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Ecology of Shallow Lakes

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15. Biology Invasions 22. Ecology of Shallow Lakes

Mark Williamson M. Scheffer
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-31170-4, July 1996 Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-74920-3, November 1997/
Paperback, ISBN 0-412-59190-1, July 1997 Reprinted 2001

16. Regulation and Stabilization Paradigms in Popula- 23. Dynamics of Coral Communities
tion Ecology Ronald H. Karlson
P.J. den Boer, J. Reddingius Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-79550-7, August 1999
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-57540-X, September 1996 Paperback, ISBN 1-4020-1046-X, October 2002
17. Biology of Rarity
William E. Kunin, Kevin J. Gaston 24. Invasive Species and Biodiversity Management
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-63380-9, December 1996 Odd Terje Sandlund, Peter Johan Schei, Åslaug Viken
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-84080-4, April 1999
18. Structured-Population Models in Marine, Terres- Paperback, ISBN 0-7923-6876-2, June 2001
trial, and Freshwater Systems
Shripad Tuljapurkar, Hal Caswell 25. Structure and Dynamics of Fungal Populations
Paperback, ISBN 0-412-07271-8, January 1997 James J. Worrall
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-80430-1, March 1999
19. Resource Competition
James P. Grover 26. Competition
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-74930-0, July 1997 Paul A. Keddy
Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-6064-8, February 2001
20. Individual Behavior and Community Dynamics Paperback, ISBN 1-4020-0229-7, November 2001
John Fryxell, Per Lundberg
Paperback, ISBN 0-412-99411-9, October 1997
27. Chaos in Real Data
21. Spatiotemporal Models of Population and Com- Joe N. Perry, Robert H. Smith, Ian P. Woiwod, David
munity Dynamics R. Morse
Tamás Czárán Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-79690-2, May 2000
Hardbound, ISBN 0-412-57550-7, November 1997

For information on this series please visit

Ecology of Shallow Lakes

Marten Scheffer
Department of Environmental Sciences,
Wageningen University,
The Netherlands


A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-1-4020-2306-4 ISBN 978-1-4020-3154-0 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-3154-0

First edition Hardbound 1998; Reprinted Hardbound 2001; Reprinted paperback with
corrections 2004

Printed on acid-free paper

All Rights Reserved

© 2004 Marten Scheffer
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2004

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Preface ix
Symbols xii

Introduction xiv
What is a shallow lake? xiv
Management problems xiv
Theory versus nature xvii
Set-up of the book xix

1 The story of some shallow lakes 1

1.1 Nutrient induced changes 1
Veluwemeer 1
Alderfen Broad 4
1.2 Storm effects 5
Lake Apopka 5
Lake Ellesmere 6
1.3 Water level changes 6
Tiimnaren 6
Rice Lake 7
1.4 Fish stock management 8
Zwemlust 8
Linford Lakes 9
1.5 Miscellaneous cases 13
Lakes Tiikern and Krankesjiin 13
Lagoon of the Islands 14
Lake Christina 15
Tomahawk Lagoon 18

2 The abiotic environment 20

2.1 Light under water 20
Absorption and scattering 20
Light attenuation with depth 21
Secchi-depth 23
Nephelometric turbidity 25
Euphotic depth 25
Finding the causes of turbidity 26
Pragmatic solutions to estimate light attenuation 30
vi Contents
2.2 Sedimentation and resuspension 31
The balance of resuspension and sedimentation 31
When and where wave resuspension occurs 33
Wave resuspension in relation to lake size and depth 36
Lake specific empirical models 41
Sediment resuspension by fish 44
The effect of vegetation on sedimentation and resuspension 47
2.3 Nutrient dynamics 49
The availability of phosphorus 50
Sediment as a phosphorus buffer 52
The mechanisms that govern sediment phosphorus release 56
Nitrogen dynamics 61
Carbon as a limiting nutrient 64
The effect of algae and macrophytes on nutrient dynamics 64
The effect of animals on nutrient dynamics 70

3 Phytoplankton 76
3.1 The regulation of algal biomass 76
Empirical relationships between chlorophyll and nutrients 76
The logistic equation as a model of algal growth 79
Losses due to sinking and flushing 81
Lake depth and light limitation 85
The combined effects of nutrients and light 89
Phytoplankton control by grazers 96
Allelopathic effects 97
3.2 Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 99
Empirical relationships with nutrients and turbidity 101
Hysteresis as an implication 105
Competition as an explanation 107
Other mechanisms involved 114
3.3 Multi-species competition and succession 116
Causes of non-equilibrium dynamics 117
Reasons to expect chaotic dynamics 118

4 Trophic cascades 122

4.1 Top-down control of phytoplankton 124
Grazing by mussels 124
The special position of Daphnia 127
A minimal plankton model 129
The paradox of enrichment 134
Stabilizing mechanisms 137
Implications of spatial heterogeneity 138
4.2 The effect of planktivorous fish 146
Field observations and experimental results 146
The classical consumption catastrophe 148
Contents vii

A minimal model of planktivory 152

Hysteresis in the response to fish 152
Implications of oscillations 156
An inventory of theoretical possibilities 158
4.3 Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 162
The spring clear-water phase 163
Other seasonal scenarios 166
Patterns across many lakes 168
The seasonal cycle of planktivory 172
Modelling seasonality of plankton 174
Implications of seasons for equilibria and cycles 177
Behaviour of the seasonal plankton model 181
But many more mechanisms operate in the field 184
4.4 The benthic connection 190
Importance of benthos in shallow lake food webs 190
Competition for benthic food 191
Top-down control of snails and periphyton 193
4.5 Piscivores 197
Impact on fish abundance and size 197
How far down does the cascade go? 200
Cannibalism and competition 201
4.6 ·General patterns 203
Body-size as a key factor 203
Predation avoidance: costs and consequences 205
Shifts in food-web structure with enrichment 206

S Vegetation 210
5.1 Implications of vegetation for the animal community 213
Invertebrates 214
Zooplankton 216
Fish 222
Birds 224
5.2 Effect of vegetation on turbidity 225
Correlations and causality 225
Seasonal dynamics 229
Case studies revealing mechanisms 233
Are there general patterns? 237
Brackish lakes as an exception 241
5.3 The regulation of vegetation abundance 245
Turbidity and water depth 245
Periphyton 250
Temperature 253
Substrate and nutrients 253
Wave action 254
Birds 256
viii Contents
Fish 257
5.4 Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance
as alternative equilibria 258
Stabilizing mechanisms 258
A simple graphical model 260
The vegetation-turbidity interaction elaborated 263
Hysteresis as an implication 266
A minimal mathematical model 269
Predictions from a mechanistic vegetation model 273
Implications of seasonality 279
Other mechanisms influencing the hysteresis 281
Hallmarks of hysteresis 284
A review of evidence from the field 286

6 Managing the ecosystem 289

6.1 Implications of alternative stable states 289
Stability properties 289
Eutrophication and restoration 291
Connected and heterogeneous lakes 293
6.2 Nutrient management 294
How nutrient loading affects the system 294
Different approaches to reduce nutrients 296
6.3 Biomanipulation 296
Biomanipulation as a shock therapy 297
Requirements for success 298
6.4 Hydrological adjustments 300
Water level manipulation 300
Draw-down 301
Flushing 302
6.5 Other measures 303
Barley-straw 303
Dredging 303
Enclosures and artificial refuges 304
Handling vegetation nuisance 304
6.6 Selecting restoration measures 306

7 The limits of knowledge 308

Problems of predictive mechanistic models 308
The necessity of mechanistic insight 310
Prospect 312

References 314
Lake index 344
Subject index 346

Looking into the water of a shallow lake or pond one might have a crystal
clear view of gently waving submerged plants, fishes darting off and small
animals moving busily around. More likely, however, the water is murky,
troubled by blooming algae and suspended sediment particles hiding what-
ever is going on below. Remarkably, intermediate situations between these
two extremes seem relatively rare. This impression may result from our
persistent tendency to dichotomize in an attempt to simplify the world, but
research suggests that in this case there is some truth in the dichotomy.
The two situations represent strongly contrasting community states, both
of which have stabilizing feedback mechanisms. In the turbid state,
the development of submerged vegetation is prevented by low underwater
light levels. The unprotected sediment is frequently resuspended by wave
action and by fish searching for food causing a further decrease of transpar-
ency. Since there are no plants that could serve as refuges, zooplankton is
grazed down by fish to densities insufficient to control algal blooms. In
contrast, the clear state in eutrophic shallow lakes is dominated by aquatic
macrophytes. The weed beds prevent sediment resuspension, take up nutri-
ents from the water, and provide a refuge for zooplankton against fish
In view of these feedback mechanisms it is not surprising that shallow
lakes refuse to obey simple rules such as the classical relationships between
algal biomass and nutrient loading. The response of shallow lakes to
eutrophication is often catastrophic rather than smooth, and several lakes
are known to have switched back and forth between a clear and a turbid
state repeatedly without obvious external forcing. In view of the relative
neglect of shallow lakes in limnologicalliterature, this disparate behaviour
has apparently discouraged rather than tempted researchers for a long time.
Even in countries where almost all the lakes are shallow, like Denmark and
The Netherlands, limnological research has traditionally been focused en-
tirely on the few deep lakes that were available. Over the last decade,
however, this situation has changed.
Many of the shallow lakes have become turbid during this century be-
cause of eutrophication, and efforts to restore the clear state by means of
reduction of the nutrient loading are often unsuccessful. This has invoked
experiments with additional methods such as temporary reduction of the
fish stock. The potential impact of such disturbances on shallow Jake ecosys-
tems appears to be huge, and several lakes have switched to a stable clear
state in response. The careful monitoring of these changes has catalysed the
x Preface
development of insights into the mechanisms that govern the dynamics of
shallow lake communities.
Writing this book has been an (unfinished) journey towards the goal of
constructing a coherent picture of 'how shallow lakes work'. Unravelling the
origin of main ideas is probably as difficult as unravelling the functioning of
lake ecosystems, but some things can be said about the intellectual roots of
the views presented in this book. The feeling that there was something like
alternative stable states in our lakes, and ideas about the roles of fish and
vegetation have been fermenting for at least a decade in a group of English,
Danish and Dutch Iimnologists. Surely, Brian Moss and Erik Jeppesen were
very important inspiring thinkers in this group. At our institute Andre
Breukelaar, Harry Hosper and Marie-Louise Meijer were my partners in
discussing these exciting views.
Erik Jeppesen was the one who after reading the first draft encouraged
me, explaining that it was going to be great, but pointing out kindly that I
needed to do quite a bit of extra homework. The book ripened during the
subsequent phase when I tried to understand the often conflicting results
from countless descriptive and experimental studies, a process that defi-
nitely helped the theoretician in me to become more modest. Sergio Rinaldi
was my guide in the fascinating and dazzling world of dynamical systems
theory with its attractors, bifurcations and other abstract structures. To-
gether we looked for parallels to the even more dazzling world of aquatic
food webs. Rob de Boer and Yuri Kuznetsov developed wonderful software
for analysing models and guided me in using it.
Don DeAngelis, who suggested me to write this book, invited me over at
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to work, and gave many useful advices
and comments. Eric Marteijn and the rest of the staff at RIZA have been
very supportive and flexible, allowing excursions into research topics that go
beyond a diJ;.ectly applied context, and giving me the time to write this book.
It was a great pleasure to write a large portion of it in the beautiful
Tennessean country house of Bob and Dorothy Jolley.
With Adriaan Achterberg I shared an unforgettable time doing our first
work in aquatic ecology trying to figure out what happens in ditches. He
made a number of pen drawings especially for this book (Figs. 4.3, 4.42, 1.4,
4.49, 3.13, 5.1, 2.15, 4.46). The cover illustrations are made by Ad Swier. Bert
Jansen prepared most of the technical drawings and kindly tolerated my
numerous changes of mind. Rita van Leeuwen did an invaluable job local-
izing relevant literature. Egbert van Nes has been a crucial help all the way,
solving problems with software packages, writing better ones, helping or-
ganizing and finding literature, discussing countless important and unimpor-
tant ideas during our lunch-walks and quietly pointing out crucial problems
in seemingly brilliant reasonings.
The complete draft ofthe book has been read by Irmgand Blindow, Steve
Carpenter, Hugo Coops, Milena Holmgren, Harry Hosper, Mark Hoyer,
Bas Ibelings, Erik Jeppesen, Eddy Lammens, Marie-Louise Meijer, Stuart
Preface xi
Mitchell, Brian Moss, Egbert van Nes, Ruurd Noordhuis, Marcel van der
Berg and Diederik van der Molen, while portions were reviewed by Herman
Gons and Henddk Buiteveld. Without their extensive comments the book
would have been much harder to read.

The main symbols used in the book. Figures are produced using the listed
default values unless indicated otherwise. Symbols that used only once, are
explained in the text and can not be found in this list.

Symbol Units Default Definition


r g m-2 day-1 sediment resuspension rate

a fraction of lake bottom where
resuspension occurs
B intensity of seasonal variation in light
and temperature
t", year hydraulic retention time
a m-t absorption coefficient of light
A mgt1 concentration of phytoplankton
b m-t scattering coefficient of light
B mgt1 concentration of cyanobacteria
Chi flgtl concentration of chlorophyll-a
D m average lake depth
d day-1 fraction of lake volume exchanged
between parts with and without
E m-1 vertical attenuation coefficient of light
under water ('turbidity')
Eo m-1 turbidity in the absence of vegetation
e. mzg-t 0.1 specific light attenuation coefficient of
Eo m-' turbidity due to other factors than
e, g g-1 efficiency of conversion of food into
growth of zooplankton
F km fetch, distance from the shore in the
direction where the wind comes from
day-' wash-out losses of phytoplankton due to
flushing of the lake.
G mgt' concentration of green algae
G, mg t 1 day-! maximum zooplankton consumption of
entire fish community
Symbols xiii

Symbol Units Default Definition


g, g g-1 day-1 0.4 maximum grazing rate of zooplankton

h. mgr1 0.6 halfsaturation concentration of algae for
zooplankton functional response
hE m-1 turbidity allowing 50% of the lake to be
covered by vegetation
h, mgr1 0.003 halfsaturation concentration of soluble
reactive phosphorus for algal growth
h, shade (EZ) leading to a reduction of
algal growth of 50%
hv vegetation cover needed for a 50%
reduction in turbidity
h, mgr1 halfsaturation concentration of
zooplankton for fish functional
g g-1 day-' 0.01 inflow of phytoplankton from ungrazed
K mgr1 10 carrying capacity for phytoplankton
I day-1 0.1 loss rate of phytoplankton
l11z day-1 0.15 mortality rate of zooplankton
N mgl-1 total nitrogen concentration of the lake
p mgr1 total phosphorus concentration in the
lake water
Pa g g-1 0.01 phosphorus concentration in algae
q fraction of total lake volume occupied by
zooplankton concentrations
r day-1 0.5 maximum growth rate of phytoplankton
s m day-1 sinking rate of a particle
s mgl-1 concentration of suspended solids
sd m secchi-depth
SRP mgr1 soluble reactive phosphorus
v fraction of lake area covered by
submerged vegetation
w ms-1 wind velocity
z m vertical distance from a point under
water to the water surface
z mgr1 concentration of large herbivorous
z,. m depth of the euphotic zone (where >1%
of the surface light penetrates)
ZmM m depth limit of submerged macrophyte
Zmix m depth of mixed water layer


Traditionally, limnology is mostly concerned with lakes that stratify in
summer. Thermal stratification largely isolates the upper water layers
(epilimnion) from the colder deep water (hypolimnion) and from interac-
tion with the sediment during the summer. The impact of macrophytes on
the community is relatively small in such lakes, as plant growth is restricted
to a relatively narrow marginal zone. This book is about the functioning of
lakes that can be largely colonized by macrophytes and that do not stratify
for long periods in summer. This type of lake, where the entire water column
is frequently mixed, is also referred to as polymictic. The average depth of
most of the lakes addressed in this book is less than 3m, but their surface
area ranges from less than a hectare to over 100km2• The intense sediment-
water interaction and the potentially large impact of aquatic vegetation
makes the functioning of shallow lakes different from that of their deep
counterparts in many aspects.
In several regions shallow lakes are more abundant than deep ones.
Numerous shallow lakes, for instance, are found at the edge of the ice cover
during the Weichselian glaciation period. Also, human activities such as
digging for peat, sand, gravel or clay have produced considerable numbers
of shallow lakes and ponds. The term wetlands is often used to refer to
shallow lakes and adjacent marshy land. Such habitats are notoriously rich
in wildlife. In densely populated areas even small lakes can be very impor-
tant from a recreational point of view. Fishing, swimming, boating and bird
watching attract a large public.
Over the last century, the quality as well as the quantity of wetlands has
declined dramatically. Drainage for agricultural purposes has reduced the
amount of wetlands worldwide, while eutrophication has radically altered
the nature of many wetland communities.

The pristine state of the majority of shallow lakes is probably one of clear
water and a rich aquatic vegetation. Nutrient loading has changed this
situation in many cases. The lakes have shifted from clear to turbid, and with
the increase in turbidity, submerged plants have largely disappeared. The
sequence of changes during eutrophication is rarely documented well, but
some elements are agreed upon by most workers in the field (Moss, 1988).
Introduction xv
Shallow lakes with a low nutrient content usually have a vegetation domi-
nated by relatively small plants. With increased nutrient loading the biomass
of aquatic macrophytes increases and plants that fill the entire water column
or concentrate much of their biomass in the upper water layer become
dominant. Such dense weedbeds are often experienced as a nuisance by the
fishing and boating public. When weed control programmes eradicate the
vegetation, turbidity in shallow lakes tends to increase strongly due to algal
blooms and wind resuspension of the sediment. Also, when vegetation is not
controlled explicitly, further eutrophication of vegetated lakes can lead to a
gradual increase of phytoplankton biomass and of the periphyton layer that
covers the plants. Shading by these organisms ultimately leads to a collapse
of the vegetation due to light limitation.
Restoration of non-vegetated turbid shallow lakes to the clear vegetated
state is notoriously difficult. Reduction of the nutrient loading may have
little effect, as during the period of eutrophication a large amount of phos-
phorus has often been adsorbed by the sediment. When the loading is
reduced and its concentration in the water drops, phosphorus release from
the sediment becomes an important nutrient source for phytoplankton.
Thus a reduction of the external loading is often compensated by 'internal
loading', delaying the response of the lake water concentration to the reduc-
tion of external loading.
However, internal loading is not the only reason why restoration of
turbid shallow lakes is difficult. With the disappearance of aquatic veg-
etation the structure of the shallow lake community changes dramatically
(Fig. 1).
Invertebrates that are associated with vegetation disappear and with
these animals the birds and fishes that feed on them or on the plants.
Also, vegetation provides an important refuge against predation for
many animals, and hence its disappearance causes crucial shifts in many
predator-prey relationships. Large zooplankton use vegetation as a day-
time refuge against fish predation. In vegetated lakes they can contribute
significantly to the control of phytoplankton biomass. In the absence of
vegetation their numbers are strongly reduced. This, and the increased
nutrient availability, allows phytoplankton biomass to be higher in the
absence of vegetation. In addition, wave resuspension of the unprotected
sediment can' cause a considerable additional turbidity once the vegetation
has vanished. The fish community of unvegetated lakes becomes dominated
by species that forage on benthic invertebrates. Their activity promotes
the nutrient flux from the sediment into the water and causes an extra
resuspension of sediment particles, contributing to the already high
Return of submerged plants in this situation is unlikely, in part because
their absence has allowed a further increase in turbidity, but also because
the frequent disturbance of sediment by wind and benthivorous fish ham-
pers resettlement. Ecological feedback mechanisms are thus an important
xvi Introduction

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a shallow lake in a vegetation dominated clear

state (upper panel) and in a turbid phytoplankton dominated state in which sub-
merged plants are largely absent and benthivorous fish and waves stir up the
Introduction xvii

reason why restoration of the vegetated clear water state is difficult. In many
cases, nutrient reduction alone may be insufficient to restore the clear state
in shallow lakes. Additional measures, however, such as removal of part of
the fish stock and changes in the water level, have been successfully used as
a way to break the feedback that keeps such lakes turbid.


Many of the current ideas about the functioning of shallow lakes have
emerged from comparison of the state of different lakes, observation of
their dynamics, and the interpretation of laboratory and exclosure experi-
ments that reveal the autecology of key-species and the nature of their
interactions. However, the driving regulatory mechanisms and feedbacks
are not easily revealed without experimenting with the system as a whole.
Efforts to restore shallow lakes by means of manipulating the fish stock have
provided such experiments and helped reveal the dominant regulating
mechanisms. The ecosystem response to fish stock manipulations has pro-
vided new insights, not only into the functioning of the food web, but also
into the regulation of aquatic vegetation dynamics and into the crucial role
of submerged plants in keeping shallow lakes clear.
The array of sometimes conflicting and puzzling patterns emerging from
these descriptive and experimental studies of shallow lake communities is
impressive. In this book I often use simple models as a framework for
discussing the empirical results. Models can be helpful in situations where
feedbacks cause unexpected patterns. Such mechanisms are usually not
easily grasped intuitively. However, models are just hypotheses about the
cause of observed patterns, and the development of theory for explaining
patterns in nature has some serious caveats that are worth highlighting
(Scheffer and Beets, 1994c).
First of all, theory is tentative by definition and as Chamberlin (1897)
remarked a century ago we should be alert to 'the imminent danger of an
unconscious selection and of a magnifying of phenomena that fall into
harmony with the theory and support it and an unconscious neglect of
phenomena that fail of coincidence'. While keeping an open eye for alterna-
tive explanations is important in all science, it is especially essential in
ecology. In fact, even the classic ideas about hypothesis testing are of rather
limited use in ecology. A small excursion to the history of the discussion of
the ideas on this topic may clarify this.
The classical method of scientific study is the hypothetico-deductive ap-
proach. The main ideas were advocated as early as 1620 by Francis Bacon in
his Novum Organum, and elaborated later by the influential science philoso-
pher Karl Popper. In the early 1960s, Platt (1964) argued once more that this
systematic method of scientific thinking which he calls 'strong inference'
clearly produces much more rapid progress than anything else, and hence
should be closely adhered to. The steps of strong inference as formulated by
xviii Introduction
Platt are:
1. Devising alternative hypotheses;
2. Devising a crucial experiment (or several of them), with alternative
possible outcomes, each of which will, as nearly as possible, exclude one
or more of the hypotheses;
3. Carrying out the experiment so as to get a clean result;
I' Recycling the procedure making subhypotheses or sequential hypotheses
to refine the possibilities that remain; and so on.
According to Platt, the superiority of this approach is overwhelming. As
he phrases it: 'The difference between the average scientist's informal meth-
ods and the methods of the strong-inference users is somewhat like the
difference between a gasoline engine that fires occasionally and one that
fires in steady sequence. If our motorboat engines were as erratic as our
deliberate intellectual efforts, most of us would not get home for supper.'
Platt's compelling plea inspired many ecologists. It was felt that un-
systematic working methods could indeed be the reason that ecology was
not proceeding at the pace of sciences like molecular biology and high-
energy physics put forward as examples by Platt. It was argued that hard to
crack problems such as understanding the effect of competition on natural
communities could only be solved by following the path of null-hypothesis
formulation and testing (Connor and Simberloff, 1979; Strong, Jr. 1983).
In 1983, however, two essays appeared in the American Naturalist (Quinn
and Dunham, 1983; Roughgarden, 1983) pointing out that there are some
fundamental reasons why rigid strong inference is of very limited use in
ecology. The most basic argument is that strong inference assumes that the
competing hypotheses to explain observed phenomena are general and
mutually exclusive, whereas in ecosystems several independent mechanisms
do often contribute to an observed phenomenon that could also in theory be
explained from each mechanism alone. One of the mechanisms will often
dominate, but dominance will differ from case to case and may even shift in
With respect to the interpretation of simple models the problem of mul-
tiple causality implies that some modesty is appropriate. Even if the model
is based on reasonable assumptions and its behaviour mimics the patterns in
the real system very well, it might be that these patterns are caused by
something else in reality. The fact that the modelled mechanisms can be
shown to operate in the field is not a sufficient basis either for concluding
that it offers the appropriate explanation in that specific case as the mod-
elled mechanism may well be acting in concert with other, possibly more
important ones.
In summary, the simple models or theories used to bring some order into
the bewildering diversity of field patterns necessarily capture only part of
the mechanisms involved in causing these patterns. If we are fortunate, the
incorporated mechauisms are the dominant ones in nature, but the relative
Introduction xix
importance of different mechanisms is likely to differ from case to case.
Obviously, it would be naive to assume that ecological models or hypotheses
can simply be proven to be right or wrong.


Throughout the book I have attempted to present a mix of models and
hypotheses with empirical results that may fall into harmony or highlight
additional aspects. Thus the models serve as a framework, representing a
number of dominant mechanisms against which the diverse collections of
empirical observations are presented. I realize that mathematical formulae
and the abstract terminology used in dynamical systems theory could cause
some readers to drop out. Therefore, mathematics are kept very simple, and
most model analyses are presented in graphs* rather than formulae. Fur-
thermore, some relatively technical text sections are printed in a smaller
font. The take-home message of these sections is repeated in the main text,
so that readers who find this material indigestible can skip it without missing
too much.
The discussion of most of the topics has three components. A description
of the major patterns observed in the field is followed by a more theoretical
part that seeks to explain the governing mechanisms. The final section
presents more empirical results that often indicate additional mechanisms
·that can be important. The book as a whole also has this structure.
The first chapter merely brings the story of a number of widely different
shallow lakes in which conspicuous changes have been documented. Often
the observations are fragmentary. Nonetheless, from this material a picture
emerges of the variety of states that shallow lakes can be in, and the factors
that can induce the often swift changes observed in such lakes. The next
chapters focus on the specific mechanisms involved. The peculiarities of the
physical and chemical environment are discussed in Chapter 2. It treats the
underwater light climate as it is experienced by macrophytes and algae, the
resuspension of sediment by waves and benthivorous fish, and the role of
sediment, animals and plants in nutrient cycling. In Chapter 3 the regulation
of phytoplankton dynamics is discussed. Some simple models that help in
the understanding of algal growth are introduced, and the mechanisms that
cause cyanobacterial dominance in shallow lakes are analysed. The top-
down regulation of phytoplankton and periphyton by zooplankton and
other invertebrates and the major role of predation by fish are the topics of
Chapter 4. Chapter 5 is a turning point in the book. The effects of vegetation
on the animal community and turbidity of lakes are discussed, as well as the
• For the graphical model analyres I used the software packages GRIND (isoclines and
simulations) aod LOCBIF (bifurcation analysis). GRIND is public domain software that
requires a FORTRAN compiler. It can be obtained from the author, Dr. Rob J. de Boer, email
address: RDB@ALIVE.RUU.NL. The program LOCBIF cao be ordered at CAN diensten,
email address: INFO@CAN.NL.
xx Introduction
factors that regulate vegetation abundance. It is shown how several
feedbacks cause the vegetation dominated clear state and the non-vegetated
turbid state to be alternative equilibria in many shallow lakes. Chapter 6
gives an overall synthesis of the presented material from the practical view-
point of lake management. The possibilities and caveats of several restora-
tion methods are discussed. The final chapter evaluates the limitations of
our mechanistic understanding of shallow lake ecosystems, and the pros-
pects for improving our ability to predict the response of such systems to
management measures.
1 The story of some
shallow lakes

This chapter tells the history of a number of shallow lakes in which conspicu-
ous changes in community structure have been observed (Table 1.1).
The lakes range in area from 1 to 18200 hectares and in geographic
position from New Zealand to Sweden. Although some of the lakes have
been studied in detail for several years, the information remains fragmen-
tary in most cases. Nonetheless, when viewed in combination, clear patterns
emerge. Together, these histories give an idea of the large and often rapid
shifts that can occur in shallow lake ecosystems, but also of the internal
mechanisms and external forces involved in causing such changes. While the
next chapters zoom in on specific regulatory mechanisms, the series of short
stories in this chapter sets the stage by depicting the main phenomena
that the work described in the rest of the book is ultimately aimed at


Veluwemeer is an artificially isolated part of a large body of water in the
centre of The Netherlands that used to be a brackish bay called Zuiderzee.
In 1932 a dam was constructed to isolate the bay from the North Sea. Tides
disappeared and salinity gradually declined over the following years. The
resulting lake was called IJsselmeer. In 1952 construction of dams started in
the south-eastern part of the lake around areas that were subsequently
turned into polders by pumping the water out. (In one of these polders, 4 m
below sea level, this book has been written.) To prevent the groundwater
levels at the farmlands on the old coast from dropping too much, an area of
about 100km2 with water at the original level was left between the new
polders and the old land. This water body, divided into six hydrological units
by dams, is now called randmeren ('border-lakes'). Veluwemeer and the
adjacent Drontermeer were the first units to become isolated. Since then a
sequence of pronounced changes has occurred in the aquatic community
(Fig. 1.1).
Before its isolation the area that would become Veluwemeer had a
vegetation dominated by Sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus), a spe-
cies with long narrow leafs that flourishes in many brackish lakes. In addi-
2 The story of some shallow lakes
Table 1.1 Details of some lakes discussed in the text

Lake Size Mean depth Country Probable cause of change

(ha) (m)

Veluwemeer 3300 1.4 The nutrients

Alderfen Broad 5 0.8 England nutrients
Lake Apopka 12800 1.7 Florida. USA storm
Ellesmere 18200 2.7 New Zealand storm
Lake T§mnaren 3500 1.5 Sweden water level
Rice Lake 52 0.8 Wisconsin, water level
Lake Zwemlust 1.5 15 The biomanipulation
Linford Lakes 17 15 England biomaoipulation
KrankesjOn 290 1.5 Sweden unclear (water level)
Lake TAkern 3130 1.0 Sweden unclear {water level)
Lagoon of the Islands 867 2.0 Tasmania unclear (water level, nutrients)
Lake Christina 1620 1.5 Minnesota, unclear {biomanipulation)
Tomahawk Lagoon 10 0.9 New Zealand unclear

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Fig. 1.1 Schematic representation of the changes in the vegetation of Lake

Veluwemeer over half a century.

tion, the broad-leafed Potamogeton perfoliatus and some charophytes

( Chara sp. and Nitellopsis sp.) were commonly found. In winter large num-
bers of Bewick's swans (Cygnus columbianus) came to forage on the
overwintering tubers of these plants.
Soon after the dams were finished the situation changed dramatically. In
1961 the flora and fauna of Veluwemeer was surveyed. The lake was re-
markably clear. Sago pondweed had disappeared completely. Instead, a rich
vegetation was found dominated by extensive dense mats of charophytes.
On the deeper sites a lush and diverse vegetation of angiosperms occurred,
while closer to the shores some areas with macro-algae were found. In late
summer blooms of a cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) occurred, but
in general algal densities were low. The charophyte stands were rich in water
Nutrient induced changes 3
fleas, snails and larvae of the zebra mussel. The swans kept visiting the lake,
but were now accompanied by numerous ducks and coots (Fulica atra). The
fish community in this period is not known well, but pike (Esox lucius) and
perch (Perea fluviatilis) used to be caught by the fisherman. In the adjacent
Drontermeer the situation was the same at first glance, but a closer exami-
nation revealed that the plants were covered by a conspicuous layer of
attached algae (periphyton). Also, the vegetation disappeared much earlier
at the end of the year than in Veluwemeer. These and other differences
were attributed to the inflow of nutrient rich water from the river IJssel in
In 1965 the situation in Veluwemeer was still the same, but the vegetation
in Drontermeer had started to decline. By 1969 the situation had deterio-
rated also in Veluwemeer. The water had become turbid, the charophyte
beds had disappeared and the vegetation was dominated once again by sago
pondweed, with some stands of Potamogeton perfoliatus, the same species
that occurred during the years before the isolation. Over the following five
years summer transparency decreased further to a Secchi-depth of only
0.2-0.3 m. The pondweed beds still covering almost half the lake area in
1969 declined to a few sparse stands of Potamogeton pectinatus covering
only 10% of the lake in 1975. The algal community was dominated
by filamentous blue-green algae (Planktothrix agardhii), and wave
resuspension of detritus and inorganic sediment particles was an important
additional source of turbidity. The formerly diverse fish community now
consisted largely of bream (Abramis brama), a carp-like species that forages
on benthic invertebrates.
Around 1979 the nutrient loading of the lake was reduced, leading to a
substantial drop in phosphorus concentration. In addition, the lake was
flushed with water pumped out of the new polders, in an attempt to break
the year-round blue-green algal blooms. The flushing led to a strong reduc-
tion of phosphorus release from the sediment probably due to buffering of
the pH by high concentrations of calcium and carbonate in the used polder
water. Although the measures led to a reduction in algal biomass of more
than 50%, turbidity remained high, in part due to the continuous
resuspension of sediment. Over the subsequent decade, transparency in-
creased slowly and the pondweed stands gradually expanded. Potamogeton
perfoliatus recovered and some other species were seen again.
In the early 1990s charophytes started to recover. They first occurred in
small isolated stands, but since 1993 large dense Chara beds have been
observed, and by 1996 most of the pondweed beds have been replaced by
Chara. Remarkably, the water in the Chara stands had become crystal clear,
resembling the situation of 30 years before, whereas the transparency in the
rest of the lake was still only a few decimetres in summer. In the following
year transparency also increased in the deeper unvegetated parts.
Interestingly, the recent succession of plant species is more or less com-
parable to the changes that occurred when the lake became isolated in the
4 The story of some shallow lakes






Fig. 1.2 Changes in the mean summer concentrations of chlorophyll-a and total-P
and in the biomass of submerged plants in Alderfen Broad, UK, following discon-
nection of the lake from a nutrient rich inflow stream. Redrawn from Perrow et al.

1950s, while the decline with eutrophication in the late 1960s is the mirror
image of these changes (Fig. 1.1).
(Brouwer and Tinbergen, 1939; Leentvaar, 1961; Leentvaar, 1966;
Hosper, 1985; Scheffer et al., 1992; Scheffer et al., 1994a; Scheffer et al.,
1994b; Noordhuis, 1997; Van den Berget al., 1997)

Alderfen Broad
Alderfen Broad is one of the fifty or so small lakes in the peaty Norfolk
Broadland (UK). These so-called Broads are connected by rivers that also
serve to transport the sewage of about 400000 people to the nearby North
Storm effects 5
Sea. This and the draining of farmland has caused a strong eutrophication
of the Broads. Once low in both phosphorus and nitrogen compounds,
the lakes now have 10 times their former concentration of these nutrients.
The water that according to the locals used to be 'gin-clear' is now turbid
and the once famous fields of submerged plants are largely gone.
Alderfen Broad is surrounded by a wetland dominated by alder (Alnus
glutinosa). It had clear water and a dense submerged vegetation (mainly
Ceratophyllum demersum) un~l at least the late 1960s, but in the next
decade it lost its aquatic plants completely and became turbid due to high
algal biomass. This was linked with discharge of sewage effluent to the
inflow stream. In 1979, the inflow stream was diverted into existing ditches
from where the water rejoined the outflow stream below the lake. This
isolation led to a sequence of conspicuous changes in the lake over the next
12 years (Fig. 1.2).
The total phosphorus concentration as well as the release of phosphorus
from the sediments declined considerably over the first three years, and this
led to a substantial decrease of algal biomass. During 1982 and 1983 a dense
vegetation of Ceratophyllum was found and the phytoplankton populations
remained low. In 1984, however, vegetation was less abundant and the
phosphorus level in the lake water had become high again. Very few plants
were found over the next three years. Some blooms of blue-green algae
(Anabaena spiroides) developed in 1985 and 1986, but on average
phytoplankton biomass remained relatively low during these years, prob-
ably because of nitrogen limitation. From 1987 onwards vegetation ex-
panded again and algal biomass dropped to lower levels. With the increase
in vegetation, phosphorus concentrations also rose again to reach a peak
value in 1991 when vegetation biomass was once again declining.
The observed pattern (Fig. 1.2) suggests a cycle with a period of about 8
years. It is not clear what drives the decline of the vegetation. It seems
unlikely that turbidity prevented plant growth in the 1985-1987 period.
Conspicuous absence of plants has been observed in several other clear
Broads, suggesting that another factor is at work.
(Moss et al., 1986; Moss et al., 1990; Perrow et al., 1994.)


Lake Apopka
The large and shallow Lake Apopka (128km2; mean depth 1.65m) is situ-
ated in Florida. The lake was well known as an outstanding sport fishing lake
with exceptionally clear water and dense beds of aquatic plants until the
autumn of 1947 when a hurricane wiped out the vegetation. Soon after this
catastrophic event the first phytoplankton bloom was observed. Over the
following 4 years the total fish stock was estimated to have increased 10-
fold, and game fish populations had greatly expanded. By 1957, however,
6 The story of some shallow lakes
the omnivorous shad had become the dominant fish species in the lake
and the abundance of game fish had strongly decreased. Rotenone applica-
tions killed an estimated total of 9 million kg of shad during the late 1950s
in an unsuccessful attempt to restore the game fish dominance. Today the
lake is still turbid and vegetation has not recovered since the hurricane of
1947. A thick layer (1.5m) of unstable sediment is involved in frequent
resuspension, and turbidity of the water increases strongly during windy
(Schelske and Brezonik, 1992; Schelske et al., 1995; Schelske et al., 1997.)

Lake EUesmere
The story of the New Zealand Lake Ellesmere is comparable to that of Lake
Apopka. During the 1950s and 1960s the lake was known to harbour a
population of up to 80000 black swans (Chenopsis atrata} living on the
abundant aquatic vegetation. In 1968, however, a violent storm killed 5000
swans. Probably more importantly, the storm annihilated the extensive
weedbeds in this huge unprotected lake. Vegetation has not recovered since
then, and waves stir up the sediments most of the time. Together with high
concentrations of phytoplankton this suspended sediment causes the lake to
be very turbid. By 1986 only 4000 swans resided in the lake, a mere 5% of
the original population.
(Mitchell et al., 1988; McKinnon and Mitchell, 1994; Hamilton and
Mitchell, 1996.)


The large (35km2} and shallow (now 1m mean depth} Lake Tiimnaren is
situated 120 km northwest of Stockholm in a flat part of Sweden dominated
by forests and farmlands. It used to be common in these areas to reduce the
lake levels to minimize flooding of farm areas. Farming also increased the
nutrient loading of the originally oligotrophic lakes, and caused the sparse
plant stands to be replaced by a lush aquatic vegetation in many cases.
The water level of Lake Tamnaren was intentionally lowered twice. The
first time, in 1870, by 1m, and the second time, in 1950-54, by another 0.5 m.
After the last draw-down, aquatic macrophytes expanded strongly, and the
lake became famous for its waterfowl. In the spring and autumn many
migratory birds flocked in great numbers in the lake and in summer about
500 mute swans (Cygnus olor) used to live there. The water was clear
enough to see the bottom anywhere in the lake. The lush vegetation,
mapped in 1973, was dominated by Elodea canadensis and by floating leafed
species (Nuphar lutea and Potamogeton natans).
VVaterlevel changes 7
In the spring of 1977 the water level rose 0.3 m leading to dramatic
changes in the community. The swans as well as many other birds disap-
peared from the lake and the submerged and floating leafed vegetation as
well as a large part of the emergent vegetation vanished. Aerial photographs
taken in 1973 and 1983 revealed that the total vegetation coverage, includ-
ing reed, was reduced from 80% to 14% of the lake area. The water had
become turbid with a Secchi-depth of only 0.6m. This turbidity was partly
due to an increased phytoplanKton density (up to 70 !lgr'), but resuspended
sediments contributed strongly as well.
(Wallsten and Forsgren, 1989; Bengtsson and Hellstrom, 1992.)

Rice Lake
Rice Lake is a medium-sized shallow lake in Wisconsin (USA), named for
the extensive beds of wild rice ( Zizania) that used to grow along the shores
together with cattails (Typha) and bulrushes (Scirpus). Pollen analysis
shows that quillwort (Isoetes) used to grow in the lake, a species that re-
quires very clear water. Aerial photographs since 1938 and testimony from
local residents suggest that the lake stayed clear until the 1970s when high
water flooded the wild rice. The high water, promoted by a newly con-
structed beaver dam in the outlet creek allowed summer winds to sweep
across the lake unabated by the flooded vegetation. Waves eroded the
bottom, tearing away chunks of marsh that subsequently disintegrated,
producing a soft sediment The erosion of the marsh vegetation was further
promoted by a peculiar interplay of freezing and water level dynamics.
Water levels rose in March when the lake was still frozen. This lifted the
ice cover within the marsh border, pulling up mats of rhizomes and roots.
Wind and wave action in early spring pulled out the frozen mats to form
floating islands. Many islands drifted downstream and grounded in the
outlet creek. This caused the water levels to rise even higher, making the
situation worse.
A decade later the water levels fell, but the wild rice never recovered and
the lake has stayed turbid. Secchi-depth in summer is now only 0.3m on
average. This is only partly caused by phytoplankton, reaching a maximum
of only 40 !lg Chi r' during blooms of green algae. Probably, resuspension of
sediment by waves and fish is a more important source of turbidity. The
sediment of Rice Lake is now so loose and flocculent that a steel pipe shoved
into the lake bottom hits firm bottom only after penetrating 6m of this soft
sediment. The role of wave resuspension is illustrated by the large differ-
ence in suspended solid concentration during ice cover (<2mgr') and dur-
ing ice free periods (59mgr'). The present submerged vegetation is very
sparse, 90% of which is sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus). Cattail
dominates the shore vegetation, and some stands of water lilies and floating
leaf pondweed are found along the shores.
(Engel and Nichols, 1994.)
8 The story of some shallow lakes
Zwemlust is a very small shallow lake in the centre of The Netherlands. In
summer it is used as a swimming pool. The lake receives water through
seepage from the polluted River Vecht running closely along the lake. As a
result the nutrient loading of the lake is high. The chlorophyll-a concentra-
tion in the lake was as high as 250 mg t' and blooms of blue-green algae
(Microcystis) frequently turned the lake bright green. After several unsuc-
cessful attempts to improve the water quality it was decided to manipulate
the fish stock. This measure had spectacular results (Fig. 1.3).
In March 1987 the water was pumped out of the lake to facilitate com-
plete removal of the fish. It appeared that lOOOkgha·' of fish had been
present, 75% of which was bream. Seepage refilled the lake in three days,
and a small fish stock of pike and rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) was
introduced together with water fleas and some charophytes and yellow
waterlilies. Shortly after the refill there was an algal bloom, but soon large
water fleas became abundant and grazed down algal biomass to a mere 2%
of the pre-manipulation values and the water became crystal clear. Some
filamentous green algae (Hydrodictyon; Enteromorpha) developed in the
shallower parts, but only a small part of the lake bottom became covered by
macrophytes in the first summer.

<>--<> Chlorophyll-a (!lg J·1)
•·-·---• Macrophytes (g DW m·2) 240

r r




1986 r1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994


Fig. 1.3 Seasonal variation in chlorophyll-a concentrations and vegetation biomass

in Lake Zwemlust, The Netherlands, in the years following a strong reduction of the
fish stock in the winter of 1986--87. Redrawn from Van Donk and Gulati (1995).
Fish stock management 9
In 1988 a spring bloom of phytoplankton occurred, but by the end of April
the algae were grazed down by a rapidly expanding zooplankton population
again. That summer the submerged vegetation expanded strongly, covering
more than 50% of the lake bottom. Probably as a result of this, ammonium
and nitrate levels in the lake water dropped to below detection levels and the
phytoplankton became nitrogen-limited. Zooplankton declined due to low
food concentration and quality, but the water remained clear. That summer
a very large population of snails (Lymnaea peregra) developed. This snail
is an intermediate host of a bird-parasitizing trematode which can cause an
itching when penetrating human skin. In July 40% of the bathers complained
about this so-called swimmer's itch (Schistosome dermatitis).
The next year, Daphnia populations that had persisted during the winter
had already risen strongly by March. Despite the high nutrient levels, no
spring bloom of algae occurred and chlorophyll concentrations remained
around detection level. The submerged vegetation covered around 80% of
the lake bottom that summer, causing phytoplankton to be nitrogen-limited
again. After the decline of water fleas in early summer other small crusta-
ceans that live in close association to the aquatic plants became the domi-
nant phytoplankton grazers. Because macrophytes were a nuisance for the
swimmers, plants were removed from the swimming area in June and Sep-
tember. Snail density decreased by an order of magnitude in that area, and
complaints about swimmer's itch stopped.
From 1990 to 1995 the situation changed only gradually. The fish stock
increased in the first 3 years after the initial manipulation to a biomass of
about 400kgha-', but the species composition became strongly different
from that in the turbid pre-manipulation state. Also, the species composi-
tion of the vegetation shifted. Ceratophyllum demersum, a species with hard
unpalatable leaves, became the dominant submerged plant in 1990 and
1991. Exclosure studies suggest that this shift in dominance was caused by
selective grazing by coots (Fig. 1.4) and rudd on Elodea.
In 1993 and 1994, however, Potamogeton berchtoldii, one of the first
colonizers, dominated the vegetation again. This plant was overgrown by
epiphytic algae more than other species in the lake, and its biomass declined
relatively early in the season. A moderate spring peak of phytoplankton
occurred each year, but summer algal biomass was invariably low over the
entire period. The main change in phytoplankton dynamics has been that
from 1992 onward the decline of vegetation at the end of summeris followed
by blooms of blue-green algae (Microcystis).
(Van Donk et al., 1990; Van Donk et al., 1993; Van Donk et al., 1994a;
Van Donk and Gulati, 1995.)

Linford lakes
The Great Linford sand and gravel-pit complex covers an area of about
300ha in the flood plain of a river near Newport Pagnell (UK). The site
10 The story of some shallow lakes

Fig. 1.4 Coot (Fulica atra) are largely herbivorous. In the breeding season birds are
territorial and population densities are usually not very higb. However, in the
autumn and winter large numbers of animals may concentrate in lakes and reduce
the biomass of aquatic vegetation.

encompasses 14 lakes which have been excavated over the past four dec-
ades. Two distinct ways of gravel extraction were used in this area: wet-
digging and dry-digging. When a new quarry is opened, groundwater enters.
The wet-digging method proceeds by sucking the gravel from the bottom
Fish stock management 11
with a suction dredger and depositing it in a floating barge. The gravel
rapidly settles out and the silt laden water flows directly back into the newly
forming lake. There the fine silt forms a thick layer of loose sediment.
During the process of dry-digging the entering groundwater is continuously
pumped out of the quarry. The excavated material is transported to a
washing and grading plant where the washings are run off into special silt
settlement lagoons. When pumping ceases the dry-dug lakes fill up with
These different digging methods have resulted in two different lake
types in the area. Wet-dug lakes have typically remained turbid, even
though most of them have been left undisturbed for over 20 years. They
have very little submerged vegetation and the sediment is flocculent
and easily resuspended by waves. During storms the lakes tum chocolate
brown, with suspended solid concentrations of up to 0.2gt1• The dry-dug
lakes, on the other hand, are clear and densely vegetated. They also have
many more birds than the wet-dug lakes. This led workers of the Game
Conservancy research station to try to determine why the turbid lakes are a
poor habitat for ducks and other waterfowl, and find out ways of changing
One of the wet-dug lakes that has been studied in some detail is Main
Lake. The lake was very turbid during a survey in 1982 and less than 1% of
its area was found to be vegetated. Sago pondweed was the only recorded
species. In the winter of 1987-88 the lake was pumped down and almost the
entire fish stock was removed with seine nets. It appeared that about
356 kgha-' of fish, mainly bream and roach (Rutilis rutilis ), had been present.
The following years vegetation expanded spectacularly (Fig. 1.5) to reach a
coverage of 93% in 1989 when Elodea canadensis had become the dominant
At the same time, the density of midge larvae and snails increased mark-
edly (Fig. 1.5). These changes were followed by a sharp increase in the
number of overwintering coots, ducks and swans. Also, the nesting success
of ducks increased, as early survival of ducklings improved, presumably
because of a better food situation. Transparency of the lake water increased
strongly after the fish removal. This was in part due to an increase in
large water fleas (Daphnia spp.) that graze on phytoplankton, but after the
development of vegetation the resuspension of sediment by waves has also
In 1990 a bay was isolated from the rest of the lake by nets and stocked
with the original fish community. This led to a reversal of the changes
observed after the fish removal. Vegetation development was strongly sup-
pressed again in the bay and the densities of midge larvae and snails
dropped to their original values (Fig. 1.5). In the main lake, however, the
clear and vegetated state has persisted (Traill-Stevenson pers. comm. ).
(Giles, 1987; Hill et al., 1987; Wright and Shapiro, 1990; Giles, 1992.)
12 The story of some shallow lakes
Aquatic plants

. 150

~ 100



2:- 6
~ 4
i 2


. 15

~ 10
E 5
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Fig. 1.5 Effect of a removal of fish and subsequent restocking on the biomass of
aquatic vegetation, midge larvae and snails in Main Lake, Great Linford, UK.
Redrawn from Giles (1992).
Miscellaneous cases 13
Lakes THkem and Krankesjiin
The southern Swedish lakes Takern and Krankesjtin have changed repeat-
edly from a clear state with abundant vegetation to a turbid state with few
submerged plants and vice versa over the last century (Fig. 1.6).
Early data on the vegetation are sparse, but waterfowl that are associated
with plants have been continuously recorded, and these data were used as an
indirect indicator of vegetation abundance. In neither of the lakes are
changes in the external nutrient loading thought to have occurred. Instead,
variations in the water level seem to be involved in causing the switches
from one state to the other.
Lake Takern was largely covered by a dense vegetation dominated by
charophytes at the beginning of the century. In 1914 after a dry period, the
vegetation disappeared from the lake, but rapidly recovered again. In the
early 1930s, large parts of the lake dried out. This desiccation and subse-
quent freezing of the bottom in winter are thought to have caused the
complete disappearance of submerged plants during these years. Within a
few years, however, a dense vegetation had returned. In the early 1950s sub-
merged plants disappeared completely again and the water became turbid.
This time there was no obvious cause of the changes. At the beginning of the
1960s the vegetation recovered starting with stands of angiosperms and
some charophytes. In 1969 the charophytes had expanded into dense mats
covering large parts of the lake again. The lake has stayed clear and veg-
etated until1995 when summer transparency decreased and the condition of
the vegetation deteriorated. The next year this downward trend continued,
leaving the lake in a turbid and poorly vegetated state once again.
Like Lake Takern, Lake Krankesjtin was covered by a charophyte domi-
nated vegetation at the beginning of the century. In the 1940s, vegetation
disappeared for some years, presumably due to low water levels in winter
that allowed the bottom to freeze, eliminating the plants. However, vegeta-
tion recovered soon, and the lake stayed clear and densely vegetated till the
early 1970s. Inspection in 1975 revealed that submerged macrophytes had
disappeared entirely. Exceptionally high water levels during the growing

~~Lake Krankesjon

lake Ukern
• Turbid

Macrophyte dominated

Fig. 1.6 Repeated shifts between a turbid state (thick line) and a clear vegetation
dominated state (thin line) in the Swedish lakes Krankesjon and Tilkern. The win-
dow marks the period represented in Fig. 1.7. Modified from Blindow et al (1993).
14 The story of some shallow lakes
40 60

5..... 40
;::> :;
f 20 30 u
-e .Q
..... 20
10 ~

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Fig. 1.7 Shift from a turbid state to a vegetation dominated clear situation in Lake
Krankesj6n. Redrawn from Hargeby eta/. (1994).

season may have shaded out the vegetation, although the absence of ice
cover during mild winters resulting in strong wave erosion is another pos-
sible explanation.
From 1983 onward the lake has been monitored more closely revealing
the scenario of a subsequent vegetation recovery episode in some detail. It
is unclear what initiated the recovery, but low summer water level allowing
more light to penetrate to the bottom, and a disease causing a reduction of
the bream population are mentioned as possible causes. Despite the fact
that the sediment contained very high densities of oospores of charophytes
the first macrophyte to expand was sago pondweed (Potamogeton
pectinatus) (Fig. 1.7).
Only after some years, the relatively sparse stands of pondweed were
replaced by exponentially increasing dense mats of charophytes, leaving
angiosperms to play a minor role. Turbidity decreased only slightly during
the expansion of pondweed, but subsequently dropped almost an order of
magnitude during the expansion of charophytes. A decrease was also ob-
served in the chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus levels and in the density of
large herbivorous zooplankton. Conspicuous changes occurred in the bird
community. During the turbid years, only some fish-eating birds resided in
the lake. With the increase of vegetation biomass, however, the number of
coots and swans (Fig. 1.8) and the populations of dabbling ducks increased
(Blindow, 1992b; Blindow et al., 1993; Hargeby et al., 1994.)

Lagoon of the Islands

Lagoon of the Islands on Tasmania (Australia) used to be a natural swamp
known for its islands of floating reed mats supporting terrestrial plants. In
Miscellaneous cases 15
40 400

30 300
20 200 8
10 100

0 0
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Increase in swan and coot numbers following vegetation recovery in Lake

Fig. 1.8
Krankesjon. Redrawn from Hargeby et al. (1994).

1964 a dam was constructed turning the swamp into a shallow (2.5m mean
depth) reservoir, intended to create a storage of irrigation water, and a place
for trout fishery. The majority of the original macrophytes died as a result of
the flooding, but other submersed vegetation colonized the lake bottom.
Over the following two decades, trout fishery flourished, but due to its small
storage capacity the lake was found to be an unreliable source of irrigation
water. In 1984, a canal was constructed to divert water into the storage from
a nearby creek. Subsequently, high water levels were maintained at the
lagoon for several years. In the summer of 1987-88 the water quality de-
clined and so did the condition of the trout. The problems which persisted
during the next year were thought to be due to a suppression of macrophyte
growth caused by the increased water levels and elevated nutrient loading.
These factors caused a switch from a diverse macrophyte dominated com-
munity, to a simpler one dominated by phytoplankton, and apparently
unfavourable for the production of trout. It was therefore decided to switch
to a management regime of lower water levels. This has led to a recovery of
the macrophytes, water quality and trout fisheries.
(Sanger, 1992; Sanger, 1994.)

Lake Christina
Lake Christina is a large and shallow prairie lake in Minnesota (USA). The
lake freezes in winter, and ice is out usually by the beginning of April. In the
autumn, it is heavily used by migrating waterbirds. The lake was one of
the most important feeding and staging areas for migrating diving ducks in
the so-called Mississippi flyway during the first half of the century. The lake
supported lush beds of aquatic plants in this period, and the water was clear.
By 1959, however, transparency had rather suddenly declined to <25cm,
16 The story of some shallow lakes

I:- I
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ IE LesserScaup
c:::J Other ducks and coot


§ 60
~ 40




Fig. 1.9 Trends in peak autumn waterfowl counts in Lake Christina, Minnesota,
USA. The period of low waterfowl numbers from 1978 till 1987 corresponds to a
period with little vegetation and turbid water. Redrawn from Hanson and Butler

vegetation had become very sparse and bird numbers had dropped about 2
orders of magnitude. These changes were probably associated with higher
water levels and much larger fish populations. The latter may result in part
from the high water, as winter-kills of fish during periods of ice-cover are
Jess likely in deeper water. In 1965, state biologists eliminated part ofthe fish
using toxaphene, and water clarity, macrophytes and duck numbers in-
creased. In the mid 1970s, however, water transparency and vegetation
abundance declined again. Peak autumn counts of waterfowl dropped spec-
tacularly from more than 130000 in 1977 to Jess than 5000 in the following
years (Fig. 1.9).
In the autumn of 1987 all fish in the lake were killed by spraying 627001
of rotenone from the air. Most of the original species reinvaded the lake
relatively quickly, but predatory fish (largemouth bass and walleye) was
stocked regularly in an attempt to slow down the recovery of the fish
biomass. During May and June of the following year transparency of the
water increased to about 90cm in contrast with the 30-40cm in the years
before the fish manipulations (Fig. 1.10).
Miscellaneous cases 17

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Fig.l.JO Seasonal dynamics of Secchi-depth transparency during a period of vegeta-

tion recovery (Fig. 1.2) in Lake Christina, Minnesota, USA. The fish stock has been
reduced in the autumn of 1987. Redrawn from Hanson and Butler (1994a).



~ 60
§ 40


Fig. 1.11 Recovery of the aquatic vegetation between 1980 and 1990 in Lake
Christina, Minnesota, USA. Redrawn from Hanson and Butler (1994a).

This spring clear water phase was caused by an increase of large bodied
herbivorous water fleas (Daphnia) that were estimated to have a filtration
potential of 100-200% of the lake volume per day, as opposed to <10%
during the years before the fish kill. In summer Daphnia populations de-
creased, filtration rates dropped and turbidity increased. Nonetheless, veg-
etation expanded that year and became more diverse (Fig. 1.11), including
the originally common sago pondweed and Ruppia maritima, but also large
stands of charophytes, Myriophyllum exalbescens and Najas fiexis.
The same pattern of plankton dynamics occurred in the second year but,
unlike before, the water became clear again in September. Remarkably, it
18 The story of some shallow lakes

450 120

400 macrophytes


u 300 80

250 -r

e 60
... ,.: \
] 200


150 ~
f 100

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Fig. 1.12 A shift from phytoplankton dominance to vegetation dominance in Toma-

hawk Lagoon, New Zealand. Note that at the southern hemisphere the summer is in
December-February. Redrawn from Mitchell eta/. (1988).

stayed clear throughout the next year. With the return of the vegetation,
waterfowl numbers recovered as well (Fig. 1.9). The following years, the
lake stayed vegetated and rich in waterfowl. Since 1995 transparency has
gradually declined again although vegetation has remained quite abundant.
(Hanson and Butler, 1990; Hanson et a/.,1990; Hanson and Butler, 1994a;
Hanson and Butler, 1994b, Hanson pers.comm.).

Tomahawk Lagoon
Tomahawk Lagoon is a small and very shallow lake on South Island, New
Zealand. The lake is fed by a stream draining mainly pastures. Due to the
oceanic climate the lake rarely freezes for more than a few hours, and
summer temperatures are usually below 20°C. During 1963 when studies
started and the following year, the lake was turbid with high phytoplankton
densities and few macrophytes. In 1965, however, it became clear with
abundant macrophyte growth, until 1970 when it became turbid again for
two years, switching back to a clear and vegetated state in 1972. During
periods when vegetation dominated the lake, phytoplankton density was as
much as two orders of magnitude lower than in the years when vegetation
was sparse. In years with abundant vegetation large numbers of black swans
foraged on the plants in the lake. This herbivory contributed to the decline
Miscellaneous cases 19
of vegetation in some periods, but the more dramatic vegetation declines
must have been due largely to other factors, storms being a possible
From 1969 to 1973 the seasonal dynamics of plankton and macrophytes
were studied more closely (Fig. 1.12).
These studies revealed the details of a switch from a turbid to a vegeta-
tion dominated state. In the spring, both macrophyte biomass and
phytoplankton productivity usually increase. During the first two years of
the study the macrophyte development was short lived and a dense
phytoplankton bloom developed over the summer. In tbe third year, how-
ever, the spring bloom of algae collapsed and vegetation became abundant
for tbe rest of the summer. In the autumn of that year charophytes started
to become dominant. Vegetation biomass remained high over the winter
and expanded further in the subsequent year, when no phytoplankton peak
occurred. Vegetation was thought to suppress the phytoplankton develop-
ment. No single clear mechanism could be revealed, but during some peri-
ods nitrogen-limitation of the algae could be demonstrated, while at other
times tbe grazing pressure by zooplankton living between the plants was
shown to be important.
It is not quite clear what causes the switches from phytoplankton domi-
nance and vice versa. Herbivory by black swans and storms are thought to
be involved in vegetation decline, while collapse of phytoplankton blooms
may be related to zooplankton grazing and to pulses of highly turbid inflow
during rainy periods.
(Mitchell et at., 1988; Mitchell, 1989; McKinnon and Mitchell, 1994.)
(Fig. 2.1).
Light under water 21

scattering and absorption coefficients at a given wavelength are simply the

sums of the individual contributions of water, gilvin, phytoplankton, sus-
pended sediment, etc. (Prieur and Sathyendranath, 1981).
Absorption and scattering are well defined and measurable but unfortu-
nately of little interest per se. In practice, limnologists are more interested in
so-called 'apparent' optical properties such as the attenuation of light with
depth and the visual transparency. Although these apparent optical proper-
ties can in principle be understood as the result of absorption and scatter-
ing, the relationship between inherent and apparent properties is rather

Light attenuation with depth

The intensity of light diminishes with depth in an approximately exponential
way (Fig. 2.1):
where I, and / 0 are the intensities of light at depth z and just below the
surface respectively, and E is the vertical attenuation coefficient for down-
ward irradiance.
Usually light intensities are measured only over the range of wavelengths
that can be used by plants for photosynthesis. This portion of the light is

lrradiance (%)
10 30 50 100

g -------------------------------------------------- Secchi·depth
2 red (630 nm)

green (530 nm)

Fig. 2.1 Attenuation of irradiance with depth in each of three spectral blocks in
Crose Mere, UK. Irradiance in each spectral block is expressed as percentage of the
irradiance in the corresponding spectral block just beneath the water surface. Re-
drawn from Reynolds (1984).
22 The abiotic environment
called the Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR). The vertical attenuation
coefficient is often denoted as Kd. However, since K is reserved in this book
for the carrying capacity in logistic growth equation, E is used throughout
the text to prevent confusion. A problem with the use of E for characterizing
light attenuation is that its value is different for light of different colours
(Fig. 2.1). Green light usually penetrates the water column deeper than
other colours that can be used for photosynthesis. As a result of this differ-
entiallight attenuation, the attenuation coefficient measured over the PAR
spectrum as a whole is not constant over depth. The colours that are ab-
sorbed the most attenuate first, and, consequently, the remaining light pen-
etrates the water better. As a result, E diminishes with depth. Fortunately,
this effect appears to be relatively small in turbid waters (Kirk, 1994).
Therefore, the vertical attenuation coefficient (E) of PAR is, as Kirk states
(Kirk, 1986): 'the best single parameter in terms of which to compare the
light-attenuating properties of one water-body with another'.lt follows that
E can be roughly characterized from a simultaneous measurement of the
irradiance at depth z and just under the water surface:

In b._
E=____!_z_ (2)
The attenuation of radiation with depth depends on scattering as well as
absorption, but is not simply the sum of the two (called the beam attenua-
tion, c). Scattering does not remove light as absorption does; it merely
changes its direction. Because of this, scattering increases the average path-
length travelled by an incoming photon to reach a given depth, and there-
fore the chance of being absorbed. In addition, a small proportion is
scattered in a backward direction, and the fraction of this back-scattered
light that is not reflected downward again by the surface leaves the water.
For monochromatic light there is a simple empirical relationship between
E and the coefficients of absorption (a) and scattering (b):


where J1<J is the cosine of the angle of the underwater light to the vertical
(Kirk, 1994). To obtain an impression of what this implies for an average
condition in the temperate climate zone we can substitute the value of 0.8
for Jl<J, giving:

E =1.25~ a2 + O.l5ab (4)

Thus light attenuation depends largely on the absorption coefficient but also
increases with the product of scattering and absorption. It can be seen from
Light under water 23
this formula that scattering only affects vertical light attenuation through
the interaction with absorption. If absorption is nil, scattering does not cause
an attenuation of light. This is because, as explained earlier, scattering
merely increases the path-length of photons under water. Absorption along
the way is needed to let this affect the vertical light attenuation.

The simplest way to characterize the optical properties of Jake water is by
means of a so-called Secchi-disc. This approach, systematically studied more
than a century ago by the Italian physicist Angelo Secchi, is still widely used.
A black-and-white disc is lowered into the water, and the depth at which it
just disappears from view is noted as the Secchi-depth. A problem of the use
of Secchi-depth is that in clear shallow lakes, the bottom can be visible
throughout the Jake. In that case Secchi-depth is not measurable. However,
the method is simple and relatively robust, and, not surprisingly, data on the
Secchi-depth of waters are abundant.
Unfortunately Secchi-depth (Sd) is not a very good indicator of light
penetration into the water. On the basis of measurements in marine waters,
Poole and Atkins (1929) noted an inverse relationship between E and S":


However, the Poole Atkins coefficient, c., appears to vary strongly (roughly
around 2) from case to case. Later workers showed that the relationship
between Secchi-depth and light attenuation can be more accurately de-
scribed if the beam attenuation coefficient (c = a + b) is taken into account
(Tyler, 1968):

s __9_ (6)
In view of this empirical relationship, the simple inverse proportionality
proposed by Poole and Atkins would hold only if c varies proportionally to
E in the data set, which is of course unlikely (see Eq. 3). Basically, the
reason why the simple Pool-Atkins relationship does not work well, is that
scattering has a stronger effect on (inverse) Secchi-depth than on the verti-
callight attenuation (Fig. 2.2).
Therefore, two waters can have the same Secchi-depth, but differ mark-
edly in light attenuation if the relative importance of scattering differs. For
instance, a lake in which turbidity is mainly caused by suspended clay
particles (which scatter rather than absorb), will have a lower light at-
tenuation than a lake with the same Secchi-depth in which the turbidity is
mainly due to phytoplankton.
24 The abiotic environment

Fig. 2.2 Vertical attenuation coefficient (E) and the inverse Secchi-depth (liS,),
both plotted as a function of the scattering coefficient (b) and the absorption coeffi-
cient (a) of lake water. Note that Secchi-depth is strongly affected by scattering,
whereas the effect of scattering on vertical light attenuation is minor.

• Veluwemeer

0 Markenneer

E X Drontermeer
~ 10 /}
D Reeuwijk

•• "'
1111>< Haringvliet
~ X

- --

~ /} Veluwemeer
------- Wolderwijd
~ ()

Ei - • - • Drontermeer
'E 4 --Reeuwijk
~ - ••- Haringvliet

-- Volkerakmeer
- Usselmeer

inverse Secchi-depth (m-1)

Fig. 2.3 Poor relationship between inverse Secchi-depth (liS,) and the vertical light
attenuation (E) illustrated by data sets from eight Dutch lakes. The deviating posi-
tion of Markermeer is explained by the high concentration of suspended clay parti-
cles in this lake. These particles contribute relatively much to scattering of the light
which affects Secchi-depth stronger than it affects vertical light attenuation.

A plot of inverse Secchi-depth against light attenuation coefficients for

data from a diverse set of shallow lakes (Fig. 2.3) demonstrates the poor
relationship between visual transparency and actual light attenuation in
Light under water 25
Especially illustrative with respect to the presented theoretical relation-
ships (Fig. 2.2) is the deviating position of the data from Markermeer. In this
lake, suspended clay particles contribute strongly to turbidity, resulting in
lower light attenuation than would be expected on the basis of the general
relationship between E and the inverse Secchi-depth.
Although visual transparency can not easily be translated into light at-
tenuation, this does not mean that Secchi-depth does not provide useful
information. The impression of clarity itself is obviously more important to
recreants than the penetration of PAR. Also transparency may be relevant
to visually hunting fish and piscivorous birds. Thus Secchi-depth is a useful
characteristic in itself.

Nephelometric turbidity
In this book the word turbidity is used in a loose sense to indicate the lack
of clarity of lake water. There are, however, also laboratory devices that
measure so-called nephelometric turbidity. In such turbidimeters a light
beam is sent through a cylindrical glass container that holds the lake water
to be studied. A light cell on the side of this container measures the light that
is scattered out of the beam in an angle perpendicular to the beam. The
stronger this scattering, the higher the turbidity which is expressed in
nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). This is an essentially arbitrary unit
determined relative to that of artificial standard suspensions made up in a
prescribed manner. In practice, nephelometric turbidity corresponds closely
to the scattering coefficient, b (Kirk, 1994). Since Secchi-depth and vertical
light attenuation also depend on absorption, it follows that these apparent
optical properties can not simply be derived from nephelometric turbidity

Euphotic depth
Sometimes the light climate of a lake is characterized in terms of its
'euphotic depth'. This is the depth beyond which the light level falls below
1% of the surface irradiation which is considered too low for algae to
maintain a positive net photosynthesis. Obviously, this is a rough approxi-
mation, as the absolute light at that level depends on the surface irradiation,
and different algal species will require different amounts of light.
Substituting the ratio 100:1 of / 0 to I, in Eq. 2, it can be seen that there is
a fixed inverse proportionality between euphotic depth (z,.) and the vertical
attenuation coefficient:

z ,4.6 (7)
eu E
However, the most penetrating colours that can be used for photosynthesis
have an attenuation coefficient (Em 1.) of about 75% of that measured over
26 The abiotic environment
the whole PAR spectrum. Therefore, Emin is often used instead of E, and in
that case the relationship becomes:


Note that because of the roughly inverse proportionality to the vertical

attenuation coefficient E, Secchi-depth is more or less linearly related to the
euphotic depth. In fact, when E is not known, euphotic depth is sometimes
estimated as 1.7 times the Secchi-depth (Reynolds, 1984). However, as
argued, the relationship between Secchi-depth and light attenuation is
highly variable in shallow lakes. Therefore, Secchi-depth is really an unreli-
able basis for estimating euphotic depth in such lakes.
Since algal cells are dispersed throughout the mixed layer, the light they
experience depends not only on the vertical light attenuation but also on the
depth of the mixed layer water (which in most shallow lakes is the entire
water column). The ratio of the mixed depth to the euphotic depth (zm,/z,.)
is often used to characterize the light climate for phytoplankton. However,
since z,. is a rather arbitrary measure, it is more straightforward to use E
directly. Thus instead of Zm,/z,. the product Zmu * E can be used as an
indicator of shade experienced by the phytoplankton. In shallow lakes
where Zmix equals the lake depth D, shade can be characterized simply using
the product of light attenuation and lake depth (ED).

Flnding the causes of turbidity

Most of the present theory on underwater optics is devoted to the under-
standing of relationships between absorption, scattering, light attenuation
and Secchi-depth. However, in order to be able to determine the causes of
turbidity in a lake, it is also necessary to know how these optical properties
are related to the concentrations of algae, suspended sediment particles and
detritus. This problem has been addressed less frequently, and appears
relatively hard to resolve.
First of all, it is not possible to derive simple relationships between the
concentrations of different fractions of suspended material and the resulting
Secchi-depth or light attenuation from the established theory. The total
absorption (a) and scattering (b) coefficients of lake water can be computed
as the sum of the absorption and scattering coefficients of the constituent
fractions (viz. phytoplankton, inorganic suspended matter, detritus, gilvin)
for monochromatic light. However, the light attenuation coefficient (E) is
not simply a linear combination of a and b (Eq. 3). Therefore, although we
can write E as a function of the concentrations of suspended and dissolved
material by substituting a and b by linear combinations of these concentra-
tions, the resulting equation is a bit awkward. Furthermore, it needs to be
extended to cover the variation of absorption and scattering coefficients of
(μg l−1 ),
(μg l−1 ),
Light under water 29
~ 20
E 10

., 4
E 3


contribution of seston fractions
4 to inverse Secchi-depth


Zeeltje Galgje Wolderwijd Usselmeer Markenneer
1987 1987 1981 1990 1990

D inorganic suspended solids - detritus - phytoplankton

Fig. 2.4 The average summer concentrations of different seston fractions in five
Dutch lakes and the contribution of these fractions to the vertical light attenuation
(E) and to the inverse Secchi-depth (liS) in the lakes estimated using the regression
equations presented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.

inorganic sediment particles to turbidity in a specific lake if tbe concentra-

tions of these substances are known. Figure 2.4 gives an example of such a
diagnosis of sources of turbidity for some contrasting lakes.
The contribution of inorganic suspended solids to light attenuation is
always smaller tban would be expected at first sight from their often domi-
nant role in terms of dry-weight. A comparison of the adjacent lakes
Usselmeer and Markermeer illustrates the fact that suspended sediments
have a stronger effect on Secchi-depth than on light attenuation. The sedi-
ment of the large, wind-exposed Markermeer consists mainly of easily
resuspendable clay. Consequently, the concentration of inorganic sus-
30 The abiotic environment
pended solids is much higher than in Usselmeer which has a more sandy
sediment. The figure demonstrates that the high algal biomass in Usselmeer
is responsible for much of the light attenuation under water, whereas the
suspended inorganic sediment in Markermeer strongly affects visual

Pragmatic solutions to estimate light attenuation

Since the distribution and abundance of algae and submerged vegeta-
tion depends strongly on light availability, light attenuation is among
the most important physical aspects of a lake from an ecological point of
view. Unfortunately, measuring light attenuation with depth is a bit tedious,
and requires relatively expensive equipment. As a consequence, measure-
ments of the attenuation coefficient are rare, especially in historical
data sets. As shown, Secchi-depth is a poor indicator of actual light penetra-
tion under water. The empirical relations presented in the previous sec-
tion potentially allow a better estimation of E if the concentrations of
detritus, inorganic suspended solids and chlorophyll are measured, but often
only the latter is available. Clearly chlorophyll alone is also a rather incom-
plete basis for estimating light penetration, as detritus and suspended sedi-
ment particles contribute significantly to turbidity in most shallow lakes
(Fig. 2.4).
Since Secchi-depth and chlorophyll concentration contain information
about the light climate that is, at least in part, complementary, it is to be
expected that vertical light attenuation can be estimated more accurately
from the combination of these two measures than from either of them alone.
Indeed, reanalysis of the data set represented in Fig. 2.3 reveals that E can
be predicted quite well as:

E = 0.81 + 0.016 Chi+ 0 ·46 (11)


£=0.016 Chi+ ~ (12)

Both models explain 80% of the variance in E in the data set, as opposed to
57% for a Poole Atkins model (Eq. S) in which only Secchi-depth is used as
an explanatory variable. The second model (Eq. 12) has the advantage that
it can also predict low values of E, which is prevented by the rather high
intercept in the first model. Regressions of the observed vertical light at-
tenuation coefficients against the values predicted by Eq. 11 for the separate
lakes (Fig. 2.5) show that it does not only predict the value of E reasonably
well, but also accounts for most of the systematic differences between lakes
Sedimentation and resuspension 31
•.. Veluwemeer
0 Markermeer
& Usselmeer
X Drontermeer
0 Reeuwijk

• Volkerakmeer
- - Wolderwijd
- • - • Drontermeer
- - Reeuwijk
-· -- -· -- · Volkerakmeer
- • Usselmeer
0 4 10 12 14
Predicted light attenuation (m- 1)

Fig. 2.5 Correspondence of observed vertical attenuation coefficients (E) to the

values predicted from Secchi-depth and chlorophyll concentrations using Eq. 11.

that were apparent in the relationships between light attenuation and

Thus in the absence of direct measurements of vertical light attenuation,
these simple empirical models may serve to provide an estimate on the basis
of usually available measurements of Secchi-depth and the concentration of
It is important to note that since the optical properties of algae, detritus
and inorganic suspended solids differ from case to case, this model and the
other empirical relationships between light climate and suspended solids
presented in the previous sections can not be expected to describe the
relationship equally well in all lakes. If sufficient data are available, it will
always be preferable to fit the models especially for application to a specific
lake or set of lakes.


In many shallow lakes, inorganic sediment particles, but also algal cells,
go through a rapid cycle of sedimentation and resuspension. Often,
resuspension is mainly due to wave action, but also fish searching for food in
the bottom can stir up considerable amounts of sediment in some situations.
In this section the laws that govern resuspension and sedimentation are
outlined, and the role of waves and fish in resuspension is explained.

The balance of resuspension and sedimentation

As illustrated by the analyses of the light climate in different lakes (Fig. 2.4 ),
algal cells and other suspended particles are the main cause of turbidity in
32 The abiotic environment
most shallow lakes. With the exception of some algae that can swim or
regulate their buoyancy, all of these suspended particles continuously tend
to sink to the bottom. In deep lakes, particles can not return to the turbu-
lently mixed top layer (epilimnion) once they sink through the thermocline
into the cold hypolimnion. In shallow lakes, thermal stratification may occur
on sunny days. However, during the night such micro-stratifications are
usually broken and a stable stratification never occurs for long periods.
Consequently, there is usually no thermocline in shallow lakes to act as a
point of no return for sinking particles. However, water movement declines
strongly in the small boundary layer at the sediment surface. As a result, the
lake bottom can trap sinking particles, more or less as a thermocline does.
The difference is that particles on the sediment can return to the water
column when the water movement at the sediment-water interface is strong
enough to pass a critical threshold beyond which the sediment is whirled up
In shallow water, the concentration of suspended particles in lake water
depends strongly on these continuous processes of sedimentation and
resuspension. Obviously, there are other ways for suspended particles to
appear or disappear from the seston. Algal cells, for instance, are produced
in the water column by cell division, and most particles can be removed by
filter feeding invertebrates. These mechanisms are treated extensively in the
following chapters. To understand the dynamic interplay of sedimentation
and resuspension it is useful to write it in a simple mathematical form. The
loss rate of particles from a water column due to sedimentation is equal to
the ratio of the sinking velocity s (mday-1) to the depth of the column D (m)
in still water. The rate of change in concentration of suspended particles, dSI
dt (gm-3 day-') can be written as a function of this loss rate and the rate of
return through resuspension, r (g m-'day-1):

dS =.!:.-~s (13)
dt D D

Note that the depth of the water column occurs in both terms: in the gain
term because the suspended material becomes more diluted if the water is
deeper, in the loss term because a sinking particle reaches the bottom
sooner in shallower water. As a result of this inverse proportionality to
depth, the rates of these processes can become very high in shallow water.
The sinking rate of a particle depends on its specific weight but also on its
size and shape. Light particles with irregular shapes sink relatively slowly.
Since seston usually consists of a large variety of particles, some fractions
will settle much slower than others. Typically, however, sinking velocities of
suspended solids are more than a few decimetres per day. As a result the
water column of many shallow lakes could potentially clear out in a few days
if all resuspension through wave action and fish activity was excluded (r "'
Sedimentation and resuspension 33
0). Indeed, when shallow lakes freeze, the quiet water under the ice often
becomes very clear. The rapid settling of material is also apparent when a
bottle of turbid lake water is left to rest. In a day, the water usually becomes
clear, and a layer of settled particles becomes visible at the bottom.
The equilibrium concentration of suspended solids in the water column
(S*) is reached when sedimentation equals resuspension. From the above
equation it follows that:

S* =!:. (14)
If the effect of factors like wind velocity or fish activity on resuspension (r)
is known, these simple equations allow a translation into effects on sus-
pended matter concentrations in a lake.

When and where wave resuspension occurs

When wind blows over the water surface, waves are produced. Water mo-
tion in waves is very complex, but the horizontal water movement that they
cause along the sediment surface is the main aspect needed to understand
resuspension. A look under water with a diving mask at the shoreline of a
rough sea or large lake shows that waves can cause strong water flows going
back and forth along the bottom as waves come and go. How strong these
horizontal 'shear' flows at the sediment surface are, depends on the size of
the waves and the depth of the water. The maximum horizontal water
velocity caused by waves decreases exponentially with depth (Fig. 2.6).
Whether or not this water movement along the sediment surface leads to
resuspension of particles depends on the shear velocity and on the proper-
ties of the sediment. The response of a sediment layer to a gradual increase
of water velocity along its surface is typically discontinuous. Erosion only
occurs after a critical shear stress has been exceeded. The critical velocity
needed for resuspension depends on the type of sediment. Fine silt or
organic deposits are more easily suspended than sand. In addition, the
critical shear increases with the time that the sediment is left undisturbed
due to physical consolidation of the material and the development of a
microbial community of benthic algae and bacteria that makes the sediment
surface more resistant to resuspension (Delgado et al., 1991 ).
One way to predict when resuspension will occur on a site is to use
models to compute water velocity at the sediment surface as a function of
wind velocity, water depth and the distance that the wind blows over the
water ('fetch'), and subsequently relate this computed shear velocity to
estimates of the critical shear velocity that leads to resuspension (Aalderink
et al., 1985; Bengtsson and Hellstrom, 1992; BJorn et al., 1994). This ap-
proach seems quite rigorous, although in practise there is still a very large
34 The abiotic environment


~ 0.16


_g·~ 0.08
wind velodty (m s-1)

0 3
Depth (m)

Fig. 2.6 Relationship between the maximum horizontal water velocity and water
depth for a fixed fetch of 1000 m and wind velocities of 2.5, 5.0 and lOms-'respec-
tively. Redrawn from Aalderink et aL (1985).

variation in the relation between shear velocity and suspended solids (Ham-
ilton and Mitchell, 1996).
Another, more pragmatic, approach is to use relatively simple empirical
formulae that give wavelength as a function of wind velocity and fetch, and
subsequently apply the rule of thumb that resuspension occurs if the waves
'touch the bottom' which is considered the case if the wavelength exceeds
twice the water depth. Carper and Bachmann (1984) show that this simple
approach, developed originally by engineers working with problems of
beach erosion, actually works well to describe resuspension in the shallow
prairie lake that they studied. Because the approach is relatively transpar-
ent, the formulations are used here to explore the effect of lake depth and
size on susceptibility to resuspension.
As long as waves do not touch the bottom they are called 'deep water
waves'. The size of such waves increases in a predictable way with wind
velocity, W (ms-1) and with the fetch, F (km) which is the distance to the
shore measured in the direction from which the wind comes, i.e. the distance
over which the waves have been allowed to build up. A relatively simple
Sedimentation and resuspension 35
empirical formula gives wavelength (L.) as a function of fetch and wind


Wavelength increases almost linearly with wind velocity, while the increase
with fetch is clearly non-linear (Fig. 2.7).
The latter can be observed in any pond if there is some breeze. At the
sheltered shore the water is quiet, but the size of waves rapidly increases
with the distance from the shore. Further from the sheltered shore waves
keep growing but this increase with fetch is less steep than that observed
over the initial few metres. The formula can be used to generate a map of
wavelengths in a lake, given its contours and the wind speed. The area
where sediment is predicted to become resuspended at given wind speeds
can subsequently be found by overlaying the map of water depths, and
applying the rule of thumb that resuspension occurs if the waves 'touch the
ground', that is if the wavelength exceeds twice the depth (L. > 2D). Obvi-
ously, the resuspended area increases with wind speed (Fig. 2.8), and shel-
tered areas are affected only at the highest wind velocities.


fetch (km)
Wind velocity (m s- 1)

Fig. 2. 7 Increase of wavelength (L.) with fetch (F) and wind velocity (W) in deep
water as described by Eq. 15.
36 The abiotic environment

Little wall lake

100 200 300 400 500 m

Fig. 2.8 Contours showing the wind velocities (kmh-1) necessary for resuspension to
occur at a southeasterly wind in the shallow Little Wall Lake. Wave resuspension is
predicted to occur in the area northwest of the contours. From Carper and
Bachmann (1984).

Wave resuspension in relation to lake size and depth

The susceptibility to resuspension is different for each lake as it depends on
the sediment type and on the shape and depth profile of a lake. To explore,
nonetheless, some general tendencies, imagine a hypothetical square lake of
Sedimentation and resuspension 37

Fig. 2.9The proportion (a) of a hypothetical square lake where wave resuspension
occurs depends on the critical fetch (F,",) at which the wavelength exceeds twice the
depth (D), relative to the total length (I) of the lake measured in the direction of the

homogeneous depth positioned perpendicular to the direction of the wind

(Fig. 2.9).
In this case, the fraction a of the lake surface where resuspension occurs
depends only on the ratio of the critical fetch for resuspension (F"") to the
maximum fetch (F_) in the lake:


Substituting this and the critical condition for resuspension (at D = 2 Lw) in
Eq. 15, we obtain a single formula that relates the resuspended fraction (a)
to the maximum fetch (Fmax) and the depth (Dm) of the lake and to the wind
speed (Wms-1):


For a given {hypothetical) lake of fixed depth and size, this formula can be
used to plot the increase of the resuspended area with wind speed (Fig.
At low wind speeds no resuspension occurs as the critical fetch is larger
than the maximum fetch in the lake. Above a critical wind speed, the
resuspended fraction of the lake rises asymptotically to 1 with increasing
To see better how the effects of fetch and depth interact, we change the
viewpoint and ask the question which combination of lake depth and size
leads to a 50% resuspension (a = 0.5) at a given wind speed (Fig. 2.11 ).
38 The abiotic environment

0 E

:e" :Ei"
""0 li
""6l- .5

0 5 10
Wind speed (m s·1)

Fig. 2.10 Relationship between wind velocity (W) and the fraction (a) of the surface
area of hypothetical lakes of 1m 1 km (Fig. 2.9) where resuspension occurs as
predicted for three different lake depths.

The resulting iso-resuspension lines are not straight lines, implying that it
is not simply a fetch/depth ratio that counts. Therefore, scale models of
lakes can not be used for studying resuspension. The sediment of a pond
with a maximum fetch of lOOm and a depth of 0.5m is more easily
resuspended than a lake with a maximum fetch of 1 km and a depth of 5 m.
A plot with the logarithm of the lake area shows more precisely how
resuspension susceptibility depends on size and depth of lakes (Fig. 2.11b}.
All other things being equal, lakes that are on the same iso-resuspension
line in this plot, should have a comparable sensitivity to wind resuspension
according to our simple model. Thus, it can be seen, for instance, that a pond
with a size of one hectare and a depth of 0.5 m is comparable to a lake of
lOOha and a depth of 1.3m. Because of the sharp decrease of resuspension
with water depth, a change in water level can affect wind resuspension in a
lake rather strongly. This is illustrated, for instance, by the case of Lake
Chapala in Mexico (Lind et al., 1994). A drop in water level caused a
considerable increase in clay resuspension and turbidity in this lake.
The amount of material that is brought into suspension when the waves
touch the sediment depends on the situation. In general, the ongoing pro-
cess of sedimentation and resuspension leads to a sorting of material in
lakes. The sediment in exposed shallow areas with frequent resuspension is
coarse, because lateral transport causes the fine material to concentrate in
Lake length (km) (a)



Fig. 2.11 Iso-resuspension lines indicating at which conditions 50% of the bottom of
hypothetical lakes (Fig. 2.9) is subject to wave resuspension at different wind veloc-
ities (W). Lakes that are on the same iso-resuspension line are comparable in their
susceptibility to wind resuspension. Note that susceptibility to resuspension de-
creases rapidly with lake depth. Size of the lake can be expressed as maximum fetch,
i.e. the length of the lake measured in the direction of the wind (a), or as lake surface
area (b).
40 The abiotic environment
deeper sheltered parts where resuspension occurs rarely (Evans, 1994). As
pointed out by Carper and Bachmann (1984) this implies that the exposed
'erosion areas' are often not an important source of suspended solids. In
such lakes, resuspension only becomes important in periods when winds are
strong enough to affect areas in which resuspension occurs rarely, as easily
resuspendable material is restricted to these areas. By definition,
res'uspension is thus relatively unimportant most of the time in lakes in
which the exposed areas contain just coarse sediment due to horizontal
On the other hand, there are many lakes in which there is hardly any
horizontal sorting because there are no deep parts where soft sediment can
accumulate, and resuspension frequently occurs over most of the area. Such
lakes often have a more or less discrete top layer of sediment consisting of
fine material that is frequently resuspended (Luettich, Jr. et al., 1990;
Bengtsson and Hellstrom, 1992). Due to the frequent resuspension there is
little consolidation of this layer and the material is resuspended easily.
Obviously, if there is such a relatively discrete resuspendable layer, the
amount of suspended sediment should simply increase linearly with the area
over which resuspension occurs. This is indeed found, for instance, by
Bengtsson and Hellstrom (1992) in their studies of Lake Tiimnaren (Fig.
In principle, a linear increase of suspended solids with the resuspended


"'E 60 0 0
" 0
"5l- 40
b 20

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fraction eroded bottom area

Fig. 2.12 Measured concentration of suspended matter versus the computed fraction
of the lake area where wave resuspension occurred at the time of measurements in
the Swedish Lake Tamnaren. From Bengtsson and Hellstrom (1992).
Sedimentation and resuspension 41

,-, .............
/,---- --


So ===:::. _____________ _: I

Wind speed

Fig. 2.13 Predicted increase in suspended solid concentration (S) with wind velocity
for a large shallow versus a smaller or deeper hypothetical lake (Fig. 2.9) (see text).

area implies that the theoretically derived relationships between re-

suspended area and wind speed (Fig. 2.10) can be simply translated to give
the concentration of suspended solids (S) as a function of wind speed and a
background concentration (S.) that does not depend on wind resuspension
(Fig. 2.13).
Note that this idealized picture assumes the hypothetical situation of a
rectangular lake with a homogeneously distributed resuspendable top layer.
In real lakes the increase of suspended solids with wind will look different.
Nonetheless; a sigmoidal shape may be expected in general. Low wind
speeds have little effect, but as soon as waves start 'touching' resuspendable
sediment the concentration in the water increases asymptotically towards a
level where all suspendible matter is in the water column.

Lake specific empirical models

How much sediment is resuspended at a given wind velocity differs strongly
between lakes, depending among other things upon the shape and depth
profile of the lake and on the distribution and nature of suspendible sedi-
ment. As shown, describing wind resuspension mechanistically on a whole
lake scale is surprisingly difficult. For a given lake, however, one can also
simply fit an empirical relationship between suspended solids and wind
42 The abiotic environment
speed if sufficient data are available. A reasonable description is usually
obtained with the balance equations presented in the first part of this section
(Eqs. 13 and 14) if an exponentialfunction of wind velocity, W, is substituted
for resuspension (r), and a fixed background concentration s. is added that
stays in the water column even in the absence of any wind:

dS ;a,w•s _!...(s-s) (18)

dt D D •,
The steady state version gives the equilibrium concentration of suspended
solids (S*):

- b s (19)

The background concentration (S.), sinking rates and the parameters a, and
b, are simply tuned in such a way that the model results fit to time-series of
wind speeds and suspended solid concentrations in the lake. This approach
has been used to describe the situation in Lakes Balaton (Somlyody, 1982;
Somlyody and Stanbury, 1986), Arres¢ (Kristensen et at., 1992) and·
Veluwemeer (Aalderink et al., 1985). The increase of resuspension in the
fitted model can be either concave (b,; 0.4 in Veluwemeer) or convex (b,;
1.45 in Arres!ll) (Fig. 2.14).
Although this difference is surprising at first sight, a look at the theoreti-
cally derived relationship (Fig. 2.13) may explain the discrepancy. As ar-


,~ 60

,"' 40
V> 20

0 2 4 6 8 10
Wind speed (m s·1)

Fig. 2.14 Increase of suspended solid concentration (S) with wind velocity (W)
according to Somlyody's empirical model fitted to data from two different lakes (see
Sedimentation and resuspension 43

Fig. 2.15 Benthivorous fishes such as bream (Abramis brama) usually dominate the
fish community of turbid shallow lakes. These animals can increase turbidity by
whirling up the sediment in search for benthic food. They also stimulate algal blooms
by enhancing the nutrient flow from the sediment to the water column and by
consuming waterfieas that would otherwise graze on algae.

gued, the general relationship between resuspension and wind velocity

should be roughly sigmoidal. A simple exponential function, as used in the
above models, can not produce the complete sigmoid. With an exponent (b,)
larger than one, however, it can mimic the exponential increase in the left
part of the sigmoid, while the saturating right part of the sigmoid can be
described if the exponent is set smaller than one. Thus, the simple exponen-
tial model should give good results as long as the data points are restricted
44 The abiotic environment
to either of the sides. The explanation for the difference in b, between the
two lakes may thus be that Veluwemeer is simply closer to the saturated side
of the range than Arresf/.1.

Sediment resuspension by fish

In shallow lakes a large part of the fish community usually feeds on inverte-
brates that live in the surface layer of the sediment, such as midge larvae,
molluscs and worms. Bream (Abramis brama) is a notorious benthivore in
European lakes (Fig. 2.15). It forages by sucking in sediment, from which
the food particles are retained by filtering through the gill raker system
(Lammens, 1991).
As a result, the non-retained fine sediment particles become suspended
in the water, and a small pit (2-4cm across) is left in the sediment surface
from the feeding event. A look under water in lakes where benthivorous fish
are abundant often shows the sediment surface almost entirely covered by
such forageing craters. The effect of the continuous resuspension by
benthivorous fish on turbidity can be pronounced. This is illustrated, for
instance, by the effects of the experimental reduction of the fish stock in
the shallow Lake Bleiswijkse Zoom (The Netherlands}. The density of
benthivorous fish was about 600kgha-1 in this small turbid lake. Reduction
of the stock to about 200 kg ha resulted in an almost instantaneous increase

• - - - - • Galgje (treated area)
- Zeeltje (control area)
~ 30

~ 20 ,


~ 10
................ -.... . . . . . .........
... ......
May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Dec.

Fig. 2.16 Inorganic solids concentration in Lake Bleiswijkse Zoom following fish
removal in April1987. From Meijer et aL (1989).
Sedimentation and resuspension 45
in transparency which appeared to be largely due to a drop in the concentra-
tion of inorganic suspended solids (Fig. 2.16).
Theoretically, the effect of benthivores on suspended solids can be un-
derstood from the basic equations that describe the balance of resuspension
and sedimentation in a similar way as wind resuspension (Eqs. 18 and 19). If
the daily amount of material that is resuspended is assumed to be propor-
tional to the biomass of benthivorous fish Bb the model can be written as:

dS = q Bb _.!...(s-s) (20)
dt D D o

and the equilibrium concentration in the water column (S*)is predicted to

increase linearly with the biomass of benthivorous fish:


where q is the amount of sediment stirred up per unit of fish biomass each
This simple model is surprisingly well in line with observations. For
instance, the concentration of inorganic suspended solids in several Dutch
ponds and small lakes where wind resuspension is unimportant shows a
linear increase with the biomass of benthivorous fish (Fig. 2.17).



Si 20

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Benthivorous fish (kg.ha-1 m-1)

Fig. 2.17 Relationship between inorganic suspended solid concentrations and the
biomass of benthivorous fish in several Dutch ponds. From Meijer et al. (1989).
46 The abiotic environment

"~ 300


E 100
Cl 0 200 400 600
Benthivorous fish (kg ha-1)

- 60

~ 40


""~ 20

0 200 400 600
Benthivorous fish (kg ha-1)

Fig. 2.18 Increase of the flux of sedimentating material (upper panel) and the
concentration of suspended solids with the biomass of benthivorous bream in a
series of experimental ponds. Modified from Breukelaar eta!. (1994).

The effect of sediment resuspension by fish has also been studied experi-
mentally in a series of ponds that were stocked with carp (Cyprinus carpio)
and bream (Abramis brama) of different size classes and in different den-
sities (Breukelaar et al., 1994). As expected, both the sedimentation rate,
measured with sediment traps, and the concentration of suspended solids in
the water column increased approximately linearly with fish density (Fig.
The impact of resuspension on turbidity in these ponds is considerable.
Using regression models to separate the effect of changes in phytoplankton,
Breukelaar et al. (1994) estimated that, roughly speaking, resuspension by a
Sedimentation and resuspension 47
moderate benthivorous stock of 30kgha-1 suffices to reduce the Secchi-
depth from crystal clear water to less than 1 m. This impact is not surprising
in view of the activity of the fish. An average bream was computed to
suspend five times its own body weight per day (q = 5gg-1 day-1) in these
Obviously, the obtained results can not be simply extrapolated to other
situations. The activity of fish may vary from case to case, and the type of
sediment will affect resuspension as well as the settling rate of particles. The
sediment in the experimental ponds consisted mainly of clay. On sandy soils
the effect will probably be less, while, on the other hand, certain soft organic
sediments can have much lower settling rates, increasing the potential im-
pact of benthivores on the concentration of suspended material.
As mentioned earlier, the sensitivity of sediment to resuspension
by waves depends strongly on the state of the sediment surface layer. If
the sediment is left undisturbed, the critical shear needed for resuspension
increases over time due to consolidation. In view of this mechanism,
benthivorous fish may be expected to increase the sensitivity of shallow
lakes to wind. Their -activity keeps the sediment from consolidating in
periods with low wind. As a consequence, a smaller shear and therefore
less wind is needed for resuspension. Obviously, this mechanism will not
be important if the fetch to depth ratio of a lake is such that wind
resuspension itself is very frequent, preventing consolidation altogether, as
in Lake Arres(ll mentioned in Chapter 2. Nor will it be of any significance
in cases where wind resuspension is very rare, as in the experimental
ponds discussed above. In intermediate situations, however, this indirect
effect of benthivorous fish on resuspension may be expected to contribute to

The effect of vegetation on sedimentation and resuspension

The effect of vegetation on resuspension has been long since noted. Jackson
and Starrett (1959), for instance, showed that in Lake Chatauqua (Illinois,
USA) turbidity is much higher in winter when wind-induced waves stir up
the unprotected sediments, than in summer when vegetation covers the lake
bottom and wind has little or no effect upon turbidity (Fig. 2.19).
Also, the effect of vegetation is indicated by the fact that resuspension
has become a major source of turbidity in several large shallow lakes that
were clear until they lost their vegetation, such as Lakes Apopka and
Tiimnaren described in the previous chapter. Not surprisingly, it has been
found that macrophyte abundance is an important source of error in models
that attempt to relate predicted wave induced shear stress to actual sus-
pended sediment concentrations (Hamilton and Mitchell, 1996).
Not only submerged plant beds, but also zones of emergent vegetation
help to reduce wind resuspension in shallow lakes. This is shown, for in-
stance, by Dieter (1990), who measured sediment resuspension in open and
48 The abiotic environment

Spring (no vegetation present)
Summer (vegetation present)

j 500
~ 400
-'=' 300
f- 200

0 0 0

6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34
Wind speed (miles per hour)

Fig. 2.19 Turbidities of Lake Chautauqua, Illinois, USA, occurring at various wind
velocities in the spring when no vegetation is present and in the summer when
vegetation has developed. Redrawn from Jackson and Starret (1959).

protected areas in a couple of shallow Dakota lakes. The amount of sus-

pended matter collected in sediment traps appeared to be 2-4 times less in
areas sheltered by emergent vegetation stands than in more open parts.
Obviously, the effect of submerged plants on resuspension will depend
on vegetation density and structure. Especially strong effects have been
noted in dense fields of charophytes. Indeed inoculation of new farmponds
with charophytes has been suggested as a practical method to prevent
them from becoming turbid with suspended sediment (Crawford, 1979).
Charophyte vegetation can reach a high biomass and most species concen-
trate this biomass close to the sediment, covering it like a dense mat.
Obviously, this strongly reduces the water movement at the sediment sur-
face. Resuspension by waves within such vegetation will occur rarely if at all.
Also, access of benthivorous fish to the sediment is hindered. These animals
are generally not found in densely vegetated areas. Thus the resuspension
part of the cycle is largely blocked. In addition, sedimentation may be
speeded up in such vegetation due to a reduction of the effective mixing
depth. If the vegetation is dense enough turbulent mixing will be prevented
throughout the plant filled volume. This stagnation of vertical mixing may
be enhanced by steep vertical temperature gradients that can build up on
sunny days. The mechanism is the same as that operating at the thermocline
that separates the epilimnion from the hypolimnion in stratified lakes. The
Nutrient dynamics 49
warm upper layers tend not to mix with the colder lower ones because warm
water 'floats' on the denser layers of cold water. Thus the gradient is stable.
As a result, turbulent mixing is reduced to the often shallow layer of water
above the vegetation. Since, as explained earlier, settling loss is inversely
related to mixing depth, this situation may lead to high loss rates of algal
cells and other suspended particles.
The effect of Chara vegetation on the sedimentation-resuspension cycle
is illustrated nicely by a phenomenon that can sometimes be observed in
Veluwemeer (see also Section 5.2). Large areas with clear water occur
above dense mats of Chara contraria, contrasting sharply with the highly
turbid water in the rest of the lake. Aerial photographs show that the
transition from the clear to the turbid area is very sharp, occupying a zone
of only about 10m. Storms can induce horizontal currents that destroy the
gradient, pushing turbid water over the vegetation fields. When the wind
stops, however, the water clears up in the fields within a day. The lake depth
in these areas is only between 0.3 and 0.8m, at least 0.2m of which is
occupied by vegetation. Since the average sinking velocity of the seston
particle is in the order of magnitude of 1m per day, this clearing up can
easily be accounted for by settling loss.
Obviously, weed beds may be expected to be net sinks of sediment as
settling of matter from incoming water will usually exceed resuspension. A
study of erosion and sedimentation in vegetated and nonvegetated areas in
a Wisconsin reservoir confirms this idea (James and Barko, 1990). In the
summer period when macrophytes were present, sediment accretion was
found not only on deep sites but also in shallow plant dominated areas.


The seasonal dynamics of nutrient availability in shallow lakes differ pro-
foundly from the typical pattern observed in deep stratified lakes. In deep
lakes there is a continuous loss of nutrients from the epilimnion to the
hypolimnion during the summer. Despite the fact that recycling within
the epilimnetic community is very efficient, there is always a fraction of the
particulate matter that gets lost as it sinks irreversibly through the
thermocline to the bottom. Due to this sinking loss the epilimnion of a
stratified lake can lose up to half of its total phosphorus during the summer
(Guy et al., 1994). Nutrients from the material that is mineralized in the
hypolimnion can only return to the epilimnion after the autumn turnover
when the whole lake becomes mixed again.
In contrast, the pelagic system of shallow lakes does not show this system-
atic loss of nutrients during the summer. The intense sediment-water con-
tact ensures a rapid return of most sedimentated material into the water
column. In addition, the relatively high sediment temperatures in summer
lead to an increase in mineralization rates, and consequently to an increased
50 The abiotic environment

F M A M J A 5 0 N D

Fig. 2.20 Difference between the seasonal changes in total-P concentrations in the
epilimnion of stratified lakes (upper panel) as opposed to total-P dynamics in shal-
low (well mixed) lakes (lower panel) in Denmark. Data are from a eutrophic set of
lakes (0.2 < total-P < 0.5mgll). Redrawn from Jeppesen (1996).

release of nutrients from the sediment (Jeppesen eta/., 1996). As a result the
nutrient concentration in shallow lakes tends to follow the opposite seasonal
pattern of what is generally observed in stratified lakes (Fig. 2.20).
Riley and Prepas (1985) found that, on average, the total phosphorus
concentration in mixed lakes increased by 57% from the spring to summer
while the summer values in the epilimnion of stratified lakes in their data set
were 13% below the spring concentrations on average.
Phosphorus has probably received more attention than any other nutri-
ent in limnology. In shallow lakes, the intense sediment-water contact gives
an extra dimension to the eutrophication problem. Much of the phosphorus
that has been absorbed by the sediment during eutrophication can be re-
leased to the water column later. This 'internal loading' can cause a delay of
many years in the response of lake water concentrations to a reduction of
the external loading. For nitrogen the sediment-buffer effect is less relevant
(Jensen et al., 1991). Instead, it has been shown that substantial amounts of
nitrogen can disappear from shallow lakes as a result of denitrification.
Although nitrogen limitation occurs frequently, its dynamics have been
studied less extensively.

The availability of phosphorus

A major problem of analysing the role of phosphorus as a nutrient for algae
in lakes, is that it is very difficult to determine how much is actually available
to the algae. Phosphorus in the water column occurs in many different
forms. It is common practice to split up this highly diverse total pool of
phosphorus into a few fractions that can be distinguished by simple tech-
niques (Fig. 2.21 ).
First, filtering over a membrane of 0.45!-lm separates the particulate
fraction (including the algae) from the total soluble phosphorus. The latter
is further divided by chemical methods into soluble reactive phosphorus
(SRP) and soluble unreactive phosphorus (SUP).
Nutrient dynamics 51

Particulate P

Total P

Soluble P <~·---·
Soluble Unreactive P

Fig. 2.21 The total pool of phosphorus in lake water is split up in fractions that can
be distinguished by simple techniques. The particulate fraction is separated by
filtration from the total soluble phosphorus. The latter is further divided by chemical
methods into soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and soluble unreactive phosphorus

Unfortunately, this subdivision does not give much insight into what is
actually available for algal growth. First of all, it is important to distinguish
between immediate availability, and long-term availability. Immediately
available is what can be taken up by phosphorus starved test algae in the
laboratory within a few hours (Bostrom et al., 1988b). It was long assumed
that SRP was a good estimate of the immediately available fraction. The
idea was that SRP was largely equivalent to orthophosphate (HPO/-,
H 2P04-), and that this orthophosphate was the sole form of phosphorus
utilized by algae. It is now clear that neither of these assumptions is really
correct and that there is not even a fixed proportionality between immedi-
ately bioavailable phosphorus and chemically assessed SRP (Bostrom et al.,
1988b). Nonetheless, laboratory experiments to estimate the immediately
available pool are tedious, and SRP still gives the best estimate in practice.
With respect to understanding why some lakes have a higher algal
biomass than others, immediately available phosphorus is not really the
most relevant statistic. Many of the forms of phosphorus that are not di-
rectly available to algae can be transformed into available forms relatively
quickly. Desorption and dissolution can make part of the inorganic
particulate phosphorus available, and also the turnover of phosphorus that
is present in algae can be extremely rapid (e.g. Rigler, 1956). Obviously, it
would be useful to have an indication of the total amount of phosphorus that
is available to algae. In practically all eutrophication studies the total con-
centration in the water column ('total-P') is used as such. This pragmatic
solution has two problems. First of all, part of the phosphorus fractions in
the Jake water can not be converted into available phosphorus. Secondly,
and in our context more importantly, in shallow lakes there is an intensive
exchange between phosphorus in the water column and phosphorus in the
52 The abiotic environment
sediments. Thus, a substantial part of the relevant available phosphorus
pool in shallow lakes is present in the sediment rather than the water
column. Therefore, the traditionally used 'total-P' is in fact a far from
perfect indicator for the nutrient status of shallow lakes. Release of SRP
from the sediment into the water depends on the composition of the sedi-
ment and the SRP concentration in the lake water (S!Zindergaard et a/.,
1992), but also varies strongly depending on the conditions at the sediment-
water interface. Understanding this sediment-water interaction is therefore
crucial for understanding the phosphorus dynamics of shallow lakes.

Sediment as a phosphorns buffer

In lakes that have received a more or less constant input of water and
nutrients for many years, the phosphorus concentration in the lake water
(P) is usually lower than the concentration of the inflowing water (P1). This
is because part of the nutrients are retained in the slowly accumulating
sediment layer, a process that is mainly driven by a net sedimentation of
dead organic material. Of course, this discrepancy between inflow and lake
concentration depends on the time that water spends on average in the lake.
If water passes quickly through the lake, the so-called hydraulic retention
time (t,) is short, and the relative influence of processes in the lake becomes
less. In that situation, the nutrient concentration in the lake water resembles
the concentration of the inflowing water more closely. In the 1970s
Vollenweider (1977) found that the effect of retention time and inflow
concentration on the lake water concentration can be reasonably described
by a simple equation:


Later an exponent was added to the function to obtain a slightly better fit
(Vollenweider and Kerekes, 1982), but the above formula has become well
known as the Vollenweider model.
Since the empirical Vollenweider equation describes a generic relation-
ship between input and the equilibrium concentration in the lake, it can in
principle also be used to predict the effect of a reduction in nutrient loading
on the concentration in the lake water. After a transient period the nutrient
concentration in the lake should settle to a new equilibrium value depending
on the new input concentration and hydraulic retention time in the way
described by Vollenweider's equation. If the hydraulic situation (and hence
t,) is unaltered by the restoration measures, a short-cut is sometimes made
by estimating that the mean P concentration in the lake should decrease
roughly in proportion to the change in P input (Sonzogni et al., 1976).
Jeppesen and co-workers (1991) used this approximation to study the set-
Nutrient dynamics 53



>. 10
"0 5
0 0


78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Fig. 2.22 External phosphorus loading (upper panel) and phosphorus retention
(lower panel) in the Danish Lake S!i!bygaard from 1978 to 1990. Before 1983 the
loading was high and the lake accumulated phosphorus. After a strong reduction in
the external loading at the end of 1982 there is a net loss of phosphorus from the lake
that continues for years, indicating that the sediment keeps releasing phosphorus to
the lake water. From S!i!ndergaard eta/. (1993).

tling to the predicted new state for 27 Danish lakes that had received a
substantial reduction in nutrient loading. It appeared that even 4-16 years
after the reduction in loading, the decrease in concentration in most lakes
was still far less than expected from the reduction in the input concentration.
54 The abiotic environment
Part of this delay can be explained from the time it takes to dilute the
nutrient rich lake water with the cleaner inflowing water. Assuming a homo-
geneous well mixed system with no exchange between sediment and water,
it can be derived that it takes about three times the hydraulic retention time
to reduce the surplus pool of phosphorus in the lake water by 95% (Sas,
1989). In some cases the delay can indeed be largely explained by this
dilution effect, but usually the response to a reduction of the inflow concen-
tration takes much longer. The main reason for this is that the sediment
starts acting as a source rather than a net sink of phosphorus (Marsden,
1989; Sas, 1989; Jeppesen et al., 1991). This is illustrated, for instance, by the
response of Lake S!llbygard (Fig. 2.22) to a reduction of the external nutrient
In the period prior to the restoration efforts the lake showed a net
retention of phosphorus (as expected from the Vollenweider relation). Af-
ter a strong reduction of the inflow concentration, however, the lake started
showing a negative retention (that is a net release) of phosphorus. Although
this 'internal phosphorus loading' decreased gradually over the eight years
studied, the authors suggest that the sediment contains enough phosphorus
to support a net release for another 10 years or so.
In view of these buffer effects it is not surprising that in the years follow-
ing a reduction of the external loading, phosphorus concentrations in shal-
low lakes are correlated with release from the sediment rather than with
inflow concentrations (Vander Molen and Boers,1994). From a restoration
point of view it is therefore useful to be able to predict the effect of internal
loading on the lake water after an intended reduction of the inflow concen-
tration. A reasonable guess would be that the phosphorus content of the
sediment is indicative of the potential internal loading. Correlative studies,
however, show that the concentration of phosphorus in the lake water is not
(Jensen et al.,1992) or only weakly (Vander Molen and Boers, 1994) related
to the phosphorus concentration in the sediment. Instead, the concentra-
tions in the water tend to correlate well with the ratio between phosphorus
and iron concentrations (P: Fe) in the sediment (Jeppesen et al., 1991;
Jensen et al., 1992; Vander Molen and Boers, 1994). This is presumably
because iron is the most important agent binding phosphorus in the aerobic
upper layer of the sediment in most lakes. Interestingly, for the subset of
lakes where the P/Fe ratio (gig) in the sediment is lower than 1110, the
correlation with lake water concentrations becomes weak (Jensen et al.,
1992; Vander Molen and Boers, 1994). This suggests the simple rule that
iron in the sediments of these shallow lakes is able to bind more or less
permanently an amount of phosphorus equivalent to about 10% of its own
weight, and that it is basically only the surplus phosphorus that constitutes
the pool from which there can be a release to the lake water.
This empirical 10% rule is also reflected in the vertical concentration
gradient of iron and phosphorus in the sediment of Lake S!llbygard
(S!Ilndergaard et al., 1993). As mentioned earlier, eight years after reduction
Nutrient dynamics 55
of the external loading, the sediment was still releasing phosphorus (Fig.
2.22). The depth profile of the Fe:P ratio (Fig. 2.23), however, shows
that the Fe: P ratio in the upper sediment layers has already stabilized at a
value of approximately 10, suggesting that the main source of released
phosphorus is now the sediment at a depth of around 20cm where the ratio
is lower.
Besides being able to predict the effect of internal loading after a reduc-
tion of the external loading, it is also of practical interest to predict for how
many years this phenomenon is likely to delay the recovery. Since the
phosphorus released by the sediment has to be washed out somehow by the
water flowing through the lake, it seems reasonable to expect that lakes with
a higher throughflow ('flushing rate') recover faster. Danish data, however,
indicate that this is not the case (Jeppesen et al., 1991). Lakes with a high
flushing rate are just as slow to approach the predicted new equilibrium as
the rest. A possible explanation for this is that a high inflow generally also
implies a high overall nutrient loading in the past, allowing a large accumu-
lation of phosphorus in the sediment during the period before restoration.
Indeed hydraulic retention time in the Danish lakes is strongly correlated
with the yearly P-load and the P-pool in the upper 20cm of the sediment.
Thus, although lakes with high flushing rates may have a better potential to
wash out their phosphorus, this advantage seems to be counterbalanced by
the fact that they also tend to have accumulated more phosphorus in the

"E 12
~ 16



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fe /Totai-P

Fig. 2.23 Variation of the Fe:P ratio with depth in the sediment of Lake Sl1!bygaard.
In the top layer the ratio has decreased to about 10, suggesting that the remaining
phosphorus in this layer can now be entirely immobilized by iron under aerobic
conditions. Redrawn from S!llndergaard eta/. (1993).
56 The abiotic environment
The mechanisms that govern sediment phosphorus release
Although some empirical relationships between lake concentrations, exter-
nalloading and sediment characteristics have been found, a large part of the
variation remains unexplained. Several studies have shown that differences
in, for instance, turbulence, animal activity and plant growth can cause large
variations in the release of phosphorus from the sediment. To understand
these effects, it is necessary to zoom in more closely on the mechanisms that
govern phosphorus dynamics at the sediment surface.

The role of oxygen and iron

It has become evident over the past decade that what happens at the
sediment-water interface is extremely complex (see the reviews by Bostrom
et al., 1988 and by Marsden 1989). The main point, however, was demon-
strated more than half a century ago. Einsele (1936; 1938) and Mortimer
(1941; 1942) showed that iron is very important in immobilizing phosphorus
in sediments, but that this binding only works under aerobic conditions.
Under reduced conditions iron-bound phosphorus is released. Insoluble
Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(II) and both iron and phosphorus are brought in
solution. Due to microbial respiration, oxygen is used up in sediments where
decomposition of organic matter occurs. In deep stratified lakes where there
is practically no oxygen supply to the sediment, sediments are therefore
anoxic. In shallow lakes, however, mixing usually supplies enough oxygen to
the sediment surface to maintain a superficial aerobic layer. It is in this
narrow layer that Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III) and precipitates with phos-
phorus. Because of this immobilization the concentration of phosphorus
that can diffuse from the sediment surface into the lake water drops sharply
when the sediment surface becomes aerobic.
Although phosphorus immobilization is mainly an oxygen and iron story,
some other factors are known to play a role as well. Importantly, high pH
values reduce the capacity of iron to bind phosphorus (Lijklema, 1977).
Elevated pH values in the water column arise when photosynthetic activity
is very high, and this can affect the pH of the sediment surface, promoting
the release of iron-bound phosphorus. Inlet of water that is rich in calcium
and carbonate may buffer the pH in such situations leading to a decrease in
phosphorus release from the sediment (Hosper, 1985; Hosper and Meijer,
1986). On the other hand in poorly buffered soft-water systems, inlet of
HCo,- -rich water may result in a pH rise causing an increased phosphorus
release from the sediment (Smolders and Roelofs, 1995). A special situation
can arise in highly organic sediments where sulphide is sometimes produced
from sulfate reduction (Moss, 1988; Phillips et al., 1994; Smolders and
Roelofs, 1995). In that case part of the iron can become unavailable for
phosphorus immobilization because Fe(II) is removed from the pore water
due to precipitation with sulphide as insoluble FeS.
Nutrient dynamics 57
It has also been suggested that high concentrations of nitrate may some-
times buffer the redox potential of the sediment surface, preventing a re-
lease of iron-bound phosphorus in much the same way as oxygen supply
does (Andersen, 1982). In addition, aluminum and calcium carbonate can
play a role in immobilizing phosphorus in some lakes (see reviews by
Bostrom et at. 1988; Marsden 1989 and Lijklema 1994). However, it seems
that iron remains the dominant factor for phosphorus immobilization in
virtually all cases. Even in the hard water Lake Balaton, for instance, where
65% of the sediment consists of carbonates and only 0.5% of iron, most of
the sediment phosphorus is associated with the latter (Lijklema, 1994).

Turbulence and decomposition

Because of the overriding importance of iron as a precipitating agent, the
aerobic surface layer plays a key role in the regulation of the internal
phosphorus cycle of shallow lakes (Fig. 2.24) as it can prevent a major part
of the sediment phosphorus pool from entering the lake water.
Turbulence in the water column and decomposition in the sediment are
key factors in the internal phosphorus cycle of shallow lakes, not only
because of their obvious roles in transport and production of SRP (soluble
reactive phosphorus), but also because of their effect on the redox situation

ITuhulence I
.,/' ~

Aerobic layer

' 0

0 •

Fig. 2.24 Schematic representation of the main processes involved in the internal
phosphorus cycle of a shallow lake. Turbulence promotes diffusion of phosphorus
out of the sediment, but also helps maintaining the anaerobic surface layer where
phosphorus is immobilized by iron. The decomposition process supplies mineral
phosphorus, but also uses oxygen, thereby reducing the size of the aerobic layer.
58 The abiotic environment
at the sediment surface. The maintenance of an aerobic layer depends
critically on the balance between microbial consumption of oxygen in the
sediment and oxygen supply from the aerobic water layer. If oxygen supply
from the water column is insufficient to counterbalance the microbial up-
take, the sediment surface becomes anoxic and phosphorus can no longer be
immobilized by iron.
The importance of turbulence for oxygenating the sediment surface is
well illustrated by an incident that occurred during experiments in an in situ
chamber in Gullmarsfjorden in Sweden (Sundby et al., 1986). When stirring
device in the chamber failed, black anaerobic patches soon developed on
the sediment surface and the SRP concentration within the chamber in-
creased fivefold, even though the water column had remained aerobic.
Although animal activity can contribute significantly to mixing at the sedi-
ment surface, wind-induced turbulence may explain most of the differences
between lakes. Since resuspension and oxygenation of the sediment are
both driven by the turbulence at the sediment surface it is not surprising that
iron controlled phosphorus release is in practice related to lake size and
depth in much the same way as resuspension (Fig. 2.25).
Lakes that are on the borderline in this plot may stratify only during short
periods of warm weather in summer. Such periods may suffice to cause
anoxic conditions in the ephemeral hypolimnion that induce a shot of
anaerobic phosphorus release from the sediment. Subsequent mixing of the
lake may then bring about a significant increase of phosphorus concentra-
tion in the whole water column (Riley and Prepas, 1984; Kallio, 1994). Even


g •
~ 0
E 50 0

0,1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
Surface area (km 2)

Fig. 2.25 The distribution of tbe reported form of sediment phosphorus release
relative to the lake surface area and maximum depth. Closed circles represent
anaerobic release, open circles aerobic release and partly open circles are lakes with
both forms of release. Redrawn from Marsden (1989).
Nutrient dynamics 59
in the absence of distinct stratification, however, a reduced turbulence can
lead to anoxic conditions at the sediment surface as shown by the experi-
mental mixing problem in Gullmarsfjorden.
The overall relationship between turbulence and sediment phosphorus
release is complicated by the fact that turbulence has two opposite effects
(Fig. 2.24 ). It prevents excessive anaerobic phosphorus release by oxidizing
the sediment surface, but it also promotes diffusion of phosphorus from the
aerobic top sediment into the water. The subtle balance between these two
effects is illustrated by a time-series analysis of phosphorus dynamics and
wind velocity for the shallow (2.7m) Dutch Lake Westeinder (De Groot,
1981 ). In this lake the phosphorus release from the sediment peaks on windy
days probably due to enhanced diffusion from the sediment. However,
when longer periods (months) are considered the correlation between aver-
age wind and phosphorus release is reversed; The flux of phosphorus from
the sediment into the water column being higher during calm periods than
in periods with windy weather. Supposedly, diffusion of oxygen into the top
sediment is insufficient in such periods of reduced turbulence to prevent
anaerobic conditions at the sediment, resulting in an elevated phosphorus

At the most turbulent side of the range of mixing conditions, sediment is
resuspended. Depending on the situation resuspended particles can either
adsorb phosphorus from the surrounding water or release it (Serruya, 1977;
Yousef et al., 1980; Gunatilaka, 1982; Lennox, 1984), but in the P-loaded
sediments of many eutrophic lakes release is likely to dominate in summer.
The potential importance of resuspension in enhancing sediment P release
is illustrated well by the work of S!l)ndergaard and co-workers (1992). They
measured how phosphorus release from sediment cores collected in Lake
Arresp increased during experimental resuspension. Internal P-loading in-
duced by resuspension appeared to be 20-30 times greater than release from
the undisturbed sediment. This could not be explained simply from entrance
of nutrient rich pore water into the water column. Also, the SRP release was
not related to the amount of sediment that was brought into suspension.
This suggests that SRP release during resuspension depends largely on the
absorption-desorption kinetics. When the suspended particles are over-
saturated, they release phosphorus. The net release becomes nil when the
SRP concentration in the water has increased enough to be in equilibrium
with the particle bound P-fraction. For sediment sampled in summer, an
extra portion of SRP could be released when the sediment was resuspended
again one day later, but such an extra release could not be obtained from
sediment sampled in the spring. This indicates that it is largely the minerali-
zation of fresh organic material present in the summer sediment that feeds
the pool of exchangeable phosphorus in the top layer of Lake Arres!l).
60 The abiotic environment


turbulence at sediment surface

Fig. 2.26 Schematic representation of the effect of turbulence at the sediment sur-
face on phosphorus release from the sediment (see text).

Summarizing the overall-effect of turbulence on sediment phosphorus

release (Fig. 2.26): at low turbulence, oxygen supply to the sediment surface
is insufficient to balance uptake by bacteria.
The resulting anaerobic conditions result in a high phosphorus release.
At higher turbulence the sediment surface becomes oxygenated and phos-
phorus is immobilized by iron. A further increase in turbulence slightly
enhances diffusion of phosphorus from the sediment, until a critical turbu-
lence is exceeded and the top layer of the sediment is resuspended. At this
point diffusion is no longer limiting and phosphorus release depends only on
the SRP concentration in the water and the amount of phosphorus that is
bound 'loosely' to the suspended sediment particles.
Mineralization of organic material in the top layers of the sediment is a
main process affecting the shape of this hypothetical relationship. As ar-
gued, decomposition promotes phosphorus release from the sediment in
two ways (Fig. 2.24). First, it enriches the pool of exchangeable phosphorus
in the sediment. As shown in the Arresf/l experiments this enhances the
potential release of phosphorus in repeated resuspension events (the right-
hand saturation level in Fig. 2.26). Secondly, microbial decomposition uses
up oxygen, and if oxygen supply from the water column is insufficient to
counterbalance the microbial uptake, the aerobic surface layer becomes
thinner and may eventually disappear entirely, allowing the iron-bound
phosphorus to go into solution. Thus the critical turbulence needed to
prevent anaerobic phosphorus release (Fig. 2.26) will increase with
microbial activity. Obviously, mineralization activity increases with
Nutrient dynamics 61
eutrophication. In addition, it shows a strong seasonal variation with ·a
maximum in summer. This is because microbial activity increases with tem-
perature, but also because the large amounts of settling algae provide a
continuous input of fresh substratum for the bacteria. As argued, increased
chances of temporal 'micro-stratification' are another reason why warm
summer weather can boost sediment phosphorus release.

Nitrogen dynamics
Nitrogen is less often reported as a limiting nutrient in lakes than phospho-
rus. Also it does not show the strong resilience to reduction efforts described
for phosphorus. Both factors probably contributed to the fact that its dy-
namics have received less attention than those of phosphorus. Although
there are some similarities, the processes that govern nitrogen cycling differ
widely from those implied in the phosphorus dynamics. Three major fea-.
tures set nitrogen aside from phosphorus: it does not accumulate in the
sediment that strongly; it can disappear as gas into the atmosphere under
certain conditions; and some cyanobacteria can use atmospheric nitrogen as
a nutrient (Fig. 2.27).
Decomposition of organic material normally leads to the release of nitro-
gen as ammonium (NH/). The ammonium produced by this so-called
'ammonification' of detritus can diffuse into the water column where it
can be readily used as a nitrogen source by algae and macrophytes. In
the aerobic top layer of the sediment, ammonium can be transformed
microbially to nitrate (NO,-). This process is called nitrification. Although
it can happen under the aerobic conditions in the water column as well, it

-<=:; ...-

Fig. 2.27 Schematic representation of the main processes involved in the internal
nitrogen cycle of a shallow lake (see text).
62 The abiotic environment
is reported to occur predominantly in the sediment where ammonium
concentrations are normally high (Lijklema, 1994). Unlike phosphate,
ammonium and nitrate are hardly adsorbed by sediment particles and do
not normally precipitate to insoluble forms in the sediment either. There-
fore, the strong accumulation in the sediment that is found for phosphorus
in eutrophied lakes does not occur for nitrogen (Jensen eta/., 1991 ). This is
probably the reason why lake water concentrations of nitrogen tend to
respond more promptly to reduction of the external loading than phospho-
rus concentrations.
When nitrate ends up in an anaerobic situation, it can be microbially
transformed into N, which can not be used as a nutrient by most algae, and
largely disappears as gas to the atmosphere. This process, called
denitrification, can constitute the major loss of nitrogen from lakes (Jensen
eta/., 1991; Lijklema, 1994; Windolf et a/., 1996). Because denitrification
itself requires anaerobic conditions, but its substrate (nitrate) is produced
under aerobic conditions, denitrification works mainly where both condi-
tions co-occur or alternate in time. Therefore, the sediment surface is a very
important site for denitrification. Denitrification rates are difficult to meas-
ure in the field. An indirect way to estimate denitrification is through the
mass balance. What goes into the lake and does not leave it is normally
called retention. In the case of nitrogen this is obviously not a very adequate
term, as part of it may be retained in the sediment, but another part is
released into the atmosphere. Jensen and co-workers (1991) showed for a
set of 69 shallow Danish lakes that burial in the sediment could only explain
23% of the total nitrogen loss. The remaining 77% is likely to disappear
largely through denitrification, as the contribution of other loss processes
are thought to be minor.
Empirical studies show that nitrogen loss is highest in shallow systems
(Vollenweider and Kerekes, 1982; Lijklema eta/., 1989; Jensen eta/., 1991).
This fits well with the idea that denitrification is the dominant process
involved and that the sediment surface is the most important site for
denitrification. As with phosphorus, the retention of nitrogen in a lake is
larger when the water passes through the lake more slowly. In shallow lakes
with a hydraulic retention time of more than a month it is not unusual to find
that more than 50% of the nitrogen is 'retained' (Fig. 2.28), most of which
has probably disappeared into the air. Because of this, shallow lakes can
play an important role in reducing nitrogen concentrations in the passing
Obviously, the effect of nitrogen loss on the lake water concentration is
also highest in lakes with a high hydraulic retention time, as the longer water
stays in the lake, the stronger nitrogen concentrations can be reduced by
denitrification and burial in the sediment. Windolf and co-workers (1996)
analysed this effect statistically and found that 83% of the variation in
annual mean lake water concentrations (N) in a set of well studied Danish
Nutrient dynamics 63

Fig. 2.28 Annual mean percentage retention of nitrogen (Nm) versus hydraulic
retention time ( r,) during four subsequent years in 16 Danish lakes. From Windolf et
a/. (1996).

shallow lakes from the inflow concentration (N;) and hydraulic retention
time ( ;,) by the following equation:


As explained in the next chapter, some cyanobacteria are able to use N2 as

a nitrogen source. Since this form of nitrogen is replenished by diffusion
from the atmosphere into the lake water, N2 fixation by cyanobacteria
represents a net influx of nitrogen into the system. The contribution of
nitrogen fixation to the total nitrogen balance of the lake has been studied
in some detail for Naardermeer and Nieuwkoopse Plassen (DeNobel,
unpublished results). In these Dutch lakes, nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria
often bloom for a period of about three months in the summer. Nitrogen
fixation during the blooms was estimated to represent about 20% of the
total nitrogen - input to the lakes on an annual basis. This equals the losses
estimated to result from denitrification in the lakes. However, most rates of
N2 fixation reported in the literature (Howarth et a/., 1988) are very low
relative to the contribution of external loading found in shallow lakes
(Windolf et aL, 1996).
64 The abiotic environment
Carbon as a limiting nutrient
The availability of carbon as a limiting nutrient has received relatively little
attention. In a sense inorganic carbon is an inexhaustible resource as it can
be continuously supplied from the atmosphere. However, the strong in-
crease in pH observed in productive lakes indicates that the supply rate may
often be outstripped by the demand. Nonetheless, phytoplankton growth is
probably rarely limited by carbon (Harris, 1986). This is certainly not the
case for the growth of submerged macrophytes (Vadstrup and Madsen,
1995). As explained later slow diffusion of carbon through the boundary
layer around the leaves is a major problem preventing a high enough supply
rate to keep up with the photosynthetic demand. Unlike in terrestrial envi-
ronments not only C0 2 but also HCo,- can be an important source of
carbon for many aquatic plants, even though the latter is usually assimilated
less efficiently (Hutchinson, 1975). In addition to diffusion from the air,
mineralization of organic material at the sediment surface may be an impor-
tant source of carbon for the water column of shallow lakes. Nonetheless,
carbon enrichment experiments also indicate that in shallow water supply
rates may be insufficient to prevent carbon limitation in submerged vegeta-
tion (Vadstrup and Madsen, 1995).

The effect of algae and macrophytes on nutrient dynamics

There are several mechanisms through which phytoplankton tends to in-
crease the total concentration of nutrients in the water column. As ex-
plained earlier, fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by cyanobacteria may
contribute significantly to the influx of nitrogen into the lake under some
conditions. But especially pronounced are the effects of phytoplankton on
the release of phosphorus from the sediment into the water column. As
argued, settling algae are rapidly mineralized at the sediment surface during
the summer. Depending on the conditions, the phosphorus released in the
mineralization process can be efficiently recycled into the water column. In
addition to this, high algal productivity may stimulate the release of iron-
bound phosphorus. This is due to three different mechanisms. First, the flux
of settling algae stimulates the mineralization process increasing the prob-
ability of anoxic conditions at the sediment surface. Secondly, high photo-
synthetic activity causes the pH in the water column to rise. Since the
capacity of iron to bind phosphorus decreases at high pH, this can promote
the release of iron-bound phosphorus from the sediment surface. The third
way in which algae stimulate release of phosphorus from the sediment is by
depleting the orthophosphorus concentration in the water column. When
phosphorus is limiting, algae can reduce SRP to very low values. As argued,
the release of phosphorus from resuspended sediment depends largely
on adsorption-desorption kinetics of SRP to the sediment particles. When
Nutrient dynamics 65
SRP is removed from the water column by algae, this will lead to a release
of loosely bound phosphorus from the sediment until the adsorption-
desorption equilibrium is restored.
Thus, phosphorus-limited algae mobilize phosphorus from the sediment
through various mechanisms. This has an important consequence for the
interpretation of 'total-P', the traditional indicator of the nutrient status of
lakes, since it implies that the total-P concentration in the water column is
really to a certain extent caused by the algae rather than vice versa. Obvi-
ously, this makes the interpretation of regression models explaining algal
biomass from total-Pin shallow lakes problematic. The true total available
phosphorus pool for algal growth includes part of the phosphorus in the
sediment. Since this is difficult to measure, water column total-P is used to
indicate the nutrient status of the lake. When algae grow to reach a phos-
phorus-limited maximum, a large part of the total available phosphorus may
be measurable as water column total-P. However, when algal biomass is
kept low, for instance through zooplankton grazing, an increasing part of the
total available phosphorus pool will be in the sediment and 'total-P' in the
water column will be lower (Fig. 2.29).
It is important to note that this mechanism will lead to correlations
between algal biomass and total-P, even when the total available phospho-
rus pool is constant and the variations in algal biomass are due solely to
other factors. Thus statistical analysis will tend to overestimate the variation
in algal biomass that can be explained from variation in phosphorus.



Fig. 2.29 Effect of algal biomass on the total-P concentration in the water column
(see text).
66 The abiotic environment

Aquatic vegetation affects nutrient dynamics in an even more intricate way

than phytoplankton. Like algae, macrophytes produce detritus that is min-
eralized, leading to a release of phosphorus, and potentially to anoxic
conditions inducing the release of iron-bound phosphorus. Also, high pH
values can arise due to photosynthesis in macrophyte stands, again stimu-
lating sediment phosphorus release. In other aspects, however, the effect
of macrophytes on the phosphorus cycle is different from that of
phytoplankton. Importantly, macrophytes reduce turbulence. As explained
earlier, this works in two opposing ways. It enhances the probability that
anaerobic conditions arise at the sediment surface, but at the same time
it prohibits resuspension and limits diffusion of phosphorus out of the
Another important difference between vegetation and phytoplankton is
that depending on the situation, macrophytes can obtain many of their
nutrients from the sediment rather than from the water column
(Hutchinson, 1975; Barko and Smart, 1980). This implies that nutrients
released from living or decaying plants can potentially represent a net
translocation from the sediment to the water column (Prentki eta[., 1979;
Carpenter, 1980; Carpenter, 1981; Landers, 1982). On the other hand, a
large part of the phosphorus in macrophyte detritus may return to the
sediment (Van Donk et al., 1993); hence macrophyte stands can also act as
a net sink for phosphorus. The bottom line is that in theory, the effect of
macrophytes on phosphorus in the lake water can work either way.
This ambiguity is also reflected by the published experimental results and
field patterns. In the Polish Lake Luknajno, the entire annual phosphorus
load of the lake is estimated to be stored in the dense mats of charophytes
that cover the sediment (Kufel and Ozimek, 1994). In Veluwemeer, how-
ever, ortho-phosphorus concentrations are higher in the dense Chara fields
than in adjacent unvegetated areas (Van den Berg et al., 1997), and in
Alderfen Broad periods of high biomass of submerged plants are character-
ized by a conspicuous increase in total-P concentrations (Fig. 1.2). An
overview of the response of lakes where submerged macrophytes developed
after biomanipulation (Meijer et al., 1994a) shows that totai-P concentra-
tions increase in some cases but decrease in others (Fig. 2.30).
The same biomanipulation studies suggest that the effect of macrophytes
on nitrogen dynamics is more consistent. Since many things change after
reduction of the fish stock, causality is not readily unravelled in these experi-
ments. Nonetheless, the year-to-year changes in total-N concentration in
these lakes follow the changes in vegetation abundance remarkably closely,
suggesting that macrophytes can cause a reduction of the nitrogen concen-
tration in the water column (Fig. 2.31).
There is also a negative correlation between total-N concentration and
macrophyte coverage in a set of 84 Dutch shallow lakes (P = 0.04, unpub-
Nutrient dynamics 67
Macrophytes , / Legend:
60 Noorddiep
40 Vreng

'0 20

2 3 4 5yr


-z 2
·,-....~...... .. ......... ...
-----···"..-::-·-· ... ·""' .......·-·-·-.....
""E .............. _______________ _

Control 2 3 4 5yr

';' 1.00

E 0.50

0.00 +---.-----r---"-::::.:;c==r-------1
Control 2 3 4 5yr

Fig. 2.30 Changes in total-N and total-P concentrations in the water of lakes where
macrophytes have developed in response to a reduction of the fish stock. From
Meijer et at. (1994a).

lished results). The slope of a regression through these data corresponds

well to the magnitude of the effect observed in the biomanipulation experi·
ments. Both analyses suggest that a colonization of 50% of the lake area by
submerged plants results in a decrease of about 1 mg 1-1 in the total-N
concentration. In the same data set, no significant relationship exists be-
tween vegetation coverage and total-P concentrations.
68 The abiotic environment

- -o- - Zwemlust
----+- Vreng
~ -1 ·············•·····•··················.....

-30 10 50 90
change in macrophytes (% of lake area)

Fig. 2.31 Relationship between the year-to-year changes in the percentage of lake
area covered by vegetation and change in the total-N concentrations for the
biomanipulated lakes represented in Fig. 3.30.

The effect of macrophytes on nitrogen concentration may be explained in

part as a result of uptake from the water column. Submerged plants can take
up considerable amounts of nitrogen from the water, part of which is buried
as detritus in the sediment at the end of the growing season. Probably
another important way in which aquatic plants affect nitrogen dynamics is
through their effect on denitrification. As explained, denitrification works
mainly where aerobic and anaerobic conditions co-occur or alternate in
time. Such conditions are likely to occur in plant beds. Oxygen production
in dense vegetation stands is high during the day, but the levels of oxygen
can drop dramatically at night due to respiration. This variation may cause
patches of sediment surface that are aerobic during the day to become
anoxic at night. Also, leakage of oxygen from the roots can cause local
aeration of the anaerobic sediments.
The effects of submerged macrophytes on nutrient dynamics have been
examined in some detail for Lake Zwemlust (Van Donk eta/., 1993) (Fig.
A dense aquatic vegetation gradually developed in this small lake after
biomanipulation (see Chapter 1). Despite the high external nitrogen loading
(9.6gNm-2 y-1) ammonium and nitrate concentrations became reduced be-
low detection levels in the spring and summer in years with abundant
vegetation. On the contrary, SRP concentrations were hardly reduced rela-
tive to the situation when vegetation was absent.
Nutrient dynamics 69
g m3
2 • nitrogen 1986
1!!1111 phosphorus


2 1987


2 1989


water macrophytes phy1oplankton

Fig. 2.32 The amount of N and Pin water, macrophytes and phytoplankton before
(1986) and development of aquatic vegetation in response to a reduction of the fish
stock (N.B. water-N is NH4-N and N0 3-N; water-Pis SRP). Modified after van Donk
et al. (1993).

In tempered lakes, vegetation usually becomes senescent in the autumn

and largely disappears largely during the winter. Hence the effect on nutri-
ent dynamics is seasonal. Uptake from the water column can be maximal
during rapid growth in early summer, while release of nutrients by senescing
plants in the autumn can lead to an increased phytoplankton production in
this period (Goulder, 1969; Landers, 1982; Van Donk et al., 1993; Van Donk
and Hessen, 1995).

Benthic algae
The sediment surface is usually a place of high microbial activity. As
decribed in this chapter the continuous supply of settling organic material
and the aerobic conditions ensure optimal conditions for decomposing bac-
teria. However, if resuspension does not occur too frequently and some light
70 The abiotic environment
penetrates to the bottom, the surface can also be quickly colonized by
benthic algae. The resulting microbial community of algae and bacteria can
form a soft crust that further reduces the probability of resuspension
(Delgado et at., 1991) and forms a barrier to diffusion between sediment and
water. Obviously, the growing benthic algae benefit from the high nutrient
concentrations at the sediment surface and may take up nutrients that would
otherwise have been released to the water column. Also, they oxygenate the
upper sediment layer, facilitating immobilization of phosphorus by iron. In
addition, the increase of the aerobic surface layer tends to enhance the
coupled denitrification-nitrification process as explained in the previous
section. A set of laboratory experiments with undisturbed sediment cores
from Lake Wolderwijd demonstrates the impact of benthic algae (mostly
diatoms) on nutrient dynamics at the sediment surface (Van Luijn et al.,
1995). The overlying water of the cores was replaced by nutrient free water
in a continuous flow set-up, and the temperature was kept at 20"C. Half of
the cores were incubated in the dark, while the others were continuously
illuminated, allowing development of benthic diatoms. After 10 days the
upper 2cm of the illuminated cores had a markedly higher oxygen content
than the dark cores. The release of mineral nitrogen and silicon from the
sediment into the water column was reduced by a factor 6 in the illuminated
cores relative to the dark ones where the benthic algae were unable to grow.
Also, the flux of ortho-phosphorus was three times lower in the illuminated
cores. In the field, temperature and light conditions are less favourable and
algal productivity was estimated to be only 10--30% of what was realized in
the lab. Nonetheless, the results indicate that benthic diatoms may markedly
reduce nutrient release from the sediment.
In addition to the relatively modest development of benthic diatoms, a
thick mat of filamentous algae can sometimes develop at the bottom of clear
shallow water. Often these mats will be pulled up by trapped gas bells
forming the so-called flab (from 'FLoating Algal Beds'). Strong increases in
SRP can occur in water dominated by filamentous algae, presumably due to
anaerobic phosphorus release from the sediment under the beds (Meijer et
at., 1994a).

The effect of animals on nutrient dynamics

Pelagic animals
The role of animals in regulating the nutrient cycling in lakes has been the
topic of much research (see review by Andersson,1988). For pelagic feeding
zooplankton and fish the effect on nutrient dynamics is rather straightfor-
ward. The main part of nutrients contained in the food is soon returned to
the water column through excretion. These mineral nutrients are usually
taken up quickly by phytoplankton again. Thus animals remove biomass
and return a large part of the nutrients almost instantaneously to the water
Nutrient dynamics 71
column. The fast nutrient recycling by herbivorous zooplankton in the
pelagic zone has received particlar attention (Lehman, 1980). Since animals
retain nutrients in a more or less fixed ratio, the excreted mix usually has a
different N: P ratio than the surrounding water. This implies that animals
can affect the N:P ratio in the water, which may in some cases tip the
competitive balance between different groups of algae (see review by Car-
penter et at., 1992).
The part of the nutrient supply that is retained in the growing animal
returns to the water only after the animal is eaten itself or dies in another
way. Periods of high animal mortality may thus cause a peak in the nutrient
supply to the water column. Sometimes, for instance, many fish die in a short
period in the spring after spawning. Decomposition of dead animals after
such mortality peaks can cause a significant nutrient input to the lake water
(Kitchell et at., 1975).

Benthic invertebrates
In the case of benthic invertebrates the effect on nutrient cycling is more
complex (Andersson et at., 1988). Not only do they excrete mineral nutri-
ents, they also enhance mixing at the sediment surface. As argued above, the
latter can work in two ways (Figs. 2.24 and 2.26), as it promotes diffusion of
phosphorus across the sediment surface, but also reduces the chance of
anaerobic phosphorus release because of enhanced aeration of the
top sediment. The effect. of tubificids and chironomid larvae on oxygen
penetration in the sediment has been amply documented (e.g. Davis, f974;
Graneli, 1979). Nonetheless, the overall phosphorus release from the
sediment tends to increase with the density of benthic invertebrates, as
shown from comparisons between lakes (Wisniewski and Planter, 1985).
Obviously, such correlative studies do not allow the conclusion that the
benthos is actually the cause of the elevated phosphorus release. Various
laboratory experiments, however, have clearly demonstrated a causal link.
Gallepp (1979), for instance, showed a linear increase of phosphorus release
from the sediment with increasing densities of Chironomus tentans larvae, in
a throughflow system (Fig. 2.33).

Benthivorous fish
Benthivorous fish eat benthic invertebrates. By reducing invertebrate
biomass they can thus potentially reduce the positive effect of these animals
on sediment phosphorus release. On the other hand, most benthivorous fish
whirl up a lot of sediment while foraging. Also, they excrete much of the
nutrients originating from the consumption of benthos, directly into the
water column, thereby acting as a nutrient pump from the sediment to
the water. The relative importance of these direct and indirect effects is hard
to separate in practice, but many experiments have shown that, overall,
72 The abiotic environment


..,.""0"' /
btl 6

0 •
0 5 10 15 20 25
C. tentans density

Fig. 2.33 The release rate of total-Pas a function of the density of chironomid larval
density (Chironomus tentans) per test tube (37.5cm2 ). Redrawn from Gallepp

.5 10

"' 5

0.. 0
0 25 50 75 100 125
Fish density (g m·2 )

Fig. 2.34 Effect of carp density on phosphorus release into the water column 7-14
days after introduction of carp in enclosures. Redrawn from Lamarra (1974).

benthivorous fish have a positive effect on the concentration of total-P and

algal biomass in the water column (Fig. 2.34) (Lamarra, 1974; Andersson et
al., 1988; Havens, 1993; Breukelaar et al., 1994; Van Donk et al., 1994b).
Havens, for instance, showed these effects in enclosures set up in a
shallow isolated bay of Lake Erie (Ohio, USA) (Havens, 1991; Havens,
1993). Chlorophyll-a was higher in enclosures with fish than in those without
fish, but the effect of fish was largely eliminated by installing a net just above
the bottom to prevent fish from reaching the sediment (Fig. 2.35).
Nutrient dynamics 73
Totai·P Chlorophyll-a



10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
day day

Fig. 2.35 Total-P and chlorophyll concentrations in lake water and in enclosures set
up in a shallow isolated bay of Lake Erie (Ohio, USA). In enclosures where fish are
prevented from reaching the sediment by installing a net just above the bottom fish
effects on total-P and chlorophyll are reduced almost to no-fish levels. Modified from
Havens (1993).

While these results indicate that the effect of fish on phytoplankton in this
case was mainly due to the benthivorous behaviour, the exact mechanism is
not clear. The most obvious causal link is through nutrient enrichment.
Indeed all published enclosure experiments show an elevated total-P
concentration in response to the benthivorous behaviour of fish. Most of the
total phosphorus content of the water column, however, is usually contained
in algae and other suspended material rather than being present as dissolved
ortho-phosphate. As argued this implies a chicken-and-egg problem. Other
mechanisms may contribute to the elevated phytoplankton biomass, and a
high algal biomass can be the cause rather than the effect of the high total-
p content of the water, as explained earlier.
Therefore, to check whether the phosphorus pump mechanism can be
responsible for the effect of benthivorous fish on phytoplankton biomass,
ortho-phosphorus concentrations are more informative than the total-P
content. The results of the experimental pond study discussed earlier in the
section on resuspension by fish (Breukelaar et al., 1994) show that at least in
this case, enhanced phosphorus input into the water phase can not be the
mechanism behind the increase of total-P and chlorophyll concentrations
with fish biomass (Fig. 2.36).
Indeed, the chlorophyll-a concentrations are lowest in the ponds with low
benthivorous fish densities, and this pattern is also recognizable in the total-
p concentrations. However, the ortho-phosphate available for algal growth
shows no consistent relation to benthivorous fish biomass, indicating that
phosphorus-limitation is an unlikely explanation for the effect of fish on

3- 20
~ 15
"" 10
June July Aug. Sept. Oct.

Fig. 2.36 Effect of different densities of benthivorous fish on the concentrations of

chlorophyll, totai-P and ortho-phosphate in experimental ponds. The high ortho-
phosphate concentrations in some of the low-fish treatments suggest that phospho-
rus limitation is not the reason for the low chlorophyll concentrations in those ponds.
From Breukelaar et al. (1994).
Nutrient dynamics 75
Daphnia numbers were kep't low during this experiment by stocking
with young-of-the-year planktivorous perch (Perea fiuviatilis). Therefore,
elevated Daphnia grazing is also unlikely to explain the reduction in
phytoplankton in this experiment. An alternative explanation may be that
benthivores resuspended settled phytoplankton. As explained in the section
on resuspension, the loss rate of particles from the water column due to
sedimentation is potentially very high in shallow water, and this holds also
for phytoplankton cells and colonies. In most situations wind resuspension
will keep the algae in circulation, but in very calm water this rehabilitation
does not work and losses are high. Only motile, buoyant and slowly sinking
species can potentially maintain their populations under such conditions.
Obviously, wave impact is nil in enclosures and small ponds where mixing
occurs only by convection. Therefore, resuspension of settled algae by fish
may well be an important mechanism to sustain high phytoplankton densi-
ties under these conditions.
The idea that resuspension is important for maintaining a high algal
biomass is further supported by the fact that algal biomass usually decreases
in rigid enclosures where wave action is absent even when fish are present.
This is exemplified by Raven's results (Fig. 2.33), but similar exclosure
effects are observed in various other studies. In 25 x 25m mesocosms in the
shallow Lake Breukeleveen, for instance, reduction of resuspension caused
a threefold decrease in chlorophyll-a concentration shortly after closure
(Van Donk et at., 1994b). The role of resuspension for sustaining algal
populations is discussed more thoroughly in the next chapter.
3 Phytoplankton

Phytoplankton is a component of practically all the discussions and models

that follow. This chapter focuses on the factors that control the biomass and
composition of the algal community. The first section explores how the
combined effects of nutrients, light, grazing and turbulence affect the total
biomass of the algal community. The next section shows that at least
cyanobacteria should be treated separately in order to explain the dynamics
of phytoplankton in shallow lakes. This group, also called blue-green algae,
often dominates the plankton in hypertrophic shallow lakes. It is shown that
cyanobacterial dominance can be an alternative stable state of the algal
community. The third section shows that at the species level, algal dynamics
are very complex, and there is little hope of predictability.


Empirical relationships between chlorophyll and nutrients
Traditionally, nutrients have received more attention than any other
factor affecting algal biomass. Regression models describing the amount
of phytoplankton as a function of the nutrient concentration in a lake
have been widely used in applied limnology. The total amount of
phytoplankton is usually characterized as the number of cells, total cell
volume, the amount of chlorophyll-a or algal ashfree dry-weight per volume
of lake water. Of these measures, chlorophyll-a concentration is used
most often, probably because it can be measured relatively easily. Chloro-
phyll is also one of the most important compounds determining the light
attenuation in water due to algae. However, chlorophyll concentration
is not always the most relevant measure. Scattering of light, for instance,
may be more related to algal volume, while the energy content for grazing
zooplankton may correlate better with dry weight. It is possible to compute
average ratios between chlorophyll and other characteristics and use
these to estimate one from the other, although there is a large variation
between species, and even within species depending on the conditions
(Reynolds, 1984; Heyman and Lundgren, 1988). Most reported chlorophyll-
a content of algae are in the range between 1 and 2% of their dry weight
(Reynolds, 1984). The phosphorus content of the algae in eutrophic lakes
usually varies between 0.4 and 1% of the dry weight (Ahlgren et al., 1988),
and their nitrogen content is usually about a factor 10 higher than that
(Smith, 1982).
The regulation of algal biomass 77
When nutrients become limiting both the nutrient content and the chlo-
rophyll concentration in the algae tend to decrease. This phenomenon is
exemplified, for instance, by the change in phytoplankton in Veluwemeer
following a reduction of the phosphorus loading (Hosper, 1985). Expressed
as chlorophyll-a, algal abundance showed a pronounced decrease. However,
measured in biovolume algal density decreased much less. These observa-
tions suggest that the nutrient to chlorophyll ratio of phytoplankton may be
more constant than the ratio of nutrient to biomass or biovolume.
In summer, a major part of the total amount of phosphorus in the water
column is often contained in algae. It is therefore not surprising that total-
p in the water column is usually well correlated with chlorophyll-a concen-
trations. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the interpretation of
causality in such correlations is tricky in shallow lakes, as the algae stimulate
release of the sediment phosphorus into the water column. Thus to a certain
extent, algal biomass explains total-P rather than vice versa. Nonetheless,
total-P is usually the best available indicator of the available nutrient pool
and many regression models explaining algal biomass from total-P have
been produced. Most.studies find a linear relation or an accelerating in-
crease of chlorophyll with total phosphorus. Obviously, such models can not
be extrapolated to high phosphorus values, as at some point light or other
factors should become!"for_ 'l.i.I'Bl·"6ru>!tll•. 11\Med.·se·rer.l.-mnhyses
have shown that the increase in chlorophyll levels off at high phosphorus
concentrations. When high enough phosphorus levels occur in the data set,


- 0.4

.••..•. .
'l' •

0 0.2

0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5

Totai-P (mg 1'1)

Fig. 3.1 Relationship between the summer average totai-P concentration (P mgl- 1)
and the summer average chlorophyll-a (Chla mgl-1) concentration in a set of 88
Dutch shallow (2.lm mean depth) lakes. The line (Chla = 0.9P) is fitted by eye to
represent the upper limit of the cloud of 406 data points.
78 Phytoplankton
a sigmoidal increase is probably the general pattern (McCauley et ill., 1989;
Prairie et al., 1989; Watson et al., 1992).
Although the correlations are usually significant, the unexplained
variation in relationships between algal biomass and the phosphorus
level is typically huge in shallow lakes. It has been noted that only the upper
limit of the cloud of points in scatter plots is relatively well delineated
(Fig. 3.1).
This suggests that it might be more appropriate to interpret the effect of
nutrients as posing an upper limit to the summer chlorophyll concentration,
than to fit a regression model through the points (Hosper, 1980). All points
above the limiting line in this figure represent lakes dominated by
filamentous cyanobacteria. This phytoplankton group is able to reach a
higher biomass with the same amount of phosphorus than other algae. As
explained later, this has important implications for the potential of
cyanobacteria to dominate the plankton in turbid shallow lakes.
Since relatively few lakes have chlorophyll concentrations close to the
upper limit, other factors apparently have a pronounced effect on algal
biomass in most cases. One obvious possibility is nitrogen limitation.
Phytoplankton cells contain approximately 10 times more nitrogen than
phosphorus. Therefore, nitrogen is more likely to be limiting than phospho-
rus when the N:P ratio in the water column falls below a critical value of
about 10 (see Smith 1982). In macrophyte dominated lakes in particular
available nitrogen concentrations can be strongly reduced as explained in
the previous chapter, and nitrogen is often found to be limiting algal growth
in such cases (Van Donk et al., 1993). Indeed, a plot of chlorophyll con-
centrations against total-N shows a sharp upper limit (Fig. 3.2) indicating
that nitrogen availability limits algal biomass in many cases. Note that
intersection of the limiting line with the horizontal axis suggests that at least
about 0.7mgt' of the total-N content of the water is unavailable for algal
The approach of using such upper limits of scatter plots to predict the
maximum algal biomass at a given nutrient concentration has been followed
for many years in The Netherlands. The majority of the data points, how-
ever, are neither close to the P-limitation nor to the N-limitation line,
suggesting that other factors are often limiting. Light is an important limit-
ing factor in many turbid lakes. Also, on sheltered sites and between aquatic
plants losses due to sinking can be large while in fast flushed lakes algal
concentrations can be low because the inflowing water that is initially almost
free of algae stays in the lake far too brief a time to allow the algae to reach
the maximum biomass. Especially spectacular and important are the effects
that zooplankton grazing can have on phytoplankton. To obtain an insight
into how factors like lake depth, flushing, resuspension and grazing interact
with the effect of nutrients in determining algal biomass it is useful to go
beyond the empirical regression approach and analyse algal growth in a
more mechanistic way. In the next sections some simple models of algal
The regulation of algal biomass 79


.s 0.4
'5. 0.3

e0 •
:E 0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10
Total-N (mg 1"1)

Fig. 3.2Relationship between tbe summer average total-N concentration (N mgr')

and the summer average chlorophyll-a (Chta· mgr') concentration in a set of 79
Dutch shallow (2.1 m mean depth) lakes. The line (Chla = 0.09 (N- 0.7)) is fitted by
eye to represent the upper limit of the cloud of 383 data points.

growth are presented for this purpose. The insights from these models serve
as a framework to discuss the patterns observed in the ·field.

The logistic equation as a model of algal growth

Probably the best known growth model is the logistic equation. It describes
population increase (dA/dt) as a function of population density (A) and two


The properties of this simple model are illustrated in Fig. 3.3.

The relative growth rate (dA/dt/A) is highest (r) when the population
density (A) is very low relative to the carrying capacity of the environment
(K). In that case the competition term (1-A/K) is close to one. The logistic
equation assumes competition to cause a linear decrease of the relative ('per
capita') growth rate (dA/dt/A) with the population density (Fig. 3.3a). The
result is that the overall productivity (dA/dt) has a maximum at half the
carrying capacity (Fig. 3.3b). When the population density is too low
the productivity is limited by the amount of reproducing algae (A), when the
population approaches the carrying capacity (A = K) productivity tends to
80 Phytoplankton

Population density (A)

b ~

Population density (A)

c "c:



Fig. 3.3 Some properties of the logistic growth equation: (a) The relative ('per
capita') growth rate (dA!dvA) decreases linearly with the population density. (b)
The growth rate (dA!dt) of the total population has a maximum at half the carrying
capacity. (c) Population density of a growing population evolves in a sigmoidal way
over time.
The regulation of algal biomass 81
zero due to competition. Note that the logistic equation predicts that opti-
mal harvest can be obtained by maintaining the population at a density of
half its carrying capacity. Plotted against time the density of a logistically
growing population follows a sigmoidal curve, with the steepest growth
occurring at half the carrying capacity (Fig. 3.3c).
Its simplicity makes the logistic equation very attractive for use in simple
models. Obviously, the model is a crude simplification. A strictly linear
decrease of per capita growth with density seems unlikely to be found in any
real-life situation, and it may seem even more unlikely that the dynamics of
the total biomass of a complex algal community with many species can be
described by such a naive model. Nonetheless, the development in time of
natural algal communities in lakes appears to fit reasonably well to the
logistic equation in practice (Heyman and Lundgren, 1988).
In a simple model like the logistic equation, many underlying regulatory
mechanisms are not explicitly included. Clearly, factors that affect growth
such as the nutrient status and the depth of a lake should affect the param-
eters, but a priori it is not obvious how. The maximum growth rate r is
probably rather species specific. It varies with physical conditions such as
incident light and temperature, but does not change too much with the
nutrient level (Heyman and Lundgren, 1988), although a shift in species
composition with enrichment may of course alter the r at the community
level. The effects of different factors on K are somewhat easier to estimate
from field data, as data on biomass are far more abundant than information
on maximum growth rates. The empirical evidence shows that the maximum
algal density in lakes increases with the nutrient content, and, indeed,
increasing K is a usual way to mimic nutrient enrichment in the logistic
To explore in a more mechanistic way how the combined effects of lake
depth and nutrients can be explained, it is necessary to elaborate the de-
scription of algal growth further as explained later. The simple logistic
equation, however, serves as a useful basis to analyse the effects of losses
due to sedimentation, lake flushing and grazing by herbivorous zooplankton
and other filter feeders.

Losses due to sinking and flushing

As explained in the previous chapter, particles from the surface layer of the
sediment often go through a fast cycle of sedimentation and resuspension in
shallow Jakes. Resuspension of sedimented material by waves can occur
daily in exposed lakes, and even in the absence of any wave action
benthivorous fish populations can resuspend the sediment surface inten-
sively. On the other hand the loss rate of suspended particles from the water
column in shallow water is also high. This is because the loss rate due to
sedimentation (k,) is proportional to the sinking velocity (s) and inversely
related to the depth of the column (D) in still water:
82 Phytoplankton

k=_!_ (2)
' D
In principle algal cells are prone to the same processes as sediment particles.
Some species are able to swim actively or regulate their buoyancy. Most
species, however, lack these abilities and may therefore suffer large losses
due to sedimentation when there is little or no resuspension. Such a situa-
tion is most likely to arise on sheltered or vegetated sites and on days when
wind speed is low and warm weather enhances the chance of thermal strati-
fication. An important feature that sets algae aside from dead sediment
particles is their ability to reproduce. Even for species that are unable to
swim or float, reproduction can at least partially balance the settling loss. A
basic idea of how this potentially affects the phytoplankton dynamics can be
obtained using the logistic equation for algal growth, adding an extra term
to represent the settling loss:


The algal density in equilibrium A*, when growth is zero by definition, can
be found by solving the equation for dA/dt = 0:


Thus settling loss brings the equilibrium density of phytoplankton down

from the potential carrying capacity. The deviance from the carrying capac-
ity in the absence of settling loss depends on the maximum per capita growth
rate (r) and the ratio of sinking velocity (s) to depth ofthe water column (D)
(Fig. 3.4).
The population can only survive if this equilibrium density is positive,

r>- (5)
Phrased in biological terms this result is intuitively straightforward. At the
border of extinction algal density is very low. In that situation competition
is practically nil and the remaining algae reproduce at the maximum rate r.
However, this high reproduction will only save the population if r exceeds
the sinking loss s/D. This implies that settling should select for algal species
with a low sinking velocity and a high growth rate. Both properties tend to
go with small cell size. Even for small algae, however, s will be no less than
about 0.25md-' and r no more than about 0.5d-' in general, implying a
required depth of at least 0.5 m to prevent extinction in completely still
The regulation of algal biomass 83



0.5 15

Fig. 3.4 Equilibrium concentration of a logistically growing phytoplankton popula-
tion with sinking losses depending on the sinking rate of cells (s md- 1} and the depth
of the water column (D m)

Obviously, species that have high sinking rates and are unable to swim or
float upwards thus depend on turbulence for survival in the water column of
shallow lakes. As discussed in the previous chapter, the resuspension fre-
quency depends mainly on the depth and size of a lake. Large exposed lakes
should therefore be expected to support species with potentially high sink-
ing losses better than smaller sheltered ones. Also windy periods should
favour such species, and therefore variation in wind could influence the
seasonal dynamics of algae.
The importance of resuspension for phytoplankton in shallow lakes is
well illustrated by the close correlation between wind speed and the biomass
and species composition of the algal community in the Florida Lake Apopka
(Schelske et al., 1995). In this large and shallow lake (128km2 , 1.7m mean
depth) as much as 53% of the variation in chlorophyll contents of the water
column is explained by wind (Fig. 3.5). During calm periods relatively large
diatoms (20-200 ,urn) settle to the bottom and the surface water is domi-
nated by small pico and nannoplankton (<20,um).
Systematic seasonal variations in wind may also play a role in the sea-
sonal succession of phytoplankton. Gons et al. (1991), for instance, showed
that the seasonal pattern of diatom abundance in the shallow Loosdrecht
lakes suggests a dependence on turbulence. He computed an estimation of
sinking loss assuming that sinking loss in parts of the lake where no
84 Phytoplankton
250-,--------------------------- ----------,


.• .• •
~ •
0 100

50 •

0 10 15 20 25
Wind speed (km h" 1)

Fig. 3.5 Relationship between average daily wind speed and the chlorophyll-a
concentration in surface water of Lake Apopka. Redrawn from Schelske et al.

resuspension occurs equals the ratio of settling velocity to lake depth (Eq.
2), while sinking loss was assumed to be nil in parts where waves stir up the
sediment. The fraction of the lake area where resuspension occurred on any
given day was estimated from wind speed data using a simple model (Gons
et al., 1986). Indeed, the spring peak of diatoms coincides with relatively
windy periods, whereas the calm weather in summer leads to estimated
sinking losses of 50% of the population per day, which is unlikely to be
compensated by growth even under favourable conditions.
As explained later, the effect of settling on the algal community also
explains part of the pronounced differences that often exist between the
open water and dense weedbeds where turbulence is low. In the vegetation,
algal biomass is usually lower and the community is dominated by small
species that have high growth rates and low settling velocities and by flagel-
late species that can actively swim.
Resuspension will affect algal dynamics not only by bringing settled algae
back into the water column but also indirectly through its impact on the light
climate and the nutrient dynamics. These light and nutrient effects are
treated in the next sections.
Settling causes a so-called density independent mortality. Unlike density
dependent mechanisms such as predation, density independent processes
The regulation of algal biomass 85
kill a fixed proportion of the population independently of the population
density. Flushing of a lake with water that is free of algae also causes a
density independent loss, and in some aspects the effects of flushing and
sinking are therefore comparable. When 10% of the lake water with algae is
washed out every day, this implies a loss rate of 0.1 day-' for the population.
Such a flushing loss (f) can be added to the logistic equation in the same way
as the sinking loss (s/D), and by analogy the equilibrium biomass drops
linearly with f, while the requirement for survival is r > f In Danish lakes
algae disappear when f exceeds 0.3 day-' (Jeppesen, pers. comm. ). Assuming
flushing to be the main loss factor in these situatio.ns, this can thus be
directly interpreted as an indication of the maximum algal growth rate r in
these lakes. In general, density independent losses affect slow growing
species more, offering a competitive advantage to fast growing species. As
explained later this explains why flushing may cause a switch from domi-
nance by large, slowly growing cyanobacteria to other algae.

Lake depth and tight limitation

Lake depth influences sinking loss and resuspension but also has very
pronounced implications for the light climate experienced by algae,
and thus for their growth rates and realized biomass. A simple approach to
include the effect of depth in the empirical chlorophyll models is to fit
separate regression lines to shallow and deep lakes. However, the effect of
lake depth is really continuous rather than abrupt and a separation into
two classes is therefore artificial. To clarify the way in which lake-depth
can affect algal biomass it is useful to explore a slightly more elaborate
description of algal growth than the logistic equation used in the previous

The precise dependence of productivity upon the underwater light climate is

rather complex. Photosynthetic responses of algae to light can be measured in the
lab, but translating this to the growth resulting from the light climate in the field is
less easy. In well mixed shallow lakes algae are distributed more or less homogene-
ously over the water column. Since light extinguishes exponentially with depth and
varies with the time of the day, the average daily growth should thus be estimated by
integrating the net photosynthesis over depth and time. This can be done, but
produces rather lengthy formulae (Straskraba, 1980; Straskraba and Gnauck, 1985).
Furthermore, the approach still neglects many aspects, preventing it from accurately
describing the situation in any real lake. The depth of the water column, for instance,
varies from site to site. Importantly, individual algal cells experience a fluctuating
light climate in a lake, due to the turbulent mixing. Experiments have shown that the
net photosynthesis of the algae depends on the frequency of these fluctuations, and
can not be estimated simply by integrating the response over the experienced light
gradient (Ibelings eta/., 1994).
86 Phytoplankton
Obviously, including these and other aspects explicitly would make the
model too complex. The core of the problem, however, can also be captured
in a simpler, more descriptive way. As explained in Section 2.1, shade experienced
by phytoplankton can be characterized by the product of the vertical light
attenuation coefficient (E) and the depth of the mixed water layer, which in
shallow lakes equals the lake depth (D). To incorporate the shade indicator (ED)
in a simple model, we need a function describing its effect on algal growth in the
water column. A simple formulation that describes such a decline of photosynthesis
with shade is:

__h_,_ (6)

This shade-impact function is of a Monad type, declining from 1 to 0 when shade

(ED) goes from 0 to infinity and reaching a value of 0.5 when ED equals h,. The half
saturation constant h, thus represents shade tolerance of the algae. Note that since
the function is formulated in terms of shading (ED) rather than absolute light
(l0e-w), the shade tolerance h, is not a universal physiological property of the algae,
as it depends on / 0 and thus on latitude and season. If the incoming radiation is
higher, a higher turbidity can be tolerated. As explained in the previous chapter, E
depends on the concentration of algae and their specific light attenuation coefficient
(e,), but also on background turbidity (E,) due to resuspended sediment and other

E = e,A + E, (7)

If light is the only limiting factor, algal growth can now be described as the result of
light dependent productivity and a fixed loss rate (() resulting from respiration and

dA =rA h, lA (8)
dt h,+D(e,A+Eb)

Since an equilibrium is characterized by zero net growth, the algal biomass

in equilibrium A* can be found by solving this equation for dA/dt = 0. The
solution is:

A*= rh, -lh, -/DEb (9)


It can be seen from this formula that algal density in equilibrium A* is predicted to
decrease with lake depth D (Fig. 3.6a).
This fits with the observations (Fig. 3.10) and with the intuitively straightforward
explanation that shallow lakes can become more turbid than deep ones, simply
because in a shallow water column higher turbidity is needed to cause enough shade
The regulation of algal biomass 87


!:9 80


Lake depth (m)

'E 8
~ 100-

i~ 80-

b 60-
~ .............. Eb= 1
8. 40-

E 20-
~ ---------------------
~ 0
0 6 8 10
Lake depth (m)

Fig. 3.6 Theoretically expected relationship between (mixed) lake depth and
phytoplankton biomass expressed per unit of volume (a) and expressed per unit of
lake surface area (b) with and without background turbidity.

to stop algal growth. The prediction can be made more specific if we consider algal
biomass per unit area A·,~ (g m-2). This can be done simply by multiplying the above
formula for equilibrium algal concentration A* (g m-3) with the depth D (m):

88 Phytoplankton
This formulation shows that in the absence of background turbidity (E, = 0) the
equilibrium algal biomass per square metre is predicted to be independent of the
depth of the water. If, on the other hand, there is some background turbidity, the
algal biomass per unit area declines linearly with the (mixed) depth of the lake (Fig.
3.6b ). Similar results have been obtained from elaborate models that use realistic
photosynthetic responses to light and integrations over depth and time (Straskraba,
1980) indicating that these patterns are not an artifact arising from our very simple
formulation of light limitation.
Another interesting suggestion can be derived with respect to the light on the
bottom of the lake when algae are in equilibrium. Since light at any point under
water is an exponential function of the product of depth and turbidity (Chapter 2,
Eq. 1), light at the bottom when algae are in equilibrium is therefore a function of:


which after some algebra appears to boil down to:

DE*= h,(r-1) (12)


Both background turbidity E, and lake depth D have disappeared. Thus, the
model suggests that light on the bottom of a lake with light-limited phytoplankton
depends neither on the depth of the lake nor on the background turbidity of the

These theoretical results imply that when algae are light-limited, an

increase in background turbidity caused, for instance, by resuspension,
should not lead to a decrease of light at the bottom. It simply leads to less
algae in such a way that the amount of light that reaches the lake bottom
remains the same. Likewise, an increase of the water level in a light-limited
situation should not affect the light reaching the bottom, as the con-
centration of algae will decrease in such a way that the light reaching the
bottom remains the same. Since the light effect is treated quite naively in
the model, these predictions could easily be an artifact caused by over
simplification. It can be proven, however, that independently of the precise
model formulation the 'fixed bottom light' prediction holds. If factors
other than light are not limiting, algae tend to stabilize at such a density that
the light level at the bottom of a well mixed lake reaches a characteristic
value that depends on the shade tolerance of the algae, but not on the depth
or on the incoming radiation (Huisman and Weissing, 1994).
As explained in Section 2.1, shade experienced by phytoplankton can be
characterized by the product of the vertical light attenuation coefficient (E)
and the depth of the mixed water layer, which in shallow lakes equals the
90 Phytoplankton

0 8

:g" 6

.. ....'·
Jf ~··
;;; 4

...•,L• .tJ

0 2
"' 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
mean depth, D (m)

Fig. 3.8 Relationship between the vertical light attenuation coefficient (E) and the
mean depth (D) of lakes in the data set used for Fig. 3.7. The line represents a shade
level (ED) of 16.

the immediately available phosphorus, usually characterized as SRP or

ortho-phosphate concentrations. For the dependence of growth upon the
directly available 'free' nutrient concentration (P1) we take the classical
Monod form with a half-saturation concentration (hp):

_!L (13)

When P1 equals h. this Monod function takes the value of 112, and will thus
reduce the growth by 50%. Free nutrients are depleted in the course of
population growth, and supplied again by processes like desorption from
particle bound forms. To describe this properly, a separate set of differential
equations for nutrient dynamics would be needed. A way to avoid that is to
assume that free phosphorus (P1) at any time is simply the total pool minus
the phosphorus present in algae:
where p, is the phosphorus content of algae. Substituting this into the
Monod formulation (Eq. 13), we obtain a function that describes nutrient
limitation directly in terms of total nutrients and algal biomass:

The regulation of algal biomass 91
Note that this short-cut necessarily implies an overestimation of the phos-
phorus concentration directly available to the algae, as it neglects the fact
that part of the total available phosphorus that is not contained in the algae
is bound to sediment particles. Therefore, this approach will tend to overes-
timate the immediately available concentration and thus the growth rate at
which the equilibrium is approached. However, since algal growth becomes
phosphorus-limited only at very low SRP concentrations (hp is small) this
problem is probably minor compared with the inaccuracies caused by other
The easiest way to 'combine' light and nutrient limitation is to apply the
so-called Liebig law of the minimum, stating that growth is only affected by
one factor at a time, namely tbe factor that poses the strongest limitation. A
more neutral assumption is that both nutrients and light affect productivity
at any time. This means that we should simply multiply the growth rate by
botb limiting functions:


Totai·P (mg 1·1)

Fig. 3.9 Theoretically expected effect of total-P concentration (P) and (mixed) lake
depth (D) on phytoplankton concentration (A). In deeper lakes light limitation
occurs already at low total-P concentrations, whereas in shallow lakes
phytoplankton concentration can reach very high levels.
92 Phytoplankton
0.5 0 1•o mean depth > 3 m
mean dePth < 3 m


.s"" 0.3
u 0 0 0 0 0

o~• cPQ oeo
0.1 0 0 Q 0 ~
o 0o o 0 •
OO.o~oo co
~• . , 00 • •'lf' 0
0 0

0.0 0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(a) Total- P (mg 1-1)

I•Totai-P < 0.2 mg 1·1 l
o Totai-P ~ 0.2 mil: 1·1 I


l 0.3
o,_ 0.2 0 0

0 0 ••

. •i..
0 0 <E
0.1 o eo ~
8 8> 0 • ~ 0

.~ 01 0
00 0
I o!
0 3 4 5 6
(b) mean depth (m)

Fig. 3.10 (a) Relationship between the summer (July-August) average concentra-
tion oftotal-P and chlorophyll-a in 142 Dutch lakes. In shallow lakes (open circlesD
<3m) chlorophyll concentrations can become higher than in deeper lakes (closed
circles D > 3m). (b) Relationship between the mean depth (D) and the summer
(July-August) average concentration of chlorophyll-a in the same data set. The
maximum chlorophyll concentration decreases with depth, but in lakes with a low
total-P concentration (open circles P < 0.2mg r') chlorophyll concentrations remains
limited even in shallow lakes.
The regulation of algal biomass 93
Solving this equation to find the equilibrium biomass can be done, but leads
to a very lengthy formula.
Figure 3.9 shows the predicted effect of nutrients and lake depth on algal
biomass graphically.
The model suggests that algal biomass should initially increase with the
total-P level, until a light-limited maximum value is reached that depends on
the depth of the lake. At low nutrient levels lake depth does not affect algal
biomass. At high nutrient levels, however, the concentration of algae rises
with decreasing lake depth until nutrient limitation poses a limit. Note that,
although the minimum law is not applied, regions can be distinguished
where either light or nutrients seem to be 'the' limiting factor. The transition
between these regions is smooth rather than abrupt, but in large areas one
limiting factor dominates completely. At high nutrient concentrations and
in 'deep' water, for instance, algal biomass hardly increases with nutrients.
Here, light is the dominant factor limiting algal growth.
As shown in previous sections, field data confirm that nutrients (Figs. 3.1
and 3.2) but also light (Fig. 3.8) can impose an upper limit to algal concen-
trations. A simple way to check the combined effects of nutrients and depth
suggested by the model is to classify the points in such graphs (Fig. 3.10).
This confirms that the maximum chlorophyll level increases with phos-
phorus to very high values in the shallowest lakes, while in the deeper ones
chlorophyll concentrations soon level off and become largely independent
of the phosphorus concentration (Fig. 3.10a). Similarly, the maximum chlo-
rophyll concentration increases with decreasing depth, but only when the
phosphorus concentration is high enough (Fig. 3.10b). Thus, as predicted by
the simple model, at low levels nutrients impose an upper limit on algal
biomass that does not depend upon depth while in very eutrophic lakes,
depth set an upper limit to algal biomass that does not vary with the
phosphorus concentration. Another way to visualize the combined effects of
phosphorus and lake depth on algal biomass is to fit a three-dimensional
response surface through the data points using a local interpolation tech-
nique (Fig. 3.11).
Note that this bumpy surface shows how the average chlorophyll concen-
tration changes with nutrients and lake depth and does not indicate an
upper boundary as shown in the other figures. Nonetheless, it suggests
roughly the same patterns. Note that the patterns in field data correspond
quite well with the predictions from the model (Fig. 3.9), suggesting that the
explored simple formulations and reasonings may still capture much of the
essence of the complex mechanisms involved.
As shown in the previous chapter, the contribution of resuspended sedi-
ment particles to turbidity can be very high in shallow lakes. The expected
effect of such background turbidity on the response of algal biomass to
enrichment can also be explored using the model (Fig. 3.12).
Not surprisingly, algal biomass is predicted to be reduced at high back-
ground turbidity. An analysis of data from 96 reservoirs in the Midwest of
94 Phytoplankton


Fig. 3.11 Relationship between average summer (July-August) total-P concentra-

tion, chlorophyll concentration and mean lake depth in 142 Dutch lakes. The surface
is interpolated through the data using inverse distance weighting.

the USA confirms that the chlorophyll concentration at a given nutrient

status is systematically lower when the concentration of inorganic sus-
pended solids is higher (Hoyer and Jones, 1983). This effect may be quite
strong in wind-exposed shallow lakes. In Lake Tamnaren, for instance,
where sediment resuspension is a major source of turbidity, algal pro-
ductivity is estimated to be reduced to about 15% of what it would be in
the absence of resuspension related background turbidity (Hellstrom,
Note that the effect of background turbidity on algal biomass is more
pronounced at high nutrient levels (Fig. 3.12a) as light is the dominant
limiting factor under such conditions. In contrast, the effect of E. on
total turbidity (e.*A +E.) is strongest at low nutrient levels (Fig. 3.12b).
At high nutrient concentrations total turbidity becomes independent
of the background turbidity. The latter is explained by the phenomenon
discussed in the previous section that algae grow to reach a fixed maximum
shade at the lake bottom when nutrients are not limiting. An important
implication is that in lakes with high non-algal turbidity, reduction of
nutrient concentration can be insufficient to cause a desired increase in
transparency. When a large part of the 'background' turbidity is caused
by relatively fresh algal detritus, the prognosis is better. In that case a


96 Phytoplankton
reduction of algal productivity will be followed relatively soon by a decrease
in detritus related background turbidity.

Phytoplankton control by grazers

Even when all other conditions are favourable for building up a high algal
biomass, filter feeding grazers can often keep phytoplankton concentrations
low. This topic is treated extensively in the next chapter. Details and refer-
ences can be found there. Here, the most important groups and their poten-
tial impacts are merely mentioned as a preview.
In most freshwater systems, zooplankton is by far the most important
consumer of phytoplankton. The potential impact of zooplankton grazing
is illustrated in many lakes by the clear-water phase in the spring, an
often spectacular dip in algal biomass caused by a peak in Daphnia
populations around May or June. During this clear-water phase algal
biomass can be reduced by an order of magnitude by zooplankton
grazing. The resulting high irradiance can stimulate the spring growth of
submerged macrophytes. In the summer the predation pressure by
young-of-the-year fish is often too severe to allow substantial Daphnia
densities, but in vegetated lakes high zooplankton numbers can survive
throughout the summer using the weed beds as a refuge against fish
predation in the daytime. These zooplankton populations can cause a high
grazing pressure in the vegetation, but part of the animals also swims
out at night to filter phytoplankton in the adjacent open water. Thus
zooplankton grazing is one of the mechanisms responsible for the re-
markable clarity of many vegetated shallow lakes. In addition to Daphnia
and other pelagic zooplankton groups there are many, less conspicuous
filter-feeders in submerged plant stands. Plant associated cladocerans
such as Sida crystallina and Simocephalus vetulus and other filter feeding
invertebrates can reach high densities in the vegetation. These animals
could well play an important role in filtering the water in between the
Unlike in many estuarine systems, filter feeding bivalves are generally
not abundant in freshwater lakes, but there are exceptions to this rule. The
zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha, Fig. 3.13) is probably the most impor-
tant bivalve with respect to algal consumption in European and American
lakes. This species has only recently invaded the American continent. Its
potential for grazing down algal biomass is illustrated by the remarkable
drops in chlorophyll-a concentrations following Dreissena colonization of
shallow lakes and bays in the United States. There are several cases in which
Secchi-depth in shallow waters has been reported to increase by lOOo/o
following mussel colonization. In many turbid shallow lakes, however, zebra
mussel densities remain low due to a lack of hard substratum for coloniza-
tion. Soft, frequently-resuspended sediments are not a suitable habitat for
these small sessile animals, and colonization in lakes with soft sediments is
The regulation of algal biomass 97

Fig. 3.13 The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha cau massively colonize poles,
rocks, boats and other hard substratum. Filtration by these animals has cleared up
the water remarkably in some lakes in the USA where the species is a recent invader
that spreads rapidly.

usually restricted to safe sites such as plants, rocks, boats and poles (Fig.

Allelopathic effects
Aquatic macrophytes have long been suspected of suppressing
phytoplankton through the excretion of chemical substances that inhibit
phytoplankton growth (Hutchinson, 1975). Such chemical suppression,
called allelopathy, is known to play an important role in some vegetations
98 Phytoplankton
(Rice, 1974), and seems an obvious candidate to explain the apparent con-
spicuous reduction of phytoplankton growth in densely vegetated lakes as
well. Especially Chara has been subject of many investigations. Stands of
this macrophyte are often surrounded by remarkably clear water. Also the
plants have a pungent smell, suggesting that they might excrete something
Indeed, chemical compounds isolated from Chara and from some other
plants have been shown to inhibit the photosynthesis of natural
phytoplankton assemblages and of an epiphytic diatom in the laboratory.
(Anthoni et al., 1980; Wiurn-Andersen et al., 1982; Wium-Andersen et al.,
1987). Whether or not these effects occur in the field has been a topic of
much debate. Forsberg et al. (1990) found, for instance, that phytoplankton
biomass in a set of Chara dominated lakes was not lower than expected from
their total-P concentrations, and concluded that allelopathy apparently did
not reduce algal growth in these lakes. Clearly, to have an effect on
phytoplankton the allelopathic substances have to be released naturally in
the surrounding water and be stable enough to stay there for some time.
This appears less easy to demonstrate in practice.
More convincing than experiments with plant extracts are experiments
with intact plants or water from natural weed beds. To exclude the possibil-
ity that depletion of nutrients by the macrophytes reduces algal growth, the
water is artificially enriched in such experiments. Mostly, the observed
effects on phytoplankton growth are not spectacular. Water from Chara
dominated ponds, for instance, appeared to reduce the biomass of a culture
of green algae (Scenedesmus) by only 10-15% compared with water from
ponds with little or no vegetation (Hootsmans and Breukelaar, 1990), while
experiments with intact Ceratophyllum plants showed little effects at all on
total biomass of a natural phytoplankton assemblage (Jasser, 1995). Re-
markably, bio-assays have even demonstrated positive effects on algal
growth of (non-nutrient) exudates of early growth stages of Myriophyllum
spicatum (Godmaire and Planas, 1983).
Although overall results of aquatic allelopathy research are rather
equivocal, several studies indicate that cyanobacteria (or 'blue-green algae')
are much more sensitive to allelopathic exudates from macrophytes than
other algae. Turkmenistan workers, for instance, studying the effect of
Ceratophyllum and Myriophyllum plants on cultures of the blue-green algae
Anabaena and Anabaenopsis recorded drops in the algal density of almost
90% in the presence of the macrophytes (Kogan and Chinnova, 1972). Also,
German work shows that the submerged plant Myriophyllum spicatum
releases polyphenols into the surrounding water that can strongly suppress
the growth of cyanobacteria, but have much smaller effects on green algae
and diatoms (Gross and Siitfeld, 1994). This difference in sensitivity to
allelopathic substances suggests that exudates from macrophytes may be
important in tipping the competitive balance between cyanobacteria and
other algae. Indeed, recent Polish experiments show this (Jasser, 1995).
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 99
Natural phytoplankton assemblages in which cyanobacteria were abundant
were incubated in the field in bags together with intact plants of
Ceratophyllum demersum. Although total algal biomass was not signifi-
cantly affected, cyanobacterial abundance was greatly reduced and green
algae became dominant. Extracts of four other plant species had largely the
same effects.
Thus, although release of allelopathic substances by aquatic macrophytes
has not been demonstrated to reduce total phytoplankton biomass mark-
edly in natural situations, it may well be an important factor preventing
cyanobacterial dominance in vegetated lakes. The mechanisms involved in
the competition between cyanobacteria and other algae are treated further
in the next section.
Allelopathic substances are not only produced by macrophytes.
Cyanobacteria of the genus Anabaena, for instance, have been shown to
release heat labile substances that repress the growth of diatoms (Keating,
1977; Keating, 1978). Also, filtrates from Anabaena cultures led to a reduc-
tion of oxygen production by the submersed plant Zanichellia peltata (Van
Vierssen and Prins, 1985).


When asked for a priority list of properties that characterize the
phytoplankton community of a shallow lake, the chlorophyll-a level is likely
to be put first by most experts. The percentage of cyanobacteria, however,
is probably second on the list. Cyanobacteria, often called blue-green algae,
differ in many aspects from the rest of the phytoplankton. They resemble
algae in the fact that they are photoautotrophes. However, they are
prokaryotes and therefore more similar to eubacteria than to algae in many
aspects. Cyanobacteria have, for instance, no defined nuclei, chloroplasts
and organelles. Many species can form large inedible colonies which makes
them less vulnerable to top-down control. In addition, some groups are
shade tolerant and can therefore grow at a higher turbidity than other algae.
Since they can also form green scums on the water surface and be toxic to
animals and humans, cyanobacterial blooms are a considerable nuisance in
many eutrophic lakes.
Within the group of cyanobacteria there is a large variety in physiological
and morphological characteristics (for reviews see Fogg et al., 1973;
Carr and Whitton, 1982). Very small coccoid, ovoid and rod shaped
species can be found in the plankton of most lakes. More conspicuous are
the larger filamentous types (e.g. Planktothrix, Limnothrix, Oscillatoria
and Lyngbya), and the groups that can form clumps (e.g. Microcystis
and Gomphosphaeria) or filamentous aggregates (e.g. Anabaena and
Aphanizomenon). Such colonies can consist of hundreds of cells and be
discernible as small particles in the water with the naked eye. Since colony
100 Phytoplankton
formation reduces the surface to volume ratio, it limits the uptake rate of
nutrients from the water, and therefore the potential growth rate (Reynolds,
1988). However, it also offers some advantages. Vertical migration through
buoyancy regulation, for instance, can be faster than in single cells of com-
parable density (Reynolds, 1975). Importantly, aggregation tends to reduce
grazing losses, as colonies are inedible to most herbivorous zooplankters
(Lampert, 1987b). This suggests that aggregation can be an adaptation to
survive under high grazing pressure. In the tropics, however, colony forma-
tion simultaneously increases vulnerability to other grazers. Several cichlid
fishes (Tilapia) feed on cyanobacterial colonies (Moriarty, 1973) and flamin-
gos are known to depend largely on colonies of Spirulina and Microcystis for
their protein supply (Fogg et al., 1973).
A well known feature of several cyanobacteria is their ability to use
atmospheric N2 as a source of nitrogen. In many species N2 fixation is
achieved by metabolically specialized thick -walled cells termed heterocysts.
Obviously, nitrogen fixation could represent an advantage in lakes where
nitrogen is a limiting factor. Indeed some analyses have suggested that N2-
fixing cyanobacteria are more abundant at low N: P ratios (Schindler, 1977;
Smith, 1983), but this pattern could not be found in shallow lakes (Jensen et
at., 1994).
Another aspect that sets many species apart from other algae is that they
have gas vesicles providing them with the ability to regulate their buoyancy
(Fogg et al., 1973). When photosynthesizing they build up carbohydrates,
which increases their density and makes them sink. In the darkness of the
deeper layers, they lose carbohydrates due to respiration and become buoy-
ant again. In lakes (or periods) with relatively low turbulence the buoyancy
regulation can help algae like Microcystis to optimize their position in the
water column. In situations with a thermal stratification they float up out of
the non-turbulent hypolimnion to arrive in the mixed water layer
(epilimnion) where light conditions are better. In calm warm weather, colo-
nies can massively float up to the surface where they become trapped by the
surface tension and form conspicuous scums (Ibelings et al., 1991; Ibelings,
1992). When such floating algal masses accumulate at shores they can be
notoriously bothersome to recreants. In shallow well mixed lakes, however,
Microcystis blooms are not common.
Probably the most important nuisance algae in shallow lakes are
filamentous blue-green algae. The most important genera are Limnothix,
Planktothrix (formerly Oscillatoria), Anabaena, Aphanizomenon and at
lower latitudes in high pH lakes, Spirulina. Especially Planktothrix agardhii
(formerly Oscillatoria agardhii) can dominate the algal community com-
pletely during the summer. Although this group has gas vesicles too, their
shape does not allow rapid adjustment of their position in the water column
as found in spherical colonies of cyanobacteria in the Microcystis group
(Ibelings, 1992). Other features, however, make this filamentous group
extremely successful in many turbid shallow lakes. When winters are not too
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 101
cold, many lakes can even be dominated all year round (Berger, 1975; Sas,
1989). The remaining part of this section focuses on the factors that explain
dominance by filamentous blue-green algae. Taxonomy in this group is a bit
confusing, because the important genus Oscil/atoria has recently been split
up and species of this group can now be found in the genus Planktothrix
and the genus Limnothrix. The name Oscillatoria, however, is found
throughout the literature, and in this book this name or the family name
Oscillatoriaceae is used to indicate the group.

Empirical relationships with nutrients and turbidity

Dominance by filamentous cyanobacteria is typically associated with
eutrophic conditions (Berger, 1975; Schindler, 1975; Sas, 1989). Many shal-
low lakes are known to have switched to a state dominated by such
filamentous blue-green algae in response to nutrient enrichment, and in
several cases a reduction of the phosphorus loading has resulted in a
switch back to a community that is not dominated by cyanobacteria (Sas,
1989). In data sets combining information from different lakes, however, the
percentage of cyanobacteria tends not to be correlated with the total-P



.. .
20 .. ......
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
shade (E Zl

Fig. 3.14 Relative abundance (% biovolume) of Oscillatoriaceae plotted against an

index of under water shade experienced by the algae (the product of mean lake
depth and the vertical light attenuation coefficient, EZ), for 55 shallow (mean depth
<3m) Dutch lakes averaged over the period July-August. For several lakes informa-
tion from different years is included. The total data set encompasses 118lake-years.
From Scheffer et at. (1997a).
102 Phytoplankton


25 -----

~ 8


0 50 100
% Oscillatoriaceae

Fig. 3.15 Frequency distribution of the relative abundance of Oscillatoriaceae (%of

total algal biovolume) in the shallow lakes data set described in the legend to Fig.
3.14. From Scheffer eta/. (1997a).

Much better correlations are found when instead of phosphorus, an

indicator of under-water light intensity is used (Fig. 3.14) (Scheffer et al.,
Note that the points in Fig. 3.14 are found mainly at very high or very low
Oscillatoria abundance. Indeed, the frequency distribution of the relative
abundance of Oscillatoriaceae is bi-modal (Fig. 3.15). In the majority of
the cases these cyanobacteria are either a minor component of the
phytoplankton community or strongly dominant, and the probability of the
latter rises steeply with shade.
These patterns suggest that it is the low light level rather than the high
nutrient availability per se that leads to dominance by Oscillatoriaceae in
eutrophic situations. If this is indeed the main causal link between
Oscillatoria dominance and eutrophication, disappearance of these
cyanobacteria in response to a reduction of the nutrient concentration
should occur at comparable shade levels rather than at comparable nutrient
levels in different lakes. Indeed this pattern has been described for a couple
of well studied Oscillatoria dominated lakes (Mur et al., 1993). Sharp drops
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 103
100 100

80 80
-~ "'
1 60 )g 60

~ !l,;
(; 40 u 40
~ ~
20 20

0 0 ···········
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
Total P (mg 1'1) Zeu/Zm

------- Veluwemeer
- - Schlachtensee

Fig. 3.16 The decline of cyanobacteria {dominated by Planktothrix agardhii) with a

reduction of the nutrient level in the Lakes Schlachtensee and Veluwemeer. The
collapse of Planktothrix occurs at a higher total-P level in the shallower Lake
Veluwemeer (upper panel), but both lakes switch at roughly the same underwater
light conditions expressed as the ratio of euphotic depth to mixed depth, Z./Zmix
{lower panel) (redrawn from Mur et al. (1993).

in the percentage of cyanobacteria (Planktothrix) have occurred in the lakes

Schlachtensee and Veluwemeer where phosphorus concentrations have
gradually decreased due to a reduction in loading. In Veluwemeer,
cyanobacteria disappeared at a considerably lower phosphorus level than in
the approximately three times deeper Schlachtensee. However, the light
climate (expressed as the ratio z,.:Zm~x) at which the cyanobacteria col-
lapsed was practically the same in both lakes (Fig. 3.16).
The abrupt character of the changes in these lakes is typical for the
transition between Oscillatoria dominance and other algal assemblages
(Sas, 1989). Abrupt switches have also been described for tropical lakes.
Here the species involved is Spirulina platensis, another representative of
the Oscillatoria family. Accurate data are scarce, but some of these lakes are
actually known to switch back and forth repeatedly. Melack (1980), who
described these patterns, noted that the relatively stable states of the com-
munity between the switches persisted for more than 10 generations, indi-
cating that they represent disjunct equilibrium states.
Further analysis of the Dutch data set shown in Figs. 3.14 and 3.15 reveals
another important pattern. Lakes where Oscillatoriaceae dominate tend to
be shady compared with lakes of the same nutrient level where these algae
are rare (Fig. 3.17). The difference is especially marked for lakes with a
total-P concentration of less than 0.3mgl-1 (Fig. 3.17 lower panel). This
suggests that Oscillatoriaceae dominance is not only favoured by shady
conditions, but also promotes such conditions. Obviously, this sounds like a
104 Phytoplankton



• •

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
totai-P (mg 1"1)



• •
N' 12 • •• o•
0 0
-iii 8

~0 00 0
0 oo
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
totai-P (mg 1"1)

Fig. 3.17 Under water shade (EZ) as a function of the total phosphorus concentra-
tion. Solid dots refer to lakes where Oscillatoriaceae comprise more than 50% of the
algal biovolume open dots are for lakes with less than 50% Oscillatoriaceae. The
upper panel represents the entire data set described in the legend to Fig. 3.14. The
lower panel represents the subset of lakes where the total phosphorus concentration
is less than 0.3mgl"1• The regression lines are computed for the subset of data
represented in the lower panel. The upper regression line is for the Osci/latoria
dominated lakes (solid dots), the lower line for the other lakes. From Scheffer et a/.
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 105
Usselmeer Eemmeer

... ;:
B •••

J1oo 0 8 aoo~'l, o
92 90 0
~c. 0
0 oo o ss
n 87 75
84 0 81
100 .,o
93 0
50 91

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Totai-P (mg 1"1) Totai-P (mg 1"1)

Fig. 3.18 Average summer chlorophyll-a concentrations plotted against the total-P
concentration in different years for two eutrophic shallow lakes. Blue-green algae
dominated years are marked as solid dots. chlorophyll is the main light attenuating
seston component in these lakes, and shade will be higher in the years with higher
chlorophyll levels. From Scheffer et al. (1997a).

chicken and egg problem and causality cannot be inferred from correlations
alone. Other factors that vary between lakes may influence shade and
cyanobacteria in such a way that the same pattern is produced. Therefore, it
is informative to see that individual lakes that alternate between
cyanobacterial dominance and another algal community tend to show the
same pattern (Fig. 3.18).
In IJsselmeer, for instance, filamentous cyanobacteria have been rare
over the past 20 years. However, during the summers of 1976 and 1989 the
summer algal community was dominated by Planktothrix agardhii. In both
summers chlorophyll-a was exceptionally high. Another Dutch lake,
Eemmeer, is usually dominated by Planktothrix. In 1991, however, the
cyanobacterial density was low for most of the summer. This coincided with
a drop in chlorophyll-a.

Hysteresis as an implication
The patterns in the field data suggest that shade promotes Oscillatoria
dominance (Fig. 3.14), but that Oscillatoriaceae also promote shady condi-
tions (Fig. 3.17 and 3.18). This would imply an positive feedback in the
development of blooms of Oscillatoriaceae. The consequences can be seen
more clearly by setting up a simple graphical model (Fig. 3.19), based on the
empirically derived patterns.
As argued before, shade experienced by the algae in a well mixed lake
depends on the depth and the vertical light attenuation coefficient. The
model, however, describes a given hypothetical lake in which depth is fixed
106 Phytoplankton

Fig. 3.19 Generalized diagram of the equilibrium states of the algal community of
shallow lakes inferred from the patterns observed in the field (see text for explana-
tion). From Scheffer eta/. (1997a).

and shade therefore depends only on turbidity (E). Turbidity will increase
with the phosphorus level, starting at a background value (E.) and leveling
off at high P concentrations when light becomes limiting (Fig. 3.19 lower
curve). When cyanobacteria dominate, however, turbidity will be higher at
the same nutrient concentration (cf. Fig. 3.17). Thus a separate turbidity-
nutrient relationship should apply to Oscillatoria dominated situations (Fig.
3.19 upper curve).
The field patterns further suggest that the probability that
Oscillatoriaceae will dominate the community depends strongly on the
shade level. Since many other factors may have an effect on the probability
of cyanobacterial dominance, it would be surprising if the response to shade
would be identical in all situations. However, for a given well mixed lake,
the simplest assumption is that there is a single critical shade level, which
(because of the fixed depth) translates into a critical turbidity, E"'" above
which cyanobacteria will become dominant (Fig. 3.19 horizontal line).
Above this critical shade level Oscillatoriaceae will become dominant, at
lower turbidities other algae will dominate. This implies that below the
horizontal line the cyanobacterial turbidity-nutrient relation is irrelevant,
whereas above the critical level the turbidity-nutrient relation for other
algae is irrelevant. Neglecting these irrelevant (dashed) parts, the two
curves combine with the middle segment of the horizontal line to an S-
shaped curve of steady states that is typical of so-called catastrophic
systems. The figure suggests that at low total-P levels only the non-
cyanobacterial state is possible, whereas at very high total-P levels only the
cyanobacteria dominated state exists. However, over a range of intermedi-
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 107
ate nutrient levels (P 1 < P < P2) both states are possible. Here, the commu-
nity will tend to settle in either of the two states depending on whether the
turbidity in the initial state is above or below the critical value (£,"',).
This graphical model implies that the response to changes in the nutrient
level should be discontinuous ('catastrophic') rather than smooth. When
starting from a low totai-P level, the nutrient loading of the lake is slowly
increased, turbidity will gradually increase too. This smooth response ends
when the critical total-P value (P2) is reached, since above this level only the
blue-green algae dominated state exists. When this 'breakpoint' is passed
the system will jump to a higher turbidity at the Oscillatoria dominated
upper branch of the diagram. If from this point the total-P concentration is
gradually reduced, the algal community will stay on the cyanobacteria domi-
nated branch until the lower critical nutrient concentration (P1) is reached,
and then jump back to the lower branch. It can also be inferred that
Oscillatoria will not easily disappear from lakes that have a high background
turbidity (£,).
The tendency of systems with alternative stable states to stay in the same
state despite changes in external conditions is called hysteresis, and that
term is also used in a broader sense to indicate that a system has alternative
stable states over a range of conditions.

Competition as an explanation
The hysteresis inferred from the field patterns can be understood from the
distinct differences in physiology between cyanobacteria and other algae.
This can be shown by extending the model for algal growth presented in the
previous section (Eq. 16). To make it a competition model we write an
equation for each of the algal types, fitting one with parameter values
measured in the laboratory for green algae (G) and the other one with
values representing the physiology of Planktothrix agardhii as a typical
representative of filamentous blue-green algae (B):

dG =rG~___.!L_-(t + 'vo (17)

dt g hs +DE hPr +Pf
g f !"


where turbidity (E) depends on the biomass of both groups and their specific light
attenuation coefficients (e,and e,):
and free available phosphorus (P1) depends on the total available pool (P) and the
concentrations of phosphorus in the two groups (p, and p,):
108 Phytoplankton

In addition to the specific loss rates due to respiration, settling losses and other
mortality causes of both groups (!, and 1,), this model has a loss rate f due to flushing
of the lake, which is the same for both species. Note that background turbidity is not
considered explicitly in this model. Its potential implications, however, can be easily
inferred from the previous analyses as pointed out in the next section.

The model accounts for four important aspects in which cyanobacteria

differ from other algae: they have a lower maximum gross productivity (r);
a lower loss rate (l); a higher shade tolerance (h,); and cause a higher
turbidity per unit of biomass (e) than other algae. Thus:
r, < r, 1, < 1, h,, < h,, e, < e, (21)
The exact parameter values used to produce the diagrams from this model
are estimated from the results of laboratory studies (Table 3.1).
However, the conclusion that this system produces a hysteresis can al-
ready been drawn from the qualitative differences between the parameters
(Scheffer et al., 1997a).
The traditional way to study competition models is by plotting the lines
of zero growth of either of the species (dG/dt = 0 and dB/dt = 0) (Fig.
These so-called isoclines separate regions in the state space where a
population increases from regions where it decreases. By definition intersec-
tions of the isoclines of the two species are equilibria, as the growth of both
species is zero. Intersections of the isoclines with the axis on which the other
species is zero ( G* and B* in Fig. 3.20) are also equilibria because zero
populations can not grow. Because this represents a somehow degenerate
situation, these intersections are called trivial equilibria. If the isoclines do
not intersect, that is, if one is entirely above the other, the species with the

Table 3.1 Parameter dimensions and the values used to produce Figs. 3.20-3.23 from
the model of competition between filamentous cyanobacteria and other algae (Eqs.
17 and 18, p. 107). Derivation and sources of the values can be found in Scheffer et
al. (1997a). (Note that in that paper algal abundance is expressed in grams of
phosphorus rather than biomass, and sensitivity to turbidity, q, in a 3m water column
is used rather than shade tolerance h,)

Green algae Filamentous Dimensions


Maximum gross production r, = 1.2 rb = 0.6

Loss rate '· =0.12 '· = 0.06
Specific extinction e,= 0.5 e.= 1.0
Shade tolerance h,, = 1.5 h,.= 3
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 109
Cyanobacteria ( B ) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,


G• Green algae (G)

Fig. 3.20 Isoclines of cyanobacteria (dddt = 0) and other phytoplankton (daldt = 0)

(see text). Arrows indicate the direction of change in simulation runs at the corre-
sponding points. Simulations starting above the dashed separatrix end in the stable
cyanophyte dominated state (c*), whereas runs starting from below the separatrix
end up in a state dominated by other algae (a*).

highest isocline wins and the system ends up in the trivial equilibrium at
which its competitor is absent. If the isoclines intersect, the properties of the
system depend on the stability of the equilibrium at the intersection. If it is
stable, and there is no other intersection, the trivial equilibria are both
unstable. Therefore, the intersection is the only stable equilibrium. Any
simulation starting with both species will end up in this state of stable co-
existence. In the case of our model (Fig. 3.20), the intersection is always an
unstable equilibrium. This can be formally proven from the inequalities, as
stated above. This specific type of unstable equilibrium is called a 'saddle'
because of the pattern produced by the paths of trajectories in its vicinity.
The saddle repels trajectories in the direction of the trivial equilibria but
attracts them from the perpendicular directions. The saddle point lays on
the 'separatrix', a line that starts from the origin and separates the attraction
basins of the two trivial equilibria which are in this case stable. Simulations
starting from an initial state above the separatrix always end up in a
monoculture of cyanobacteria (B*) whereas trajectories starting below the
separatrix lead to the other trivial equilibrium ( G*).
Obviously, the positions of the isoclines and equilibria depend on the
value of the control parameters. By playing with the nutrient level (P) and
the flushing rate (f), either of the isoclines can be brought entirely above the
other. As explained, these are situations in which only one stable (trivial)
equilibrium exists. Changing the value of one of the control variables gradu-
ally makes the saddle move in the direction of either of these equilibria.
Since the separatrix moves in the same direction the region of attraction of
that equilibrium progressively declines, until the saddle collides with the
110 Phytoplankton

- . Green algae (G)

Fig. 3.21 Effect of the total-P concentration of the lake on the isoclines used to
analyse the competition between cyanobacteria (c) and other phytoplankton (a)
(Fig. 3.20) (see text). Two alternative stable states exist at phosphorus concentra-
tions between P, and P,.

equilibrium and makes it unstable. In fact, the saddle moves out of the
positive quadrant to negative concentrations of cyanobacteria where it
does not make biological sense any more. The collision of the saddle
with the stable equilibrium is an example of a so-called bifurcation. Bifurca-
tions happen when, due to change of a control variable, equilibria meet
and change their nature. If, as in this case, one of the equilibria goes through
the axis (driving a species extinct) the bifurcation is called transcritical.
Bifurcations always mark a change in the qualitative properties of the
system. Therefore, tracing the parameter values for which they occur can
be a very useful technique for analysing the system's behaviour, as shown
The effect of a control variable on the isoclines and equilibria can be
illustrated by adding the control variable as an extra dimension to the
isocline picture (Fig. 3.21 ). Over the range of nutrient values for which the
saddle exists (P1 < P < Pz) the two trivial equilibria (G* and B*) occur as
alternative stable states.
It is easier to grasp a two-dimensional plot in which both algal groups are
combined in one variable, and the equilibria of the model are shown as a
function of the control variable. In our case, an interesting state variable
that combines the density of both algal groups is the total turbidity (E).
Figure 3.22a shows the turbidity in equilibrium predicted by the competition
model as a function of the total nutrient concentration (P). The two
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 111
Turbidity (E) Turbidity (E)
2.5,---------------, 2,---------------,
p =0.3


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19
Total phosphorus (P) Flush rate(f)

Fig. 3.22 Hysteresis shown as the response of the turbidity (E) with respect to the
control parameters total-P (P) and flush rate (f). Modified from Scheffer et a/.

branches correspond to the stable (trivial) equilibria. The upper branch

represents a monoculture of cyanobacteria (B*), while the lower one repre-
sents the equilibrium without blue-green algae ( G*). The horizontal dotted
line that connects the two branches is the unstable (saddle) equilibrium. It
demarcates the border of the regions of attraction of the two stable branches
over the range of nutrient values (P1 < P < P 2) where they coexist. Obviously
this figure, computed with the model from laboratory data on the physiology
of the algal groups, corresponds closely to the tentative picture of hysteresis
derived from the field data (Fig. 3.19).
The fact that the same result can be derived in different ways from
independent sets of information (laboratory and field) is, of course, encour-
aging. As Levins (1966) phrased it, we are more likely to accept something
as the truth when it emerges 'as the intersection of independent lies'. Al-
though 'lies' may sound a bit too harsh, both approaches clearly have their
shortcomings. Model results can be artifacts of over-simplification due to
the representation of a complex mechanism in simple mathematics. Also,
the model includes just a few mechanisms, whereas in the field other mecha-
nisms may contribute to explain the observed patterns. On the other hand,
the fact that field data show the effect of many more factors obscures the
patterns and makes it difficult to infer the mechanisms that cause the ob-
served behaviours. Also, variations in the weather, measurement errors and
numerous differences between lakes make data noisy, and patterns are
complicated by the fact that communities in the field are never really in
equilibrium, due among other things to the continuous change of light,
temperature and hydrological conditions over the year.
An important factor that may affect cyanobacterial dominance is the
hydraulic retention time of the lake. Since the flushing rate is in the equa-
tions, the model also allows us to explore the response to this factor (Fig.
3.11b). Again a hysteresis occurs, but the picture is reversed as increasing
112 Phytoplankton
0.8 -,-----------------~...,

~ 0.6
cyano bacteria (8*)
-a 0.4
! 0.2

other algae (G*l

0.1 0.15 0.2
flush rate (f)

Fig. 3.23 Bifurcation diagram of the model showing for which combinations of flush
rate (f) and total-P concentration (P) cyanobacteria [c) or other algae [a] will
dominate, and for which combinations those states are alternative equilibria. From
Scheffer et at. (1997a).

the control parameter, f, the situation now becomes less favourable for
cyanobacteria. Interestingly, the catastrophic transitions between the two
branches (at f, and / 2) do not occur at the same turbidity any more as was the
case in the hysteresis with respect to P (Fig. 3.22a). This illustrates that the
effect of flushing can not simply be explained as affecting the competitive
balance through a reduction of turbidity. Instead, the clue to understanding
the effect of flushing is that cyanobacteria have low rates of productivity (r.
< '•) but usually compensate this by having low loss rates (1. < t.). Conse-
quently, the relative impact of an extra loss due to flushing is much higher
for the slow growing blue-green algae than for the other algae. In fact,
the effect of flushing on the algal community is analogous to the much
discussed effect of 'disturbance' on terrestrial vegetations. It keeps the
slow-growing K-select species from outcompeting the fast growing r-select
Depicting the combined effects of flushing (Fig. 3.22a) and nutrients (Fig.
3.22b) on the turbidity would require a three-dimensional graph. It is easier
to produce and read a projection of such a graph in the parameter plane
(Fig. 3.23).
The two lines in this graph represent the edges of the hysteresis where the
catastrophes occur ([f;,P,] and [f,P2]). Because, as explained earlier, the
corresponding connections of the stable (trivial) equilibria with the unstable
saddle equilibrium are so-called 'bifurcations', this type of representation is
known as a bifurcation graph. The cyanobacterial monoculture (B*) is
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 113

stable above the lower bifurcation line, whereas the equilibrium without
cyanobacteria ( G*) is stable below the upper line. The area between the
lines represents the conditions under which the two states are present
as alternative equilibria. Note that Figs. 3.22 a and b correspond to a
vertical and a horizontal transect through this bifurcation diagram re-
spectively, and can be used to understand how turbidity varies with the
two parameters in this graph. The bifurcation graph adds a lot of informa-
tion to the separate hysteresis curves. It shows, for instance, that the hyster-
esis with respect to P is largest if there is some flushing, whereas the
hysteresis with respect to flushing shrinks to almost nothing at high phos-
phorus levels.
Restoration strategies, manipulating nutrients and flushing rate can be
interpreted in terms of this diagram. Obviously, they are not independent,
as reduction of the nutrient content normally requires reduction of the
concentration in the inflow. A dilemma occurs when water flows can be
diverted to flush the lake but the nutrient concentration of the available
water is high. Theory predicts that flushing with high nutrient water can
still work (Fig. 3.23) if the flushing rate is sufficiently high. This view is
supported by information from Danish lakes (Jeppesen, pers. comm. ). Blue-
green algal dominance is never observed in lakes where the hydraulic
retention time is shorter than five days, even though such lakes can have
very high nutrient concentrations. Importantly, flushing effects will be
stronger in winter when algal growth rates are low. Indeed winter flushing
with water from the nearby polder areas has probably helped to break
cyanobacterial dominance in Veluwemeer (The Netherlands) (Hosper,
1985; Hosper and Meijer, 1986). Unfortunately, causality is complicated in
this case because the flushing also caused a strong reduction in phosphorus
The above treatment of hysteresis is phrased in terms of dynamical
systems theory. However, studying competition has a long tradition in ecol-
ogy. A short note on the connection to existing theory and terminology is
therefore appropriate. Importantly, our alternative equilibria or 'unstable
coexistence' case is also one of the qualitative possibilities in standard
Volterra competition models based on the logistic growth equation. In such
models the mechanisms of competition are not specified. Instead, the inten-
sity of inter- and intra-specific competition is defined directly. For alterna-
tive equilibria to occur, inter-specific competition needs to be stronger than
intra-specific competition; loosely phrased; it should be better to have
conspecifics around than individuals of the other species. Obviously, this
is in line with the mechanism in our more specific model. Cyanobacteria
have a competitive advantage in the turbid situation caused by their own
Our general result is also analogous to that obtained from the graphical
models of competition for two resources elaborated by Tilman (Taylor and
Williams, 1975; Tilman, 1977; Tilman, 1982; Tilman, 1985). Tilman's re-
114 Phytoplankton
source-ratio theory predicts that the coexistence between two competing
species is unstable if each species consumes relatively more of the resource
of which it also tolerates the lowest levels. In our case competition is for
light and nutrients. Blue-green algae cause a higher turbidity at the same
nutrient level. In resource-ratio terms, this means that they use relatively
more light. Since they are also the most shade tolerant group, this fits with
the resource-ratio requirement for unstable coexistence.

Other mechanisms involved

The simple model suggests that competition between blue-green and other
algae is a plausible explanation for the hysteresis that can be observed in
lakes. However, many other mechanisms than the ones included in this
simple competition model will obviously operate in real situations.
An aspect that is not considered explicitly in the competition model is
background turbidity. Background turbidity due to sediment resuspension
can be high in shallow lakes. This allows a high turbidity to be reached at
lower nutrient levels (Fig. 3.12). Thus lakes that are turbid due to a frequent
resuspension of sediment particles are likely to be shady enough to allow
dominance by filamentous blue-green algae even at a low nutrient level. In
extreme cases one could even envision background turbidity to be high
enough to make blue-green algae the superior competitors in any nutrient
condition. Indeed, environments with uninterrupted mixing are very often
dominated by Oscillatoria (Reynolds, 1993). Reynolds (1993) attributes this
to the frequent 'disturbance' that eliminates all other species but the toler-
ant Oscillatoria, much like grasses are more likely to survive in a frequently
cut pasture than trees. As outlined here, filamentous blue-green algae are in
fact more comparable to trees that can be found in mature forests than to
grasses. They are shade tolerant, slow growing and sensitive to losses due to
flushing. They survive in many situations not because of fast regeneration,
but because they are relatively immune to grazing and shade tolerant. The
fact that shade tolerance is the main reason for their notorious dominance in
wind mixed lakes is confirmed by an analysis of the factors that drive algal
dynamics in the Loosdrecht Lakes (Gons et al., 1991). High background
turbidity caused by frequent resuspension is thought to be a major reason
for the persistent dominance of cyanobacteria in these shallow turbid peat
A topic of much discussion with respect to cyanobacteria is their
inedibility. Even large herbivorous zooplankters are unable effectively to
consume filamentous cyanobacteria under most conditions (Arnold, 1971;
Schindler, 1971; Gliwicz and Lampert, 1990). An obvious implication of the
inedibility is that grazing mortality will in general be lower for filamentous
blue-green than for edible algae. However, the interaction of filamentous
cyanobacteria, herbivorous zooplankton and edible algae is rather intricate.
Model analyses suggest that depending on the selectivity of grazers and the
Competition between algae and cyanobacteria 115
nutritious value, grazing may push the competitive balance either way and
under some conditions it may also result in a stable coexistence of both
groups (Gragnani et al., 1997)
Indeed, an absolute monoculture of filamentous blue-green algae as pre-
dicted by the minimal model is never observed in real lakes (Fig. 3.14), and,
obviously, the monoculture prediction is an artifact of simplification. Selec-
tive grazing is one possible explanation, but many studies have shown that
spatial heterogeneity of the environment also helps to prevent competitive
exclusion and it seems reasonable to assume that this factor plays a role in
algal communities as well. Also temporal variation of the environment will
tend to prevent competitive exclusion in algal communities (e.g. Padisak et
al., 1993). This factor is surely relevant to Oscillatoria dynamics. Although
these algae can stay dominant throughout the year in eutrophic lakes (Sas,
1989) the seasonal pattern depends on the temperature conditions. In Den-
mark overwintering of filamentous blue-green algae occurs hardly at all
(Jeppesen, pers comm.), while in the milder climate of The Netherlands, the
dominant Planktothrix agardhii disappears from the eutrophic shallow lakes
only in cold winters (Berger, 1975). Winter can apparently bring the system
past the breakpoint below which blue-green algal dominance ends. The
sensitivity of Planktothrix agardhii to cold winters fits with the observation
that the growth of this species, like that of most large algae, drops relatively
steeply with temperature (Reynolds, 1988 ). Obviously, seasonal alternation
between blue-green and other algae implies 'coexistence' during the transi-
tional phase, and especially averages over a period including a transition will
suggest coexistence.
Although the field patterns as well as the model results indicate that
nutrients, through their effect on shade, influence the competition between
Oscillatoriaceae and other algae, it is clear that temperature and flushing
rate are also important for the competitive balance. As mentioned in the
previous section, allelopathy is another factor that may also affect
cyanobacterial dominance. Various aquatic macrophytes have been
shown to release substances that inhibit the growth of cyanobacteria
while having a much smaller impact on the development of other algae
(Gross and Siitfeld, 1994; Jasser, 1995), and bag experiments in the field
demonstrated that plants tend to cause a switch from cyanobacterial
dominance to a dominance by green algae even though total algal
biomass is not significantly affected (Jasser, 1995). There are some indica-
tions that allelopathy among different phytoplankton groups may also play
a role in competition. Experiments by Keating (1977; 1978) suggest that
blue-green algae can release allelopathic substances that are toxic to
The current information is insufficient to see exactly how nutrients
(shade), flushing rate, temperature and allelopathic substances interact in
their effect on competition. In general, however, a catastrophic system will
show hysteresis in its response to all control variables. Also the 'threshold
116 Phytoplankton
value' for one variable will normally depend on the value of the other
variables. The latter is illustrated for the combination of flushing and nutri-
ents by the model analysis (Fig. 3.23). At low nutrient levels, the sensitivity
to flushing increases. An example of the combined effects of nutrients and
temperature is provided by the history of eutrophication of Lake Albufera
in Spain (Romo and Miracle, 1994). In the 1970s eutrophication had caused
the phytoplankton community to be dominated by Oscillatoriaceae during
summer and autumn, but in the spring chlorophytes and diatoms were still
dominant. Ongoing enrichment in the 1980s, however, led Oscillatoria to
become dominant throughout the year, suggesting that the cyanobacterial
dominance is less sensitive to the low temperatures when nutrient levels are
In conclusion, field patterns as well as the physiologically based com-
petition model indicate that dominance by Oscillatoriaceae can be an alter-
native stable state of the algal community of shallow lakes because these
shade tolerant cyanobacteria are able to cause an increase in turbidity that
favours their competitive advantage. The model and field observations indi-
cate that high flushing rates reduce the probability of blue-green algal
dominance because of their relatively slow growth rates. In addition, there
is evidence that low winter temperatures and allelopathic substances from
aquatic macrophytes can affect the competitive balance in favour of other


Throughout the former sections phytoplankton is treated simply as one
homogeneous group or as two competing populations. Algal dynamics are
mostly studied at such highly lumped levels. Although usually a distinction
between the major taxonomical groups is made, neither eutrophication
models nor descriptive studies of lake phytoplankton often go down to the
species level, except when one species dominates, as in the cases described
for cyanobacteria. The reason for lumping species is obvious. The algal
community of the average lake consists of hundreds of different species,
and dynamics at the species level are usually very erratic (Cottingham,
In a classical paper entitled 'The paradox of the plankton', Hutchinson
(1961) drew attention to the fact that the high diversity of phytoplankton is
really remarkable, as there seems not much room for niche specialization in
this relatively homogeneous environment where everyone is competing for
a few limiting nutrients and light. Indeed, simple competition models sug-
gest that the number of species that can coexist in equilibrium can not be
greater than the number of limiting resources unless additional mechanisms
are involved. Hutchinson already offered an outline of potential explana-
tions of his paradox. Importantly, he suggested that, in general, the plankton
community might not be in equilibrium at all.
Multi-species competition and succession 117
Causes of non-equilibrium dynamit:s

Although, with this non-equilibrium argument, the issue of Hutchinson's

paradox may seem solved, the question remains what actually drives the
non-equilibrium dynamics. The continuous variation in environmental con-
ditions due to the seasonal cycle and less predictable factors like the change
in weather and hydraulic conditions is the most obvious explanation
(Padisak et al., 1993).
As pointed out by Sommer (1991) and Reynolds (1993) the seasonal
succession of algal species is comparable in many aspects to succession in
terrestrial vegetations, although the time scales differ widely. The typical
generation time of algae is about a thousand times shorter than that of
terrestrial plants. Therefore, one summer in plankton dynamics is compara-
ble to many centuries of terrestrial succession. In fact, Reynolds (1993)
argues that what happens between two winters in plankton is comparable to
what happened since the Weichselian glaciation period in temperate forests.
Indeed, there are remarkable-similarities between seasonal succession in
algae and the successional patterns described for terrestrial plant communi-
ties. The 'colonizers' that start off the successional sequence are small
rapidly growing species, while the species that dominate at the end of the
succession in summer are large, shade-tolerant algae that grow slowly, but
are well able to conserve biomass and nutrients. The sequence of algal
groups that appear in the course of the seasonal successional depends on
aspects like lake depth and nutrient status. Although there can be differ-
ences from year to year, the overall pattern of biomass and succession of
dominant groups is more or less predictable in most lakes (Sommer eta/.,
On top of the regular annual cycle driven by the gradual change of
temperature and light during the year, there is a continuous weather related
'disturbance'. Meteorological events like heavy rainfall, hot weather periods
and stormy days can have a pronounced impact on hydraulics, water tem-
perature and nutrient supply. Such short-term variability can be thought of
as setting back succession, and thus preventing one species from
outcompeting the rest. Indeed a fluctuating nutrient supply suffices to pre-
vent equilibrium conditions leading to competitive exclusion in the labora-
tory (Sommer, 1984; Sommer, 1985), and also in real lakes, weather related
disturbances are thought to be important in keeping algal communities
diverse and dynamic (Padisak eta/., 1993).
It is usually thought that in the absence of any externally imposed distur-
bance the algal succession should in one or two months lead to a stable state
in which most species have been outcompeted by one or a few dominants:
'undisturbed successions should eventually approach competitive exclu-
sion and ecological equilibrium' (Reynolds et a/., 1993). However,
laboratory experiments show that even in the absence of any external vari-
ation, multi-species planktonic systems can show erratic fluctuations and
118 Phytoplankton
stay diverse for years (Kersting, 1985). More than likely, these complex
dynamics are the result of interactions between the species, and should
therefore be classified as 'deterministic chaos' (Scheffer, 1991b). Conse-
quently, what we see in real lakes may well be the behaviour of an intrinsi-
cally chaotic system in a fluctuating environment. It may be argued that in
the end there is not much difference between intrinsic chaos or the effect of
fluctuations in the environment, since for all practical purposes the result is
just noise. Conceptually, however, the phenomenon of intrinsic chaos has
important theoretical implications: first, the final state ('asymptotic regime')
to which a chaotic system settles in the absence of any perturbation is a so-
called strange attractor. Simulations with most dynamical systems that have
been studied in the past tend to a stable equilibrium point ('point attractor')
or a regular cycle ('cyclic attractor'). A chaotic system, however, tends to a
state of continuous change in which the same pattern is never exactly
repeated ('strange attractor'). A second important feature of a chaotic
system is that small differences in initial state blow up exponentially with
time. This implies that the long-term behaviour is fundamentally unpredict-
able. Even if we would exactly know the rules that govern the plankton
community, the final result remains unpredictable, because we can never
precisely determine the current state and, even if we could, the slightest
perturbation has huge effects on the long term. Thus if planktonic systems
are indeed chaotic, the discussed weather effects will tend to blow up with
time, and predictability at the species level seems unlikely even under
constant conditions.

Reasons to expect chaotic dynamics

The idea that the dynamics of natural communities are intrinsically chaotic
stems mainly from the results of analyses of simple models. It has been
shown that chaotic dynamics can arise from a variety of trophic interactions
(Fig. 3.24).
Although all of these interactions are potentially seeds of chaos, models
for each of them only produce chaotic behaviour for a restricted range of
parameter settings. Therefore, we cannot infer much from these observa-
tions without further information on the specific conditions that lead these
interactions to behave chaotically. Going into the details of this for any
specific model appears not to be very illuminating, but there is a crucial
generic rule to be learned from physics in this context: systems that contain
interacting oscillators can easily show intrinsically chaotic dynamics
(Rogers, 1981). As zooplankton species tend to show strong demographic
cycles, oscillators may be considered abundant in plankton communities.
Obviously, these zooplanktonic oscillators are coupled since there are large
overlaps in food among the different species (Brooks and Dodson, 1965;
Demott, 1982; Boersma, 1995). Hence, it seems reasonable to expect plank-
ton dynamics to be intrinsically chaotic.
Multi-species competition and succession 119

a b

c d

Fig. 3.24 Some interaction structures for which simple models have been demon-
strated to produce chaotic behaviour: (a) a consumer exploiting two competing
preys, (b) two consumers exploiting prey that compete, (c) a carnivore on top of a
simple consumer-food system, (d) a network of at least four competing species.
From Scheffer (1991b).

The last interaction scheme presented in Fig. 3.24 suggests an additional

source of chaos. Even in the absence of consumers, a network of competing
species can behave chaotically. The minimum number of interacting
populations required in this case, if biologically reasonable parameter set-
tings are to be used, is four (Ameodo et al., 1982). Although a full fledged
strange attractor can be produced for the four species case, the chaotic
behaviour appears to be rather fragile (Scheffer, 1991b). The attraction
basin of the strange attractor is limited so that a disturbance might easily
kick the system out of its chaotic behaviour in which case it degenerates into
a stable one-species case. Furthermore~ the chaotic behaviour is easily lost if
parameters are modified. Therefore, it does not seem very likely that a
system like this will display chaotic behaviour in the real world. It has,
however, been proved that competitive interactions of five and more species
can lead to any type of behaviour including chaos, and that complex dynam-
ics become more likely if many species are involved (Smale, 1976). Obvi-
ously, the number of algal species in an aquatic system is generally much
larger, and it might therefore well be that even if there is no detectable
impact of zooplankton, algal communities can behave chaotically.
120 Phytoplankton

0 500 1000

Fig. 3.25 Fluctuation of total particle density in the autotrophic compartment of a

micro-ecosystem over a period of 100 days. Redrawn from Ringelberg (1977).

This hypothesis is supported by observations on small aquatic model

ecosystems ('micro-ecosystems') that have been kept undisturbed in the
laboratory for as long as 10 years (Kersting, 1985). Basically these micro-
ecosystems consist of a phytoplankton compartment, a zooplankton com-
partment and a decomposition compartment, connected by a continuous
circular water flow. Apart from a few perturbations which are unavoidable
over such long time periods, temperature and light are kept constant and the
systems remain closed. Nonetheless, these systems typically do not settle to
a stable state, but instead keep exhibiting irregular dynamics throughout the
whole observation period (Fig. 3.25).
There are strong indications that the oscillations measured in the algal
compartment result only from interactions within this part of the system.
The outflow is continuous, as is the phosphate concentration of the inflow
(Ringelberg, 1977). Therefore, competition seems the most likely cause of
the fluctuations in this small multi-species algal community. This view is
supported by the observation that on rare occasions when such a system
collapsed to a one species dominated state, the fluctuations disappeared
(Kersting, pers. comm.). In such stable monocultures blue-green algae were
invariably the winners. Note that this is remarkably well in line with the
observation discussed in the former section that in real lakes, blue-green
algae dominated states tend to be almost monocultures, and typically show
very stable seasonal dynamics.
In summary, it seems likely that real world algal communities are intrin-
sically chaotic. In addition, they are subject to environmental stochasticity,
Multi-species competition and succession 121
and the effects of the latter may be expected to be magnified rather than
damped by the interactions within the community due to the sensitivity to
initial conditions characteristic of chaotic systems. It is therefore not surpris-
ing that algal dynamics are usually highly erratic at the species level
(Cottingham, 1996), and predictability on this level of detail seems unlikely.
Nonetheless, as explained in the previous sections, the effect of environ-
mental factors on total algal biomass and dominance by cyanobacteria can
be predicted relatively well.
4 Trophic cascades

A strong reduction of the fish stock usually leads to a marked increase in

water fleas which graze down phytoplankton biomass to a low level (Shapiro
and Wright, 1984; Van Donk et al., 1990; Meijer et al., 1994a). Also, an
increase in piscivorous fish can reduce the planktivorous fish stock leading
to an increase in water fleas and a decrease in algal biomass (Benndorf et al.,
1988; Hambright, 1994; Mittelbach et al., 1995; S!llndergaard et al., 1997).
This effect of fish through zooplankton on phytoplankton has been termed
a cascading trophic interaction, as the impact cascades down the trophic
levels in the food chain (Carpenter et al., 1985). Since phytoplankton
blooms are one of the main problems arising with eutrophication,
using this trophic cascade seems an obvious way to enhance the effect
of eutrophication control. The idea is appealingly simple: reduce the
planktivorous fish and phytoplankton will be grazed by the increased
Daphnia populations.
A generic black-and-white version of this cascade of trophic control has
been worked out by Hairston, Smith and Slobodkin (HSS) (Hairston et al.,
1%0) to produce a caricatural view of the world that was, nonetheless, an
eye-opener in its early years: in the absence of consumers, plants are abun-
dant and the world will be green. Introduction of uncontrolled herbivores
would lead to a repression of plants, resulting in a desert-like world. Subse-
quent introduction of uncontrolled carnivores would, in tum, control the
herbivores and make the world green again (Fig. 4.1).
This HSS hypothesis as well as the trophic cascade theory for Jake com-
munities have evoked considerable debate, as many ecologists felt that the
potential for top-down control was greatly overestimated. The contrasting
view was that the abundance of most organisms is determined by the avail-
ability of food rather than by predation. Interestingly, this controversy
about the importance of top-down control was already a hot item more than
a century ago. A good impression of the situation is given by the Italian
scientist Lorenzo Camerano (1880). His description of the scientific contro-
versies in those days and the theory he presents for explaining food-chain
dynamics contain such striking similarities with more recent developments
in the field that it is worthwhile to reflect on his work. About the top-down
bottom-up controversy Camerano writes:
One of the most debated issues these days is that of animals which are useful
and those harmful to crops [. . .] Naturalists are divided on this topic, as is
Trophic cascades 123




Fig. 4.1 Top-down control in food chains of different lengths as suggested by the
HSS hypothesis, stating that top-down control of primary producers occurs only in
food chains with an odd number of links (see text). From Scheffer (1997).

well known, in two categories. One category admits the usefulness of birds
since these destroy insects which damage crops, and believes that by promot-
ing increase of bird numbers the number of insects and the extent of the
damage they do could be reduced. The other category, on the other hand,
believes that the effect of birds is of little importance concerning the destruc-
tion of insects harmful to crops, and that the development of birds would not
prevent the development of insects.
Naturalists belonging to the first category reason this way: the number of
insects which cause damage to crops increases; that of birds, on the other
hand, decreases. Now, birds feed to a great extent on insects; so if we increase
the numbers of birds, the number of insects will decrease. The second cat-
egory of naturalists think differently: the number of birds is high particularly
in those places where insects are very abundant When the number of insects
decreases, so does the number of birds. Regions with low insect abundance
also have few birds. The amount of insects in a region depends essentially on
the amount of food found in it[. . .]. Hence, they conclude: birds play only a
small effect in destroying insects which may damage crops. Well-known
naturalists have argued in favor of either one of the theories mentioned.
However, the number of naturalists who support the first theory is decreasing
every day, while those in favor of the second one increase
Camerano also brings up several familiar sounding explanations for the fact
that no clear insights on this topic had been obtained yet, such as the fact
that applied science has been too sloppy ('an inclination to hasten to appli-
cations while disregarding data from pure science') and neglecting impor-
124 Trophic cascades
tant feedbacks in the food web ('without taking into account the many and
very important relations among different groups of animals'). He proceeds,
presenting a theoretical framework for understanding food-chain dynamics
that contains many of the key concepts of later ecological theory, for in-
stance, the idea that consumer and food populations are in dynamic equilib-
rium: 'It is a well accepted fact by all that animals and plants develop in
direct proportion to the available food. From this it follows that no species,
be it carnivore or herbivore, can develop beyond a certain limit which, if
surpassed, would destroy the source of its own nourishment. Equilibrium
broken by the excessive growth of either kind of animal, would again be
reestablished.' Camerano explains in detail how the effect of disturbances
on one trophic level will cascade through the food chain, the same idea that
would provoke so much debate almost a century later (Hairston et al., 1960),
and describes how equilibrium will tend to be re-established through
damped oscillations.
Camerano's work has been rediscovered only recently (by Jacobi and
Cohen, see Camerano's reference) and apparently his systems ecology avant
Ia lettre has not been appealing enough to the scientists of his days to create
a school that kept the ideas alive. Much more influential were the simple
mathematical models of species interactions presented about half a century
later by Alfred Latka (1925) and by Vito Volterra (1926). Ever since their
contribution, these and later, more realistic minimal models have catalysed
the understanding of the dynamics resulting from trophic interactions. In-
deed, the dynamic results of 'eating and being eaten' are often rather intri-
cate and in many cases simple models have provided the little push needed
to grasp the full implications of consumer - food interactions intuitively. In
this chapter such minimal models are used to explain some basic features of
the interactions between phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. The result-
ing insights serve as a basis from which more complex aspects of trophic
relations such as size selective predation and predator avoidance strategies
are discussed.


Grazing by mussels
In shallow marine systems, bivalves are often the dominant filter feeders.
This is not the case in freshwater lakes, although there are exceptions. In the
New Zealand Lake Tuakitoto, for instance, a local mussel species (Hyridella
menziesi) was estimated to filter the lake water once every 32 hours and
reduce the phytoplankton standing crop by as much as 90% (Ogilvie and
Mitchell, 1995). Most examples of intensive bivalve filtration in lakes come
from shallow waters in the United States that have been recently colonized
by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Fig. 3.13). Although other
bivalve invaders such as the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea have had
considerable impacts on the receiving communities, the vigour of the zebra
Top-down control of phytoplankton 125
mussel invasion of the American continent has been unsurpassed. An over-
view of the abiotic and biotic impacts of the invasion is presented by
Macisaac (1996). Soon after the first occurrence the species started to cause
an extensive 'fouling' of hard substratum such as rocks, buoys and docks,
and economically more importantly, water inlets, trash bars, steam con-
densers, gauges and other vital parts of power plants.
Massive populations of Dreissena can have a marked effect on algal
biomass and the concentration of other suspended solids in shallow
water. This is illustrated by conspicuous increases of transparency and
drops in chlorophyll-a concentrations following the invasion of lakes or
bays by zebra mussels. In the south part of the western basin of Lake
Erie, for instance, phytoplankton concentrations dropped by almost an
order of magnitude compared with the situation before the Dreissena inva-
sion, and Secchi-depths increased by 100% (Holland, 1993). Secchi disk
transparency in Lake St. Clair increased from 0.5-l.Sm before the zebra
mussel invasion to 1.8-2.8m in 1990 when mussels had become abundant
(Griffiths, 1992). In Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, mean Secchi-depth in-
creased from 1.3m when the first mussels were observed to 2.7m the next
year when maximum mussel density was five times higher already
(Macisaac, 1996).
The potential of Dreissena to clear up the water column has been
tested experimentally in The Netherlands (Reeders et al., 1992). Mussels
(540m-2) were added to one of two adjacent hypertrophic ponds.
As a substratum, wire netting was added to the pond, as the soft
muddy sediments were unsuitable for survival of the mussels. Before the
manipulation mussels were not found in the ponds and severe
cyanobacterial blooms usually developed in summer. During the subse-
quent year Secchi-depths in the mussel pond were consistently higher than
those in the control pond (Fig. 4.2). Cyanobacterial blooms did not occur
and algal biomass was reduced to approximately half of that in the control
Zebra mussels are able to filter out particles of a large size range. Only
part of the retained particles are really ingested. Unpreferred items such as
large diatom cells and inorganic sediment particles are enveloped in mucus
and expelled as pseudofecal pellets. The mussel induced changes in western
Lake Erie suggest that all major phytoplankton taxa, including large colo-
nial forms, are equally vulnerable to Dreissena filtering (Nicholls and
Hopkins, 1993). Even small zooplankters (including Dreissena larvae) are
ingested by the mussels (Macisaac et al., 1991). Indeed, the densities of
rotifers and small copepods are often found to decline following a Dreissena
invasion (Macisaac, 1996). However, since mussels and zooplankton also
compete for food, it is difficult to determine how much of the observed
decline in zooplankton is due to ingestion by mussels.
All examples of strong Dreissena impact on plankton are from shallow
relatively well mixed systems. In deeper water the effect of filtration seems
126 Trophic cascades

pond with zebra mussels

pond without mussels


~ 120


~ 80




Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Fig. 4.2 Changes in Secchi-depth over a 1-year period in experimental ponds with
(treated) and without (reference) zebra mussels. From Reeders eta!. (1992)

less likely to affect transparency throughout the water column. The increase
in Secchi-depth associated with massive Dreissena populations is about a
factor 2 in the cited cases. Although zooplankton grazing can cause more
spectacular increases in transparency, the effect of zebra mussel grazing is
less ephemeral than that of the often short-lived outbreaks of Daphnia.
Since, in addition, zebra mussels can filter out particles of a much larger size
range than Daphnia, research has been done to find ways of stimulating
zebra mussel populations as a possible aid in reducing turbidity of shallow
lakes (Reeders and Bij de Vaate, 1990). In practice, it appears that lack of
suitable hard substrate prevents the species from becoming abundant in
many of the European turbid shallow lakes. The continuous resuspension
and sedimentation in unvegetated shallow lakes buries the mussels except
on safe sites like stones, poles, trunks or boats. When lakes clear up due
to mussel grazing, aquatic vegetation can expand (Griffiths, 1992). Since
macrophytes are a suitable substratum for settlement of juvenile mussels
and help to prevent wave resuspension of sediments, this may further im-
prove expansion possibilities for Dreissena. The resulting positive feedback
may boost the changes observed after Dreissena invasions in shallow parts
of American lakes (Macisaac, 1996).
Top-down control of phytoplankton 127
Several molluscivorous fish species can feed on zebra mussels (French,
1993) and when the water is not too deep, diving waterfowl are known to
consume considerable quantities of mussels in some cases (Wormington and
Leach, 1992; Hamilton et al., 1994). Nonetheless, strong top-down control of
Dreissena populations has not been reported. Lack of suitable substratum
for settlement is probably a main restriction of Dreissena expansion in many
shallow lakes.

The special position of Daphnia

Zooplankton is by far the most important group with respect to top-down
control of algae in most lakes. It is a heterogeneous group of organisms.
Expressed in individual numbers, small animals such as rotifers and
copepods are usually the most important. They serve as food for fish larvae
and carnivorous zooplankton like cyclopoid copepods, and feed on small
algae and bacteria. Due to their restriction to small food particles, these
animals cause a shift to larger phytoplankters rather than reducing total
algal biomass. Although a reduction of total algal biomass by small
zooplankters has occasionally been reported (Jeppesen et al., 1990b), the
only planktonic animals that can usually cause a significant decline in chlo-
rophyll are large cladocerans (Brooks and Dodson, 1965; Pace, 1984). Spe-
cies of the genus Daphnia (Fig. 4.3) are especially well known for their high
potential grazing pressure. Their size allows them to feed on a wide array of
algal species, excluding only the ones that form large colonies. Unlike many
generalists in nature, they are also very efficient, reducing their food to
levels that are too low to sustain most competitors (Brooks and Dodson,
1965). The densities of smaller species will, therefore, often drop when
Daphnia populations are high. Due to this mechanism, possibly enhanced
by mechanical interference, rotifer densities can sometimes be almost a
mirror image of the fluctuations in Daphnia populations (Lampert and
Rothhaupt, 1991).
Daphnia is thus an extremely successful competitor in the zooplanktonic
community. Nonetheless, in many shallow lakes these animals are rare.
Various factors may be involved in suppressing Daphnia populations.
Several studies, for instance, indicate that suspended clay particles are
detrimental for Daphnia feeding (Arruda et al., 1983; Kirk and Gilbert,
1990; Kirk, 1991), that the animals do not grow and reproduce well when
they forage on phosphorus-limited algae (Hessen, 1990; Sommer, 1992;
Sterner, 1993), and that Daphnia hardly occurs in brackish water (Bales et
al., 1993; Jeppesen et al., 1994). Also, large cyanobacterial colonies are
usually not easily edible (Arnold, 1971; Schindler, 1971) and Daphnia
growth can be severely reduced in their presence (Gliwicz, 1990; Gliwicz
and Lampert, 1990), while toxic substances released by cyanobacteria have
been shown to reduce filtering rates of daphnids by 50% or more (Haney et
al., 1994).
128 Trophic cascades

Fig. 4.3 Waterfleas (Daphnia) are small planktonic crustaceans that filter the water
to obtain their algal food. They can reach densities of hundreds of animals per litre
and reduce phytoplankton to low levels. However, waterfleas are also very vulner-
able to fish predation and this explains their absence in many situations.

However, probably the most important weak point in the success formula
of Daphnia is that they are very profitable food for planktivorous fish. This
leads to their absence in many situations as explained further in the next
section. Many studies illustrate the strong impact of Daphnia on algal
biomass when they are released from fish predation. Sometimes long ice-
cover in winter leads to massive fish-kills due to lack of oxygen. Such natural
winter kills are typically followed by the occurrence of dense Daphnia
populations that graze down algal biomass (Schindler and Comita, 1972;
Haertel and Jongsma, 1982; Samelle, 1993). The same is observed after
artificial strong reductions of the fish stock by means of fishing or rotenone
Top-down control of phytoplankton 129
treatments (Shapiro and Wright, 1984; Van Donk et al., 1990; Meijer et al.,
The potential of Daphnia to graze down algal biomass to very low levels
is also illustrated by the spring clear-water phase that occurs in many lakes
(Lampert et al., 1986; Luecke et al., 1990; Carpenter et al., 1993; Rudstam et
al., 1993; Samelle, 1993; Hanson and Butler, 1994a; Townsend et al., 1994;
Jurgens and Stolpe, 1995). The details of this phenomenon are treated more
thoroughly later, but the general scenario is easy to understand. The spring
bloom of algae provides a wealth of food for Daphnia, allowing a high
individual growth rate and reproduction. The population expands in a
couple of weeks to a density at which its grazing capacity exceeds the
algal production. As a result, the algal community collapses to a low level.
During this phase the water can be spectacularly clear. This state of over-
exploitation of algae does not last long. The condition of the Daphnia
individuals deteriorates due to food shortage. The number of eggs per
female decreases and reproduction practically stops. Finally the Daphnia
population collapses and the algal community recovers. Obviously, this is a
classic predator - prey cycle scenario, and indeed in laboratory populations
such cycles tend to produce a steady oscillation (Pratt, 1943). Also, in the
field a regular sequence of cycles is sometimes observed in the course of the
summer, but often, young-of-the-year planktivorous fish will prohibit a next
Daphnia outbreak after the spring peak.
In the following, a simple classic model of the Daphnia - algae re-
lationship is presented and it is shown how its dynamics are affected by
factors like the nutrient level and spatial heterogeneity. This minimal model
will serve as a basis to explore the effects of fish and seasonality in later

A minimal plankton model

Daphnia is not only a crucial organism for limnologists, it is also one of the
most important test organisms in toxicology. Consequently, much is known
about its biology and a large number of different models are available to
describe its dynamics. At the simple end of the range are the modules used
in classical eutrophication models (see Stra~raba and Gnauck, 1985, for a
review). Intermediate in complexity are the models that use size or age
classes to take the demographic structure of the population into account
(e.g. de Roos et al., 1992). On the most elaborate side of the spectrum are
the detailed models used in ecotoxicology that go down to the level of
individual physiology (e.g. Kooijman 1986).
To explore some basic properties of the Daphnia - algae interaction we
use a simple two-equation predator - prey model:

dAdt =rA(1-i!.)-g
' A+h.
130 Trophic cascades
dZ A
-=egZ---mZ (2)
dt ' ' A+h. '
The basic growth of algae (A) is logistic, but an extra term is added to
account for the consumption by Daphnia. This consumption depends on the
amount of Daphnia (Z) and its maximum consumption rate (g,) and on the
phytoplankton density. The latter dependence is formulated as a Monod
function representing a simple saturating functional response with a fixed
half-saturation value (h,). The zooplankton population converts the in-
gested food into growth with a certain efficiency (e,) and suffers losses due
to respiration and mortality at a fixed rate (m,).
This model or a similar one can be found in most ecological textbooks.
Such simple predator-prey models have a long history of analysis and
consequently much is known about their behaviour (Rosenzweig and
MacArthur, 1963; Rosenzweig, 1971; DeAngelis et al., 1975; Murdoch and
Oaten, 1975; Scheffer, 1991a). The traditional way to explore the properties
of these minimal models is through analysis of the zero-isoclines. The for-
mula of these isoclines is obtained simply by solving the above equations for
zero growth (dA/dt = 0 and dZ!dt = 0).
The resulting formula for the algal isocline is:

Z* = rA(1-~) A+ h. (4)
K g,A

The first part is really the productivity curve of the logistically growing algae
while the second part is the inverse of the functional response of
zooplankton. The height of the algal isocline (dA/dt = 0 in Fig. 4.4) at any
point can be interpreted as the amount of zooplankton needed to consume
exactly the production of the algae at that density, thus balancing their
population growth to zero.
The logistic growth causes the isocline to be humped: at low algal
densities the total productivity of the population is low and little grazing
is needed to balance it, whereas at high algal densities productivity
drops again because of competition and again little grazing is needed to
keep it from growing further. The (inverse) functional response causes
the isocline to be asymmetrical; the left-hand side is higher than the right-
hand side. This is because more zooplankton can be tolerated at low algal
densities when zooplankton can not gather food as effectively as at high
algal densities.
The isocline of zooplankton (dZ!dt = 0 in Fig. 4.4) is simply vertical, as Z
is eliminated from the equation:

A*=--h_._ (5)
e,g, -1
Top-down control of phytoplankton 131

A* K

Fig. 4.4 Zero-growth isoclines of zooplankton (dZ!dt = 0) and algae (dA/dt = 0)

derived from the model described in the text (Eqs. 49 and 50). These lines of zero
growth divide the 'state space' into areas with positive and negative growth of the
two populations (indicated by the arrows). Growth of the zooplankton population is
positive only to the right-hand side of the vertical zooplankton isocline. Algal popu-
lation growth is positive only in the area under the humped algal isocline. The
intersection point of the isoclines represents an (unstable) equilibrium as growth of
both populations is zero.

In biological terms, the reason for the vertical isocline is that there is no
negative feedback of high population densities other than via the food in the
model. Thus there is simply one fixed food density (A*) at which the popu-
lation gains just outbalance the losses.
The assumption that the consumers affect each other only through
depleting food is probably quite realistic in the case of Daphnia (Slobodkin,
1954), but certainly not for all consumers. Consumer interference
(mostly termed 'predator interference') can either be incorporated by
modelling direct interactions between the animals (Rosenzweig, 1971;
Gilpin, 1972) or by using a predator-dependent functional response
(Reddington, 1975; DeAngelis eta/., 1975; Ruxton et al., 1992; Abrams
and Roth, 1994). A special case of predator dependence is the ratio
dependent functional response (Arditi and Ginzburg, 1989). Although
this formulation captures the essence of predator dependence in a simple
way, its use has some serious theoretical problems (Abrams and Roth,
132 Trophic cascades
As explained in the previous chapter the isoclines of zero-growth divide
the 'phase plane' (Fig. 4.4) into regions with positive and regions with
negative growth of the populations. In this case algal growth is negative
above the algal isocline and positive below it. Similarly, zooplankton growth
is negative to the left of the vertical isocline and positive on the right-hand
side. Intersections of isoclines are equilibria as growth of both populations
is zero. Since on the axis the density of either of the populations is zero and
thus its growth rate is zero, the axes are also (trivial) isoclines. Conse-
quently, the origin and part of the intersections of isoclines with the axes are
(trivial) equilibria.
In this case the intersection of the algal isocline with the x-axis is such a
trivial equilibrium. Since zooplankton is absent, the logistic equation alone
determines algal biomass and the algae equilibrate at carrying capacity (K).
This trivial equilibrium is unstable. The system will not return to it if we add
a little bit of zooplankton. Note that unlike in the competition model dis-

Algae (A)

Fig. 4.5 Simulations (dotted) starting from any non-zero combination of

zooplankton and algal density converge towards a cyclic path (dashed) around the
unstable equilibrium point. This cycle is a stable attractor called a limit cycle. See
text for further explanation.
Top-down control of phytoplankton 133
cussed in the former chapter we have only one trivial equilibrium here. The
zooplankton isocline does not intersect with the y-axis to produce a trivial
equilibrium with only zooplankton present, for the obvious reason that they
need food to sustain their population.
More interesting than the trivial equilibrium is the equilibrium at the
intersection of the two isoclines. Like the one in the competition model, this
intersection can be stable or unstable. In the depicted case the intersection
point is an unstable equilibrium. It is, however, not a saddle as in the
competition model. Instead, this equilibrium is a repelling point surrounded
by a limit cycle. In a sense this limit cycle is now the 'equilibrium' of the
system as it attracts all trajectories of simulation runs (Fig. 4.5).
Starting from a point close to the unstable focus the system spirals out
until it reaches the limit cycle. Starting from any point outside the limit cycle
the trajectory will spiral in towards the cycle. Once on the cycle, the system
keeps moving along it. Because of the oscillations it is not correct to call the
limit cycle an equilibrium. Instead, cycles and more complex attracting
structures like torusses and strange attractors are called asymptotic regimes,
as the system approaches them asymptotically if a simulation is continued
for a sufficiently long time.
Biologically, the oscillations on the limit cycle can be understood as the
result of overshoots due to a delayed response of the population density of
zooplankton to the amount of available food. Starting at the part of the cycle
close to the trivial equilibrium where algae are at carrying capacity,
zooplankton grows and depletes its food to a level that is too low to support
further growth and reproduction. As a result, the zooplankton population
collapses to a level low enough to let the algal population expand to a high
density again. The resulting good food condition allows a new expansion of
zooplankton, and the cycle starts all over again. This is indeed what can
happen in real populations, although there are of course many details such
as competition between size classes and suppression of egg production that
do not show up in this minimal model.
In the case of a vertical consumer isocline it can be proved that the
intersection of the isoclines represents an unstable equilibrium surrounded
by a limit cycle if the slope of the producer isocline at the intersection is
positive (Rosenzweig and MacArthur, 1963). This rule implies that the
equilibrium can be stabilized by changing the isoclines in such a way that the
intersection moves to the right side of the hump. One way to do this is to
make the consumer less efficient so that the food density needed to sustain
its population (A* in our case) increases, thus moving the consumers iso-
cline to the right. The isocline equation (Eq. 5) shows that, in our model, this
can be realized by decreasing the values of g, ore,, or increasing the values
of h, or d,. The default values, however, represent the biology of Daphnia
reasonably. It is, indeed, an efficient consumer that can deplete its food to
low levels, and probably this is exactly the reason why these strong oscilla-
tions tend to occur. Therefore, we let the parameters characterizing
134 Trophic cascades
Daphnia as they are, and explore the remaining possibility of moving the
intersection to the right side of the hump by means of changing the algal

The paradox of enrichment

The effect of nutrients on simple consumer - food systems are in some
respects surprising. The first paper in which they were explored in detail
was called 'paradox of enrichment' (Rosenzweig, 1971) and invoked strong
reactions (McAllister eta/., 1972). It became a classic in ecological theory.
To see the 'paradox' in our model, we mimic the effect of enrichment
manipulating K. As argued in the previous chapter this is the suitable para-
meter to represent the nutrient content of the system in the logistic growth
equation. Reducing K, the top of the hump moves to the left (Fig. 4.6).
When it passes to the left side of the zooplankton isocline the intersection
becomes a stable equilibrium and the limit cycle disappears. If the
nutrient level is low enough to let carrying capacity fall below the density

Carrying capacity (K)

Fig. 4.6 The effect of nutrient enrichment (represented by an increase of algal

carrying capacity, K) on the isoclines.
Top-down control of phytoplankton 135
Zooplankton (Z)

A* Nutrients (K)

Fig. 4. 7
Effect of enrichment (increasing K) on the equilibrium and limit cycle of
the zooplankton-algae model. In the Hopf bifurcation point (H) the equilibrium
point becomes unstable and the limit cycle evolves around it (see text for full

(A* ) needed to maintain zooplankton, the intersection disappears. Con-

sequently, no equilibrium with zooplankton exists in such unproductive
situations. Instead, the trivial equilibrium with only algae (A = K and Z = 0)
becomes stable. It has been argued that due to this effect food chains
become shorter in unproductive environments in general, as the higher
trophic levels are lost because of food shortage (Oksanen et al., 1981).
However, algal carrying capacity is usually far above the critical level to
support Daphnia.
A remarkable consequence of the vertical isocline is that, as soon as
zooplankton are present (K >A*), the algal biomass does not increase with
nutrients (mimicked by K) any more, until the point where the limit cycle
occurs and things become more complex. Such a complete buffering of
enrichment by zooplankton is usually not found in nature. In practice, both
phytoplankton and zooplankton biomasses increase with nutrients
(Samelle, 1992). As argued, a predator dependent functional response
would make the zooplankton isocline non-vertical, and this would result in
a more natural response to enrichment. Since in practice interference effects
are not found at reasonable Daphnia densities, however, other factors
should be responsible for this deviation between model predictions and field
patterns. As pointed out later, spatial heterogeneity and predation by
planktivorous fish are likely explanations.
136 Trophic cascades
Isoclines can be useful as a way of finding equilibria and, in some cases,
like the one above, their shape can even indicate whether an equilibrium is
stable or not. Nonetheless, the possibilities of isocline analysis are limited.
The position of the cyclic equilibrium, for instance, can not be inferred from
the isoclines. A more powerful and straightforward way to find out the effect
of changing a parameter like K, is simply to look directly at what happens to
the equilibria (Fig. 4.7).
Increasing the carrying capacity, starting from a very low level, algal
density equals K as long as it is in its trivial equilibrium. As soon as the level
needed to allow zooplankton growth is reached, the effect of increasing K is
passed to this next trophic level. Zooplankton density increases while
phytoplankton stays constant (A =A*} until the limit cycle appears. More
precisely, what happens in that point (H) is that the stable equilibrium
'bifurcates' into two other equilibria: a stable limit cycle and an unstable
point equilibrium. Several types of such bifurcations are distinguished, de-
pending on what kind of equilibria are involved. This particular type is
called a 'Hopf bifurcation' despite the fact that authors other than Hopf had
actually described it before him (Kuznetsov, 1995).
The destabilizing effect of increasing K, causing large cycles in which the
population of both predator and prey pass through periods of low numbers,
led Rosenzweig (1971) to infer the paradoxical prediction that enrichment
might actually work adversely for some species as it increases the risk of
extinction. McAllister and co-workers (1972), however, immediately re-
sponded that fertilization experiments conducted by them in lakes did
not destabilize the plankton at all. Indeed, together with the curious fact
that the algae do not respond to enrichment, the extremely large amplitude
of the limit cycles is one of the most conspicuous deviations of the model
behaviour from real plankton dynamics. For reasonable values of K, the


,,----------- ...... ... , ,

I '
: Algae

0 50 100 150 200

time (days)

Fig. 4.8On the limit cycle of the classical minimal model extreme oscillations of
zooplankton and algal populations occur.
Top-down control of phytoplankton 137
cycles pass very close along both axes of the phase plane (Fig. 4.5), cor-
responding to periods during which zooplankton or phytoplankton reach
densities that are close to zero. Although, natural populations and labora-
tory populations of Daphnia do tend to oscillate, their cycles typically have
a much smaller amplitude. Also, the period of the model oscillations
produced by the model is unrealistically large, almost half a year as opposed
to 20-45 days in real populations (McCauley and Murdoch, 1987). The
problems of the large cycle and the low frequency are in fact closely related.
The episodes in which either of the population densities becomes almost
zero stretch the cycle period (Fig. 4.8) because recovery from the near
extinctions is very slow. In the following sections it is shown how the pres-
ence of alternative food, inedible algae, spatial heterogeneity and fish
modify the above patterns to produce a more realistic view of Daphnia

Stabilizing mechanisms
In the ecological literature about the mechanisms that can stabilize predator
- prey relations, spatial heterogeneity and prey switching are probably the
two most abundant topics. In deep lakes Daphnia does not really have
the option of switching to different food, as it has to rely solely on the
seston in the epilimnion. In vegetated shallow lakes, however, there are
indications that Daphnia feeds on detritus accumulated at the bottom
when phytoplankton densities are low (Jeppesen et al., 1996). Although
this is probably a relatively low-quality food source it may keep the
populations from collapsing completely, thus stabilizing the system.
Unfortunately, little information is available on the diet selection of
Daphnia in the field, but the idea that the presence of detritus as an
alternative food source should stabilize Daphnia populations seems
Another potentially stabilizing factor is the presence of inedible algae
such as large cyanobacterial colonies. Obviously, unravelling the subtleties
of the interaction of competing algal groups with grazers is rather compli-
cated. However, put simply, there are two reasons why the presence of
inedible algae may be stabilizing: (1) they compete for resources with the
edible algae, thus lowering the 'effective carrying capacity', and (2) inedible
species reduce the efficiency with which zooplankton can consume the
edible algae (Giiwicz and Lampert, 1990). In terms of isoclines, as explained
earlier (1) moves the top of the humped algal isocline to the left, while (2)
moves the vertical zooplankton isocline to the right. Since the oscillations
disappear when the top in the algal isocline is on the left side of the
zooplankton isocline (1) and (2) should thus be expected to stabilize
Daphnia dynamics. The potentially stabilizing effect of inedible algae has
been demonstrated with simple models (Kretzschmar et al., 1993; Gragnani,
1997), but has not been shown experimentally yet.
138 Trophic cascades
One of the most frequently mentioned topics in the literature about
stabilization of predator - prey dynamics is spatial heterogeneity. Using
models many authors have shown a stabilizing effect of partial isolation
of habitat patches (Gurney and Nisbet, 1978; Nisbet et al., 1989). Other
models have been formulated to show that predator - prey oscillations
are stabilized when the predators aggregate in patches with high prey
density (Hassel and May, 1974). Stabilization can also be achieved by limit-
ing the speed of movement of individuals in individual-based predator -
prey models (De Roos et al., 1991). All of these mechanisms are in fact
closely related. The space outside the patches where the predator is con-
centrated can be considered a 'partial refuge' where part of the prey popu-
lation can escape predation. As explained in the next section, spatial
heterogeneity is likely to be an important reason why the extreme model
oscillations with near extinctions of both algae and Daphnia are not found
in the field.

Implications of spatial heterogeneity

The distribution of Daphnia in lakes is usually far from homogeneous. The
animals are often concentrated in dense swarms (Kuenne, 1925; Colebrook,
1960; Klemetsen, 1970; Johnson and Chua, 1973; Malone and McQueen,
1983; Jakobsen and Johnsen, 1987). In addition, zooplankton in deep lakes
usually exhibit die! vertical migration, concentrating in deep water layers
during the day and at the surface during night (Gliwicz, 1986; Lampert,
1992; Brancelj and Blejec, 1994). In shallow lakes a similar die! migration is
found. During the day the animals concentrate in vegetation stands, and at
night they swim out to the adjacent open water (Timms and Moss, 1984;
Lauridsen and Buenk, 19%).
With respect to food competition, such aggregation should be unfavour-
able. Indeed algal densities can be considerably reduced in zooplankton
swarms (Tessier, 1983; Jakobsen and Johnsen, 1987). It has been shown that
animals are able to swim actively away from low food concentrations
(Cuddington and McCauley, 1994; Neary et al., 1994). Therefore, one would
expect a reason why daphnids nevertheless aggregate. Reduction of preda-
tion loss is generally considered the driving force. This has been discussed
extensively with respect to swarm formation (Heller and Milinski, 1979;
Jakobsen and Johnsen, 1987; Young et al., 1994), and it has been demon-
strated that the presence of planktivorous fish drives the die! migration to
deep water (Gliwicz, 1986; Leibold, 1990; Loose and Dawidowicz, 1994) and
vegetation stands (Lauridsen and Lodge, 1996).
To see the potential implications of this aggregation on safe sites for the
dynamics of Daphnia and algae we depart from the same model. Obviously,
including spatial dynamics in detail is rather complex. A way to simplify
while preserving the essential feature of spatial aggregation is to consider
Daphnia to be aggregated in one part of the lake that occupies a fraction
Top-down control of phytoplankton 139

Fig. 4.9 Simple spatial structure assumed in the spatial version of the zooplankton
algae model (Eqs. 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5). Zooplankton (Z) is confined to one part of the
space. Their algal food grows both inside (A 1) and outside (A 2) the zooplankton
compartment, and diffuses (d) between both parts of space. From Scheffer and De
Boer (1995).

q of the total volume, while phytoplankton are present homogeneously

throughout the lake. Thus we have two imaginary compartments (Fig.
In the first one Daphnia grazes down the local subpopulation of
algae (A 1), while in the second one the algae (A 2) are predation-free.
Between the compartments we define an exchange of a fraction d of
the lake volume per day. This can be thought of as water with algae moving
through the areas where Daphnia is concentrated, but it could equally
represent the effect of the movement of the aggregations of Daphnia
through the lake. The resulting spatial model (Scheffer and De Boer, 1995)

dA,dt =rA (1- A,)-g

Z~+~(A -A)
' A, +h. q 2 I

dAdt 2 = rA 2 (1- A
2 )- -..!!:__(A
2- A,) (7)

dZ =e g Z~-m Z (8)
dt ' ' A 1 +h. '
The combined effect of the mixing rate (d) and the fraction of the lake
occupied by Daphnia (q) on the dynamics of the model can be summarized
in a bifurcation diagram (Fig. 4.10).
Since this does not show what the oscillations look like there is a separate
plot displaying the corresponding dynamical patterns (Fig. 4.11).
still oscillates, but the amplitude of the cycles is reduced, and the period
falls nicely in the range reported from the field. The algae in the ungrazed
part now show a mild oscillation too, driven by an exchange with the grazed
Top-down control of phytoplankton 141
Algae outside (A 2)
a biomass (mg 1" 1) 10 ·····:;-*"---------::·::·.:.·::·:···········································?·--
' ' I
1 \Algae 1nside (A 1)
' ..
I'' ''
50 100 150 200 Algae outside <A:2l
time {days) Algae inside (A1 )

b1omass (mg 1-1) 10

Algae outside (A 2)

Zooplankton (Z)

Algae inside (A1)

50 100 150 200

time (days)

i'\> Algae outs1de (A 2)

' '1 Algae ins1de (A1)
I Zooplankton (Z)

50 100 150 200


Fig. 4.11 Time plots showing the behaviour of the spatial plankton model for the
parameter settings indicated in Fig. 4.10. Parameters: q ~ 0.5 and d ~ 0.0, 0.02, and 0.4
for panels a, band c, respectively. From Scheffer and De Boer (1995).
142 Trophic cascades
ingly alike, and the density of Daphnia in its refuge becomes very high due
to the inflow of food from the rest of the lake.
Biologists usually describe the dynamics of populations by sampling at
various points at a lake, and averaging the samples. In the model we can do
the same by averaging the densities of algae (Ar) and zooplankton (Zr) over
the total volume:


The dynamics of such spatially averaged population densities can be puz-

zling at first sight. The relative amplitude of Daphnia oscillations will remain
the same: the overall concentration of Daphnia is reduced because we take
the average with the empty part, but rescaling the axis there is no visible
difference. The relative amplitude of the algal fluctuations, however, de-
clines if we average with the ungrazed part. Especially if the ungrazed part
is large and little affected, the oscillations in the Daphnia occupied area
cause only a ripple in the overall average algal density (Fig. 4.12). As
sampling errors can be far greater than this ripple, the field observations will
show the illusory situation of an oscillating predator with a stable prey.
Indeed this pattern is sometimes observed in Daphnia- algae dynamics and
has puzzled aquatic ecologists. McCauley and Murdoch who published an
extensive review of Daphnia dynamics in the field (1987) found this pattern
'sufficiently odd' to check it thoroughly, but had to conclude that it was not

Total zooplankton (Z,.l

5 0.5

50 100 150 200
time (days)

Fig. 4.12 Time plot showing the dynamics of the concentrations of zooplankton and
algae averaged over the total volume (Zrand Ar) generated by the spatial model for
a small value of the exchange rate and the grazed fraction, i.e. d = 0.001 and q = 0.1.
Zooplankton oscillates while their algal food stays practically constant. From
Scheffer and De Boer (1995).
Top-down control of phytoplankton 143
Total algae CA,-l
a 10.--------------------------.

0 v·· f.,0.6 ·············•·•··•············•·

0 5 10
nutrients (K)
Total zooplankton (Zy)
b 10.-------------------------,

5 10
nutrients (K)

Fig. 4.13 Response to enrichment of the space-averaged equilibrium densities of

algae Ar {first panel) and zooplankton Zr (second panel) generated by the spatial
plankton model. For all plots the value of dis fixed to 0.2 but the response is shown
for a situation in which zooplankton occupies 30% and 60% of the volume respec-
tively (q = 0.3 and q = 0.6). The shaded area represents the amplitude of limit cycles.
From Scheffer and De Boer (1995).
144 Trophic cascades
an artifact. Indeed, the above explanation is supported by observations in
experimental conditions. McCauley, working on Daphnia- algae interac-
tions in stock tanks, reported population oscillations in a swarm of
Ceriodaphnia that stayed aggregated on one side of the tank, while
phytoplankton in the rest of the tank was little affected (McCauley, pers.
Importantly, the spatially averaged population densities of the model
also show a much more natural response to enrichment than observed in
the original minimal model that neglects spatial heterogeneity. This can be
seen by plotting Ar and Zr as a function of the carrying capacity K (Fig.
For very low values of K the algal density is too low to sustain
zooplankton, and algal density traces the carrying capacity as in the original
model. However, in the presence of Daphnia, i.e. beyond the critical bifur-
cation, algal densities keep increasing modestly with enrichment rather than
staying constant, as predicted by the classical model. Indeed such an 'inter-
mediate control' of phytoplankton by Daphnia is what is observed in most
experiments and field data (Sarnelle;1992; Watson et al., 1992).
Obviously, the very large oscillations produced by the classical model and
its unnatural response to enrichment are a result of over-simplification.
Although it helps to account for spatial heterogeneity explicitly, models
easily become rather complex if we proceed by adding, for instance, fish.
Also, spatial heterogeneity is not the only stabilizing force. It would, there-
fore, be good to have a more generic, simple but reasonable modification to
the original model, that stabilizes the system without adding too much
complexity to the formulation. This can be done in several ways that pre-
serve the original dynamics to various extents (Scheffer and De Boer, 1995).
A relatively simple solution is to assume that algal density in the
zooplankton-free refuges is not affected by the exchange with the grazed
parts. This implies that A 2 =K thus we obtain a two-equation model where
algal growth can be written as:

' A+h.

Note that to simplify further, the single parameter i now replaces the more
explicit ratio d/q to represent the rate at which ungrazed algae enter the
studied volume. Since the two-compartment model is a rather abstract
representation of the situation in any real lake the value of the parameters
d and q will be hard to characterize in practice. Thus, although these param-
eters were useful to clarify some general principles, their preservation is not
of much importance for further analyses.
If the mixing rate is low the above formulation yields a reasonable ap-
proximation of the dynamics in the zooplankton occupied compartment of
the spatial model. (Note that, because the model produces only these local
Top-down control of phytoplankton 145
dynamics, the average over a Jake, including the parts without Daphnia,
should be computed as explained earlier, assuming algae to be at carrying
capacity in the remaining space.) The model can be simplified further by
replacing the entire last term, i(K-A), by a single constant inflow of algae
(mg r' d- 1). This works quite well in most situations (Scheffer and De Boer,
1995). However, since in the following sections K is varied with enrichment
and change of seasons, it is more appropriate to keep the full term, i(K-A),
to make it vary in concert with carrying capacity.
The isocline picture of the new model differs from the classical one in that
the algal isocline rises sharply at low algal densities (Fig. 4.14).
A small inflow term (i) suffices to get rid of the unnaturally large limit
cycles with near extinction periods. Increase of i causes the range over which
the algal isocline has a positive slope to decrease until the complete isocline
has a negative slope (Fig. 4.14). Since oscillations occur only when the algal
isocline has a positive slope at the intersection, it can be seen from change
in the algal isocline that increasing i tends to stabilize the model.
A very similar isocline picture arises if a sigmoidal functional response, or
Holling type Ill, instead of a simple saturating one is used. Indeed the use of

Inflow of algae (i)

Algae (A)

Fig. 4.14 Zero growth isoclines of zooplankton (vertical) and algae (curved) of a
simplified version of the spatial model for increasing values of the parameter i which
represents import of algae from an ungrazed part of space (Eq. 10, p. 144). Open
circles denote unstable equilibria~ closed circles represent stable equilibrium points.
146 Trophic cascades
a sigmoidal functional response is an effective way to stabilize predator -
prey models. A problem with the use of sigmoidal functional responses
for Daphnia is that they may be inferred from the presence of an alternative
food source like bottom detritus, but are never really measured. Even if
there is prey switching, though, there is a conceptual problem of modelling
it through the use of a sigmoidal response, as in the above model. From
the point of view of the prey it describes the situation well, but for the
predator does not. Put simply, Daphnia stops eating the algae when they
are rare, but does not get the alternative food to which it is supposed to


Field observations and experimental results
The discussion about the effect of fish on plankton was triggered in the early
1960s by Hrbaeek and his colleagues (1961) who drew attention to the large
differences between the plankton of different ponds depending on the pres-
ence of fish. In ponds with fish the zooplankton consisted mainly of small
bodied species, and algal biomass was high. In ponds without fish
phytoplankton production was low and larger herbivores like Daphnia
dominated the zooplankton.
Shortly after this, Brooks and Dodson (1965), who observed similar
relationships between fish and plankton in New England lakes, developed
the so-called 'size-efficiency hypothesis' to explain such shifts. The large
bodied zooplankters are much more efficient at grazing down
phytoplankton biomass than their smaller competitors which are, moreover,
restricted to foraging only on the smallest particles. Since fish forages
selectively on larger zooplankton, it causes a shift in the zooplankton com-
munity towards small bodied animals that have little impact on total algal
Later work largely confirms the suggestion of Brooks and Dodson that
high densities of planktivorous fish lead to a zooplankton community
dominated by small, relatively inefficient grazers (Shapiro and Wright,
1984; Hambright, 1994; Seda and Duncan, 1994), although the mechanisms
through which fish affects the zooplankton community appear to be more
intricate than originally thought. Not only does selective predation of fish
remove the larger individuals, some Daphnia clones also change their be-
haviour and life history strategy in response to chemical cues released by
fish (Dodson, 1988; Demeester et at., 1995; Stirling, 1995), leading amongst
other things to a smaller average size of individuals (Weider and
Pijanowska, 1993; Engelmayer, 1995). In addition, lakes with a high fish
stock are frequently dominated by large filamentous blue-green algae which
have been shown to inhibit the growth of large bodied Daphnia species
under some conditions (Hawkins and Lampert, 1989; Gliwicz, 1990; Gliwicz
The effect of planktivorous fish 147
and Lampert, 1990), suggesting an additional explanation for their absence
in such lakes.
Clearly, we are still far from unravelling the complex interplay of mecha-
nisms that leads to shifts in size distributions of zooplankton and algae in the
presence of fish. The problem becomes much simpler if we focus merely on
the explanation of strong top-down control of algal biomass. As argued in
the previous section, large zooplankters of the genus Daphnia are practi-
cally always responsible for really clearing the water.
Although top-down control in the simplified 'trophic cascade' of fish,
large Daphnia, and algae is clearly important, the details of the resulting
patterns are not always straightforward. The difference between the effect
of high fish densities and situations with no fish at all is usually clear-cut, and
largely supports the black-and-white view of Hairston, Smith and Slobodkin
(1960) that herbivores completely suppress the primary producers unless
they are themselves suppressed by carnivores (Fig. 4.1). Levitan and co-
workers (1984}, for instance, showed that addition of nutrients to
limnocorrals with fish resulted in an increase of phytoplankton biomass,
indicating a bottom-up control of algae. In limnocorrals without fish, how-
ever, enrichment left the phytoplankton biomass unaffected. Instead the
Daphnia population increased strongly after nutrient supplementation (Fig.
4.15}. Also the effect of a complete fish die-off in real lakes tends to be
More interesting than such all-or-none experiments, however, are the
ones that explore how plankton dynamics are affected by gradual change in


0 ...-"
l ,.____ without fish
~~ ~with fish


Fig. 4.15 Response of Daphnia numbers and chlorophyll-a concentrations to

the addition of nutrients to enclosures with and without fish. From Levitan et at.
148 Trophic cascades


• •


age-a yellow perch

Fig. 4.16 Relationship between the density of Daphnia pulex and the number of age-
D yellow perch on the first of August in Oneida Lake over a period of 15 years.
Redrawn from Mills et al. (1987)

fish predation pressure. In limnocorrals where fish biomass increased slowly

due to individual growth, the zooplankton biomass has been shown to
respond discontinuously (McQueen and Post, 1988). Above a critical fish
biomass of around 50 kg ha-1 zooplankton was severely reduced. Long-term
studies of the community dynamics of Lake Oneida also provide evidence
that there is a threshold in predation pressure beyond which zooplankton
collapses (Mills et al., 1987). The most important planktivorous fish in this
system is yellow perch (Perea flavescens) during the first year of life. The
density of age-0 perch differs significantly from year to year. In years in
which the density of age-0 yellow perch on the first of August exceeds a
threshold of 14000 individuals ha-t, the late summer Daphnia pulex popula-
tion of the lake appears to collapse completely (Fig. 4.16). In these years the
abundance of smaller herbivorous zooplankton and of phytoplankton is
elevated. The discontinuity in the response of zooplankton to fish predation
can be understood with the help of a simple graphical model as explained in
the next section.

The classical consumption catastrophe

In the consumer - food couple Daphnia - algae, the consumer population
dynamics largely depend on the availability of this specific food. Con-
sidering the effect of Daphnia consumption by fish, the situation is different.
Fish will benefit from the consumption of this profitable food but for most
individuals it is just part of their diet. Overall fish density depends on the
productivity of the whole system, but does not react as directly to Daphnia
density as Daphnia dynamics respond to phytoplankton. Therefore, it
is possible to study the impact of fish on Daphnia dynamics without
The effect of planktivorous fish 149
directly considering the effect of Daphnia on the population dynamics of
A well studied case in which the consumer density is also largely inde-
pendent of its food is cattle grazing. The dynamics of the vegetation are
driven by grazing but density of cattle is set by man. Noy-Meir (1975) used
an illuminating simple graphical approach to analyse the risk of overgrazing
in such systems. This approach is not only helpful for understanding the
effect of cattle on grass, but also for explaining the effect of fish on
zooplankton, of piscivores on fish and of herbivorous birds on aquatic
The idea is to plot the production of the food population and the losses
due to consumption in the same graph (Fig. 4.17).
The difference between the two can then be interpreted as the net growth
of the food population. The production of the food population plotted
against its density shows an optimum. This is a generic property as discussed
in the section on logistic growth. At low population densities the per capita
growth rate is high, but because there are just a few reproducing individuals;
overall productivity is still low. At the highest population densities the
productivity is low because the carrying capacity of the environment is
reached. The consumption curve represents the functional response of the
consumer multiplied by its population density. Consumption increases with
food density because the gathering of food becomes increasingly efficient.


-- ... ----- .... .. ··.


~ .


/ i
food biomass

Fig. 4.17 Graphical analysis of the stability of an exploited food population. At the
intersections of tbe two curves consumption equals production and the food popula-
tion is in equilibrium. However the equilibrium on the intersection marked by an
open circle is unstable {for further explanation see text).
150 Trophic cascades

consumer density


'' \
food biomass

Fig. 4.18 Consumption increases with consumer density and this affects the position
of the stable and unstable equilibrium points at the intersections of the production
and the consumption curves (see also Fig. 4.17).

For high food densities it saturates as the maximum consumption rate of the
consumer individuals is approached. Assuming that the food population can
never be eaten completely because there is always a part unreachable for
the consumers, the consumption starts at a food level slightly higher than
If the functional response saturates at sufficiently low food densities the
curves can intersect in three points as in the illustrated case. Obviously, the
food population will increase if production is higher than the consumption
losses (sections I and III) and decrease if consumption exceeds production
(sections II and IV). All three intersections are equilibria, as consumption
balances growth. The middle one, however, is unstable. This is because after
a small disturbance, the system will move further away from it rather than
returning as in the case of the other two intersection points. The unstable
point represents the breakpoint food density below which the system col-
lapses into an over-exploited state with low food biomass where production
is very low.
Since the overall consumption increases with the amount of consumers
present, the height of the consumption curve will increase in proportion to
the consumer density (Fig. 4.18).
If one tracks the shift in the equilibria with changing consumer density, it
can be seen that this configuration implies a hysteresis much like the one in
the competition between cyanobacteria and other algae, but in this case due
to a completely different mechanism. Starting from the lowest consumer
density there is just one equilibrium. Increasing consumer density, this
equilibrium moves to the left. Food density decreases but productivity in-
creases until the consumption curve becomes too high to intersect with the
The effect of planktivorous fish 151

o'"'···· l
1 over exploited state

consumer density

Fig. 4.19 Food density in equilibrium plotted as a function of consumer density. The
dashed middle section of the curve corresponds to the unstable breakpoints of the
system (open circles in Figs. 4.17 and 4.18). In the range of consumer densities over
which this unstable equilibrium exists the system tends to either of the two alterna-
tive stable equilibria depending on the initial density of the food population relative
to the breakpoint (see text for further discussion).

production curve. At that point the equilibrium hits the unstable breakpoint
and disappears. As a result, the system collapses into the overexploited
state. If after this collapse the consumer density is reduced in order to
restore the productive state, the system shows hysteresis. It stays in the over-
exploited equilibrium with low food densities until the consumption curve
has become low enough to let the intersections at the left side disappear.
Again this happens when the breakpoint collides with the stable state.
Plotting the position of the three equilibria against consumer density (Fig.
4.19) one obtains a hysteresis curve that is analogous in interpretation to the
ones obtained from the cyanobacteria model (Figs. 3.19 and 3.22) although
the processes involved are very different.
Noy-Meir used this model to explain the effect of overgrazing by cattle
that is often observed in arid vegetations. There is, however, in principle no
reason why it should not apply to the effect of increasing fish densities on
Daphnia as well. Indeed, the response of Daphnia to fish seems to be non-
linear (e.g. Fig. 4.16) and, as explained later, a collapse into an overexploited
state is likely to be the underlying reason. However, the situation is obvi-
ously more complex here because Daphnia dynamics depend also on their
interaction with phytoplankton. In fact, the Daphnia- phytoplankton cycles
themselves are oscillations between over-exploitation and under-exploita-
tion of the algae. To understand better how the effect of fish cascades down
to phytoplankton, we need to consider the dynamics of the planktonic
system explicitly.
152 Trophic cascades
A minimal model of planktivory
To explore the potential impact of fish on the dynamical interaction of
Daphnia and algae we slightly modify the zooplankton- algae model devel-
oped in the previous section. The algal equation remains the same, as
fish generally do not eat phytoplankton. To account for the effect of preda-
tion by fish on Daphnia we simply add an extra loss term to their growth

' A+h.

dZ=e Z~-mZ-G ~ (12)

dt ,g, A+h. ' 1 Z 2 +h:

The new loss term in the zooplankton equation represents the impact of the
fish community as a whole. In reality, different groups of fish forage on
Daphnia with different functional responses. Therefore, this term is really
just a pragmatic solution to mimic the effect of many different animals
switching to forage on Daphnia at different moments with different
efficiencies. Since most of the larger individuals usually switch to Daphnia
only when it is not too scarce (Lammens, 1985; Lammens et al., 1985), the
predation pressure is likely to increase more than linearly with Daphnia
density over part of the range. Therefore, the overall functional response is
made sigmoidal by adding a square to the formulation. The maximum
consumption rate ( G1) is set directly, rather than as the product of the fish
biomass and their weight specific maximum intake. The latter is not easily
defined for a whole community, since large animals consume less per gram
of body weight than small ones.
Note that fish is not modelled dynamically. The effect of varying fish
predation pressure over the year will be shown later, but even then,
fish growth will not be modelled as a function of Daphnia consumption.
This is reasonable, since, as argued, Daphnia represents only a small
part of the diet of most fish. Therefore, overall fish density depends
on the productivity of the lake, but does not react directly to Daphnia

Hysteresis in the response to fish

As a first step in the analyses of the impact of fish on the zooplankton- algae
interaction we look at the effect of fish on the isoclines of zero-growth. The
parameter ( G1) is used to mimic the effect of increasing fish density. Since
the effect of fish occurs only in the zooplankton equation, the algal isocline
remains unaffected. The zooplankton isocline, however, starts bending out
if fish is increased (Fig. 4.20).
The effect of planktivorous fish 153

Algae (A)

Fig. 4.20 Effect of increasing fish predation pressure (Gt) on the zero-growth iso-
clines of the plankton model. The zooplankton isocline bends out with increasing fish
density while the algal isocline remains unaffected. Dots denote stable equilibria,
open circles denote unstable ones. The half open circles and corresponding isoclines
are associated with fold bifurcations. From Scheffer et at. (1997b ).

This causes the intersection (that represents the unstable focus of the
limit cycle) to move to the right. When it is pushed far enough to the right
it can become stable, as discussed in the paradox of enrichment section. In
this case the corresponding Hopf bifurcation is close to the top of the hump,
but not exactly on it, as that conjunction is only valid for vertical predator
isoclines. In addition to the shift in the existing equilibrium, new intersec-
tions, and thus new equilibria, with high algal biomass and very little
zooplankton arise at the lower right-hand part of the graph for sufficiently
high fish densities.
A more complete view is obtained by adding fish as an extra dimension to
the isocline picture (Fig. 4.21 ). This shows how the position of the intersec-
tions changes smoothly with fish predation to form one continuous equilib-
rium curve. Projected in the fish - algae plane or the fish - zooplankton
plane this curve shows an S-shape (Fig. 4.22) similar to the one indicating
hysteresis in the simple Noy-Meir model (Fig. 4.19) and in the competition
model of algae and cyanobacteria (Fig. 3.22).
At low fish predation, zooplankton density is high and algal density
low, whereas at high fish predation, a single equilibrium with high algal
biomass and very little zooplankton occurs. These contrasting states
co-exist as alternative equilibria over a range of intermediate fish densities
(F1 < G1 < F2 ).
154 Trophic cascades
Zooplankton (Z)


Fish (G~

Fig. 4.21 Three dimensional representation of the effect of fish on the isoclines of
the plankton model (see Fig. 4.20). The isoclines have now become zero-growth
surfaces of zooplankton and algae. Note that the intersection representing the sys-
tems equilibria has a sigmoidal shape. From Scheffer eta/. (1997b ).

Analogous to the Noy-Meir model and the cyanobacteria model, the

system will show hysteresis and catastrophic transitions between alternative
stable states in response to changes in fish predation pressure. However,
there is an important difference from the hysteresis in the previous models.
In the competition model and the Noy-Meir model the upper and lower
branches of the hysteresis were stable. Here, the branch with high
zooplankton biomass and little algae is really the unstable focus of a limit
cycle (except for a small part after the Hopf bifurcation where it can become
stable (H < Gr < F2 )). The presence of this limit cycle has major implications
for the qualitative behaviour: when the zooplankton- algae oscillations are
large enough to pass the unstable breakpoint (the middle branch) they bring
the system within the basin of attraction of the stable algal dominated
equilibrium. Thus the oscillations promote a jump to an algal dominated
situation where zooplankton is kept in an over-exploited state by fish. As
explained later, this is probably what happens in many lakes after the
collapse of the spring peak in zooplankton that causes the clear-water
phase. The main reason for this collapse is food shortage due to the
depletion of phytoplankton, but once the zooplankton populations are
The effect of planktivorous fish 155
Zooplankton (Z)


----------- i' ,~
" ""
" ""
,I " " "

Algae (A)

::~ -- -
:'' ''

I )
l ~,''[ l

------r--- ii
Fish (Gp

Fig. 4.22 Two-dimensional projections of the sigmoidal intersection of the surfaces

in Fig. 4.21. The resulting hysteresis graphs show how the density of zooplankton and
algae in equilibrium depends on the fish predation pressure. Between the twofold
bifurcations (F1 < G1 < F2) the system has alternative equilibria. The dashed parts of
the curves represent unstable equilibria. The zooplankton-dominated branch of the
equilibrium curve is the unstable focus of a limit cycle except for a small part where
it has gone through a Hopf bifurcation (H). From Scheffer eta/. (1997b).

low they can be kept in an overexploited state even by relatively low

densities of planktivorous fish. This mechanism where consumer - food
oscillations make the system vulnerable to over-exploitation by a third
trophic level (fish) corresponds to a so-called 'homoclinic bifurcation'. This
156 Trophic cascades
phenomenon is explained further in the following two, slightly more techni-
cal, sections.

lmp6cations of osciUations
Since isoclines do not tell much about the limit cycle, we look directly at the effect
of fish on the equilibria to obtain an overview of the implications of the oscillatory
equilibrium on the hysteresis (Fig. 4.23), using snapshots at fixed fish densities to
clarify the link to the change in isoclines (Fig. 4.24). For zero fish, we simply have the
original zooplankton- algae model and the limit cycle is the only stable equilibrium.
Increasing fish, we first arrive at the lower left inflection point of the hysteresis curve.
Because it occurs at the folding point of the hysteresis curve, this is called a fold
bifurcation (F1 ). If we look at the isoclines, we can see that two intersections arise
after the curved zooplankton isocline hits the algal isocline (Fig. 4.24a). Because one
is a stable 'node' equilibrium and the other one an unstable 'saddle', this bifurcation
is sometimes called saddle-node bifurcation. The stable point is an equilibrium with
almost no zooplankton and a high algal density, close to carrying capacity. Note that

Zooplankton (Z)

Fish (G1)

Fig. 4.23 Schematic representation of the effect of fish predation pressure on the
equilibria and limit-cycles of the system. The limit cycle does not exist between
the two homoclinic bifurcations ( 0 1 and 0 2). In these bifurcations the stability ofthe
limit cycle is destroyed due to the collision with the saddle that marks the border of
the basin of attraction of the stable algal dominated equilibrium. From Scheffer et aL
The effect of planktivorous fish 157

0 Zooplankton (Z) ® Zooplankton (Z)

IHomoclinic o,j

Algae (A) Algae (A)

(D Zooplankton (Z)

--- --- ..... __________ .._ ______ _


Algae (A) Algae (A)

Fig. 4.24 Trajectories and isocline configurations corresponding to the first (a) and
second (d) fold bifurcations, the first homoclinic (b) and a fish density in the range
between the two homoclinics (c). From Scheffer et al. (1997b).

zooplankton does not go completely extinct. Therefore the equilibrium is not a

'trivial' one with only algae in carrying capacity. This is the reason that we have a
fold rather than a 'transcritical' bifurcation as in the algal competition model. Obvi-
ously, trivial equilibria and the corresponding transcritical bifurcations are mostly
due to over-simplification. In the current model, the sigmoidal functional response
of fish prevents extinction of zooplankton. A simple saturating functional
response would make the algal dominated equilibrium trivial and the bifurcation
As in the competition model, the saddle is a point on the separatrix that marks the
limit of the basin of attraction of the new stable equilibrium. Increasing fish further,
158 Trophic cascades
the saddle and the node separate and the attraction area of the stable algal domi-
nated equilibrium grows until the saddle collides with the limit cycle (0 1) (Fig.
4.24b). This is a so-called homoclinic bifurcation. Clearly, it means the end of the
stable limit cycle, as beyond this bifurcation a trajectory on the former limit cycle
ends up inevitably in the attraction area of the stable phytoplankton equilibrium
(Fig. 4.24c).
Increasing fish further, the limit cycle can reappear through a second homoclinic
bifurcation ( 0 2). This is because the limit cycle shrinks approaching the Hopf bifur-
cation (H) where it collides with its unstable focus to become a stable point attractor.
The last qualitative change of equilibria with increasing fish density is a fold bifurca-
tion (F,) again (Fig. 4.24d). The stable point attractor that was formed through the
Hopf bifurcation collides with the saddle in the point where the hysteresis curve is
folded back.
Note that the part from the second homoclinic to the second fold, is mainly of
theoretical interest, as the system will normally not arrive at these equilibria. A
simulation with slowly increasing fish density, starting from zero fish, will show
oscillations until the homoclinic ( 0 1) is reached. Here the system jumps to the only
remaining stable equilibrium, namely the algal dominated lower branch of the
hysteresis, where it will stay, no matter how much the fish predation is increased
further. Lowering the amount of fish from this point will keep the system in the algal
state until the fold bifurcation (F,) is reached. At this point it will jump back to the
oscillatory mode. Only a disturbance could potentially bring the system in the
equilibria around the Hopf. However, since their basin of attraction is small this is
unlikely to happen. For all practical purposes we can therefore forget about this part
of the picture.

An inventory of theoretical possibilities

The above scenario with five bifurcations is one of the most complex ones that
can arise from the effect of fish. The only bifurcation that may exist on top of it is
an extra Hopf bifurcation for low fish densities (Fig. 4.25a). This can happen if
the immigration term in the algal equation is such that it causes one of the stable
situations depicted in Fig. 4.14. In that case, an increase in fish can initially
destabilize the system, as it brings the intersection to the rising part of the algal
Most changes in conditions, however, will let the complex scenario degenerate
into more simple cases. The second homoclinic (0 2), for instance, can be absent (Fig.
4.25b). Obviously, this does not make much difference in our case, since, as argued,
these equilibria were already irrelevant in practice, because of their isolation and
small basin of attraction.
Another simplification occurs when the fold F1 and the homoclinic 0 1 coincide
(Fig. 4.25c). This is a so-called saddle-node homoclinic bifurcation (Kuznetsov,
1995). In this situation the zooplankton dominated clear-water regime and the algal
dominated turbid regime are mutually exclusive. The limit cycle can also remain
The effect of planktivorous fish 159
Zooplankton (Z)

Zooplankton (Z)

Zooplankton (Z) Zooplankton (Z)

Algae (A)

Fig. 4.25 Six qualitatively different diagrams showing the equilibria and cycles of the
system that can be obtained by manipulating the carrying capacity for algae (K) and
the stabilizing diffusive inflow of algae (i). From Scheffer et al. (1997b ).

sufficiently small to avoid touching the saddle. In that case homoclinic bifurcations
do not occur (Fig. 4.25d). The most simple situations arise if there are no oscillations
(Fig. 4.25e) and eventually no folds (Fig. 4.25f). In the latter case there are no
bifurcations at all, and the system responds smoothly to an increase in fish, shifting
160 Trophic cascades
@ Nutrients (K)
F1 01
---------- ---------------- ---------------- -- -Fig. 4.25 b
12 BT

Fig. 4.23

Fo 2 02
6 -------- -------- ---------------- ----------- -Fig. 4.25 c
------- - - K-------------------------------- -Fig. 4.25 d
H 2

0 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35
Fish (G 1)

@ Nutrients (K)


---------------- ----------- - Fig. 4.25 a

Fig. 4.25 e

Fig. 4.25 f
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fish (G1)
The effect of planktivorous fish 161

from a stationary regime with predominantly Daphnia to a regime with mainly algae.
These simple cases with no or small oscillations are obviously associated with rela-
tively stable basic Daphnia algae systems. As argued in the previous chapter, such
stability may be promoted by aggregated spatial distributions of Daphnia, low nutri-
ents, the availability of detritus as an alternative food source, and the presence of
inedible algae.
Although this inventory gives an overview of what might happen if the conditions
change, the discussion with respect to the parameters remains ad hoc. A more
systematic image of the effect of various parameters on the system's mode of behav-
iour can be obtained by drawing the lines at which the bifurcations occur in a two-
parameter plane. We have already used this bifurcation analysis technique to map
the behaviour of the cyanobacteria competition model (Fig. 3.23) and the stabilizing
effect of spatial aggregation of Daphnia (Fig. 4.10). Here we apply it to explore how
change in the nutrient level (expressed through K) influences the effect of fish on the
system (Fig. 4.26).
At zero fish predation the system reduces to the original Daphnia -
phytoplankton model, which has only a Hopf bifurcation (H). This bifurcation stays
present if fish is increased until it meets the second fold (F2 ) and homoclinic ( 0 2 )
bifurcations in a so-called Bogdanov - Takens point (BT). Beyond this point the
bifurcations are no longer relevant as they are not associated with attractors. Such
points in parameter space where different bifurcations meet are called codimension-
two points. Note that those represent a higher hierarchical level than the simple
bifurcations of equilibria. Our model has three other codimension-two points: a cusp
point for low values of K and G1 at which the hysteresis is born and two fold
bifurcations emerge (F*), and two points at which the fold and homoclinic curves
merge (F01 and F02 ). As indicated in the figure, the scenarios of change in equilibria
and cycles with fish density (Fig. 4.25), represent horizontal sections through the
bifurcation graph.
Obviously, the configuration of the bifurcation lines in the two parameter plane
(Fig. 4.26a) depends on the values of the other parameters. A parameter that is really
related to the environment rather than to the physiology of the species is i, used to

Fig. 4.26 Bifurcation diagrams showing when the Hopf (H), fold (F) and homoclinic
( 0) bifurcations occur depending on the fish predation ( G1) and the carrying capac-
ity for algae (K). The horizontal sections that are indicated correspond to the
diagrams in Figs. 4.23 and 4.25 as indicated. a. The Hopf, homoclinic and fold are
very close together before merging in the Bogdanov-Takens point, indicating that
the part between 0 2 and F 2 in Figs. 4.23 and 4.25 is very small in reality. Dots denote
codimension-two bifurcation points. b. Diagram for a higher value of the stabilizing
diffusive inflow parameter i. The Hopf bifurcation is no longer rooted in the vertical
axis, implying that in the absence of fish, there are no plankton oscillations. From
Scheffer et al. (1997b).
162 Trophic cascades
mimic the stabilizing effect of a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of Daphnia. If
i is increased a bit, the homoclinic no longer merges with the first fold (not shown).
A further increase of the stabilizing factor i causes the Hopf bifurcation to be no
longer rooted in the K-axis of the bifurcation graph (Fig. 4.26b). In this case the
system does not oscillate in the absence of fish. tncreasing fish can be destabilizing in
this case, as it can bring the system through the Hopf. The horizontal cross-sections
indicated in this bifurcation graph (Fig. 4.26b) correspond to the three left panels of
Fig. 4.25.
Roughly speaking, all lines in the bifurcation graphs have a positive slope,
indicating that in systems which are richer in nutrients (higher algal carrying
capacity (K)) all bifurcations appear at higher fish levels. A biological interpreta-
tion is that more fish is needed to let Daphnia collapse if the system is more
eutrophic. There is, however, an important complication on top of this. If K is low
·enough the system does not go through homoclinic bifurcations with increasing fish
predation, and Daphnia does not collapse until the second fold is reached (F2 ),
whereas if K is larger DaphnitJ collapses much earlier due to the homoclinic bifurca-
tion (0 1).
Put in biological terms, the oscillation in the Daphnia population makes it vulner-
able to fish. This is because it periodically brings the density down to a level that is
low enough to let a relatively small amount of fish prevent recovery of the popula-
tion. If there is no such oscillation, a much higher fish predation is needed to let the
Daphnia population collapse into the over-exploited state. Note that in general any
factor that stabilizes Daphnia oscillations will help to prevent the homoclinic bifur-
cation that triggers the collapse of DaphnitJ.
These theoretical diagrams and the abstract terminology of dynamic systems
theory may give the impression that we fiy high in the sky far away from any
down-to-earth biology. However, the next sections will show that this mathematical
world does indeed reflect crucial mechanisms that govern plankton dynamics in the


In this section the seasonal dynamics of the trophic cascade are discussed.
The first part offers an overview of the patterns in Daphnia and algal
biomass that are observed in the field. Subsequently, it is shown how
the minimal plankton model presented in the previous sections can be
used to help understanding the effect of seasonal dynamics of the fish
community, but also how inclusion of the seasonal cycle in temperature and
light should change the minimal view of food-chain dynamics. The section
ends with a synthesis discussing how the results of the analysed trophic
interactions are really intertwined with the effects of other mechanisms in
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 163
The spring clear-water phase
One of the most distinctive events in the seasonal cycle of lake plankton
communities is the clear-water phase that often occurs at the end of the
spring. This dip in algal biomass can be partially caused by depletion of the
available nutrients by the spring bloom of phytoplankton (Reynolds, 1984;
Sommer et al., 1986; Vyhnalek, 1989). However, usually, heavy grazing on
algae by large zooplankton species that peak after the spring algal bloom is
the main mechanism causing the clear-water phase (Lampert et al., 1986;
Luecke et al., 1990; Carpenter et aL, 1993; Rudstam et al., 1993; Samelle,
1993; Hanson and Butler, 1994a; Townsend et al., 1994; Jurgens and Stolpe,
1995). The phenomenon can be especially spectacular in eutrophic lakes
where this short clear period contrasts strongly with the turbid situation in
the rest of the growing season.
As argued in the previous sections, the Daphnia outbreak and the subse-
quent clear-water phase can be seen as a predator- prey cycle. Unlike most
predator - prey oscillations, however, the clear-water phase is just a single
cycle that does not repeat. Usually, after the collapse of the spring peak
Daphnia does not reoccur the rest of the year, except for an occasional extra
peak in the autumn. The traditional explanation for the failure of Daphnia
to recover from the spring collapse has been that the quality of the algal

Daphnia pulex
400 0 + perch (kg ha" 1 )

200 Daphnia

0 0

400 1975


0 0
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov

Fig. 4.27 Comparison of biomass dynamics of age-0 yellow perch and Daphnia pulex
in Oneida Lake for two contrasting years. Daphnia is able to recover after the spring
collapse only when the density of young yellow perch is low. Redrawn from Mills and
Forney (1983).
164 Trophic cascades
food in summer is poor due to the increase in inedible colonies of blue-green
algae (Threlkeld, 1985; Lampert et al., 1986). With the rise in interest in the
effect of planktivorous fish, however, evidence accumulated in favour of an
alternative explanation. The early summer increase predation pressure due
to the young-of-the-year fish development could be the main responsible
mechanism of suppression of Daphnia in summer.
The long-term studies of the food-web dynamics in Lake Oneida show
especially suggestive patterns in this respect (Mills and Forney, 1981; Mills
and Forney, 1983). Young yellow perch are the most important planktivores
in this lake. The biomass of a cohort of young-of-the-year perch increases
sharply in early summer due to individual growth and this increase coincides
with the collapse of Daphnia (Fig. 4.27).
In years with few perch, however, Daphnia usually recovers after
the spring collapse, while in years with many perch Daphnia stays
practically absent for the rest of the season. As mentioned earlier, analysis
of data from many years suggests that there is a well defined critical perch
density above which summer Daphnia populations are suppressed (Fig.
The coincidence of the biomass increase of young-of-the-year fish with
the collapse of Daphnia suggests that fish predation may actually be an
important cause of this collapse. On the other hand, food shortage is likely
to be a major problem for the zooplankters during the clear-water phase
when algal biomass can be extremely low. A good example of how causality
in these things can be unravelled is the analysis of the 1987 Daphnia galeata
dynamics in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA (Luecke et al., 1990). The
study shows that the number of eggs per adult female decreased dramati-
cally in the course of the spring peak (Fig. 4.28a).
This number of eggs is an indication of the nutritional status, as starving
individuals can not support the production of eggs. Thus the low egg num-
bers indicate a severe food shortage in the course of the clear-water phase.
In July, the Daphnia density stays very low, but the numbers of eggs carried
by the remaining animals are high again, suggesting that their nutritional
status is not the problem. Using the egg numbers, one can estimate the
potential reproductive rate of the population over the spring and summer.
Comparison of this with the realized rate of increase gives an estimate of
Daphnia mortality. Subsequently, the Daphnia consumption by the fish
community was reconstructed over the same period, using fish censuses,
stomach analysis and bioenergetic models. The results show that fish
consumption could completely account for Daphnia mortality in summer,
while contributing only 2 o/o to the mortality at the collapse of the spring
peak (Fig. 4.28b ). Thus the emerging picture is that the spring peak of
Daphnia collapses due to food shortage, while the populations are subse-
quently kept low by fish predation. A comparable analysis with similar
outcome has been published for the Dutch lake Tjeukemeer (Boersma et at.,
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 165
150 6

~ 100
ci 4
6 "*E
~ "'"
<: ~
2 :J!]

0 0
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept


/total mortality
-!!! fish consumption

!Cl -(
Fig. 4.28 (a) During the spring peak of Daphnia galeata in Lake Mendota, egg
numbers per adult female drop dramatically, indicating food shortage. After the
collapse egg numbers recover, suggesting that food shortage is not the reason that
the population does not recover. (b) Estimated mortality of Daphnia during the
spring collapse is much higher than can be explained from consumption by fish. In
the summer, however, fish consumption can account for all Daphnia mortality.
Redrawn from Luecke eta/. (1990).
166 Trophic cascades
Other seasonal scenarios
Although the spring clear-water phase has received most attention, a single
clear-water phase in the spring is just one of the possible scenarios of
seasonal plankton dynamics. In particular, a repetition of the spring pattern
in the autumn appears to be very common in lakes. Indeed, an international
assemblage of lake plankton specialists (the Plankton Ecology Group,
PEG) described the pattern with a spring and an autumn peak as the typical
scenario for eutrophic lakes (Sommer et al., 1986) (Fig. 4.29).
There are also several case studies that demonstrate that recurrent
Daphnia peaks can cause several clear-water phases during the summer.
Examples are the French Lake Aydat where three Daphnia peaks and
corresponding clear-water phases were found in one year (Lair and Ayadi,
1989), and the German Lake Grosser Binnensee where four Daphnia peaks
occurred in one season, three of which led to a conspicuous clear-water
phase (Lampert and Rothhaupt, 1991).
It is likely that such repeated outbreaks of large Daphnia are only possi-
ble in lakes with few planktivorous fish in summer. An example that sup-
ports this idea is the development of the community dynamics in Bough
Beech Reservoir, a newly created water reservoir in south-east England
from which all coarse fish was removed in the first year (Munro and Bailey,
1980; Harper and Ferguson, 1982). Fish populations established slowly and

spring summer autumn

Fig. 4.29 A seasonal cycle with a spring and an autumn peak of large Daphnia and
corresponding dips in algal biomass, considered the typical pattern for moderately
eutrophic lakes. Redrawn from Sommer et al. {1986).
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 167







F M A M J A 5 0 N D
Fig. 4.30 A sequence of peaks in Daphnia numbers observed in the newly created
Bough Beech Reservoir, UK, before the development of a significant fish stock.
Redrawn from data of Harper and Ferguson (1982).

Chlorophyll-a (~g 1-1)






1978 1979 1980

Fig. 4.31 Time-series of chlorophyll-a concentrations for three subsequent years in

Lake Tjeukemeer, The Netherlands, illustrating the absence of pronounced clear-
water phases in many hypertrophic lakes. From Scheffer eta!. (1997c).
168 Trophic cascades
planktivorous young-of-the-year individuals became abundant only after
several years. Recurring Daphnia peaks were among the most striking fea-
tures of the plankton dynamics during the first years (Fig. 4.30), while in
later years, when planktivorous fish established, Daphnia oscillations were
greatly reduced.
Although Daphnia peaks and pronounced clear-water phases occur in
many lakes, they can be entirely absent too. Hypertrophic lakes in particular
are known to lack zooplankton induced clear-water phases (Gulati, 1983).
Indeed, algal biomass follows a more or less smooth seasonal pattern in
many of the relatively shallow and eutrophic Dutch lakes (Fig. 4.31).
Interestingly, isolated clear-water phases are sometimes observed in such
hypertrophic lakes which do not necessarily occur in the spring, but take
place even in the middle of the summer or in the autumn (Fig. 4.32).
In fact the timing of the spring clear-water phase can vary quite strongly
in general. Obviously, annual differences in the weather will affect the
timing of spring events. On the other hand fish predation is likely to play a
role too. The spring clear-water phase has been reported to come relatively
early in years when predation pressure from planktivorous fish on
zooplankton is low (Temte et at., 1988; Vanni et at., 1990; Rudstarn et al.,

Patterns across many lakes

The collection of cited case studies give a good impression of the large
variety of seasonal dynamics that can be observed. Another way to charac-
terize the timing and occurrence of clear-water phases is to analyse large

Chlorophyll-a (~g 1·1) Chlorophyll-a (~g 1·1)

~--------------------. 300 .-------------------..,





1975 1985

Fig. 4.32 Conspicuous clear-water phases in Lake Tjeukemeer some times occur in
the summer (left panel) or autumn (right panel) rather than in the spring. From
Scheffer et al. (1997c).
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 169
no. of cases
30 _,........

- r--
12 r--

0 h---11
0.00 0.14 0.28 0.42 0.56 0.70 0.84
minimum Chi-a
average Chi-a

Fig. 4.33 Frequency distribution of the relative depth of the deepest dip (minimum/
average of recorded values) in 257 time-series of chlorophyll-a from 71 Dutch lakes.
Each time-series covers the period from 1st April to 1st November of a given year.
From Scheffer eta/. (1997c).

databases of time-series in a systematic way. As an example, consider

the patterns found in a database with 257 seasonal series of chlorophyll-a
concentrations from 71 shallow Dutch lakes that were sampled on a routine
basis at least once every month in the period from April to October of
the analysed years (Scheffer, 1997b). To check if clear-water phases can
be distinguished from normal fluctuations in algal concentrations, the
relative depth of the deepest dip in algal biomass was computed for each
annual pattern (lowest Chi-a/average Chi-a over the April - October
period). Indeed, this dip-depth has a distinct bi-modal distribution (Fig.
The main peak in the figure shows that the minimum is often about 40%
of the average chlorophyll level, but the hump on the left indicates that
there is another set of cases in which a dip to about 10% of the average
concentration occurs. The bi-modal pattern suggests that dips deeper than
25% of the average concentration represent a distinct phenomenon and can
be classified as clear-water phases for further analysis. Such deep dips occur
in 98 of the 257 analysed time-series.
A plot of the relative depth of the dip in chlorophyll against the average
concentration (Fig. 4.34), reveals that clear water phases are almost absent
in lakes with an average chlorophyll level higher than 150mg r' (Chi2 P =
170 Trophic cascades
minimum Chi-a
average chi-a


0 O'
0.7 oooooo'
0 '
0.6 '
,, ' .Oo
0 0 0000:
% Oo '0 '

0.4 o
oo:ooo oooo

o oo
o o!tlo

cP o

0 g,_o•:&o o 8oo oo , 0 o
1) o o 0 : o 0 o o
0.3 t:P..
-- ,}-.# --.-;;!-Q.iP---.·-- ~---------------- -------------------
0 O O 1 0 0

.\ ,....::.....' ;.. .. ... .. ..": .
, ,• • • • • • • . , :

.:).· ·. .


average Chi-a (M 1" 1)

Fig. 4.34 Relative depth of the deepest dip in chlorophyll-a plotted against the
average chlorophyll concentration in each of the analysed time-series (see Fig. 3.14).
Drops in chlorophyll to less 25% of the average value of that time-series (heavy
dots) are practically absent in lakes where the average level exceeds 150mgl·'. From
Scheffer et al. (1997c).

0.0001). This result is in line with the earlier analyses by Gulati (1983)
showing that strong peaks in zooplankton grazing and associated clear-
water phases are rare in highly eutrophic situations.
To analyse the timing of clear-water phases, the date of occurrence of the
dips deeper than 0.25 was checked. Deep dips in algal biomass appear to
occur at any time of the studied period of the year, although the majority of
the clear-water phases are found around May, with another peak of occur-
rences in the autumn (Fig. 4.3Sa). Obviously this fits well with reported
bestuary of seasonal patterns described in more detailed case studies.
The analysed chlorophyll data set does not allow a check whether grazing
is really the cause of the deep dips in algal biomass, as zooplankton densities
are not available. However, Danish workers have systematically analysed
time-series of zooplankton abundance from many lakes (Jeppesen et al.,
1996). To estimate the potential grazing pressure of zooplankton on the
phytoplankton, they used the rule of thumb that cladocerans can consume a
daily amount of algae equal to their own body weight, while copepods can
consume only half their own weight per day. The results indicate that in
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 171
no. of cases


clear-water phases


0 ----,-----,-----+--+--~-~---1,_-4~-1--+--+
M A M A 0 N D (a)

Potential grazing(% d" 1 )


zooplankton grazing



0 ----,-----~-~-~-~~~~---.---,-...,.
J F M A M A 0 N D (b)

Fig. 4.35 (a) Frequency distribution of the moment of occurrence of drops in chlo-
rophyll concentration below 25% of the average of a time-series (see Fig. 3.14)
(heavy dots in Fig. 4.34). From Scheffer et al. (1997c). (b) Seasonal variation in the
zooplankton grazing pressure on phytoplankton (% of the phytoplankton biomass
ingested per day) for moderately eutrophic Danish lakes (TP 0.05-0.10mgl" 1). The
curve indicates the median, the bars represent the 25-75% percentiles. From
Jeppesen et al. (1996).
172 Trophic cascades
moderately eutrophic lakes (TP 0.05-0.lmg 1"1) the peaks in potential graz-
ing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton occur precisely in the same
periods as the majority of the clear-water phases observed in the Dutch data
set (Fig. 4.35b ), suggesting that the Dutch clear-water phases are indeed the
result of top-down control. The estimated potential grazing pressures reach
values close to lOOo/o of the algal biomass per day in lakes with moderate
nutrient contents. Obviously, this should be sufficient to graze down even
fast growing algal populations.
Interestingly, the Danish analysis also shows that grazing pressure varies
in a systematic way with the nutrient status of the lake. In hypertrophic lakes
grazing pressure is low during the entire year. This is in line with the Dutch
results, showing that clear-water phases are usually absent in lakes with high
chlorophyll levels (Fig. 4.34).

The seasonal cycle of planktivory

Most fish species in temperate lakes spawn in the spring. When the larvae
have used up the food reserves in the yolk sac, they become dependent on
small planktonic food. At first, food particles no larger than rotifers are
consumed, but in a few weeks the animals have grown enough to consume
larger food, and Daphnia becomes one of the preferred food items. The
biomass development of the new cohort is a function of individual growth
and mortality. Initial growth is very fast, but only a small fraction of the
individuals survive to recruit into the second year-class next spring. As a
result the biomass of the planktivorous young-of-the-year fish reaches a
maximum somewhere in the summer (Fig. 4.27).
Although some species stay planktivorous during all their life, most fishes
specialize on other food such as benthic invertebrates or fish. The increase
in gape size with age allows the use of food other than plankton. Also, they
become gradually less efficient at catching zooplankton as they grow. None-
theless, adults will often switch back to eating Daphnia in periods when it is
very abundant (Lammens, 1985; Lammens et al., 1985). In hypertrophic
shallow lakes, fish biomass can be very high and the predation pressure on
zooplankton is probably severe all year round (Jeppesen et al., 1996). Prob-
ably more common is the situation in which young-of-the-year are by far the
most important planktivores and the annual reproduction of fish leads to a
strong cycle in planktivorous capacity with a maximum in summer (Mills
and Forney, 1981; Mills and Forney, 1983). Only when predation on young-
of-the-year is very high or the spawning stock has been reduced to very low
densities does planktivory remain low throughout the year (Harper and
Ferguson, 1982; Shapiro and Wright, 1984; Van Donk et al., 1990).
In terms of our minimal model, the effect of the annual cycle in
planktivory can be analysed in a simple graphical way (Fig. 4.36).
The left panel in this figure represents the most relevant modes of plank-
ton behaviour described more thoroughly in Figs. 4.23 and 4.25 and the
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 173

Fig. 4.36 Seasonal variation in biomass of planktivorous fish (right-hand panel) can
cause the planktonic system (left-hand panel) to switch between cycles with periodic
Daphnia peaks (cylinder in left-hand panel) and a stable algal dominated state
(vertical equilibrium line in left-hand panel), depending on whether the two main
bifurcations in the system are crossed. If planktivory is high (I) no Daphnia peaks
will occur at all. When planktivorous fish stays low (III) Daphnia can remain abun-
dant throughout the summer. However, intermediate scenarios cause Daphnia to
collapse through a homoclinic bifurcation in the spring, leaving algae to dominate
throughout the summer. From Scheffer et al. (1997c).

corresponding (technical) text sections. Here, the figure is tilted so that fish
predation is on the vertical axis. At low fish predation there are zooplankton
- algae oscillations (cylinder) whereas at higher fish predation there is a
stable algal dominated equilibrium where zooplankton is overexploited by
fish (curve rooted in F 1). These two modes of behaviour co-exist as alterna-
tive 'equilibria' for a small range of fish predation. Two 'bifurcation points'
mark the transitions from the oscillatory regime to the stationary one (0 1,
the 'homoclinic bifurcation') and vice versa (F1, the 'fold bifurcation') .The
exact development of planktivory over the year is hard to know, but if we
assume that it can be mimicked in the model by a cycle in the consumptive
capacity for plankton (G1) with a maximum in summer (right-hand panel),
three qualitatively different scenarios can be distinguished:
I Planktivory remains entirely above the threshold at which Daphnia can
recover from over-exploitation (the fold bifurcation, F 1).
II The annual minimum in planktivory is below this threshold but the
maximum is above the threshold at which the oscillating Daphnia state
collapses due to the homoclinic bifurcation ( 0 1).
III Planktivory stays entirely below the homoclinic threshold ( 0 1) at which
Daphnia would collapse.
174 Trophic cascades

The first scenario corresponds to lakes where large zooplankters are absent
throughout the year and there is no clear-water phase. The second situation
corresponds to the classical clear-water phase scenario, with a Daphnia peak
in the spring but low Daphnia numbers and high algal biomass in summer.
The third scenario represents a situation where Daphnia remains oscillating
throughout the summer. Indeed, as mentioned earlier, all of these scenarios
are observed in lakes, and model results suggest that differences in their fish
communities could be a reasonable explanation.
As argued, scenario I is especially common in hypertrophic shallow lakes
(Fig. 4.34), where, as explained in section 4.5, the fish stock can be very high
due to the availability of benthic food. Since these benthivorous fish switch
to feeding on zooplankton when it is available, the potential grazing pres-
sure on Daphnia is high even in the absence of young-of-the-year fish
(Jeppesen et al., 1996).
The model suggests that the collapse of Daphnia at the end of the clear-
water phase and their subsequent absence in summer (scenario II) corre-
sponds to a 'homoclinic bifurcation'. The essence of this bifurcation in
biological terms is that Daphnia collapses due to food shortage (the limit
cycle), and that this brings the population down to a level that is low enough
to let a relatively small amount of fish prevent recovery (the over-exploited
state). Indeed, this corresponds precisely to the mechanism revealed by the
analysis of the factors that drive the plankton dynamics in Lake Mendota
(Fig. 4.28).
Note that it is the starvation collapse of the Daphnia population that
makes it vulnerable to fish. If there is no such oscillation in Daphnia, a much
higher fish predation is needed to let the Daphnia population arrive at the
over-exploited state, as explained more thoroughly in the corresponding
technical section (Fig. 4.26). This implies that, factors that stabilize Daphnia
oscillation will help to prevent the collapse of Daphnia. As argued above,
vegetation may help to stabilize Daphnia dynamics in shallow lakes by
supplying refuges in which the animals aggregate and detritus that can be
used as an alternative food source.
It is interesting to note that the mechanism that causes the famous snow-
shoe hare - lynx cycles is thought to be closely related to the emerging
picture of the clear-water phase. The decline in the hare population that sets
the cycle is initiated by a food limitation of the hares that have overgrazed
the vegetation. When the hare population has collapsed to low numbers, the
impact of the predator populations, whose numbers stay roughly constant,
becomes increasingly important, keeping the hare population low for an
extended period (Keith, 1983; Keith, 1990).

Modelling seasonality of plankton

Fish predation is not the only thing changing over the year. Light and
temperature are probably the most ir---·--· L'··'-- '----- '--'-'-A •'--
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 175
seasonal cycle in ecosystems and both factors affect the phytoplankton -
zooplankton system directly. Therefore, the current approach (Fig. 4.36) of
studying the effect of changing fish predation pressure in the spring
and summer is really too simple to describe the complete annual pattern
of plankton dynamics. The consequences of seasonality for the dynamics
of the plankton can be analysed in a more realistic way by periodically
varying all parameters of the model that should depend on light or
temperature. The simplest way to do this is to impose a sinusoidal variation
of the value of the relevant model parameters over the year (Scheffer et at.,
In eutrophic lakes, light limitation tends to set an upper limit to algal
biomass. We therefore assume the carrying capacity (K) to be a function of
light. The parameters related to the metabolism of algae, zooplankton and
fish (r, g, m, G1) will depend upon temperature. The summer maximum in
the temperature of a lake is usually delayed compared with the maximum in
irradiation. For simplicity we neglect this phase shift and many other subtle-
ties like the exact shapes of temperature and light dependence of the organ-
isms and simply mimic the effect of seasons by multiplying each of those
parameters by a seasonal impact, u,, which is a periodic function of time t

1-ecos( 2 m)

where t = 0 stands for the first of January. In this formulation the minimum
value of each parameter (i.e. the value in the middle of the winter) is equal
to its maximum (in summer) multiplied by (1 -e)/(1 =e). Thus, the summer
maximum of a parameter corresponds to the default value and e determines
the amplitude of seasonal change.
In addition to the temperature induced variation, fish predation pressure
( G1) should show a seasonal variation due to the reproductive cycle. Assum-
ing this cycle to be sinusoidal and in phase with the variation in temperature
and light we can include the effect simply by multiplying G1 with an extra
seasonal impact ( u). Thus the complete seasonal model becomes:

O'(t)K A+hA

dZ A Z2
- = eu(r)gZ--- O'(r)mZ- O'(r)O'(t)G/ - 2 - - 2 (16)
dt A+hA z +h,
A simple way to look at the consequences of such a seasonal variation is to
compute the cycles and equilibria of the system for each day of the year with
176 Trophic cascades

Algae (A) 1
time (days)

Fig. 4.37 The attractors (equilibria and cycles) of the seasonal plankton model
constructed by computing the cycles and/or stable equilibria separately for each
day t of the year using tbe appropriate value of cr,. The dotted line represents the
true asymptotic behaviour of the seasonally forced model. From Scheffer et al.

the appropriate seasonal values of the parameters and assemble them into a
picture that shows the entire year (Fig. 4.37).
This representation shows that plankton has the tendency to oscillate in
the spring and autumn whereas it is stationary with high algal biomass in
summer and stationary with low algal biomass in winter. The discontinuities
show that the transitions to and from the turbid summer equilibrium are
catastrophic (corresponding to the homoclinic and fold bifurcations). How-
ever, the dynamic behaviour of a periodically forced system can not really
be inferred from such an assemblage of frozen asymptotic behaviours. This
becomes apparent if real simulated dynamics are plotted in the same figure
(dashed line in Fig. 4.37). The depicted simulated path shows the asymptotic
behaviour to which the seasonal model always converges after many simu-
lation years. Therefore, this seasonal cycle is a real attractor, comparable to
the stable points and limit cycles of the non-seasonal model. This seasonal
attractor follows the artificially constructed 'frozen attractor set' only ap-
proximately. The discrepancy is understandable. The populations never
have time to reach the asymptotic behaviour corresponding to the condi-
tions at a certain day of the year because the conditions change continu-
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 177
ously. Therefore, the behaviour of the seasonal model can only be studied
properly by analysing the real seasonal attractors.

Implications of seasons for eqnilibria and cycles

Attractors of the seasonal model can be interpreted as a distortion of the attractors
of the constant parameter model (Fig. 4.23). The stable equilibrium point becomes
a small stable cycle with a period of one year, and, likewise, unstable equilibria of the
constant parameter case change into unstable cycles. On the other hand, the stable
limit cycle corresponding to a periodic clear-water regime (Fig. 4.23) becomes a so-
called quasiperiodic regime. This can be interpreted as the result of the interference
of the seasonal rhythm with that of the biological process (the limit cycle). This will
not give rise to a 'periodic' behaviour (unless the ratio of these frequencies happens
to be exactly rational, e.g. 1: 2, 1 : 3, 2: 3, etc.). A quasiperiodic regime is also
called a torus. The reason for this can be seen if the attractors of the system are
plotted in a three-dimensional space (Fig. 4.38) where time is represented by the
angle between the axis A(O) and a rotating axis A(t) which returns to A(O) in one
year. A one-year periodic regime will be represented in this space by a single cycle
(Fig. 4.38a). A quasiperiodic regime will correspond to a trajectory that starts at an
initial point on a torus and develops entirely on this doughnut-like structure but
never comes back to the initial point, thns covering the torus densely as time goes on
(Fig. 4.38b ).
The figure (Fig. 4.38) also shows the so-called Poincare section of the two
attractors. Poincare sections are obtained by cutting the attractors transversally
with a plane. This corresponds to the figure one obtains by sampling algae and
zooplankton annually at the same day for a long series of years. A periodic regime
with a period of one year will be revealed by a unique point on the Poincare section,
while a periodic solution of period two years will give rise to two points which are
visited in odd and even years respectively, and so on. A quasiperiodic regime,
however, will generate an infinite series of data points that fill a closed regular curve.
Studying the Poincare section is the best way to distinguish a real quasiperiodic
regime from a periodic regime with a long period or from a chaotic regime. Periodic
regimes of period n years, no matter how complex, show up on the Poincare section
as a set of n points visited periodically. while true chaotic dynamics show up as an
infinite collection of points which do not align in a simple way but are spatially
dispersed with patterns of fractal geometry.
Cycles, tori and strange attractors in the seasonally forced model can also coexist
for particular parameter settings. For example, the analogy of the situation between
the first fold and the first homoclinic bifurcation in Fig. 4.23 (F1 < G1 <OJ, where we
have one stable limit cycle and three equilibria (one of which is stable), is a three-
dimensional portrait with a stable torus (quasiperiodic clear-water regime) and three
cycles. One of the three cycles is a repellor inside the torus, while the two others are
outside the torus and are an attractor and a saddle cycle. Like in the constant
parameter case, the shapes of all these attractors, repellors and saddles, as well as
178 Trophic cascades



Fig. 4.38 Representation of the seasonally perturbed patterns in a three-dimen-

sional state space with 'angular time' (t). The algal axis (A(t)) turns 360° in one year.
The depicted transverse frames are so-called Poincare sections. They represent
annual samples of the amount of algae and zooplankton on a fixed day of the year.
A regular cycle with a period of one year (a) shows up on the Poincare section as a
single point, while a torus (b) is represented by a closed regular curve of points.
From Scheffer et al. (1997c).
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 179
their stable and unstable manifolds, will smoothly change as parameter values are
varied and incidentally collide at bifurcation points.
If, for example, fish predation (Gr) decreases, the turbid regime can disappear if
the two cycles outside the torus collide. This is analogous to the fold bifurcation
in the constant parameter case (F1 in Fig. 4.23). Also the quasi-periodic clear-
water regime can disappear. This happens when the saddle cycle 'collides' with the
torus, thus giving rise to a bifurcation called toms destruction. This bifurcation
corresponds to the homoclinic bifurcation of the constant parameter case ( 0 1 in Fig.
Close to the torus destruction, the nature of the torus changes. Because the torus
is very close to the saddle cycle, the trajectories on the torus remain very similar to
this saddle cycle {the unstable equilibrium in the constant parameter case) from time
to time for a long period. As a result the torus is actually composed of alternate
episodes of regular clear-water occurrence with periods in which there are no
zooplankton peaks. If one increases fish predation (Gr), the saddle cycle approaches
the torus further and the phase of turbid water becomes longer and longer. This
implies that the transition from a clear-water regime to a turbid regime is not
characterized by gradually less pronounced clear-water episodes but, instead, by
increasingly rare clear-water phases.
One more phenomenon, called frequency locking is important for understanding
the seasonal model. When a periodically forced nonlinear system has a torus, it can
happen that, for a particular value of the parameters, a cycle exists on that torus
which attracts all other nearby trajectories. This implies that the behaviour of the
system becomes periodic (on torus) and will show up as such on the Poincare section.
A simulation trajectory will no longer cover the torus densely, as it converges to the
periodic cycle. {Nonetheless, the complete torus still exists as a so-called invariant
set, which means that any trajectory starting on the torus will remain on it while
approaching the cycle.) Remarkably, such periodic solutions on the torus persist
when the values of parameters are varied slightly. This is because the external
frequency tends to 'lock' the system, in the sense that the system is forced to behave
periodically with the same period as the forcing function or with a period that is an
integer multiple of it. In our case, seasons can force the algae- zooplankton commu-
nities to behave periodically with a period of 1,2,3, ... years, even though the system
would have the tendency to cycle at another frequency in the absence of seasons. In
general, the regions of the parameter space in which the system is locked are larger
if the amplitude of the season is larger. Like torus destruction and the tangent
bifurcation of cycles, frequency locking is a bifurcation of the system and can be
detected as such by the appropriate software.
The best overview of the behavioural repertoire of the seasonal model can be
obtained from a bifurcation diagram (Fig. 4.39). On the vertical axis (e; 0) there are
two bifurcation points F 1 and 0 1 corresponding to the fold and homoclinic bifurca-
tions shown in Fig. 4.23. These points are the roots of the two bifurcation boundaries
separating regions 1, 2 and 3 in which the model has qualitatively different asymp-
totic behaviours. The top boundary corresponds to torus destruction and, as pointed
out, is actually not a curve but a very narrow band with complex structure. As this
180 Trophic cascades
Fish (G 1)



o, ' \\ I
0.08 I
F, I I
0.06 I I
0.04 I I
0.02 I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
seasonal forcing (E)

Fig. 4.39 Bifurcation diagram showing how seasonal forcing and planktivory affect
the behaviour of the model. The bifurcation boundaries merging from points 0 1 and
F 1 divide the parameter space into three distinct regions where the asymptotic
behaviour of the model is different (see text). In region (1), clear-water phases are
absent, while in region (3) clear-water phases occur. In region (2) the asymptotic
behavioural regimes of region (1) and (3) co-exist. On the left side of the dashed
curves the dynamics in region (3(1 1) are not locked with the rhythm of the seasons
(see text), on the right side of these curves (region 3(1)) the system behaves periodi-
cally with a period of one year. The dynamic behaviour at the parameter settings
marked as a, b, c and dis illustrated in Fig. 4.40. From Scheffer et al. (1997c).

band is crossed from below, the torus disappears through homoclinic contacts. The
boundary rooted at F 1 is a tangent bifurcation curve. As this curve is crossed from
above, a stable cycle and a saddle cycle collide and disappear. Thus, region 1 contains
a unique attractor, namely a stable seasonal cycle with high algal biomass (Fig. 4.40a)
corresponding to the 'turbid equilibrium' of the constant parameter case. In the
small region 2, this turbid regime coexists with a quasiperiodic regime characterized
by clear-water episodes. Region 3 is characterized by the existence of a torus,
although in many subregions (3(il) the regime is locked to be purely periodic with a
period of i years (see below). In our case all of these subregions are small with the
exception of region 3( 0 where the behaviour on the torus is locked to a period of one
year. The bifurcation line demarcating the border of region 3(1l corresponds to a
tangent bifurcation of cycles on torus. Although numerical experiments have shown
in which zone of the parameter space it occurs (3l'l) the exact position could not be
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 181
Biomass (mg 1" 1) Biomass(mgl-1)
12r----------------------, 12r------------------------,

10 10

Algae (A)
/ ''~
____ ............''' '~
------------ ... __________________ _
Zooplankton (Z)
Zooplankton (Z) --------

Biomass (mg 1" 1)



Fig. 4.40 Seasonal dynamics of the plankton model for parameter setting corre-
sponding to points a, b, c and din Fig. 4.39 (s = 0.7; Gr = 0.12, 0.09, O.Q75 and 0.025
respectively). From Scheffer et aL (1997c).

detected due to numerical problems. In this parameter zone (3(' 1) several small
islands occur where cycles with a period of more than one year exist. At a seasonal
forcing of e = 0.7 which is probably reasonable for simulating temperate lakes
(Scheffer et al., 1997c) the frequency of oscillations in the plankton tends to be
locked with that of the seasons, in such a way that the same pattern of plankton
dynamics repeats each year (Fig. 4.40).

Behaviour of the seasonal plankton model

The simplest way to investigate the seasonal model is to simulate its behav-
iour for different parameter settings. The effect of fish (G1) is shown in the
simulations presented in Fig. 4.40. If fish predation on zooplankton is very
182 Trophic cascades
high (region 1) the seasonal cycle is simple (Fig. 4.40a). Daphnia biomass
remains low throughout the year and algal biomass develops smoothly with
a minimum in winter and a maximum in summer. If the predation pressure
from fish is less extreme, the spring bloom of algae is followed by a
zooplankton peak which causes a clear-water episode with low algal density
(Fig. 4.40b,c,d). What happens after this clear-water phase depends on the
predation pressure by fish. At high fish density the spring dip is the only
clear-water phase ofthe season (Fig. 4.40b ). If planktivory is lower, a second
Daphnia peak occurs at the end of the summer (Fig. 4.40c ). At very low fish
densities, the number of Daphnia peaks that occur over the summer can
increase up to four (Fig. 4.40d). Note that the first clear-water phase occurs
remarkably constantly around May, although there is a dependency on fish
predation pressure (G1). With increasing fish the spring clear-water phase
tends to occur later (Fig. 4.40).
Increasing the fish biomass in the model gradually from the situation
depicted in figure 4.40b to that shown in figure 4.40a, a remarkable kind of
transition can be observed. In a narrow critical range of fish densities
(around the border between regions 1 and 3 in figure 4.39) the clear-water
phase disappears. However, it does not become gradually less pronounced
but rather increasingly rare. In each individual year, the clear-water phase is
either fully present or completely absent, but with increasing fish density we
go gradually from a situation in which the clear-water occurs every year to
a situation in which it never happens. In this narrow transition zone regular
cycles with a length of more than one year are found. Clear-water phases
may occur, for instance, two out of three years (Fig. 4.41a), or two out of
four years (Fig. 4.41b).
However, this parameter band also contains very long cycles that judging
from the time-series can be considered erratic for all practical purposes (Fig.
4.41c). Obviously, such multi-year cycles are unlikely to be found in nature
since they only occur over a very small region in the parameter space.
Taking environmental variability into account, however, lakes which are
'close' to the border of having-or-not-having clear-water phases should be
expected to behave in a rather unpredictable way. They may or may not
display a clear-water phase in any given year. The simulation results (Fig.
4.41) suggest that in such lakes, the timing of clear-water phases can be
rather erratic. Isolated clear-water episodes can occur in summer or even in
the autumn.
This minimal model is of course a crude simplification of reality. The aim,
however, is not to be complete, but rather to check which part of the
bestuary of behaviour that is observed in the field can in theory be explained
by the few ingredients included in the model. The analysis shows that in this
case the ingredients are indeed sufficient to generate an array of seasonal
patterns of plankton dynamics that corresponds surprisingly well to the
patterns observed in the field. As in real lakes, a clear-water phase can be
absent or occur up to four times a year, scenarios with more than two
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 183
Algal Biomass

~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Algal Biomass

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Algal Biomass

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Fig. 4.41 Dynamic patterns occurring in the narrow band of bifurcations that sepa-
rates regions 1 and 3<'1in Fig. 4.39. (a) A clear-water phase occurring two out ofthree
years (G1 = 0.1008); (b) a clear-water phase occurring two out of four years (G1 =
0.1011); (c) a segment of a complex cycle where the occurrence of clear-water phases
appears erratic (G1 = 0.1013). From Scheffer et al. (1997c).

Daphnia peaks and clear-water phases in a year being predicted only for a
small parameter ninge at low fish densities. For a large range of parameter
settings the model predicts the clear-water phase to be either entirely
absent (Fig. 4.40a ), or to happen in the spring (Fig. 4.40b) with a possible
repetition in the autumn (Fig. 4.40c). Indeed, in the field these three sce-
narios seem to be the most common ones also (Figs. 4.29, 4.31 and 4.35). The
timing of the simulated patterns corresponds remarkably well to the field
observations as well. Without any special tuning the spring clear-water
phase occurs around May (Figs. 4.40b,c,d) as it does in lakes (Fig. 4.35). The
model suggests that the timing of the spring clear-water phase should de-
pend on the fish density, coming later if fish density is higher (Figs.
4.40b,c,d). Suitable data to check this prediction are rare, but in Lake
184 Trophic cascades
Mendota where the relationship between fish and plankton dynamics has
been analysed for many years, it has indeed been noted that the spring clear-
water phase can come earlier when the density of planktivorous fish is low
(Temte et al., 1988; Vanni et al., 1990; Rudstam et a/., 1993). Even the
peculiar prediction that incidental isolated clear-phases can occur in the
summer or autumn in lakes that normally show no clear-water phase (Fig.
4.41) is supported by data (Fig. 4.32).
Importantly, the results are quite independent of the precise model for-
mulation. The use of more realistic time lags between the light and tempera-
ture forcing functions and variation in their amplitudes hardly changes the
patterns produced. Also, the dynamic patterns produced by a comparable
but much more elaborate model (Doveri eta/., 1993) are very similar to the
repertoire of the minimal model shown here. In that model, nutrient recy-
cling and the dynamics of young-of-the-year fish are modelled dynamically,
the role of adult fish that prey on zooplankton facultatively is modelled
explicitly, and realistic temperature and light scenarios at different latitudes
are analysed.

But many more mechanisms operate in the field

This robustness of the results suggests that they are not an artifact of
particular model formulations and that, indeed, much of the observed sea-
sonal dynamics of Daphnia and algal biomass can be interpreted simply as
the result of their predator - prey interaction and the fact that everything,
including planktivory, speeds up in the summer and slows down in the
winter. However, although the correspondence between generated patterns
and field observations is encouraging, it does not imply that the modelled
mechanisms need to be entirely responsible for all of these patterns in the
field. Other mechanisms may cause the same patterns, or what is probably
very common, help to cause the pattern (Scheffer eta/., 1994b).
Indeed, there are many more mechanisms involved in driving plankton
dynamics in reality. Depletion of nutrients, for instance, may contribute to
the collapse of the spring bloom of algae (Reynolds, 1984; Sommer et al.,
1986; Vyhnalek, 1989). Also, many organisms can produce dormant struc-
tures and the timing of production and emergence of such resting stages
usually depends on temperature, light and other clues. Cladocerans, for
instance, tend to produce inert resting stages ('ephippia') at the end of the
spring clear-water phase. This has been interpreted as a strategy to survive
a period of food shortage (Slobodkin, 1954; Hutchinson, 1967) or to avoid
the early summer period of predation by juvenile fish (Hairston, 1987). In
the spring these ephippia can emerge massively to form the off-set of the
spring population peak that grazes down the spring bloom of algae (De
Stasio, Jr, 1990). Although such mechanisms obviously have a large effect
on the seasonal patterns, it could be argued that the fact that largely the
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 185
same population dynamics can be generated without such biological timing
mechanisms suggests that they are 'post-hoc' adaptations to optimize the
reproductive moment with respect to food availability and predation risk,
rather than the prime forces driving the seasonal pattern.
Importantly, in lakes with abundant submerged vegetation, summer
plankton dynamics are usually very different from those in unvegetated
systems. As explained in the previous section, phytoplankton productivity is
often low in vegetation stands due to factors like nitrogen limitation, shad-
ing, increased sinking losses and allelopathy. As a result the food situation
for zooplankters can be unfavourable. Indeed, densely vegetated lakes often
have low densities of both phytoplankton and Daphnia during the summer
(Meijer et al., 1990; Van Donk et al., 1990; Van den Berget al., 1997). On
the other hand vegetation can act as a refuge against fish predation, and
detritus may act as an alternative food source supporting a high Daphnia
population throughout the summer in some situations (Carvalho, 1994). The
effect of vegetation on plankton dynamics is discussed in detail in the next

Inedible algae
A potentially important aspect that is not considered in the model is the
presence of inedible cyanobacteria. The analysis suggests that the absence
of clear-water phases can be explained as the effect of a high density of
planktivorous fish. The time-series analysis of Dutch and Danish data indi-
cates that the absence of clear-water phases is especially frequent in hyper-
trophic lakes with high algal biomass (Fig. 4.34, Fig. 4.35b). Indeed, fish
biomass is typically very high in such lakes, and this may well explain the
absence of clear-water phases. However, hypertrophic shallow lakes are
also frequently dominated by cyanobacteria as explained in the previous
chapter. Several studies show that these algae are usually not well edible
(Arnold, 1971; Schindler, 1971) and that Daphnia growth can be severely
reduced in their presence (Gliwicz, 1990; Gliwicz and Lampert, 1990). Also,
toxic substances released by cyanobacteria have been shown to reduce
filtering rates of daphnids by 50% or more (Haney eta/., 1994). Obviously,
such adverse effects of cyanobacteria may well contribute to the absence of
clear-water phases.
At first sight the size structure of the zooplankton community of hyper-
trophic lakes seems to indicate that fish is the dominant factor involved. The
community is typically dominated by small zooplankters. As explained ear-
lier, this is thought to be characteristic of situations with a high predation
pressure from planktivorous fish. Selective predation of fish removes the
larger individuals (Brooks and Dodson, 1965; Shapiro and Wright, 1984;
Hambright, 1994; Seda and Duncan, 1994) and Daphnia also tends to
change its life history strategy, becoming smaller in response to chemical
186 Trophic cascades
cues released by fish (Weider and Pijanowska, 1993; Engelmayer, 1995).
However, it has also been shown that large Daphnia species are less able
than small ones to forage and grow in the presence of filamentous blue-
green algae (Hawkins and Lampert, 1989; Gliwicz, 1990; Gliwicz and
Lampert, 1990), thus the absence of large Daphnia from hypertrophic lakes
may at least in part be caused by the poor food situation.
Causality is difficult to unravel in this matter, but an extensive analysis of
data from many Danish lakes indicates that top-down control by fish is
probably the dominant mechanism preventing large zooplankters from
peaking and grazing down algal biomass in most cases (Jeppesen et al.,
1996). Many of the hypertrophic Danish lakes that entirely lack episodes of
high zooplankton grazing pressure are dominated by easily edible green
algae. Also the mid-summer decline of Daphnia in lakes of lower nutrient
contents occurs every year in many Danish lakes, irrespective of whether or
not cyanobacteria are present.
An interesting study showing the complexity of the interaction of ined-
ible cyanobacteria and Daphnia in a eutrophic lake has been published by
Samelle (1993). The natural seasonal pattern in the lake was that the species
composition of algae switched from diatoms and green algae during the
spring bloom to small flagellate algae during the clear-water phase and
filamentous cyanobacteria after the clear-water phase. At first sight this
seems to support the view that grazing favours dominance of the algal
community by the 'grazing resistant' cyanobacteria as it eliminates edible
competitors. However, after a fish kill, Daphnia grazing was able to retard
succession to 'inedible' cyanobacteria in the summer. Instead the
phytoplankton community remained dominated by edible small flagellates.
The idea that in the absence of fish predation Daphnia could suppress
filamentous blue-green algae was confirmed by enclosure studies in the lake.
Thus cyanobacteria may affect Daphnia development negatively but
Daphnia may also suppress cyanobacteria.
The observations of Samelle (1993) suggest that the effect of Daphnia
grazing on algal composition may depend on grazing intensity. Strong
Daphnia grazing seems to lead to a dominance by small flagellate algae,
while mild grazing may favour 'inedible' cyanobacteria. This view is sup-
ported by observations of Danish workers (Jeppesen, pers. comm.). The
mechanisms through which these two very different groups can survive
grazing pressure are entirely different. Selection of grazers against the
large colonies is an intuitively straightforward mechanism that may favour
blue-green algae. On the other hand larger algae have lower growth rates
in general (Reynolds, 1988). Therefore, if the population suffers losses
due to grazing (or sinking or flushing) these are not easily compensated
for by growth. The small flagellate algae that are typical for heavily
grazed situations, on the other hand, have very high growth rates. Thus
even severe losses can be compensated for by the fast reproduction. As
explained in the previous chapter this is also the reason why fast growing
Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 187
algae tend to dominate in situations with high flush-rates or large sinking
There is some evidence that the outcome of the mutually negative inter-
action between cyanobacteria and Daphnia is dependent not only on preda-
tion pressure from planktivorous fish but also on the initial density and the
condition of cyanobacteria. Laboratory studies show that especially high
densities of cyanobacterial filaments have a strong negative effect on
Daphnia growth but that the animals are better able to handle the blue-
green algae if the filaments are short or deteriorating (Gliwicz, 1990; Gliwicz
and Lampert, 1990). At lower filament densities, Daphnia is less affected
and some studies indicate that Daphnia grows even better on a mix of
cyanobacteria and green algae than on a culture of green algae alone (Gulati
pers. comm.).

Invertebrate predators
Another factor that may complicate the straightforward trophic cascade
from fish to algae is the presence of large densities of invertebrate predators
which forage on zooplankton but are themselves prey to fish. Especially
notorious are the predacious Leptodora and some mysid shrimp species
(Fig. 4.42).
Obviously, it is difficult to predict a priori what will be the effect of a
reduction of the fish density in situations where such planktonic predators
are present, since fish suppresses Daphnia but also its invertebrate predators
(Fig. 4.43).
Reduction of the fish stock will reduce its direct impact on herbivorous
zooplankton but can also allow an increase of invertebrate predators. Pre-
dicting the overall effect on Daphnia requires detailed specific information
on the prey selection and population dynamics of the species involved.
An attempt to combine such information in an integrated model has been
made for the food web of Lake Mendota (Luecke et at., 1996) where
Leptodora may be in part responsible for the midsummer decline in
Daphnia (De Stasio, Jr et al., 1995). The model predicted that in general
Daphnia biomass should benefit from a decrease in the density of the two
dominant planktivorous fish species, except at very low fish densities where
Daphnia would be suppressed by an increasing population of Leptodora
(Fig. 4.44).
Indeed, since the size of most invertebrate predators makes them very
attractive food for fish, it seems reasonable to assume that planktonic inver-
tebrate predators can only play a significant role if the density of
planktivorous fish is very low. Even in fishless situations, however, inverte-
brate impact on zooplankton may be minor in practice (Paterson, 1994).
Since small invertebrate predators such as Chaoborus can only handle rela-
tively small-bodied zooplankton (Pastorok, 1980; Luecke and O'Brien,
1983), their presence may often help to cause the shift to dominance by large
188 Trophic cascades

Fig. 4.42 Mysid shrimps (Neomysis sp.) occur massively in some brackish lakes.
They are omnivorous animals that consume detritus, but can also catch zooplankton.

Daphnia that is usually observed in fishless lakes (Vanni, 1988) rather than
controlling the abundance of large herbivores.
Field evidence for the role of invertebrates, in reducing the density
of larger Daphnia species is rare but some suggestive cases have been
described. In Bautzen Reservoir (Germany), stocking of piscivorous
fish has led to a decline in planktivorous fish (Benndorf et al., 1988).
Daphnia abundance increased first, but decreased in later years despite
a further reduction in planktivorous fish. Possibly, the simultaneous
increase in Chaoborus larvae and Leptodora is in part responsible
for this decrease in Daphnia, but this link has not been clearly
In Lake Wolderwijd (Meijer et al., 1994a) a 75% reduction of the fish
stock in winter resulted in a spring peak of Daphnia and a clear-water
phase during which the lake was clearer than ever before. In summer,
· Seasonal dynamics of plankton and fish 189

Fig. 4A3 When fish consumes Daphnia but eats also a potential invertebrate preda-
tor, the net effect of fish on Daphnia is not clear a priori.


;; 200
~ 175
~ 150

"ill, 125

Fig. 4A4 The simulated net effect of two planktivorous fish species, Cisco and Perch
on the biomass of large daphnids in Lake Mendota. At very low fish biomass the
model predicts that daphnids are suppressed by an increase in the invertebrate
predator Leptodora. Since this invertebrate is a preferred and vulnerable food for
fish, it survives only at the lowest fish densities. Redrawn from Luecke et al. (1996).

however, the shrimp Neomysis integer became abundant and Daphnia

populations declined. Gut analysis showed that Neomysis was indeed
foraging on Daphnia, and bioenergetic calculations suggested that this
invertebrate predation could have contributed to the suppression of
190 Trophic cascades
Daphnia during the summer. Interestingly, the reverse scenario has
probably occurred in Lake Washington (Edmondson, 1991). Here,
Daphnia numbers were low and mysid shrimps abundant for decades until
in 1976 a sudden change took place. Daphnia became abundant and the
water became clear. The mechanism behind this change is not well docu-
mented but an increase in planktivorous longfin smelt (Spirinchus
tachleichthys) due to an improvement of the spawning habitat probably
reduced Neomysis density, allowing Daphnia to recover and control the
Mysid shrimps are found most frequently in brackish lakes (Jeppesen et
al., 1994) and this has been suggested to be a cause of the scarcity of
Daphnia in such situations (Bales et al., 1993; Moss, 1994). However, as
explained in more detail later (Section 5.2) high salinity and predation by
sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius) may also con-
tribute to the poor performance of Daphnia in brackish lakes (Jeppesen et
al., 1994).
Summarizing, there are still many uncertainties about the role of inverte-
brate predators in the planktonic food web. In some lakes large inverteb-
rate predators, such as Leptodora and Neomysis, may control Daphnia
populations when densities of planktivorous fish that prey on such inverte-
brates are low enough. In particular, larger planktivores such as perch
(Perea fluviatilis) and cisco can have a strong preference for feeding on these
relatively large invertebrates. Therefore top-down control of algae by
Daphnia may be optimal at intermediate densities of such planktivores,
where the preferred invertebrate predators are eliminated but fish preda-
tion on Daphnia is still moderate. Smaller invertebrate predators such as
Chaoborus promote a shift to larger Daphnia by selectively reducing the
density of smaller zooplankton.


Importance of benthos in shallow lake food webs
Benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae and molluscs are much
more important in shallow lakes than in deep lakes. Lindegaard (1994), for
instance, comparing the energy flow in the food webs of two shallow lakes
with that of two deep lakes, found that in the shallow ones the relative share
of zoobenthos in the total zoobenthic plus zooplankton production was
86%, whereas in the deep lakes it was about half of that. Combining the
results of various studies, Jeppesen and colleagues (1996) concluded that
there is indeed a systematic increase of the biomass of zooplankton relative
to that of zoobenthos with lake depth (Fig. 4.45).
The high availability of benthos in shallow lakes is reflected in the struc-
ture of the fish community. Especially in unvegetated turbid lakes,
The benthic connection 191
benthivorous fish is often by far the most abundant group in terms of
biomass. In small eutrophic lakes it is not unusual for bream (Abramis
brama), carp (Cyprinus carpio) and roach (Rutilis rutilis) to reach densities
of over 500-lOOOkgha-1 (Grimm and Backx, 1990; Jeppesen et al., 1990a;
Meijer et al., 1990). Although adults of these species feed mainly on benthic
invertebrates relatively large bream have been shown to switch back to
zooplanktonic food when large zooplankton is sufficiently abundant
(Lammens, 1985; Lammens et al., 1985). As a result, the potential predation
pressure on Daphnia can be high in such lakes even when planktivorous
young-of-the-year are rare. As argued in the previous section, the resulting
high predation pressure all year round can prevent the occurrence of a
spring clear-water phase (scenario I in Fig. 4.46). Thus, the systematic
absence of clear-water phases in eutrophic shallow lakes (Fig. 4.34) could in
fact be interpreted as an indirect effect of the high benthic production in
such lakes. The high biomass of zoobenthos 'pumps up' fish density, leading
to an increased predation pressure on the alternative but less important
food source, zooplankton (Jeppesen et a/., 1996).
This mechanism has been described in a more general context by Holt
(1977). When a generalist predator is food-limited, increase of one prey type
can lead to decrease of another one due to an increase in predator abun-
dance. Since at first glance the effect in the field can look much like that of
direct competition between the two prey types the phenomenon is called
'apparent competition'.
The support of Daphnia populations by detritus as an alternative food
source in (vegetated) shallow lakes mentioned earlier can also be seen as an
apparent 'competitive' effect, in this case an indirect negative effect of
detritus on phytoplankton. This is one of the mechanisms promoting
Daphnia abundance in vegetated situations, whereas the apparent competi-
tion with benthos promotes top-down control of Daphnia in shallow lakes
with little vegetation.

Competition for benthic food

The dense populations of benthivorous fish in many shallow lakes exploit
the benthic food intensively. Individual growth is often very low ('stunted')
in populations of benthivores, indicating a poor food situation. In Lac
Hertel (Quebec) for instance, four of the five benthivorous fish species
showed stunted growth, while the two non-benthivorous species grew well.
The view of stunted fish populations that cause a continuously high preda-
tion pressure on benthos is confirmed by the typical response to reduction of
the fish stock: an increase of invertebrate biomass and strongly enhanced
growth of individual fish (Giles, 1992).
Note that such 'stunted' fish populations do not overexploit the food to a
192 Trophic cascades


.a 5
~ 0
0 3 6 9 12 15
Mean lake depth (m)

Fig. 4.45 Regression lines showing that zoobenthos biomass is higher in shallow
lakes than in deeper ones, while the ratio of zooplankton to zoobenthos biomass
increases systematically with lake depth. From Jeppesen et al. (1996).

level that causes the population to collapse as a result of starvation mortal-

ity, as observed, for instance, with Daphnia during the spring clear-water
phase. Instead, food is reduced to a level that is sufficient to survive on, but
hardly allows individual growth. Stunting is especially observed in older
year classes. Young-of-the-year cohorts tend to over-exploit their plank-
tonic food leading to starvation of many of the individuals. Various factors
contribute to the fact that the cohorts of small fish run into such over-
exploitation cycles whereas large benthivorous animals do not (Scheffer et
al., 199Sa). Relative growth rates of larger fish are lower, leading less easily
to an 'overshoot' of the carrying capacity that triggers the collapse. Also,
metabolic rates of small animals are higher, leading more readily to a critical
weight loss in a period of starvation. Another, probably important reason
why real over-exploitation does not occur is that benthic food is less easily
reduced to very low levels than planktonic food. Experimental reduction or
exclusion of benthivorous fish typically leads to a moderate increase in
benthic biomass only. An almost entire elimination of the severely stunted
The benthic connection 193
fish stock in Great Linford, for instance, resulted in a doubling of benthic
chironomid biomass (Giles, 1992).
Thus the impact of benthivorous fish on benthos is small compared with
the impact of planktivorous fish on zooplankton. Nonetheless, from a wild-
life conservation point of view the reduction of benthic invertebrates is
often considered one of the main adverse consequences of a dense fish
population. Chironomids and other insects emerging from their benthic
larval form are a crucial source of protein for young ducks, and the repro-
ductive success of ducks is thought to be closely related to the availability of
this resource (Street, 1977). This has led the English 'Game Conservancy' to
investigate the effect of benthivorous fish on duck reproduction. Indeed,
patterns of duckling survival in an area with flooded gravel-pits support this
causal link (Hill et al., 1987). Many ducklings died during their first two
weeks of life, but those feeding on the river where fish were scarce survived
better than those feeding on the lakes where fish density was high. In
parallel pond experiments, higher fish densities caused a decline in emerging
chironomids. Ducklings feeding in these ponds travelled further and gained
less weight than ducklings feeding in a low-fish pond.
Also experimental reduction of the benthivorous fish stock in a gravel-pit
confirmed the idea that competition for food was crucial for ducks as well as
fish (Giles, 1992). During a short intensive fishery campaign most of the fish
stock was removed. Chironomid biomass and survival of ducklings in-
creased markedly. Also the mean individual weight of the remaining bream
increased from 1.5 to 2.2kg in the subsequent season, indicating that growth
had been severely stunted due to food limitation previously.
The role of competition between ducks and fish for invertebrate food is
further illustrated by the changes in lakes that lose all fish due to acidifica-
tion. As an example, consider the comparative study of two pairs of physi-
cally identical ponds in Maine, USA (Hunter et al., 1986). In each pair of
ponds, one of the two lacked fish due to acidification. Those ponds lacking
fish had much higher invertebrate densities than the ones with fish. Conse-
quently, black duck (Anas rubripes) ducklings grew faster, spent less time
searching and moving, and more time feeding and resting in the acidic ponds
than in the ponds with fish.

Top-down control of snails and periphyton

Some fish species are specialized at feeding on molluscs. Well-known ex-
amples from the American continent are the redear sunfish (Lepomis
mierolophus) and the pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus). In Europe, tench
(Tinea tinea) is probably the most important molluscivore (Fig. 4.46). It
switches to other food when molluscs are rare, but it has a strong preference
for molluscs and will feed on them almost exclusively when availability is
high (Briinmark, 1994).
Molluscivorous fish can have a strong impact on snail density (Briinmark,
194 Trophic cascades
1988; Martin et al., 1992). Since snails are known to reduce periphyton
density when they are abundant (Briinmark, 1989; Swamikannu and
Hoagland, 1989; Mulholland et al., 1991; Daldorph and Thomas, 1995)
molluscivorous fish may be expected to have an indirect positive effect on
periphyton growth. Indeed clear cascading effects from fish to periphyton
have been shown.
In experiments with cages in the littoral zone of two Wisconsin lakes
(Briinmark and Weisner, 1992), for instance, snail biomass was significantly
reduced in the presence of a natural density of pumpkinseed sunfish as
compared with the control situation without sunfish. The biomass of
periphyton increased in the fish enclosures due to a reduced grazing pres-

Fig. 4.46 Tench (Tinea tinea) can be a common fish in vegetated lakes. It eats all kind
of macro-invertebrate prey but has a preference for snails.
The benthic connection 195

8 control
a ~ 6
"0 4
.5i 2

NE 1200
.: 1000
E 800
b "0
QJ 600
.<: tench
:g 400
~ 200
.<: control
0.. 0
June July August

120 control
~ 80
c E tench
1::' 60
:3 40

June July August

Fig. 4.47 Enclosure experiments in a shallow Swedish pond that in the presence of
the molluscivorous fish tench, (a) snail biomass decreases (b) periphyton biomass
increases and (c) the growth of the submerged plant Elodea canadensis is reduced.
Error bars denote ±1 Standard Error. From Bronmark (1994).
196 Trophic cascades
sure by snails. Also the composition of the periphyton changed markedly
with grazing. In the presence of fish, when snails were rare, large
'overstorey' species, such as stalked diatoms and filamentous algae domi-
nated the community. When snail grazing was severe, small tightly adherent
species became more abundant. This shift in species composition is com-
monly observed in studies of the effect of snail grazing (Bronmark, 1989),
and is quite comparable to the effect of large herbivores on the structure of
terrestrial vegetations.
Shading by a layer of periphyton can limit the growth of submerged
plants (Sand-Jensen and Borum, 1984). It may therefore be expected that
snails that graze down periphyton biomass should thereby indirectly en-
hance plant growth (Carpenter and Lodge, 1986; Thomas, 1987). Such a
positive effect of snails has been shown in experiments with fresh-water
macrophytes (Bronmark, 1985; Underwood, 1991; Daldorph and Thomas,
1995), and also the growth of seagrass (Zostera marina) has been shown to
benefit from the activity of periphyton grazers (Hootsmans and Vermaat,
1985; Howard and Short, 1986). In view of this link between snails and
plant growth, molluscivorous fish should potentially have an indirect nega-
tive effect on submerged macrophytes. Indeed, this effect has also been
demonstrated. In a set of enclosure experiments in a shallow Swedish pond,
tench was used as a molluscivore (Bronmark, 1994). Snail biomass de-
creased in the presence of this fish (Fig. 4.47a), leading to a increase of
periphyton biomass (Fig. 4.47b) and a significant decrease in the biomass of
Elodea canadensis, the dominant macrophyte {Fig. 4.48c). Comparable re-
sults were obtained by Martin et al. (1992) who found that the biomass of
submerged plants increased when molluscivorous redear sunfish were

200 without Piscivores with Piscivores

-*1 6
.5 100 4
~ 2
"c: 0 0
100 200 300 100 200 300
total length (mm)

Fig. 4.48 Size distribution of crucian carp (Carassius carassius) in southern Swedish
ponds with and without piscivores (data pooled from a survey of 46 ponds). From
Briinmark eta/. {1995)
Piscivores 197
The effects of piscivory on shallow lake food webs have been studied less
intensively than the effects of planktivory and benthivory. Nonetheless it
has become clear that predation is an important structuring force in fish
communities. In the presence of piscivorous fish, potential prey fish often
change their behaviour in order to reduce predation risk, and this can lead
to crowding and increased food competition in safe vegetated areas
(Werner et al., 1983; Persson et al., 1993). Although such predation
avoidance strategies help reduce predation losses, marked impacts of
piscivores on the abundance and size structure of fish populations have been

Impact on fish abundance and size

Effects of piscivores have been studied extensively in populations of crucian
carp (Carassius carassius) in Finnish and Swedish lakes. It had long been
known that in small lakes crucian carp populations usually consist of many
small individuals, while in larger lakes there are few but large animals. It has
now become clear that this difference is explained not by lake size per se,
but by the absence of piscivores in many of the small lakes (Tonn et al., 1989;
Tonn et al., 1994; Bronmark et al., 1995). Long ice-cover in winter frequently
leads to hypoxic conditions in such small shallow waters, killing virtually all
fish except crucian carp, as this species is capable of anaerobic metabolism
under low temperatures. Consequently, crucian carp is often the only· spe-
cies present in these lakes. In the absence of predators, mortality is low
leading to dense populations in which the average individual size is small
due to competition for food. These stunted populations contrast strongly
with those of lakes in which predators are not wiped out by winter kills (Fig.
4.48). Here predation leads to almost complete elimination of small size
classes, but the few individuals that survive grow to large sizes. Similar
differences in size structure have been found for tench populations in the
presence and absence of piscivores in Swedish ponds. The abundance of
tench, however, is less affected by the presence of piscivores indicating that
this species is not as vulnerable to predation as crucian carp (Bronmark et
al., 1995). It has been noted that extreme vulnerability to predation is also
found in other species that can form dense populations in small ponds where
piscivores are absent (Tonn et al., 1990).
A shift from smaller to larger size classes of prey fish is probably the most
commonly observed effect of piscivores. A comparative study of South-
Swedish lakes, for instance, shows that the average size of roach systemati-
cally increases with the importance of piscivores in a lake (Persson et al.,
1991). A shift to larger size classes has also been found in response to
experimental manipulation of piscivore density. Hambright (1994), for
198 Trophic cascades

Fig. 4.49 Northern pike (Esox lucius) is a voracious predator that hunts from an can swallow fish of up to half it own length. Cannibalism is a major source
of mortality for juvenile pike and their survival depends largely on the presence of
vegetation as a refuge.
Piscivores 199
instance, in a three-year replicated pond study, found that the presence of
piscivores caused a shift from smaller to larger size classes in pumpkinseed.
A whole lake example is the German Bautzen reservoir, where the stock of
pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) was enhanced by restriction of the catch
by sports fisherman, and repeated stocking with pond-raised juveniles. This
manipulation led to a reduction in the total biomass of the main prey fish,
perch, and to an increase in perch average individual size (Benndorf et al.,
Several studies show that survival of juvenile fish can be severely re-
duced, especially when a high density of small piscivores occurs (He and
Wright, 1992; Prejs et al., 1994; Berget al., 1997). In the Polish Lake Wirbel,
for instance, juvenile pike (Esox lucius) (Fig. 4.49) were stocked in high
densities (up to 3000ha-1} during three subsequent springs (Prejs et al.,
1994). In the fourth year a rotenone treatment killing all fish revealed that
in the years with pike-stocking, recruitment of cyprinids had been strongly
repressed. Populations of roach and white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) con-
sisted almost entirely of individuals older than 3 years. Stocking of juvenile
pike in the autumn instead of the spring had little impact as few survived
until the following spring.
A Danish study confirms the potentially strong impact of young-of-the-
year pike on cyprinid (mainly roach} recruitment (Berget al., 1997). Differ-
ent densities of pond raised juvenile pike were stocked in the spring of four
subsequent years in Lake Lyng. Annual censuses in the autumn indicated
that the number of small fish (<lOcm) in the vegetated littoral zone where
pike hunt decreased markedly with increasing numbers of stocked pike (Fig.

250~ 89

0 200
v • 92
~ 150

100 • 94

::> 93
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Stocking density of pike (no./ha)

Fig. 4.50 Effect of juvenile stocked pike on the density of small prey fish (<10cm) in
the littoral zone of the Danish lake Lyng. From Berget al. (1996).
200 Trophic cascades
The large impact of juvenile pike on their prey density can be understood
from a back-calculation of how much food is needed to allow an individual
pike to grow up to 18cm in the first year as they usually do. Depending on
the contribution of fish to the total diet such animals are estimated to
consume up to about 600 juvenile cyprinids per capita during their first
season (Grimm, 1989).

How far down does the cascade go?

Since small fishes usually exert the highest predation pressure on
zooplankton, the repression of small size classes by piscivores may be ex-
pected to lead to a release of predation pressure on Daphnia and conse-
quently to an enhanced top-down control of phytoplankton. Indeed such a
cascading effect is observed in many studies.
The first experimental whole lake study showing a cascade from
piscivores to phytoplankton is probably that of Carpenter and co-workers in
Paul, Peter and Tuesday Lakes (Carpenter et a/.,1987). Since piscivores and
planktivores were manipulated simultaneously in this experiment, the ef-
fects can not be ascribed purely to changes in piscivory. However, several
later studies confirm that changes in piscivore populations can 'cascade'
down to the plankton level. In Hambrights (1994) pond studies, for instance,
reduced densities of small planktivores due to piscivory led to an increase in
zooplankton biomass and cladoceran mean body sizes, and to a reduction of
the chlorophyll concentration. Also the reduction in small planktivorous
fish by juvenile pike in the Danish stocking experiment (Berg et al., 1997)
has caused an increase in Daphnia and a reduction of the chlorophyll
concentration (S!11ndergaard et al., 1997), while the enhancement of the
pikeperch stock in Bautzen reservoir was followed by an increase in
Daphnia size and abundance and the occurrence of spring clear-water
phases that had been absent in previous years (Benndorf et al., 1988).
Especially spectacular are the reported effects of re-introduction of bass as
a predator in a Michigan lake (Mittelbach et al., 1995). The resulting dra-
matic decrease in planktivore density led to a recovery of large Daphnia that
had disappeared upon extinction of bass eight years earlier. Total
zooplankton biomass increased 10-fold and there was a marked increase in
Although, the causal links are not always well documented (Demelo et
al., 1992), the available evidence certainly illustrates that the reduction of
small fish abundance by piscivores can have marked effects on zooplankton
and on algal biomass. As a rule, however, top-down effects seem to become
less pronounced when more trophic links have to be passed (McQueen et al.,
1989): piscivore effects on planktivorous fish may be strong, but indirect
effects on zooplankton are often less pronounced and cascading effect on
algae can be even weaker.
Piscivores 201
Such an 'uncoupling' of lower trophic levels from the top-down trophic
cascade has also been observed for the benthic food web. As discussed
earlier molluscivorous fish can reduce snail density, leading to an increase
in periphyton biomass (Bronmark and Weisner, 1992; Martinet a/., 1992;
Bronmark, 1994). In Swedish ponds where winter kills have wiped out
piscivores, populations of the molluscivorous tench are dense and are domi-
nated by small individuals, whereas in the presence of piscivores tench
populations consisted of few but large individuals (Bronmark eta/., 1995).
This predation induced shift to large size classes of tench did not affect snail
biomass, although it resulted in a shift to smaller size classes of snails.
Periphyton biomass did not differ with the presence of piscivores.

Cannibalism and competition

Cannibalism among piscivores can be severe. Even within a cohort, growth
differences are often enough to allow the larger individuals to swallow the
smaller ones (DeAngelis eta/., 1979). This is certainly true for pike. In the
Polish pike-stocking experiment, for instance, 99% of the juvenile individu-
als had died by the autumn, presumably mainly due to cannibalism (Prejs et
a/., 1994). The usual pattern seems to be that the animals deplete their
food in the summer leading to a period of high cannibalism in late summer
and autumn (Grimm, 1989; Prejs eta/., 1994; Berget al., 1997). Cannibalism
among pike is thought to be especially severe in the absence of vegetation.
High densities of juvenile pike are usually found only at vegetated sites
(Hakkari and Bagge, 1984; Wright and Shapiro, 1990) which is thought
to be essential as a shelter against cannibalistic conspecifics (Grimm,
In view of the high observed rates of cannibalism, it may be inferred that
the abundance of small piscivores can also be suppressed by the presence of
large size classes of the same species. In the case of pike it has been noted
that more young animals are found in years when large individuals are rare,
for instance, as a result of winter kills (Grimm, 1981a; Grimm, 1981b ). This
negative feedback in piscivore populations suggests that selective fishery on
large individuals could stimulate the development of small size-classes.
Since these animals are more efficient predators on young-of-the-year prey-
fish than the large individuals, this may help reducing zooplanktivory.
Indeed, this view is supported by the effects of an intensive gill-net
fishery removing pikeperch >60cm from a set of shallow lakes in The Neth-
erlands (Lammens et al., 1997). The total biomass of the pikeperch popula-
tion did not change but a shift to dominance by smaller size-classes
occurred, and the density of small cyprinid prey-fish in the lakes was re-
duced (Fig. 4.51 ).
The causal links are not well documented in this experiment, but survival
of small size-classes of bream in one of the lakes has been negatively
202 Trophic cascades

~ 10
no fishery

"' 5

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105
length (em)

Planktivorous fish

'2 8
.2 4

5 7 9 11 13 15
length (em)

Fig. 4.51 An intensive gill-net fishery removing pike-perch >60cm from a set of
shallow lakes in The Netherlands has produced a shift to dominance by smaller size-
classes (upper panel), while the density of small cyprinid prey-fish in the lakes
decreased (lower panel) presumably due to an increase in predation pressure from
the changed pike-perch population. After data from Lammens et at. (1997).

correlated with the abundance of 2-4-year-old pikeperch over a time-series

of 14 years (Mooij et al., 1996), suggesting that the observed decrease on
small fish is indeed an indirect effect of the enhanced abundance of small
pikeperch after the gill-net fishery.
Interestingly, the abundance of some piscivorous fish can also be control-
led by competition with their future prey during early life stages. This
'juvenile competitive bottleneck' has been studied extensively for perch by
Persson and co-workers (Persson, 1986; Persson, 1987a; Persson, 1987b;
Persson and Greenberg, 1990b; Persson and Greenberg, 1990a). Perch has a
relatively small gape size, and it can take some years before individuals
General patterns 203
become large enough to consume fish as a prey. Before this stage they
depend on invertebrate food for which they compete with cyprinids and
other fish. In eutrophic turbid lakes with little vegetation, perch are rela-
tively poor competitors compared with roach and bream. As a result very
few individuals reach a size large enough to become piscivorous and control
the recruitment of cyprinids.
Juvenile pikeperch can switch to fish as food earlier than perch, but the
switch to piscivory is almost a pre-requisite for survival, as small non-
piscivorous individuals rarely survive the winter. In Dutch lakes the recruit-
ment success of pikeperch is especially low when summers are relatively
cold. This is probably due to the fact that pikeperch growth is more affected
by low temperature than the growth of its prey-fish. As a result the individu-
als remain too small relative to their potential prey and fail to become
piscivorous in cold summers (Van Densen and Grimm, 1988). A compara-
ble temperature dependent 'race' between young-of-the-year potential
predators and prey has been analysed by means of an individual based
model for largemouth bass and two species of shad (Adams and DeAngelis,
1987). Temperature dependent differences in spawning time of predator
and prey are thought to have a large effect on the year-class strength of
predator and prey. When bass spawn late relative to shad, few individuals
can become piscivorous during the first year and grow large enough to
survive the winter.


Body size as a key factor
The effects of top-down control depend critically on the size of prey relative
to that of the predator on all trophic levels. Piscivores are gape-limited and
consequently large cyprinids run little risk of being eaten, while young-of-
the-year fish have an optimal prey-size for the bulk of the piscivores in most
fish communities. Hence piscivory usually leads to a shift from small to large
size classes in the prey species. On the next trophic level, most zooplankters
are too small to be spotted and caught efficiently by planktivorous fish but
Daphnia has an optimal size to prey on. Hence planktivory usually causes a
shift from large- to small-bodied zooplankters. Larger fish are less efficient
at catching small prey items like zooplankton and prefer to forage on larger
invertebrates or fish instead. As a result predation pressure on zooplankton
decreases when piscivory causes a shift from small to larger size classes of
fish. One trophic level down, many phytoplankton cells and colonies are too
large to be processed by small zooplankters, and only large herbivores such
as Daphnia can reduce phytoplankton abundance over a broad size range.
Hence, in the absence of large herbivores, zooplankton grazing usually
causes a shift to larger size classes of phytoplankton and total algal biomass
is little affected.
Thus the trophic cascade involves many near-matches of predator- prey
204 Trophic cascades






relative body size

Fig. 4.52 The trophic cascade involves several critical size matches between preda-
tors and prey. Most prey fishes are too large to be handled by most piscivores, most
zooplankton is too small to be a profitable food for most fish, and much of the
phytoplankton size classes can only be handled by the largest herbivorous
zooplankters. From Scheffer (1997)

size ratios. Put in an over-simplified way, a cascade from piscivores to

phytoplankton involves piscivorous control of small fish, which are the only
ones small enough to control Daphnia which is the only one big enough to
control large algae (Fig. 4.52).
Since predation risk depends so crucially on the body size of prey, it is not
surprising that many organisms have developed the possibility to adjust
their size or shape in the presence of predators in such a way that they are
less easily handled or spotted. The body of crucian carp (Carassius
carassius ), for instance, becomes deeper relative to its length when
piscivores are present. This reduces the risk of being swallowed by a gape-
limited piscivore (Bronmark et al., 1993; Bronmark, 1994; Nilsson et al.,
1995). Many cladocerans and rotifers respond to the presence of inverte-
brate predators by producing spines and crests that make them less easy to
prey on (Havel, 1987). In response to the presence of fish, on the other hand,
Daphnia body size decreases and the animals become mature at a smaller
size (Weider and Pijanowska, 1993; Engelmayer, 1995). This makes sense
in view of the preference of planktivorous fish for larger zooplankton.
One trophic level lower, it has been demonstrated that the green alga
General patterns 205
Scenedesmus has thicker cell walls and forms larger colonies in response to
the presence of Daphnia presumably reducing its edibility (Hessen and Van
Donk, 1993). In all of these cases the response occurs only when predators
are present, and most work indicates that the presence of the predator is
sensed largely through chemical cues.

Predation avoidance: costs and consequences

The above-mentioned body shape and size responses are just a small subset
of the wide array of predation avoidance strategies that are found in aquatic
ecosystems. Some strategies such as spines of some fishes and repellent
tastes of many aquatic beetles and bugs (Scrimshaw and Kerfoot, 1987) are
fixed in the course of the evolution. Very often, however, animals adjust
their 'lifestyle' depending on the predation risk (Sih, 1987b ). This makes
sense as most predator avoidance strategies imply a cost, often reduction of
foraging possibilities. Thus when predation risk is low, for instance, because
predators are absent or because the individual is small or big enough to be
invulnerable, it is obviously better not to display a costly predation avoid-
ance strategy.
Moving to safer sites is one of the most conspicuous and well-studied
strategies in aquatic systems. As explained earlier, zooplankton often con-
centrates in dense swarms where predation risk is lower (Kuenne, 1925;
Colebrook, 1960; Klemetsen, 1970; Johnson and Chua, 1973; Malone and
McQueen, 1983; Jakobsen and Johnsen, 1987), while in deep lakes they
exhibit die! vertical migration, concentrating in dark· deep layers during
daytime to avoid predation by visually hunting planktivores (Gliwicz, 1986;
Leibold, 1990; Ringelberg, 1991; Lampert, 1992; Brancelj and Blejec, 1994;
Loose and Dawidowicz, 1994; Ringel berg, 1995). These are costly strategies
in terms of foraging possibilities. In zooplankton swarms, algal densities can
be considerably reduced (Tessier, 1983; Jakobsen and Johnsen, 1987), and
vertical migration has been shown to lead to reduced growth and reproduc-
tive rates (Lampert, 1987a).
In shallow lakes, as described in some detail in the next chapter, large
zooplankton often aggregate in vegetation stands, swimming out only at
night to the adjacent open water (Timms and Moss, 1984; Lauridsen and
Buenk, 1996; Lauridsen et al., 1996). Since phytoplankton biomass is usually
very low in dense plant stands this strategy is likely to have a considerable
price in terms of food intake. Indeed, vegetation basically has a repellent
effect on Daphnia that is overridden only in the presence of fish (Lauridsen
and Lodge, 1996). Interestingly, vegetation is also used as a refuge for small
fish against predation by piscivores. Again there is a probably a price on the
foraging side, as foraging efficiency is strongly reduced by the vegetation
structure (Winfield, 1987; Diehl, 1988) and the animals prefer to forage in
the open water when predators are absent (Persson et at., 1993).
The cost of predator avoidance has marked implications for what preda-
206 Trophic cascades
tion effects look like in the field. Importantly, it can leave the hallmarks of
food-limitation on prey-populations, as prey often pay a price in terms of
foraging possibilities to minimize predation risk. Thus juvenile fish and large
zooplankters may appear starved despite a high food availability in the risky
parts of lakes where they are an easy prey for predators. Note that this
implies a tricky caveat when interpreting the driving forces behind popula-
tion dynamics from the condition of individuals. Starvation can really be an
indirect effect of predators. Another way to look at the implications of
predator avoidance is that predators do create a refuge for the food of their
prey. For instance, the open water is a refuge against zooplankton grazing
for phytoplankton when these herbivores are chased into vegetation refuges
by planktivorous fish.
Note that despite the relative complexity of the mechanisms involved in
these cascades of hide and seek, the net result of predation is still quite
similar to that predicted by the simple food-chain theories proposed by
Camerano (1880) and the HSS group (Hairston et al., 1960). Predators have
an indirect positive effect two trophic levels down. The main difference is
that the negative effect of predators may partly appear as food-limitation in
prey populations. Another important aspect is that avoidance of predators
by crowding in refuges can stabilize predator- prey dynamics (Sih, 1987a),
as discussed already in some detail for the Daphnia - algae interaction.
Although locally food may be depleted to low levels, over-exploitation of
food populations on a whole lake scale is less likely in the presence of
refuges: in a lake with patches of vegetation, Daphnia is not easily driven to
extinction by planktivorous fish, but likewise, juvenile fish have an increased
survival probability and open-water phytoplankton is less likely to be grazed
down to spring clear-water phase levels in the summer when planktivores
prevent open-water use of Daphnia in the daytime.

Shifts in food-web structure with enrichment

Several studies show that the fish stock increases with the total phosphorus
concentration of lakes (Hanson and Leggett, 1982; Jeppesen et al., 1996).
This is intuitively sound, as the primary productivity and thus the food
availability on subsequent trophic levels will increase with nutrients until
other factors such as light become limiting for primary production. Indeed,
fish biomass levels off at high total-P concentrations where phosphorus
limitation is unlikely to occur (Fig. 4.53).
The idea that primary productivity largely determines the carrying capac-
ity for fish is also supported by the observation that lakes with a high
concentration of suspended sediment have lower fish stocks than other lakes
with the same nutrient level (Lind eta/., 1994). A good example of the latter
is the difference between the lakes IJsselmeer and Markermeer, in fact
artificially separated parts of the same basin. In Markermeer where the silty
sediments are frequently resuspended by waves, algal biomass is approxi-
General patterns 207
• • •
-: • • •

c: 9
• •••

•• • • • •
~ 6

0 ~ . .
.s:;: •• •

-~c: 60
;,'! 40

,· .....J,. c

...·- ..
~ 0.6
0. •
~ ••
if 0.4
• ••
0 0.2
tC ... :
•• ••

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Total phosphorus (mg P 1·1)

Fig. 4.53 Relationship between the total phosphorus concentration and fish biomass,
the share of piscivores and the ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass in
Danish lakes. From Jeppesen eta/. (1996)

mately half the value found in the otherwise comparable IJsselmeer, sup-
posedly due to light limitation. A very similar difference exists between the
biomass of fish of the two lakes (Lammens et at., 1996).
Fish biomass is often closely correlated to the biomass of benthic inver-
tebrates (Hanson and Leggett, 1982), suggesting that benthos is an impor-
tant food source that largely determines the total biomass of many fish
communities. This is especially so in shallow lakes where benthos is rela-
tively more important than in deep lakes. As argued earlier, the increase
of (omnivorous) fish with eutrophication is thought to result in a
disproportionally high predation pressure on zooplankton in such lakes
(Jeppesen et at., 1996).
208 Trophic cascades
"0 D daylight
80 - r= II darkness
0 §
~ ·= 60 -

E u
40 -
"- 20 -
Perch Bream Roach

Fig. 4.54 Efficiency of perch, bream and roach in capturing chironomid larvae
during experiments at daylight and darkness. From Diehl (1988).

More surprising than the increase of fish biomass with nutrients are the
changes in trophic structure. Above a total-P level of 0.1 mg r' the share of
piscivores in the fish community drops sharply and so does the ratio of
zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass (Fig. 4.53b,c). This suggests a sys-
tematic shift in the role of top-down control with nutrients. At low nutrient
levels piscivory is relatively important and planktivory is low allowing
zooplankton to graze down algae. At high nutrient levels the strong top-
down links have shifted one trophic level, and strong top-down control of
phytoplankton by zooplankton is rare.
To understand the shift in the fish community it is necessary to consider
the difference in species composition between lakes of different productiv-
ity in more detail. The general pattern is that in oligotrophic lakes
Salmoniformes are the most important fish group, while in moderately
productive lakes percids dominate and in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes
dominance shifts to cyprinids (Kitchell et a/., 1977; Leach et al., 1977;
Persson eta!., 1991). On the American continent there is another group, the
centrarchids, that increases with eutrophication more or less like the
cyprinids do (Oglesby et al., 1987).
The shift from percids to cyprinids corresponds to the strong decrease in
the percentage of piscivores with increasing nutrient status reported, for
instance, in the Danish study (Fig. 4.53b ). In European lakes the large
proportion of piscivores in mesotrophic lakes is almost entirely due to
dominance by perch, while roach and bream are usually the most important
cyprinids (Persson eta/., 1991). The reason for the shift has been explained
from the differences in competitive ability of these species depending on
turbidity of the water and the presence of aquatic vegetation. As discussed
further in the next chapter perch is a superior competitor for food in dense
vegetation, which is predominantly found in the less eutrophic lakes. In
turbid water, characteristic of hypertrophic lakes, roach and bream are the
better competitors (Diehl, 1988; Persson et al., 1991). Juvenile animals of
these cyprinids have been found to feed at maximum rates even at very low
General patterns 209
light intensities characteristic of turbid lakes (Bohl, 1980; Diehl, 1988) (Fig.
4.54), and adult bream can switch to a filter-feeding mode for catching
zooplankton (Lammens et al., 1985) that does not require spotting the prey
visually. Bream and roach also keep foraging efficiently on chironomid
larvae in unvegetated sediments until the density of this prey is quite low
(Diehl, 1988). As a result zooplankton as well as zoobenthos are reduced by
cyprinids to a density that is too low for young perch to forage efficiently in
these turbid conditions. The poor food conditions caused by the cyprinids
can prevent young perch from growing enough to become piscivorous.
Thus, competition by bream and roach prevents juvenile perch from
becoming a predator in eutrophic turbid lakes. In clear water with aquatic
vegetation, on the other hand, juvenile perch are good competitors and
many individuals can become large enough to be piscivorous (Persson, 1986;
Persson, 1987a; Persson, 1987b; Persson and Greenberg, 1990a; Persson and
Greenberg, 1990b).
In practice, much of the changes in food-web structure with the nutrient
status of lakes are probably related to the disappearance of submerged
vegetation with eutrophication rather than to productivity or turbidity per
se. The direct and indirect impacts of vegetation of shallow lake communi-
ties are treated further in the next chapter.
5 Vegetation

The presence of vegetation radically alters the functioning of shallow lakes.

Macrophytes provide a refuge for small animals against predation by bigger
ones, change the nutrient dynamics of the system, and prevent resuspension
of the sediments. Vegetated lakes usually harbour a richer community of
invertebrates and fish, and attract larger numbers of birds than lakes with-
out vegetation. Even to a layman, the difference between a vegetated and an
unvegetated shallow lake is striking. There is no real comparison with
terrestrial systems, but with respect to the difference in habitat structure the
parallel to a lush forest versus a landscape of barren sand-dunes comes
close. In the first section of this chapter the effect of vegetation on the fauna
of shallow lakes is reviewed. The next section treats the effect of vegetation
on water clarity and reviews the mechanisms involved. In the third section
the factors that regulate vegetation abundance and structure are discussed.
The fact that vegetation needs clear water but also enhances clarity can lead
to the existence of alternative stable states as discussed in the last section.

Aquatic macrophyte structural types

Aquatic plants differ quite strongly in shape (e.g. Fig. 5.1) and these differ-
ences are important with respect to their functional role in lake ecosystems.
In many lakes we find a sequence of growth forms along the depth
gradient from the shore to the unvegetated deep parts of lakes. The area
around the shoreline is occupied by emergent macrophytes (or
'helophytes'), such as reed, that have at least part of their shoot rising up in
the air. These plants can reach very high productivities, obtaining water
from the aquatic system and carbon from the air. Denitrification can be high
in such marshy zones. Because of this process and the accumulation of
nutrients in biomass helophyte beds can be used as biological filters for
reducing the nutrient content of water (Chen and Barko, 1988; Weisner et
al., 1994).
In somewhat deeper water plants with floating leaves, such as water lilies,
can be found if wave action is not too strong. Also submerged plants occur
here, and these can be found at great depths if the water is not too turbid.
Both submerged and floating plants can be rooted or non-rooted. In the
tropics, free floating plant beds often become a nuisance in lakes with a high
nutrient loading. In the temperate zone, such plants are usually restricted to
small sheltered waters, such as ponds and ditches. Also filamentous macro-
algae are often present in these situations. Such filamentous algae can
Vegetation 211

Fig. 5.1 The rounded leaves of the yellow waterlily (Nuphar lutea) and the finely
dissected leaves of Ceratophyllum are extremes in the wide spectrum of plant forms
that are found in lakes. The growth form of plants largely determines their effect on
wave resuspension and their effectiveness as a refuge for small animals against
predation by bigger ones.
212 Vegetation
develop rapidly at the sediment surface in the spring entangling and shading
other submersed plants. Later such algal masses tend to become buoyant
and form dense floating algae beds ('flab') that deteriorate gradually
in summer. All of these structural groups have their specific impacts on
the functioning of a lake, and in systems where vegetations with differ-
ent growth forms co-occur, each one typically has its own associated in-
vertebrate fauna (Dvorak and Best, 1982; Scheffer et al., 1984; Dvoi'lik,
With respect to the functioning of most temperate shallow lakes, rooted ,
submerged plants are probably the most important group. They can develop
massively over the entire Jake bed, and have a tremendous impact on the
system. Different types of submerged plants develop under different condi-
tions and these types can have quite different impacts on the system. At
least two extremes in growth form need to be distinguished: plants that can
grow long and concentrate most biomass in a canopy just under the water
surface in shallow situations, and plants that stay short and produce low but
sometimes very dense vegetations. Vegetation in turbid shallow lakes is
typically dominated by angiosperms that develop growth forms of the first
type, such as sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) and Hydrilla. An
example of the seasonal development of this vegetation structure has been
described for an Elodea dominated weedbed in a Czechoslovakian fish pond
(Pokornyet a[., 1984). Early in the growing-season plant biomass is distrib-
uted relatively evenly over the water column, but soon overall biomass
increases and most plant matter becomes concentrated just below the water
surface (Fig. 5.2).

June 3 June 24 June 27

]: 0.0

{!l'J 0.1
1i 0.2
~ f
E 0.3

i5 0.5
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Plant biomass (g DWT m·2)

Fig. 5.2 Change in the depth distribution of plant biomass in an Elodea vegetation
from spring to summer. By the end of July most of the biomass is concentrated close
to the water surface. From Pokorny et at. (1984).
Implications of vegetation 213
Isoetides are an extreme example of the low growing structural type.
These rosette forming plants are typical of very clear water. Another
very important group with a low growth form are the charophytes
(Charophyceae). Despite the similarity in growth form to higher plants,
charophytes are in fact algae. Consequently they differ strongly in physiol-
ogy from other aquatic plants. Charophyceae can be characterized as typical
r-select pioneers that have a high growth rate, and produce many small but
highly persistent diaspores. They are often among the first species to colo-
nize new water bodies, and although they usually represent a transitional
vegetation stage, they can also form permanent vegetations in some situa-
tions (Wood, 1950).

Characterizing vegetation abundance

In terrestrial vegetation ecology it is common to describe and analyse the
situation in certain plots in great detail. Submerged vegetations are usually
less diverse than their terrestrial counterparts in terms of species richness
and structure. Also the main interest of lake ecologists is often in the role of
plants as a structuring element in the lake as a whole. It is therefore common
to characterize the vegetation of a lake simply by estimating the percentage
of the lake area that is occupied by submerged, floating or emergent plants.
Note that this percentage of coverage is something different from the cover-
age used to characterize canopy density in terrestrial vegetation plots. The
percentage of lake area covered by vegetation fields may give a flattered
picture of vegetation abundance when vegetation within the fields is very
sparse. Since the effect of vegetation on the ecosystem depends strongly
upon its density it is useful to have some estimate of the latter. Biomass is a
straightforward option. A third measure that is sometimes used to charac-
terize total vegetation abundance in a lake is the percentage of the lake
volume 'infested' with macrophytes (PVI) (Canfield et al., 1984). The idea is
that the impact of plants on the lake is larger if the total water column is
occupied than when plants do not reach the surface.


As explained in the previous chapter there are systematic shifts in food-web
structure of shallow lakes over a gradient from oligotrophic to hypertrophic
conditions. Shifts in the species composition of the fish community with
eutrophication can be attributed in part to increased turbidity, decreasing
the efficiency of visual hunters such as perch (Perea fluviatilis) and pike
(Esox lucius). However, the disappearance of aquatic vegetation as a refuge
against predation is probably one of the main factors involved. Zooplankton
and invertebrates are not easily caught in dense vegetation except by spe-
cialized species such as perch and tench (Tinea tinea). Also, small fish can
214 Vegetation
escape predation by the larger piscivorous ones between the plants. Indeed,
there are striking differences between the food web of vegetated and
unvegetated sites in lakes.

Vegetation stands usually have a much richer invertebrate community
than unvegetated sites, both in terms of species numbers and total bio-
mass (Gilinsky, 1984; Diehl, 1988; Engel, 1988; Hargeby et al., 1994). The
differences with open water fauna are especially pronounced if vegetation
stands are dense. As an example consider the local differences in macro-
invertebrate fauna found in Lake Krankesjon (Hargeby et al., 1994). This
lake has unvegetated sites, stands of sago pondweed and Chara fields. The
heavy Chara mats have a 12 times higher vegetation biomass than
pondweed stands. Macroinvertebrate biomass in the plant stands is higher
than in the unvegetated parts, but the invertebrate biomass is much more
elevated in the dense Chara fields than in the relatively sparse pondweed
stands (Fig. 5.3).
Also diversity is higher in the vegetated areas. In the unvegetated areas
Chironomidae and Oligochaeta consitute as much as 74-100% of the total
biomass, whereas in the vegetation stands a wide range of invertebrate taxa
is found. Again pondweed stands are intermediate in invertebrate fauna
diversity between unvegetated parts and Chara beds.

~ 10
~ 5

No Potamogeton Chara

Fig. 5.3 Marcroinvertebrate biomass (g dry mass m-2) in a Chara tomentosa vegeta-
tion, a Potamogeton pectinatus vegetation and in an unvegetated area in Lake
Krankesjon. From Hargeby et al. (1994).
Implications of vegetation 215
It seems reasonable to assume that the sheltering effect of plants against
predation by fish is an important reason why invertebrate communities are
richer in dense plant stands, but other factors play a role too. This can be
seen from the fact that even when fish are excluded, the macro-invertebrate
density and species richness are usually found to be higher in experimental
treatments with submerged plants than in treatments with few or no plants
(Gilinsky, 1984; Rabe and Gibson, 1984; Gregg and Rose, 1985). For many
invertebrates, food availability is an obvious reason to be in the vegeta-
tion. Few invertebrates seem to consume significant amounts of intact
macrophytes, but decomposing plants provide a relatively high quality detri-
tus that is eaten by animals such as isopods, snails and insect larvae
(Komij6w et a/., 1995). However, the periphyton layer that covers the
macrophytes is probably more important as a food source for invertebrates
in vegetated areas. This is illustrated by a study of the carbon flow through
the food webs of a vegetated and an unvegetated Florida lake based on a
comparison of stable carbon isotope ratios in different biota (Hoyer et a/.,
1997). Phytoplankton was the most important carbon source in the
unvegetated lake, while periphyton was the main source of carbon in the
vegetated lake. The abundant macrophytes contributed little to the food
web in the vegetation dominated lake. The idea that periphyton is the main
food source in vegetation dominated lakes also fits with the observation that
macrofauna! distribution depends strongly on colonizable plant surface
(Dvorak and Best, 1982; Dvorak, 1987).
Although most of the invertebrates in aquatic vegetations feed on
periphyton or decomposing plants (Engel, 1988), or are predators on such
herbivores and detritivores (Dvofak and Best, 1982; Scheffer et a/., 1984),
there are also species that do not really depend on vegetation for food.
Chironomid larvae, for instance, are usually an important group in the top
layer of lake sediments both in vegetation and in unvegetated areas. None-
theless, their density is usually much higher in the vegetation than outside
(e.g. Fig. 5.4 ).
This is at least in part the result of active habitat choice of the animals.
Habitat choice has been experimentally tested in predator free aquaria in
which one half of the bottom area was planted with artificial Chara vegeta-
tion and the other half was left unvegetated (Diehl, 1988). Equal numbers of
Chironomus anthracinus larvae were introduced in both parts, but after 24
hours already twice as many animals were found in the sediment of the
vegetated part than in the unvegetated sediment. Predator avoidance is
likely to be an important ultimate reason for the fact that vegetation is the
preferred habitat even for such sediment inhabiting invertebrates. The work
of Diehl (1988) shows that the feeding efficiency of different fish species on
chironomids decreases markedly with the presence of vegetation (Fig. 5.4 ),
although the apparent sheltering effect of Chara is much greater than that of
sago pondweed.
Summarizing, submerged plant stands have higher densities of most in-
216 Vegetation


b 4000



Fig. 5.4 Density of chironomid larvae in an unvegetated area, a Potamogeton

pectinatus vegetation and in a Chara tomentosa vegetation in Lake Krankesjon.
From Diehl (1988).

vertebrate groups than unvegetated areas, due mainly to the high availabil-
ity of suitable food, and the relatively low predation pressure from fish.

As mentioned earlier, vegetation stands can also be an important refuge for
Daphnia and other pelagic copepods against fish predation. The first study
indicating the importance of vegetation as a refuge for herbivorous
zooplankton against fish addressed a striking difference in transparency
between two small connected lakes in the Norfolk Broads area in eastern
England (Timms and Moss, 1984). The smallest one, Hudsons Bay, had a
large stand of water lilies, and the adjacent open water was clear. In con-
trast, the larger unvegetated Hoveton Great Broad had chlorophyll concen-
trations that were mostly an order of magnitude higher. Both lakes received
their water from the same nutrient rich river, and bio-assays showed that the
water in the clear Hudsons Bay could actually support a high algal growth.
Indeed, phytoplankton densities in Hudsons Bay were high in the spring and
autumn, but dropped strongly in the summer when the lilies were present.
Zooplanktivorous fish was present in both basins, and in Hoveton Great
Implications of vegetation 217
D no vegetation
IIIII Potamogeton
• Chara
-l'l 80
·e: ,.:I

.,~ 60



Perch iream Roach

Fig. 5.5 Efficiency of perch, bream and roach in capturing chironomid larvae in an
unvegetated situation as opposed to the capture efficiency in artificially constructed
vegetations of Potamogeton pectinatus and Chara tomentosa. From Diehl (1988).

Broad the zooplankton community was dominated by small-bodied animals

indicating a strong fish predation. In Hudsons Bay, however, large-bodied
cladocerans were abundant despite the presence of fish. It appeared that
grazing on phytoplankton in open water adjacent to the plant stands was
greatest at night, suggesting that the large cladocerans used the vegetation
as a daytime refuge to escape predation by fish.
Since then many studies have confirmed that during the day large
zooplankton in shallow lakes tend to leave the open water. They can some-
times be found crowding very close to the sediment but do especially aggre-
gate in or near submerged plant beds or other littoral structures such as tree
roots (Davies, 1985; Yuille, 1991; Paterson, 1993; Lauridsen and Buenk,
1996). In the Danish Lake Vreng, for example, the density of Daphnia
hyalinalgaleata was up to 1766 r' in the daytime decreasing to 638 at night
in a narrow littoral zone with emergent macrophytes and tree roots, while at
a sampling station 5 m out of the shore the density increased from two
individuals per litre during the daytime to 162 at night (Lauridsen and
Buenk, 1996). Diurnal migration from sago pondweed stands was studied by
the same authors in Lake Ring. Daphnia magna densities in the plant beds
decreased up to 20-fold at night. Interestingly, the apparent migration was
not reflected by an increase in the directly adjacent open water, suggesting
that the individuals of this relatively large species migrate over distances of
at least more than a few metres.
It also appeared that the animals aggregate at the border of the vegeta-
tion rather than enter it in the daytime (Fig. 5.6).
218 Vegetation

open water vegetation
5 80
"'"'E 60

·c"' 40
0"' 20

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 4
Distance from edge (m)

Fig. 5.6 Distribution of Daphnia magna in along a spatial gradient across the edge of
a Potamogeton pectinatus field in the daytime (open symbols) and at night (closed
symbols). From Lauridsen and Buenk (1996).

This suggests that large homogeneous fields of aquatic vegetation are not
very effective as a daytime refuge for pelagic zooplankton as they have little
edge relative to the surface area. This is confirmed by a study in Lake
Stigsholm (DK) where diurnal fluctuations of zooplankton numbers in es-
tablished vegetation stands with diameters of 2, 10 and 25m were compared
with open water dynamics (Lauridsen et al., 1996). In the 2m stands strik-
ing diurnal patterns occurred for Ceriodaphnia spp., Bosmina spp. and
Diaphanosoma brachyurum, the decrease in density at night being mirrored
by an increase in the open water (Fig. 5.7).
In the larger vegetation stands, Ceriodaphnia and Bosmina densities
were much lower and diurnal fluctuations were found hardly at all. In
contrast, Sida crystal/ina, Eurycercus lame/latus and Simocephalus velutus
were abundant in the large vegetation stands but rare in the 2m ones and
absent in the open water. These cladocerans are known to_ be macrophyte
associated (Quade, 1969; Paterson, 1994), and are suspected to have a
considerable filtration capacity explaining at least in part the water transpar-
ency in some plant stands (Irvine et al., 1990; Jeppesen eta!., 1996). Several
species live largely attached to the plants. Therefore their abundance is
easily underestimated with standard plankton sampling techniques.
Obviously, the high concentration of filter feeding zooplankton in plant
stands leads to a high grazing pressure on phytoplankton, which already
has a low productivity between the macrophytes due to shading, low nutri-
ent availability allelopathic exudates and high sinking losses. As a result
algal density is very low and in practice mainly small fast growing algae
and bacterioplankton survive (Hasler and Jones, 1949; Schriver et al., 1995;
Implications of vegetation 219
Bosmina spp.

t;;: 2000


] 1000

8 11 14 17 20 23 2 5
Time (hour)

Fig. 5. 7 Diurnal change in the density of Bosmina in a vegetation stand (closed

symbols) and in the open water in Lake Stigsholm (closed symbols). From Lauridsen
et at. (1996)

Lauridsen et al., 19%). This may explain why among the pelagic
zooplankton, species such as Ceriodaphnia spp. and Diaphanosoma
brachyurum which can filter small particles do relatively well in larger plant
stands (Lauridsen et al., 1996). In general, however, submerged weed beds
with their low phytoplankton concentrations should be an unfavourable
foraging habitat for pelagic zooplankton, and reduction of predation risk
seems the obvious explanation why the animals nevertheless concentrate in
the vegetation in the daytime. The predation risk theory is supported by the
fact that larger and thus more vulnerable species seem to show a more
pronounced migration. For instance, diurnal fluctuations of Daphnia magna
were much stronger than for the smaller D. hyalinalgaleata in Lake Ring
(Lauridsen and Buenk, 1996).
It has also been shown experimentally that it is fish that drives
cladocerans into the vegetation. Long ago Pennak demonstrated experi-
mentally that macrophytes as well as water that has been into contact with
macrophytes has a repellent effect on Daphnia (Pennak, 1973). Recent
work confirms the repellent effect of plants but shows that it can be overrid-
den by fish related stimuli (Lauridsen and Lodge, 1996). In aquaria that
were partly planted with Myriophyllum a majority of the animals stayed in
the open water, however when fish was added most of the animals preferred
the vegetated part. Plastic plants had the same effect, although not as
strongly as the real ones, indicating that not only plant odour but also the
structure itself repels the animals. On the other hand, adding fish odour
works as strongly as adding a caged fish, suggesting that it is largely
the chemical cue that drives Daphnia into the refuge. This is well in line with
the much better studied induction of die! vertical migration into the
220 Vegetation
hypolimnion of deep lakes (Dodson, 1988; Leibold, 1990; Loose and
Dawidowicz, 1994), where chemical cues from fish induce a phototaxic
response in Daphnia that drives them to the dark deep-water refuge at day
(Ringelberg et al., 1991 ).
It is not yet very clear how well submerged plants protect zooplankton
against fish predation, but several experiments indicate that the refuge
effectiveness depends among other things on the fish species and on
the density of vegetation. Laboratory experiments with artificial reed and
waterlily stands show that zooplankton consumption by juvenile roach
(Rutilis rutilis) decreases with vegetation density, whereas capture rates of
rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) and perch can be enhanced by vegetation
when it is not too dense (Winfield, 1987). The positive effect of sparse
vegetation on prey capture of juvenile rudd and perch results in part from a
higher activity of the animals, which, as Winfield suggests, may be due to a
lower percepted risk of predation by larger piscivores in the vegetation.
The idea that the refuge effect depends critically on plant density is
supported by experiments in Lake Stigsholm showing that daytime aggrega-
tion of pelagic zooplankton occurs in dense but not in sparse plant stands
(Fig. 5.8).
A series of enclosure experiments (Schriver et al., 1995) with different
densities of Potamogeton plants and planktivorous fish confirms that sparse

dense vegetation


.s 0
1500 sparse vegetation


8 11 14 17 20 23 2 5 8
Time (hour)

Fig. 5.8 Diurnal change in the density of Bosmina in a dense (PVI = 70%) and a
sparse (PVI = 23%) vegetation stand in the Danish Lake Stigsholm. Only the dense
stand is apparently used as a daytime refuge. From Jeppesen et al. (1996).
Implications of vegetation 221

./~~ 0

I -
~ -----,;/----~--~--
.; 600
/' ,''
0 / //
Macrophytes (PVI)

Fig. 5.9 Biomass of Daphnia and Bosmina in relationship to vegetation density(%

PVI) and planktivorous fish density (10 CPUE., 1 fish m·') in a series of enclosure
experiments. Even dense vegetation cannot prevent Daphnia and Bosmina
populations from collapsing when more than approximately 2 fish m·' are present.
From Schriver et al. (1995).

stands are hardly protective, and that even dense vegetation cannot prevent
Daphnia and Bosmina populations from collapsing when the fish density is
too high (Fig. 5.9).
Exclosure experiments in a macrophyte bed in a Finnish lake confirm
that fish can enter even dense macrophyte stands and suppress Daphnia and
Bosmina populations there (Kairesalo et al., 1997).
In view of these results it seems surprising that even the sparse under-
water structure of lily stands could act as an effective refuge as suggested by
Timms and Moss (1984). In another study, juvenile fish have actually been
found to be more abundant in Nuphar lutea vegetation than in the open
water (Venugopal and Winfield, 1993). In practice the use of plant stands by
fish and the resulting predation pressure on zooplankton apparently varies
strongly from case to case. Importantly, vegetation is also a refuge against
predation for juvenile fish, and crowding of small fish in the vegetation
refuge may lead to high predation on zooplankton there. In fact fish preda-
tion avoidance patterns are quite similar to those observed in zooplankton.
The most vulnerable individuals (in this case the smallest ones) use the
vegetation more than the less vulnerable ones (Engel, 1988), and the use of
222 Vegetation
vegetation increases when predators are present even though the food
situation in this refuge is often inferior to that in the open water (Eklov and
Persson, 1995; Persson and Eklov, 1995; Eklov and Persson, 1996). Al-
though the discussed experimental results show that outcome of this cascade
of hide and seek is quite variable, the high abundance of juvenile fish as well
as zooplankton in vegetation stands suggests that overall survival of both
groups is usually enhanced by the availability of vegetation structure.
Summarizing, pelagic zooplankton tends to leave the open water during
the daytime and concentrate in the edge zone of plant stands to avoid
predation by fish. Juvenile planktivorous fish, however, also gather in veg-
etation to avoid predation by bigger fish. Sparse plant beds allow efficient
foraging of some juvenile planktivores and are therefore a poor protection
for pelagic zooplankton. However, other cladocerans which are closely
associated with macrophytes appear to escape predation and can be abun-
dant in plant beds even if fish density is high.

The presence of vegetation is one of the main factors structuring the fish
community of eutrophic shallow lakes (Lammens, 1989). In Europe, turbid
lakes that lack vegetation are usually dominated by cyprinids such as bream
(Abramis brama), roach and carp (Cyprinus carpio), and many of these
cyprinid dominated communities also have a relatively high density of
pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) (Lammens, 1989; Persson et al., 1991).
In vegetated systems, on the other hand, perch and tench are more abun-
dant and dense populations of relatively small pike can be found (Grimm,
1983; Kipling, 1983). Because of relatively high perch and pike densities,
potential piscivory can be high in vegetated situations. But, as explained in
the previous section, vegetation also provides a refuge for juvenile fish
against predation.
The importance of vegetation in structuring the fish community is illus-
trated by a review of the response to biomanipulation in some small lakes
(Meijer et al., 1995). A drastic reduction of the fish stock ('biomanipulation')
has led to the recovery of aquatic vegetation and clear water in all the
studied cases. After the biomanipulation, fish biomass usually recovered
largely in a few years, but in the new clear and vegetated state other species
became dominant than in the previous unvegetated state. The new vegeta-
tion associated community was usually more diverse. Bream and carp be-
came less abundant and were partly replaced by roach and perch. Also the
importance of pikeperch, the main predator in the unvegetated state, was
reduced but an increase in pike and perch ensured an enhanced share of
piscivores in the total fish stock on all studied sites. The overall recruitment
of young-of-the-year tended to be higher in the vegetated situation, but the
survival of these animals to older year classes differed strongly between
Implications of vegetation 223
The effect of vegetation on food availability and predation risk are
thought to be the main explanations for the markedly different fish commu-
nity in vegetated systems. The high density of invertebrates among sub-
merged macrophytes represents a potentially rich food source for most
fishes, but not all species can explore this resource equally well. For a
specialist feeder like tench that preys on various invertebrates in plant
stands and has a strong preference for snails, weed beds are obviously a
good foraging habitat. For other species the situation is less clear, but
vegetation may just tip the competitive balance in favour of the slightly
better adapted ones. Feeding of bream and roach on chironomids, for
instance, is strongly hampered by vegetation while the feeding efficiency of
perch is much less affected (Fig. 5.5). Perch is also more efficient at captur-
ing Daphnia in vegetation than are bream and roach (Winfield, 1987). Thus,
the fact that perch is especially abundant in vegetated situations whereas
bream and roach dominate in turbid lakes without vegetation is at least in
part explained by the fact that perch is better adapted to forage in vegetated
situations than are the cyprinids. Although the open water is the preferred
habitat for juvenile perch, they are better able to outcompete the cyprinids
in vegetated situations (Persson et al., 1993).
Also, the ability to use vegetation as a refuge against predators differs
with the species (Eklov and Persson, 1995; Persson and Eklov, 1995; Eklov
and Persson, 1996). The crucial importance of vegetation as a refuge has
been noted especially for young-of-the-year pike (Grimm, 1983; Grimm and
Backx, 1990; Wright and Shapiro, 1990). Cannibalism is a main source of
mortality for small individuals of this species and, in the absence of vegeta-
tion as a shelter, few survive the first year. This is in part the explanation for
the striking difference in size structure between the pike populations of
vegetated and unvegetated lakes. In lakes with little or no vegetation, pike
populations often consist of relatively large individuals, while vegetated
lakes typically have a high density of relatively small individuals. An exam-
ple of such contrasting populations is found in the adjacent St Peters Lake
and Main Lake at the Great Linford gravel-pit area (Giles, 1992). Pike are
large on average in the unprotected open water of Main Lake whereas the
vegetation beds of St Peters harbour many small individuals. The dense
vegetation stands of St Peters Lake that promote survival are apparently not
the best habitat for larger pike, and on average individual growth is much
better in Main Lake. Also the poor egg survival due to silting of the eggs
after wind resuspension of the sediment contributes to the low juvenile
numbers in the unvegetated Main Lake. Indeed, beside offering different
food and providing a refuge against predation vegetation is important as a
substrate for egg deposit for various species.
In summary, the fish community in vegetated lakes differs widely from
that of non-vegetated situations. This is largely due to shifts in the competi-
tive balance and to differences between species in the use of vegetation as a
substrate for egg deposition and as a refuge against predation.
224 Vegetation
Shallow lakes that shift from a vegetated to an unvegetated state or vice
versa show large shifts in the bird communities (Wallsten and Forsgren,
1989; Hanson and Butler, 1994b; Hargeby et al., 1994). Some spectacular
examples mentioned in the opening chapter are the lakes Veluwemeer,
Ellesmere, Titkem, Krankesjiin, Linford, Tiimnaren and Christina. The spe-
cies that are involved are different from case to case but the general trend is
usually the same. In vegetation-rich lakes large numbers of migrating swans,
coots and ducks come to forage on vegetation and its associated inverte-
brates, while piscivores such as grebes forage on the fish. If the vegetation
disappears only piscivorous birds remain abundant (Fig. 5.10).
The large numbers of migrating birds visiting vegetated lakes in the
autumn and winter can be especially spectacular (Wallsten and Forsgren,
1989; Hanson and Butler, 1994b) and switches between macrophyte domi-
nance and phytoplankton dominance in shallow lakes are often noted by the
conspicuous change in bird abundance first by visitors. The developments in
Lake Christina are a good example of the effect of macrophytes on lake use
by migrating waterfowl (Fig. 1.9). Vegetation in the lake has been depressed
from the late 1970s till the late 1980s and this is reflected by a tremendous
drop in the autumn counts of ducks and coots that can be as high as 160 birds
ha-1 in years when vegetation is abundant.
Summer breeding populations never reach such high densities. Typically
only a few coots or ducks per hectare are present during the summer

1975-1984 1988-1991
Herbivorous Diving Fish feeding
waterflow! ducks waterflow!

Fig. 5.10 Schematic description of the trophic web before (1975-1984) and after
(1988-1991) the shift from a turbid to a clear state in the Swedish Lake Krankesjon.
Boxes represent biomass, arrows represent energy flow. The estimation of
invertebrate-feeding fish is uncertain. From Hargeby et al. (1994).
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 225
(Hargeby et al., 1994; Perrow eta/., 1996; S!ilndergaard eta/., 1997). Shifts are
usually observed in these breeding bird populations when vegetation be-
comes dominant (Fig. 5.11).
Not only plants but also invertebrates are used as a food source by many
species. Invertebrate food is especially important to ensure a proper protein
level in the diet of young ducks (Street, 1977), and duckling survival has
been shown to increase with invertebrate abundance (Hunter eta/., 1986;
Hill et al., 1987). Thus the high invertebrate densities in vegetated lakes may
be a major factor determining their suitability as a reproduction habitat for
Abundance and diversity of the resident bird community does not neces-
sarily increase with vegetation coverage. Censuses in 46 Florida lakes re-
vealed a shift in species composition with macrophyte abundance from
mainly piscivorous to vegetation associated birds, but total bird numbers or
species diversity did not change systematically with vegetation abundance
(Hoyer and Canfield, 1994). However, many examples show that the au-
tumn use by migrating waterfowl can differ by as much as two orders of
magnitude between vegetated and non-vegetated situations.


Correlations and causality
It has long been noted that the water tends to be less turbid if there is
aquatic vegetation. The first publications result from work in fish culture
ponds. Schreiter (1928), for instance, describes that the phytoplankton den-
sity of a pond was lowest in years with high aquatic macrophyte abundance.
Many later studies report an enhanced water clarity in the presence of
vegetation. Especially spectacular are the observations of whole lakes that
switch between a clear and vegetated state and a turbid state with few

40 400 100

30 300 80

~ 20 200 g
u 160
10 100 40

1985 1987 1989 1985 1987 1989

Fig. 5.11 Change in the summer populations of mute swan (Cygnus olor}, coot
(Fulica atra) and diving and dabbling ducks in the Swedish Lake Krankesjon during
the switch from the turbid to the clear state. From Hargeby et al. (1994).
226 Vegetation
macrophytes (see Chapter 1). Analyses of the relationship between the
transparency and the macrophyte abundance in large sets of lakes confirm
that there is a systematic correlation. Danish work (Jeppesen et al., 1990a),
for instance, shows that in a large set of shallow lakes the ones with a high
cover of submerged macrophytes have a higher transparency than compara-
ble lakes that lack dense vegetation (Fig. 5.12).
The Danish result is based on a presence-absence qualification of (exten-
sive) vegetation. A more detailed view is suggested by the analysis of a
group of 84 Dutch shallow lakes where a quantitative estimate of vegetation
coverage was available (Fig. 5.13).
An interpolated surface through these data shows a gradual decline in
chlorophyll with the amount of submerged vegetation. In the absence of
vegetation, the classic increase of chlorophyll with total-P concentrations is
found, but in lakes with a high coverage of submerged plants chlorophyll
hardly increases with the phosphorus concentration.
A very similar pattern is obtained by regression analysis of data from 32
Florida lakes (Fig. 5.14) (Canfield et al., 1984).
The authors showed that the existing regression model for predicting the
chlorophyll concentration from total-P and total-N could be improved sig-
nificantly by adding the percentage of the lake volume occupied by aquatic
macrophytes as an explanatory variable. The resulting model was tested
using a series of data from Lake Pearl, where vegetation was eliminated by
a two-year period of repeated treatments with herbicides and grass carp.
Indeed, with the exception of some algal peaks, the resulting increase in
algal biomass could well be explained by the regression model (Fig. 5.15).

5-r--------------------------- --------------------.

"' "'
"' "'.ti'
', 6.


'':.~>~~;~}:-i~:-~t··,,-.~--~-.--~-·.: __~-:-•:----·--·;·-·-----.·
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total phosphorus (~g P 1- 1)

Fig. 5.12 Summer mean transparency (Secchi-depth) in relation to the total phos-
phorus concentration of the lake water in shallow Danish lakes with (triangles) and
without (dots) substantial aquatic vegetation. From Jeppesen eta/. (1990a).
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 227



t 100



Fig. 5.13 The concentration of chlorophyll-a plotted against the total-P concentra-
tion and submerged macrophyte coverage in 84 Dutch shallow lakes. The surface is
interpolated through the data points. In lakes with a high coverage of submerged
plants chlorophyll hardly increases with the phosphorus concentration.

Obviously, causality can not be inferred from such statistical analyses.

The effect of differences in the nutrient level of lakes can be 'removed'
statistically through the multiple regression analyses, but this is just a partial
solution. Many causal schemes can potentially explain the statistical rela-
tions. Only part of these imply a negative effect of vegetation on turbidity.
The three most simple explanations are (Fig. 5.16):
1. Some lakes have more vegetation than others due to unknown causes
and this vegetation reduces turbidity;
2. Turbidity has a negative effect on vegetation and is itself regulated by
other factors; and
3. There is a factor that stimulates vegetation and reduces turbidity at the
same time.
Clearly, these explanations are not mutually exclusive, and it is generally
acknowledged now that certainly the first two hold some truth. The experi-
228 Vegetation

Fig. 5.14 Effect of macrophytes and phosphorus on the chlorophyll-a concentration

in Florida lakes as suggested by a multiple regression model (Canfield et a/., 1984):
log CHLA = 1.02 log TN + 0.2 log TP - 0.005 PVJ - 2.08, where CHLA is the
chlorophyll a concentration ().lg r'), TN is the total-N concentration ().lg r'), TP is the
total-P concentration ().lg r'), and PVI is the percentage of the lake's total volume
infested with macrophytes. The plot is produced for a total-N concentration of

mental proof that a negative effect of vegetation on phytoplankton biomass

is at least part of the explanation of the correlation between clarity and
vegetation, was produced half a century ago. In 1945, Hasler and Jones
(1949) set up an experiment to test the effect of vegetation on the plankton.
They placed four concrete silos as enclosures inside a large hatchery pond
and planted two of them densely with submerged macrophytes (Elodea
canadensis and Potamogetonfoliosus), while keeping the others plant-free.
The next year the experiment was repeated, now assigning the plants to the
other two silo instead. All ponds were stocked with the same amount of fish.
In both years the silos with vegetation had a much lower density of
phytoplankton than the unvegetated ones. The simple experiment thus
showed that there was not only an inverse correlation of phytoplankton
230 Vegetation
2 3

Fig. 5.16 Three sets of causal relations that could explain the negative correlation
between vegetation and turbidity abundance in the field (see text).

the spring when overwintering structures such as tubers, turions, and seeds
resprout or germinate. In the autumn growth ceases, plants become senes-
cent and eventually decompose.
Several studies show a conspicuous inverse correlation of this vegetation
cycle with the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton. Goulder (1969), for
instance, describes the contrasting patterns observed in two English gravel-
pits (Goulder, 1969). In one pond, chlorophyll-a concentrations dropped
dramatically during the summer when a dense vegetation of Ceratophyllum
demersum developed, while upon disappearance of the macrophytes in
early winter phytoplankton peaked again (Fig. 5.17).
In the other pond where macrophytes were scarce, no such depression in
summer phytoplankton was observed. Similarly, Norwegian workers analys-
ing data from 24 small Norwegian lakes found that lakes with low
macrophyte cover have high phytoplankton biomass throughout the sum-
mer, while in lakes with a high cover of macrophytes, the diatom biomass in
the spring declines sharply in early summer when macrophyte biomass
increases (Mjelde and Faafeng, 1997).
A caveat of comparisons between lakes is that they usually differ in many
aspects, so that the link to vegetation as a cause of clear water in the summer
is not entirely convincing. Therefore, it is interesting to see that similar
differences in seasonal dynamics are observed between vegetated and open
areas within lakes. A good example is the situation in Veluwemeer (see also
Section 1.1). Part of this large shallow lake (3300ha, 1.4m mean depth) is
covered with dense Chara fields, and in summer water in these vegetation
stands is crystal clear, whereas in the unvegetated part of the lake Secchi-
depth is only about O.Sm (Scheffer eta/., 1994b; Van den Berget al., 1997).
Seasonal dynamics of turbidity inside and outside the vegetation show con-
trasting patterns (Fig. 5.18).
In both parts of the lake a clear-water phase occurs in the spring but in
the unvegetated area turbidity becomes high again in the summer whereas
inside the Chara stands the water remains clear throughout the vegetated
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 231


80 100

I ' -
~ Vegetation
b), 60
s * c

:;, 60
"- ~
E! 40 0
:;: [;
u >
40 8



Fig. 5.17 Seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll-a concentration and submerged vegeta-

tion (Ceratophyllum demersum) coverage in an English pond. In the summer when
vegetation is present, phytoplankton abundance is greatly reduced. Redrawn from
Goulder (1969).

period. Only upon senescence of the plants in the autumn, turbidity in-
creases again in the vegetated parts.
A similar pattern has been described for a Czechoslovakian fish culture
pond (Pokornyet at., 1984). This old (1513 AD) shallow (1.5 m mean depth)
pond is small (7ha) compared with Veluwemeer. Nonetheless in summer a
pronounced difference between the turbidity of the water exists between a
dense vegetation stand (mainly Elodea canadensis) and the non-vegetated
area. Chlorophyll concentrations in the open water are around 120 pgr 1
whereas in the vegetation chlorophyll contents drop sharply in the spring
and stay around 5 11g r 1 for most of the vegetated period of the year. On an
even smaller scale I have observed an intense local phytoplankton bloom in
an unvegetated spot with a diameter of only 2m in an otherwise clear and
vegetated pond with a diameter of just Sm.
Seasonality of submerged vegetations depends strongly on the climate. In
the mild winters of Florida, for instance, submerged plants stay present and
productive. Seasonality also varies with the species. As a result, a shift in
5.50 100

4.50 80

3.50 60
~ 5
~ 2.50
1.50 20

0.50 0
M A M A 0 N


4.50 unvegetated site

g 3.50
~ 2.50 i

> 1.50

'~ ~ A 0 N

• Background • Inorganic suspended solids

D Chlorophyll-a 0 Detritus

Fig. 5.18 Seasonal dynamics of the vertical light attenuation coefficient and the
estimated contribution of different seston fractions to it in the water column inside
a Chara field (left-hand panel) and in the open water (right-hand panel) of Lake
Veluwemeer. The line in the left-hand panel indicates the seasonal development of
vegetation cover in the field. From van den Berget al. (1997).
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 233
dominant species may affect the duration of vegetation presence and asso-
ciated clear water conditions as observed in the Dutch Lake Zwemlust (Van
Donk and Gulati, 1995). In the first years after fish stock reduction, winter-
green Elodea nuttallii vegetation dominated the lake and phytoplankton
biomass remained low during all the seasons. In the following years
dominance shifted to Ceratophyllum demersum and later Potamogeton
berchtoldii. The shorter growing season of these species was associated with
the occurrence of spring and autumn phytoplankton blooms (Fig. 1.13).

Case studies revealing mechanisms

As explained in earlier sections macrophytes can prevent wave
resuspension, affect nutrient availability in the water column,influence algal
growth through allelopathic exudates and harbour high densities of filter-
feeding cladocerans. All of these mechanisms may help clearing the water in
plant beds. However, separating the contribution of different mechanisms
to the effect of vegetation on water clarity has proven to be much more
difficult than demonstrating the mechanisms separately or showing the
overall effect of plants on water clarity. This section reviews some case
studies that reveal the contribution of different mechanisms in contrasting
One of the better analysed cases is that of the biomanipulated Lake
Zwemlust (see also Chapter 1). Seasonal development of phytoplankton
control (Fig. 5.19) has been studied systematically for some years in this lake
using bio-assays (Van Donk et al., 1993). In 1986, before reduction of the
fish stock, phytoplankton growth in the highly turbid lake was light-limited.
After elimination of most of the fish early in 1987, grazing by cladocerans
controlled algal biomass throughout the summer. In the following
years vegetation became abundant, and nitrogen became the dominant
limiting factor for phytoplankton in the summer. The typical seasonal

Growth limitation of phytoplankton

- limited by light
all not limited
c:::::J limited by zooplankton
c:::::J limited by nitrogen
t biomanipulation

Fig. 5.19 Seasonal changes in factors limiting the phytoplankton growth in the
Dutch Lake Zwemlust before (1986) and after (1987-1990) reduction of the fish
stock. Vegetation became abundant from 1988 onward. Redrawn from van Dank et
a!. (1993).
234 Vegetation
pattern in the vegetation dominated state fits well with those reported in
the studies described in the previous section. The sequence of mechanisms
that causes the pattern in this case is thought to be as follows: unlimited
phytoplankton growth occurs at the end of winter when light is no longer
limiting, and this spring bloom is followed by a period of severe zooplankton
grazing. So far, this is the classical spring clear-water phase scenario. How-
ever, when vegetation appears, nitrogen availability drops sharply, and bio-
assays reveal that this is the main limiting factor for phytoplankton in the
summer. In the autumn when macrophytes become senescent, release of
nutrients leads to a short period of unlimited phytoplankton growth again,
followed by a second grazing limited episode. The spring clear-water phase
(Meijer et al., 1994a) and the autumn release of nutrients causing a
phytoplankton peak at the end of the growing season (Landers, 1982) are
probably quite common in vegetated lakes. The mix of mechanisms respon-
sible for suppressing phytoplankton in the summer may differ from case to
case, as demonstrated by other case studies.
The causes of the striking contrast in Veluwemeer between clear Chara
fields and turbid open water have also been analysed (Van den Berget al.,
1997). Regulation of algal growth has not been tested with bio-assays in this
case, but the seston composition and sedimentation rates have been re-
corded in some detail, allowing inferences about the regulating processes. In
this large exposed lake, turbidity is caused not only by phytoplankton, but
also to a large extent by resuspended inorganic sediment particles and
detritus (Fig. 5.18). The concentration of all of these seston fractions is lower
inside the Chara fields than in the open water, but differences are especially
pronounced for large particles. Since larger particles sink faster in general,
this suggests that sedimentation in the absence of wave resuspension is an
important reason why the water is clear in the Chara fields. This is confirmed
by the sedimentation records. In the open water sedimentation is as much as
100 g DWT m-2 d- 1, whereas in the centre of the Chara field practically no
deposition is measured in sediment traps despite the fact that some seston
remains present here. Apparently this remaining seston is hardly prone to
sedimentation. The same picture arises from the shift in phytoplankton
composition over a gradient from the open water into the vegetation (Fig.
5.20). In the centre of the Chara bed motile flagellates that can swim up to
prevent settlement dominate.
Cladoceran density is lower in the Chara fields than in the open water in
the summer but to have an idea of the potential importance of zooplankton
for phytoplankton regulation, it is necessary to relate the consumption by
the animals to the available amount of algae. A simple way to estimate
the potential grazing pressure is to assume that cladocerans can consume a
daily amount of phytoplankton equal to their own body weight (Schriver
et al., 1995; Jeppesen eta/., 1996). It then appears that despite relatively low
numbers of Daphnia and Bosmina, their potential daily grazing capacity is
estimated to about 10 times the total phytoplankton biomass in the veg-
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 235
18 July 1995



"'·~ 80
1;!1 Cyanobacteria
E D Diatoms
8 60
c: D Greenalgae


" 20
~ I
100 100 50
Chara cover(%)

Fig. 5.20 Relative abundance (% biovolume) of different phytoplankton groups

along a transect from the centre of a Chara field (left) to the open water (right) of
Lake Veluwemeer (distances in metres of sample points from the start of the
transect: 0, 175,207,214,270,311 and 360). From van den Berget a!. (1997).

eta ted area. Despite the fact that the animals will probably consume alterna-
tive food as well, it seems likely that the realized grazing pressure on
phytoplankton is high enough to suppress populations of motile flagellates
and other algae that are able to overcome sinking losses in the Chara fields.
The border between clear and turbid water usually coincides precisely
with the border of the Chara fields, indicating that mixing between the open
water and the vegetation stands is slow relative to the clearing processes in
the vegetation. Nonetheless, heavy winds can sometimes cause turbid water
to enter the vegetation. Interestingly the water in the fields clears up after
such a mixing event in less than a day (Scheffer et al., 1994b), showing that
the processes responsible for clearing the water are fast. Again this fits well
with the idea that sedimentation is a dominant process (see Chapter 2).
Water depth in the Chara stands is only 30-80cm, and the mixed layer of
water above the dense canopy is a few decimetres only. Since the average
sinking velocity of a particle is something in the order of 1m per day, much
of the seston may be expected to settle in a matter of hours. As argued
zooplankton grazing may deal with the remaining non-settled algae.
How fast the water column in vegetation stands can be cleared is also
illustrated by a study in the freshwater tidal Potomac river (1990). Here,
chlorophyll concentrations are found to be up to seven times lower in dense
Hydrilla stands than in the open water during low tides. At high tides
differences are much less pronounced, indicating that semi-diurnal mixing
236 Vegetation
with changing tides is considerable, and that apparently algal loss processes
in the vegetation are fast enough to clear up the water considerably in a
matter of hours. There was no difference between photosynthetic rates of
phytoplankton in the water from inside or outside the weed beds, indicating
that severe nutrient limitation or allelopathic effects were not the cause
of the observed differences in chlorophyll concentrations. This leaves
zooplankton grazing, sedimentation and shading by the plants as possible
A Danish enclosure study designed to study the refuge effect of vegeta-
tion for zooplankton (Fig. 5.9} also provides some insight into the possible
role of zooplankton grazing in reducing phytoplankton biomass in weed
beds (Schriver et at., 1995). In this case the main plant species are
Potamogeton pectinatus, P. pusillus and Callitriche hermaphroditica.
Phytoplankton biovolume in the enclosures decreases with vegetation abun-
dance (measured as plant volume infested), but this effect is less pro-
nounced when fish predation has eliminated Daphnia and Bosmina
populations (Fig. 5.21).
Estimates of the potential grazing pressure of these cladocerans indicate

Fig. 5.21 Phytoplankton biovolume in relation to the vegetation density (PVI) and
the biomass of planktonic cladocerans (Daphnia and Bosmina). From Schriver et al.
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 237
that their maximum daily consumption can be as much as 36 times the
available amount of phytoplankton in the vegetated enclosures. Although
other food sources such as detritus and periphyton apparently sustain
cladoceran density at such high levels, grazing pressure on the preferred
food, phytoplankton, is obviously severe under these conditions. Nonethe-
less, the fact that phytoplankton biovolume also decreases with vegetation
abundance when these cladocerans are absent indicates that grazing
by Daphnia and Bosmina is certainly not the only process involved (Fig.
The importance of zooplankton grazing is also supported by the study by
Timms and Moss (1984) who found clear water in the waterlily dominated
Hudsons Bay, but not in the unvegetated Hoveton Great Broad receiving
water from the same nutrient rich source. Bio-assays ruled out the possibil-
ity of nutrient limitation, and grazing by high numbers of large plant associ-
ated and pelagic cladocerans was probably the reason why chlorophyll
concentrations in Hudsons Bay were less than 10% of those measured in the
adjacent Hoveton Great Broad.

Are there general patterns?

The picture emerging from these case studies is that the importance of
various mechanisms involved in the effect of aquatic macrophytes on water
clarity varies considerably from case to case. This section summarizes the
evidence for effects of shading, reduction of nutrient availability, excretion
of allelopathic substances, reduction of resuspension and enhanced grazing,
and shows how the interaction of these mechanisms may be understood
using the theory of plankton interactions presented in earlier sections.

Although the role of shading by macrophytes in reducing phytoplankton
productivity in plant beds is rarely mentioned, it may explain reduced algal
abundance in vegetated areas at least in part as remarked already by Wetzel
in his textbook on limnology (Wetzel, 1975). Light attenuation in the veg-
etation is among other things a function of plant biomass. Ikusima (1970)
measured the specific attenuation coefficient of various plant types, and
reports values of about 0.001m2g-'. For submerged vegetation with a
biomass of say 500 g m_, this implies that even in crystal clear water less than
1% of the light that enters the water will reach the sediment (Ir/10 = e-0·00 '"500
= 0.0067). How much shading will be experienced by phytoplankton de-
pends on the vertical distribution of plant biomass, but clearly it is not an a
priori negligible factor. Measurements of the verJical light gradient in a
dense Elodea bed, for instance, show that irradiance can be reduced by
more than 95% within the upper 20cm of the water column (Pokornyet al.,
238 Vegetation
Nutrient limitation
Phosphorus availability in the water column may be reduced due to uptake
by macrophytes (Kufel and Ozimek, 1994) but the majority of the studies
show unaltered or even increased ortho-phosphorus levels (Moss et al.,
1990; Van Donk et al., 1993; Perrow et al., 1994; Van den Berget al., 1997).
In contrast, very low inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
of vegetation stands are frequently found (Goulder, 1969; Van Donk et al.,
1993) and the importance of nitrogen as a limiting factor for algal growth
has been confirmed in bio-assay experiments (Van Donk et al., 1993).
Low nutrient levels in vegetation stands may be due to uptake by plants but
also to uptake by periphyton and in case of nitrogen by denitrification.
Nonetheless, nutrient limitation has also been excluded as a possible expla-
nation in various studies were reduced algal densities are observed among
macrophytes (Pokorny et al., 1984; Timms and Moss, 1984; Jones, 1990;
Schriver et al., 1995).

Few studies indicate more than marginal allelopathic suppression of
phytoplankton by macrophytes in natural situations, but the results so far
indicate that cyanobacteria have a relatively high sensitivity to allelopathic
exudates (see Chapter 3). Indeed the relative share of cyanobacteria in the
phytoplankton community of weedbeds is often low (Hasler and Jones,
1949; Timms and Moss, 1984; Schriver et al., 1995; Van den Berget al., 1997),
but at least one study indicates that this is due to zooplankton grazing rather
than plant exudates (Schriver et al., 1995).

Resuspension prevention
Although several studies address the alteration of the sedimentation
resuspension cycle of seston by macrophyte beds, only the Veluwemeer
study (Van den Berget al., 1997) indicates the importance of this mechanism
for the clearing effect of vegetation stands explicitly. Indeed in dense Chara
stands in shallow water only motile or buoyant algae are likely to survive,
as estimated sinking losses of more than 100% d-1 are unlikely to be com-
pensated by growth. Although potential sinking losses in these Chara beds
may be extreme, many studies demonstrate reduced resuspension in the
presence of vegetation structure (Jackson and Starrett, 1959; Dieter, 1990;
James and Barko, 1990; Petticrew and Kalff, 1992). In view of the rapid
settling losses in shallow water, the presence of non-living suspended parti-
cles and most phytoplankton groups depends critically on resuspension,
as explained earlier. Whether or not motile algae that are not affected
by settling losses in dense vegetations can build up high biomasses depends
on other factors. Note that one such factor is the residence time of water in
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 239
the vegetation field. In some situations, residence time may be long
enough to allow settling of particles, but too short to allow an alterna-
tive phytoplankton community to build up. The clearing of water in vegeta-
tion stands in the tidal Potomac river could potentially represent such a

Zooplankton grazing
Several studies indicate that the amount of zooplankton in weed beds
should be able to control the sparse phytoplankton populations present
(Timms and Moss, 1984; Schriver et al., 1995; Van den Berget al., 1997).
Even in relatively dense vegetation, however, planktonic cladocerans can be
driven to extinction by fish predation (Schriver et al., 1995; Kairesalo et al.,
1997), and phytoplankton density can be reduced in the vegetation despite
the absence of noticeable Daphnia and Bosmina populations (Schriver eta[.,
1995). Plant associated cladocerans that hook up to the macrophytes may
play a role in reducing algal biomass. These animals seem to be less vulner-
able to fish predation (Kairesalo et al., 1997) and their density is probably
underestimated in standard sampling procedures. Nonetheless it is clear
that grazing is just part of the story, and other factors may be more impor-
tant in controlling phytoplankton at least in some cases (Van Donk et al.,
1993; Moore et al., 1994).

How do things combine?

This overview leaves us with the rather general conclusion that various
factors are responsible for the observed vegetation related increase in trans-
parency and that the actual mix of effects differs from case to case. How-
ever, in using the basic theory of algal growth and grazing control presented
in previous chapters something more can be said about the interaction of
mechanisms leading to clear water in vegetation.
Importantly, grazing differs from the other factors in the fact that it can
potentially cause a switch to an alternative stable state in which the algal
food is over-exploited and can be kept at very low density even by a
relatively small amount of grazers. Such over-exploitation of phytoplankton
also happens during the spring clear-water phase, and usually leads to a
collapse of Daphnia populations as a result of food shortage. In vegetation
stands, high cladoceran densities can persist in the presence of very sparse
phytoplankton densities, indicating that other food sources set the carrying
capacity for daphnids and plant associated cladocerans here, and hence
dynamics of filter-feeders are relatively independent of phytoplankton. As
explained in the previous chapter, the effect of fixed grazer densities on food
can be explored by plotting consumption and production as a function of
food density in the same graph (Fig. 4.17). When production equals con-
sumption the system is in equilibrium. Three such equilibria may arise: a
240 Vegetation
stable one with a relatively high ('under-exploited') food density, another
stable one at low ('over-exploited') food density and an unstable one that
represents the breakpoint of the system. An increase in consumer density
can cause the under-exploited equilibrium with high food concentrations to
disappear, leading inevitably to a collapse of the food population (Figs. 4.18
and 4.19). Note, however, that the critical consumer density needed for the
collapse of the food population depends on the productivity of the food. In
terms of the graphical model (Fig. 4.17), a larger carrying capacity (K) ofthe
food population is associated with a higher top of the humped production
curve, sustaining higher consumer densities without collapsing.
In vegetation, nutrient limitation, shading and allelopathic substances
will often reduce algal productivity, and the general conclusion of the
graphical model therefore applies to the interaction of grazing and other
mechanisms that reduce phytoplankton biomass in aquatic vegetation: when
potential phytoplankton growth in the vegetation is reduced, even a rela-
tively low density of filter-feeders may suffice to drive phytoplankton into an
over-exploited state.
The combined effects of grazing and various productivity reducing fac-
tors on phytoplankton equilibrium biomass in vegetation can be visualized
more completely using the minimal model of zooplankton controlled algal
growth developed in the previous chapter:

dt K
( 1-- -g Z--+!
' A+h,
·(K-A ) (1)

If we assume that (because of the availability of alternative food)

zooplankton density is not directly dependent on phytoplankton biomass in
the vegetation, the resulting phytoplankton biomass can be found as a
function of zooplankton and algal carrying capacity (K) by solving the
equation for dA/dt = 0. A plot of this equilibrium biomass of phytoplankton
against K and zooplankton density summarizes the hypothesized combined
effects of grazing and productivity reduction in the vegetation (Fig. 5.22).
Vegetation reduces phytoplankton biomass even in the absence of
zooplankton, but extremely low algal biomass is found only when grazing
leads to over-exploitation of phytoplankton. When vegetation is denser,
factors such as shading and nutrient limitation reduce potential algal growth
more strongly, and the threshold zooplankton density needed for the col-
lapse of phytoplankton into the overgrazed state is lower. The catastrophe-
fold that is characteristic for grazer over-exploitation (e.g. Fig. 4.19)
becomes less pronounced and eventually disappears at very low algal
Although the minimal model is of course a crude simplification of the
complex of intertwined mechanisms involved in regulating phytoplankton
density in vegetation stands, it helps in seeing the forest through the trees in
the somewhat confusing quest for 'the dominant' factor controlling algal
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 241

: zooplankton

Fig. 5.22 Effect of zooplankton biomass and algal carrying capacity (K} on the
equilibrium biomass of phytoplankton as predicted by a minimal model (Eq. 1).
Since algal carrying capacity (K) decreases with vegetation biomass the lower left-
hand axis may be interpreted as representing the effect of vegetation. The projection
on the horizontal plane (bottom) shows that at high vegetation density less
zooplankton is needed to cause over-exploitation of phytoplankton leading to clear

biomass in vegetation. In summary, a mix of factors tends to reduce

phytoplankton productivity in plant stands, but grazing may often 'finish the
job', driving algal biomass to an extremely low over-exploited level.

Brackish lakes as an exception

Shallow brackish lakes are usually turbid. Interestingly, they can be densely
vegetated at the same time (Bales eta/., 1993; Jeppesen eta/., 1994; Moss,
242 Vegetation

Brackish lakes


12 \~. " .. t ...... • A

/:J.";.·-::.----- .. , ........................................................................................•
• A A "ft• • 4 A " 1::..
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.5
Total phosphorus (mg P 1'1)

Fig. 5.23 Relationship between the total-P concentration of the lake water and
Secchi-depth in a brackish Danish lakes with (open symbols) and without (dots)
substantial aquatic vegetation. Unlike in freshwater lakes (Fig. 5.13) vegetation does
not make a difference fer water clarity in brackish situations. From Jeppesen et aL
(1997). .

1994; Jeppesen et al., 1997). A Danish survey confirms that the connection
between water clarity and submerged vegetation characteristic for fresh
shallow lakes (Fig. 5.12), is not found in brackish systems (Fig. 5.23).
Changes observed in the Dutch Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer (5000ha av-
erage depth Sm) support the idea that the turbidity of brackish lakes is
causally related to their salinity. This lake changed from brackish to fresh in
about a year due to flushing with river water following isolation from the
marine tidal Oosterschelde. Despite the high nutrient loading, transparency
increased spectacularly when the lake became fresh, and submerged
macrophytes expanded (Schutten et al., 1994). Grazing by Daphnia was the
main factor controlling algal biomass in the lake. Later, colonization by
freshwater fish species changed the situation to one more typical for
eutrophic lakes (Ligtvoet and Grimm, 1992; Ligtvoet and de Jong, 1995).
Perch was the first species to expand, and individuals grew extremely rapid
on a diet of mysid shrimps and Daphnia (Houthuijzen et al., 1993). Only in
the fifth year when the first generation of roach that invaded as juveniles
became adult did cyprinid fry become abundant. In that year D. pulex was
replaced by the smaller D. galeata and transparency decreased from three to
one metre. In view of the high nutrient load the clear state is probably
transient in this lake, but the fact that Daphnia became abundant and
cleared the lake after freshening suggests that the turbidity of brackish state
may have been due to absence of such phytoplankton grazers.
A four-year study of a Danish lake that shifts between a brackish (1-3
p.p.thousand) and a slightly brackish state (0.5-1 p.p.thousand) supports
this view (Jeppesen et al., 1997). In years with higher salinity, chlorophyll-a
Effect of vegetation on turbidity 243
- 350.,-------------, D spring
'i.. 300
.1t 250 • summer
!! 200 • autumn
t 150
~ 100
ii 50+-L----,...C:









i 2,5

f 1,5
1986 1993 1994 1995

Fig. 5.24 In years with a higher salinity (lower panel) the concentrations of chloro-
phyll-a and total phosphorus are elevated and Secchi-depth is low in a shallow
coastal Danish lake. From Jeppesen et al. (1997).

levels are much higher and Secchi-depths lower than in fresher years (Fig.
Zooplankton composition in earlier years is not well documented, but the
shift from turbid to clear in 1995 appears to be related to a strong increase
in Daphnia numbers, as was observed in the Dutch Volkerak-Zoommeer.
Interestingly, total-P levels are also elevated in the turbid years (Fig. 5.24)
despite a relatively constant external loading. This is in line with the view
presented in Chapter 3 that total-P concentration can in part be caused by
high phytoplankton biomass, although causality behind their correlation
is usually interpreted the other way round. Sulphide formation in the
sediments of brackish water (which contains more sulphur than fresh water)
244 Vegetation
may be another explanation of elevated phosphorus concentrations as it can
cause part of the iron to become unavailable for phosphorus immobilization
because Fe(II) is removed from the pore water due to precipitation with
sulphide as insoluble PeS (see Chapter 2).
Comparison of the zooplankton communities of many brackish and fresh
lakes confirms that substantial Daphnia populations are usually found
hardly at all at salinities higher than 2-4 pp thousand (Jeppesen et al., 1994;
Moss, 1994). Instead, zooplankton in these situations is dominated by less
efficient filter-feeders such as the copepods Eurytemora spp. and Acartia
spp. and rotifers (Jeppesen et al., 1994). Daphnids are known to be rather
intolerant to salinity, and this may well be the main reason for their absence
in brackish situations. An additional explanation may be that predation
rates on zooplankton can be high in brackish lakes (Jeppesen et al., 1997).
The fish community is usually dominated by sticklebacks (Gasterosteus
aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius). These animals may spawn several times
during the summer leading to continuously high numbers of planktivorous
juveniles. Since sticklebacks enter the vegetation, the refuge function of
submerged plants for zooplankton in freshwater lakes may not work well
against stickleback predation.
Mysid shrimps are another important component of the food web in most
brackish lakes. This may be due to an adaptation to salinity per se, but the
outbreak of Neomysis after strong reduction of the fish stock in Lake
Wolderwijd (Meijer et al., 1994a) shows that they can do well in fresh water.
Possibly, the relative scarcity of larger planktivorous fish that prey on such
relatively large invertebrates is an important factor explaining the abun-
dance of mysid shrimps in brackish lakes. Mysids are omnivores that feed on
detritus and periphytic and benthic algae but they are also known to con-
sume zooplankton up to relatively large sizes (Chigbu and Sibley, 1994),
which may be another stress factor to Daphnia populations in brackish
lakes. Also, total-P levels may be elevated in the presence of Neomysis
integer because excretion by these largely benthic feeders represents a net
nutrient flow to the water column (Jeppesen et al., 1997) a mechanism
studied more extensively for benthivorous fish (Section 2.3).
Thus, predation pressure on Daphnia and nutrient regeneration by
Neomysis may in part explain the turbidity of brackish lakes. However, the
fact that daphnids respond more rapidly to decreasing salinity than the rest
of the food web suggests that salinity per se is the main explanation for their
absence in brackish water and the corresponding lack of top-down control
of phytoplankton.
Note that the observations in brackish lakes also seem to suggest that
cladocerans are crucial for causing water to clear up in aquatic vegetation. A
caveat in this reasoning is that vegetation in brackish lakes is usually domi-
nated by sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus), a species that co-exists
with turbid conditions in freshwater lakes too. In the lakes Krankesjon
and Veluwemeer, for instance, the water becomes clear only after sago
The regulation of vegetation abundance 245
pondweed vegetation is replaced by Chara fields. The reason why sago
pondweed seems to have so little impact on turbidity is unclear. Possibly it
just provides a poor refuge against predation. but other factors such as its
canopy forming structure in combination with its typically low biomass may
also imply relatively little effect on nutrients. light and resuspension com-
pared with other plants.


Vegetation dynamics in shallow lakes can be rather erratic, and in many
studied cases the driving forces have not been clearly identified. Indeed our
ability to predict vegetation development is still rather poor (Scheffer,
1991c). Nonetheless, the role of some dominant driving forces has been
demonstrated. Light limitation is generally considered the main reason why
submerged macrophyte vegetation is poorly developed in turbid lakes.
However, other factors also affect vegetation development. Grazing by
birds and fish can be important in some situations, and unstable soft
sediments may increase the sensitivity to uprooting by animals or by waves.
This section reviews the evidence for these and other factors involved in
regulating vegetation development in shallow lakes.

Turbidity and water depth

Traditionally much of the work on aquatic macrophytes has concentrated
on explaining their distribution along a depth gradient in the littoral zone of
deep lakes. Overviews of this work can be found in Hutchinson's book
(1975) and in a review paper by Spence (1982). Spence concludes his review
with the hypothesis that light, substrate and wave action control the distri-
bution of macrophytes in lakes. At the shallow end of the gradient, growth
is limited because the sediment is poor and wave action damages plants. At
the deep end light becomes limiting.
Many studies confirm that the maximum depth inhabited by macrophytes
is positively correlated with water clarity (Canfield et al., 1985; Chambers
and Kalff, 1985b; Vant et al., 1986; Skubinna et al., 1995). Obviously other
aspects are likely to affect the maximum inhabited depth, some of which are
actually correlated with depth themselves such as water temperature and
sediment composition, but if we focus merely on the light effect, the ex-
pected shape of the relationship can be derived theoretically. As explained
in Section 2.1, light intensity (I,) decreases exponentially with depth (z)
depending on the vertical attenuation coefficient (E) of the water:
If we assume that there is a critical light level (Ia1J at the bottom of the
lake needed to allow the presence of vegetation, the maximum inhabited
depth (Zmex) will be:
246 Vegetation


where the quotient (lrflcril) is a constant depending on the daily radiation

and the critical amount of light needed by the vegetation. Thus the maxi-
mum inhabited depth should be inversely related to the attenuation coeffi-
cient. Indeed, such a simple inverse relationship with the vertical
attenuation coefficient has been found to describe the situation in the field
quite well (Fig. 5.25) (Spence, 1982; Vant eta/., 1986).
For many lakes, light attenuation coefficients are not measured. Secchi
disk transparency is easier to measure and data on the Secchi-depth are
relatively abundant. As explained in Section 2.1, Secchi disk transparency
(Sd) is approximately related inversely to light attenuation:

sd ~ ~ (4)

where c" is the so-called Poole Atkins coefficient. Although this relationship
is far from accurate (see Chapter 2) it suggests a linear relationship between
z""" and transparency:

~ 11
11,., 10

E 7
'0 6 •••

'.• • • •

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Fig. 5.25 Relationship between the maximum depth at which macrophytes occur
(zm~l and the vertical attenuation coefficient of the most penetrating colours that
can be used for photosynthesis (Em.,) in a set of 15 UK lakes. Redrawn from Spence
The regulation of vegetation abundance 247
where c, is a constant depending on the Poole Atkins coefficient, the incom-
ing radiation (10) and the critical light level needed by the vegetation (!"").
Although this linearity is indeed confirmed remarkably well by some data
sets, regression lines tend to intersect the y-axis (Fig. 5.26), suggesting that
even under extremely turbid conditions, submerged plants can grow at
shallow sites.
This can be represented by the formula:
where z, is the maximum depth that can be colonized by submerged plants
even under the most turbid conditions.
A simple explanation for this phenomenon is that it is not the light
reaching the bottom that counts but the light reaching the canopy of the
vegetation. This would imply that the effect of turbidity on plant growth in
shallow lakes should critically depend on the growth form. Plants that stay
low, such as many charophytes, depend more on a clear water column than
plants that grow tall and concentrate much of their leaves just under the
water surface. Indeed, canopy forming species such as Potamogeton
pectinatus and Hydrilla verticillata usually dominate the vegetation in turbid
shallow water, and there is a systematic increase of canopy forming species
with the nutrient level (Chambers, 1987; Moss, 1988). Also, some plants
respond to low light levels by extensive shoot elongation (Barko and Smart,
1981; Tanner et al., 1993). It might be argued that the light that reaches the
bottom remains crucial, as plants usually start their growth from the sedi-
ment surface in the spring. Many species in turbid lakes, however,
overwinter in the form of vegetative underground structures. Such tubers

]: 6

el;! 4
b 3

~ 2
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Secchi-depth (m)

Fig. 5.26 Linear increase of the maximum depth inhabited by macrophytes with
Secchi-depth in a set of 27 Finnish lakes. Redrawn from Hutchinson (1975).
248 Vegetation
and rhizomes contain enough energy storage to support early growth in the
spring even under low irradiance levels (Hodgson, 1966). Once the upper
few decimetres of the water column are reached, the plants have escaped the
effects of turbidity. Shoots spread horizontally, and photosynthesis is largely
restricted to the upper layer of the water.
The idea that it is this morphological trait that allows persistence in highly
turbid shallow water also fits with the shifts in dominant growth form that
are observed over the past decades in Veluwemeer (see Chapter 1). In the
early years when the lake was clear, low growing Chara meadows covered
the bottom over large areas. With increasing turbidity, however, Chara
disappeared and the canopy forming Potamogeton pectinatus became the
dominant species. Recently, with increasing transparency, Chara has again
replaced Potamogeton pectinatus in large part. Similar patterns are reported
for Swedish lakes (Blindow, 1992b).
Surprisingly, charophytes are known to be quite shade tolerant, and
indeed in deep lakes they usually grow to greater depths than angiosperms
(Hutchinson, 1975; Spence, 1982). Their absence in turbid lakes has long
been ascribed to a toxic effect of high phosphorus levels (Forsberg, 1964;
Forsberg, 1965). However, regressions of the maximum inhabited depth
against transparency support the view that it is light limitation due to their
low growth-form that limits their occurrence in turbid shallow lakes (Fig.
5.27). The high intersection with the vertical axis explained by the canopy
formation of angiosperms is absent for charophytes.
In practice, the simple Zm,x regression models are not very useful for
describing the response of vegetation to changes in transparency in turbid
shallow lakes. A useful data set to show this is the series of vegetation maps
gathered over a period of 20 years for the Randmeren. Annual routine
mapping started in the early 1970s because the abundant vegetation in
the eutrophic lakes had become a nuisance. Soon after, the ongoing
eutrophication reduced vegetation to a few sparse stands of pondweed

Secchi·depth (m)

Fig. 5.27 Schematic relationship between Secchi-depth and the maximum depth
inhabited by charophytes and angiosperms. From Blindow (1992a).
The regulation of vegetation abundance 249
(Potamogeton pectinatus). Mapping, however, has been continued ever
since and also covers the gradual recovery of vegetation with improving
water quality that started in the late 1980s. Since maps of lake depth,
sediment characteristics and data on water quality and the abundance of fish
and birds over that period are also available, a statistical analysis of the
possible impact of these factors on the vegetation could be made (Scheffer
eta/., 1992). To do this, 5% of the map surfaces were sampled at random in
50 x 50m blocks. The presence of plants in these blocks was scored and
related to the environmental factors.
As expected, the analysis suggests that turbidity and depth are the most
important factors explaining vegetation abundance. However, although
most of the plant beds are found in water shallower than 1m, the probability
of finding vegetation decreases with depth almost asymptotically, and no
real limit is observed (Fig. 5.28).
Healthy plant stands are found at depths down to 3m, even though
Secchi-depth is less than 0.5 m. Model simulations (Scheffer et a/., 1993a)
suggest that this can be explained by dispersal of diaspores from productive
plant stands at shallower sites (Fig. 5.29).
The potentially large effects of propagule dispersal on plant distribution
have also been reported in terrestrial plant ecology. A detailed study of the
population regulation of the dune annual Cakile edentula, for instance,
revealed that landward migration of seeds sustains substantial populations
in areas where the species would otherwise not be able to persist
(Watkinson, 1985; Watkinson and Davy, 1985). Obviously, variation in


"E 50


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
depth (m)

Fig. 5.28 Frequency of occurrence of Potamogeton pectinatus on 0.25 ha plots at

different depth in the Randmeren. From Scheffer eta/. (1992).
250 Vegetation

isolated sites
"seed" input= 5 g DW m-2 year-1
!!9 300

~ 200

~ 100

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
depth (m}

Fig. 5.29 Simulated effect of an input of seeds or other propagules on the equilib-
rium biomass of submerged vegetation over a range of water depths. From Scheffer
et al. (1993a).

propagule rain from productive plant stands implies a caveat in relating

vegetation distribution to local environmental conditions.
These observations also illustrate that even when a plant appears to be
able to grow on a site, this does not necessarily imply that conditions are
sufficient for a viable plant stand to survive there for a prolonged period. A
positive net photosynthesis is a necessary but not sufficient condition for
population persistence. In the absence of propagule import, plant stands will
only persist if growth is sufficient to balance various losses in the course of
the growing season, such as biomass loss in winter, herbivory losses and
damage by waves (Scheffer et al., 1993a). Indeed, light levels reported at the
depth limit of macrophytes in deeper lakes are usually about 10-20% of the
surface light (Chambers and Kalff, 1985b; Vant et al., 1986) which is high
compared with the light compensation point of individual plants. Also, a
study by Golubi quoted by Hutchinson (1975) shows that the light compen-
sation points of Chara and Myriophyllum in the Yugoslavian Lake Vrana
are reached at depth 1.6 resp., 4.7 times greater than the actual maximum
inhabited depth in the lake.

The practically floating canopies of Potamogeton pectinatus seem an almost
perfect escape from the shading effect of turbid water. Indeed, the
The regulation of vegetation abundance 251


~ 0.6

~ 0.4

0 ..2


Fig. 5.30 Probability of occurrence of Potamogeton pectinatus as a function of water

depth and Secchi disk transparency in the Randrneren. The response surface is
interpolated through a set of presence-absence data for 0.25 ha plots, gathered over
a period of 20 years. Vegetation is Jess abundant in turbid situations, but the depth
range is largely independent of turbidity. From Scheffer et al. (1992).

Randmeren study shows that even under very turbid conditions plants stay
present down to about 1m depth. However, despite the growth form, abun-
dance of this species does decrease with turbidity even in the shallow areas
(Fig. 5.30).
Obviously, this decrease does not necessarily imply a direct causallinl{.
The correlation may well have more indirect reasons (cf. Fig. 5.16). Turbid-
ity increases with the nutrient loading, but so do other things that may affect
the performance of submerged plants such as fish density and the growth of
the periphyton covering the plants. To check if light was limiting the growth
in the pondweed vegetation of the Randmeren, shade cloth of different
252 Vegetation

t:tJ\1/\_r- 1··- 1
~ A 1 M 1 J 1 J 1 A 1 s 1 o 1 A 1 M 1 J 1 J 1 A 1 s 1 o 1 ~~s 1 o 1


Fig. 5.31 Seasonal biomass development of artificially shaded vegetations of

Potamogeton pectinatus in Lake Veluwemeer. From van Dijk and van Vierssen

densities was installed to reduce the incoming radiation in experimental

plots in a large pondweed stand (Van Dijk and Van Vierssen, 1991; Van
Dijk et al., 1992). Even moderate shading reduced the growth (Fig. 5.31)
indicating that the plants were indeed light-limited in the field.
However, it could also been shown that the periphyton layer covering the
plants is responsible for much of the light attenuation in the field (Van Dijk,
1993). Since both periphyton growth and turbidity increase with the nutrient
level, the decrease of sago pondweed with turbidity is likely to be at least
partly due to the effect of periphyton.
Indeed, periphyton coverage is likely to be a major problem for sub-
merged plants in many eutrophic lakes as it can reduce the light that reaches
the plant by as much as 80% and limit the diffusion of carbon and other
nutrients between water and plant (Sand-Jensen and Borum, 1984). The
overall negative effect of periphyton on macrophyte growth is also indicated
by the many experiments showing that removal of periphyton by grazers can
result in greatly enhanced plant growth (Bronmark, 1985; Hootsmans and
Vermaat, 1985; Howard and Short, 1986; Underwood, 1991; Daldorph and
Thomas, 1995). It has been suggested that periphyton removal (by mysid
shrimps) is also the clue to understanding the abundant growth of sub-
merged plants despite the high turbidity in many brackish lakes (Bales et al.,
Periphyton is not simply a layer of algae. It can be a complex community
on its own consisting of algae, bacteria and protozoa. In addition, consider-
able amounts of settling material can be trapped in it. In Veluwemeer,
settled silt and clay particles and detritus represent the bulk of the
periphyton layer (Van Dijk, 1993). The actual shading caused by periphyton
on plants is difficult to estimate in practice, as plant tops usually have much
less periphyton than older parts of the shoots. This is simply because the
periphyton layer needs some time to grow. Thus, plants can minimize the
impact of periphyton by sustaining a high growth rate. This implies a posi-
tive feedback. Fast growing plants keep ahead of the periphyton and main-
tain fast growth, whereas slow plant growth allows periphyton to overgrow
the plant and reduce its performance further.
The regulation of vegetation abundance 253
Like all biological processes the growth of submerged plants slows down at
low temperatures. Several experimental studies have demonstrated that
within realistic ranges, temperature can affect the growth of various sub-
merged plants at least as strongly as light conditions (Barko and Smart,
1981; Barko et al., 1982; Spencer, 1986). This suggests that vegetation devel-
opment may be negatively affected in relatively cold years.
Indeed, some observations support this idea. The biomass attained by the
Ceratophyllu.m vegetation in the intensively studied Dutch Lake Vechten,
for instance, was remarkably low during the summer of 1979, and this has
been attributed to the cold winter, delaying development in the spring (Best
and Dassen, 1987). An effect of temperature is also observed in the 20 years
time-series of vegetation distribution in the Randmeren. Vegetation abun-
dance is positively related to water temperature in the spring in the six lakes
(Scheffer et al., 1992). This effect is not due to correlation between tempera-
ture and light, as irradiation and the temperature are not correlated in this
data set, and the warm years are the more turbid ones on average. Since
temperature affects all organisms in a lake, it is of course not clear if the
correlation of plant biomass to temperature is due to direct temperature
effects on plant growth. However, simulations with a growth model
(Scheffer et al., 1993a), confirm that the variation in temperature as ob-
served in these lakes should indeed be expected to have considerable effects
on plant biomass.

Substrate and nutrients

With respect to nutrient uptake and limitation, submerged macrophytes
differ widely from terrestrial plants. First, the relative importance of carbon
limitation is higher in the aquatic environment. Depending on the pH of the
water C02 concentrations can be very low. This is partly compensated for by
the fact that many submerged plants are able to use HC03- as a carbon
source instead (Hutchinson, 1975). Importantly, however, diffusion in water
is much slower than in the air. This causes the carbon concentration in the
water around the plant to decrease strongly during periods of high uptake.
Water movement can reduce the resulting depleted boundary layer and has
been shown to enhance photosynthesis (Wetzel, 1975). Also, the finely
dissected leaves of many submerged plants facilitate carbon exchange and
make plants less dependent on water movement, as illustrated by experi-
ments with dissected and undissected leaves from the same heterophyllous
plant (Hutchinson, 1975). Nonetheless, carbon limitation is probably fre-
quent in nature (Van Wijk, 1989; Vadstrup and Madsen, 1995).
Another difference from terrestrial plants is that most submerged species
can take up various nutrients through their shoots as well as through the
roots. With respect to nutrients this makes them less dependent on the
254 Vegetation
substrate than terrestrial plants. Nonetheless, within lake distributions are
often correlated with substrate variation. In relatively nutrient poor Cana-
dian lakes vegetation biomass is higher on clay than on sandy spots
(Anderson and Kalff, 1987; Anderson and Kalff, 1988}. Interpretation of
this correlation is tricky, as sedimentation of clay particles is also higher in
weed beds (Petticrew and Kalff, 1992). However, in situ pot experiments
confirm that plant growth is better on nutrient rich clay than on sandy soils
(Chambers and Kalff, 1985a). In eutrophic lakes nutrient supply through the
shoots will help prevent nutrient shortage, and soil fertility is probably less
important, although some relation to soil fertility has been demonstrated
even in the hypertrophic Danish Lake Vreng (Lauridsen et al., 1993). In
practice light is often the dominant limiting factor, obscuring effects of soil
composition on within lake plant distributions (Scheffer et al., 1992).
Nutrient content, however, is not the only important aspect of the
substrate for plants. In highly organic soils toxic substances such as sulphide
have been suspected to hamper vegetation development (Moss et al., 1990;
Smolders and Roelofs, 1993; Smolders and Roelofs, 1995). Also, very loose
sediment may facilitate uprooting of plants by wave action. Since this nor-
mally coincides with a very high turbidity it may be difficult to infer the main
reason for the absence of plants. In Lake Breukeleveen, for instance, the
thick layer of very loose peaty sediment is resuspended almost every day,
and it is hard to imagine any plant settling there. Transparency, however, is
also very low (ca. 0.4m), in part because of the same resuspension. In
enclosures submerged plants grow well, indicating that sediment chemistry
is not the reason for their absence in the lake (Van Donk eta/., 1994b).
Wave action is blocked out here, suggesting that the combination of unsta-
ble sediment and waves was a problem for the plants. However, turbidity is
also less in the absence of resuspension, and this obviously contributed to
the improved conditions for plant growth.
Loose sediments may also facilitate uprooting by birds and fish causing
the impact of these animals to be larger than that inferred from their
consumption rates. Experiments with potted plants in Lake Vreng, for in-
stance, showed that macrophytes planted in clay were pulled out completely
by coot while those planted in sandy soil were merely clipped off by the
birds (Lauridsen et al., 1993).

Wave action
Wave action can be an important factor for plants in shallow wind-exposed
lakes even if the sediment is solid enough to prevent uprooting. The sea-
sonal cycle of submerged plants, for instance, may differ with the degree of
exposure. In the large, wind-exposed Randmeren the entire aboveground
part of the vegetation is swept away with the first autumn storms. Van Wijk
(1988) who compared the life cycle of sago pondweed vegetation in the
Randmeren and several contrasting lakes, found that the growing season is
The regulation of vegetation abundance 255
shorter in the exposed Randmeren than in any other studied case. In small
protected water bodies the species can even be perennial. Interestingly, the
moment at which the vegetation is wiped out in the autumn has been shown
to be related to the degree of eutrophication in the Randmeren. The grow-
ing season was longer in early years when the conditions were better. When
eutrophication proceeded, lakes that were less affected kept vegetation
longer at the end of the summer (Leentvaar, 1966). Also in the in situ shade
experiments, heavily shaded plots lost aboveground biomass earlier at the
end of the growing season (Van Dijk and Van Vierssen, 1991). Wave action
thus seems to shorten the seasonal period over which submerged vegetation
is present on exposed sites, and more so if growth conditions are bad due to
light limitation.
Although vegetation abundance and species richness is often found to be
better on sheltered sites (Spence, 1982), this is not necessarily the case in
shallow lakes. In the Randmeren, even though the length of the vegetation
period is limited by wave action, presence of submerged plants in summer is
correlated positively with exposure (Fig. 5.32).
Apparently, positive effects of factors related with exposure overrule the
effect of wave damage. One possible positive effect is that wave action
partly removes the periphyton layer from the plants, whereas at sheltered
sites, deposition of suspended solids on the vegetation only adds to the
periphyton complex. Indeed, in Lake Krankesjon where vegetation abun-
dance is also found to be reduced at sheltered sites, periphyton biomass is
inversely related to wave exposure (Weisner et al., 1997). Also, water move-
ment caused by waves may enhance photosynthesis through an improved
carbon exchange between water and plant. An even more indirect effect of

Fig. 5.32 Abundance of submerged vegetation in relation to water depth and wind
exposure (fetch relative to the prevailing direction of the wind) in Lake Veluwe for
a good year (1969) and a bad year (1975). The surfaces are obtained by interpolation
through presence-absence data from 0.25ha plots. From Scheffer eta/. (1994a).
256 Vegetation
waves on vegetation is that birds may prefer sheltered sites where they
vandalize the vegetation (Lauridsen et al., 1994; Weisner et al., 1997). Obvi-
ously, waves are important for vegetation in shallow lakes, but several
different mechanisms are involved and the net effect can not be predicted a

It has long been assumed that herbivory on submerged plants is negligible,
but this is certainly not always true. Macrophytes probably contribute little
to the total food web even in vegetation dominated lakes (Hoyer et al.,
1997), but various birds, fish and invertebrates include aquatic macrophytes
in their diet and several studies report reductions in vegetation of over 50%
due to herbivory (Lodge, 1991). Few invertebrates consume significant
amounts of intact macrophytes (Kornij6w et al., 1995), and although there
are indications that herbivory in aquatic systems is not systematically lower
than in terrestrial plants (Jacobsen and Sand-Jensen, 1992), the potential
impact of vertebrates on submerged plants is probably much larger.
Bird grazing on aquatic vegetation has received particular attention.
Coots and swans are the most notorious plant eaters in lakes during the
summer season. Exclosure experiments in Scottish (Jupp and Spence, 1977),
Danish (Lauridsen et al., 1993) and Dutch (Van Wijk, 1988) lakes where
birds were observed to forage on plants give remarkably similar estimates of
maximum grazing impact. Aboveground plant biomass in gauze protected
plant stands was found to be S-7 times larger than on unprotected sites in all
cases. A possible explanation for this convergence is that birds tend to clip
plants, keeping shoots short throughout the summer (Jupp and Spence,
1977; Sfl)ndergaard et al., 1997). Indeed, vegetation dominated by species
that usually grow tall can appear like neatly cut meadows when grazing
coots are abundant. In less firm soils individual plants may be uprooted
entirely by birds (Lauridsen et al., 1993; Van Dank et al., 1994b). This
'vandalism' can cause the damage to exceed the actual consumption. How-
ever, a large number of studies indicates that bird effects are usually smaller
than the reductions of about 80% found in the quoted enclosure experi-
ments (Ki!llrboe, 1980; Mitchell, 1989; Van Dank et al., 1994b; Woolhead,
1994; Perrow et al., 1996; Sfl)ndergaard et al., 1997).
There is a strong seasonal variation in bird grazing. In the spring
macrophyte consumption is low (S!Ilndergaard et al., 1997), due to the fact
that territorial behaviour keeps bird density low and filamentous macro
algae and invertebrates rather than plants are the preferred food at that
time of the year (Perrow et al., 1996). In the summer a diet shift to
macrophytes and an increase in bird density leads to an increase in grazing
pressure on aquatic vegetation (Perrow et al., 1996) and effects on plants
become apparent (S!Ilndergaard et al., 1997). In the autumn bird numbers
rise spectacularly in many lakes due to the arrival of migratory animals.
The regulation of vegetation abundance 257
Densities of over 100 individuals ha- 1 are not unusual (Hanson and Butler,
1994b; Van Donk et al., 1994b) as opposed to typically less than lOha-1 in
summer (Van Donk et al., 1994b; Perrow eta/., 1996; Si1Sndergaard eta/.,
1997). Consumption by such high autumn and winter populations of the
remaining shoots and dormant structures may conceivably have an impact
on next year's vegetation development. Exclosure experiments show that in
the Randmeren overwintering Bewick's swans (Cygnus columbianus) can
reduce the tuber bank of sago pondweed vegetation to less than 5% of its
initial biomass in a few weeks (M. van Eerden and M. Scheffer, unpublished
results). Since other experiments have demonstrated that summer biomass
in these vegetation stands is closely related to initial tuber density in the
spring (Van Dijk et al., 1992), winter consumption of tubers may well
contribute to the sparsity of the pondweed stands (about 50g m-2) in the

Some fish can consume significant amounts of vegetation. Rudd (Scardinus
erythrophtalmus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) are omnivores that may include
macrophytes in their diet. These animals have not been reported to reduce
total plant biomass significantly. However, they may affect vegetation com-
position by selectively grazing on some macrophyte species. In Lake
Zwemlust, for instance, these fish are thought to have caused a shift from an
Elodea dominated vegetation to dominance by the more calcareous
Ceratophyllum (Van Donk eta/., 1994b). A much more vigorous grazer is
the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). This exotic species is often intro-
duced in European and American lakes to reduce vegetation abundance in
cases where submerged plants are experienced as a nuisance (Shireman et
al., 1985; Santha et al., 1991). These animals can wipe out submersed plants
entirely from lakes where they are introduced, leading to increased turbidity
due to algal blooms and increased sediment resuspension (Small, Jr. eta/.,
1985). Only if the stock is managed very carefully by sequential harvesting
and restocking grass carp may balance the amount of vegetation to a desired
level (Shireman eta/., 1985).
Even when plants are not consumed, disturbance of the sediment by
benthivorous foraging fish such as bream, roach and carp may well be an
important factor inhibiting the colonization by plants. As mentioned earlier,
the stock of these animals in shallow lakes can be extremely high and the
sediment surface is typically covered by little craters left by their foraging
activities. Several observations are suggestive of an effect of bream on
vegetation development. For instance, plants soon developed in wire cages
placed on barren sandy sediment in Lake Maarseveen to study the impact of
bream on the benthic fauna (Ten Winkel and Meulemans, 1984). Unfortu-
nately enclosures usually exclude birds and fish. Therefore it is hard to say
which of the two groups is more important from such studies.
258 Vegetation
In the case of carp, the detrimental effect has been unequivocally demon-
strated in many experimental studies (Threinen and Helm, 1954; Tryon,
1954; King and Hunt, 1967; Crivelli, 1983). Indeed the introduction of carp
for sport fishery purposes is likely to be responsible for the disappearance of
vegetation from many lakes in western Europe. In the United States, where
carp was introduced more than a century ago, the devastating effect of this
species on vegetation and its associated waterfowl and game-fish has been
noted long since (Cahn, 1929). Several biomanipulation experiments 'avant
Ia lettre' removing carp and other 'coarse fish' were conducted, resulting in
vegetation recovery and enhanced transparency of the water (Rose and
Moen, 1952; Cahoon, 1953; Threinen and Helm, 1954). In view of their
destructive effects carp are even referred to as the swine of lakes (Threinen
and Helm, 1954). King and Hunt (1967) found that while Chara plants were
consumed by carp, pondweeds were damaged more by uprooting. Sediment
resuspension may be another important way in which carp and other
benthivorous fish affect vegetation performance. Not only does this cause a
high turbidity, settling of the suspended sediment may also cover plants. The
magnitude of this effect is illustrated by an observation of Threinen and
Helm (1954). They found that wire exclosures helped little in stimulating
vegetation growth, probably due to a deposition in the exclosures of as much
as 20cm of sediment within two months. As wave action was minor in the
sheltered area where the experiments were conducted, carp was held re-
sponsible for these sediment dynamics.


The cases presented in Chapter 1 show that many shallow lakes can switch
abruptly between a vegetated state with clear water and a turbid situation
with high concentrations of phytoplankton and other suspended solids. This
section explains how such conspicuous and spectacular behaviour may be
explained from the fact that these states represent alternative equilibria, a
hypothesis that has been discussed extensively over the past decade (Timms
and Moss, 1984; Hosper, 1989; Scheffer, 1989; Jeppesen et al., 1990; Scheffer,
1990; Blindow et al., 1993; Scheffer eta/., 1993; Moss, 1995; Blindow et al.,
1996; Moss eta/., 1996)

Stabilizing mechanisms
In the previous sections it has been shown that vegetation tends to enhance
water clarity, but also that light limitation is one of the main problems for
submerged plants in eutrophic lakes. This implies a positive feedback in the
development of submerged vegetation: once they grow, the water clears up
and they grow even better. Figure 5.33 summarizes the main mechanisms
involved. A simple way of evaluating the overall effect of the depicted
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 259

Sed. ~
0 <B_/'f'

<B ~~p

1 0

~ 0 Zooplankton

Fig. 5.33 Feedbacks that may cause a vegetation dominated state and a turbid state
to be alternative equilibria. The qualitative effect of each route in the diagram can be
computed by multiplying the signs along the way. This shows that both the vegetated
and the turbid state are self-reinforcing. From Scheffer et al. (1993b).

interactions, is to multiply the signs along the way of a path through the
scheme. This exercise shows that through all depicted routes turbidity en-
hances turbidity, and vegetation enhances vegetation.
Although the vegetation-turbidity feedback is probably a major mecha-
nism causing hysteresis in shallow lakes, other factors may well be important
too. As explained later, vegetationless lakes tend to stay vegetationless not
only because they are turbid, but also because sediment disturbance by
waves and benthivorous fish prevents plant settlement, and herbivory may
help to prevent vegetation recovery. Vegetated systems, on the other hand,
tend to stay vegetated because the resulting water clarity promotes plant
growth, but also because the sediment is stable, the fish community is more
shifted towards piscivores, and the overall vegetation productivity is high
enough to sustain a large population of herbivores without collapsing.
The existence of stabilizing mechanisms that tend to keep the system in
either a vegetation dominated or a phytoplankton dominated state suggests
the potential for alternative stable states. However, in mathematical models
alternative equilibria usually occur for limited ranges of parameter settings
only, and, likewise, real systems will normally have these properties only for
a limited set of conditions. Indeed, the hypothesized stabilization of the
vegetated state seems unlikely in deep lakes where the narrow littoral zone
260 Vegetation
that can be vegetated has a less dramatic impact on turbidity than in shallow
lakes that can be entirely vegetated. Also, in shallow lakes the existence of
alternative stable states will be limited to an intermediate range of nutrient
levels, as oligotrophic lakes are rarely turbid and very high nutrient loading
usually excludes vegetation dominance. Therefore, the demonstration of
stabilizing mechanisms per se is not sufficient to conclude that a lake has
alternative stable states. The following sections discuss the effect of factors
such as nutrient loading and lake depth on the potential for alternative
equilibria, and show how the presence of hysteresis may be inferred from
the dynamics of Jakes in practice.

A simple graphical model

A simple graphical model suffices to clarify roughly how nutrient loading
and water level may affect the stability properties of the ecosystem. The
model is based on three assumptions:
1. Turbidity increases with the nutrient level;
2. Vegetation reduces turbidity; and
3. Vegetation disappears entirely when a critical turbidity is exceeded.
The latter is a rather crude over-simplification that will be sophisticated in
the next section. However, the current assumptions are a good starting point
as they facilitate an intuitively straightforward way to explain the main
points of the hysteresis. In view of the first two assumptions, equilibrium
turbidity can be drawn as two different functions of the nutrient level (Fig.
5.34): one for a macrophyte dominated, and one for an unvegetated situa-
tion. Above a critical turbidity, macrophytes will be absent, in which case
the upper equilibrium line is the relevant one, below this turbidity the lower
equilibrium curve applies. The emerging picture resembles a hysteresis
curve as derived earlier for the competition between cyanobacteria and
green algae (Figs. 3.19 and 3.22) and for several predator-prey interactions
(Figs. 4.19 and 4.22).
Over a range of intermediate nutrient levels two alternative equilibria
exist: one with macrophytes, and a more turbid one without vegetation. At
lower nutrient levels, only the macrophyte dominated equilibrium exists,
whereas at the highest nutrient levels, there is only a vegetationless equilib-
The course of the eutrophication process can be derived from this pic-
ture. Gradual enrichment starting from low nutrient levels will cause the
system to proceed along the lower equilibrium curve until the critical turbid-
ity is reached at which macrophytes disappear. A jump to a more turbid
equilibrium at the upper part of the curve occurs. In order to restore the
macrophyte dominated state by means of nutrient management, the nutri-
ent level must be reduced to a value where algal biomass is low enough to
reach the critical turbidity for macrophytes again.
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 261

•• • • • • ·• critical
·-·-=---- ----------

Fig. 5.34 Alternative equilibrium turbidities caused by disappearance of submerged

vegetation when a critical turbidity is exceeded (see text for explanation). The
arrows indicate the direction of change when the system is not in one of the two
alternative stable states. From Scheffer eta/. (1993b).

In some cases this may be very difficult; for instance when wave
resuspension causes a high background turbidity that is ·not due to
phytoplankton, or when sediments contain a large amount of buffered phos-
phorus. In such situations a disturbance, such as biomanipulation, that tem-
porarily reduces the turbidity to a value below the critical level needed for
macrophyte colonization may cause a permanent shift to the alternative
stable state of clear water and vegetation dominance. This is discussed
further in section 6.1.
Note that, at the extremes of the range of nutrient levels over which
alternative stable states exist, either of the equilibrium lines approaches the
critical turbidity that represents the breakpoint of the system. This corre-
sponds to a decrease of stability. Near the edges, a small perturbation is
enough to bring the system over the critical line and to cause a switch to the
other equilibrium.
Water level in the lake is another important control variable with respect
to aquatic macrophyte dominance. Since vegetation can resist a higher
turbidity if the lake is shallower, the horizontal breakpoint line in the
diagram will be at a higher critical turbidity in shallower lakes. It can be seen
from the graphical model that a small shift in critical turbidity resulting from
a change in water level can bring about a switch from one state to the other
in lakes that are close to the breakpoint already. This is in line with obser-
vations in several lakes (Wallsten and Forsgren, 1989; Blindow et al., 1993;
Sanger, 1994).
262 Vegetation

Fig. 5.35 Combining the results from the cyanobacterial competition analysis (Fig.
3.19) and the graphical vegetation-turbidity model (Fig. 5.34), it follows that under
certain conditions shallow lakes may posses three alternative equilibria: one domi-
nated by aquatic macrophytes, one dominated by a diverse phytoplankton assem-
blage and one dominated by cyanobacteria (see text).

Note that the switch between cyanobacterial dominance and dominance

by other phytoplankton also happens at a critical turbidity (Fig. 3.19) and
that on this high abstraction level the regulatory mechanisms involved are in
fact quite comparable. Put simply, cyanobacteria make the water extra
turbid to their own competitive advantage, while aquatic macrophytes make
the water extra clear to their own competitive advantage. When one com-
bines the two graphical models, a picture emerges with three alternative
equilibria (Fig. 5.35), in order of increasing turbidity: one dominated by
aquatic vegetation, one dominated by an assemblage of green algae and
diatoms and one dominated by cyanobacteria.
The implications for the response of the system to changes in nutrient
loading depend upon the critical turbidity levels at which vegetation disap-
pears (E,) and cyanobacteria become dominant (E,). If the two critical
levels are close to each other, the middle stable branch is small, and the
system is likely to be dominated by cyanobacteria whenever vegetation is
absent. Note that the probability of ending up on the middle branch is
especially small if it falls entirely within the range of nutrient loadings where
the cyanobacterial dominated and the vegetated state are also stable. In that
case only appropriate disturbances can potentially bring the system on the
middle branch. In the extreme case that E, is lower thanE, the intermediate
branch dominated by other algae than cyanobacteria is entirely absent.
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 263
It is not possible to find universally applicable values forE, and E, as both
depend on various other factors than light availability. Nonetheless, some-
thing can be said about their relative positions. Both are related inversely to
the depth of the lake (D). In the case of filamentous cyanobacteria the
critical shade (ED) level in Dutch lakes seems to be in the range between 4
and 10 (Figs. 3.14 and 3.17). For submerged plants the maximum inhabited
depth seems to indicate a shade level (ED) between 1 and 3 (Fig. 5.25). In
shallow water, however, the latter value may be much higher as plants
escape shading by growing to the surface. This suggests that in very shallow
lakes the middle branch of the hysteresis may be very small, implying that
cyanobacterial dominance and vegetation dominance are more likely to be
the only two alternative stable states, whereas in somewhat deeper lakes
dominance by other algae is a third alternative.

The vegetation-turbidity interaction elaborated

The assumption that vegetation is either abundant or absent is a major over-
simplification. To allow a more careful approach, we need to be more
specific about the effect of vegetation on turbidity and vice versa.

The effect of turbidity on vegetation

In practice the effect of turbidity on vegetation abundance will depend to a
large extent on the shape pf the lake. The simplest way to see 't.his is to use
the rule that the maximum inhabited depth (Zmax) increases linearly with
transparency (Fig. 5.27) and is inversely proportional to the light attenua-
tion coefficient (Fig. 5.25). As argued, these relationships are not sufficient
to describe the distribution of canopy forming species like sago pondweed in
shallow water. Such plants can occur down to about 1m water depth even at
very high turbidities. However, their abundance in shallow water nonethe-
less tends to decrease with increasing nutrient level, and with respect to the
impact on turbidity, sparse pondweed stands are not really relevant. Most
studies indicate that significant effects on turbidity require dense weed beds,
in the case of Veluwemeer and Krankesjon dense charophyte mats. As
argued, the latter respond to changes in turbidity of the water column more
strongly (Fig. 5.27). As a first approximation we therefore neglect the sub-
tleties of vegetation shifts in turbid water and make the simplifying assump-
tion that all parts of the lake that are deeper than Zmax lack vegetation,
whereas all the shallower areas are completely covered by macrophytes.
The effect of increasing turbidity on vegetation in a perfectly flat bot-
tomed lake can now be derived easily (Fig. 5.36).
Vegetation coverage is 100%, as long as turbidity is low enough to let Zmax
exceed the lake depth. As soon as Zmax becomes less than the lake depth,
vegetation disappears completely. The other extreme case that allows a
simple analysis is that of a lake in the form of a v-shaped channel. Here
264 Vegetation

maximum vegetated

~'""w Secchi-depth (m) Turbidity (m· 1)

:w :rn
Vegetation cover Vegetation cover

i----· Secchi-depth (m) Turbidity (m·1)

Vegetation cover Vegetation cover

Secchi-depth (m) Turbidity (m-1 l

Fig. 5.36 Schematic representation of the response of the percentage of the lake
area covered by aquatic vegetation to changes in Secchi disk transparency or turbid-
ity (vertical light attenuation) in hypothetical flat bottomed lakes versus lakes with
a v-shaped depth profile (the two left-hand drawings) as predicted from the empiri-
cally derived effects of transparency and turbidity on the maximum depth inhabited
by plants (zm~) represented in the top two diagrams (see text).

vegetation will be unaffected as long as z"''" exceeds the maximum lake

depth. As soon as Zmax becomes less than the maximum lake depth the
percentage of the lake area that is vegetated will drop linearly with decreas-
ing transparency and exponentially with increasing turbidity.
Although many shallow lakes resemble the flat bottomed caricature, real
depth profiles usually combine large areas of equal depth with gradually
declining slopes. Thus the drop in vegetation abundance with increasing
turbidity becomes a combination of the caricatures. Also, we have to ac-
count for the fact that with increasing turbidity, vegetation abundance will
already decrease before an area becomes too deep for vegetation according
to the Zmax threshold. Likewise, vegetation stands can often be found below
this theoretical threshold. Relaxing the extreme threshold assumption and
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 265
Vegetation cover


Turbidity (m- 1)

Fig. 5.37 Generalized response of equilibrium vegetation abundance in a shallow

lake to turbidity (see text).

accounting for more realistic lake shapes, the overall response of vegetation
abundance to turbidity should typically look sigmoidal for a shallow lake
(Fig. 5.37).
Over a range of very high turbidities submerged plants will be virtually
absent. Over a range of very low turbidities, the whole lake will be occupied
by plants. Between these extremes there is a range of turbidities over which
vegetation responds relatively strongly to turbidity. The response over this
range is steeper if the bottom of the lake is flatter. Obviously, the critical
turbidity where vegetation reacts relatively steeply to changes is higher if
the lake is shallower.

The effect of vegetation on turbidity

As explained earlier, the picture of the suite of mechanisms through which
vegetation reduces turbidity is not yet completely clear. Various studies
show that sedimentation, nutrient, limitation, allelopathy and grazing
can play a role but the relative importance of these mechanisms seems to
differ from case to case. For the current purpose we can avoid going into too
much detail and simply characterize the overall effect of vegetation on
Most of the case studies of the effect of vegetation on water clarity report
reductions in seston concentrations or turbidity of about 90% (Table 5.1).
However, these studies all address local situations in weed beds or the
effects of a switch to complete vegetation dominance of lakes. The impact of
partial coverage by submerged macrophytes on whole lake turbidity can not
simply be inferred from such maximum effects. In some cases plant beds will
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 267

0 100%
Vegetation coverage

Fig. 5.38 Generalized response of equilibrium turbidity to vegetation abundance

(see text).

turbidity. In modelling terms: the relationships describe the isoclines of

zero-change (dV!dt = 0 and dE/dt = 0) in turbidity and vegetation.
To get a view of the consequences of the dynamic interaction of vegeta-
tion and turbidity in a given lake, we plot the two isoclines together (Fig.
Note that the vegetation isocline is flipped relative to that in Fig. 5.37 in
order to make the axis correspond. The intersections in this combined graph
are equilibria of the system as a whole, as these are points where change of
both vegetation and turbidity is zero. Since we have the formulations of the
isoclines but not the actual growth equations, we can not do simulations to
check the stability of the equilibria. We know, however, that vegetation
should increase if turbidity is below its zero-isocline (dV!dt = 0) and de-
crease if it is above this equilibrium line. Similarly, the turbidity isocline
(dE/dt = 0) divides the state space into an area with increase and an area
with decrease in turbidity. This qualitative information can be represented
by vectors that give the direction of change in vegetation and turbidity in
each section (Fig. 5.39). From these vectors it can be seen that the upper and
lower .intersection attract trajectories from all directions, whereas the mid-
dle intersection attracts only from two sides, and repels in the two perpen-
268 Vegetation
Vegetation coverage(%)


Fig. 5.39 Isoclines of turbidity (dE/dt = 0) and vegetation (dV/dt = 0) obtained by

combining tbe equilibrium lines presented in Figs. 5.37 and 5.38. The intersection
points are equilibria but the middle point (open dot) is unstable (see text).

dicular directions. Thus this point is an unstable equilibrium. It is a saddle

point comparable to that in the competition model for cyanobacteria and
algae. Again, it lays on a line called 'separatrix' that separates the basins of
attraction of the clear and the turbid state. The origin, by definition, is
another point of the separatrix, but since the growth equations are not
specified, the complete separatrix can not be constructed.
The upper intersection point represents a clear vegetation dominated
state, whereas the lower stable intersection point is a turbid state with little
vegetation. The conditions for these alternative stable states to exist depend
on the shapes and positions of the two isoclines. If the turbidity isocline (dEl
dt = 0) shifts to the right, as may be expected when nutrient loading of the
lake increases, the saddle point and the vegetation dominated equilibrium
point will move together and eventually disappear. On the other hand, a
shift of the turbidity isocline to lower values can lead to the disappearance
of the turbid equilibrium point through collision with the unstable saddle.
Plotting the vegetation density or turbidity in the intersections against nu-
trient loading (shifting the turbidity isocline horizontally), the familiar
sigmoidal hysteresis curves arise, with the middle part representing the
breakpoint of the system (Fig. 5.40a).
This qualitative result was also obtained with the more naive graphical
approach (Fig. 5.34), but it can now be seen that the hysteresis does not
necessarily always arise. Alternative equilibria only exist if the isoclines
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 269
a Turbidity

Nutrient loading Nutrient loading

b Turbidity

Nutrient loading Nutrient loading

Fig. 5.40 Possible effects of nutrient loading on the equilibrium vegetation abun-
dance and turbidity as derived from the graphical isocline model (Fig. 5.39). Alter-
native stable states can (a) but need not (b) arise.

(Fig. 5.39) can intersect in more than one point, and this can only happen if
the middle part of the vegetation isocline is steep enough relative to the
slope of the turbidity isocline. As argued, the slope of the vegetation re-
sponse to turbidity depends on how flat the bottom of the lake is, whereas
the slope of the turbidity isocline depends on the impact of vegetation on
turbidity. In lakes where vegetation declines more gradually with increasing
turbidity and where the impact of vegetation on turbidity is smaller, multi-
ple intersections are less likely to occur, and hence hysteresis is unlikely.
Note that even when there is no hysteresis, however, the response of the
system will still tend to be rather discontinuous (Fig. 5.40b ). Minor changes
in control variables such as nutrient loading or water depth may therefore
have large effects when the lake is close to the critical range of conditions.

A minimal mathematical model

To explore these ideas a bit further, it is convenient to capture the empiri-
cally derived relationships in simple formulae. An inverse Monod function
can be used to describe the vegetation effect on turbidity (E):

E=E __!!.,_ (7)

0 h,+V
270 Vegetation
where V is the fraction of the lake area covered by vegetation, hv is the
vegetation coverage needed for a 50% reduction of the turbidity compared
with that of an unvegetated system (E0 ). The sigmoidal decline of vegetation
with turbidity can be described by a Hill function:


where the power (p) determines the slope of the response of vegeta-
tion abundance to turbidity, and the half-saturation constant (hE) represents
the turbidity allowing 50% of the lake to be covered by vegetation. Obvi-
ously, these formulae are a rather sterile representation of real relation-
ships, and by freezing things into this simple form we sacrifice detail.
Nonetheless, the minimal model is a useful tool to highlight some aspects of
the hysteresis.
The model has only four parameters. Since it describes the system on a
high integration level, the parameter values can not be derived from the
physiology of the organisms as in some other models. Nonetheless, each of
the parameters has a clear qualitative interpretation. In summary:

E0 : The turbidity of the lake in the absence of vegetation. This depends on

phytoplankton biomass and thus on the nutrient level. In addition, there
is a nutrient independent background turbidity which is mainly set by
the concentration of suspended sediments.
hv: The vegetation abundance needed for a twofold reduction of turbidity.
A small value of this parameter indicates a high vegetation impact on
turbidity. This impact will probably be smaller in deep water where a
smaller part of the water column is filled with plants and resuspension is
less important. The impact also depends on the type and density of
vegetation, as illustrated by the situation in Veluwemeer where
charophyte meadows clear up the water but the sparse sago pondweed
stands have hardly any effect.
p: The steepness of the response of vegetation abundance to turbidity. As
argued this should be high if the depth profile of a lake looks flat.
hE: The turbidity at which half the lake area is vegetated. The value of this
parameter should decrease with the average depth of the lake.

The first two parameters affect the turbidity isocline, while the last two
determine the shape of the vegetation isocline (Fig. 5.41).
Although the effect of the parameters on the equilibria can be seen by
making overlays of these graphs and tracking the intersections, an easier
way to explore the effect of parameters on the systems equilibria is to look
directly at the equilibrium turbidity or vegetation abundance as a function
of one or more parameters. To obtain these functions we substitute V in the
first equation or, alternatively E in the second one:
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 271
Vegetation Vegetation

Turbidity isoclines

Turbidity Turbidity


Vegetation isoclines


Fig. 5.41 Different shapes of the isoclines of turbidity (dE/dt = 0 upper panels) and
vegetation (dV/dt = 0 lower panels) resulting from changes in the parameters £ 0 , hv,
hE and p in the minimal mathematical model of the vegetation-turbidity interaction
(Eqs. 69 and 70) (see text for interpretation of the parameters).

E*= Eohv (9)

h,+ h"E
E*" +h"E

V*= h~ (10)
( ~)"

The formulae look awkward, but we can now plot them with any appro-
priate software to see how the equilibria depend on the parameters.
272 Vegetation
Vegetation (V) Turbidity (E)
1 ~~~--------~ 10,-------------------,




11 f2
0 o+-==~~~------~

Fig. 5.42 Catastrophe-fold revealing hysteresis in vegetation abundance (V) and

turbidity (£) computed from the minimal mathematical model of the vegetation-
turbidity interaction (Eqs. 69 and 70) in response to turbidity of non-vegetated water
(£0) which depends (among other things) on nutrient loading (see text).

If we fix all parameters to their default values and plot turbidity and
vegetation coverage as a function of E 0 to explore the response of the system
to the nutrient level a folded line arises, indicating the hysteresis (Fig. 5.42).
The interpretation is similar to that of the hysteresis derived earlier. The
upper and lower branch represent stable equilibria. The middle part is the
unstable saddle equilibrium that marks the border of the basins of attraction
of the stable states. The two inflection points (f1 and / 2) are fold bifurcations
where the saddle collides with either of the stable equilibria. For intermedi-
ate nutrient values the system has two alternative equilibria, a clear one with
abundant vegetation and a turbid one with little vegetation.
As explained already for the simpler graphical rriodel (Fig. 5.34) the
resulting hysteresis with respect to changes in the nutrient level can be seen
by slowly moving from the oligotrophic left end to the hypertrophic right
end of the diagram. On the left where the basic turbidity (E0) is low there is
only one equilibrium, the clear vegetation dominated state. With increasing
nutrient loading the lake tends to stay clear until / 2 is reached. Further
eutrophication will cause a catastrophic transition to the turbid state. Subse-
quent reduction of turbidity does not have much effect, as the system stays
in the turbid state. Only when nutrients have been reduced enough to reach
the left-hand fold bifurcation (M, another catastrophic transition will return
the lake to the clear water state.
A simple way to explore how this hysteresis depends on the other param-
eters of the model is to add these parameters as an extra dimension to the
hysteresis plots (Fig. 5.43). The resulting three-dimensional plots show that
the range over which the turbid and the clear state exist as alternative
equilibria increases with hE and p. Recalling the interpretation of these
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 273
parameters, the model thus confirms the earlier conclusion that hysteresis
should be most pronounced in shallow lakes with a flat depth profile. The
hysteresis is also enhanced by a high vegetation impact (low h,). This rela-
tive impact of macrophytes is likely to be higher in shallow water where
wind resuspension can cause strongly increase turbidity in the absence of
vegetation. All of these theoretical results lead to the same general conclu-
sion: hysteresis due to the vegetation-turbidity feedback is more likely to
occur in shallow water.
In fact, deep lakes are not even considered in the model. The maximum
vegetation coverage in the model is 100%, occurring at zero turbidity. Even
in very clear water, however, aquatic macrophytes do not completely colo-
nize deep lakes. Obviously, the vegetation-turbidity feedback is unlikely to
cause hysteresis in deep lakes where only a minor part of the total surface
and an even smaller part of the overall volume can be colonized by

Predictions from a mechanistic vegetation model

The above models are based on simplifying assumptions about the overall
effect of turbidity on vegetation abundance. The first graphical model (Fig.
5.34) assumes total disappearance of submerged plants beyond a critical
turbidity. The subsequent graphical model and its mathematical counterpart
are more realistic. They assume vegetation abundance to respond to turbid-
ity in a smooth sigmoidal way rather than abruptly. The two reasons to use
such a sigmoid are that vegetation biomass on a given site is not a sharp
step-function of turbidity and that lakes are not uniform in depth allowing
shallower parts to be colonized already at high turbidities. Although the
reasoning behind these minimal models is plausible, the approach remains
Another way to check the potential for alternative equilibria is to use a
mechanistic simulation model for the dynamics of submerged macrophytes.
Several simulation models for the growth of submerged macrophytes
have been produced over the last decades (Titus et al., 1975; Best, 1982;
Wortelboer, 1990; Hootsmans, 1991), but the reduction of turbidity by the
plants leading to the positive feedback that can cause alternative stable
states is usually not considered. Here, the effect of including this feedback is
shown using the model CHARISMA, a polished version of the model
MEGAPLANT (Scheffer et al., 1993a) tuned to represent the growth of
Chara aspera as observed in Dutch lakes.
Although the model is relatively simple, it accounts for many more
aspects than the presented minimal models. The frame of the model is the
seasonal cycle (Fig. 5.44).
In winter the modelled vegetation can survive as shoots or in the form of
overwintering structures. These structures can be seeds, tubers, turions etc.,
and are characterized by their individual weight. Growth is initiated in the
274 Vegetation



Fig. 5.43 Three-dimensional representations of the catastrophe-fold presented in

Fig. 5.42 showing that the hysteresis of vegetation (V) with respect to E 0 can become
less pronounced or disappear with changes in parameters that are related to lake
depth (hE) the depth profile (p) and the vegetation impact on turbidity (h,).
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 275

Fig. 5.44 Seasonal cycle represented in the simulation model MEGAPLANT with
the main environmental factors (outside circle) and plant characteristics (inside
circle) that are taken into account. After Scheffer eta/. (1993a).

model at a fixed day in the spring. From that moment onwards, each
overwintering structure starts transforming a daily percentage of its remain-
ing biomass into sprout growth. At the end of the growing season, a propor-
tion of the vegetation biomass is transformed into overwintering structures,
and the remaining shoots disappear, although optionally part of the vege-
tation can be allowed to remain wintergreen. Growth depends on photo-
synthesis and respiration, both of which are temperature dependent.
Photosynthesis on a given site on the plant also depends on in situ light and
the distance from the tissue to the top of the plant. The latter is due to the
decrease in activity with tissue ageing. Daily irradiance and temperature in
the model follow a sine wave over the year. Light also follows a daily cycle
and is attenuated in the water column according to the Lambert-Beer law
(Section 2.1 ). In addition, in situ light is affected by self-shading. Plants grow
until they reach a maximmn length. After this a proportional increase in
vegetation biomass over the whole length axis occurs. When plants hit the
water surface, shoots spread just under the water surface, forming a canopy.
Throughout the growing year mortality of plants occurs due to factors such
as wave action or crowding effects.
As a first step in the analysis of the vegetation-turbidity feedback the
impact of vegetation on turbidity is left out, and the effect of turbidity on the
276 Vegetation
summer standing crop at a water depth of 1m is computed (Fig. 5.45 upper
The numerical procedure to produce this picture is to increase the turbid-
ity (E) of the water in small steps from 0 tillS. Vegetation development is
simulated at each of these intervals for several years until the summer
biomass has stabilized. Then the equilibrium biomass is plotted and used as
a starting point for simulations at the next turbidity step. This analysis gives
the same result when it is run the other way around, decreasing turbidity
stepwise from 8 till 0. The result is in line with the idea that vegetation
declines relatively sharply at a critical turbidity. Note that these simulations
give biomass at a lake depth of 1m. As argued, the depth profile of a lake
will affect the response of the total vegetated area to turbidity (used in the
minimal models). The latter may be smoother than a local biomass response
depicted here.
To check if the vegetation turbidity feedback may cause alternative
equilibria, the model is expanded to include the effect of vegetation on
turbidity. Turbidity in the vegetation (E) is assumed to be proportional to
the turbidity of unvegetated water (E0) and decline with vegetation biomass
(Bg AFDW m-2 ) in a way that is analogous to the effect of vegetation
coverage assumed in the previous model:


The half saturation constanth 8 is set to 150gDWm-2 which fits well to the
data from Charophyte vegetation in Veluwemeer (Van den Berg et al.,
1997). It implies a turbidity reduction of 77% in a dense vegetation of
500gm-2• As explained earlier, as much as 90% reduction of turbidity is
measured in various dense vegetations, and hence the used setting may be
considered a conservative estimate of the vegetation effect.
When the equilibrium analysis is repeated for this version of the model,
it appears that the vegetation collapse with increasing turbidity occurs at a
much higher threshold (I in Fig. 5.45 lower panel). Obviously, this is the
result of the implemented effect of vegetation on turbidity. By keeping
the water within the vegetation clear it can survive even when turbidity in
the absence of vegetation (E0 displayed on the horizontal axis) would be
high. Reversing the scenario, however, the vegetation biomass follows a
different path (II). With decreasing turbidity vegetation does not recover
until the critical turbidity where it also recovered in the simulation in which
plants were not allowed to influence turbidity (Fig. 5.45 upper panel). The
explanation is simple: in the colonizing phase plant biomass is insufficient to
cause a significant reduction in turbidity. Therefore, the ability of
macrophytes to keep the water clear helps vegetation to persist, but not to
colonize a lake. As a result there is a range of conditions over which the
vegetated and the unvegetated state are both stable. As in the previous
hysteresis models, the dashed line (III) represents the threshold biomass for
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 277
no vegetation effect on turbidity





Turbidity, Eo (m-1)


1: 300



0 5
Turbidity of unvegetated water, E0 (m-1)

Fig. 5.45 Effect of turbidity on the summer biomass of a charophyte vegetation

computed with the model MEGAPLANT (see text for details). Upper panel: If
plants do not affect turbidity, vegetation biomass declines at a critical threshold
turbidity and plants re-appear at the same threshold level when turbidity is subse-
quently reduced. Lower panel: If plants are assumed to reduce local turbidity, the
vegetation collapse occurs at a higher external turbidity (£0) because of the locally
enhanced conditions. However, recovery still requires the same threshold turbidity
as in the situation in which vegetation can not affect local turbidity (upper panel). In
this case the model equilibria form a catastrophe fold with two stable branches (I and
II) and an unstable branch that represents the critical 'breakpoint' vegetation
biomass (III).
278 Vegetation
vegetation recovery. Below this threshold vegetation can not reduce turbid-
ity sufficiently to prevent a collapse due to light limitation. Above the
threshold biomass the system will develop into a clear vegetation dominated
state. The depicted threshold is an approximation found by means of sys-
tematic numerical experiments.
The simulation model can also be used to investigate the response of the
vegetation to change of the water level. As predicted by the minimal mod-
els, a hysteresis very similar to that observed in the response to turbidity is
found (Fig. 5.46). When the water level is raised beyond a critical level the
vegetation disappears, and recolonization occurs only when the water level
has been reduced to well below the critical level at which an existing vegeta-
tion collapses.
As argued in the final chapter simulation models are usually not very
reliable tools for predicting the development of a particular population
or community in practice. Aquatic vegetation models are unlikely to be
an exception to this rule. Countless aspects, such as the response of
resuspension and algal growth to changes in water depth, and the effect of
disturbance by benthivorous fish are not considered. Also, many parameter
values can not be estimated well from experimental studies. Nonetheless,
playing with simulation models can help to give a better feeling for the
relative importance of different processes that affect vegetation dynamics.
Importantly, when complex and simple models yield the same results, it is
less likely that these results are an artifact of some of the extreme

. :
.,................ , ...
. I
'' '' ''
E ! A
~' t'
'' '''
6 ''' ''
'' '''
: ~

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Water level (m)

Fig. 5.46 Response of charophyte biomass to water level computed from the model
MEGAPLANT as in the lower panel of Fig. 4.45 showing a hysteresis similar to the
one with respect to turbidity.
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 279
simplifications in the minimal model, or of particular details of the complex
model. To use the phrase from Levins (1966) once more, we are more likely
to accept something as the truth when it comes out 'as the intersection of
independent lies'.

Implications of seasonality
It is surprising at first sight that temperate aquatic vegetations are able to
sustain an alternative clear state despite the fact that in large shallow lakes
the aboveground biomass often disappears entirely in winter. Indeed, tur-
bidity often recovers to high values during the absence of plants (e.g. Fig.
5.18). Since over the range where alternative equilibria exist, the vegetation
dominated state can only be reached if the initial biomass is high enough, it
can be inferred that the amount of biomass invested in overwintering struc-
tures such as seeds, spores, rhizomes or tubers must be essential to allow a
successful return of the vegetations that are not wintergreen. When the
biomass of overwintering structures falls below a certain threshold value,
the spring vegetation will be too sparse to clear up the water sufficiently to
prevent shading from driving the vegetation extinct.
The model CHARISMA includes seasonality and this offers the possibil-
ity to explore the theoretical implications of seasons for the stability of the
vegetation dominated state somewhat further. Chara aspera, the species
mimicked by the model, invests as much as 25% of its ashfree dry weight in
spores and tuber-like structures called 'bulbils'. The importance of this
investment for vegetation survival can be checked in the model by simply
reducing it. Indeed, a fourfold reduction of the percentage invested in
overwintering structures already diminishes the potential for the vegetation
to maintain dominance markedly (Fig. 5.47).
Obviously, the importance of investing in underground overwintering
structures depends upon the winter survival chances of aboveground
biomass. Some species are more often wintergreen than others, but in
practice overwintering of shoots also varies strongly with shelter and cli-
matic conditions. In (sub)tropical areas such as Florida where winters are
very mild, plants usually remain present throughout the year as they can
simply keep growing. In temperate regions wintergreen vegetation occurs
especially on sheltered sites or under ice cover where wave action is minor.
One would expect plants to invest less in overwintering structures in situa-
tions where wintergreen survival is more likely. This is confirmed nicely by
a study of the variation in life cycles of Potamogeton pectinatus in the Baltic
(Kautsky, 1987). Populations on exposed sites invest about four times as
much of their biomass in tubers as populations on sheltered sites where
more shoots survived the winter.
Some species, such as Elodea canadensis can not produce special
overwintering organs and depend entirely on the survival of shoots or
fractions of shoots during the winter. This may represent an Achilles heel
280 Vegetation
less investment in tubers+ spores
.... +e:.................. ~ ... ....

~ '?'
t!. 'it

0 4
Turbidity of unvegetated water, Eo (m- 1)

Fig. 5.47 Response of charophyte biomass to turbidity computed from the model
MEGAPLANT as in the lower panel of Fig. 5.45 but reducing investment in
overwintering structures such as tubers and spores to only 25% of the normal value.
This reduces the extent of the stable upper branch of the hysteresis curve suggesting
that large investments in survival structures are crucial for persistence of the veg-
etated state in lakes where aboveground biomass disappears seasonally.

that explains collapses as observed frequently, for instance, in monospecific

Elodea vegetations. When wave action or consumption by overwintering
flocks of coots and other birds diminish the standing crop too much, the
potential for vegetation development in the spring is strongly reduced. This
may bring the lake to an alternative stable turbid state, or allow colonization
by other macrophyte species.
The observation that overwintering biomass can be critical for vegetation
to maintain dominance in situations where an alternative turbid state is
possible stresses the fact that winters in temperate regions should not be
considered as simply 'resetting' the ecosystem. Overwintering densities of
algae, plants and zooplankters may seem futile but are likely to be of critical
importance to the spring development of a lake. The point is, that although
biomasses of many populations become small in winter, they are likely to
remain more or less proportional to the summer biomasses rather than
being reset to a uniform low standard level. Winters 'shrink' rather than
reset populations. As a result the community has a memory of the situation
before the winter. Note that this holds not only for vegetation biomass, as
assumed in CHARISMA, but for the entire community associated with
vegetated conditions. This implies better chances for a spring clear-water
phase in a vegetation dominated lake in view of the relatively high
overwintering population of Daphnia individuals and ephippia, and low
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 281
chances of overwintering filamentous cyanobacteria. Also, the typically
high piscivore-planktivore ratio will enhance chances for Daphnia.
Thus, although overwintering vegetation structures are important for re-
establishing a clear state in the next summer, the food web is also likely to
favour renewed vegetation dominance in the following year.

Other mechanisms influencing the hysteresis

The vegetation-turbidity feedback is likely to be an important reason for
the hysteresis observed in shallow lakes. On the other hand, turbidity is
probably not the only reason why submerged plants are unable to colonize
some shallow lakes.
Herbivory by birds, for instance, may keep sparse vegetation from devel-
oping further. This mechanism can hamper the recovery of vegetation in
lakes where transparency has increased in response to nutrient reduction or
reduction of the fish stock. As argued above, naturally occurring herbivores,
such as coot and roach, are usually not abundant enough to wipe out existing
vegetation. However, even low consumer densities may be sufficient to
prevent a low food-population from escaping an over-exploited state, as
explained in previous sections (Figs. 4.17, 4.18 and 4.19). This is thought
to explain the delayed recolonization of the Danish Lake Vreng by
macrophytes (Lauridsen et al., 1993; Lauridsen et al., 1994). Restoration
efforts resulted in an increase in transparency but submerged vegetation
only recovered significantly on the wind-exposed side of the lake. Since
most coots were found in the sheltered areas bird grazing was suspected to
keep vegetation down in those parts. Indeed exclosure experiments showed
that vegetation was well able to grow here if herbivores were excluded. And
simulations confirm that normal coot densities can be sufficient to repress
recovering vegetation (Scheffer eta/., 1993a).
The different fish communities that develop in vegetated and in
unvegetated lakes are also thought to play a major role in maintaining
existing conditions. Large benthivorous cyprinids such as bream carp and
roach tend to dominate unvegetated lakes, and settlement of plants is un-
likely in systems where the sediment is continuously disturbed by their
benthivorous activity. Vegetated lakes, on the contrary, have few of such
benthivores, and instead develop relatively high densities of piscivores, such
as perch or pike, that may control young-of-the-year densities, and thus
enhance survival of cladocerans, promoting water clarity and stabilizing the
vegetated state.
The stability of the non-vegetated state may also be enhanced by the fact
that initial plant settlement can be difficult in wind-exposed lakes if the
sediment is soft and unstable. It is hard to envision small plants settling
when the upper centimetres of the sediment are involved in frequent
resuspension. Established vegetation stands will dampen wave action and
allow consolidation of the sediment, facilitating further colonization. In fact,
282 Vegetation
-dV /dlfv

® erosion mortality

I~ : ~ ii
_vegetation --+ Vegetation ----.Vegetation
biomass (v) biomass(v) biomass(v)

Fig. 5.48 (a) The relative growth rate (dV!dVV) declines linearly with vegetation
biomass (V) due to competition in a logistically growing vegetation. Biomass stabi-
lizes at carrying capacity (K) where the net growth is zero. (b) Relative erosion
mortality (-dV/dt!V) of plants caused by uprooting by waves or animals from unsta-
ble sediment approaches zero with increasing vegetation biomass due to consolida-
tion of the sediment, dampening of wave action and exclusion of benthivorous fish.
(c) Growth and mortality balance each other in two intersection points. The left
hand point (open symbol) represents an unstable breakpoint: below this threshold
biomass, vegetation decreases to zero because mortality exceeds growth, whereas
above this threshold vegetation biomass will increase until the stable intersection
point (filled dot) is reached.

this mechanism could lead to alternative stable states even if the vegetation-
turbidity feedback did not exist. A graphical model may help to see this (Fig.
We assume the vegetation to grow logistically, implying that the relative
growth rate declines linearly with vegetation density due to increased com-
petition (Fig. 5.48a). Now we want to study mortality due to sediment
instability as an extra regulating mechanism. Such erosion mortality will also
decrease with vegetation density because vegetation stabilizes the sediment.
However, the decline in erosion mortality will be concave, as it can never
become negative even at very high vegetation densities (Fig. 5.48b). If the
growth and mortality are plotted in the same graph, intersections represent
equilibria of the vegetation as both processes balance each other exactly
(Fig. 5.48c). In the depicted case the intersection on the left-hand side
represents an unstable breakpoint. Only when vegetation density is higher
than this threshold can growth exceed erosion mortality. Thus there are two
alternative stable states: one in which vegetation is absent and one in which
vegetation has a biomass close to the carrying capacity (the other intersec-
tion point). This situation with alternative stable states arises only if two
conditions are fulfilled: erosion mortality at very low vegetation densities
must be high enough to exceed the maximum growth rate, and the decrease
of mortality with increasing vegetation density must be steeper than the
decrease in growth rate due to competition.
In practice the effect of vegetation on turbidity will also play a role and
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 283

dV /dtfv


:- growttr :
: -j-
0 0 : '
Ki '' ''
' '
-+Vegetation ---+Vegetation ___..,Vegetation
biomass (v) biomass{v) biomass(V)

Fig. 5.49 (a) Relative growth of vegetation (dV!dVV) as a function of biomass (V) in
a situation with alternative stable states due to the fact that vegetation reduces
turbidity. Below a critical threshold (open symbol) vegetation biomass is too low to
make the water clear enough for growth and the vegetation become extinct. Above
this threshold vegetation will stabilize at carrying capacity (K). (b) If turbidity in the
unvegetated state is low enough to allow growth, the clearing effect will not lead to
alternative stable states. However, unlike in the case of simple logistic growth (Fig.
5.48) relative growth will still tend to be a humped function of biomass. (c) In this
situation (b) even a relatively low erosion mortality (cf. Fig. 5.48) may lead to
alternative stable states.

the combination of these mechanisms will increase the chance that alterna-
tive stable states occur. To see this consider the way in which inclusion of the
vegetation-turbidity feedback should be expected to modify the logistic
growth. Instead of a linear decrease of growth rate with vegetation biomass,
the relationship of growth to biomass will become humped (Fig. 5.49a).
At very low vegetation densities turbidity can be so high that growth is
negative. Only if the biomass exceeds a critical threshold value can turbidity
then be reduced sufficiently to allow a positive growth bringing the vegeta-
tion to carrying capacity. This represents a situation with alternative stable
states. Even if turbidity in the absence of plants does not prevent growth and
cause an alternative unvegetated equilibrium, however, the relative growth
curve will remain convex as long as vegetation promotes water clarity (Fig.
5.49b). The combination of erosion mortality with the vegetation-turbidity
feedback may now still cause alternative equilibria (Fig. 5.49c) even if each
of these mechanisms separately would not be sufficient to have that effect:
a moderate erosion mortality may be enough to prevent colonization if
seedlings grow slowly due to high turbidity.
In conclusion, the vegetation-turbidity feedback tends to cause alterna-
tive stable states in shallow lakes but other mechanisms may well contribute
to the hysteresis. Vegetationless lakes tend to stay unvegetated not only
because they are turbid, but also because sediment disturbance by waves
and benthivorous fish prevents plant settlement, and herbivory may help to
prevent vegetation recovery, while vegetated systems, on the other hand,
tend to stay vegetated because they are clear but also because the sediment
284 Vegetation
is more stable, the fish community is more shifted towards piscivores, and
the overall vegetation productivity is high enough to sustain a large popula-
tion of herbivores.

Hallmarks of hysteresis
Although there is abundant evidence for the existence of mechanisms that
tend to cause a positive feedback in the development of aquatic vegetation,
our quantitative insight into the functioning of the system is still relatively
poor. Obviously, we are still far from able to produce a mechanistic model
that incorporates the discussed mechanisms in a way that allows us to
predict whether a given lake will possess alternative clear and turbid
equilibria and for which set of conditions.
Therefore, the best way to find out if hysteresis is important in real lakes
is to check if specific predicted patterns can be found in the field. Obvious
hallmarks of a system with alternative equilibria are the hysteresis in its
response to a control variable and the catastrophic transitions at the fold
bifurcations. In theory, experiments in which a control variable is gradually
increased and subsequently decreased are obviously the best way to check
this. Besides playing with the control variable, one may perturb the system
state. Following small perturbations the system will return to its original
state. A sufficiently large perturbation, however, should bring the system
into an alternative stable state if the values of the control variables are in the
range for which multiple equilibria exist.
The possibility for such controlled experiments with real lakes is limited,
but we may also take advantage of natural experiments. The response of a
hysteretic system to a variable environment leads to the expectation that
states sampled over a long time-series should fall in two contrasting clusters
as the contrasting stable states should occur more often than the unstable
transients. Likewise, sets of comparable lakes should have bimodal state
distributions at any given instant of time.
Summarizing there are four types of indicative observations (Fig. 5.50):
a. The response to a slow increase of a control factor (C) such as nutrient
loading or water level should be discontinuous. The system switches to a
contrasting state when a critical value of C is exceeded.
b. A subsequent decrease of the control variable should lead to a switch
back, occurring at a lower threshold value of C than the forward switch.
c. It should be possible to bring the system from one stable state to another
one by means of a perturbation, if the control variables are in the range
that allows alternative equilibria.
d. Distributions of system states should be bimodal.
It is important to realize that most of these observations are not sufficient
for a positive diagnosis of true hysteresis. Therefore we scrutinize them
somewhat further:
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 285
state state

state state
c ... ------- 0 ·a\.r~·~-· ....-------
·-e·.. .
<-F..... -· . •t!

---- --· .... ·..:.:·"" ..:

.. ........ !-"e!.e,.-:• ••

control factor control factor

Fig. 5.50 Four types of observations indicating that a system may have alternative
stable states: (a) The response to a slow increase of a control factor (C) such as
nutrient loading or water level is discontinuous. The system switches to a contrasting
state when a critical value of Cis exceeded. (b) A subsequent decrease of the control
variable leads to a switch back, occurring at a lower threshold value of C than the
forward switch. (c) It is possible to bring the system from one stable state to another
one by means of a perturbation, provided that the control variables are in the range
that allows alternative equilibria. (d) Distributions of system states are bimodal.

a. Also in the absence of a real hysteresis, the response of the system to

changes in the nutrient level can look discontinuous. In our minimal
model the equilibrium curve remains sigmoid after the real fold has
disappeared (Figs. 5.40 and 5.43). Thus, the sensitivity to a change in
nutrients will normally be large in the 'critical range' where the response
of vegetation and turbidity is steepest even if there is no hysteresis. As a
consequence discontinuous responses do not necessarily imply hysteresis
b. The second observation (Fig. 5.50b) does not necessarily imply the exist-
ence of alternative stable states either. It may simply result from a
slow response of the system to restoration measures. Phosphorus release
from the sediment buffer, for instance, can cause decades of delay in
the response of the lake water concentration to reduction in external
loading. Although this behaviour can be called hysteresis, it is not a
hysteresis in the sense of dynamic systems theory, indicating multiple
286 Vegetation
c. The response to perturbation (Fig. 5.50c) is potentially more informative.
Nonetheless there are some caveats in the interpretation of such observa-
tions. First, if after the perturbation the system returns to its original
state, we can not reject the hypothesis that it is hysteretic. The perturba-
tion may have been too small, or the conditions may be such that the
system is not in the range where alternative equilibria exist. Secondly, if
the system seems to stay in a new state, we need to wait sufficiently long
to be able to judge if the new state is really stable. Unfortunately, it is
hard to say how long is sufficiently long. Connell and Sousa (1983)
suggest a wait of at least as long as the lifespan of the longest lived
species. In view of the average lifespan of freshwater fishes this would be
somewhere in the range of five to ten years. In practice it may be difficult,
however, to distinguish a situation with real alternative stable states from
one in which the system is not hysteretic but simply shows a steep
response over a small critical range of nutrient levels or another control
variable (Fig. 5.40). Disturbance of such a system close to this critical
range will tend to cause the return to the original state to be very slow, as
rates of change approach zero in the vicinity of the steep part of the
equilibrium curve.
d. The bimodality pattern (Fig. 5.50d) can be checked in the time-series of
one lake, along spatial gradients within one lake or in information from
a set of similar lakes. Again, lakes that are not hysteretic but still respond
steeply over a narrow range of control variables (Fig. 5.40) will also tend
to show such a bimodality of the distribution of system states. Another
caveat is that the bimodality may result from bimodality of an unknown
control factor. There is of course no real way to rule out this possibility.
As a first indication, however, this look at information may be useful as
relatively low quality data on the system state suffice.

A review of evidence from the field

Discontinuous responses (Fig. 5.50a)
Many shallow lakes changed from clear and vegetated to turbid and
vegetationless over the last century due to gradually increased nutrient
concentrations. Unfortunately, good time-series of data that document the
change are rare. However, there is much anecdotal information, suggesting
that the change from the vegetated to the unvegetated state in the course of
the eutrophication process has been abrupt in many lakes. Initially a slow
increase in macrophyte biomass and a change to canopy forming growth
forms is the main noticeable effect of nutrient loading, but when
macrophytes start to decrease the complete transition to the turbid state can
be quite fast. Similarly the studies of the Lakes Krankesjon, Tflkern, Rice
Lake and Tiimnaren (Chapter 1) suggest that relatively small changes in the
water level can lead to dramatic and swift responses of the system state
Vegetation and phytoplankton dominance 287
(Wallsten and Forsgren, 1989; Blindow et al., 1993; Sanger, 1994). Thus it
seems to be true that shallow lake ecosystems can respond particularly
strongly when conditions pass certain critical thresholds.

Hysteresis in response (Fig. 5.50b)

As discussed earlier, a large response to a small change in an environmental
factor does not necessarily imply the existence of multiple equilibria. Addi-
tional information is required to reveal hysteresis. In the case of Rice Lake
(Section 1.3) the water level has come back to the original state, and this did
not lead to a recovery of the vegetation and the lake stayed turbid indicating
that in this case the two states are truly alternative equilibria.
Nutrient loading has been reduced in many shallow lakes that lost their
vegetation because of eutrophication. Indeed the response of shallow lakes
to reduced nutrient loading is notoriously slow. It is, however, difficult to
separate the mechanisms that cause this delay. Obviously, release of buff-
ered phosphorus from the sediment is an important cause of the delayed
response. On the other hand, the feedbacks discussed in this chapter will
probably play a role in many cases. Vegetation settlement is prevented by
high turbidity due to wave resuspension and algal growth, but also due to
sediment disturbance by wind and benthivorous birds and to over-exploita-
tion by herbivores. Nonetheless, the fact that internal phosphorus loading
alone is not enough to explain the delayed response is illustrated by the fact
that biomanipulation can sometimes restore a long lasting, probably stable
clear state in such lakes.

Perturbations (Fig. 5.50c)

Biomanipulation experiments offer an outstanding opportunity to study the
response of the shallow lake community to perturbations. The initial in-
crease of transparency after biomailipulation is typically followed in shallow
lakes by a strong development of submerged vegetation in the following
years (Meijer et al., 1990; S!11ndergaard et al., 1990; Van Dank et al., 1990). In
a few years, the fish stock stabilizes to a new state but the recovery of the fish
community does not usually lead to a switch back to the turbid state (Meijer
et al., 1994a). Several biomanipulated shallow lakes have been monitored
for quite a long period after their shift from turbid to clear, and although
some have returned to the turbid state, others have remained clear for as
long as 10 years now. Nonetheless, the possibility that some of these lakes
should be considered to be in slow transient phases rather than a stable
vegetation dominated state cannot be ruled out as systematic changes were
still observed (Van Dank, pers. comm.; Meijer, pers. comm.).
The result of disturbance induced switches from clear to turbid have been
long lasting in several lakes. Lake Ellesmere, which lost its vegetation in a
1968 storm, and Lake Apopka, where a hurricane wiped out the vegetation
288 Vegetation
in 1947, have not recovered since then (Section 1.2). Obviously, many
storms will have occurred before, and the fact that such earlier disturbances
have not caused a shift indicates that eutrophication or other changes in the
conditions have reduced the stability of the clear state in these lakes.

Contrasting states (Fig. S.SOd)

Almost all of the examples in Chapter 1 illustrate that many shallow lakes
tend to display strongly contrasting states. A good example of a set of
shallow lakes showing bimodality of state is the Great Linford sand and
gravel-pit complex in England (Section 1.4). The lakes have the same
hydrology and shape, indicating that it is merely their history (dry- or wet-
digging) that caused them to be in either of the two contrasting states. The
fact that biomanipulation switched one of the turbid lakes to a long lasting
clear and vegetated state further supports the idea that these lakes possess
alternative stable states.
Another example of comparable lakes with contrasting states is the case
of Hudsons Bay and Hoveton Broad. Although this is only one pair of lakes,
the case is informative because the water quality of the lakes is identical.
They are both fed with nutrient rich water from the same river and have
short retention times. The lakes Ti!.kern, Krankesjon and Tomahawk La-
goon that switch repeatedly between greatly contrasting states as a result of
small or unknown environmental changes are also good examples. The case
of the Chara fields with clear water in Veluwemeer is interesting, as it
combines the spatial and temporal aspects. For years, the whole lake has
been turbid. Recently, however, Chara contraria has colonized large parts.
The water has simultaneously cleared up, but only in the Chara fields,
indicating that it is the vegetation itself rather than another changed factor
that causes the high water clarity.
In summary, many field studies reveal the hallmarks of hysteresis in
shallow lake dynamics. Even though the mechanisms involved are often not
well demonstrated and several cases may be explained without the involve-
ment of true alternative stable states, a large number of observations sug-
gests that hysteresis is a common property of shallow lake ecosystems.
6 Managing the ecosystem

Much of the work presented in this book has been invoked by the need to
find ways of restoring shallow lakes, but the emphasis in the text has been
on unravelling the mechanisms rather than on the direct application to
lake management. This chapter reviews the main points from an applied
point of view. It is not meant as a practical guide for lake restoration.
Several such guides including information on material, costs and legisla-
tion are available now. A good general treatise on reservoir and lake
management is the work by Cooke and co-authors (Cooke eta/., 1993).
Restoration guides that are more directed towards shallow lake problems
are published in The Netherlands (Hosper et al., 1992) and England (Moss
eta/., 1996).
The following sections briefly summarize the implications of alternative
stable states for management and the practical measures that can be taken
to change the state of a lake.


As explained in the previous chapter a vegetation-dominated clear state
and a turbid non-vegetated state are likely to be alternative equilibria
over a range of nutrient levels in most shallow lakes. In the turbid
state cyanobacteria often dominate the phytoplankton, the fish community
consists mainly of benthivores and planktivores, and there is a relatively
small bird community of piscivores and omnivores. In the clear vegetated
state the fish community is more diverse, and large numbers of herbivorous
and omnivorous waterfowl visit the lake. The tendency of these situations
to be alternative stable states has important management implications,
because the way the system responds to measures is very different from
that of non-hysteretic systems. To clarify this, the following sections
review the basic properties of the hysteresis briefly from a management

Stability properties
Although the mechanisms involved in causing alternative equilibria and the
details of the resulting patterns can be quite intricate the overall stability
properties can be summarized in a simple and intuitively straightforward
way by means of a 'stability landscape' or 'marble-in-a-cup diagram' (Fig.
290 Managing the ecosystem


Fig. 6.1 'Marble-in-a-cup' representation of stability at five different levels of nutri-

ent loading. The minima correspond to stable equilibria, tops to unstable break-
points (see text). Modified from Scheffer {1990).

The system, like a ball, tends to move downhill and settle in the deepest
point which is an equilibrium. The slope of the surface determines the
direction and speed of movement. Such a stability landscape can be com-
puted from a mathematical model of the system, for instance, by using the
derivative of a state variable (such as turbidity) as the slope of the hills in the
stability landscapes. As indicated in the figure they correspond to transverse
sections through the familiar sigmoidal hysteresis curves presented in
Chapter 5. On the hill-tops and in the deepest point of the valleys the
slope is zero, corresponding to a derivative of zero and thus to an equilib-
rium. However, only the valleys of the stability landscapes represent
stable equilibria. The hill-tops are unstable equilibria and represent the
breakpoints that mark the limits of the basins of attraction of the stable
With respect to the response of the lake to management it is important to
distinguish between disturbances and measures that affect the stability
properties. In terms of stability landscapes (Fig. 6.1 ), disturbances are
displacements of the ball but do not alter the pattern of hills and valleys.
Fish-kills, herbicide treatments and heavy storms are examples. If there is
Implications of alternative stable states 291
only one stable state (valley), the effect of a disturbance will be temporal as
the system will always settle to this same state again. However, if two
alternative stable states (valleys) are present, the system may settle to the
alternative stable state if the disturbance has been strong enough to move it
past the breakpoint (hill-top). The permanent loss of vegetation caused by
a single heavy storm event as observed in Lakes Apopka and Ellesmere
(Section 1.2), and the reverse switch to a vegetation dominated state in
response to a single drastic reduction in fish stock as observed in Lakes
Zwemlust and Linford (Section 1.4,5) illustrate this possibility. On the con-
trary, changes in external conditioning factors such as the nutrient loading
(e.g. Veluwemeer, Chap. 1.1) or the average water level of the lake (e.g.
Lake Tiimnaren, Section 1.3) will change the stability properties (the land-
scape, 6.1) which may also cause a shift but has distinctly different implica-
tions with respect to management than disturbances.

Eutrophication and restoration

Changes in the nutrient loading are probably a major reason why the stabil-
ity properties of shallow lakes have changed (Fig. 6.1). At low nutrient
levels, the system has one globally stable equilibrium, a clear-water state.
Increase of the nutrient level gradually changes the shape of the stability
landscape, and gives rise to an alternative turbid equilibrium. However, if
no major disturbances occur, the system will stay in its current state, re-
sponding only weakly to the enrichment. If the nutrient level is raised
further, the stability of the clear state decreases, and slight perturbations are
enough to cause a switch to the turbid equilibrium. At still higher nutrient
levels the clear equilibrium disappears. This inevitably leads to an irrevers-
ible jump to the turbid state. Efforts to restore the system by reducing the
nutrient level will change the stability landscape again, but even if nutrient
levels at which the system was formerly clear are realized, the response may
be minor. Despite the reappearance of an alternative clear equilibrium, the
locally stable turbid state tends to be sustained. Only a drastic reduction of
nutrient level will be sufficient to make the turbid state unstable, resulting in
a switch to the clear state.
The two alternative equilibria are not equally likely to be found when
they both exist. The probability of ending up in either of the equilibria in an
environment with frequent stochastic events depends on the stability prop-
erties of the system, e.g. the size of the basins of attraction of the two
alternative equilibria. The breakpoint (hill-top) moves towards either of the
stable equilibria if the nutrient level changes, implying that the size of the
basin of attraction of the vegetated equilibrium decreases with the nutrient
level, while that of the turbid state increases with enrichment. As a result the
vegetated state should be expected to be more robust to disturbances at
lower nutrient values, whereas the system is more likely to settle to the
turbid state when nutrient loading is higher. Consequently, disturbance-type
292 Managing the ecosystem
measures are more likely to lead to a vegetated clear-water state if the
nutrient loading is lower.
Clearly the stability properties of the system are of great importance to
the expected results of management measures. Changes in conditioning
factors such as nutrient loading and lake depth may have little effect over
the range of conditions where two alternative stable states exist. On the
other hand, one intentional disturbance can be enough to restore a turbid
lake with long lasting results in this situation. Unfortunately, it is difficult
to determine a priori whether an alternative stable state is possible in
practice. However, if a clear system became turbid as a result of
eutrophication, the nutrient level must already have been too high to allow
a sufficiently stable clear equilibrium. Consequently, a stable clear state
can never be established in such systems without a reduction of the nutrient
level. The situation is different if a switch to the turbid state has resulted
from large perturbations such as stocking with carp (Cyprinus carpio) or
the complete removal of vegetation. This leaves the possibility that two
alternative stable states exist under the current nutrient loading, and that
the switch was forced. Obviously, without such indications disturbance
measures such as biomanipulation should be preceded by a reduction
of the nutrient loading or adjustment of the water level to allow the possibil-
ity of obtaining a stable clear-water state which does not require continuous
Hysteresis will be less pronounced or non-existent if a lake is deeper and
has a less uniform depth profile (Chapter 5). Obviously, many situations
exist between the extremes of a full-blown hysteresis and a smoothly re-
sponding deep lake (Fig. 6.2). Importantly, lakes that do not have a real
hysteresis will still tend to respond strongly over a narrow range of con-
ditions while being rather inert outside this critical range (Fig. 5.40b).

_nutrient -----+ nutrient

loading loading

Fig. 6.2 Deep lakes are less likely to show hysteresis than shallow ones, but there is
a continuum of possibilities between the extremes of a full-blown hysteresis and a
smoothly responding deep lake.
Implications of alternative stable states 293
Thus, even in lakes that are, for instance, too deep to have alternative
stable states, reduction of the nutrient loading may have little effect until a
critical concentration range is reached where the response becomes much
Note that in the discussion of hysteresis with respect to nutrients it is
important to distinguish between nutrient loading and nutrient concentra-
tions in the Jake water. The change of the stability properties is a function of
external nutrient loading which is a conditioning factor, whereas inlake
nutrient concentration is a systems property that is strongly affected by the
biological structure of the system. Plant dominance, for instance, often
causes nitrogen concentrations to drop strongly even when external nitro-
gen loading remains the same.

Connected and heterogeneous lakes

In practice, lakes are usually not the isolated homogeneous systems we like
to think of. Many lakes are connected through streams or channels, and
large Jakes can have shallow and deep regions that may behave very differ-
ently. Some of the presented case studies demonstrate that the clear and the
turbid state can co-exist in open connection. In view of the management
possibilities it would be relevant to know how connected potentially
hysteretic systems may affect each other. Such spatial topics can be explored
theoretically by studying models for two or more systems connected by
diffusion, or more complicated rules of migration. However, a thought
experiment suffices to understand the possible range of behaviour. Consider
two hypothetical adjacent lakes both of which are hysteretic with respect to
vegetation. The Jakes are identical in all aspects except the average depth.
The shallower one is clear and vegetated while the deeper one is turbid and
unvegetated. By continuity, connecting the lakes by an extremely small
exchange flow of water will not change the existing situation, although it will
cause a slight increase the turbidity of the clear lake and decrease turbidity
in the turbid lake. An extremely strong exchange on the other hand will
change the two Jakes into one completely mixed system. Because of the
difference in depth, vegetation abundance may still differ in the sub-basins.
However, in this hypothetical extreme mixing scenario, turbidity will be
equal in both lakes. The result of intermediate exchange rates is more
intricate, as there are many possibilities. Depending on the situation either
of the Jakes may go through a catastrophic or continuous transition towards
the state of the other one. Obviously, exchange of water will let the final
state of the whole system tend more towards that of the bigger and more
stable subsystem.
Although water flows move the bulk of seston particles passively from
one place to the other, most animals choose their habitat actively. The
difference between vegetated and unvegetated parts may be amplified by
such habitat choices. Benthivorous fish such as large bream (Abramis
294 Managing the ecosystem
brama), for instance, prefer the open water where their activity reduces
settlement possibilities for submerged plants further. On the other hand
herbivores such as coot are attracted to vegetated parts where they can
cause considerable damage. Carp and grass carp can systematically destroy
submerged plant beds once they get access. Importantly, vegetated areas
may function as a daytime refuge for zooplankton and small fish, altering the
predator-prey relations in the entire system. The net result of the move-
ment of seston and animals between vegetated and unvegetated subsystems
is hard to infer a priori. In practice, however, the potential for the clear and
the turbid state to coexist in open connection is apparently quite large, as
illustrated by the Veluwemeer case (Van den Berg et al., 1997) and the
studies of Pokorny (1984) and of Timms and Moss (1984). However, as
explained later, the chances of success of biomanipulation are probably
limited when fish is not prevented from moving in again from adjacent water
bodies during the initial period when plants have not yet colonized the
manipulated part. ·


Since nutrient loading is considered a major reason why many formerly
clear shallow lakes have turned turbid and lost their submerged vegetation,
reduction of the loading is a logical first step in restoring the clear vegetated
state. Two major problems explain why the effect of this approach is
often limited when no additional measures are taken. First, much of the
phosphorus has usually been accumulated in the sediments during the years
of high loading, and from this large phosphorus pool can keep
phosphorus availability in the water column high for many years (Section
2.3). Secondly, several feedback mechanisms stabilize the turbid state and
prevent return of submerged plants (Chapter 5). The possibility that the
clear and the turbid state are alternative equilibria implies that the nutrient
level needed for recovery can be much lower than the nutrient level at
which the lake switched from clear to turbid. It may even be impossible to
let some lakes clear up through nutrient management as resuspension of
sediments by waves and fish can sometimes cause a very high 'background'
turbidity that is unlikely to respond to nutrient reduction. Moreover, plant
settlement may be prevented by the activity of birds and fish, and by wave
disturbance of unstable sediments. Although it may thus be difficult to
restore some shallow lakes by means of nutrient reduction alone, it is usually
a necessary part of the restoration strategy as explained in the previous

How nutrient loading affects the system

The mechanisms causing the destabilization of the vegetated state at high
nutrient levels are not completely clear yet. Probably an increase in turbid-
Nutrient management 295
ity at high nutrient loading is important. Phytoplankton biomass in
vegetated systems is kept low by a combination of factors. Both shading by
the plants and reduction of nutrients in the water column due to uptake
by the macrophytes and enhanced denitrification tend to decrease algal
productivity. The lower productivity makes it more likely that cladocerans
drive the phytoplankton community into an over-exploited state (Chapter
5). Obviously, heavy nutrient loading reduces the probability of nutrient
limitation, and therefore the potential of macrophytes to reduce algal
productivity. As a result, more grazers are needed to control algal growth.
However, predation pressure on zooplankton by fish tends to increase
with enrichment in shallow lakes due to a relatively steep increase in
benthos pumping up total fish biomass faster than plankton productivity
(Section 4.5). Thus even in vegetated systems enrichment will tend to result
in increased phytoplankton biomass as it reduces the chances of nutrient
limitation and at the same time leads to increased predation on
An increase in periphyton growth with nutrient loading is probably
another major factor involved in reducing macrophyte performance
(Phillips et al., 1978). Snails can control periphyton growth, but this works
only if fish predation on snails is not too high (Section 4.5). Basically
the same factors as described for phytoplankton are likely to be involved
in reducing periphyton control when nutrient loading becomes too high.
The biomass of fish such as tench (Tinea tinea) and roach (Rutilis rutilis)
that feed on snails but also on other benthos such as chironomids, may
increase strongly due to increased availability of such alternative ·food
sources with eutrophication, while at the same time nutrient conditions
for the perifytic algae improve, making top-down control less likely to be
Surprisingly, very high nutrient concentrations do not necessarily lead to
a turbid state. Heavy loading by sewage effluent may produce conditions in
which most fish die, allowing dense populations of large Daphnids to control
phytoplankton, as observed in the clear and vegetated English Little Mere
(Carvalho, 1994). A comparable situation may sometimes occur when
guano from dense concentrations of birds on roosting sites or breeding
colonies causes a high local loading. Piscivory by birds may help to drive fish
extinct on such sites. An extreme example can be observed in the Amster-
dam zoo, 'Artis', where the pond in a small bird park is often literally turbid
because of the high density of Daphnia magna. Also, very small and shallow
ponds or ditches usually are clear and vegetated even if they have very high
nutrient levels.
Note that since nitrogen is often the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton
in vegetation dominated systems (Chapter 2), it may well be that nitrogen
loading is more important than phosphorus loading in destabilizing the
vegetated clear state of shallow lakes, although so far there are no studies
that demonstrate this.
296 Managing the ecosystem
Different approaches to reduce nutrients
Reduction of the concentration of nutrients in the inflowing water is a
common practice in lake management and entire books have been pub-
lished on this topic alone. The time needed to get rid of the buffered pool of
phosphorus in the sediment is difficult to estimate, but several studies show
that it may take many years (Section 2.3).
In some cases it is possible to flush the lake with relatively clean water, for
instance, by connecting a lake to a nearby river. Several lakes have benefited
from this approach (Cooke et al., 1993). When the nutrient concentration of
the used water is lower than that in the lake water, simple 'dilution' already
reduces the concentration in the water column. Also, when the
phytoplankton concentration of the inflowing water is low, there is a net loss
of algal cells from the lake that may help to reduce chlorophyll concentra-
tions. Importantly, flushing can speed-up wash out of the sediment phospho-
rus pool (Section 2.3), and may help to break cyanobacterial dominance
(Section 3.2). In Veluwemeer flushing with water rich in calcium and car-
bonate has also blocked phosphorus release from the sediment (Section
Another way of approaching the problem is to attempt to precipitate
phosphorus so that it becomes unavailable for algal growth rather than to
try to remove it from the lake. Addition of iron may help to keep more of
the phosphorus fixed in the sediment. This method has been applied,
for instance, to the small Dutch Lake Vogelenzang (Boers et al., 1993).
Injection of a FeCI3 solution in the top 20cm of the sediment reduced
phosphorus release from the sediment by a factor 3 for some months. The
results did not last longer, probably due to the effects of wind resuspension
and a short hydraulic retention time. In addition to iron, aluminium and
calcium have been applied to fixate phosphorus in lakes with varying success
(Cooke et al., 1993). Removal of the sediment is another way to take
buffered phosphorus out the system, as discussed further in the section on

Biomanipulation has proved to be one of the most successful measures to
let a turbid shallow lake switch to an alternative clear state. Carp removal
was used as a way to restore lake communities in the early 1950s (Rose
and Moen, 1952; Cahoon, 1953; Threinen and Helm, 1954) but the broad
practice of biomanipulation is of the last decade only. Fish manipulation is
likely to affect plankton abundance in most lakes, but the approach is
especially powerful in shallow lakes because, there, a single fish reduction
can produce long lasting results if an alternative stable state is reached.
Although there are many striking examples of successful biomanipulation,
there are also cases in which little effect was observed or the effects were
Biomanipulation 297
not long lasting. In the next sections I briefly review the way in which
successful biomanipulation works, and the main reasons why it may fail.
The literature on this topic grows exponentially, but as a starting point
readers interested in shallow lake work may refer to the proceedings
of a 1989 conference on the topic (Gulati et at., 1990) for early case studies,
and to a study of long-term responses of some lakes (Meijer et at., 1994a)
and a preliminary 'test' to assess the chances of success (Hosper and Meijer,

Biomanipulation as a shock therapy

The basic scenario through which a shallow lake can be switched to a clear
state by means of biomanipulation is simple: a drastic reduction of the fish
stock leads to clear water allowing submerged macrophytes to colonize the
lake and these subsequently keep the water clear. There are many ap-
proaches possible but the most common strategy is to net out 75o/o or more
of the fish stock between the autumn and early spring, or to kill most of the
fish by applying rotenone. Often piscivores are stocked subsequently to slow
down recruitment. In large lakes this shock therapy approach may be
unfeasible. In such situations a continuous fishery pressure may still result in
a reduction of algal biomass (Lammens et at., 1997), but there is little
experience in this approach. Also, massive stocking with juvenile pike (Esox
lucius) alone has resulted in a reduction of chlorophyll levels (Prejs et at.,
1994; S!'!ndergaard et at., 1997). Here, I focus on the drastic stock reduction
There are two distinct mechanisms responsible for the initial clearing up
of the water after fish removal. First, sediment resuspension by benthivores
such as bream and carp is reduced. When benthivores dominate the fish
stock most of the turbidity is often due to suspended sediment (Section 2.2).
In that case, the water can clear up almost immediately after the fish re-
moval due to settling of the suspended sediment particles. The other major
effect of fish removal is through the trophic cascade. Predation pressure on
zooplankton is reduced, leading to top-down control of phytoplankton. In
eutrophic shallow lakes the spring clear-water phase is often absent due to
year-round predation pressure on large zooplankton by omnivorous fish
(Section 4.5). Drastic reduction of the fish biomass in winter allows Daphnia
to peak in the spring and graze down phytoplankton to a very low level. In
addition to reduction of resuspension and planktivory, the fish removal may
imply a reduction of nutrient flux from the sediment to the water column
(Section 2.3).
The resulting good underwater light conditions in the spring and the
absence of sediment disturbance by benthivorous fish favour the develop-
ment of submerged macrophytes. Often charophytes or other submerged
plants develop a dense vegetation in the first summer after biomanipulation
(e.g. Lake Bleiswijkse Zoom) although in other cases vegetation only covers
298 Managing the ecosystem
large parts of the lake bottom after a couple of years (e.g. Lake Zwemlust),
or remains largely absent (e.g. the Norfolk Broads).
The fish community tends to recover soon after biomanipulation (Meijer
et at., 1995). The remaining individuals spawn in the spring and when the
spawning stock is not too small young-of-the-year fish will be abundant
again in early summer. If vegetation develops rapidly enough the system is
likely to remain clear, but otherwise planktivory by the new fish cohort can
be a serious threat to the maintenance of clear water in the summer. Stock-
ing with high densities of juvenile pike (Section 4.6) can help to control this
recruitment, giving vegetation more time to recover and stabilize the clear

Requirements for success

For the above biomanipulation scenario to be successful, four basic steps
have to work:
1. The fish stock must be reduced drastically.
2. The fish reduction must lead to clear water.
3. Submerged plants must develop.
4. The vegetation must stabilize the clear water state.
The experiences so far have pointed out some major risk factors for the
success of each of these four steps.
1. First of all it must be possible to remove a substantial proportion of
the fish. A review of Dutch case studies shows that none of the lakes where
less than 75% of the fish was removed cleared up (Hosper and Meijer, 1993).
Rotenone poisoning is an easy way to eliminate fish, but in many countries
this approach is not allowed. Effective fishing with nets can be difficult if
there are many tree trunks or other obstacles in the lake, preventing the use
of efficient seine and trawl nets. Another prerequisite for drastic fish reduc-
tion is that the lake can be isolated from adjacent waters that are not
manipulated. If isolation is not possible, remigration of fish can rapidly
compensate for the fisheries effects.
2. Although all shallow lakes where the fish stock is reduced drastically
have cleared up so far, there are some factors that might potentially prevent
such an effect. First, wind resuspension of soft organic sediments or clay
particles may be the dominant cause of turbidity in some exposed lakes
(Chapter 2). It seems logical to expect that biomanipulation will not result
in clear water in such situations, unless extra measures are taken to reduce
the resuspension problem. There are, however, cases in which a lake
with obvious wave resuspension nonetheless switched to a clear vegetation
dominated state after biomanipulation (Little Wall Lake; Linford Main
Secondly, the trophic cascade route may not work out. This can be
because Daphnia is controlled by factors other than fish, such as high satin-
Biomanipulation 299
ity, pesticides or invertebrate predators. Another problem that has received
much attention is the inedibility and toxicity of many cyanobacteria.
Cyanobacteria of the Oscillatoria group have been shown to hamper
Daphnia growth in the laboratory.when they form long filaments and their
density is high (Section 4.4). Since these cyanobacteria can be dominant
throughout the year if winters are not too cold (Section 3.2) such blue-green
algal dominance could potentially prevent a clear water phase in the spring
even if Daphnia is released from fish predation. Experiments in which
Daphnia dynamics are followed in fine netting enclosures in the lake lacking
fish may help evaluating the chances of the trophic cascade route to work
out after biomanipulation (Moss et al., 1991).
3. Clear water does not always lead to a strong development of sub-
merged plants. Light may still be limiting on deeper sites, and indeed these
are usually colonized last in restored lakes. Obviously, the chances for rapid
colonization are therefore better if most of the lake is shallow. Nonetheless,
even in shallow areas vegetation can remain absent for years in clear
situations. It has been difficult to identify the causes of this phenomenon
in practice. Lack of propagules may explain part of the slow response in
general, but the rapid colonization of isolated newly dug ponds by
charophytes and other plants makes it hard to believe that lack of
propagules could explain delays of several years as observed in some
situations. The role of waterfowl in preventing vegetation development is
still controversial (Section 5.3), although in Lake Vreng, waterfowl grazing
was found to play a major role in causing the delay of vegetation recovery
on sheltered sites (Lauridsen et al., 1994). Vegetation development is
often remarkably poor on soft organic sediments. Toxicity of sulphide and
other components is suspected to be a problem (Moss et al., 1990; Smolders
and Roelofs, 1993; Smolders and Roelofs, 1995). However, in the peaty
Norfolk Broads this was not confirmed by experiments. In these lakes
physical instability of the sediment per se seems more likely to be the
problem for plant settlement (Schutten, pers. comm.). This also makes
vegetation more vulnerable to bird 'vandalism' as plants are uprooted
entirely, whereas in firm sediment they tend to be merely clipped (Section
4. The last weak point in the chain of events that characterizes a success-
ful biomanipulation scenario is that submerged plants may develop, but do
not prevent a return to the turbid state in the long run. As pointed out
repeatedly in the previous sections, the probability that the vegetation
dominated clear state is stable decreases at high nutrient levels. An analysis
of the state of many Danish lakes suggests that a vegetation dominated clear
state is unlikely to be stable beyond a total-P concentration of 0.1 mgt1
(Jeppesen et al., 1990a). However, the tolerated nutrient loading is likely to
depend on many other factors. The little Lake Zwemlust (l.Sha), for in-
stance, has remained plant dominated for 10 years after biomanipulation
despite an initial total-P level of 1 mgt1• The chances for a stable clear state
300 Managing the ecosystem
are probably better in small lakes than in large ones. The mechanisms
responsible for destabilizing the plant dominated clear state at high nutrient
levels are treated extensively in Chapter 5 and are summarized in the
previous section.


Water level manipulation
The water level of shallow lakes can sometimes be manipulated with little
effort. Such manipulations are not always feasible in practice as they may
interfere with recreational or agricultural interests. However, the potential
impact of water level manipulation can be large.
As explained in the previous chapter, an increase in water level may
cause the vegetation dominated state to collapse, whereas a decrease in
water level may induce a reverse switch. Indeed, several spectacular
switches from a vegetated to a non-vegetated state and vice versa have
been reported to result from water level changes (Chapter 1). The basic
explanation is that shallow water promotes submerged vegetation as it
allows more light to penetrate to the plants. Although this sounds
intuitively straightforward, there are some caveats that need to be kept
in mind. Turbidity tends to increase when the water becomes shallower
due to an increase in wave resuspension and in phytoplankton
In situations where phytoplankton is light-limited, reduction in water
level tends to be compensated for by an increase in phytoplankton density
in such a way that the light level reaching the bottom of the lake remains
unaltered (Section 3.1 ). At first sight this suggests that water level
change would therefore not affect the light climate for macrophytes.
However, light at plant-canopy height rather than at the sediment surface
is what matters for submerged plants (Section 5.3). Since in shallower
water the light gradient with depth becomes steeper, it follows that light at
a fixed height of say 0.3 m above the sediment surface will increase with
decreasing water depth if light reaching the sediment remains the same.
Therefore, lowering the water-level will tend to improve the light climate
for submerged plants at canopy level despite a possible increase in algal
Also, wave resuspension of the sediment will increase when the average
depth decreases (Section 2.2). Indeed lowering the water level has been
observed to result in higher wave resuspension in Lake Chapala (Lind et al.,
1994) and in a New Zealand shallow lake (Stuart Mitchell, pers. comm.).
Again, however, in light-limited situations phytoplankton will respond in
such a way that light reaching the bottom will remain the same. This implies
a general improvement of the light climate for submerged plants with de-
creasing water level.
Hydrological adjustments 301

With respect to manipulation of the water level, it should also be noted

that extremely shallow water can be unfavourable for plant growth. Indeed,
the dynamics of Lakes Krankesjon and Takern suggest that too low water
levels may destroy the vegetation dominated state (Blindow et al., 1993).
Thus there will be an optimum water level for vegetation development. As
explained earlier, the optimum depth will depend on various factors such as
turbidity, wave exposure and plant type. However, in view of the cases
reviewed in the first chapter the optimum depth seems to be tess than 1m in
general. Lake Tamnaren, for instance, lost its vegetation when average lake
depth increased from 1 to 1.5m (Wallsten and Forsgren, 1989), and sub-
merged plants in Veluwemeer are most abundant in the depth range be-
tween 0.3 and 1m (Scheffer et al., 1992; Van den Berg et al., 1997). Small
ephemeral ponds can have a lush charophyte vegetation even in a water
layer of only lOcm deep.
In practice the water level is rarely constant over a year. Many helophytes
depend on the availability of bare moist soil for germination and therefore
some water level fluctuation will enhance the diversity of the zone of emer-
gent plants that fringes most shallow lakes (Coops, 1996). On the other
hand, too strong fluctuations in the water level are disadvantageous to many
submerged pants as shallow sites may dry out. Indeed, in the USA tempo-
rary reduction of the water level is frequently used to control nuisance
submerged vegetation in reservoirs (Cooke et al., 1993). Obviously, fluctua-
tions of the water level are especially problematic for vegetation in turbid
water where the shallow sites are the only places suitable for vegetation
growth. In deep clear lakes, submerged plants have a larger depth range and
are therefore less likely to be driven to extinction by moderate variations in
the water level. Thus, although some fluctuation in water level stimulates
development of a diverse helophyte zone, submerged vegetation in turbid
shallow lakes is most likely to be promoted when the water level is kept
relatively constant.
In the tropical Kariba Reservoir in Zimbabwe, stabilization of the
water level is thought to have caused a switch from a dominance by
nuisance floating plant beds to submerged vegetation (Marshall, 1983;
Ramberg, 1987). Reduction of nutrients in the water column related to the
expansion of submerged plants is probably the explanation for the
disappearance of the free floating macrophytes that have no access to soil

Complete draw-down is an extreme form of water level management.
It is applied frequently to fish-ponds and reservoirs but there is less ex-
perience with applying this approach to natural lakes. In vegetated lakes,
prolonged draw-down is used as a way to control aquatic plants as it
usually results in the loss of most submerged species (Cooke et al., 1993).
302 Managing the ecosystem
On the other hand, in unvegetated turbid lakes where sediment
resuspension is a major problem, it seems reasonable to expect that draw-
down could promote a shift to a clear vegetation dominated state. No
case studies are available so far, but the potential scenario seems
straightforward. When the sediment is left to dry out, consolidate and be
colonized by terrestrial vegetation, resuspension is unlikely when the lake is
allowed to fill up with water again. Helophytes that have developed will
survive in the shallowest parts and subsequent colonization of the rest of the
lake bottom by submerged vegetation will help stabilize the clear state in the
Draw-down also facilitates other modifications that may help improving
lake conditions. Sediment, for instance, can often be removed relatively
easily with bulldozers and scrapers from a dry lake. Importantly, partial
draw-down makes it much easier to remove the fish. As explained earlier,
the chances of shifting a lake from a turbid to a stable clear state by means
of biomanipulation increase strongly with the percentage of the fish stock
that is removed. In Lake Zwemlust (Chapter 1) partial draw-down was used
to be able to remove fish more effectively, and the fish reduction that was
realized in this way has resulted in a spectacular shift to a plant-dominated
Ephemeral ponds that periodically experience a natural draw-down
when they dry out are usually fishless. When they fill up they may have a
rapidly growing vegetation of charophytes or other plants that have ways to
survive the dry period. Such systems may have dense populations of
Daphnids that filter the water.

As mentioned in the section on nutrient managem.~nt, flushing a lake with
relatively clean water can reduce its nutrient level, but may also help to get
rid of colonial cyanobacteria in a more direct way. This is because the
growth rate of these algae is relatively small, causing the relative effect
of an extra population loss due to wash-out larger. Put simply, an algal
group can be eliminated from a lake if the loss rate due to flushing exceeds
the growth rate (Section 3.1). Extreme flushing rates that replace more than
about one third of the lake volume per day are likely to eliminate all
phytoplankton, but slow growing species may be washed out at much lower
flushing rates. Since growth rates are very low in winter, flushing in this
season may be particularly effective. Indeed, winter flushing has probably
been an important reason for the decrease of cyanobacterial density in
Veluwemeer (Chapter 1). In practice even small increases in hydraulic
flushing rates may lead to disappearance of blue-green algal in situations
where the competitive balance with other algae is already close to shifting,
due, for instance, to a reduction of the nutrient level in the lake (Section
Other measures 303
The addition of barley-straw to ponds can lead to a remarkable reduction in
phytoplankton biomass. The phenomenon is well known, and packages of
straw are even sold in gardening shops for this purpose. There has been
relatively little research on this straw effect, but the available work confirms
the strong overall effect and gives some indications as to the mechanisms
(Gibson et al., 1990; Welch et al., 1990; Everall and Lees, 1996). A recent
case-study (Everall and Lees, 1996), for instance, shows that the addition of
barley-straw (50gm-3) to a small English reservoir resulted in a reduction of
summer chlorophyll concentrations from about 100mgl"1 to about 20mgl"1•
The cyanobacterial blooms that occurred in the previous years were absent
in the summer after the straw addition. These changes did not occur in an
adjacent control.
It has been suggested that uptake of nutrients from the water by bacteria
developing on the decomposing straw causes phytoplankton biomass to
decrease as a result of nutrient limitation (Wingfield et al., 1985). Another
explanation is that the algal control results from release of phytotoxic com-
pounds by the decomposing straw (Gibson et al., 1990; Pillinger et al., 1994).
The mentioned reservoir study (Everall and Lees, 1996) shows no significant
drops in available nutrients while showing that the total 'cocktail' of
algicidal, phytotoxic, unidentified or toxicologically unknown organic com-
pounds reaches concentrations of 0.48-4.31mgl"1 near the straw. Although
toxic substances are thus likely to be the dominant cause of algal decline,
rotifer density was also enhanced after straw addition, and grazing by these
animals together with a moderate spring peak of Daphnia may have helped
to reduce algal biomass.
Although the huge amounts of straw that would be needed make this
approach unlikely to be useful for manipulating large lakes, it might help in
clearing up ponds. Straw can also stimulate macro-invertebrate populations
(Everall and Lees, 1996). Since invertebrates are an essential part of the diet
of small ducklings (Section 4.5), straw addition has been promoted as a way
to make unvegetated gravel-pits more suitable for duck reproduction
(Street, 1978).

Resuspension of a thick layer of unconsolidated sediment and phosphorus
release from sediment are conspicuous causes of turbidity in many shallow
lakes, and several ways to solve the sediment problem have been proposed.
Removal of the accumulated sediment is the most straightforward ap-
proach, and it has been applied to many lakes over the years (1993). Dredg-
ing is the most common procedure for sediment removal, although
bulldozer excavation can also work after lake draw-down.
304 Managing the ecosystem
Many different dredge types and dredging approaches have been devel-
oped. A problem of some dredging techniques is that they cause a consider-
able resuspension, with the associated problems of turbidity and release of
nutrients and sometimes toxic substances. Another difficulty is the loose
structure of the sediment layer in many shallow lakes. Often the substance
behaves almost as a fluid. As a result local removal results in spreading out
of the remaining material. The intense horizontal redistribution of loose
sediment in shallow lakes can also be used to our advantage. Sediment tends
to accumulate on deeper sites where wave action does not cause
resuspension (Section 2.2). When a deep site is excavated in an otherwise
shallow lake, sediment is trapped there and may be dredged out relatively
The best studied case of sediment removal from a shallow lake is prob-
ably that of the Swedish Lake Trummen (Andersson, 1988). Dredging in-
creased the mean depth of the lake from 1.1 to 1.75 m and resulted in a
strong reduction of sediment phosphorus release into the water column.
Since then numerous sediment removal cases have been published (Cooke
et al., 1993). ·

Enclosures and artificial refuges

Many experiments have shown that it possible to let vegetation develop
inside exclosures that exclude birds and fish, and dampen wave action. A
potential strategy to let an entire lake switch to a clear state is to build many
of such exclosures in a lake to let plants establish (Jeppesen and Moss, pers.
comm.). Since the resulting local vegetation patches may serve as a refuge
for zooplankton against fish predation, reduce resuspension and enhance
denitrification, this will help to reduce turbidity in the entire lake and might
eventually induce a switch to the clear vegetation dominated state. Al-
though the idea seems straightforward, no lake has so far been restored by
means of this technique.
Another option that has been suggested is to introduce artificial plant-
like structures to serve as a refuge for zooplankton against fish predation
(Irvine et al., 1990). Although plastic plants or plant-like structures do work
as refuges against predators and have been successfully used as such in
various experiments (Winfield, 1987; Irvine et al., 1990; Persson, 1993), it
seems unlikely that this approach could be scaled up sufficiently to induce a
shift to a clear water state in real lakes.

Handling vegetation nuisance

Lakes may have clear water and sparse vegetation when their nutrient level
is low, however this situation is uncommon in eutrophic shallow lakes. Such
lakes tend to be either turbid with very little vegetation or clear with
abundant submerged vegetation (Chapter 5). Although blue-green algal
Other measures 305
blooms and high turbidity are usually not appreciated, dense weedbeds can
be a nuisance too for boating and angling visitors. Aquatic weed control is
the topic of much research. Entire journals, conferences and books are
devoted to it. It will be clear after reading this book that complete elimina-
tion of submerged plants from eutrophic shallow lakes will usually lead to
turbid water and cyanobacterial dominance. If this is to be avoided, plant
control should therefore preferably be limited to certain areas.
Probably the simplest way to control vegetation is by harvesting the
plants in parts of the lake where they are a nuisance. When plants are
removed after cutting, an advantage of this approach is that harvesting
represents an export of nutrients. In Europe plant harvesting is common in
ditches and canals, but large-scale harvesting in lakes is rare. Several effec-
tive harvesting machines are available on the American market that can cut
and collect plants at water depths ranging from a few decimetres to about
2m (Cooke et al., 1993). Cooke's review of the American work shows that
depending on the species involved and the conditions, regrowth of the
plants can be quite fast and it may be necessary to repeat the treatment later
in the growing season.
Another way of preventing plants from growing in certain areas is to
cover the sediment with sheets that are impermeable for plant shoots and
reduce light reaching the sediment. Again several materials are available
commercially in the United States and have been tested in the field (Cooke
et al., 1993). A problem that can arise is 'ballooning' of some types of screens
when they trap gas bubbles that are released from the sediment. Also
sediment may accumulate on the screen and this new top layer can be
colonized by plants again. The latter is likely to be a major problem when
the screens are to be used in large shallow lakes where resuspension and
redistribution of sediment is important during the unvegetated part of the
year. Since screens are also relatively expensive, their use is limited to small-
scale applications.
Although many shallow lakes are covered entirely by submerged plants,
others have deeper areas that remain uncolonized. In Veluwemeer, for
instance, macrophytes are largely limited to the area shallower than 1m,
while the large area with a depth ranging from 2 to 4m has remained almost
free of plants over the past 20 years. In some cases it may be possible to
manipulate the water level of a lake in such a way that the deeper parts
remain free of plants, while vegetation is preserved in shallower areas. Also
dredging may increase water depth sufficiently in limited areas such as
navigation channels to prevent nuisance vegetation from growing there.
Some species of submerged plants tend to cause much more nuisance
than others. In shallow water canopy forming species such as Potamogeton
pectinatus and Hydrilla can make it almost impossible to boat, swim or fish,
while carpets of charophytes covering the sediment do not impair recrea-
tional activities too much. In the United States, the relatively recent invader
Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) can reach an extremely
306 Managing the ecosystem
high biomass and forms a strong nuisance in lakes where the previous
vegetation of native species had not caused such problems. Obviously. it
would be useful to find management strategies that stimulate dominance by
species that do not reach the water surface. In large shallow lakes such as
Veluwemeer, Krankesjon and Htkern, charophytes seem to form a stable
vegetation outcompeting Potamogeton pectinatus when the water level and
the nutrient loading are not too high. In general, however, the current
knowledge of factors that determine the species composition of submerged
vegetation is still too poor to suggest effective management methods.
Biological control of submerged plants by means of grass carp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella) has been applied to many lakes. In practice
these animals are not observed to exert the desired moderate control of
vegetation. Various experiments show that at low densities their effect is
negligible whereas at a slightly higher density they eliminate vegetation
entirely (Small, Jr. et al., 1985). This all-or-none effect is confirmed by
experiences in many Florida lakes (Mark V. Hoyer, pers. comm.). Only if
the stock is managed very carefully by sequential harvesting and restocking
may grass carp balance the amount of vegetation to a desired ievel, but this
requires a close monitoring of vegetation and carp. In that approach a
simulation model may be used to aid in guiding the fish management deci-
sions (Shireman et al., 1985).


Given some basic information on a lake it will usually be possible to make
a reasonable selection of restoration measures that are most likely to be
effective in restoring a lake. A combination of different measures is usually
chosen. Obviously, this does not facilitate scientific interpretation of the
effects of the separate measures, but chances of improving a lake are often
better if several measures are combined. For instance, as explained in
the previous sections the combination of nutrient reduction and
biomanipulation can be a good way to restore a hypertrophic turbid lake in
situations where each of these measures separately would be unsuccessful.
A diagnosis of the dominant forces that keep the lake turbid and prevent
vegetation recovery facilitates choosing the best management options. As
explained in Section 2.1 the contribution of phytoplankton and suspended
sediment to turbidity can already be inferred roughly from the combination
of Secchi-depth transparencies and the chlorophyll concentrations. Lakes
with a low concentration of phytoplankton but a high turbidity due to
suspended sediments are unlikely to clear up in response to nutrient reduc-
tion alone. In small lakes where wind impact is minor, high concentrations
of suspended sediment are probably due to benthivorous fish, and
biomanipulation is likely to have a large effect. Also, when carp has been
introduced, removal of these animals may be a prerequisite to improve
water clarity and conditions for vegetation development. When
Selecting restoration measures 307
phytoplankton is the main factor responsible for high turbidity, reduction of
the nutrient level will often be a priority. Especially in small lakes,
biomanipulation may help to restore the clear state, although in situations
with a dense wintergreen population of filamentous cyanobacteria this top-
down approach may be Jess successful. In that case flushing may help to
combat cyanobacterial dominance.
In practice, choices will often be pragmatic as the feasibility and costs of
different measures depend strongly on the situation. In some circumstances
diversion of a nutrient-rich inflow may be a simple way to reduce nutrient
loading of a Jake, while in other cases flushing with clean water from a
nearby stream may be realized relatively easily. Similarly, the water level is
usually hard to manipulate, but it can be adjusted with little effort in other
situations. Biomanipulation can be easy to realize in small isolated lakes and
ponds, but not in large and connected systems. Importantly, interests of
users of the lake and the adjacent land may make it difficult to realize some
-upimns.J'<Iimerman are not always happy with the idea of biomanipulation,
and farmers may fear lack of irrigation water supply as a result of lowering
the water level.
Thus from the list of management options, a reasonable selection of
potentially successful measures can be made based on the specific problems
in a lake (e.g. resuspension, cyanobacteria) and the feasibility of possible
solutions. In order to be able to take the decision to spend the money to
implement the measures it is useful to have a precise picture of the costs and
expected results. Often a reasonable estimate of costs can be obtained.
However, as outlined in the next chapter, predicting the response of the
ecosystem accurately remains notoriously problematic.
7 The limits of knowledge


Going through the chapters of this book one may get the impression that
much is known about the functioning of shallow lake ecosystems. It is
tempting to try to combine all this knowledge into one big simulation model
that accurately reflects the functioning of real lakes and that can be used to
predict the response of the system to different management scenarios. In-
deed, for many physical and chemical problems, simulation models have
proven a useful tool to predict the system's behaviour, and in the early 1970s
there was great optimism about the possibilities of constructing such de-
tailed simulation models for predicting the dynamics of entire· ecosystems.
Cooperation of groups of experts on all relevant biological and technical
sub-topics led to models integrating the available knowledge as much as
possible. The model CLEAN (Bloomfield et al., 1974), constructed as part of
the International Biological Program is a good example of this approach.
The model contains a diverse spectrum of components such as several fish
species, algae, zooplankton, aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates and nutri-
ents, formulated in 28 differential equations. The idea of such modelling
approaches was that in the course of the modelling process missing informa-
tion could be identified, and filled in after additional experimental research.
The latter, however, turned out to be a 'mission impossible'. The number of
parameters in such complex models is very large, and the values of many
parameters can not be determined within a reasonable amount of time, if
they are measurable at all.
The common solution is to estimate the remaining parameter values by
fitting the model predictions to field data, so-called 'tuning'. A wide array of
sophisticated numerical techniques is available for this purpose, and often
an impressively good fit can be obtained with little effort. However, this
success is illusory. The problem is that a certain system behaviour can often
be produced from many different parameter settings. This phenomenon is
nicely illustrated by Simons and Lam (1980) who show that even for rela-
tively simple phytoplankton-nutrient models the same patterns can be pro-
duced with completely different parameter settings and also from totally
different models. Thus, tuning of complex ecological models easily leads to
good results for the wrong reasons. A good fit does not guarantee any
realism of parameter values or model structure. Indeed, terms like model
validation and verification promise more than can be realized in models for
natural systems (Oreskes et at., 1994). Basically, simulation models have the
Problems of predictive mechanistic models 309
same problems as statistical input-output models. The assumed causal rela-
tions underlying the model need not be true, and therefore extrapolation to
new situations easily leads to non-sense predictions.
Probably the most useful aspect of simulation models is that they can help
analysing the contribution of different mechanisms to the system's behav-
iour, and generate hypothesis that can guide experimental research. This
requires that the models are transparent enough to be understood by non-
modellers working at the problem. In practice this inspiring role of models
in research groups is the exception rather than the rule. The major problem
is probably that it remains remarkably difficult for an outsider to understand
the mechanisms that govern the behaviour of ecological simulation models
if the models are not kept really simple.
Minimal models, as used throughout this book, are simple and may
indeed help to get some insight into the often intricate effects of ecological
feedback mechanisms. However, such models differ from the larger simula-
tion models in that they do not attempt to include all quantitatively impor-
tant aspects. Therefore, they can be used to study the properties of isolated
mechanisms, but not to obtain a quantitative insight in the relative impor-
tance of different mechanisms operating in the field. As argued in the
Introduction and illustrated by many examples in the different chapters,
field patterns are often explained by an array of simultaneously operating
mechanisms, rather than by a single dominant force. To help unravelling this
interplay of mechanisms quantitatively, models need to be more complex,
and necessarily lose part of their transparency.
A relatively new development that helps linking quantitative modelling
and biological transparency is the use of individual based models. Individual
animals or plants are the basic units in such models. Individual-based mod-
els have several advantages compared with traditional simulation models
(Huston et a/., 1988; Hogeweg and Hesper, 1990; DeAngelis and Gross,
1992). Instead of implicitly assuming information processing on the popula-
tion level, individuals are taken as the natural units, which is more realistic
and intuitively straightforward. Also, model behaviour is often rather robust
to variations in formulation of the processes. Perhaps most important is the
fact that parameters needed in the models (such as speed of movement,
amount eaten per day etc.) as well as the predicted variables (such as
individual numbers, diets and conditions) are typically of the type measured
by experimental biologists. This facilitates the communication between
modellers and experimentalists, and thus the use of these models as a tool
for inspiring and guiding research.
An obvious disadvantage of modelling populations individual by indi-
vidual is that it takes too much computation time to simulate realistic
numbers for most populations, although there are several ways out of this
problem (DeAngelis and Rose, 1992; Scheffer et al., 1995b}. A more serious
complication is that the range of complex patterns generated by such models
are almost as bewildering as that observed in nature. As a consequence they
310 The limits of knowledge
are relatively difficult to study thoroughly and are usually not as appealing
as some traditional minimal models for highlighting the consequences of an
ecological mechanisll). in a transparent way. However, although simple dif-
ferential equation models can handle some aspects of the effects of indi-
vidual size variation on population dynamics (Scheffer et aL, 1995a) more
elaborate individual based models are often the only option when size of
individuals crucially determines their role in competition or predator-prey
relationships as is the case in fish communities.
The fact that the output of individual based models has much biological
details, such as stomach contents and size distributions, that can be checked
against data makes it less likely to end up with 'good results for the wrong
reasons' as in traditional large simulation models. Indeed, individual based
models are considered a promising tool for predicting the response of fish
communities to various factors (Vanwinkle et al., 1993). However, even
though this approach may have advantages over more traditional simulation
models, most workers will probably agree that we are still far from being
able to model ecosystems in a sufficiently complete and faithful way to allow
accurate prediction of their responses to different management scenarios.
In conclusion, different types of models can contribute in different ways
to the unravelling of ecosystem functioning, but our quantitative knowledge
of the forces governing lake ecosystems simply remains insufficient to
construct models that can predict their response in a detailed mechanistic


From a scientific point of view all progress in unravelling mechanisms by
means of model analyses and clever experiments is worthwhile. Whether or
not we really need all these detailed insights in order to be able to restore a
lake is less obvious. Despite the poor quantitative mechanistic insight into
the functioning of lakes, experts are often quite capable of predicting what
the response to a management measure will be. The explanation why some
people do better than most models in predicting effects is probably that they
take a very different approach to the problem. If an expert is asked to
predict, for instance, what will happen if all the fish are removed from
moderately eutrophic turbid pond, the prediction will probably be that the
water will clear up and water fleas and aquatic plants will become abundant.
This prediction is not based on a detailed mechanistic knowledge of the
physiological characteristics of the organisms involved and their ecological
interactions, but rather on the experience that this response has been
observed in many comparable lakes. Indeed, such an empirical approach
using information on similar cases is probably the most reliable basis
for predicting the effects of measures. At first sight this may suggest that all
the knowledge about the functioning of lakes is of little practical use after
all. However, a more careful examination reveals that insight in the regula-
The necessity of mechanistic insight 311
tory mechanisms is also an essential ingredient of the expert approach to
The need for more than examples alone is well illustrated by an unsuc-
cessful attempt to predict the effect of biomanipulation by means of a neural
network. Computer neural networks are simple models of real neural net-
works and can be 'trained' to give the right 'answer' to a 'question' by just
presenting enough examples of correct answers to problems. We gave it
information about 12 biomanipulation cases with varying outcomes. After
training, the network could perfectly predict the 12 example cases in the
hindsight. However, giving it new (hypothetical) problems and analysing the
answers, it appeared that the 'internal rules' of the neural network made
little sense. For instance, it systematically predicted stronger effects if less
fish was removed.
In fact neural networks are comparable to very flexible statistical models
that can be fitted well through most data sets. The danger of misinterpreting
causality remains a crucial problem in applying empirical relationships to
management. Of course, this is common wisdom, but since it is one of the
main caveats in everyday applied science, it deserves repetition. As a
caricatural example consider the relationship between wind and the swing-
ing of trees. One could well imagine that swinging trees actually cause the
wind: If they stop swinging the wind stops also. Such a lack of insight into the
functioning of the system becomes a problem if one decides to manage
the system by cutting down trees in order to reduce the wind. In practice, the
caveats of applying empirical models for management purposes are more
tricky than the simple cause-effect switch in this tree example. Algal
biomass, for instance, is strongly correlated with the totai-P concentration of
lake water, but causality in the relationship is far from straightforward. The
maximum algal biomass depends on phosphorus availability but algal
blooms also stimulate phosphorus release from the sediment into the water
column (Section 2.3). This is illustrated by the marked drops in total-P that
can occur when Daphnia graze down phytoplankton (Meijer eta/., 1994b).
The misinterpretation of causality behind the strong correlation between
chlorophyll and total-P easily leads to an overestimation of the potential for
restoring lakes by reducing phosphorus loading as a determinant of algal
biomass, and consequently to an underestimation of the potential of other
measures for controlling algal biomass.
Thus, even though our knowledge may be insufficient to predict effects of
measurements in a mechanistic way, insight into the functioning of lake
ecosystems is important to guide the pragmatic empirical approach to pre-
diction. As argued, information on similar cases is a good basis to predict the
effects of restoration measures, but the number of good case studies is still
far too small to cover the wide range of different lake types. Insight into the
functioning of these systems is indispensable for judging the importance of
differences between lakes for the expected response, and for tailoring the
restoration strategy to a specific situation.
312 The limits of knowledge

Although the recent intensive work on shallow lakes has led to an impres-
sive expansion of our knowledge of these systems, the array of poorly
understood problems remains equally impressive. To name just a few: Un-
der which conditions do alternative stable states exist? How can switches
of states be induced? How does vegetation as a refuge affect various
predator-prey interactions? What are the implications of chemical signal-
ling in trophic interactions for community dynamics? Could we use such
signals to manipulate the food web? What is the role of inedibility and
toxicity of cyanobacteria in their success? Why are brackish lakes turbid
even when they have vegetation? How do predator-prey relations evolve
over the seasons?
The best way to resolve these and other questions will differ from case to
case, but as a rule a combination of approaches is often the most powerful
strategy. Controlled experiments, whole lake manipulations, minimal mod-
els and elaborate simulation models all have their specific strong and weak
points. Addressing the same question simultaneously with different ap-
proaches is the best way to identify artifacts of each of them. Clearly, well
documented whole lake experiments are very valuable at this point. Not
only do they reveal what works and what does not in restoring certain lakes,
they can also help to identify the main regulatory mechanisms. The recent
interest in biomanipulation, for instance, has catalysed the insight in the
major forces that govern the dynamics of shallow lakes. On the other hand
the conditions in whole lake experiments are difficult to control and there
are usually no replicates. As a result it is often difficult to understand what
happened for what reason in hindsight. Therefore, small-scale, well control-
led and replicated experiments remain indispensable further to enhance our
understanding, even though such experiments are necessarily conducted
under rather unnatural conditions, and do not reveal how the specific
mechanism addressed interacts with other mechanisms in the field. Elabo-
rate individual based models and other simulation models can help in
putting different processes into perspective but are difficult to study due to
their mere complexity. Very simple 'minimal' models are easier to under-
stand but do not help to reveal the relative importance of the addressed
mechanism in the field.
Although the merits of combining modelling, laboratory experiments
and fieldwork are broadly recognized the approaches remain quite segre-
gated in practice. Whole lake manipulations are often disguised as rather
crude and uninterpretable by experimentalists, and the lack of integration
between modellers and 'real' biologists is notorious. Even within the mod-
elling world there is a distinct separation between theoreticians working
with abstract minimal models and groups working on more applied quanti-
tative simulation models. Combining approaches requires an investment of
time and energy to explain results and assumptions to relative outsiders, and
The necessity of mechanistic insight 313
to try to understand the basic ins and outs of other disciplines. Also, the
integration may be confronting as it inevitably brings shortcomings in the
separate approaches to the surface.
Nonetheless, a combined approach seems the most effective way to ad-
dress the many unsolved questions about the functioning of shallow lakes.
Questions that are worth resolving, not only because they are exciting from
a scientific point of view but also because of the applied urgency. Many
shallow lakes have degraded badly as a result of human activities from an
attractive clear water state with a high diversity to a monotonous murky
pool. Finding out how to restore this damage will help to make this world a
prettier place, for us and many other species.

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Lake index

Page numbers in bold refer to figures. Hudsons Bay 216, 237, 288
Huron 125
Albufera 116
Alderfen Broad !Jsselmeer 1, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 207
overview 2,4-5,4
phosphorus in relation to vegetation Kariba 301
66 Krankesjon
Apopka biomass of invertebrates in Chara
overview 2, 5-6 214, 214, 216
perturbation by storm 287, 291 birds 224, 224, 225
resuspension 47, 83, 84 foodweb 224
Arresl<! 42, 47, 59 overview 2, 13-14, 13, 14, 15
Aydat 166 periphyton 255
water level 286
Balaton 42, 57
Bautzen Reservoir 190, 200 Lac Hertel 192
Bleiswijkse Zoom 29, 44, 44, 45, 67, Lagoon of the Islands 2, 14-15
68 Lake, see name of lake
Border-lakes, see Randmeren linford Lakes
Bough beech Reservoir 166 birds 224
Breukeleveen 254 fish stock management 291
Broads, see Norfork Broads overview 2, 9--12
Little Mere 295
Chapala 38 Little Wall Lake 34, 36
Chatauqua 47,48 Loosdrecht 83, 114
Christina see also Lakes, Breukeleveen
birds 224 Luknajno 66
overview 2, 15-18, 16, 17 Lyng 199, 200
Crose Mere 21
Maarseveen 257
Drontermeer 1, 24, 31 Main Lake 12, 223
Markermeer 24, 27, 28, 29, 31,
Ellesmere 207
birds 224 Mendota 164, 165, 184
overview 2, 6 Michigan 200
perturbation by storm 287, 291
Erie 72, 73, 125 Noorddiep 45, 67, 68
Norfolk Broads 4-5, 216
Galgje, see Bleiswijkse Zoom
Great linford 193, 223, 288 Oneida 145, 148, 163, 164
Grosser Binnen see 166
Gullmarsfjorden 58 Paul 200
Pearl 226, 229
Haringvliet 24, 31 Peter 200
Hoveton Great Broad 216, 237, 288 Potomac river 235, 239
Lake index 345
Randmeren 1, 248, 249, 251, 254-257 Vechten 253
see also Veluwemeer Veluwemeer
Reeuwijk 24, 31 birds 224
Rice lake Chara fields 66, 230, 232, 235, 288,
overview 2, 7 294
water level change 286, 287 cyanobacterial dominance 103, 103
Ring 217, 219 flushing effects 113
light climate 24, 27, 28, 29, 31
Schlachtensee 103, 103 nutrient effect 291
S¢bygaard 53, 55 overview 1-4, 2, 2
St. Clair 125 periphyton 252
St. Peters Lake 223 resuspension 42, 49, 238
Stigsholm 218, 219, 220 Vogelenzang 296
Volkerak 24, 27, 28, 31, 242
birds 224 Washington 190
overview 2, 13-14 Westeinder 59
switch between states 288 Wirbel 199
water level change 286, 291 Wolderwijd
Tamnaren benthivorous fish effect 45
birds 224 light climate 24, 27, 28, 29, 31
effect of inorganic suspended solids role of Neomysis 190
on algae 94
overview 2, 6-7 Zeeltje, see Bleiswijkse Zoom
resuspension 40, 47 Zuiderzee 1
water level change 286, 291 see also !Jsselmeer
Tjeukemeer 164, 167, 168 Zwemlust
Tomahawk Lagoon fetch·vegetation 255
overview 2, 18-19, 18 fish stock management 291
switch between states 288 nutrient dynamics 67, 68, 68
Trummen 304 overview 2, 8-9
Tuakitoto 124 seasonal dynamics 8, 233, 233
Tuesday 200 shading 252
Vreng 217,254,281
Subject index

Page numbers in bold refer to figures. Anabaenopsis 98

Anaerobic conditions 56-57
Abramis brama, see Bream see also Denitrification
Absorption of light 20-21 Anas rubripes, see Black duck
absorption coefficient 20 Aphanizomenon 99
see also Light attenuation Apparent competition 191
Acartia 244 Apparent optical properties 21
Aerobic layer 56 Aquatic plants, see Vegetation
see also Phosphorus, sediment-water Artificial plants 304
exchange Asiatic clam, see Corbicula fluminea
Age-0 fish, see Young-of-the-year fish Asymptotic regime 118, 133
Aggregation of zooplankton, see see also Attractor
Daphnia, migration A !tractor
Algae, see Phytoplankton; Benthic cyclic 118
algae; Macro algae see also Limit cycle
Allopathic effects point 118
of cyanobacteria on diatoms 99, 115 strange 118, 133, 177
of cyanobacteria on macrophytes torus 177-179
99 see also Equilibria; Asymptotic
of macrophytes on algae 97-99, 115, regime
238 Autumnal water-starwort, see
Alternative attractors, see Alternative Callitriche hermaphroditica
stable states
Alternative stable states Background turbidity 26-30
as a result of grazing 148-151, effect on
239-241 algal biomass 86-89, 93-96
cyanobacterial versus algal cyanobacterial dominance 114
dominance 105-116, 262 vegetation 261
detection from field data 284-286 Bacteria, see Mineralization;
disturbance 261, 286-288, 290 Denitrification
implications for management Bacterioplankton 218
289-294 Barley-straw for algal control 303
in connected systems 293-294 Basin of attraction 109, 290
in heterogeneous systems 293-294 Beaked tasselweed, see Ruppia
perturbation effect, see Disturbance maritima
vegetation versus algal dominance Beam attenuation coefficient 20
258-294 Benthic algae
field evidence 286-288 effect on nutrient dynamics 69-70
see also Vegetation as alternative effect on resuspension 70
stable state see also Macro algae; Diatoms
Aluminum, effect on phosphorus Benthic invertebrates
dynamics 57 affected by benthivores 191-197
Ammonification 61 effect on consumed plants 256
Ammonium 61 effect on nutrient dynamics 71
Anabaena 5, 98, 99 effect on periphyton 196-197
Subject index 347
importance in food-web 191-193, role of sulphide 243-244
207 vegetation effect on turbidity 245
Benthivorous fish Breakpoint 150-151
efiect on see also Alternative stable states
benthic invertebrates 191-197 Bream (Abramis brama) 3, 11, 43
nutrients 71-75, 297 competition with perch 203, 209
phytoplankton 71-75, 258, 297 densities in lakes 191
sediment resuspension 44--47, 297 relation to vegetation 222-223, 257,
zooplankton 191 293
food competition 192-193 role as benthivore 44, 46--47
stunted growth 192-193 sediment resuspension 46, 257, 293
Benthos, see Benthic invertebrates Broad-leaved pondweed, see
Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus) Potamogeton natans
2, 256--257 Bulbils, see Vegetation, underground
Bicarbonate 64 structures
see also Carbon limitation Buoyancy 32, 82, 100
Bifurcation 110, 112
fold 156, 158-162, 173-174,272 Cakile edentula 249
graph 112-113 Calcium carbonate
homoclinic 155, 158, 173-174 effect on phosphorus dynamics 57
Hopf 136, 140, 153 Calibration of models 308
line 113 Callitriche hermaphroditica (autumnal
saddle-node, see Fold bifurcation water-starwort) 236
transcritical 110 Camerano, L. 122, 206
Bioassay 98, 233, 237 Canadian pondweed, see Elodea
Biomanipulation, see Fish stock canadensis
management Cannibalism 201-203, 223
Bioturbation, see Benthic Carassius carassius, see Crucian carp
invertebrates, effect on nutrient Carbon limitation
dynamics; Resuspension, fish of phytoplankton 64
induced of submerged plants 64, 253
Birds Carp ( Cyprinus carpio)
effect on vegetation 14, 256--257, early removal experiments 258, 296
281,299 relation to vegetation 222-223,
piscivorous birds 224 257-258
response to vegetation change role as benthivore 46, 191
224-225 stocking 292
Bivalves 124 Carrying capacity 79-81
see also Dreissena polymorpha, Cascading trophic interaction 122
Benthic invertebrates see also Top-down control
Black duck (Anas rubripes) 193 Catastrophic transition 107
Black swan ( Chenopsis atrata) 6, 19 see also Alternative stable states
Blicca bjoerkna, see White bream Cattails, see Typha
Bloom, see Seasonality, plankton Causality problems xvii-xix, 227-230,
Blue-green algae, see Cyanobacteria 311
Body size implications 172, 203-205 Centrarchids 208
Bogdanov-Takens point 161 Ceratophyllum demersum (rigid
Bosmina 218, 221, 236, 239 hornwort) 5, 9, 98, 230, 233,
Bottom-up control 122-124 253,257
Boundary layer 32 Ceriodaphnia 218-219
Brackish lakes 190, 241-245, 252 Chaoborus 188-190
changing salinity 242-243 Chaotic dynamics 118-121
Daphnia 190-244 Chara aspera 266, 279
mysid shrimps 190, 244 Chara contraria 288
348 Subject index
Chara tomentosa 217,266 Coregonus clupiaformis, see Cisco
CHARISMA 273--281 Crucian carp ( Carassius carassius) 197,
Charophytes (Stone worts) 213 204
case studies 2, 3, 8, 13 Ctenopharyngodon idella, see grass
consumption by carp 258 carp
development after fish removal 297 Cyanobacteria 99-116
effect on resuspension 48--49 allelopathy 87-99, 115, 238
invertebrate fauna 214-215 as alternative stable state 105-116,
maximum inhabited depth 247-248 262-263
toxic effect of phosphorus 248 buoyancy 32, 82, 100
see also Vegetation competition with algae 107-114
Chemical cues 146, 186, 205, 219 control 113, 125-126 302, 303
Chenopsis atrata, see Black swan empirical relationships with
Chironomid larvae nutrients 101-105
effect on nutrient dynamics 71-72 turbidity 101-105
in vegetation 214-215 scums 100
see also Benthic invertebrates see also Inedible algae
Chironomus anthracinus 215 Cyclic attractor 118
Chironomus tentans 71 see also Limit cycle
Chlorophyll Cygnus columbianus, see Bewick's
effect on light climate 26-30 swan
empirical relationship to nutrients Cygnus olor, see Mute swan
76-79 Cyprinids 208, 222
affected by vegetation 226-229 see also Bream; Roach; Carp
ratio to algal dry-weight 28, 76 Cyprinus carpio, see Carp
see also Phytoplankton; Turbidity
Cisco ( Coregonus clupiaformis) 190 Daphnia (water flea) 128, 127-129
Cladocerans 127 affected by
see also Daphnia clay particles 127
Clams, see Bivalves cyanobacteria 114, 127, 137,
Clear water patches 230-231, 288, 294 185-187
Clear-water phase 96, 127, 163-184 inedible algae 114, 127, 137,
absence of 16S--170 185-187
classic scenario 163-165 invertebrate predators 187-190
in vegetated lakes 230 phosphorus limitation 127
recurrent 166-168 salinity 127, 242-245
role of nutrients 184 egg number 164-165
timing 16S--172 ephippia 185, 280
see also Seasonality maximal salinity 244
Club-rush, see Scirpus migration
Codimension-two point 161 horizontal 205, 217-222
Coexistence vertical 138, 205
of cyanobacteria and algae 115 model 129-137
see also Paradox of the plankton nutritional status 127, 164-165
Competition phototactic response 220
cyanobacterial-algal 107-114 repellent effect of vegetation 219
multi-species algal 116-121 spatial heterogeneity 138-146
vegetation-algae 225-245, 265-266 stabilizing mechanisms 137-146
Consolidation of sediment 33, 40, 47, swarming 138, 205
70 Daphnia galeata 164, 242
Coot (Fulica atra) 3, 10, 1S Daphnia hyalina v. galeata 218
related to vegetation 14, 224-225, Daphnia magna 217-218, 295
256-257, 281 Daphnia pulex 148, 163
Corbicula fluminea (Asiatic clam) 124 Decomposition, see Mineralization
Subject index 349
Deep water waves 34 Esox lucius, see Pike
Denitrification 61-63, 68, 70, 210, 238 Euphotic depth 25-26
Detritus, effect on light climate 26-30, Eurycercus lamellatus 218
94 Eurytemora 244
DHV, see Die! horizontal migration Eutrophication xiv-xvii
Diaphanosoma brachyurum 218-219 case studies 1-5
Diatoms 83, 230 mechanisms 294-295
see also Benthic algae with alternative stable states
Die! horizontal migration 205, 217-222 291-293
Die! vertical migration, see Vertical Exclosure studies, see Enclosure
migration studies
Disturbance Exposure, see Vegetation, affected by
effect on plankton dynamics 112, wave action
117 Extinction coefficient, see Light
in alternative stable states 261, attenuation
286-288, 290
Dorosoma, see Shad Fetch 33-37
Dredging 303-304 see also Resuspension, wave induced
Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel) Filamentous macro algae, see Macro
96, 97, 124-127 algae
Ducks (Anas) 11, 193, 224-225 Fish
DVM, see Vertical migration affected by vegetation
Dynamical systems theory 113 see also Benthivorous fish;
Piscivorous fish; Planktivorous
Eelgrass, see Zostera marina fish; Herbivorous fish
Einsele, W., see Phosphorus, sediment- Fish kill 290
water exchange in winter 128, 197, 201
Elodea 9, 212, 231, 237, 257 Fish ponds 73-75, 231
Elodea canadensis (Canadian Fish stock management 122, 296-300
pondweed) 6, 11, 197, 228,266, carp removal 258, 296
279-280 case studies 8-12, 15-18
Elodea nuttallii (Nuttall's waterweed) critical nutrient concentration
233 299-300
Emergent macrophytes 47-48, 210, 301 effect of benthivore removal 44, 297
Enclosure studies 73-74, 221, 228, 236 long term effects 287
Enteromorpha intestinalis 8 recovery of fish community 222
Environmental fluctuation, see requirements for success 298-300
Disturbance rotenone 128, 297-298
Environmental noise, see Disturbance Flab 70,212
Ephippia 185, 280 Flagellates, see Motile algae
Epilimnion xiv Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) 100
Epiphytes 98 Floating algal beds, see Flab
see also Periphyton Floating macrophytes 210, 301
Epiphyton, see Periphyton Flushing
Equilibria as a management measure 296, 302
basin of attraction 109, 290 effect on algal biomass 85
saddle 109, 156-157, 268, 272 effect on cyanobacterial dominance
separatrix 109, 156-157, 268 108-116, 296
stability 108-110 effect on nutrient retention 55
trivial 108, 132, 136 Fold bifurcation 156, 158-162,
unstable point 136, 150, 268 173-174,272
see also Attractor Food chain, see Top-down control
Erosion, see Resuspension, wave Frequency locking 179-182
induced Fulica atra, see Coot
350 Subject index
Functional response 130, 145, 152 role in summer decline of Daphnia
163-164, 186
Gape limitation, see Body size see also Cyanobacteria
implications Inherent optical properties 20-21
Gas vesicles 100 Inorganic suspended solids
see also Buoyancy, Cyanobacteria effect on light climate 26-30
Gasterorsteus aculeatus, see Stickleback effect on phytoplankton 93-94
Gelbstoff 20 Internal phosphorus loading 52--61,
Gilvin 20 296
Gomphosphaeria 99 Invariant set 179
Grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella) Invertebrate predators 187-190, 244
257-258, 294, 306 see also Leptodora, Neomysis,
Grebes ( Podiceps cristatus) 224 Chaoborus
Growth isoclines, see Isoclines Invertebrates
Growth rate affected by vegetation 214-216
in logistic model 79-81 see Benthic invertebrates;
in macrophytes 275 Invertebrate predators;
seasonal variation 172-184 Herbivores
Iron, effect on P release 56-57
Helophytes 210 Isoclines 108--110, 130, 267-273
Herbivores Isoetes (quillwort) 7, 213
birds 14, 256-257, 281, 299 Isolation of lakes 4-5, 293-294, 298
fish 257-258 ISS, see Inorganic suspended solids
invertebrates 256
Heterocysts 100 Juvenile competitive bottleneck 203
Hill function 270
Homoclinic bifurcation 155, 158, Kairomones, see Chemical cues
173-174 K-select species 112
Hopf bifurcation 136, 140, 153 see also Phytoplankton, seasonal
Hornwort, see Ceratophy/lum succession
HSS hypothesis 122, 206 Lake depth
Hydraulic retention time 52, 62--63 effect on vegetation 245-253,
see also Flushing 263-264, 301
Hydril/a verticillata 204, 212, 235, 247, phytoplankton 85-81
266 resuspension 36-41, 300
Hydrodictyon reticulatum 8 Lake management, see Management
Hypolimnion xiv, 58 Lakes, see Lake index
Hypothesis testing xvii Lambert Beer's Law 21
Hyridella menziesi 124 Large-mouth bass (Micropterus
Hysteresis 107 salmoides) 16, 203
see also Alternative stable states Lepomis gibbosus, see Pumpkinseed
Ice cover 7, 13-14, 33 Lepomis microlophus, see Redear
effect on sunfish
cyanobacterial dominance 115 Leptodora 187-190
fish 197 Lesser pondweed, see Potamogeton
see also Fish kills in winter pusillus
Immobilization, see Phosphorus, Liebig law of the minimum 91
sediment-water exchange Light attenuation 21-23
Individual based models 309-310 by periphyton 250-252
Inedible algae 114, 137, 185-187 effect of suspended material 27-30
implication for biomanipulation estimating from Secchi and
298--299 chlorophyll 30-31
Subject index 351
in vegetation 237 Minimal models, see Models, as
of different colours 22 theories
relationship to absorption and Mixed water layer 26
scattering 22 Models
see also Shade as theories
Light limitation caveats of interpretation xvii, 311
fixed bottom light hypothesis 88-89 comparing different models 111,
in phytoplankton 85-96 312-313
Limit cycle 133, 136 predictive power 308-313
Local clear water in plant beds use as hypothesis xvii
230--231, 288, 294 Daphnia-algae 129-134
Longtin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) paradox of enrichment 134-137
190 spatial heterogeneity 138-146
Lotka, A.J. 124 light climate 21-31
Lymnaea peregra 9 logistic equation 79-81
Lyngbya 99 Noy-Meir grazing model 148-151
Macro algae 70, 212 algal settling loss 82
Macrobenthos, see Benthic competition with cyanobacteria
invertebrates 107-114
Macro-invertebrates, see Benthic light limited growth 85-88
invertebrates nutrient and light effects 89-96
Macrophytes, see Vegetation planktivory 152-162
Management resuspension by fish 45
artificial refuges 304 seasonal dynamics of plankton and
barley-straw for algal control 303 fish 172-184
biomanipulation 296-300 sedimentation and resuspension
see also Fish stock management 32-42
combining measures 306-307 tuning 308
dredging 303-304 vegetation dominance as alternative
enclosures 304 stable state
flushing 296, 302 elaborate graphical model 263-269
herbicide treatment 290 marble-in-a-cup representation
implication of alternative stable 290--291
states 289-294 minimal mathematical model
nutrient control 294-296 269-273
phosphorus precipitation 296 simple graphical model 260--263
stocking of juvenile pike 199-200, vegetation simulation model
298 273-279
vegetation control 301, 304-306 wave disturbance preventing
water level manipulation 292, colonization 282-283
300--302 vegetation effect on phytoplankton
draw-down 301-302 239-241
Marble-in-a-cup diagram 290 Vollenweider model 52
MEGAPLANT 273-281 Molluscivores 127, 194-197, 223, 295
Meterological events, see Disturbance, Molluscs
Storm effects affected by fish 194-197, 295
Microcystis aeruginosa 2, 8, 9, 99, 100 effect on periphyton 196-197, 295
Micro-ecosystems 120 Mortimer, C.H., see Phosphorus,
Micropterus salmoides, see Large- sediment-water exchange
mouth bass Motile algae 32-82, 234
Mineralization Multiple causality xviii
effect on nitrogen dynamics 61-63 Multiple stable states, see Alternative
effect on phosphorus 57-61 stable states
352 Subject index
Mussels, see Bivalves see also Phosphorus
Mute swan (Cygnus olor) 14,255 Oscillatoria 99-116
Myriophyllum (water-milfoil) 219 Oscillatoria agardhii see Planktrothrix
Myriophyllum exalbescens 17 agardhii
Myriophyllum spicatum (spiked water- Over-exploited state 150-151, 239-241
milfoil) 98, 305
Mysid shrimp, see Neomysis PAR 22
Paradox of enrichment 134-137
Najas fiexis (slender naiad) 17 Paradox of the plankton 116
Nannoplankton 83 Particulate phosphorus 51-52
Neomysis (mysid shrimp) 187-190, see also Phosphorus
188,242 PEG model 166
Neural networks 311 Per capita growth rate 79-81
Nitellopsis 2 Perea fiavescens, see Yellow perch
Nitrate Perea fiuviatilis, see Perch
denitrification 61 ~3. 68, 70, 210, 238 Perch (Perea fiuviatilis) 3, 75
effect on phosphorus dynamics 57 colonization by 242
nitrification 61~3 effect of turbidity 213
Nitrification 61~3 juvenile competition 203, 209
Nitrogen 61~3 piscivory 208
limitation in phytoplankton 78-79, related to vegetation 222-223
234 Percids 208
limitation in vegetation 68, 238 see also Perch, Pikeperch
ratio to algal dry-weight 76 Perfoliate pondweed, see Potamogeton
see also Nutrients, Denitrification perfoliatus
Nitrogen fixation 61~3, 64 Periodic behaviour 177-179
Northern pike, see Pike Periphyton
Noy-Meir 149 affected by
NTU 25 allopathy 99
Nuphar lutea (yellow water-lily) 6, 8, grazing by molluscs 196-197, 295
221,266 mysid shrimp grazing 252
Nutrient control 294-296 nutrient loading 3, 295
Nutrients waves 255
affected by as a food source 215
benthic algae 69-70 effect on nutrients 238
benthic invertebrates 71-72 effect on plant growth 250-252, 295
benthivorous fish 71-75, 297 shading by 250-252
pelagic animals 70-71 Perturbations, see Disturbance
phytoplankton 64-65 pH, effect on phosphorus release 56
vegetation 6~9, 238 Phase plane 132
effect on phytoplankton 76-105 Phoenicopterus ruber, see Flamingo
competition with cyanobacteria Phosphorus
101-105 availability to phytoplankton 50-52
empirical relationships 76-79 internal loading 54-55, 296
growth model 89-96 precipitation 296
effect on vegetation 253-254 ratio to algal dry-weight 76
nutrient control 294-296 retention 52-55
case studies 1-5 sediment-water exchange 52~1
see also Phosphorus, Nitrogen, effects of decomposition 57-59
Eutrophication effects of nitrate 57
Nuttall's waterweed, see Elodea nuttallii effects of pH and sulphide 56
effects of resuspension 59~1
Optimal harvest 81 effects of turbulence 57-59
Orthophosphate 51 in brackish lakes 243-244
Subject index 353
roles of iron 56--57, 296 seasonal cycle 162-184
roles of oxygen 56--57, 296 see also Young-of-the-year fish
see also Nutrients Planktothrix agardhii 3, 105
Photosynthetic Active Radiation 22 see also Oscillatoria
Phototactic response 220 Podiceps cristatus, see Grebes
Phytoplankton Poincare section 177
affected by Point attractor 118
allelopathy 87-99 Polymictic xiv
flushing 85, 018-116, 296 Poole Atkins coefficient 23
grazing 96-97, 124-138 Potamogeton berchtoldii (small
inorganic suspended solids 93-94 pondweed) 9, 233
lake depth 85-96 Potamogeton foliosus 228
light 85-96 Potamogeton natans (broad-leaved
nutrients and light combined pondweed) 6
89-96 Potamogeton pectinatus (sago
sedimentation and resuspension pondweed) 1, 3, 7, 14, 236, 244
81-85 exposure effects 254-255, 279
settling loss 82 growth form 212
vegetation 2254-245, 265-266 in turbid lakes 247-252
buoyancy 32, 82 invertebrate fauna 214-215
chaotic dynamics 118-121 nuisance 305-306
chlorophyll contents 28, 76 refuge function 217
dominance by cyanobacteria 99-116 Potamogeton perfoliatus (perfoliate
as alternative stable state 105-116 pondweed) 2, 3
empirical relationships with Potamogeton pusillus (lesser
nutrients and turbidity 101-105 pondweed) 236
empirical relationships with Predation, see Top-down control
inorganic suspended solids 93-94 Predator interference 131
nutrients 76-79 Prey switching 137
logistic growth equation 79-81 Propagules, see Vegetation, diaspores
multi-species competition 116-121 Pseudofecal pellets 125
nitrogen contents 76 Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis
phosphorus contents 76 gibbosus) 194
seasonal succession 116-118 Pungius pungius, see Stickleback
spatial heterogeneity 138-146 PVI (Plant Volume Infested) 213
see also Cyanobacteria, Motile algae
Picoplankton 83 Quasiperiodic behaviour, see Torus
Pike (Esox lucius) 3, 198 Quillwort, see Isoetes
effect of turbidity 213
related to vegetation 222-223 Ratio dependence, see Predator
stocking 8, 199-200, 298 interference
Pikeperch ( Stizostedion lucioperca) Redear sunfish ( Lepomis microlophus)
199, 203, 222 194
Piscivorous fish Relative growth rate 79-81
cannibalism 201-203 Repellor 179
competition 201-203 see also Equilibrium, unstable point
effect on fish abundance and size Resource ratio theory 113-114
197-203 Restoration, see Management
effect on zooplankton and algae Resuspension 31-49
200-201 balance with sedimentation 31-33
Planktivorous fish effect of benthic algae 70
effect on zooplankton 146-190 fish induced 44-47, 258, 297
model 152-162 vegetation effect on 47-49, 234-235
predation 197-200 wave induced
354 Subject index
effect of consolidation 33, 40, 47 light 174-177
lake specific empirical models phytoplankton species 116-118
41-44 piscivorous fish 162-184
relation to lake size and depth plankton 162-190
36-41,300 temperature 174-177
when and where 33-35 Secchi-depth 23-25
Rhizomes, see Vegetation, relationship to
underground structures light attenuation 23-24
Rigid hornwort, see Ceratophyllum maximum vegetated depth
demersum 245-253
Roach ( Rutilus rutilus) 11 suspended material 27
competition with perch 203 see also Light attenuation
relation with vegetation 222-223 Sediment removal 303-304
role as Sediment resuspension, see
benthivore 191 Resuspension
herbivore 257 Sedimentation 31-49
molluscivore 295 affected by vegetation 47-49,
planktivore 220 234-235
Rotenone 128, 297-298 balance with resuspension 31-33
r-select species 112 in Chara fields 234
see also Phytoplankton, seasonal sinking velocity 32
succession Seeds, see Vegetation, diaspores
Rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) 8, Separatrix 109, 156-157, 268
220,257 Settling, see Sedimentation
Ruppia maritima (beaked tasselweed) Sewage effluent effect 295
17 Shad (Dorosoma) 6, 203
Ruti/us rutilus, see Roach Shade 26,86
by periphyton 250-252
Saddle point 109, 156-157, 268,272 experienced by phytoplankton 88-S9
Saddle-node bifurcation, see Fold experiments on plants 251-252
bifurcation maximum observed 88--90
Sago pondweed, see Potamogeton relationship to cyanobacterial
pectinatus dominance 101-114
Salinity 242-245 under vegetation 237
Salmoniformes 208 see also Phytoplankton, affected by
Scardinius erythrophtalmus, see Rudd light
Scattering of light 20-21 Shallow lakes versus deep lakes
angular distribution 20 definitions xiv
relation to nutrient dynamics 49-50
light attenuation 22 Shear velocity 33
NTU 25 Shelter, see Vegetation, affected by
Sei:chi depth 23-24 wave action
scattering coefficient 20 Sida crystal/ina 96, 218
see also Light attenuation Silting of fish eggs 223
Scenedesmus 98 Simocephalus vetulus 96-218
Schistosome dermatitis, see Swimmers' Simulation models 273-281, 308--313
itch Sinking, see Sedimentation
Scirpus (club-rush) 7 Size-efficiency hypothesis 146
Scums of cyanobacteria 100 Slender naiad, see Najas flexis
Seagrass, see Zostera Small pondweed, see Potamogeton
Seasonality berchtoldii
implications for equilibria and cycles Snails, see Molluscs
177-182 Soluble phosphorus 51-52
in plankton model 174-184 see also Phosphorus
Subject index 355

Spatial heterogeneity 138-146 Tinea tinea, see Tench

Spawning of fish 172 Top-down control 122-124
Spiked water-milfoil, see Myriophyllum of benthic invertebrates by fish
spicatum 191-197
Spirinehus thaleiehthys, see Longtin of fish by fish 197-203
smelt of molluscs by fish 194--197, 223, 295
Spirulina 100, 103 of periphyton by molluscs 196-197,
Spores, see Vegetation, diaspores 295
Spring clear-water phase, see Clear- of phytoplankton by bivalves 96-97,
water phase 124-127
SRP 51-52 of phytoplankton by zooplankton
see also Phosphorus 96-97, 127-146
Stability 108-110 effect of nutrients 134--137
see also Attractor implications of inedibility 114-115
Stability landscape 290 of zooplankton by fish 146-190, 297
Stickleback (Pungius pungius and predation avoidance 138, 205-206,
Gasterorsteus aeuleatus) 190, 217-222
244 see also Chemical cues
Stizostedion lueioperea, see Pikeperch role of body size 172, 203-205
Stizostedion vitreum, see Walleye seasonality 162-190
Stocking of juvenile pike 8, 199-200, shifts with enrichment 206-209
298 Torus 177-179
Stonewort, see Charophytes Total phosphorus
Storm effects 290 affected by phytoplankton 64--65,
case studies 5-6 76-77
see also Disturbance definition 51-52
Strange attractor 118, 177 see also Phosphorus
Stratification xiv, 32, 48, 49, 58 Trivial equilibria 108, 132, 136
Stunted growth of fish 192-193 Trophic cascade 122-124
Submerged macrophytes, see uncoupling 201
Vegetation, Macrophytes see also Top-down control
Sulphide Tubers, see Vegetation, underground
effect on phosphorus dynamics 56 structures
effect on plant growth 254, 299 Tubificids 71
in brackish lakes 243 Tuning of models 308
SUP 51-52 Turbidity
see also Phosphorus background, see Background
Swan (Cygnus) 2, 11 turbidity
related to vegetation 14, 224, 225, causes 26-30
256-257 effect on vegetation 245-253,
Swarming of Daphnia 138, 205 263-265, 301
Swimmers' itch (schistosome nephelometric 25
dermatitis) 9 see also Light attenuation, Secchi
Tangent bifurcation curve 180 Turbulence
Temperature effect on algal sedimentation loss
effect on vegetation growth 253 81-84
seasonal variation 174--176 effect on phosphorus 57-61
Tench (Tinea tinea) 194 see also Resuspension
effect on molluscs 194--197, 295 Turions, see Vegetation, underground
effect on zooplankton 213 structures
relation to vegetation 222-223 Typha (cattails) 7
Thermocline, see Stratification
Tilapia 100 Under-exploited state 151
356 Subject index
Unstable equilibrium 136, 150, 268 nutrient limitation 238
see also Saddle point; Stability resuspension 47-49, 238-239
landscape seasonality 229-233
Uprooting of vegetation 254, 299 sedimentation 47-49, 238-239
shading 237
Validation of models 308 zooplankton grazing 239
Vegetation maximum inhabited depth 245-253
affected by measures of abundance 213
birds 256-257, 281 repellent effect on Daphnia 219
fish 257-258 role of edges 218
invertebrate herbivores 256 seasonal dynamics 229-233
nutrients 253-254 model 279-281
perifyton 250-252 structure 210-213
substrate 253-254 underground structures 230,
temperature 253 247-248
turbidity 245-253, 263-265 role in winter 279-281
water depth 245-253, 263-265, uprooting 254, 299
301 Vegetation control 301, 304-306
wave action 254-256, 281-284 Verification of models 308
as alternative stable state 258-288, Vertical attenuation coefficient, see
289-294 Light attenuation
elaborate graphical model 263-269 Vertical migration
evidence from the field 286-288 of cyanobacteria 100
implications for management of zooplankton 138, 205
289-294 see also Buoyancy
marble-in-a-cup representation Visual hunters 213
290-291 see also Perch; Pike
minimal mathematical model Vollenweider model 52
269-273 Volterra, V. 124
simple graphical model 260-263 competition models 113
stabilizing mechanisms 258-260
vegetation simulation model Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) 16
273-279 Water depth, see Lake depth
wave disturbance preventing Water flea, see Daphnia
colonization 282-283 Water level effects
colonization 276-284 case studies 6-7, 13-15
diaspores effect on vegetation dominance 261,
distribution 249-250 278-279
limiting colonization 299 see also Management, water level;
role for overwintering 279-280 Lake depth
effect on Waterfowl 224-225
birds 224-225 see also Birds; Ducks; Swan; Coot
fish 222-223 Water-milfoil, see Myriophyllum
invertebrates 214-216 Waves, see Resuspension, wave
nutrients 66-69, 238 induced
resuspension 47-49 Wetlands xiv
sedimentation 47-49, 234-235 White bream (Blicca bjoerkna) 199
zooplankton 216-222, 239 Wild rice (Zizania) 7
effects on turbidity 225-245, Wind
265-266 relationship to resuspension 37-42
allelopathy 97-99, 115, 238 relationship to wave size 34-35
in brackish lakes 241-245 see also Resuspension, wave
local clear water 230-231, 288, 294 induced; Vegetation affected by
model 239-241 wave action
Subject index 357

Winter kill of fish, see Fish kill in Zero isoclines, see Isoclines
winter Zero-plus fish, see Young-of-the-year
Yellow perch (Percaflavescens) 148, Zizania, see Wild rice
163, 164 Zooplankton
Yellow water-lily, see Nuphar lutea affected by fish 146--190, 297
Young-of-the-year fish 148, 164, 172, affected by vegetation 216--222, 239
221-223, 298 grazing algae in vegetation 236--237,
Zander, see Pikeperch see also Sida crystallina,
Zanichellia peltata 99 Simocephalus vertilus
Zebra mussel, see Dreissena see also Daphnia, Planktivorous fish
polymorpha Zostera marina (eelgrass) 196

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