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Chymical secrets and rare experiments in physick & philosophy with figures
collected and experimented
Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665.
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Page 1

How to fix ☽ into ☉ by ☿ and ☿ Preci∣pitate.

HAving Written so many Proces∣ses, and made so many Tryals, and heard so many
Discourses of Learned Men upon this Subject, I will give you an Account of an easie
Method that I have resolved upon for accomplishing this Work. Namely, That all
imperfect Metals and common ☿ may be transmuted into ☉ by one and the same Me∣thod;
to wit, by Maturation and Coction, and not by Generation; for that which is
generated, is no more that which it was be∣fore it was generated: And that which is
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Corrupted, is no more that which it was before it was Corrupted.

But the baser Metals, after they are trans∣muted into ☽ or ☉ are still Metals
never∣theless as they were before, and the trans∣mutation of their kind is done by
changing their accidental form, not their substantial, the perfection whereof is
Maturity; for by Maturation the Metal is brought to a higher degree of perfection.

Now, imperfect Metals are Maturated by external heat, which digesteth their crude
Humidity; yea, ☉ it self may be further perfected, and exalted in colour, as when
the Stone is made of it, it will communi∣cate this Maturity to imperfect Metals.

And Common ☿ is extracted out of Me∣tals three several ways; namely, by

Ce∣mentation and Digestion, by Fermentation and by Tincture. As for Cementation
that concerneth onely the digestion of ☽ into ☉ but not the other too imperfect
Metals, nor ☿ either, which is crude, and too much alienated from the Maturity of

By Cementation the humidity of ☽ brought to maturity. There are seven sorts of

Cementations, namely by Salts, A••loms, Vitriols, and Metalline-waters: But often-
times instead of digesting ☽ they bur [gap: ;reason: in gutter]
Page 3
it; so that this way of making ☉ is with more loss than profit.

But there is no better way than ☿ and red Precipitate, which I have learned by the
afore-mentioned Operations.

My Process is such.

TAke ℥ij. of ☽, make an Amalgama of it with Mercury by A. F. as you know, wash this
Amalgama very well in se∣veral waters, then press out so much ☿, that there remain
but ℥iiij. of it with the ☽ which maketh ℥vj. in all. Add to it ℥vj. of good red
Precipitate, and grind all to an impal∣pable Powder; which put into a Matrass, and
digest it with a gentle heat in Sand, so that the ☿ do not Sublime, but that it may
Calcine the ☽ and leave it in Powder, for •f you give too great a heat, it will
reduce •he ☽ into a Body.

After three days Digestion, take out your Powder, and grind it as before, so that
if there be yet any quick ☿ it may be morti∣fied. Digest it again as before, and
with •he same degree of heat for three days more; •hen take it out and grind it
again, then di∣gest it only for two days by four degrees of heat, which you must
change every two •ours, to the end, that by the last degree of
Page 4
heat all the ☿ and ☿ Precipitate may preci∣pitate the Powder of ☽, which will begin
to grow white.

Reiterate the addition of ☿ and ☿ Pre∣cipitate in the same quantity as before.

Di∣gest two days more by four degrees of heat, as before, and the Powder will grow
per∣fectly white.

Then by the same Operation reiterated it will begin to be of a Citrine colour, and

And thus by reiterating the Digestions, you may give it what degree of this colour
you please; for the oftner you digest it with the said ☿ and ☿ Precipitate, being
separa∣ted from it again by the last degree of heat, the more the Powder will be of
a Citrine Colour.

Then melt your Powder with Borax, and you shall have ☉ at 24 Carrats, without
diminution of the first weight of the ☽ which will be rather increased. All may be
ac∣complished in the space of One and Twenty days.

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A Work with ☉ and ☿ that Monsieur Dandre helped to work in Piedmont, in great
quantity: Given me by him, June 1660.

MOnsieur Dandre saith, he wrought thus: Make carefully an Amalgama of ℥j. of ☉ in

Calx, with 7 or 8 of Purified ☿, then squeeze out so much ☿, that there remain
℥iij. of ☿, and so there be ℥iiij. in the Globe: To this add ℥j. of Sulphur-vive,
which is clear and transparent in pieces, (in Italy, where he wrought this) and
grind all very well toge∣ther, (in this consisteth the main part of the Secret, for
at every time you are to em∣ploy three or four hours in grinding) then put the
matter into a Matrass, and give a gentle heat, the Glass unstopped, till the
moisture and smoak is exhaled out. Then let the Fire go out, and when the Matrass
is cold, seal it Hermetically, and set it to Sub∣lime by degrees of Fire, till all
that will, be Sublimed, which will be done in 20. or 24. hours. Then the Vessel
being cold, break it, and take out the Matter, and grind all together a long time,
both that which is Sublimed, and that which is in the bottom, adding ℥j. of new
Sulphur-vive, then Sub∣lime in the same Method as before; repeat this seven times
at the least, adding ℥j.
Page 6
of Sulphur-vive every time, and the mat∣ter will become a brown yellowish reddish
Powder, which will be very fusible, and even in the grinding it will relent, as
though it grew moist: You will have ℥iiij. of fixed Matter, which project (in
parcels) upon ℥x. of ☽ in good Fustion, then put it to the Ooppel, and separating
{water} and you shall have ℥iiij. of pure ☉.

You can work but ℥j. of ☉ in one Glass, but you may put 50, or more Glasses in one
Sand Furnace with a large Bason of Copper in Sand.

Some Observations about the said Monsieur Dandre's Work.

THE Operation was made in an Atha∣nor, with the Registers at the end, the hole
through which the heat was communi∣cated, was about the bigness of a brick, the
plate which held the Sand was of Iron, and contained 32 Matrasses, sixteen on every
side: The Tower was in the middle, where∣in the Coals sunk down by degrees. They
did not mix the Powder with Wax, nor any thing else in projecting, but only wrapt
up in Paper, it did enter, and disappear im∣mediately without smoaking. The
Ma∣trass ought to have 2 third parts empty.

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The Amalgama was made thus: They took ℥ix. of ☿ and heated it in a Crucible, until
it begun to smoak, then they set it upon hot Ashes, and cast therein ℥j. of Du∣cats
cut in small pieces, and made hot in a Crucible, then stirred it until the ☉ was
swal∣lowed up by the ☿: Then took it off, and let it cool. They did not wash the
said Amalgama: They used common ☿ only mixed with Quick-lime, and then Distilled in
a Retort.

The Sulphur was transparent and yel∣low like Amber, in pieces, and to be had at
Carmagnole, Turin, Cony, Mondevic, Saluce, Genes: It is a Sulphur-vive, cost four,
five, or six pence a pound. The Sand they used was round River-sand, and the
Matrass was never red in the Sand: They never put above ℥j. of ☉ in one Matrass,
nor never above ℥x. of ☽ at every Pro∣jection.

(Hartman.) These Observations were communicated to Sir Kenelm by Abbot Bou∣caud,

but the Process was written by Sir Kenelm himself from Monsieur Dandre's Mouth.

Page 8
Monsieur Van Outer's Secret, Physician of Brussels, with ☉ and Butter of Anti∣mony.

TAke equal parts of {antimony} Mineral, and ☿ Sublimate, and a little Sal armoniac,
make Butter thereof: Draw the Spirit from this Butter, which rectifie again. (Note,
that this Butter, being exposed to the Air, draws from the same what it needeth in
an hours time, and thereby is much increased in quantity: That which it draws is
the hid∣den Food of the Life of Man, and all the Beings in the World. And this
Butter is the true Magnet which draws it in its purity.) Then put this Spirit into
a Glass Cucurbite, of a convenient bigness, fit a Head to it with Limbec and
Receiver; lute well all the junctures, and put it thus to putrifie in Ashes for two
Months, in which time the Matter will become as red as Blood, and afterwards very
black, sticking to the sides of the Ves∣sel like glutinous Soot, and the Ethereal
Spi∣rit ascendeth and passeth into the Recipient in form of a Spirit, and in Body
of fusible Salt, whereof you must also draw the Spirit, and separate them by
Distillation with a very gentle fire, until you see a red and sparkling fire upon
the Matter, which is a sign of its
Page 9
Maturity, and that you have obtained the Philosophical ☿, which is the true
Univer∣sal Dissolvent, then let it cool. That which resteth in the bottom of the
Cucurbite, is the Terra damnata.

Take ℥vj. of this Menstruum, and put it upon ℥j. of ☉ in very thin plates, which
will speedily be dissolved, and they will unite in∣timately, as being of the same
Nature. You must take great care that you lose nothing of the Spirits; it must be
done in a Matrass with a Glass stopper, exactly fitted; and being well sealed and
luted, digest it with a Lamp fire, with a very gentle heat in the begin∣ning. After
fifty days digestion, you must feed and imbibe your Matter with the said Menstruum,
whereof you must have store, for to multiply your Work. So soon as you have put in
the said Dissolvent, you must stop it again immediately, and seal it as be∣fore,
then digest fifty days more, the heat a little increased; which time being
ex∣pired, you must again feed your Matter with the Virginal Milk a little more than
the first time, continuing the digestion, the heat a little stronger. Reiterate the
Imbibition seven times, and your Matter will become more vigorous, and will be able
to bear stronger Food from time to time, and to bear stronger heat, which
nevertheless must
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not be hastened, but well governed, after the Example of the Operation of the Rays
of the Sun in the Spring and Summer, for the Nourishment and Maturation of
Vege∣tables. But you must observe, that at the two last imbibitions, there must be
but 35 days distance from the one to the other in∣stead of 50 before. At the five
first imbi∣bitions you shall see from time to time the wonderful effects of Nature,
by the internal vertue of the Matter, and by all the Signs written in Flammel, La
Tourbe, Le Rosaire, or Iubilation of the Soul, and in all those Authors that have
possessed this rare Know∣ledge, which will appear infallibly; to the proportion
whereof you must increase the fire, and that is left to the discretion of the
Operator. You must observe, that as the Matter multiplieth in vertue and quantity
at each imbibition, and always more and more, it might become so fusible, that at
last it might penetrate the Glass; so that if you judge convenient, you need not
imbibe quite seven times, that you may run no hazard; for you may afterwards
multiply the Pow∣der in the same manner, and carry it ad in∣finitum. And to
perform all this, there needeth no more than about nine Months time, and without
much trouble or care.

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The Multiplication of the Powder.

TAke ℥j. of the Powder to ℥iij. of ☉, melt them together, and leave them until all
be reduced to a Powder, which will be done in three days at the most; and thus you
may carry it ad infinitum, and that which is made thus, hath the same vertue as the

The Projection.

TO Project upon ☿ you must heat it in a Crucible, until it cast a black smoak, then
cast one grain of the said Powder upon ten or twelve Ounces of ☿. And projecting
upon other Metals, they must be in fusion, and they will render in proportion
accord∣ing as they abound in ☿.

A considerable Work with ☉ and ☿.

TAke ℥ viij. of ☉, melt it in a Crucible with three times as much Tin-glass, mix
them well together, then cast it out, and beat it into as small pieces as you can:
Take three times the weight of your mixture of good Sublimate, which put in the
bottom of a large Cucurbite, and upon that put the said mixture; set the Cucurbite
in an Earthen
Page 12
Pot, which put into an Iron Pot with Sand; fit a head with a Limbeck and Receiver
to it, lute all well, and give a gentle heat at the beginning for two hours; then
increase the heat by degrees, at last a very violent fire of reverberation, during
eight hours; then let it cool, and open the Vessel, and you shall find your Tin-
glass in the Receiver in the form of Crystals, with the Sublimate, and the ☉ will
remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite, in the form of light dry Flowers, very fair
to behold, and will be much opened and attenuated.

Dissolve this ☉ in eight parts of A. R. Di∣still it off, and put the same quantity
of new A. R. upon it, and Distill it off as be∣fore. Repeat this three times, at
the third time the ☉ will be so opened, that it will ascend with the water, and
stick to the sides of the head of the Alembick; so the same will seem to be full of
golden Stars.

Dissolve this ☉ again in eight parts of A. R. Dissolve also by it self twelve Marcs
of ☿ in A. F. Put these two dissolutions to∣gether, and let them stand to settle 24
hours, the ☉ and ☿ will be precipitated indistin∣guishible, in the form of a black
Spunge, and will be essentially and radically U∣nited.

Distill off the water to dryness, you will

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find at the bottom a gray Powder, which take out, and put it into a Matrass, and
pour upon it good Oyl of Vitriol, so much as may cover it the breadth of four
fingers; Seal it hermetically, and digest for twenty days. Then open the Matrass,
and let the humidity exhale by a strong heat in Sand: Break the Glass, and grind
the Matter with a little Borax, then melt it, and you shall have at least eleven
Marcs of ☉ (a Marc is ten Ounces.)

Monsieur Carrier gave this Work to his Uncle, Monsieur Ferrier, having had it from
an intimate Friend of his, who had arrived to great Wealth by it.

Hartman.) The said Monsieur Ferrier did communicate this Process to Sir Kenelm at
Paris, 1660. when he returned from Ger∣many, at the time of the Kings Happy

A Work Copied out of the Original of Mon∣sieur de la Violette's own Hand, whereof
he made great Account.

TAke ℥iiij. of the purest and finest ♃, and ℥viij. Spanish ☿ purified with Salt and
Vinegar, make an Amalgama. Then take red Minium and AEs stum of each ℥iiij. Danzick
Vitriol lbj. reduced to half a lb. 〈1 page duplicate〉
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by Calcination, grind and mix these all well together, and put them into a Retort
coated, and pour upon it one pound and a half of the following A. F.

Take Vitriol two pound, which reduce to one lb by Calcination, which put into a
Retort, and pour upon it a good A. F. made of Vitriol and Nitre, Distill it S. A.
and you shall have an A. F. fit for this Work, which having poured upon the said
Matter, Distill it off, and it will be very ponderous. Break the Retort (being
cold) and you will find on the sides of it, and up∣on the Caput Mortuum, a very red
and pon∣derous Sublimate, which take off.

Take the half of the Caput Mortuum, and as much of Bay Salt decrepitated, re∣duce
all to a fine Powder with the said Sub∣limate, and then put all into a new Retort,
and pour upon it the Distilled A. F. Distill it as before, and the said A. F. will
come off very red, and the Sublimate will be more red, and more ponderous than
before, and will rise very high at this time. Keep this Water very carefully, break
the Retort, and take both the Feces and Sublimate, and re∣duce it to Powder, and
Sublime it by it self without A. F. and the Sublimate will mount but upon the
surface of the Feces, which separate, and it will have acquired more
Page 15
redness, and will be almost fixed. Put this Sublimate into the said A. F. and it
will dissolve it speedily: Distill or evaporate the A. F. in Sand, and the
Sublimate will re∣main in the bottom like a deep-red Oyl. Put into this Oyl ℥iij.
of the fixed Sulphur of Vitriol, made according to Art; put it into a Matrass with
a short neck, and digest in Sand, until all the moisture is exhaled.

Then take an Amalgama made with one part of ☉ and two parts of ☽ Calcined with
Salt, and four parts of Spanish ☿ (washed with Salt and Vinegar;) then squeeze out
so much ☿ as you can from the Amalgama, then wash and dry this Amalgama, and pour
upon it by little and little of the above-said A. F. let it stand half an hour,
then pour on more of the Water as before, and you will see the Amalgama dissolve
visibly, and will be reduced to a very red Powder.

Note, that once in half an hour you must pour on some of the said Water, and all
will be done in less than half a day. Digest it half a day longer in Sand; then
break the Vessel, take out this Precipitate, and melt it with a little Borax, and
you shall have ☉ at 24. Carats.

Note, that if you take equal parts of ☉ and ☽ to your Amalgama, you shall have
in∣crease yet fourty or fifty per Cent. more.

Page 16
Snyder's Secret, as he gave it me himself the 22 of July, 1664.

TAke Nitre eight parts, Sulphur four parts, and Tartar two parts: Reduce all into a
fine Powder, and mix them well. Then melt one part of pure ☉ and three parts of
purified Regulus of Antimony, in a Crucible; then add to them three parts or more
of the said Powder, let it stand in the fire until you see a light Skin upon it,
then pour it into an Antimony-horn. Take the Regulus in the bottom of the Horn, and
melt it again, and cast more of the said Powder upon it: Repeat this so often until
all the Regulus be consumed; dissolve all the scums of the said Regulus, and make
a laver thereof, which filter, and precipitate with an Acid, which edulcorate;
edulcorate also the Feces which remained in the filter, put these things
edulcorated together, with half the weight of Flowers of Sulphur, and cal∣cine them
well: Then draw the Salt from it with distilled Vinegar (which will be a gol∣den
Salt) draw as much of the said Salt from it as you can.

Take one part of this Salt, and two or three parts of good Butter of Antimony well
rectified, mix them well in a Matrass, one
Page 17
part filled, and the other two parts empty: Seal it Hermetically, and digest it
with a gentle heat; it will grow black and putri∣fie in the space of three days;
continue the digestion until the Powder be fixed.

The following Observations are from another Learned Man, with whom Sir Kenelm did
confer at his return from Bristol, con∣cerning the said Snyder's Work. Who saith

THis Operation may be abbreviated, in fermenting it with ☉ as followeth: Make a

Spirituous Regulus of {antimony}, as you know, which is precipitated Butter of
{antimony} and ☿, adding to them Soap and Salt of Tar∣tar. Take of this Spirituous
Reg. three parts, and one part of ☉, melt them toge∣ther, and cast it by little and
little into the Sulphurous Salt Enixe, & totus solvetur, effunde, solve, filtra,
precipita totam mate∣riam in Sulphur pulcherimum: Reverberate this Sulphur with
flowers of Sulph. or if you will, dissolve it again, and precipitate; draw the Salt
from this Sulphure with di∣stilled Vinegar; add to this Salt or Golden Vitriol,
three times its weight of Butter of {antimony}; digest them together (donec cessent
co∣lores.) You may multiply the Work in qua∣lity,
Page 18
in dissolving the Powder in Salt Enixe, and Precipitating often: And you may
mul∣tiply it in quantity, in mixing it with new Butter of {antimony}, wherein you
have dissolved the said Salt, or Golden Vitriol. Note, That this Work will be more
excellent if it be done with ☿ of {antimony}, and Spirituous Reg. It may be also
abbreviated in purifying very well the Butter of {antimony}. Note, That this Work
is a Mineral water, which is coagu∣lated by its own Sulphur. Note also, That if you
take the Golden Sulphur without Reg. the work will be yet shorter. Note, That in
the Multiplication, if the Powder only be dissolved in Butter of {antimony}, the
Operation will be shorter.

A great Secret of the said Mr. Snyder's Powder.

DIssolve ☉ in Sal Enixe, and exalt it with Sulphur of {antimony}, then cast in
conum, in salem rubicundum; (see that no Coals fall in.) Keep the Salt so long in
the fire, that it remain fusible: Grind it, and let it melt in a Matrass; add a
grain or two of the Powder, let all melt in a strong fire twelve or twenty hours,
and this Powder will be multiplyed; pour out, dissolve, and filter, put therein ☽
and ☿, they will be transmu∣ted into fine ☉.
Page 19
Or, Precipitate the Liquor with Salt into a Golden Sulphur, which digest longer
with Butter of {antimony}. Or, preserve the Sulphur, and ferment it again with
dissolved ☉, as is said, in Salt Enixe, and in a Matrass, that the Powder may go
ad infinitum.

Matthews his Work.

TAke Common Cinaber ℥xij. Crystals of ♂ ℥ij. Common ☿ Precipitate, made by A. F.

and reverberated until it be red, ℥j. Oyl of Vitriol ℥xv. First, reduce the three
hard Ingredients into a most fine Powder; •hen grind it upon a Marble stone with a
lit∣tle of the Oyl of Vitriol, adding the said Oyl by little and little, until it
become like Pap; which put into a low Cucurbite (ta∣king care that it do not touch
the sides of the said Cucurbite, because it would endan∣ger it to break) and put
upon it the rest of the Oyl of Vitriol, and stir the Matter well with a stick of
Glass (which must be massy and not hollow) that all may be well mixed together;
digest it with a gentle heat for eight days, so that nothing may go over through
the Limbeck: Then distill as much as you can of the Oyl of Vitriol, and take the
Matter out of the Cucurbite, and grind it again; put the distilled Oyl upon it
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and distill as before, without digesting it; repeat this fourteen or sixteen times.
At last, distill as much of the Oyl as possibly you can; and that the remaining
Matter may be thick, and conveniently handled, put into it ℥v. or vj. of filings of
☽. Then melt twenty Ounces of ☽, and project your Matter upon the same (being in
fusion) in fifteen or twenty parcels, staying every time, before you project until
that which you pro∣jected be well entred and incorporated with the ☽, and that it
be very clear: After all is projected, leave it in good fusion for an hour or two;
then put it to Coppel, and af∣terwards to Separating {water}, and you shall have
about ℥jss. of pure ☉.

The Crystals of ♂ are made thus:

Upon filings of ♂ put Oyl of Vitriol, then pour common {water} upon it, and the
fi∣lings will dissolve; filter the dissolution, and evaporate the Liquor usque ad
pelliculam; set it in a cold place, and it will shoot into Crystals, which require
no further Purifica∣tion.

The Oyl of Vitriol for this Work is made thus: Take Danzick Vitriol, dissolve it
once in {water}, filter and congeal it; then Calcine it gently, until it be white:
Then distill it in Retorts S. A. forcing it very strongly at last. Dephlegm this
Oyl in a low Cucur∣bite,
Page 21
and that which remaineth in the Cucurb. (which will be of a dark red) must be
pas∣sed through a filter of wool in a Glass Fun∣nel, and the wool will imbibe the
unctuosity of the Oyl, which if it were not separated from it, might hinder its

To fix ☽ into ☉.

THE 15th. of November, 1660. Mon∣sieur Iohn Commandaire told me, that Signeor Lucca
(from whom he now came) had taught him a shorter, and easier way of doing his work,

Take the Mother-liquor of Salt-petre, (which is the salt {water} that remaineth
after as much is shot into Nitre as will shoot) and let it run once through a
filter of washed Sand to purifie it; then evaporate it to dry∣ness: Grind the
remaining Salt very fine, and set it in a Cellar, or other moist place to dissolve
into {water} by the Air; filter that by a woollen Languette, coagulate, grind,
dis∣solve, and filter it. Repeat this seven or eight times, that all foulness may
be severed from this fixed Salt of Salt-petre. Then it will easily give its pure
Spirits, and not be∣fore. Put this into Retorts, not above half a pound into each
Retort; distill first with very gentle {fire}, increasing it by degrees, at
Page 22
last, strong {fire}, as when you distill A. F. The distillation will be performed
in twenty four hours: Then dephlegm it carefully; when the drops come Acid, cease.
In the mean time purifie the fixed Salt remaining after the distillation, by
grinding it small, dissolving in humido, filtring, and congeal∣ing. Repeat this
twice or thrice; then put one part of this fixed Salt to three parts of the Spirit,
and to this Composition put a tenth part of pure ☉, and though it were in an Ingot,
it will dissolve it speedily. Put this into an Egg, and Seal it Hermetically, and
digest it, it will putrifie, and grow en∣tirely black; then pass all the due
colours, during which time increase the heat by de∣grees, and when it requireth
strong heat, use Coal.

An Observation about Volatilised ☽.

MOnsieur de L'oberie, and Mons. de la Nouë wrought the first Process upon ☽ (which
is after those upon ☉) that is in the handgrif of Bas. Valent. which maketh the
fourteenth Book of his Test. But instead of a due Calx of ☽, they took one made
with A. F. (the ordinary made of Vitriol and Nitre) and Precipitated it with Salted
{water} (Salt dissolved in Common {water}) and for
Page 23
the rest, did as the Process teacheth; which was Reported to me thus. Put upon this
Calx of ☽ (they had ℥iv.) (after it is well dulcified by often ablutions with fair
{water}, till no Saltness or Spirits appear to remain) so much fresh A. F. as to
swim four fingers breadth over the Calx of ☽: Distill off the A. F. then cohobate
again; do thus four times: At the last distillation give strong {fire}, you will
have a gray substance like Mar∣casite. Beat it to Powder, and put distilled Vinegar
upon it, to swim four fingers over it; digest two days, then boyl it three or four
hours, after which, distill away all the distilled Vin. and there should have
remained blew Crystals, but they were white without tincture: So having failed in
their expecta∣tion, they would reduce their ☽ back in a body, therefore dulcified
it well with distil∣led Vinegar and fair {water}, and put it into a Cruc. to melt
with a little Borax, and a little Nitre, and a thick smoak flew away, and in the
end there remained but ʒij. of ☽.

Consider, if this course, and, if need be, digesting longer (at last) with
distilled Vi∣negar and Oyl of Tartar, {sal armoniac}, and Salt of Urine, &c. Then
distilling with Tartar and Calx-vive, might not make ☿ of ☽.

Page 24
A Process from Monsieur Vignault, with ☉ and ☿, &c.

TAke ℥j. of ☉, aaate it with ℥iv. of ☿; grind this aaa, and wash it well: Then put
it into an earthen Pot with its cover to shut it very close, which cover must be
like a Funnel at the top: Put it to a gentle {fire} in Sand for twenty four hours,
then give it a strong {fire} for twenty four hours more, that the Matter may ascend
and descend; then take out your Matter (loosning it from the bottom where it
sticketh fast) and grind it, and aaate it again with the same ☿, and proceed all as
before. Repeat this Work six times, always with the same ☿, which by degrees will
become Earth, and will stick no more to the bottom; you must leave it in Sand every
time twenty four hours before you grind it again; after the sixth time give it
strong {fire}, so that it may be red-hot in the Sand for fourty eight hours, and it
will be a red Powder, which multiply by mixing with it its weight of ☿, grinding
and di∣gesting it as before; and in three times twenty four hours it will be in
Powder; and if you will multiply it again, proceed as before, with equal weight of
☿. And to make it into a Tree, do thus: When you have made
Page 25
the aaa, and ground and washed it, then put it into a Matrass, which stop only with
Paper; then digest it continually, and the said ☿ will ascend and descend: And when
you see that at last it becomes hard and heavy, sticking to the neck of the
Matrass, put it down with a Quill, and it will become a Tree, which will be red.
Note, That your ☿ must be well purified first, and then sub∣limed with ☉ and ☽,
taking ℥ij. of ☉ to one pound of ☿, for it will be much the better, and will be
sooner done. If you mix ℥ss. of ☉ with ℥ss. of the said Powder, and grind it well
with ℥ij. of ☿ revived from Cinaber, and animated with ☉, as is said, and digest it
fourty eight hours, you will do more in fifteen days, than otherwise in two Months,
and the ☉ will not stick to the bottom of the Pot: You must continue the digestion
as is said above, and at the end strong {fire}. The ☉ will serve for to animate the
☿, and to melt it, and reduce it into a Calx, for to aaate it with animated ☿,
ta∣king ℥j. of ☉ to four of ☿.

Page 26
Fixation of ☽, wrought by Father Bening de Baune, and by him communicated to me.

FIrst, he animated Common ☿ for this Work, thus:

Take ℥iv. of Common Sulphur, melt it in an Earthen Poringer, then cast into it by
little and little lbj. of ☿ (purified with Salt and Vinegar, and squeezed through
Chambo-leather) stir it continually; then take it from the fire, and keep it
stirring untill it is reduced to a black Powder, which grind, and add to it lbj. of
{antimony} in Powder, and lbss. of Quick-lime also in Powder; mix all toge∣ther,
and put it into a coated Retort, of such a bigness, that a third part may re∣main
empty. Distill it, and let the Nose of the Retort lye in a Poringer full of
{water}, distill by degrees of {fire}, as you do A. F. the ☿ will distill into the
{water}: Mix this ☿ again with new Materials, and distill as before. Repeat this
Operation with the said ☿ seven times, every time with new Materials.

Take of this ☿ ℥iv. aaate it with ℥j. of ☉ wash the aaa so often, that the {water}
come from it clear, then dry it. Put this aaa into a Matrass, and digest twenty
four hours in Ashes: Then take it out, and grind it
Page 27
in a Glass Morter, and add to it ℥xx. of the said ☿; grind them well together, then
wash it and dry it, and put it into a Retort, and distill over all the ☿ in Sand.

Take ℥viij. of this ☿, aaate it with ℥j. of a light Spungy-calx of ☉; wash this aaa
well with warm {water}, then dry it, and put it into a Matrass; Seal it
Hermetically, and digest it in Sand the space of twenty four hours: Then grind it
again with ℥viij. more of ☿, and digest as before. Repeat this Operation once more
with ℥viij. more of ☿, so that there be ℥xxiv. of ☿ to one of ☉. Put them into
three several Matrasses, which Seal Hermetically, and put them to a sup∣pressing
heat in an Athanor, for the space of two Months: Then put all into a Retort, and
distill it in Sand, with a heat of Sup∣pression, so that the {fire} above be
stronger than that below, and if any of the ☉ remain in the bottom of the Retort,
you must aaate it with twenty four parts of ☿, and distill it as before, until all
the ☉ be distilled over. Repeat the same as before, untill the ☉ hath taken in
sixty parts of ☿, and if it taketh but twenty four of ☿, the ☉ will be better, and
your ☿ will be animated.

Take ℥j. of Calx of ☽, and three or four of your ☿ animated, aaate them together,
wash the said aaa with warm {water}, then divide
Page 28
it into two parts, and put them into two Matrasses; Seal them Hermet. and digest in
an Athanor with very gentle heat for fourty or fifty days, then increase the heat
for fourty or fifty days more: Then continue the di∣gestion with the third degree
of heat (stron∣ger yet) unto the end of eight Months, counting the time of the
first and second de∣gree already past. Then digest a Month longer by the four
degrees of {fire}, which will make it nine Months in all.

The Calx of ☽ is made of equal parts of ☽ and Regulus of ♂ melted together, and
re∣duced to Powder. Note, that the Reg. is not to be reckoned; so that you must
take ℥ij. of this Powder.


THE Athanor was of a digestive Fur∣nace, with a Tower for the Coals, and between
both, there were two Registers of heat, the one gave the heat under the Ves∣sels,
and the other above: The Matrass stood in Sand in a Bason of Copper, which held ten
or twelve Matr. At the beginning the {fire} was given only below, and so gen∣tle,
that the ☿ never Sublimed. The Bason with the Matr. was covered with a cover like a
Dome, and after that the heat was given
Page 29
also above, and that stronger than before: And it ought to be always continued
with∣out interruption. After nine M. digestion, all the ☽ will be transmuted into
☉, and be∣sides that, you shall have an augmentation of a third part of ☉.

Note, That you must not put above ℥ij. of Matter into each Matrass.

The ☉ which he used in this Operation, was three times purified by {antimony}.

He told me since, that the greater pro∣portion of Reg. you put to the ☽, the better
your work will succeed, and you shall have the more ☉, and the sooner.

Hartman.) The said Father B. de B. was the Apothecary in the Convent of the
Capu∣chins at Lyons: He was an able Chymist, and had been for some Years Operator
with the Chancellor of France, in his Laboratory. When I went from Paris to Italy,
after Sir Kenelm's Death, passing through Lyons, I went to see him in the Convent
of the Capu∣chins, where I had some Discourse with him concerning this work; he
confirmed it to me, assuring me that he had done it, and that it was a real truth,
and that is all I know of it.

Page 30
A {water} which changes ☿ as red as Blood, which abideth the Fire.

MAke an A.F. of equal parts of Vitriol and Nitre, which cohobate and di∣still three
times upon its Caput Mort.

Take of this A. F. ℥iij. ℥j. of ☿, and ʒij. of Sulphur-vive; put all into a Retort,
let it stand twelve hours, then distill it, and co∣hobate so often, till you see
the ☿ as red as Blood, which will be in five or six times; then bring it into a
Powder, which imbibe with Oyl of Roman Vitriol, dry and imbibe it three times: Then
divide this Powder into eight parts; then take ℥j. of ♄, which put to Coppel, when
it boyleth, put into it a Ducat of ☉, then put into it one of the eight parts.
Drive it off, and you shall have &ounce;j. of fine ☉.

Hartman.) This Process was written in the French Tongue; at the bottom was writ∣ten
Probatum, the 2d. of July, 1658. The Process saith, it must be done on Thursday
and Friday, and at the Full of the ☽.

Page 31
Saunier's Work, as I wrought it.

PUrifie ☉ three times by {antimony}; then reduce it into a subtil Calx, by

Calcining it five times with Sulphur and ☿: Then burn S. V. upon this Calx, and
reverberate it again, that all the extraneous Spirits may be driven away.
2. Sublim ☿ seven times with Vitriol and Salt, reviving it with filings of ♂ after
every {subli}mation.

3. Make an A. R. S. A. out of the fixed Salt, after the extraction of Salt-petre,

which after some days must be dephlegmed with great care, and rectified, so that it
have neither phlegm nor terrestrial feces.

Dissolve &ounce;j. of your ☉ in as small a quan∣tity of this A. R. as you can,

keeping the Vessel well Sealed (and therefore it ought to be large) in a very
gentle heat in B. M. where it must be digested (after the dissolu∣tion) for some
days: The dissolution being very clear, decant it from the white re∣sidue.

Dissolve &ounce;ss. of fusible Salt in as small a quantity of the said A. R. as you

can (which is not done suddenly, but by digestion) and being clear, mix these two
dissolutions to∣gether, namely, that of the ☉, and of the
Page 32
Salt, and if any thing {precipi}tate to the bottom, keep it in digestion with a
gentle heat (the Vessel close stopped) until all is dissolved and clear; then keep
it in the same digestion for fifteen days. Then with a very gentle heat abstract
the phlegm, until a Spirit ascend; then cease, and put into the Vessel &ounce;ss of
the {subli}mate before mentioned (in very subtil Powder) shut the Vessel again
immediately, and put it in digestion as be∣fore, until the {subli}mate is well
dissolved. Then dephlegm again the dissolution; in do∣ing of which you ought to
attend very di∣ligently, lest there come over some part of the ☉ and ☿, which now
easily will be raised with the A. R. And this you may know, not only by the drops
falling yel∣low, but also by trying with a white wool∣len cloath, which the drops
will stain yellow if the ☉ ascendeth. Then Seal it Herme∣tically, and digest in
Horse-dung: After six Months we opened the Vessel, and with a gentle heat distilled
off the Liquor, and the remaining Golden Salt we projected upon restricted ☽, and
for &ounce;j. of ☉ we had seven. Another Vessel, after twelve Months dige∣stion,
rendred &ounce;x. of ☉ for one put in: And so to two and twenty for one.

I do not remember all the time precisely, but I should think, it would be better,
Page 33
sufficient digestion in Horse-dung, to coagu∣late the Matter in dry heat until all
be com∣pleatly fixed, and then multiply the Matter by the same Process, as you did
with ☉.

The fusible Salt is made thus: Dissolve Salt (first well purified) in the said A.
R. distill and cohobate until it is fusible.

The restriction of ☽ you will find in a Book Published by Iohn Saunier, which he
calleth, the almost fixation of ☽, because it hath the weight and sound of ☉.

Hartman.) This Process was wrought by Sir K. D. himself, as the Title Sheweth; it
was written in Latine in his own hand, and the words are his own.

Abbot Boucaud told me at Paris, that he knew Sir K. had wrought it.

The Danes Work.

CAlcine plats of ♂ and ♀ with Sul∣phur; then grind them so subtile Powder, which
boyl in {water}, filter and eva∣porate, usque ad pelliculam, and put it to
Crystallize in a cold place: Then purifie these Crystals by dissolving them in
{water}, fil∣tring and evaporating.

Make also a Sulphur of the said Metals, by boyling Plats with Vitriol and {water}
in a Kettle, and the Sulph. will adhere to the Plats.

Page 34
Purifie ☿ first by Dist. and then by boyl∣ing it in an Earthen Pot with Vitriol,
Ashes, and Powder'd glass well mixed together, and boyled until you see the ☿
appear upon the Surface of the Matter: Then let it cool, and grind all well
together again, and boyl it as before. Repeat this three times: Then take of this ☿
four parts, of the Sulph. of ♂ and ♀ ana one part, grind them well to∣gether until
they be well incorporated; then {subli}m and grind again what is {subli}med with
that which remained in the bottom, and {subli}m as before. Repeat this seven times:
Then is the ☿ prepared for this Work.

Distill an Oyl s. a. out of the Vitriol of ♂ and ♀ joyned together, which will be

Make a light and Spungy Calx of ☉, by Calcining it four or five times with Sulphur
and ☿. Take of this Calx &ounce;j. and of the ☿ prepared &ounce;iv. Make an aaa,
which grind very well; then add of the Sulphur of ♂ and ♀ ana &ounce; ss, grind
them well together with the aaa, then put it into a Matrass of such a bigness, that
three fourth parts may remain empty, stop it slightly with Paper, that some
moisture from the ☿ may exhale, (which otherwise might hinder the {precipi}ation of
the ☿) give {fire} by degrees, first in Ashes, and then in Sand, but so gentle,
that the ☿
Page 35
may never rise, but that it may be always in a disposition to {subli}m, which you
may know by a little Cloud upon the sides of the glass, such as appears when one
breatheth upon a Looking-glass.

The end of the digestion is, when you see the Matter converted into a very red
{precipi}tate and glittering, which endureth a very strong {fire}. Then take it out
(being cold) and grind it with four parts more of the said ☿, and the same quantity
of the said Sulph. as before; digest as before, until all be converted into a red
{precipi}tate as before, ex∣cept that it will be of a darker colour: Grind this
{precipi}tate with the Oyl of Vitriol before-mentioned until it be like a pap: Then
put it into a Cucurbite, and digest for fifteen days, then distill it, and the
Phlegm will come over; and the Matter remaining dry in the bottom, you must grind
again with new Oyl, and proceed in all as before. Repeat this so often, till the
Oyl come off as sharp as it was put on, which is a sign of Satura∣tion: Then digest
this Matter in Sand until all be resolved into a very red Oyl in ap∣pearance (which
in a cold place will con∣geal into a hard and brittle Matter.) At last give very
strong {fire} for three days, in which time the Matter will be entirely fixed,
except a small quantity, which will be ex∣haled.

Page 36
Project this Matter upon ☽ in fusion equal parts. Thus far reacheth my Experience;
but the Dane told me, that if this Matter were Amalgamated again with new ☿
prepa∣red, and in all things proceeded as before, taking this Matter for the
Foundation, in∣stead of the ☉ which you took at first, it would become a Medicine,
which in Pro∣jection would convert a great quantity of ☽ into ☉. And the oftner you
should do this, the more Power it would have in Pro∣jection.

Out of &ounce;x. of this Matter, and as much ☽, I had &ounce;xvij ss. of perfect ☉.

Hartman.) Dr. Astell, an English Phy∣sician, shewed me a Copy of this Process,

which Sir K. D. had given him, who had assured him that he himself had wrought it,
and that it was true: And having &ounce;x. of fixed Matter, he divided it into ten
parcels, and having melted &ounce;x. of ☽, he Projected the said parcels one after
another upon the same; then left it in fusion for three hours, then cast it in
Ingot, which having weighed, he found the quantity of ☉ above mentioned.
Page 37
Opus Magnum ex Virginea Terra.

TAke reddish rich Virgin Earth in ♈, im∣pregnate it with ☉, ☽, serene and dew, till
the end of May: Then imbibe sprink∣lingly with dew gathered in May, and dry in ☉,
expose all Night to the ☽ and Air, se∣curing it from Rain. Still when it is dry,
imbibe and turn the Earth often. Continue this till {subli}mation. The hot ☉
(especially in the Dog-days) will make a pure Salt shoot up, which mingle back into
the Earth, by turning it all over. Then distill by gra∣duated {fire} as A. F.
forcing all the Spirits over at last; you must give fourty hours {fire}, extream at
last. Put all the Liquor and Salt that cometh over, to digest and circu∣late a
Month in fimo, in a great Ballon close shut. Then seperate the several substances
out of this Chaos; first, cometh an extream subtil, ardent, AEthereal Spirit, then
white ones with veins like S. V. then Flegm. Thus far in B. in a Cucurbite, then in
a Retort: Then white fumes, then red ones, and a reddish brown Salt remaineth in
the bottom, and a Volatile Salt will be {subli}med about the neck of the Retort, as
also to the head and sides of the Cucurbite. Then purifie every substance by it
self; the fixed Salt by Solu∣tions
Page 38
in the Flegm, Filtrations, and Con∣gelations, till it be perfect pure, clear, and
cast no more Feces: The Volatile Salt by often Sublimations: The first Spirit by
thrice distilling, and the fixed white and red Spirit likewise, both together. Now
joyn all the three parts, beginning with the fixed Salt, whereof take three parts,
and one of the fixed Spirit; digest eight days, distill in Ashes, and the Liquor
will come off like Flegm. Imbibe with more fixed Spirit, and repeat this till all
of it be coagu∣lated with the Salt. Then put one part of this to three of the {sal
armoniac}, taking it all, and hu∣mect them with the Volatile Spirit. Digest eight
days or longer, then distill in a Cucur∣bite; a stinking flegm will rise, and a
pure Salt {subli}m up, and if any Spirit distill over, keep it, putting it to the
rest of the Spirit. Then add more of the fixed Salt to it which hath not
{subli}med, making it one third to the {sal armoniac}, which humect with Spirit as
before, cir∣culate and {subli}m, and the {sal armoniac} will be increased. Do thus
till all the fixed Salt be {subli}med. Cir∣culate the remaining Volatile Spirit
with the {sal armoniac}, till all the Spirit be converted into {sal armoniac}, and
nothing but a stinking flegm come a∣way. Then {subli}m this Salt by it self, till
it leave no Feces, and be most white, trans∣parent, and pure, which will be in four
or five times.

Page 39
Take seven parts of this {sal armoniac}, and one of pure ☉ in leaf, Seal it
Hermetically, and digest in B. The Matter will become a green {water}, like an
Emerauld, with an Ori∣ental esclat: (and in a Retort will pass all over, leaving a
few grains of brownish-gray stiptick Earth, like Tobacco-pipe Earth) And after a
while black like Ink, and continue so two and fourty days; when the blackness
beginneth to wane, put it in dry {fire} in an Athanor. It will pass the co∣lours,
and become a red Elixir, and is now best for Health; but it will not have good
ingression into Metals, till it have been mul∣tiplyed four or five times with new
{fire}, taking every time after the first, only three to one; and it will be done
every time after the first in a shorter space. After every fixation of the
multiplication, and the first also, give strong {fire} for three days, and a black
Earth will separate from the red Powder, lying like a Cake under it. Before you
Project upon inferiour Metals, ferment anew with three parts of ☉ to one of the
Elixir, giving three hours of extream fusion, and all will be red Powder.

You may proceed in the same manner for ☽.

Page 40
Note also, That when the Work of ☉ is at the white, it will Project upon Inferiour
Metals, to make them like ☽, but in truth white ☉, enduring all the tryals of ☉.

If you digest in B. V. ten parts of Pearl in Powder, with one of the perfect {sal
armoniac}, it will become an Oriental Liquor, whereof a few drops is admirable for

If you take four parts of such {sal armoniac}, and grind it well with pure red
Coral in Powder one part, and {subli}m, putting what riseth up∣on as much of fresh
Coral, repeating this four or five times, the {sal armoniac} will be red like a
Ruby, and an admirable Medicine. All the Corals will dissolve in a Cellar.

If you grind one part of it with ten parts of green Venice Talc, and put distilled
dew upon it, six fingers over, and digest in fimo, all the Talc will dissolve, and
a splendid Oyl of rare effects swim upon it.

Hartman.) Sir Kenelm D. said, that a Person of Quality beyond the Sea (whom he
named) wrought this Process, and it hap∣pened at that time that his Wife was
dange∣rously Sick, and like to die; she was given over as a dead Woman by the
ablest Physici∣ans: Upon that he opened the Vessel, and gave her one grain of the
Elixir; whereupon she Recovered, and lived many Years after it in perfect Health.

Page 41
This Process, and Saunier's Work were to∣gether in a small bundle of Papers tied up
to∣gether by it self; upon the out-side of it were written the following words,
Perfumes, Cu∣riosities, My great Arcane of this Note.

A Miniera of ☉, wrought by a Person of Quality in Champagne.

TAke Sulphur-vive lbss. melt it in an Earthen Poringer, then squeeze into it lbj.
of ☿; stir it continually until the ☿ ap∣pear no more in the Sulph. Then let it
cool, and grind to Powder, which digest in a Matrass for two days with a strong
{fire}. Then take it out, and grind it again; add to it its double weight of
filings of ♂; mix them well together, and put them in a Re∣tort, and distill over
all the ☿: Mix this ☿ again with new Sulphur melted as before; digest in a Matrass
as before for two days, in the mean time grind the filing of ♂ (that you distilled
the ☿ from) and wash them well from all the foulness and blackness: Then dry them
and grind them again with the Sulphur and ☿, and distill them in a Re∣tort as
before. Repeat this so often, till the filing of ♂ come to be of a yellow Golden
colour, which will happen at the seventh distillation: Then take this ☿ and put it
Page 42
a Retort, and distill only ℥j. of it, and with the remaining ℥viij. make an aaa
with ℥j. of ☉, digest this aaa in an Athanor for nine Months, it will pass all the
due colours, and will become a Miniera, as followeth. To this ℥ix. of Matter put
℥iij. of ☿ prepared as before, and digest, and in six weeks you shall have ℥xij.
ready to melt: And to these ℥xij. add ℥iv. more of ☿, and digest, and in six weeks
you shall have ℥xvj. of Miniera. Note, that you must always use a ☿ pre∣pared, as
was said for the multiplication of the Miniera: For if you should take crude and
unprepared ☿, you would have but an ordinary {precipi}tate after one or two

Note, That the filing of ♂ is to be chan∣ged after three times, and new to be
taken, which is to serve also three times: After which six times, you must joyn
both the parcels of filing, and use them both at the seventh time, and if the sign
given you (of the yellow Golden colour) happen not at the seventh time, continue
and repeat your Operation, with all your filing, until it do appear. When your
Miniera is compleated, it will be a deep-red Powder, very shining, and at every
time it is to become such: If you multiply it with crude ☿, it will lose its lustre
after twice, and not increase in fixed Metal.
Page 43
The first time, you must put into one Glass no more than ℥j. of ☉, and ℥viij. of ☿:
But when the Miniera is made, you may work even to fifty Ounces in one Glass,
keeping always your due proportion.

Fixation of ♄ into ☽, with good Profit.

MElt lbj. of ♄, then put in &ounce;ss. of ☽, and some scories of ♂, and a little
red Arsenic; keep it in a strong {fire} for three or four hours or more. Then the
Crucible being cold, break it, and take out the Mat∣ter, and put it in a new Cruc.
which must have a little hole in the bottom; put this Cruc. in a wind Furnace, and
melt the Mat∣ter again, putting under the Furnace a Ba∣son with {water} to receive
the Matter as it melt∣eth and runneth through the Cruc. Take this Matter and melt
it again with the same quantity of ☽, and new scories of ♂; keep it in fusion as
before. Reiterate this Ope∣ration ten or twelve times, until the ♄ is very hard,
being impregnated with ☽; then put it to Coppel with &ounce;j. of ☽ to every lb. of
this Mixture.

The goodness of the Operation consisteth in the fixation of the ☿ which is in the ♄
by the Sulphur of ♂: Therefore you must keep the Matter a long time in fusion, that
Page 44
Sulphur of ♂ may act strongly upon the said ☿.

To fix ☿ of {antimony}, or the Common ☿.

TAke &ounce;j. of ☉ in leaf, and &ounce;iv. or v. of ☿: Make an aaa, which put in a

Retort, and digest it in Horse-dung for eight days, then distill in Sand, giving
strong {fire} at last, and the ☉ will go over with the ☿, and if any of it remain
in the bottom, aaate it with the same ☿, and digest three or four days, and then
distill as before, and all the ☉ will go over with the ☿, and you shall have a ☿
well animated.

Take &ounce;iij. of this ☿, aaate it with &ounce;j. of ☉; grind the aaa, and put it
in a Ma∣trass half luted; digest for eleven days by graduated {fire}, and all will
be a red Pow∣der.

Take &ounce;iij. of this Powder, and project it upon &ounce;j. of ☉ in fusion, and
all will be trans∣muted into ☉.

Then take the remaining &ounce; of Powder, and aaate it with &ounce;iij. of the ☿
animated; di∣gest as before, and in nine days your Pow∣der will be perfected as
before. Take these &ounce;iv. of Powder, and unite it with &ounce;xij. of new ☿
animated; digest without ☉, and you will have a perpetual Miniera; part
Page 45
whereof you may reduce to a Body when you please, by projecting it upon ☉; and the
other will serve for a Ferment, which will never fail, being it self all ☉.

This ☿ animated may be fixed without ☉, by a gentle heat, being it self a liquid ☉;
but to shorten the Work, you may add ☉.

A Reality upon ☽.

TAke &ounce;ij. of ♀ in thin Plates, and &ounce;j. of small Nails, put them in a
Cruc. in a Furnace, and when they are very red, cast in some Sulphur upon them at
several times, that they may melt well; when they are like Paste, cast in some
{antimony}, and stir it with an Iron Rod to make them well incorporate: Leave it in
good fusion for five or six hours, stirring it sometimes. Then take out the Cruc.
and let it cool; then break it, and you shall find but a little Reg. at the bottom,
but many yellow lumps at the top, which beat to Powder. Then melt &ounce;ij. of
fine ☽, and project &ounce;iij. of the Powder; stir it with an Iron Rod, keep it in
fusion for eight or ten hours. Then put it to Coppel, and se∣parating {water}, and
you shall have fine ☉.

Hartman.) This Process is also confirmed with a Probatum.

Page 46
Fixation of the ☿ of {antimony}, as Monsieur de la Noüe wrought it at Paris.

TAke ☿ of {antimony} and ☉ ana &ounce;j. Oyl of Vi∣triol &ounce;vj. Distill to

dryness; take what is {subli}med, and joyn it again to the Feces, and put the Oyl
upon it again that distilled over; distill as before. Repeat this so often, till
nothing more {subli}m, distilling every time in a new Retort; at the twelfth or
fifteenth distillation, all the Matter will remaim in a red Powder.

Take Sulphur-vive, and Ashes of Alican ana equal parts, of which make a lixive with
common {water}; filter and evaporate, and you shall have a Sulphurious Salt: Take
of this Salt and of the said Powder ana gr. vj. ☿ of {antimony} &ounce;j. filings
of ☉ &ounce;ij. mix and grind all well together, and put them into a Matr. with a
long neck; make a {fire} about the mid∣dle of the neck of the Matr. in an Iron pan
with a hole in the middle through which the neck of the Matr. may pass; let this
{fire} be stronger than that below; continue the {fire} for six hours: Then cast
your fixed Matter into a Bath of ☉.

Page 47
Preparation of the Powder, with which Clau∣dius de Montrouge, and Abbot Oberye at
Paris fixed ☿ of {antimony}.

THey melted &ounce;iv. of Sulphur in an earthen Poringer, then they squeezed into
it through a leather &ounce;j. of ☿ of {antimony} made of Regulus of {antimony},
{sal armoniac}, and ☿ {subli}mate (the ☿ of {antimony} without addition had been
better, but they had none) and whilst the one squeezed the ☿ into the Sulphur, the
other kept stirring continually with an Iron Spatul so long until the ☿ did no more
appear in the said Sul∣phur, and that all was converted into a grayish Citrine
Powder (the colour is va∣riable, according as you govern the {fire}, some∣times it
will be red like Cinaber.)

To this Powder they took &ounce;j. of ☉ in Calx, and &ounce;j. of the Salt that is
found in the Pots at the Glass-Houses, which Salt they dissolved, filtred, and
congealed: They grinded all well together, the Powder, the ☉, and this Salt: Then
they put all into a Retort, and put upon it &ounce;xxiv. of good Oyl of Vitriol
well rectified; to this Retort (be∣ing put in Sand) they adapted a large Glass-
receiver, the junctures being well luted, and the lute dry, they distilled by
degrees of heat, at last gave strong {fire}. It was ten or twelve
Page 48
hours before the Oyl came over. All being cold, they broke the Retort, and took out
the Matter which remained in the bottom, which they did put into a new Retort,
pour∣ing upon it the Liquor with the flowers of Sulphur which were in the
Recipient: Then joyning again the Receiver, and luting well, and the lute being
dry, they distilled as be∣fore. They reiterated this Operation twenty times,
grinding every time the Matter, and joyning it with the Liquor and Flowers.

At the twentieth distillation, the small quantity of Liquor that came over, was
al∣most all flegm; then they took out the Mat∣ter that remained in the Retort, and
put it into a Viol, which they stopped very close, and kept it in a dry place,
because that so soon as it felt the Air, it grew moist.
With this Powder they fixed the ☿ of {antimony}, which being mixed with the Calx of
☉, and held in the hand, grew so hot, that they were not able to hold it in their
hands, no more than a piece of Iron red-hot, as every one of them made Experience,
casting it in∣to a Bason full of {water}, which they had stand∣ing by for that

They wrought the said Fixation in an Iron barrel of a Gun, thus. They put about
sixty grains of the aforesaid ☿ only (be∣cause they had no more) into the said
Page 49
then they gave the {fire}, first above for two hours, and afterwards below for one
hour, keeping that above always stronger than that below; then they heard the said
☿ begin to roar, and make a noise in the Barrel; then they cast into it a little
more than one grain of the fixative Powder, wrapt up in paper; and then they
continued the {fire} for seven or eight hours, after which time they heard no more
noise at all; then they judged that the Work was done, and let the {fire} go out;
and the Barrel being cold, they found about twenty grains of good ☉, which endured
all the Trials of ☉.

Hartman.) This Relation is of Sir K. himself, written in the French Tongue.

A Process to fix the Common ☿ by the Salt of ♄; wrought by Captain Ziegler at

Ments, and sent me by him.

MElt ♄ in an Iron pan, let it be red-hot, then cast in some Salt, stir it until it
be reduced to Powder; sift this Powder finely, and that which will not go through
the size, must be Calcined as before: Then edulco∣rate this Powder with warm
{water}, and you shall have a Calx as white as Ceruse, which put into a Matrass,
and extract the Salt out of it with distilled Vinegar s. a. after three
Page 50
or four days digestion, decant the distilled Vinegar, and put on fresh; digest as
before, shaking the Vessel often: Repeat this three or four times, or so often,
till the Sp. of V. hath extracted all the Salt. Then put all your Sp. of V.
together and filter it, then distill it off in a Retort, until you see the Salt of
♄ remain in the bottom like deep-red Oyl, which being cold, will be white like
Sugar-candy: Grind this Salt, and put it into a Matrass, and extract it with Sp. of
V. as before. Repeat this purification three or four times, and you shall have a
Salt of ♄ well prepared for this Work.

An A. F. to be used in this Work.

TAke Salt &ounce;iv. Nitre lbj. mix them well together with lbij ss. of Powder of
bricks; put all in a Retort, and distill by gradua∣ted {fire}, forcing over the
Spirit strongly at last: The distillation will be performed in sixteen or eighteen

Take ☿ seven parts, fine ☽ one part; make an aaa, which put into a Retort, and pour
upon it so much of the A. F. as may cover it a large fingers breadth: Let it stand
twenty four hours, then distill it in Sand; when it is cold, cohobate the distilled
A. F. upon it again, and distill as before. Repeat
Page 51
this three or four times; then break the Re∣tort, being cold, and take out the aaa,
which grind to a fine Powder, and put it in an Iron pan, and hold it over a coal
{fire}, stirring it continually with an Iron Rod, un∣til it be almost red-hot, and
that it be con∣verted into a red Powder, like red {precipi}tate. Take of this red
Powder two parts, and of the aforesaid Salt of ♄ one part, reduce them to a fine
Powder, which put into a Matrass, and digest it in Sand for eight days: Then put it
to Coppel, and you shall have half your aaa fixed into fine ☽.
Hart. When Sir K.D. was at Franckfort in Germany, where he lived a year and half,
in the Year 1659. he went often from Franck∣fort to Ments (being four German
Leagues distance) to Visit the Prince Elector there: Then he conversed also with
this Captain Ziegler, who was a famous Chymist. And when Sir K. returned to England
about the time of the Kings happy Restauration, the said Captain sent him this
Process written in the German Tongue, assuring him that he had done it: He said,
that the ☽ which he got, he put to separating {water}, and he had some ☉ out of it.
He said also, that he thought this Salt of ♄ would fix ☿, in ☉ if the aaa were made
with ☉ instead of ☽.

Page 52
A Work upon Cinaber, wrought by Monsieur Sauvage.

TAke Nitre and {sal armoniac}, ana, which dissolve in Rain {water}; filter and
evaporate to dryness: Then grind this double Salt to sub∣til Powder; take a large
Crucible, in the bottom whereof put a bed of Quick-lime in Powder, upon that put a
bed of this Salt, cover it with another bed of Quick-lime the same quantity as
before, taking two parts of Quick-lime to one of Salt. Cover the Cruc. with
another, without luting them; put this in a Bakers Oven after the Bread is drawn,
let it stand as long as there is any heat in the Oven; when the Oven hath been
heated again, and the Bread drawn, set it in again; do this three times: Then keep
it in a strong {fire} for six hours, and being cold, take it out, and put it into
{water}, and let it boyl in an earthen Pot eight or ten walms. Then filter it hot,
and evaporate to a dry Salt, which put in a strong Bottle, and keep it close
stopped in a dry place: Then take two parts of this Salt, and of Salt of ♄ one
part, mix and dissolve them in distilled Vi∣negar.

Then take Cinaber, pulverize it, and make a Paste thereof with the yolk of an
Page 53
Egg; of this Paste make little Cakes in the shape of the heads of Horse-shoe-nails;
make them pretty thick, and put them in an earthen Pot, pouring upon them of the
aforesaid dissolution, so much as may cover them the breadth of three or four
fingers; boyl this together until it come to be like Honey: Put more distilled
Vinegar upon the Cakes, and boyl it as before. Continue this for three days; then
wash the Cakes in fair {water}, and you will find them something Metal∣lized.
Filter the {water}, and evaporate to a Salt, which will serve again for the same
use, adding Salt of ♄.

Take of the fixed Salt without Salt of ♄, and of good Venice Ceruse ana equal
parts, grind and mix them well together; then put a bed thereof about the thickness
of a Crown, into an Iron Box, then put a bed of Plates of ☽ upon that, and then the
Powder again upon the ☽, the same quantity as before; upon that put a bed of your
lumps of Cina∣ber, then Powder, then Plates of ☽, then the Powder again; and thus
continue stra∣tifying until your Box be full, the Powder being the first and last:
Then put on the cover of the Box, which you must fasten, and secure it well with
Iron hooks. Then you must have another Box of Iron, made big enough to contain the
first, and that there
Page 54
be the space of a fingers breadth between, at the bottom, on the sides, and at the
top; the Boxes must be square, and you must have two Iron hoops made in the shape
of a Crown with crankles; put one of them into the bigger Box, turning the teeth or
crankles downwards, upon which set the lesser Box; put some pieces of Iron on the
sides, to keep the lesser Box at an equal distance from the sides of the bigger:
Then put on the other hoop upon the lesser Box, keep it down with some heavy thing
whilst you pour in some melted ♄ into the bigger Box, so much as may cover the
lesser Box a fingers breadth. Then put on the cover of the bigger Box, and fasten
it with Iron hoops and wedges to keep it close: Then the Box being yet hot, put it
into an Athanor where the {fire} is kind∣led, let the Registers be shut, so that
there be but a very moderate heat, such as where you may endure your hand; continue
the first degree for three days, so that all that while the ♄ may be but melted,
then increase the heat for three days more; and so in∣creasing the heat every third
day, continue in all three weeks; the last three days the {fire} must be very
vehement. Then let all cool, and take out your lumps, and reverberate them with
very gentle heat for twelve hours, and they will be of a whitish-gray colour.
Page 55
Then melt ♄ in a Cruc. and cast these lumps into it, digest this Matter together
for three days, then put it to Coppel. Note, that if you cast this Mass into melted
☽, and digest it three days before you Coppel it, you shall have more profit than
if you test it without digesting it.

Note also, that if you will continue your Work, you need not use any more Plates of
☽, but only the Cakes as they are, and be∣fore they are reverberated, using them
in∣stead of the ☽, being pulverized, and they will be the more fixed, and the
profit will prove very considerable.

You must have of ☽ and Cinaber ana &ounce;vj. and of the double Salt and Ceruse ana

Tincture of Mars.

DIssolve filings of ♂ in A. F. made of Vitriol, Nitre, Allom, and Cinaber; then

pour upon this dissolution distilled Vi∣negar, double the weight of the A. F. shake
it well together, and digest in B. for three days, then decant the clear, and
filter it; evaporate it gently: Then grind it with two parts of ☿ {subli}mate,
Sublime the ☿ from it four times; then dissolve it again in distilled Vinegar, and
evaporate it gently; then dis∣solve it in distilled Rain {water}, and congeal it
Page 56
gently: Repeat this last solution till it is not corrosive upon the Tongue; then in
&ounce;iv. of Rectified Spirit of Vitriol dissolve &ounce;j. of this Sulphur of ♂,
and ʒij. of Sulphur of ☉ made the same way, except the first solution of the ☉,
which must be an A. R. made of Salt, Nitre, and Vitriol; mix these two last
solu∣tions together, and digest in fimo, then co∣agulate it gently, dissolve again
in Spirit of Vitriol, and coagulate: Repeat this seven times, and if any feces
remain at last, leave them out. Try this Medicine upon a hot Plate of ☽, if it
penetrate and tinge it through∣ly without smoking, it is a sign of its per∣fection;
but if it smoak, you must dissolve it again, and gently coagulate. Then melt
&ounce;j. of ☉, and cast upon it by little and little ʒj. of this Medicine, and
when all is entred and incorporated with the ☉, cast it in In∣got, and you shall
have a Matter as brittle as Glass, and transparent like a dark Gra∣nade stone, and
fusible as ♄. Then melt fine ☉ and fine ☽ ana, and project of this Medicine upon
it, and you shall have pure ☉.

Page 57
To fix a quarter part of ☽ into ☉.

TAke filings of ☽ &ounce;j. aaamate it with &ounce;iv. of ☿, put this aaa in a

Retort, and distill off the ☿; take the ☽ and re∣aaamate it with the distilled ☿;
distill as be∣fore. Repeat this three or four times, and the ☽ will be a Powder
impalpable. Take {sal armoniac} and Cinaber ana &ounce;jss. ☿ {subli}mate
&ounce;ss. grind and mix them well together with the ☽: Then {subli}me it with
gentle heat, mix what is {subli}med with that which remaineth in the bottom, and
Sublime as before. Then take both Feces and {subli}mate and mix it with Sul∣phur of
♀ and Crocus Martis, and of a Re∣gulus made of {antimony}, ♂, and ♀, ana
&ounce;ss. grind all together with a little {sal armoniac}. Then Sublime it four
times with gentle heat, adding every time a little {sal armoniac}, because it
openeth the body of ♂ and ♀, and uniteth them with the ☽. Then grind all well
together, and digest it in the following {water}. Take Nitre, Vitriol, ana lbj.
{antimony}, Sulphur, Verdigrease, and Auri∣pigmentum ana &ounce;iv. Make an A. F.
of this, s. a. Or take common A. F. lbj. distill and cobobate it three or four
times upon the said Materials, giving strong {fire} at last: Then put your Powder
into a Retort, and pour upon it so much of the A. F. as may
Page 58
cover it the breadth of three fingers, distill it off with a gentle {fire}, then
cohobate and distill three or four times: Then put fair {water} into the Retort,
and digest for five or six days in Sand; then evaporate to dryness: Then take out
this Matter and pulverize it, and weigh it. Then melt as much ♄ as you have Powder,
and cast your Powder upon it by parcels, melt it with a strong {fire}, then let it
stand in the {fire} until the {fire} go out of it self; then take it out, and you
will find a Regulus in the Cruc. which Coppel, and then put the ☽ to separating
{water}, and you shall have a fourth part of fine ☉.

A Work with Butter of {antimony}.

THE Work, which Monsieur Perdussin of Lyons communicated to P. A Dieu∣doné, is to

make a Butter of {antimony} with {antimony} Mine∣ral, and ☿ {subli}mate, ana lbj.
Of this take &ounce;ij. and digest it in a Matrass sealed Hermetically in an
Athanor, and it will putrifie, growing as black as pitch; then pass the Colours:
That done, take one part of leaf ☉, and three of this Powder; grind them well
to∣gether, and digest as before, it will become black as at first, and pass all the
Colours. This proportion of ☉ for ferment, you may divide into several parcels, for
several times,
Page 59
so each Revolution will be shorter, when the whole dose of ☉ hath fermented the
first stone: This product serveth for ferment to multiply in quantity and quality.
The P. wrought the first part, and had perfect pu∣trefaction.

An Excellent fusible Salt.

P. Benin de Beaune maketh his fusible Salt thus: Decrepitate and Reverberate Salt,
then dissolve it in fair {water}, filter and congeal. Repeat all this Work four or
five times: Being perfectly pure, dissolve it in Spirit of Vinegar, filter and
congeal; re∣peat this with distilled Vinegar once again: Then it is perfectly

Another fusible Salt.

DIssolve Salt in Rain {water}, filter and con∣geal; when the {water} is almost
evapora∣ted, and that the Salt falls to the bottom, take it out with a wooden Spoon
by little and little, until the {water} is exhaled: Grind this Salt (being very
dry) and reverberate it in an Earthen Vessel close luted; let the Ves∣sel be red in
the {fire}, but the Salt must not melt; so soon as you see the Vessel red, let it
stand until the {fire} is gone out: Then grind
Page 60
it and reverberate it as before; dissolve and congeal as before. Repeat this until
it is perfectly fundant. Note, that you must not decrepitate your Salt.

An Operation with a Martial Regulus of {antimony}, wrought by Monsieur Toysonnier.

HE made a yellow Martial Regulus thus: Ignifie &ounce;iv. of Nails in a Crucible,

then put upon it &ounce;viij. of good {antimony}, and give strong {fire} in a wind
Furnace, to make all melt well, which to promote, cast in some Salt-petre, then
cast it in an {antimony} Horn, and separate the Feces from the Reg. Ignifie
&ounce;ij. of Nails more, and cast thereon the Feces (this Work must be done
presently after the first) adding Salt-petre to make all melt well and clear: Then
cast it in a Horn, and separate the scories from it, and wash it clean; it will be
first white, but after a day or two will be yellow within as well as without.
Take of this Reg. and of ☽, ana &ounce;ss. melt them well together (he poured a
little ☿ in them when they were near ready to con∣geal, and stirred with an Iron
Rod, but the Mass took in little above ʒj. of ☿.) Beat it to Powder, add to it
eight or ten parts of ☿, and grind exceedingly till they incorporate, (which
required about twelve compleat
Page 61
hours, often heating the Matter and Instru∣ments.) Then squeeze away so much ☿,
that there remain only six parts; digest it three days in Sand by degrees, at last,
very hot. Put the remaining Calx to Coppel with four charges of ♄, adding a little
fresh ☽ to make it work better. Put the Mass, au depart, and you shall have twenty
six gr. of good ☉.

Hartman.) The said Monsieur Toyson∣nier was Sir Kenelm's Operator; he was a French-
man, and a very able Chymist, Sir K. brought him over with him from Paris, 1660.

Butter of {antimony} to Extract the Tincture of ☉.

DIgest Butter of {antimony} six weeks or two Months, and then put it upon a well
opened Calx of ☉, and digest it, and the B. will extract the Tincture of ☉, which
digest, &c.

Page 62
To fix ☽ into ☉; given me by an Intimate Friend, who told me that he wrought it as
followeth, taking his hints out of Lul∣ly's Experiments.

HE made a Mercurial {water}, as he teacheth, by his Vessel with three Bouls in

three Furnaces (which Mercurial {water} will return again into running ☿ after a
little digestion) and to this he put some pure white Salt of Tartar, and some ☿
{precipi}tate, that had been {precipi}tated by it self with three or four Months
digestion, and some Calx of ☽ exceedingly well opened, and very subtil: This he
di∣gested a good while, and drew off the {water}, and cohobated several times,
after which he did put some Tincture of ♂ unto it, and digested and cohobated anew;
and in the end he found almost all the ☽ converted into ☉, that endureth all
Tryals, but it was a little pale. In Lully you may find Directi∣ons to make all the
things that were used in this Work. The Salt of Tartar, was but the fixed, reduced
to its highest purity; but it should have been Volatilised, and make to pass over
with the Mercurial {water}, to acuate and animate it. He believeth the great Work
is to be made with a Mercurial {water}, animated with a Volatile Salt of Tartar, to
Page 63
serve for a Menstruum or Alcahest to dissolve ☉ and ☽. Weigh well what Lully saith
of these things.

Mallus his Process to fix ☽: Wrought by Mon∣sieur Ferrier, and given me by him,

TAke an A. F. made of equal parts of Vitriol and Nitre, pour of it upon Sulphur and
{sal armoniac}, ana (four parts of A. F. to one of Powder) distill it off to
dryness, and make Sublime what will. Melt &ounce;iv. of ☽, cast upon it &ounce;ss
of Sublimed Salt when the ☽ is in good fusion: After it is entred cast in Ingot,
melt again, and project a new Packet of Salt, doing all as before: Do this four
times, so spending ʒij. of Salt upon ʒiv. of ☽. Then put it au depart.

To fix ☽ by a Mercurial Water.

MAke Mercurial Water by means of an Earthen Retort that hath a Pipe or Spout behind
in the upper part, through which you cast in the ☿ when the Retort is red-hot. Take
of this {water} (well rectified) ten parts, and one of a well rectified Oyl of
Vitriol; distill them together, till they be perfectly united: Then take of this
Page 64
ten parts, and one of a well Calci∣ned ☉; digest them together in a Matrass (Sealed
Hermetically) until the ☉ is well dissolved: Then take it out, and put the Matter
into a low Cucurbite, and distill un∣til the drops come Acid. Then let it cool, and
put the Matter into a Matrass, Seal it Hermetically, and digest in an Athanor,
un∣til it be perfectly fixed into a red Powder.

Monsieur Bertault's Tincture of ☉ by Venus.

TAke Sulphur and Borax, ana, melt them together three times, grinding the mat∣ter
every time; then melt ☉ and ♀ ana, and cast upon them of the said Composition,
until the ♀ be reduced to aes ustum; then cast in Ingot, and beat it with a Hammer,
to cause the aes ustum to scale off from the ☉. Then melt this ☉ again, and project
as be∣fore. Repeat this three times, and you shall have a ☉ as red as blood, and
this Tincture will hold the Test.

Note, that when you beat your ☉, if you see that the aes ustum do not all scale off
from the ☉, you must melt it again, and project more of your Composition until it
come all off in scales, and be all separated from the ☉, which it ought to do at
every time.

Page 65
To fix ☽ into ☉.

DIstill from ☿ {subli}mate a Spirit, wherein dissolve an aaa of ☉ and ☿ into a

white Powder, which digest in Ashes until it be as red as Cinaber. Then dissolve it
in A. R. into a red water, which reduce again to Powder, which project upon ☽.

Another Tincture of ☽.

DIssolve ʒj. of ☉ in A. R. and ʒiij. of ☽ in A. F. Precipitate them, and then unite

them together, and distill their Spiritual Essence, which by degrees of heat fix
into a Blood-red Powder, which tingeth ☽ into ☉.

An Operation with ☉ and ☿ of {antimony}: Wrought by Monsieur Chambulan, and given

me by him.

TAke lbiij. of good Salt of Tartar, Cal∣cine it, so that it be glowing hot for
twenty four hours, in a Pot close luted; then dissolve it in flegm of Brandy,
filter, and evaporate; Calcine it again as before, dissolve and congeal as before.
Repeat all this Work four or five times, or until it leave
Page 66
no more Feces in the filter: Then Calcine this Salt again for six hours, and then
pul∣verize it whilst it is yet hot, and put it in a large Cucurbite, and pour upon
it by little and little of good Nants Brandy, so much as may cover it the breadth
of four fingers, cover it with a blind head, or with another Cucurbite, that may
enter into it, lute well the junctures, and digest in warm Sand for six days; then
put on a head with a Lim∣beck and a Recipient, and distill over with a gentle heat
all the S. V. then let it cool, and pour on fresh Brandy, digest, and di∣still as
before. Repeat this Operation five or six times, or so often till your Salt of
Tar∣tar remain in the bottom like a red and trans∣parent Oyl, which will be very
fiery and penetrating, reducing all Metals into run∣ning ☿, being first duly
prepared; keep this Oyl close stopped.

Then take lbviij. of the Ashes of burned Vines, whereof make a strong Lixivium with
lbxx. of fair {water}, then in lbxij. of this Lixivium; dissolve lbj. of Salt of
Tartar, filter this dissolution, and digest it in Sand with a strong {fire} for
some time; then cast into it lbj. of Regulus of {antimony}, that hath been melted
and purified six or seven times with Tartar and Salt-petre, and then reduced to a
subtil Powder: Make it boyl for six hours,
Page 67
until the Lixivium be very red and stinking; then let it settle and cool, and
decant the clear, and wash the Powder with fair {water}, then dry it, and grind it
upon a stone, im∣bibing it with the red Oyl of Tartar before-mentioned, until it be
like a Pap, then dry it, and imbibe it again, and grind as before. Repeat this so
often till the Powder hath ta∣ken in double its weight of the said Oyl of Tartar:
Then put this Matter in a Body with a blind head, lute well all the junctures, and
digest in fimo for twenty days; then take it out, and you will find your Powder
converted into running ☿, which wash well with hot {water}, then with Salt and
Vine∣gar, and then with fair {water}, then squeeze it through Chambo-leather. Then
take &ounce;x. of this ☿ of {antimony}, and &ounce;x. of Common ☿ that hath been
distilled over in a Retort with Tar∣tar and Quick-lime, and then washed with Salt
and Vinegar; mix these two Mercuries together and squeeze them through a leather,
then put them in a Cucurbite, lute another Cucurbite upon it, and digest in fimo
for fifteen days, then put a head to it with a Limbeck, and distill in Ashes, and
all the Common ☿ will distill over drop by drop as {water}, and the ☿ of {antimony}
will remain in the bot∣tom like a clear Oyl, and will be of a fra∣grant scent:
Rectifie the {water} in Ashes, and
Page 68
the Oyl with a stronger {fire} in Sand, and keep them by themselves. Then melt
&ounce;ij. of ☉, and &ounce;j. of ☽, then cast in Ingot, and beat it into leaf, or
reduce it into fine filings, and make an aaa with ☿, distill this aaa in a Retort
until all the ☿ is distilled over; then put this aaa in a Matrass, and pour upon it
&ounce;x. of the Mercurial Water before-men∣tioned: Digest it, and in a few hours
all will be dissolved. Put this dissolution in a Retort, lute a Recipient to it,
and having luted well the junctures, distill in Sand, and all will distill over
except a few black Feces; dephlegm it with a gentle heat in B. M. di∣stilling
until nothing more come over. Take of that which remaineth in the bottom of the
Cucurbite &ounce;iv. put it in a strong Ma∣trass, and put to it &ounce;viij. of
your Oyl of ☿ of {antimony}; Seal it well, and digest it with a Lamp {fire} in
Ashes, and in fourty days all will be fixed into a red stone; then take out the
Ma∣trass, and put it to a strong {fire} in Sand to Sublime it for twenty four
hours, and all will melt like an Oyl, which will congeal in a cold place into a red

Page 69

TAke &ounce;iv. of this red stone, pulverize it, and stratifie it with &ounce;j. of
☉ in leaf be∣tween two Crucibles well luted; put this to a Circulary {fire} by
degrees for six hours, then cover it with Coals, so that it may melt and unite well
together: Project &ounce;j. of this Powder upon &ounce;x. of boyling ☿ (well
puri∣fied) and all will be converted into a Me∣dicine, which will project upon
great quan∣tity of ☿, transmuting it into fine ☉.

Elixir of {antimony}, ☉, and ☿.

TAke good Mineral {antimony}, mortifie it with ra∣dicated Vinegar; then separate
its Quintessence with pure S. V. With that Quintessence dissolve ☿ duplicatum of
{antimony}, that both become an Oyl, which unite with a subtil Calx of ☉, and bring
them to an in∣combustible Oyl, which will transmute ☿ into ☉.

Page 70
Elixir ex ☉ & ☽.

DIssolve ☉ (well purified by {antimony}) in A.R. then reduce it into a blood-red

Oyl with radicated Vinegar, and Tartarised S. V. Then with this Oyl imbibe a
natural Sul∣phur of ☽, and fix them by graduated {fire}. This is a high Projection
upon ☽.

Elixir Album.

SUblime ☿ three times from Vitriol and Salt-petre, then in hot Sand fix it so, that
in strong heat it may not rise, which may be performed in three weeks time: Then
Cal∣cine it in a close Reverberatory {fire}, and it will be ready for solution.
Then take the Water which distilled over in Subliming the ☿, and dissolve in it a
little {sal armoniac}, and ☿ {subli}mate; with this solution mix Calcined Vitriol
to the thickness of Honey, digest in fimo one and twenty days: Then distill by
degrees a little at a time (for it yieldeth a very fiery Spirit) let the Recipient
be large. When all is come over that will, rectifie it; then in this Spirit
dissolve the afore-said fixed ☿, so is the Menstruum prepared.

Then take a white Calx of ♃, pour up∣on it so much of this Menstruum as will
Page 71
cover it, let it stand eight days as before Repeat this till the Calx will take in
no more of the said Menstruum, then let it stand till it become first black, and
then white, Sub∣liming it self above the Caput Mortuum, from which carefully
separate the white, and that is Sulphur naturae Iovis, which put in∣to a little
Matrass and fix it, (which may also be done by frequent {subli}mation) make also
Sulphur naturae ☽ in the same manner, and with the same Menstruum, which dis∣solve
into Oyl in B. with which imbibe the said Sulphur naturae Iovis until it be
fusible, and then it will transmute ♃ into ☽.

Elixir Rubrum.

TAke Vitriol of ♀ well purified by Solu∣tions and Coagulations, unite it. with
Liquor of ☿ {subli}mate and {sal armoniac}, then distill a {fire} from it in Ashes;
then having stood (cold) twenty four hours, distill more {fire} from it. Repeat
this until the remaining Matter be well broken; then joyn all the distilled wa∣ters
to it again, and digest it in fimo for 40 days: Then distill its Spirit, with which
imbibe the remaining Earth; dry it with a gentle heat, then imbibe again, and dry
as before: Repeat this till the Earth hath im∣bibed all its {fire}. Then distill
it, and you
Page 72
shall have a Philosophical ☿, and what Sub∣limeth is the Sulphur, which keep apart.
Repeat the imbibition and distillation, till no more Sulphur will ascend; with this
Sul∣phur imbibe half its weight of the ☿, put them into a Matrass, which Seal
Hermeti∣cally, and fix them together; and this Work must be repeated four times,
every time with the same proportion of the said Philo∣sophical ☿. Then fix this
Matter in a Ves∣sel Sealed Hermetically by degrees of {fire}, and all the colours
will appear one after ano∣ther, until it become white, and lastly, to an
incombustible red.

Take one part of this red Powder, cast it upon ten parts of Sublimed ☿, set it to
pu∣trifie for thirty days, and it will become Oyl, which being Projected upon
boyling ☿, will transmute it into pure ☉.

The said red Powder being infused in Wine over Night, and drank in the Morn∣ing,
Cureth most Diseases in Mans Body.

The best way to Extract the ☿ of ♀.

SUblime Flowers of {antimony} after Glauber's way, in great quantity, in casting

the {antimony} in Powder upon kindled Coals in a Furnace with many Pots one upon
another, wherein the Flowers settle. The Flowers which are
Page [unnumbered]
Page [unnumbered]
Page 73
in the last or highest Pots must be received into running ☿, by distilling them in
a Retort with two parts of Soot, and one of black Soap. Those in the middle, by
black Soap and Salt of Tartar: Those that are in the lowermost Pots, by Soap only,
with a little Salt of Tartar, not much, lest it should reduce the Flowers into
The Furnace must be round, and well made every where, then set a cover upon it like
a Funnel, and the Pots upon that; then fill the Furnace with Coals, and let them be
well kindled before you cast in the {antimony}, that the Flowers may be pure and
white; then cast in the {antimony} through a hole, which must be on the side of the
cover: And thus you shall Sublime lbj. of Flowers in an hour. (See the first

The Process teacheth to set fifteen or six∣teen Pots one upon another; but I think
five or six may do as well.

To Extract ☿ of ☽ or ♄.

DIssolve filings of ♄ in A. F. one part, and fair {water} two parts, Precipitate
the Calx with Salt of Tartar, then add crude Tartar to this Calx, and boyl them
toge∣ther a long time; at last, revive it with hot {water}, and you shall have a
fluid and running ☿.
Page 74
In the same manner you may proceed with ☽.

To make a Minera of ☿ of Antimony, ad Infinitum.

TAke of the ☿ revived from the Flow∣ers above-mentioned &ounce;viij. Sublime it

with Salt and Vitriol, according to Art: Then take of this ☿ Sublimate and
{antimony} in fine Powder, equal parts, mix them well to∣gether, and distill a
Butter thereof, giving gentle fire for four hours, then distill with a strong fire,
and the ☿ will distill in great quantity. Note, that when the Butter is come over,
before you increase the fire to drive over the ☿, you must change the Re∣cipient,
putting on another full of water impregnated with {sal armoniac}. Then take the
Cina∣ber and mix it with black soap and a little Salt of Tartar; then distill, and
you shall have near the whole quantity in running ☿. That which remaineth in the
bottom is the true Sulphur of {antimony}, of which make a Lixi∣vium with {water},
and Precipitate the Sul∣phur.

Page 75
Another way to Extract the ☿ of Antimony by an A. R. Given me by Monsieur Car∣ton.

TAke Salt-petre of the first boyling with∣out refining it any more, and Vitriol and
{sal armoniac}, whereof make A. R. after the Dutch way of making A. F. where they
put an hundred pound of Matter into a large Iron Pot with a large earthen head, to
which they joyn a large stone-receiver or a stone Pitcher: The junctures all well
luted with a lute made of Sand, Quick-lime, and Wa∣ter: They gave {fire} by
degrees, at last very strong; the distillation will be performed in twelve hours.
Then let all cool, and take out the A. R. Note, that in distilling this A. R. if
your Recipient be not very large, it will be needful to keep wet Cloaths doubled
upon the Rec. to abate and con∣dense the violence of the Spirits.

Then take {antimony} Mineral in fine Powder, which put into large Jar-glasses, such
as they keep thin Sweet-meats in, which are as large at the top as at the bottom:
You must have many of these Glasses, but put not too much into one Glass, pour a
good quantity of the A. R. above-mentioned upon this {antimony}; stir and shake
them well together by turning
Page 76
the Glass in your hands (several times a day) for ten, twelve, or fifteen days,
keep∣ing the Glasses slightly covered with a wooden cover: And if you put these
Vessels to digest in some gentle heat, it will be the better.

Note, that the Secret consisteth in well opening the body of the {antimony} by the
A. R. And therefore when the time of the digestion is ended, and that you see the
{antimony} is dissolved, or reduced into a white Calx at the bottom, stir it well
together, that the A. R. which is at the top, may become as white as Milk. Then
pour off this white Liquor (which containeth in it the Atomes of the {antimony},
which are very light, and are easily raised in the A. R. and are well opened) and
let it settle, until all the white Atomes are settled to the bottom, and that the
A. R. be clear at the top, which decant and put it back upon the {antimony}, where
you poured it off, which was not dissolved; stir it and digest it as before, then
decant the white Liquor as before. Repeat this until you have reduced all the
{antimony} into Atomes or white Liquor: Then put all your white Liquors and
dissolved {antimony} together with the A. R. into a Retort, and distill first all
the A. R. with a gentle heat, until you see the {antimony} almost dry, but not hard
nor quite dry. Then change the Receiver, putting
Page 77
on another large Ballon of Glass with four or five quarts of {water} impregnated
with lbj. of {sal armoniac}: Distill by graduated {fire} for eight hours, then put
some coals about the Retort upon the Sand; give at last very vehement {fire} above
and below, for four hours more, at last, as vehement as possibly may be, and you
shall see the Rec. filled with white fumes, which will revive into running ☿ in the
water in the Recipient, and part of these white fumes will become a thicker
sub∣stance, like melted ♄, and part like Mer∣curius vitae; but of what consistence
soever they are, you may easily revive them all in∣to running ☿, by washing them in
warm water.

The ☿ of ♄ is made in the same manner, but in greater quantity, taking Oar of ♄
instead of {antimony} Mineral.

To Extract the ☿ of {antimony}, or of ♄. Wrought several times by Monsieur Van

Outre, Phy∣sician of Brussels.

TAke Antimony Mineral, (or a Calx of ♄) in subtil Powder, imbibe it with Spirit of
Salt until it be like Pap: Digest it seven or eight days, or longer; then di∣still
to dryness: Then change the Recipient, putting on another filled with {water},
Page 78
with {sal armoniac}. Distill it gradually s. a. and you shall have running ☿.

Sir Kenelm.) This Extraction is upon the same Foundation as that which Monsieur
Corton gave me, with an A. R. which he hath done often.

Butter of {antimony} without Sublimate, to Extract ☿ of {antimony}.

TAke {antimony} one part, Salt decrepitated two parts, and Vitriol Calcined to
whiteness four parts; reduce all into a fine Powder, mix them well together, and
cast them by little and little into a Retort red-hot through a Spout in the upper
part of the Retort, as Glauber teacheth; or distill it in a Glass Re∣tort luted, in
a naked {fire}, and you shall have a Butter like unto that which is made of

Note, that you may rectifie this Butter for other Operations with Soot and Coal-
Page 79
To Extract the ☿ of {antimony} with this Butter, proceed thus.

PRecipitate this Butter with warm {water}, then dry the Powder, and mix it with one
part of black Soap, and two parts of Soot; distill in a Retort into a Recipient
full of {water} impregnated with {sal armoniac}, and you shall have a running ☿,
which is the Sperma of ☿ of {antimony}.

Another way.

TAke the Precipitated Powder of the a∣fore-said Butter of {antimony}, and dry it
gently, then mixt it with &ounce;iv. of Tartar, and &ounce;viij. of Quick-lime, and
&ounce;ij. of {sal armoniac} distill this in a Retort s. a.

Note, that the Calx of ☽, and that of ♄ may be Precipitated with Butter of
{antimony}, and then a running ☿ may be distilled from them.

To Extract a ☿ out of ☽.

DIssolve ☽ in A. R. and then Precipi∣tate it with Spirit of Urine, or with a

dissolution of {sal armoniac} dissolved in distilled Vine∣gar, and it will attract
what there is of ☿
Page 80
in the ☽, and the remaining Calx of ☽ is the running ☿, which is transmuted into ☉
by the Sal Enixe.

Another way to Extract the ☿ of {antimony}.

TAke lbj. of {antimony} in subtil Powder, boyl it in a Lixivium made of Quick-lime

and Pot-Ashes, let it boyl for two hours, then let it settle, and decant the clear;
then put more Lixivium upon the {antimony}, boyl it as before. Repeat this so often
till there be no more Sulphur in the {antimony}, which you may know by pouring
distilled Vinegar into the decanted Lixivium, when there Precipitates no more
Sulphur, or when it changes no more. Then edulcorate well the residue of the
{antimony}, and dry it, then grind it with &ounce;iv. of Salt of Tartar, and as
much of {sal armoniac}, and &ounce;viij. of Vitriol; put this to Sublime with a
gentle {fire} at first, and at last very strong {fire} for seven or eight hours,
and all will be Sublimed.

Make this Sublimate, and mix it with equal weight Quick-lime, distill it in a
Retort into a Recipient almost full of {water} impregnated with {sal armoniac}, and
you shall have a running ☿ of {antimony}. In the same manner you may Extract the ☿
of ♄, taking Calx of ♄ instead of {antimony}.

Page 81
Mercury of all Metals.

TAke Salt of Tartar, and Powder of Pebble-stones, mix them well together, and cast
them upon burning Coals, and there will ascend a Spirit, which must be received,
which hath a Vertue to convert the Calx of Metals into running ☿.

A great Secret, ☿ of {antimony}, and other Metals, ad infinitum.

TAke ☿ of {antimony}, Sublime it with Salt and Vitriol in the ordinary manner,
with∣out Calcining the Materials. Take of this ☿ {subli}mate, and {antimony} in
Powder, ana; distill a Butter thereof: Then take the Cinaber, and grind it with
that which resteth in the bot∣tom of the Retort, and distill a ☿ thereof, which
will serve for the like Work. Let the Butter resolve in the Air into a Liquor upon
a Marble stone, or upon Glass in a moist place, then pour of this Liquor upon
{antimony} in a Cucurbite; digest in Sand for two days, then distill it, and there
will come over a red Oyl with the flegm, which is the Sulphur, or ☿ of {antimony},
or a natural Oyl of {antimony}: For if you leave this Menstruum with the Oyl in the
open Air for two or three
Page 82
hours, the Oyl will Precipitate to the bot∣tom in a red Powder, which will burn
like common Sulphur. Mix this red Powder with two parts of Soot, and one of Soap,
put it in a Retort, and distill it, and it will revive into running ☿, which will
distill in∣to the Rec. which must be almost full of {water} impregnated with {sal

In the same manner you may also Extract ☿ out of other Metals, mixing this Oyl with
their Calx, Soot and Soap. The said Men∣struum will serve again, putting it upon
new {antimony}, Extracting new Sulphur from the same, or red Oyl, which
Precipitateth into Sul∣phur, as was said, or into running ☿ by Re∣vivification. And
in this manner you may make a perpetual Minera of ☿ of {antimony}, and of other
Metals, ad infinitum.

Note, that other Metals must be in very subtil Calx well opened, that the said
Men∣struum may act the better upon them.

Note, that if the Salt of the Earth be well Extracted, and reduced to a Salt Enixe,
wonderful Operations may be done with it; and if you take of this Salt Enixe and of
Vi∣triol, and make a Sublimate thereof with ☿ of {antimony}, and then a Butter of
this ☿ {subli}mate and {antimony} Mineral, and joyn this Butter with one part of
the Lunary Butter, made as was taught, and with that make a dissolution of ☉,
Page 83
you will have an Aurum potabile, and an universal Medicine; and without doubt a
Powder of Projection upon baser Metals. This Matter is an admirable Chalybs or
Mag∣net of the Spirit of the World, being expo∣sed to the open Air for some time,
and then put in a Vessel, and Sealed Hermetically, and digested for fourty days (or
fifty) you will see such effects, as will promise a happy success, and yet better,
if you add the Sulphur of ☉ drawn with Regulus of {antimony}: But this requires the
Conduct of an able Operator.

To prepare the Common ☿, so that it will have all the Qualities and Properties of ☿
of {antimony}, and will be as Powerful to Vo∣latilize ☉.

A Malgamate lbij. of ☿ with lbj. of ♃, thus: Melt the ♃ in a Crucible, then take it
off from the {fire}, and being near ready to congeal, pour the ☿ upon it, and stir
them well together with a stick, then cast it into fair {water}. Then with these
lbiij. of aaa grind lbiij. of filings of ♂, and lbiij. of {antimony}, and all being
well mixt, put it in a Retort, and distill over all the ☿ into a Recipient full of

Page 84
Another Excellent Preparation and Anima∣tion of ☿.

TAke of Martial Regulus of {antimony} &ounce;iij. and ☉ &ounce;j. melt them

together, and make a Regulus, which pulverize, and then grind it with common ☿,
then distill it seven times, and you shall have a ☿ very pure, and fit for any

Another way.

A Malgamate lbss. of ☿ with lbj. of ♃ in a Crucible, and being cold, grind with it
lbss. of filings of ♂. Then distill over the ☿ with a strong {fire}.

GRind ☿ with {antimony}, Quick-lime, and Tar∣tar, then distill it.


TAke ☽ one part, Regulus of {antimony} two parts, melt them together; then reduce
it in∣to very fine Powder, which grind and aaate with ☿, then distill seven times.

Page 85

JOyn ☿ with Sulphur in the form of a Cinaber, then add Salt of Tartar and Soap, to
the consistence of a Paste, whereof make little Balls, which distill in a Re∣tort.

About a particular Spirit of Nitre.

IT is not a common Spirit of Nitre, but it is a Spirit, which by many cohobati∣ons

and distillations rendreth its own Body Volatile in the form of Snow, which melts
with the least heat, and is congealed by cold; and that is that Acetum acerrimum,
which dis∣solveth all Metals, and reduceth them to their first Matter, and perfect
Metals being dissolved therein, will be coagulated, and perfectly fixed, which will
change other im∣perfect ones into perfect by Projection.

Take ☽ and ☿, q. v. aaate them toge∣ther, then mixt this aaa with half its weight
of ♀ {subli}mate, then put it in a Retort, and pour upon it of our Acid Spirit, and
the Matter being well dissolved therein, distill and cohobate upon the remaining
Body so often, till all the Matter be converted into a
Page 86
Volatile Spirit, and nothing remain in the bottom; that which doth not ascend, must
be made Volatile: Then dissolve that Vo∣latile again in more of our Acid Spirit,
and distil and cohobate so often upon that which remaineth in the bottom until all
be fixed again, and this fixed Matter render again Volatile, and the Volatile fix
again, until it be tingent and penetrating, and be a fu∣sible Salt abiding in the

You must have the Spirit of Natural fu∣sible Salt, which is the Principle of all
Me∣tals, Vegetables, and Animals; this Spirit being purified and re-united with its
Body (also purified) renders its Body Volatile, and uniteth it self unseparably
with it, and be∣cometh a Volatile fusible Salt like Butter, which congealeth being
cold: This Butter dissolveth all Metals, as warm {water} dissolveth Ice, and is the
true Matter of the great Work, and the Philosophical ☿.

To prepare the Universal Spirit, which is the Universal Salt, you must purifie and
rectifie it well, and by its means, Volatilize its fixt Body, (also purified.) For
to ren∣der the fixt Volatile, the quantity of the Vo∣latile must exceed the fixt;
and also to fix the Volatile, the quantity of the fixt must exceed the Volatile;
but the long digestion supplies the quantity of the fixt, because that which
Page 87
is naturally fixt is contained (although chan∣ged for the present) in the Volatile:
But the addition of ☉ (which it dissolveth, and uniteth it self radically with)
shortneth the time, and hastens the fixation: And then to ren∣der it from Volatile
fixt by a long digestion; when it is Volatile, it will pass over in a Retort like
Oyl, which will congeal, being cold, and melt with heat; 'tis the Sperma of Metals.
For to fix it the better and the sooner, you must add ☉, and digest.

An Operation upon ♄: Sent me by Monsieur Boucaud.

The Philosopher's Epilogue.

SOlution and Ablution are one and the same thing, for by Calcination the Bo∣dy is
divided into small parts; by putre∣faction it is corrupted, and when it is
distil∣led, it is reduced into its first Matter, and re∣maineth dissolved.

Congelation is a Fixation, Re-union, or Coagulation of the Volatile and dissolved


By Reduction and Fixation, when this Body is Sublimed, it fatneth, and resolveth,
uniteth, and at last is perfectly coagulated. Thus in these two Solutions and

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