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Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project - Output

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Impact Assessment of
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project
Implemented by Aarogya Foundation India
in Blocks of Jharkhand State

Submitted to
Aarogya Foundation India
Jharkhand Chapter


219-C, Road No. 2, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi 834 002
Phone: 0651-2245084 Fax : 0651-2241509

Impact Assessment of
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project
Implemented by Aarogya Foundation India
in Blocks of Jharkhand State


Research Team


Chapter – 1 An Introduction to the Study

Context of the Study

Rationale of the Study

Chapter – 2 Methodology

Objectives of the Study

Scope of the Study
Research Methodology
Sample of the Study
Profile of the Study Area

Chapter – 3 Data Analysis and Discussion

Tabulation of Data
Analysis of Data
(i) Community Members including PRI Members
(ii) AFI Functionaries
(iii) Students and Teachers
(iv) Focused Group Discussion

Chapter – 4 Findings Recommendation and Conclusion

Major Findings


Schedule for Community Members
Schedule for AFI Functionaries
Schedule for School Students and Teachers
Profile of ADRI
IEC Material
Since the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), a lot of momentum has been built up and
significant progress has been made. Under the Swachh Bharat, the sanitation coverage in
rural India has gone up from 42 percent to over 63 percent. Though, the SBM is not a toilet
construction programme but a behavior change mass movement and the real key to bringing
about behavior change on the ground is to have grassroots level trained motivators who
generate demand for toilets and cleanliness. Aarogya Foundation India, Jharkhand chapter
has voluntarily join hands with the SBM and decided to implement the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan Project in two blocks of Jharkhand. The grass root functionaries were trained and
deployed in the field. The key objective of the project is to create the environment conducive
for the cleanliness drive and also offer a variety of programme include preparation of soaking
pits and distribution of water filters etc. in order to activate the process of behavioral changes.

The SBM and the SBA Project have simultaneously been implemented in two blocks
however, many provisions have been made under the SBA project. Therefore, it was felt by
the AFI that the impact of implementation project should be assessed separately. The present
study is an attempt in this direction. It was an excellent and unique opportunity for us, at the
ADRI, Ranchi to be entrusted with this study.

I record my sincere thanks to Sh.Puneet Agarwal Ji , Office Secretary, Aarogya Foundation

India, Jharkhand chapter for providing our Centre an opportunity to conduct the present
study. I would also like to thank Dr. Mukul Bhatia for his constant help and co-operation
throughout the conduct of this study. I place on record the information we have received from
field in-charge of both the blocks during the course of the study.

The final report is the outcome of the sincere efforts of Ms. Puman Tirkey, Associate
Programme Coordinator and Sh. Ramchandra Singh, Programme Coordinator of SRC, ADRI,
Ranchi and the Field Investigators. I express my sincere thanks to the administrative,
technical and library staff of ADRI, for their constant help and cooperation.

Last but not the least, my special thanks to the respondents which include the community
members especially the PRI Members, Sevikas and Sanyojikas and school students and
Teachers who have cooperated with us to bring forth this report.

Date: Rajiv Kumar Karan

Place: Director, SRC, ADRI

Research Team

Project Director
Rajiv K Karan

Research Coordinators
Ms. Punam Tirkey
Sh. Ramchandra Singh

Training and Fieldwork

Sh Sudhir Kumar Singh
Sh Dileep Kumar
Sh. B B Mahto

Field Investigators
Sh Jaleshwar Mahta
Sh. Ramesh Kumar
Sh. Shankar Ram
Sh. Om Prakash
Sh. Somra Oraon
Sh. Sahdev Mahto
Sh. Jhulan Mahtha
Sh. Prakash Kapoor
Smt. Banita Devi
Smt. Punam Priya

Technical Support
Sh Dil Afroz Ansari

ADRI Asian Development Research Institute

AFI Aarogya Foundation of India

CBOs Community Based Organisations

FGD Focused Group Discussion

GP Gram Panchayat

IEC Information Education Communication

NGOs Non Government Organisation

OBC Other Backward Class

ODF Open Defecation Free

PRI Panchayati Raj Institution

SBM Swachh Bharat Mission

SC Scheduled Caste

SRC State Resource Centre

ST Scheduled Tribe

WHO World Health Organisation

WWW World Wide Web

Chapter – 1

An Introduction to the Study


Swacchta that is cleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of achieving and
maintaining that state. Cleanliness may imply a moral quality, as indicated by the aphorism
"cleanliness is next to godliness", and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as
health and beauty. As observed by Jacob Burckhardt,"cleanliness is indispensable to our
modern notion of social perfection.” In Hinduism, cleanliness is an important virtue and the
Bhagavad Gita describes it as one of the divine qualities which everyone must practice. The
Sanskrit word for cleanliness is 'Śaucam' and interestingly, the Bhagavad Gita repeats this
word in many slokas.

On a practical level, cleanliness is related to hygiene and diseases prevention. When we talk
about hygiene and diseases then it is necessary to add drinking water and sanitation with it.
Without proper sanitation we can’t keep our surroundings clean and prevent ourselves from
diseases. Around 1989, David Strachan put forth the "hygiene hypothesis" in the British
Medical Journal that environmental microbes play a useful role in developing the immune
system; the fewer germs people are exposed to in early childhood, the more likely they are to
experience health problems in childhood and as adults. The valuation of cleanliness,
therefore, has a social and cultural dimension beyond the requirements of hygiene for
practical purposes.

Mahatma Gandhi said “Sanitation is more important than independence”. He made

cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of Gandhian way of living. His dream was total
sanitation for all. He use to emphasize that cleanliness is most important for physical well-
being and a healthy environment.

Sanitation and drinking water in India has always been the central issue. However, it
continues to be inadequate despite of the longstanding efforts by the various levels of the
government and communities to improve the coverage. The rural sanitation programme in
India was introduced in 1954 as a part of First Five Year Plan of Government of India. The
1981 census revealed that rural sanitation coverage was only 1%. The government has begun
giving emphasis on rural sanitation after declaration of International Decade for Drinking
water and Sanitation during 1981-90. In 2015, 40% population has access to improved

sanitation, 63% in urban and 29% in rural area. In 2008, 88% of population in India had
access to an improved water source but only 31% had access to improved sanitation. In rural
areas where 72% of India’s population lives, the respective share is 84% for water and 21%
of sanitation.

In the light of the above, on 2nd October, 2014, Prime Minister of India launched a nation-
wide cleanliness campaign called Swachh Bharat Mission. It is India’s largest ever
cleanliness drive. The objectives of Swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation
through construction of individual, cluster and community toilets. The concept of SBM is to
provide sanitation facility to every family, including toilet, solid and liquid waste disposal
system, village cleanliness and safe and adequate drinking water. Under the mission, nearly
10 crore toilets will be constructed by 2019. Since the launch of SBM, nearly 2 crore toilets
(nearly 20% of the target) have been built. In order to accelerate the pace of work and aspect
of behavioral change, it was envisaged that the CBOs/NGOs have to be associated in the
implementation of the mission in the rural area. They are considered for active involvement
in IEC activities including demand generation, capacity building assistance in construction
and ensuring sustained use of facilities.

The SBM has made progress since it was launched in 2014. However, to be able to meet the
enormous challenge to making India ODF by 2019, the aspect of behavioral change and inter
personal communication have to be accelerated. As a result of continuous efforts by the
government, CBOs/NGOs and communities, things are moving in the right direction. During
last one and half year many villages have been declared ODF village.

Context of the Study

The Present study is located in the two blocks, Bhandra in Lohardaga and Gola in Ramgarh
district of Jharkhand. Jharkhand literally mean the land of forest. Forest and forest produces
are one of the major sources of livelihood in the state. The state also accounts for 40% of the
mineral resources of India but it suffers widespread poverty as 39.1 per cent of the population
is below the poverty line and 19.6 per cent of the children under five years of age are
malnourished. The State is primarily a rural state as only 24 percent of the population resides
in cities. In certain areas of Jharkhand, poverty and consequent malnutrition in rural area have
given rise to diseases like tuberculosis (TB). Many of the blocks in the state are declared
malaria prone zone. Although several public and private health facilities are available in the
state however, overall infrastructure for dispensing health related services require much

Aarogya Foundation of India is a Non Government Organisation serving the health of rural
people of India under the umbrella organization – Ekal Abhiyan. Ekal Abhiyan has its
presence in 54000 villages across the country through Ekal Vidyalayas. Since its inception,
Ekal has focused on health besides educating the rural adolescent. It has also been associated
with the Swachh Bharat Mission and undertaken various activities in rural and tribal villages.
After experiencing for several years in the health sector, a separate unit ‘Aarogya
Foundation’ was instituted under Ekal to initiate health programmes including hygiene and
sanitation in a new vigor. The major objective of AFI is to activate and actuate the preventive
health care which include propagation of safe disposal of solid and liquid waste, safe drinking
water, construction of toilets, lowering the incidence of diseases and improving hygienic
practices in order to check infant and child mortality.

Besides, many initiatives in the other parts of the country, AFI have launched Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan Project in two blocks of Jharkhand on pilot basis. It was envisaged in the project
that awareness on hygiene and sanitation can only lessen and prevent diseases. Therefore,
core issue of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBM) along with health and hygiene amalgamated in
to one and implemented through SBA project. Altogether 105 villages in two blocks of
Ramgarh and Lohardaga district have been covered under the project. In order to implement
the project at the grass root level, 60 Aarogya Sevikas were selected and trained. Besides that
12 Sanyojikas and two field officers were also engaged to monitor and supervise the
activities. A state level committee was also constituted to review the progress of the project.
The SBA project was launched in September 2015. Initially, the project was planned for one
year however, an extension of six months, up to 31st March 2017 was granted to complete the

In order to carry out the activities, a plan of action was meticulously developed. After the
selection of the field functionaries, they have imparted three-day training and asked to
complete the base-line survey. Environment building activities including wall writing, display
of posters and chart and prabhat pheri etc. were undertaken. Meeting with stakeholder were
also organized in order to sensitize them for construction of toilets and soak pits. Resource
support was provided to the beneficiaries / villagers for construction of soak pit. Besides that
programme on safe drinking water was organized and many households have been provided
water filter on free of cost. Awareness programmes on disposal of solid waste were organized
and villagers were trained and encouraged to make compost by recycling the non-degradable
waste. Various activities include sports and painting competition etc. were organized in the
schools and teachers were also apprised about the programme.

Rationale of the Study

Impact on disease burden due to inadequate and unsafe water, lack of sanitation and poor
hygiene behavior is a complex issue. During 2006 and 2007, Sulabh International Academy of
Environmental Sanitation carried out a study, supported by WHO to review and analyze,
regional, national, state and district level data of water supply and sanitation coverage and co-
relate the same with selected infectious diseases. In the final report submitted to WHO, it was
observed that there are many confounding factors including inadequacies in the water supply
and sanitation coverage figures at the state and district level. The lack of adequate sanitation
and safe water has significant negative health impacts including Diahhorea. The government
has spending a lot of energy and fund to improve the access to water and sanitation for all.
However, It has been observed in various studies that the primary reason for health benefits not
being commensurate with the investment was neglect of hygiene behavior issues.

Despite the improvement in facilities in sanitation, disposal of solid and liquid waste and safe
drinking water, much more has to be done with regards to aware the rural population on
hygiene practices including use of toilets. Actually, perception of the community on health
and hygiene issue has a strong influence on practice of hygienic behavior together with
provision of sanitation facilities have significant impact on reducing burden of diseases like
cholera, diarrhea and typhoid etc. Since the knowledge on health and hygiene is low among
the rural mass and also the behavior and practices are lower, Aarogya Foundation of India,
Jharkhand chapter has initiated an integrated health and sanitation programme that include
awareness and behavioral change.

An impact study on implementation of SBA project was proposed and meant to study the
extent of its outreach and outcome along with to assess the overall impact of the programme
on community including perception, participation and practice towards health and hygiene.

Chapter – 2


This study was conducted with an aim to assess the impact of the implementation of Swacch
Bharat Abhiyan Project in two blocks, Bhandra in Lohardaga and Gola in Ramgarh district of
Jharkhand state. Best level of precision in sampling method and other aspect of methodology
were important aspects of this study. The details regarding the methodology adopted in the
study are provided in this chapter.

Transparency in data collection was of foremost concern for this impact study. For every
activities to be conducted and as a part of data collection process, detailed information was
collected through meeting and interviews in order to develop an understanding about the
processes, objectives, norms and resources during the implementation period of the project.
Discussions with the field functionaries and office bearer of Aarogya Foundation regarding
maintaining records were also adopted to supplement other data.

2.2 Objectives of the Study

The main concern of this study was to inform and guide the Aarogya Foundation on how far
the community becomes aware about the cleanliness, health and hygiene, sanitation and safe
drinking water etc and the change in practices. The broad objectives of the study were as

ƒ To assess the perception and practices related to cleanliness, sanitation, health and

ƒ To assess the level of knowledge of AFI field functionaries

ƒ To examine the provisions made by AFI, its usefulness and also usage by the

ƒ To assess the effectiveness of the project in terms of changed practices and regression
in diseases.

2.3 Scope of the Study

The scope of the present study is as follows:

ƒ Collect data through questionnaires and interview schedules from sampled GPs of two
blocks – Bhandra in Lohardaga nad Gola in Ramgarh district. Interactions were
administered with community members, especially the PRI Members and students
and teachers of Upper Primary School to examine the outreach of the programme.
10 | P a g e
Interactions were also held with the Aarogya Sanyojikas ans Sevikas in the sampled
ƒ FGD with the community members including other stakeholders such as PRI
Members (Mukhiya and Ward Members), Anganwadi workers and Sahiyas etc.
ƒ Analyses of collected data to find out the impact of the project measured through
various factors like increase in awareness, behavioral and socio-economic changes
among the beneficiaries and incorporate the observations made during the study.
ƒ To find out practical implications and suggest to improvise the process and other

Research methodology

Qualitative Survey Research methodology was utilized in the study to determine the impact
of the programme on community. Random sampling method was used for the selection of
revenue villages, beneficiaries, student and teachers etc from two blocks. All the field
functionaries (Sanyojikas and Sevikas) working on date were interviewed.

Levels of respondents

™ Category I (a) - Community Members

Category I (b) - Panchayati Raj Members
™ Category II - Aarogya Sanyojikas and Sevikas
™ Category III (a) - Students of Upper Primary School
Category III (b) - Teachers of Upper Primary School

Sample of the Study

The project is being carried out in two blocks of Jharkhand and sample of the study
comprised of the following:

• Total no. of GPs : 22 (13 and 9 from Gola and Bhandra respectively)
• No. of Revenue villages : 30 (15 from each block)
• Total no. of Respondents : 506
• Community members : 300
• PRI Members : 45 (2 per GP)
• School Students : 84
• School Teachers : 24
• AFI Functionaries : 53

11 | P a g e
Block wise list of sampled GPs and Villages

District Name of the Block SL Name of Name of Village

1 Banda 1 Murpa
2 Bariatu 2 Bariatu
3 Betul Kala 3 Patratu
4 Hesapora 4 Hesapora
S Huppu 5 Toyar
6 Hematpur 6 Hematpur
7 Maganpur 7 Maganpur
Ramgarh Gola 8 Rakuwa 8 Rakuwa
9 Sangrampur 9 Sangrampur
10 Saragdih 10 Saragdih
11 Saram 11 Saram
12 Kujukalan
12 Sutri 13 Sutri
14 Rola
13 Uperbarga 15 Uperbarga
1 Akasi Akasi
2 Baragain 2 Baragain
3 Bhandra 3 Bhandra
4 4 Kaspur
4 Bhaunro 5 Bhaunro
5 Bhitha 6 Bhitha
7 Makunda
Lohardaga Bhandra 6 Gararpo 8 Gararpo
9 Dhanamunji
7 Udrangi 10 Udrangi
11 Ambera
8 Masmano 12 Masmano
13 Burka
9 Jamgain 14 Jamgain
15 jhiko

Profile of the study area

The study was conducted in Bhandra and Gola block of Lohardaga and Ramgarh district
respectively. Lohardaga is one of the oldest districts of the state and existed before the
creation of new state however, some of the districts were reorganized after formation of the
Jharkhand state in 2000 and as a result Ramgarh district was come into existence in 2014. So
far as the Jharkhand state is concerned, it has 24 districts. One interesting thing about
Jharkhand is that 22 district, except Lohardaga and Khunti, share its border with the
neighboring states. Jharkhand has a population of 32.96 million, consisting of 16.93 millions
males and 16.03 millions females. The population consists of 28 pecent tribal people, 12

12 | P a g e
percent Scheduled Caste and 60 percent others. As per the Census of India 2011, the literacy
rate of the state was 66.41 percent, 76.84 % and 55.42 % in males and females respectively.

Bhandra is one of the blocks of Lohardaga district. As per the census 2011, total population
of the block was 57303 out of which female population share the 28549 number of the total
population. Out of the total population the share of STs is 64%. Altogether 11203 household
are there in the block spread over 45 revenue villages in 9 Gram Panchayats. As per the
census 2011, the literacy rate of the block is 65.36% in which male 76.93% and females
53.17%. Agriculture along with forest and forest produces are the main source of livelihood.
The block is also the major market of nearby area.

Gola is one of the oldest blocks of the state which came under Ramgarh district after
bifurcation of Hazaribag district. As per the census 2011, total population of the block was
149810 out of which female population share 73045 no. of the total population. The district
has a mix population and STs and SCs share 8.1% and 29% respectively of the total
population. Altogether 28485 household are there in the block spread over 86 revenue
villages in 21 Gram Panchayats. As per the census 2011, the literacy rate of the block is
65.36% in which male 76.93 and females 53.17%. The block is famous for production and
supply of potato and maize.

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With reference to the information collected and with a view to maintain uniformity and
precision in the collection of data, the research team developed tools for the study. Survey
instruments were designed to elicit responses. The tools were as follows:

• Survey tools to capture reflection of AFI field functionaries.

• Survey tools to capture reflection of community and PRI members.
• Survey tools to capture reflection of Students and teachers of primary school in the
sampled area.
• Dissension points for Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

The tools were pre-tested in the field and finalized subsequently. The questionnaires
consisted of issues related to the SBA project, in addition to recording demographic / socio-
economic and availability of water and sanitation facilities within the respondent’s

Impact assessed through queries on Awareness and Practices

Hygiene Perception Hygiene Practices

Issue 1: Personal Hygiene
1. Unclean / unsafe water on health 1. Hand washing after using toilet
2. Hand washing with soap-water 2. Hand washing before eating
Issue 2: Safe drinking water
3. Source of drinking water 3. Drink Water after boiling / filtering
4. Open source of water and 4. Use of water filter
5. Contamination of water and water borne diseases 5. Preventive measures for water borne diseases
Issue 3: Safe disposal of human excreta
6. Need for sanitary toilet 6. All family Members using latrine
7. Hand washing after use of toilet 7. Members not preferring toilet usage – reason
8. Construction of individual and community toilet 8. Construction of toilet
Issue 4: Safe disposal of solid waste
9. Proper disposal of waste and garbage 9. System of disposal of waste / garbage
10. Useful disposal of garbage 10. Garbage disposal through making of compost
Issue 5: Safe disposal of liquid waste
11. Drainage of waste water 11. House drain connected to outside drain
12. Need for soaking pits 12. House / kitchen connected to soak pits
Issue 6: Prevention from diseases
13. Occurrence of diseases in the family / community 13. Incidence of diseases
14. Treatment of diseases 14. Preventive measures and domestic treatment
Issue 7: Sanitation in the community
15. Insects spreading germs 15. Drain water accumulation near house
16. Accumulation of water increasing diseases 16. Garbage dump within locality

Collection of Data

A team of researchers and the fieldworkers had spent eight days in the field in two phases.
Both quantitative and qualitative data collected along with the discussion points came during
the FGD were arranged, documented and finally tabulated in excel sheet for analysis.

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Chapter - 3

Data Analysis and Discussion

3.1 Introduction

The study explored the impact of implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project and the
changes occur among the beneficiaries including PRI Members and students of primary
school. The study was carried out keeping in mind the objectives of the programme. Data
collected was compiled and tabulated. Analysis of the responses gathered from the
respondents led towards major findings of the study.

The purpose of this chapter is to present the result derived from the analysis of the responses
generated from administering the schedules among the beneficiaries of the programme.

3.2 Tabulation of Data

Principal objective of the study was to assess the impact of implementation of Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan Project and involvement and participation of community in the programme. It was
also assessed the increase in awareness on cleanliness, health and hygiene among the AFI
functoionaries. This chapter contains a qualitative content analysis of the responses generated
from the respondents. All sampled GPs were visited and SRC, ADRI, Ranchi team and
interacted with the respondents in both formal and informal setting and recorded their
responses. Personal observations were also observed by the investigators.

3.3 Analysis of Data

Qualitative survey research methodology was utilized in this study to determine the impact of
implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project along with community perception
towards the programme. Field observations and suggestion were documented to supplement
the data collected and then item wise data was analyzed.

3.4 Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The first section of the entire schedule was designed to collect demographic information
about the respondents. The sample survey encompassed a total of 506 respondents consisting
of 345 community members including PRI Members, 53 AFI functionaries and 84 school
students with 24 teachers of the same school. Responses from the respondents have been
tabulated under three categories:

15 | P a g e
ƒ Category I - Community Members including PRI Members
ƒ Category II - Aarogya Sanyojikas and Sevikas
ƒ Category III - Students and teachers of Upper Primary School

3.5 Category I - Community Members including PRI Members

A study to assess the impact of the programme can only be completed considering the role
and experiences of the community. The project is being implemented with the objectives to
aware the community towards hygiene and sanitation and thus they constitute the foremost
level of the participants of the study.

Gents Gender distribution of the Caste-wise distribution of the

Community Respondents Community Respondents

Gender Caste -wise

24% SC
Male ST
Female 43% 46% OBC
76% Others

• Altogether 345 respondents participated in this category out of which 300 were
community members and 45 were representatives of PRI. Out of a total of 345
respondents, 83 were male and 262 were female. As far the caste is concerned 160
were Scheduled Tribe, 148 were OBCs, 13 were Scheduled Caste and 24 were others.

Age-wise distribution of the Education level of the Learner

Community Respondents Respondents

Age-wise Education
1% 18-20 years 8%
28% 21-30 years Upto 8th
13% 34%
31-40 years 20%
32% 25%
40 years and BA & above

16 | P a g e
• Out of a tootal 345 respondents, 135
1 were in
n the 21-30 years age, 109 were in
i 31-40
years of age, 96 were in
i the age of
o 40 years and
a above and
a 5 were jjust adult in
n the 18-
20 years of age. As far
f as education of resspondents is
i concerneed, 116 werre found
literate, 87 were up to 8th standardd, 68 were matriculatee, 46 were iintermediatee and 28
were graduuate and aboove.
• It was fouund that 61.46% of thhe respondeents have toilet in theeir houses whereas
38.55% do not have tooilet in the house.
h Interrestingly, not a single PRI membeer found
without havving toilets in their houuses.




100 Beneeficiary

Yes No

• Irrespectivee of sex, caste and edducation,

almost all the
t responddents (93.622%) have 6%

heard abouut Swachh Bharat Miission, a

% Yes
flagship prrogramme of governnment of
India. Manny of them have
h participated in
the activitiies / progrramme of Swachh
Bharat earrlier organnized at block/GP
• When askeed, what the Swachh Bharat
B Misssion is all about,
a 93% of the resp
correlate thhe Mission with constrruction of toilets
t folloowed by saffe disposal of solid
waste – 622.33%, healtth – 51%, individual and
a commuunity hygienne – 46% and
a safe
drinking waater – 33.911%. It was observed
o thaat the respoondents do hhave the kno
that approppriate dispossal of wastee water is alsso one of thhe objectives of the SBM

17 | P a g e





Constrruction Disp
posal of H
Health Saafe drinking community
of to
oilet garbage water hygiene

• So far as the
t Swachhh Bharat Abbhiyan (SB
BA) project is concernned, 56.52%
% of the
respondents were fouund familiaar with its implementtation by A
AFI, consisting of
59.67% and 35.56% of
o communnity membeers and the PRI membbers respecttively. It
was observved that the respondents find somee what difficculties in diifferentiate between
S Project. This is allso importan
nt to mentioon that the PRI membeers were
found lesss informed about thee SBA prroject being implemeented by Aarogya



150 Total
100 Beneeficiary

Yes No C
Can't say

• Out of thosse familiar with the SB

BA project implemented by AFI, more than 50% of
the responddents were found awaare about th
he activitiess carried ouut by groun
nd level
functionariees. It was observed
o thhat 51.33% of the resppondents weere informeed about
construction of soaking pits for diisposal of waste
w water. 51% of thee responden
nts were

18 | P a g e
found of thhe view thatt safe drinkking water and
a uses aree the main activity carrried out
under the project.
p Approx 50% of the respondents havve recognizzed constru
uction of
toilets and disposal
d of solid wastee as the main
n activity off the projectt.

40 PRI
Saook pit for wledge
Know Construction Information Health Can't say
dissposal of on safe and use of on safee related
wasste water nking
drin toileet disposal of informationn
waater solid wasste

• It was obseerved that 77.09%

7 of the
t respond
dents those familiar
f witth the projeect came
to know abbout its activvities throuugh the AFI field functionaries. Ekkal aacharyyas were
also found involved in
i disseminnating inforrmation andd 18% of tthe respond
dents be
given inform
mation on the
t SBA prooject by them
• It was founnd that 52.46% of
the responddents use too drain
the waste water
w in thee open 150

however, appprox 40% of the 100
respondents drain the waste 50 PRII

water intoo the soaak pit 0

Drain in Using Too feed Kitchen
purposely prepared
p foor that open soak pit ccattles gardenn

whereas 15.65%
1 off the
respondents make use of water to feed their cattle.
• Soak pits were
w found in the household of 42%
4 of the respondentts. It is perttinent to
mention heere that 70%
% of the resppondents reaalized the usefulness
u of the soak pit
p in the
house and the commuunity places as well. It was foundd that many of the resp
were not aw
ware about the soak piits and that is why 22.9% did nott express their view
on this issuue whereas 7.83%
7 of thhe responden
nts find connstruction sooak pit useleess.

19 | P a g e



80 Total


Very useful Partial usefu
ul usele
ess C
Can't say

Everywheree it looks cleean in Masmmano village. 42 years oldd Smt. Rudayyien Oraon camec to
this village twenty yearrs ago by virttue of marriaage. She recoounts the dayys when therre were
no drainagee system in the village and malariaa and diarrheea was ramppant. Person ns from
each familly got sick due to conntaminated water and water w accummulation onn roads
especially, in the rainy season. Shee recalls the incidence off diarrhea occcurred threee years
ago. Duringg and after the
t incident,, nearby villlagers even, relatives avooid to come to the
She said thhat the situaation has beeen changed d after impleementation oof SBM and d SBA
project. Cleeanse the water
w sourcess and publicc places at least once inn a month become
practice in the village which
w was earlier supporrted by AFI functionariees. Householld have
been encouuraged to connstruct soak pits
p which prrevented the water accum mulation on roads.

Smt. Rudaayien said thhat women in the villag

ge are now more awarre on health issue.
Institutionaal delivery has
h been inncreased whhich help inn reducing MMR and CMR.
Activities on safe drrinking wateer, use of toilet and hygiene annd sanitation n have
considerablly made the community
c a
aware which
h resulted in social
s and ecconomic prog

• Well has beeen found thhe major soource of potaable water in

i the studyy area. Well water is
being usedd as drinkinng water byy household
d of more than
t 72% oof the respo
Household of 52.76%
% of the reespondents get drinkiing water ffrom borew
well and
household of approx 5% of the respondentts have beeen connecteed through pipeline
water supplly.
It is imporrtant to record here thhat 23.67% of the respondents hhave been provided
water filter by Aarogya Foundatioon.
• Respondennts of the study
s area were found
d aware off contaminaation of waater and
undertakes various meethods for purification
p of water ass preventivee measures in order
to decreasee the possibbility of waater borne diseases.
d It was observved that boiiling the
water befoore consum
me is the most
m populaar purificattion methodd in the area
a and

20 | P a g e
household of 62.03% of responddents using this 61.16%
% of the resspondents filter
f the

100 Total

50 Ben


water by using
u cleann cloth. Hoow sizeablee number of
o househoold (47.25%
% of the
respondents) were fouund do not follow
f any method
m to make
m water contaminattion free
before conssume.

• Progress haas been madde with resppect to construction of toilets

t in thhe study areaa. It was
found that 61.46% of the responddents do haave toilet inn their housees whereas 21.13%
of the respondents do not have toilet
t in thee house. 17.43% of thee responden
nts were
found eitheer constructting the toilet or waitin
ng for the approval
a of subsidy am
mount by
block officee.
Out of the respondennts having toilet
t in thee house, meembers of more than 80% of
respondents’ family using
u toilet regularly while
w 9.5% never usedd toilet for various
reasons. Hoowever, altoogether 66%
% of the totaal respondeents agreed tto the usefu
ulness of
toilet for goood health and
a the geneeral well beeing.
When asked the reasonn for not usiing toilets, 51% of the respondentts were foun
nd of the
view that the
t villagerss are not acccustomed and prefer defecation in open. However,
lack of watter to clean the
t toilet was also foun
nd a reason for not usinng toilet.
• Level of aw
wareness onn disposal of
o solid wasste was fouund low to m
medium am
mong the
respondents. Householld of 27.25%
% of the resspondents use
u to throw
w the garbag
ge in the
m land folloowed by onn the roadsiide (20.29%
field / farm %), garbagee pit (19.13%), any
vacant placce (16.81%)) and makinng compost (16.52%).

Open field On the Any Garb
bage Making
road vacant p
pit compost

21 | P a g e
It was obsserved that Aarogya Sevikas
S / Sanyojikas
S have madee efforts to
o impart
training to the stakehoolders on making
m com
mpost from garbage.
g W
When asked whether
they have knowledge
k about the trraining on compost,
c 311.88% of thhe responden
nts were
found awaare whereaas 51% off them weere found unaware aabout the training
programmee. In spite of
o that, alm
most all thee respondennts were found affirmaative on
making com
mpost is advvantageous for rural ecconomy.
• The incideence of diseeases durinng last two year was recorded foor members in the
respondets’’ family. Inncidence off anaemia was
w found inn 41.45% oof the respo
family followed by diarrhea
d (411.16%), malaria (35.366%), pneum
monia (31.3
3%), TB
(28.7%), Malnutrition
M (22.9%) annd others disseases (15.665%).

emonia Anaem
mia Malnutritio TB Diarrhoea M
Malaria oth

• It was founnd that 67.244% of the reespondents choose govvernment hoospital for trreatment
of disease whereas
w 43..48% of the respondentts prefer to visit
v to the pprivate docttors.
• Organisatioon of Swastthya Mela was
w found an importaant activity carried out by AFI
functionariees. Howevver, most of the reespondents (60.58) w
were found
d never
participatedd in the swasthya mela.
m Out of
o the totaal respondeents, 24.35% have
participatedd once, 15.007% particippated 2 to 4 times in thhe swasthyaa mela organ
nized by
AFI functioonaries. Deespite of thaat it was ob
bserved thatt informatiion provideed at the



One Time Two-Four Five Time & Never
time above

22 | P a g e
Swasthya Mela
M weree found valluable by majority of the respoondents. Very few
respondents were founnd of the vieew that orag
gnising this kind of actiivity is uselless.
• It was founnd that respoondents do have a fair knowledge on hygienee and sanitaation. On
the basis off respondennts’ perceptiion and kno w attempted to find out how
owledge, it was
far their knnowledge traanslated intoo practice.
• It was founnd that 94.333% of the reespondents are using clean drinkinng water in order to
prevent waater borne diseases.
d M
More than 90
0% of the respondents
r s found hab
bitual in
keeping hoouses clean and the com
mmunity places as welll. Out of thhe total resp
54.49% weere found habitual
h in using
u toilet and also clleaning the same perio

Use of cleean keep house and Use of toilett Hand wash
drinking water
w surro

Irrespectivee of availabbility / non-aavailability of toilet in the househoold, hand wash

w was
found in prractice amoong the resppondents affter use of toilet
t and bbefore meall. It was
found moree than 90%
% of the reespondents wash handss with deteergent / soaap-water
followed byy ash/soil (88.73%).
Managemennt of waste waterw can be seen in Mah htotola of Toonaghatu village in Golaa block
where all hoousehold havve constructeed soak pit. One of villaagers Sh. Shaambhu Mahtto said
that 2-3 yeaars ago the situation wass worse due to water acccumulation aand garbage. Many
times it creaated disharmoony and became cause of o dispute am mong the villaagers but thaanks to
Aarogya Diddi who suppoorted to channge the scenaario.
Vegetable cuultivation is the main souurce of liveliihood in the area and it w
was reported that in
recent yearss water level has been increased
i en
nabling the villagers
v to irrigate theirr land.
Now, not only the villaagers get ridd of water accumulation
a n but also aable to groww more
vegetables which
w resulted in increaased income.. Communityy members are now aw ware on
cleanliness and
a hygiene and gives fuull credit to Aarogya
A Didii.

• The responndents weree asked to grade

g the Sw
wachh Bhaarat Abhiyann Project on
n 1 to 5
scales. 68%
% of the resppondents weere found of
o the view that
t the actiivities carrieed out at
the village level have genuinely
g h
helped and bring
b in change that is w
why be giveen 4.

23 | P a g e
3.6 Category II - Sevikas and Sanyojikas (AFI Functionaries)

The functionaries at the grass root level which include Sevikas and Sanyojikas are
playing pivotal role in implementing the project in both the blocks. There are 60
Sevikas and 8 Sanyojikas working in the study area. They have imparted 3-6 days
training in order to discharge their duty. Besides, monthly review-cum-orientation is
also being organised.
In order to assess the impact of the project as per the objectives set, it was important
to evaluate the knowledge level of the functionaries. Altogether, 53 respondents, all
female, were interviewed under this category.

Age-wise distribution of the Caste-wise distribution of the

Community Respondents Community Respondents

Age -wise Caste -wise

2% 2%
18-21 yrs

21% 22-28 yrs 32% SC
29-35 yrs
66% OBC
35 yrs and

• Out of a total 53 respondents, 33 were in the age between 22-28 years, 11 were in 29-
35 years age group, 8 were found just become adult in the age 18-21 years and one
was in the 35+ age group. Out of a total 53 respondents, 35 were OBC, 17 were STs
and one was SC.
• As far the education of the respondents is concerned, 26 were intermediate, 16 were
matriculate and rest 11 were graduate and above.

Education Association with Project

Matriculate Last 2 years

4% 15%
21% Intermediat Last 18
30% months
Graduate 68% Last 1 years
49% and above
Last 6

24 | P a g e
• Out of the total responndents, 68%
% of the resspondents were
w found associated with
w the
project sincce last two years whilee 15% of th
he respondeents are beinng associated since
last eighteeen months. However, it is impo
ortant to mention
m heree that Saviikas and
Sanjojikas are very enthusiastic
e and 84% of the resspondents aassociated with
w the
project withh passion too do somethhing for the society.
• Training off the functioonaries wass perceived as an imporrtant element in order to make
them know
wledgeable on
o differentt topics. Ou
ut of total reespondents, 43% have attained
7-10 days training
t whhile 35.85% of the resp
pondents paarticipated iin 3-6 days training
programmee. 3.77% of the resspondents never partticipated / attended training
programmee. However,, majority of
o them (83%) found trraining veryy useful to perform
their field work.

Usefulness of Training
20 Usseful

3-6 7 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 20 Caan't say
dayys days days daays

• It was founnd that Seviikas and Sannyojikas organizing thhe activities for what th
hey have
trained upoon. It was observed
o thhat all the respondents
r s (100%) haave carried
d out the
activities on
o proper diisposal of waste
w waterr, constructiion of soakk pits, safe drinking
water, makking aware the
t communnity on use of toilet, health,
h hygieene and cleeanliness
etc. Some 39%
3 of the respondentts were also
o found enggaged in im
mparting traiining on
making com
mpost from garbage/solid waste.

50 Soak pit
40 Drin
nking water
30 Imp
portance of toilet
20 Hyggiene and cleanliness
10 Heaalth
0 com
mpost making

25 | P a g e
• Appropriatee disposal of waste / used waterr is one off the importtant area on
n which
Sevikas / Sanyojikas
S have madee efforts in
n order to achieve thee objectivess of the
project. It was found that 79.255% of the respondents
r s have eitheer make aw
ware the
communityy on the isssue or proovide suppo
ort for connstruction oof soaking pits for
disposal off waste wateer. Approx 68% of thee respondennts sensitizeed the household in
their operattional area to
t constructt drainage. It
I was advissed by 40%
% of the resp
to use the waste
w water in the nutriitional/kitch
hen garden.

Construcction of Consttruction of Use in Others
nage so
oak pit nutritional

This is impportant to reecord here that

t 617 soaak pits havee been consttructed in th
he study
area so far and it was found
f that 66%
6 of the respondents
r s have contrributed in prreparing
1-10 soakinng pits in thheir operatioonal area.
It was founnd that Seviikas and Sannyojikas do
o have know
wledge abouut unhealthy
y effects
of water acccumulationn. Out of thhe total resp
pondents, 62%
6 were ffound able to
t name
two diseasees that mayy happen due
d to water logging while
w 27% of the resp
name at leaast one diseaase.
• It was founnd that Sevvikas and Sanyojikas
S have
h made efforts in order to aw
ware the
communityy members on managgement of solid wastte garbage.. Out of th
he total
respondents, 39.62% have
h impartted training to the villaagers on maaking compo
ost from
garbage / solid
s waste.. It was verrified from the recordd that so farr 233 perso
ons have
been trained on making compost from
f garbag

parted traiining on information on disp
posal of solid
composst waste

Garbage pit
No Use in fiells

Making co


26 | P a g e
• It was founnd that 54.722% of the
respondents have o
organized 30

Swachhta Diwas
D at least once 25
whereas 24.53%
2 havve never
organized such
s kind of
o activity 10

in their operationnal area. 5

13.21% of the
t responddents have Once Twice 3-4 Time FFive times & Never
organized the diwaas twice
whereas 3.777% of thee respondennts have org
ganized Swaachhta Diw
was up to fiv
ve times
during the project
p period.
• All the resppondents (1000%) were found awarre about conntaminationn of water an
nd water
borne diseaases. Whenn asked to name
n waterr borne disseases, morre than 85%
% of the
respondents have stateed diarrhea, dysentery and
a jaundicee as the majjor diseasess.

Gadarpo in Lohardaga
G L is a tribal doominated villlage and sittuated in thee deep foresst on the
border with Gumla distrrict. Water borne
b diseasses were veery common in this area. Water
accumulationn everywheree makes thiss village unhhealthier. Disscerning thee unhealthy condition
along with pooor sewage, 26 years oldd Mrs. Sakunntala Devi off this villagee associated with
a Sevika twoo years ago and
as a taken this challenge positively.

Ms. Sakuntalla started mootivating the villagers no

M ot to drain thhe waste wateer in the opeen / road.
S also succcessfully cam
She mpaign for coonstruction of
o soak pit annd till date m
more than tenn soaking
p and drainnage construucted by thee villagers. In
pits n order to prevent
p water borne diseases,
the w
water filters have
h been distributes to nine
n familiess.

• In order to prevent thee water borrne diseasess, it was reccommendedd by 90.57%

% of the
ore consumee by boilingg the water whereas
respondents with regarrd to purityy water befo
81.13% of the responndents have suggested the beneficciaries to fiilter the waater with
cloth to preevent the poossibility of water bornee diseases.
• It was checcked with thhe record thaat 92.45% of
o the respondents havee carried ou
ut survey

Organisation of Rallyy / prabhat Folk and AV Others
group meeting
m ph heri etc. mmedia includingg
chart, poster

27 | P a g e
to identify the household with/without toilet in their operational area. It was observed
that different methods were used in order to motivate the community members for
construction of toilet. 81.13% of the respondents organized group meeting, 39.62% of
the respondents organized rally / prabhat pheri and 35.85% of the respondents have
applied folk media and audio-visual as medium to aware the villagers.
It was also observed that 4237 households motivated for construction of toilet and out
of which 2608 have constructed toilet so far.
• It was attempted to find out the change in practice evolved with respect to use of
toilet. 35.85% of the respondents were found of the view that 5 to 9 household out of
ten are now accustomed in using the toilet.
• It was observed that the Sevikas / Sanyojikas were very much engaged in counseling
women on health and nutrition. Child nutrition was found another area on which they
are also providing information to the parents, especially to the women. It was reported
by more than 95% of the respondents that a positive change in health and nutrition
practice can be seen in the area.
• In order to assess level of the knowledge on diseases, the respondents were asked to
elucidate, symptom, cause and prevention of given five diseases. Out of the total
respondents, 60.37% were found aware and acquainted with all five diseases. 96% of
the respondents were found precise knowledge on anemia followed by malaria
(90.5%), diarrhea (86%), pneumonia (68%) and malnutrition (59%).





20 Respondents acquainted
with diseases

It was also observed that villagers are being informed about the health services
available and encouraged by the AFI functionaries to visit to the nearby government
hospital for treatment.

28 | P a g e
In spite of that villagers are availing the facilities available at the government hospital,
Sevikas were found providing information on domestic treatment, mostly on fever,
joint pain, skin diseases and diarrhea etc.
• Out of the total respondents, 41.51% have organized the Swasthya Mela at least once
while 39.62% of the respondents never organized mela in their operational area.
9.43% of the respondents have organized such kind of activities twice whereas 9.43%
of the respondents organized Swasthya Mela three to five times.




Organisation of Swasthya
10 Mela

Once Twice 3-4 times 5 times and Never
above orgasied

• The respondents were asked how far they are satisfied with the project, majority of
the respondents express satisfaction over the work done under the project. 19% of the
respondents were found of the view that the length of the project is not adequate and
should be extended up to three years for sustenance and consolidation of motivation
and practices among the beneficiaries.

29 | P a g e
3.7 Category III - Students and Teachers of Upper Primary School

Under this category, the students and teachers of upper primary school of study area
were covered. Most of the responses were in the yes or no form in students’ survey
and also in the form of their personal reflections and the practices. The teachers were
asked to reflect on the impact of implementation of SBA project in the GPs and in the
school as well. Thus, responses were generated from the questions asked to estimate
the impact of the programme on health and hygienic behaviors.
• Out of a total 108 respondents participated in the study, 84 were students and 24 were
school teachers. Out of a total 108 respondents, 55.6% were males whereas 44.4%
were females.

Category of Gender

22% 44% Male

56% Female

• Altogether 21 schools were covered in the study. Toilets were found in all schools.
There were 60 toilets were found in the schools covered under the study. Out of a
total 60 toilets, 57 were found functional and 5 defunct.
• Out of the total respondents, 95% were found of the view that schools’ toilets are
being used by both, the teachers and the students. However, it was observed that girls
are using the toilets but not by all the male students. It was also observed that toilets
are being cleaned on regular basis.
• It was found that 98% of the respondents were familiar with SBM and more than 93%
of them correlate SBM with construction of toilets followed by management of
Garbage (68%), personal hygiene and community sanitation (72%) and cleaning of
water sources (52%).
• So far as the SBA project is concerned, 62.25% of the respondents were found
familiar with its implementation in the GP. Since, the AFI field functionaries used to
visit the school for organization of different activities, majority of respondents come
to know about the project through them only.

30 | P a g e
• It was found that 60% of Sevikas / Sanjojkas have visited school twice Followed by
once (10%), there times (12%) and four times and more – (8%).
• Besides organizing the competition and other activities in the school, information on
cleanliness, use of toilet and personal hygiene etc. were provided to the students by
AFI functionaries. Students were also given information on safe drinking water.

It was attempted to examine three viewpoints to be considered as factor for change in

practice among the students. First, learning imparted at the school on hygiene and
sanitation. Secondly, types of activities organized by AFI functionaries in order to
aware the students on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project and lastly, how far the students
become aware about the issues related to cleanliness and sanitation along with degree
of change in practice.
• It was found that information on various subjects are being provided at the school.
Hand wash is the foremost topic on which 83% of the total respondents were found be
unanimous that the issue discussed on regular basis. Out of the total respondents, 77%
were found of the view that tutorials on safe drinking water have been taught whereas
76% of the respondents recognize elements of personal hygiene and cleanliness as the
main content of learning. Some 56% of the respondents consented importance of
toilet as the theme discussion in the school.

40 Total
30 Teachers
20 Students
Safe drinking Personal Hand wash Importance Health care
water hygiene and after use of and use of and diseases
cleanliness toilet and toilet
before meal

• Various activities were organized by AFI functionaries in the school in order to

making the students aware on health, hygiene and sanitation. Rally and prabhat pheri
has been observed as the main activity organized in the schools. Sports and painting

31 | P a g e
competitions were also organized. More than 30% of the student respondents
participated in the debate on cleanliness organized by AFI functionaries.

40 Total

30 Teachers

20 Students

Rally /Prabhat Painting Debate on Sports Nukkad Natak
Pheri competition cleanliness competition

• It was observed that during the organization of activities in the school, poster and
chart developed by AFI were displayed to convey the message on health and hygiene.
• So far as the students are concerned, considerable change in hygiene practice was
observed. Hand washes after use of toilet and before meal was found in practice
among 98.8% of the student respondents. Behavioral changes related to personal
hygiene was observed and 79% of the respondents were found habitual in nail cutting
etc. 98.8% of the student respondents were found accustomed with use of toilet.

72 Change in practice among
70 the students
Personal Hand wash Safe drinking Use of toilet
hygiene, nail after use of water in the school
cutting, clean toilet and and home
dress, daily befor meal
bath etc

As for the impact of the programme on students in concerned, it was observed that change in
hygiene practices among the students can be seen. It was emerged in discussion with the
teachers that students may influence the members of family with respect to adopt the hygiene

32 | P a g e
3.7 Organisation of Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

In order to assess the impact of the project, Focused Group Discussion with the community
members was organized at four places (Kaspur and Masmano in Bhandra and Tonaghatu and
Bariatu in Gola). It was also examined the perception of the villagers towards health and
hygiene and how for change of practice take place.

Following are the issues come up during the discussion:

• Disposal of Waste Water

It was informed by the participants that most of household use to drain the waste
water in the open or adjacent to the house called Bari. Even, nobody care the place
around the handpump or well which was the source of drinking water. It resulted
made the village full of dirt and in the rainy season it become pool of mud which also
resulted rise in number of mosquito and housefly. Due to this, possibility of Malaria
and dysentery became increased. Some time it become a reason for criminal breach of

During last one year number of soak pits, individual as well as community level, have
been contracted. to drain the waste water. Comments on the effect of Soak pit :

- No water accumulation on road and around the water source.

- Amount of mosquitos and housefly reduced.

- Prevention of discuses resulted increase in saving.

- Mutual relation among the villagers secured.

• Construction and Use of Toilet

It was come up in the discussion that those who have constructed toilet with their own
resources are using toilet however, not all are using those who constructed toilet
obtained government subsidy. However, participant were found of the view that they
constructed toilet because government has made this mandatory.

It was revealed by many that they do not need toilet because defecation in the open
became habit. Non-availability of water or insufficient water was found another
reason why some people do not use toilet. Moreover water sources are located away
form the household. Some of the participants said that cleaning the tank is very
difficult because few person are available who do this work.
33 | P a g e
Following are the remarks related to toilet:

- Dignity of women has been built up.

- Prevention from diseases like dysentery and malaria.

- Increase in saving due to less expenditure on treatment of diseases.

- Got freedom from fear of wild animals.

- Overall, cleanliness in the village.

• Disposal of Solid Waste / Garbage

It was informed by the participants that almost all household have got own garbage pit
and the same has used to throw garbage. Villagers use to burn the garbage time to
time and the ash used as compost. This resulted less use of fertiliser and also saving of

• Drinking Water

Well, handpump and pond are the major source of water in the village. In recent
times, awareness level on drinking water has been increased. Purification of water is
believed to be a preventive measure which decrease the possibility of water borne
diseases. Some comments are:

- Boiling the water before consume is the most effective purification method used by
most of villagers.

- Filter the water by using cotton cloths.

It was observed that the abovementioned methods have helped in reducing the
diseases like – Dairrhea, Typhoid and other water borne diseases.

• Health

In the past, villagers use to visit to the quacks for treatment of diseases. However,
awareness on health has been increased considerably. Now, most of the villagers go
to the PHC or private doctors. Participant were also found aware about the services
available at the government hospitals.

34 | P a g e
Chapter – 4

Major Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion

4.1 Findings

Among the findings, the most important is that the villagers were undoubtedly made
aware of the local health and hygiene issues affecting their community. The evidence
was based on the feedback from the villagers on these talks showed SBA project an
effective program. Some of these are:
A woman in village Kaspur of Bhandra, said, "The discussion in the women group was
truly enlightening and gave me a good insight on how to deal with common ailment
for children and myself."
A man in the village Tonaghatu, of Gola, said, "I will now ensure that not only my
family members but neighbors are also using toilet."

• The project aims to make the community aware about hygiene and sanitation. It was
observed household toilets in the study area have been increased and construction of
new toilets is in progress. It is important to mention here that the villagers are now
able to comprehend the link between cause of diseases and hygienic practices and
many of the respondents found affirmative that diseases can be prevented by using
toilet. Even, the persons not preferring toilets were found aware about importance of
toilet and its usage.
• Despite of this, use of
toilet by all is a farfetched Use of toilet Family
imagination. Just more members using
than fifty percent are
using toilet whereas 30 Members not
percent of the respondents preferring
toilet use
were found not preferring Household
without toilet
toilet or the household is
without toilet. Construction /
approval of
• It was found that the toilet in
women who had toilet in
their households tended to have higher level of awareness about sanitation and

35 | P a g e
• It was found that PRI members are more aware about construction of toilet in their
household however, contrary to this 60% of the PRI members does not know about
the SBA project.
• The study shows that perception on hand wash was high and the practice on the same
was also found high. Even, the school going children were found aware about hand
washing after using toilet and before eating. Most importantly hand washing with
soap-water was found in practice.
• The study shows that there was relatively low perception and low practice for disposal
of solid waste. In some places, it was found that the community garbage pit do exist
however, household garbage still being thrown in the open. A system of useful
disposal of solid waste/garbage is evolving in the study area. AFI functionaries have
imparted training to the community members on making compost from garbage.
• The level of awareness on disposal of liquid waste was high while the practice was
low. Many of the houses in the study area yet to be connected to the outside drain and
resulted water accumulation outside the house or on the road.
• It was found that a commendable process of constructing soaking pits and connected
with the house drain has started in the area. A sizeable number of soak pits have been
constructed in the area which also validates the relevance of the project.
• On two issues, personal hygiene and home/food sanitation, awareness was medium
while practice was high.
• Respondents who were more aware of hygienic practices tended to report fewer
diseases in their households over last two year. A sharp decline in diseases like –
malaria and diarrhea was observed in the study area.

110 120
100 60
Regression 40 Regression
analysis 20 analysis
90 0

Anemia cases Diarrhea cases

• In last one year diarrheal cases have been declined by 23% and 10% less Anemia
cases were recorded.

36 | P a g e
100 76
95 72
Regression 66 Regression
analysis 64 analysis
80 62

Malaria cases Malnutrition cases

82.2 60
82 50
81.6 40
81.4 30
81 Regression 20 Regression
80.8 analysis 10 analysis
80.4 0

Pneumonia cases TB cases

• Incidence of water and sanitation related diseases show a decreasing trend and IEC
activities carried out by AFI has contributed to this. However, pneumonia case has
been increased by 1.23%.
• Perception and practice was found medium to high in terms of treatment of diseases.
Understanding and availing of health services has also been increased and people use
to visit the PHC / government hospitals, especially for the institutional delivery.
• Respondents were found aware of disadvantages of using impure water and
consequently bad effect on health. It was found that they have a better understanding
that using open source of water can result the diseases like diarrhea and jaundice.
• It was found that SBA project is being fairly implemented in both the blocks.
Participation of community members with the project seems quite good.
• Behavioral change and practices were observed among the community members
especially school going children. For instances, the community uses their time in
more meaningfully and also members be self-indulgent in cleaning of water sources,
roads and other public places etc.

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• It was observed that this programme has helped in improving social harmony through
mutual understanding of duties to the society. Prior to this project, there were many
instances of conflict and clashes of opposed interests taken place due to garbage
dumping and water accumulation etc. It is pertinent to mention here that there is sharp
decline found in this kind of conflict among the community members. It was also felt
by the respondents an environment has been created for cleanliness.
• Community approach towards the SBA Project was found positive. One of the
reasons observed was the influence of the organization and implementation of
multidimensional activities under this project.
• Overall, the study shows an increasing trend in health and hygiene awareness with
improvement in sanitation coverage.

4.2 Recommendations

ƒ Given the level and intensity of programme activities, it was difficult to achieve cent
percent community wide impact in such short duration. It is suggested that
programme should continued for longer duration, ideally for 3-4 years.

ƒ Though, the programme has a great impact in the operational area however, there is a
need to constitute an implementation committee at the GP level in order to ensure
community participation in the programme. The members may be assigned to monitor
the programme at the grass root level.

ƒ The PRI members were found less informed about the SBA project being
implemented by Aarogya Foundation. In order to harness the potentiality of local self
governance, PRI Member should be encouraged to associate with the programme. The
PRI Member found more enthusiastic about the programme and also agreed to extend
all kind of support to the programme.
ƒ Other stakeholders like – Sahiya, Aanganwadi Sevikas were also found not much
aware about the activities carried out by the field functionaries. Therefore, it is
suggested that members of community based workers must be associated with the
ƒ Knowledge and learning of functionaries at the grass root level is the most crucial
input for improving the quality of the project. Therefore, it is highly recommended
that short-term refresher training programmes should be provided at regular intervals
so Sevikas and Sanyojikas can upgrade their skills and learn more about heath,
hygiene and sanitation along with interpersonal communication skill.

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ƒ It was felt that there must be mechanism to evaluate the progress of the programme
and it is recommended that mid-term evaluation in every six should be conducted in

4.3 Conclusion

The study on Implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project was conducted to

assess the impact of the programme on community along with evaluate the skill of
functionaries. The finding suggests that community members were inclined towards
the cleanliness programme and desired maintain continuity of activities conducted bt
AFI. The perception of the community particularly the women regarding the public
health and hygiene issues is an important influencing factor in conditioning the
practice of hygiene in the community.

Yet, despite all the struggles and problems that beset the health system in Jharkhand,
the innovative approach of making the community aware on health and hygiene is a
creditable option to address fundamental needs of people in the state. However,
sustainability of this experiment will largely depend upon reinventing the programme
and the process to serve the hygiene education needs in the existing socio-
psychological times.

One of the most difficult aspect of community level programmes is ensuring sufficient
penetration and reach across a community to attain population-level impact. Thus,
although specific programme component may be effective, the low level of
involvement in individual level behavior change programme limits the community
wide impact.

In spite of that, the experiment is an innovative approach and it is a most reliable and
interactive mode of reaching the rural and deprived communities with low literacy
rates and little access to health services in the remote areas in Jharkhand.

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Participation in Focused Group Discussion (FGD)


1. Shri.Suresh Oraon - Community Member 12. Smt. Chandrawati Oraon - Anganwadi Sewika
2. Shri. Prabhu Oraon - Community Member 13. Smt. Chaiti Oraon - Community Member
3. Shri. Ghuriya Oraon - Community Member 14. Smt. Sitamani Oraon - Community Member
4. Shri. Shyamu Oraon - Community Member 15. Smt.Sukhmani Oraon - Community Member
5. Shri. Sanicharwa Oraon -Teacher 16. Smt.Somai Oraon - Community Member
6. Shri. Gauri Oraon - Community Member 17. Smt. Budhni Oraon - Community Member
7. Shri. Bharat Oraon - Community Member 18. Smt. Shanti Oraon - JalSahiya
8. Shri.Dasai Oraon - Community Member 19. Smt. Sukri Oraon - Community Member
9. Shri. Ramesh Oraon - Community Member 20. Smt. Pramila Oraon - Ward Member
10. Shri.Ramesh Kumar Rana - Teacher 21. Smt. Aarti Devi - Ward Member
11. Ms Sangita Kumari - AFI Functionary
1. Shri. Nandu Oraon - Community Member 14. Smt. Rajmani Oraon - Community Member
2. Shri. Krishna Sahu - Community Member 15. Smt. Rajbala Devi - Community Member
3. Shri. Sukhdeo Bhagat - Community Member 16. Ms. Sabitri Kumari - Community Member
4. Shri Birsai Oraon - Community Member 17. MS. Jaimani Mahto - AFI Functionary
5. Shri. Birya - AFI Functionary 18. Smt. Nirmala Devi - Community Member
6. Shri. Bharat Ram - Ward Member 19. Smt. Santoshi Devi - AFI Functionary
7. Shri Lakhan Oraon - Community Member 20. Smt. Rudain Oraon - Community Member
8. Shri. Santosh Yadav - Community Member 21. Smt. Khudain Devi - Community Member
9. Shri. Baldeo Lohra - Community Member 22. Smt. Lalo Devi - Community Member
10. Smt. Malti Kachhap - Ward Member 23. Smt. Shanti Devi- Community Member
11. Smt. Basanti Devi - AFI Functionary 24. Smt. Dashmi Devi - Community Member
12. Smt. Shanti Lohra - AFI Functionary 25. Smt. Seema Devi - Community Member
13. Smt. Shakuntala Tirkey - AFI Functionary
1. Shri. Tulsi Mahto - Teacher 8. Shri. Mangaldeo Mahto - Community Member
2. Shri. Ramesh Mahto - Ward Member 9. Smt. Usha Devi - AFI Functionary
3. Shri. Sitaram Mahto - Community Member 10. Smt. Kiran Devi - Ward Member
4. Shri. Chunnilal Mahto - Community Member 11. Smt. Babita Devi - AFI Functionary
5. Shri. Jaleshwar Mahto - Community 12. Smt. Sandhya Devi - Community Member
Member 13. Smt. Subhadra Devi - Sahiya
6. Shri Shankar Mahto - Community Member 14. Smt. Sushila Devi - Community Member
7. Shri. Shambhu Mahto - Community Member
1. Shri.Nandlal Sinha - Community Member 8. Smt. Soni Devi - Community Member
2. Shri. Mangal Mahto - Community Member 9. Smt. Phulo Devi - Community Member
3. Shri. Baleshwar Prasad Sinha - Community 10. Smt.Malti Devi - Anganwadi Sewika
Member 11. Smt. Aarti Devi - Community Member
4. Shri. Kishor Pandey - Community Member 12. Smt. Phulmani Devi - Community Member
5. Smt. Babita Devi - AFI Functionary 13. Smt. Champa Devi - Community Member
6. Smt. Usha Devi - AFI Functionary 14. Smt. Subala Devi - Mukhiya Bariatu
7. Smt. Jitni Devi - Ward Member

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1. Elizabeth Shove, Comfort, Cleanliness, and Convenience: The Social Organization of

Normality (Berg, 2003), p. 80.
2. Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, as quoted by Douglas
Blow, The Culture of Cleanliness in Renaissance Italy (Cornell University Press, 2006),
p. 1
3. Srimad Bhagavatam 11.17.34-35
4. Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal & Gandhi Research Foundation, Importance of Gandhian
thoughts about Cleanliness - By Dr. Shubhangi Rathi
5. Umesh IsalkarUmesh Isalkar, TNN (30 April 2013). "Census raises stink over manual
scavenging". The Times of India. Retrieved 6 September 2015.
6. "Manual scavenging still a reality". The Hindu. 9 July 2015. Retrieved 9 September
7. Improving Consumer Voices and Accountability in the Swachh Bharat Mission, Public
Affairs Centre National Policy Review (Revised) 2015-16
8. Study on Perception and Practice of Hygiene and impact on health in India Kumar Jyoti
Nath, Barenyo Chowdhury, Anish Sengupta [India]
9. "UNDP- Jharkhand: Economic and Human Development Indicators"

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Profile of Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI)


The Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) was established and registered as a
Society by a group of social scientists in 1991. The motivation for starting yet another
Institute in Patna was not merely to expand social science research, but to emphasise some
dimensions of it which were thought to be critical but had received rather limited attention.
Included among those dimensions, for example, is to lend social science research a distinct
development orientation. Even at best, research institutes do not go beyond generating ideas,
leaving the consequential task of operationalising them to other social institutions with most
of whom their interaction is rather limited. ADRI would like to go a few steps further by
making efforts to deliver its research output to its potential users in a demystified form and
spur them to activities. Further, ADRI would also like to promote social science research that
emphasizes development as a social process with wide people’s participation which, besides
material growth, is also mindful of their heritage and aspirations.

With the appointment of a number of full-time professionals in 1995, the academic activities
of ADRI had increased manifold thereafter and, with opening of a office at Ranchi, it is one
of the leading social science research centers in Bihar and Jharkhand. Since 1995, the
Institute had successfully carried out more than 70 technical / research studies, sponsored by
different departments of the Government of Bihar, World Bank, UNICEF, CARE, Planning
Commission, and different ministries of the central government (in particular, Ministry of
Human Resource Development). Over the years, ADRI has developed expertise in carrying
out surveys and studies, including diagnostic and evaluation studies through its well-qualified
and experienced field investigators, who collect both primary as well as secondary data under
the close supervision of the concerned faculty member. The faculty member also holds
discussions with the officials / non-officials at different levels.

SRC, ADRI, Ranchi

The State Resource Centre, ADRI, Ranchi was established in February, 2004 under the aegis
of National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Government of India. It is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with the
Government of Jharkhand. The National Literacy Mission Started an innovative programme
of adult education in 1988. Keeping in the view with regards to the association of NGOs with
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the programme, number of State Resource Centre/s (SRCs) were established, each of them
hosted by a reputed NGO. In 2004, the NLMA entrusted ADRI with the responsibility of
hosting one such SRC in Ranchi, to support literacy programme in the districts of Jharkhand.
The State Resource Centre(s) (SRCs) are mandated to provide academic and technical
resource support to adult and continuing education through development and production of
material and training modules. In addition, SRCs are required to conduct motivational and
environmental building, action research and evaluation and monitoring. The State Resource
Centre, ADRI, Ranchi has undertaken numerous activities in the following areas:

• Preparation of teaching-learning and training material for the adult education


• Training literacy functionaries

• Action Research

• Evaluation and monitoring of literacy projects

• Undertaking innovative projects such as Basic Education, Interpersonal Media

Campaign, Running of Model AECs, and Environment Building etc.

• Other activities specifically assigned by the Ministry of Human Resource

Development, Government of India.

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Interview with Beneficiaries, Gola Interview with Sevika, Bhandra

Meeting with Sanyojika / Sevika, Masmano Interview with Teacher Bariyatu, Gola

Interview with Sanyojika, Bhandra Interview with Beneficiaries,

61 | P a Gola
FGD Masmano, Bhandra FGD Tonaghatu, Gola, Ramgarh

Pucca Soakpit at Semra, Bhandra Pucca Soakpit at Porha, Bhandra

Rally at Gola

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Construction Toilet at Masmano, Bhandra Wall writing

Wall writing

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Poster / Chart used to Communicate Message

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