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Engineering Mechanics: Statics: Study Guide For Pytel and Kiusalaas's

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Study Guide


Pytel and Kiusalaas’s

Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Fourth Edition, SI

Jean Landa Pytel

The Pennsylvania State University

Andrew Pytel

The Pennsylvania State University

Thomas H. Gavigan

The Pennsylvania State University, Berks

© 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Study Guide for Engineering Mechanics: © 2017 Cengage Learning
Statics, Fourth Edition, SI
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Andrew Pytel any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including
Thomas H. Gavigan but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping,
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Lesson 1 Introduction to Statics; Newtonian Mechanics…………………….…...…… 1
Lesson 2 Fundamental Properties of Vectors…………………………………….…… 4
Lesson 3 Representation of Vectors Using Rectangular Components……………...… 6
Lesson 4 Vector Multiplication……………………………...…………………...…… 12
Lesson 5 Force; Reduction of Concurrent Force Systems……….……..….………… 15
Lesson 6 Moment of a Force about a Point………………………………….……...… 18
Lesson 7 Moment of a Force about an Axis………………..…….………….……...… 22
Lesson 8 Couples………………………………………………….……………...…… 27
Lesson 9 Changing the Line of Action of a Force………………………...……...…… 31
Lesson 10 Reduction of a Force System to a Force and a Couple……………………… 33
Lesson 11 Resultants of Coplanar Force Systems……………………………………… 36
Lesson 12 Resultants of Three-Dimensional Force Systems…………………………… 40
Lesson 13 Introduction to Distributed Normal Loads……………………..…………… 42
Lesson 14 Coplanar Equilibrium Analysis; Free-Body Diagram of a Body…………… 44
Lesson 15 Coplanar Equilibrium Equations; Writing and Solving Eqm. Eqns…....…… 46
Lesson 16 Equilibrium Analysis for Single-Body Problems…………………………… 49
Lesson 17 Free-Body Diagrams Involving Internal Reactions…………………….…… 51
Lesson 18 Equilibrium Analysis of Composite Bodies………………………………… 54
Lesson 19 Two-Force and Three-Force Bodies………………………………………… 58
Lesson 20 Plane Trusses: Method of Joints…………………………………………..… 61
Lesson 21 Plane Trusses: Method of Sections…………………………………..……… 64
Lesson 22 Three-Dimensional Equilibrium; Free-Body Diagrams………………...…... 66
Lesson 23 Independent Equilibrium Equations; Writing and Solving Eqm. Eqns…...… 68
Lesson 24 Equilibrium Analysis in Three Dimensions………………………...…….… 71
Lesson 25 Theory of Dry Friction; Problem Classification and Analysis………...……. 74
Lesson 26 Impending Tipping…………………………………………………......…… 80
Lesson 27 Angle of Friction; Wedges and Screws……………………………..……… 83
Lesson 28 Centroids of Plane Areas and Curves; Integration and Composite Shapes… 85
Lesson 29 Centroids of Curved Surfaces, Volumes and Space Curves………….…..… 90
Lesson 30 Theorems of Pappus-Guildinus…………………………………………...… 93
Lesson 31 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass……………………….………..….… 95
Lesson 32 Distributed Normal Loads……………………………………………...…… 97
Lesson 33 Moments of Inertia of Areas; Polar Moments of Inertia……………...…..… 99
Lesson 34 Products of Inertia of Areas………………………………………...….…… 104
Lesson 35 Transformation Equations and Principal Moments of Inertia of Areas…..… 106
APPENDIX A: ANSWERS TO SELF-TESTS……………………...……....…………… 109

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This Study Guide is written to accompany Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 4e, SI, Pytel
and Kiusalaas, 2017. The sole purpose of this Study Guide is to help you master the
fundamentals of engineering dynamics as presented in Chapters 1-9 in the textbook.
This Study Guide is intended to supplement the textbook, not replace it.

There are twenty-nine lessons, with each lesson devoted to a particular reading assign-
ment in your textbook. Numerical methods and optional topics are not included.

Each lesson contains the following two parts:

The Self-Tests review and reinforce the fundamental principles
presented in the reading assignment in your textbook. You
should take each Self-Test immediately after you have completed
the assigned reading, and before solving the Guided Problems
contained in the lesson. The answers to the Self-Tests are given
in Appendix A.

The Guided Problems give you the opportunity to work through
the solution of one or more problems before you attempt to solve
the homework problems. As the name suggests, the unique
feature is that you are "guided" through the solutions of a
representative problems. Working through the "fill-in-the-
blanks" format for the solutions will help prepare you to solve
the homework problems. The solution to each Guided Problem
is presented in Appendix B.

The notations used in the lessons follow the conventions used in the textbook: (1) scalars
are written as italicized English or Greek letters (such as t for time and 8 for an angle);
(2) vectors are written as bold-faced letters (such as F for force); and (3) the magnitude of
a vector A is denoted by |A| or simply as A. In our hand-written solutions in Appendix B,
we use an arrow above a symbol to indicate that the symbol represents a vector quantity.
For example, A (handwritten) refers to the vector A. Of course, you should use the
notation for vectors with which you are comfortable. However, it is important that you
clearly, and consistently, indicate the symbols that represent vector quantities.

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