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HFN Arpil Gato Audio FM-50

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Three-way floorstanding loudspeaker

Made by: Gato Audio, Denmark

Supplied by: Elite Audio (Distribution) Ltd, London
Telephone: 0203 397 1119


Prices: £6899 (Black/white) and £7450 (walnut)

Gato Audio FM-50

Over the past five years, HFN has reviewed various Gato amplifiers [HFN Jun
’17, Oct ’16, Oct ’13] and the company’s DAC/preamp [HFN Oct ’14]. Speakers
complete an all-Gato system, ideal for those who want to avoid any possible
mis-matches. Says CEO Frederik Johansen, ‘Actually, Gato Audio has always been
a speaker manufacturer. From the very beginning, it was Gato Audio’s aim to
Best-known for stylish electronics, Gato Audio’s foray into develop both speakers and electronics, offering a complete system. But destiny
loudspeakers includes the flagship FM-50 – and it rocks would make us more successful in the business of electronics than speakers.
We decided to add focus in developing this brand-new series of speakers in
Review: Ken Kessler Lab: Keith Howard 2017. For some years we have used ATC monitors. They have always inspired

us to do speakers that relay the reality, rather than the typical hi-fi “niceness”
ith their kidney-shaped cross- its travel through the cabinet sidewalls. and polished sound. We are, however, not a company offering studio monitors
section and superb looks – as Our “FusedMASS cabinet”, laminating and therefore we find our speakers and sound somewhere in the middle of the
well as sound – Gato Audio’s different cabinet materials, further spectrum, between the harsh reality and the long-term pleasure of listening
electronics have always dampens and reduces cabinet resonance to a vast variety of recorded music. Our customers expect that we balance this
begged a line of speakers to complement very efficiently.’ [See KH’s Lab Report, p57.] middle way to perfection, offering the best of both worlds.’
them. Starting with speaker building in
2010, the brand has now created a range LEAN AND CLEAN
which includes a couple of small two- What you have in the FM-50 is a tall, ‘Neutral’ worked perfectly in my room. image, per se, to distort unnaturally. It was
ways, a wall-mount and two floorstanders, rearward-sloping tower with a cross-section While all of the changes were subtle to simply bigger, wider and thus somehow
topping out with the Gato FM-50s – and 405mm deep by 235mm wide. That said, my ears, they were certainly audible, and more satisfying.
they ooze Danish class. That’s evident the the speaker sits on a massive bolt-on plate experimentation is a must. Far more important, however, was the
instant you open the massive boxes, for with adjustable spiked feet that increases Again, I was reminded of Sonus faber actual sound rather than the perceived
the finish is mirror-like, the construction the width (but not the depth) to 330mm. because the FM-50s use a near-identical stage width. Wilson’s voice is a powerful
superb. The review samples came in high Each speaker weighs 40kg and may just be set-up regime, with the speakers angled instrument, and while this forcefulness
gloss walnut at £7450 per pair, while that bit too heavy to handle alone. toward the listener. Unlike the Sonus will be familiar to fans of big-voiced opera
standard gloss black or white costs £6899. Keeping the visuals lean and clean, there faber method, which has the line cross in legends, nobody – not even Tom Jones –
is no full-length grille. Instead, separate front of the listener, Gato Audio suggests applied it to popular music with the sheer
RENAISSANCE CABINET round grilles held in place by magnets fit the FM-50s are aimed directly at the hot potency of Wilson.
There’s only one visual issue raised by these over each driver. The vertical array includes seat. I tried these in various positions, Also crucial to appreciating how the
towers, but I will be tactful about this and a 38mm ring radiator tweeter, a 150mm and the optimal performance followed an FM-50s handle a tough recording was
try to put it into context – on the other mineral-loaded polymer cone midrange equilateral triangle, with the FM-50s at the reproduction of Wilson’s subtle vocal
hand, avoiding it is impossible. In no way and two similar 170mm woofers. least 18in away from side and back walls. wiles – little nuances, each a non-sequitur,
could any seasoned audiophile see these At the back are terminals for bi-wiring, embellish all of his performances, not
without immediately thinking ‘Sonus faber’. plus an unusual feature to help fine-tune ROOM-FILLING BLOOM the least being a sustain that defies
Younger enthusiasts might performance to suit the I had no qualms about using the FM-50s one’s understanding of lung capacity.

‘The effect is
think ‘KEF’, ‘B&W’ or any room, the positioning, with my Audio Research REF6/REF75SE Man, could he hold a note... Because the
of a number of makers the electronics, or pre/power combination [HFN May ’16] FM-50s have such wide-ranging dynamic
of boat-tail designs, as
followed in the wake of
dazzling – even the user’s subjective
preferences. Above the
because these speakers are not exclusively
voiced with Gato’s own electronics in
capabilities, the singer’s more challenging,
melodramatic and, yes, operatic moments
the Guarneri, decades
ago. But I’d posit that it
with hoary ol’ speaker terminals are
three sets of XLR sockets
mind. My own, unscientific test for focus
is simple: I play mono recordings and – if
were captured without any unwanted
constraint. The net effect is dazzling – yes,
is no longer permissible mono recordings’ with little ‘U’-shaped all is well – I will hear no difference in even with hoary ol’ mono recordings.
to criticise brands that jumpers to bridge the the position of the central image when I
use this cross-section post-Franco Serblin holes for High, Neutral or Low settings. operate the REF6’s mono button. MUSICAL BEHEMOTH
[see HFN Jan ’18], any more than 50 years These adjust ‘Detail’, ‘Focus’ and ‘Bass’, Turning to the early ’50s recordings Moving on to something more demanding,
ago could one criticise every speaker on with Detail affecting the level of high on the CD Jackie Wilson With Billy Ward I turned to the powerhouse masterpiece
the market that used a rectangular box for frequencies, while Bass ‘allows you to & The Dominoes [Varèse Sarabande 302 ‘Go Back’, which opens Crabby Appleton’s
looking like an Acoustic Research AR-1 (or change the richness of the lower notes 066 553 2], using the tracks ‘Danny Boy’ eponymous masterpiece of a debut album
other early sealed enclosures). of the music’. Focus is recommended for and ‘I’m Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of [Man In The Moon; MITMCD31]. This is hard
Sonus faber calls it ‘lute-shaped’, others ‘soundstage issues and excessive vocals or Town’, I heard precisely what I had hoped rock characterised not just by pile-driving
have their own names for it. Gato’s Lead high-pitched instruments’. to experience: dead-central sound. but also somewhat manic drumming,
Acoustical Engineer, Rune Frost, concurs Unfortunately, nowhere could I find What I hadn’t quite expected, however, reminiscent of The Who’s Keith Moon when
with what Serblin identified years ago. what each setting actually does to the was a sort of spatial bloom that made trying to make sure that he’s hit every
He says, ‘The most obvious benefit is sound – how much level, or changes to the mono presence more room- drum within reach. Punctuation comes
the reduction of standing waves inside frequency response, who knows? – but filling than is anticipated of a courtesy of scalding guitarwork, while the
the cabinet, but another nice feature is single-channel source. The area vocals spit fire.
the transport and damping of vibrations RIGHT: Supported on an alloy base with four between the speakers was filled, After the smooth and sexy sound of
inside the cabinet walls themselves. As stabilising outriggers, the curved cabinet houses but with no loss of focus. It’s hard to Wilson, ‘Go Back’ bursts from the speakers
the cabinet becomes thinner towards the two Gato-designed 170mm mineral-loaded describe, and I know it sounds as if I in all of its stereo glory, demonstrating how
rear of the speaker, vibration generated by polypropylene bass drivers, a 150mm mid driver were to suggest viewing a 4:3 film with the precise angling of the FM-50s rewards the
drivers at the front baffle breaks up during and one 38mm ring radiator tweeter screen ratio set to 16:9, but there was no listener with both a massive soundstage,

Reprinted from Hi-Fi News | | Reprinted from Hi-Fi News

HFN April Gato Audio FM-50 Reprint.indd 55 16/03/2018 11:30

Here’s a rarity – a loudspeaker from an unfamiliar source that
under-specifies its sensitivity! Gato Audio rates its FM-50 at 88dB
LEFT: Gato’s ‘PurePhase’ crossover
but our measured pink noise figure of 89.3dB for 2.83V at 1m
supports bi-wiring with further tonal suggests an 89dB specification is fully merited. This is achieved,
adjustment possible via linking pins mind you, with recourse to a low impedance that Gato doesn’t
within three XLR sockets, marked ‘bass’, fully acknowledge. Its 4ohm nominal figure means that the
‘focus’ and ‘detail’ FM-50’s impedance modulus ought not to fall below 3.2ohm
but we measured a dip to a low 2.4ohm minimum at 36Hz. With
large impedance phase angles at low frequencies, this drops the
especially if he or she is one who EPDR (equivalent peak dissipation resistance) to a challenging
also happens to like a whiff of 1.1ohm at 30Hz, although the dip to 2.2ohm at 323Hz will be
refinement, even when they’re more relevant on music lacking strong low bass content.
The forward frequency responses, measured on the tweeter
playing air guitar. axis with driver covers removed, show an obvious shelving
up in output of about 1.5dB at crossover to the tweeter
UNBELIEVABLY SILKY [see Graph 1, below]. Response errors are well controlled at
To ensure that I wasn’t presuming ±3.0dB and ±2.9dB respectively, though pair matching over
the same 300Hz-20kHz is marginally less impressive at ±1.6dB.
the FM-50 was as gracious as it
A narrowband disparity at 10kHz contributes significantly to
looks, I played one of the most this, and without it the matching error improves to a much
refined recordings I had to hand, tighter ±0.8dB. Diffraction-corrected nearfield measurement
which is Perez Prado’s Big Hits By indicates a bass extension of 43Hz (–6dB re. 200Hz), a fair but
unexceptional figure for a reflex-loaded speaker of this size and
Prado [RCA LSP-2104]. As it happens,
sensitivity. The cumulative spectral decay waterfall [Graph 2]
this was also the LP – one of those shows that while some of the treble unevenness is associated
near-mythical RCA ‘Living Stereo’s with what are probably midrange driver breakup modes, these
known for their unbelievably silky are at moderate relative levels. Otherwise the decay in output is
sound – that had proved to be the fast above 1kHz. KH
most revelatory moment of my
sessions with the Serblin Accordos.
While brassy punch is the
overwhelming trait of this recording,
coupled to airy, wide-open – nay,
grandiose – scale, it’s never
aggressive. Here was a flawless
recording of an orchestra made
almost 60 years ago, sounding so
vivid, so natural, so real that the
cynic in me forgot all about the
corny, period cha-cha rhythms and
the department store background ABOVE: Forward response indicates a brightened
music vibe. presence and treble. Toeing-in is recommended
As with the Accordos, the
opening of ‘Cherry Pink And
Apple Blossom White’ made the
hairs on my neck stand up. It was
scintillating, sparkling, soaring – the
only possible criticism being the dB 0.0
slightly too-taut bass, and a barely -6 1.0
detectable hint of sizzle at the top. - 12
But those are hardly deal-breakers. - 18
- 24

attack and solid imaging. This is not HI-FI NEWS VERDICT - 30 4.0

5.0 msec
the most complex of recordings
Elegant in behaviour, looks and 200 1000
Frequency in Hz >>
vis-à-vis stereo artistry, and despite
sound, the Gato FM-50 is also
a few positioning effects redolent ABOVE: Cabinet resonances are well contained and
full of surprises. Not least, it
of the era (circa 1970), it’s all about even the midrange driver modes are quickly damped
delivers more than I expected
creating a wall of sound, if in a non-
for the price. Had I not been HI-FI NEWS SPECIFICATIONS
Spectorian sense.
told, I would have guessed that HI-FI NEWS SPECIFICATIONS
Via the Gatos, it’s a behemoth
these retailed for £10,000 per Sensitivity (SPL/1m/2.83V – Mean/IEC/Music) 90.1dB/89.3dB/89.1dB
– massive in every way, and loud
pair. They generously reward Impedance modulus: minimum 2.4ohm @ 36Hz
enough to hurt, as the Gato FM-50s
painstaking set-up, so ‘simple’ & maximum (20Hz–20kHz) 10.5ohm @ 21Hz
could deliver more than I cared to
they are not. Driven hard, they Impedance phase: minimum –53o @ 26Hz
endure when it came to SPLs.
remain composed. Driven gently, & maximum (20Hz–20kHz) 23o @ 432Hz
Most impressive of all, though,
they caress. All-in-all, they are Pair matching/Resp. error (300Hz–20kHz) ±1.6dB/ ±3.0dB/±2.9dB
was the speed in the lower octaves,
tough to fault, and easy to enjoy. LF/HF extension (–6dB ref 200Hz/10kHz) 43Hz / >40kHz/>40kHz
adding character rather than mere
mass to the aforementioned drum Sound Quality: 85% THD 100Hz/1kHz/10kHz (for 90dB SPL/1m) 0.2% / 0.6% / 0.1%
sounds. This is, indeed, a speaker 0 - - - - - - - - 100 Dimensions (HWD) / Weight (each) 1075x235x405mm / 40kg
that will please the headbanger, | Reprinted from Hi-Fi News

HFN April Gato Audio FM-50 Reprint.indd 57 16/03/2018 11:30

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