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VIVA Questions BE 1st Sem-CS

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Questions For Preparation For VIVA

(BE 1st Semester – Communication Skills)

1. What is comprehension?
Answer. The word comprehension means the ability to understand something. Reading comprehension is the
ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning.

2. What is book review?

Answer. A book review is a description, critical analysis, and an evaluation on the quality, meaning, and
significance of a book, not a retelling. It should focus on the book's purpose, content, and authority.

3. Mention few tips to write a good book review?

1. Research the author
2. Read the preface or introduction if the book has one
3. Take notes as you read.
4. Make a list of the characters
5. Pick out what you think is the main idea of the book
6. Make a list of the themes you notice
7. Determine the author’s argument, if there is one
8. Understand the structure of a book review
9. Keep your audience in mind
10. Write the summary
11. Write your evaluation of the book, etc.

4. Give brief introduction of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is a best-selling book written by Rhonda Byrne. It is based on the law of attraction and claims that
positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness. In this book,
the author unveils a ‘secret’ which she claims to have been known for centuries. The essence of the book is the
power of our minds, which if identified and unleashed properly, can create waves of positive changes in our life.
Everything that happens to us is directly or indirectly the doing of our own thoughts, which if modeled properly,
can change everything in our lives.

5. Brief introduction about any of the books (enlisted in Language Laboratory Activities section of syllabus)
may be asked in VIVA.

6. What is presentation?
Answer. Presentation is a way of communicating ideas as well as information to a group of people or audience.

7. What is one of the methods one can use to organize the content of presentation?
Presentation can be organized in three parts,
a) Introduction
b) Main body
c) Conclusion

8. Give some guidelines for delivering good presentation.

a) Know your audience
b) Define purpose of your presentation
c) Organize contents in proper way
d) Prepare an outline
e) Use visual aids if required
f) Use proper body language

9. What are some rules to follow during a group discussion?
a) Keep eye contact while speaking
b) Initiate the group discussion
c) Allow others to speak
d) Speak clearly
e) Bring the discussion on track
f) Maintain positive attitude
g) Speak sensibly
h) Listen carefully to others
i) Dress appropriately, etc.

10. What is the importance of group discussion?

Answer. Developing group discussion skills is useful for everyday life as we regularly find ourselves having
discussions amongst friends, family and colleagues. Additionally, group discussions are increasingly being used
in the job market during interviews and selection procedures.

11. What is phonetics?

Answer. Phonetics is the study and classification of speech sounds.

12. What is phonetic transcription?

Answer. Phonetic transcription (or phonetic notation) is the visual representation of speech sounds.

13. Define the term ‘communication’.

Answer. The word communication means to share. It is the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge
between sender and receiver through an accepted code of symbols.

14. What is feedback?

Answer. The transmission of the receiver’s response to the sender is called feedback.

15. What is noise?

Answer. Noise is any unplanned interference in the communication environment which causes hindrance in the
transmission of the message.

16. What is Kinesics?

Answer. Kinesics is the study of the body’s physical movements. It is the way the body communicates without
words through various movements of its parts.

17. Define the term ‘posture’.

Answer. Posture refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand, sit or walk.

18. Define the term ‘gesture’.

Answer. Gesture is the movement made by hands, arms, shoulders and head. A well-time gesture adds greater
value to what is being said.

19. What is proxemics?

Answer. Proxemics is the study of physical space in interpersonal relations. The way people use space conveys a
lot about them.

20. According to Edward T. Hall, space can be divided into which zones?

Intimate zone (starts from personal touch and extends just to 18 inches), Personal zone (starts from 18 inches and
extends to 4 feet), Social zone (starts from 4 feet and extends to 12 feet), and Public zone (starts from 12 feet and
may extend to 30 feet).

21. What are characteristic nuances of voice?
Answer. Quality, Volume, Rate, Pitch, Articulation, Pronunciation, etc. are the characteristic nuances of voice.

22. What is rate?

Answer. Rate is the number of words which one speaks per minute.

23. What is volume in paralinguistics?

Answer. Volume is the loudness or the softness of the voice.

24. Explain the difference between articulation and pronunciation.

Answer. Articulation means speaking out all sounds distinctly whereas pronunciation means speaking out sounds
in way that is generally accepted.

25. What is pitch?

Answer. Pitch refers to the number of vibrations per second of voice. The rise and fall of the voice conveys various

26. What is Chronemics?

Answer. Chronemics is the study of how human beings communicate through their use of time. In order to use
time as an effective communication tool, one has to understand the impact it has and then act accordingly.

27. Explain the difference between hearing and listening?

Answer. Hearing is a physical process and listening is a physical as well as mental process which means hearing
with concentration.

28. What are types of listening?

Answer. Appreciative listening, empathetic listening, comprehensive listening and critical listening are types of

29. What is comprehensive listening?

Answer. This type of listening is needed in the classroom when students have to listen to the lecturer to understand
and comprehend the message.

30. What is critical listening?

Answer. When the purpose is to accept or reject the message or to evaluate it critically, one requires this type of

31. What is empathetic listening?

Answer. When we listen to a distressed friend who wants to vent his feelings, we provide emotional and moral
support in the form of empathetic listening.

32. What is appreciative listening?

Answer. This is listening for deriving aesthetic pleasure as we do when we listen to a comedian, musician or

33. What are barriers to effective listening?

Answer. Treating discussion as competition, Trying to influence or impress, Knowing the answer, Believing in
language (a misplaced trust in the precision of words.), etc. are some of the barriers to effective listening?

34. What are traits of a good listener?

a) Being non-evaluative
b) Paraphrasing (if you wish to clarify a point, you can simply paraphrase what the speaker has said)
c) Reflecting implications
d) Reflecting hidden feelings
e) Inviting further contribution

f) Responding non-verbally

35. State reasons for poor comprehension?

a) Inability to understand a word
b) Inability to understand a sentence
c) Inability to understand how sentences relate to one another
d) Inability to understand how information fits together in a meaningful way
e) Lack of interest or concentration

36. What is skimming?

Answer. Reading quickly without pausing to study the details is called skimming.

37. What is scanning?

Answer. After having skimmed the text, you can study it in more detail; reading more slowly and carefully and
looking for specific information that you are interested in is called scanning.

38. What is caption?

Answer. Comments on pictures related to a text is called caption.

39. What is punctuation?

Answer. Punctuation is partly based on grammar. Understanding meaning and usage of punctuation marks will
make it easier to understand the grammatical structure of a sentence.

40. What is triphthong?

Answer. In phonetics, triphthongs are combination of three vowel sounds. (beau)

41. What is phonology?

Answer. Phonology is the study of sound systems of languages.

42. What is diphthong?

Answer. Diphthongs are combinations of two sounds or pure vowels.
a:+ I = ‘aI’ - tie, buy, height & night

43. What is role playing?

Answer. Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a
social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. It is a situation or instance in which one deliberately acts
out or assumes a particular character or role.

44. What is importance of communication skills?

Answer. Developing your communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to
social gatherings and everything in between. The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as
intended, is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked. It’s never too late to work on your
communication skills and by doing so improve your quality of life.

Note: Apart from this, students are requested to practice group discussion, telephonic conversation, dictionary
reading, comprehensions, etc. and develop their listening and speaking abilities before appearing for VIVA
examination. Moreover, it is advisable to go through the entire syllabus once.

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