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Good Questions

1. [Q] Let f be the function defined by f (x) = sin x + cos x and let g be the function
defined by g(u) = sin u + cos u, for all real numbers x and u. Then,

(a) f and g are exactly the same functions

(b) if x and u are different numbers, f and g are different functions
(c) not enough information is given to determine if f and g are the same.

Answer: (a). Both f and g are given by the same rule, and are defined on the same
domain, hence they are the same function.

x2 − 4
2. [Q] True or False. If f (x) = and g(x) = x + 2, then we can say the functions
f and g are equal.
Answer: False. Note that even if the two functions have the same rule, they are defined
on different domains, i.e., f is not defined at 2.

3. [P] Imagine that there is a rope around the equator of the earth. Add a 20 meter
segment of rope to it. The new rope is held in a circular shape centered about the
earth. Then the following can walk beneath the rope without touching it:

(a) an amoeba
(b) an ant
(c) I (the student)
(d) all of the above

Answer: (d). This question is quite difficult for students because it is very counter-
intuitive. A little algebra needs to be done to see that as long as the student is not
over 2π meters tall, she should be able to walk under the rope. Students should know
or be provided with the perimeter of a circle. There is no need to know the radius of
the Earth at equator. The problem encourages using a mathematical model to check
one’s intuition. Instructors should validate students’ intuition: the change in radius is
very small relative to the radius, and this may lead to the erroneous conclusion that a
human would not be able to walk underneath the rope; however, a human’s height is
also very small relative to the radius.

4. [P] Given two infinite decimals a = .3939393939... and b = .67766777666... , their sum

(a) is not defined because the sum of a rational and irrational number is not defined.
(b) is not a number because not all infinite decimals are real numbers.
(c) can be defined precisely by using successively better approximations
(d) is not a real number because the pattern may not be predictable indefinitely.

Answer: (c). Students may be unsure about real numbers as infinite decimals. Stu-
dents know that all rational numbers have terminating or repeating decimal repre-
sentations. They also know that there are irrational numbers, hence there are some
numbers that are represented as infinite decimals. However, they may not know that
every infinite decimal represents a number (although not uniquely in the case of re-
peating 9’s and repeating 0’s) -The phrase ”can be defined precisely” may cause some
to reject this as a solution. In discussing this question, instructors can introduce the
idea that every infinite decimal is a number and the Archimedian Axiom can help us
see how we can tell whether two numbers are the same.

5. [Q] True or False. As x increases to 100, f (x) = 1/x gets closer and closer to 0, so
the limit as x goes to 100 of f (x) is 0. Be prepared to justify your answer.
Answer: False. As x increases to 100, f (x) = 1/x gets closer and closer to 0, gets
closer and closer to 1/1000, but not as close as to 1/100. The question points out the
weakness of the statement ”f (x) gets closer to L as x → a, and therefore lim f (x) = L”.

6. [P] True or False. lim f (x) = L means that if x1 is closer to a than x2 is, then f (x1 )
will be closer to L than f (x2 ) is. Be prepared to justify your answer with an argument
or counterexample.
Answer: False. Going to the limit is not monotonic! As a counterexample you can
2x x ≥ 0
f (x) =
−x x < 0
Then lim f (x) = 0, and take x1 = 0.25, x2 = −0.35.

7. [P] You’re trying to guess lim f (x). You plug in x = 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, . . . and get
f (x) = 0 for all these values. In fact, you’re told that for all n = 1, 2, . . . , f ( n ) = 0.
True or False: Since the sequence 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, . . . goes to 0, we know lim f (x) = 0.
Answer: False. The goal is to see whether the students understand that it’s not enough
to check the limit for one particular sequence of numbers that goes to 0. The instructor
may want to recall the function sin( ) from Stewart, as x goes to 0, in order to discuss
the problem. Make sure to point out this problem as an example of the danger of using
calculators to ”find” limits.

8. [P] Suppose you have an infinite sequence of closed intervals, each one contains the
next, and suppose too that the width of the nth interval is less than n1 . If a and b are
in each of these intervals,

(a) a and b are very close but they don’t have to be equal
(b) either a or b must be an endpoint of one of the intervals
(c) a = b

Answer: (c). If using this problem, the instructor should briefly talk about the Archi-
median Axiom, and how intersection of nested closed intervals In of respective lengths
, is a single point. Since both a and b are in each of these In , this single point of
intersection is a = b. Students have a hard time understanding the Squeeze Theorem,
so this might be a good place to start in attacking that problem.

9. [D] Consider the function

 2
 x x is rational, x 6= 0
f (x) = −x2 x is irrational
undefined x = 0


(a) there is no a for which lim f (x) exists


(b) there may be some a for which lim f (x) exists, but it is impossible to say without
more information
(c) lim f (x) exists only when a = 0

(d) lim f (x) exists for infinitely many a


Answer: (c). Students should be encouraged to draw the graph and discuss.

10. [Q] The statement ”Whether or not lim f (x) exists, depends on how f (a) is defined,”
is true

(a) sometimes
(b) always
(c) never

Answer: (c). Use this problem to stress that f (a) need not be defined in order for
lim f (x) to exist. Students have a difficult time asserting ”never”. The problem
provides an opportunity to discuss what a limit is.

11. [Q] If a function f is not defined at x = a,

(a) lim f (x) cannot exist
(b) lim f (x) could be 0
(c) lim f (x) must approach ∞
(d) none of the above.

Answer: (b). Answers (a) and (c) are very popular. f (a) need not be defined in order
for lim f (x) to exist, and it does not have to approach ∞. However, the limit could
be 0, for example consider f (x) = 0 for all x 6= a, and f (a) not defined. The student
has to note the difference between ”cannot”, ”could” and ”must”.

f (x)
12. [Q] If lim f (x) = 0 and lim g(x) = 0, then lim
x→a x→a x→a g(x)

(a) does not exist

(b) must exist
(c) not enough information

Answer: (c). Point out that 00 is not always equal to 1. If this question is used after
any of the previous two problems, more students will be able to answer correctly.

The following two problems to be used in a sequence:

13. [D] The reason that lim sin(1/x) does not exist is:

(a) because no matter how close x gets to 0, there are x’s near 0 for which sin(1/x) =
1, and some for which sin(1/x) = −1
(b) because the function values oscillate around 0
(c) because 1/0 is undefined
(d) all of the above

Answer: (a). Illustrate why (b) and (c) are not the reason why the limit does not
exist, by introducing the next problem.

14. [D] lim x2 sin(1/x)


(a) does not exist because no matter how close x gets to 0, there are x’s near 0 for
which sin(1/x) = 1, and some for which sin(1/x) = −1
(b) does not exist because the function values oscillate around 0
(c) does not exist because 1/0 is undefined
(d) equals 0
(e) equals 1

Answer: (d). As in the previous problem, the function oscillates and 1/0 is undefined,
however, this limit exists. This is also a nice application of The Squeeze Theorem:

lim (−x2 ) ≤ lim x2 sin(1/x) ≤ lim x2

x→0 x→0 x→0

Therefore, the limit equals 0.

15. [D] Suppose you have two linear functions f and g shown below.


(x,f(x)) g

a x

f (x)
Then lim is
x→a g(x)

(a) 2
(b) does not exist
(c) not enough information
(d) 3

Answer: (a). This problem requires a geometrical argument:

f (x) x−a g(x) f (x) 6
Solution 1: By similar triangles, 6
= 0−a
= 3
, and therefore g(x)
= 3
= 2.
Solution 2:
f (x)
f (x) −a slope of f 6
lim = lim g(x)
= lim = =2
x→a g(x) x→a x→a slope of g 3

This problem is a nice preview of L’Hospital’s Rule.

16. [Q] True or False. Consider a function f (x) with the property that lim f (x) = 0.
Now consider another function g(x) also defined near a. Then lim [f (x)g(x)] = 0.
Answer: False. Students might justify a True answer by ”zero times any number equals
zero”. Point out that it is possible that lim g(x) = ∞. A quick counterexample can
be a = 0, f (x) = x and g(x) = 1/x.

17. [Q] True or False. If lim f (x) = ∞ and lim g(x) = ∞, then lim [f (x) − g(x)] = 0.
x→a x→a x→a
Answer: False. Students might be thinking that ∞ is a number, and therefore ∞−∞ =
0. As a quick counterexample, consider f (x) = x2 and g(x) = x.

18. [P] Suppose you have two linear function f and g shown below.


(x,f(x)) g

a x

f (x)
Then lim is
x→∞ g(x)

(a) 2
(b) does not exist
(c) not enough information
(d) 3
f (x) x−a g(x)
Answer: (a). Recall problem 6. in Section 2.3. 6
= 0−a
= 3
, and therefore
f (x)
= 63 = 2.

19. [Q] What is the maximum number of horizontal asymptotes that a function can have?

(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) as many as we want

Answer: (b). Students must pay attention to the way horizontal asymptotes are de-
fined. Point out that asymptotes are defined as we go to ∞ and to −∞, even though
a function may have asymptotic behavior at other points.

20. [Q] True or False. A function can cross its horizontal asymptote.
Answer: True. It is easy to sketch a function that crosses its horizontal asymptote.
For example, consider sinx x .

Continuity and Intermediate Value Theorem
1. [P] True or False: Let P (t) =the cost of parking in New York City’s parking garages
for t hours. So,
P (t) = $20 per hour or fraction thereof
For example, if you are in the garage for two hours and one minute, you pay $60.
If t0 closely approximates some time, T , then P (t0 ) closely approximates P (T ). Be
prepared to justify your answer.
Answer: False. Most students will answer correctly. However, explain how no matter
how close t0 is to T , P (t0 ) might not be close to P (t).

2. [Q] A drippy faucet adds one milliliter to the volume of water in a tub at precisely one
second intervals. Let f be the function that represents the volume of water in the tub
at time t.

(a) f is a continuous function at every time t

(b) f is continuous for all t other than the precise instants when the water drips into
the tub
(c) f is not continuous at any time t
(d) not enough information to know where f is continuous.

Answer: (b) Students should be encouraged to draw f (t) and should be able to see the
answer quickly. Note that (a) can also be the correct answer, depending on the model
that students use for the phenomenon: if the drop of water gradually merges with the
water in the tub, the function is continuous with respect to time.

3. [P] A drippy faucet adds one milliliter to the volume of water in a tub at precisely one
second intervals. Let g be the function that represents the volume of water in the tub
as a function of the depth of the water, x, in the tub.

(a) g is a continuous function at every depth x

(b) there are some values of x at which g is not continuous
(c) g is not continuous at any depth, x
(d) not enough information to know where g is continuous.

Answer: (a) Again, students should be encouraged to draw the graph of g(x). It is
interesting to compare this to the previous question. It should be pointed out the
difference between the independent variables in the two problems.

4. [Q] You know the following statement is true:

If f (x) is a polynomial, then f (x) is continuous.

Which of the following is also true?

(a) If f (x) is not continuous, then it is not a polynomial.

(b) If f (x) is continuous, then it is a polynomial.
(c) If f (x) is not a polynomial, then it is not continuous.

Answer: (a). This may seem like an easy logic question, but students tend to have
difficulties; it might be a good time to review some logic. This question prepares
students for reasoning that even if differentiability implies continuity, continuity does
not imply differentiability. Ask for examples of functions that are continuous, but not

5. [D] You decide to estimate e2 by squaring longer decimal approximations of e =

2.71828 . . ..

(a) This is a good idea because e is a rational number.

(b) This is a good idea because y = x2 is a continuous function.
(c) This is a bad idea because e is irrational.
(d) This is a good idea because y = ex is a continuous function.

Answer: (b). First recall problem 4 in section 2.1, or present that problem if you have
not used it. Students might have problems differentiating between (b) and (d). Point
out that we estimate e2 by considering the limit lim x2 as opposed to lim ex .
x→e x→2

Use the following 3 problems in a sequence to illustrate the use of IVT.

6. [Q] True or False. You were once exactly 3 feet tall.

Answer: True. All students were less than 3 ft tall when they were born, and they
should be taller than 3 ft, so by IVT, assuming their growth was continuous, at some
point in their life they must have been 3 ft tall. Stress that students may not know
WHEN exactly they were 3 feet tall. Instructors should allow the possibility that
growth is not continuous, for example some students may reason that they grew by a
molecule at a time.

7. [P] True or False. At some time since you were born your weight in pounds equaled
your height in inches.
Answer: True. Students must consider the difference of two functions: f (t) = height(t)−
weight(t), functions of time. At birth, f (birth) > 0 and right now, f (now) < 0, hence
by IVT f (T ) = 0, where T is some time in the past. It is important to stress that this
technique of looking at the difference of two functions is recurrent in calculus.

8. [D] True or False. Along the Equator, there are two diametrically opposite sites that
have exactly the same temperature at the same time.
Answer: True. Do not use this problem unless you have already worked through the
previous two problems. This problem is not at all intuitive. Again, students must
consider a difference: the difference in temperature between the diametrically opposite

9. [Q] Suppose that during half-time at a basketball game the score of the home team
was 36 points.
True or False: There had to be at least one moment in the first half when the home
team had exactly 25 points.
Answer: False. Scoring in basketball is not continuous, so the IVT does not apply
here. Students will probably enjoy thinking about this problem.

10. [D] True or False. x100 − 9x2 + 1 has a root in [0, 2].
Answer: True. This problem is not a direct application of IVT, plugging in 0 and 2,
we get positive numbers, so the student must choose some other number in [0, 2] to
test. Choosing 0 and 1, or 1 and 2, IVT immediately applies.

11. [P] True or False. The function f (x) defined below is continuous at x = 0.
x x is rational
f (x) = 2
−x x is irrational

Answer: True. This problem should not be that hard if students have seen this function

Tangents, velocities, and other rates of change
Use the following 2 problems in a sequence.

1. [P] At (0, 0) the graph of f (x) = |x|

(a) has a tangent line at y = 0

(b) has infinitely many tangent lines
(c) has no tangent line
(d) has two tangent lines y = −x and y = x.
f (x) − 0
Answer: (c). The limit lim does not exist, because it equals −1 from the
x→0 x − 0
left, and 1 from the right. Thus, we have NO tangent line at (0, 0). Students might
choose any of the three answers, based on their high-school experience with tangent
lines. Stress that a tangent line is not necessarily a line that touches the curve at only
one point (as in the case of the circle); also a curve has a tangent line at some point
(a, f (a)) if ”zooming in ” on the curve at this point, the curve looks like a line. This
problem is an example of a function with infinitely many lines touching at one point,
but no tangent line.

2. [P] The line tangent to the graph of f (x) = x at (0, 0)

(a) is y = 0
(b) is y = x
(c) does not exist
(d) is not unique. There are infinitely many tangent lines.

Answer: (b). Before doing the math, students might be inclined to choose any one of
the answers, based on their high-school experience with tangents. Using the definition
of the tangent line, they must see that the tangent at (0, 0) is a line of slope 1, passing
thru (0, 0). This is a problem that illustrates the existence of functions with tangent
lines touching the function at infinitely many points.

3. [Q] If the radius of a circle increases from r1 to r2 , then the average rate of change of
the area of the circle is

(a) less than 2πr2

(b) greater than 2πr1
(c) equal to 2π r1 +r

(d) all of the above

Answer: (d). This is a straightforward application of the definition of average rate of
change. Once we get (c) as an answer, (a) and (b) follow:

πr22 − πr12 r 2 + r1
= π(r2 + r1 ) = 2π
r2 − r 1 2

4. [P] Consider the function

x2 x is rational
f (x) =
−x2 x is irrational

Does f 0 (0) exist?

(a) yes
(b) no
(c) not possible to tell

Answer: (a) Students should be encouraged to think about tangent lines and the
definition of derivative to think about this question.

5. [P] Water is being poured into a cylindrical vase. The height of the water changes as
more water is poured in. The instantaneous change in the height with respect to the
volume of water in the vase

(a) is constant
(b) varies inversely as the cube of the radius
(c) not enough information to tell.

Answer: (a). Since V = πr2 h and r is constant, V and h are proportional to each
∆V πr2 ∆h
other, so that = = πr2 , is constant.
∆h ∆h

Derivatives (using the definition)
1. [Q] True or False. The function f (x) = x1/3 is continuous at x = 0.
Answer: True. This is an easy check.

2. [Q] True or False. If f (x) = x1/3 then f 0 (0) exists.

Answer: False. f 0 (0) equals the slope of the tangent at (0, 0).

3. [P] True or False. If f (x) = x1/3 then there is a tangent line at (0, 0).
Answer: True. This gets students to think about tangent lines and derivatives. A
vertical tangent line exists, although the derivative does not.

4. [P] True or False. The function f (x) = |x| has a derivative at x = 0.

f (x) − 0
Answer: False. The limit lim does not exist, because it equals −1 from the
x→0 x − 0
left, and 1 from the right. Thus f 0 (0) does not exist.

5. [Q] True or False. The function g(x) = x|x| has a derivative at x = 1.

Answer: True. Easy application of the limit definition of derivative. Students should
note that close to 1, |x| = x. g 0 (1) = 2.

6. [P] The derivative of f (x) = x|x| at x = 0

(a) is 0.
(b) does not exist, because |x| is not differentiable at x = 0
(c) does not exist, because f is defined piecewise
(d) does not exist, because the left and right hand limits do not agree.

Answer: (a). Instructors should encourage the use of the limit definition of derivative;
f 0 (0) = 0

7. [P] If f 0 (a) exists, lim f (x)


(a) it must exist, but there is not enough information to determine it exactly
(b) equals f (a)
(c) equals f 0 (a)
(d) it may not exist

Answer: (b). If f is differentiable at a, it must be continuous at a, and therefore the
limit equals f (a). Many students will like answers (a) and (d).

8. [P] Your mother says “If you eat your dinner, you can have dessert.” You know this
means, “If you don’t eat your dinner, you cannot have dessert.” Your calculus teacher
says, “If f if differentiable at x, f is continuous at x.” You know this means

(a) if f is not continuous at x, f is not differentiable at x.

(b) if f is not differentiable at x, f is not continuous at x.
(c) knowing f is not continuous at x, does not give us enough information to deduce
anything about whether the derivative of f exists at x.

Answer: (a). This is a nice logic question. Ask students to give examples of continuous
functions that are not differentiable. If you have done some other logic questions, this
will probably be an easy question, otherwise, a short introduction/review to logic might
be necessary.

9. [Q] A slow freight train chugs along a straight track. The distance it has traveled after
x hours is given by a function f (x). An engineer is walking along the top of the box
cars at the rate of 3 mi/hr in the same direction as the train is moving. The speed of
the man relative to the ground is

(a) f (x) + 3
(b) f 0 (x) + 3
(c) f (x) − 3
(d) f 0 (x) − 3

Answer (b). Once the students realize that f 0 (x) is the speed of the train after x hours,
most of them will give the right answer.

10. [Q] Suppose f 0 (x) exists for all x in (a, b). Read the following four statements:

(I) f (x) is continuous on (a, b)

(II) f (x) is continuous at x = a
(III) f (x) is defined for all x in (a, b)
(IV) f 0 (x) is differentiable on (a, b)

(a) I and III

(b) I, II and III
(c) All of the above
(d) None of the above

(e) Only I

Answer: (a). Students will know that I holds. They might have questions about II
and not be quite sure about III.

Derivatives (using differentiation rules)
1. [Q] dx
(e7 ) equals

(a) 7e6
(b) e7
(c) 0

Answer: (c). Quick check. Students must see that e7 is a constant.

2. [D] True or False. For all n and all x, dx
|x|n = n|x|n−1 .
Answer: False. Point out that for n-even and all n-odd, n > 1, the equation holds;
but for all other n, |x|n is not differentiable at zero.

x10 − 1
3. [P] lim
x→1 x − 1

(a) does not exist, because 0
is not defined
(b) equals 10, because it is exactly the derivative of x10 , at x = 1
(c) equals 1, because (1)9 = 1.

Answer: (b). Recall the limit definition of the derivative; then one can easily check
(b). Some may be inclined to answer (a); also, some students might be able to get the
right answer, 10, by factoring x10 − 1, and then simplifying. Answer (c) comes from a
cancellation error that students may make.

4. [Q] Suppose you cut a slice of pizza from a circular pizza of radius r, as shown.

As you change the size of the angle θ, you change the area of the slice, A = 12 r2 θ. Then
A0 is

(a) rθ
1 2
(b) 2

(c) not possible to determine from the given information

Answer: (b). The area of the slice of pizza varies as the angle θ varies. The slice of
pizza has area A(θ) = 12 r2 θ. Hence A0 (θ) = 12 r2 . Students should pay attention to the
variable with respect to which they differentiate. Instructors may want to encourage
their students to use the limit definition of the derivative in this problem.

5. [Q] The radius of a snowball changes as the snow melts. The instantaneous change in
radius with respect to volume is
dV dr
(c) +
dr dV
(d) cannot be determined

Answer: (b). Quick check. This type of problem prepares students for later related
rates problems.

6. [P] Gravel is poured into a canonical pile. The rate at which gravel is added to the
pile is
(d) none of the above

Answer: (a). This may be a difficult question for students: it will be hard to figure out
which quantity we need to differentiate, and with respect to what. Instructors should
point out the difference between (a)-(c).

d f (x)
7. [Q] We know f (1) = 1 and f 0 (1) = 3. Then dx x2 x=1
| equals

(a) 1
(b) 3/2
(c) −1
d f (x) f 0 (1)−2f (1)
Answer: (a). Straight forward application of quotient rule: dx x2 x=1
| = 1

8. [P] Suppose that over an interval of time, ∆t, the length, L, and width, W , of a
rectangle grow to L + ∆L and W + ∆W respectively as in the sketch below.


The average rate of change in A over the interval of time, ∆t is

LW (∆L)(∆W )
(a) +
∆t ∆t
LW ∆W ∆L (∆L)(∆W )
(b) +L +W +
∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t
∆W ∆L
(c) L +W
∆t ∆t
∆W ∆L (∆W )(∆L)
(d) L +W +
∆t ∆t ∆t
Answer: (d). The answer follows from an easy computation:
∆A L(∆W ) + W (∆L) + (∆L)(∆W ) ∆W ∆L (∆W )(∆L)
= =L +W +
∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t

9. [P] In the problem above, assume that L and W are differentiable functions of time,
(i.e. dL
and dW
both exist for all t). The reason dA
is the sum of the limits of the first
two terms, and that the third term ”disappears” when you take the limit is:
(a) dt
exists for each t and is some number, hence the limit of the third term is 0.
(b) the terms in the numerator are both approaching 0, and therefore their product
goes to 0 faster than the term in the denominator does
(c) you can cancel one of the close to zero terms in the numerator with a close to
zero term in the denominator, so the limit of the remaining term is 0
(d) it is not possible to tell why the third term approaches 0.

Answer: (a). Students may be more comfortable using (b) or (c) as answers, even
though they are wrong. This kind of problem should help them make the connection
between dL
and ∆L
dA ∆A ∆W ∆L ∆L dW dL dL
= lim = lim L +W + ∆W =L +W +0·
dt ∆t→0 ∆t ∆t→0 ∆t ∆t ∆t dt dt dt

10. [Q] The Constant Multiple Rule tells us

d d
cf (x) = c f (x)
dx dx
and the Product Rule says
d d d
cf (x) = c f (x) + f (x) c
dx dx dx
True or False. The two rules agree. Be prepared to justify your answer.
Answer: True. Some students will be unable to recognize that we get the same result.
Remind them that the derivative of a constant function is zero.

sin x
11. [P] lim = 1 means that
x→0 x
(a) 0
(b) the tangent to the graph of y = sin x at (0, 0) is the line y = x
(c) you can cancel the x’s.
(d) sin x = x for x near 0.

Answer: (b). Note that this is the derivative of sin x at 0, that is, the slope of the
function sin x at 0 is 1. So the tangent to the graph (0, 0) is the line y = x. Students
will have trouble identifying the limit as a derivative, and also thinking of the derivative
at 0 as the slope of the function (and of the tangent) at 0.

12. [Q] If f (x) = sin x then

(a) f (x) = f 0000 (x)

(b) f (x) = −f 00 (x)
(c) f 0 (x) = cos(x)
(d) all of the above.

Answer: (d). This problem offers a chance to highlight some of the interesting periodic
properties of the derivative of sin x.

13. [Q] If f (x) = sin x cos x, f 0 (x) =

(a) 1 − 2 sin2 (x)

(b) 2 cos2 (x) − 1
(c) cos 2x
(d) all of the above

(e) none of the above

Answer: (d). (a) - (c) are equivalent formulae. One can get (a) by using the product
rule and cos2 (x) = 1 − sin2 (x).

14. [Q] If f (x) = tan x, f 0 (x) =

(a) 1 + tan2 (x)

(b) cot x
(c) − cot x
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above

Answer: (a). f 0 (x) = sec2 (x) = 1 + tan2 (x). (b)-(c)

 mayarise if students compute the
d d sin x cos x
derivative in the following way: (tan x) = = .
dx dx cos x − sin x

sin(2x + h) − sin(2x)
15. [P] lim equals
h→0 h
(a) cos x
(b) cos(2x)
(c) zero
(d) does not exist because 0/0 is not defined
sin(2x + h) − sin(2x) d
Answer: (b). lim = (sin y)|y=2x .This problem is making the
h→0 h dy
connection between differentiation rules and the limit definition of derivative.

d d
16. [D] We know that (sin x) = cos x. True or False sin(2x) = cos(2x).
dx dx
Answer: False. This is a nice preview of Chain Rule, also good exercise for a deep
understanding of the limit definition of derivative. To be compared with the previous

17. [P] dr
(sin x + esin x ) equals

(a) cos x + ecos x

(b) cos x + esin x cos x
(c) cos r + esin r cos r
(d) not enough information

Answer: (d). There is not enough information since the missing factor, dx dr
could be
anything. If x = r, then (b) is correct. If x is constant with respect to r, then the
answer is 0. Students may have difficulty considering (sin x + esin x ) as a constant with
respect to r.

18. [P] Suppose a deli clerk can slice a stick of pepperoni (assume the tapered ends have
been removed) by hand at the rate of 2 inches per minute, while a machine can slice
pepperoni at the rate of 10 inches per minute. Then dV dt
for the machine is 5 times
greater than dt for the deli clerk. This is explained by the

(a) chain rule

(b) product rule
(c) quotient Rule
(d) addition rule

Answer: (a). Straight forward application of chain rule if they have seen this type of
problem before.

19. [Q] If f and g are both differentiable and h = f ◦ g, h0 (2) equals

(a) f 0 (2) ◦ g 0 (2)

(b) f 0 (2)g 0 (2)
(c) f 0 (g(2))g 0 (2)
(d) f 0 (g(x))g 0 (2)

Answer: (c). Even though students may have memorized the Chain Rule formula,
some may not be able to apply it to this type of problem.

20. [P] The area of a circle, A = πr2 , changes as its radius changes. If the radius changes
with respect to time, the change in area with respect to time is
(a) = 2πr
dA dr
(b) = 2πr +
dt dt
dA dr
(c) = 2πr
dt dt
(d) not enough information

Answer: (c). This is an easy application of the Chain Rule; it prepares students for
Related Rates problems.

21. [D] When you solve for y 0 in an implicit differentiation problem, you have to solve a
quadratic equation

(a) always
(b) sometimes
(c) never

Answer: (c). All equations in x and y can be written as a sum of terms of the form
f (x)g(y), and hence using implicit differentiation on this term,
d d
f (x)g(y) = f 0 (x)g(y) + f (x) g(y) · y 0
dx dy
hence no term in the sum has factors of the form (y 0 )2 . Therefore, we never have to
solve a quadratic. Students might be most comfortable answering (b), and if so, ask
them first if they ever had to solve a quadratic while using implicit differentiation, and
then go into more detail to why this does not happen.

22. [Q] If g(x) = sin−1 x, then g 0 (x) is

(a) √ 1
(b) cos x
cos x
(c) − sin 2x

(d) csc x cot x

Answer: (a). This example gives the instructor the opportunity to stress that (sin x)−1
is not the same as sin−1 x.

23. [P] The slope of the line tangent to the graph of x = sin y at the point (0, π) is

(a) 1
(b) -1
(c) not defined
Answer: (b). Using implicit differentiation, 1 = cos y . So at (0, π), the slope is
sec π = −1. Students should note that even though this is not the graph of a function,
it still has a tangent line at this point.

24. [Q] True or False. dx
ln(π) = π1 .
Answer: False. Students must observe that ln(π) is a constant, and thus dx
ln(π) = 0.

25. [Q] Your calculus book says that e = lim 1+ . This means:
n→∞ n

(a) e is not really a number because it is a limit
(b) e cannot be computed
    2  3  100
2 3 4 101
(c) the sequence of numbers , , , ..., , ... get as close as you
1 2 3 100
want to the number e

Answer (c). e can be approximated very well by taking a number that is extremely
close to 1, and raising it to a high enough power. Students may be puzzled by this
2 3 4 101
answer, since , , , ..., , ... gets very close to 1, and ”1 to any power is 1”. This
1 2 3 100
may be a good time to point out that 1∞ is not defined. Note that (a) and (b) are
also correct answers with the appropriate meanings, i.e., e is not a number in the sense
that it cannot be written down or completely computed numerically.

26. [P] When you read in the newspaper thing like inflation rate, interest rate, birth rate,
etc., it always means ff , not f 0 itself.
True or False. f
is not the derivative of a function.
Answer: False. f
is the derivative of ln |f |. Students should check by differentiating.

Linear approximations and Differentials
1. [P] If e.5 is approximated by using the tangent line to the graph of f (x) = ex at (0,1),
and we know f 0 (0) = 1, the approximation is

(a) .5
(b) 1 + e.5
(c) 1 + .5

Answer: (c). Most students will be able to get a correct formula for the linearization
of ex at 0, L(x) = 1 + x, but a good number will have difficulties knowing how to use
this information to get an approximation for e.5 .

2. [Q] The line tangent to the graph of f (x) = sin x at (0, 0) is y = x. This implies that

(a) sin(.0005) ≈ .0005

(b) The line y = x touches the graph of f (x) = sin x at exactly one point, (0, 0)
(c) y = x is the best straight line approximation to the graph of f for all x

Answer: (a). If presented in the Linearization Approximation section, this problem

will be straightforward for most students.

3. [P] The line y = 1 is tangent to the graph of f (x) = cos x at (0, 1). This means that

(a) the only x-values for which y = 1 is a good estimate for y = cos x are those that
are close enough to 0
(b) tangent lines can intersect the graph of f infinitely many times
(c) the farther x is from 0, the worse the linear approximation is

Answer: (b). Students might be inclined to answer (a), since usually we use tangent
line approximations for values of x close to a; or they might choose (c), since the closer
we are to a, the better the approximation will be, without realizing that we might get
a good approximation even far from a.

4. [P] The error of using the tangent line y = f (a)+f 0 (a)(x−a) to approximate y = f (x)
is E(x) = f (x) − [f (a) + f 0 (a)(x − a)]. Then

x→a (x − a)

(a) must be 0
(b) might not exist
(c) depends on the value of a

Answer: (a). Students might need a hint: plug in the formula for E(x) and then split
the limit into two limits that you recognize and can compute.
E(x) f (x) − f (a) f 0 (a)(x − a)
lim = lim − lim = f 0 (a) − f 0 (a) = 0
x→a (x − a) x→a (x − a) x→a (x − a)

5. [D] Suppose you have two functions f and g shown below, and their tangent lines L1
and L2 .

1 f

L g

f (x)
The lim
x→a g(x)

(a) is 2
(b) does not exist, because 0/0 does not exist
(c) cannot be determined with this information. You need to know a
(d) is 3
Answer: (a). Note that f 0 (a) is equal to the slope of L1 , and g 0 (a) equals the slope of L2 .
L1 (x) = f (a)+f 0 (a)(x−a) = f 0 (a)(x−a) and L2 (x) = g(a)+g 0 (a)(x−a) = g 0 (a)(x−a).
Using notation from number 4 above,
E1 (x)
f (x) L1 (x) + E1 (x) f 0 (a)(x − a) + E1 (x) f 0 (a) + (x−a)
lim = lim = lim 0 = lim =
x→a g(x) x→a L2 (x) + E2 (x) x→a g (a)(x − a) + E2 (x) x→a g 0 (a) + E2 (x)
f 0 (a) + 0 f 0 (a) slope of L1
= 0 = =2
g 0 (a) + 0 g (a) slope of L2

6. [Q] Suppose that f 00 (x) < 0 for x near a point a. Then the linearization of f at a is
(a) an over approximation
(b) an under approximation
(c) unknown without more information.
Answer: (a). This will be clear for most students. Ask for a graph of such a function
f and its tangent line approximation at some point a.

7. [Q] Peeling an orange changes its volume V . What does ∆V represent?

(a) the volume of the rind

(b) the surface area of the orange
(c) the volume of the ”edible part” of the orange
(d) −1 × (the volume of the rind)

Answer: (a). ∆V represents the change in volume, hence it is the volume of the part
that is being removed, i.e., the rind. This problem is a nice introduction to differentials.
Note that (d) also works and may be a more natural derivation.

8. [P] If you divide the volume of the rind of a thin-skinned orange by the thickness of
the rind you get a good estimate for

(I) The surface area of the original orange

(II) The surface area of the edible part
(III) The change in the volume of the orange
(IV) The square of the radius of the orange

(a) I and II
(b) III
(c) I only
(d) IV

Answer: (a). If you use this problem following number 2, III clearly does not apply,
and IV does not hold because we need an additional constant factor of 4π. Since the
skin is very thin, the radius of the orange R is approximately the radius of the edible
part r, so are their respective surface areas. More exactly,

∆V 4 R3 − r 3 4
= π = π(R2 + rR + r2 ) ≈ 4πR2 (≈ 4πr2 )
∆x 3 R−r 3

9. [P] Imagine that you increase the dimensions of a square with side x1 to a square with
side length x2 . The change in the area of the square, ∆A, is approximated by the
differential dA. In this example, dA is

(a) (x2 − x1 )2x1

(b) (x2 − x1 )2x2
(c) x22 − x21
(d) (x2 − x1 )2

Answer: (a). Since A = x2 , dA = 2xdx, where dx = x2 − x1 . Thus, dA = 2x1 (x2 − x1 ).
Some students might think dA = ∆A = x22 − x21 and answer (c). Others may plug in
x = x2 and thus answer (b).

10. [Q] Imagine that you increase the dimensions of a square with side x1 to a square
with side length x2 . If you estimate the change in the area of the square, ∆A by the
differential dA = 2x1 (x2 − x1 ), this will result in an

(a) overestimate
(b) underestimate
(c) exactly equal

Answer: (b). Note that ∆A = x22 − x21 = (x2 + x1 )(x2 − x1 ) > 2x1 (x2 − x1 ) = dA. This
can also be shown by taking the second derivative.

Applications of Differentiation

Related Rates
1. [Q] As gravel is being poured into a conical pile, its volume V changes with time. As a
result, the height h and radius r also change with time. Knowing that at any moment
V = 13 πr2 h, the relationship between the changes with respect to time in the volume,
radius and height is
dV 1 dr 2 dh
(a) = π 2r h + r
dt 3 dt dt
dV 1 dr dh
(b) = π 2r ·
dt 3 dt dt
dV 1 2 dh
(c) = π 2rh + r
dr 3 dt
dV 1 2 dr
(d) = π (r )(1) + 2r h
dh 3 dh
Answer: (a). Easy application of the Chain Rule + Product Rule.

2. [P] A boat is drawn close to a dock by pulling in a rope as shown. How is the rate at
which the rope is pulled in related to the rate at which the boat approaches the dock?





(a) One is a constant multiple of the other.

(b) They are equal.
(c) It depends on how close the boat is to the dock.

Answer: (c). Let z(t) be the length of the rope, and x(t) be the horizontal distance
from the boat to the dock. Then, using the Pythagorean Theorem, and differentiating,
dz dx
one gets: z = x , and the answer follows. This problem encourages the students
dt dt
to use their intuition, before writing down the mathematical model, as they start

thinking about a related rates problem. A good point can be made about the power
of mathematics to supplement or test our intuition.
Note that answer (a) is correct in the case the boat is pulled in from a floating dock.

3. [P] A boat is drawn close to a dock by pulling in the rope at a constant rate. True or
False. The closer the boat gets to the dock, the faster it is moving.





Answer: True. The answer to this problem becomes apparent after constructing the
mathematical model. Using the Pythagorean theorem, one can get x dx dt
= z dz
where z
is the length of the rope, and x is the distance to the dock, as in the previous problem.
So writing dxdt
= xz dz
we see that as x → 0, dx dt
increases. In fact, according to our
model the boat will at some point be traveling faster than the speed of light! It will
be interesting for the students to discuss why our model fails to describe what actually

4. [P] A streetlight is mounted at the top of a pole. A man walks away from the pole.
How are the rate at which he walks away from the pole and the rate at which his
shadow grows related?

Light Pole

Tip of shadow

(a) One is a constant multiple of the other.

(b) They are equal.

(c) It depends also on how close the man is to the pole.

Answer: (a). Similar triangles and some knowledge of related rates, make this problem
fairly easy to set up. The lack of numbers will help students concentrate on the idea
of related rates. It is interesting to contrast this problem and the next one.

5. [P] A spotlight installed in the ground shines on a wall. A woman stands between the
light and the wall casting a shadow on the wall. How are the rate at which she walks
away from the light and rate at which her shadow grows related?


Spotlight Woman

(a) One is a constant multiple of the other.

(b) They are equal.
(c) It depends also on how close the woman is to the pole.

Answer: (c). This problem should be done after the one above. It helps students see
that very similar problem set ups predict different outcomes.

Maximum and Minimum Values

1. [Q] True or False. If f (x) is continuous on a closed interval, then it is enough to look
at the points where f 0 (x) = 0 in order to find its absolute maxima and minima. Be
prepared to justify your answer.
Answer: False. Encourage the students to think of the different ways in which this
would fail -i.e. the endpoints, points where the derivative does not exist.

2. [P] Let f (x) be a differentiable function on a closed interval with x = a being one of
the endpoints of the interval. If f 0 (a) > 0 then,

(a) f could have either an absolute maximum or an absolute minimum at x = a.

(b) f cannot have an absolute maximum at x = a.
(c) f must have an absolute minimum at x = a.

Answer: (a). Students should think about the differences between local and absolute
extrema. Ask students to draw pictures of functions satisfying f 0 (a) > 0, with a being
the left endpoint, and then a being the right endpoint.

3. [P] Let f be a continuous function on the closed interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. There exists a

positive number A so that the graph of f can be drawn inside the rectangle 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
−A ≤ y ≤ A.

0 1


The above statement is:

(a) Always true.
(b) Sometimes true.
(c) Not enough information.
Answer: (a). This problem emphasizes one important application of the EVT which
is at the same time a very geometric result; that we can put a continuous function
on a closed interval inside a box! On a closed interval, m ≤ f (x) ≤ M , so if we
take A = max{|m|, |M |}, then on this closed interval, f fits in this sort of box. This
idea will ultimately show up in finding bounds for integrals, so it would be great to
introduce this idea at this point.

4. [Q] Suppose you cut a slice of pizza from a circular pizza of radius r, as shown.

As you change the size of the angle θ, you change the area of the slice, A = 12 r2 θ. Then
A0 =
1 2
(a) 2
(b) rθ + 12 r2 dθ
(c) r dθ
(d) r dθ θ + 12 r2 , and dr

is not 0.

Answer: (a). The area of the slice of pizza is the area of a sector of angle θ, A(θ) = 12 r2 θ.
Hence A0 (θ) = 21 r2 . Students should pay attention to the variable with respect to which
they differentiate.

5. [D] Suppose you cut a slice of pizza from an amoeba shaped pizza, as shown.


As you change the size of the angle θ, you change the area of the slice. Then A0 (θ) is

(a) Not enough information. You need an explicit function for the area
(b) 2
1 dr
(c) 2
(r(θ))2 + r(θ) dθ θ

Answer: (b). This problem can be used after the instructor talks about absolute
extrema in a closed interval. Using the definition of derivative, A0 (θ) = lim . We
∆θ→0 ∆θ
know that in a piece of pizza with angle ∆θ, the radius is always in [rmin (θ), rmax (θ)]
for some rmin (θ) and rmax (θ) (EVT). Hence
1 1
(r (θ))2 ∆θ
2 min ∆A (r (θ))2 ∆θ
2 max
≤ ≤
∆θ ∆θ ∆θ
Since as ∆θ → 0, rmin (θ) → r(θ) and rmax (θ) → r(θ), by the Squeeze Theorem,
A0 (θ) = 21 (r(θ))2 .

6. [D] As a tree grows, its trunk increases its volume by adding a growth ring, around
the outside of the trunk (assume the thickness of the growth ring is the same over
the whole trunk). The instantaneous rate of change in the volume of the trunk with
respect to thickness of the growth ring is

(a) the circumference of the trunk.

(b) the surface area of the trunk.
(c) the thickness of the growth ring times the surface area of the trunk.

Answer: (b). The surface area of the trunk is between [Amin , Amax ], during the time
in which the tree adds a ring of thickness ∆x. Then,
Amin ∆x ∆V Amax ∆x
≤ ≤
∆x ∆x ∆x
As ∆x → 0, Amin → A and Amax → A, where A is the surface area of the trunk.
Therefore, V 0 (x) = A(x).

7. [D] When you slice a loaf of bread, you change its volume. Let x be the length of the
loaf from one end to the place where you cut off the last slice. Let V (x) be the volume
of the loaf of length x (see figure). For each x, dV

cut loaf last slice

(a) the volume of a slice of bread
(b) the area of the cut surface of the loaf where the last slice was removed
(c) the volume of the last slice divided by the thickness of the slice.

dV ∆V
Answer: (b). = lim . As in the previous two problems, using the EVT, one
dx ∆x→0 ∆x
can bound the surface area A(x) of the last slice by Amin ≤ A(x) ≤ Amax . We get

Amin ∆x dV Amax ∆x
lim ≤ ≤ lim
∆x→0 ∆x dx ∆x→0 ∆x
Since again Amin and Amax approach A(x) as ∆x → 0, dx
= A(x).

1. [Q] A designer wants to introduce a new line of bookcases: he wants to make at least
100 bookcases, but not more than 2000 of them. He predicts the cost of producing
x bookcases is C(x). Assume that C(x) is a differentiable function. Which of the
following must he do to find the minimum average cost, c(x) = C(x)

(I) find the points where c0 (x) = 0 and evaluate c(x) there
(II) compute c00 (x) to check which of the critical points in (I) are local maxima.
(III) check the values of c at the endpoints of its domain.

(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) I and III only
(d) I, II and III

Answer: (c). Students tend to use the second derivative test without thinking, but in
finding absolute extrema on a closed interval, it is not necessary. This also reminds
students to check the endpoints in optimization problems.

2. [Q] You are given a continuous function, for which f 00 (x) > 0 for all reals, except at
x = a.
True or False. f might have an absolute maximum at x = a.
Be prepared to give a counterexample or justify your answer.
Answer: True. Consider a function with a cusp at x = a and f (a) = 1, which remains
positive, and decreases to a horizontal asymptote at y = 0 .

3. [Q] If f is continuous on [a, b], then

(a) there must be numbers m and M such that m ≤ f (x) ≤ M , for x ∈ [a, b]
(b) there must be local extreme values, but there may or may not be an absolute
maximum or absolute minimum value for the function.
(c) any absolute max or min would be at either the endpoints of the interval, or at
places in the domain where f 0 (x) = 0

Answer: (a). (c) omits the possibility that the max or min could occur at a point on
the graph where f 0 (x) does not exist (such as a cusp), and (b) is false by the Extreme
Value Theorem.

4. [D] You have a piece of wire of length L from which you construct a circle and/or a
square in such a way that the total enclosed area is maximal. Then

(a) you should construct only the square

(b) you should construct only the circle
(c) you should construct both the square and the circle, but the perimeter of the
square must be larger than the perimeter of the circle
(d) you should construct both the square and the circle, but the perimeter of the
square must be less than the perimeter of the circle

Answer: (b). If r is the radius of the circle, and x is the side of the square, A = πr2 +x2 ,
and L = 2πr + 4x. After writing A as a function of r (or x), differentiating, testing
at critical points and endpoints, one can easily see that we get a maximal enclosed
area for x = 0 and r = 2π . One can also reason geometrically, and students should be
encouraged to use their intuition and think of a geometric argument before starting
the analytic solution.

Notes for the Instructor: Students in this section have a hard time setting up the
problem, so they need to practice for that. Here we tried to help them recall how to
search for the absolute maxima and minima, and call their attention to often made

Mean Value Theorem and shapes of curves
1. [P] An article in the Wall Street Journal’s “Heard on the Street” column (Money and
Investment August 1, 2001) reported that investors often look at the “change in the
rate of change” to help them “get into the market before any big rallies.” Your stock
broker alerts you that the rate of change in a stock’s price is increasing. As a result

(a) can conclude the stock’s price is decreasing

(b) can conclude the stock’s price is increasing
(c) cannot determine whether the stock’s price is increasing or decreasing.

Answer: (c). If f is the stock price, and we found out that f 0 is increasing, this does
not lead to any conclusion about the monotonicity of f .

2. [P] Imagine that you are skydiving. The graph of your speed as a function of time
from the time you jumped out of the plane to the time you achieved terminal velocity

(a) increasing and concave up

(b) decreasing and concave up
(c) increasing and concave down
(d) decreasing and concave down

Answer: (c). Have students relate what they THINK is happening to the mathematical
concepts. For example, some students might think that their speed increases at a faster
rate, while others will see that the ”terminal velocity” idea points to a slowing in the
rate of increase.

3. [Q] True or False. If f 00 (a) = 0, then f has an inflection point at a.

Answer: False. Students tend to believe this is a true statement. Point out an example
when the statement does not hold, f (x) = x4 at a = 0 for example.

4. [D] Water is being poured into a ”Dixie cup” (a standard cup that is smaller at the
bottom than at the top). The height of the water in the cup is a function of the volume
of water in the cup. The graph of this function is

(a) increasing and concave up

(b) increasing and concave down
(c) a straight line with positive slope.

Answer: (b). It is easy to see that the function is increasing: the more water we add,
the bigger the height. To see that the function is concave down, observe that the
instantaneous rate of change of the height with respect to the volume is decreasing: as
the cup gets filled, for a fixed increment in water, we get smaller and smaller increments
in height.

5. [P] On a toll road a driver takes a time stamped toll-card from the starting booth
and drives directly to the end of the toll section. After paying the required toll, the
driver is surprised to receive a speeding ticket along with the toll receipt. Which of
the following best describes the situation?
(a) The booth attendant does not have enough information to prove that the driver
was speeding.
(b) The booth attendant can prove that the driver was speeding during his trip.
(c) The driver will get a ticket for a lower speed than his actual maximum speed.
(d) Both (b) and (c).
Be prepared to justify your answer.
Answer: (d). First answer this question in the easiest form, discussing instantaneous
and average velocity - then go back and try to answer again in a way that allows the
application of the mean value theorem easily. The fact that (c) is also true, can be
shown by using a graph. This is probably the hardest part of the problem.

6. [Q] True or False. For f (x) = |x| on the interval [− 12 , 2], can you find a point c in
(− 21 , 2) such that
f (2) − f (− 12 )
f 0 (c) =
2 − (− 12 )
Answer: False. This emphasizes the differentiability hypotheses when using the MVT
(Note that f (x) is not differentiable at 0).

7. [P] The region between two concentric circles of radius r1 and r2 is called an annulus.
If r2 > r1 , the area of the annulus is π(r22 − r12 ).


(a) This area can be approximated by a sum of areas of rectangles, but there is no
single rectangle that has exactly the same area.
(b) This area cannot be approximated by the area of rectangles because the circles
are concentric.
(c) There must be a radius, r, between r1 and r2 for which the rectangle with base
r2 − r1 and height 2πr is exactly equal to the area of the annulus.
A2 − A1 π(r22 − r12 )
Answer: (c). = = π(r2 + r1 ). On the other hand, by MVT,
r2 − r1 r 2 − r1
A 2 − A1
= 2πr for some r ∈ (r1 , r2 ). Thus, A2 − A1 = 2πr(r2 − r1 ). This prob-
r 2 − r1
lem is a fairly simple application of the MVT, and the fact that you can get the answer
to be exactly the area of that rectangle will probably surprise students. This problem
will be a good reference later on, when we are trying to prove the evaluation part of
the FTC.

8. [Q] A racer is running back and forth along a straight path. He finishes the race at
the place where he began.
True or False. There had to be at least one moment, other than the beginning and
the end of the race, when he ”stopped” (i.e., his speed was 0). Be prepared to give a
proof or counterexample.
Answer: True. It might be a bit hard for students to think of the model, but this
problem is a good preparation for the much harder problem that follows. Note that
the IVT could have also been used, by arguing that the velocity was during one part
of the race positive and then it became negative.

9. [D] Two racers start a race at the same moment and finish in a tie. Which of the
following must be true?

(a) At some point during the race the two racers were not tied.
(b) The racers’ speeds at the end of the race must have been exactly the same.
(c) The racers must have had the same speed at exactly the same time at some point
in the race.
(d) The racers had to have the same speed at some moment, but not necessarily at
exactly the same time.

Answer: (c). This is a challenging problem for students. The main point here is to
recall the idea (that was first introduced to them in the IVT) that we can show that
two functions take the same value at a point by showing that their difference is zero.
As the MVT only talks about what happens to one function, then we must look at the
difference of the two functions in order to compare them at the same moment. Also
discussing the problem with a graph, and showing that this happens when the slower
person begins to speed up to catch up the other one will make it more clear.

10. [D] A solid cone with a circular base is sliced parallel to its base. The top and bottom
of each slice are circles of radius r1 and r2 , say r2 > r1 .

(a) The volume of this slice can be approximated by the volume of a cylinder with
the same thickness as the slice, but there is not necessarily a cylinder that has
exactly the same volume as the slice.
(b) The volume of the slice cannot be approximated by the volume of a cylinder
because the circles do not have the same radius.
(c) There must be a radius, r, between r1 and r2 for which the volume of the cylinder
of radius, r, with height equal to the thickness of the slice is exactly equal to the
volume of the slice.
Answer: (c). The volume of the cone of radius r and height h is V (h) = r2 h. Looking
 2 3 
r1 π 3 r1 0 2 r1
at similar triangles, r = h ; thus, V (h) = h and V (h) = πh = πr2 .
h1 3 h1 h1
Now using the MVT,

∆V V (h2 ) − V (h1 )
= = V 0 (h∗ ) = π(r∗ )2
∆h h2 − h1
for some h∗ ∈ [h1 , h2 ] and corresponding r∗ ∈ [r1 , r2 ]. Therefore, the volume of the
slice is ∆V = π(r∗ )2 ∆h, equal to the volume of a cylinder of height ∆h and radius r∗ .

L’ Hospital’s Rule
1. [Q] Consider the functions f (x) = ex and g(x) = x1,000,000 . As x → ∞ which of the
following is true?

(a) f grows faster than g.

(b) g grows faster than f .
(c) We cannot determine.
(d) They grow at the same rate like all exponentials.

Answer: (a). A repeated use of L’ Hospital’s Rule on their ratio gives the result.

2. [Q] The limit lim [xe1/x − x]


(a) Does not exist because ∞ − ∞ is not defined.

(b) Converges to 1.
(c) Is ∞ because xe1/x grows faster than x.
(d) Converges to 0.

Answer: (b). An application of L’ Hospital to ∞ − ∞ type of limits.

e1/x − 1
lim [xe1/x − x] = lim = lim e1/x = 1
x→∞ x→∞ 1/x x→∞

3. [Q] Suppose you have two functions f and g, with linear approximations L1 and L2 at
x = a as shown below.

1 f

L g

f (x)
Then lim is
x→a g(x)

(a) 2
(b) Does not exist

(c) Not enough information
(d) 3

Answer (a). Here the student can notice that the linear approximation to the functions
is enough (when the slopes are both non-zero) to give their relative rate of change at
a point. We have seen before the same problem, but with just the lines. This will give
more geometric intuition as to why L’ Hospital’s Rule works.

f (x) f 0 (x) slope of L1

lim = lim 0 = =2
x→a g(x) x→a g (x) slope of L2

Newton’s Method
1. [Q] We will use each of the xn below as the starting point for Newton’s method. For
which of them do you expect Newton’s method to work and lead to the root of the

x1 x2 x3 x4

(a) x1 and x2 only.

(b) x2 only.
(c) x1 , x2 and x3 only.
(d) All four.

Answer: (c). A quick check see how Newton’s method works graphically.

2. [Q] Let f be a differentiable function defined for all x. Starting Newton’s method at
a point c where f 0 (c) = 0 is:

(a) A good idea, because x = c is a critical point so Newton’s method will lead us
straight to the root.
(b) Is usually a bad idea because we might get stuck.
(c) It could work if we are lucky.
(d) Both (b) and (c).

Answer: (d). Being lucky means that c is already the root of the function. A graphical
explanation would make it very clear.

3. [Q] Newton’s method is a cool technique, because:




(a) It can help us get decimal representations of numbers like 3, 5 and 13
(b) It can be used to find a solution to x7 = 3x3 + 1
(c) Both (a) and (b).

Answer: (c). Quick check of when we use Newton’s method.

1. [P] Suppose you are told that the acceleration function of an object is a continuous
function a(t). Let’s say you are given that v(0) = 1.
True or False: You can find the position of the object at any time t.
Answer: False. The goal is to test whether students understand that they need one
initial condition for each antiderivative they have to find.

2. [P] Let f (x) = x12 , and F (x) be an antiderivative of f with the property F (1) = 1.
True or False. F (−1) = 3.
Answer: False. f (x) is not continuous at 0 ! This problem may help them remember
the continuity condition in finding antiderivatives. Students are almost surely going to
answer true, and the answer will surprise them.

3. [Q] If f is an antiderivative of g, and g is an antiderivative of h, then

(a) h is an antiderivative of f
(b) h is the second derivative of f
(c) h is the derivative of f 00

Answer: (b). This follows from the definition of antiderivative. This kind of problem
makes the connection between antiderivatives and derivatives.

4. [Q] True or False: An antiderivative of a sum of functions, f + g, is an antiderivative

of f plus an antiderivative of g.
Answer: True. This is an easy check based on the text reading.

5. [P] True or False: An antiderivative of a product of functions, f g, is an antiderivative

of f times an antiderivative of g.
Answer: False. Students should differentiate an antiderivative of f times an antideriva-
tive of g, to see that they will not get f g back.


Areas, Distances, Riemann Sums

1. [Q] True or False. If a piece of string has been chopped into n small pieces and the
ith piece is ∆xi inches long, then the total length of the string is exactly ∆xi .
Answer: True. This problem helps students to use the summation notation to represent
physical quantities. It also gets the students to distinguish between the estimating
procedure of a Riemann Sum versus cases in which we can have an exact value.

2. [P] You want to estimate the area underneath the graph of a positive function by using
four rectangles of equal width. The rectangles that must give the best estimate of this
area are those with height obtained from the:

(a) Left endpoints

(b) Midpoints
(c) Right endpoints
(d) Not enough information

Answer: (d). Students often hold onto the idea that the midpoint estimate is the best.
With this example the instructor can point out that there are cases in which it does
not work as well as some of the other height choices. A specific function which has a
long thin spike at the midpoint is a good counterexample.

3. [P] Suppose you are slicing an 11 inch long carrot REALLY thin from the greens end
to the tip of the root. If each slice has a circular cross section f (x) = π(r(x))2 for
each x between 0 and 11, and we make our cuts at x1 , x2 , x3 , ... , xn , then a good
approximation for the volume of the carrot is
(a) i=1 f (xi )xi
(b) i=1 [f (xi+1 ) − f (xi )]xi
(c) i=1 f (xi )[xi+1 − xi ]

Answer: (c). This is a quick application of the area approximations in this section.
Once students understand the set up of the problem, the right answer should follow
immediately from the text reading.

Class Activities

The following activities are designed to get the students to practice with the idea of
estimating, as well as setting up a Riemann Sum, starting with tangible examples.

(a) A boneless baked turkey breast that is ten inches long from one end to the other is
sliced up in to very thin slices. Each slice has a cross-sectional area of (−x2 + 10x)
square inches for each x between 0 and 10. What is the volume of the turkey

(b) Suppose you slice the carrot the long way? What shape slices would you expect
(approximately)? How could you set up an expression for the volume of the whole

4. [Q] Let f be a continuous function on the interval [a, b]. True or False:
lim f (x∗i )∆x.

may lead to different limits if we choose the x∗i to be the left-endpoints instead of
Answer: False. This problem will remind the students that when we are taking the
limit as n goes to infinity, we can choose any sample points that we want. Instructors
should point out that even though the limits are the same, the corresponding sequences
for approximations are not equally good.

5. [Q] True or False. If f is continuous on the interval [a, b], then a
f (x)dx is a number.
Answer: True. This problem emphasizes the difference between definite and indefinite

6. [P] Read the following four statements and choose the correct answer below.
If f is continuous on the interval [a, b], then:
(i) a f (x)dx is the area bounded by the graph of f , the x-axis and the lines x = a
and x = b
(ii) a f (x)dx is a number
(iii) a f (x)dx is an antiderivative of f (x)
(iv) a f (x)dx may not exist

(a) (ii) only

(b) (i) and (ii) only

(c) (i) and (iii) only
(d) (iv) only

Answer: (a). This problem attempts to clarify most of the misconceptions that stu-
dents have about definite integrals, and to help them move away from the idea that
they always represent the area under a curve.

7. [P] Water is pouring out of a pipe at the rate of f (t) gallons/minute. You collect the
water that flows from the pipe between t = 2 and t = 4. The amount of water you
collect can be represented by:
(a) 2 f (x)dx
(b) f (4) − f (2)
(c) (4 − 2)f (4)
(d) the average of f (4) and f (2) times the amount of time that elapsed

Answer: (a). This question might also help students see the definite integral as total
change rather than the standard area interpretation. At the same time it differentiates
it from averages.

8. [D] We cut a circular disk of radius r into n circular sectors, as shown in the figure,
by marking the angles θi at which we make the cuts (θ0 = θn can be considered to be
the angle 0). A circular sector between two angles θi and θi+1 has area 21 r2 ∆θ where
∆θ = θi+1 − θi .


X 1
We let An = r2 ∆θ. Then the area of the disk, A, is given by:

(a) An , independent of how many sectors we cut the disk into.

(b) lim An
R 2π 1 2
(c) 0 2 r dθ
(d) all of the above

Answer: (d). Recall the pizza problem (#4 in Section 3.1, #4 in Section 4.2). Students
should easily see that (b) and (c) are equivalent. However, lim An = An for all n.
There is a point to be made about smarter and more efficient ways to estimate integrals,
other than doing it with rectangles. The instructor should demonstrate to the students
that the sum of the areas of sectors is the area of the whole disk.

9. [P] Suppose we cut a disk of radius R using n concentric circles, each one of radius ri
(see the figure below and let r0 = 0). We have seen in the MVT problem, that between
two radii ri and ri+1 , there exists a radius r¯i such that the area of the annulus between
ri and ri+1 is exactly 2π r¯i (ri+1 − ri ). Letting An = 2π r¯i (ri+1 − ri ), then the area
of the disk, A, equals:

(a) An , for all n

(b) lim An
(c) 0 2πrdr
(d) all of the above

Answer: (d). See explanation for previous problem. Students should note the difference
in expressions for An and integrals in the 2 problems above.

10. [P] Suppose we are going to consider

√ the disk of √
radius r as the region bounded
between the graphs of the functions r − x , and − r2 − x2 . Which of the following
2 2

statements is true?



Rr √
(a) The area of the region is given by the formula: −r
2 r2 − x2 dx
(b) The area of the disk can bepwritten as a the limit of Riemann Sums of rectangles
of length ∆x and height 2 r2 − x2i where the xi are a partition of the interval
[−r, r].
(c) Both (a) and (b).
(d) The
√ area cannot be found this way, because we cannot integrate the function
r 2 − x2 .

Answer: (c). A point should be made, that this ’standard’ way of finding integrals, is
actually much harder to calculate as is requires a special kind of substitution.

Evaluating Definite Integrals

1. [Q] A sprinter practices by running various distances back and forth in a straight
R 60 line
in a gym. Her velocity at t seconds is given by the function v(t). What does 0 |v(t)|dt

(a) The total distance the sprinter ran in one minute

(b) The sprinter’s average velocity in one minute
(c) The sprinter’s distance from the starting point after one minute
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a). Another quick check of what the Rdefinite integral measures. Instructors
should differentiate between this integral and 0 v(t) dt, in order to emphasize the
difference between displacement and distance traveled.

Z x
2. [P] Suppose f is a differentiable function. Then f 0 (t) dt = f (x)

(a) Always
(b) Sometimes
(c) Never

Justify your answer.

Answer: (b). This problem is to test whether students understand the difference
between definite and indefinite integrals. The instructor should bring to their attention,
that the answer they would write down in case f (0) = 0 would be the same.

The following 2 problems to be used in a sequence:

3. True or False. If f (x) dx = g(x) dx, then f (x) = g(x).
Answer: True. See below

4. True or False. If f 0 (x) = g 0 (x), then f (x) = g(x).

Answer: False. As students often get confused in the mechanics of the process of going
back and forth between functions, their derivatives and antiderivatives, a discussion
using the above problem can help them clarify their misunderstandings.

5. [P] Suppose the function f (t) is continuous and always positive. If G is an antideriva-
tive of f , then we know that G:

(a) is always positive.

(b) is sometimes positive and sometimes negative.
(c) is always increasing.
(d) There is not enough information to conclude any of the above.

Answer: (c). f is the derivative of G, thus f > 0 implies G0 > 0, and therefore G
is increasing. This is to demonstrate to students that they can apply the Increas-
ing/Decreasing Test outside the context of problems like those in Chapter 4. Note
that here we are just referring to the antiderivative of f . (a) may be a popular answer
since we think of an integral of a positive function as ”adding” positive small pieces.
But the choice between (a) or (b) for a particular antiderivative G, depends on the

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
1. [Q] If f is continuous and f (x) < 0 for all x ∈ [a, b], then a
f (x)dx

(a) must be negative

(b) might be 0
(c) not enough information

Answer: (a). Follows directly from properties of the integral.

2. [P] Let f be a continuous function on the interval [a, b]. True or False. There exist
two constants m and M , such that m(b − a) ≤ a f (x)dx ≤ M (b − a)
Answer: True. This is an immediate application of the Extreme Value Theorem. It is
easily seen via an area argument (fitting the graph of f inside a box).
d b
3. [Q] True or False. If f is continuous on the interval [a, b], dx a
f (x)dx = f (x).
Answer: False. Students often do not realize that definite integrals evaluated at con-
stant endpoints a and b are constant, and in order to apply the FTC one must have
one at least one of the endpoints as a variable. Note that if a and/or b were defined as
functions of x, then the answer would be True.

4. [P] Below is the graph of a function f .

-1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Z x
Let g(x) = f (t) dt. Then for 0 < x < 2, g(x) is

(a) increasing and concave up.

(b) increasing and concave down.
(c) decreasing and concave up.
(d) decreasing and concave down.

Answer: (b). This problem can help students realize that an integral of this form is
a specific function (not a general antiderivative), and the integrand is its derivative.
Students can induce information about the concavity of g just like they normally would
with any other function, only that this time they have to look at f .

5. [P] Below is the graph of a function f .

-1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Z x
Let g(x) = f (t) dt. Then

(a) g(0) = 0, g 0 (0) = 0 and g 0 (2) = 0

(b) g(0) = 0, g 0 (0) = 4 and g 0 (2) = 0
(c) g(0) = 1, g 0 (0) = 0 and g 0 (2) = 1
(d) g(0) = 0, g 0 (0) = 0 and g 0 (2) = 1
Answer: (b). g(0) = 0, g 0 (0) = f (0) = 4, and g 0 (2) = f (2) = 0.

6. [P] You are traveling with velocity v(t) that varies continuously over the interval [a, b]
and your position at time t is given by s(t). Which of the following represent your
average velocity for that time interval:
(I) a
(b − a)
s(b) − s(a)
(III) v(c) for at least one c between a and b

(a) I, II, and III

(b) I only
(c) I and II only

Answer: (a). This is a great problem to put together the standard definition of the
average velocity, the MVT and also the representation of total distance traveled from
integration. It also introduces them to the MVT for integrals.

Integration Tools (Substitution Rule)
1. [Q] The differentiation rule that helps us understand why the Substitution rule works

(a) The product rule.

(b) The chain rule.
(c) Both of the above.

Answer: (b). It will probably help students to remember where the Substitution rule
comes from, instead of simply memorizing a rule.

2. [D] The area of a circular cell changes as a function of its radius, r, and its radius
changes with time r = g(t). If = f (r), then the total change in area, ∆A between
t = 0 and t = 1 is
Z π(g(1))2
(a) ∆A = dA
Z g(1)
(b) ∆A = f (r) dr
Z 1
(c) ∆A = f (g(t))g 0 (t) dt
(d) all of the above
Answer: (d). This is an immediate consequence of the substitution rule. At time
t = 0, A = π(g(0))2 and at t = 1, A = π(g(1))2 . So (a) follows. We get (b) from
dA = f (r) dr, and (c) from dA = f (r) dr = f (g(t)g 0 (t) dt.

3. [P] The radius, r, of a circular cell changes with time t. If r(t) = ln(t + 2), which of
the following represent the change in area, ∆A, of the cell that occurs between t = 0
and t = 1?
(a) ∆A = π(ln 3)2 − π(ln 2)2
Z ln 3
(b) ∆A = 2πr dr
ln 2
Z 1
ln(t + 2)
(c) ∆A = 2π dt
0 t+2
(d) all of the above
Answer: (d). This is an application of the previous problem. A(t) = πr2 = π(ln(t + 2))2 ;
at t = 0, r(t) = ln 2, and at t = 1, r(t) = ln 3. Then (a) clearly follows. (b) holds since
Z ln 3 Z 1
0 0
A (r) = 2πr, and thus ∆A = A (r) dr. (c) follows from ∆A = A0 (t) dt.
ln 2 0

Z 1 √
4. [P] One way to compute 1/2 area of the unit circle is to integrate 1 − x2 dx.

-1 1

Let t be the angle shown. Then the area of the half circle is
Z π
(a) − sin t dt
Z π
(b) − sin2 t dt
Z 0
(c) − sin2 t dt
Z π
(d) − cos t dt

Answer: (c). If we let y = sin t, and xZ = cos t, then dx = − sin t dt. When x = −1,
t = π and x = 1, t = 0; therefore, A = − sin2 t dt.


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