1999; Østlie et al. 2003; Roy 2005). In order to bioactive components
improve the viability of probiotic bacteria in fer- A large body of credible scientific research has
mented milks various substances have been added confirmed the positive effects of nutraceuticals (i.e.
to milk. These substances include fructooligosac- Omega-3 fatty acids), isoflavones, and phytosterols
cahrides (FOS), caseinomacropeptides (CMP), on human health. Among nutraceuticals, Omega-3
whey protein concentrate (WPC), tryptone, yeast fatty acids, a group of healthy lipids, has gained
extracts, certain amino acids, nucleotide precursors status as a functional ingredient on the back of sci-
and an iron source (Elli et al. 1999; Shin et al. ence linking it to a wide range of health benefits,
2000; Østlie et al. 2003; Janer et al. 2004; Steph- including reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
enie et al. 2007). Additionally, the selection of and certain cancers. a-linoleic acid (C18:3 n-3,
probiotic strains and optimisation of the manufac- ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5 n-3, EPA)
turing conditions (both formulation properties and and docosahexanoic acid (C22:6 n-3, DHA) are
storage conditions) are of utmost importance in the the principal members of the Omega-3 fatty acids.
viability of probiotic bacteria in fermented milk Eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA are naturally pres-
(Saarela et al. 2003, 2006; Martinez-Villaluenga ent in oily fish, and ALA is found in flax seed and
et al. 2006). various vegetable oils and nuts (Gruenwald 2009).
Among functional dairy-based beverages, probi- Omega-3 is considered an essential nutrient since it
otic dairy drinks were the first commercialised is the precursor of EPA and DHA, which cannot be
products and are still consumed in larger quantities synthesised in the human body (Awaisheh et al.
than other functional beverages. In recent years, 2005). Eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA are essen-
probiotic beverages based on fruit juice, cereal tial for development of the brain, concentration,
products and daily dose dairy drinks have also and the learning ability of children, as well as pro-
become popular commercially. Today, a wide moting health in the general population (Milner
range of probiotic products is available for con- and Alison 1999). Fish oil is considered to be the
sumers in the market (Halliwell 2002; Hilliam best source of Omega-3 fatty acids, but is notori-
2004). In Table 1, some commercial bio-fermented ously difficult to incorporate into formulations

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Table 1 Some examples of commercial probiotic dairy beverages

Product Starter organisms

Acidophilus milk Lactobacillus acidophilus
Sweet acidophilus milk Lb. acidophilus
Acidophilin Lb. acidophilus, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, kefir yeasts
Nu-Trish A ⁄ B Lb. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium spp.
Diphilus milk Lb. acidophilus, B. bifidum
Biomild Lb. acidophilus, B. bifidum
Cultura or A ⁄ B milk Lb. acidophilus, B. bifidum
Bifighurt B. longum (CKL 1969) or B. longum (DSM 2054)
Acidophilus buttermilk Lb. acidophilus, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis,
subsp. cremoris, subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis
Acidophilus-yeast milk Lb. acidophilus, Saccharomyces lactis
Bifidus milk B. bifidum or longum
Yakult Lb. casei Shirota
Yakult Miru-Miru Lb. casei, B. bifidum or B. bereve, Lb. acidophilus
A-38 fermented milk Lb. acidophilus, mesophilic lactic cultures
Onaka He GG, Str. thermophilus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus,
Gefilus (Valio Ltd) Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
CHAMYTO Lb. johnsonii, Lb. helveticus
Vitagen Lb. acidophilus
Procult drink B. longum BB536, Str. thermophilus,
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Actimel Lactobacillus casei ImmunitasTM
AKTfit, Biola, BioAktiv, Lb. rhamnosus GG
YOMO, LGG+, Yoplait360,
Kaiku Actif
Gaio Lb. casei F19
Verum Lb. rhamnosus LB21
ProViva Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
Data compiled from Tamime and Marshall (1997), Temmerman et al. (2003), Prado et al. (2008).

since it is highly susceptible to heat and light oxi- was introduced by Dawn Dairy (Ireland) and the
dation (Sharma 2005). Before Omega-3 fatty acids desired amount of Omega-3 was added at the final
could be added to milk products, the fishy taste stage of bottling by means of a dosing system
and odour should be disguised and oxidation of the developed by Tetra Pak. Parmalat, an Italian dairy
oil should be overcome. This can be achieved by company, launched Omega-3 enriched milk
leaving minimal headspace in the package, using ‘Omega-3 Plus’ (containing 80 mg Omega-3 per
packaging material having low transperancy to litre of milk) in 1998. Mellentin and Haesman
light and sometimes adding specific anti-oxidants, (1999) recommended the consumption of Omega-
emulsifiers or sequestrants (Mellema and Bot 3 enriched semiskimmed milk at a dose of 500 mL
2009). According to recent market surveys, per day. Fortification of Omega-3 enriched milk
Omega-3 enriched foods make up the strongest with vitamins A, C and E is a common application.
sector of the functional food market in the USA In order to attract consumers, chocolate flavoured
(Heller 2008). It is expected that the sale figures of milk fortified with Omega-3 has been introduced
Omega-3 containing functional foods will reach into the the functional foods market by Neilson
$US 7 billion by 2011. Today, there are a number Dairy (Dairy Oh, Canada) and Parmalat (Beatrice,
of commercial dairy-based beverages enriched Canada).
with Omega-3 fatty acids on the market. Some To the best of our knolwedge, no Omega-3
examples of these products are given in Table 3. enriched fermented dairy beverage is available in
Nonfermented liquid milk makes up the majority the market. However, experimental studies have
of dairy-based products enriched with Omega-3 shown that the addition of Omega-3 fatty acids to
fatty acids. The first commercial Omega-3 fortified probiotic yogurt causes no aroma and flavour
dairy product was developed by Dairy Farmers defects in set-type products. On the contrary, the
(Australia) under the brand of Farmers Best and texture of the final product was adversely affected
almost all the saturated milk fat was replaced with by Omega-3. This problem can be overcome by
the healthier mono-unsaturated and Omega-3 fats. adding Omega-3 and whey protein concentrate
Europe’s first commercial Omega-3 enriched milk (WPC) together (Stagnitti et al. 2001; Dave et al.

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Table 2 Basic specifications of some widely-known probiotic dairy drinks

Product Heat treatment Fermentation* Additives ⁄ replacements Specifications

Acidophilus milk 95C for 1 h or 125C for At 37C until pH 5.5–6.0 (usually takes Replacement of 25% of Lb. acidophilus A very distinctive tangy flavour and
15 min to provide Lb. 18–20 h). Inoculation level 2–5% culture by a mixture of yogurt culture is slightly thickened texture
acidophilus with nutrients proposed. Enrichment with minerals
essential for growth and vitamins is possible
(e.g. denatured proteins,
released peptides etc.)
Vol 63

Sweet acidophilus milk 78–80C for 1–3 min No fermentation is allowed. Enrichment with minerals Sweet flavour, extended shelf life to 14 days
Lb. acidophilus is added to and vitamins is possible. (if freeze-dried concentrated cultures are used
pasteurised milk at > 5C shelf life can be extended up to 28 days)
Bifidus milk 80–120C for 5–30 min Inoculation level is 10%. Fermentation Protein enrichment and fat Slightly acidic flavour and characteristic
is achieved at 37C until pH 4.5–4.6 standardisation are common pratices aroma with a lactic acid to acetic acid ratio of 2:3
A ⁄ B milk 75C for 15 s (plate heat Fermentation is achieved at 37C until pH 4.5–4.6 Protein enrichment and Shelf life of the product is around 20 days,
exchanger) or 85C for fat standardisation are common pratices with an average number of probiotic
30 min (vat system) bacteria of 108–109 cfu ⁄ mL
Bifighurt 75C for 15 s (plate heat Fermentation is achieved at 42C until pH 4.7. Slimy texture with a characteristic

 2009 Society of Dairy Technology

exchanger) or 85C for For human strains of probiotic bacteria slighty acidic flavour
30 min (vat system) fermentation is set at 37C. Inoculation level
of probiotic strains is around 6%
Diphilus milk At 80–120C for 5–30 min Fermentation is achieved at 37C until pH 4.5–4.6 Produced from cow’s milk and has a specific
taste and aroma. Used in the therapy
of intestinal disorders
Mil-Mil At 75C for 15 s To balance the taste of the The production practices of this Japanese
(plate heat exchanger) product, glucose or fructose origin milk shows similarities to A ⁄ B milk
or 85C for 30 min (vat system) are added. Carrot juice is
commonly added as colourant
Yakult UHT treatment at 140C for 1–3 s Fermentation is achieved at 37C until Total solids and sugar levels are The shelf life of the product is about 30
pH 4.5–4.6. (takes usually 16–18 h) adjusted to 3.7% and 14% prior days. Regular consumption of this product
to heat treatment. It is a common has a positive effect on natural killer (NK)
practice to add nature-identical cell activity in the middle-aged people
flavours (e.g. tomato, celery, carrot etc.)
Yakult Miru-Miru UHT treatment at 140C for 1–3 s Fermentation is achieved at 37C until pH 4.5–4.6. Addition of saccharides This product has broadly similar
Miru-Miru E Bifiru is a common practice. composition to cow’s milk.
Acidophilus-yeast milk At 90–95C for 10–15 min Fermentation is achieved at 35C until 0.8% Viscous and slightly acidic
lactic acid and 0.5% ethanol levels are reached. product with a yeasty taste.
Acidophilin At 90–95C for 10–15 min Fermentation is achieved at 35C Whole or skimmed milk is fortified Acidophilin is used to treat colitis,
with skimmilk powder, sucrose and ⁄ or cream. enterocolitis, dysanteria and other
intestinal dseases. The product is sweeter
than acidophilus-yeast milk
*For the starter organisms used in the manufacture of these products please refer to Table 1.
Sources: Kurmann et al. (1992), Nahaisi and Robinson (1985), Salji (1993), Stark and Madar (1994), Surono and Hosono (2002), Takeda and Okumura (2007), Tamime and Robinson (1988), Tamime and Marshall
(1997), Tamime (2005)

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Table 3 Some commercial functional dairy beverages with added Omega-3 fatty acids

Functional dairy beverage Brand Manufacturer Source of bioactive Comments

Low fat milk Lactantia nature addition Lactantia Parmalat Canada Flaxseed oil 300 mg 250 ⁄ mL serve, mainly ALA
Low fat milk Heart Plus PB Food Australia Fish oil 200 mg 250 ⁄ mL serve, mostly
Low fat milk Natrel Omega-3 Natrel Canada Organic flaxseed oil 300 mg 250 ⁄ mL serve
Low fat milk (fresh) Dawn Omega Milk Dawn Dairy Ireland Fish oil 150 mg 250 ⁄ mL serving. Europe’s first,
fresh pasteurised Omega-3 milk. DSM
supplied Omega-3 is added at final
stage of production using Tetra
Pakdeveloped dosing system.
Low fat milk Farmers Best Dairy Farmers Australia Vegetable oils 33 mg 250 ⁄ mL serve. First product to
be made from fresh milk where almost
all saturated fat has been replaced with
the healthier monounsaturated
and Omega-3 fats.
Low fat milk (UHT) Omega Plus Nestle Malaysia and Vegetable oil-canola UHT and powdered milk
Singapore and corn oil
Fresh milk St.Ivel Advance Dairy Crest UK The product can contain 50% of the
recommended daily intake of Omega-3.
Contains both EPA and DHA
forms of Omega-3
Chocolate milk Beatrice Parmalat Canada Omega-3 level is around 0.3%
Low fat milk Vital Anchor (New Zealand) Contains Omega-3, vitamin-E and
calcium. Supports brain functions
Low fat milk Candia with Omega-3 Candia (France)
Fresh and Dairy Oh Neilson (Canada) Provides up to 20 mg of DHA per
chocolate milk serving. Also include vitamin-A
and vitamin-D.
Data compiled from Sharma (2005) and World Wide Web information.
ALA, a-linoleic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexanoic acid.

2002; Martin-Diana et al. 2004; Awaisheh et al. found to be valuable sources of ACE-I-converting
2005). enzyme inhibitor peptides. Two potent ACE-inhib-
During the last decade, fundamental studies have itory peptides, Valine-Proline-Proline (VPP) and
opened a new field of research dealing with bioac- Isoleucine-Proline-Proline (IPP), derived from
tive or biogenic substances derived from foods. caseins during milk fermentation with Lactobacil-
Bioactive substances of food origin are considered lus helveticus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are
to be dietary components which exert a regulatory responsible for the anti-hypertensive activity
activity in human organisms beyond basic nutrition shown by Calpis sour milk (Calpis Co. Ltd,
(Meisel 2001; Minervini et al. 2003). It is a well Tokyo, Japan) (Hernandez-Ledesma et al. 2005).
established fact that food proteins, especially milk Other examples of commercial dairy-based bever-
caseins, may act as a precursors of biologically ages with added bioactive peptides are Evolus
active peptides with different physiological effects and Evolus Double Effect from Valio Ltd (Fin-
(Hernandez-Ledesma et al. 2005). These bio- land) (Table 4). The former product is manufac-
active peptides can inhibit the enzyme (ACE-I) tured by incorporating two tripeptides, Val-Pro-Pro
playing a major role in converting angiotensin-I to and Ile-Pro-Pro, and is claimed to reduce blood
angiotensin-II and degrading brydikinin by block- pressure upon regular consumption. The latter
ing the active site of the enzyme (Pripp et al. product contains the same tripeptides added to Ev-
2006). Conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin- olus, plus plant sterols which help to reduce
II and the degradation of brydikinin result in blood cholesterol levels.
increased blood pressure. Conversely, inhibition of Caseinophosphopeptides (CPPs) are casein-
the enzyme catalysing this reaction helps to reduce derived peptides that have phosphorus bound via
blood pressure in the human body (Gobbetti et al. monoester linkages to seryl residues (FitzGerald
2004). After this was proved scientifically, various and Meisel 2003). Owing to their highly negatively
protein sources have been investigated for their charged structures resulting from phosphorylation,
bio-active peptide contents, and milk proteins CPPs can bind macroelements such as calcium,
(especially b-Lg and casein fractions) have been magnesium and iron, as well as a wide range of

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Table 4 Some commercial functional dairy beverages with added bioactive components

Products Brand Manufacturer Source of bioactive Comments

Fermented dairy Evolus Valio Finland Bioactive peptides Evolus claims to be the first European
fruit beverage Evolus Double Effect obtained by functional food to help lowering
milk fermentation blood pressure.
Val-Pro-Pro Ile-Pro-Pro
Cultured Milk AmealS Calpis Japan Bioactive peptides Reducing blood pressure
Low fat milk Flora Pro-Activ Unilever, UK Phytosterol Carries the health claim ‘helps to
reduce cholesterol’
Yogurt drink Flora Pro-Activ Unilever, UK Phytosterol Claims ‘clinically proven to
reduce cholesterol’
Yogurt drink Benecol Mc Neil Nutritionals, Phytosterol Licensed technology from Raiso,
UK Valio Ltd, Finland Finland. Contains 3% phytosterol esters.
Low-fat dairy drink Danacol Danone Phytosterol 1.6 g phytosterols 100 ⁄ mL bottle.
Claims consuming 1.6 g of plant sterols
per day, as part of a healthy diet, is
proven to reduce cholesterol.
Low fat milk Night-Time Milk Ingman Dairy Finland Melatonin
Low fat milk Slumber Bedtime Milk Waitrose & Red Kite Farm UK Melatonin Claims ‘contain four times more
melatonin than regular milk’
Milk Natrel Calcium Natrel Canada Calcium Contains 35% more calcium than
regular milk
Milk Calci Kids Meadow Fresh Ltd, Canada Calcium
Milk Calcium Plus PB Foods Australia Calcium
Milk Physical Parmalat (previously Calcium Claims ‘250 mL serve meets 55%
Pauls Dairy) Australia of RDI for calcium’
Milk Viva Candia France Calcium Semiskimmed UHT milk enriched
with calcium and vitamin D
Milk Meiji Love Meiji Milk-Japan Calcium and iron 350 mg calcium and 3 mg iron
per 200 mL serve
Milk-fruit Natura Linea Corporation Alimentaria Conjugated linoleic Carries the health claim ‘helps
juice drink Penananta S.A. Spain acid (Tonalin brand to reduce body fat’
from Cognis)
Fermented Zen Danone Belgium Magnesium
milk drink
Milk Viva Candia France Magnesium
Milk Magnesio Lactalis France Magnesium
Milk Fe-Milk Meiji Love Japan Iron
CPP and IgG Alpha Stolle Milk Japan Enriched with CPP and IgG
rich milk
Probiotic Lb. casei + lactoferrin Kyodo Milk Japan Lb. casei, lactoferrin Promoted as anti-bacterial and
fermented milk preventing infections
Based on Sharma (2005) and World Wide Web information.
CPP, caseinophosphopeptide.

microelements such as zinc, barium, selenium, sources is carried out at neutral to alkaline pH (pH
cobalt, chromium and nickel. Binding macro- and 7.0–8.0). Although the functional and metabolic
micro-elements to CPPs keeps them soluble in the roles of CPPs have been well-documented and no
digestive tract, resulting in higher absorption rates safety risks associated with consumption of CPPs
of these elements by human body (Oukhatar et al. containing foods have been reported to date, the
2002). The production of CPPs is mainly based on CPPs are yet to be used as functional ingredients in
the enzymatic digestion of whole casein or frac- food preparations industrially. Currently, no dairy-
tions enriched in specific individual caseins. Pan- based beverage containing CPPs is available in the
creatic proteinase preparations containing trypsin world’s dairy markets.
and chymotrypsin and proteases of bacterial, fun- Isoflavones are secondary vegetable substances,
gal and plant sources such as thermolysin, subtili- which can act as oestrogens in the body and have
sin, pronase and papain are widely used in the protective functions. Isoflavones can be found in
production of CPPs. The hydrolysis of casein many foods but the best known source is the soy

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bean (Messina 1999). Red clover is another source dissolve in water rather poorly and may cause tech-
of isoflavones. As red clover is not suitable for nological problems in low- or no-fat dairy bever-
direct consumption, the isoflavones extracted from ages (Sharma 2005).
red clover are used as supplements in the food Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been dem-
industry. Isoflavones have potent antioxidant prop- onstrated to have anti-oxidative and anti-cancer
erties, comparable to that of the well known anti- effects (Bhattacharya et al. 2006; Donnelly et al.
oxidant vitamin E. The antioxidant power of 2009). Conjugated linoleic acid is found almost
isoflavones can reduce the long-term risk of cancer exclusively in animal products, with a natural level
by preventing free radical damage to DNA. Geni- of approximaetly 6 mg ⁄ g of fat. Normal daily
stein is the most potent antioxidant among the soy intake of CLA in the diet is 150–400 mg ⁄ g. The
isoflavones, followed by daidzein. In nature, isof- CLA content of milk increases when cows are
lavones usually occur as glycosides and, once de- offered grazed grass (Lawson et al. 2001). Since
conjugated by the intestinal microflora, the full-fat dairy products high in CLA have tremen-
isoflavone can be adsorbed into the blood (Awai- dous potential within the emerging nutraceutical
sheh et al. 2005). It should be borne in mind that and functional food markets, there is a growing
most isoflavones show poor solublity in water and interest in CLA-related research work across the
lead to flavour defects such as bitterness and a world. As a result of these efforts, some dairy-
beany taste. based products with added CLA have been intro-
Plant sterols and stanol esters are a group of ste- duced into the market. Yogurt with added CLA is
roid alcohols, phytochemicals naturally occuring in the major functional dairy product available in the
plants. According to emerging evidence, the market place. Lin (2003) demonstrated that the
phytosterols have shown potential in inhibiting addition of linoleic acid at a level of 0.1%
cancers of the stomach, lung, ovaries and breasts increased cis9-trans11-CLA content of nonfat
(Woyengo et al. 2009). When added to foods, yogurt significantly without affecting the sensory
plant stanols effectively reduce the absorption of properties of the final product. cis9-trans11-CLA
all sterols from the digestive tract, hence also has been shown to protect cells from oxidative
decreasing serum cholesterol levels. Jones et al. damage by increasing glutathione levels without
(1999) demonstrated that inclusion of 1.7 g ⁄ day of inducing lipid peroxidation (Arab et al. 2006). In
phytosterols into the diet of hypercholesterolaemic several dairy products having fat levels ranging
men had the effect of lowering blood cholesterol. from 0.05 g ⁄ 100 g (pasteurised milk) to
A more recent study showed that daily consump- 26.5 g ⁄ 100 g (dahi), the CLA levels were elevated
tion of low-fat milk containing 1.6 g phytosterols by microbial dairy cultures without imparing the
was effective in reducing Low Density Lipoprotein organoleptic properties of the products (Aneja and
(LDL) levels by 8% after 6 weeks (Hansel et al. Murthy 1990; Shantha et al. 1995; Jiang et al.
2007). The European Food Safety Association 1997; Sieber et al. 2004). Processing parameters
(EFSA) and USA Food and Drug Administration (heating and fermentation) were demonstrated to
(FDA) have accepted plant sterols as food ingredi- have no significant effect on the CLA levels and ⁄ or
ents (EFSA 2009, FDA 2009). Today, plant sterols CLA isomers, except for microwave heating,
and stanols have many applications as food addi- which caused a 53% reduction of CLA levels in
tives and food ingredients (Ostlund et al. 2003). milk (Bisig et al. 2007). Boylston and Beitz (2002)
As consumer awareness has increased and official reported that processing of milk into yogurt and
recognition of their safety status has been made, storage for 7 days did not change CLA levels sig-
the number of dairy products containing plant ster- nificantly. Table 5 shows the CLA levels of some
ols or stanols and their esters has increased. Raisio fermented and nonfermented dairy drinks. More
Benecol Ltd (Finland) holds the trademark of Be- recent investigations with probiotic bacteria (such
necol, which is the leading brand in the field of as Lb. rhamnosus or Lactobacillus acidophilus,
plant stanol-containing products, mainly one-serv- and propionibacteria and bifidobacteria such as
ing drinks. In some products the ‘effective daily Bifidobacterium breve) or other strains of these
dose’ has to be obtained from several servings; bacteria groups on a laboratory scale, showed an
however, in some countries (e.g. Finland) the dose increase in CLA levels under the conditions where
is obtained in one serving (Saxelin et al. 2003). free linoleic acid (LA) was available in the culture
Not as popular as plant stanols, plant sterols are medium. Conversion rates reached up to 87% with
also added to functional dairy drinks, especially Propionibacteria freudenreichii ssp. Shermanii
milk (Saxelin et al. 2003). Although the incorpora- (Herzallah et al. 2005). Xu et al. (2005) found the
tion of stanols ⁄ sterols has been allowed by the EU highest content of CLA in fermented milk using
and FDA, discussions over the safety risks of over- Lb. rhamnosus in co-culture with a traditional
dosing on stanols ⁄ sterols are continuing. There- yogurt culture. The authors added hydrolysed soy
fore, labelling should be appropriately informative oil to milk as the lipid source, and CLA 18:2 cis9,
in products containing stanols ⁄ sterols. Phytosterols trans11 content reached 0.97 mg ⁄ g lipid after

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Table 5 Concentration of conjugated linoleic acid in commercial samples of fermented and nonfermented dairy products

c9,t11 CLA
Sample (mg ⁄ g milk fat) Starter Source
Whole milk (% fat)
3.2 4.49 Lin et al. (1995)
3.0 5.88 Jiang et al. (1997)
1.9 4.14 Lin et al. (1995)
1.5 5.83 Jiang et al. (1997)
Buttermilk 4.66 Lin et al. (1995)
Fjallfil 6.12 Lactococcus spp. Jiang et al. (1997)
Mellanfil 6.07 Lactococcus spp. Jiang et al. (1997)
(low fat filmjölk)
Bifilus 4.47 Streptococcus thermophilus, Jiang et al. (1997)
Bifidobacterium longum
Dofilus 5.16 Lactobacillus acidophilus Jiang et al. (1997)
Halsofil 5.24 Lactococcus spp. Jiang et al. (1997)
CLA, conjugated linoleic acid.

14 days of storage. This figure was significantly An adequate calcium intake is essential to main-
higher than the CLA level in fermented milk made tain calcium balance and build strong bones. Dairy
with the standard yogurt culture (0.57 mg ⁄ g lipid). products contain large amounts of calcium and are
Melatonin is a naturally occuring hormone recommended as optimal calcium sources; >70%
found in animals and in some other living organ- of dietary calcium in the United States comes from
isms, including algae. Melatonin controls the dairy products (Anonymous 2005). It has long
body’s day and night rhythm. This hormone is been known that age-related bone loss and osteo-
especially effective in overcoming sleeplessness porosis are linked with low dietary calcium uptake
(Saxelin et al. 2003). The factors affecting melato- and inadequate vitamin D stores in the body. Semi-
nin level in milk include milking time, age of the skimmed or nonfat milks are poor sources of vita-
dairy cows and stress factors. It is a well estab- min D, and as this vitamin is essential to the
lished fact that melatonin secretion occurs at night improvement of calcium absorption, fortification of
both in humans and bovines. The melatonin con- semiskimmed or nonfat milks with vitamin D is
centration of cow’s milk obtained at night is required. Daly et al. (2006) postulated that
roughly four times higher than in milk collected consumption of milk enriched with calcium and
during the day (Saxelin et al. 2003). Therefore, it vitamin D-3 is a simple, nutritionally sound and
is recommended that the raw cow’s milk used in cost-effective strategy to reduce age-related bone
the manufacture of high-melatonin pasteurised loss at several skeletal sites at risk of fracture in the
milk should be collected from night-time milking. elderly. Calcium can be added to milk and milk-
In recent years, achieving natural high-melatonin based beverages as inorganic calcium salts such as
milk production has created a profitable new calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calcium gluco-
segment of the dairy market. A Finnish company, nate or milk-based calcium. Calcium salts are
Ingman Dairy, introduced the world’s first ever likely cause a drop in the pH and therefore the heat
high-melatonin premium milk (under the Night stability of milk during processing. To overcome
Time brand) in 1999. The same company produces this problem, re-adjustment of pH to the original
high-melatonin milk based on the standardized value with the addition of sodium phosphate is a
milking system at night. A similar product has practical option (Singh et al. 2007). Ranjan et al.
been launched in Japan, and the UK has two milk (2005) found that the bioavailability of calcium
brands inspired by the Finnish example. added to buffalo milk as calcium gluconate at a
level of 50 mg ⁄ 100 mL was higher than with other
Functional dairy beverages with added calcium salts, i.e. calcium chloride or calcium lac-
minerals and vitamins tate. In recent years, calcium-fortified soy milk has
Apart from the nutraceuticals mentioned above, attracted consumers’ interest in North America.
vitamins and minerals are also added to fermented Soy milk contains considerably lower levels of cal-
and nonfermented dairy beverages to compensate cium than cow’s milk (200 mg ⁄ L vs 1200 mg ⁄ L).
for vitamin and mineral losses during processing. In order to increase the calcium level in soy milk,
The market share of these products is rapidly addition of calcium carbonate is a common prac-
increasing. Calcium, magnesium and iron are the tice and today a number of soy-milk beverages
minerals most commonly added to dairy-based enriched with calcium carbonate are available on
beverages. the market. Zhao et al. (2005) demonstrated that

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the bioavailability of calcium added to soy milk in supplementation of milking cows and sheeps with
the form of calcium carbonate was equivalent to selenium, either by injection or swallowing a sele-
the bioavailability of calcium in regular milk. The nium capsule (Senrich), led to a 20-fold increase
major challenge for the calcium-fortified milk and in the selenium level in milk (Agresearch 2007).
dairy beverages industry is that the low level of The fortification of soft drinks and beverages
solubility of calcium salts often leads to the forma- with vitamins to restore the losses during process-
tion of sedimentation and grittiness in the product ing, or to enhance the nutritional value of the prod-
as a result of calcium-induced protein instability uct, has been known for many decades. Milk is not
(Sharma 2005). considered a prime source of vitamins, although it
Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most criti- is relatively rich in some B vitamins. However,
cal nutritional deficiencies worldwide, especially in during the processing of milk some of the vitamins
underdeveloped and developing countries, because are degraded to varying levels. For example, the
of its negative effects on human health. Among the levels of losses in folic acid in pasteurised, steri-
strategies to prevent and treat iron deficiency anae- lised and UHT-treated milks were 5, 30 and 20%
mia, food fortification is a low-cost, wide-reaching respectively (Ottaway 2009). Pyridoxine (vitamin
alternative, easily incorporated into the food habits B6) and vitamin B12 are relatively more stable at
of the population (Boccio and Iyengar 2003). pasteurization temperatures but lost up to 20% at
Human trials showed that drinking milk enriched sterilisation temperatures. As far as the dairy bever-
with iron regularly helps to reduce the problems age sector is concerned, only the fortification of
associated with iron deficiency (Silva et al. 2008). milk with vitamin D is important commercially.
Iron absorption seems to be enhanced by fermenta-
tion because of the production and accumulation of
F U N C T I O N A L W H E Y- B A S E D
lactic acid and other organic acids (Branca and
Rossi 2002; Silva et al. 2008). Oda et al. (1994)
showed that Lb. acidophilus increased the iron bio- Whey is a byproduct of the process of cheese pro-
availability of fermented milk in animal models. duction. The composition and characteristics of
There are mounting research reports and published whey depend on the production technology, the
papers on the health-promoting effect of iron forti- end product and the quality of milk used. Liquid
fied milks, but scientific studies of the technologi- whey consists of approximately 93% water and
cal side of iron-fortification in milk and dairy contains almost 50% of the total solids present in
beverages are rather limited. Simova et al. (2008) milk, of which lactose is the main constituent (Jeli-
found that iron added to a fermented milk base did cic et al. 2008). The nutritional and techno-func-
not affect the growth of yogurt bacteria. In an ear- tional properties of cheese whey have long been
lier study, Saini et al. (1993) demonstrated that investigated and advances in whey research during
enrichment of buffalo milk with iron (Fe++ and the last decade have demonstrated that whey is a
Fe+++) at a level of 10 mg ⁄ L did not cause any fla- valuable source for highly prized nutraceutical
vour defect in the resulting product. However, it ingredients such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, im-
should not be overlooked that iron may stimulate munoglobulins, growth factors, etc (Jelen 2009).
fat oxidation (Mehansho 2006). The major techno- These findings have triggered scientific efforts to
logical problems of the dairy beverage industry convert cheese whey from a waste product into
associated with iron-fortification are the develop- one with added value. So far a great number whey-
ment of undesirable colour and poor solubility of based beverages has been presented to the markets.
iron, as well as the stimulation of protein instability. Whey-based products can be grouped as follows
Other minerals such as magnesium and selenium (Jelen 2009):
are also potentially useful in the manufacture of • Dairy-type beverages
functional dairy beverages. At least two commer- • Thirst-quenching beverages
cial dairy-based beverages with added Mg have • Fruit juice-type beverages
been introduced into the French market (Viva, Dairy-based whey drinks rely on the fermenta-
Candia Ltd, France and Magnesio, Lactalis Ltd, tion of liquid whey protein concentrate or the
France). No commercial dairy beverage enriched enrichment of milk and milk products with dry
with selenium is currently on the market. The whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein
prime problem associated with selenium fortifica- isolate (WPI) (Peter et al. 1996). The major tech-
tion is the loss of selenium during pasteurization nological challenge of the production of beverages
(Foster et al. 1998). Recent efforts to improve the based on liquid WPC is the sedimentation of insol-
selenium level in cow’s and sheep’s milk through ubilised proteins. Heat treatment at low pHs causes
natural measures instead of adding selenite to milk protein sedimentation. This is relatively less impor-
have been successful. Research supported by the tant in unfermented whey beverages as long as
AgResearch Research & Capability Fund and Pre- they are heat treated at neutral pHs. Therefore, the
Seed Fund in New Zealand showed that use of sweet whey is more suitable for the

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beverage industry than acid cheese whey (Britten bifidum. After 30 days of storage, the product
and Giroux 2001). To avoid the sedimentation retained an acceptable flavour as well as probiotic
problem in whey-based fermented drinks, nonther- bacteria counts higher than 106 cfu ⁄ mL. Similarly,
mal processing methods can be employed to ensure Drgalic et al. (2005) found that the survival rate of
microbiological safety in the final product. Today, commercial probiotic bacteria (Lb. acidophilus
sedimentation of proteins still stands as the major LA-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis
problem in fermented whey beverages. Earlier BB-12) in reconstituted whey beverage throughout
studies showed that the incorporation of whey into 28 days of storage was satisfactory. Almeida et al.
the drinkable yogurt formula or fermentation of (2008) produced a fermented probiotic beverage
liquid UF whey protein retentates seem to be feasi- using Minas frescal cheese whey. The acidification
ble for whey-based drinkable yogurt. rates of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgari-
Thirst-quenching whey-based beverages are usu- cus, Lb. acidophilus, Lb. rhamnosus, and B.
ally manufactured from whey permeates containing animalis subsp. lactis in co-culture with Strepto-
no proteins. Rivella, a Swiss-origin whey beverage, coccus thermophilus showed differences, being
is a typical commercial example of this type of slowest in the Str. thermophilus and Lb. rhamnosus
product. Thirst-quenching whey drinks should not mixture. The whey beverages proved to have
be considered as functional foods unless some market potential as far as technological and sensory
functional food components are added to them. properties were concerned. While the addition of
Such attempts have been made by Rivella, and whey protein concentrate to cheese whey stimu-
Rivella-green was developed using herbal extracts lated the growth of Lb. acidophilus, the growth of
from green tea (Barth 2001; Jelen 2009). The mar- B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 was not affected
ket share for thirst-quenching whey-based func- by WPC addition, as reported by Matijevic et al.
tional beverages is fairly small, and according to (2008).
Jelen (2009) Rivella and Rivella- green they are Although energy drinks are not considered func-
currently marketed in only six European countries. tional beverages, cheese whey and ⁄ or whey com-
Acid whey from the manufacture of quark or ponents are widely used in the manufacture of
cottage cheese is suitable for fruit-juice type whey high-energy drinks. For example, WheyUP, a
beverages as it is more compatible with the acidic whey-based energy drink containing whey protein
flavour of fruits. Mineral and vitamin fortification isolate, caffeine, taurine and B-vitamins, was
is a common practice in fruit juice-type whey bev- developed in the USA (Wright 2007) and is still
erages. In particular, isotonic sport drinks with one of the pioneering brands in the high energy
added minerals receive a good market response. drink market.
Apart from externally added vitamins and miner-
als, some nutraceutical components coming from
the fruit itself, e.g. lycopene in the case of tomato
juice added to whey drinks, strengthen the func- Although intensive efforts have been made to
tional status of the resulting product. During the develop novel functional dairy products during the
last decade special attention has been paid to the last ten years, the proper scientific validation of
production of fermented whey beverages with pro- functional claims still remains the critical issue for
biotic bacteria. Maity et al. (2008) developed a the functional foods field. Sports performance bev-
whey beverage using Lb. rhamnosus NCDO 243, erages, weight loss beverages and whey-based
Bifidobacterium bifidum NCDO 2715 and P. freud- energy drinks occupy a large place in the beverages
enreichi subsp. shermanii MTCC 1371. The prod- market and cheese whey with added nutraceuticals
uct was produced by adding 4% of mixed culture can be used increasingly in the production of these
(1:1:1) into deproteinised whey (4.6% lactose, products. Whey-origin nutraceuticals such as lacto-
0.62% ash, 0.48% fat and 0.5% protein) adjusted ferrin, growth factors, and immunoglobulins await
to pH 6.4 and incubated at 37C for 8 h. The commercial interest from the beverage industry.
authors demonstrated that the counts of probiotic Scientific ⁄ technological solutions are expected to
strains were high enough for therapeutic effect in improve the solubility of phytosterols in low- or
the product after 15 days of storage, with no orga- nonfat milks and beverages, and to provide a better
noleptic defects. Most recently, Pavunc et al. understanding of the mechanism of CPPs in cal-
(2009) have developed a fermented probiotic bev- cium absorption by the human body. Beverages
erage from milk permeate enriched with whey based on modified fat and milk fat globule mem-
retentate using Lb. acidophilus M92, Lactobacillus brane products are also steadily gaining a foothold
plantarum L4 and Enterococcus faecium L3. Her- in the functional dairy beverages market, and they
nandez-Mendoza et al. (2007) developed a whey- are likely to form a separate segment of functional
based probiotic product made by inoculating dairy products in the near future. There are
reconstituted whey containing pectin and sucrose numerous dairy-based fermented or unfermented
with Lactobacillus reuteri and Bifidobacterium traditional beverages in different parts of the world.

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