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Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids

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Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino


Tomoyuki Ishikura, Tadashi Sakamoto, Ichiya Kawasaki, Toshinao Tsunoda &

Kikuko Narui

To cite this article: Tomoyuki Ishikura, Tadashi Sakamoto, Ichiya Kawasaki, Toshinao Tsunoda &
Kikuko Narui (1964) Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids, Agricultural and Biological
Chemistry, 28:10, 700-709, DOI: 10.1080/00021369.1964.10858295

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[Agr. BioI. Chern., Vol. 28, No. 10, p. 700-709, 1964J

Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids*

By Tomoyuki ISHIKURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Ichiya KAWASAKI,

Toshinao TSUNODA* and Kikuko NARUI*
The Central Research Laboratories of Sanraku-Ocean Co., Ltd.
*The Central Research Laboratory of Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Received March 30, 1964

To shorten the time necessary for the determination of L-glutamic acid a turbidimetric micro-
biological assay method with Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5 has been studied. It was found that the
assay can be completed within 30 hours including the incubation period for the inoculum, the assay
and the time for medium preparation. Turbidimetric assay methods of other amino acids such as
DL-alanine with Leuconostoc citrovorum 8081, L-aspartic acid and L-lysine with Leuc. mesenteroides P-60
have also been studied.

and Schiaffino et a!.4,5) reported the use of a

turbidimetric technique for the microbiological
In the course of study on the production of determination of amino acids except L-glutamic
L-glutamic acid by fermentation processes, we acid.
wished to present a simple method to determine
amounts of the acid in the culture media. It is
The procedure used for turbidimetric assay of L-glutamic
important that the assay be specific for L-glutamic
acid with L. arabinosus 17-5 based on the titrimetric pro-
acid, precise, as well as not time-consuming. cedure has been reported by Tsunoda 6 ) and was conducted
The assay method should be adaptable to a large with necessary modifications.
number of samples. Comparing enzymic and An outline of the procedure is as follows. The stock
microbiological methods, one can deal with a culture was maintained on a culture medium shown in
larger number of samples in one run by Table I by transferring in to a new medium once a week.
the microbial method than by the enzymatic It wa~ stored in a refrigerator. To prepare the inoculum,
methods. Nevertheless, the titrimetric micro- a quantity of cells was transferred from" newly prepared
biological method has a drawback in that it re- stab culture that had been grown over night onto a
quires a relatively long culture time (72 hrs).
The composition of this medium is shown in Table II
Standardized techniques of turbidimetric assay and it was grown for 7 to 18 hours at 37°C. The main
have been described in the U. S. PY and A. O. culture was carried out 2 ml of liquid medium in test
A. CY refferring to the microbiological method tubes (150 X 15±0.5 mm). The basal medium used for
for cyanocobalamin. Gavin 3 ) recently reviewed the assay of L-glutamic acid with L. arbinosus 17-5 contained
the status of the turbidimetric method in his the components shown in Table III. After 16 to 18 hours
series of papers on microbiological process reports incubation the reaction was stopped by heating at lOOoe
for 10 minutes. Each tubes was diluted by the addition
* This work was presented at the annual meeling of this society in of 2 ml of water with hand shaking. The turbidity was
April of 1959.
1) U.S. Pharmacopeia XV, 885 (1955). 4) S.S. Schiaffino, ].J. McGuire and H.W. Loy, J. Assoc. Olfie.
2) Official Aft/hods oj' Anar)'sis oj the Assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemist, Age. Chemist, 4.1, 420 (1958).
8th editinn, 835 (1955). 5) S.S. Schiaffino, ibid., 42, 525 (1959).
3) Gavin, Appl. Microbiol. 4, 323 (1956). 5, 25 (1957), 5, 6) T. Tsunoda, H Tanpakushitsu~Kagaku (Protein Chemistry) '.
235 , 6, 80 (1958), 7, 180 (1959). Kyoritsu Shuppan, I, 1954, p. 282.
Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids 70t

Baker's yeast extrate* IOml ACID ASSAY (SINGLE STRENGTH II)
Glucose I g Glycine 0.1 g
Na-acetate I g DL-Alanine O. 2 g
Polypeptone I g L-Valine 0.1 g
Agar (powder) 2g L-Leucine 0.1 g
pH 6.0 L-Isoleucine O. I g
* Barker's yeast was heated with 1O·fold volume water for 1 hour DL-Serine O. I g
on boiling wate-r bath and boiled for 5 min on a burner. Solid
L-Threonine O. I g
matter was removed by filtration. Filtrate was employed.
L-Cystine 0, I g
L-Methionine O. I g
OF L. arabinosus 17-5
DL-Asparagine 0.4 g
Baker's yeast extrate lOami L-Proline 0.1 g
Glucose Ig L-Phenylalanine 0.1 g
Na-acetate Ig L-Tyrosine O. I g
Polypeptone I g L-Tryptophan O. I g
Salt A* 2.5ml L-Lysine·HCl 0.2 g
Salt B+ 0.5ml L-Arginine·HCI 0.2 g
Tween 80 0.1 g L-Histidine·HCI 0.1 g
pH 6.0 Adenine·H 2SO, 0.01 g
*- KH 2 PO.. 1 g., K 2 HPO. 1 g.) per 100 m!' Guanine·HCI 0.01 g
MgSO•• 7H,O 2 g., FeSO.,7H,O 0.1 g., MnSO.·4H,O 0.1 g.•
X.Cl 0.1 g., per 100 mi. Uracil 0.01 g
Xanthine 0.01 g
measured by Hitachi Spectrophotometer Type EPB-II
Thiamine· HCI I. mg
with 10 mrn cell. The value obtained by the use of
Riboflavin 2. mg
distilled water was taken as a control. Standard con-
p-Aminobenzoic acid I . mg
centration response curves were prepared each time and
Pyridoxine·HCI I. mg
the amino acid content in samples was calculated by
Pyridoxal· HCl O. 02 mg
Ca-Pantothenate I. mg
The procedures used for turbidimetric assay of other
Niacin I. mg
amino acids were designed on the basis described above.
Biotin 0.01 mg
1. Assay of L-Glutamic Acid with L. arabinosus KH 2 PO, 0.5 g
17-5. K,HPO, 0.5 g
(A) Assay range MgSO,·7H 2 0 0.2 g
FeSO,· 7H 20 0.01 g
Though the assay range by the titrimetric
MnSO,,4H,O 0.01 g
method with L. arabinosus 17-5 was 1 to 10 micro-
NaCI 0.01 g
grams of L-glutamic acid per tube (2 ml), that
Glucose (anhydrous) 20. g
of the turbidimetric method was more than 10 Na-Acetate (anhydrous) 20. g
micrograms per tube. Turbidimetric response NH,CI 3. g
recorded with the degree of optical density (0. D.) Tween (10 I. g
after 18 hours incubation period is shown in pH 6.0
Fig. 1. These results indicate that the O. D.
values between 10 to 100 microgram per tube which plot of data was more meaningful, a
(2 ml) are readable but values above an O. D. variety of plots with arithmetic dose-arithmetic
of 0.5 are not. response, log dose-arithmetic response and log
To determine which reading was more practical, dose-log response was examined. It was found
optical density or transmission per cent, and that an arithmetic plot of optical density versus.
702 Tomoyuki ISHIKURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTo, Ichiya KAWASAKI, Toshinao TSUNODA and Kikuko NARUI

0.7 30

b/) 40
..£ .4

.2 50

·°0 50 100 150 200 250 300

L-Glutamic acid (ig/tube (2 ml) 60 c/.
FIG. I. Standard Response Curve of Turbidimetric
L-Glutamic Acid Assay with L. arabinosus 17-5.

.8 80

~ 90
.s .4

.2 0.0 O':---O~.';;2---;0"".4-;---;;:O'r.6---;O~.';;'8---;-1";;.O-;-'
B Cell concentration, dry matter mg/ml
. 0 L4c":o-'-O--;5oc!O;O==:::;60S0=:~7:'::OO::==;82;o""o ==9""O"';O~-:1-:O~OO FIG. 3. Relation between Turbidity and Cell Con-
Wavelength (mp) centration.
FIG. 2. Wavelength and Optical Density of L. ara-
binosus 17-5 Culture Solution. (C) Relation between turbidity and cell concentration
A: Turbid solution after incubation with L~glutamic acid lOOllg/
tube. B: Almost clear solution after incubation without L-gluta-
In general, the strength of light transmitted
mie acid. through a turbid solution does not always obey
Beer's Jaw. With the instrument employed, if
·dose was more linear and the most satisfactory. the optical density is less than about 0.5, the
(B) Wavelength used for turbidity measurement relation between the bacterial cell concentration
Changes in optical density measured at wave- and the transmitted light follows this law.
lengths between 400 and 1000 mp. are shown in Relation between optical density or per cent
Fig. 2. Absorbance by the media was too high transmission at 625 mp. of the turbid cell suspen-
at shorter wavelengths while on the other hand sion and bacterial cell concentration is shown in
at longer wavelengths, absorbance was too low Fig. 3.
to measure accurately. (D) Change in turbidity during incubation periods
The wavelengths from 600 to 700 mp. gave A previous report 6l suggested that the turbidi-
more accurate values and red light of 625 mp. metric bioassay was less reliabile than the acido-
was selected as the best. The gaps in absorption metric because turbidimetry is a measure of the
curves at 600 m/~ in Fig. 2 were caused by the speed of growth of the test organism. On the
use of different phototubes. Probably the scat- other hand a test in which the change in turbidi-
tering of light by cell suspensions is the cause metric response during incubation periods was
of this difficulty since when the instrument is measured was carried out to make certain of
used as colorimeter, no break of curve takes place. this point (Fig. 4). In the earlier incubation
periods, the speed of growth seemed to depend
Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids 703:



20 Factor Low level High level
12 Inoculum incubation period 7 hours 18 hours
Inoculum ratio I: 100 1:5
pH 6.0 6,8
Tween 80 None 0,1%
Temperature 30°C 3rC

I was preferable to that of a low inoculum ratio,
(1 : 100) even in the titrimetric method. S )The
effect of pH on the utilization of glutamic acid
by this organism was reported by Sondheimer
et al. 7l and the effect of oleic acid on the cell
permiability of the same organism was described
by Traub. S ) Our preliminary work suggested
,OO':---;:2':c----:ej';:0---I+iC:-)--c:!c:-- - 7 "jl:":-olOc------1 that a younger inoculum such as incubated for
L-Glutamic acid ltg/tube
seven hours was more effective in preventing
the trouble than an inoculum incubated for the
FIG, 4. Change in Turbidity During Incubation
Period. usual eighteen hours. Growth at an initial pH
6.0 seemed to be better than at pH 6.8 and the
upon the size of inoculum and the response curve addition of Tween 80 to 0.1 % final concentra-
was not linear. Nevertheless at the stage of tion in the media to suspend the bacterial cell
maximum growth (sixteen hours) the response stimulates the growth.
curve became a fine straight line. For at this In regard to the four above-mentioned factors
stage, the substrate concentration must have been and incubation temperature, an experiment de-
a limiting factor for the growth of the organism signed 9 ) with partial fractional design in 2'
and the responses seemed to be independent of factorial in 16 units was carried out. The
the size of inoculum. At later incubation stages factors and experimented levels are shown in
bacterial cells autolysed themselves and a small Table IV. The plan and the results of response
decrease in the optical density was observed. curves in each unit are demonstrated in Fig. 5.
These results indicate that a maximum growth The values in vertical scale were sums of dupli-
response instead of speed of growth plays and cated optical density values.
important part in the measurement by this Since all three or higher order interactions
turbidimetric method and the previous suggestion were assumed negligible, all main effects and
should be altered. In practice, turbidity response two-factors' interaction could be detected by the
should be measured after a 16 to 18 hour in- use of this design. An experiment with 32 units-
cubation period. was considered to be too large to obtain reliable
(E) Size and incubation period of inoculum, addition results. To easily find each main effect, the
of Tween 80 to medium and pH and incubation sums of optical densities against each dose
temperature concentration in eight units of low levels and
As times the response curve of L. arabinosus sums of these in high levels regarding each
17-5 to L-glutamic acid was abnormal and a
7) E. Sondheimer and D.C. 'Nilson, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 61.-
phenomenon called "lag in response n at lower 313, (1956).
8) A, Traub, ibid., 62. 222 (1956).
dose concentrations was observed. To prevent 9) rv1. t-.-Jasuyama, "Jikken Keikaku Ho (Experimental Designs), ",
this trouble, use of a large inoculum ratio (1 : 5) Iwanami Shoten, 1956.
704 Tomoyuki ISHIKURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Iehiya KAWASAKI, Toshinao TSUNODA and Kikuko NARUI

Inoculum size 1 :5

Tween - 0.1% 0.1 %




.c CD
3 f=:
.9 b£
8, s:

"~':k l/l/[/





:r: ':l/[Cl/,l/
.0 0 50 1000 50 1000
L-Glutamic acid J.!g/tube
50 1000 50 100

FIG. 5. The Plan Designed with Factorial Replication in 2 5 Factorial in 16 Units and Each
Response Curve

factor were plotted against doses, which is shown of optical densities of response for each concentra-
in Fig. 6. Care had to be taken that only the tion of dose in four units of low levels and sums
height difference between two curves could be of those in four units of high levels in regard
the subject of this discussion whereas the height to each factor were plotted against doses. Results
of curves in itself could not. It was found that are shown in Fig. 7. In a group of 1: 100
advantageous conditions were seven hours in- inoculum, the advantage of seven hours incuba-
cubation period of inoculum, 1: 5 ratio of tion, pH 6.0, addition of Tween 80 and 37°C
inoculum, pH 6.0 of basal medium, addition of incubation against different level of each factor
Tween 80 to medium and 37°C incubation were apparent. In the group of 1: 5 inoculum,
temperature, against another level of each factor. however, there were no significant differences
Furthermore, in order to obtain more detailed in response between high and low levels of each
information about these effects, results of an factor except that an incubation temperature
experiment of 16 units were divided into two of 30°C was better than 37°C. The analysis of
groups with respect to two conditions (l: 5 and variance from the data of these experiments
1: 100) of inoculum ratio. In each group, sums proved these main effects and their interactions
Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids 705

Inoculum incubation Inocu lum size

S period
7 hrs. 1 :5
E:;' 6
I 4
:;[-.1 1 : Ill')

Tween SO Temperature

6.0 0.1%

100 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 80 100

L-Glutamic acid pg/tube
FIG. 6. Main Effects of Each Factor.
lnoc. inc. period pH Tween SO Temp.
3 7 hrs
6.0 0.1%

6.S None

E:;' 0
~~ Inoe. inc. Tween 80 Temp.
'" period 7 hrs
.~ 3
,6 IS hrs
:; 2

00 20 40 60 SO 1000 20 40 60 SO 100 0 20 40 60 SO 1000 20 40 60 SO 100

L-Gluramic acid pg/tube

FIG. 7. Effects of Each Factor in 8 Units in Which Inoculum Size is Same.

with the factor of inoculum ratio to be significant. From these results, it can be concluded that
The effect of temperature on nutritional require- routine assays should be carried out under
ment of L. arabinosus was already described by conditions as follows; seven hour incubated
Borek et al. IO ) inoculum, pH 6.0 of media and 0.1 % addition
10) E. Borek and H. Waelsch, J. BioI. Chern., 190, 191 (1951). of Tween 80, since these conditions were ap-
706 Tomoyuki ISHlKURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Ichiya KAWASAKI Toshinao TSUNODA and Kikuko NARUI

.5 .5

L -Glu.

h .3
.3 bD
h ..s
I .2 IJ-Glu .

.0 OL.---c:2:':oO--4-;';O:---~60;;----c:S'c-O---o1.".Or"...)
o 40 St) 120 160 21ln D-Glu. fJg/tube-
. 00;,----"I20"..---4""0--...."6'::-0---:S,,,,0,,----,1..,07"0----...J FIG. 9. Activity of D-Glutamic Acid .
L-Glutamic acid Ilg/tube

FIG. 8. Influence of Sterilization Condition.

:-\: 10 Lbs/inch 2, 10 min. .5
B: 20 Lbs/inch 2 , 15 min.
parently more effective in the case of a low .4
inoculum ratio and did not depress the response
even with a larger inoculum ratio.
(F) Sterilization of culture medium h .3
Autoclaving of culture medium is known to 0

cause color formation and the color influences
turbidity measurements. The results of heating
carried out under a pressure of 20lbs/inch 2 for
15 minutes showed that the reading of optical .1 ~-PCA

density value in lower range of dose were raised

as shown in Fig. 8. The conditions whereby
sterilization is effected in the shortest length of .00 20 40 60 SO 100 L Glu. fJg/tube

time is most desirable. It was found that a pres- 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.'5 L-PCA rng/tube-

sure of 10 Ibs/inch 2 for ten minutes was sufficient. FIG. 10. Activity of L-Pyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid.

(G) Influences of D-glutamic acid and L-pyrolidone

L-glutamic acid assay with L. arabinosus 17-5 were
carboxylic acid
tested. It was found that D-glutamic acid had
Studies on utilization of D-glutamic acid by
about one tenth the activity of the L-form (Fig.
this organism were reported by Ayengar et al.ll)
9) and L-pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (not more
and Carnien et a1. 12 )
than 25 mg per tube) had no activity (Fig. 10).
D-Glutamic acid and L-pyrrolidone carboxylic
These results are similar to those by the titri·
acid which might interfere with this turbidimetric
metric method for this amino acid with the
II) P. Aycngar and E. Roberts,]. Bioi., Chern., 197,453 (1952).
same organism.
12) lvLN. Carnien and :\LS. Ounn, ibid., 217,125 (1955).
Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids 707

(H) Response of Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60.

Turbidity response of Leuc. mesenteroides P-60 .5
to L-glutamic acid after 16 hours incubation are
shown in Fig. 11. With increasing concentration h
of doses more than 60 microgram per tube, the bl> .3
response reached a plateau, so that the assay .2
range was comparatively narrow. .1
In spite of continued incubation up to 14 hours, .0
the response of higher concentration doses did 10 15 20
Replication (days)
not rise. From these results, the turbidimetric
method of L-glutamic acid assay proved to be FIG. 12. Reproducibility of Response of L. arabinosus
17-5 to L-Glutamic Acid.
more convenient with L. arabinosus 17-5 than
with Leuc. mesenteroides P-60.
error in this method were as follows: When
a standard series was carried out in duplicate
.5 at ten levels and an unknown series in duplicate
A at one level, the limits of error (P=0.95) were
estimated to be 7.1 per cent. When a standard
.4 series was carried out in six tubes in parallel at
ten levels and an unknown series of six tubes
in parallel at five levels, the limits of error (P
B =0.95) were estimated to be 2.0 per cent.
. .3
"" The comparison of the assay value of the same
:tI sample between this method and titrimetric
method with the same organism and with the
enzymic manometric method with Escherichia
coli Crooks is demonstrated in Fig. 13. In the
vertical scale, an index number of assay value
.1 of the turbidimetry was shown and in the
horizontal scale, an index number of assay value
of titrimetry in the left figure and that of the
.°0;---;:;2';;-0--4-;.,00;----;!-60~-r8!A0----,1*00;;----J manometric method in the right figure. It was
L-Glutamic acid I1g/tube found that all points fell with in the limits of
FIG. 11. Response of Leuc. mesenteroides P-60 to L- error and there was no bias between the assay
Glutamic Acid.
A: L. arabinosus 17-5, B: Leuc. mesenteroides P~60) Both are u 10
incubated for 16 hours.
E 8
(1) Reproducibility, precision and accuracy :eB
The results in Fig. 12 show that the re- .,., 6
' .:i:
producibility of the standard response in this 4
method was satisfactory for routine work.
In Fig. 12, optical density values are shown in


the vertical scale, and in the horizontal scale the ...j 00 2 4 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

days of continuous running during routine work. E. coli crooks enzymic L. arabinosus ]7-5 titrimetric
Standard response curves were constructed for FIG. 13. Comparison Between Data of Turbidimetric
every assay and the potencies were calculated Assay and Those of Titrimetric Assay or Those
by interpolation from the curves. The limits of of Enzymic Assay for L-Glutamic Acid.
708 Tomoyuki ISHIKURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Ichiya KAWASAKI, Toshinao TSUNODA and Kikuko NARUI

value of turbidimetric method and those of the

other two methods. .5
According to the results above mentioned, it
is noteworthy that the determination of gluta-
mic acid can be completed within 30 hours inc- .4
luding the incubation period for the inoculum,
the assay and the time for medium preparation.
II. Assay of Other Amino Acids by Turbidimetric
Some other amino acids can be determined ]'
within a comparatively short duration by the
use of this same turbidimetric technique.
The standard curve of DL-alanine with Leuc.
citrovorum 8081 is shown in Fig. 14. It was found
that the assay range is 5 to 50 micrograms per .1
In Figs. 15 and 16, the standard curbes of L-
aspartic acid and L-lysine hydrochloride with . 0O~--;;'2OO;-----7c
4 OO;-----;6;!;O,------,S;!;O,---.,-;j0\-;;0-----'
Leuc. mesenteroides P-60 are shown. The range
LMAspartic acid ,ug/tube
of 5 to 50 micrograms was found per tube of
FIG. 15. Standard Response Curve for L-Aspartic
L-aspartic acid and 8 to 80 microgram per tube Acid with Leuc. mesenteroides P-60.
of L-lysine hydrochloride.
.6 , - - - - - - - - - --, .6.------------------,

.5 .5

.4 .4

~ .3 .3
"I .9"

.2 .2


. 0 ~O- - 71OO;-----;2,;,O,----;3;!;;O---}4AO-~5.frOc----J . 0 O~-~20:;----47:0,----;6;!;;O--~S~O---;-17;:00;;--~

DL-Alanine fig/tube L~Lysine. Hel Ilg/tube

FIG. 14. Standard Response Curve for DL-Alanine FIG. 16. Standard Response Curve for L-Lysine
with Leuc. citrol'orum 8081. Hydrochloride with Leuc. mesenteroides P-60.
Turbidimetric Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids 709

Acknowledgements. The authors are indebted vice-Dicector of the Central Research Laboratory
to Mr. M. Suzuki, President of Sanraku-Ocean of Sanraku Co. for their constant guidance
Co., Ltd. and Mr. T. Domen, President of through the course of this work and Miss S. Imai,
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. for their encouragement Miss T. Kanno and Miss T. Furuya for their
and to Dr. Y. Takeda, Director and Dr. A. Ozaki, assistance in carrying out the experiments.

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