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Updated Slides of Compressible Flows

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Compressible flows

Chapter 9
Frank M. White
9.1. Introduction
• All previous chapters have been concerned with “low-speed’’
or “incompressible’’ flow, i.e., where the fluid velocity is much
less than its speed of sound.
• When a fluid moves at speeds comparable to its speed of
sound, density changes become significant and the flow is
termed compressible.
• Such flows are difficult to obtain in liquids, since high pressures
of order 1000 atm are needed to generate sonic velocities.
• In gases, however, a pressure ratio of only 2:1 will likely cause
sonic flow.
• Thus compressible gas flow is quite common, and this subject
is often called gas dynamics.
• The two most important and distinctive effects of
compressibility on flow are:
– Choking, wherein the duct flow rate is sharply limited by the
sonic condition, and
– Shock waves, which are nearly discontinuous property
changes in a supersonic flow.
• The proper criterion for a nearly incompressible flow was a
small Mach number

where V is the flow velocity and a is the speed of sound of the

• Under small-Mach number conditions, changes in fluid density
are everywhere small in the flow field. an incompressible flow
requires only a momentum and continuity analysis.
• For compressible flows which have Mach numbers greater
than about 0.3, the density change is significant and it
follows from equation of state that the temperature and
pressure changes are also substantial.
• Large temperature changes imply that the energy equation
can no longer be neglected.
• Therefore the work is doubled from two basic equations to
– Continuity equation
– Momentum equation
– Energy equation
– Equation of state
• to be solved simultaneously for four unknowns: pressure,
density, temperature, and flow velocity (p, ρ, T, V).
• What assumption you can make for simplification ?
• Depending upon the magnitude of Ma, the following rough
classifications of Ma are commonly used external high-speed
– Ma < 0.3: incompressible flow, where density effects are negligible.
– 0.3 < Ma < 0.8: subsonic flow, where density effects are important but
no shock waves appear.
– 0.8 < Ma < 1.2: transonic flow, where shock waves first appear, dividing
subsonic and supersonic regions of the flow.
– 1.2 < Ma < 3.0: supersonic flow, where shock waves are present but
there are no subsonic regions.
– 3.0 < Ma: hypersonic flow, where shock waves and other flow changes
are especially strong.
• For internal (duct) flows, the most important question is
simply whether the flow is subsonic (Ma < 1) or supersonic
(Ma > 1), because the effect of area changes reverses.
Specific heat ratio: In
addition to geometry and
Mach number, compressible-
flow calculations also depend
upon a second dimensionless
parameter, the specific-heat
ratio of the gas:

K slowly decreases with T.

Variations in k have only a
slight effect upon
compressible flow
k = 1.4 for air.
• Fluid equations of state: The most elementary treatments are
confined to the perfect gas with constant specific heats:

• For all real gases, cp, cv , and k vary with temperature but only
moderately; for example, cp of air increases 30 percent as
temperature increases from 0 to 5000°F. therefore it is quite
reasonable to assume constant specific heats.
• The changes in the internal energy û and enthalpy h of a
perfect gas are computed for constant specific heats as:

• For variable specific heats one must integrate internal energy

and enthalpy.
• Isentropic process: For most of compressible problems for
simplification, we take zero change in entropy.
• From the first and second laws of thermodynamics for a
pure substance:

• Introducing dh = cpdT for a perfect gas and solving for ds,

• Substitute ρT = p/R from the perfect-gas law and obtain:

• If cp is variable, the gas tables will be needed, but for

constant cp we obtain the analytic results:

For Isentropic flow

of a perfect gas
Properties of Common Gases
at 1 atm and 20°C
9.2 Speed of sound

• The so-called speed

of sound is the rate
of propagation of a
pressure pulse of
infinitesimal strength
through a still fluid.
• It is a
property of a fluid.
• Let us analyze it by
considering a pulse
of finite strength as
show here:
• The continuity equation is thus,

• the thickness of pressure waves in gases is of order 10-7 m

at atmospheric pressure. Thus we can safely neglect friction
and apply the one-dimensional momentum equation across
the wave:

• Using the continuity equation result:

• For infinitesimal strength Δρ  0 and we get:

• For adiabatic or isentropic process the relationship with be:

• For perfect gas:

• The speed of sound increases as the square root of the

absolute temperature.
• For air, with k = 1.4, the speed of sound will be ?
9.3 Adiabatic and isentropic steady flow
• Consider high-speed flow of a gas past an insulated wall as
shown in figure.
The wall in figure
could be either
the surface of an
immersed body
or the wall of a

• There is no shaft work delivered to any part of the fluid.

Therefore every stream-tube in the flow satisfies the
steady-flow energy equation:
• Neglecting the terms gz, and taking q and wv equal to zero
and for the flow out side the boundary layer, we get:

• The constant in the above equation is equal to the maximum

enthalpy which the fluid would achieve if brought to rest
adiabatically. It is called the stagnation enthalpy h0 of the
flow. Thus:

• For a perfect gas h = cpT, and equation becomes:

For steady state adiabatic flow
• An alternate interpretation of equation occurs when the
enthalpy and temperature drop to (absolute) zero, so that the
velocity achieves a maximum value:
• To get the adiabatic equation in dimension less form we
divide it by cpT to obtain:

• Also from the perfect gas law:

• This gives:

• And:

• Since a α T1/2,

• Note that these equations for adiabatic flow conditions and

hold even in presence of frictional losses or shock wave.
• If the flow is also isentropic, then for a perfect gas the
pressure and density ratios can be computed as:

• The quantities p0 and ρ0 are the isentropic stagnation

pressure and density, respectively, i.e., the pressure and
density which the flow would achieve if brought
isentropically to rest.
• In an adiabatic non-isentropic flow p0 and ρ0 retain their
local meaning, but they vary throughout the flow as the
entropy changes due to friction or shock waves.
• The quantities h0, T0, and a0 are constant in an adiabatic
non-isentropic flow.
• The isentropic assumptions are effective, but are they realistic?
• Differentiating the adiabatic equation.

• Also from the thermodynamic law for isentropic process:

• Combining:

• Which is exactly the Bernoulli relation, for steady frictionless

flow with negligible gravity terms.
• Thus we see that the isentropic-flow assumption is equivalent
to use of the Bernoulli or streamline form of the frictionless
momentum equation.
• The stagnation values (a0, T0, p0, ρ0) are useful reference
conditions in a compressible flow.
• But the more useful conditions are where the flow is sonic,
Ma = 1.0. These sonic, or critical, properties are denoted by
asterisks: p*, *, a*, and T*. So for when Ma 1.0; for k 1.4.

• In all isentropic flow, all critical properties are constant; in

adiabatic non-isentropic flow, a* and T* are constant, but
p* and * may vary.
• The critical velocity V* equals the sonic sound speed a* by
definition and is often used as a reference velocity in
isentropic or adiabatic flow:
9.4 Isentropic flow with area changes
• For steady one-dimensional flow the equation of continuity is:

• The differential form will be:

• Momentum:

• Sound speed:

• Eliminate dp and dρ between Eqs., relation between velocity

change and area change in isentropic duct flow:
What about the sonic point Ma 1?
Since infinite acceleration is physically impossible, the Eq.
indicates that dV can be finite only when dA = 0, that is, a
minimum area (throat) or a maximum area (bulge).

The throat or converging diverging section can smoothly accelerate

a subsonic flow through sonic to supersonic flow, as in Fig. (a).
The bulge section fails; the bulge Mach number moves away from a
sonic condition rather than toward it.
• Equate the mass flow at any section to the mass flow under
sonic conditions (which may not actually occur in the duct):

• Both the terms on the right are functions only of Mach

number for isentropic flow:

• Combining Eqs.

• For k = 1.4
It shows that the minimum area which can occur in a given
isentropic duct flow is the sonic, or critical, throat area.
In many flows a critical sonic throat is not actually present, and the
flow in the duct is either entirely subsonic or, more rarely, entirely
• For given stagnation conditions, the maximum possible mass
flow passes through a duct when its throat is at the critical or
sonic condition. Since
• The duct is then said to be choked and can carry no additional
mass flow unless the throat is widened.
• If the throat is constricted further, the mass flow through the
duct must decrease.
• The maximum flow is:

• For k = 1.4

• For isentropic flow through a duct, the maximum mass flow

possible is proportional to the throat area and stagnation
pressure and inversely proportional to the square root of the
stagnation temperature.
9.5 Normal shock wave

• A common irreversibility
occurring in supersonic
internal or external flows
is the normal-shock wave
• Such shock waves are
very thin (a few
micrometers thick) and
approximate a
discontinuous change in
flow properties.
• The analysis is identical to
that of a fixed pressure
• Using all our basic one-dimensional steady-flow relations:

• Note that area term is canceled since A1 = A2, which is

justified even in a variable duct section because of the
thinness of the wave.
• Here we have five equations for five unknowns (p, V, ρ, h, T).
• Because of the velocity-squared term, two solutions are
found, and the correct one is determined from the second
law of thermodynamics, which requires that s2 > s1.
• The following equations were determined by making use of
above equations:
• The change in enthalpy (Rankine-Hugoniot relation).

• Introducing perfect gas law:

• Also, the actual change in entropy across the shock can be

computed from the perfect gas relation:
Assuming a given wave strength p2/p1, we can
compute the density ratio and the entropy change
and list them as follows for k = 1.4:

It is seen here that the entropy change is negative if the

pressure decreases across the shock, which violates the
second law. Thus a rarefaction shock is impossible in a perfect
gas. It is also seen that weak-shock waves (p2/p1 = 2.0) are very
nearly isentropic.
Mach-Number Relations can also be obtained from these relations:
Problems from McCabe & Smith

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