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Centralised Supply Chain Plann

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Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA

Patrik Jonsson
Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Martin Rudberg
Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden, and
Stefan Holmberg
Älmhult, Sweden

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the prerequisites and effects of centralised supply chain planning at IKEA, and to explore how the
planning process, planning system, and planning organization make up a centralised planning approach.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a longitudinal case study of IKEA’s implementation of global supply chain planning. The
literature review generated a framework which identifies prerequisites for, approaches to, and the effects of and obstacles to centralised supply chain
planning. This framework was used to analyse IKEA’s supply chain planning before and after the implementation. Finally, the authors reflected upon the
learning from IKEA and refined the framework.
Findings – A number of prerequisites for centralised supply chain planning were identified: functional products, vertical integration, a dominating
organization possessing the power and competence to enforce the implementation, and the use of one planning domain possessing all critical planning
information. The direct effects of centralised supply chain planning were related to supply chain integration, standardisation, specialisation, and
learning effects. Implementing centralised supply chain planning in an appropriate planning context led to several operational performance
improvements. Obstacles were mainly related to human and organizational, as well as to software and data issues.
Research limitations/implications – This is a first approach towards development of a framework of how to design, use and benefit from centralised
supply chain planning. The developed conceptual model, which is refined through the case study, offers some generalizability in researching centralised
supply chain planning.
Practical implications – The findings show that centralised supply chain planning is a necessity for a large and growing, global supply chain striving
for low-cost production and efficiency.
Originality/value – IKEA is a unique case with its supply chain characteristics and recently implemented planning concept.

Keywords Planning, Supply chain, Information technology, Centralisation, Implementation, IKEA, Supply chain management

Paper type Case study

1. Introduction however, not a general solution and research identifies different

prerequisites for effective centralised planning (Holmström et al.,
This paper is concerned with when centralised supply chain 2002; Rudberg and Olhager, 2003). Even though the right
planning is appropriate, what outcomes to expect, and how to prerequisites for centralised supply chain planning exist, its
achieve them. It provides a case study analysis of how IKEA, implementation may result in problems or there may exist
a worldwide leader in furniture retailing, has gone from obstacles for its full implementation. Identified problems of
decentralised to centralised planning of its network of suppliers, centralised planning, for example, include incongruence of
distribution centres (DCs), stores and forwarders. This has objectives and incentives of individual organizations that result in
taken them from a fragmented management to a coordinated, fragmented global supply chains (Pibernik and Sucky, 2007;
centralised, supply chain planning. Lorentz et al., 2012). Most research on supply chain planning has
A centralised supply chain planning strategy concerns common studied individual process or organizational or IT perspectives,
and standardised processes and working methods (Rudberg and but few have used an integrated perspective to study all three and
West, 2008), centralised organization (Marcotte et al., 2009), their effects (Power, 2005). Such an approach should be
and an integrated IT infrastructure with advanced planning and especially helpful for generating understanding of centralised
scheduling (APS) support (Jonsson et al., 2007), and may result supply chain planning effects and obstacles in complex supply
in benefits, such as improved transparency, visibility and chains (Bozarth et al., 2009) like IKEA’s, which has about 30,000
synchronised processes (Dreyer et al., 2009). Coordinating and sales items, 1,400 suppliers, 30 central DCs and 280 stores
managing a supply chain through centralised planning is, globally. Supply chain planning in the retail sector has been
studied before (Wong et al., 2005), but not in a supply chain of the
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at same magnitude as of that of IKEA. Apart from describing IKEA’s centralised supply chain
planning concept, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

18/3 (2013) 337– 350 Received: 5 May 2012
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1359-8546] Revised: 26 August 2012, 20 October 2012, 29 November 2012
[DOI 10.1108/SCM-05-2012-0158] Accepted: 3 December 2012

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

prerequisites, effects and obstacles of implementing position the two research questions, presented in the end of the
centralised supply chain planning at IKEA, and to explore literature review, and works as a structure and a theoretical base
how the planning process, organization and planning system for the empirical analysis and discussion.
make up a centralised planning approach. We start with a
literature review, focusing on the prerequisites for, approaches
2.1 Prerequisites for centralised supply chain planning
to, and effects of, implementing centralised supply chain
Fisher (1997) classifies products in two categories (functional/
planning, resulting in a conceptual research framework and
innovative) and two supply chain categories (physical efficiency/
two research questions. Next are the methodology, case study,
market responsive). Innovative products should be matched
and case analysis. Finally, we conclude the paper and provide
with a responsive supply chain whereas functional products
ideas for further research.
benefits from a physically efficient supply chain. The latter
normally has a high degree of vertical integration, which in turn
2. Literature review facilitates low-cost production through a centralised planning
Many facets of centralisation have been studied in isolation, for approach (Hayes and Schmenner, 1978; De Meyer and
example, the prerequisites for a supply chain to benefit from Vereecke, 1994; Rudberg, 2004). Rudberg and Olhager
centralisation, the expected effects on performance and possible (2003) emphasize that the supply chain must be managed by,
implementation obstacles. The literature review is centred on or as, a single-organization, and Rice and Hoppe (2001)
these areas and concludes with a conceptual research framework highlight the need for a strong dominating organization.
for analysing centralised supply chain planning, one that links Centralised planning could be facilitated by limited ownership
the necessary prerequisites, typical concepts/approaches as well of manufacturing and full ownership of warehouses and
as effects/obstacles (Figure 1). The framework is used to retailers (APICS, 2011). Pibernik and Sucky (2006)

Figure 1 Conceptual research framework

Effects from centralized




Prerequisites for Centralized planning

centralized planning concept
Functional products RQ1 RQ1 Operational
Planning process
Vertical integration Learning

Dominating Planning system Centralized planning
organization obstacles

Change resistance
Power and
competence Planning RQ2
Top management
One planning involvement
Training and

Data quality

IS integration

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

exemplify this situation with the “supply chain leader”, which “external” decision centre that controls the whole supply chain
has the power and the competence to enforce the realisation of a and dictates supply chain plans for each partner in the network
centrally determined supply chain plan. However, a centralised (Marcotte et al., 2009). Typically, the planning responsibility is
planning approach can only be implemented if one planning more centralised in vertically focused supply chains (Hayes and
domain exists, which possesses all necessary information Schmenner, 1978; De Meyer and Vereecke, 1994; Caves, 1996;
(Pibernik and Sucky, 2007), including coordination of Rudberg, 2004) and the corporate staff must thereby play an
inventory, production, and distribution decisions. active role in making the vertically focused organization work.
In summary (Figure 1), literature suggests that centralised A centralised planning organization and common working
supply chain planning is suitable for companies selling methods also facilitate the introduction of standardised
functional products: striving for low-cost and timely software support, which is necessary to support decision
deliveries. Furthermore, successful implementation of a making in global supply chains (Power, 2005; Stadtler and
centralised supply chain requires that a company have full Kilger, 2008).
control of the supply chain, through a high degree of vertical
integration and/or with the aid of a dominating organization. In 2.2.3 Planning systems
addition, the power and the competence of the implementing When it comes to coordinating a vertically focused but
organization and the possibilities of creating a single planning dispersed supply chain, several drawbacks are identified with
domain are identified as being important prerequisites traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
(or contextual characteristics) for implementing this approach. (Stadtler and Kilger, 2008). To deal with these drawbacks,
APS systems have been put forward as tools to support the
2.2 Centralised supply chain planning coordination of global supply chains (Marcotte et al., 2009). An
Concepts of centralised supply chain planning can be described APS system is designed to deal with multiple sites and to include
in many ways. This paper uses three perspectives (Figure 1): various supply chain decisions in a central planning engine.
the planning processes, the planning organization and the Hence, stock replenishment, distribution, production and
planning system (software). These perspectives could be sourcing decisions can be balanced in a centralised function
considered dimensions of a centralised supply chain planning aiming at optimal use of resources throughout the supply chain
concept and could either facilitate or obstruct its success. (Stadtler and Kilger, 2008). Since APS systems used in
supply chains have to deal with multi-site environments and are
2.2.1 Planning processes based on standardised planning processes with a high degree of
Planning processes have mutual relationships and include automation, the quality of master data and transaction data is
several functions distributed hierarchically throughout a supply important. The planning data must be of high quality, and data
chain (Stadtler and Kilger, 2008). There are also relationships collection and validation must, consequently, be conducted in
between different functional and organizational planning appropriate ways (Jonsson et al., 2007; Haug and Arlbjørn,
processes (Jonsson and Mattsson, 2009). Planning processes 2011). Furthermore, strong coordination between the
can be classified based on the length of the planning horizon and different planning modules is a must in order to achieve
on the supply chain process that should be supported consistent plans for the different planning levels and different
(Wortmann et al., 1997; Stadtler and Kilger, 2008). For entities in the supply chain (Stadtler and Kilger, 2008).
example, the forecasting process may integrate individual
forecasts from several markets and products; the sales and
2.3 Effects from centralised supply chain planning
operations planning and master planning processes may involve
Studies indicate that centralised supply chain planning have
several production and distribution sites; and the materials
positive effects on business performance, especially in cost-
planning may integrate several warehouses. However, decisions
focused supply chains (Business International, 1985;
are often distributed among a multiple number of independent
DuBois et al., 1993; Snow et al., 1993; Bartlett and Ghoshal,
decision makers along the supply chain, which leads to
1998; Rudberg, 2004; Fiala, 2005; Pibernik and Sucky, 2007;
incongruence and imbalances on a global scale (Pibernik and
Dreyer et al., 2009; Rudberg and Thulin, 2009; Marcotte et al.,
Sucky, 2007). These imbalances could, however, be controlled
2009). They also show that the performance effect may be
through coordination and/or centralisation of planning
explained by different underlying, related dimensions of
responsibility. Common (standardised) working methods
centralisation (Lorentz et al., 2012).
(Rudberg and West, 2008) and centralised organizational
This paper identifies four major dimensions concerning the
structures facilitate the coordination based on centralised and
effects of centralised supply chain planning (Figure 1). The first
integrated planning processes.
dimension relates to coordination and integration (Goold and
2.2.2 Planning organization Campbell, 1987; Pibernik and Sucky, 2007). Little empirical
In centralisation, decision making is often grouped in two research has been done on supply chain planning integration
categories (Zey-Ferrell, 1979). The first relates to decisions (Malhotra and Sharma, 2002; Oliva and Watson, 2011), but
about regular activities facilitating an organization’s output, and centralisation implies decision making on a high level and tight
is about the control of the hierarchy of authority. The second integration. The high level of control and coordination of
regards participation in decision making and is about activities are often identified as the main benefits (Goold and
centralisation of decisions regarding allocation of resources. Campbell, 1987). Lack of coordination and integration may
The authority in centralised organizations, thus, resides with occur when decentralised decision makers ignore the overall
corporate headquarters where managerial initiative and system targets because of incomplete information or conflicting
influence radiate from the centre to the periphery incentives (Narayanan and Raman, 2004). The second
(The Economist Intelligence Unit, 1993). The planning dimension is standardisation, which in the information
resources, for example, the planning staff, are allocated systems literature is a means for utilising the potential of
centrally, and therefore decisions typically are made in an centralised planning systems within and across organizations

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

(Bendoly and Jacobs, 2004). Specialisation is a third dimension. RQ1. What effects can be expected when centralising supply
A centralised supply chain planning approach allows for a chain planning?
horizontally specialised organization (Robbins, 1990), with RQ2. What are the obstacles for implementing centralised
more planning specialists co-located. It may have positive supply chain planning?
effects on the overall skills and possibilities of managing and
developing a planning process. The fourth dimension is
learning effects; these can be traced in many change projects, 3. Methodology
but in a large supply chain knowledge and technology diffusion
This study is based on a single longitudinal case study (Yin,
is argued to be facilitated by centralisation (Flaherty, 1996;
1993; Ferlie and McNulty, 1997), at IKEA. We studied and
Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1998; Rudberg and West, 2008).
compared IKEA’s supply chain planning approach before and
Even though effects of centralised planning could be derived
after it implemented its centralised supply chain planning
solely from either the planning process or the planning
concept. The change occurred in stages between 2000 and
organization or the planning system (Figure 1), it is reasonable
2011. The “old” planning approach refers to the situation prior
to believe that an approach that combines process, organization
to 2003. The “new” concept refers to the situation after 2010.
and planning system will result in the most positive effects
IKEA is considered to have supply chain characteristics suitable
(Power, 2005). Jonsson et al. (2007), for example, noticed that
for applying a centralised planning concept, which is why it was
an appropriate planning organization is most likely necessary
appropriate for testing and further developing the framework
for utilising the potential of the APS system, and the
outlined in the literature review. The study could be considered
commitment to the plan generated by the APS system. They
unique (Yin, 1993) because IKEA is rather unusual with its
also found that APS systems could improve acceptance and
unique supply chain characteristics and its recently
trust in a centralised planning organization, resulting in
implemented planning concept. The case study describes
development of common priorities and commitment to
IKEA’s global supply chain planning concept and explores how
unified plans.
the processes, organization and planning systems make up a
centralised planning concept. The case analysis is used to
2.4 Obstacles to centralised supply chain planning
discuss the characteristics of the centralised planning concept,
Difficulties and problems have been identified when
focusing on the two research questions. The empirical scope is
organizations implement and use centralised supply chain
the planning of the material flow of IKEA’s supply chain from
planning. Resistance to change is an often mentioned obstacle
supplier through DCs to stores. The unit of analysis is its tactical
(Gargeya and Brady, 2005; van Veen-Dirks and Verdaasdonk,
and operational supply chain planning (processes, organization
2009). The centralised planning organizations’ failure to
and software).
achieve response to local conditions, difficulties in developing
general management capabilities, and cumbersome and costly
3.1 Data collection
central overheads (Johnston and Scholes, 1993; Rudberg and
Different methods were used to collect data: in-depth
West, 2008) can also hinder successful centralised planning.
interviews, observations and company documents. Three
Pibernik and Sucky (2007) argued that supply chain members
researchers collected the data, did the analysis and wrote the
seldom accept centralised supply chain planning and
paper; two were external to IKEA and the third worked at IKEA
Holmström et al. (2002) argue that it is almost impossible to
and was involved in the planning and rollout of the concept. The
get a large supply chain to agree on, and implement, centralised
internal researcher’s role was to take field notes, collect relevant
planning and control. Therefore, lack of top management
internal documents, write a draft description of the two
involvement is another possible obstacle (Bozarth, 2006;
planning concepts (prior to 2003 and after 2010) and give the
van Veen-Dirks and Verdaasdonk, 2009). Centralising
two principal researchers access to data and to people to
planning processes and systems often result in transferring
interview so they could finalize the case descriptions. The
planning tasks from the planner to the system, which can lead to
internal researcher based the draft case story on data from the
disagreement and resistance (Wiers, 2009). Thus, lack of user
following sources:
training and knowledge can be an obstacle in changing planning .
Steering group protocols, power point presentations and
processes and implementing new systems (Bozarth, 2006).
other supporting internal documents generated between
Human and organizational issues (Berglund and Karltun,
August 2006 and January 2010.
2007) are often considered more significant obstacles for APS .
Monthly status reports from the project from August 2006
system success than are the technical issues (Ivert and
to the end of 2009.
Jonsson, 2011). Still, technical issues like data quality .
Final reports of the project phases 1-3 from August 2006.
problems ( Jonsson et al., 2007) and integration in the .
Final reports of the project phase 4 from January 2010.
information system infrastructure (Wiers, 2002; Rudberg and .
Personal field notes of the internal researcher collected
Cederborg, 2011) are also identified as obstacles.
during the entire project period from October 2002 to the
end of 2010.
2.5 Research model and research questions
As shown in Figure 1, this paper synthesises the literature review The external researchers studied numerous internal documents
into a conceptual research model that provides a framework for (process descriptions, job descriptions, some of the above listed
analysing centralised supply chain planning. The model relates project reports and Power Point presentations), listened to five
the centralised supply chain planning concept (planning two-hours presentations about the IKEA planning concept,
processes, planning system and planning organization) to and conducted interviews in three rounds from 2007 to 2011,
prerequisites, direct effects, operational performance and each round taking one to two days. The interviewees included
obstacles. We have also derived the following two research the project manager and demand and supply planners
questions to guide the empirical analysis and discussion: with experience in both the old and new planning concepts.

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

The interviews added further details to the draft case 3.3 Participatory research
descriptions and validated them. In terms of investigating the Because one of the researchers had been actively involved in the
effects of the new planning concept, quantitative performance transition of the case company, facets of action research
data were generated from IKEA internal files (this data is (Westbrook, 1995; Coughlan and Coghlan, 2002) and
confidential and cannot be presented in this article). The participatory research (Bryman and Bell, 2011) have been
perceived effects of the two concepts and the obstacles that used. Our approach is not an action research approach,
IKEA encountered implementing the new concept were according to its most strict definitions because there was not a
generated from the interviews, the observations of the internal feedback loop from the researchers’ data analysis to the IKEA
researcher, and internal project reviews (Table I). project. The only feedback has been received through the
internal researcher’s involvement. No one at IKEA, except for
3.2 Data analysis the interviewees and a senior manager, knew about the research
The conceptual framework, research questions and case project. The analysis has, thus, been collaborative in the sense
descriptions of the old and new concepts were used as input to that the IKEA project manager, who knows the organization the
the data analysis. The output of the analysis contains a number best, has been involved. But it has not been collaborative in the
of proposed relationships. As such, the approach followed a sense that the research analysis has guided the IKEA
theory-generation procedure (Eisenhardt, 1989). The process implementation process. Because the research project was not
was, however, not straightforward. Preliminary analyses were an official IKEA project and only known to a few people at
carried out during the years of data collection, which resulted in IKEA, we also believe that the Hawthorne effect (internal
several iterations in which new literature and empirical data researcher’s involvement affecting the behaviour and effects) is
were collected. These are the five main steps of the data analysis: not a problem. Another possible validity problem of action
1 Writing up case descriptions of the old and new planning concepts, research is lack of impartiality on the part of the researcher,
using the process, organization and planning system structure which can result in biased case stories (Coughlan and Coghlan,
outlined in the literature review. First, the internal researcher 2002). Having two external researchers made it possible to
wrote draft descriptions. Then, the external researchers maintain objectivity. They have taken an outside-in perspective
added and modified data and structured the descriptions at all times, questioning and validating the story generated by
according to the centralised planning dimensions. Finally, the internal researcher. They did not participate in internal
the internal researcher validated the descriptions. project meetings, but did review internal documents, conduct
2 Describing IKEA’s supply chain context and relating it to the interviews with IKEA personnel, and relate the IKEA case to
centralised supply chain planning prerequisites defined in the the literature. We, thus, believe the participatory, action
literature review. This was done by the external researchers, research-oriented involvement of the internal researcher has
and validated by the internal researcher. given us important insights and deep understanding of the
3 Identifying, grouping and relating centralised planning effects. IKEA planning concept and its effects and obstacles. The
First, a gross list of effects was generated. Thereafter, external researchers’ involvement and roles have made it
relationships between the effects and the three centralised possible to maintain an objective perspective and generate valid
planning dimensions were identified. The gross list and case understanding.
the relationships between the effects were developed in an
iterative way. New literature was considered after the 4. Case study
preliminary identification of effects and relationships. The
final effects and relationships were settled after a couple of This section describes IKEA’s supply chain characteristics,
iterations. This was done by the external researchers, and and the characteristics and effects of the old and new planning
validated by the internal researcher. concepts.
4 Identifying obstacles for implementing the new centralised
planning concept. The internal researcher developed a 4.1 IKEA’s supply chain characteristics
preliminary gross list and description of obstacles. The IKEA is a leading international home furnishing company. With
external researchers structured and shaped a final list of its vision to “create a better everyday life for the many people”,
obstacles and relationships following a procedure similar the company has reached annual sales of e23.1 billion and has
to that used for effects. some 1,27,000 employees[1]. IKEA has more than 620 million
5 Validating the final case descriptions and conclusions. The visitors per year in the 280 stores all over the world run by
internal researcher and a senior manager at IKEA read franchisees inside the IKEA Group (with a further 34 stores
and validated the final case descriptions and conclusions. owned and run by franchisees outside the IKEA Group). In
Some minor modifications were made. addition, some 712 million visitors are tracked entering the

Table I Data sources and research model dimensions

Data sources Prerequisites Old planning concept New planning concept Effects Obstacles
Internal documents and presentations X X X X X
Observations X X X X
Demand and supply planner interviews X X X X
Project manager interviews X X X X X
Source: Authors

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

IKEA web site. IKEA’s main marketing channel is its catalogue, different parts of the supply chain. Other supply chain
with 197 million copies (in 61 different editions and 29 different performance problems were difficulties having personnel pay
languages) being distributed worldwide. The catalogue displays attention to data maintenance, a lack of proper follow-up tools
more than 9,500 items. to monitor forecast deviations, hard to change mindsets among
IKEA’s supply chain has a global spread with both sales and users, and no synchronisation of order and stock data.
purchasing in all major regions of the world. The stores,
which are divided into three geographical areas, are supplied 4.3 Overview of the new planning concept
through 30 DCs and by some 1,400 suppliers in 55 countries. To overcome this difficult situation, IKEA initiated a
More than half of the sales volume is distributed directly from programme aiming at implementing a new planning concept
suppliers to stores. In terms of supply (purchasing), Europe to take better control of its supply chain and to enhance delivery
stands for 62 per cent (Poland being the largest purchasing service and costs. This concept is an integrated, global planning
area), followed by Asia with 34 per cent (China largest) and process, which is outlined in Figure 2, and is formally located in a
North America with 4 per cent. The majority of sales are central planning function called IKEA of Sweden. IKEA of
made in Europe (79 per cent) with Germany being the top Sweden supervises the IKEA universe and develops long-term
selling country; North America accounts for 15 per cent of marketing, logistics and purchasing strategies. IKEA of Sweden
sales and Asia/Australia together account for 6 per cent. greatly influences the decisions concerning the number of items
A number of factors contributed to IKEA having a planning being carried, purchasing, suppliers, distribution, store
environment that was suitable for a centralised planning coordination and so forth. The global planning process starts
approach (Section 6.1). It has a high pace of growth, planning to with the sales and demand planning (1 in Figure 2) which sets
open 10-20 new stores every year and a goal to double sales the frames and generates future demand data for IKEA’s 12
every fifth year. In addition, given the many stores and business areas. The demand data is thereafter input to the global
warehouses and the fact that 20-25 per cent of its assortment materials planning process (2), which in turn drives the supplier
can change from year-to-year, supply chain planning is a capacity and load planning processes (3) and the planning of the
challenge. IKEA only owns part of the capacity in its supply distribution supply chain (transport, warehouse, and store
chain in terms of the DCs and the Swedwood Group planning; 4a-c in Figure 2). Note that this article does not
(making up about 8-9per cent of the purchase value). IKEA’s discuss the operational distribution supply chain, i.e. transport,
supply chain is to some extent vertically integrated and is mainly warehouse and store planning (4a-c), or the commercial
made-to-stock, with only a limited range that is made-to- sales planning).
(customer)orders. The entire supply chain is heavily dependent IKEA developed its centralised planning concept in several
on forecasts and the products would typically be classified as stages (Figure 3). It first focused on demand planning, with new
functional (Fisher, 1997). demand planning software being fully implemented in 2003.
It next focused on improving materials planning, working first on
4.2 Overview of the old planning concept the supplier-to-DC flow, with new fulfilment software being fully
In the old planning concept, the regions and the stores had a great implemented in 2006. IKEA then expanded the fulfilment
deal of power and a high degree of local freedom in terms of functionality to cover the entire flow from supplier, via DC, to
planning and placing replenishment orders. Because of frequent store (including direct deliveries); it fully implemented this in
shortages, some regions purposely overestimated demand to 2011. IKEA also conducted the specialisation and centralisation
ensure delivery, which led to imbalance in demand coverage. of the planning organization in stages. In 2007, IKEA split the
Some markets suffered from stock-outs for long periods, whereas former supply planners group, which in the old planning concept
other markets ended up with obsolete inventories. Forecasting had responsibility for both demand and materials planning, into
was done on a regional level with approximately 120 people using two: demand planners, which has demand planning
different methods to reach different goals. In terms of capacity responsibilities and need planners, which has materials planning
planning, the different parts of the supply chain (stores, responsibilities. In 2009, IKEA finalized the centralisation of the
warehouses, regions, etc.) tried to optimise their own function, demand and need planners within IKEA of Sweden.
leading to imbalanced supply plans with a low and unstable total
throughput and long replenishment times for the supply chain as 4.3.1 New planning processes
a whole. Several in-house-developed legacy systems were used to The demand planning process (1 in Figure 2) consists of two
support the planning, and data was transferred as flat files using sub-processes: sales frame planning, which takes a long-term
an in-house-designed data routing system. At the time, IKEA and top-down perspective, and tactical forecasting process,
had an old patchwork of software systems and applications, which takes a short-term and bottom-up perspective. Sales
further contributing to the fragmented and modified planning frame planning is done on five-year rolling horizon based on
procedures and lack of proper data management. aggregate sales volumes and is updated three times per year.
When it evaluated its old planning situation, IKEA Tactical forecasting is done weekly on an 84-week rolling
identified several problems with its approach. The supply horizon based on selling volumes at the store level (i.e. SKU
chain had a functional orientation with limited transparency level). The two sub-processes are combined on a regular basis
between functions and sub-processes, leading to reactive and in a pyramid forecasting approach in which the plans
unsynchronised planning behaviour. Several different planning generated in the two processes are reconciled into one set of
systems (software) were being used in parallel. Planners did figures, which are used as demand data for the entire supply
extensive manual work because of the lack of standardised chain.
software support and standardised working methods. This The demand planning process drives the supply planning
made it difficult to secure high planning information quality and processes, including materials planning and supplier capacity and
stock balances, and lead times were considered unreliable. load planning (2 and 3 in Figure 2). The materials planning
Hence, there was a lack of trust and communication between process results in replenishment plans at stores and warehouses

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

Figure 2 IKEA’s global supply chain planning processes

Central planning Distribution services Retail

Strategic/ intelligence
long-term 1.
Sales and
& load

mid-term In-stock
Production In-stock
planning In-transit

Operational/ Delivery schedule Replenishment 4a. 4b. 4c.

short-term Execution orders
Transport Warehouse Store
planning planning planning

Figure 3 Implementation steps of IKEA’s global supply planning concept

2002 2003 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011

Implementation Supply Planning Module Supply Planning

Project Start implemented globally for Module implemented
Supplier to DC flow for Supplier and DC
Implementation of to store flow in North
Demand Planning America and Asia
Module completed
Specialization into Need
and Demand Planner roles
Centralization of Demand
Planners to IKEA of
Supply Planning Module implemented for
Supplier and DC to Store flow in Europe

and from suppliers. Forecasts are netted in two levels: first at 4.3.2 New planning organization
the store level and thereafter at the DC Group level. The netted The demand planning process involves three organizational
volumes are divided between suppliers based on a so-called units: corporate management, business area management and a
supplier matrix that determines the split of volumes between central forecasting team at IKEA of Sweden. The sales frame
different suppliers. A daily planning frequency is used for the near planning starts with the overall sales forecast made by the
future, whereas the full planning horizon (84 weeks) is updated corporate management; business area managers provide
weekly. forecasts in terms of sales volumes, taking into account their
After this, the supplier load planning process allocates business area’s growth plans and ambitions. The approximately
volumes on an 18-month horizon to make sure that committed 30 demand planners are active in the tactical forecasting
volumes towards the suppliers are fulfilled and that no supplier process, each one forecasting for part of the assortment, and
is overloaded. The suppliers tell IKEA their capacity limit, and also involved in the sales frame planning because they translate
IKEA sometimes commits to provide a supplier with a the reconciled forecast into a sales forecast on the SKU level.
guaranteed volume. IKEA decides whether to increase or In addition, the demand planners are responsible for the global
decrease the suppliers’ volumes and when necessary to adjust sales forecast accuracy, product range changes and
supplier matrices. The weekly short-term supplier capacity development of the forecast methodologies.
planning at IKEA includes load levelling between weeks on a The approximately 70 need planners are responsible for
six-months horizon so as to always fulfil the committed volumes matching the materials planning with the capacity planning for
(which includes shifting volumes between different suppliers, the entire supply chain. The need planners together with a
if necessary), and stay within the capacity limits. Exceptions are couple of other organizational units (e.g. business area
generated when there is a capacity overload or the load is below specialists), are also responsible for controlling service and
the commitment levels. stock levels in the stores and DCs while keeping track of the

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

overall stock levels in the total supply chain. They mainly focus processes has given IKEA a global view of its supply chain.
on the tactical planning level, while business area specialists The establishment of the two centralised planner positions
focus on the operational planning and execution. The need not only created the necessary specialist competence in
planners have a key role in the global materials planning process demand and materials planning, but also made it cost efficient
of balancing the global requirement and capacity per supplier/ and practically possible to carry out the planning processes in
category/material and are also responsible for dealing with any a standardised way. It also led to common learning and
exception and capacity actions. continuous improvement of the processes and working
methods within the group. It stimulated discussions between
4.3.3 New planning system software support demand and need planners about common objects and issues,
To support the demand and need planners in its integrated further strengthening the holistic view of the supply chain.
planning processes, IKEA implemented APS system software. There are several examples of areas with proactive working
However, the planning processes do not fully use the APS system, methods and a continuous and close dialogue occurring
but rather a mix of ERP, APS, and legacy systems, with Access between need planners, demand planners and other parts of
and Excel being used to support the planning processes to various the central organization, which allows potential problems and
extents. No standard planning software is used to support the deviations from plan and working methods to be proactively
sales frame planning. Nevertheless, the tactical forecasting identified and corrected. Furthermore, by adding the need
process is supported by standardised APS system software. planners, IKEA centralised responsibility for supply planning
Recently, IKEA took further steps to better connect the sales and demand fulfilment in one group of planners, reducing the
planning process with the demand planning process, in which imbalances and local sub-optimisation in the supply chain.
new working methods have been implemented supported by the Some problems have occurred in implementing the new
new planning system modules. The materials planning process global planning concept and working methods, both for the
and the supplier capacity and load planning process are also central organization and for organizations and individuals not
supported by standardised APS software. In some cases, the belonging to the central organization (e.g. store and sales
process is conducted with the support of a load levelling function representatives interacting with the processes). One difficulty
in the planning system and in some other cases performed was that the demand and need planners have different
manually by the need planners. educational background and experience. In addition, during
implementation IKEA identified problems such as insufficient
5. Case analysis end-user training and support, insufficient knowledge and
involvement on the part of line management, and the new
The following section provides an analysis of the effects of the systems not being the main applications for some of the
new centralised supply chain planning concept and the organizations and individuals. Some people had difficulties
obstacles to its implementation. adhering to a common and standardised way of working, partly
because of difficulties adjusting to the new software. While some
5.1 Planning processes effects and obstacles regional differences exist, for example, in the levels of employee
The first step in developing the new centralised concept was to turnover, which has an impact on the performances of
design standardised planning processes and establish the organization, most problems exist globally.
standardised working methods that strived towards a common
supply chain objective. With its sales frame planning already 5.3 Planning systems effects and obstacles
centralised and following fairly standardised working methods, The planning system issues are related to the planning software
IKEA was able to establish both supply chain integration modules used and the quality of the input data. The demand
(by concentrating planning responsibilities to one location) and planners use the demand planning module in the tactical
hierarchical integration (by reconciling the sales frame and the forecasting process and the need planners use the supply
tactical forecast) for all supply chain planning processes. This planning module in the materials planning and the supplier
change integrated demand with supply all the way from the capacity planning process (Figure 2). The supply planning
stores to the suppliers. The new processes increased forecast module also supports other roles in IKEA’s planning
accuracy, reduced safety stock levels (with increased or equal organization with accurate and up-to-date information on net
service levels), and increased supply chain visibility. In addition requirements, stock levels, safety stock calculations and
to vertically integrating the supply chain, the new planning replenishment needs. The APS system modules offer the
processes also enhanced the hierarchical integration, which in possibility of carrying out frequent quantitative forecasting, of
combination with a centralised planning organization paved the aggregating and disaggregating forecasts, and of distribution
way for implementing standardised software support. This requirements planning; it also has a user friendly interface, which
forced planners to adhere to established working methods. allows for customised visualisation – and exception-based
Despite the positive effects of centralisation, supply plan working methods. The forecasting software, in combination
accuracy was still low in 2011. This happened mainly because with organizational changes, made it possible for IKEA to
the forecast accuracy was not high enough (especially for new reduce the number of forecasters from 120 to around 30, and, at
products), manual interventions were made to plans, and the same time, increase average forecast accuracy. The software
everyone did not establish and follow standardised working implementation also facilitated the implementation of a
methods. centralised planning organization and standardised planning
processes. Furthermore, the software forced the demand
5.2 Planning organization effects and obstacles planners and need planners to adopt the standardised planning
Its new organizational design and function is key for IKEA in processes and working methods for a variety of functions such as
carrying out its global planning concept in a standardised way. establishing time fences, forecasting methods, monitoring,
Centralising the authority and control of the planning safety stock calculation and updating the database regularly.

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

Problems that can be related to the planning systems and their striving to reach different goals. Local optimisation resulted in
use mainly concern functionality, for example, lack of support global inefficiency. Because IKEA’s products would be
for capacity planning for DCs, stores, or transport. As a result, classified as functional, Fisher (1997) would argue that the
in-house developed legacy systems are still used and company should strive for a physically efficient supply chain and
spreadsheets are used as planning tools in some less vertical integration. One could argue that the IKEA supply
standardised processes and in case the APS system modules’ chain is not fully vertically integrated and that the supply chain
functionality is not sufficient. In addition, it was realised that includes many different organizations. Yet, the supply chain is
some planners lacked knowledge about IKEA’s supply chain fully integrated downstream and many IKEA suppliers have
and how the supply chain itself affected the possibilities for IKEA as their sole or major customer or, in some instances, are
planning effectively. Several data quality problems were also owned, in part or in full, by IKEA. Hence, from a planning
identified in the early phases of the new concept’s perspective, IKEA can treat the supply chain as being vertically
implementation. Some still remain, constraining the positive integrated, which gives it the power to determine the rules and
effects of the new concept. The most severe data quality procedures for supply chain planning. Given these
problems are insufficient maintenance of lead time data, prerequisites, IKEA seemed well suited to implement a
problems with in-transit and stock data synchronisation, and centralised supply chain planning approach.
insufficient quality of master data. The new planning systems,
in combination with the new planning processes and 6.2 The centralised planning concept and its effects
organization, helped IKEA detect these, and other, problems RQ1 asked “What effects can be expected when centralising
and identify the means to solve these obstacles. supply chain planning?”. This study shows that the redesigned
planning processes improved supply chain integration (R2 in
Figure 4), both in terms of the supply chain from suppliers to
6. Discussion stores and in terms of hierarchical planning from strategic to
Based on the literature review and the case study, the tactical to operational planning. The new planning processes’
conceptual research framework in Figure 1 is refined, with bi-directional integration has in turn created a supply chain in
14 relationships (Figure 4). This is discussed in this section. which supply better matches demand. An important benefit of
this is improved supply chain visibility (Dreyer et al., 2009),
6.1 The prerequisites for centralised planning even though data quality deficiencies sometimes limit its effect.
IKEA has the prerequisites necessary (R1 in Figure 4) to The new planning processes have also created a higher degree of
implement and benefit from a centralised planning concept, as standardisation (R3) through the establishment of standardised
shown in a comparison of the summary of the findings from the working methods and improved planning functionality, which
literature with those of the case study analysis (Table II). in turn led to the possibility of implementing a higher degree of
The IKEA supply chain is large, dispersed and global, which in automated planning activities through the implementation of
the past had made it fragmented, with many local organizations new planning systems (R4). Researchers (Bendoly and

Figure 4 Relationships between prerequisites, the planning concept, its effects and its operational performance

Centralized planning Centralized planning

concept effects

Planning process R8
Centralized planning R1 Planning system R12 Operational
prerequisites R5 performance
R10 R11

Centralized planning
R13 Human and

Software and

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

Table II Prerequisites for centralised supply chain planning

Literature findings IKEA case study findings
Functional products striving for a physically The products are functional and IKEA strives for an
efficient supply chain (Fisher, 1997) efficient, low cost supply chain
Vertically integrated supply chain (Hayes and While not under full ownership, IKEA is vertically
Schmenner, 1978; De Meyer and Vereecke, 1994; integrated through partnerships, partial ownership, and
Rice and Hoppe, 2001; Marcotte et al., 2009) long-term contracts
Dominating organization (Rudberg and Olhager, While not single organization, it is a dominating
2003) in a multi-site setting with partial or full organization with full ownership of warehouses and
ownership of manufacturing, warehouses and retailers, and partial ownership of suppliers
retailers (APICS, 2011) (manufacturing)
Power and competence to enforce the IKEA has the power and a high degree of competence
implementation (Pibernik and Sucky, 2006), with SCM, and the centralised planning organization
especially concerning the importance of corporate plays an active role in the new concept
staff (Marcotte et al., 2009)
One planning domain possessing all crucial The new centralised supply chain planning concept
planning information (Pibernik and Sucky, 2007) resulted in one planning domain
Source: Authors

Jacobs, 2004; Jonsson et al., 2007) have identified the links Examples of the human and organizational obstacles include
between information systems, standardisation and difficulties in having everyone work in a standardised way
performance. This study further shows that increased according to the new process, in paying enough attention to
standardisation in planning processes systems may lead to data management, and in changing the mindsets of employees.
improved performance. The new planning organization further Lack of training, knowledge and management support were
facilitated standardisation (R5), which led to reduced number identified as causes of these difficulties, but IKEA had also
of planners and faster planning. Having the planning specialists underestimated how difficult it would be to change the
(demand and need planners) work together in a co-located mindsets of its employees. The importance of being able to
centralised organization created a higher degree of change attitudes and of managing change has been identified in
specialisation (R6) and established an environment based on previous studies (Gargeya and Brady, 2005; van Veen-Dirks
learning (R7). Such positive indirect learning effects were also and Verdaasdonk, 2009; Wiers, 2009) and is, consequently,
identified by Ivert and Jonsson (2010). The standardisation of further emphasized here. The role and involvement of the
working methods, work flows and processes also enhanced the individuals taking part in the new planning approach has been
possibilities of integration (R8), because all parties in the supply identified as key for the success or failure of APS system
chain were forced to adhere to the same practices. Establishing implementations (Ivert and Jonsson, 2011). Individuals were
the two new specialist planning roles and locating them in one also key facilitators or obstacles in the implementing of IKEA’s
place made it easier for IKEA to implement standardised supply chain planning concept.
working methods (R9). The concentration of planning The software and data obstacles related to a lack of employee
responsibility also created a critical mass of specialists at one training in software functionality, deficiencies in data quality
location, paving the way for additional learning effects (R10). and data management methods, and a lack of software support
Somewhat counterintuitively, standardisation also had a in some areas. Lack of planning functionality can be serious but,
positive impact on individual and organizational learning in line with the findings in Ivert and Jonsson (2011), is not
(R11). By standardising working methods and enforcing their considered the most significant obstacle in an APS system-
use, IKEA continuously improved its working methods, and based planning process change. Data quality deficiencies and
enabled new ideas to be discussed and implemented. This is also limited IT infrastructure integration are more important
likely facilitated by all planners being concentrated to one obstacles. This study, consequently, supports previous studies
location. In summary, the implementation of the new in emphasizing the importance of good data quality
centralised supply chain concept had positive effects in terms (Jonsson et al., 2007; Haug and Arlbjørn, 2011) and IT
of integration, standardisation, specialisation and learning infrastructure integration (Wiers, 2002) for managing APS
effects – issues that IKEA was striving to address in the process system-based supply chain planning.
of improving its supply chain management.
The effects on performance identified in the literature were
all apparent in the IKEA case (R12), as is summarized in 7. Conclusion and future research
Table III.
IKEA had long realised that even though the company was doing
6.3 The centralised planning concept and its obstacles rather well it suffered from severe problems in its supply chain
RQ2 asked “What are the obstacles for implementing centralised planning. The old planning concept, which had resulted in a
supply chain planning?”. The main obstacles identified in the fragmented supply chain built around local decision making, was
case analysis can be grouped into two main types: sometimes counterproductive to corporate objectives, thereby
1 human and organizational (R13); and jeopardising corporate growth plans. A substantial growth in
2 software and data (R14). sales would make it even harder for management to make the

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

Table III Effects on operational performance

Literature findings IKEA case study findings
Better meet global supply chain objectives/common supply IKEA today has one common supply chain plan that strives towards
chain plans (Jonsson et al., 2007; Marcotte et al., 2009) global IKEA objectives
Increased supply chain efficiency (Fisher, 1997; Fiala, 2005) More reliable plans lead to more efficient production, transportation
and replenishment. The planning is also more efficient
Low cost (Hayes and Schmenner, 1978; Business Measurable effects are that stock levels are down and that they
International, 1985; Snow et al., 1993; DuBois et al., 1993; De have less obsolete inventorya. Besides this, IKEA has reduced the
Meyer and Vereecke, 1994; Fisher, 1997; Bartlett and planning work force and provide better plans to suppliers leading to
Ghoshal, 1998; Rudberg, 2004; Pibernik and Sucky, 2007; positive long-term effects on cost
Rudberg and Thulin, 2009)
Higher delivery performance/on-time delivery (Snow et al., Delivery performance has increaseda
1993; Fisher, 1997; Rudberg and Thulin, 2009)
More transparent/visible demand patterns and improved Demand and forecasts are entered into a centralised planning
forecast accuracy (Dreyer et al., 2009; Rudberg and Thulin, system and forecast accuracy has increaseda
2009; Cederborg and Rudberg, 2011)
Note: aBased on IKEA internal operational measures of obsolete inventory, delivery performance and forecast accuracy in 2001 and 2011
Source: Authors

fragmented supply chain work efficiently. Hence, a change was The results of the study have a number of implications for
needed, and based on its goal of having low-cost products and an practice and research. From a managerial perspective, the
efficient supply chain, IKEA developed a new concept for research in this paper indicates that centralised supply chain
centralised supply chain planning. In this paper we describe how planning is important for a large and growing global supply
IKEA has developed and implemented a centralised supply chain that is striving for low-cost production and efficiency.
chain planning approach – a concept that has taken them from a Managers can also use the results of this study to analyse
fragmented decentralised management to centralised, whether they have the necessary prerequisites in place for
coordinated, supply chain planning (Figure 5). Through the centralising their supply chain planning and, if so, taking into
case analysis of planning processes, organization and software account the three perspectives of the planning processes,
system, the research in this paper has identified necessary planning systems and planning organization when developing
prerequisites for implementing centralised supply chain their own concepts. In addition, the research can aid them in
planning, but also effects that can be expected from such an tracking the expected effects and obstacles of centralisation.
implementation. The results also expose typical obstacles that Turning to the research implications, the identified
have to be dealt with when implementing centralised supply prerequisites for centralised supply chain planning were the
chain planning. following: functional products, vertical integration with

Figure 5 Summary of managerial results from implementing centralised supply chain planning
Old (fragmented) planning concept: New centralized planning concept:

• Functional, local orientation with limited • One integrated planning process providing
transparency and information sharing reliable planning information throughout the
supply chain.
• Reactive planning behavior, with extensive
manual work • A common “working-together environment”
with clear policies and responsibilities.
• Unreliable planning information, leading to a
lack of trust among supply chain members. • Working methods and tools to detect and
• Fluctuating goods availability, including both deal with problems at an early stage.
over stock and shortages • A coordinated and “balanced” supply chain
with increasing effectiveness and reliability.

Suppliers Stores Suppliers Stores


Many local supply chain plans One common supply chain plan

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

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About the authors
Management: An International Journal, Vol. 10 No. 4,
pp. 252-263. Patrik Jonsson is a Professor of Operations and Supply
Rice, J. and Hoppe, R. (2001), “Supply chain vs supply chain: Chain Management at Chalmers University of Technology in
the hype and the reality”, Supply Chain Management Review, Sweden. He has an MSc in business studies from Växjö
Vol. 5 No. 5, pp. 46-54. University and a PhD in production management from Lund
Robbins, S. (1990), Organization Theory, Prentice-Hall, University. His research interests focus on manufacturing
New York, NY. enterprises and include sourcing and supply management,
Rudberg, M. (2004), “Linking competitive priorities and supply chain planning, operations planning and control, and
manufacturing networks: a manufacturing strategy information systems. He has published textbooks in logistics
perspective”, International Journal of Manufacturing and supply chain management and his research in journals
Technology and Management, Vol. 6 Nos 1/2, pp. 55-80. such as Journal of Operations Management, International
Rudberg, M. and Cederborg, O. (2011), “APS for Journal of Operations & Production Management, Supply
tactical planning in a steel processing company”, Chain Management: An International Journal, International
Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 111 Nos 3/4, Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of
pp. 608-628. Production Research, International Journal of Physical
Rudberg, M. and Olhager, J. (2003), “Manufacturing Distribution and Logistics Management, International Journal of
networks and supply chains: an operations strategy Logistics Research and Applications and Production Planning
perspective”, Omega: International Journal of Management & Control. Patrik Jonsson is the corresponding author and can
Science, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 29-39. be contacted at:

Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Patrik Jonsson, Martin Rudberg and Stefan Holmberg Volume 18 · Number 3 · 2013 · 337 –350

Martin Rudberg is the LE Lundberg Professor of International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics
Construction Management and Logistics at the Department Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
of Science and Technology, at Linköping University in Sweden. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications and
He received an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Production Planning & Control.
Management, and a PhD in Production Economics, both
from Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden. Stefan Holmberg is a project manager at IKEA with more than
Martin Rudberg’s research interests include advanced 25 years’ experience from working with supply chain
planning systems, operations strategy and supply chain management at IKEA. He has an MSc and PhD in
management in the construction sector. He has published his engineering logistics from Lund University, Sweden. He has
research in journals such as International Journal of Operations conducted research in parallel to his work at IKEA, and has for
& Production Management, International Journal of Production example published in the International Journal of Physical
Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Omega, Distribution and Logistics Management.

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