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Kidney Transplants Handout

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Kidney Transplants

It is the process of replacing a patient’s diseased kidney

with a healthy kidney.
The kidney may come from a deceased donor, or come
from a healthy living donor, as people can live without one
of their kidneys. (Hopkins Medicine, n.d)

There are two bean-shaped kidneys that are on either side of the spine, against the dorsal body, at the
level of T12-L3.
The left kidney is located more superior than the right kidney due to the location of the liver (right side of
the body) (Healthpages, 2017)
The main function:
Filter nitrogenous wastes, toxins, and drugs from our blood stream, and expel them in the form of urine

Other crucial functions:

o Maintain overall fluid balance
o Regulate the pH level of the blood
o Filter waste materials from food, medicine, and toxic substances
o Create hormones that help produce RBCs (Red Blood Cells) and promote bone health
o Regulates blood pressure
o Convert Vitamin D to its active form

o Maintain the homeostasis of important electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium,


The renal cortex: is the outer part of the kidney. It

contains the glomerulus and convoluted tubules.

Renal pyramids: are small structures that contain

strings of nephrons and tubules. These tubules
transport fluid into the kidney.

Nephrons: the structural and functional units of the

kidney, responsible for the formation of urine. Each
kidney contains over a million of these tiny

Collecting Ducts: thousands of these units collect

fluid from the nephrons and conveys it to the renal
pelvis for transportation through the Ureter.
(Healthline, n.d)
Kidney Transplants The kidney
Signs of an unhealthy Kidney
 Fatigue (more than your usual)
 Difficulty sleeping They perform tests to define
your “suitability”
 Dry itchy skin
You wait on the transplant
 Frequent urination list.
 Blood in the urine, or a foamy urine Once they have found a
 Muscle cramping perfect match they can have
 Swollen ankles and feet Deceased donors have 80-
 Puffy eyes 90% success rate
 Poor appetite Live donors have 90-95%
success rate
(Kidney Foundation of Canada,
(National Kidney Foundation, 2017) n.d)

Unhealthy Kidneys
reasons for a
The surface will resemble small grains and

particles, compared to a smooth kidney (granular The main reason why
surface) someone might need a
 Decrease GFR kidney transplant is when
someone has End Stage
 Decrease in size
Renal Disease (ESRD) which
 High urine protein is a known permanent
 Collected tubules condition of kidney failure.
 Scarring Before getting a transplant,
the physician gives the client
the option of receiving
(Mayo Clinic, 2018) dialysis.
High BP
Congenital kidney defects
Polycystic kidney diseases
Kidney stones
Kidney Cancer
Acute Kidney Injury

(Web MD, 2018)

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