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CT II QP Sep'11

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CLASS – III YEAR / V SEM TIME: 8.40 – 10.20 A.M.
PART A (10x 2 = 20 marks)

1. What is meant by friction pile?

2. What is negative skin friction?
3. On what basis the allowable load on a pile determined?
4. How will you find the efficiency of the pile group?
5. What is an under reamed pile foundation?
6. List out the types of foundations for a shallow depth
7. What are the design methods available for the Mat Foundation?
8. What is a floating foundation?
9. What is the function of strap beam in strap footing?
10. Under what circumstances strap footing is provided?

PART B (40 marks)

11. Discuss the method of obtaining ultimate load and also allowable load on a single pile
from pile load test. (8marks)
12. Proportion a Rectangular combined footing for the following data
Allowable pressure : 150KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
225KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
Column loads Column A Column B
DL 540KN 690KN
LL 400KN 810KN
Proportion the footing for uniform pressure c/c column is 5.0m. Projection beyond the
column (8marks)

13. (a) Find the plan dimensions of trapezoidal shaped combined footing for two columns
300mm ×300mm and 500mm× 500mm carrying loads of 500KN and 750KN respectively.
The column that carries 500KN load is along the boundary line and the columns are
spaced at 4m c/c. The allowable bearing capacity of soil is 150KPa. (8marks)

(b) A building has to be supported on R.C. raft foundation of dimensions 14m × 21m.
The soil is clay, which has an average unconfined compressive strength of 15KN/m 2. The
pressure on the soil due to the weight of the building and the loads that it will carry will
be 140KN/m2 at the base of the raft. The building has provision for basement floors. At
what depth should the bottom of the raft be placed to provide a factor of safety of 3
against shear failure? The unit weight of clay is 19KN/m3. (8marks)
14. (a) Find the plan dimensions of a strap footing to carry loads of 500KN and 300KN
through columns c1 and c2 which are 450mm ×450mm and 300mm ×300mm
respectively. The column centers are 5m apart. Column c2 is on the property line. The
footing can be extended by 2m across the line joining the columns. The allowable
bearing capacity of the soil is 245KPa. (8marks)

(b) A raft foundation 10m wide and 12m long is to be constructed in clayey soil having a
shear strength of 12 KN/m2 .Unit weight of soil is 16 KN/m3. If the ground surface carries
a surcharge of 20 KN/m2. Calculate the maximum depth of foundation to ensure a factor
of safety of 1.2 against base failure. (8marks)

15. (a) Explain the common types of cased cast –in-situ concrete pile. (8marks)

(b) A reinforced concrete pile weighing 40KN is driven by a drop hammer weighing 40KN
and having an effective fall of 0.8m. The average set per blow is 12.4cm. The total
temporary elastic compression 1.8cm. Assuming the coefficient of restitution as 0.25
and a factor of safety 2. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity and allowable load for
the pile. (8marks)
16. (a) A square group of 25 piles extends between depth of 2m and 12m in a deposit of
20m thick stiff clay overlying rock. The piles are 0.5m in diameter and are spaced at 1m
centre to centre in the group. The undrained shear strength of the clay at the pile base
level is 180KPa and the average value of the undrained shear strength over the depth of
the pile is 110KPa. the adhesion voefficient (α) is 0.45.Estimate the capacity of the pile
group considering an overall factor of safety equal to 3 against shear failure. Nc
corresponding to φ = 0 is 9. (8marks)

(b) It is proposed to provide pile foundation for a heavy column; the pile group
consisting of 4 piles, placed at 2m center to center, forming a square pattern. The
underground soil is clay, having Cu, at the surface as 60KN/m2 and at depth 10m, as
100KN/m2. Compute the allowable column load on the pile cap, if the piles are circular
having diameters 0.5m each and length as 10m. (8marks)


CLASS – III YEAR / V SEM TIME: 8.40 – 10.20 A.M.
PART A (10x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Draw the contact pressure distribution below rigid footing.

2. Under what circumstances mat or raft foundations are used.
3. What is a combined footing?
4. What is a mat foundation?
5. What are the assumptions made in combined footing?
6. What for compaction piles are used?
7. What are the differences between a working pile and a test pile?
8. What are the factors consider while selecting the type of pile?
9. How is the selection of pile carried out?
10. What are the classification of piles

PART B (40 marks)

11. Explain the various stages involved in the construction of under reamed pile foundation
12. A square footing 1.2m×1.2m rests at a depth of 1m in a saturated clay layer 4m deep.
The clay is normally consolidated having an unconfined compressive strength of 40
KN/m2. The soil has a liquid limit of 30% , γsat = 17.8 KN/m3, w = 28% and G = 2.68.
Determine the load which the footing can carry safely with a factor of safety of 3
against shear .Also determine the settlement if the footing is loaded with this safe load.
Use Terzaghi’s analysis for bearing capacity.

13. Proportion a strap footing for the following data

Allowable pressure : 150KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
225KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
Column loads Column A Column B
DL 500KN 600KN
LL 450KN 800KN
Proportion the footing for uniform pressure under DL + Reduced LL Distance of c/c
column is 5.4m. Projection beyond the column is 0.5m

14. Proportion a Trapezoidal footing for the following data

Allowable pressure : 150KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
225KN/m2 for DL + Reduced LL
Column loads Column A Column B
DL 600KN 400KN
LL 500KN 550KN
Proportion the footing for uniform pressure c/c column is 5.4m. Column A is in the
boundary line.

15. (a) It is proposed to transfer the total of 1830KN of a structure through 12.5m long
driven piles in a deep deposit of clay of unconfined compressive strength of 65 KPa. The
design diameter of the pile is 300mm . Estimate the number of piles required adopting a
factor of safety of 2.5 .Also suggest the arrangement of piles. Take adhesion factor as
0.7. (8marks)

(b) A pile group of 3 rows with 3 piles in a row is made in a uniform clay deposit
extending for a large depth with an unconfined compressive strength of 150KPa. The
diameter and length of the piles are 500mm and 12m respectively. The c/c spacing of
the piles is 1.5m in both the directions. The adhesion factor can be taken as 0.4. Find the
load carrying capacity of the pile group by Converse Labarre’s formula and Terzaghi’s
approach. (8marks)

16. (a) Design a friction pile group to carry a load of 3000KN including the weight of the pile
cap at a site where the soil is uniform clay to a depth of 20m,underlain by rock. Average
unconfined compressive strength of the clay is 70KN/m2. The clay may be assumed to be
of normal sensitivity and normally loaded, with liquid limit of 60% .A factor of safety of 3
is required against shear failure. (8marks)

(b) A 200 mm diameter , 8m long piles are used as foundation for a column in a uniform
deposit of medium clay , unconfined compressive strength = 100 KN/m2 and adhesion
factor =0.9. There are nine piles arranged in a square pattern of 3×3 . For a group
efficiency =1.0 find the spacing between the piles. (neglect bearing) (8marks)

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