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Laboratory Experiment On Resilient Modulus of Rba Modified Asphalt Mixtures

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International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46

Laboratory experiment on resilient modulus of BRA modified

asphalt mixtures
Muhammad Karami a,⇑, Hamid Nikraz b, Surya Sebayang a, Laksmi Irianti a
Department of Civil Engineering, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia

Received 16 March 2017; received in revised form 9 August 2017; accepted 15 August 2017
Available online 24 August 2017


The objective of this research is to determine the potential effect on the resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures of using granular Buton
Rock Asphalt (BRA) modified binder. The indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) tests were performed to examine the resilient mod-
ulus of unmodified and BRA modified asphalt mixtures for dense graded aggregates of 10 mm (DG10) and 14 mm (DG14) based on
standard AS-2891.13.1-1995. In these tests, three percentage of BRA natural binder, including 10%, 20% and 30% by total weight of
asphalt binder, were chosen as a substitute for the base asphalt binder in the BRA modified asphalt mixtures, with the purpose of
improving the resilient modulus values. According to the test results, the resilient modulus of BRA modified asphalt mixtures was higher
as compared to the unmodified asphalt mixtures. A higher percentage of BRA modifier binder content resulted in a higher resilient mod-
ulus. Furthermore, the unmodified and BRA modified containing only 20% BRA modified binder of DG10 were tested under different
conditions of temperature, rise time, and pulse period. The results indicated that the BRA modified asphalt mixtures containing 20%
BRA modified binder were less sensitive to the changes in the temperature, traffic volume and loading frequency. In addition, the sub-
stitution of 20% BRA modifier binder reduced the effect of the rest period ratio and loading time on the resilient modulus of the asphalt
Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Keywords: Asphalt mixtures; Granular Buton Rock Asphalt; Resilient modulus

1. Introduction that traffic creates a tensile strain on the underside of the

asphalt mixture layers which are subjected to fatigue crack-
Resilient modulus is a major input in the flexible pave- ing, together with compression strain in the subgrade that
ment design methodology regarding the prediction and can lead to permanent deformation. As Pourtahmasb
understanding of the behaviour of asphalt mixtures. et al. [2] said, the resilient modulus test can be used to rep-
Zoorob and Suparma [1] explain that resilient modulus is resent conditions in asphalt mixtures subjected to traffic
a criterion of the asphalt mixture’s ability to spread the loading and offers the ability of comparing the behaviour
load and also to control the level of traffic. It is well known of asphalt mixture under various conditions and stress
⇑ Corresponding author at: Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik
In recent years, the mechanistic approach based on the
Universitas Lampung Jl. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1 Bandar Lampung
elastic theory has been used in the philosophy of asphalt
35145, Indonesia. pavement design with the aim of changing the previous
E-mail address: (M. Karami). empirical approach. In this theory, the resilient modulus,
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Pavement as the elastic modulus, is required as input for the elastic
1996-6814/Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46 39

properties of pavement materials [3,4]. According to stud- are necessary to better understand the response of BRA
ies, obtaining the resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures modified asphalt mixtures. This research, however, consid-
using the ITSM test is a means of studying the potential ered the use of granular Buton Rock Asphalt (BRA) mod-
elastic properties of asphalt mixtures in the form of ifier binder with an aim to improve the resilient modulus of
stress–strain measurement [5–9]. Lavasani et al. [10] state asphalt mixtures.
that the material is considered to be relatively elastic when
the material attains a resilient state after a certain critical 2. Materials and methods
number of applied loadings.
According to Shafabakhsh and Tanakizadeh [9] and The determination of the resilient modulus was divided
Fakhri and Ghanizadeh [11], the deformation of asphalt into two stages. The purpose of the first stage was to record
mixtures under each load cycle is recoverable and the mate- the effect on the stiffness modulus of asphalt mixtures of
rial is considered to be elastic when a repeated load for a using three percentages (10%, 20% and 30%) of granular
large number of times is small compared to the strength BRA modifier binder in two dense aggregate gradations
of the materials. Shafabakhsh and Tanakizadeh also state (10 mm and 14 mm), compared to unmodified asphalt mix-
that the resilient modulus is influenced by factors such as tures. In this stage, the specimens were tested at under stan-
test temperature, loading time or loading frequency, rest dard conditions. The purpose of the second stage was to
period and loading pulse waveforms. However, the test find out the effect of temperature, rest period ratio, traffic
temperature has the greatest influence on the resilient mod- volume and loading time on the unmodified and BRA
ulus [9]. At a typical temperature e.g. 5 °C and high traffic modified asphalt mixtures. Hence, the unmodified and
speed e.g. 100 ms rise time, asphalt binder behaves in an BRA modified asphalt mixtures specimens contained only
almost elastic manner. As a consequence, the resilient mod- 20% BRA modifier binder were tested under different con-
ulus is a measure of an asphalt mixture’s resistance to ditions of temperature, rise time and pulse period.
bending and hence of its load spreading ability [5]. Accord-
ing to Tayfur et al., the asphalt binder and volumetric pro- 2.1. Materials
portion of the mixtures influence the stiffness modulus [8].
A number of research studies on resilient modulus have Class-170 (Pen 60/80) base asphalt binder was used for
been carried out to investigate the possibility of using unmodified asphalt mixtures. The binder was classified in
Buton asphalt or materials derived from Buton asphalt accordance with the Australian Standard AS2008 [15].
as a partial material substitute/addition in asphalt mix- Three percentages of BRA natural binder, including 10%,
tures. Subagio et al. [12] reported that the use of asbuton 20% and 30% by total weight of asphalt binder, were cho-
filler in Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) improved the resilient sen as a substitute for the base asphalt binder in the BRA
modulus and resistance to plastic deformation. The test modified asphalt mixtures. Specification of the base bitu-
results of Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRS) with Buton asphalt men and BRA modified bitumen is given in Table 1. The
filler conducted by Subagio et al. [13] revealed that the resi- form of the BRA modifier binder (pellets) with a diameter
lient modulus of HRS modified at a test temperature of of 7–10 mm used in this study is shown in Fig. 1. Triplicate
25 °C was lower when compared with unmodified HRS portions of granular BRA modifier binder were subjected
mixtures. By comparison, at a test temperature of 45 °C to an extraction process [16]. The test results found that,
the resilient modulus of modified HRS was greater than on average, the granular BRA modifier binders consisted
that of the unmodified HRS mixtures. In another experi- of about 70% mineral and 30% binder by total weight of
ment, the influence of granular and extracted BRA asphalt materials. The particle size distribution of mineral is as fol-
binder in asphalt mixtures was investigated by Zamhari lows: 2.36 mm (100%), 1.18 mm (97%), 0.6 mm (92%),
et al. [14] They used the ITSM test and dynamic creep test. 0.3 mm (81%), 0.15 mm (61%) and 0.075 mm (36%).
The results indicated that using granular and extracted A crushed granite aggregate from a local quarry in Wes-
asphalt binder in asphalt mixtures increased the stiffness tern Australia was used in all of the mixtures. The unmod-
modulus and creep stiffness and decreased the rate of per- ified and BRA modified asphalt mixtures used dense
manent deformation. graded aggregates of 10 mm and 14 mm based on Specifi-
Despite the progress of research into the use of Buton cation 504 [17]. In the BRA modified asphalt mixtures,
asphalt materials [12–14], there are still significant gaps in the substitution of the base asphalt binder allowed the pro-
the research into the resilient modulus properties of BRA portion of fines passing 2.36 mm to be adjusted as shown in
modified asphalt mixtures. This is largely due to the com- Table 2 with the aim of minimizing the variance in the gra-
plexities of testing magnitude in order to express the dation of aggregates.
response of materials where the temperature and loading
time have a significant impact on the behaviour of asphalt 2.2. Mix design and specimen preparation
mixtures. For example, it is still not known how the rest
period, traffic volume, and loading time affect the resilient Based on specification 504 [17], dense graded asphalt
modulus of BRA modified asphalt mixtures. Furthermore, mixes were assessed in accordance with the standard proce-
more sophisticated testing devices and complex parameters dure for the Marshall method of design in order to find out
40 M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46

Table 1
Properties of bitumen.
Bitumen property Standard Value
BRA modifier content
0% 10% 20% 30%
Penetration (25 °C; 0.1 mm) ASTM-D5 67 62 59 57
Softening points (°C) ASTM-D36 48 51 52.8 55.8
Ductility (25 °C), cm ASTM-D113 >100 >100 >100 >100
Mass loss (%) ASTM-D1754 0.19 0.15 0.09 0.10
Ductility after TFOT (25 °C), cm ASTM-D113 >100 >100 >100 >100

Furthermore, BRA modified asphalt mixture specimens

were manufactured as presented elsewhere [18,19]. The
specimens were cylindrical with dimension of 100 ± 2 mm
in diameter and 35–70 mm in height, prepared according
to standard AS 2891.13.1-1995. The compactions were
done using a gyratory compactor, as set out in
AS2891.2.2-1995 [20]. In total 24 specimens were tested
for the first stage and thirty specimens were tested for the
second stage.

2.3. Indirect tensile resilient modulus test

ITSM tests were performed to determine the resilient

Fig. 1. The form of granular BRA modifier binder (pellets). modulus of asphalt mixtures based on standard
the optimum binder content of unmodified asphalt mix- AS2891.13.1-1995 [21] using a universal testing machine
tures. Specimens in triplicate with dimension of 101.6 (UTM 25) under the test conditions presented in Table 4.
± 0.5 mm diameter and 57–70 mm height were compacted The load pulse was applied vertically in the vertical diam-
by applying 75 blows. The optimum binder content (OBC) eter of a cylindrical specimen through a curved loading
was determined as 5.4% and 4.6% for DG10 and DG14 strip. The resulting horizontal deformation was measured
respectively by weight of the total mixture. The same bin- by attaching two linear variable differential transformers
der contents as for unmodified asphalt mixtures were used (LVDT) at the mid thickness at each end of the horizontal
for the BRA modified asphalt mixtures in order to main- diameter. Initially, the test specimens were conditioned
tain consistency for comparison purposes. Table 3 shows through the application of five load pulses with the speci-
the proportion of the base asphalt binder and the BRA fied rise time to the peak load at the specified pulse repeti-
modifier binder in unmodified and BRA modified asphalt tion period, and then the calculation of the modulus was
mixtures, as well as the proportion of granular BRA done based on the average of a further five load pulses
(pellets) mixed into the mixtures. (Fig. 2).

Table 2
Final crushed aggregate gradation used in this study.
Sieve size (mm) Percent passing Limit values
DG10 (BRA modifier content) DG14 (BRA modifier content)
0% 10% 20% 30% 0% 10% 20% 30% 10 mm 14 mm
19.00 100 100 100 100 100
13.20 100 100 100 100 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 100 93–100
9.50 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 95–100 79–89
6.70 83.0 83.0 83.0 83.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 78–88 63–73
4.75 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 63–73 49–59
2.36 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 40–48 33–41
1.18 28.5 28.5 28.6 28.6 27.0 27.0 27.1 27.1 25–32 22–32
0.600 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 18–24 15–23
0.300 14.5 14.8 15.0 15.2 14.0 14.3 14.4 14.6 12–17 10–18
0.150 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 8.5 9.0 9.4 9.8 8–12 6–11
0.075 4.0 4.9 5.7 6.4 3.5 4.4 5.0 5.6 3–5 2–5
M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46 41

Table 3
Proportion of materials used in asphalt mixtures.
Materials Percentage by total weight of mixtures (%)
BRA modifier content (DG10) BRA modifier content (DG14)
0% 10% 20% 30% (%) 10% 20% 30%
1. Total binder content 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60
a. Base binder 5.40 4.90 4.30 3.80 4.60 4.10 3.70 3.20
b. BRA modified binder 0.00 0.50 1.10 1.60 0.00 0.50 0.90 1.40
2. Total aggregate content 94.60 94.60 94.60 94.60 95.40 95.40 95.40 95.40
a. Crushed rock 94.60 93.30 92.10 910 95.40 94.10 93.20 92.30
b. BRA mineral 0.00 1.30 2.50 3.60 0.00 1.30 2.20 3.10
3. Granular BRA (pellets) 0.00 1.80 3.60 5.20 0.00 1.80 3.10 4.50

Table 4
Test conditions for the first and second stage of ITSM test.
Parameters First stage Second stage
Test temperature, °C 25 ± 0.5 5, 15, 25, 40, 60 ± 0.5
Rise time tu (10% to 90%), ms 40 ± 5 40, 60, 80 ± 5
Pulse repetition period (10% to 10%), ms 3000 ± 5 1000, 2000, 3000 ± 5
Recovered horizontal strain, me 50 ± 20 50 ± 20
Air voids, % 5 ± 0.5 5 ± 0.5
Content of BRA modifier binder, % 0, 10, 20, 30 0, 20
Type of gradation DG10, DG14 DG10

Resilient modulus (MPa)

7000 DG14
Loading jog
Loading strip 3000
Specimen 1000
0 10 20 30
LVDT BRA modifier binder content (%)
Loading strip
Fig. 3. Resilient modulus of unmodified and BRA modified asphalt
Fig. 2. Set-up the ITSM test.
mixtures for DG10. However, the resilient modulus value
for the unmodified asphalt mixtures did not exceed the cri-
3. Results and discussion terion (below 5000 MPa) set out by Main Road Western
Australia [23]. A higher percentage of BRA modifier binder
3.1. Effect of granular BRA modifier binder on resilient content resulted in a higher resilient modulus. Further, for
modulus of asphalt mixtures DG14, the resilient modulus of BRA modified asphalt mix-
tures prepared with 10%, 20%, and 30% BRA modifier bin-
Resilient modulus is defined as the ratio of the applied der was about 10%, 41% and 50%, respectively, higher than
stress to the recoverable strain [9,22]. The resilient modulus for the unmodified asphalt mixtures.
of the BRA modified asphalt mixtures at 25 °C was statis- Based on the results, substituting base asphalt binder
tically significantly higher than that of the unmodified with granular BRA modifier binder improved the resilient
asphalt mixtures as illustrated in Fig. 3. Comparison of modulus of asphalt mixtures. BRA modifier binder helps
the resilient modulus of unmodified and BRA modified the mixture to resist horizontal deformation. The higher
asphalt mixtures, showed that the resilient modulus for the content of granular BRA modifier binder, the greater
BRA modified asphalt mixtures prepared with 10%, 20% the tensile strength will be, leading to an increase in the
and 30% BRA modifier binder was about 19%, 65% and resilient modulus of the mixtures. Asphalt mixtures with
72%, respectively, higher than for the unmodified asphalt a high resilient modulus will distribute loads over a wider
42 M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46

area. It is expected that the BRA modified asphalt mixtures 25000

Resilient modulus for BRA

modified mixtures (MPa)
with a higher resilient modulus would have greater tensile y = 1.4151x
strain and resistance to cracking. R² = 0.9944
3.2. Effect of temperature on resilient modulus of asphalt 10000
The resilient modulus ratio was defined by dividing the 0
resilient modulus values for BRA modified asphalt mix- 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
tures in a given loading period and pulse repetition period Resilient modulus for unmodified mixtures (MPa)
with the resilient modulus values for unmodified asphalt
mixtures in the same loading period, pulse repetition period Fig. 4. Relationships between resilient modulus of unmodified and BRA
and temperature. Table 5 shows that the resilient modulus modified asphalt.
ratio increases as the temperature increases. At a test tem-
perature of 5 °C, the average resilient modulus ratio is 1.39, BRA modified asphalt mixtures tested at the same rise time
while it increases to 2.18 at a test temperature of 40 °C. and repetition period conditions. These results confirmed
This indicates that the resilient modulus for BRA modified that BRA modified asphalt mixtures are less sensitive to
asphalt mixtures prepared with 20% BRA modifier binder temperature change than unmodified asphalt mixtures.
increased under the same conditions of test temperature, Increasing temperature led to an increase in the deforma-
rise time and repetition period. As an alternative means tion of asphalt mixtures due to a lower base asphalt binder
of showing the influence of BRA modifier binder on resili- viscosity in higher temperatures.
ent modulus values, Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship
between the resilient modulus of unmodified and BRA 3.3. Effect of rest period ratio on resilient modulus of asphalt
modified (20%) asphalt mixtures. The points are above mixtures
the equality line, representing an increase by about 1.4
times in the resilient modulus due to the substitution of The rest period ratio is obtained by dividing the rest per-
BRA modifier binder. iod by the loading time (R/L), while the resilient modulus
From the previous investigation [8], stiffness modulus ratio is defined by dividing the resilient modulus in a given
values converge at test temperatures of 25 °C and 40 °C. rest period ratio with the resilient modulus under a stan-
Similarly, this study found that the stiffness modulus tends dard loading time of 100 ms and repetition period of
to converge at test temperatures of 15, 25, 40 and 60 °C. 3000 ms at the same temperature [9,24]. Fig. 5 shows the
The results show a decrease in resilient modulus for both resilient modulus ratio for unmodified and BRA modified
asphalt mixtures due to the increase in test temperature. asphalt mixtures increased with an increase in the R/L
The resilient modulus values decreased by about 39%- ratio at 5 °C. However, by contrast, the resilient modulus
85% and 39%-82% for unmodified and BRA modified ratio for both asphalt mixtures decreased with an increase
asphalt mixtures, respectively, between two adjacent tem- in the R/L ratio at other test temperatures. Law [25], and
peratures. This shows that the resilient modulus is highly Shafabakhsh and Tanakizadeh [9] have concluded that a
dependent on temperature as a result of the softening point lower R/L ratio will yield greater resilient modulus values
of asphalt binder. As expected, the results of this study under the same loading period.
showed that the resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures A lower R/L ratio resulted in a higher resilient modulus
decreases as temperature increases. The resilient modulus ratio of up to 1.182 and 1.159 for unmodified asphalt mix-
of unmodified mixtures decreased by 2–3% more than the tures at a test temperature of 25 °C and BRA modified

Table 5
Resilient modulus ratio.
Rise Pulse repetition Temperature (°C)
time (ms) period (ms)
5 15 25 40 60
40 1000 1.38 1.38 1.65 2.15 2.06
40 2000 1.39 1.41 1.77 2.16 2.05
40 3000 1.38 1.44 1.78 2.17 2.01
60 1000 1.39 1.41 1.73 2.21 2.04
60 2000 1.40 1.44 1.82 2.17 2.05
60 3000 1.39 1.47 1.83 2.16 2.06
80 1000 1.41 1.42 1.79 2.26 2.02
80 2000 1.41 1.46 1.85 2.17 2.07
80 3000 1.39 1.49 1.86 2.15 2.09
Average 1.39 1.44 1.79 2.18 2.05
M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46 43



1.4 1.4

Resilient modulus ratio





Resilient modulus ratio












1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
R/L = 9
0.4 R/L = 19 0.4
0.2 R/L = 29 0.2
0.0 0.0
(a) 5 15 25 40 60 (b) 5 15 25 40 60
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 5. Effect of rest period ratio on resilient modulus of (a) unmodified asphalt mixtures, (b) BRA modified asphalt mixtures.

asphalt mixtures at a test temperature of 40 °C, respec- loading frequency on the resilient modulus of unmodified
tively. This shows that the resilient modulus increases when and BRA modified asphalt mixtures is illustrated in Fig. 7.
the frequency of load cycle increases from 0.33 Hz or The constant coefficients obtained from fitting Fig. 7 to
0.5 Hz to 1.0 Hz. A shorter rest period resulted in less time the data using a linear relationship for unmodified and
for strain recovery to occur under a higher load cycle fre- BRA modified asphalt mixtures are listed in Table 6. As
quency, resulting in a higher resilient modulus [26]. Kim can be seen, at a temperature of 5 °C, the constant coeffi-
et al. [24] have shown that the rest period ratio has a direct cient ‘‘a” is a negative value, indicating that an increase
effect on the recovery strain of asphalt mixtures. A greater in loading frequency results in a decrease in the resilient
resilient modulus value is obtained from a smaller recover- modulus of unmodified and BRA modified asphalt
able strain. However they found that an R/L ratio mixtures.
approaching 8 and higher had only minor effect on the resi- However at other test temperatures, constant coefficient
lient modulus. The resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures ‘‘a” is a positive value, demonstrating that the resilient
decreases as the R/L ratio increases. Moreover, the depen- modulus for both unmodified and BRA modified asphalt
dency of R/L ratio decreases with a decrease in tempera- mixtures increases with an increase in the loading fre-
ture. Monismith [27] reported that an R/L ratio of 8 and quency. According to Fakhri and Ghanizadeh [11], the
higher does not show the beneficial effect of a longer R/L constant coefficient ‘‘a” indicates the change in modulus
ratio. Similarly, Barkdale et al. [28] showed that the R/L rate corresponding to the change in loading frequency.
ratio of 4–27 bring about less variation in the resilient The results show that the minimum value of coefficient
modulus. ‘‘a” is at the temperature of 5 °C and increases as the tem-
perature increases. The maximum value of this coefficient
3.4. Effect of traffic volume on resilient modulus of asphalt was recorded at the temperature of 25 °C and 40 °C for
mixtures unmodified and BRA modified asphalt mixtures, respec-
tively. Similar observations were reported by Fakhri and
The repetition period of 1000 ms and 3000 ms was used Ghanizadeh [11]. At the same test temperature, the con-
to simulate a high and a low volume of traffic, respectively. stant coefficient ‘‘a” values for unmodified asphalt mixtures
It can be seen in Fig. 6(a) that at a test temperature of 5 °C, were higher than for the BRA modified asphalt mixtures.
the unmodified and BRA modified asphalt mixtures under This confirms that BRA modified asphalt mixtures are less
low traffic volume conditions had a resilient modulus sensitive to changes in the frequency than unmodified
higher than that of asphalt mixtures under high traffic vol- asphalt mixtures. Moreover, the constant coefficient ‘‘b”
ume conditions. By contrast, at other test temperatures, the for both unmodified and BRA modified asphalt mixtures
resilient modulus values for both mixtures under a low vol- decreased with an increase in test temperature, indicating
ume of traffic were lower compared with those mixtures that the resilient modulus values for both asphalt mixtures
under a higher volume of traffic. Furthermore, the increase decreases when temperature increases.
in rise time from 40 ms to 80 ms resulted in a decrease in
the resilient modulus. 3.5. Effect of loading time on resilient modulus of asphalt
The resilient modulus for both asphalt mixtures mixtures
decreased by up to 8.6% as the repetition period decreased
from 3000 ms to 1000 ms at a test temperature of 5 °C. The resilient modulus ratio was defined as the resilient
However, at other test temperatures, the resilient modulus modulus for a given loading time divided by the resilient
of both asphalt mixtures increase by up to about 17–18% modulus for a standard loading time of 100 ms and a
when the repetition period decreased from 3000 ms to repetition period of 3000 ms [9]. Fig. 8 presents that the
1000 ms especially at a moderate temperature (25 °C) and resilient modulus ratio for unmodified asphalt mixtures
a high temperature (40 °C) [18]. A similar finding was decreased by up to 0.76 at a test temperature of 25 °C
reported by Tayfur et al. [8]. In addition, the effect of and 40 °C as the loading time increased to 200 ms, while
44 M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46

25000 20000 10000

(a) 5°C (b) 15°C (c) 25°C
Resilient Modulus, MPa

20000 15000
15000 10000
Unmodified - 1000 ms
10000 Unmodified - 3000 ms 5000
BRA modified - 1000 ms 2000
BRA modified - 3000 ms
5000 0 0
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
Rise time (ms)
2000 400
(d) 40°C (e) 60°C
Resilient modulus, MPa

1500 300

1000 200

500 100

0 0
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
Rise Time (ms) Rise Time (ms)

Fig. 6. Resilient modulus for asphalt mixtures at variation of test temperatures.

5.0 (a) Unmodified 5.0 (b) BRA modified

log (Resilient modulus), MPa

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 5°C 15°C 25°C 40°C 60°C 1.0

0.0 0.0
-0.5 -0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 0
log (Frequency), Hz log (Frequency), Hz

Fig. 7. Effect of loading frequency on resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures.

Table 6
Coefficient of linier relationship of frequency – resilient modulus.
Temperature Unmodified BRA modified
(°C) a b R 2
a b R2
5 0.0382 4.1916 0.7318 0.0400 4.3317 0.8296
15 0.0485 3.9761 0.9573 0.0142 4.1170 0.5691
25 0.1550 3.5977 0.9600 0.0852 3.8184 0.9923
40 0.1458 2.8017 0.9746 0.1365 3.1345 0.9697
60 0.0659 2.1882 0.9897 0.0902 2.5041 0.969

for BRA modified asphalt mixtures, the resilient modulus However, at moderate temperature (15 °C and 25 °C) and
ratio decreased by up to 0.76 at test temperature of 40 ° high temperature (40 °C and 60 °C), the resilient modulus
C. Furthermore, at a low temperature (5 °C), the effect of decreased significantly as loading time increased to
loading time on resilient modulus was less significant. At 200 ms. According to other researchers [28,29], at these
this temperature, the behavior of the asphalt mixtures is temperatures there is great deformation with less recovery
close to elastic and therefore the materials are largely inde- from deformation when a high loading time is applied. It
pendent of the change in loading time. Similar observations was observed the resilient modulus decreased in about
have been reported by other researchers [8,25,28]. 24–26% for BRA modified asphalt mixtures and 24–29%
M. Karami et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 38–46 45
















Resilient modulus ratio

Resilient modulus ratio



1.00 1.00

0.80 0.80

0.60 0.60

0.40 LT = 100 ms 0.40

LT = 150 ms
0.20 0.20
LT = 200 ms
0.00 0.00
(a) 5 15 25 40 60 (b) 5 15 25 40 60
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 8. Effect of loading time on resilient modulus of (a) Unmodified asphalt mixtures, (b) BRA modified asphalt mixtures.

for unmodified asphalt mixtures [18]. Generally, the References

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